Notice No: 225957 /R2-3/2019-2- Dated:11.02.2019.

Sub: Mines & Quarries - Quarry Lease for Black Granite over an extent of 2.00 Hectares In Sy. No. 182 of Sirisanagandla Village Charakonda Manda!, - Quarry Lease application filed by Sri.Md.Khayum - Scrutinized Quarry Plan alongwith CFE from TSPCB and Envlronmental Clearance from DEIAA - Cal led for- Notice issued-Regarding.

Ref: 1. Quarry Lease application, Dt: 10.10.2016 filed by Sri.Md.Khayum. 2. ADM&G, Nagarkurnool, File I\Jo . 6172/QL/2016, dated 19.01.2019. * * * * * Through the reference 1st cited, Sri.Md.Khayum filed an application for grant of Quarry lease for Black Granite over an extent of 2.00 Hectares in Sy. No. 182 of Sirisanagandla Village Charakonda Mandal, Nagarkurnool District. The same was received by the Asst. Director of Mines & Geology, Nagarkurnool District on 10.10.2016.

Through the reference 2nd cited, the Asst. Director of Mines & Geology, Naga rkurnool District reported that as per the report of the Tahsildar, Charakonda Mand G!l vlde Lr. No. B/131/2017, dt: 27.01.2018 the applied area was surveyed an d demarcated and necessary Geo-Coordinates recorded on surveyed sketch and the same was signed by the applicant, Surveyor and ADM&G concerned. Finally, the Asst.Drlector of Mines & Geology, Nagarkurnool District submitted proposals recommending for grant of Quarry Lease for Black Granite over an extent of 2.00 Hectares in Sy. No . 182 of Slrlsanagandla Village Charakonda Mandal, Nagarkurnool District infavour of Sri.Md.Khayum.

After careful examination of the proposals of the Asst.Director of Mines & Geology, Nagarkurn ool in prlnclple, it has been decided to grant a Quarry Lease for Black Granite over an extent of 2.00 Hectares in Sy. No. 182 of Sirisanagandla Village Charakonda Manda\, Nagarkurnool District in fa vour of Srl.Md.Khayum for a period of (20) years subject to submission of Scrutinized Quarry Plan within a period of (6) months from the date of issue of this notice as per Ru le 12(5)(c) of Telangana State Minor Mineral Concession Ru les, 1966 alongwlth CFE from TSPCB and Environmental Clearance from MoEF .

The scrutinized quarry plan shall also reflect the restriction to be adopted by the applicant while conducting quarry operations due to the existence of structures, like temples railway line, roads, water bodies such as river, lake etc., and the stipu lated distances as per the various Regulations prescribed under Mines & Metalliferous Regu lations, 1961. The safety measures to be taken are also to be incorporated. ,, In view of the above, Sri.Md.Khayum is hereby requested to submit QJ!arry Plan Scrutinized by an Officer duly authorized ln this behalf by the Di reotor of Mines and Geo logy, Hyderabad for the proposed precise area within a I;! rlod of (6) months from the date of issue of this notice and aiso along ",'(,ith the Consent for Establishment from T.S.Pollution Control Boclrd and Environmental Clearance from Ministry of En vironment & Foresti; as per Envirol"lment Impact Assessment Notification through S.0.1533, dti 14.09.2006 and based on the clarification to be issued by the Stat e Govt. or the revised notification to be issued by the MoEF&CC to co nsider or

Contd 2 ..... ·- . ·~ ~\ n I -2- n grant of Quarry lease for Black Granite in the subject area. If the applicant n falls to submit the Scrutinized Quarry Plan within the stipulated period, it will be presumed that the applicant is not interested in getting the quarry lease Q over the subject area and further course of action WIii be initiated as per Rules. A copy of the Surveyed sketch showing the precise area of 2.00 Hectares ln Sy. No. (') 182 proposed for grant of Quarry Lease for Black Granite in the subject area in favour of the applicant is enclosed herewith. n Encl: (Surveyed sketch) 0 ·- So, ..,,R.V.SUSHEEL KUMAR DIRECTOR OF MINES AND GEOLOGY 0

II F.C.F.B.0.// 0 0 S~DENT @__ 0 To ferl.Md.Khayum, 0 / S/o.Shamshuddin, H.No.12-109, Seetharampuram 0 Miryalaguda - 508207, 0 District ------(By RPAD) 0 Copy to Asst.Director of Mines & Geology, Nagarkurnool District for information. Copy to the Deputy Director of Mines and Geology, Hyderabad '"\_.) () 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 u u u u u u u u 0