The Prickly Pear July 2013 Newsletter For Galster Park Nature Center, Glendora Nature Center and Santa Fe Dam Nature Center (San Gabriel Valley NC Network)

Scarlet Larkspur

The Scarlet Larkspur has been flowering since late May and flowers into July. So stop by and see this wonderful flower. Common Name: Scarlet Larkspur. Scientific Name: cardinale. Family: , Buttercup family. Type: Perennial herb. Size: up to 6 feet high. Common Habitat: and sage scrub along dry open slopes, away from immediate coast

As the that were flowering now in their dormant stages, the Scarlet Larkspur can be easily found with its bright red flower. It is nice to find the bright red flowers of Scarlet Larkspur. Blooming from May to July, the "spur" is a giveaway for identifying this plant. About one-to-two-inches long, the spur is actually one of its 5 . Petals are mostly red, with 2 having yellow-tinges. Multiple flowers with stems about 2 inches long appear on this tall plant. Both basal leaves and alternating leaves appear along the stem, but by the time of blooming, they have withered and are not noticeable. Scarlet Larkspur is an ideal nectar plant for . So come on by and see this magnificent flower at the Santa Fe Dam Nature Center.

The Newsletter

The Prickly Pear Newsletter. This newsletter now covers three Nature Centers. The Nature Centers are managed by San Gabriel Mountains Regional Conservancy (SGMRC), a nonprofit public benefit corporation. SGMRC. All three Nature Centers are staffed by volunteers whom are knowledgeable of the fauna and flora. All the volunteers devote their time to the organization. There are a number of volunteer opportunities that may interest you as Docents, Trail Guides, Office Personnel, Program Presenters and Program Assistants at the Santa Fe Dam and Galster Wilderness Park Nature Center. Galster Park is located at 1620 Aroma Drive


The Prickly Pear July 2013 Newsletter For Galster Park Nature Center, Glendora Nature Center and Santa Fe Dam Nature Center (San Gabriel Valley NC Network)


Friday, July 12th 7pm-9pm Bugs Are Your Friends Come join us for this fun presentation on the ins and outs of bugs. Teresa Young from the San Gabriel Mountains Regional Conservancy (SGMRC) will teach us about spineless critters that are most commonly found in the LA Basin.

Friday, July 26th 7pm-9pm Water, Waste, Where Does It All Go? Ever wondered where all our trash and waste water go after it leaves our home? Come meet Ted Brodeur, Civil Engineer at the LA County Sanitation District. Ted will educate us on landfills and water treatment facilities, and share insights on how to become better stewards of the Earth.

1620 Aroma Avenue, West Covina, CA 91791


Call us at (626) 919‐0715

Email us at [email protected]


Saturday July 6th 10am-11am Nature Walk A guided tour of the nature trail. Be sure to bring comfortable shoes, hat and water.

Saturday July 13th 10am-11am Nature Walk A guided tour of the nature trail. Be sure to bring comfortable shoes, hat and water.

Saturday July20th 8am-9am Bird Walk Bird watching at its finest. See what birds are making Santa Fe Dam their summer home. Bring comfortable shoes, hat and water. Binoculars are available to kids thanks to 3m and generous patrons.

Saturday July 27th 10am-11am Habitat Rangers with Nancy Begg. Stop by and learn new things about nature.


The Prickly Pear July 2013 Newsletter For Galster Park Nature Center, Glendora Nature Center and Santa Fe Dam Nature Center (San Gabriel Valley NC Network)

Water Testing Presentation

Recently SGMRC volunteer Jon Ball gave a presentation on water testing. Jon showed the group different types of tests and reports. Later the class went to the lake where the water was checked for temperature and conductivity.


The Prickly Pear July 2013 Newsletter For Galster Park Nature Center, Glendora Nature Center and Santa Fe Dam Nature Center (San Gabriel Valley NC Network)


The Prickly Pear July 2013 Newsletter For Galster Park Nature Center, Glendora Nature Center and Santa Fe Dam Nature Center (San Gabriel Valley NC Network)

Volunteers Needed

The backbone of the San Gabriel Mountains Regional Conservancy is the many people who devote their time to the organization. There are a number of volunteer opportunities that may interest you as Docents, Trail Guides, Office Personnel, Program Presenters and Program Assistants at the Santa Fe Dam and Galster Wilderness Park Nature Center.

If interested contact Thomas Chang at [email protected]

Clematis (Virgin’s Bower, Yerba de Chiva)

The flowers are white to ivory. It blooms from January to June.