InfoGibraltar Servicio de Información de



La Evacuación contribuyó a definirnos como pueblo

El Viceministro Principal, Joseph García, lidera la organización del Gobierno de los eventos conmemorativos del 75º aniversario de la evacuación de la población civil Gibraltareña durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial. Como historiador ha investigado y publicado extensamente sobre este tema.

Artículo de Joseph García publicado en el jueves, 21 de mayo de 2015

Gibraltar, 21 de mayo de 2015

No cabe duda de que la evacuación del pueblo gibraltareño fue un momento decisivo en nuestro desarrollo como pueblo. Impuso, en el difícil contexto de la guerra, una serie de factores que se aliaron para reforzar nuestra identidad y nuestro sentimiento patriótico. Pero también es importante recalcar que este sentimiento identitario distintivo germinó cuando la población civil se estableció en esta tierra después de que Gibraltar fuera tomada por tropas angloholandesas en 1704.

Por lo tanto, cuando estalló la guerra en 1939, ya existía un importante arraigo en el Peñón entre las personas que lo habitaban y cuyos orígenes se remontaban a 230 años atrás. En pocas palabras: Gibraltar era su hogar. Cuando las autoridades militares decidieron trasladar a más de 16.000 personas que se consideraban un obstáculo al funcionamiento de la fortaleza durante la guerra, poco podían imaginar la concatenación de acontecimientos que acababan de desencadenar involuntariamente. Las experiencias que vivieron los evacuados, la preocupación de los hombres que dejaron atrás en el Peñón y las reivindicaciones para que aquellos que habían sido trasladados volvieran al Peñón tan pronto como acabara la guerra en Europa terminaron por conformar una combinación explosiva. El estallido de la Segunda Guerra Mundial y la posterior evacuación de gibraltareños sirvieron de catalizador a las reivindicaciones para una reforma más profunda a nivel político y constitucional que llegarían poco después.

En Gibraltar, la posibilidad de una evacuación masiva de civiles había estado sobre la mesa tan pronto como estalló la guerra. Se acentuó cuando la Italia de Mussolini se alió con Alemania, abriendo un nuevo frente en el Mediterráneo. El miedo a que España se uniera a dicho Eje y atacara Gibraltar reavivó los planes de evacuación de la población civil. Cuando, a mediados de mayo de 1940, se anunció a una población desprevenida que los que pudieran permitírselo hicieran las gestiones necesarias para abandonar Gibraltar, la suerte estaba echada.

El golpe se vio intensificado con los posteriores anuncios de que se llevaría a cabo un plan de evacuación del Gobierno al Protectorado francés de Marruecos y que mujeres, niños y otros no combatientes debían marcharse. El primer contingente partió el 22 de mayo, tan sólo unos días más tarde.

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Esta fecha marcó el inicio de una saga que duraría más de una década hasta que los últimos evacuados volvieron a casa. Su repercusión en el estrecho entramado de la comunidad gibraltareña fue devastador. Se originaron multitud de problemas: el primero, fue de índole personal, centrado en la separación de las familias durante la guerra, con el desconsuelo y los sentimientos que conllevó. El segundo, que se sucedió posteriormente, fue una demostración clara de que el pueblo gibraltareño tenía muy poco control sobre sus propios asuntos cuando, de un momento a otro, podían meterlos en un barco en cuanto lo decretara un Gobernador. Ambos factores se mezclaron durante el tormento causado por la propia evacuación y la presión que la repatriación provocaría algunos años después.

La evacuación inicial, cuyo 75º aniversario celebramos hoy, fue al Protectorado francés de Marruecos. Más de 13.000 personas cruzaron el Estrecho de Gibraltar y fueron acogidos en campos y otro tipo de alojamientos repartidos en nueve ciudades. La [posterior] caída de Francia1 y el hundimiento de la flota francesa2 por las fuerzas británicas, colocó a los evacuados en un territorio hostil prácticamente de la noche a la mañana. Gracias a la presión ejercida por los hombres que quedaron atrás en el Peñón, se permitió el regreso de los evacuados y el 13 de julio se completó el traslado a Gibraltar. Para el entonces Gobernador, no eran más que “bocas inútiles” que impondrían necesidades logísticas adicionales a la fortaleza, a la vez que retrasarían el trabajo de preparación de la defensa del Peñón.

El recuerdo de la primera evacuación era profundamente desagradable para los evacuados y los que permanecieron en el Peñón. La rabia y el resentimiento que se acumuló en consecuencia se vieron amortiguados únicamente por el sentimiento patriótico y el deber de cara a los esfuerzos bélicos. Pero lo peor estaba todavía por llegar.

El 19 de julio de 1940 dio inicio la evacuación de 2.000 gibraltareños a Madeira. Cuando en la actualidad hablo de la situación con aquellos que fueron trasladados a este territorio, resulta obvio que se consideran afortunados. También tuvieron sus problemas, pero no tenían nada que ver con lidiar con los bombardeos en Londres, [la situación] en los campos de Irlanda del Norte y el largo trayecto para cruzar el Atlántico hasta Jamaica. A finales de 1940 se contabilizaban 11.000 evacuados en Londres, 2.000 en Jamaica y un número ligeramente inferior en Madeira.

El grueso de los evacuados fue trasladado a Londres al mismo tiempo que se libraba la Batalla de Inglaterra, lo que alimentó las demandas gibraltareñas para que los evacuados fueran trasladados a un lugar más seguro del Reino Unido. Del mismo modo, los riesgos que los submarinos alemanes entrañaban para los buques con destino al [otro lado del] Atlántico dieron pie a las demandas para el cese de los traslados a Jamaica.

Era evidente que en esta etapa tan incipiente, la evacuación había enseñado al pueblo gibraltareño a organizarse. Esto constituyó un avance de gran calado que se debía a la necesidad y a las circunstancias en vez de a una libre elección. Este hecho se reflejó en la crítica inflexible de la situación en la que se encontraron los evacuados en diferentes

1 22 de junio de 1940 2 El 3 de julio 1940 en Mers-el-Kebir, Argelia, los británicos atacaron la flota francesa para impedir que cayera en manos alemanas

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momentos de aquellos años turbulentos y también en la actitud de los civiles que quedaron atrás para defender sus hogares.

El 1 de enero de 1941, el Ayuntamiento de Gibraltar quedó suspendido y el Gobernador asumió las competencias y deberes del mismo. El Consejo Ejecutivo (Executive Council) fue también suspendido. El mismo Gobierno colonial que determinó unilateralmente que el pueblo gibraltareño abandonara sus hogares de forma forzosa acabó con los pocos logros políticos obtenidos en el periodo de entreguerras.

Como consecuencia, se suprimió el único espacio que permitía la expresión de las visiones políticas locales. Muchos de los individuos más adinerados que monopolizaban la vida política de Gibraltar se habían marchado. El descontento engendrado por la evacuación fue aprovechado por la Asociación gibraltareña de Defensa de los Derechos Civiles (Association for the Advancement of Civil Rights, AACR), formada a finales de 1942.

Los impulsores del movimiento, y Albert Risso, entre otros, estaban motivados tanto por la preocupación que ellos mismos albergaban por sus compatriotas ausentes como por la problemática social en general. De hecho, las normas del movimiento excluyeron inicialmente los temas de índole política y religiosa. No obstante, dicha cláusula de no intervención política se revocó en apenas cinco meses.

Existe, por lo tanto, un hilo conductor iniciado con el estallido de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, que recorre el periodo de evacuación y lleva a la formación de la AACR. Personalmente, veo claro que todos ellos están estrechamente relacionados y que uno de los efectos más importantes de la evacuación fue la organización de los gibraltareños en torno a la AACR. En una fortaleza en guerra, se trató de un acontecimiento revolucionario.

La AACR fue el primer partido político de la historia de Gibraltar. Albert Risso se convirtió en el primer presidente en diciembre de 1942 y Joshua Hassan fue su vicepresidente, tomando el relevo cuando Risso asumió la dirección de la central sindical Gibraltar Confederation of Labour3. Los problemas sociales que debió afrontar la Asociación fueron consecuencia de la guerra y de la separación de las familias. La evacuación supuso un estímulo para los hombres que quedaron atrás para luchar por el bienestar de sus allegados y su retorno a Gibraltar. Asimismo, trasladó a la Asociación a la arena política con la reivindicación de un autogobierno más fuerte una vez que terminara la guerra en Europa.

Los evacuados en Londres, Madeira y Jamaica también se organizaron. Formaron comités para mejorar sus condiciones de vida. Por ejemplo, en Londres, se producían discusiones constantes entre estos comités y la dirección de los albergues donde se alojaban los gibraltareños, como las polémicas por el deseo de los evacuados de cocinar platos mediterráneos en sus habitaciones y los continuos esfuerzos de la dirección para impedírselo.

Las peticiones y las quejas eran también corrientes en [el campo de evacuados] Camp Gibraltar, en Jamaica. En un momento dado, los evacuados demandaron la destitución del Comandante de Camp Gibraltar, cuya estricta disciplina era considerada la causa del malestar.

3 Establecida en 1947 bajo los auspicios de la AACR

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Cuando llegaron a Gibraltar las noticias de dichas quejas, alimentaron el descontento de los que habían quedado atrás.

Se registró, asimismo, un intenso intercambio epistolar entre los miles de evacuados y los hombres que habían quedado en el Peñón. Fue un terreno fértil para la AACR, que recogió toda esa insatisfacción y la canalizó de forma efectiva. La rendición de Italia en septiembre de 1943 aumentó la presión sobre el Gobierno colonial para que repatriara a los evacuados y, en abril de 1944, el primer grupo de 1.367 personas llegó a Gibraltar directamente desde el Reino Unido. El segundo grupo de más de 3.000 llegó en agosto.

En mayo, el primer grupo de repatriados partió de Madeira. Cuando los misiles4 empezaron a surcar los cielos londinenses, algunos de los centros de evacuados se vieron afectados y se contabilizaron seis víctimas mortales. Desde el Peñón, se pidió el traslado de los gibraltareños y, como resultado, a finales de julio de 1944, 6.800 evacuados fueron trasladados de Londres a Irlanda del Norte, donde se alojaron en tiendas de campaña en 17 campos en los condados de Down, Antrim y Londonderry.

Tanto en casa como en el extranjero, los gibraltareños aprendieron rápidamente que las reivindicaciones organizadas daban sus frutos. Todos entendieron que ante las negativas de Londres, se trataba de seguir llamando a esa puerta cerrada sin descanso hasta obtener una respuesta positiva.

La evacuación también sirvió para cimentar la identidad de los gibraltareños de una forma diferente. Las 13.000 personas que fueron desarraigadas y trasladadas a Londres, tomaron conciencia de que, a pesar de ser británicos, sus opiniones y su cultura, definitivamente, no eran inglesas. Para muchos fue un shock en un primer momento y se conservan testimonios de gibraltareños que escribían a sus familiares en el Peñón relatando precisamente estas impresiones. Se trataba de la comida, las tradiciones, el estilo de vida y la cultura, incluso el clima. No cabe duda de que la lejanía con Gibraltar contribuyó a poner de relieve el tema de la identidad gibraltareña.

Sin embargo, la trascendencia de la Evacuación no se limita a un pequeño pueblo colonial que compartió una experiencia traumática. Los documentos históricos muestran que de no haber sido por la AACR, las campañas organizadas, los comités, la correspondencia epistolar, las protestas y las reivindicaciones, Gibraltar no sería la que conocemos hoy en día. Algunos en Londres mantuvieron que debía aprovecharse la evacuación de civiles para mantenerlos alejados de Gibraltar permanentemente. Debemos mucho a la generación de la Evacuación, cuyo combate incansable consiguió que esto no ocurriera.

Las luchas que acompañaron la Evacuación reforzaron el sentimiento patriótico y el surgimiento de un interés común del pueblo gibraltareño. Es lo que ocurrió a lo largo y ancho de todo el Imperio [Británico] de diversas formas. En Gibraltar, en suma, toda la experiencia de la Evacuación está cargada de trascendencia política. Los gibraltareños llegaron a la mayoría de edad.


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21/05/2015 5/7 Thursday 21st May, 2015 GIBRALTAR CHRONICLE 11 12 GIBRALTAR CHRONICLE Thursday 21st May, 2015 Thursday 21st May, 2015 GIBRALTAR CHRONICLE 13 Around the Rock Diary Thursday Selected Movies TV Guide 21st May TODAY 1 May to 20 June Gibraltar Evacuation during WWII 9am-5:00pm: The Cancer Relief Centre is now Today: 8pm, Zarzuela – ‘La Boda de Luis Alonso’ by Santos Pro- 75 open to the public for information, advice and ductions at JMH. Tickets at £5 from JMH reception. 04:40 Phil: Secret Agent Down Under. 05:40 Quintinshill. 23:00 Jet! When Britain Ruled treatment (Further info: 20042392) BBC1 Tomorrow: 9.30pm, Fashion show in aid of Leukaemia and Lym- Unreported World. 06:05 Deal or No Deal. the Skies. 00:00 Timeshift: Magnificent Selected Channels 9:15 - 10:00am: Exercise to Music Classes at phoma Research at Ince’s Hall Theatre. Tickets priced at £10 call 07:00 Breakfast. 10:15 The Housing Machines – The Golden Age of the the Bayside Sports Centre Class one is aimed And so the journey begins Enforcers. 11:00 Homes Under the Hammer. Channel 5 British Sports Car. 01:00 Top of the Pops: Comedy Central Wars 05:00 Pawn Stars 06:00 Bill 12:00 New Tricks 13:00 at ages 55 to 67. 10:15am - 11am: Class two is Karess Zammitt on 54003234. 12:00 Don’t Get Done, Get Dom. 12:45 1980. 01:45 Art of China. 02:45 The Last 09:00 Impractical Jokers 10:00 Close MasterChef South Africa aimed at 68 years and over. 1:00pm - 1:45pm: Tomorrow to Sun 24 May: The Gib Fringe Festival. Alameda ‘The Evacuation helped to Saints and Scroungers. 13:15 Bargain 07:00 Milkshake!: 09:00 Ben and Holly’s Explorers. 03:45 Britain’s Deadliest Rail Rules of Engagement 11:00 14:00 One Born Every Minute AQUA-AEROBICS taken by Anne-Marie Gomez Open Air Theatre. Times: 7.30pm and 9pm (Fri) 7pm and 8.30pm Today the Chronicle continues the journey Hunt. 14:00 BBC News; Weather; BBC Little Kingdom. 09:15 Peppa Pig. 09:35 Disaster: Quintinshill. 04:45 Close. Two and a Half Men 12:00 Sky Living 15:00 DIY SOS 16:00 The Bill (Sat) and at 3pm on Sunday. Friends 20:00 Impractical 09:00 Nothing to Declare 10:00 17:00 New Tricks 18:00 Who (G.A.S.A. Small Pool) Regional News and Weather 14:45 Doctors. Toby’s Travelling Circus. 09:45 Bananas 1pm - 2pm: Aquaerobics introduction to exercise Sat 23 May: 10am to 6pm, Museum Open Day at the Gibraltar the evacuees would take, fi rst suggested in in Pyjamas. 10:00 Tickety Toc. 10:15 The Jokers 21:00 Spider-Man CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Do You Think You Are? 19:00 15:15 Escape to the Country. 16:15 RHS ITV2 23:30 Russell Howard’s Stand 11:00 Animal 999 12:00 The Hairy Bikers’ Food Tour in the water, available to men and women over the Museum. Free entry. a notice carried in the newspaper in May 17. Chelsea Flower Show 2015. 16:45 Decimate. Wright Stuff. 12:45 Cowboy Builders & Up Central 00:00 Impractical Elementary 14:00 Criminal of Britain 20:00 MasterChef age of 60 with Angie. Sat 23 May: 12 Midday Re-enactment Association’s march to Casemates Square. 17:30 Flog It! 18:15 Pointless. 19:00 BBC Bodge Jobs. 13:40 5 News Lunchtime. 13:45 08:35 Coronation Street. 09:10 You’ve Jokers 01:00 World’s Craziest Minds 16:00 CSI: Crime Scene South Africa 21:00 Grimm 1:45 - 3:30pm: Recreation afternoon for seniors Fri 29 to Sun 30 May: Gastronomy on the Queensway Quay at Queensway Quay. Live bands defi ne us as a people’ By kind permission of Tommy Finlayson, we News; Weather. 19:30 BBC Regional News Big Brother: Timebomb. 14:45 Neighbours. Been Framed! 09:35 Dinner Date. 10:35 Fools 01:30 South Park 03:30 Investigation 18:00 Sun, Sea 22:00 Resurrection 23:00 with badminton, table tennis, soft tennis and and live cooking stations. Entrance free. Fri from 6pm to 10.30pm, Sat 30 May from Midday to Programmes; Weather. 20:00 The One Show. 15:15 NCIS. 16:15 The Girl He Met Online. Scorpion. 11:25 Psych. 12:20 Royal Pains. Two and a Half Men 05:10 and A&E 18:55 Nothing to One Born Every Minute 00:00 carpet bowls, for men and women. . 10.30pm and Sun 31 May from 4pm to 10.30pm. publish the next passage from his book ‘The Rules of Engagement 06:00 Declare 19:55 My Kitchen Neighbourhood Blues 01:00 20:30 EastEnders; BBC News; Regional 18:00 5 News at 5. 18:30 Neighbours. 19:00 13:10 Emmerdale. 13:45 Coronation Street. 2:00pm - 3:30pm: Ten pin bowling for seniors Sat 30 May: 9.30pm, Annual Heritage Painting Competition by Gibraltar Heritage Trust. This Deputy Chief Minister, Dr Joseph Garcia, is ‘The evacuation Teleshopping Rules: Australia 21:00 The MasterChef South Africa 02:00 Fortress Came First,’on the key dates. News 21:00 Watchdog. 22:00 Shark. 23:00 Criminals: Caught on Camera. 19:30 5 News 14:15 You’ve Been Framed! 14:45 Dinner offered at off peak rates every weekday afternoon year’s Theme is the North Front and its environment. Registration 9.30am to Midday on site. Tonight. 20:00 Cricket on 5; 5 News Update Date. 15:40 The Jeremy Kyle Show. 19:00 Face Australia 22:00 Madam Extreme Makeover: Home A Million Ways to Die in the West Sky Movies Comedy, 21.00 leading for the Government on the events had taught the BBC News. 23:25 BBC Regional News and National Geographic Secretary 23:00 Scandal Edition 02:45 Babylon 5 03:35 at the Kings Bastion Leisure Centre. Sat 30 May: 10am to 2pm, Cancer Research UK Charity at Lobby of Parliament Part Two - the fi rst evacuees. Weather. 23:45 Question Time. 00:45 The 21:00 The Murder of Julius Caesar; 5 News Judge Rinder. 20:00 You’ve Been Framed 09:00 Highway Thru Hell 10:00 00:00 Bones 01:00 Cellblock The Recruits: Paramedics 04:00 Girlguiding Gibraltar at 9 22:00 The Hotel Inspector. 23:00 Big and Famous! 21:00 Along Came Polly. An 18:15 The Fast and the Furious With 21:00 August: Osage County Three Sat 30 May: 10am to 3pm, Arts & Crafts Market at Casemates Square. to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the people of Gibraltar LONDON: Children of Class III 1943 of St Patrick School near Other Man. 02:05 Holiday Weatherview. World War II: The Apocalypse 6: Female Lock Up 02:00 Close 4:40pm: Rainbows 3rd Unit meet at Alameda. Sat 30 May: Midday Re-enactment Association’s march to Casemates Square. 02:10 BBC News. Brother: Timebomb. 00:00 Big Brother’s obsessive man’s orderly routine is thrown 11:00 Air Crash Investigation Elementary 02:50 CSI: Crime Vin Diesel. Sky Movies Action & estranged sisters return to their Warren Street Tube Station at the end of Tottenham Court Road. 6pm Guides 5th Company meet 6pm Varyl Begg, Sat 30 May: 8.30pm, Steve Hogarth in Concert at St Michael’s Cave. Tickets priced at £20 at evacuation of Gibraltar’s civilian population how to organise Bit on the Side. 01:00 SuperCasino. 04:10 into disarray when a wildly spontaneous 12:00 Seconds from Disaster Scene Investigation 03:40 Sky Arts 1 Adventure. family home following their father’s 2nd Company meet South District. The tall girl at the back is Dolores Vila (later Mrs Bosano). Extracts from ‘The Fortress Came First’ Music Corner. BBC2 Gotham. 05:00 Nick’s Quest. 05:25 Great old friend walks back into his life. Romantic 13:00 Bloody Tales 14:00 Bones 08:30 Cirque du Soleil: Nouvelle 18:30 Devil’s Due With Allison Miller. Sky suicide, and resume their complex Gibraltar Scouts during the Second World War. Having themselves. This was by Tommy Finlayson Artists. 05:50 House Doctor. comedy, with Ben Stiller and Jennifer Drain the Bermuda Triangle Experience 10:00 Mysteries Movies Sci-fi/Horror. relationship with their overbearing, 5:30pm - 7:30pm, 3rd Europa Cubs at Montagu 15:00 Highway Thru Hell 16:00 Home of Lisbon 14:45 South Bank these committees and the that when the answer from 08:45 RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2015. Aniston. 22:50 The Hot Desk: Ed Sheeran. 18:30 The Fearmakers Spy thriller, starring malicious mother. Over the day of the Bastion Youth Club researched and written on the subject a hugely signifi cant Sky1 23:00 Celebrity Juice. 23:50 Harold & Kumar Air Crash Investigation 17:00 09:00 DIY SOS: The Big Build Masterclasses: Tim Webber Dana Andrews. TCM. funeral, tensions among the family management of different hotels London was “No”, you simply 09:15 Sign Zone: Iceland – Land of Ice Building the International Space 10:00 Escape to the Country 15:00 Discovering: Frank 6:30pm - 8:30pm, 5th Sea Scouts Explorers at 6pm: Gibraltar Horticultural Society meets at 9pm: Families Anonymous meeting at Nazareth extensively, in his non-political capacity as a development and and Fire: Natural World. 10:15 Victoria Get the Munchies. 01:35 Two and a Half 18:40 Million Dollar Baby With Clint reach boiling point as secrets and North Mole Road the John Mackintosh Hall. More info email House. More info 200 70047. where the were continued knocking at the he uncertainties over, the as the steamer left the wharf. Station 18:00 Yukon Gold 12:00 Kitchen SOS 13:00 The Sinatra 16:00 Peter Gabriel: Live Eastwood. Sky Movies Drama & recriminations are brought to light. Derbyshire. 12:00 BBC News. 12:30 BBC 09:00 The Fanatics. 10:00 Hawaii Five-0. Men. 02:30 Mom. 03:25 Teleshopping. 06:55 19:00 Wicked Tuna 20:00 Car Hotel Inspector 14:00 A Place in in Athens 1987 18:30 Art of the 4pm - 9:30pm: Calpe Chess Club Junior section [email protected]) 9pm: Bingo Night at the South District Senior historian, he now shares his thoughts on the something that had billeted. This included rows closed door again and again process of evacuating Certainly the younger element World News. 13:00 Italy Unpacked. 14:00 12:00 NCIS: Los Angeles. 14:00 Hawaii ITV2 Nightscreen. SOS 22:00 Wicked Tuna 23:00 the Sun: Home or Away 15:00 Portrait 19:00 At Frida Kahlo’s Romance. Drama, starring Meryl Streep, Julia meets every Thursday during School terms at the 6pm -7pm: ‘Dance for All’ weekly workshops open Citizens Club, Naval Hospital Road to raise funds over the wish of the evacuees until the answer became “Yes”. Tcivilians from Gibraltar regarded the evacuation as Cagney & Lacey. 14:45 Cash in the Attic. Five-0. 16:00 Harrow: A Very British School. Highway Thru Hell 00:00 Car You Deserve This House 16:00 20:00 Inside the Actors Studio: 18:40 Close Encounters of the Third Roberts, Juliette Lewis and Julianne Kings Bastion Leisure Centre, meeting room 3. to individuals 11 years and over with disabilities for St. Joseph’s Church. 9:30pm: Jazz at the signifi cance of this event in our history. happened through to cook Mediterranean food in The evacuation also served to fi nally got under way on a great adventure and for Kind: The Collector’s Edition Sci-fi Nicholson. Sky Movies Drama & 15:15 Monty Don’s Italian Gardens. 16:15 17:00 Futurama. 18:00 The Simpsons. 18:30 ITV3 SOS 01:00 Underworld, Inc Escape to the Country 17:00 250th Anniversary 21:50 This 10am Art with Deborah, who enjoy and want to engage in movement and O’Callaghan Eliott Hotel. All welcome. their rooms and the continuing cement together the identity of Tuesday, 21st. May, 1940. many of them it was their fi rst Elephant Diaries. 16:45 Are You Being Futurama. 19:30 The Simpsons. 21:00 02:00 Highway Thru Hell 04:00 DIY SOS: The Big Build 18:00 Book & Me: Fact Meets Fiction drama, starring Richard Dreyfuss. Sky Romance. Teresa: Happy Crafting Sabrina: Jewellery dance at Bayside School Drama Studio . necessity and World War II: The Apocalypse Roomers 18:30 House Crashers 22:00 History of the Eagles by Dr Joseph Garcia The shock was intensifi ed efforts by hotel managers to the Gibraltarians in a different Matters were to proceed very experience of travel. Lorries Served? 17:15 ’Allo ’Allo! 17:45 Just Good Kings and Queens of Speech. New series. 08:25 Where the Heart Is. 09:25 Murder, She Movies Greats. 21:00 The Croods Animated comedy, making, at 3:45pm -5:15pm ( 6:30pm -8:30pm: British Sign Language EXHIBITION Documentary following schoolchildren as Wrote. 10:25 Judge Judy. 11:50 Inspector 05:00 Air Crash Investigation 19:00 Kirstie’s Homemade 23:25 Ladies and Gentlemen: 19:00 Me, Myself and Irene With Jim with the voice of Nicolas Cage. Sky with further announcements through force of stop them. way. Uprooted and transplanted rapidly over the ensuing few were provided by the City Friends. 18:15 Vintage Antiques Roadshow. 06:00 Teleshopping Home 20:00 A Place in the Sun: The Rolling Stones 00:55 The 5:30pm - -8pm: Knit and Natter session at the workshops at the John Mackintosh Hall. GEMA GALLERY: As part of the Little 19:00 Eggheads. 19:30 Beat the Brain. they enter the world of debating in an effort Morse. 14:05 Heartbeat. 15:05 Where Carrey. Sky Movies Comedy. Movies Family. Gibraltar Arts and Crafts shop in Casemates. Free 6:30pm: Family Gospel Choir session. 6.30pm, Constellation project Listen to the Sirens at here is no doubt that the that a Government evacuation circumstances rather Petitions and complaints were to London, over 13,000 people weeks: sometimes too rapidly Council for the conveyance to the decks and had loitered Home or Away 21:00 DIY SOS: Doors Live at the Hollywood 19:00 Drift Drama, starring Sam 21:00 Ghostbusters Supernatural comedy, 20:00 Antiques Road Trip. 21:00 RHS by the educational charity Debate Mate the Heart Is. 16:10 Wild at Heart. 17:15 Discovery The Big Build 22:00 Escape Bowl ’68 02:30 Classic Albums of charge. Bring own knitting. Aimed at knitters Room 1, Victoria Stadium. More info 5401 7081. the Montagu Bastion gallery a new work- wartime evacuation of scheme to French Morocco also common at Camp Gibraltar realised that while they were for those who had to make the of the belongings of evacuees about the promenades. They Chelsea Flower Show 2015. 22:00 The to help young people find their voices and Fresh Fields. 17:50 On the Buses. 18:55 09:00 Deadliest Catch 10:00 to the Country 23:00 Kitchen Special 03:30 Discovering: Worthington. Sky Movies Premiere. starring Bill Murray. Sky Movies and crocheters of all levels. 6:30pm -8:00pm: The Rock Tai Chi Class Yang art intervention “Kitchen” by the Artist Group the people of Gibraltar would be implemented and that than by choice. It in Jamaica. At one point, the British, they were certainly not reception arrangements at the from convenient points to the had been down and stated that develop life-changing skills. 22:00 Forever. Heartbeat. 20:00 Murder, She Wrote. 21:00 19:20 Bean Comedy, starring Rowan Greats. T Game. 23:00 The Clare Balding Show. 23:30 Auction Hunters 11:00 American SOS 00:00 DIY SOS: The Big Frank Sinatra 04:30 At Frida 5:30pm: St John Ambulance Cadets (11 – 17 24 Style Class at King’s Bastion. “Creative Gibraltar”. The intervention is part was a defi ning moment in our women, children and other non- evacuees called for the removal English in their culture or in other end! wharf in the Dockyard. they could not stand it. As Newsnight. 00:15 Weather. 00:20 Death Henry and Jo investigate the murder of a Foyle’s War. 23:00 Law & Order: UK. 00:00 Guns 12:00 Wheeler Dealers: Build 01:00 The Hotel Inspector Kahlo’s 05:30 Edward Hopper Atkinson. Sky Movies Family. 21:00 The Fault in Our Stars Romantic of a contemporary art project opens 3 - 6pm was refl ected in the years) meeting at St John House, 47 North Mole 6:30pm: The Prostate Cancer Support Group development as a people. It combatants would have to leave. of the Commander of Camp their outlook. This came as a On Tuesday, 21st. May, 1940, The evacuees appeared to have the boat left the quay there Defying Acts. 01:50 Sign Zone: Antibiotic museum employee in possession of an Trial & Retribution. 01:05 Northern Lights. Trading Up 13:00 Fast N’ Loud 02:00 Kitchen SOS 03:00 You and the Blank Canvas 19:30 Hugo Family adventure, starring Asa drama, starring Shailene Woodley Road. Youth Clubs opening times: meetings held at The Cancer Relief Centre. Monday to Friday. Open until the end of the 14:00 What Could Possibly Go Deserve This House 04:00 uncompromising Apocalypse – . 02:20 Sign Zone: ancient dagger that sliced through both 02:00 Cornwall with Caroline Quentin. 02:50 Butterfield. Film4. and Ansel Elgort. Sky Movies 5:30pm - 8:30pm: Youth Centre in Line Wall road 7pm --9:00pm: No 2 Overseas (Gibraltar) month. Today, 6:30pm: Ermelinda Duarte: pottery brought together, under the The fi rst contingent would sail Gibraltar whose strict discipline shock to many at fi rst and there the s.s. Gibel Dersa, a vessel of carried out the instructions had been a few hysterical Julius Caesar and Adam. Supernatural Judge Judy. 03:30 Teleshopping. Wrong? 15:00 Alaska: The Last Roomers 04:30 House Crashers Sky Arts 2 20:00 The Conversation Thriller, starring Premiere. extreme conditions of war, a on 22 May, just a matter of days they blamed for the unrest. are records of evacuees writing 1,226 gross tons employed in issued by the ARP organisation fi ts and other expressions Inside Harley Street. 03:20 This Is BBC Two. Frontier 16:00 Gold Rush 17:00 05:00 Close 09:00 Esa-Pekka Salonen and also open Saturdays from 2pm -5pm Squadron Air Training Corps meet at RAF South + clay throwing workshop. Tues 26, 6:30pm: criticism of the 05:00 BBC Learning Zone. drama, starring Ioan Gruffudd. Last in the Gene Hackman. Sky Movies Select. 22:00 X-Men: Days of Future Past With 5:00 pm-8:00 pm: Plater Youth club in the upper Dispersal. More Info 54027558. Life drawing session. Wed 27,7pm: Ambrose number of factors that combined later. As news of these complaints back home to their families on the Gibraltar-Tangier service, to whom the detailed work was of emotionalism. (The Deadliest Catch 18:00 Bear David Fray 10:45 The Lady in 20:10 Agente S 03: Operazione Atlantide Hugh Jackman. Sky Movies Action & series. 23:00 A League of Their Own. 00:00 ITV4 Grylls: Born Survivor 19:00 Fast GOLD Number 6: Music Saved My Life town area. 5.30pm-8.30pm: Dolphins Youth club 7:00pm - 9:00pm: Life-Drawing classes at the Avellano: presentation of work in progress. Thurs to strengthen our identity and This date marks the start of a position that the reached Gibraltar, it fuelled the the Rock making this precise set out from Gibraltar bound delegated, and embarkation “cheers and greetings” of the Hawaii Five-0. 02:00 NCIS: Los Angeles. Sci-fi spy adventure, starring John Adventure. ITV N’ Loud 20:00 Wheeler Dealers: 09:00 I Dream of Jeannie 11:30 Roland Petit’s Le Rendez- in the South District. 5.30pm-8.30pm: Laguna Fine Art Gallery. 28,7pm: SVA Style Workshop. Sat 30, 10pm: our sense of nationhood. saga that was to last more than evacuees found discontent amongst those who point. It was about food, about for Casablanca. On board arrangements worked Chronicle report!). 03:00 Road Wars. 04:00 Night Cops. 05:00 09:00 The Professionals. 10:00 Magnum, Trading Up 21:00 Gold Rush 09:30 Happy Days 10:30 Vous 12:00 Antiques House Ericson. TCM. 22:00 The Godfather: Part III Crime Stefano Blanca Sciacaluga on Graffi ti. Sat 30, 7pm -9:00pm: Chess at St Bernard’s Social Club, It is important to point out that a decade until the last evacuees were left behind. traditions, about lifestyle and were Mr. Charles Gaggero, a satisfactorily. The thirteen hour journey 07:00 Good Morning Britain. 09:30 Lorraine. Stargate Atlantis. 06:00 UK Border Force. PI. 11:00 Gunsmoke. 12:00 Minder. 13:05 22:00 X-Ray Mega Airport 23:00 Cheers 11:30 The Two Ronnies 13:00 Andres Segovia: Song 20:15 Rocky IV With Sylvester Stallone. drama sequel, starring Al Pacino. Sky Catholic Community Centre, Line Wall Road. All Midnight: Midnight movie presentation of Andy themselves in at 10:25 The Jeremy Kyle Show. 11:30 This The Chase. 14:05 Cycling Tour Series. Naked and Afraid 00:00 Naked 12:20 Sorry! 13:00 Whatever of the Guitar 14:00 Rembrandt Sky Movies Action & Adventure. Movies Select. welcome. Warhol & Paul Morrisey’s ‘Trash’. this distinct sense of identity returned home. The impact There was also a constant about culture – even about the medical offi cer and control It should be remembered that must have been a nightmarish Morning. 11:55 ITV News; Weather. 12:00 Sky Atlantic 15:05 Magnum, PI. 16:00 Pawn Stars. and Marooned with Ed Stafford Happened to the Likely Lads? and I 15:00 Thelonious Monk: 20:15 The Anomaly With Noel Clarke. Sky 22:00 Deliver Us from Evil With Eric Bana. DUTY CHEMIST FINE ARTS GALLERY: Exhibition of local artists had started to develop from the on the close-knit Gibraltarian different stages exchange of letters between weather! There is no doubt staff, including Police, and in the carrying out of a large experience. Six hours after 01:00 X-Ray Mega Airport 02:00 13:40 Blandings 14:20 As Live in France 1969 16:15 7pm: Overeaters anonymous meeting. Support This Morning. 13:30 Loose Women. 14:30 17:00 Gunsmoke. 18:00 Minder. 19:00 The Movies Sci-fi/Horror. Sky Movies Sci-fi/Horror. for those experiencing problems with food at the Fine Arts Gallery in Casemates. Open Mon moment that civilians settled community was devastating. thousands of evacuees and that being away from Gibraltar several hundred persons scheme of this nature, some leaving port about ninety per Naked and Afraid 03:00 The Time Goes By 15:00 Last of Parkinson: Masterclass 17:15 21:00 A Million Ways to Die in the 22:00 No Way Out Political thriller, starring during those ITV News and Weather. 14:55 ITV News 09:00 Stargate Atlantis. 10:00 Star Trek: Professionals. 20:00 Pawn Stars. 21:00 The Unexplained Files 04:00 X-Ray the Summer Wine 16:20 To the Evgeny Kissin at the Orange: addiction etc. – Fri 10am till 7pm : Sat 10 am – 2pm. here after an Anglo-Dutch force There were several issues here. their menfolk on the Rock. served as a spur to bring the (328 adults and 166 children) hardship to individuals cannot cent of the evacuees had been Enterprise. 11:00 House. 12:00 Blue Bloods. Class of 92. Documentary about the rise of West A timid farmer abandoned Kevin Costner. TCM. CROWN PHARMACY London; Weather. 15:00 Judge Rinder. 16:00 Mega Airport 04:50 Naked and Manor Born 17:00 Cheers 18:00 Mussorgsky and Encores 7:30pm - 9pm: The Gibraltar National Choir JOHN MACKINTOSH HALL: ‘Honouring captured Gibraltar in 1704. The fi rst was a personal issue turbulent years.’ This was fertile ground for the Gibraltarian identity to the who could be classifi ed as be avoided, particularly in view seasick and from midnight Dickinson’s Real Deal. 16:59 ITV London 13:00 Without a Trace. 14:00 Seinfeld. 15:00 six of Manchester United’s most successful by his girlfriend is fascinated by a 22:00 The A-Team Action adventure, 4 Casemantes Square a generation’ exhibition covering the fi rst Afraid 05:40 How Do They Do Only Fools and Horses 18:45 18:30 National Trust: National rehearsal at Holy Trinity Cathedral. Therefore by the time war broke which centred on the separation AACR who became the focus fore. independent evacuees: i.e. in of the short time available. A until about 6am. there had Weather. 17:00 Tipping Point. 18:00 The Paul Stargate SG-1. 17:00 Stargate Atlantis. players, including David Beckham and Ryan It? 06:30 How It’s Made Blackadder II 19:25 Open All Treasures 19:45 South Bank mysterious woman who rides into starring Liam Neeson. Film4. Tel: 200 78598 7:30pm: Friends of the Earth meet at the John evacuation to French Morocco in May 1940 and O’Grady Show. 19:00 ITV News London; 18:00 Star Trek: Enterprise. 19:00 House. Giggs, from the youth team to winning the Hours 20:45 The Vicar of Dibley Masterclasses: Edward Watson his frontier town. He tries to act the 22:40 Bad News Bears Comedy remake, Monday to Friday 7-9pm • Mackintosh Hall, all welcome. the subsequent evacuations to London, Madeira, out in 1939 there already existed of families during wartime and for this dissatisfaction and Yet the signifi cance of the a position to pay for their own few of the inconveniences of been a continuous demand Weather. 19:30 ITV News and Weather. 20:00 Without a Trace. 21:00 Blue Bloods. European Cup. Including FYI Daily. 23:00 History 22:00 The Royle Family 23:15 20:00 The New Great Bolshoi part of a gunslinging Wild West starring Billy Bob Thornton. Sky Weekends/Public Holidays 9pm: New Life Prayer Group at the Catholic Jamaica and Northern Ireland. Until 28 May a well-formed attachment to the the heartbreak and emotion that There is therefore a thread who effectively channelled this evacuation was more than just passages and to arrange their the fi rst day will doubtless for medical attention. The 09:00 Pawn Stars 11:00 Early Doors 23:55 Absolutely 21:00 Bolshoi Unseen: The 11am - 1pm and 6 - 8pm 20:00 Emmerdale. 21:00 The British Soap 22:00 The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of The Football Mavericks. 00:00 Runaway hero to impress her, only to find Movies Family. Community Centre opens daily 9am to 10pm. Rock on the part of the people went with it. The second, which which commences with unrest. The surrender of Italy about a small colonial people own accommodation. be averted in the light of the two midwife nurses had also American Pickers 12:00 Storage Fabulous 01:15 Cheers Nutcracker 22:45 Nuages 23:00 himself facing a showdown with her 23:00 Jackass Presents: Bad Grandpa Awards 2015. 23:00 ITV News at Ten and Robert Durst. 23:00 Mad Men. 00:00 Ad Train. 02:20 River Monsters. 03:25 Tommy who lived here and who could follows from it, was the clear the outbreak of the Second in September 1943 increased sharing a traumatic experience. Those not in such a fortunate experience gained in the initial gone sick and the aid of the Men. 01:00 Last Week Tonight with John Cooper. 03:50 ITV4 Nightscreen. 04:00 Wars 14:00 Pawn Stars 16:00 02:15 The Thick of It 02:55 Andrea Bocelli: Love in Portofino notorious outlaw husband. Western With Johnny Knoxville. Sky Movies Weather. 23:30 ITV News London; Weather. American Pickers 17:00 Storage Early Doors 03:25 Absolutely 00:55 Classical Destinations trace back their ancestry over demonstration that the people to the war effort. There was the position that the evacuees World War, runs through the the pressure on the colonial The records show that were it position set out the following stages. three special constables on 23:40 Newzoids. 00:10 Piers Morgan’s Life Oliver. 01:35 Doll & Em. 02:35 Penny Teleshopping. spoof, directed by and starring Seth Comedy. Wars 18:00 Pawn Stars 19:00 Fabulous 04:25 The Thick of It 01:00 Beethoven 9: The Horoscopes the preceding 230 years. In short, of Gibraltar had very little worse to come. found themselves in at different Government to repatriate the not for the AACR, the organised day, Wednesday 22nd. May, Three days later, the same board and their offi cer had had Stories: Brian Blessed. 01:10 Jackpot247. Dreadful. 03:35 True Blood. 04:40 Curb Your Mantracker 20:00 Storage 05:00 Close Complete Symphonies 01:45 MacFarlane, with Charlize Theron and 23:00 Titanic Romantic drama, starring evacuation of the civilian 04:00 The Air We Breathe: Tonight. 04:25 Enthusiasm. 05:15 Stargate SG-1. 06:05 E4 Wars 21:00 Pawn Stars 22:00 If War Should Come 02:00 Liam Neeson. Sky Movies Comedy. Kate Winslet. Sky Movies Greats. Gibraltar was their home. control over their own affairs On 19 July 1940 the evacuation stages during those turbulent population of Gibraltar and evacuees and in April 1944 the campaigns, the committees, the on board the Mohamed Ali periodical stated that to be enlisted. In addition to ITV Nightscreen. 06:05 The Jeremy Kyle Star Trek: Enterprise. Counting Cars 00:00 Storage Watch Rembrandt and I 03:00 Bolshoi ARIES (Mar 21 - April 20) LEO (July 24 - Aug 23) SAGITTARIUS (Nov 23 - Dec 21) When the military authorities when they could be bundled on of 2000 Gibraltarians to Madeira years and also in the position leads also the formation of fi rst group of 1367 arrived in letter-writing, the protests and Kebir. This fi rst contingent according to those in a position their own duties, these men A new liaison could have a serious quality about Show. 08:15 Charmed. 09:05 90210. 10:00 Melissa Wars 01:00 Counting Cars 09:00 One Born Every Minute Unseen: The Nutcracker 04:45 Don’t be overly sympathetic to someone keen to While feelings of affection will likely be appreciated, decided to send away over a vessel at a moment’s notice on commenced. When discussing of those civilians left behind to the AACR. It is clear to me Gibraltar directly from the the petitions we may not even of Government evacuees to judge, the fi rst embarkation had had to carry people from & Joey. 10:30 Rules of Engagement. 11:00 03:00 Mantracker 04:00 Storage 10:00 DIY SOS 11:00 The Nuages garner attention, particularly if you’ve listened to it, perhaps because Saturn’s presence in your amorous signals from a certain person may not be. BBC3 Sport on TV romance sector is encouraging you to take things Though you like to be chummy, look to fi rm up your sixteen thousand people who a Governor’s decree. the situation today with those defend their home. that everything is inseparably United Kingdom. The second have had the Gibraltar that we comprised 950 women and went off most satisfactorily, troop-decks to the fresh air Charmed. 13:00 Hollyoaks. 13:30 New Girl. any outpourings from them before. Of course, it is Channel 4 good to help, but try not to become so enmeshed more slowly. Even so, you’ll be ready to get out and boundaries if someone oversteps the mark. Even were seen as a hindrance to a These two factors interplayed who were sent there, it is clear On 1 January 1941, the Gibraltar linked and that one of the batch of over 3000 arrived in know today. There were those children and a few old men. and the greatest credit is due and others who had fainted 20:00 Don’t Tell the Bride to Be: The 14:00 How I Met Your Mother. 15:00 The Big Children’s TV Highlights about for some light-hearted fun should a friend call so, your social life seems busy, and though you Sky Sports 1 that you lose sight of your needs. Keeping a bit of a fortress at war, little did they and fed off each other during that they saw themselves as City Council was suspended more signifi cant effects of the August. in London at the time who They came under Category A to the City Council and its in the open and were chilled 08:30 Everybody Loves Raymond. 09:25 Proposals. 21:00 Eurovision Song Contest Bang Theory. 16:00 The Goldbergs. 16:30 distance will enable you to get your priorities sorted around. Plus group get-togethers can be very lively can’t please everyone you’ll be glad of some good Disney Cartoon Network CBeebies Including at: 09:00 Premier League Years 11:00 BT Sport 1 Frasier. Undercover Boss. 2015: Semi-Final 2. 23:05 EastEnders. 23:35 Melissa & Joey. 17:00 Rules of Engagement. fi rst of all. and worthwhile too. company. realise the chain of events the torment posed by the the lucky ones. They had their and the powers and duties of evacuation is the organisation In May, the fi rst group of argued that they should take of the City Council Scheme: ARP organisation, and others had to be carried below. Not 10:25 11:30 Including at: 09:00 Liv & Including at: 17:00 Clarence Including at: 15:40 Little Ford Football Special 12:30 League Two Play-Off Come Dine with Me. 13:00 Channel 4 News Family Guy. 00:20 American Dad! 00:40 18:00 How I Met Your Mother. 19:00 The Big Maddie 09:25 Access All Areas: 17:15 Uncle Grandpa 17:30 Human Planet 15:45 Numtums Including at: 08:30 Scottish Professional Football that they had inadvertently evacuation itself and the issues too but it was hardly the Council were exercised by of the Gibraltarians under the repatriates left Madeira. advantage of the evacuation i.e. women and children under responsible, not overlooking surprisingly, these men were Final 2013/14 13:30 Premier League Years 15:30 (Aug 24 - Sep 23) (Dec 22 - Jan 20) Summary. 13:05 Come Dine with Me. 14:05 Family Guy. 01:05 Don’t Tell the Bride to Be: Bang Theory. 20:00 Hollyoaks. 20:30 The Music 09:30 I Didn’t Do It 10:00 Regular Show 18:00 Adventure 16:00 Ruff-Ruff, Tweet and Ford Football Special 17:00 League Two Play-Off League 10:00 Baker & Kelly’s VSPO 11:00 World TAURUS (April 21 - May 21) VIRGO CAPRICORN unleashed. The experiences pressure that the repatriation the same as facing the blitz in the Governor. The Executive banner of the AACR. When the fl ying-bombs made of the civilian population to the age of fourteen. It is the evacuees themselves for overtaxed to the point of Regarding a love interest, feelings may get intense, t’s a day to wrap up projects, accomplish goals and A Place in the Sun: Winter Sun. 15:10 The Proposals. 02:00 Murder in Successville. Goldbergs. 21:00 2 Broke Girls. 21:30 The Hannah Montana 10:55 Doc Time 18:30 The Amazing World Dave 16:10 Small Potatoes Final 2013/14 18:00 The F1 Show 19:00 Ringside of Football 11:30 Global Goals 12:00 Game of Aim to keep a handle on impulsive spending as this particularly if you’re getting to know each other. spend your hours in a productive way. The Sun’s that the evacuees underwent, was to generate a few years London, the camps in Northern Council was suspended as well. In a fortress at war this was a their appearance in the skies keep the evacuees away from not diffi cult to imagine the their orderly and cheerful exhaustion. Countdown. 16:00 Deal or No Deal. 17:00 02:30 Nick Helm’s Heavy Entertainment. Big Bang Theory. 22:00 Brooklyn Nine- McStuffins 12:15 Sofia the First of Gumball 19:00 Ninjago: 16:15 Tinga Tinga Tales 16:30 20:00 Live Premier League Darts 23:00 Ringside the Week 12:30 Rugby Tonight 14:00 Road to Rio is a time when haste can lead to waste, Taurus. If tempted to overreact, it’s better to stay cool as move into Gemini makes this one of the best times the concern felt by the men left later. Ireland or the long journey The same colonial Government revolutionary event. over London, a number of Gibraltar permanently. We owe anxiety suffered by these behaviour. Apart from sickness due to Posh Pawnbrokers. 18:00 Couples Come 03:00 The Human Tissue Squad. 04:00 Nine. Santiago and Diaz investigate Jake’s 13:10 Wizards of Waverly Place Masters Of Spinjitzu 19:30 Big Fun Time 16:30 Get Well 00:00 Barclays Premier League World 14:30 World Wide Sports 15:00 World of Athletics Watch extravagance too, whether that means being 13:40 Good Luck Charlie 14:05 Teen Titans Go! 20:00 Clarence Soon 16:45 Q Pootle 5 17:00 15:30 World of Tennis 16:00 Scottish Professional overly generous with your time or resources. On this might be just a passing vibe. Concerning your for applying for jobs, arranging interviews and behind on the Rock and the The initial evacuation, which across the Atlantic to Jamaica. that had determined The AACR was the fi rst evacuee centres were hit and a great debt to the evacuation souls and the relatives whom The report of the Medical the ship’s movements there Dine with Me. 19:00 The Simpsons. 19:30 Don’t Tell the Bride to Be: The Proposals. claim that somebody is trying to sabotage ambitions, a new direction can beckon. It’s time to reaching out to others for business and pleasure. In 05:00 Close. his professional life and get him dismissed. Ant Farm 14:35 Dog with a Blog 20:15 Uncle Grandpa 20:30 Octonauts 17:10 Meet the Pups Sky Sports 2 Football League 17:30 Gillette World Sport 18:00 another note, you could fi nd yourself embroiled demands that those who had is the 75th anniversary that we The position at the end of 1940 unilaterally that the people of political party in the history six casualties resulted. On generation whose relentless they had to leave behind so Offi cer on board the Mohamed had been a series of cases of Hollyoaks. 20:00 Channel 4 News. 21:00 15:00 Disney Mickey Mouse Regular Show 21:00 Adventure 17:15 Andy’s Wild Adventures Premier League World 18:30 French Ligue 1 in a confl ict about a matter that is linked to a past really tap into your full potential. This may be scary addition, joining a support group could bring untold Born Naughty? 22:00 Bear Grylls: Surviving Boyle partners up with Hitchcock and Scully 15:05 Shake It Up 16:00 Girl Time 21:30 The Amazing World 17:30 Nina and the Neurons: Including at: 11:00 Live Test Cricket 20:00 Preview 19:00 Bundesliga Preview 19:30 The WRC dispute. - but exhilarating! benefi ts. been evacuated should return celebrate today, was to French was about 11,000 evacuees in Gibraltar should be forced to of Gibraltar. Albert Risso the Rock there was a call for campaigning made sure that suddenly, and the effects of Ali Kebir on that fateful day collapse. The Medical Offi cer the Island. 23:00 High Class Call Girls. 00:05 BBC4 to solve a tough case, while Jeffords lies Meets World 16:25 Access All of Gumball 22:00 Skatoony Brilliant Bodies 17:45 Peter Cricket’s Greatest 21:00 Test Cricket 22:00 Test Magazine 20:00 Live World Rally Championship home as soon as the war in Morocco. Over 13,000 people London, 2000 in Jamaica and leave their homes now did away became its fi rst President in the Gibraltarians to be moved this did not happen. this were to become apparent paints a rather different attributed this to exhaustion The Night Bus. 01:05 Ramsay’s Kitchen to Gina claiming he and Holt attended her Areas: Music 16:30 Austin & 22:30 Skatoony Christmas Rabbit 18:00 Timmy Time 18:10 Cricket: The Verdict 23:00 Cricket’s Greatest 00:00 21:00 The Clare Balding Show 22:00 Rugby GEMINI (May 22 - Jun 21) LIBRA (Sept 24 - Oct 23) AQUARIUS (Jan 21 - Feb 19) Europe had ended turned out to crossed the Straits of Gibraltar a slightly lesser number in with the scant political gains December 1942 and Joshua elsewhere and, as a result, The struggles surrounding in the subsequent report of picture! He stated that of due partly to lack of food 20:00 World News Today; Weather. 20:30 dance troupe’s performance. Chris Parnell Test Cricket 01:00 Test Cricket: The Verdict 02:00 Tonight Extra 22:30 French Ligue 1 Preview 23:00 The wheels of commerce turn bright and smart as The Sun joins Mars and Mercury in Gemini, Leisure and pleasure options can entice you away Nightmares USA. 01:55 The Job Centre. Ally 17:00 Liv & Maddie 17:30 Special 23:00 Chop Socky Sarah & Duck 18:20 Topsy and be an explosive combination. and were housed in camps and Madeira. that had been put in place in the Hassan its fi rst Vice President, by the end of July 1944 6800 the evacuation strengthened the Medical Offi cer on board, 800 persons taken, 100 had (especially hot food) and cold. 02:50 Grayson Perry: Who Are You? 03:45 Top of the Pops: 1980. 21:00 Wild Arabia. guest stars. 22:30 The Inbetweeners. 23:00 I Didn’t Do It 17:55 Access All Chooks 00:00 Robotboy 01:00 Tim 18:30 Boj 18:40 Dipdap Cricket’s Greatest 03:00 Test Cricket 04:00 Test Bundesliga Preview 23:30 NBA Action 00:00 Road the Sun powers into Gemini today. And even though enhancing any intellectual pursuits and encouraging from serious goals and ambitions. However, you’ll also fi nd that adopting a creative approach to evacuees were moved from the sense of nationhood and Dr. J J Giraldi. Meanwhile, the Damned Designs: Don’t Demolish My Home. 22:00 Britain’s Deadliest Rail Disaster: Gogglebox. 00:05 The Big Bang Theory. Areas: Music 18:00 Ardy’s Pre- Cartoon Cartoons 02:55 Chop 18:45 The Adventures of Abney Cricket: The Verdict 05:00 Cricket Classics to Rio 00:30 UFC Countdown 187 01:30 UFC: delays are currently possible, it’s worthwhile forging you to look into ideas and subjects of interest. If you The outbreak of the Second other accommodation scattered The bulk of the evacuees were inter-war years. taking over from Risso after been allotted to cabins, the Some of the evacuees, owing to Show Party Socky Chooks & Teal Beyond The Octagon 02:00 NBA Countdown 03:00 ahead with agreements and the discussion of plans. follow your inclinations you could end up far from your job or other business matters can bring more World War and the subsequent over nine towns. The fall of moved to London at the same The effect of this was to remove the former went to head the London to Northern Ireland of common interests of the Gibraltar Chronicle of Friday, rest having to travel on troop worry, had not been eating well Sky Sports 3 Live NBA 05:30 World of Athletics See the coming weeks as a time of trial and error your starting point, yet deeply intrigued by what you success - perhaps quickly too. One relationship in which you’re discovering what works and what fi nd. Something new and exciting can motivate you could develop, though patience may be necessary. evacuation of Gibraltarians France and the sinking of the time as the Battle of Britain the only outlet that existed for Gibraltar Confederation of where they were housed in 17 people of Gibraltar. This 24th. May, 1940, tried to make decks. The ventilation of prior to embarkation and once Including at: 09:00 Great Run Series 09:30 British Eurosport doesn’t. the most, Libra. Think long-term, Aquarius. served as a catalyst to the French fl eet by the British was underway. This prompted the expression of local political Labour. The social issues that hutted camps in County Down, was happening all over the light of the problems involved, these quarters had been quite on board had had very little. Athletics 10:00 Incycle 10:30 Great Run Series demands for greater political placed the evacuees in hostile complaints from Gibraltar that County Antrim and County Empire in different ways. In no doubt in an attempt to effi cient and the atmosphere In addition, some people had 11:00 Bass Fishing 12:00 Racing News 12:30 Including at: 09:30 Cycling: Giro d’Italia 10:30 views. Many of the wealthier the Association faced were a CANCER (Jun 22 - July 23) SCORPIO (Oct 24 - Nov 23) PISCES (Feb 20 - Mar 20) and constitutional reform which Londonderry. Gibraltar the whole evacuation maintain the morale of those did not become unpleasant Great Run Series 13:00 Boots ’n’ All 14:00 Max Superbikes: MotoAmerica 12:00 Cycling: Tour You might accomplish more by planning on doing It’s full steam ahead regarding business, buying, A family member or your sweetheart may have territory almost overnight. the evacuees should be moved elements who had monopolised consequence of the War and of tied their blankets with their Power 15:00 Sports Unlimited 16:00 Watersports Series 13:15 Cycling: Giro d’Italia 14:15 Live less. Success now depends on setting a realistic selling and creative projects too. Even though a brilliant idea, one that you’ll latch onto with followed. Under pressure from the men to a safer part of the United political life in Gibraltar had the separation of families. The Both at home and abroad, experience was therefore loaded yet to be evacuated and of those until the next morning at belongings so that they could World 17:00 WWE: Raw 19:00 ATP Tour Cycling: Giro Extra 14:30 Live Cycling: Giro d’Italia agenda and not attempting to fi t too much into Mercury’s rewind phase can cause disruptions, pleasure if it helps you get a handle on an issue or In Gibraltar the possibility of left behind on the Rock, the Kingdom. In the same way left. The discontent engendered evacuation served as a spur to Gibraltarians quickly learned with political signifi cance. who would have to stay behind. about 4am., when it was not get at them when they were Uncovered 19:30 Barclays Premier League World 17:30 Live Cycling: Giro Extra 17:45 Triathlon it. Even so, some rushing around may prove this could still be a fruitful time to do research and a challenge. It may also help to say no to someone mass evacuation of civilians had evacuees were allowed to return the dangers posed to Atlantic by the evacuation was that organised action produced The Gibraltarians had come of Over 900 evacuees belonging markedly ‘heavy’, the place most needed. 20:00 Super League Gold 20:30 Live First Utility 18:15 Athletics 19:45 French Open Tennis 20:00 unavoidable. A developing Gemini focus suggests a discover what’s possible. Despite this, someone who keeps invading your space. It’s probably best the men left behind in Gibraltar Super League 23:15 The World Rugby Show 23:45 ITU World Triathlon Series 21:00 Cycling: Giro busy mind, which can be calmed by quiet refl ection might not be telling the whole story, so be careful to be honest now rather than say nothing and regret been on the cards as soon as the to Gibraltar and by 13 July the convoys by German U-boats led harnessed by the Association to push for the welfare of their results. Everyone understood age. to Group A of the City then being thoroughly messed During the night the Medical WWE Main Event 00:45 WWE: Late Night – Raw d’Italia 22:30 Cycling 23:00 Cycling: Tour Series or some mindfulness. who you put your trust in today. it later. war broke out. It accentuated re-evacuation was complete. For to demands that the crossing of for the Advancement of Civil loved ones and for their return Council Scheme, consisting by vomited matter and Offi cer had had to attend 02:45 ATP Tour Uncovered 03:15 First Utility Super 00:15 Cycling: Giro d’Italia 01:15 French Open League 04:15 Super League Gold Tennis 01:30 Close Thursday’s Birthday Luck: Happy Birthday! Being aware of your place in the world is essential. In your case life is more fulfi lled and comfortable if you have a after Mussolini allied Italy the then Governor they were Gibraltarians to Jamaica should Rights (AACR) which was to Gibraltar. It also moved the of women and children under evacuations of children. The to between 200 and 300 partner. Sometimes you may wish to deny this. Get this area of your life right and all else works. with Germany and opened no more than “useless mouths” cease. formed at the end of 1942. Association fi rmly into the fourteen years of age, and a sanitary arrangements had cases, some requiring the a new theatre of war in the who would place extra logistic It was evident already, at The men behind the movement, political arena with demands few elderly and infi rm persons been good and close at hand, administration of medicines. Mediterranean. It was the fear demands on the garrison whilst this very early stage, that Joshua Hassan, Albert Risso for increased self-government left Gibraltar on Wednesday but by early morning most Such, then, was ‘the great VAX Steam Cleaner that Spain would join the Axis seriously retarding the work of the evacuation had taught and others were moved both once the War in Europe was evening for Casablanca by the children had been too sick to adventure’ described by the VAX and attack Gibraltar that revived preparing the Rock’s defences. the people of Gibraltar how by their concerns for their over. ss Mohamed Ali Kebir, which ask for, or go to the lavatories Gibraltar Chronicle! There the plans to evacuate the civilian The trauma of this fi rst to organise themselves. This absent compatriots and by The evacuees in London, had been chartered by His provided. were to be many more over Carlos Galaxy population. evacuation was a profoundly was a hugely signifi cant social issues in general. Madeira and Jamaica also Majesty’s Government for that The evacuees, continued the the ensuing weeks. Nor was When the unsuspecting unpleasant experience for the development and something In fact, the movement’s became organised. They formed purpose. The Mohamed Ali report, had come on board the ordeal over once the ship Bagless Gibraltarians were told in mid- evacuees and for those who that had happened through Constitution initially ruled themselves into committees in Kebir arrived at Casablanca rather tired and in low spirits. had berthed at Casablanca, for

87-89 Main Street 175 Main Street memorabilia in aid of cancer charities. May 1940 that those who could remained on the Rock. The necessity and through force of out its involvement in political order to campaign for improved early on Thursday morning. They had apparently been kept this contingent was destined

afford it should make their own anger and resentment that built circumstances rather than by and religious issues. This non- living conditions. For example, evacuation Pictures by courtesy of Joe Gingell’s Cheers and greeting were on the quay for about three for Rabat and this entailed a Tel: 20078841 Cleaner Tel: 20045296 arrangements to leave Gibraltar, up was tempered only by the choice. It was refl ected in the political clause was revoked in London there were all MADEIRA: Mrs O Olivero is in the picture but the rest of the exchanged between those on hours. From the start some further hour’s journey by train. the writing was on the wall. sense of patriotism and of duty uncompromising criticism of within fi ve months! sorts of wrangles between people have not been identifi ed. Can you name them? the ship and friends ashore people had refused to go down Part three tomorrow 21/05/2015 6/7 Thursday 21st May, 2015 GIBRALTAR CHRONICLE 13

And so the journey begins Today the Chronicle continues the journey the evacuees would take, fi rst suggested in a notice carried in the newspaper in May 17. By kind permission of Tommy Finlayson, we publish the next passage from his book ‘The Fortress Came First,’on the key dates. Part Two - the fi rst evacuees. LONDON: Children of Class III 1943 of St Patrick School near Warren Street Tube Station at the end of Tottenham Court Road. The tall girl at the back is Dolores Vila (later Mrs Bosano). Extracts from ‘The Fortress Came First’ by Tommy Finlayson these committees and the that when the answer from management of different hotels London was “No”, you simply where the Gibraltarians were continued knocking at the he uncertainties over, the as the steamer left the wharf. billeted. This included rows closed door again and again process of evacuating Certainly the younger element over the wish of the evacuees until the answer became “Yes”. Tcivilians from Gibraltar regarded the evacuation as to cook Mediterranean food in The evacuation also served to fi nally got under way on a great adventure and for their rooms and the continuing cement together the identity of Tuesday, 21st. May, 1940. many of them it was their fi rst efforts by hotel managers to the Gibraltarians in a different Matters were to proceed very experience of travel. Lorries stop them. way. Uprooted and transplanted rapidly over the ensuing few were provided by the City Petitions and complaints were to London, over 13,000 people weeks: sometimes too rapidly Council for the conveyance to the decks and had loitered also common at Camp Gibraltar realised that while they were for those who had to make the of the belongings of evacuees about the promenades. They in Jamaica. At one point, the British, they were certainly not reception arrangements at the from convenient points to the had been down and stated that evacuees called for the removal English in their culture or in other end! wharf in the Dockyard. they could not stand it. As of the Commander of Camp their outlook. This came as a On Tuesday, 21st. May, 1940, The evacuees appeared to have the boat left the quay there Gibraltar whose strict discipline shock to many at fi rst and there the s.s. Gibel Dersa, a vessel of carried out the instructions had been a few hysterical they blamed for the unrest. are records of evacuees writing 1,226 gross tons employed in issued by the ARP organisation fi ts and other expressions As news of these complaints back home to their families on the Gibraltar-Tangier service, to whom the detailed work was of emotionalism. (The reached Gibraltar, it fuelled the the Rock making this precise set out from Gibraltar bound delegated, and embarkation “cheers and greetings” of the discontent amongst those who point. It was about food, about for Casablanca. On board arrangements worked Chronicle report!). were left behind. traditions, about lifestyle and were Mr. Charles Gaggero, a satisfactorily. The thirteen hour journey There was also a constant about culture – even about the medical offi cer and control It should be remembered that must have been a nightmarish exchange of letters between weather! There is no doubt staff, including Police, and in the carrying out of a large experience. Six hours after thousands of evacuees and that being away from Gibraltar several hundred persons scheme of this nature, some leaving port about ninety per their menfolk on the Rock. served as a spur to bring the (328 adults and 166 children) hardship to individuals cannot cent of the evacuees had been This was fertile ground for the Gibraltarian identity to the who could be classifi ed as be avoided, particularly in view seasick and from midnight AACR who became the focus fore. independent evacuees: i.e. in of the short time available. A until about 6am. there had for this dissatisfaction and Yet the signifi cance of the a position to pay for their own few of the inconveniences of been a continuous demand who effectively channelled this evacuation was more than just passages and to arrange their the fi rst day will doubtless for medical attention. The unrest. The surrender of Italy about a small colonial people own accommodation. be averted in the light of the two midwife nurses had also in September 1943 increased sharing a traumatic experience. Those not in such a fortunate experience gained in the initial gone sick and the aid of the the pressure on the colonial The records show that were it position set out the following stages. three special constables on Government to repatriate the not for the AACR, the organised day, Wednesday 22nd. May, Three days later, the same board and their offi cer had had evacuees and in April 1944 the campaigns, the committees, the on board the Mohamed Ali periodical stated that to be enlisted. In addition to fi rst group of 1367 arrived in letter-writing, the protests and Kebir. This fi rst contingent according to those in a position their own duties, these men Gibraltar directly from the the petitions we may not even of Government evacuees to judge, the fi rst embarkation had had to carry people from United Kingdom. The second have had the Gibraltar that we comprised 950 women and went off most satisfactorily, troop-decks to the fresh air batch of over 3000 arrived in know today. There were those children and a few old men. and the greatest credit is due and others who had fainted August. in London at the time who They came under Category A to the City Council and its in the open and were chilled In May, the fi rst group of argued that they should take of the City Council Scheme: ARP organisation, and others had to be carried below. Not repatriates left Madeira. advantage of the evacuation i.e. women and children under responsible, not overlooking surprisingly, these men were When the fl ying-bombs made of the civilian population to the age of fourteen. It is the evacuees themselves for overtaxed to the point of their appearance in the skies keep the evacuees away from not diffi cult to imagine the their orderly and cheerful exhaustion. over London, a number of Gibraltar permanently. We owe anxiety suffered by these behaviour. Apart from sickness due to evacuee centres were hit and a great debt to the evacuation souls and the relatives whom The report of the Medical the ship’s movements there six casualties resulted. On generation whose relentless they had to leave behind so Offi cer on board the Mohamed had been a series of cases of the Rock there was a call for campaigning made sure that suddenly, and the effects of Ali Kebir on that fateful day collapse. The Medical Offi cer the Gibraltarians to be moved this did not happen. this were to become apparent paints a rather different attributed this to exhaustion elsewhere and, as a result, The struggles surrounding in the subsequent report of picture! He stated that of due partly to lack of food by the end of July 1944 6800 the evacuation strengthened the Medical Offi cer on board, 800 persons taken, 100 had (especially hot food) and cold. evacuees were moved from the sense of nationhood and Dr. J J Giraldi. Meanwhile, the been allotted to cabins, the Some of the evacuees, owing to London to Northern Ireland of common interests of the Gibraltar Chronicle of Friday, rest having to travel on troop worry, had not been eating well where they were housed in 17 people of Gibraltar. This 24th. May, 1940, tried to make decks. The ventilation of prior to embarkation and once hutted camps in County Down, was happening all over the light of the problems involved, these quarters had been quite on board had had very little. County Antrim and County Empire in different ways. In no doubt in an attempt to effi cient and the atmosphere In addition, some people had Londonderry. Gibraltar the whole evacuation maintain the morale of those did not become unpleasant tied their blankets with their Both at home and abroad, experience was therefore loaded yet to be evacuated and of those until the next morning at belongings so that they could Gibraltarians quickly learned with political signifi cance. who would have to stay behind. about 4am., when it was not get at them when they were that organised action produced The Gibraltarians had come of Over 900 evacuees belonging markedly ‘heavy’, the place most needed. results. Everyone understood age. to Group A of the City then being thoroughly messed During the night the Medical Council Scheme, consisting by vomited matter and Offi cer had had to attend of women and children under evacuations of children. The to between 200 and 300 fourteen years of age, and a sanitary arrangements had cases, some requiring the few elderly and infi rm persons been good and close at hand, administration of medicines. left Gibraltar on Wednesday but by early morning most Such, then, was ‘the great evening for Casablanca by the children had been too sick to adventure’ described by the ss Mohamed Ali Kebir, which ask for, or go to the lavatories Gibraltar Chronicle! There had been chartered by His provided. were to be many more over Majesty’s Government for that The evacuees, continued the the ensuing weeks. Nor was purpose. The Mohamed Ali report, had come on board the ordeal over once the ship Kebir arrived at Casablanca rather tired and in low spirits. had berthed at Casablanca, for memorabilia in aid of cancer charities. early on Thursday morning. They had apparently been kept this contingent was destined

Pictures by courtesy of Joe Gingell’s evacuation Pictures by courtesy of Joe Gingell’s Cheers and greeting were on the quay for about three for Rabat and this entailed a MADEIRA: Mrs O Olivero is in the picture but the rest of the exchanged between those on hours. From the start some further hour’s journey by train. people have not been identifi ed. Can you name them? the ship and friends ashore people had refused to go down Part three tomorrow 21/05/2015 7/7