INSIDE:  Euro-Maidan not satisfi ed with pace of reforms – page 4  Fear rife among ’s Tatar population – page 5  Ruslana honored by U.S. secretary of state – page 10

ThePublished U by thekrainian Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal W non-profit associationeekly Vol. LXXXII No. 11 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 $1/$2 in

G-7 tells to stop ‘annexation’ Th ousands in Washington protest of Crimea or face action against Russian aggression RFE/RL Leaders of the G-7 group of advanced economies told Russia on March 12 it risked facing international action unless it stops its moves toward the “annexation” of Crimea, as U.S. President Barack Obama prepared to host Ukraine’s prime minister at the White House. A statement from the seven nations released from the White House says a referendum on joining Russia, sched- uled for this weekend, “would have no legal effect” and they won’t recognize its results. It said Russia must “cease all efforts to change the status of Crimea.” Credit The statement from the leaders of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Britain and the United States – along Yaro Bihun with the European Council and the Protesters gather in front of the White House to condemn Russian aggression in Crimea and Ukraine. European Commission – said “further action, individually and collectively,” by Matthew Dubas across New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, Archbishop Stefan Soroka of the Ukrainian will be taken against Russia if it pro- Maryland and the surrounding Washington Catholic Church and Bishop Daniel of the ceeds with what it called the “annexa- WASHINGTON – More than 2,000 people area, were Crimean Tatars, Poles, Estonians, Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the U.S.A., tion” of Crimea. gathered on March 6 in front of the White Lithuanians, Latvians, Turks, Circassians, who were joined by clergy from both the The statement did not elaborate on House in Washington, D.C., at the residence Hungarians, Czechs, Slovaks, Georgians and, Orthodox and Catholic Churches. “Let none the nature of the action Russia was fac- of the president of the United States of of course, Ukrainians. surrender to evil and mistrust,” they ing. But earlier on March 12, European America, Barack Obama, to protest against The protest, which ran from 1 p.m. to prayed, asking for prayers for Ukraine’s Commission President Jose Manuel the Russian invasion of Crimea and approximately 3:30 p.m., was organized by oppressors who are “lost souls.” Prayers Barroso told the European Parliament President ’s violation of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of were offered also for the human sacrifices in Strasbourg that such action would international laws. America (UCCA). of those in Ukraine, who, through their have “far-reaching” effects. Among the protesters, who came by the Following the singing of the Ukrainian, demonstration on the Maidan, showed “no “If meaningful negotiations do not busload from Chicago, Detroit, Cleveland, U.S. and Crimean national anthems, an begin within the next days and produce Pittsburgh, Philadelphia, Boston and from opening prayer was led by Metropolitan- (Continued on page 11) results within a limited time frame, this will trigger additional measures,” Mr. Barroso said. “And a further deteriora- tion of the situation could lead to far- reaching consequences, which, I sin- Ukraine presses its case at the United Nations cerely hope, can be avoided.” Mr. Barroso also said the 28-nation by Roma Hadzewycz news conference on March 7, have been bloc will discuss next week an addi- recognized by the U.N. Security Council as NEW YORK – Since Russian forces invad- tional $1.39 billion in assistance for acts of aggression under the provisions of ed Ukraine’s Crimean peninsula on Ukraine. U.N. Resolution 3314 (adopted in 1974), February 28, Ukraine has been the topic of Meanwhile, German Chancellor which defined aggression. Ambassador five meetings in the course of 10 days of the Angela Merkel said on March 12 that Sergeyev noted that 14 of the 15 members United Nations Security Council. The num- the political part of a key agreement of the Security Council agree that Russia ber of Russian troops in Crimea has since between Ukraine and the European has violated the U.N. Charter, as well as the grown to 30,000, according to Ambassador Union could be signed as early as next principles of the Security Council. Russia, of Yuriy Sergeyev, Ukraine’s envoy to the U.N. week. Speaking after talks in Warsaw course, is the lone holdout and, since it is Yet another meeting of the Security Council with Polish Prime Minister Donald one of the five permanent members of the was scheduled for the afternoon of March 13 Tusk, Merkel said the Association Security Council, it holds veto power. as Prime Minister was to Agreement would be signed “probably Furthermore, Mr. Sergeyev said, Russia is address that body a day after he met with U.S. at the next EU summit” scheduled for telling “bald-faced lies” as it continues President Barack Obama in Washington. March 20-21. toward its goal of taking over Crimea. Such Mr. Sergeyev, whose formal title is Deposed Ukrainian President Viktor lies include references to the Russian- Ambassador Extraordinary and speaking population being threatened and Yanukovych’s sudden decision not to Plenipotentiary, Permanent Representative sign the agreement last November its rights violated; the presence of anti-Sem- of Ukraine to the United Nations, has been at ites and Nazis in the interim government of sparked mass protests that led to the the forefront in pressing Ukraine’s case at toppling of his government and the Ukraine; and statements that refer to the United Nations. In addition, he has been Russian self-defense forces, and not Russian subsequent Russian intervention in presenting Ukraine’s position to numerous Crimea. Roma Hadzewycz military, as being on the ground in Ukraine. news media, giving some 80 interviews in Ambassador Yuriy Sergeyev, Ukraine’s Russia, he explained is employing “the (Continued on page 18) the two weeks since the crisis began. envoy to the United Nations, speaks at a Russia’s actions in Ukraine, he said at a press conference on March 7. (Continued on page 18) 2 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 No. 11


Russian forces in Crimea: Who are they NATO to deploy AWACS Agreement with Ukraine, while also offer- ing Kyiv an economic aid package worth BRUSSELS – NATO will start flying $15 billion over the next few years, amid and where did they come from? AWACS reconnaissance missions over the standoff with Russia over Crimea. In Poland and Romania as part of the alliance’s the Black Sea Fleet, but in Russia just down addition to seeking to prop up Ukraine’s by Ron Synovitz efforts to monitor events in Ukraine. NATO economy, the EU is seeking to apply pres- RFE/RL the coast from Crimea. Also, in the same ambassadors on March 10 endorsed the military command structure... there are sure on to withdraw forces from proposal from the alliance’s top military Crimea. The EU has already canceled nego- There has been much speculation about two special forces brigades and a designat- commander, U.S. Air Force General Philip tiations with Moscow on visa cooperation Russian forces deployed in Crimea since ed airborne division.” Breedlove. A NATO official said the flights and a new trade and investment pact. It is February 28. The West says they’re Russian would “enhance the alliance’s situational What are the limitations for Russian also preparing targeted sanctions including combat troops. Russian President Vladimir awareness.” The official made clear all the forces on the Crimean peninsula under asset freezes and travel bans. (RFE/RL) Putin says they’re just local defense folks. So its Black Sea Fleet agreements with flights “will take place solely over alliance just who are they? This article, dated March territory.” (RFE/RL, based on reporting by Ukraine? World Bank proposes $3 B for Ukraine 4, attempts to answers some pertinent ques- Reuters and Agence France-Presse) tions. Under various agreements between WASHINGTON – The World Bank says it Russia and Ukraine, Russia is allowed to EU offers Kyiv trade benefits is prepared to offer $3 billion to Ukraine How many Russian troops are now keep up to 25,000 troops on the Crimean this year to help it advance reforms and thought to be in Crimea? BRUSSELS – The European Commission Peninsula. Those troops are allowed out- has adopted a proposal to extend unilateral support crucial development projects. Ukrainian authorities have said there side of their bases for operations consid- trade benefits to Ukraine worth nearly 500 Bank President Jim Yong Kim said in are about 16,000 Russian troops in the ered normal to maintaining the facilities. million euros ($693 million) a year. EU Washington on March 10, “We are commit- Crimean Peninsula – with more pouring But there are limitations on deployments – Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso ted to supporting the people of Ukraine in into the country every day by air and by even for training operations. said the move was “a concrete, tangible” these difficult times and very much hope naval ships. [Editor’s note: According to Ukraine’s measure of support for Ukraine after the that the situation in the country stabilizes Independent military analysts agree that Ambassador to the United Nations Yuriy ouster of President Viktor Yanukovych. soon.” The bank said Ukraine’s economy there are at least this many troops in Sergeyev, although Russia is allowed up to Once member states and the European faces some serious challenges that will Crimea. 25,000 troops, each year Russia must noti- Parliament have given their approval, the require “urgent action in the short term,” as Tim Ripley, from Jane’s Defence Weekly, fy Ukraine’s authorities in advance about decision will unilaterally remove or reduce well as sustained reform over the longer says most reports suggest about 6,000 to the number of troops that will be based in import duties on a wide range of agricultur- term. It mentioned key priorities of restor- 7,000 Russian troops have freshly deployed Crimea for the coming year. In December al and other goods. European Trade ing macroeconomic stability, shoring up to Crimea since February 28 when the 2013, Russia said there would be 11,000 Commissioner Karel De Gucht said the tax the country’s banks, reforms to the energy intervention began. troops in Crimea for 2014. Speaking with breaks would run until at least November 1 sector and “seriously tackling corruption.” Mr. Ripley says the normal Russian journalists in New York on March 7, this year, by which time the European The $3 billion for 2014 would be in addi- troop level at Black Sea Fleet facilities in Ambassador Sergeyev said there were now Union expects to have signed a full free- tion to an ongoing multiyear World Bank investment and guarantee program in Crimea historically has been about 11,000. 30,000 troops in Crimea.] trade agreement with Ukraine. “This unilat- Ukraine totaling about $3.7 billion that But most are seamen or support personnel Under any interpretation, surrounding eral system is not a substitute for the deep supports development of crucial infrastruc- – not the kind of ground combat forces that Ukrainian military bases in the Crimea is and comprehensive free trade-area that ture services including water supply, sani- have fanned out on the Crimean Peninsula. seen as an overt offensive activity, regard- from the outset we have proposed to tation, power and roads. (RFE/RL, based One exception is about 2,000 members less of whether shots are fired, and appears Ukraine. The EU-Ukraine complete trade on reporting by Agence France-Presse and of Russia’s 810th Marines Infantry Brigade, to violate the terms of their basing agree- deal is still the goal. In the medium and long Deutsche Presse-Agentur) which is attached to the Black Sea Fleet and ments. term, only the complete trade deal will has been identified at some Russian mili- modernize Ukraine’s economy, provide it Is there any evidence that Russian Kyrgyzstan: Yanukovych not president tary blockades in Crimea. with new lease on life and build the trade private security firms have engaged in ties to Europe that offer a brighter econom- BISHKEK – Kyrgyzstan’s Foreign Affairs What do we know about the freshly operations with Russian military forc- ic and stable future for all Ukrainians,” Mr. Ministry says ousted Ukrainian President deployed Russian forces in Crimea? es? De Gucht said. He explained that the pro- Viktor Yanukovych cannot be considered The bulk of freshly deployed Russian Mr. Ripley says security camera footage posal includes safeguards to prevent “abuse the legitimate leader of the country. In a combat troops in Crimea appear to have of the seizure of the Crimean Parliament by from third countries,” therefore, it includes statement issued on March 11, the ministry “certain conditions to prevent abuse from come directly from Russia – rather than uniformed pro-Russian gunmen is the most said the current crisis in Ukraine was third countries. So, if Russian products already being based at Black Sea Fleet facil- interesting evidence of Russian private caused by corruption and wrong decisions would come through Crimea to Europe, of ities there. security firms playing a role. by the former authorities of that country course they would be excluded. But if they Mr. Ripley says that assessment is sup- “You saw some really fit athletic guys when Mr. Yanukovych was president. “The are products from Crimea as such, they ported by increased air and naval activity with quite extensive military equipment – only source of power in any country is its would benefit from cuts in tariffs.” The EU people, and a president who lost his peo- from Russia. assault rifles, rocket-propelled grenades – has already decided to “immediately” sign “Crimea is isolated by land from Russia and they were carrying big [containers] full the political chapters of an Association (Continued on page 12) by the mainland of Ukraine,” he said. “So all of spare ammunition and spare rockets,” he of these troops have had to come by air or said. “They had on identification tape so by ship from Russia. There seems to be a they could recognize each other in the dark. constant stream of aircraft flying in. The These were pretty well-organized guys. But have control of a number of air they weren’t in the same uniforms as the The Ukrainian Weekly FOUNDED 1933 bases in Ukraine which they have to sup- Russian troops that we saw blockading the port their fleet. And also, they have seized a Ukrainian bases, which suggests that [some An English-language newspaper published by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., ferry port in the east of Crimea, which is of them were] contractors. The best a non-profit association, at 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. only a couple of miles across the straits to description I’ve had of them is that they are Yearly subscription rate: $90; for UNA members — $80. the Kuban [region] in Russia. So they have former Russian special forces who have set Periodicals postage paid at Caldwell, NJ 07006 and additional mailing offices. been shuttling ships full of troops and vehi- themselves up in the private sector. Many of (ISSN — 0273-9348) cles into the Crimea from there. A couple of them work under contract to companies The Weekly: UNA: units have been identified as being in that have close links to Russian oligarchs Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 644-9510 Tel: (973) 292-9800; Fax: (973) 292-0900 Russia’s special forces rapid reaction air- who, of course, have close links to the borne forces from around Moscow.” Russian president. So we see a [Russian] Postmaster, send address changes to: Christopher Langton, director of state-private sector synergy there.” The Ukrainian Weekly Editor-in-chief: Roma Hadzewycz London-based Independent Conflict Mr. Langton points out that much work 2200 Route 10 Editor: Matthew Dubas Research and Analysis, suggests most of appears to have been done before Russia’s P.O. Box 280 the recent deployments are from Russia’s intervention to raise small local units Parsippany, NJ 07054 e-mail: [email protected] Southern Military Command, headquar- among Crimea’s ethnic Russians that could tered in Rostov-on-Don. be activated in times of tension. The Ukrainian Weekly Archive: “If we look at those uniforms, most of He says that could have been done them seem to be, from what can be seen, through Russia’s private military sector or The Ukrainian Weekly, March 16, 2014, No. 11, Vol. LXXXII brand new,” Mr. Langton said. ”There is no by trained special-force operators working Copyright © 2014 The Ukrainian Weekly insignia. This is a tried and tested [Russian] in Crimea. practice in, for instance, the August war in Georgia in 2008. When Russian peacekeep- Copyright 2014, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted ADMINISTRATION OF THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY AND SVOBODA ers were used to move into Georgia proper, with the permission of Radio Free Europe/ they changed their uniforms. They put Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, Walter Honcharyk, administrator (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 and advertising manager fax: (973) 644-9510 away their peacekeeping insignia, etc. Now Washington DC 20036; (see e-mail: [email protected] what are the options? There is a naval Subscription Department (973) 292-9800, ext. 3040 infantry brigade – these are highly trained es-in-crimea–who-are-they-and-where-did- e-mail: [email protected] commandos – at Novorossiisk, also part of they-come-from/25285238.html). No. 11 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 3 NEWS ANALYSIS: Russia wags the dog with Ukraine disinformation campaign by Robert Coalson Ukraine into Russia since the beginning of the year. tographs closely, use search engines to access publicly avail- RFE/RL However, the U.N.’s High Commissioner on Refugees says it able information and make phone calls. He sees what is going has seen no evidence of unusual migration on the border. on as more than just unprofessional or jingoistic journalism. “I Getting the real story of what is going on in Ukraine is Ukrainian bloggers uncovered the fact that Russian really feel there is some sort of campaign to show what is hard enough. And the Russian media seems intent on mak- media illustrated their reports with an undated photo- going on in Ukraine in an absolutely different way,” he says. ing it even harder. graph that was actually taken at the Shehyni border cross- Blogger Ms. Fitzpatrick says that the Russian media- With Russian forces controlling Crimea and with ing between Ukraine and Poland. spin machine has met with considerable resistance from Moscow contemplating further military action in Ukraine, Other stories have a basis in fact, but are unjustifiably sites like Fake Control and “We’ve gotten to Russian media and leading political figures have been shrill spun by Russian media accounts. For instance, on the night the point where they can orchestrate these planted in their denunciations of “fascists” in Kyiv and their claims of February 27-28, unknown vandals defaced a synagogue rumors, but citizen journalists have gotten pretty savvy, so of anti-Semitic incidents, of attacks on ethnic Russians in in Symferopol. there is a kind of counternarrative where people – they the eastern reaches of Ukraine, and of floods of belea- Russian media blankly reported this as an anti-Semitic film the buses with the Russian license plates, they film the guered refugees streaming across the border into Russia. attack by the ultranationalist group, although troops that have the Russian arms that only Russian units But much of this information is demonstrably false, Right Sector denied it and the local Jewish community have, and the story begins to unravel,” she says. “And, I emerging from unsourced media reports, then making its leader Oleksandr Hendin told RFE/RL: “I don’t think it was don’t know, maybe that’s part of what is making the way into the statements of Russian politicians, and even Right Sector. I think someone did this using their logo in Kremlin propaganda mills work overtime and get even into Western media reports. Events are echoing the 1997 order to destabilize Crimea.” more bizarre. Because they are facing a pretty sturdy citi- U.S. film “Wag the Dog,” in which spin-doctors use the Ukraine’s chief rabbi, Yaakov Dov Bleich, said on March zens’ journalist corps.” media to whip up support for a nonexistent war. 4 that the main threat to Ukrainian Jews was “provoca- “This is how wars get started. As they say, ‘truth is the tions” staged by Russia, saying it’s “the same way the Nazis Flood of disinformation first casualty of war’ and we are really seeing that with the did when they wanted to go into Austria and [they] created Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, in comments to way Russia is handling this,” says Catherine Fitzpatrick, a provocations.” Interfax on March 5, said that photographs of military vehi- writer and translator who has been live-blogging events in Fighting the spin machine cles in Crimea with Russian license plates were “complete Ukraine for “I think they are really crap” and a provocation. He repeated the official Russian irresponsible. They are inciting a lot of hatred and whip- Ukrainian journalist Oleh Shynkarenko, who has written position that Moscow does not know where the armed ping up a lot of panic. People in places like Kharkiv are about the efforts of Russia’s “propaganda machine” for troops in Crimea have come from, even as Ukrainian jour- watching Russian TV. They may be watching also local TV,, tells RFE/RL that the campaign has nalists posted a video interview with a soldier who admit- but they are dependent on Russian TV and a lot of it is not two main purposes: “to provoke hatred toward Ukrainians ted he was in the Russian military and cited media reports checking out.” to make Russia go to war with us” and to produce “justifi- as the reason for his presence in Ukraine. Ms. Fitzpatrick adds that everything, from reasons cited cation for aggression,” such as that presented to the U.N. by Journalist: “Why don’t you have any insignias? Where by Russian lawmakers in authorizing President Vladimir Ambassador Churkin. are you from?” Putin to use force to the justifications for it, offered to the Mr. Shynkarenko names Russian television journalist Soldier: “Because that’s the kind of uniforms we have, United Nations Security Council this week by U.N. Dmitry Kiselyov, a rising star of Russian journalism who in without insignias.” Ambassador Vitaly Churkin, has been based on false- December was named to head the Russian state media Journalist: “Are you Ukrainian or Russian?” hoods. conglomerate Rossia Segodnya, as “the most lying” of Soldier: “I’m a Russian soldier.” “The whole premise for the Federation Council’s agree- Russian journalists. Ukraine’s Commission on Journalism Journalist: “A Russian soldier.” ment to give its authorization for the use of force and the Ethics has filed a complaint with Moscow about Mr. Soldier: “Yes.” whole premise being put forth in the U.N. by Ambassador Kiselyov’s inflammatory reports. Second journalist: “What are Russian soldiers doing on Churkin is that they have to intervene to save and protect Serhiy Balbeko is a 25-year-old journalist from Kharkiv Ukrainian territory?” ethnic Russians and Russian speakers, who they fear are in who got fed up with the disinformation and created a web- Soldier: “Because... don’t you watch television?” danger,” she explains. “But they have based this whole site called Fake Control to fight back. “I got the idea to run Some Ukrainians have countered the propaganda with premise on false contentions about attacks.” this project with a few of my friends because we realized humor, such as a widely circulated graphic showing a the amount of disinformation that was coming from media, ‘Creating provocations’ Russian-speaking woman who appeared in at least five dif- from social networks, from news and press and some oth- In his comments at the United Nations, Mr. Churkin also ers,” he explains. (Continued on page 8) cited an alleged attack on the famous Monastery of the Fake Control was one of the first sites to debunk the Caves (Pecherska Lavra) in Kyiv that was widely reported in Ukrainian refugees story and has recently debunked the Russian media. The monastery has said no such attack Russian media claims that Kyiv intends to jail people with took place, and Ms. Fitzpatrick said she was “stunned” to Russian passports and reports that a U.S. aircraft carrier is hear the Russian envoy citing the debunked report. steaming to the Black Sea to attack Crimea. OSCE says situation Russian media also widely reported that more than Mr. Balbeko says his group doesn’t use any special tech- 650,000 Ukrainians have crossed out of southeastern niques to unmask the false reports. They merely examine pho- in Crimea is alarming OSCE FOR THE RECORD KYIV – OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Astrid Thors said on March 6 that she is alarmed about the situation in Crimea. On her return to Kyiv, the representative of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe Canada’s PM comments on situation in Ukraine (OSCE) said: “I am alarmed about the risk of violent On March 3, while in Toronto, Prime Minister Stephen In Ottawa on March 5, Prime Minister Harper issued the conflict on the Crimean peninsula and the effects this Harper of Canada delivered the following remarks on the statement below, announcing additional steps taken by could have on all communities, particularly the troubling situation in Ukraine. Canada. Ukrainian and Crimean Tatar groups.” Ms. Thors said the situation remains precarious. The situation in Ukraine remains extremely serious for Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is a clear violation of inter- “Rash decisions on the future status of Crimea are a global peace and security. Canada and its G-7 partners have national law. major source of tension and expose divisions between spoken with one voice in condemning President Putin’s As such, today I am announcing that we are suspending the peninsula’s communities that have been left unad- military intervention in Ukraine. our participation in the Canada-Russia Intergovernmental dressed for decades. Like the Ukrainian community, We call once again on President Putin to immediately Economic Commission (IEC), established to promote eco- Crimean Tatars have taken a different position to the withdraw his military. President Putin’s actions have put nomic relations between Canada and Russia. majority population, which increases their vulnerabili- his country on a course of diplomatic and economic isola- Also, at Ukraine’s request, Canada, along with a number of ty. Relations between ethnic groups on the peninsula tion that could well see Russia exit the G-8 entirely. other member countries of the Organization for Security and are characterized by a growing climate of fear,” she Canada has suspended our engagement in preparations Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), will participate in an impor- said. for the G-8 Summit planned in Sochi. We have also recalled tant military observer mission, which has been formed to “I remind the authorities in effective control of the our ambassador to Russia, cancelled any government repre- report on military activities in the Crimean peninsula. Crimean peninsula that they are obliged to ensure sentation at the Paralympic Games, and I’ve instructed offi- Canada is contributing two military observers who are security and respect for human rights, including cials to review all planned bilateral interaction with Russia. deploying to Ukraine now. minority rights, for all those present on the territory, I would also note the resolution put before Parliament And at the request of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine, regardless of whether they are of Russian, Ukrainian today and encourage its immediate passage by all political we will freeze the assets of members of the Yanukovych or Crimean Tatar or other origin.” parties. regime. “There is a real risk of bloodshed. All decisions on We will continue to work closely with our G-7 partners Our actions with respect to the IEC, the freezing of essential issues, such as the status of Crimea, lan- and our allies. assets of corrupt Ukrainian officials held in Canada, and guage policy or national minority policy, must be I’ve also spoken today with the prime minister of our involvement in the OSCE mission are further examples taken in dialogue with all parties and be consistent Ukraine, and I’ve said the following to the people of Ukraine of our support for Ukraine and our goal of stabilizing the on behalf of Canadians: Canada pledges ongoing friendship with international law,” said Ms. Thors. tense situation in Crimea. During her visit to Kyiv and Crimea, the high com- and steadfast support for your efforts to defend your sover- President Putin must now immediately withdraw his eignty, and to restore economic and political stability. missioner found no evidence of violations or threats forces to their bases and refrain from further provocative to the rights of Russian speakers. * * * and dangerous actions. 4 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 No. 11 Euro-Maidan not satisfied with pace of reforms by Zenon Zawada Yet, Euro-Maidan civic leaders aren’t conference at which he announced its lead- impressed, asserting the reforms are only er, Dmytro Yarosh, will compete for the KYIV – At first glance, the interim gov- window-dressing for corrupt politicians, presidency in May. ernment that emerged in late February who are back to business as usual. In terms “The state apparatus is towing forward appears to be the force for reform that had of the Berkut, none have been arrested and at full speed and that’s unacceptable for us. been hoped for by the Euro-Maidan protest many are now serving the Russian-backed We won’t stop at our gains because for us a movement. Crimean government. revolution isn’t a change in surnames and Internal Affairs Minister Former Kharkiv State Oblast name plates in offices, but a full reset of eliminated the Berkut special forces divi- Administration Chair Mykhailo Dobkin has government and a full change in the system sion responsible for terror and murder. been placed under house arrest, but only in this country,” Mr. Tarasenko said. Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk on for his calls to split Ukraine. Neither he nor When the Parliament did seek to amend February 27 ordered an end to cars (about other politicians have been charged with legislation, it was counterproductive, such 3,000) and perks for state officials. He flew corruption offenses. The lone exception is as the Svoboda nationalist party’s initiative to Brussels on March 5 on economy class former Ukrainian President Viktor leading parliament on February 23 to instead of a charter flight. Yanukovych, who fled the country. repeal the controversial language law of “I have been flying that way since my Legislation has yet to surface to amend 2012. Drawing widespread criticism for days as foreign minister and parliamentary the oppressive tax code that sparked the further inflaming ethnic tensions, speaker, so there’s nothing new here,” Mr. 2010 tax protests on the Maidan, or to Chair and acting President Yatsenyuk said at a March 7 press confer- reform state organs, which are reportedly announced on March ence, calling the approach, “Economy class being filled with corrupt politicians, some 3 that he wouldn’t sign the repeal. in an economy country.” of whom are from the Orange era and some But the appointment of corrupt politi- “And that’s how all the Cabinet of even drawn from the Yanukovych adminis- cians has been of particular disappointment Ministers members are going to fly because tration, critics said. to Euro-Maidan activists, such as former in Ukraine, about 70 percent of the people “We understand that no reset has Internal Affairs Minister Yurii Lutsenko, live below the poverty level. Only those occurred. Only the names have changed,” leader of the Third Ukrainian Republic civic who are simply insolent towards their own Andrii Tarasenko, the head of Kyiv’s Pravyi movement. people can fly on charter planes,” he added. Sektor organization, told a March 7 press “These appointments don’t stabilize the

Dmitry Chigrin Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk speaks on his cellphone as he waits for an economy-class flight to Brussels at Boryspil International Airport on March 5. He called the approach, “Economy class for an economy country.” power structure and don’t lead to new standards in the activity of the Ukrainian government,” he told Hromadske TV in a March 10 interview. “The amount of dis- graceful appointments is over the top. They need to be stopped immediately.” Among the more shocking appoint- ments by Mr. Turchynov was that of Mykhailo Bolotskykh on March 3 to lead the Luhansk State Oblast Administration, which is the regional representative organ of the Presidential Administration. Serving as the head of the State Emergency Situations Service of Ukraine, he provided tents, mobile kitchens and food to the Anti-Maidan protests organized by the Yanukovych administration, all at the state’s expense, reported Iryna Gerashchenko, a national deputy with the Ukrainian Democratic Alliance for Reform (UDAR). “Instead of being appointed to such a high position, this person should be testify- ing and sitting behind bars,” said Anatoliy Grytsenko (who also uses the spelling Hrytsenko), a former defense minister. “On December 10 and 11, before my eyes at the barricades on the side of Mykhailivska [Street], when the Internal Army forced out peaceful citizens and then provided a corri- dor for the Berkut, after them came the so- called ‘psychologists’ of the Emergency Situations Ministry, as written on their backs. They went and crushed the barri- cades, causing people to fall and break their arms and legs. Bolotskykh did all that.” Incidentally, an attempt was made on March 9 to make Mr. Bolotskykh resign by signing a statement. Yet it was done by an estimated 3,000 pro-Russian separatists, who stormed and took control of the administration building, rather than Euro- Maidan activists, several dozens of whom were beaten by the chauvinists. The separatists couldn’t care less that Mr. Bolotskykh was supported by Mr. Yanukovych, said Petro Oleshchuk, a political science lecturer at Taras Shevchenko State University in Kyiv. They had the task of creat- ing a vacuum in the local government as a for- mal pretext for Russian intervention, he said. “Yanukovych is not an authority for

(Continued on page 14) No. 11 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 5 Fear rife among Crimea’s minority Tatar population

by Ron Synovitz, Dilewer Osman The Muslim indigenous Tatars of Crimea both of Nurie’s parents had died in al referendum on the issue on March 16. and Nail Khisamiev have historical experiences to justify their Uzbekistan. “They deported us once. They also RFE/RL fears – especially since Russian forces were When Nurie arrived in Bakhchysarai, the deported the Chechens, and they deported deployed on the peninsula on February 28. historic seat of the Crimean Tatar Khanate us. We don’t trust them. Ukraine has been BAKHCHYSARAI, Ukraine – Nurie, a It is within living memory of Crimea’s in the 1500s, she found that most Tatar helping us. Not much, but still, it was help,” 48-year-old Tatar woman in the central oldest generation that Moscow ordered homes vacated by the mass deportations of Server said. Crimean town of Bakhchysarai, was sitting the “Surgunlik” – a Crimean Tatar term for 1944 had since been occupied by ethnic Yakub, a child of Surgunlik survivors in her home this week when a group of “exile” that refers to the forced deporta- Russians. who returned to Bakhchysarai after his par- Russian-speaking Crimean men came walk- tion of most Crimean Tatars during World To accommodate the thousands of Tatars ents died, agrees with Server. “We don’t ing down her street with truncheons. War II. who were returning to Bakhchysarai, espe- want to join Russia because it’s a police One of the men had a list that appeared ​Under orders of Soviet ruler Joseph cially after the collapse of the state. These new Crimean authorities – the to contain the names and addresses of Stalin and Soviet secret police chief in 1991, a new “Sixth District” was built government and the Parliament – are rely- Tatars in the area – a neighborhood called Lavrentii Beria, more than 200,000 with more than 1,000 households – almost ing on military force only. They ask nobody Aqchuqraq where most residents are either Crimean Tatars were loaded onto cattle all Tatar families. when they make their decisions,” Yakub Crimean Tatars or ethnic Kazakhs. trains in 1944 and moved from Crimea to ​Following reports of Russian-speaking said. Next door, Nurie’s Tatar neighbor Ava other parts of the Soviet Union – mostly to thugs marking Tatar homes, fears of Tatars So far, there hasn’t been a mass exodus had just returned from picking up her Uzbekistan or Siberia. in the Sixth District of Bakhchysarai were of Tatars from Crimea. But hundreds have 7-year-old son from school. At the same time, most Crimean Tatar stoked on March 5 when two masked gun- left for western Ukraine or have taken Ava could see the men checking their list men in the Soviet Red Army were pulled men broke into the home of a Tatar couple. boats to Turkey, where they have visa-free and marking the gates of houses where from the fight against the Nazis and sent to Suin, a 50-year-old resident there, told entry rights. Crimean Tatar families live. As the men forced labor camps in Siberia or in the Ural RFE/RL the culprits spoke “in clear In the meantime, the Tatar communities approached her, brandishing their trun- mountains. Russian” and ransacked his place, destroy- in Bakhchysarai have set up neighborhood cheons, Ava ran inside with her son to hide. That history looms strongly in Nurie’s ing their property. He said the intruders patrols to keep an eye out for armed The men didn’t follow. But they scratched mind. Her parents were both among those did not steal anything. But they threatened Russian speakers who they say are either an ominous “X” into the front gates of both sent to Uzbekistan’s Ferghana Valley, where Suin and his wife at gunpoint before flee- trying to scare them into leaving, or to pro- Ava’s and Nurie’s homes – filling in the she was born. ing. voke violence that could be used by marks with white chalk before leaving. Tens of thousands of Crimean Tatars The next day – after Crimea’s Parliament Russian forces to justify a crackdown “My neighbor who saw them was so died of thirst or starvation during the first voted to join Russia and hold a regional ref- against Tatars across the peninsula. scared and tried to hide in her house imme- week of the poorly organized state-run erendum to confirm the move – neighbor- diately. She called me. We went outside and deportation. About half of all “Surgunlik” hood fears were fueled further when men Written by Ron Synovitz in Prague, with saw the mark on our doors also,” Nurie deportees – more than 100,000 – died by in a car with license plates from eastern reporting by RFE/RL Tatar-Bashkir Service said. “Those people were gone. The door is the end of 1946. Ukraine were seen photographing the correspondents Dilewer Osman and Nail scratched by a screwdriver. There also were Crimean Tatar activists today are cam- homes of Crimean Tatars. Khissamiev in Bakhchysarai, Ukraine. marks made by chalk but we’ve washed paigning to have the Surgunlik recognized Sixth District resident Server is a Copyright 2014, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted them off. The scratches still remain.” around the world as genocide. Crimean Tatar in his mid-50s whose par- with the permission of Radio Free Europe/ Ava called local police to report the inci- ents were among those deported to Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, Returning home dent. But Nurie says authorities can do noth- Uzbekistan from Bakhchysarai in 1944. Washington DC 20036; (see ing to ease the growing fears of Crimean It was only in the late 1980s that Nurie Server says Crimean Tatars will never Tatars who say their community is being and other Crimean Tatars were allowed to accept an annexation of Crimea by Russia – crimeas-minority-tatar-population/ intimidated by gangs of pro-Russia thugs. return to their Crimean homeland. By then, regardless of the results in Crimea’s region- 25289577.html). Turkey torn over ‘brothers’ in Crimea, good ties with Russia by Glenn Kates really fears for historic and contemporary every and any head of government he has with Western powers in Europe.” RFE/RL reasons,” says Soner Cagaptay, author of dealt with with the exception of the Russian Mr. Cagaptay agrees that Ankara will “The Rise of Turkey: 21st Century’s First and the Iranian presidents,” Mr. Cagaptay cooperate with Europe, which has proposed ISTANBUL – Serkan Sava’s ancestors left Muslim Power” and director of the Turkish says, “not because he likes them necessarily limited sanctions, but is unlikely to take a Crimea in a mass exodus some 150 years ago, program at the Washington Institute, a U.S.- but because Turkey gets about three-quar- leading role unless serious violence is after the Ottoman Empire staved off Russian based think tank. “Historically, there’s a ters of its gas and oil from Iran and Russia.” inflicted on the Crimean Tatar population. pressure in the Crimean War but could not deep-rooted fear among many Turks about Ottoman-Russian history is also a factor, That might not assuage Crimean Tatars reverse the slow tumble that would lead to not waking up the Russian bear.” says Mr. Cagaptay, who wrote in a recent like Mr. Sava, who say the protection of a its dissolution after World War I. The Crimean Tatars, an ethnic-Turkic paper that, over a period of almost 400 Turkic minority that is under threat should A century later, the 35-year-old IT con- people with millions of its diaspora living years, the Ottoman Empire fought in at least outweigh any political concerns. sultant’s grandparents, by then rooted in inside Turkey, would appear to fit in with 17 wars with Russia and lost all of them. While Moscow refuses to recognize the post-Ottoman Turkish Republic, would the role Turkish Prime Minister Recep Further complicating matters is that the Ukraine’s new government because it is led hear of Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin’s depor- Tayyip Erdogan has carved out for himself. 1936 Montreaux treaty, which gives Turkey by “fascists” who pose a threat to ethnic tation of hundreds of thousands of Crimean Mr. Erdogan, the leader of the Islamist- control over the straits that link the Black Russians, Tatars in Crimea – some of whose Tatars to Central Asia, in 1944, that cost the rooted Justice and Development party Sea to the Mediterranean, also limits the homes have reportedly been marked with lives of more than 100,000 people. (AKP), has spent much political capital cast- weight of warships that would be allowed an ominous “X”– say they are being singled This week, Mr. Sava stood under a steady ing Ankara as a protector of Muslims along to pass through from states not located on out by Russian “self-defense” brigades. rain at a protest of about 250 people – most- its periphery. Mr. Erdogan was a harsh critic the Black Sea. At the Istanbul demonstration, protest- ly Turkish Crimean Tatars – outside the of the overthrow of Muslim Brotherhood Any adaptation of this restriction by ers chanted, “Turkey, help your brothers!” Russian Consulate in Istanbul. Noting that leader and Egyptian President Muhammad Turkey in favor of its NATO partners would and, “We are shoulder-to-shoulder against Crimean Tatars “have bad memories” of life Morsi, and was one of the first world lead- put the treaty at risk. the enemy!”​​ under Moscow’s thumb, Mr. Sava argued that ers to call for military intervention in Syria But as Celal Icten, the president of the Erugrul Toksoy, a 47-year-old account Turkey should use its influence to ensure against the regime of Bashar al-Assad in the Istanbul branch of Turkey’s Crimea Tatar manager sporting a blue scarf with the that the Black Sea peninsula remains a part Arab Spring uprising. Association, points out, it may be that the cur- Crimean Tatar insignia, says Mr. Erdogan of Ukraine and is not annexed by Russia. Amid the recent political upheaval in rent domestic political climate provides the “has done nothing” to help Crimean Tatars, With Crimea now occupied by Russian Ukraine, Ahmet Davutoglu, Turkey’s for- main hindrance to a greater role by Ankara who make up 12 percent of the peninsula’s forces, the peninsula’s Russian-majority eign affairs minister, was the first envoy to in helping resolve the crisis in Ukraine. population. Parliament clamoring to join the Russian meet with Ukraine’s new government in Mr. Erdogan, who has been embroiled in Mr. Sava, the IT consultant, riffing on a Federation, and a referendum on the issue Kyiv, following months of protests that led a months-long corruption scandal, is fight- quote from the late British statesman scheduled for March 16, Crimean Tatars are to the ouster of the country’s pro-Russian ing for his political career, and municipal Winston Churchill about the dangers of fearful of what another chapter of life president, Viktor Yanukovych. elections at the end of March are seen as a appeasement, warns that waiting for action under Russian rule could mean. With an eye on the past, Mr. Erdogan barometer of the remaining strength of his will have its own costs. “The one who tries But if the Crimean Tatar relationship himself has promised not to “leave Crimean ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP). to protect the current state [of affairs] is with Russia is rife with tragedy, the Turkish Tatars in the lurch.” But Mr. Erdogan, who Mr. Icten says Erdogan and President hopeful that the crocodile will eat him last.” reaction to any potential conflict with has appeared at times to relish conflict with Abdullah Gul are doing all they can, given Moscow is one of trepidation. It recalls a other world leaders, has carefully nurtured the circumstances. “Turkey’s current politi- Copyright 2014, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted past marked by a series of demoralizing his relationship with Russian President cal climate is hectic and that’s why the with the permission of Radio Free Europe/ military defeats and recognizes a present in Vladimir Putin and appears unlikely to president and prime minister’s support for Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, which the country enjoys deep trade ties stake out a position that would put Ankara- Crimean Tatars gets lost among other Washington DC 20036; (see with its Black Sea neighbor, on which it Moscow ties at serious risk. things on the political agenda,” Mr. Icten relies for half of its natural-gas supplies. “If you look at Erdogan’s mercurial polit- says. “But [they’ve] given support to crimea-russia-demonstration-ukraine/ “Russia is the only neighbor that Turkey ical style, he has pretty much yelled at Crimean Tatars and continue cooperation 25290858.html). 6 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 No. 11

DOCUMENTS RELEASED BY THE U.S. The Ukrainian Weekly Russia’s acts of aggression Setting the record straight on Ukraine As tensions heat up due to Russia’s continuing acts of aggression on Ukraine’s ter- The information below was released by resented in the current government, this is ritory, it is more important than ever for the United States and the world to take U.S. Embassies in Kyiv and Moscow on a political decision and does not indicate action to stop the dismemberment of Ukraine in violation of international law, the March 5. lack of support for the policies of the gov- United Nations Charter and the 1994 Budapest Memorandum. ernment. In fact, almost all legislation As noted by acting President Oleksandr Turchynov in an op-ed article in the print CLAIM: We need to return to the passed by Parliament since Yanukovych’s edition of The New York Times on March 12, Russia’s “brazen and unjustified February 21 agreement, which the opposi- departure has enjoyed majority support aggression, thinly veiled as ‘protecting Russian speakers,’ pursues an obvious goal: to tion failed to implement. from POR. weaken and dismember Ukraine, to create another zone of instability in Europe and RESPONSE: As part of the agreement, to arrest the process of European integration. Moscow’s purpose, in other words, is the Ukrainian Parliament (the Rada) CLAIM: The Rada is under the influence to prevent the final demise of the Soviet empire.” passed a bill to return Ukraine to the 2004 of extremists or terrorists. RESPONSE: The Rada is the most repre- Mr. Turchynov underscored: “In 1994, Ukraine surrendered its nuclear weapons Constitution. Under the terms of the agree- sentative institution in Ukraine, and recent in exchange for security guarantees from the United States, Russia and Britain, and ment, [Viktor] Yanukovych had 24 hours to legislation has passed with large majori- for their pledge to respect its sovereignty and territorial integrity. If this agreement sign this legislation, after which the pro- ties, including from representatives of east- is violated, it may lead to nuclear proliferation around the world. The rule of law and testers would need to evacuate certain gov- ern Ukraine. the credibility of international institutions would also be severely undermined as ernment buildings and take other de-esca- deterrents to military aggression.” latory steps. Instead of signing the legisla- CLAIM: The streets of Kyiv are dangerous. In view of the current situation, the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America tion, Yanukovych left Kyiv and ultimately RESPONSE: Since the security forces issued the following statement on March 12. We publish it here as a guest editorial. Ukraine. Yanukovych is the one who failed pulled back 10 days ago and the new gov- to implement the February 21 agreement. ernment has been established, calm has Bipartisanship needed in U.S. policy Yanukovych’s party has moved on, voting in returned to Kyiv. Ukrainian and other favor of legislation removing him from media present report that there has been to stand up to Russian aggression office and establishing a new government. no surge in crime, no looting and no retri- The crisis in Ukraine is again refocusing the attention of the American public and Ambassador Samantha Power: “It was bution exacted on political opponents. government on the need for unity and bipartisanship in U.S. foreign policy. Today, Yanukovych who failed to abide by the Russia’s resurgent empire is taking center stage, as never before, since the implosion terms of that agreement, fleeing Kyiv, and CLAIM: There is a humanitarian crisis of the USSR in 1991 and the re-emergence of the Captive Nations of Eastern Europe ultimately Ukraine.” and hundreds of thousands are fleeing and Central Asia as sovereign and independent states. Ukraine to Russia and seeking asylum. Russia’s occupation of Crimea, together with the looming threat of Russian troops CLAIM: Ukraine’s government is illegiti- RESPONSE: We have seen absolutely no invading and occupying mainland Ukraine, is the immediate concern. For the mate or not representative. evidence of this. The best means to prevent such a crisis from happening would be to Ukrainian people, not since 1921 ­– when Soviet Russia invaded and occupied the RESPONSE: The new government was cease all provocative actions and allow Ukrainian National Republic and subjugated the Ukrainian nation for four succeed- approved by the Rada with 371 votes, an observers into the region to monitor and ing generations – have the stakes been higher. For the other European nations, not overwhelming majority of Ukraine’s lower tensions. since 1938 – when Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia created an alliance to invade, Parliament, with the support of all political occupy and divide Europe among themselves and, thereby, launched World War II – Ukrainian Border Guards: “Migration of parties except the Communists. Even Ukrainians remained approximately at the have the stakes been any higher. And for our country, the United States of America, Yanukovych’s Party of Regions (POR) voted same level that was one week, two, three that has borne the weight of leading the free world in defending freedom and oppos- in favor of the new government just days ing tyranny – because this core value of America’s raison d’être is an inherent and after he disappeared. While POR is not rep- (Continued on page 8) vital national security interest of our nation – the stakes have never been more criti- cally important. The president of Russia, Vladimir Putin, has brought the world to the brink. During his rule that spans several Republican and Democrat administrations, Russia has worked diligently, consistently and openly in reconstituting its empire. Belarus President Vladimir Putin’s fiction: and Kazakhstan are again vassals of Moscow. Central Asian countries of the former USSR are in varying stages of subservience. Georgian and Moldovan sovereign terri- 10 false claims about Ukraine tories are under Russian military occupation. Even little Armenia has been bullied into submission. President Putin has spoken clearly, unambiguously about his mis- The fact sheet below was released by the The facts: The 1997 agreement U.S. Department of State, Office of the requires Russia to respect Ukraine’s terri- sion to retake Ukraine, as it is the final and most important part to the restoration of Spokesperson, on March 5. torial integrity. Russia’s military actions in the Great Russian Empire. Ukraine, which have given them operation- (Continued on page 14) As Russia spins a false narrative to justi- al control of Crimea, are in clear violation fy its illegal actions in Ukraine, the world of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sover- has not seen such startling Russian fiction eignty. since Dostoyevsky wrote, “The formula Turning the pages back... ‘two times two equals five’ is not without 3. Mr. Putin says: The opposition failed March its attractions.” to implement the February 21 agreement Below are 10 of President Vladimir with former Ukrainian President Viktor Twenty years ago, on March 18, 1994, on the eve of parlia- Putin’s recent claims justifying Russian Yanukovych. 18 mentary elections and a referendum on the status of the aggression in Ukraine, followed by the facts The facts: The February 21 agreement Crimean Republic, Oleksander Chalyi of Ukraine’s Ministry of that his assertions ignore or distort. laid out a plan in which the Rada, or 1994 Foreign Affairs (MFA), concluded a midnight-hour discourse Parliament, would pass a bill to return with the electorate of the Ukrainian peninsula. 1. Mr. Putin says: Russian forces in Ukraine to its 2004 Constitution, thus Mr. Chalyi spoke in Russian, to be better understood by the Crimea are only acting to protect Russian returning the country to a constitutional local population of Crimea, reminding voters that the Ukrainian Constitution, like its military assets. It is “citizens’ defense system centered around its Parliament. Soviet predecessor, did not provide a mechanism for the legal secession of its constituent groups,” not Russian forces, who have Under the terms of the agreement, [Victor] autonomous republics, and Crimean President Yuriy Meshkov was doing little to trans- seized infrastructure and military facilities Yanukovych was to sign the enacting legisla- form Crimea’s status in a legal manner. in Crimea. tion within 24 hours and bring the crisis to Mr. Meshkov had blatantly disregarded selected tenets of the , a peaceful conclusion. Yanukovych refused by appointing Russian citizens to a Ukrainian government post, which had caused the The facts: Strong evidence suggests to keep his end of the bargain. Instead, he MFA of Ukraine to take a stand, Mr. Chalyi underscored. that members of Russian security services packed up his home and fled, leaving The Crimea issue was not only a regional affair, affecting relations with Ukraine’s neigh- are at the heart of the highly organized behind evidence of wide-scale corruption. bors, Mr. Chalyi explained, but a territorial one with international ramifications. As a wit- anti-Ukraine forces in Crimea. While these ness of the signing of trilateral agreements signed in Moscow and bilateral agreements units wear uniforms without insignia, they 4. Mr. Putin says: Ukraine’s govern- signed in Washington in early 1994, Mr. Chalyi, holding the originals in his hands, reiterat- drive vehicles with Russian military license ment is illegitimate. Yanukovych is still the ed that the agreements all point to maintaining the territorial integrity of Ukraine. plates and freely identify themselves as legitimate leader of Ukraine. Imploring residents of Crimea – who in 1991 voted for Ukraine’s independence – Mr. Russian security forces when asked by the The facts: On March 4, President Putin Chalyi asked them to recall how Ukraine’s independence was so hard won, urging them international media and the Ukrainian mili- himself acknowledged the reality that not to snub the central Ukrainian government, while Ukraine’s statehood was still fragile. tary. Moreover, these individuals are armed Yanukovych “has no political future.” After In addition to setting the precedent for secession and the Crimean republic functioning with weapons not generally available to Yanukovych fled Ukraine, even his own outside of the Ukrainian Constitution, the move would not only shift the balance of power civilians. Party of Regions turned against him, voting within Ukraine, but would challenge the Russian Federation’s respect for Ukraine’s borders. to confirm his withdrawal from office and to On March 15, 1994, President Leonid Kravchuk issued a presidential decree calling the 2. Mr. Putin says: Russia’s actions fall support the new government. Ukraine’s planned referendum for March 27, 1994, unconstitutional. Voters were asked if they favor within the scope of the 1997 Friendship new government was approved by the dem- “an independent in union with other states.” Treaty between Ukraine and the Russian (Continued on page 14) Federation. (Continued on page 8) No. 11 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 7

FOR THE RECORD NEWS AND VIEWS Ambassador’s letter to Congress Trauma and bereavement care in Ukraine delineates Ukraine’s position by Robert van Voren and killed being brought in by the dozen, The following letter to members of the and who had to perform operations in U.S. Congress was sent by Ukraine’s Over the past three months, the world hotel lobbies and churches, and treat the Ambassador to the United States Olexander has witnessed momentous events in wounded right in the battle zone. Motsyk. It was posted online on March 6. Ukraine. What started as a protest by stu- Together with the Ukrainian Psychiatric dents in favor of an Association Association, we are trying to help those Dear Members of Congress: Agreement with the European Union, dealing with trauma and grief by provid- I would like to begin by thanking the turned into a people’s uprising against an ing specialized trauma care, offered by United States of America, and specifically autocratic and corrupt regime. After three experts from the region who know the cir- the U.S. Congress, for the unwavering sup- months of mass demonstrations at the cumstances and environment, and who port of Ukraine at these challenging times. Maidan in Kyiv, and later in cities all across speak the language of those affected. Our For the past couple of months Ukraine Ukraine, the old rulers fled the country. Georgian partner organizations have a has been in the world’s headlines. What happened before our eyes is not as long experience in working in this field The whole world saw the determination much a choice between “East” or “West” and are experts in psychotrauma care. of hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians but a revolution led by the first post-Soviet They have worked on the front line in who took to the streets to stand for a better generation. Georgia during military conflicts and com- life, for freedom, democracy and an end to The revolution came at a very high cost. bine high professionalism with knowledge the blatant corruption that stifled our Thousands of demonstrators were of both the post-Soviet region and the country for far too long. wounded, some losing eyes or limbs, and . Yet the Yanukovych regime tried to silence at least 100 activists were shot dead by The president of the Ukrainian the protesters with guns. Peaceful and Olexander Motsyk riot police and snipers operating from Psychiatric Association, former political unarmed demonstrators were met by special Therefore, on February 22, 2014, the buildings around the square. prisoner Dr. Semyon Gluzman, a world- forces with snipers, who shot dead almost Undoubtedly, the number of dead will rise renowned psychiatrist and human rights 100 people and wounded hundreds more. Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, which was the only legitimate authority in Ukraine at the considerably, as many people are unac- activist, has called upon his foreign col- In an attempt to prevent further blood- counted for and there are fears dozens leagues to help make the trauma services shed and resolve the crisis, on February 21, time, given the resignation of the govern- ment and the president’s self-removal from might have been killed and left in mass possible. 2014, leaders of the opposition Vitali graves in the forests. In his appeal he writes: Klitschko, Oleh Tiahnybok and Arseniy exercising his functions, restored the 2004 Constitution (approved by 386 votes out of During this period, hospital services “My country is going through hard Yatsenyuk on one side and Viktor were set up at the Maidan for a very urgent times. Some 20 years after obtaining inde- Yanukovych on the other signed an agree- 450), recognized that Viktor Yanukovych removed himself from his constitutional reason: wounded demonstrators who pendence the people of Ukraine are now ment that had been negotiated with the help were delivered to regular medical services seriously embracing democratic values. of foreign ministers of Poland, Germany and duties through unconstitutional means by were abducted by riot police, beaten up Our main victory is the liquidation of an France. Russia’s special envoy, Vladimir 386 votes, including 140 votes from the and in some cases killed. For example, on authoritarian regime in the country. Lukin, was present but refused to sign it pro-Yanukovych Party of Regions, and set February 19, riot police broke into the Unfortunately, this victory came at a con- (therefore, the suggestion by the Russian the early elections of the president of siderable human cost, more than 100 peo- side that the opposition failed to implement Ukraine for May 25, 2014 (328 votes). intensive care unit of the Emergency ple were killed and thousands were the agreement is groundless). According to Article 112 of the Hospital in Kyiv, turned off all the equip- The agreement called for an end to vio- Constitution of Ukraine of 2004, in case of ment and abducted the critically wounded wounded. But there are also other victims; lence, restoration of the Ukrainian early termination of powers of the presi- demonstrators who were undergoing some of the Maidan activists find them- Constitution of 2004 and early presidential dent of Ukraine the functions of the presi- medical care to an unknown destination. selves now in a state of post-traumatic elections. dent of Ukraine shall be carried out by the And even on the Maidan the wounded stress. They need qualified psychological However, on February 22, 2014, Viktor speaker of the Parliament until a new pres- were not always safe. On February 18, and psychiatric help. The state structures Yanukovych fled the capital and de facto ident is elected and inaugurated; the only Berkut riot police set fire to the Trade are not able to provide them with the full removed himself from his constitutional Unions Building in which the Maidan hos- range of such services. authority. (Continued on page 9) pital was located, blocking the exits pur- “We would be very grateful to Western posely. Some 40 wounded fighters are colleagues who are willing to help us in feared to have burned alive that night. establishing such services in Ukraine, by The Maidan medical teams – all volun- developing a network of specialized ser- teers of various ages and backgrounds – vices and providing professional training Embassy of Ukraine in U.S. performed heroic deeds. They worked on to its personnel, as well as developing out- the front line, rescuing wounded activists reach programs to reach those who do not appeals to the world while they themselves were under con- seek professional help by themselves. stant attack. In violation of all rules of What is now a priority is to develop our The following statement was released on on Crimea and never put up with this kind engagement and conventions, riot police capacity to deal with these issues our- March 8 by the Embassy of Ukraine to the of violent behavior. and snipers specifically targeted medics. selves, Ukrainian mental health profes- United States. (b) We urge the world not to budge to They were wounded by snipers, they were sionals, but we can only do so with your pressure of the aggressor who broke its sig- beaten, abducted or even arrested for per- support.” Ukraine is under attack – blatant and nature under fundamental international forming their professional responsibilities. People who want to make donations unprovoked. The Crimean peninsula, an agreements. If this can be done to Ukraine, They put the Hippocratic Oath into effect can do so by transferring their donations integral part of Ukraine, is being occupied anything can be done to anyone. If this is and deserve our support and admiration. to the bank account of the Federation by foreign troops. allowed to happen, there are no rules and While their work can now gradually be Global Initiative on Psychiatry. We will Fully armed military personnel stream no laws. taken over by regular medical services, make sure all your donations find their in thousands on Ukrainian territory. They (c) We appeal to Russia. Don’t destroy the both in Ukraine and abroad, the main chal- way to the right destination. Our partner use military vehicles with foreign license bonds that connect our peoples! Don’t create lenge now is to take care of those trauma- on the ground is, among others, the plates. They use foreign uniforms and for- another hotbed of tension in your surround- tized by the events. These include activists Ukrainian Psychiatric Association, with eign military equipment. It is an act of ings! We are not the enemies of Russia. We who fought on the front line and who saw whom we have worked for more than 20 aggression. It is an act of violation of all don’t want to be the enemies of Russia. their buddies being wounded or killed; years. thinkable international conventions. There is still a chance to stop this. these include the relatives of those killed; Our information is: bank account num- The legitimate government of Crimea Ukraine is ready to talk. Ukraine is ready to these also include the volunteers of the ber: NL46 INGB 0006 0707 13, Federation was violently removed from power. A man involve international negotiators. Maidan hospital, who saw the wounded Global Initiative on Psychiatry, Hilversum, with criminal background was installed as But there is one thing for which Ukraine the Netherlands, ING Bank - BIC code: a puppet prime minister. will never be ready: to give in to aggression. INGBNL2A. Being aware that their time is short- We will never budge. We will never com- Robert van Voren (born in 1959), a If you are a U.S. citizen and want to send lived, the criminal junta called out a refer- promise our sovereignty. Sovietologist by education, has been a us a check, please make it out to “GIP-USA” endum that is to be conducted within 10 And we appeal to the world: support us human rights activist since 1977 with a spe- and send it to our postal address: FGIP, P.O. days. There is no doubt about the “results” in this, in your words and in your deeds. cial interest in mental health issues. He is Box 1282, 1200 BG Hilversum, The to be achieved at gunpoint of the aggressor Don’t be silent. Don’t ask for whom the bell chief executive of the Federation Global Netherlands. and in violation of Ukrainian and interna- tolls. It tolls for you. Initiative on Psychiatry (GIP) and professor The Federation Global Initiative on tional laws. For it’s not only about Ukraine. It’s about of Soviet and post-Soviet studies in Kaunas Psychiatry also has a paypal account. To In this extraordinary situation it is nec- the rules the world abides by. (Lithuania) and Tbilisi (Georgia). He has use that please visit the website www.gip- essary to make a number of points: The decisions you make today will shape written extensively on Soviet issues and, in (a) Crimea is Ukraine. We won’t accept any the world in which we live tomorrow. particular, issues related to mental health For more information readers may kind of staged “referendum” under the Ukrainian Crimea is the only thing that sepa- and human rights, and has published a e-mail this writer at rvvoren@gip-global. guns of an aggressor. We will never give up rates us from a world based on lawlessness. dozen books. org or see Robert van Voren on Facebook. 8 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 No. 11

by all existing international agreements, Crimea. Ukraine’s government, in contrast, President Vladimir... including those covering Russian bases. It is Setting the record... has acted with restraint and sought dia- Ukrainian bases in Crimea that are under logue. The government in Kyiv immediately (Continued from page 6) (Continued from page 6) threat from Russian military action. sent the former chief of defense to defuse ocratically elected Ukrainian Parliament, the situation. The latest emissary, Petro 8. Mr. Putin says: There have been years ago.” ( with 371 votes – more than an 82 percent Poroshenko, was prevented from entering mass attacks on churches and synagogues 892071-massovogo-vyiezda-ukraintsev-v- majority. The interim government of the Crimean Rada to talk. in southern and eastern Ukraine. rossiyu-net-pogranichniki.html) Ukraine is a government of the people, The facts: Religious leaders in the which will shepherd the country toward CLAIM: There have been mass attacks country and international religious free- CLAIM: Ethnic Russians are under democratic elections on May 25 – elections on churches in Eastern Ukraine. dom advocates active in Ukraine have said threat. that will allow all Ukrainians to have a voice RESPONSE: We have seen no evidence of there have been no incidents of attacks on RESPONSE: There are no confirmed in the future of their country. reports of any ethnic Russians being threat- this. All of Ukraine’s Church leaders, includ- churches. All of Ukraine’s Church leaders, ing representatives of the Russian Orthodox ened, only allegations in the Russian press 5. Mr. Putin says: There is a humanitar- including representatives of the Ukrainian Church, have come out in support of the and on Russian state television. The new ian crisis and hundreds of thousands are Orthodox Church–Moscow Patriarchate, new political establishment, calling for Ukrainian government has placed a priori- fleeing Ukraine to Russia and seeking asy- have expressed support for the new politi- national unity and a period of healing. ty on peace and reconciliation from the lum. cal leadership, calling for national unity and Ambassador Power: “There is no evi- outset. President [Oleksandr] Turchynov The facts: To date, there is absolutely no a period of healing. Jewish groups in south- dence, for example, that churches in east- refused to sign the legislation limiting the evidence of a humanitarian crisis. Nor is ern and eastern Ukraine report that they ern Ukraine are being or will be attacked; use of the Russian language at the regional there evidence of a flood of asylum-seekers have not seen an increase in anti-Semitic the allegation is without basis.” level. The U.S. and others, including the EU, fleeing Ukraine for Russia. International incidents. Eight Ukrainian Churches and religious organizations on the ground have investigat- have welcomed the Ukrainian govern- 9. Mr. Putin says: Kyiv is trying to organizations issued an appeal for peace ed by talking with Ukrainian border guards, ment’s inclusive approach. destabilize Crimea. and against foreign aggression; their letter who also refuted these claims. Independent Ambassador Power: “There is no evi- The facts: Ukraine’s interim govern- is on the website of the Institute for journalists observing the border have also dence that ethnic Russians are in danger. On ment has acted with restraint and sought Religious Freedom of Ukraine at http://t. reported no such flood of refugees. the contrary, the new Ukrainian government co/CF31axsK8O. In it, they “call the Russian dialogue. Russian troops, on the other has placed a priority on internal reconcilia- 6. Mr. Putin says: Ethnic Russians are hand, have moved beyond their bases to authorities to come to senses and stop its tion and political inclusivity. President aggression against Ukraine, and immedi- under threat. seize political objectives and infrastructure Turchynov – the acting president – has made The facts: Outside of Russian press and in Crimea. The government in Kyiv immedi- ately pull out Russian troops from the clear his opposition to any restriction on the Ukrainian land.” This letter was signed by Russian state television, there are no credi- ately sent the former chief of defense to use of the Russian tongue.” defuse the situation. Petro Poroshenko, the representatives of the Ukrainian Orthodox ble reports of any ethnic Russians being Assistant Secretary [Victoria] Nuland: under threat. The new Ukrainian govern- latest government emissary to pursue dia- Church, Catholic Church, other Christian “The OSCE has the tools to address any ment placed a priority on peace and recon- logue in Crimea, was prevented from enter- denominations, the Jewish faith and the legitimate concerns with regard to security ciliation from the outset. President ing the Crimean Rada. Muslim faith. on the ground, with regard to minority Oleksandr Turchynov refused to sign legis- rights, and with regard to preparations for lation limiting the use of the Russian lan- 10. Mr. Putin says: The Rada is under CLAIM: The Crimean “prime minister” guage at the regional level. Ethnic Russians the influence of extremists or terrorists. this democratic transition to lead to free invited Russian intervention. and Russian speakers have filed petitions The facts: The Rada is the most repre- and fair elections.” RESPONSE: International law does not attesting that their communities have not sentative institution in Ukraine. Recent leg- Kazakhstani MFA spokesperson provide for use of force at the invitation of a experienced threats. Furthermore, since islation has passed with large majorities, Zhanbolat Usenov: ”Kazakhstan calls on all regional government. Under the Ukrainian the new government was established, calm including from representatives of eastern parties to renounce options that imply the Constitution, only the Ukrainian Rada can has returned to Kyiv. There has been no Ukraine. Far-right wing ultranationalist use of power and make maximum political approve the presence of foreign troops in surge in crime, no looting and no retribu- groups, some of which were involved in efforts to resolve the current crisis by Ukrainian territory. Sergei Aksyonov’s tion against political opponents. open clashes with security forces during means of negotiations.” appeal to President [Vladimir] Putin to pro- the Euro-Maidan protests, are not repre- vide “peace and tranquility” in Crimea was 7. Mr. Putin says: Russian bases are sented in the Rada. There is no indication CLAIM: Russian bases are under threat. a cynical exercise in destabilization. under threat. that the Ukrainian government would pur- RESPONSE: Russian military facilities The facts: Russian military facilities sue discriminatory policies; on the con- were and remain secure, and the new CLAIM: Russia’s actions fall within the were and remain secure, and the new trary, they have publicly stated exactly the Ukrainian government has pledged to scope of the 1997 Friendship Treaty Ukrainian government has pledged to abide opposite. abide by all existing international agree- between Ukraine and the Russian ments, including those covering Russian Federation. bases. RESPONSE: The 1997 agreement Ambassador Power: “The central issue is requires Russia to respect Ukraine’s territo- UCC condemns Russian provocation whether the recent change of government rial integrity. Russia’s military actions in in Ukraine constitutes a danger to Russia’s Ukraine are in clear violation of Ukraine’s legitimate interests of such a nature and territorial integrity and sovereignty. and military intervention in Ukraine extent that Russia is justified in intervening Assistant Secretary Nuland: “We consid- KYIV – The Ukrainian Canadian Nations Security Council, which includes militarily in Ukraine, seizing control of pub- er Russia’s actions in Ukraine to be a… Congress, in a release dated March 1, the Russian Federation as a permanent lic facilities and issuing military ultimatums breach of Russia’s Helsinki Commitments strongly condemned Russian provocation member, on February 28 stated its sup- to elements of the Ukrainian military. The and its U.N. obligations.” and military intervention in Ukraine. port for Ukraine’s sovereignty and terri- answer, of course, is no.” G-7 leaders’ statement: Russia’s military “Today we saw heavily armed Russian torial integrity. actions are “in contravention of Russia’s forces wearing unmarked uniforms that “The has CLAIM: Kyiv is trying to destabilize obligations under the U.N. Charter and its block and seize strategic buildings and shown restraint in its reaction, and has Crimea. 1997 basing agreement with Ukraine.” airports in Ukraine’s Crimea region,” called upon the European Union, the U.S. RESPONSE: On the contrary, Russian Chinese MFA Spokesperson Qin Gang: stated UCC National President Paul Grod. and NATO to defend Ukraine against this troops moved out of their bases to seize “We respect the independence, sovereignty “The Russian Federation has clearly vio- latest Russian aggression. Ukraine’s political objectives and infrastructure in and territorial integrity of Ukraine.” lated international law and their com- Parliament passed a resolution demand- mitment to protect Ukraine’s territorial ing that all sides respect the Budapest integrity.” Memorandum, which guarantees ites” were to blame for Ukraine’s unrest. Paul Grod was in Ukraine with a dele- Ukraine’s independence and territorial Russia wags... This, Russian sociologist Lev Gudkov, gation from the Ukrainian Canadian integrity,” the UCC added. director of the independent Levada Center, (Continued from page 3) Congress that visited Kyiv as part of a “It is crucial that the international says, is a fundamental purpose of propa- Canadian delegation led by Foreign community use all tools at its disposal to ferent Russian media reports with various, ganda. “In propaganda it is very important Affairs Minister John Baird. force President [Vladimir] Putin to cease differing identification tags and a humor- to consider the effect of squeezing out “The violent takeover of the Crimean all actions that violate Ukraine’s territo- ous video in which activists unsuccessfully alternative versions of events, all alterna- Parliament by Russian backed agents is rial integrity, including political and eco- hunt for fascist ultranationalists on the tive information. As a result, even people now being used as one of the pretexts for nomic pressure. We call on the United streets of Odesa. who don’t believe or who doubt the official Russian intervention in Ukraine,” added States and United Kingdom, who are sig- The Kyiv Post on March 5 published a information are not in a position to work Mr. Grod. “The Russian Federation is natories of the 1994 Budapest list of the “Top 10 Kremlin myths and lies with other points of view. And this is the engaged in dangerous brinksmanship, Memorandum, to fulfill their obligations used to justify Russian invasion of foundation of propaganda.” which together with the disinformation to protect the territorial integrity of Ukraine’s Crimea.” campaign it is waging in eastern and Ukraine from Russian aggression,” the But such efforts may not be enough to RFE/RL’s Russian Service correspondent southern Ukraine, has reignited a new UCC statement read. counter the effects of the Russian media Yelena Fanailova contributed to this report Cold War.” The UCC noted: “We commend Prime reports, Ms. Fitzpatrick says. Once a story is from Moscow and Tom Balmforth contribut- The UCC pointed out that, in exchange Minister Harper for condemning Russian out there, it is often impossible to rein it ed from Symferopol. for giving up its nuclear weapons arsenal President Vladimir Putin’s military inter- in 1994, Ukraine received security and vention in Ukraine and for the govern- back in. A pointed exchange on March 3 Copyright 2014, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted territorial integrity guarantees from the ment of Canada’s decision to recall our between CNN correspondents Wolf Blitzer with the permission of Radio Free Europe/ United States, the United Kingdom and ambassador from Moscow Saturday and and Christiane Amanpour illustrates this Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, the Russian Federation, as part of the suspend participation in the G-8 point. Ms. Amanpour took Mr. Blitzer to task Washington DC 20036; (see Budapest Memorandum. The United Summit, currently planned for Sochi.” for citing without qualification Ambassador Churkin’s claims that “fascists and anti-Sem- ukraine/25286568.html). No. 11 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 9

state of Ukraine. The Russian Federation Ambassador’s... brutally violated the basic principles of the Charter of the United Nations obliging all (Continued from page 7) Business leaders meet member states to refrain from the threat or legitimate supreme authority in Ukraine is use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state. with Prime Minister Yatsenyuk the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The Rada Ukraine in the strongest possible terms KYIV – Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy especially money laundering, and VAT elected a new speaker, Mr. Oleksandr protested such actions, but Russia officially Yatsenyuk met for over two hours with a refunds. Unpaid VAT refunds will most like- Turchynov (by 288 votes), who acts as the rejected the Ukrainian proposal to hold large audience of international and domes- ly be covered by the issuance of state bonds. until the elections, immediate bilateral consultations (under tic business leaders of Ukraine in Kyiv at The automatic VAT refund system will con- and appointed Mr. Yatsenyuk as the prime Article 7 of the Treaty on Friendship, InterContinental Hotel in Kyiv on March 3. tinue and will be improved, he explained. minister (by 371 votes). These actions Cooperation and Partnership between The prime minister gave very strong Mr. Yatsenyuk underlined that the were made in full compliance with Ukraine and the Russian Federation of opening remarks which were followed by a Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine is always Ukrainian laws. 1997). long question and answer period. Over open for proposals and ideas from business, However, Russia did not recognize these 100 representatives of members of the U.S.- especially for new candidacies to lead the Russia’s actions pose a serious threat changes and considers Viktor Yanukovych Ukraine Business Council (USUBC) were State Tax Administration of Ukraine and the not only to the sovereignty and territorial a legitimate president. among the over 300 leaders who attended Customs Service. He assured businesses integrity of Ukraine, but also to peace and Producing a piece of paper purporting to the meeting. that the government will consider all rea- stability in the whole region. Moreover, be Mr. Yanukovych’s letter asking Mr. Putin Prime Minister Yatsenyuk stressed sonable recommendations immediately. Russia’s actions provoke a disbalance in the to send Russian troops to Ukraine, the Ukraine’s main priorities, which are politi- On behalf of U.S.-Ukraine Business international security system and can lead Federation Council of Russia, upon Mr. cal and financial stability, unity, economic Council (USUBC) members, Morgan to violations of the regime of international Putin’s request, approved such decision. development and territorial sovereignty. Williams said the business community was nuclear non-proliferation on a global scale. Mr. Yanukovych is no longer the presi- First of all, Mr. Yatsenyuk pointed out, pleased with the organization of the new When in 1994 Ukraine became a party to dent of Ukraine, particularly after his Ukraine will remain sovereign and inde- government and had expressed sincere the Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and vol- escape from Kyiv on February 22, 2014. pendent, and the new government will readiness to cooperate with the govern- untarily surrendered the third largest nucle- Therefore, none of his statements have any focus on signing the European Union- ment to improve the business climate, pro- ar arsenal in the world, it did so exclusively significance under either Ukrainian or Ukraine Association Agreement as soon as mote business investment, reduce corrup- under certain conditions. These conditions international law. possible to move forward the process of tion, eliminate excessive regulations, sup- envisaged granting security assurances to But in any way, even if the legitimate European integration. port privatization, reform the judicial sys- Ukraine by the five nuclear states. On The prime minister also mentioned that tem and improve financial institutions. president of Ukraine called upon a foreign December 5, 1994, the United States, the Ukraine will complete all the conditions USUBC members who attended included country to intervene with its armed forces Russian Federation and the United Kingdom required by the International Monetary DuPont Pioneer, Bunge, Great Plains, IMI- in Ukraine, such a statement would also be signed the Budapest Memorandum on Fund and will accept financial and technical Kyiv, Vasil Kisil & Partners, CNH Industrial, worth nothing, because under the Security Assurances to Ukraine. The French support from the EU and the United States Volia, ADM, SigmaBleyzer, IPR Group, VISA, Constitution of Ukraine (Article 85) only Republic and the People’s Republic of China in order to stabilize the Ukrainian economy. Deere, Amway, Trans-Vismos, Cub Energy, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine can supported the memorandum by signing Mr. Yatsenyuk stated he was in favor of Agro Generation, Culmen, Kosmos, KPMG, approve decisions on admitting units of separate declarations. privatizing the energy sector in the country Vanco, Noble, Monsanto, Global Restaurant armed forces of other states to the territory Ukraine has thoroughly implemented its and noted that many state-owned energy Group, AB InBev, Raven, PwC, Philip Morris, of Ukraine. The Rada clearly stated that it commitments under the Non-Proliferation companies need to be sold in fair and trans- AbbVie, Baker & McKenzie, USUF, Shell, had not made any such decisions. Treaty, and has taken and fulfilled addition- parent auctions. Additional state compa- Chevron, ExxonMobil, Westinghouse, DLA Seeing that Ukraine is determined to al obligations by getting rid of all its stock- nies should also be privatized. Privatization Piper, Toepfer, Ecolab, B.C. Toms, KPMG, EY, pursue its European course, Russia, under piles of highly enriched uranium. would provide more tax income to the gov- IBM, VISA, LCF Law Group, BUCC, RULG, a completely trumped up pretext, invaded Today we witness the situation when the ernment and stop a considerable amount of Louis Dreyfus, TNK-BP, KM Partners, Intel, Crimea with its armed forces. Russian Federation attempts to undermine corruption. GlobalLogic, Citi Bank, P3DP, Kyiv Post, , The Russian forces are seeking to estab- the NPT regime not only by violating the He also discussed the issues of the state lish complete control over Ukraine’s military Budapest Memorandum, but also by violat- budget, court system reform, corruption, (Continued on page 10) facilities in Crimea, trying to block and dis- ing the Non-Proliferation Treaty, which arm Ukrainian military garrisons and bor- clearly states in its Preamble that “States der guard bases, blocking airports and ships. must refrain in their international relations The Russian troops and armored vehicles from the threat or use of force against the are moving uncontrollably around Crimea, territorial integrity or political indepen- numerous Russian military planes and heli- dence of any state, or in any other manner.” Yatsenyuk copters violated Ukrainian airspace. Non-adherence by one guarantor state – By countless provocations, the Russian the Russian Federation – to its commit- military is seeking to instigate an armed ments under the Budapest Memorandum pays homage conflict and replicate in Ukraine the by the military invasion of Ukraine creates Abkhazia and South Ossetia scenario. a situation when the threshold states may However, Ukrainian servicemen act with consider international legal instruments to Shevchenko utmost restraint and don’t react to such insufficient to ensure security, territorial provocations, but there’s a threat that integrity and inviolability of their borders. Russia may engineer provocations against We rely on the commitments contained its own troops and blame them on Ukraine. in the Budapest Memorandum of 1994 and There is also an ongoing accumulation of the Charter on a Distinctive Partnership military equipment on Russian territory in between NATO in Ukraine, as well as the close proximity to the border of Ukraine in U.S.-Ukraine Charter on Strategic the Kharkiv, Luhansk, Donetsk and Partnership and other bilateral documents. Chernihiv oblasts. These actions may indi- We need help from the guarantor states, cate preparations of the Russian side for the U.N., NATO, the OSCE, the European possible intervention into the Ukrainian Union, all civilized nations to protect our territory across the land border. sovereignty and territorial integrity by all The military intervention is accompa- available means and to prevent a war nied by a huge outburst of fabrications. I which would shatter peace in Europe and can assure you that Russian-speaking citi- will have grave and irrevocable conse- zens of Ukraine enjoy the same rights and quences for peace and security on a global freedoms as other citizens of my country. scale. Nobody has ever forbidden, forbids or will The aggression must be stopped, and we forbid the use of the Russian language, as rely on the strong and unified position of Russian propaganda tries to demonstrate. the global community. As of today there is no proof of any viola- Military units deployed from Russia WASHINGTON – Ukrainian Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk visited the Taras tions of Russian minority rights in Ukraine; must leave the territory of Ukraine immedi- Shevchenko monument on March 13 – the day after he held separate meetings there were no appeals to the relevant ately, and those belonging to the Russian with President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry about the cur- Ukrainian authorities either from those Black Sea Fleet must return to their bar- rent situation in Ukraine. He placed a floral wreath at the base of the monument to allegedly affected or from Russia’s officials. racks. Armed gangs that came from Russia Ukraine’s poet laureate on the occasion of the anniversary of his birth 200 years In accordance with the Memorandum of must also immediately leave Ukraine. ago on March 9 and discussed some of the issues facing Ukraine with a small Understanding between the parliamentary Crimea is an inalienable part of Ukraine, group of Ukrainian Americans and representatives of the press who gathered commissioner on human rights of Ukraine with citizens of all ethnic backgrounds. there early on that freezing and blustery morning. Accompanied by Foreign Affairs and the ombudsman of the Russian All issues should be resolved through Minister Andriy Deshchytia and Ukraine’s Ambassador to the U.S. Olexander Federation, in case of such appeals to the negotiations. There is no alternative to a Motsyk, he went on to conclude his Washington visit with separate scheduled Russian side they are transferred to the peaceful and diplomatic solution of the cri- meetings with Vice-President Joseph Biden, Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew, Ukrainian ombudsman. sis. We hope that wisdom will prevail. House Majority Leader John Boehner and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. The actions by the Russian Federation We need America’s help, and we count That afternoon he went on to New York for meetings at the United Nations. constitute an act of aggression against the on it. – Yaro Bihun 10 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 No. 11 Ruslana honored as one of 10 “International Women of Courage” demonstrated exceptional courage and Receives secretary of state’s leadership in advocating for peace, justice, award at D.C. ceremonies human rights, gender equality and wom- en’s empowerment, often at great personal WASINGTON – On March 4, when U.S. risk. Since the inception of this award in Secretary of State John Kerry was in Kyiv 2007, the Department of State has honored trying to avert the growing crisis in 76 women from 49 different countries. Ukraine, the 2014 Secretary of State’s Ruslana was honored for “her commit- International Women of Courage Awards ment to the Euro-Maidan community” and were presented by Deputy Secretary of “her steadfast commitment to nonviolent State Heather Higginbottom in Washington resistance and national unity in the fight to 10 women, among them Ukraine’s against government corruption and human Ruslana. rights abuses.” The 10 women from 10 countries were The 2014 awardees are: Dr. Nasrin honored at a special ceremony at the State Oryakhil, director, Malalai Maternity Department attended by First Lady Hospital Kabul (Afghanistan); Roshika Deo, Michelle Obama; Dr. Vanessa Kerry, co- feminist and political activist, Be the founder and CEO of Seed Global Health, an Change Campaign (Fiji); Bishop Rusudan NGO working in collaboration with the Gotsiridze of the Evangelical Baptist Church of Georgia (Georgia); Dr. Iris Yassmin Peace Corps to improve healthcare in U.S. Embassy Kyiv Barrios Aguilar, tribunal president, High resource-limited countries, and daughter of Ruslana Lyzhychko (center) with First Lady Michelle Obama and Deputy Secretary Secretary of State Kerry; and Ambassador- Risk Court (Guatemala); Laxmi, campaign- of State Heather Higginbottom at the presentation of the 2014 Secretary of State’s At-Large for Global Women’s Issues er, Stop Acid Attacks (India); Fatimata International Women of Courage Awards on March 4. Catherine Russell. Touré, community activist and executive The Secretary of State’s International director, Groupe de Recherche, de’Etude, de National Family Safety Program (Saudi Lyzhychko, volunteer and Women of Courage Award annually recog- Formation Femme-Action (Mali), Dr. Maha Arabia); Oinikhol Bobonazarova, director, People’s Artist of Ukraine (Ukraine); and nizes women around the globe who have Al Muneef, founder and executive director, NGO Perspektiva Plus (Tajikistan); Ruslana Beatrice Mtetwa, human rights lawyer (Zimbabwe) Ambassador Russell welcomed all to the eighth annual presentation of the Secretary of State’s International Woman of Courage Awards, saying, “We’re delighted to have you here today to celebrate the 103rd anni- versary of International Women’s Day, which we mark every year by recognizing women who have exemplified exceptional courage and leadership in advocating for human rights, women’s equality, and social progress, often at great personal risk.” In her remarks at the ceremony Mrs. Obama said, “when we see these women raise their voices and move their feet and empower others to create change, we need to realize that each of us has that same power and that same obligation.” She expressed thanks to the honorees “for their tremendous bravery, for their efforts, for their courage, for their work to make change in their own lives and communities and throughout the world,” adding, “I can- not wait to see the impact you will continue to make in the years ahead.” Presenting the honorees, Secretary Higginbottom said: “Ruslana is a pop music singer who became famous after she won the 2003 Eurovision song contest. But today, she is known instead for her commitment to the Euro-Maidan community. As the peaceful protests emerged following President [Viktor] Yanukovych’s decision to reject an association agreement with the European Union, Ruslana joined the demonstrations, spending her days on streets and her nights sleeping in cold tents. And every

(Continued on page 14)

Business leaders... (Continued from page 9) Clifford Chance, Ukrainian Seed Association, Raiffeisen Bank Aval, Zeppelin Ukraine, Kyiv Atlantic, Louis Dreyfus, Horizon Capital, Dominic, Ecolab, Great Plains Mfg, Squire Sanders, Baker & McKenzie, CMS Cameron McKenna, Westinghouse, InterContinental Kyiv, Intel, The Bleyzer Foundation and other leaders of key USUBC members representing all sectors of Ukraine’s economy. Numerous key representatives of other business trade associations and a wide range of both international and Ukrainian mass media representatives also attended the presentation. No. 11 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 11

Thousands... (Continued from page 1) hesitation to help support human dignity.” Michael Sawkiw Jr., director of the Ukrainian National Information Service (UNIS), the UCCA’s information arm in Washington, quoted U.S. author Thomas Paine, who during the American Revolution in 1776 wrote about sovereignty, liberty, human rights and patriotism. Mr. Sawkiw underscored the act of Russian aggression with the invasion of Ukrainian territory, and Russia’s violation of international law. Mr. Sawkiw also thanked Ukraine’s friends, among them Americans and Crimean Tatars. “All freedom lovers of the world, we are all Ukrainians,” Mr. Sawkiw concluded. Yaro Bihun The protest program included state- Ayla Bakkalli, the U.S. representative of ments from representatives of various the Crimean Tatar Mejlis, expresses fear Yaro Bihun for the safety of Ukrainians and Crimean European ethnic groups that support Former Ambassador of the U.S. to Ukraine Roman Popadiuk reminds listeners of the Tatars under the Russian occupation of Ukraine’s right to freedom, patriotic democratic ideals Ukraine strives for. the Crimean peninsula. Ukrainian songs that were sung by the crowd and led by Stepan Kaczurak on gui- already made in Ukraine. Rep. Kaptur urged with Mr. Putin threatening peace in Europe. against the Putin regime, Ms. Binionis tar, with additional selections performed by the protesters to keep the faith for Ukraine. He called on the Russian people to throw added, and she urged the U.S. Congress to guitarist Maxim Lozynskyj. Mubeyyin Altan, head of the Crimean the dictator out, and expressed support for condemn the Russian actions in Crimea and Statements and words of support for Association of New York, said the rally was a whole and free, united Ukraine. Ukraine. NATO allies should join the U.S. in Ukrainians were delivered by U.S. Reps. “extremely important” for Ukraine, and that Tamara Olexy, president of the Ukrainian condemning Russian aggression and coop- Sander Levin (D-Mich.), Marcy Kaptur Crimea needs the full support of Ukraine’s Congress Committee of America (UCCA), erate on joint exercises, while furthering a (D-Ohio) and Bill Pascrell (D-N.J.). allies for the territorial integrity of Ukraine. stated: “Russia, out of Ukraine!” and pointed broad spectrum of sanctions and support Rep. Pascrell stated: “We are all at Mr. Altan condemned the Russian occupa- to the clear violation by Russia of its inter- for diplomatic efforts, including sending Maidan today – all of us! For resolution of tion of Crimea as “unjust and illegal.” national agreements – notably the 1994 military observers and human rights moni- this crisis we need more than words, but Russia, he said, is playing a dangerous Budapest Memorandum, signed by Russia, tors. Russian troops must withdraw from tangible results. We will show that the U.S. game with the Crimean Parliament’s falsifi- the U.S., Ukraine and Great Britain. Ms. Ukraine, Ms. Binionis noted, and return is not just about words, but action, which cation of poll results that indicate that 78 Olexy thanked the U.S. for its support of troops to the terms of the basing agree- strengthens democracy in Ukraine.” Rep. percent of Crimea’s residents want closer Ukraine during this crisis, with the work ment with Ukraine and Crimea, including Pascrell said that he prays for Ukraine and ties with Russia. done by U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry to providing unfettered access of observers to the losses that it has already endured. The crowd responded with chants of protect Ukraine’s sovereignty. Ms. Olexy the region. Rep. Levin, who was introduced by “Crimea is Ukraine!” urged the withdrawl of Russian troops from Carl Gershman, president of the National Borys Potapenko of UCCA, stated: “We are Mr. Altan asked:, “If the forces in Crimea Ukrainian territory, and thanked Congress Endowment for Democracy, called on here to fight for democracy, not only in from the Russian Federation were there to for pushing for sanctions against Russia. She Western leaders to demonstrate moral and Ukraine, but also in Russia. President protect compatriots, against whom are they underscored the need for deeper U.S. isola- political solidarity during this moment of Obama has signed sanctions into law, in a protecting? ,” he said, “needs no tion of Russia and said that all options need great crisis in Ukraine. Mr. Gershman said basic elemental fight for the people to be further protection.” to remain open for ensuring that the he was hopeful, despite Russian aggression, able to speak for themselves and no one The Crimean Tatars, the indigenous peo- Russian troops leave Ukraine. “Russia needs as the Ukrainian people had demonstrated has the right to silence them – all of the ple of the Crimean peninsula, consider the to abandon its imperial ambitions and maturity and discipline during the Maidan Ukrainians.” 1944 deportation of Tatars from the region behave as a civilized country,” she added. events in Kyiv. “The timeline of events at The crowd offered its thanks with the as a still bleeding wound that has been Asta Binionis of the Lithuanian American the Maidan,” Mr. Gershman said, “showed chants of “God Bless America” and “Thank the strength of Ukrainians and the rebelling you!” opened up by Russia’s latest aggression. Community’s Public Affairs Council held up “Tatars,” Mr. Altan said, “believe in a peace- a poster reading “Shame on Putin, Shame, spirit against corruption and occupation. Stephen Blank, senior fellow at the Ukraine wants to be part of Europe, not American Foreign Policy Council, said he ful Crimea, and shows its solidarity with its Shame, Shame,” and recounted Mr. Putin’s Ukrainian friends, who say no to the delusions, citing a comparison between for- only geographically, and has shown that it was honored to be at the protest. Mr. Blank supports unity, not division, between noted the parallels between the U.S. and Russian invasion of Crimea – an integral mer Soviet leader Mikhail Gorabchev and part of Ukraine.” Russia’s President Putin – there will come a Orthodox and Catholic, Ukrainians and Ukraine, their struggles for independence. Crimean Tatars. The death of Putinism will “We stand with them,” he said. “We [the Mr. Altan appealed to the U.S., European point when Putin realizes the dead end of Union and the United Nations, and interna- his ambitions. Ms. Binionis told the crowd: open the bridge to Europe for Russia.” U.S.] allowed this to take place, and should Nino Anduashvili, executive director for be prepared to fight, not for our freedom tional leaders to stop the Russian aggres- “I am proud to join Ukrainians to support its sion in Crimea and Ukraine. independence, sovereignty and territorial the Georgian Association of the United but for yours. It is truth – not Putin’s lies; States, noted the organization’s founding in peace – not violence; and rule of law and Janusz Bugajski, a foreign policy analyst integrity and to condemn the imperialistic and author of numerous articles on Ukraine, violations committed by the Russian 1921, and offered Georgia’s condolences, as international treaties, and Russia must the country has recent experience with adhere to its agreements,” Mr. Blank said. told the crowd that the revolution in Federation military, which threatens peace Ukraine to oust President Viktor and security in Europe. This has been con- Russian occupation since August 2008. “We Rep. Kaptur said, “The beloved county of stand today with Ukrainians in solidarity, Yanukovych was inspiring and had sealed demned by the Obama administration, Ukraine is fishing for democracy. The and Putin’s pattern of behavior is manifest Ukraine’s place in Europe. Moscow can’t William Hagel, Vice-President Joseph Biden world’s countries owe a world of debt to for the whole world to see, which gives the stop this. He added that, Russia needs its and Secretary of State John Kerry.” Ukraine. It is this that instructs us to build a Ukrainians solidarity support from the own Maidan for Russia to become a demo- The West should use all efforts to coun- democratic and free Ukraine.” As the world international community.” Mr. Anduashvili cratic ally. Mr. Bugajski warned that ter Russian imperialism, including the vig- approaches the Easter and Passover sea- urged NATO membership for Ukraine and Ukraine’s dream can turn into a nightmare, orous application of the Magnitsky Act sons, she noted, we recognize the sacrifices Georgia, and called on the West and the U.S. to stop Russian aggression. Ambassador Temuri Yakobashvili, for- mer ambassador of Georgia to the United States and a senior trans-Atlantic fellow at the German Marshall Fund, noted that all Ukrainians are one nation, and their free- dom of choice fought against kleptocracy. “No more statues to Soviet killers – the res- urrection of the evil empire prevents demo- cratic advancement in the region,” Ambassador Yakobashvili said. Mr. Yakobashvili noted Ukraine’s blood- shed on the streets of Ukraine – not in one place, but in many places to secure Ukraine’s independence. “Enough of Russian subjugation,” Mr. Yakobashvili said. “The Russian people deserve better than Putin.” Russia needs to respect the deci- Matthew Dubas sions of its neighbors, the former ambassa- Svoboda national deputy Oleksander Yaro Bihun dor noted, adding that to fight the Russians Ripka joins the diaspora protests against Ukrainians hold placards expressing disgust with the Russian aggression in Crimea President Vladimir Putin’s lies. and Ukraine. (Continued on page 15) 12 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 No. 11

Obama, Nazarbaev discuss Ukraine crisis Ukraine’s territorial integrity. Mr. a peaceful way forward. Recent events in NEWSBRIEFS Nazarbaev’s website said that in his call Crimea in particular have only served to WASHINGTON – U.S. President Barack with Mr. Putin he expressed support for deepen the crisis. As tensions and mistrust (Continued from page 2) Obama spoke on March 10 with Kazakh Russia’s position in defending the rights of are growing, I urge all sides to refrain from President Nursultan Nazarbaev about the national minorities in Ukraine. An expected hasty actions and provocative rhetoric. The ple’s trust, who de facto lost his presidential Ukraine crisis. The White House said Mr. visit by Mr. Nazarbaev to Moscow on March international community must help the key authority and, moreover, who fled the coun- Obama encouraged Mr. Nazarbaev to play 11 never materialized. (RFE/RL, written actors to calm the situation and work try, cannot be legitimate,” the statement an active role in finding a peaceful out- based on reporting by and a toward a durable and fair political solution. says. Mr. Yanukovych told journalists in come, amid the occupation of Crimea by White House statement) A further deterioration of the situation Rostov-on-Don, Russia, earlier on March 11 Russian forces. It said the two leaders would have serious repercussions for the that he is Ukraine’s legitimate president. agreed on the importance of upholding Kerry’s conversation with Lavrov people of Ukraine, the region and the glob- The statement by Kyrgyzstan also said the principles of sovereignty and territorial WASHINGTON – State Department al community. I also continue to urge the country is concerned about the current cri- integrity. Earlier on March 10, Mr. Spokesperson Jen Psaki said on March 10 relevant authorities to ensure that the sis in Ukraine and condemns any activities Nazarbaev spoke about Ukraine by phone that, in their conversation on March 8, human rights of all in Ukraine are respect- aimed at destabilizing the situation there. with German Chancellor Angela Merkel Secretary John Kerry made it clear to ed, with particular attention to the rights The statement is the first from a member of and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Russian Foreign Affairs Minister Sergey and protection of minorities. At this crucial the Russia-led Commonwealth of According to the Kazakh presidential web- Lavrov that “the United States wants to see juncture, we cannot afford either miscalcu- Independent States that largely contradicts site, President Nazarbaev reiterated to a cessation of Russian military advances in lations or inaction. Above all, a resolution the Kremlin’s view of the situation. (RFE/RL Chancellor Merkel the importance of find- Ukraine including Ukraine’s Crimean of the crisis must be found on the basis of Kyrgyz Service) ing a diplomatic solution while ensuring Peninsula, a halt in the drive for annexation United Nations Charter principles, includ- of Crimea, and the end of provocative steps ing the peaceful settlement of disputes and to provide space for diplomacy.” Ms. Psaki respect for the unity, sovereignty and terri- continued: “The United States needs to see torial integrity of Ukraine. (United Nations) concrete evidence that Russia is prepared Khodorkovsky addresses Maidan to engage on the diplomatic proposals we TO PLACE YOUR AD CALL Walter Honcharyk (973) 292-9800 x3040 have made to facilitate direct dialogue KYIV – Mikhail Khodorkovsky, address- or e-mail [email protected] between Ukraine and Russia and to use ing thousands on Kyiv’s Independence international mechanisms like a contact Square, accused Russia of complicity in the group to de-escalate the conflict. We are police violence that claimed more than 100 SERVICES PROFESSIONALS still awaiting a Russian response to the lives during protests against Ukraine’s oust- concrete questions that Secretary Kerry ed pro-Russian president. Mr. sent Foreign Minister Lavrov on Saturday Khodorkovsky, a fierce critic of Russian in this regard. Secretary Kerry made clear President Vladimir Putin who spent a to Foreign Minister Lavrov that he would decade behind bars, said on March 9 that welcome further discussions focused on force was used against the protesters last how to de-escalate the crisis in Ukraine if month “with the agreement of the Russian and when we see concrete evidence that authorities.” He told the crowd “I want you Russia is prepared to engage on these pro- to know – there is a completely different posals.” (U.S. Department of State) Russia.” In response, demonstrators chanted “Russia, wake up!” On March 8 Mr. U.N. secretary-general on Ukraine Khodorkovsky met with demonstrators who continue to occupy the Maidan, or UNITED NATIONS– United Nations Independence Square, despite the ouster of Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on March President Viktor Yanukovych. He was to give 10 issued a statement on Ukraine. He said: a lecture that is open to the public at Kyiv’s “I am increasingly alarmed by the develop- Polytechnic Institute on March 10. (RFE/RL, ments in Ukraine. Since the beginning of based on televised reports and reporting by this crisis, I have appealed to all parties to Reuters and Agence France-Presse) de-escalate tensions and to engage in direct and constructive dialogue in order to forge (Continued on page 13)


Earn extra income! The Ukrainian Weekly is looking for advertising sales agents. For additional information contact Walter Honcharyk, Advertising Manager, The Ukrainian Weekly, 973-292-9800, ext 3040.

DISTRICT COMMITTEE OF UNA BRANCHES OF DETROIT, MI announces that its ANNUAL DISTRICT COMMITTEE MEETING will be held on Sunday, April 6, 2014, at 1:00 p.m. at the Ukrainian Cultural Center 26601 RyanRd. Warren, MI Obligated to attend the annual meeting as voting members are District Committee Officers, Convention Delegates and two delegates from the following Branches: 82, 94,165,174,175, 292,341 All UNA members are welcome as guests at the meeting. Meeting will be attended by: Anatole Doroshenko - Honorary Member of the UNA General Assembly DISTRICT COMMITTEE Dr. Alexander Serafyn, District Chairman Vera Krywyj, Secretary Olha Maruschak, Treasurer No. 11 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 13

apparently returned to his vehicle, and In an interview with on March cers who have long been demobilized. NEWSBRIEFS when the car could not drive away, he 6, the leader of the Crimean Tatars and for- Young men are also volunteering. We try to walked back to his hotel accompanied by a mer head of the Mejlis enroll everyone.” She added that she and (Continued from page 12) U.N. colleague. “On his way to the hotel he explained: “Our people were once expelled her colleagues had worked virtually non- stopped by a cafe to call me, and that’s from their native lands,” he said. “We do not OSCE: referendum is illegal stop since Mr. Putin’s announcement, when we talked,” said Mr. Eliasson. Mr. want a repetition of this tragedy. Therefore “without lunch breaks, until late at night.” BERN – In its current form the referen- Serry, who was dispatched to Crimea to we appeal for help to Ilham Aliyev [presi- Ukraine has put its army on high combat dum regarding Crimea scheduled for March take stock of the situation there, had been dent of Azerbaijan], Abdullah Gül [presi- alert and is calling up reservists. In theory, 16 is in contradiction with the Ukrainian relying on Ukrainian authorities for securi- dent of Turkey] and Nursultan Nazarbayev all men up to 40-years old could be asked Constitution and must be considered illegal, ty. He was threatened but not kidnapped, [president of Kazakhstan]. Do not abandon to join army ranks in the event of a full- Swiss Foreign Minister and OSCE the deputy U.N. chief stressed. A U.N. your Crimean brothers and sisters at this blown war with Russia, whose military (Organization for Security and Cooperation spokesperson later confirmed that Mr. difficult time. We ask the entire world to capabilities are far vaster than its neigh- in Europe) Chair Didier Burkhalter said on Serry was taking a flight out of Symferopol help us. Exile and repression await us in bor’s. According to March 4 news reports, March 11. For any referendum regarding and returning to Kyiv. Mr. Eliasson has con- Russia once again,” he said. Mr. Dzhemilev volunteers have been queuing up to enlist. the degree of autonomy or sovereignty of tinued to meet with authorities in Kyiv, announced that the Crimean Tatars are pre- Andriy Lomtev, a 21-year-old Cherkasy res- the Crimea to be legitimate, it would need to stressing the need for calm and interna- paring for mass protests and beseeched the ident, was demobilized a year ago after be based on the Ukrainian Constitution and tional unity in the pursuit of peace amid world to support the views of the indige- serving in Crimea. He showed up at the would have to be in line with international the ongoing crisis in the country. “I don’t nous population of Crimea, which wishes to city’s army recruitment office hours after law, he said. In that context, Mr. Burkhalter think I’ve ever made so many references to continue living as part of a unified Ukraine. his own father, 46, signed up as a volunteer. called upon all actors to refrain from sup- the U.N. Charter,” he told reporters in refer- As reported earlier, the new head leader of “I want to defend my people,” he said. porting unconstitutional activities. The ence to the charter’s principles of unity, the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatars, Refat “Some of my friends have already enlisted, chair also ruled out the possibility of an sovereignty and territorial integrity. Mr. Chubarov, called for the deployment of an others are waiting to be called up. Our OSCE observation of the planned referen- Eliasson is known to carry a copy of the international U.N. peacekeeping force in patriotic feelings are roused in such emer- dum of March 16 as the basic criteria for a Charter with him at all times, and was ear- Crimea. (Espresso TV via Euromaidan PR) gency situations.” With fewer than 130,000 lier today photographed holding up the lit- active military personnel – a far cry from decision in a constitutional framework was Ukrainians answer call to enlist not met. Furthermore, an invitation by the tle blue booklet while calling for a de-esca- Russia’s 845,000 – the Ukrainian army will participating state concerned would be a lation of tensions between Kiev and KYIV – The army recruitment office in need all the help it can get. Cash-strapped precondition to any observation activity in Moscow. (United Nations) Cherkasy, central Ukraine, has never been Ukraine owns almost 10 times fewer tanks this regard. Mr. Burkhalter reiterated his Crimean Tatars ask for help so busy. More than 500 people have than Russia. It has one major warship and readiness to engage in discussions with all already turned up to enroll since Russian only about 230 combat aircraft. Russia, sides, possibly in the form of a Contact KYIV – Crimean Tatars appealed to the President Vladimir Putin declared on which has spent billions of dollars over the Group, regarding possibilities to find ways presidents of Turkey, Kazakhstan and March 1 the right to invade Ukraine. past decade to upgrade and modernize its out of the current situation. He took note of Azerbaijan to help prevent the secession of Katerina Shelest, a local recruiting office military, owns more than 30 large warships significant concerns signaled by his person- Crimea from Ukraine, Espreso TV reported, employee, told RFE/RL that “scores of peo- and more than 1,500 combat-capable al envoy on the situation in the Crimea, citing Azerbaijani news outlet ple are showing up, including retired offi- planes. (RFE/RL) Ambassador Tim Guldimann, who said on March 6 that “the situation is calm, but very tense,” adding, “It is a miracle that there has been no bloodshed yet.” Mr. Guldimann ПЛЕМ'Я ПЛАСТУНОК „ПЕРШІ СТЕЖІ“ deplored the fact that, while in Crimea, he влаштовує was not able to secure a meeting with and the commander of the „ДЕННИЙ ТАБІР ПТАШАТ ПРИ ПЛАСТІ“ Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation. He and OSCE High Commissioner of для дітей від 4 до 6 років, які володіють National Minorities Astrid Thors, however, (розуміють і розмовляють) українською мовою had extensive talks with representatives from the Crimean Parliament as well as • Дитині до 31 серпня 2014 р. мусить виповнитись 4 роки. Вийнятків немає. from public administration and civil soci- • Дитина мусить мати усі приписані щеплення. ety, including from the community of the • Дитина, яка склала Заяву Вступу до новацтва, не може брати участи в таборaх для Пташат. Crimean Tatars. He also met with the rep- resentative of the acting Ukrainian presi- Табір відбудеться на Союзівці у двох групах: dent in Crimea. (OSCE) • від неділі, 22 червня, до суботи, 28 червня 2014 р. Kyiv requests continuation of visit • від неділі, 29 червня, до суботи, 5 липня 2014 р. VIENNA – A continuation of the visit by unarmed personnel has been requested by У справі кімнат просимо порозуміватися прямо з Адміністрацією Союзівки: Ukraine, this time to cover the south and SOYUZIVKA, P. O. Box 529, 216 Foordmore Road, Kerhonkson, NY 12446 east of the country, the Organization for (845) 626-5641; www.; Fax: 845-626-4638 Security and Cooperation in Europe report- ed on March 11. So far, 14 OSCE participat- • Tаборова оплата: $110.00 ($20.00 незворотні); оплата за два тижні 210.00 дол. ing states have responded to the request, • Зголошення і таборову оплату (чек виписаний на Plast – Pershi Stezhi) надсилати до: with numbers expected to rise over the next days. A first visit to Crimea – when 18 OSCE Mrs. Oresta Fedyniak, 2626 W. Walton Ave., Chicago, IL 60622 participating states sent 35 unarmed mili- tary personnel to Ukraine in response to its Tel.: 773 486-0394 (від 8:00 до 10:00 ранку) request – was organized for March 5-12, when the group was unable to move beyond • Реченець зголошень: 1 червня 2014 р. • Після реченця не приймаємо зголошень. checkpoints at the administrative border. The visit is taking place under Chapter III of the Vienna Document 2011, which allows КАРТА ЗГОЛОШЕННЯ НА ТАБІР ПТАШАТ-2014 for voluntary hosting of visits to dispel con- Ім’я і прізвище дитини ...... cerns about unusual military activities. по-українськи і по-англійськи Ukraine had requested all OSCE participat- Дата народження ...... ing states to send military representatives for March 5-12, starting in Odesa. This was Адреса ...... the first time this mechanism has been acti- Телефон ...... E-mail ...... vated. The visit is now expected to continue through March 16. (OSCE) Просимо залучити посвідку дати народження дітей, що вписуєтe на табір перший раз Armed men threaten U.N. envoy ☐ від 22 червня до 28 червня 2014 р. ☐ від 29 червня до 5 липня 2014 р. Величина таборової сорочинки дитини: ☐ 6-8, ☐10-12, ☐14-16. UNITED NATIONS – The United Nations ☐ Залучую чек на суму $...... ☐ Резервую кімнату на Союзівці has confirmed that Senior Advisor Robert Serry is in good shape physically after being threatened on March 5 during his ...... visit to Crimea by armed men who ordered ім’я і прізвище матері (подати дівоче прізвище) him to leave the region. “He was met out- side the main naval headquarters by a Завваги ...... number of unidentified men who were say- ...... ing that he should leave Crimea and go to the airport,” Deputy Secretary-General Jan ...... Eliasson told reporters in New York, as he ...... Підпис батька або матері briefed via telephone from Kyiv. Mr. Serry 14 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 No. 11

tions, including Serhii Taruta (worth $660 At the Education Ministry, Serhiy Kvit Ruslana honored... Euro-Maidan... million, according to in has followed up on his initial symbolic ges- Donetsk and Igor Kolomoisky (worth $3.5 ture – submitting a request on March 5 to (Continued from page 10) (Continued from page 4) billion) in Dnipropetrovsk. dismantle the surrounding fence – by evening, in the face of impending police these ‘activists,’ among whom Russian tour- But these appointments weren’t widely promising to fulfill demands that students attacks and death threats, she performed ists from neighboring oblasts play a signifi- criticized since they were viewed as the have been making for at least a decade. the Ukrainian national anthem for the cant role,” Mr. Oleshchuk said. “For them, interim government’s effort to prevent fed- They include returning textbooks that other demonstrators to reinforce the prom- Ukrainian officials are all the same. The eralist and separatist movements from had been eliminated by his pro-Russian pre- ise of a diverse and unified Ukraine. Party of Regions is trying to balance itself destabilizing the country. Both oligarchs decessor, separating the Higher Attestation “One night last December, as Ruslana beyond these events.” are natives of the oblasts they are leading Commission from the Education Ministry, sang, rumors of an impending security It’s not just eastern Ukrainians (and and both have a lot of wealth to lose should simplifying the procedure to recognize for- sweep by the Ukrainian riot police began to Russian tourists) who were chasing out the the Ukrainian state begin to disintegrate, eign diplomas and introducing “cross admis- spread, sending panic through the crowd. new appointments. In Lviv, leaders of the experts said. sion” to permit entering a master’s program Ruslana held the stage and urged protes- Euro-Maidan’s armed units – the Pravyi “No one else could have promised to in a field of study different from one’s own tors to retain their calmness and compo- Sektor coalition of nationalist forces and keep the situation under control,” Mr. bachelor’s degree. sure. And when the government forces Afghanistan war veterans – demonstrated Oleshchuk said. As for Internal Affairs Minister Avakov, arrived to the scene, she reminded them their dissatisfaction by evicting the newly Indeed the secessionist activity has been he claimed on his Facebook page on March over and over again to respect human appointed prosecutor on March 7. largely kept under the lid in Donetsk, despite 4 to have dismissed 90 percent of the rights and refrain from violence. Volodymyr Hural was supposed to be several attacks on Euro-Maidan demonstra- Internal Affairs Ministry’s command, “Anyone who was there that night will presented at an afternoon ceremony in the tors, who have been provided police protec- “mainly people who compromised and dis- tell you how her rallying cries steadied the Lviv Railmen’s Palace but was grabbed by tion by Mr. Taruta at protest sites. credited themselves during the last three nerves of the protestors, giving them the the activists and forced onto the street, from The situation isn’t too bad in Kyiv either, months” of the Euro-Maidan. courage they needed to successfully with- where he drove away. Mr. Hural upheld a as Mr. Yatsenyuk announced he’s commit- On March 11, he announced a campaign stand more than 2,000 riot police. They “corrupt way of life,” said Ihor Kotsiuruba, ted to harsh cuts in fiscal spending, which to target for criminal charges 50 financial will tell you how crowds cheered as even- the leader of Lviv’s Pravyi Sektor, as report- he estimated at $7 billion to $9 billion for institutions for their involvement in money tually the police retreated from a standoff ed by the UNIAN news agency. the 2014 budget, or 14 to 17 percent, as laundering – unprecedented for Ukraine’s that was intense but ultimately peaceful. “During his tenure as prosecutor in the reported by the Kommersant-Ukraina financial industry. And they will tell you how that night will go Lviv Oblast, he had the nickname ‘desiatka’ news site on March 4. In the view of the government’s defend- down in history as one of the EuroMaidan [10 note] because everyone knew that The first cuts will occur in state officials’ ers, the critics are being a bit too harsh. movement’s most amazing displays of approaching him to resolve any issue could perks and in state purchases, he said, which “Three days had not passed since the unity and determination. only be done having in hand no less than are a rampant source of corruption. appointment of the Internal Affairs Minister “For her steadfast commitment to nonvi- 10,000 greenbacks,” he said. His government’s program – which con- and the ‘sofa sotnia’ began to get offended olent resistance and national unity in the The new government leaders have failed sists of seven main goals and 120 separate about why no one has been imprisoned, why fight against government corruption and to live up to their promise of conducting tasks – also calls for dismissing unneeded criminal charges haven’t been filed, why, why, human rights abuses, we name Ruslana lustration and reviewing candidates with state employees (65 in the Presidential why,” wrote commentator Viktoria Narizhna Lyzhychko a Woman of Courage.” the Euro-Maidan to prevent corrupt offi- Administration and 90 in the National in an essay published on the Ukrayinska Profiles of all the winners of the cials from returning, said Ihor Shepa, a Security and Defense Council) and liquidat- Pravda news site on March 9. “And it’s noth- International Women of Courage Awards leader of Lviv’s Afghanistan war veterans. ing 42 unneeded state programs. ing that thousands of criminal cases have to may be read at “We don’t want the Nebesnia Sotnia, Moreover, Finance Minister Oleksander be opened. That the country can’t allow selec- gwi/programs/iwoc/2014/bio/index. who gave their lives for changes, to have Shlapak ordered all ministries to conduct tive justice, not after Yanukovych’s disorder. their memory tarnished by such appoint- Ruslana’s schedule in D.C. an inventory within two months of state That the eastern and southern oblasts have ments,” he said. “We will demand concor- residences, dachas, retreats and health cen- been enveloped by sabotage of law enforce- The U.S.-Ukraine Foundation, in cooper- dance and lustration for the leaders of the ters, which will be transferred to the State ment structures. Where’s Avakov? How could ation with Robert McConnell of R. A. police and Security Service of Ukraine in Property Fund and possibly auctioned. they have thrust upon us a common person McConnell & Associates, organized the rest the Lviv region.” He has also forbidden state organs to as internal affairs minister? Where’s our of Ruslana’s Washington program. On Several wealthy oligarchs also were spend funds on renovations, automobiles, Superman, who can be in 100 places all at March 5 she was hosted by the National appointed to lead state oblast administra- mobile phones, laptops and charter flights. the same time?” Press Club at its Newsmaker Program, addressing her message directly to President Vladimir Putin in English, Major Non-NATO Ally (MNNA). Together Ukrainian and Russian. Later that day she Turning... Bipartisanship... these measures will provide the Ukrainian had a meeting with Friends of Ukraine government necessary assistance in the (Continued from page 6) (Continued from page 6) hosted by the U.S.-Ukraine Foundation. economic and defense spheres, to institute On March 6, Ruslana spent all day on Ukraine’s Parliament on February 24, These are the undisputed facts. Even major economic reforms and to provide Capitol Hill, meeting with Sens. John 1994, adopted a resolution “On the Status of Russia’s apologists do not deny them. It Ukrainian defense forces critical supplies, McCain (R-Ariz.) and Chris Murphy the Autonomous Republic of Crimea in also is indisputable that, unchecked, the logistical support and intelligence, in deter- (D-Conn.), Reps. Jim Gerlach (R-Pa.) and Conformity with the Acting Constitution reconstituted Russian Empire will not stop ring further aggression by Russia. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio), Undersecretary of and Legislation of Ukraine.” The resolution in subverting, destabilizing other countries The UCCA supports President Barack State for Civilian Security, Democracy and stated: 1) Crimea does not have state sover- of the former Soviet Union, the former sat- Obama, Secretary of State John Kerry, and Human Rights Richard Stengel, as well as eignty and cannot enter into political rela- Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel in their Chairman Ed Royce (R-Calif.) and Ranking ellite states of Central and East Europe, and tions with foreign countries; 2) the Crimean efforts to resolve the crisis diplomatically. Member Eliot Engel (D-N.Y.) of the House beyond. Ultimately, these efforts are aimed Constitution cannot contradict the Multilateral diplomatic initiatives – working Foreign Affairs Committee. at destroying NATO and eliminating U.S. Ukrainian Constitution; 3) Crimea is an with our allies in Europe, NATO and the March 7 meetings included a roundtable influence from Europe and other regions of integral part of Ukraine and Ukraine’s bor- international community as a whole – in discussion followed by a webinar at the Eurasia, as well as the Middle East. Russia ders cannot be changed without the con- confronting Russian aggression and subver- Atlantic Council, interviews with CNN, NBC is working to undermine U.S. efforts from sent of the people of Ukraine; 4) Crimea sion of its neighbors, include meaningful and CBS. Ruslana also stopped by the Tehran to Syria and from Havana to cannot have its own citizenship, military monthly social gathering of young profes- Caracas. sanctions. These welcome measures should formations, or monetary and financial sys- sionals in Washington. In the words of Republican Sen. John be reinforced with policies that take into tem. In addition, the resolution stipulated On March 8 Ruslana had several more McCain, ranking member of the Senate account the proposals by Sens. Menendez that the Crimean authorities had one month meetings and an interview with Voice of Committee on Foreign Affairs, U.S. policy and McCain, as well as the designation of to bring its Constitution and laws into line America. She videotaped a message in front toward Russia by both Republican and Ukraine as a Major Non-NATO Ally. with Ukraine’s Constitution and laws. of the Taras Shevchenko monument in Democratic administrations was based Finally, the UCCA calls on our president Mr. Meshkov criticized the resolution, Washington to be used for the Maidan cele- more on “wishful thinking” than “reality”; and our leaders in the House and Senate to calling for Kyiv to withdraw its troops from bration of the 200th anniversary of Democratic Sen. Robert Menendez, chair- put aside political differences and stand the peninsula, arguing that the Black Sea Shevchenko’s birth. Before departing for man of the Foreign Relations Committee, together at this time of great danger for Fleet was sufficient guarantee of the the airport, Ruslana had a discussion with called for an urgent re-examination of U.S. our homeland and the world. While poli- Crimea’s security. Ambassador Olexander Motsyk regarding policy toward Russia. tics must end at our country’s shores, Meanwhile, Russian Prime Minister her meetings and the upcoming visit of These leaders in the U.S. Congress defense of our homeland must not. Viktor Chernomyrdin assured Kyiv that Ukraine’s Prime Minister Arseniy understand the significance of this critical Isolationism can only invite tyranny and Moscow had no claims on Crimea. Yatsenyuk to Washington. moment in history and the absolute need aggression that, left unchallenged, will lead Source: “Kyiv issues last minute appeal to for national unity and bipartisanship in to consequences that history has tragically Sources: Websites of the U.S. Department the Crimean Republic,” by Rebecca A. Congress in compelling the Russian mili- repeated twice on a global level during the of State and the U.S. Embassy Kyiv, and the Morrison, The Ukrainian Weekly, March 27, tary to stand down and to respect the invio- last century. At the start of both world U.S.-Ukraine Foundation. 1994. lability and territorial integrity of Ukraine. wars, Russia was the aggressor. Russian The Ukrainian Congress Committee of aggression continues to plague Europe America welcomes the adoption of legisla- even now in the 21st century. Today, the tion on assistance to Ukraine. We welcome Ukrainian people are standing tall in Visit our archive online: legislation proposed by Chairman defense of their hard-won freedom. They Menendez. We also support calls for the also are on the front line of defense for Senate Armed Services Committee to initi- Europe, America and the world. America, ate the process of designating Ukraine as a united, needs to stand with them. No. 11 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 15 Master-ing the sport Ukraine defeats U.S. 2-0 of skiing – Oksana Masters in international friendly match

by Ihor N.Stelmach often hitting a tree or breaking a ski pole. by Ihor N. Stelmach Both coaches understood the need to She spent as much time in the snow as on play the match and voiced positive for the Oksana Masters, winner of a bronze her sit-ski, pushing herself to find her lim- One country’s national team approached people in Ukraine. medal in rowing at the 2012 Paralympics its. She did well. the international contest as a friendly “Of course we do it for our supporters, in London, is competing as a member of Masters’ interest in skiing was originally match to be competitively played and for our country,” Ukraine coach Mykhailo the U.S. Nordic Ski Team in the Winter in downhill, not cross-country. The concept hopefully won. The other’s squad treated it Fomenko said in a post-match press con- Paralympic Games in Sochi, Russia. The of endurance racing across snow on a sit- more as a scrimmage, an opportunity to ference. “I asked to make our people happy. 24-year-old Ukraine native, a double ampu- ski was quite strange. Instead of flying play some non-starters, more of a friendly We had to show that we’re all united.” tee, qualified to compete in cross-country down a hill, she learned to go up the hill. match. The result saw Ukraine, the world’s “You feel for that country. You feel for that skiing and biathlon. She won bronze med- The process took much time and effort, a top-rated soccer power not qualified for nation and there’s nothing more than wish- als in a 12-kilometer sit-ski World Cup race challenge she was more than willing to this year’s World Cup, shutting out the ing them well and to solve those issues January 17 in Germany and in a 5-kilome- meet head-on. United States, 2-0, in an exhibition soccer peacefully,” said U.S. coach Jurgen Klinsmann. ter race in Alberta last December. She’s As an experienced rower, she had devel- game shifted from Kharkiv, Ukraine, to the Ukraine took the lead when the U.S. ranked 11th in the world in Nordic skiing oped upper-body strength and fitness, island of Cyprus on March 5. failed on an attempted offside trap. Yevhen and 13th in biathlon (women’s sitting divi- though she needed to learn to pace herself. A small group of Ukrainian fans travelled Konoplyanka looped a pass from just sions). In January, Masters won national Since the fitness aspect was a given, the the 600 miles from Kharkiv to Larnaca, before midfield to Denys Harmash, who titles in 6-kilometer biathlon and 5-kilome- issue to overcome was technique. Over the Cyprus, for sports entertainment that split two U.S. defenders and trapped the ter + 10-kilometer cross-country. past year she has become smoother, capa- allowed them to forget about their nation’s ball at the top of the penalty area. (As featured on the pages of The Weekly ble of making turns on one ski and shifting troubles for a few hours. Amid a heated Goaltender Tim Howard blocked the shot, in mid-2012, Oksana Masters was born in her weight on corners. political crisis back home, Ukrainian fans but Harmash squared the rebound to Ukraine with physical disabilities probably Masters’ other new adventure is biath- waved flags united as one, reveling in their Yarmolenko, his Dynamo Kyiv teammate. A caused by radiation poisoning. She spent her lon. She has learned how to shoot a rifle in upset victory over the U.S. left-footed shot from six yards was Andriy’s first seven years in an orphanage and board- cross-country races. She considers the dis- Despite the difficult times in Ukraine, 15th international goal. ing school before being adopted by Gay cipline more of a mental challenge because fans felt the need to support their country, Two minutes after entering the game, Masters and moving to the United States.) of the shooting – if she misses a shot she the national team and the friendship Devic outran Fabian Johnson (U.S.) to reach It was late in 2012 when Masters, can’t get down, but has to keep moving and between the U.S. and Ukraine. To many, the Roman Bezus’ headed pass from inside the intrigued by the idea of cross-country ski- aim for the next target. It has been said friendship between the two countries was midfield circle. He cut the ball back to his left ing, got her first taste of the sport at U.S. shooting in itself is difficult – shooting with more important than the score of the match. foot, only to have U.S. goalkeeper Howard Paralympics camps in Colorado. After a a rapid heart rate is ridiculously hard. The shaky American defense was block the initial shot with a sprawling save. taste, she wanted more and went all in on At the December 2013 IPC World Cup in exposed twice by Andriy Yarmolenko in the Fortunately, Devic got the rebound and slid the sport. The result was rapid growth and Canmore, Alberta, Masters finished seventh 12th minute and Marko Devic in the 68th. the ball between two American defenders surprising success. in both biathlon races. Her biathlon events Ukraine’s players linked arms during the with a left-footed shot from 15 yards. Before she learned to go fast she first came after her podium finish in the 5-kilo- playing of their national anthem. Players in Both Ukrainian goals were on fortunate had to learn how to stay upright. She meter race. The results came against a both starting line-ups respectfully bowed rebounds of shots initially saved by crashed a lot in the early stages because world-class field. Her confidence boosted, their heads prior to the start of the game Howard, where relentless attacking zone she wanted to go fast, but then couldn’t Masters has an indication of how good she during a moment of silence for the victims pressure by a committed Ukrainian offense control the sled at the bottom of the hill, can be. She hopes to prove it in Sochi. of the political protests in Ukraine. scored the match’s lone goals.

American Coalition, stated: “You are not Thousands... alone!” It is with a heavy heart but with determination that Ukraine moves for- (Continued from page 11) ward, he said. The Visegrad countries stand the international community will have to with you – as the Ukrainian struggle is our appeal to the future of Russia’s children. struggle. Mr. Teleki said he hoped for dis- Former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine course in easing tensions, and the need to Roman Popadiuk said that the freedom uphold the 1994 Budapest Memorandum rally today symbolized the freedom of commitments. The EU aid package for assembly, a democratic society, without for- Ukraine needs to move forward and the EU eign interference. Russian aggression will needs to punish Putin with a unified not deter people or their democratic aspi- response that hits Putin and his oligarchs rations. The U.S. government is strengthen- in their wallets. He shamed the hedging by ing its stand against Mr. Putin, who has Great Britain and Germany, as he reminded underestimated the resolve of the U.S. and that there is no room for this sort of behav- Ukrainians, but, he reminded, there are still ior to tackle Putinism. many challenges to overcome. Askold Lozynskyj, former president of Yaro Bihun Valery Kavaleuski of the Belarusan- UCCA and the Ukrainian World Congress, Ukrainians, joined by their European allies, pressure the White House to not allow Russian President Vladimir Putin to threaten the security of Europe. American Association told the crowd, opened by invoking a moment of silence to honor those killed during the Maidan pro- “Belarus knows all too well, the situation in Ausma Tomasevic of the American Circassian Council expressed his love for tests, followed by reading the Lord’s Prayer. Ukraine.” Ukraine is struggling to ensure Latvian Association said Ukraine is a val- Ukraine. Noting the Russian-orchestrated “They did not die in vain,” he told the crowd. human dignity and support for good gover- ued partner that is trying to rid itself of genocide of the Circassian people in Sochi, “We are gathered here, in front of the White nance without foreign interference. “The political corruption, and noted other Russia, Mr. Youghar said, “the international Anschluss of Crimea will not make Russia House, the symbol of power in the United States. Thank you! But this is not enough, shared problems with Ukraine’s relations community turned a blind eye to this, in stronger. Russia’s isolation is due to its pat- with Russia. “May the inspiration you have Georgia, during the Holodomor and oth- tern of aggression, and unified pressure is we need the U.S. and the other 27 members shown be sustained through this struggle. ers.” Russia’s escalation of tensions should necessary to stop Putin,” he said. The EU, of NATO to accelerate the steps to accept Latvians will work for U.S. support of not be allowed, especially with Russia’s he added, needs to step up its pressure, as Ukraine as a member of NATO, which sup- Ukraine for the long term to stop Russian record of human rights violations. “The Russian influence has stifled democratic ports its goals of security in Europe.” aggression,” he said. Circassians stand with all Ukrainians,” he gains. Russia should pay attention to the In Georgia in 2008, Russia invaded rights of Russians in Russia, and recognize Abkhazia and South Ossetia, and never left. Juraj Slavik, president of the Czecho- concluded. the legitimacy of the central government in In Ukraine, it is hoped, it will be different. Slovak National Council of America, urged The closing of the protest was led by the Kyiv. Mr. Lozynskyj stated: “Crimea is Ukraine,” unity among all of the Slavic countries to hierarchs of the Ukrainian Orthodox and Marcin Zmudzki, representing the Polish and “Russia must withdraw, as the territory support Ukraine. “Putin is a betrayer of the Catholic Churches, who commemorated the American community, said he supports the of Ukraine is inviolable. Hear our Ukrainian Slavs,” he said. dead at the Maidan with the singing of slogans that were being chanted at the rally. pleas – we need the support of all freedom- Ayla Bakkalli, U.S. representative of the “Vichnaya Pamiat” (Memory Eternal), The government of Poland and its people loving people in the world.” Crimean Tatar Mejlis, reminded about the expressed the hope for Ukraine with the support Ukraine’s independence and territo- Marju Rink-Abel, president of the rights of indigenous people – the Crimean singing of “Mnohaya Lita” (Many Years), and rial integrity. Encourage Polish people in Estonian American National Council, said, Tatars – and their right to self-determina- concluded with the singing of the Ukrainian your neighborhoods to actions and rallies in “We stand with you for Ukraine’s search for tion. Ms. Bakkalli asked, “Where is the national anthem and “God Bless America.” support of the Ukrainian cause, he said. This democracy and to keep your territory free choice for the Tatars?” There is much sad- The crowd was instructed that the pro- is a different kind of revolution, and the and whole.” Ms. Rink-Abel thanked ness among the international community, test would continue in front of the Russian Kharkiv agreements signed by Viktor Secretary of State Kerry for countering Mr. she added, noting that Putin is afraid of Embassy; it began at 4 p.m., and lasted Yanukovych will need to be overcome. Mr. Putin’s lies by speaking the truth, but noted democracy. She expressed fear for friends approximately one hour. Zmudzki urged participants to lobby their that more needs to be done and was critical and family and called on people to lend For more information on protests and U.S. government representatives for support. of the EU’s passiveness during the crisis. support any way they can. political activism in Ukraine’s struggle, Max Teleki, president of the Hungarian “Long live Ukraine!” she added. Iyad Youghar of the International readers may visit 16 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 No. 11 No. 11 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 17

COMMUNITY CHRONICLE Montreal marks 95th anniversary of Ukraine’s Day of Unity

by Zorianna Hrycenko-Luhova Serbyn, who provided an overview of the progression of events leading to the histor- MONTREAL – The Ukrainian Canadian ic declaration of Ukraine’s unification in Congress (UCC) Montreal branch com- 1919. memorated the 95th anniversary of the Prof. Serbyn’s presentation was made Day of Unity, marking the unification of the very current with a description of the pres- Ukrainian National Republic and the ent crises in Ukraine, touching on lessons to Western Ukrainian National Republic in be learned from the past and reflecting on 1919, with a special program on February the danger Ukraine faces in losing its sover- 9 at St. Sophia Cathedral. eignty with President Vladimir Putin pull- A solemn atmosphere pervaded the ing Ukraine into Russia’s sphere of influ- room, with everyone in attendance wor- ence. ried and uneasy about disturbing events The concluding commemorative pro- unfolding on Ukraine’s Maidan gram included participation by Victoria, (Independence Square), and the people’s Chrystia and Marko Oshchipko, the Rev. continued struggle in Kyiv and throughout Wolodymyr Kouchnir, Victoria Savchenko, Ukraine for democracy and rule of law. Anna and Yurij Kolevych, and Veronica The commemoration, marked annually Kolevych. The Ukrainian national anthem by the Montreal branch, was opened by the At Montreal’s celebration of Ukraine’s Day of Unity (from left) are: the Rev. Wolodymyr was sung at the end of the program. UCC Montreal cultural-educational chair- Kouchnir of St. Sophia Cathedral; Bohdanna Klecor-Hawryluk, cultural-educational Representatives of both the Ukrainian person, Bohdanna Klecor-Hawryluk. The chairperson of the Ukrainian Canadian Congress Montreal branch; Zorianna Hrycenko- Orthodox and Ukrainian Catholic churches guest speaker was historian Roman Luhova, president of UCC Montreal; and guest speaker Prof. Roman Serbyn. of Montreal were present.

Miami area remembers the Holodomor by Oksana Piaseckyj MIAMI – To commemorate the 80th anniversary of the Holodomor late last year, the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America Branch 17 of Miami organized three events in south Florida to create more awareness of this genocide. On November 23, 2013, Yuri Luhovy’s English-version film “Genocide Revealed” (the English-language version of “Okradena Zemlia”) was shown at the Cinema Paradiso the- ater in Fort Lauderdale. Special guest Michael Sawkiw Jr., chairman of the U.S. Committee for Ukrainian Holodomor- Genocide Awareness 1932-1933, spoke briefly to the audi- ence about the Holodomor and then introduced the film. After the film’s screening, viewers had the opportunity to discuss the circumstances of the Holodomor with him. The audience of different backgrounds, denominations and generations was extremely moved by the film, and some admitted that they had never heard of this famine and were curious to find out what this horrific story was all about. An exhibit of the Holodomor was displayed in the lobby of the movie theater with literature for everyone to take with them. The exhibit was put together in 2005 by the League of Ukrainian Canadian Women. This highly crafted and moving exhibition was shown several times during the commemoration in Miami. Oksana Piaseckyj The following day Mr. Sawkiw was the honorary speak- Community members who attended the Holodomor memorial service at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Miami. er at a Divine Liturgy in St. Mary’s Cathedral of the Roman Rite. The commemoration began with a Holodomor pro- the requiem service. Waskewicz sang angelically in the midst of the cathedral’s cession with lighted candles, led by several girls from the The liturgy was led by the Rev. Jaroslaw Shudrak, pastor beautiful acoustics. Ukrainian dance school dressed in traditional costumes of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church of the Assumption The Catholic Diocesan Magazine sent a reporter/pho- and carrying a symbolic dark round loaf of Ukrainian of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Miami and assisted by the tographer to cover the Holodomor commemoration and bread and sheaths of wheat. Participants wore black Rev. Mitred Bohdan Zhoba of St. Nicholas Ukrainian provide information about this genocide for its readers. mourning ribbons. Prior to the liturgy, the Rev. Christopher Orthodox Church of Cooper City. The choir of Assumption For the following week there were two presentations by Marino, rector of the cathedral, welcomed all present to Church, under the direction of Donna Maksymovych- Prof. Alexander Motyl, professor of political science at Rutgers University-Newark, who recently wrote the novel “Sweet Snow,” whose events take place during the Holodomor years. Prof. Motyl was invited to present his book at the presti- gious bookseller venue Books and Books in Coral Gables. This well-known establishment in the literary world has hosted many famous authors, among them, Salman Rushdie, U.S. Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton, and popular writers of fiction such as Elmore Leonard. The occasion provided an opportunity for the professor to read excerpts from his book and discuss the Holodomor with people who had little knowledge of this horrific period of Ukraine’s history. The next day, after the divine liturgy, parishioners of the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary in Miami gathered in the church hall to hear Prof. Motyl speak about the history of the Famine-Genocide and present his views on the current circumstances in Ukraine. Prof. Motyl is known for his analyses of Ukrainian events in his publica- Michael Sawkiw Jr. speaks about the Prof. Alexander Motyl signs a copy of his novel “Sweet Snow” at Books tions and his blog on the World Affairs website, “Ukraine’s Holodomor. and Books in Coral Gables, Fla. Orange Blues.” 18 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 No. 11

“On 27 February 2014 an armed terrorist border of Ukraine by illegally moving its Ukraine presses... group acting under the flags of the Russian military units into the territory of Ukraine, G-7 tells Russia... Federation seized buildings of the Verkhovna and further demands to withdraw all (Continued from page 1) Rada of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea Russian military units back to their perma- (Continued from page 1) combined scenarios of Ossetia and and the Cabinet of Ministers of the nent deployment locations.” On March 12, U.S. Secretary of State John Abkhazia” in Ukraine. He said Russia has Autonomous Republic of Crimea. Speaking during the March 4 session of the Kerry said he will travel to London to meet distributed Russian passports and citizen- “On 28 February 2014 unidentified Security Council. Mr. Sergeyev said there is with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov ship to residents of Crimea and claims the armed militants blocked two airports: every reason to believe that Russia is prepar- on March 14 to try to ease tensions over right to come in to protect its citizens. In Symferopol and Belbek (near Sevastopol). ing to intervene in other regions of Ukraine. Ukraine. addition, because Crimean Tatars and These days we observe the large-scale mili- He pointed to the mobilization of Russian Mr. Kerry also held a meeting on March tary exercises conducted by the Russian troops along the Russia-Ukraine border and Ukrainians have said they will boycott the 12 with visiting Ukrainian Prime Minister Federation and military redeployment in the presence of 16,000 troops in Crimea. March 16 referendum on Crimea’s status, Arseniy Yatsenyuk ahead of Mr. Yatsenyuk’s the regions bordering on Ukraine. Lately, By March 7, when Ukraine’s envoy to the Russians and pro-Russian separatists will high-profile talks with President Barack deliver a majority vote for Crimea to join there also have been numerous movements U.N. met with correspondents and editors of of military equipment of the Russian Black Ukrainian- and Russian-language media out- Obama later that day. the Russian Federation. In Abkhazia, Mr. In a strong show of support, Mr. Obama Sergeyev noted, the next step after such a Sea Fleet across Ukraine’s territory.” lets in the U.S., the number of Russian troops greeted Mr. Yatsenyuk in the Oval Office – a referendum was a request for Russian mili- As well, Mr. Sergeyev reported that on on the ground in Crimea had grown to symbol of U.S. power – like any other for- tary forces. In the case of Crimea, the March 1, 10 Russian military transport air- 30,000. The source of this information, he Russian troops are already there. craft IL-76 illegally crossed the state border said, is Ukraine’s border control. In addition, eign leader. Russia, it must be noted, does Mr. Sergeyev described the situation in of Ukraine and landed at the airport near Mr. Sergeyev cited the presence of Don and not recognize the legitimacy of Ukraine’s Crimea as follows. High Commissioner on Symferopol; 14 Russian helicopters illegally whose slogan, he said, is new government. National Minorities Astrid Thors of the entered territory of Ukraine and landed “Byi zhydiv i khokhliv” – Strike the Jews and The White House said the president Organization for Security and Cooperation near Kacha; 10 Russian armored personnel the Ukrainians (using the derogatory terms). would also discuss an economic support in Europe, who had arrived in Kyiv from carriers moved towards Symferopol; and He explained that, in accordance with the package for Ukraine that has already seen Crimea on March 6, said she was “alarmed the Ukrainian Coast Guard unit at agreement governing the basing of Russia’s Washington pledge more than $1 billion. about the risk of violent conflict… and the Sevastopol was blocked by a group of Black Sea Fleet in Crimea, Russia could have Earlier on March 12, Ukraine’s acting effects this could have on all communities, armed people under the command of up to 25,000 personnel on the peninsula. President Oleksander Turchynov said particularly the Ukrainian and Crimean Russian Navy Capt. Oleksandr Tolmachov. However, the agreement also stipulates that Russia has refused “all contacts at the for- Tatar groups.” News media that are in “We consider all mentioned steps by Russia must notify Ukraine in advance of the eign ministry and top government level” Crimea (including CNN and Al Jazeera) Russian Federation as strongly unfriendly number of personnel to be stationed there with Ukraine and is “rejecting a diplomatic have reported pressure on the local popula- attempt to destabilize even more current in the coming year; thus, in December 2013, solution to the conflict.” tion to recognize the new government of tense situation in Crimea,” Mr. Sergeyev Russia said there would be 11,000 troops in However, Mr. Turchynov told the French Crimea and to vote “correctly” in the refer- told the Security Council. Crimea during 2014. Any additional troops news agency AFP that heavily outnum- The ambassador presented Ukraine’s call are there illegally, Mr. Sergeyev underscored. endum. International observers now are bered Ukraine would not go to war with for the Russian Federation, “as a state-guar- As for what comes next, Ambassador not being allowed entry onto the peninsula: Russia over Crimea, as it would leave the the verification mission of the OSCE was antor under the Budapest Memorandum, to Sergeyev told the news media gathered at country’s eastern border exposed and blocked from entering; the U.N.’s represen- respect independence, sovereignty and the Ukraine’s Mission to the U.N. that more unprotected. tative was forced to leave; and Petro existing borders of Ukraine as well as to meetings are scheduled at the United Poroshenko, a member of the Ukrainian strictly abide by the obligations taken in Nations and, if the Security Council does Parliament who flew to Crimea on accordance with other bilateral treaties not pass a resolution on the situation in Based on reporting by Reuters, the February 28, was jeered in Symferopol and with Ukraine, including the Treaty on Ukraine, Ukraine will take its case to the Associated Press and Agence France-Presse. chased by pro-Russian demonstrators. It is Friendship, Cooperation and Partnership of General Assembly. Copyright 2014, RFE/RL Inc. Reprinted clear, he underlined, that Russia does not 1997 and relevant agreements on status Unfortunately, he said, the United with the permission of Radio Free Europe/ want any outside observers on the ground. and terms of dislocation of the Russian Nations has demonstrated its weakness; it Radio Liberty, 1201 Connecticut Ave. NW, In his statement to the March 1 meeting Black Sea Fleet on the territory of Ukraine” has limited possibilities and is a slow-mov- Washington DC 20036; (see of the U.N. Security Council, Ambassador and Ukraine’s demand that “the Russian ing entity. Its destiny, he said, could well be Sergeyev reported: Federation refrain from breaching the state that of the ill-fated League of Nations. crimea-russia/25294478.html).


Let us think of the summer ahead and plan for UNA Seniors’ Week at Soyuzivka Sunday, June 8 – Friday, June 13, 2014 Registration beginning Sunday 4:00 p.m. at SOYUZIVKA Heritage Center!

All inclusive 5 nights - meals beginning with breakfast Monday, banquet Thursday, lunch Friday - taxes/gratuities included, entertainment and special guest speakers

UNA Members - SINGLE OCCUPANCY $ 535 - DOUBLE $ 465 pp. NON UNA Members - SINGLE OCCUPANCY $ 585 - DOUBLE $ 480 PP. UNA Members - 1 night $ 150 - DOUBLE $ 122 pp. NON UNA Members - 1 night $ 155 - DOUBLE $ 130 pp. BANQUET ONLY, Thursday, June 12, 2014 $50 pp.

For more information call Oksana Trytjak Tel: 973 292-9800 X 3071 or 845 626-5641


Remember to bring your embroideries (vyshyvanky) for the banquet, and, if possible, bring items for the auction! SOYUZIVKA TEL: 845 626-5641 No. 11 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 19

March 16 Presentation by Alex Motyl, “Ukraine in Crisis: Maidan March 23 Concert, “Shevchenko 200 Concerts,” featuring the Chicago and Putin,” Ukrainian Institute of Modern Art, Toronto world premiere of “The Dream,” featuring the Gryphon 773-227-5522 or Trio and bass-baritone Pavlo Hunka, Koerner Hall, 416-408-0208 March 18 Concert, “Starlight on Stage,” featuring pianist Larysa Morristown, NJ Krupa Slobodyanik and cellist Wanda Glowacka, March 23 Concert featuring the Chamber Chorus of the University Mayo Performing Arts Center, 973-539-8008 or Cambridge, MA of California, Memorial Church at Harvard University, 925-586-9348 or [email protected]

March 20-21 Exhibit, “Vasile Avramenko – Legacy of Ukrainian March 23 Taras Shevchenko Bicentennial Concert, with the Promin Jenkintown, PA Dance,” Ukrainian Educational and Cultural Center, Somerset, NJ vocal ensemble, Dzvin choir, bandurist Oksana Telepko 215-885-2360 ext. 293 and poet Vasyl Makhno, Ukrainian Historical and Educational Center of New Jersey, Ukrainian Cultural March 21 Varenyky dinner, Ukrainian American Youth Association, Center, [email protected] Whippany, NJ Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New Jersey, 973-479-8715 or [email protected] March 23 Taras Shevchenko concert, featuring the Akkord Ottawa Ukrainian Men’s Choir from Ottawa, Shevchenko March 21 Concert featuring the Chamber Chorus of the University Scientific Society of Canada, St. John the Baptist New York of California, Weill Recital Hall at Carnegie Hall, Ukrainian Catholic Shrine, 613-723-1673 925-586-9348 or March 24 Seminar with Sofia Dyak, “(Re)imagined Cityscapes: Lviv March 22 Workshop, Family History Group with Michelle Tucker Cambridge, MA (Ukraine) and Wroclaw (Poland) after 1944-1945,” Harvard Somerset, NJ Chubenko and Mike Buryk, Ukrainian Cultural Center, University, 617-495-4053 or [email protected] or [email protected] March 26 Presentation by Arnoldas Prackevicius, Thomas F. March 22 Pysanka workshop, Oseredok Ukrainian Cultural and New York Remington and Alexei Pikulik, “Does Russia Call the Shots Winnipeg, MB Educational Center, 204-942-0218 in Eastern Europe?” Yale Club of New York City, [email protected] (rsvp only) March 22 Concert, Chamber Chorus of the University of California, New York Church of St. Luke in the Fields, 925-586-9348 March 26 Ivan Franko Memorial Lecture by Sofiya Dyak, “Doing or [email protected] Ottawa Histories in Ukraine: Public Engagement, Historical Dialogue Addressing the Past in Contemporary Ukraine, March 22 Lecture by Stefania Hnatenko, “Vienna School of New York Graphics in the Works by Haylna Zakhariasevych,” Labelle Hall (Chapel), University of Ottawa, Shevchenko Scientific Society, 212-254-5130

March 23 Benefit fashion show, “Spring into Fashion,” Entries in “Out and About” are listed free of charge. Priority is given to events Whippany, NJ Chortopolokhy Plast Sorority, Ukrainian American advertised in The Ukrainian Weekly. However, we also welcome submissions Cultural Center of New Jersey, 973-471-0515 or from all our readers. Items will be published at the discretion of the editors [email protected] and as space allows. Please send e-mail to [email protected].

Support the Ukrainian Heroes: A non-profi t organization “Social Development Institute” is raising funds to provide humanitarian aid to the citizens of Ukraine united in “Right Sector” – heroes that are defending the liberty and dignity of the Ukrainian people at Euromaidan in Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine.

Th ose willing to support the Ukrainian cause can donate at

 e corpses of an elderly woman and a man, murdered by “Berkut” near the exit of subway “Khreschatyk” on Instytutska street 02/18/14 People, wounded and just operated in the middle of the night, sleep on the  oor of St. Michael’s Golden- Domed Cathedral. 20 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, MARCH 16, 2014 No. 11

attention, Debutante Ball organizers! PREVIEW OF EVENTS Friday, March 21 additional information call 212-254-5130.

In keeping with our tradition, WHIPPANY, N.J.: The Ukrainian American NEW YORK: The Chamber Chorus of the Youth Association, Whippany branch, will University of California, led by Marika The Ukrainian Weekly will publish host a varenyky dinner at 5-8 p.m. at the Kuzma, will perform at the Church of St. Ukrainian American Cultural Center of New a special section devoted to the Luke in the Fields, New York City (487 Jersey, 60 N. Jefferson Road, Whippany, NJ Hudson St. at Christopher Street) at 4 p.m. Ukrainian community’s debutantes. 07981. Price is only $11 for a complete deli- cious dinner, which includes borshch, vare- Their concert of colorful a cappella music nyky, bread, dessert and soda or coffee. will include works in English, Ladino, The 2014 debutante ball Varenyky will be available to take home. Spanish, Tagalog and Ukrainian, including section will be published on April 6. Entertainment will be provided by some of the Kyiv composer Lesia Dychko’s stunning the UAYA’s young members. Door prizes will “Vesna” from her “Pory Roku.” The chorus be awarded every hour. For more informa- will accept suggested donations of $20 at The deadline for submission of tion, call 973-713-6956 or 973-479-8715, the door. For more information call 925- stories and photos is March 28. e-mail 586-9348 or e-mail [email protected]. com, or visit the website www.facebook. Sunday, March 23 com/events/278764698947315. This is an Please e-mail materials to: [email protected] annual dinner to raise funds for the UAYA so CAMBRIDGE, Mass.: The Chamber Chorus that the organization may continue to edu- of the University of California, led by Marika cate children in their Ukrainian traditions. Kuzma, will perform at Memorial Church on the Harvard Campus at 7 p.m. Their concert Saturday, March 22 of colorful a cappella music will include NEW YORK: The Shevchenko Scientific works in English, Ladino, Spanish, Tagalog Society invites all to a lecture by Stefania and Ukrainian, including the Kyiv composer Hnatenko on the topic “Vienna School of Lesia Dychko’s stunning “Vesna” from her Subscribe to Graphics in the works by Halyna “Pory Roku.” The chorus will accept suggest- Zakhariasevych.” The lecture will take place at ed donations of $20 at the door. For more the society’s building, 63 Fourth Ave. information call 925-586-9348 or e-mail The Ukrainian Weekly (between Ninth and 10th streets) at 5 p.m. For [email protected]. PREVIEW OF EVENTS GUIDELINES Preview of Events is a listing of community events open to the public. It is a service Only $90 provided at minimal cost ($20 per listing) by The Ukrainian Weekly to the Ukrainian community. Items should be no more than 100 words long; longer submissions are $80 for UNA Please contact subject to editing. Subscription Dept. Preview items must be received no later than one week before the desired date of members publication. Items will be published only once, unless otherwise indicated. Please include payment for each time the item is to appear and indicate date(s) of issue(s) in [email protected] which the item is to be published. For an additional Tel.: 973-292-9800 ext. 3042 Information should be sent to: [email protected]; payment should be sent to $5 get an online Preview of Events, The Ukrainian Weekly, 2200 Route 10, P.O. Box 280, Parsippany, NJ 07054. NB: If e-mailing, please do not send items as attachments; simply type the subscription as well Published by the Ukrainian National Association text into the body of the e-mail message.