53 Thursday, January 11, 2007 Third Organizational
THURSDAY, JANUARY 11, 2007 THIRD ORGANIZATIONAL DAY The House met at 9:00 a.m. and was called to order by Mr. Speaker Naifeh. The proceedings were opened with prayer by Representative Kevin Brooks. Representative Kevin Brooks led the House in the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ROLL CALL The roll call was taken with the following results: Present.........................................................................................98 Representatives present were Armstrong, Baird, Bass, Bell, Bibb, Bone, Borchert, Briley, Brooks H, Brooks K, Brown, Buck, Campfield, Casada, Cobb C, Cobb J, Coleman, Coley, Cooper, Crider, Curtiss, Dean, Deberry J, DeBerry L, Dubois, Dunn, Eldridge, Favors, Ferguson, Fincher, Fitzhugh, Floyd, Ford, Fraley, Gilmore, Gresham, Hackworth, Harmon, Harrison, Harwell, Hawk, Hensley, Hill, Hood, Johnson C, Johnson P, Jones S, Jones U, Kelsey, Kernell, Litz, Lollar, Lundberg, Lynn, Maddox, Maggart, Marrero, Matheny, Matlock, McCord, McCormick, McDaniel, McDonald, McManus, Miller, Montgomery, Moore, Mumpower, Neal, Niceley, Odom, Overbey, Pinion, Pitts, Pruitt, Rinks, Roach, Rowe, Rowland, Sargent, Shaw, Shepard, Sontany, Swafford, Tidwell, Tindell, Todd, Towns, Turner L, Turner M, Vaughn, Watson, West, Williams, Windle, Winningham, Yokley, Mr. Speaker Naifeh -- 98 EXCUSED The Speaker announced that the following member(s) has/have been excused, pursuant to request(s) under Rule No. 20: Representative Strader; illness. SPONSORS ADDED Under Rule No. 43, the following members were permitted to add their names as sponsors as indicated below, the prime sponsor of each having agreed to such addition: House Joint Resolution No. 29: Rep(s). Mumpower as prime sponsor(s). House Joint Resolution No. 30: Rep(s). Mumpower as prime sponsor(s). House Joint Resolution No. 31: Rep(s).
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