Michael D. Capellas Chief Executive Officer Acadia Enterprises, LLC

Chairman of the Board Virtual Computing Environment coalition

Michael D. Capellas is the Chief Executive Officer of Acadia. Acadia is a joint venture of Cisco and EMC with investments from VMware and . Acadia helps organizations leverage best‐in‐ class technologies and disciplines from Cisco, EMC, and VMware, to accelerate adoption of virtualized private cloud infrastructures. He also is Chairman of the Board for the Virtual Computing Environment coalition.

Prior to joining Acadia in 2010, Capellas was the Chairman and CEO of Corp. A 30‐year veteran of the IT industry, Capellas is a recognized global thought leader in the technology space. In addition to his work with First Data, Capellas served as CEO for Computer Corporation and MCI.

He began his career with Schlumberger Limited and went on to hold senior management positions at Schlumberger, Oracle Corporation and SAP Americas. He joined Compaq in 1998 as chief information officer and was named chairman and CEO in July 1999. After the merger with HP, Capellas served as president of HP. In 2002, he accepted the challenge of leading MCI (then WorldCom) through the largest corporate reorganization in history. For three years, Capellas served as MCI's president and CEO and oversaw the successful rebuilding of the company. Turnaround completed, ultimately acquired MCI in 2006. Following MCI, he was a senior advisor to Silver Lake Partners, an investment firm that focuses on large‐ scale investments in technology and related industries.

Capellas serves on the of Inc. and the national board of the Boys and Girls Clubs of America. He received a bachelor's degree in business administration from Kent State University.