Monmouth Labour Party

Welsh Minister for Health and Social Services applauds the work of Gwent Age Cymru at recent visit

This week the management team at Gwent Age Cymru welcomed Mark Drakeford AM, Welsh Government Minister for Health and Social Services and Catherine Fookes, Monmouth Labour Party’s Candidate for the Welsh Assembly Elections, to a meeting at their office at Nevill Hall Hospital. The meeting was an opportunity for Gwent Age Cymru to tell the Minister about their important work in enabling older people to maintain independence and a high quality of life for as long as possible. Also at the meeting was County Councillor Kevin Williams who represents Ultra ward.

Eileen Powell, Executive Director Corporate Services, and Anne Jones, Executive Director Contract Services, briefed the politicians on the many ways in which the charity helps to transform the lives of older people and on how it is staffed and funded.

After the meeting, Mark Drakeford said: “It’s been been great to be here this afternoon at Nevill Hall meeting Age Cymru staff from around and hearing about the many valuable things they do to support older people in the .”

Catherine Fookes added: “I was so impressed to hear what Gwent Age Cymru achieve for older people in the Constituency. They work incredibly hard to tackle isolation, to prevent older people having to go back into hospital and to give a helping hand where needed. Their work is preventative so saves the NHS money in the long run and they do this with a small staff team and volunteers. It’s inspiring.”

Team Leader Sue Brosnan talked about the Hospital Discharge Service which supports older people on returning to their homes after a spell in hospital. Gwent Age Cymru provides support and advice with shopping, household chores, welfare benefits and bill payments. This practical and emotional support, which lasts between six and eight weeks, helps older people regain their confidence and independence. Team Leader Lesley Reynolds spoke about the Monmouthshire Community Support Services which provide home visits, benefits advice, help with form completion and Social Activity Clubs. These clubs offer an opportunity for older people to socialise and take part in activities.

Tony Husein, Group Service Manager and Care Facilitator, told the meeting about the Older Persons Pathway which is an integrated pathway for older Newport residents which aims to avoid unnecessary admission into care and to reduce pressures on the health services. The idea is to use prevention to manage future demand by deploying the right resources at the right time.

Published by Roger Harris, The Hamlet, Deriside, Abergavenny, NP7 7HT.