Emerging threats to timber in UK Construction

Nicholas Donnithorne FLS FRES

Bostrychus capucinus Dr Norman Hickin 1910 - 1990

1963 – 1968 - 1975 This green and pleasant land! This green and pleasant land!

• Dutch Elm Disease

• Ash Die Back

• Asian Hornet So what has changed in the last 40 years?

Based on my perceived smallest to largest effect on the risk of insect arrival and establishment, there are nine subjects I will explore before moving on to the themselves: White Van Man! and the World Wide Web

© 13ten Limited (UK) • An increase in the European Construction workforce who may bring construction materials with them and increase risk of importing timber pests • World Wide Web has similar risks attached Phytosanitary checks at source Timber for mass production of consumer goods

© PolyGenomX (Queensland) © iPaulownia (Spain) • Paulownia tomentosa – a Chinese wide pored hardwood which grows 3 metres a year and is cropped on an 8 year cycle • Breeding trials of the diploid parent gives a tetraploid. Two year old trees were coppiced to give this growth in 15 weeks Global Warming

• With warmer (but wetter winters) and lack of frost, any invasive species arriving in the UK will find establishing easier • Termites have advanced Northwards from Southern France Return of Solid fuel fires Hylesinus varius

Phymatodes testaceous Changes in Building methods Changes in Building methods Changes in Building methods Timber Cost, Quality and Sourcing (Green) House Longhorn (Hylotrupes bajulus)

• Imported large section timbers, bolt-on’s, ‘faux beams’ and large section laminates, often Pitch Pine from the South of France UK Forest Longhorn beetle UK Forest Longhorn beetle UK Forest Longhorn beetle

Phymatodes testaceous

Clytus arietis

Rhagium bifasciatum 26,000 Foreign Forest Longhorn beetle’s

Rhagium sp

Massicus raddei

Lyctus brunneus

Lyctus cavicollis

Lyctus sinensis Lyctus sinensis Bostrichid Powderpost beetle

Bostrychus capucinus

Heterobostrychus hamatipennis Foreign Anobids Brown Tree Ant (Lasius brunneus) Brown Tree Ant (Lasius brunneus) Invasive Foreign Ant (Lasius neglectus) Woodlouse Fumigation with ProFume® (Sulfuryl fluoride) Fumigation with ProFume® (Sulfuryl fluoride)