BUSINESS Marcos Exits Guam, Heads for Hawaii
to - MANCHESTER HERALD; Tuesday, Feb. 25, 1986 - i - B U SIN ESS MANCHESTER U.S./WORLD SPORTS / ■ |i- Bletchman rallies NASA official Bolton basketball ‘ Buainieas Young man needs Investment program STEAL’S troops defends agency is beaten again ■ notes very carefully. The teller’s statement a ^ u t the QUESTION: What advice would you give to a young notes being paid off in the event of that bank being ... page 5 ... page 11 In B rief man. age 27, who seems anxious to get a modest merged into another bank might not be true, unless ... page 3 ' investment program started. My son has about $16,000 there’s a definite provision for that in the^note Christensen appointed in a bank at 5.5 percent interest and a steady job offering. paying about $30,000 a year. Financiaily, he has only Investors* All this is not intended to scare y o u . Banks WINDSOR — Thompson’ Associates Inc. has himself to worry about, for the present. frequently raise money by selling notes and other dent appointed Norma Christensen of Manchester to Should he look for income, growth 6r both? About Guide securities and, almost always, meet the Interest the position of administrative services coordina- how much of the $16,000 should he invest? William A. Doyle payments and maturity obligations. tor, the company f " ' . ' It boils down to the fact that the notes are as safe as announce^. ANSWER; The first thing your son should do is pull the bank.' Because the notes do not have federal She ' will be 're his $16,000 out of that 5.5 percent account — obviously insurance, the bank naturally has to pay higher sponsible for coordi an old-fashioned savings account — and put all that interest on them than on insured CDs.
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