Published under the authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya.

[Vol. XXII1.-No. 7891 , September 14, 1921. [PRICE25 CENTS] Registered as a Newspaper at the G. P. 0. Published every Weanesday. . -

TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE. Govt. Notice Xo. 351-Appointments, etc...... 794

Proclamation Nos. 133-135-The Diseases of Animals Ordinance, 1906 ...... 795

Govt. Notice No. 352-The Mining Ordinance, 1912-Regulations ...... 795

,J J) 7, 353-The Indian Post Office Act, 1898, and The Post Office Amendment Ordinance, 1919 ...... 796-797

>) 1) J) 354-The Native Registration Ordinance, 1915-Appointments ... 797

)y Y) 79 355-Committee 04 Customs Tariff-Appointment of ...... 797

1) >) 7) 356-The Comnlissions of Inquiry Ordinance, 1912-Appointment.. . 797

)) )) 7, 357-Town Planning Procedure Regulations, 1920-Notice ... 796

3 YP JJ 358-The Eative Authority Ordinance, 1912-Appointment ... 798 Gen. Notices Nos. 1013-1041-Miscellaneous Notices ...... ,798-805 APPOINTM ENTS. S. 20954. S. 8:378. CAPTAIN Oyulru Gzoxtu USHER, M.c., to be Assistdant District Commissioner, M alindi, Seyidie Provlnce, with effect from Joslpu SVILIZIAM EDWARD JV' IGHTMAN? tO be Acting ReHident om m issioner, N airobi, witll efrect from the 13th of Septem the 241,1,1 August, 1921. - laer, 1921 . . s. gtotks. Ivon ltox-trm GILLESPIE, to be Assistant District Commis- sioner, Rabai tKilifi Distrioù) Seyidie Province, with effect M AGISTERIAL W ARRAXT. from the l:th August, 1921. . s. 6%g. AERTXTJR Cnczrz KZRBY, to be a M agistrate of the Second S. 22578. Class, with power to hold a Subordinat: Court of the REglxakrwo TsAcv Bovo, to be Assistant Districtl Commis- Second Class, whilst holding his present appointment as sioner, Kyambu, Kikuyu Provlnce, with effect from the Assistant Resident Commissionera Trans-Nzoia 27th July, 1921. . S. 14050. ALBERT RvTlt>myox.o PATERsox, M.B., CH.B., (U. GLAs.), o.P.H., (CAMB.), D.T.M. & 1T. (CAMB.), Medical Olcer, to be Chief Sanitation Oëcer, with effect f rom the 8th December, 1920.

SI'TCIIE'.i-&IuA1', G. A. S. NORTH COTE, NAIltoBI. . Actihj Colozzfc! SecTeiam-). 14th Septembez, 1921. ggLgiy ld2 FkgTESTS8ITE CF rEbï),

. S. 10 67. GovsitxwlExr'r N' orlcs N(? Plsoelawwlwrlox No. 133. . 352. S. 5533. TH E DiSEASES OF ANIM ALS ORDTNANCEi, THE, M INING ORD INANOE 1912. 1906. , REgvLw,rloxs. PROCLAMATION. TN EX E.IRCISE of the powers. thereurto enabling IN EXE,RCISE: of tlae powerp eonferred upon lzim bz, the Af irting Ortlinance m e 1 hereby (leelare 't,hati the following Proielam a- , 1912, lzligl Exeelleney ' the Ac.ting Govez-ncz- has been pleasacl to m ake th tions be revokecl :- tcrllowing Regulations e i'rcclazzaalcm No. 85 dated tlae 315t13 tlnty c!f June, :- . 1921 (Declarirtg Famn No. 2050, Mr. G. F. Guy, A11. T'hese Regulations m ay be citecl a.s ' ïT'he Trans. Nzoia to be azt infectetl azea (Rinqler- ' ining Amending Regulaticos (No. 2), 192.1 ' ' pesl) ). , and zhall be read a.B; one with T ' The Afining Eegttlatitm s. Pwoclam atio'n No. 14 claited. .tlae 20th day of T1t912, ' ' Lereinafter ref erret'l to 'as the ' 'Prineipal, J'anuary, 1921 (Deelaring Farm No. 1012./1, egulations. ' ' Major A. Braîtliwaite, Ruaraka, Kyambu, to be an infectet. l ar'ea ' 'Einclerpesl) ) . 2. Regulations No. 123 ard 129 .o1 the Principal 'Regulations. are hereby repealetl azlcl the followin is substitutecl therefor : - g 123. (1) In everx méneral lease or coal at'nd W . K EN NED Y , oil lease there shall be reqervecl a rayalty a ,t tlze Cltief Fdfcrllllrp Omcer. rate c,f 10% .d the net profts macle by the lessee'. (2) In the. event. o.f the. lessee incuzring a loss on the woeking of a pazxtieular year sueh loss m ay a.t tlle clisereticn of the Gomernc,î r , , be (lecluetecl PlttlclaAlklztrztox N. o. 1.34. from the profits o.f the year im meclistely following 1or the purpose. of ass.essing royalty TEEEt DISE.ASES O1? ANIATALS ORDINANCE, .

1906. (3) Befbr'e tlne 1st day o.f Februar.y in each + year a lessee shall s.ubm it, to the Oom missioner of PROCLAMATION. M ines. a, sta.tem ent o'f net prosts or lcss; c1n tlle working uncler his lease during tlle previo'us 'yea'r IN EXERCISE, cd tlap. powers. therekm ta enabling ending 31st Dacembar . Eaeh statemen.t shall be zrle I hereby deelare the following farm . in the a'ccompaniecl by :- Nyanza. Province to be an infeeted .area, (Contagious Bovine Pleutro-pneumonia) fcr 'the purposes, .cl the ($z) An aëcl.avit tluly swoz'n bef oz'e a, Magisr- ltloqresaitl Orclinance. frate 0,1- a. -Tustice of tlw Peace, .c.e. F.arm 604/2/1, T. 0. M organ, Lurilbwa. (5) A certifteate ct auclit by a Charterecl Accountant practising in the Cclony or' Pro- Given under m y hancl a.t Nairobi this. 7t1i clay cf tectorate olf Kenya, or Septem ber, 19:1. . (c) A certificate of auclit by a person pre- viously approvecl by tlle Com mlssioner' 'ctf M ines A. G. D OH ERTT, ov a W arden. for Chiej Ftlftlk.iwltzr?/ QfJ;ccr. (4) In any case where speeial cireumstancec are eonsiclerecl to exist by a, lessee the. lessee m a,y represent, his (tase, to tlme Comrrgs, sioner of M ines who, will repor.t t.o the Governor and. the Governor T'aclcruatMztTzt)x N o. 135. S. 1967. znay a.t his. discrelticzl waive pay,m enb of all or any clf the royaltz due. T1'(E1 DISE.ASES OF ANIM M US ORDINANCE., 1906. (5) Upozz deznand by the Cc.mmissioner cl M ines of paym en: ol royalty the lessee shall pay f he royalty due iznm ediately notwithsianding un PROCLAMATION. . dispufe. Tn the even: of a. dispute. the lessee, m ay TN EXE.RCISE. ol the powers. thereunto enabling represent hi.g case in vrridtirlg, antl fhe C'om rnis- m e 1 hereby deelare' the following fa'rm in the sioner of Alïnes! crk being satisftefl that. exeess roryslf.y hss been paid shall rcfund tlae exness paid Nyanza Province to be aa infecte; area (Contlagious . Bos/ine Pleuro-pneumonia) fcr tl'le purposes of the aforesaid Orfll'nance. By Com m ancl o.f H isl Excellency Acting Govezenor. Eldalat Estates, Elcloret, UaBin Giohu. Naârobi, Given uzder my handj a,tt Nairobi G ies; 8t11 dsy of Tlze 8th day of September September, 1921. , 1921. ChieWj .F K4fEdrNipNcrBpD OYm,oer. G . A . S . N O Tt .rP' lTCO TE , ' Aefing Polosftz! Recrekavy. 791$ YII.E OFFTCTAL GAZETTE September 14, 1021 . ' . GoA,-ylltxMsx'1' Nol'lclc N o . 3 a'- 3 . 19298/2. Posiage ola pareels not exceeding TH E INDTAN POST OFFICEI ACT, 1898 Nam e of Plaee 3 lbs. 7 lbs. 11 lbs. Fls. Cts. Aals. Cts. Fls. Cts. AND Dom inican Republie . . ., 2 90 3 50 4 40 T'HE POST OFFICEI AM ENDM ENT Dutdch Guiana 1 90 3 25 4 50 ORDIXANCE, 1919. Ecuador . . . 2 25 3 90 5 2.5 Falklazd Tslands 1 65 3 ()0 4 15 RuTuyis. Finland . . . , ... 2 90 3 50 4 40 Franee. (Continental in- IN E'XERCISE of the powers ootnferred upozl the cîudlng M onaco 1 %5 2 40 3 15 Governer-in-council by t'' e Indiazl Post Offlee Act, French Congo Q 75 3 40 4 15 1898, a.s applied to fphe Colony antl Proteetorate antl Freneh Guianai 2 75 3 40 4 15 the Post Ofliee Arnendm ent Ordinance 1919, ancl French Guinea, 1 50 2 65 3 50 a11 otlaetr powers him thereunto enablizy, His. Excel- French W est lndiesf :- lency ilhe Acting Governor-in-counml has. been (a) Guadaloupe & pleasecl t.o m ake bnèe following Rules :--. M artinique 2 65 3 Q5 00 (b) S,t,. Piez're (1) T'hese Rules magy be citecl as ' T'The Foreign M iquelon 00 3 25 4 21 Parcel Pchst Rules (No. 2) 1921.'' G ambia 90 3 15 4 25 (2) On ar/d alter the. 15th September 1921 the G erm any 90 2 50 3 24 rates op postage on paTcels Irom the Colony antl 50 2 15 3 75 Protectorate o'f Kenya. for the lollowing places Gc)(l.d Coast 90 3 15 4 25 shall be as fellows :- Greeee 75 2 75 3 50 Postage ou parcels not Grenada. 65 - 3 00 4 40 exeeeding Guatemala. . . . 9ö 3 40 4 75 Name otf Place 3 lbg. 7 lbs.. 11 lbs. Tlayti 75 8 40 4 15 Fls. Cts. Fls,. Cts. Fls-cts'. H ollancl 00 2 65 3 40 Algeria. . . . 2 15 2 75 3 50 H cnduras, Republie :- Argentino Republie 2 00 3 25 4 40 (a) Atlazltie; Sitle 2 00 40 Aseension 1 65 2 90 4 00 (q.) Paciflc Side 3 25 90 Austria. 2 25 2 90 75 H ungary 2 40 00 Azoreo 2 25 3 25 50 lcelazzcl . . . 2 25 15 Baham as. 1 75 3 25 40 lvor'z Coast 1 50 65 Barbadoes, 1 50 2 90 ()0 Jam aica ...... * 1 50 90 B elgium 1 5 0 2 50. 25 faeewarcl lslantl 1 75 25 Bermucla . .., 1 75 3 25 40 Liberia. 1 90 90' Bolivia, Nia Chile . ... '2 25 3 40 65 Luxemburg 1 75 40 via. Argeatine 2 40 3 50 74 M adeira, 1 65 75 Bzazil S 40 .3 50 50 Atfalta .. ., 1 40 65 65 2, 90 00 Maurit,azlia. tFl* British Hbnduras 50 2 75 90 'West Africa) . . .. 2 50 15 3 90 Bulgaria. 75 2 75 5Q M esopotam ia 1 85 40 2 80 Cameropns 50 2 65 50 ATexico ...... 1 75 00 3 90 Canada. 1 75 3 15 40 Af oroceo (a) British Cltile. . . . 2 15 3 50 65 Postal Agencies : (i) T'angier 1 ($5 2 90 4 00 Chizaa (a) (i.) Chinese (ii) Other Britisiz Offkees except. (11.) 1 75 S 75 3 75 A gencies .. . (ii.) Provinees o.f 4 25 Yunnan & Kweiel-ow 2 15 40 40 Spanish Post Offlees. .2 25 2 90 3 65 (b) British Ageueies : N etherlands W est (i.) Shangha'i . . . 65 75 Indies. . . . 2 15 3 25 4 40 (ii.) O'ther British Agencies. 1 65 3 (X) 00 Newfouuqlland 1 65 3 15 4 Q5 Colum bia, excepf D&- Nicaragua 1 90 3 0'0 4 00 partments below := Nigeria, 1 90 3 15 4 25 Departments C;J Cal- Norway . . . 1 90 2 75 3 65 da. 0 , C auca, E1 Panama, (Republie) . . . : . 00 3 00 4 00 'Val-l e & NaH no 4: 65 75 Paraguay Avleight Tui- Corsica 15 75 50 mitecl to 7 1bs..) . . . 2 25 3 50 Oosta 1Riea... 75 90 90 Peru (a.l1 Departments Crete 75 75 50 except Loreto . . . 2 25 3 65 4 S0 Cuba 15 40 15 D epartm tlnqtt of L o- . . . . 65 75 90 ret'o 2 50 8 65 4 65 Czeeho Slovakia 15 75 50 Poliugal 2 00 2 65 3 25 D ahocmey and Niger . .. 50 65 50 Roum ania, 1 65 2 65 3 40 Denmark (Continental, St. H elena, 1 65 2 90 4 * Greenlanll k Fal-oe S,t. Lucia, 1 65 - 3 00 4 40 Islands) 2 (X) 2 65 3 40 St. Vineent 1 65 - 3 00 4 O l'ostagv on parcels not (1) 'Whetller any duties, inGict undue hardship exceeding upon any secficp of the comm unit'y or upon any local N ztm e of Plaee 3 ll)s. 7 lbs. 11 lbs. eomm ereial or industrial aebivity. Fls. Cts. ka ls. Cts. Fls. Cts. %aivador . . . 1 90 3 00 3 90 (2) 'Whether any adjustmeut ean be suit,ably ef - Senegal Upper Sene- leeted in order to protect local industries withouè ga1 & Nigez' . . . 1 50 50 infll-ctizlg undue hardship upon loeal consum ers.. Serbs Cro.ats & Sleve- (3) 'What alterations, if auy, are dmsirable in nes (lormerly Serbia) 2 40 3 00 75 order to earr), oub tlae recommendations on the. %ierzla, Leone 1 90 3 15 25 m atters, rzaentlonetl above, Nvitllout dim inishing the Spain :- 11 e 'V e l'l k! fà ( a.) Continental . . . 2 15 2 75 3 5û (b) Balearie Tslands 2 25 2 S0 3 65 T%t) Com mif fee eonsbst, of the following (e) Canary Islands, . , . 1 75 2 75 3 40 gentlem en : Sklheclen ...... u aty u ;,o ,j (m Sueiï.izellland 2 15 2 75 3 50 T11E HON. THE TltylzsstraErt (Chairmazl). 'Popynand., British . . . 1 90 3 15 4 2:5 THE H ox. Ts:: 'Aw oaNsv GSNERAL. Tcgoland, French Zone 1 50 : 65 3 50 Tobago azld Trinèdad . . . 1 50 2 90 4 00 Tlz>J T-Tox. Tz.zx Dzltlcl'ozk ozr AGSICVLTURE. Tunis ...... Q 40 3 00 3 90 17 G. TllowtAs , E sQ. ' s 1. 75 3 25 4 40 T'urlçs & Caieos Tslazàd. Cos. G. 'EAS'.I? ltlxo. Turlresr, Bl-itish Posll O-mces Constantino- A. E . G.tltfaztxo, EsQ. JtJe 'ard Smyrna . . . 1 40 65 3 50 Unlsetl Sta/es of Am - T'IIE RIGI-I'r H ox. Lchtto DEI,ANJCRE. erira and PosBes- . CoTu. Ttccxla. s'ons ...... 1 75 25 40 'Uruc'l/.av ...... 2 15 40 40 A.'f . A. Dy)sAl, E.SQ. Irer ezuelars-ciudafl, B.0- livrtr pr'cl ntélzhbtxpr- TJ1.e sittings. ol the Comnaittee will begin ab 1.0 a.m - c.n Septem ber :2nd at, the Treasury, Nairobi and. hood . M sraepibo and. it is desirable that the report shoulcl be comp, leted- pekhboiurhood 2 75 ()() 5 15 before the nexb m eeting of Legislative Council, ' .IRA, Comm anc'l orf R is Excellency the Aeting whieh is expeeted to take place early in October. Cma.erno,r-in-ccluneil. Evilenee is mvited from al1 sections of t'he comm uni- ty, Associafions. and other Brldies, cm matt.ers dealt Nai robi , witlz in the term s of ref erenee. W rit.ten evidence' 'Plze 1.3f'h clay o'f September, 1921. s'boultl be sent as. éarlly as possible to' tlle Chairm an, at the T'reasury, Nvith whom persons having ora,l H . M A LP ASS, evitlene.a to gi've shomlld eom munieate in otrcler to Clerk /0 /7zJ A'z/c?fëïwe. Conmcn'l. arrange suitable tim es for m eetsng the Committee. Owing ta the varz great. import.ance ()f the subjectt G o !.- s' RxAl A:N 1. N.s o 'r 1 c 1'1 .s'N t) . 3 .$ 4 . S . 9 ,3 9 -9 I 1 . to. b a dealt. w ith it is hopetl that a response will be' t zanaci e t'o. this appea! f or evidenee ancl that. all points T1'lE N ATIVE REGISTRATTON c,f view will be lully represented.. As. f-e tim e avail- ORDINANCE, 1915. able for compiling the report is. limite'd., it ig desirable tkhat persco.s who are not a'ble to. present Nonqcl. their evideree imm edsately should aclvise l'he Chair- m an, in ordcer tlaat important evidenee m av not be IN EX ERCISE of tlle power collferred npoll Ine recelvetl sfter t'he Com has arz-ive'tl at, itsè by rlzle under tlle N ative Registration Ordinance, (lonclusions. 1915, dated tlàe 21st day of Jume, 1920, T hereby appoxnt tlle followïng to be Regfstration Ofllcers wit-a powers as in tlle rule aforesaid . The European Polîce Constable i/c Molo Police GovlRxvlsx'r Norlqc'lq NtA. 356. S. 2 1.843.' . Postr, Xakuru District,. The Eurt,pean Police ' Oonstable i/e Rongai THE COM MISSIONS OF TNQUIRY Pollce Post, tq akuru District. OR DINAN CE, 1912. Tlle European Police Constable ilc Gilgil IN EXEROTSE e& the powers conferretl upon me. Post, Naivasha District. by t'he Comznissions c!f Tnquiry Ordinaree, .1912, 1, Given mzder m y laand at Nairobi tlais 6th flay of 'W illiam Kilmis.ter N(;4l3tey, Companion otf the Dis- Septelnber, 192 1 . tinguished Service Order, Aeting Governor and Com - 'KAr. K. N OTLFIY7 m ander-in-chief of the Colotny antl Profectom te' 0I' l'Lenys, hereby appoint. B emaartl Arthur Crean, E sq., Aoting Jore'rxt?'r and Cozrè'/rlc,kztift,r-ïak,-c/p,k',pé. 1) esiclent A.f agistrate. N' al.robi, to, be tlne persctn balore whom the Comrnîssicoers appointecl under the Com-

nnission ssFTue(1 on fhe 2. 5th day of M a.y, 1921, to tx'tlvyl.rtx3f.Exl' N oql'zc.E N' o. 355. S. 22599 /4 . enqusre info and report, o'fl f,he m atters therein set, 1 cqlt slaall rta aVe ard. subséribe the proper (yatll as by COM AH TTEE ON CUSTOM S T'ARFFF. the aferesaid Orclinance provicled.. Tq IS EXOELLENCY the Aeting Gcrvernor has Given uncler my hancl at Nairobi 'thi's 13th dqy bean pleased to appoint a Comrnittee tko m ake en- cAë September, 19Q1. quiries iufo antl repoz't on the following m atters in conuèction with tlae new antl ijemporary Customs W . If . NOTLEY, Tars; :- . Acting Go'p:znor and Covvqxt/cr-fn-c/zfc/. of plot No. 13 fo, its inbersection w-ith the Southelm Govlraxvtxlr Nolaclc N o. )$5 7. S. 16201/.1- beundary taf plot No'. 11, thence following tlle Soutzh- TOW N PLANNTNG PIROCEDUIRE clrn boundary of plot No,. 11 t#o itd, intersection with MEGULATIONS, 1920. the boundary of plot No. 9, thenee following the

Eastvern boundaries, e'f plof s. Ncg . 9 , 66a. and 64 tio the Nczth East baacon of plot-, N o. (24, thence followîng'

the Nortlàern baundarles ol plctjs Nos. 64 and 141 to

t'he inrtersectifm Avith the Ugauda l-tailwarr boundary. And luziher not/ce is hereby given t,' at fhe date a.f ter wlzielz under Sectioll 12 (2) of tlae Town Pla,n- aaing Ordinarce, 1919, no cozhp. e'nslation i q obf ainable is the d ate ol this notice.

G. Tl. OSBORNE. Cltairm an, uvtl'?llla(rdtr T()?p?z #J(r?zzz?'?z .g Anthon'ty.


' ' ' APPOTNTV ENT OF AUTTTORITY AN17 ONDER f . . . r 7 (.;ç' O $ 'z , l t N' M lt' N ( .'N'NF r x a ') '!- * ) .* 'i,( t () J. I.C lia .%. O . ;. ) .) v, . TO PAEPAXE A TOW N PLANNTNG SCH EM E

T 'FI E N1 T A T -1 %' R wi '.?J. FOT4 M OM BASA. 1. 'J T '.-7-1 O I''b J T Y ( ) 1 -'t -j-.) 1 X' 7 & N.5 C 1Pu 1 9 1 2 . IN EXBROTSE ol ille pewers ecmfem-ed upon fhe (Iovernor-in-council' l)y tlae Town Planning

fvdinance, 1919, S'ectio'n 3 (1), Tfis Excelleney .l'k zx- l.u 14 (-, )q r.h py the Gg.verrcg-in-coupcil laas been pleased to ap- point tlae following bodgy izl substituiion fol' thal publislled fn Governnaenf Notîee No. 2:f? of 17th J'ullr, 1W 0, appesrirlg in the O%ciaï Gtzzpffty of 21st July, 1920, n.s amencled by Govezenm ent No- 1 al* r()'j) j tices Nos. 293 and 359 appeatirg in the O/Jc?'c,! Gca6ïf ea ol 18th August tlnd 27th Oetobar, 1920, uQ. e,p teznber (1. w9 th ., 19 .4a '1. . f. '. . pr A . lk'7 >k1'. ?i '-v J- N- ( ' o3 J I/ o 3- (z /7 ,1, ( ./ Jv f ;? / t: c t z () ??,?, ?'/?.z.'$.-s. t () 7 tet .. r eslpe' .tt ti 'v el.q?- - G. 1El. Oslltlltxl, Esq. lhaârznaal. 'h . ' CAPT. S. A. Joxls. Q%x$ c :.1 k:ot. lu t,! . A. E. GAIIIOAXD, ESQ. i' t' t ( E. Jïtcltsox, Eso. . ql ftml!. t' Ttazlk. Xocation. l? l'lîstrï(1t. Etesnarks.

J. A. J'zkMlsox, Esq. M' a'nyambo waz I4.ea ârtlal't (r Ndara, A .l Tt.zits ', kr ,'Jcc Gombe wa ltwarzdol'a i (A.) 5 E 1)'ç jortlzv, resigneu . 12 . '.I'IT . CLARK'E , EsQ. : A'I.B.E . ) ,d s +% ()I)()i1 t tcd b v lt I r1 j' lssovt. xotille &o. .'ir; Tlbx. Ll-kvlLr Axuî BzN SATZIM', C.JVJ.(7. , QJ.B.B. 2l ( !, 3t 7 'ibtkhe,t t 1:?.2j ?0t.().,.ut.r).r $1 d 1 . (KHAMXS BIN M OHAMED BIN JUMA. J t L? T'HE DISTl?.ICT STJRAJEY/I:. T'ul AsslsrrzîxT LAND OFFIcElt. t-w' J:l p-, Jc u A T , -NT ( j T. j) c T4-v Nwt 7 () . TIIE M Isolczuu OFFICEII o:a HEALTI'I. T'us ExEclt/,rlvrl ExGlxynzlt. N ATIVE PUNISI-D fENTS COAD H SSION. H . M ALPASS. (/le'1'k fe tlze A'zycvff'p: Conncil. T' H E Commission appointeql by l-lis, Excellency the (.) ovez' .7101- under Governznent No.tice No. 205 çub.i' Now therefore iu puruuanee otf tlle flireetïiczzs given J-fzàl 'svili iegin the hearing of evl'dence and the ex- to, the saitl Antherity lny Regulation No. 9 cf the lalallnstical ot 'w ttnesses at. tlae Law Courts, at Nairofhi Tcnvn Planning Proceclure Itegtllatitms, 1920, notice on Al'cinl'.lav. '28t'la September at 10 a.n) . Any pez'- ks heznaby given flaat t'he said Authca'ity is proceediug s.C,ll:.:. C.)r z epi ezeutatives etf Publict, Bodies of tïlle to pzvpare a fown planning. sclzem e ior t e pertiarz c,.ri.nila4unit.l' Avlao. intend to appear bef ore the Coyn- of Mom basa. lklant't (lefiner.l as ststed below : zzliscqion a t t'.7 at place az-e requested to notify tbe Jtrt area bouuded on the South and. A'Vest by the k?. (u.:e,'i..tt4&'),F o )' th e Comzaaission., P .0 . Box ' 322, N' ai- Ugancla. llaùlwtty, on. tha Eagt by a line starting a.t rt sb' 1* . aecordingly. the point wbel'e tlle Salim Road crossel the Rail- way, thenee loilowing t'he Salim ltoatl to its jungti.ofn with flae Kilfndini lload, thenee lollowing i14e Kilin- clizlt ltoacl to, the South East. (Beaeon of plot No. 13 Seetickn 11. , thence lrollou'ing t.'.' e Easterta boundary G' Is- x 14' 11 A f . 'xr N=T o r.r tc Ik-

THE A'IIhIIN' G OItDINAN' CE, 1912. lllïj AJA./ESTY'S COURT OF APPEAL FOR EASTERN AFRICA. L'cExrcls No'. 21. %'hE' L'tbext-e licen: a whi cth. was granted io t1' n.e Kenya T'1-:I1i1 next. Sessiou of His. Majesty's Court; of A- T il'rw' li.g Oc.nap any Ltcl . 'c'n the 23rJ- June 1921 Appe/t'l for Eastema Africa has been ftxed to be holden a.t Afolmbtèsa and. to col-lam erlce. o.n M otnclay the 5th f' f3.c,lve rsàllnent N cl'-ice 7Xo. 880 o,f 27th July 1921) has qlFl)?- fy2 D eeem ller , 1St.21, at 10 a,.m otr as soozl tltere- beezl . z.s' nc-ellecl as. frozn t'h e .ilth. %k.$.ept elnber 1S21 . . ga'q tei' as ca.Fêe-.k c a,n be hepzr(l . N.u - a i rc; k i . All app c al p ap e rs. should be forwardecl to. the

ltegistrar, T. -T. .i's A. .T-.aJ'es.f,z 's' Cou-f't, .of Appeal foz' Eastern Africtl. at A 'fceaabasa nct. later trhas. the 15th day of -%. E . TOW NSEND . N-t-evenaloar 1 921 ' 4 cf i'ny Cop? nbinsioneî' of 7 rf k'?zc.s .


1906. H. ziv . Cour't t)/ zlppea,l ./09- East c'rwz .?1 frka.


( .'! 8' R. N wl., x 1 t .& !' ; .% ,7-, (3 r.y- ! .j c. 4z j .,x %-, T, ( .) . (. ') j >) *d7 . ' ' A ,.( u . A rkï . R.b ?.e . T 'H()nlta s ciz.: :. A,'fua. F arlns y Ltd',. ) P . O . Athi . . . .Nx & 'f;p . .'uy4' kq. T'*-t '. v :-,' è' icte Tlae h fanager ! 7J.71'u a F arn'ls. , A f-uachakos.. TN. KENNEDY, Cltkej Ftr'jak-?'zttzzp.. O,f#Ct3T . T1l N Ii3EltS txr,'a snvited 10.1.- the right to, eut f. ire- l .vtaod lzl tu'o couptas in the Ngong T'tc.acl Forpst con'k- prisârlx' ptlrz-ono o;t com part-ments 1S and 19 ancl portio'za.s oL ctom partments 21. and 22 respectlvely, for tlle pericd Oetober lst', 1.921. to, l'Wareh 3lsltl J 922. , , The quarltity to be cut in any rme m onth not to exeecd 1 (),,(')0f) Fptacked cubie leet.

lt Js z'lotif' ied .fclr general infozmatica:k that 1 00T he basis osf tender to be a royali.!z paynlent per s2 aeked cubic f eet. of A '.fu' ugu .kncl per 100. lnails despaitched frcm A'lcmbasa. on the 6th and. ' stackefl cubic feet, of a11 other woods. 16t!h ltltim o', arz-ived in Englantl cn tl-le 6th instant . %u/ztsessful tenqlerers to be required ta enter info Geual t1 Post Oë ce, cb contrztet to cut not less than 5,000 ELacke (1 eubie fe- etk 'everv m onth Naircibi Sth Setpem ber, 1921. , in an5r c,ne eoupe. A sum o.f Fls. 300 to be deposited with the Con- L. J. E . DENCH , solwatoc ca l'()z ests at. the tim e ct entering ttïe eon.- jor Acsing Pclélfpzc,:f sr Gtrlzcwtzl, trac L. antl billcz'tl any cut.ting ca 'n talla p; ace (to, be Coïott ?/ tz/lc/ Profccf oraL e8 oj Ar6?l'!/c. c'z?t'l Ugxnda . llelcl as. sa cu''i tty ftl.r the perf orm ance and observance ol' t.h e temns o.f the corntract and. t.o be liable tck f orfeiture .as liq uiclatecl damages. in the event. clf azzy broa.cth of tala.tlzn'? .

G lcxlttu, N oTfclc N o. l -i? 1.11 1 tletht iis of the telmas o.f the eontract, zzlay be i aa4 ()n appli caticm t o tln e /d. ons er vatcr of Fol-ests . U NDER THE DRUGS AN D IAOISONS '1-' e posi L'i().n a'nfl az'ea c'f trt)e coupes are indi catecl ORDIN A NCE, 1909. (:41 m ap s in the offkce of tlle Forest,er N gong 'itoad and 01 tiàc! Cozlservator (yf Forests , ., , N airckbi , an4 the NoTlcg. cbupes m ay be inspected by az-rangem ent with ilhe ' l'-Aor esttar ltgong 1.1 cl.rtcl Forest.

TH E undermentioned has been l'ssued witlt :% fM P- () n d, ar p Mri 1- 1 3' ) e re e ei 5.,e- cl u o t o and 1- ncl u din o. zo'he '' *.7z () t 11 %k-t) T.t) t e mb e r , -1 9 62 1 . x ro Drugjy; ist licerl ce f o 1- tl'le current year 192 1, 1 :a. Tezlders slaould be made scparately for eacl'l ccupe accorilance with tlle provisions ()f Jr Igi-llr.t4's antl uncl a-rl dressecl to the Cc.nservafor of -'P P oiso ti.s Ordinantte, 19074-. 7 '. .,. orests, )Naz' robi . Tl-ze highest or ttny tender wili not neeessarily be Dwvlo l-totyEltrsox. aocepted .

' L (x .Ma î- '-( 'r 'm S. Nairobi, -. l .u lk s.: Na rob i . E . BATTTSCOZVIBE , September 5th, 1921. .f-)! e f/ l.s. t z'c v . 2tstll August, 1921. Con8ernato'r 0/ Po'rentn - . GSNERAIU Norlcz No. 101 8. . GEXERAL NoTzcE No, 1. 02 O . 177 rl'Ff )7! D! STRICT REC ISTRY OF H1S M AJESTY ' S IN THE DISTRICT EEGTSTIRY OF H IS M AJESTY'S HIGi-1 COURT, SI TTINGS AT KISUMU . H IGH COURT SIrI'TINCI AT KISUM U . INSOLVENCY 'IURISDICTION INSOLVENI;Y JUIR ISDICTION. . CAvsl No. 6 ():n 1920 CAo'ss No. 1 o:n 1Q21. , 1.tE : AJIACANBHAI Wfo't.l.BAt.u & Co., IxsoLvElqi's. Jl:l : (7. oaouzklqrlAss JINA & KSIUSI-IALBHAI NARAMBUAI, trading PU RSUANT to a petitiol: filed by 'M aganbhai Motibhwi as i-Golzrlz-rx!.xoAss Kzlusl.z.xzuszl.&l & Co'., IwsoLvyJxi's. &', Co., on the, 26th day of 00 ober 1U20. O1z readiug the said petitsio't and hearing fhe said A' 1.' :-!rLSU--VN' '.F to a petittion llled by Gordhandass bhai AI' otibhai f or the abtlve named Debtors f agan- l4lzlzsliczlbllai & Co., ou the 26th day of January 1921. Pl .and V. AT. nadke, Esq. , advocate on tlïeir behalf . Gzl rekkding tlle said petition and hearing the, said It, 2.s ordred that the Debtors be, a'ad the said Debto's Khushalbhai N' aranbhai on behalf of - the lrm, the above are hereby 'adjudged Insolvents. And whereas it appears to named Debtors and V. V. Plaadke, l2sq-, advocate on their ptshe f lourt tlaa,tz the Appeintment of a Receiver of the p)'o- behalf . erty of the said Insolvents is uecessary. It is ortlered that the Debtors be, and the said Debtors the ITtn is also ordered that a receiving order be made againsb are hereby a.djudged Insolvents. And whereas it appears solv-cltts and, a recefvlng ordel- îs hereby mad ' aqainst the said Insolvents and Jamnad e to the Co'tzrt that the Appointment of a Reee-Gver of the property of the said Insolvents is uecessary. Rtver is hereby appfp-lnted Receiver of 'lbths e Spunrodpeerrjti y ofo f Mtolo said Tnstllveniis. ,'l)e It is also o/dered that a receiving order be made against n And it. is f Itrther ordered that the said Eeceiver's re- the Insolvents, and a receivlng order is hereby mad: harzeration be. fixed a,t 6 O/o on the totzal amount realized less against. the said Jnsolvents and Edulji A. Dadinatha of p'ni!r stzna pafd to Creditors out of the proceeds Kisumu is llereby appointed Recel-ver of tthe property of the . said Tnsolvents. - A11 persons claiming to be Creditors lnsolvents mnst. fkle particulars ol their ocfl atihmes abino vew nraim:ined And it is fazther ordered bhat the said Receîver's re- supported by a'llidavkt together with any do g muneration be fixed at f$ 7,j on the botal amounb realized less which they rely in prclof of their clairns on or cubmefeonrtes t'hon 21st day of Octo7ler e any sum paid t,o Creditors out of the proceeds. Hi , 1.921. w . $t,h tlle Dislrict Nezsstrar of gh Court at. Kisumu. af f er whlch da.te the Court wH1 A11 persons claiming to be Creditors of the abovp proeee.d to settle the Selleclnle of the names of named lnsolven'ls must file particulars of their claims in severally due to such Credl and deilths wribiz)g supported by affidyvit together with any documents their possessfon any nroperty.-f toorrs manod amr rersons having în on whieh they rely in proof of thelr claims on or bef ore the ï'he said Tnsolvcpis shotzld forthwithn ehyasn dll elovnging or due f,o 21st day of Octob er 1921, with the District Registrar, High to the said 'R eceiver er or pay same Court, Kisumu, after which date the Court will proeeed to . I'' settle the Schedule of the names of and debts severally due .I -n-f?..- à::! :7 vv lnaz nand and seal oï- tJ)i s Court this (??,f'l to suciy Creditors and any persons hgving in their possessspn (1 a 'i - (.) .$:! .zi .t.i r ' , : s t. -1 g#. 1 ' any properkles or moneys belonglng or due to the said In- solventb shotlld f orthwith hand over or pay same to the said 13-A T? ,T O N , - Receiver. 1 ctt-nq J'gz/sgzc.

Given tznder my hand and seal of. this Court this 2nd day GvqNSItAL Notrzcs No. 18 21. .of August, 1921. C. M . BARTON, IN THHIGE HD ISTRICT REGISTE,Y OF H 1S MAJESTY'S f'OI7P.T ()F KENYA COLONY AN' D wtcrfsg J=dg'. PROTECTORATE AT KISUM U .

INSOLVENCY JURISDICTIOX . .G:XERAL XOTICB X o. l0l 9. ' CAzsz No. 7 op 1G21. .iN T illil DIS'13IX,ICTJ? REC-ISTRY OF HIS M AJESTY' S IIIE M.u'Tzyt oym MEssvts. Fow'rAaxz Axa) BATTLIN rœszolts . 141f'.9 11 tJ0 U14,T', SITTINGS AT KTSUM U. B I''URSUAN T to a petition filed by M essrs. F'on>taine and 1lN HOLVEX C >.' J U11 ISDICT 10 -% . atkley oli 0t.h day of July, 1921. On ceatltng. ihe said petition and 'heariny F CAtrsz No. 4 op 1921. Advocaàe on behalf of Afr . Hopley, Esqe, ereditors . John Lettis Rlddoch, one of the l , it appears to the Court that the appointinent) of an lEty: M EGIIJI J DossA 7K'cngl & HvssElN A/llzgn.rl- Txx'olxg As nterim Recelver ' of the property of the said d xïl>:G.zili Dosszk & Sows, lNsoLvzlxTs. rtftessary. ebtors i: It is als() ordered tlaath a receiving orde 13 U1tS UAXN %' to a petibl-on filed by Meghji Dossa & th r be made aga'inst Sons, on the lötil day of April, 1921. e debtors, and a receiving order .: the saîd debto'rs and John Louls E s hareby made against On reading the said pe-ition and hearing the said Kurji by appointed Irtterlm Reeeiver of i.dthdeo chy roofp eKrtiys lzomftlis here- s/o lueghgi (an b ehakf of the hrm, the above-named Debtors debtors. the saJ4 and k'. & . l'nadlte, fizsq., Advoca-e on their behalf and the Crectitors, Ltzkmangi s/ o Y' usufali and Gordhan Amershi of Given tznder1 9m21y. hand this Court this 254 li isumtz. day of Atzgust/, It is ord ered that the Debtors be, and the sald Debtors BARTON, are hereby tzdludged lnsolvents. And whereas is' appears to # cting Jz?zf'l/ytl. the Llourb tktat tiko appolnrment of a llecetver of the property G'ZNSItAL Noqrzcz No of the said lllsoi'vents is zzecessary. .' :022. I N I'I . A1' . ïI 1GH C OURT OF THE COT It is also ordered that a roceiving o'i-der be made against aO NY AN D PJRC;TECTO ltwirl' the lnsoivetlts, azkd a recelvlz-tg order is hereby made against '.E 01.1 K E NY-A , .4 r1' M OMB-A SA. tlle said lnsol'zeilts and Gordhan Amershi of Kisuma J.s here- INSOTZVENCY JUIRISDICTION by appoinute:l i-teeeiver of the property of the said lnsol- . CAtisz N(). 18 ov 1921. N-ents. ' . Ftz: A'IOU&ME'DALLI EBRAIIIMJI. And it is f urther ordered that the sai..d Pveoeiver's re- mtuzeration b e fixed at 5 O/o' on tLe total amotlnt re-alized less EX-PA'1tTS TltTET DxlBTo11. any sum paid to Creditors out of the proceeds. * himj Pi UthR6 SaUboAvNT to a petitlon filed by M ohamedalli Ebra- On readln e-named Debtor on the 30t.l1 day of Juiy 1S21. .A.11 persons claiming bo be Creditors of tho abovo-named g the said peti tion ancl upon exaznining tlae Dr ebt lnsolvents mus: ftle particulal's of their elaims izz wl-iting it is ordered tihat the Debtor b sr suppor . ed by allidavib together w'lth any doeuments on which adjtldged Insolvent. e and the said Debtor J-s hereby they rely ilt proof of their claims ()n or before the 21st day of A1l persons claiznîcag to be Credltors of the ab (Jetolaoer, 1921, wioh the D' istrîct ltegistrar of High Court at Tnsol ove-named 2(' isumll, af, ter which date the Court. vcill proceed to scttle vent must llle particulars of their claims in writing Stlpportfztl 6 )r afl! f.lazvit, togetller Wikll alljF îJlKtllYïeI1tB On Wlïic the Sehedslle of the zlames of and debts severally d ue to such they rely in proof of their elaims on or be' ,s t.'t'sditclz-s au d anv porsolls having in their possessL'on any pro- O - .ëore 'slle 13fh da'y oî cto'b er' .(6-) 2 1, wltl3 the T't egist. !2, ert.v or 'nan) es b elonging 01- dae to t.fh.e said Insolvezlts should J rar H 'gh. (zNotlrt, M omb-xsa . fortîzwith hand over or pay same to the said Receiver Etf tez- svlzirl clate the Com-t will proceed to settle the sclledule . of the llamcs of aizd J 1)e dellts severally dqze to such creditors (77. r'en l:u der my hand and seal eî tlzl's Court this 2nd day . day Gi vek' ullder n?y hand and the Seal o1! thfl Court t'hès 7th of A ugust, 1921. of Septeanber, 1021.

C. Af . B-ARTO Nr, (7. H. PICKERING. zl c tlng e? wtlge. J'qf flfl'e. 1 9 P 1 .

.(7I;INXRAz, Nolmcs No 1023. GEXERAL N o'rlcz No. 1026. IN H. M . HIGH COURT O17 THE COLONY AND IN 1'1. M. HIGH COUTL' T OF TH E COLONY AX' D PROTECTORATE olha KENYA AT AIOATBASA. PROTECTORATE OF KENYA, AT NAIP.OBI. INSOLVENCY JURISDICTTOX' . INSOLVENCY J'URISDICTION. ' Cause N o. 44 oF 1921. Czxt7sE No. 20 op 1S21. IN Txzl ?,IATTI1t oF RZCINALD NuxEs, TRADING As R. NUNES Re Nwlts:u PwxxcluuB. & Co. >DEBTOR. ' To al1 whom it mtty concern. EX-PARTK- THI Ca>mlTon, BUAIIwANJI 'KFmSONJI M BUTA. # NOTICE is hereby given that the petition of t'he abbve- PURSUANT to a petitim'l llled by Bhagwanji Kersonji named debtor Reginald Nuncs of Farm No. 25 Uabin 'Gishu Jxf ehta, one oï the creditors of the above-nam ed debtor on the f or an order adjudieating him an insolvent under th e Pro- 9tî1 day of August, 1921, on reading tzhe said potition and vincial Insolvency Acb (.No. 111. of 1907) will be heard atl h' ear-:ng A. M orrison, Esq., Advocate f or the abovemamed Nairolai on the 23rd day of September, 1921, at 10-50 a.m. cz'ediu' or and the debtor consenting to an order of adjudica- ' Dpated this 3rd day of September, 1S21. tion. upon the qetition and none of the creditors present ojjposing the adgudication it is ordered bfhat the debtor be E. S. C. BROOKS, azrd is hereby adjudged insolvent and whereas lt appears to Acting De//zlfp Regirtvav. tlte Court th'at Jhe appointment of Receiver of the property of the said Insolventt ls nec-sary, it is also ordered that GkxymaL NoucE N0. 1021. Y1 (ariehand Na'. hu is hereby appointed Eeceiver and that tlte safd Peceiver's remuneratfen be as flxed by Sectitm 12 1N' H. M. HIGH CO17RT OF TI21JZ CGLON Y AND o:t Rules of Court No. 2 of 1910 on the total amount real'-sed PROYEGTOEATE OF KENYA, AT NA11tOBI. less any sum paid to the Credltors outl of the proceeds of PItOBZî.r1'E AN D ADAIIN ISCIARA'I'ION . tlteir secnrities. CAusz No. 32 o:n 1921. A11 persons claimin; to be creditbrs of the abeve-named XOTICE pt')bn APPLICATIPN F'()R ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATB GF dlkbtor must flle 'oartlctllars of their claims in writing sup- XARMN SINGHJ S / O SAIRNAM SINGH, LATE OE XAIROBI, 'ported by amdavit together wlfh any docnments on which ' DECKASMD S' tàey rely '.n nr/aof o/ their clagrrls on or before tlae 13th day TAKE NGTICE tha's ëtpplication having bewen made in of OctbAxer! 1921, with the P'erzistrar, Hia.h Court, M ombasa, this Cfaurt. by Puran Singh, s/ o Boota Singh of Nairobi' for after w'hbr'ln dale tl'e Conrt. will rroce/d to settle the sehodule the atlmilàis'ti-ation of tjhe Estate cd N arain singh s/ o Hârnam of' the 'na.rn'?s of and the Jebfs severally due to such creditfat.s . Skngh lato oî Nairobi who died at Talaita, District Jullund- alld any 'nersc'ns laavsn:i in f'heir pogspgqion any prooerty or naonles 'laldzv crinrz or due to b'he sald Tpqcdvept. should forth- har, Punjab, in December, 1J918, this Courta will proceed tov ' m ake a (lecree in thg sam e unless cavtse be shown to tzhol vrith hancl over and pay sal'ne to f'he sartl 'Peceiver. coritrary and appearanee kn trhis respecb entered on or before (I'ven npder rprr hand and the seal of the Court t'his 1st the 24th day of Septemberr 1921. dlty of September, 1021. Nairobs, G. H . PTCKERINQ, %h September, 1*21. Jutslfle. J'OSEPH SHERIDAN, Jndge. flr- AL Nolrlc's N o. 1024. GSNEMAL Norzcm No. 1028.

TN Tf. M . TTTGH COURT OF THE COLONY .IND PROBATE AND ADM INISTIRATION . PROTECTOR ATE OF KENYA. AT M OM 13A SA. C.&uss 1('0. 71 op 1921. INSOLVENCY JURTSDTCTTON . JIN THE JWATTER OF 1-1 . STJCHANAN DECEASED. Cvrss No. 21 op 1S21. To al1 w llom ib m ay concern. Pz AzxkAr TTAJI STJSBMAN. 'T-A KE 7k' OT5CE that the accounb of the estate .td hhe aboz7e-named H . Buchanan, deceased has been lodged witzh Ex-p.&ztTE a?zIy7 Dy-rsqrox. the Iteqistrar ojï the High Court at, , M ombasa and tlAat ke rlao al1 whom it naay concern. . has appotl?ted th' e 18th day taf A fay, 1922, at 2 o'clock in t%e NOTICE is herel:y given that the petition of Adam Haji afternoort f rar passing of suclz acceunt,. Saleznan, tllt) alnove-nprned debzor, Tor an order thab he 'be Afombasa, declarod Ansolvenib, upder the Provincial Insolvency Act, 7tlz September, 1921. 12407, wlll be heard at M ombasa on the 12th day of October, 5. . hW. H . PAIRKI N SON , 1.X 1. Adminiltrator tif6z/ezwî.

GENEIUL NorlcE No. 1029,

PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION . Cwcss No. 77 op 1921. IN H . M . HIGH CouRr OF THE COLONY AND l'lir :'SZATCt-ER OF GEIANT ALLEN SOSS, IIEICEASHD. PIIOTECTOEATE OF KEN YA, Arla N AIROBI. To a11 whom it may concern. IN. SOLAJENCY JTJRTSDICTION' . TAKE NOTICE that on or after the 6th day cd October 1921, I intend to apply to the High Court of tlle Colony and, C-tuss N(). 41 o:n 1S21. Protectorate of Kenya at for probate of the W m and Codicil dated respectively the 1, 2th day of August Ix 'rzls Ivt.&'.:'.rXIt (m SIRAJIIIN s/ () KAJSHIA, 'EGBTIJR. , 1919. EX-PAIR.TS Tz-ts CRs;Tol'.r() It, R.&M,TI KI-IAN s / () A TOIi-AMIIA. danid 3rd day of June, 1920, of the late Gran: Allan Rossr wAo etl at ltf enuone, Frauce, on the 6th day of M ay, 1Q2,1. PURSUA NT to a Petition, dated the 19th day of M ombasa xkugustl, 1921, the above-named creditor llamji Khan s/o th s:e tembe 'lîlohamed of N airobi against tbe above-namexl debtov 7 p r, 1m 1. slirajdin s /o Kushla, of Nairobi an'd on the application of the W . H . PARKIX SO N , said Ranalui Khan s/o Afollamed and on readfng the said Administratov Geneval. petition and hearing 11 amji Khan s / o Mohamed and Siraj din s.'/() Kushia, it Js ordered tlaat tlle debtor be . t','' and the said (Isxslzakr- N.u -N- o. 1()q3 (# .el)tor is hereby adiudicasecl insolvent, and whereas it ap- lèears to tl)e Court that the appo'êntmen'a of Eeceiver f or the PROBATE AN' D ADATIN I STIRATION , l'lropertv of tèhe said insolvent is nexssary. it is also o' rderetl Causz N(). 05 OF 1921 llartt a 'Per'eîvirlc Order be made against! th'e said Tnsolvent . Ix '-:usi S.tAr' and a receivinc orfler is herel)y rnat!e açainst the said Insol- .r>>.R ev 'Furwsl RA:kr, pEczlzNskm. vent ancl A'rollanned A 6z of NaJrobi is hereby appointwed Re- To a11 whom it jnay concern. ceiver of Fl)e proner' y of tlze said insolvent ; and lt is furisher Tz&.1

J . M 7 . H . 1-' Altik IN. S 0 N , ' .1 dminhtvat ov G czttTzcl. t#Exp,n.AL N o'l'lcs N(). J ()31 . GXXEZIAL N'owcE No. 1033. PROBATE AND ADA' TINTSTRATION. IN H. M . HIGTI COURT OF THE COLONY AND 'H li7.H t3 otrR'r (? Jk rs pa 1.1 o . g,ra' or 19 2 1 . PROTECTORATE OF KENYA, AT M OATBZSA. PItOBATE AND ADM INISTRATION. u:t l.)la' i:.lN' ï F; 'r IiAT o 11.' G 14 N 1.1 lt ?.L 'tq (1A 'tT s -2! 'Nx T o . 6 r.a' ol; 1. 9 2 l CAusE No. 98 oln 1921.

! N Tlt ).il .IkfA.'r'.i;IiI t 0>. A . QJ . h'i >.f .!.k I x xo N ?J)>'1(;'1.I zts>.l ; ; . N o'J?leE ol Alolozylc/tlrlox latm AIIMINISTItATI()N ()F ESTATI! OF XALJRE GANGJEE, IJNDIAN, LATE OF M OAfBASA, DECEASED. To al.1 whom it ynay conce rn. TAKE N 0T ICV that application having been made i.n. 1. .' U' !.?. , S'LTJVN r1) t;o a rk orcita z- of t;J ) t. 1 l ik op' lk (? o Tlz,t,' of t; t'te C olork.y t.his Court by Alibhai izaljee of Mombasa f or the adminis- arhd Proteotorata of. .Kertlzrs drt ttrt'(i t'l'l (' $'L btl'. da. r ef S epternb-t'p tratitpit of the Estate of Laijee Gaujee late of' Afombasa, who (1 .9 2 1 , b ) ' Mr1). i(. -'1 ! tb- e tlltdersi fr-'l k trti rN')h.s : lppol-n. .f (.,) z'kdn'tinîytirtztor die-d at M ombasa ozt the 23rd day of August 7 '! . * k ' ' ' ' ' . . C , 1921, tlhis o!. tl'to Jku state (7 i! (pht.h ) at e A . Qk ,. 1Wa.c ktnn on , 5v14 o ( 1 ; ed at I>x.; 'a l-r o ,&.i 1- orlrt will procesd to rcake a decree in the same unless cause on til).(! 24t13 d.F1,y. of ?.k'j)ril , 1. 6)2 l . 1)e shown to the contrary and appearance in this respecb entered en or before the 27th day of September, 1921 rr./t 'K lE(l lr ()T'f C Ii'z t-l : a,tl fk,l i perst, r; s 1- a $'1* j'Lx a'j t )- û .' l ailn s agLtin s t . . 'r tl) (J ohl g-ate (yf t J'.l 6, saî d A . S. . alvtlhkcùk-i nnov.t are re qtzi ) 'e d- .to lotlg'e a .:4(1 G. H . PICKERING, prove s't1.l'll c'Iafrrls bef ()l'e zn o t,1: o u.l) Ciersîgn e d oz! or 'iae. fclr(7. '! 4t'1'! ,/ adge. da e lr o (' '.N ovezl. Cler :1 1 92 1 1 t'sf i;(, r k'$'lAitfi't daf e onlv t'b e trllaîrns so 'pro 'kme. ('èl a ri 1 l b e pai d a ud' t k çz li1 s ta tt !distri j'? atet'l lttteo t'(.t' irlg t o l ah&.,' . G ilkam AL

M om basa DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSH IP. (J', r; !. l F6 ,e ptrayn b e r, 1 .9 t? f' . NOTICE is hereby giveti tltat 1, M frekl J'olm Boyk- 'f . AV T't P A Ik K I Nl - S ( ) l'ç Dlzffet'z, hitherto carrying on business with Charles Richard Adminint rator Jcokc/'c#. Slingsby, under the style of Slingsby & C()., as General & Commisslon Ageme, ancl Auet-oneers, at Eldoret, have withdrawn and retired from . the .said firm as from this date, and will no longer be liable or responsibl,o f or auy debts or liabilitîes incurred as îrom tlés date. Dat'ed at Eldoret this 1st Septeznber IN ILI. M . HIGH COURT OF THE COLONY AND , 192.1. PROTECTORATE OF KENYA , AT M OM BASA. PRONATTI AND ADM IN ISTRATION . CAusl llo. 96 OF 1921. J)N T LE2.l 'KATTER OF THE ESTATK Of' M OHAMED BIN SMD BIN X' ' OTICE is hereby g-' -/w:uzatTx, BAMIçEr=>! ol- M ()MBé.sA, IlzTcEAsxln. verl 'd hat 22 Hawalas giveu b'. client . y my M E' I)usseln Suleman of N yeri in f avour of M essl's. Sidl N' 'OTIC E is hereby given that on the 28'.h day of Sep- folzamed & Bros. (21 hawalas f or Rs. 3'50 / - each ancl one temlcer, 1921, I purpose to appoint Aii bin M ohamed bin Said or 14's. ;506 /9B) are allegeti to have been missing by the said and. Salim 'bl-n Mohamed bin Said to be the 'W asi of tlle Afessrs. S idi Afohamed & Bros. Any one dealing in any way estate of tbe late Mohamed bin Said l.nin AbdtuA Bamkele of wit'lz the said 22 hawsalas w-ll do so at. his own risk. My l/.'orzcl.'hasa.. - ciient will give fresh pro-notes to the said Sitli M ohamed & iBros. instead of the alleged lost ones if no claim is lodged èf arly k'avrson objeets to tlle proposed appointment he u respect of said 22 hawalas by tke 5, 0th day of Sepoambe'r 1y:1st give me notic.e of his objectbrl 'b efore the expiration 1921. , of itlaû; rlotice. )(n f uture my clienb will s.'gn as Htpssein ' Suleman J'amal aud not as Husseirz Suleman only. Mbuzbasa, Nalrobi, 72nd Septrenlber, 1921, Dated bhe 7th September, 1921. (1. IT. PICKERING, P. K. GANDY , H dgn. Advocate jor lg'zlfesdefz!. S'nleman ,/'tz'm,cl oj Arpgczf-


()1 A. LT S JiI

N-yen/, zrd @ etobeze, 1$:.*31. l't'ol> Learil) g. ol) i çà. (-'ti ons 1-e Jurors an d Assesso rs Ll'st.

;' :*, n'tbu, t tlltl': iketlorlevm, :$:. 2. I . (-J' r 1 rr'l i 1 à lt l C a s e l-; t .', .fJ-' 6 o ï5 1 t.l 2 1 AR' tf Ia.t u a 'kv a l 1t' 1 r'lz. Ic i l t ri :1' tp 1- f .

'ht' 1.4 .l' 1- c) 1) 1*j 1.-i. . yt .ul . (x. ' ,. j . j .'lt '.t ,( ) () I .vkv ), q Septeml'er 7th , 192 l . z.1 q. f.)/''7.kf ty St? ,. kr . ,gz'ts:J'.rtzz , la'riglï c'oss.r/' September 14, 1 92 1 . TFIE OFFIIXAL GAZETT 1il 8O3

. Gxxzltztt, Norrlcu N o. 10 37. sect,ioll 24 of Pax't 6-- cultaExcv sowuo. Page 192-

b''l alN t U' j oal ase arltat 7w (bj oc'c )-c f.(') a-) j. dQ 'ua (j< e 'y. ' I* c j. o. la je a Ports to be ct la ar;-T ed samt.l rate as to K isumu NOTTCE is Keroby given tllat the Left Laud llalf p. !. t4.s iox L'trclja artre .-' . cl' Currency Nose No.=Y 12 129 for R s z . 10 has been 13 v Ord e r, yiresente cl to the Clzrcellcy Ofllcer f or payl-nent by (p f 7- - J . S . R o ss , M' omb a sa . xt :1 y p e l's o n cla 1- tn 1 ng rl'raf'l-J. e Ax /fanacrr) er's û-1f. h- ca7 a'* .: T a,l* l .O j . )1'7 W . M CIIAR IIY, t,$-.) b e e n' .ti tlefl t,o pa'v.J înel) i; 1- n reso oct of tht? stti d . 1.. . . 11 alf 'notie, sheuld commlznlcatt.) forthwzth wliill t l1e S fa p t e ïn 1) e r t; t. 'n ).1 (J 2 1 . -z1r/ . Jl5 ajvl'lft wk' ano,g t?zr . C$, lzrreucy 0f1' 1car . 1(la. th a abseuce of a') y su ch c lai P.A b ei ng e stabll' s l.) ecl wi thi n t h ree ' lnoutlas c)1'J- t l-tis date , payl'fl ect f or t'he sald hal f note '$:-1*1 be l'lrad e P' t '.) the sal' .-l ),1 r. J' . S . ltoss , A' J ot-nbasa; an d. th e llal'.f <- . xc- 3w. F . . .s*r *Q .j x ote wi 11 be cazt eel 1 e d . . # : e , Atombasa, J. AVAL S T-T, 7 ' ' , .a r () .i IC z .?a '.Nu .T& ( ) . '.tl .f. ) t. .') tc 1 . September 6th, 192 .1. jhr Cltzrzvêzct? O.t%t cck-. UCCANDA- NAILW AY .

73-xu.l:'.1a Boox Ai-vlit.rttmoxs. ss . )('; G W it.h i'elerezlee fo General Notiee No. 994 of 0 K eial (lazette, Kenya Colony and Protvetoœa'te ' .;' tc JS 'NL .Te ( l T.:z.-'/ Itg?x L -.F,7o '. .. . 1. 0 .9., >' . No. 787 klated Blst' Augusi, 1921 the Ports m en- t'iranecl therein will inelude those o, n Lake ttiogfl UG A NQ. D A .R A J. LW AY . .

Traflle A 1 anag'er's Office, By Order, Nairobi 7 ' TABIFF BOOK ALTERATION' S . S ept elub er 9 th , 19 t2 1 . THE following takes effect from Angtzst 10th, %h'. M CH AIRDY, 1921. :--- 'joti'ng Twcf. zOc Managnr.

61' E N E 11 2$. I a X' O T 1 C 15 1h' r' O . UGAN D zt RAI LTVAY.

Z PP itOX1Af Arfls S TATEMENT O1? XUII IJIC COACILIING fJ' o a e 111 rl fep' 'C1' r affi e . . . 266,927

AN)-) (. 1'OODS TRAFI?I() F0 It '1' FIE Af()N'I5H. G()o(ls 'I'rafflc.t . . . 45:,692 OF A UGIJ s'l' , 192 1 . 7 2 4 , 6 1 9 Fls . 1.i. l ) f.$ 1'- (:-! :7. 1/ïk (-?, C o a cll 1' 'a g ' T r a ffl e . . . 2 4 5 (?. 53. ' G ood s f.l?z.af16 e . . '. 4 2 q l6 ;.$ 3 ,- ) trs (2: 1r- (:! El, sy; (..3 ' l ' o t al . . . (5 7 0 '-i O 6

Stzrcharge Fls. 120,294 NL a 1 1- o b 1, 11. 1t1. (). .00 DS1.I.IP, do. Total to date . . . Fls. ;56.5,269 b'' ep t) en? .b er bi- t;,l'l , 19 -w;' 1. (,?h /j'/ Aecoz6vttant.


To whom issued. T.) at p.' () J 1 s s u f? . Date of expiry.

ztllg tl st 5tl) , i 9 2 1 Oetober 1 6tl', 192 l zî.ug lzst 1 2th, 192 1. November 7f,l), 1.921 A u g u s t 2 7 t i4 , 1. f ) 2 1. N ovember 25Ll'), 1 92 1

yjyr Et '1 1% f) ).j )*J S- . (i'3 èI ) al-' uA 6 K F.I e ! ) t e l 1) l ) e r *t t l 1 , 1 9 2 1 . /-t ?'r (L', h z- ' /- .AJ' a / riî-. e ( ,' ovrt-nrti.ùt: t'()'n.('r. 8(14 TilE OFFIOIAL GAZERV E September 14, 1921.

Gldlxplltwra Nonuc's No. 1040. FOREST DEPA RTM ENT.

Lls'r olr Tltxl': S Elaclls .A.ND Y. otrxf;. T It ia-l'xs Ifo lt S ALlr .

. . ..- J- - . - ... .. -.. - -.- ... - .-.-.... - . B , ' j pjauts sraeds otarlical Na'me. Comm on Nam e. , Description. price per price per j 1k)() pound. p Fls. Fls. 4beria calra . . .1 K ei Apple lledge plant 5/00 . . . ztcacia Baileyaua . . .1 Sznall orzaamental tree 1 1/00 8/00 eyanophylla . . . do . . . 8/00 cyclopls ... do 11/00 8/00. fliarnesiana ... Cassie Shrub éweet-scented . . . 4/(j0. nifolia . . . M lmosa Small ornamental tree 1'.t/00 . . . melanoxylon ...1 Black 'Wootl Timber tree 6/00 8/00 moniliformis ...... Small omlamental tree 8/00, pycnanthx . . . Broacl leaved Mrattle J'roducas tan-bark 8/00 Itichii ...... Ornamental shrub 8 r00. ' salîgna . . .) 'Weeping 'Wattle Ornaznental tree ... 8/00 Acanthus eminens ...1 Acanthus ' Ornalnental shrub 11/00 , . . All ,, pubescen; . . . d.o do . . . 16/00. aynand.a sehottii . . . do 11/t)0 Araucaria Cookii ... Ornamental tree 21$/00 (Junninghamii '... Timber tree 23/00

Bambusa fortunei . . . Ornamental shru.b 100/00 alzhinia gal'p-inii . . . clo 11 ,/00 u B ,, P rpurea ...... Ornatuental tree 11./00 ... rachychlton populneus . . . Bottle Tree Small tree 11/00 8/00 oaesalpinea sappans . . . Sappan Tree Produces a (lye wootl 8/00 7: sepiaria. ... Mysore thorn Hedge plant J;/,04) tincioria ...... Produces 7, . a dye wood. 8/00 (-zrallistemon lanceolatlzs ... Bottle Brush Ornanaental shrab 16/00 Callitris rllomboidea , ...... Timber tree 8'/00 calodentlron capenge ...1 Cape Clzestnut Fiowering tree . . . 1'/50 Cassia grandiflora . . . l ...... Hedge pl allt J$/0() . . . CUasuarina Cunuirlghamiaua . . , 1 l'tiver Oak Tirober tree 6/00 8/00 eârella toolaa . . .t Toon do 7/0() ... Cestrum aurartbiaclzm ...'! Ornamental shrub 11/00 16/00 o 17 coccineum ... do 11/00 . . . innamouaum camphora .. . Campbor Timber tree 11/00 16/00. Oordia holstil . . .1( Murizlga. Folowering tree ' 400 Cotoneaster panosa . . .1 ...... rnamental shrub 8/0: U5 roton ElliAotrtizaonnuisc a . . .1 Mukinduri ' Timber tree 1/00 ûupressus ...... Timber and. Iledge ... . 12/00 Benthami . . . Bentlaam's Cypress Timber tree 5/00 4/00 Tuindlel-i . . . I ...... ' d.o 5/00 8/00 lusitanlca ..-1 Portuguese Cypress do ' 5/00 sl()(i macrocarpa . . .1 Monterey Cypress Tîmber arlcl iledn.e 5/00 12/00 sem pervirens var i '-' ' . làorizontalis ... Common Cypress Timber tree 5/00 z) sem pervirens var $i pyramidalis ... ) ltalfana Cypress 6/00 ' 8/f)0 torulosa ... Rimalayan Cypress 8/00 llatara conigera . . .j A lbon Flower Orrjameta ta1 shrub 8/00 Dodonea viscosa ....1 African Box Hedge plant ., . . lltzranta Plumierii . . .. do 6/00 3/00 l'Itlcalyptus citriotlora . . . Lemon scented gtzm Timber tcee 6/00 . . . ,, feirebra . . . lrou Bark do , . . 16/00 eïfolia ...IC Orimson floweringgum Ornarnental tree 7/00 . . . lo b ullzs . . .1 pBln.e gum Timber tree 3/0() 16/00 maculata . . . j S potted g tzm do 5/00 M uelleriana. ...!1 Strinev bark tlo 1 ($./ .0 .0 !. lal') ieulata. . . . ; I ron 'b--ark . do 1 tàj''o(j pilu laris . . .J Black Butt 1 do 162'00 Puntrtata . . . J Leather Jacket 1 do 16//.)0 restirna itsea ra ., . . l1 Red Mahogany t d o . . . ï 6/00 ros t Red gunl I do 5/00 16/ 00

# Septem ber 14, 19:1. TH E OFFIG AL GAZETTE 805


' Tuls'r o>- (I'REE SsEp84 akxo Yorrxg Trtpllss lc0.It S.&IxI,;.

Botanical Name. Comm on N ame. Description.

16/00 Grevillea robusta do H akea latlrina H ibiscus nutabilis 16/00 'flolmskioldia sanguinea

J'acaranda m iznosaefolia * ' Jatroplla curcas 8/j j0 multillda 8/00 Junzperus prof-tera 2/00 Lagunaria Patersonii 8/00 Leptospermum laevigatttm L eucana glauca, 8/00 Machmrium tipa 8/00 M elaleuca armlllaris 16/00 M elia azedaracll 8/00 M illetia sp. Jahœnix canariense 12/00 Playllostachys aurea 7: nigra Phytolacca âioiea 8/00 Pithecolobium dulce 4/00 Pittosporu.m undulatum 8/00 Poinciana Gillesii . regia J/(;0 Raudsa sp. 4/00 Schinus rnalle Solanum robustum Spartium juncetzm Spathodea niloùica 16/00 Sterculia acerifolia Tecoma stans 8/00 Thevetia neriifolia 4/00 Tlauja occideutalis Tristarlia conferta 8/00

In cases where a quotation is given for seeclg or plants only, it shoulcl be unclerstootl that seed.s or plants only, as the case mzy be, ean be suppliecl. The prices for plants inclqâe the cost of planting trays. Application for seecls or yollng trees sholzltl be afclclresseâ to the Conservator of Forests, Nairobi ; arttl m ust be accompaniecl by a rem ittance in cash or postal orâer. Cheqaes carmot be aeceptecl irt payment unless initialletl by the Bank on which they are irawn. Owing to the large number of orders to be dealt with, unavoidsble delays iu transport invariably ocear. Otzatomers are therefore kindty reqlzesteâ to grant a few days notice when ordering plants.

N' o yeetd-s or AJJZAI.S can be Jtfï-ptvt?f.'ï 'ttnïesbl f./?.f??/ have 1,8:4 prerionsïy .ptz'pfs /@r.

N airobi, E. BATTISCOM BE, September 8sh, 192,1. Conserrator opK Foreetx 806 THE OFFTCIAL GAZETTE Septembor 1/, 1.921.

S H l P P l N G R E P o R T .

K 1 L 1 N D T N T 11 zt R B O U R .

M ONI'I.t ow ctcrusl', 1921.

Date Cargo From Bound to.

H eilopes

A( O M B A S A 11 A R B O U It .

. S.S. Caliouth 'y Cetriana ilaltmzt ' Ay c a/nnftnc,l. O 71 C e tr lana

,, Callcut ;/ C etr'iama

l1. W . TU RNER, Port Cczfcï'p,. 1 t. September 14, 1921. TH E OFFIOTAL GAZETTE 807

$4 RATES OF SUBSCRTPTION TO OFFICTA.L GAZETTE.'' Fls. Cts. F' or one year 50 six m ontks . . . 9+ ar three lnonths (excludilag. postage) J# tlaree ,, (including 75 Single copy (excluding postage) . . . 25 (inclu d ing ) . . . 30

Fls. Ci,s. 0 30 0 50 do. 6 months and 1 year o1d 1 00 clo. 1 antl 2 years old 1 50 do. over 2 years old 00


.A1! N otoer and wgltpzlczrsgcyzscsfs by Pzrlz?crfc Adverthers z/'ôtzy be ft?r&tfergt# a,t or gezèf X reot by .pssr to I/ztl

O-gloe of the O.#lcïc,l Gazette, Ahz'roà'r, for ïzèdcr/lb?z a,b the tzzzf hor?à6t/ vales of.payn%en't. The O/vce /zoFz?*.g are Jzp'z?l 9 (:-ps. to 4 p.n%., cloàzw. at one o'cloolc on stLrzpafzr#c,;y.v. dJI Not'ioen and zltftlozrlzrtç6zrn,oozf.g must 4)8 prepfbid. To dtzuc delay, Nbfïce,s and .zl#'pdrl.l.syzls6'?lfs sel'tt Jlrecf b y post 's/zozs/# be tztzozkwlattzèïel by ztlwzffftzzèce.

M atter ffar ytbbïiltation ':AIIàIJJ' 'rctzc/z f/ht? Editor not Itzfer th,ai,t t'î o'olaok o;z Moqda'y tt./,'lt?ryso()?z Ln etztfz weelc. AUTH ORISED SCALE OF CHARGES. Fls. Cts. For lnsertlon in rf Oëcial Gazette '' (collzmn) . . . 00 d0. (half column) 00 do. do. (quarter column or less) 4 00

Fls. Cts. Price of a bountl Volume of .. Oëcial Gazette '' 12 50 Bltze Book 10 00 do. (1t). Ordïnanceg and Regulations... 7 50 Ordinances (per copy) ...... 1 Chronological lndex (1876-1910) . .. 5 00

N O T I C E . COPIES of Ordinances and. Regulations, Voltzme X XII, 1920, cap be obtaïned from tlle Government Press. Price 1?1s. 7/50 per copy. 'REPORT ()F 'I'HE P. W . D. CoMM1ssIoN.- A limited number of copies of this Report can now be obtainacl from the Goverlzment Printer, Nairobi. Price Fls. 4/50 per copy. Posted Fls. 4/75.

h'arxu k) sy rHs Govllax MRNT PRINTER.- N AIROBt.