Appendix 1 AUTHORITY MONITORING REPORT 2016 December 2016 Spatial Policy Colchester Borough Council Rowan House 33 Sheepen Road Colchester Essex CO3 3WG
[email protected] The maps in this document contain Ordnance Survey data reproduced with © Crown copyright and database rights 2014 Ordnance Survey 100023706. All references to the county of Essex are to Essex as it is currently constituted i.e. without the unitary authorities of Southend-on-Sea and Thurrock. All references to ‘Colchester’ refer to Colchester Borough unless stated otherwise, e.g. Colchester town. 1. INTRODUCTION Background to the Report 1.1 This Authority Monitoring Report (AMR) contains information about the extent to which the Council’s planning policy objectives are being achieved. The report covers the period from 1 April 2015 to 31 March 2016. Introduction 1.2 The Localism Act removed the requirement for local planning authorities to produce an annual monitoring report for Government, but it did retain an overall duty to monitor planning policies. Authorities can now choose which targets and indicators to include in their monitoring reports as long as they are in line with the relevant UK and EU legislation. Their primary purpose is to share the performance and achievements of the Council’s planning service with the local community. The monitoring report also needs to demonstrate how councils are meeting the requirement to cooperate with other authorities on strategic issues. The format of this AMR accordingly was revised and shortened last year to reflect the greater flexibility allowed for these reports and to present a more concise summary of key indicators.