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Clear Clear, windy and cold. WEATHER Details on"page 2.'

S in ce 1881 Vol. C, No. 27 — Manchester, Conn., Friday, October 31, I960 YO i^ HOMETOiriS yEff'SHAFER

<3 Carter, Reagan applying whip By Uniird Press Inlernalional The president had big,, friendly —Richard Allen, Reagan's top Both President Carter and Ronald crowds throughout the day, but two foreign policy adviser, resigned Reagan are pursuing a frenzied cam­ were notable. The traditional gar­ because of news reports indicating be paign pace with four days to go, and ment district rally in New York drew used his power during the Nixon ad­ their rhetoric is applying the whip in thousands, clogging Seventh Avenue ministration to make money for the home stretch. for four blocks and pushing in on the himself. A top campaign aide, said Reagan told an enthusiastic crowd barricades so enthusiastically the Allen continues to have the con­ Solt’iiackornewFlip-lbp box. in Bayonne, N .J.; "I'll be damned if Secret Service moved in to protect fidence of Reagan and the campaign we're going to let him (Carter) get the president with a cloth-covered but withdrew “to remove this matter re-elected.” metal shield. as a possible issue in the campaign.” And Carter said Reagan has per­ And in St. Louis, a rally at a packed —Sources reported a Justic'e formed "political plastic surgery” to suburban shopping was Department interim report to the. disguise his record on war and peace. marked by fireworks, balloons and Senate on the Billy Carter investiga­ Thursday, Carter went from music as well as speeches. Observers tion said the president has canceled Philadelphia to New York to said it was much larger than the one three interviews with investigators that turned out for Reagan several trying to-wrap up the case, and said Marik; V;' Saginaw, Mich., to St. Louis to Springdale and Columbia, S.C. Today days ago at the Gateway Arch down­ official Michael Shaheen is he flies to Lakeland, Fla., then town. threatening to resort to a "com ­ Marlbi' Memphis, Tenn., Jackson, Miss., and Each campaign was marred pulsory process” — presumably a Houston. Thursday by a peripheral issue: subpoena — to force his testimony. Reagan started Thursday in Dallas and went from there to Memphis, Tenn.; Newark, N.J.; Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. Today he hits four •-- Michigan cities — (Jrand Rapids, Battle Creek, Saginaw and Pontiac, and winds up in Columbus, Ohio. Exhaustion should be a matter of course with schedules like that. Ac­ On the campaign trail tually, both men apparently are A, holding up quite well so far. By late Above, Ronald Repgan gestures with a sea of Thursday. Reagan was beginning to ■ 'm show signs of weariness, and American flags in the background as he speaks with • Carter's voice grew husky, but supporters at a campaign rally in UpperDarby, Pa. neither was slowing down ap­ At right, Jimmy Carter raises a No. 1 sign, feeling preciably. he will win in Michigan, during a campaign swing Reagan concentrated on Carter's through Saginaw, Mich. (UPI photos) economic record. He said Carter “has no right to seek re-election,” because the economy is in far worse shape today than when he took office. That criticism escalated at each have q, friend stop until the former California \\ governor roared to a crowd in heavi­ statement on the seal hunt was pro­ WASHI^TON (UPI) - Animal Welfare began telephoning ly Democratic Bergen County, N .J., Cana^aji^^mdly, snow-white baby to cormplain about a newly un­ seal hunt. There's no question." "H e’s seeking re-election — but I’ll >als will have a friend in the covered syndicated broadcast Towery accused Davies of be damned if we’re going to let him \ rte House no matter who wins Reagan made in 1978. irresponsibility for failing to ask get re-elected.” the.JBeagan capip about the can­ Tuesday's presidential election, “You would have thought from Carter pursued three main themes Danny Addabbo, a seventh grade student at Bennet Junior thanks to a campaign coup by all the telephone calls we got in didate's position before issuing an iGHTS in his daylong oratory: the High School in Manchester, leaves the voting machine after alert to its membership. aroused animal lovers. here that he led the damn' clubbing Democratic Party is the party of the m .c o t i n e "We do not advocate killing baby casting his ballot Thursday. (Herald photo by Shea) L A harried Ronald Reagan cam­ process up, there," said Ken people "and don’t you forget it," seals: we do not advocate any paign official said Thursday his Towery, deputy press secretary of Reagan's attitude on the use of change in that particular a ct,” said caii^date is firmly committed to the Reagan-Bush Committee. "He military power and on controlling Towery. “Reagan'never had a pro­ LIGHTS the U.S. ban on imported skins of didn't endorse the hunt." nuclear arms is dangerous; and harp seals killed in Canada's grisly But Brian Davies) the group seal hunt position. He was com­ School elections Reagan’s change of position on menting on the humaneness of it." LOW ERED TAR & NICOTIN E '.v' jinnual hunt. The Carter ad- executive director wh( alerted his issues. miflistration halted harp seal im­ membership to the bri adcast, dis­ Davies said. "Fine. We’re very, “ Governor Reagan has become an ports under the 1972 Marine Mam­ agreed. very grateful that that's the case.” expert in rewriting his own record,” not an indication He said he issued his call to arms mals Protection Act. "Any reasonable pel son reading Carter said. “This campaign to get Reagan’s position on the the machines, which caused them to Hie Reagan camp quickly rallied the text of that provam would scheme, as a last-minute operation, By LAUREN DAVIS SHEA ___^ ^ ______J , record because he said it would vote slowly. to the highly emotional hiarp-seal come away with the Impression is political plastic surgery and it’s Herald Reporter have been futile to ask the cam­ ■ All the secondary schools gave the cause after thousands of members that Governor Reagan su ^ rts the not going to work.” of the International Fund for seal hunt." he said. "Hi^ublic paign first. MANCHESTER— Students in the’ U.S. senate race to Democrat town's secondary schools split on ------u ------Christopher I ^ d . by two to one who will become the next president votes over Republican William of the United States in straw votes Buckley. taken this week, thus providing little In the race for the U.S House of Police prediction on how the local adults Representatives, Democratic incum­ will vote. bent William Cotter won twice as At Manchester High School, with many votes as his Republican beef up one third of the students voting. challenger. Marge Anderson. President Jimmy Carter won re- The high school did not hold state election by a 13-vote plurality. senate or representative votes, but patrols Republican Ronald Reagan came in the junior highs did. At Illing the \ with 191 votes, and Independent John senate race betiyiijen Republican Carl V Anderson trailed in with 150 votes. Zinsser and Democrat Abe Glassman By United Presii International At Bennet Junior High School, was too close to call. At Bennet. Police all over the country are in­ where for the first time since 1972 Zinsser received 100 votes more than creasing Halloween patrols this year voting was accomplished with Glassman. to make tonight’s traditional trick- machines instead of paper ballots. ■ On the referendum questions,, the or-treating safer for children and to Reagan won election by the same 13- students also split. MHS students ap­ prevent vandalism. vote plurality as Carter had at MHS. proved the renovations to their Mariboro In Atlanta, where 10 black children Bennet began its polling of students school by a resounding majority, but have been abducted and killed and in 1972. and since then school ad­ they turned down the town’s re-entry four others are missing. Mayor ministrators say the students have into the federal Community Develop­ Maynard Jackson, the City Council been accurate predictors of how the ment grant program by 219 to and police urged parents to keep local adults will vote. But MHS of- 181. their children home and to celebrate .ficials say their students have been At the junior highs both the with parties Saturday — during good predictors too. referendum questions won support daylight hours. At Illing Junior High School, with School officials said besides the in­ Community Hospital in St. Peters, 53 percent voter turnout, Reagan terest of taking a straw .vote, the Mo., offered to X-ray trick-or-treat again captured the presidency. process of voting also allows students bags to make sure no razor blades or Illing's low turnout was attributed to to familiarize thern.selves with the other harmful objects.had been given the two machines which were voting maraiflfs and their respon­ out along with the treats. available for hundreds of students, sibilities as (itize’njnTf'the-L'nited ‘‘The New York Police Department and'.the students unfamiliarity with Stakes. said Thursday it would assign 125 ad­ ditional officers on overtime to a ^ special “ Halloween patrol.” . "You might get a ‘trick or treat' on Halloween instead of just a ‘Give me your money,” a police spokesman said: New York's Halloween detail will . Mike Richardson's basket in pay particular atteffhon to churches,’ JSew program synagogues and cemeteries — overtime wins for Knicks NFL A Bolton study committee has launches second half of season .. traditional targets of Halloween van­ adopted a pollution control Page 14. dals. UConn and Yale elevens primed Atlanta police reissued their War­ p ro ^ m 'a n d identified 10 areas of concern in tovyn. Page 1 . . for S^rday games ... Page l.'i. • Warning; The Surgeon General Has Oeiermineti ning for parents — .especially in the 8 4 '■ A- city's black, low-income That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. neighborhoods not to allow their Inside today 12 mg "laii'O 8 irgnicoiine aii percigareiie.FIC Repori D ec79 - i| Sample ballots children to go out trick-or-treating. Box 12 mg' 'lor.' 0 8 mg niemine av petrigofeitB by FTC Meihod The sample ballot for thci^ Classified ...... 19-22 In Dade County, Flk., Juvenile Tuesday election in Bolton -is ’ C o m i c s ...... 23 ' Judge Adele Faske also urged printed today on Page 18. E d ito r ia l ...... '.4 • parents to forego Halloween tradi­ Sample ballots for the election in F a m i l y , ...... 6 ' ■ tion and keep their children home. Obituaries ...... 12 The judge said Halloween offers' Vemoir are printed today on Page P e b p l e t a l k ...... : .2 criminals a "license to do what they 19. S p o r t s ...... 13-16 want,” wearing masks and going Television ...... 17 door-to-door. She said no one should In sports /t ’s Halloween T o w n T a lk ...... 12 ■ open their doors to trick-or-treaters. tfanchester High'gridders home U p d a te ...... y ,...... 2 isinister-looking witch will join forces costumes and masks run door-to-door for a Nevada had its Halloween a day ■ I . Saturday ... Guy Lafleur on scoring Weathei^.— ,...... 2 . wiU bibqk cats, goblins and ghosts tonight Halloween “ trick or tre a t.” (Herald photo by early - so it doesn’t conflict with the spree against Whalers ... Page 13. T J^ eek en d ...... 7-9 when a r^ youngsters, wearing colorful Burbank)) state’s Admission Day 2 - KVKNING H1':RALU\ Fri , tVl 31. 19M EVENING HERALD. Fri.. Oct. 31. I - 3 Press c^tnum bers public iat senatorial debate empty chairs, their wives, and cam­ dropping out of school and getting on Zinsser called for “.consideration tions "whether or not they alrel Glassman also countered the current period of international recession and rising By LAUREN DAVIS SHEA paign aides, along with three welfare." Khurramshahr and the refinery city of Abadan and set­ based on the British parliamentary model. The final of the taxpayer,’’ saying the medically necessary, or the result Of “spendthrift" label by saying he has Moore to leave campaign ting up a unified command to defend the twq^cities, the Herald Repofirr reporters, two voters, and two Glassman said the days when Im- results may not be complete until Saturday. energy costs. Democratically-controlled incest or rape.” led the movement to longrange Pending the almost certain approval* of the World MANCHESTER -! With five Democratic activists. nigrants could support themselves WASHINGTON (UPI) - Frank Moore, President focus of Iraqi attacks for several weeks. Legislature failed tq do this when it "There you go spending the budget planning. He said currently, Bank’s board of executive directors, Clatten will succeed members of the area press corps pre­ Despite the low turnout, which at low-skill jobs while, learning the Carter's assistant on congressional relations, has been "This is all Iraqi fire, all Iraqi," an Iraqi trooper said passed a 7 percent raise in welfare taxpayers money again,” Zinsser state officials spend all year making Uranium release higher sent a t' a Thursday night debate aides attributed to a lack of publicity language, as his parents did, are removed from the presidential campaign "indpfinitely” Thursday, pointing to rubble where the city of Robert McNamara as head, of the institution that has 138 benefits, despite being ranked second declared. Zinsser said he opposed budgets, and have no time to review and the nightly appearances of the over. He said bilingual education has because of remarks he made about the Ayatollah Khurramshahr — now emptied of its I(X),000 residents — ERWIN, Tenn. (UPI) — The Nuclear Regulatory Com­ member countries and channels funds, financial ideas between candidates’for the Fourth in the nation in welfare benefits. abortion unless it was a medical program effectiveness. Glassman District senatorial'seat the public candidates, the two men gamely been shown-to encourage its students Khomeini, a Carter campaign official said today. Stood, but from which sporadic sniper bullets peppered mission says the amount of uraniuih released at a top and technical assistance to the lesser developed nations. Gla'Ssman countered that Connec­ . necessity, regardless of whether the called for changing this. was outnumbefedfby the press two to debated. to stay in school, so they can learn Moope was quoted in an interview with the Shreveport the Iraqi forces who appeared in cohtrol. « secret nuclear fuel plant was 10 times higher than the Clausen, 57, is president and chief executive officer of ticut has one of the highest cost of sihte paid for it or not. * He also said in his position as. V one. Zinsser continued to paint enough to get a job and stay off (La.IMournal Wednesday as saying the Iranian leader •¥ * NRC said it was originally and was the highest ever the San Francisco-based Bank of America, the largest living rates in the country. Glassman said his support of state- chairman of the legislative education Republican Carl' Zinsser and Classman as a spendthrift, and welfare., ' "has cancer of the colon ... He's not going to last long." reported to the agency. U.S. bank,-and Its parent company. Bank America Corp. When Glassman said he was “firm­ mandated bilingual education committee, he encouraged the end of Glassman continued his charge that Zinsser said regardless of whether In the interview, which apparently stunned White Manley loses in Jamaica In addition, the NRC said as many as 1,000 people Democrat Abo Glassman answered ly pro-choice” on the abortion issue, programs was “a good investment.” programs which had been state- questions from two reporters on such Zinsser is running a negative cam­ such a program is a “good in­ House and State Department officials, Moore was also KINGSTON, Jamaica (UPI) — American-born Edward tliight have been exposed to the dustlike uranium ' KhomeinCs terms *jusC he said in ordUT to offer a true pro- He said the program is funded, and mandated for years, so the funds quoted as saying the Iranian military is expected to take material during' the Aug. 7, 1979 venting. topics as abortion, taxes, and paign which fails to incorporate th e' added he believ^ in it because “peo­ vestment” the Le^fslature shouldn’t could be shifted to vocational Seaga trounced socialist Prime Minister Michael Tehran radio said today Ayatollah RuhoHah choice medicql decision to a poor control in the country in the event of Khomeini's death. Some local residents, however, did not appear worried. housing. Their listeners consisted of range of issues a state senator must ple^ not understanding English were mandate it unless V is also willing to technical training. Manley, a Fidel Castro admirer, in a general election and Khomeini’s terms for freeing the American hostages are woman the state^^hpuld fund abor­ “I'm not concerned,” said banker Gerald Powers, who face. provide funding. declared his first act will be to expel the Cuban am­ “just" and releasing them would not be a “cowardly” act lives next to the plant. "What good would it do for me to bassador froih Jamaica. • in a broadcast that appeared designed to prepare the Ira­ Iraqis dodge sniper fire be? I can't see it, taste it or smell it. I have to take With more than half the vote^ counted from Thursday’s nian people for an end to the year-long drama. somebody’s word that it is not harming me." KHURRAMSHAHR, Iran (UPI) — Entrenched Iraqi poll at the end of a violence-ridden election campaign, Another hint that freedom may be coming closer for in suit forces dodged stubborn sniper fire in Iran's "City of Seaga'S Jamaica Labor Party won more than 51 percent the hostages came when Sweden’s foreign ministry said Blood." which six weeks of war has turned into a ghost of the popular vote giving him more than 40 of Jamaica's Carter picks bank chief an airline in neutral Sweden has been asked to ready a town of devastation with almost every house battered by 60 parliamentary seats. plane to fly the hostages out of Iran. artillery. ‘ * The RJR radio network predicted the Labor Party, WASHINGTON (UPI) - A.W. “Tom” Clausen, head The foreign ministry said the Swedish charter airline In Tehran Thursday, a spokesman said Iran's Supreme -Which held 13 seats before the election, might have won man of the giant Bank of America, is President Carter’s ]icied from ^ n t Scanair had “received a request to have a plane standing choice to become president of the World Bank during the Defense Council discussed sending reinforcements to as many as 52 seats in the Kingston Parliament, which is by” , MANCHESTER - One of three _ / *■ Manchester Gardens had been day term. But the certificate expired 30.00 3000 3977 women suing the town for its plagued by trouble since she moved befolCevshe could find another home. withdrawal In 1979 from a federal SHFS YOUR J \ ■Peopletalk’ there in June.of 1978. She had been in Un^er Section 8 regulations low in­ program to promote housing and court several times with the landlord come persons pay no more than a racial integration was evicted today Mark Lavitt, but she could not be third ol their income toward housing. from her Manchester apartment. V i evicted because she vias a'^^ction B Ms. Demirgian’s certificate could CANDIDATE Lucy Demirgian said Thursday she tenant. have been extended for an additionbi expected to leave town along with She said the eviction was based on 30-day period, but the town Housing her two children —because she could tANfMMCaCO i S l MMVtH unwarrented claims she did not pay Authority found no evidence that she She will work to... not find another apartment. The d i . her rent. She contends Lavitt refused was making a good faith effort to find state Department of Human LOtAMOILn to accept seven months of her $50 another apartment, Dennis Phelan, Resources tentatjvely found room for •Create more elderly housing payments, and that their pet created housing director, said. the family in a motiri on the Berlin a nuisance. Lavitt has said it was not The authority had never received tovill TIMnaATUIII ' Turnpike, she said. ” •Improve State Funding technically an eviction, but an agree­ Ms. Demirgian, along with twp confirmation from M s.' Demirgian ment which had been readied with for Education other low-income women, is a plain­ that she received the extension, ^ her attorney Raymond Norko, of the Phelan said, even though she aij” tiff in a class action suit brought I Hartford County Legal Aid Society, mitted receiving it. > •Increase Elderly Tax ■KOWIM ' FLOW against Manchester for its decision EZ3 for her to move. * . ■ The town has 142 Section 8 cer- UaiWIAIHIR rOTOCAtT to leave the HUD Community Exemptions Faced with the move that take her Development Grant Program for a -tificates, Phelan estimated that two black children out of the school For period ending 7 a m. EST 11 L80. Except for some two-year period. In the suit, the three allhost 100 percent of those persons •Improve Transportation system, Ms. Demirgian said it was seeking" one or two-bedroom units rain in the Pacific Northwest during Friday night, women charged the town with dis- upsetting the town service have been successful. Those seeking generally fair weather is expected to favor the major criminated-4i^ainst them, and •Redistrict Manchester for organizations were unable to find an part of the nation. Minimum temperatures include: (ap­ minoriHes. through the withdrawal. three and four bedroom apartments Mc(^ueeti , apartment for her. She claimed she Better State Representation prox. max. readings in parenthesis) Atlanta ,'i2 (69). Pi»ier Ms. Demirgian was notified in have greater difficulty, he said. Boston 31 (47). Chicago 37 (58). Cleveland 33 (51), Dallas exhausted all options in searching for Ms. Demirgian charged she could August that she had been evicted housing in Manchester. 45 ( 78). Denver 38 (7^, Duluth 27 (46), Houston 36 ( 76), from the Manchester Garden not locate another apartment Ms. Demirgian two years ago Jacksonville 45 (73). Kansas City 42 (71). Little Rock 43 Apartments, her home for about two “because my name is mud” in No parking entered Manchester Gardens as a DEMOCRAT FOR s f AT f REniEiSENTATIVE (73). Los Angeles 58 (76). Miami 70 (80). Minneapolis 30 years, she said. Attempts to locate Manchester because of the CD law­ Roberta Funnell isn't going to take it anymore. Section 6 tenant. ' suit. (56). New Orleans 43 (75), New York 39 (64), Phoenix 57 another apartment in Manchester She plans to appeal a parking ticket all the way up WhenQi^fied of her eviction, the VOTE DEMOCRATIC - PULL LEVER 5-A (89). San Francisco 52 (66), Seattle 47 (58). St, Louis 40 proved unsuccessful, she said. to the Supreme Court. town Housing Authority extended PAID FOR BY THE JACK8TON FOR REPRESENTATIVE COMMITTEE, (65). Washington 39 (61). Special guest Ms. Demirgian said her stay at the DO IT DAILY — Read the Evening MATTHEW MORIARTY JR., TREASURER Ms. Funnell got the ticket last year. Instead of her certificate for the standard 60- Herald's comics and cartoons.- automatically paying a $10 fine, she explained the Christopher Dodd, center, Democratic can­ District. Dodd attended a wine and cheese Weather forecast extenuating circumstances to a judge. The judge didate for the U.S. Senate, was among the fundraiser at the Manchester Country Club. .fined her $25 — she says to punish her for not just guests at a fundraiser for Abraham At right is Edward Havens, South Windsor Swensison backs Mostly sunny today and becoming windy. High paying the fine. She appealed the case but was Classman, left, candidate for the Connecticut mayor. Also attending were U.S. Rep. temperatures in the mid 50s or 13 Celsius. Clear, windy turned down. State Senate in the Fourth Senatorial William Cotter and Sen. David Barry. and cold tonight with lows 25 to 30. Sunny Saturday with Now she's on her way to the Supreme Court, mill area plans . highs 45 to 50. Probability of precipitation 10 percent explaining. "Somebody says, "This is ridiculous today, near zero percent tonight and Saturday. Westerly over a parking ticket,' but this is how the govern­ MANCHESTER — Republican candidate for the 13th winds increasing to 15 to 20 mph this afternoon. Westerly ment starts running over you." Assembly District, Elsie “Biz” Swensson has pledged winds 15 to 25 mph tonight and Saturday. Anderson protests lost ad today her support for the revitalization of the Cheney Historical District. Fear brakes career STAMFORD (UPI) — Independent She acknowledged the economic and physical restora­ Long Island Sound John Anderson, who for mmy voters tion will require support and cooperation from both the Long laland Sound lo Walrh Hill and Monlauk : Stirling Moss^the crpck British race/:ar driver' is a vehicle for their protest. Is doing public and private sectors. --— Point: Southwest winds 5 to 10 knots this morning. who retired after a disastrous wreck in the, 1^62 some protesting of his own. Mrs. Swensson cited two areas where the state govern­ Westerly 12 to 18. knots this afternoon and tonight. Grand Prix, will make a strictly limited comeback. Anderson's lawyer Mitchell ment can be of help. The first, according to Mrs. Northwest 15 to 25 knots and gusty Saturday. Visibility He says in the Nov, 3 ipsoe of Newsweek Rogovin has asked the Federal Com­ Swensson is to provide financial assistance through the better than 5 miles. Partly cloudy, t is morning and most­ magazine that while racing onw was his whole life, munications Commission to act Urban Action Fund. The town has requested $155,000 for ly sunny" this afternoon. Clear tonight and sunny Satur­ now “it's a hobby." He candidly admits to fear —or today to force NBC into negotiations the revamping.of traffic flow in the Hartford Road area, day. Wave heights 2 to 3 feet today and tonight increasing what tjie rest of the world might think of as com­ to make good on a 4-minute 20-second and the request has been approved but not funded. Mrs. Saturday. mon sense. commercial the network failed to run Swensson said she would concentrate on obtaining the “My threshold ot fear is much closer now," he as scheduled before last Tuesday's funding which would provide for traffic signs, bus Extended outlook says. "You ease up on the throttle when ypu ap­ debate between President Carter and shelters, and widening Hartford Road. proach a hazard, l.think twice, and when you really Ronald Reagan. A second area would be completion of the 184-86 con­ BOSTON (UPI) — Extended outlook for New England want to win you just doit, you dop't think at all." “NBC said ‘sue us,' but that’s no nector, Mrs. Swennson said. “Part of the proposed Sunday through Tuesday: reinedy,’’ said spokesman Tom development is to helpfully include commercial office MasHarhuaells. Rhode Inland & Coiinerlirul: Fair 1 Mathews, traveling with Anderson in space," Mrs. Swensson said. "The completion.of the Sunday and Monday. Partly cloudy Tuesday. High Saintly superherq) ' Connecticut. highway will provide an important geographic and temperatures from the mid 40s to the low 50s. Low NBC ran the $30,000 ad after the St. Francis of Assisi has joinedS^(lder-Man. the economic link to the rest of the Greater Hartford area."' temoeratures from the mid 20s to the mid 30s. debate but the Anderson campaign Incredible Hulk and Captain /America as a comic­ Mrs. Swensson believes “ Manchester and the State of demanded ten 30-second spots to be book superhero. \ Connecticut have a great opportunity to set an example of run this weekend as compensation. positive, successful rehabilitation, in the Cheney “Francis, Borther of the Universe” will appear in Anderson’s final $1 million plus ad District.” The Almans^ a 48-page special issue comitynook depicting the life blitz will become apparent this / t of the patron saint of animals. weekend, with a 30 minute ad By United Press International James E. Galton, president of the Marvel Comics prepared for Sunday and prime time Drive tops goal Today is Friday, Oct. 31, the 305th day of 1980 with 61 to Group, said when the idea was first suggested to commercials Monday night, in­ follow. him “it sounded a bit far fetched, but the more I cluding one preceeding ABC’s Mon­ considered it, the more intrigued I became." This is Halloween (All Hallow's Eve). day Night football. —. After all. he said, St. Francis' life, like those of for United Way The moon is'in its last quarter. In another development, the The^ morning stars are Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. other comic book superheroes, “was packed with HARTFORD — More than 1,000 volunteer campaign Anderson campaign told its leaders workers cheered as 1980 United Way campaign chair­ The evening stars are Mercury and Mars. elements conducive to an exciting, fast-paced com­ around the country to demand that Those born on this date are under the sign of Scorpio. ic book — drama, suspense, action." man, Denis Mullane, announced that $9,105,742 had been radio stations withdraw a Carter raised in this year's United Way of the Capital Area’s Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek, leader of Nationalist commercial that claims the Illinois Independent presidential candidate John Anderson moves China, was born Oct. 31, 1887. fund drive. congressman voted against the 1964 through the crowd after what was billed as a town meeting in The dollars raised represent an increase of $1,088,407 On this date in history: Quote ol)lhe day < > Civil Rights Act-and the 1965 Voter Stamford Thursday. (UPI photo) over that raised last year and is the first $1 million in­ In 1864, Nevada was admitted to the Union as the 36th Dorothea Morefield. wife of hostage Richard H. Rights Act. / state. crease in the local organization’s history. Morefield, commenting on ads offering to sell a “The ads arefn“error and they are if nor bravauo, “We look forward to In 1931, the U.S. Treasury Department said the finan­ ticut one of his best states, stumped The announcement was made at a victory luncheon, silver coin commemorating the Iranian hostage false," Mathews said. He said they debating President Carter some time cial condition of the nation was so grave 827 banks had in Stamford before receptive crowds. held at the Hartford Civic Center. crisis: "It's tacky. It's people making money at our had been aired in Detroit, Erie, Ph., before the election.’’ kclosed their doors during the previous two months. He was campaigning today in New­ The total is 101 percent of the $9 million goal set for expense." and Albany, N.Y., and had sub­ The message was a remindei^ ton, Mass., and at the Quincy Market this year's campaign In 1963, a gas explosion at an Indianapolis ice' show sequently been removed from use in killed 67 people. although il will probably be ignored- - in Boston before flying to California More than 175 local companies and organizations were Detroit. that the President had said he would In 1968, President Lyndon Johnson announced a halt in for a Saturday whistle-stop train tour honored as leaders in the campaign because of the level Finally, Rogovin sent a telegram debate Anderson only if he met the bombing of North Vietnam. Glimpses and a newly added swing Sunday j i l employee giving. to Carter campaign manager Robert Reagan head to head first. through O r^on and Washington. The United Way of the Capital Area^ covers a 21-towiP Steve McQueen returned to his central California Strauss statine. with some sarcasim. home from a Mexican hospital where he had been Anderson, who considers Connec­ region and provides funding for 65 agencies. Lottery numbei^i . undergoing unorthodox treatment for a rare form of cancer ... Frank Press, President Carter's science Numbers drawn Thursday: adviser, has bqeh nominated to become the next Lecture series set Connecticut 346 ., Defense still key issue presiderft of the National Academy, of Sciences ... , Maine 700 Marie France Pisier is in Paris to film "Chanel HARTFORD (UPI) - James already have been fired from U.S. before the second Trident become^ MANCHESTER — St. Bridget Parish is sponsoring a New Hampshire 3,593 Solitaire, " a movie about the early life of deei^ner Buckley, continuing to ride the subs in this country and the Soviet operational. • , lecture series designed -to -help families meet the , Rhode Island 8469 Coco Chanel ... Former Hardy Boy Parker Steven­ defense issue in the final days of the Union has had several classes of 9uch He also said Dodd “misses the en­ problems and issues of life in the decade of the '80s. The . Massachusetts 2236 ^ son begins, filming ABC's "American Gothic" in U.S. Senate race, says his subs in operation for morerihan 20 tire point’’ when he says the first lecture was held Oct. 5. T. Michael O’Connor of The weekly nunlBers drawn in Connecticut were 26. 091 San Diego next week, along with Shelley Smith and Democratic oppanent is misinformed years. remaining subs will carry a greater Boston discussed “Family and School: Partners in Moral and 796919. The lucky color was red. Slim Pickens..,. about something in his own backyard Quoting fi'om radio transcripts of number of warheads than Soviet and'Faith Development." Manchester Area Businesspeople: The Maine weekly lotterv number drawn Thursday was . — submarines. interviews with Dodd, Buckley also subs. . On Nov. 2, Sister Loretta Sullivan. O.P.. will speak on 48018. ' ■ Buckley, the Republican challenged the Democrat’s «tate- “Their warheads are roughly twice the topic, “Communicating Spiritual Values in the Now, if you advertise in the Family." challenging Christopher Dodd for ment there will be no gap between the size of ours and most of theirs ^ h h Manchester, Coventry, and Rockville Evminti Harald Sen. Abraham Ribicoff’s seat, said deactivitation of the Polaris subs and have a longer range man ours," Additional lectures in the series will be “Family Com­ To Advartlao USPS 327-500 To Report News Thursday Dodd was either misin­ deployment of th$ Tridept sub­ Buckley said. , . ^ munication in Stress Situations,” Dec. 14, "Elements of > Yellow Pages, you can put Red in your For a classifM advertisement, call Published daily except Sunday and cer­ To report a news item or story idea:: formed or “deliberately deceiving” marine. ’.'In sum, Mr. Dodd is either gross­ Healing in Family Life," March 1; and “Communication 643-2711 and ask lor Classified. Office tain 'holidays by the Manchester M aachester___Alex Girelli, M3-2711 in the Family: A Challenge for the 80s," April 5. Yellow Pages ad. Use « hours are 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday voters when he talked about the deac­ "This is flatly'false," Buckley ly misinformed about a subject he Publishing Co., Herald Square, East Hartford___Pat Reilly, 643-2711 All lectures will be held Sunday evenings atSt. Bridget through Friday. tivation of the Polaris submarines. said. He said Navy officials have said ought to know by heart or he is Red to call attention to B g II Manchester. Conn. 06040. Second class Glastonbury .. Dave Lavallee, 643-2711 The Submarine il]||ustry is a cor­ all of the Polaris subs will be put out School, 74 Main St., at 7 p.m. The public is invited. For information about display adver­ A ndover...... Donna Holland. 6464)375 deliberately concealing the facts that postage paid at Manchester. Conn. nerstone of Dodd’s 2nd Congressional of commission as missile launchers are vital to our safety,” he said. your firm’s n^me, phone POSTMASTER: Send address changes tising, call Penny Saad, advertising Bolton...... Donna Holland, 646-0375 Student book fair slated I I SvStGhll to the Evening Herald, P.O. Box 591, manager, at 643-2711. Coventry ...... Doug Bevins. 643-2711 District. number or special services. Manchester, Conn 06040 Hebron . .Barbara Richmond, 643-2711 “ Either way," Buckiey toid a I I ^ « SOUTH WINDSOR - The Eli Terrv School wi'll" South Windsor Dave Lavallee,643-2711 Capitol news conference,. ’’his McKinney attacks foe sponsor a student book fair Nov. 19 and 20 in the school’s Ask about Red when your Have a Complaint? To Subtcribo Vernon .. Barbara Richmond. 643-2711 statements raise critical questions DARIEN (UPI) — In a stinging principled 'pandidate who is now gymnasium. Students will .be able to brow.se during Newt — II you have a question or To subscribe, call Customer Service about his credibility and his school hours on Wednesday. ,\ov. 19, and books can be Yellow Pages RepresCTkm- H 3 Q 6 S complaint about news coverage, call tirade, five-term Republican Rep. bereft of any issues." at 647-9946. Office hours are 8:30 a.m to To report special news:. q u a ii^ a tio n to serve as U.S. purchased on Thursday, Nov. 20. from 8:45 a m. until 8 franli Burbank, managing editor, o'r Stewart McKinney has painted his He described Phillips as “terribly 5:30 p m. Monday through Friday and 7 Business Alex Girelli. 643-2711 ^nator." p.m. tive calls on you. @ southern New England Telephone .Steve Harry, executive editor. 643-2711 to 10 a m. Saturday. Democratic challenger for Fair­ misled and ill-informed." Opinion Frank Burbank. 643-2711 He said Dodd was wrong when he Suggested carrier rates are $1.20 field’s County’s IJ.S. House seat as The lashing apparently was , The book fair committee invites all students, parents Circulation — If you have a problem Family . Betty Ryder, 643-2711 said it was not a goodjdea to fire regarding service or delivery, call weekly, $5.12 for one month. $15.35 for misguided and misinformed. prompted by . a campaign newsletter ■"and visitors to attend the fair. Sports . . ,. Earl Yost. 643-2711 cruise missiles from thePqlaris subs The book fair display will include new books, moderate­ Cuslomer .Service. 647-9946 Delivery three months. $30.70 for six months, and and he wasn’t even sure it'wsiposii- McKinney blasted John Aristotle distributed by Phillips, which should be made by 5:00 p.m. Monday $61.40 for one year. Mail rates are Ollice hours are 8 ,3t) a m. to 5 p m ly priced, from many publishers. There will be books for ble to put such a missile in a sul Phillips at a Darien news conference McKinney termed “garbage" and through Friday and bv 7 30 a m Satur­ available on request. .Monday through Friday Thursday as “a desperate and un- “scurrilous." different reading levels and interests, including classics, day Buckley said the cruise missiles fiction, biographies, adventure stories, science, nature! crafts, mystery and reference bpoks. KVKNINC, HKKALI) Kri . IVt 31, IDSfl Editorial EVENING HERALD, Fri., Oct. 31, 1980 - 5 Thoughts These candidates seek converts more than votes Renovate MHS __ ' "people I. . * before profits.” This whole, week I reflected on HARTFORD (UPI) — They are candidates seeking Voters in Malichester will The proposal also calls for converts more than votes. i. Mrs. Fishman, a Rutgers University speech therapy monev. and our relationship to it. major who writes for the Communist Party newspaper face a question on Tuesday's the additim-to-the industrial There is some unwritten understan­ What they lack in money for ads and aides, they make ballot asking their advice on arts win|f!^of.the school. • up for in zeal. and distributes it outside a New H aven^n plant once a ding that preachers are supposed to week, also charges Congress is big bUSmess' yes-man, proposed renovations to Vocational education is talk about love and caring and / They campaign part-time on weekends and vacations, spend a fraction of what niajor party candidates do, stuff saying its undue attentiveness to corporate profits is the Manchester High School. vital if our young people are morality, but not about money. I used root of every evil from racism to inflation to unemploy­ to be uneasy speaking so directly their own envelopes, resort to classrooms for audiences, The school facility has been to be employed in area in­ endure slights from their, opponents and denounce the ment. ’ about money until I read that Jesus Mrs. Fishman says one proposal for reducing the cor­ allp^ved to fall into a,state of dustry. showed no hesitancy at all. In fact, news media for failing to carry their message to the elec­ ■'!!...... torate. porate stranglehold would be to require businesses to give disrepair because other Educatiom leaders are nold good jobs that are keep the young in an at­ the projects could be done as wel’Kver one-third of all the parables two years advance notice about a plant shutdown — a in the New Testament are directly They are Connecticut's third-party candidates for priorities have been given to recognizing that more and available in the area, they mosphere of opportunity. they are needed. Congress: . proposal advanced by consumer advocate Ralph Nader. concerned with out possessions. In Tliis cam pai^, Mrs. Fishman has devoted most of her needed repairs. The time has more young ^persons are often have nq choice but to We see no alternative to the We also would hope the the four Gospels alone, one-sixth —Gerard G. Brennan, 38, a computer consultant run­ ning for U.S. Senate on the Libertarian Party ticket.The time to collecting signatures to get the Communist Par­ come to meet the town's selecting not to continue their leave their home town and renovation of the high school. Jesus' words talk about ou need for these improvements i unassuming Danbury resident had never been involved in ty's presidential candidates on Connecticut'^ ballot. The educations at the college and possessions and how they should obligation to preserve the in- find work elsewhere. We think it is essential to the will alert officials to the need b e ^ politics before deciding to run last year after being effort foundered when state election officials Invalidated used.' yestnjent made in the university levels. future of the community. swayed by Libertarim views on the economy. nearly 11,000 of the party's signatures. to perfprm preventive For me the most threatening and By virtue of her past campaigns, Mrs. Fishman has building and accomplish the Cheney Vocational The migration of youth is a But we hope taxpayers and “Politicians do more damage to the economy than any maintenance in hopes of decisive statement Jesus made was other group," he says. won toleration from the major parties and is now invited repairs and , make state- Technical School is doing an concern to leaders in towns elected officials alike, will this) ""Whej;e your treasure isi there minimizing the future need —Joelle Fishman, 33, perennial Communist Party can­ to debate her opponents on League of Women Voter spon­ mandated changes in a excellent job teaching those where such movement is realize that routine for massive bond issues. will your heart be also." He didn't didate for Congress in the 3rd district. Mrs. Fishman, the sored platforms, -massive. say. where your heart is, there one Zemel's campaign has been accorded no such number of'Safety areas. who are lucky enough to gain maintenance should be done We aren ’t certain the party's only full-time, paid staff member in Connecticut, Leaders recognize the may find some monetary support, has run for the New Haven-area House seat three times legitimacy. Pointing fingers and saying admittance with the skills on an annual basis. voters will feel the town can from time to time. He said", where H§ ha's unsuccessfully agitated to be included in these things should have been needed to find good jobs in future will rely on the ability since 1974 and twice for mayor. She says she has built up The bonding for the project . now afford the project. When you spend your money is where your a loyal 2-percent-of-the-vote constituency for her views, debates between his opponents. Republican James of towns to keep the youth at heart is committed, and in the'same Buckley and Democrat Christopher Dodd, to the point of done on an item-by-ilem this era of high technology. will have a minimal impact it is decided, we strongly which would be more palatable to the Democratic Left joelle Fishman Louis Zemel Gerard Brennan basis Is non-productive. The The school is at capacity. It home where they will have proportion as vour money. than they would have been to Karl Marx. She inqjatiently showing up at one forum with a home-made sign on the property tax. There urge those in control to make Think for a moment of the variety protesting his exclusion. clock can't be turned back is bulging at the seams .with ample opportunity. are non-property tax dollars claims the party has no connections whatsoevef^o the enable them to be on the ballot in future elections without problems How is that the decisions are made by large a commitment to do of checks you cull through when Soviet Union, saying only that eventually the U.S. “will petition drives. While Zemel and Mrs. Fishman believe most problems and there is no point in students and it can handle no When young persons available to help. balancing your checkbook. It's fun monied interests,” said Zemel, charging Republicans and could be solved if government leaders were more con­ whatever is possible to pre­ need a similar Socialist program." Except for Marietta, the minor-party candidates say Democrats who accept campaign contributions from dwelling upon what might more migrate out of the area, the But we hope town and and a curious thing to watch someone —Louis Zemel, 69, a Middlefield ski resort owner run­ their inspiration lies in the belief they are harbingers of cerned about social welfare, Brennan, in keeping with vent town property from business are forever “beholden to put gross profits ahead Libertarian views, thinks most problems are caused by have been done. The need for ,,such future leadershijp of the on television comment on what we ning for U.S. Senate on the.Citizens Party ticket, is the inevitable social, economic and political changes. school buildings will be kept deteriorating in the future. can discover about a person we have of social needs.” government interference in the first place. The fact is the repairs progranismand such a commitment candidate Henry Wallace. He was arrested in several But as if tO'gain legitimacy for their views, the three professor, articulates Citizens Party presidential can­ because the elected officials Manchester. tant missions of the public done that for yourself? I'll bet not! (L Vietnam War and antinuclear protests and has organized point to Republican and Democratic proposals already on party carries Thomas Jefferson's atfmonition that the By budgeting for such and strongly sugfjjfcs^that' didate Babry Commoner's prescription for the nation's best governed are the least governed to the degree, But think for a moment about the rock concerts and Socialist, rallies on his 280-acre ski Congress' agenda which mirror their own positions. felt pressuj* to try to keep When young persons can school, systems to do maintenance projects on an elected and appointed of- proportion that scoops up money for ills — an immediate price freeze on life's necessities, in­ believing government's only purpose should Iw to slope. Last year, he sailed his own boat to Cuba after A reduced work week, national health insurance and cluding food, fuel and housing. spending iiS eases low. not get the training needed to- whatever is in their power to annual basis, we would hope ficials heed the call. food, fuel and shelter. And then go spending a decade trying to persuade the State Depart­ massive tax cuts are a few examples cited. “protect people from aggressors,” says Brennan. deeper. Go beyond hair grooming and He advocates the government's takwver of oil com- Mrs. Fishman and Zemel, Who both believe third-party ment to lift its ban on travel to the island. In his first run The views of Mrs. Fishman and &mel are so close they panies to avoid “the obscenity of people waiting in gas the movies, both of which are impor­ for office, he claims the “Republicrats are the problem could bCTunning mates. Tliiyt surprised them — n e ith e r...... candidates are gaining h eater credence as voters tant. What proportion of your income lines” aiid substantial reductions in defense spending in become more and more fed up with the status quo, would Letters not the solution. They've lied outright to the American' one knew anything about the others'rpOSTtions. favor of social programs. can you genuinely see in your check people." -• Both sound the doom of America's indebtedness to big be more than happy to accept the federal campaign stubs, that go to help those more in “Multi-national corporations have no souls, only money that would accompany a '5 percent vote tally. A fourth candidate, Louis J. Marietta. 59. is an indepen­ business, particularly multi-natidhal corporations. balance sheets,” he says. * need than you, or go to those variety Brennan, again true to Libertarian thought, would “bum dent running for Congress in the 6th District for the third “The problem in America from which all other Likewise, the theme of Mrs. Fishman campaign is Religious believers urged to band together of community service groups that do time. He says he would not be in the race at all if it the check ceremonially.” so much for the well being of our weren't for a personal grudge against Democratic Rep. communities and neighborhoods, or Toby Moffett. “It's a personal thing,” says Marietta. To the editor: with their own effective relationships Cleveland>-Ghio, and attorneys James llitchcocK, prolessor of religious ideals have done nothing that medical or health research in­ “You can call it that. Several weeks ago I wrote to to the pupils. The training activities Manuszak and Craze said in a letter history at St. Louis University stated while those dedicated to secular con­ stitute? However distant the positions, the four have at least Senatorial candidates to ask their on the part of both teachers and .dated March 13. 1980. "We are in in an article entitled, "The Secular cepts slowly have imposed their Jesus' words are true: where we one thing in common — none have any illusion of being position on Humanism in Connecticut pupils, to raise their level of trust definite agreement that this program Sickness," “it is important to philosophy. It is high time for put our money is where we will find elected. public school education stating that 1 and understanding and. ultimately, is the spreading of the humanistic recognize, that from its beginning our-hearts committed. And when we For them, . 5 percent of the total vote would be hoped to be able to present their make the classroom a more produc­ religion through the use of govern­ Secular Humanism" has not merely religious believers to unite and are dissatisfied about ourselves, then miraculous, they hope for the 1 percent that would opinions in an open letter to the tive center of learning (not license). ment funds. " proclaimed its independence from we have been given the power to turn Nexttoi^heat, reverse the trend. editor. The concern which has arisen The Harvard Journal of Law and organized religion but also its hostili­ our hearts and commitments around, Representative Dodd's office among parents came about because , Public Policy has recently published ty to it. Students thereby come away so we can become tbe compassionate Doris H. Schimmel. person we so deeply want to become. replied with a copy of’a statement the good intentions of the Office of ,^n article entitled "Freedom From with the Jmpression that religion is 26 Phelps Road, Rev. John Holliger from the Office of Education under Education as they are expressed are Establishment and Unneutrality in not impoAant — they become used to ^ Special Purchase Manchester St. George's Church HE\I^ which said that a grant was not fbJfilled in the program Public School Instruction and the idea that all questions, including yw ^iliebest Bolton (• FAKE FUR PIECES made to the Stratford public school presented by the" Connecticut Religious School Regulation," in questions of moral valups. are system to support a teaching center Teacher s'! Center for Humanistic which Wendell Bird, a graduate of decided independent of any religious (* '/4 yd. to 1 yd. pieces for training in humanistic education. Education! Factual documented Yale Law School and a former editor considerations."" It stated that following observation evidence presented to the Stratford of the Yale Law Journal, discussed ft 60" wide. of the Connecticut Center for Board of Education established that "a case summary for the es­ In the same issue of Columbia energysaveratoond. Humanistic Education and a careful CTCHE was promoting and teaching tablishments provision's bar against editoT Elmer Von Feldt wrote, ""The (• ^ Priced from *1.08 to $6.88 per piece and worth ( reading of reports.' agendas, and the beliefs and values of Secular unneutral state programs such, as insidiousness of the secularist attack fJ^R«I.)TTLEl

Washington Merry-Go-Round •Based on using gas for heatmgar^f other household conveniem es, and • \ fuel prices m effect on October 7.1980 GIA tries to regain hold over Radio Free Europe By JACK ANDERSON .under an independent, seven- board submitted by Leo Cherne, an false," he snapped. “I'm not in the formally untrained, began work at ifiore than 25 years, although his WASHINGTON — Those anguished member^oversight board to eliminate old Brzezinski crony. habit of writing memos provided by Radio Free Europe in public r record in the courts has been un­ the CIA image they had acquired. relations. Labor relations have been complaints from the right wing that A recent ey'es-only memo signed by other people.” distinguished and he has long been V press scrutiny has destroyed the Cen­ IWwIhe spies want their propaganda Cherne states flatly that the federal Meanwhile, the bel'eaguerra entrusted to the same attorney for- ■past retirement age," tral Intelligence Agency have proven outlets back. board and its staff “are essentially federal board has mounted its cfwn Quotes------to be greatly exaggerated. The The way they plan to do it, my incapable of performing their counterattack in a four-page internal parudr. Ciliiig IiIh "frirnd aliu\r," CONNECTICUT reporters Indy Badhwar and David memo that accuses Cherne of not "I've got the same friend above.” spooks have just been lying low since assigned mission," and recommends till- offiri-r bad aHKiirrd Patarulli the exposure of their misdeeds. Now Saltz have iearned, is to have the turning its functions over to — in knowing what he's talking about, and — l.iK'iuno l‘iivarolli, operii III- Hiiiild lie Hufr dexiiili- a dralli NATURAL GAS CORPORATION they're makiny^ a comeback - federal oversight board abolished. other words, back to — the station's of jumping to conclusions “without, HiiiKvr, nprukiiig lo u New "Jork llirral. Tin- Hiiigrr Horr a liullrl- One of the /py agency's targets Is Since most managers of the two management. consulting any, of the present City iiolircmiin lii-fori- riding u priiof \<*hI during tin- paradr. RatJfc L i^ r ty - , stations were recruited by tbe CIA — “Are we still over-reacting to the members of the board or its horitr ill llii- i-i|y'» Culuiiibus Uuv Make Radio Free some of them from within the agen­ sensitivity abput government professional staff." Europe. Maybe ^ cy's own professional ranks — abuse of the radios which flowed The board memo suggests that Christmas Special it's a point of ' 'w elimination of the governing board from the period of intense concern CHerne's “enthusiasm (is)- outrun­ iflaudu'iitn* tzuniinu Hrrali'i pride: Ostensibly / ». ' would put Radio Liberty and Radio with our intelligence activities?" the ning his knowledge.” 11x14 custom portrait, 6 wallets Manchester — A City of Village Charm inteniled to. give Free Europe back under CIA in­ memo asks. Even more tellingly, the board lays straight news to fluence. Founded Oct. 1, 1801 Insiders who have read the Cherne bar^ the lack of professional (plus sitting, tax) Eastern Euro­ The i^hn chosen to carry out the memo detect the fine hand of Paul background among the stations' top W*, Published by the Manchester Publishing Co., Herald Square, Kbu^ a natural winner pean listeners board's "termination with extreme Henze, former CIA station chief in staff. “None of the top executives of ■ Manchester. Conn. 06040. Telephone (203) 643-2711. awash in Soviet propaganda, the two prejudice" is National Security Ad­ Turkey . who is now Brzezinski's the networks is or ever has been a fine portraits by Member, United Press International Munich-based broadcasting stations viser Zbigniew Brzezinski. the sidekick on the National Security McTber. Audit Bureau ol Circulation professional journalist,” the memo the Salem nassiff studio were actually set up and staffed by president's Polish-born Cold Warrior Council, notes. “The director of engineering Steven Harry. Executive Editor the CIA. extraordinaire. He is actively con­ Cuatomer Service — 647-9946 Frank A. Burbank, Managing Editor 633 main street, manchestei. 643 7369 Cherne indignantly denied such a Is not a graduate engineer. The pre­ Raymond F. Robinson, Editor-Publisher Harold E Turkington, Editor Erferitus In 1973 Congress put the stations sidering- a proposal to'abolish the suggestion. “Jt could hot be more sent director of administration, also with natural gas h - EVENING HERALD, Fri.. Oct 31, 1980 EVENING HERALD. Fri., Oct. 31, 1980 - 7 50th anniversary^

Mr. and Mrs. William J. Jurgelas of 276 Graham Road, South Windsor, celebrated their 50th wedding anniver­ sary on Oct. 26 with a reception at the home of their daughter, Dorothy Krivick of South Windsor. The couple was married Oct. 27, 1930 at St. Bernard's V^ekend Church in Tariffville. Mrs. Jurgelas is the former Anna J. Norkitas. / The Jurgelas' have another daughter, Ruth A ^ ille r of E a^ Longmeadow, Mass., and eight grandchildren. They Yankee Traveler also had a son, the late Capt, Thomas G. Jurgelas, a flyer with the Connecticut National Guard. Relatives and friends of the couple including several m members of the wedding party attended. The couple received a memory book which included greetings from President and Mrs. Carter and from recent Friendship Historic mansion open for exhibit, sale ‘ i f - i t Force guests from West Berlin. They also received a i large framed papal blessing. , j By NANCY MALOOF home during the six months a year and candleholders, and pewter letter Haunted house ticularly for ages 7-12. Admission is The AAU-TAC-sanctioned event is Mr. Jurgelas, a lifetime resident of South Windsor, is a openers. ALA Aulo and Travel Club that he worked in his Berkshire Now, if -you still feel like being d 75 cents. The main entrance to the expected to draw a field close to the '."J"• 'li retired tobacco grower having owned and operated the They will also have books on Usual'iy when visitors tour the studio, which he did for about 30 little bit spooked, -even though it is Science Center is at 22 Harrington maximum 2,500 entries — 360 of I >r ' '' Jurgelas Tobacco Co. in South Windsor. (Olan Mills architectuural styles and the care of Frenc.h-Cresson mansion at years — from 1901 until his death. technically past Halloween, here's a Way; the entrance to the Haunted which are women. The runners will ' photo) , old'houses, plus, a series of reproduc­ Chesterwood in western The ‘designer of the mansion was place to go — the Worcester Science House is next door at number 200. be coming from as far as Canada. tions of French’s works including the Massachusetts, they get to see only Henry Bacon, the architect of the Center, where their sixth annual Free parking is available at the near­ California and Colorado, and as near ^ r. and M r». William J. ,|urgelas Lincoln statue and the Minute Man. the first floor. This weekend, Lincoln Memorial. Haunted House will continue to send by North High School. as New Jersey, New York and New Chesterwood will be open from 10 however, all three floors will be The second and third floors, nor­ chills and tingles up and down even The ALA suggests taking England. This marathon is also the a.m. to 5 p.m. -Saturday and from open, during the fourth annual mally closed to the public, contain the spiniest spines, through this Intel'change 11 off the Massachusetts New England Women's Marathon noon nntil 4 p.m. Sunday. Births Ctiristnoas exhibit and sale, which five bedrooms, an office and hallway. weekend. Turnpike to reach Worcester. For Championship. features antique toys from the 19th Admission to the house tour this The estate is located off Route 102 The hours for this Haunted Hquse, more information on the Haunted The Ocean State has grown to Sylvi'sler. John M. III. son of John ItiiHsell, Krixlrn Murie, daughter CHnupask, Itriun Frrilcrirk, son and early 20th centuries. weekend wiH be $1 for adults and 50 in Stockbridge, Mass. It is easy to which has had new exhibits added House, or the Worcester Science become one of the more popular M. Jr. and and Joyce Veillette Of Paul and Marie Murphy Russell of of Leslie F. and Donna Ingersoll Not just toys, but dolls, books and cehts for children 12 and under. reach following signs from and several other changes since last Center in general, call (617) 791-9211. races in the road running circuit and Conopask of 61 Bolling View Drive. 126 Silver Lane, East Hartford, was Punch and cookies will be served in usually attracts sizeable crowds, es­ Sylvester of Amston was born Oct. 19 born Oct. 20 at Manchester Memorial games from the 1800s and early 1900s Stockbridge’s Main Street (which is year, are 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday Vernon, was born Oct. 18 at the Barn Sculpture Gallery, where Rhody marathon pecially if it is a nice day. Therefore, at, Manchester Memorial Hospital. Hospital. Her maternal grandparents will b e . displayed in the French- also Route 102) and free parking is and noon to 5 p,m. Sunday. Manchester Memorial Hospital His the holiday oriented gift sale will be This is also the weekend for the spectators are advised to arrive ear­ His maternal ^grandmother is are Mr. and Mrs. John P. Murphy of Cresson mansion, a 20-room Colonial available on the.premises. During those hours, floors will maternal grandparents are Mr. and Revival house that was built for taking place. creak, goblins will creep, bats^will "Ocean State" Marathon, a 26.2-mile ly. For more information, call (800) Dorothy Veillette of East Hartford. East Hartford. Her paternal grand­ course along Rhode Island's Newport 556-24-84. Mrs. Stanley L. Ingersoll of parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank sculptor Daniel Chester French, the V Among the specialized items there The ALA Auto and Travel Club ad­ come out of hiding in their dark little His paternal grandmother is Mrs. ■ are reproduction Victorian ,Christ­ vises taking the Massachusetts Turn­ coast. This year's race, the fifth, will Russell of East Hartford.. Her great- creator of the Lincoln Memorial in' corners and lots of other scary stuff The ALA recommenrfs taking Manchester and Paul Gressnich of Annie Rouhan stands beside four dolls she winners in a special drawing at the Senior mas cards, ceramic Victorian house pike to Interchange 2 for Route 102. begin at 11 a m. Sunday at Rogers Route 138 into Newport trom Lonnec- • Anna Sylvester of Manchester. His grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Washington, D.C., and the Minute that I can't tell you ... East Hartford. His paternal grand­ Citizen’s Holiday Fair on Nov. 8. (Herald cookie jars, decorative tin boxes, For more information, call (413) 298- High School on Wickham Rd. in New­ ticut and points west. Route 138 off great-grandfather is Francis Bap­ Thomas Murphy of East Hartford, made representing Louisa Mae Olcott’s “Lit­ Man sUtue in Concord, Mass. The Worcester Science Center’s father is Ellsworth F. Conopask of potpourri, brass bookends trivotc 3579. . port, which is also the finish line. Routes 114 and 24 from the north. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Russell Sr. of tle Women” which will be awarded to photo by Kearns) Thfs house served as his summer Haunted House is recommended par­ Bristol. He has a sister. Nicole tiste of Newington. He has a sister, West Hartford and Mrs. Ernestine Elizabeth. 2. Nicole. 2‘z. Moseley of Middletown. Seniors planning fair ■ *George M’ Korean exhibition

.Jazzercise program set. The Manchester Senior Citizens p.m. table and a white elephant table. Holiday Fair will be held Saturday, Featured will be handmade ar- During the day coffee, tea and presented opens at Wesleyan Nov. 8 at the Senior Center, 549 E. pastries will be available and lunch Middle Turnpike from 9 a.m. to 3 tides. There will also be a ceramic Thursday at YWCA will be served at noon. M IDDLETOW N- No trip. Wesleyan undergraduates, Highlight of the fair is a special byLTM matter how remote, "Wesleyan art shows will perform Stravinsky's A free demonstration professionally, taught unique way of body con­ Evening classes will be drawing for four dolls representing traditional societies sometimes appear to be "Mass.” ft will also pre­ Jazzercise ciass will be clinics and workshops for ditioning that uses jazz held in Epst Hartford and Craft fair Louisa Mae Olcotfs "Little Women” MANCHKSTKR - "George M, " the musical comedy based on early around the world have been too esotei;ic for kids to sent several works by held on Thursday at 11 a.m. public schools and colleges dance movements and Glastonbury. For informa­ MANCHESTER - The Crafts and 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 24 Bluefield made by Annie Rouhan. see.” Joyce Kirkpatrick, a vaudeville and Broadway days of affected by mass produc­ Monteverdi, including at the Nutmeg Branch of and is past vice president swinging music. tion on free demonstration Art Gub of the senior citizens of There will also be many holiday docent and co-director of excerpts from the Drive, will also include at tag sale, a George M. Cohan will be presented tion ^n d industrialization. the UWCA. 78 N. Main St.. of dance for CAHPER Classes are now being classes in those areas, call Westhill Gardens will hold a craft gift items, a food table and holiday the' project, said. “ The madrigal cycle “Lagrime Manchester. Classes begin baked goods sale, and a raffle. by the Little Theater of Manchester The’ influence of this (California Association of offered in Manchester, 246-1022. fair Nov. 8. The fair..which runs from decorations. modernization on the rural Docents Wanted to sponsor d'Amante al Sepolcro dell- Nov. 13 at 11:45 a.m. ^ d tonight, Saturday and Nov. 6. 7 and 8 Health, Physical Educa­ East Hartford, and Korean village of Sam something that could be Amata’," the madrigals are held twice weekly. tion and Recreation), San Glastonbury. Sandra Den­ at the Manchester High School on enjoyed by people of all East Middle Turnpike. Jong Dong isShe subject of "Zefiro Torna.,.." and YWCA membership is Diego Division, ton. under the supervision Make Your Home Energy-Efficient a Smithsonian Institution ages — something that “Hor Ch’el del," and required. Hazzercise was invited of Ms. Missett, will teach Brilliant colored costumes, singing, and a great deal of energetic exhibition on display at students and senior excerpts from the opera to make a presentation morning and evening Wesleyan University Sun­ citizens would find "Orfeo.” I Jazzercise was before the President's classes. She has a Due to the theft of our 1974 FordUtillty Van, tools and tap dancing and tunes such as with Hemlock - White Pine - "H arrigan," "Fortyfive' Minutes day through Dec. 14. meaningful." The choir will be assisted developed by Californian Council on Physical background in dance and 1 Worthington compressor, PF and Associates is - The exhibition, designed A three-day Korean- by the Sylvan Consort, an Judy Sheppard Missett, theater arts and has taught Douglas Fir - Concolor Fir from Broadway," “Give My Regards Fitness and Sports and was accepting only residential accounts for snqw plowing ito appeal to young and old Festival is being sponsored undergraduate madrigal who holds a bachelor’s to Broadway," and "Yankee Doodle well received. It il now tap dance and creative alike, , features by the Docents Dec. 5 to 7. group. Sylvie Stewart is degree from Northwestern FUEL USE CAN BE CUT UP TO 30% and will honor those comnriercial accounts accepted Dandy” are just a few songs that will taught in 27 states and 10 movement. For more in­ photographs, maps. and. During the festival, lec- director of the consort. University. She had danced foreign countries. It is a formation call 647-1437, WHEN A WIND BARRIER OF be revived in "George M " by the 'Turers, musicians, artists' and quoted thus far. Manchester theater group. objects collected Trom Advance tickets for the and dancers will offer performances at Wesleyan EVERGREENS PROTECTS YOUR HOME Over 30 singers, -dancers and ac­ village. Section^ on tors. some playing multiple roles, architecture, agriculture, another view of Korean are available from noon to Federated Garden Clubs ON THE NORTH AND WEST SIDES. clothing, food, wys and culture. 4 p.m. Monday through Any information leading to the apprahenaion and con­ will be participating in this very live­ ly production. games, home mrnishings Gallery hours for the Friday at the box office in exhibition are the same as The original Broadway cast and ritual are included. the Center for the Arts plan meeting Wednesday viction of thieves or thief related to the above should those of all Wesleyan art Main Gallery. Call the box DRIED MATERIALS starred Joel Grey (who played the Brought to W^leyan by the Plant NOW For galleries: noon to 4 p.m. office at 347-9411, extension The Federated Garden Dr. Edwin Carpenter, Fred Sibley of the New bo phoned to the man who owned. Broadway, George Docents of the Dliiversity’s Clubs of Connecticut Inc., Haven Bird Club and the FOR Davison.-Art Center, the Tuesday through Friday 807, during its hours for in- professor of plant science Spring Beauty! M. Cohan) while Bernadette Peters and 2 to 5 p.m. Saturday are sponsoring a combined at the University of Pea'body Museum will pre­ played sister Josie. exhibition will b^isplayed formation on ticket DECORATING West Hartford Police Dept. - 523-5203 and Sunday. Admission to Bird, Conservation and Connecticut, will discuss sent a slide program "Terr Veteran actor-director Fred Blish in the MaiiLCaflery of the availability and schedule Center for the Arts. the exhibition, which opens changes. Reservations'can Horticulture meeting on "Shrubs for the Shady Studies on Faulkner's w Tulips STRAW WREATHS is directing this ambitious musical Nov, 5 at 9:30 a.m. in the Also slated for the first to the public "ruesday, Nov. not be made by telephone. Garden. " Island." w Crocus V -assisted by his wife, Mary Blish, who Jones Auditorium at the RIRRON - WIRE is the musical director. Sheila Fucci week of November is a per­ 4, and the festival events is free. School groups Agricultural Experiment ★ Hyacinths LARGE & from Vernon, a newcomer to LTM, is formance by the Wesleyan /iMiuai/cancmfi/ Station in New Haven. The ★ *500.00 REWARD i> University Concert Choir (grades 5-12) may apply INTtMTATI MIXIT 86 tlLVlN UUM * Daffodils the choreographer. Joe Ganley portrays the role of Theater of Manchester at Manchester IA8TBAMAM HMTFOM) MATINU IM-6M) DAILY meeting is open to the Training course set SMALL Saturday at 8 p.m. in the for transportation grants PNItT SHOW ONLY tt.60 For tickets to "George M " call George M. Cohan in the musical, High School. (Herald photo by Bur­ by contacting Mrs. Morton public and there is no Mrs. Erna Burgess. 39 Hudson St . Center for the Arts World M.-\NCIIESTER— A beginning assertiveness training HOUSE PLANTS bank) (Kay) Briggs. 145 Mount charge. Manchester, 649-0812. “George M,” presented by/the Little Music Hall. Under the TM Ms. Sylvia Schindler of course will be offered at the Educational Community, 645 direction of conductor Vernon St., Middletown, or JIMLMMWrSACA Birch Mountain Road, beginning Nov. 6 at 7:30 p.m. the Connecticut Office of OPErraAILY a SUNDAY 9 A.M. Ip 5:00 P..M. Richard Winslow, the the Davison Art Center at CONTINIHS 347-9411, extension 401. Policy and Management Jenena Kurtz, a psychology instructor at Manchester group will perform works Tours also may be (Energy Division) will Community College and the Greater Hartford Communi­ PF and ASSOCIATES by Stravinsky and have advice on running a WHITHAM Nursery •vtnlng Symphony features Mozart Monteverdi. arranged through Briggs or ty College will lead the sessions. ’flrew With I local recycling program. 649-0022 days Evoning 547-6241 wcordlng More than 3,000 school the Davison. - • ROUTE I ■OLTG M 1-7M 2 HARTFORD — The brilliant colors of unfinished will be the major work perfonped. Mozart” series. On Nov. 7, guest conductor Paula Bertuch is the Her presentation is en­ Persons interested in additional information should Soloists for the. Requiem are Judith Caldwell. children from across the Mozart's musical genius will traverse the Hugh Wolff will lead the orchestra in the per­ project director. titled "War of Waste." call 646-0711.______^______''Soprano, Joy Zornig, alto. Jack Litten. tenor, state are expected to tour Hartford Symphony’s "Autumn Mozart " formance of the overture to "Don Giovanni," The concert choir, an 80- and Howard Sprout, baritone. "Korean Village in Tran­ series of four diverse programs in six perfor­ "Piano Concerto No. 23," K. 488, and member eroup of "Symphony No. 36.” "Linz;" K. 425. Stephanie sition,” Docents, who are mances. beginning tonight. This special series taking young. students features many soloists and a guest conductor. • Rounding out the program today and Satl3r- Brown is piano soloist. through the exhibition, are The range of Mozart’s talent will be displayed ddyoare the "Adagio and Fugue, " K 546. and On Saturday, Nov. 8, the audience will be also available to give free SAT. 'SUN. CHILDREN’S SHOW in the varied programs, the first two concerts the "Diverstimiento for Strings in D." K. 136. given the unique opportunity to compare -cuwEiiCE CROssmo iio r | tours to interested groups ‘Tm Proud to Introduce Re-elect performed at Christ Church Cathedral and the Highlighting each of the performances Nov. Mozart's first symphony, K. 16, to his famed 8 M* 2:00 remaining performances at Bushnell 4 and 5 at Bushnell Memorial Hall, will be last symphony. No. 41, "Jupiter,” K. 551. The of all ages. Memorial Hall. three Mozart concertos. The concertos to be featured guest artist on this final night is The exhibition examines Under the baton of Maestro Arthur performed, displaying the different tone violinist Rafael Druian, performing Mozart’s the role of anthropology in ■ r o u t e s 86-84 (Exit 95) I 649-9333 ' Winograd, tonight's opening concert, repeated qualities of three instruments, are the "Horn "Violin Concerto No. 5 in A Major," K. 219, the study of modern cultures. It also provides a Saturday, features the Hartfoi'd Chorale, with Concerto No. 4 in Eb, " K. 495, the "Clarinet The renowned conductor-violinist Rafael ABE GLASSMAN Concerto." K. 622. and the "Piano Concerto glimpse into the workings director Henley Denmead, and will take place Druian is now professor of music at Hartt nnHBffiZi of an anthropological fiqld at Christ Church Cathedral in Hartford. No. 21.” K. 467. Featured guest artists are College. In addition to teaching, he has many Walt .Denmead has conducted the Hartford Chorale Paul Ingraham, horn. Richard ' ’Stoltzman. engagements as guest soloist and conductor. since 1972, and is associate professor and clarinet, and Andre-Michel Schuh, piano. Completing the program for this evening is on Main Street” ■I il chairman of the music department at Central Completing the Nov. 4 and 5 programs is the Mozart's "Serenade No. 6," K. 239, “Serenata Connecticut State College, New Britain. overture , to "The Magic Flute ' Nottuyna." Mozart's famous "Requiem," K. 626, Two different Mozart programs scheduled Call the symphony 'bHice at 278-1453 for Joyner written the year of his death and left partially for Nov. 7 and 8 conclude the "Autumn more information. -I AM NOT AN ANIMAL! Two ballets premiere 1 A M A H U M A N BEING! I..AM..-AMAN!' Your in Hartford rep fest ___ THE HARTFORD — The Hartford Ballet's first as a cnoreographer. I hope the audience will Representative appearance at the Bushnell this season in find "Dejeuner sur L'Herbe ' beautiful — even “Fall'Rep Fest." features artistic director exquisite at times; quiet and thrilling at the MW Michael Uthoff's latest work. "Dejeuner sur same moment." PG I’Herbe." The program also includes a new “Berbunkos," the most recent creation of °House^rookie^ starred ballet. "Verbunkos," by associate qirector the Hartford Ballet's Associate Director By Alan H. Olmstead Anthony Salatino, the "Peasant Pas de Deux Anthony Salaino, is an intricate, lusty, colorful “Walter Joyner, 12th District, Manchester. Here is a from Giselle" and Uthoff's ever popular a' an- ballet inspired by Hungarian folk dances, par­ Ab« Qlauman and Dava Barry, campaigning on Main Btraat tumalal." ticularly the “recruiting dance." welcome revival of a truly “Yankee” presence in the House. "Dejeuner su'r I'Herbe," Uthoff's first crea­ As far back qs the 18th century, thece is "Abe has served as Mayor of South Windsor and, Free-thinking, sometimes cantankerous, full of cracker tion since his spectaular productions of "The evidence that the officers of the Hussar Nutcracker” and "Romeo and Juliet,” was regiments lured young men into the market for the past 6 years, as State Representative. 1 know barrel wisdom, Joyner blossomed on the House scene as a first inspired by the music of Alexander place with the strains of gypsy music and cSw« worthy successor to such colorful individualisms as those of Scriabin. Knowing that ne wanted to use there, under the intoxication of music and dan­ his character and abilities and 1 recommend him to Scribian’s preludes but unsure ofo how to cing, recruited them into the arpiy. Although The Amiy was you without reservation. I URGE YOU TO JOIN ME IN Morris Hogan, Sherwood Dowers, Harry Farnham and old visualize his feeliqg for the music. Uthoff this custom has been abandoned, some of the no laiiKh'ing VOTING FOR ABE GLASSMAN ON NOVEMER 4th.” John Thornhill whopgave the House character in ancient found his second inspiration in a Parisian steps of these dances remain in the memories maner until days.” museum. There, surrounded by paintings of of villagers and are still danced at holiday __Judy Benjamin .... State Senator Dave |arry ' the Impressionistic period, he discovered the festivities. , (Waterbury Republican 7/5/79) colors and moods which best expressed his Lighting for all three ballets has bein' joined it. perception of the music. designed by Tony Award winner Jennifer Tip- Translating this happy blend of music and ton, who is best remembered in Hartford for PRIVATE painting into dance. Uthoff has created the her dramatic lighting of last season's "Romeo BENJAMIN G L ' A S S M A N v needs your vote November new ballet whose title is the same as that of a and Juliet." Denfiocrat for State Senate, 4th District painting by the lae 19th century artist Edouard A celebration of th€ variety of works in the PLEASE CAaTHEATRE Committee to ra-olact Welt Joyiwr- Manet. repertory of the Hartford Ballet, “Fall Rep FOR SCREEN TIMES 12th Assembly District __J^sjj»|^W h6r^r6ssw "This is a new direction for me," says Fest” will be presented today and Saturday at Mirliuel Dllioff Uthoff. "It is the right step in my development' 8 p.m. . ,

If s -A

8 - EVENING HERALD. Fri , Oct. 31! 1980 EVENING HERALD, Fri., Oct, 31. 1980 - 9 p.m., Friday and Saturday at 8:30 p.m. and Sunday at 7:30 p.m.; matinee Sunday at 2:30 p.m. University of Connecticut, Storrs. (486- Theater World • “The Time of Your Life” by William Saroyan, Nov. 5 through 8 at 8 p.m. at the MCC Auditorium, Manchester . V'.'EI Super," Nov. 3 at 4 pfm. and 7:30 p.m. at Shafer XAuditorium, Eastern Connecticut State CollBaeJ Community College, Bidwell Street, Mancheeter. (646- Wmimantic. F ^ . (456-2231) ( 4900 or 649-1061) • “George M,” the George M. Cohan musical, presented by the Little Theater of Manchester, today and Saturday and Nov. 6 to 8 at 8:30 p.m. at Manchester High School, Manchester. (649.0812) a museum piece “The Suicide” by Nikolai Erdman, opening Nov. 4 and playing through Nov. 22 at the Yale Repertory Theatet’, 222 York St., New HaVen. Performances Mom Lectures. • By GLENNE CURME of America. day through Friday at 8 p,m. and Saturday at 8:30 p.m.; NEW YORK (UPl) - The niw'produc- ICs delightful entertainment, par­ matinees on certain Wednesdays and Saturdays at 2 p.m. • ‘‘From Self Worship to Self Hate: Camus' "The tion of "Brigadoon” has the two finest ticularly when Wade is playing one of his ^ (436-1600) F air,” by Donald M. Frame, professor « f French at singing leads currently on Broadway: four guitars or joking with and anlong the ^ • "The Club," a musical diversion about life in a Columbia University, Nov. 5 at 8 p.m. at the Austin Arts Meg Bussert as Fiona and Martin Vid- audiencer men's club, today and Saturday at 8:30 p.m. at Garmany Center, Trinity College, Hartford. (527-3151) novic as Tomnly. His folk'stories are longishiales from Hall, Austin Arts Center, Trinity College, Hartford. (527- • A leclute in Spanish about the (loetry of Garcia Lor­ “ Brigadoon,” book and lyrics by Alan various sources, including Mark Twain 8062) ca, Nov. 5 at 8 p.m. at the College Union, Southern Jay Lerner and,music by Frederick .and Leo Rosten. The telling of them, with • "The Bakkhai" by Euripidies, presented by the Yale Conneeticut'State College, New Haven. Free. (397-4225) Loewe, was first seen 33 years ago. The his fingers constantly caressing the School of.Drama's "Other Stages” series, today at 8 p.m. • A program on winterizing roses, presented by the new prodlictlon opened Oct. 16 at the strings, is more important than the stories and Saturday at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. in the Experimental Connecticut Rose Society, Sunday at 1:30 p.m. a' "he Majestic Theater. themselves. Theater. Yale School of Drama, 222 York St., New Pond House, Elizabeth Park, Hartford. (243-1586) Apn;^ from its beautiful songs, it really It's a tough sort of act to keep your Haven."( 436-1600) • "‘Color Clay Printing and Handbuilding” with Mitch is a museum piece. Aiid it has been attention for a full evening. Wade • "The Second Coming,” presented by the Suffield Lyons, Saturday and Sunday from to 4 p.m, at the Far­ treated as such, wisely. One or two con­ manages to keep you with him most of the % Players, Saturday amd Nov. 7, 8, 14 and 15 at Mapleton mington Valley Arts Center, Avon. (678-3867) temporary jokes which have been added time. * V .-Ui w Hall, Suffield. Call for time. (623-4483) ^ • “Surface, Form and Image-"' with Elizabeth are not particularly funny and jar. MacDonald, Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. ,Director Vivian Matalon has directed it at the Brookfield Craft Center, Brookfield. (775-4526) as if it still were 1947, and Agnes de The other opening • “ Intensive Wheel Throwing'Workshop"- with ^ ts y Mine's choreography has bden carefully The other Broadway opening was “Wish Tanzer, Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Gunford' recreated by James Jamieson. There real­ Me Mazel-Tov,” a Yiddish musical which Handcrafts Center, Guilford, (453-5947) ly is no other sensible way to do it. But the Good direction premiered at 'Town Hall Oct. 19. Chris Hanci-Parliman and Len t'redericks Graciela Tapia and Jose Greco join forces • Demonstration, in watercolor by Lou Bonamarte. sentimental story, the cliche characters, Though it's set in contemporary Israel, are featured in the classic musical, sponsored by the West Hartford Art League, Sunday from Jim Pendergast, of Manchester, directs the cast during a rehearsal the obligatory but unamusing over-sexed it's the sort of show which Yiddish theater in a performance by the Ballet Folklorico 2 to 4 p.m, at 37 Buena Vista Road,.West Hartford Free woman comic, and even the acclaimed audiences have-.been laughing at for "Carousel," presented by The Producing Music. Mexicano, Nov. 6 at 8:15 p.m. at Jorgensen (521-1332) for the Glastonbury Players’ production of “No Sex Please, We’re Guild tonight and Saturday night at the Hart- British,’’ to be presented Oct. 31, Nov. 1, 7 and 8 at 8 p.m. at Gideon choreography seem severely outdated. decades. The story, score, sets and R u b y H in d s Auditorium, University of Connecticut, • "How Novelists Use Stories," with Dr. HaroldMar- The story is the one about two costumes are less important than familiar ford Insurance Group theater in Hartford. • "Autumn Mozart" with the Hartford Symphony Storrs. tin, Nov. 4 at noon at the Austin Arts Center, Trinity Welles School. Pendergast has acted and directed in previous produc­ Americans who stumble onto a. village in jokes and familiar actors-Tlke Mary Orchestra: HaHford Chorale, tonight at 8:15, Christ College, Hartford. (527-3151) tions by the Glastonbury group. Little Theater of Manchester and the the Scottish highlands which corner to life Soreanu, David Carey, Reizl Bozyk, David Church Cathedral, Hartford; Nov. 4 and 5 at 8:15 p.m., • The three Hinds sisters —Esther, Ruby and Grace Tri-Town Players. (Herald photo by Lavallee) only once every hundred years, to avoid Ellin and RuthT. Kaminska. (The lyricist Hinds sisters Bushnell Memorial Hall, Hartford; Nov. 7 at 8:15 p.m., - in concert? Sunday at 3:3(fp.m. at Center Church House, the corruption of the outer world. In the and composer don't even get a mention in- Bushnell Memorial Hall, Hartford; Nov. 8 at 8:15 p.m., Maine and Gold streets, Hartford. (249-5631) end love conquers all. the biographical who's who In the Bushnell Memorial Hall, Hartford. (246-6807) • Ray Charles in concert, to benefit the Artists Collec­ It is the score which matters: “Down on program.) V„/ offer concert • The U.S. Coast Guard Band in concert, Sunday at 8 tive. Sunday at 8 p.m, at Bushnell Memorial Hall, Hart­ Hartford Stage casts MacConnachy Square,” “Waiting for My A friend described it as Yiddishkeit, p.m. at Leamy Hall Auditorium, U.S. Coast Guard ford. (527-3205) Dearie,” "I'll Go Home With Bonnie which means it’s typical olddashioned HARTFORD The IlirM Hinds sistqrs, Esther," Academy. New London. Free. (444-8468) •Chamber Music Plus, with guest Robert J. Jean,” “Heather on the Hill,” ‘^Come to Yiddish entertainment, a joy to devotees Ruby, and Grace, will present their first public Theater. • Connecticut Harp Festival concert. Sunday at 7 p.m, Lurtsema, Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Old State House, Main at the Berkman Recital Hall. Hartt School of Music, Et Cetera. Me, Bend to Me,” “Almost Lik^Being in and a total mystery to non-Yiddish professional concert together Sunday at 3:30 p.m. in the • “The Beaux Stratagem," a comedy by George Street, Hartford. (232-0085) rid jjreniiere dram a University of Hartford, West Hartford. (243-4451 )„ •Love,” and “There But For You Go I.” speakers. historic Center Cluirch Meeting House at Main and Gold Farquhar, through Nov, 2 at the Hartford Stage Com­ • "Sounders,” with Susan Leonardo and Bill Gunder- Bussert and Vidnovic are matched by an It’s* also a social occasion, when old.. streets in downtpwn Hartford. ' ' • The Emerson String Quartet in concert, -toiilgittiiiat 8 mann, Sunday at 3 p.m. at the Connecticut Room, • Antique Doll Miniatures, Dollhouse Show and Sale, , 'ITFORD — Rehearsals haVe begun pany, 50 Church St., Hartford. Performances Tuesday at Lincoln Theater, University of Hartford, West Hart­ Saturday from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. and Sunday from 11 a.m. regional theaters, including the American excellent singin^horus, and as long as friends meet and gossip in the aisles, yar- Esther, who received a Musical Club of Hartford through Thursday at 8 p.m., Friday and Saturday at 8:30 Wadsworth Atheneum, Hartford. (278-2670) for the world premiere production of there is singing^ll is well. Thd talk, the scholarship while a student at the Hartt School of Music, ford. (243-4442) to 5 p.m. at the Holiday Inn of Darien, 50 Ledge Road, Stage Festival and the Williamstown , mulkas everywhere. p.m. and Sunday at 7:30 p.m.; matinees Wednesday and • Organ recital by James Frazier, Sunday at 4 p.m. at “Einstein and the Polar Elear" by Tom Theater Festival, and he was seen in the dancing, the chase through the forest, ' There’s stilt a big audience for Yiddish has gone on to international fame as a solo and opera • Claudia Smith, (olksinger. Saturday at 8 p.m. at The St, John's Lutheran Church, 520 Paddock Ave., Meriden Noroton. Sixty craftsmen and dealers. Griffin, which opens at the Hartford Stage Sunday at_2:30 p.m. 1527-51511 Sounding Board, First-St. Paul’s Church, 571 Farmington • Downtown Places Walking Tour of New Haven, Folger Theater production of “Hgnry make for a long evening. The too-<*ver musicals and plays, however Corny, even star. She a l^ won 'theTlonnecticut Opera Auditions and • "Zapata, " a new musical, through No\. 23 at the (527-8133 or 238-2331) Company Nov, 14. Ave.. Hartford. (563-3263) Saturday and Sunday from 10 a.m. to 2r30 p.m. Call for and the Arena Stage production of sets and the too-colorful costumes never if the spectators seem to. get older every the Metropolitan Opera Auditions. She has sung with the Goodspeed Opera House. East Haddam. Performances This winsome .comedy about "two peo­ • Faculty Artist Series with Watson Morrison, piano, • The Choral Collegium Musicum in concert, Nov. 4 at details. (777-9000) "Streamers." He can be seen in the soon- let you forget you’re on Broadway. ■,year. ‘jWish Me MazelTov” will tour after New York City Opera and the Houston Grand Opera. Tuesday through Friday at 8:30 p.m., Saturday at 5 p.m. ple who are destined to be together" takes today at 5 p.m. a t‘Millard Auditorium. Uiliversity of 8 p(m. at Millard Auditorium. University of Hartford, • St. Francis 12th Annual Antiques Show, Saturday to-be-released western. "Heaven’s Gate,’' John Curry, world (tfiampion ice skater its stand at Town' t^ ll, while several other Major symphonies around the country have included her and 9 p.m. and Sunday at 5 p.m.: matinee Wednesday at place during a snowbound weekend in a by profession and danedr by choice, Hartford. West<3Hartford. Free. (243-4442) West Hartford. Free. (243-4442) from 11 a.m. to 9 p.m. and Sunday from noon to 6 p.m. %t directed by Michael Cimino. limited-run Yiddisii’^o w s are scheduled on special programs.* As a good-will ambassador to 2:30 p.m. (873-86681 small New Hampshire. town. The main shares top billing with Bussert and Vid- • Musical Theater Revue, in the Musical Wednesdays • Music of Johannes Brahams, performed by the Con­ 2810 Long Ridge Road, Stamford, Pamela Blair created the role of Val in^ for New .York this sepson. Japan, she thrilled audiences there. She has sung at'the • "Good News, ", the musical, through Nov. 30 at the character. Bill, is a reclusive, once noyic in the marginally villainous role of Spoleto Festivals, both in Italy and in this country. series, Nov. 5 at 10:30 a m. at Millard Auditorium, cordia Choir with David Almond, organist and choir • “Country Corner,” Saturday from 10 a.ni. to ip:m . “A Chorus Line;” both off on Broadway'* Yiddish theater has been around a long Coachligbt Dinner Theater, East Windsor. Performances famous writer who now lives in a rundown Harry Beaton, the discarded lover. His During all this activity, Esther’s two younger sisters University of Hartford. West Hartford, (243-4464) director. Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at Concordia Lutheran at the Ridgebury Congregational Church, Ridgebury. and on tour, Her other Broadway credits time, but --- like Broadway itself — is far nightly except Monday with dinner at 6:45 p.m. and cur­ cottage which doubles as a second-hand dancing is only OK, and he speaks his lines were waking hard. Graduating from Hartt in 1976, Ruby • Hartt Chamber Winds in concert, Nov. 6 at 8 p.m, at Church, 40 Pitkin St., Manchester. (743-4805) . include the role of Amber in "The Best from dead. tain at 8:30 p.m.; one hour earlier on Sunday. (522-12661 bookstore, with his aged father who insists ^ like a peevish little boy, but he runs and. Millard Auditorium. University of Hartford, West Hart­ • The Paufwifiter Consort in concert, sponsored by the • Ninth Annual Oxford Arts and-€r«fts Show, Saturday Little Whorehouse in Texas," "Of Mice , also won the Connecticut Opera Auditions and the • "American Buffalo " by David Mamet, through Nov. that he "hiet'Einstein once.” Bill is sur­ dies beautifully in tbe chqse scene. M etro^itan Opera A u d iti^, as, well as the New Haven ford. Free. (243-44421 National Audubon Society, Saturday at 8 p.m. at Woolsey from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Center School, Route 67, and,Men'[ with James EUARL Jones,*' 9 at the Long Wharf Theater. New Haven, Performances Hall, Yale University, New Haven. (364-5989) prised by Diane Ashe, a beautifuDand "Promises, Promises," and in the title Off Broadway Operq^Competition, and Gfanna D’Angelo Singing • Wesleyan University Concert Choir in concert, Satur­ Oxford. (888-0230) s j-.* spu.nky young woman who arrives it Tuesday through Friday at 8 p m., Saturday at 4 p.m. and day at 8 p.m. at the World Music Hall. Center for the role of "Sugar.” She has made guest Competi^n. She maue^lW operatic debut with h e ' 8:30 p.m. and Sunday ^t 7 30 p.m Call for matinee mysteriously at his doorstep, claiming car appearances on "The Tonight Show" with One-person shows At the Off Broadway Orpheum Theater Connecticut Opera, a n ^ a s appeared with Opera Ebony Arts. Wesleyan University. Middletown. (347-9411, exten­ trouble and'seemingly game for anything. down on Second Ave.. the former schedule. (787-4282) sion 807) DAVIS FAMILY Johnny Carson, the "Andy WiHtaips Qne-person shows depend on the in New York, the Indjanapmis Opera, the Lake George • "The Deprogramming df Shelley Solomon ” by Tom The play's author, Tom Griffin, is an ac­ matbrial-and on the personality and talent heartland of Yiddish theater in New York, Opera, and with the Handa Society in Washington’s • An evening of South Indian classical music, featuring Show" and on the annual Tony (Awards Dulack. through Jan, 25 on Stage H at the Long Wharf ™ 0°s-SfarTirolsTel 649-5487 tor with the Trinity Square Repertory broadcast. of the performer. is another play about the trials and Kennedy Center. Her Carnegie Hall debut in New York vocalist Jon Higgins, Saturday at 8:30 p.m. at Real Art Company in Providence, R.I., where he tribulations of a child of divorced parents. City was in March 1980. In April 1980, Ruby and Esther Theater. New Haven. Performances Tuesday through Ways. 40 State St.. Hartford. (525-5521) Bill's aged father, Andi^ew, is played by Stephen Wade has all the talent and Friday at 8:15 p.m., Saturffay at 4:15 p.m. and 8:15 p.m. FRIDAY SPECIAL has lived all his life. He is the recipient of John Wardwell, Mr. Wardwell is a charisma in the world, but his material "Richie" opened Oct. 13. appeared on stage together for the first time in “ Madame • Mark Kroll. harpsichordist, in concert, Saturday at a Playboy Editorial Award for his fiction Richie, 15, loves his father, a failed and Sundav at 7:15 p.m. Call for matinee schedule. (787- 8:15 p.rii. at Von der Mehden Recital Hall, University of FRESH BAKED SCROD familiar face on television where he has varies widely in “Banjo Dancing,” which Butterfly” with Opera South in Jackson, Miss. 42821 ^Dance I with our very own dr»M|nQ_ 4.49 and was nominated by the Los Angeles performed in "Kojak,” "Another World,” opened on Broadway Oct. 21 at the Cen­ playwright with principles and a drinking Grace, who will graduate from Hartt with her master’s Connecticut, Storrs. (486-2260) Drama Critics Circle for “outstanding problem, but lives with his mother and her • "Tartuffe, " through Nov. 9 at the New England ISATURDItY SPEGIAl "The Guiding Light," "Search for tury Theater. degree in 1981, has appeared with the Hartt Opera, and • “Fall Rep Fest," presented by the HaS\ford Ballet, achievement in play weighting'" for his ex-jock second husband, whom vichie Repertory Theater, Worcester, Mass. Performances Tomorrow,” "The Adams Chronicles,” The full title of the show is: “Banjo was recently seen in the Hartt Opera Theater public tonight at 8 at Bushnell Memorial Hall, Hartford. (525- |C h o ii» USDA S irio ig ite a li IB play, “The Taking Away of Little Willie,” makes no attempt to like or understand. Thursday and Friday at 8 p.m., Saturday at 5 p.m. and 9 and in the title role of ‘'The Contractor," Dancing, or The 48th Annual Squitters television production of Benjamin Britten’s "Albert p.m. an(l Sdnday at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m. (617-798-86651 9396) DINNERS INCLUDE POTATO AND SALAD produced at the Mark Taper Forum. Mountain' Song Dance Folklore Conven-' Tjie boy runs away from his suburban Herring.” She has also won the Connecticut Opera for PBS' "Theater in America" series, • "Betrayal " by Harold Pinter, through Nov. 2 at the • The Ballet Folklorico Mexicano, Nov, 6 at 8:15 p.m. PLAZA • MANCHESTER • EXIT 93 OFF 1-86 ’“Einstein and the Polar Bear” was one of tion and Banjo Contest, and Why I Lost New York home to stay with his father in Auditions, marking the first time three sisters have recreating his Broadway performance. Trinity Square Repertory Company. Providence, R.l. at Jorgensen Auditorium,University of Connecticut, 16 scripts chosen from over 1600 sub­ Hollywood, but l-eturns to his mother received this award. In addition to winning many other Veteran stage, screen and TV actor, ...” The story of the contest at Squitters Performances Tuesday through Sunday at 8 p.m.; Storrs. (486-4226) missions to the 1980 O'Neill Playwrights Robert Nichols, plays Charlies, the local Mountain, Tenn., opens the show and is when he sees he is cramping his father's contests and prizes, Grace has already appeared in Festival in Waterford. Mark Lamos, ar­ sex life and working routine. In the end, matinees on selected Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sun­ mailman and self-appointed gossip colum­ one of the best things in it...... '■...... recitals in New York, Baltimore, Washington, D.C., and days. (401-351-4242) • Center Ballet Theater demonstration with Brad tistic director of the Stage Company, first unbelievably, his father tearfully tells Hartford. nist. Nichols was seen in "The Little Wade plays the five-string guitar as if it • "A Little Night Music,." through Nov.‘''^30 at the Roth, Nov. 4-at noon at Immanuel Chilrch, Woodland saw the play at the O'Neill festival and Richie he needs the boy, and they dis­ Street, Hartford. (643-4796) Foxes” at Stage West and in' “Hit the wqre connected to his heartbeat, breaks The public is invited to this unique program of solos, Darien Dinner Theater, Darien. Performances Tuesday 5 ^ P says that he “knew immediately that I appear into the sunset. Deck" for the Goodspeed Opera House. into a clog dance when he feels like it, and duets, and trios. Compositions are by Bach, Brahms, through Saturday with dinner at 7 p.m. and curtain at 8:30 wanted it for Hartford," sings and tells stories from the4ieartland Nothing here to recommend. Mozart, Puccini, Pincell, Schumann and Strauss, and the On the Lo Angeles stage he performed in p.m. and Sunday with dinner at 6 p.m and curtain at 7 Terry O'Quinn as Bill and Pamela Blair \ program wilt conclude with a medley of spirituals. Rt S3 Ellington, Cl. 172-7327 "The Odd Couple," "The Music Man,” p.m. (655-76671 as Diane head the cast of “Einstein and and, with Ethel Merman, in "Call Me ERRANEAN ROOM I the Polar Bear," • "Nightclub," through Nov. 15 at the Downtown Madam." He was a familiar face on the Cabaret Theater, BridgeportvJ'erformances Thursday at SUNDAY. NOV. 16 I O'Quinn was last seen at the Hartford now classic TV series’ "My Little Manchester-Gilbert & Sullivan Stage Company as Tom in "The Glass 8 p.m. and Fridav and Saturday at 8 p m. and 10:30 p m Margie,” "The Ray Milland Show," Players . (576-1643) Menagerie.” He comes to Hartford direct­ "Bachelor Father, " and "The Real Cinema. ly from Baltimore's Center Stage where • "Love Rides the Rails, " presented by New England BUDDY McCoys," among others. 1 ^ ana me mm « • Productions and the Melodrama Theater of Austin, 2 he was seen as Hildy Johnson in “The The author's New Hamsphire neighbors Front Page." He has worked in numerous AUDITIONS Texas, through Nov. 2 at the Ivorylon Playhouse, • Halloween movie, sponsored by the East Hartford are Helen and ^obby Bullins, whose Ivoryton. Performances Friday and Saturday at 8 p.m.; Parks and Recreation Department, tonight from 6:30 to passionless marriage is transformed in matinee Sunday at 2 p.m. (388-5235 or 767-8702t' . ' 8:30 at the East Hartford High School Auditorium. Free. BUDDY RICH BAND (: / Featuring \ New York trips ,the snowstorm. Yeomen of the Guard • "Sherlock Holmes" by William Gillette, through • “The Little Minister," Nov. ^ at 7 p.m. at Whiton Helen Bullins is "played by Marjorie 9* Nov. 1 at the Harriet S. Jorgensen Theater. University of Memorial Library, 100 N. Main St., Manchester, Free. (tenor sail set by UConn ‘ Lovett. Ms. Lovett recently toured with Principals &. Chorus for April performance Connecticut, Storrs. Performances nightly at.8;15 p.m.; • "The Displaced Person,” Nov. 3 at 4 p.m. at Buley Ted Knight in “The Impossible Years,” Nov. 10, 12, 13 7—9:30 p.m. matinee Saturday at 2 p m. (429-2912) ^ b ra ry . Southern Connecticut State College. New Haven STEVE MARCUS STORRS — The University of Connec­ and with Patrice Munsel in "Marne." She • J'The Odd (Couple" by Neil Simon, presented by '^Free. (397-4225) ticut School of Fine Arts will sponsor a 1ST SHOW 2ND SHOW has numerous stock and dinner theater Tolland Neighborhood Theater and the Tolland ^ r e • "No-Wave Cinema," featuring "G-Man, " "Black series of day-long bus trips to New York credits, and is seen on television on "The Fighters Association. Saturday at 8:15 p.m, and Sunday Box" and "Letters to Dad,", tonight at 8:30 at Real Art DINNER & SHOW ONLY City beginning Nov. 8, with'seats not sold Susannah Wesley Hall Doctors.” at 2:3d'p.m at St Matthew s Parish Hall. Tolland. 1289- Ways, 40 State St., Hartford. j525-5521) *9<>« advance to its students and faculty being made across from South Methodist Church Clarinetist, Richard Stoltzjnan will be guest SHOW Bobby Bullins is played by David •> Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania. " by Jonas available to the general public. 6179 or 289-5846) artist with the Hartford Symphony in its Nov. •19.50 •10.50 Day of Show Strathairn, whose varied theatrical career 20 Htfd. Rd., Manchester Mekas, _Nov. 5 at 7 p.m. at the South Windsor Public The bus, which will leave the Fine Arts • "The Diary ol Anne Frank " by Goodrich and includes summer stock roles in "Uncle 4 Mozart concert at Bushnell Memorial Hall, Library! South Windsor. Free. (M4-1541) CALL NOW FOR DETAILS parking lot promptly at 7:15 a m., will call 643-7924 Hackett, today and Saturday at 8 p m. at the College Vanya,” "Scapino," qpd "One Flew Over Theater. Central Conncctjrut State College, New Britain. Hartford. • "Don't Look Now.’' tonight at 8 at Von der Mehden drop passengers at any of three locations: the Cuckoo's Nest," as well as regional 1827-7398) the Metropolitan Museum, Lincoln stage appearances and tours with • "No Sex I’leaso. Wp re British,' presented by the DO I"? WEDNESDAY Center, or the theater district. DO IT DAILY - Play PRIZEWORD in Saturday’s Ringling Brothers. Barnum and Bailey Glastonbury Players) icSay and Saturday and Nov. 7 and Find out how to"^ sa"Ve-.^ Antique Show & Sale Returning passsengers will be picked up Evening Herald. Circus.- ^ a t 8 p.m at Gideon-W^lles School, Glastonbury. money by clipping coupons only at Rockefeller Center (Fifth Ave. and “ Einstein and the Polar Bear” is FARMINGTON AVE. A DOVER RD.,‘ w . HARTFORD 50th St.), at 6 p.m. " • "Carousel,’ the Kodgifrs and llammerstein musical, by reading and Super­ directed by J.'Ranelli, who recently market Shopper column in Future trips also will leave at TslS a.m. presented by The Producing Guild, through No'" 9 at the ^sponsored by Beth David Synagogue directed “Crimes of the Heart” at your Wednesday and .Satur­ but return at different times. Planned Wallace Stevens Theater, Ijartlord Insurance Group, Baltimore’s Center Stage, and who is on Hartford Performances Wednesday and Thursday at 8 day Evening Herald. depatures are Dec. 6, Feb. 14, March 7, the faculty at New York's Julliard School. ATURDAY NOV. 1st, 6 piti-10 pm April 11 and May 2. The world premiere of “Einstein and SUNDAY NOV. 2nd, 10 am-6 pm Tickets must be purchased in advance the Polar Bear” previews at Hartford from the Von der Mehden Recital Hall box Stage Nov. 12 and 13 and opens Nov. 14 To list contribution $1,75 with this ad $1.50 office, Monday through Friday, between 1 with a six-w6ek run to December 21. For and 4:30 p.m. Phone 486-2260 for more in­ 'tnackhar, bake tale, ample parking formation. further information and tickets call the box NO SOMIES: Brick-oven boked tkUk erailed events office at 527-5151 Sldllwi Of thin crusted New York style pizza. To list events in GOURMET PASTA: Our Ldiagna • Manicotti PRIME RIB OF BEEF DINNER ■ Stuffed Shells - Baked ZIti are prepared on this weekly calen­ the premise* with the best ingredients. plus Dessert and Beveragp dar of "where tcLgo I.T aW tonight Ha c k ‘0‘ r ib s $B.9S full rack ot tender-,Baby and what to do.' VEAL (GENUINE); M riniES • n o p m i i k , HOUSE SPECIALTIES Includad with any Back'Ribs BBQed to perfection, creamy Cole •Regular-Cut , Allforonfy/V i JUr Uiiiy ' ^ RUmU'S INN DINNH Presents- RUU. VEAL DINNER (ScallopinI - Veal Porml- submit them by Tariyaki Chicken Slaw, antj^teak Fries. ITAUAN KITCHEN glana - Veal Francese etc.) ^ Prifne Rib of Beef Monday at noon to •ALL YOU CAN EAT TtESTAURANT King Crab Legs & Steak SHRIMP A SALAD BAR HALF A RACKjF3.15 Vz rack of tender Baby CNICNEN (BREAST): A gourmet delicacy • All-You-Can-Eat ' „ Entertainment •WINE OR BEER. 331 Center St., Manchester 647-9995 . Prime Jtib of Beef in the best tradition of the Itollon continental Salad Bar . ' Editor. The Evening Serv-r* Mi>t> e»«'y 'nggl •CHOICE OF POTATO Back Ribs BBQed tO'perfection, creamy Cole cuisine. • Baked Potato Cut Herald, Herald or SAVORY RICE Slaw, and Steak Fries. — VEGETARIAN: Omelettes - Eggplant - Salads 4 S 9 Square, P.O. Box r ^ Si I ANNOUNCINQ • Warm Roll with Butter C u t $5.99 RIBS ‘N CHICKEN. $5.95 Vz rack of ribs, 2 pieces - are prepared with the some pride A care. UVI MUSIC lo-' S- 591, Manchester, Thyfl.. fri.. t«f.* *>«.» MOtAfl STTpiaPT of BBQ Chicken, creamy Cole Salw, and Steak BACK BY POPULAR DEMAND "We have/he most Interesting menu • J Irr^perial Cut available. Conn. 06040. HAPPY HOUR MON FRI JnMN„.BHANFKSCAL ' ever created for all people... • Choice of any B ev^ra ^ 4-t:30 P.M. • ^ matt Fries. ‘ R ID E ON TH E PIZZA WAGON (except Milk) i We're Nety In Town'' |WE WILL REOPEN SUNDAYSl LUNCHEON SPECIALS WHERE THE GOOD TIM E! BEGINNING NOV, 2,1980 Save U p to $1.48 First Shot . MON. ■ FRI. FRI.,SAT. & THURS . f r I . & SAT. ARE FO UND. WITH OUR 2 for *8.50 SpMlai - \ION-FRI-LUNCH 1T00-3;00 • OCT. 31, NOV. 1 & NOV. 6,7,8 .•M A IN ST.. Manchefter*199 Spencer Street 'C ivil War Gen. Abner Moa thru Tlws. 10-12 4" (Silver Lrm) . MON-SAT DINNER AT 4:00 ^ Dlnrwn on $pM/a/ for *8.50 Fri I $at 10-1 M Doubleday. who as a captain SUNDAY DINNER AT 1:0^ 8=30 PM Hartford*On Proupectofpect Ave.Ai Offer good a8 day $unday only fired the first gun tor the Sunday 12-9 (one block north o f ^ 'i) b a i l e y a u d it o r iu m MHS GLASTONSURY At Participating Sleokhouaei Union side at Fort Sumter, AT THE JUNCTION OF TUE8. I l «m-10 pm V f r I. 11 a m -ll pm Wind8or*590 Windsor Ave. Gannot be used In comblnaion u/Mh other (In Wlndior SboppUif Center) dkcounu Applicable taxes not Included S.C., is credited wiUi having TICKETS $5.00 ROUTES 2 A 3 invented the game of baseball The Rustler's kin WED. 11 am-10 pm 8AT 11 am-11 pm WMierbHnf-496 Chate Ave. Pondenoeo li open from Il iX) am daily 649-0812 OR AT THE DOOR Near The Putnam Bridge THUR8.11 am-11 pm RUN-Epm-Opm The PIZZAWAGON (West oiWaterbury PUza) and teaching it lo schoolboys 500MAINST.E.HTFD. in his native Cooperstown, EXIT I I OFF l-ll (JUST BEFORE 6 5 9 - 0 1 6 2 ' SPENCER ST./SILVER LANE IN K MARTPLAZA N Y. The Baseball Hall of THE CHABTEROAK BRIDGE) • CLOSED MONDAYS • MANCHESTER Tel. 649-9202 Fame is located at Coopers­ 569-3117 DON’T Ml town. 10 - EVENING HERALD, Fri., Oct. 31, 1980 EVENING HEHAl.l), Fri,. Oct.. 31. 1980 - ri

Reminder on teats^ explore Saturn WASHINGTON (UPI) — Voyager I made Titan, witn a diameter somewnere between The presence of .organic molecules in** 2,700 and 3,600 miles, is the largest moon in the MANCHESTER — Students who plan to take the one discovery after another when it explored Titan's atmosphere has prompted speculation solar system. But it is the satellite’s at­ Scholastic Aptitude Test or Achievement Test Satur­ Jupiter 20 months ago and scien tist^ xpect a for years that Titan may be one place in the mosphere, and the frigid surface hidden" day at Manchester High School should be aware"fflere world of surprises from its.upcoming explora­ solar system beyond Eartb which could harbor behind its reddish clouds, that most interest are new rules on the identification necessary for ad­ tion of Saturpi its rings and particularly its some kind of life. '*• mission. moons. scientists.' ' ** Qornell University astronomer’Carl Sag^n, Project scientist Edward C. Stone said Titan Vol. xxxxvril — No. 7 Students^ must present positive identification and Virtually everything the twin telescopic one of the scientists who will analyze may not be admitted if they do not have it- television cameras aboard the robot explorer apparently has an atmosphere composed Voyager’s, pictures, suggested in 1972 that Students are reminded the doors will be open at 7:50 gr&<«eeing is new because the spacecraft’s largely of methane -^-natural gas. He said it Titan might have areas warm enough to sup­ a.m. Students will be assigndd to testing rooms on a photo resolution is already better than the best may have liquid methane on its surface along port some living things;- ' first come, first served,' basis. No one will be admitted pictures taken by Pioneer 11 last year. with other hydrocarbons, , ■ “Our research has shown that at the very Officers MHS librarians “It may be kind of a gooey m ess,” he said at after 8:30 a.m, ^ The spacecraft made its first discoveries least. Titan should be Jittered with Me kind of a Nation^ Aeronautics and Space Administra­ Students should bring their ticket of admission and O ct._^ 26 when its cameras recorded two organic molecules whith, in the early history tion news conference. two"No, 2 pencils, in addition to proper identification. prev'iSusly unknown rnoons just inside and just of the Earth, led to theldrigin of life,” Sagan cope with students outside one of 'the planet’s debris rings. Stone said the Pioneer 11 mission last year said eight years ago. , ' Parking will be in the student 'parking lol off elected found that Titan's atniosphere is deep, on the Brookfield Street. Students should enter the building Voyager 1 is due to swing within 77,000 miles Recent ground based measurements in­ Where in MHS c a n ‘you find mad sound. of Saturn’s cloud tops Nov. 12, but first it will order of 120 miles or sg thick. The surface den­ Last week, the votes were counted ) throqgh the cafeteria lobby, adjacent to the student dicate that tbe temperature at Titan’s surface pen squeakers,^ngenious sign After reproaching these students get-a look at tbe moon Titan from less than 2 ,- sity of the atniosphere will be determined by may be around minus 300 degrees Fahrenheit. and the new president has been an­ parking lot. language, frequent unrestrained anjtwhere from ten to twenty times, 600 miles’ away. And Titan is one of the most Voyager, but estimates range up to a density If so, that it would make it mltch too cold to nounced. "Wait a minute,” you say. bursts of laughter and three ladies the librarians then insist that they intriguing objects iirthe solar system. _ twice as thick as Earth’s air at sea level. support life as it is known on Earth, “Elections aren't supposed to take rgnning aroynd like chickens with leave the library and go. into the in­ place until November 4th." Although their heads cut off? Why the library, dependent study rooin. A room off the national' presidential elections of course! from the library, this is where Sen. Fahe /.‘V’-- -3. have not yet been held, a very impor­ The librarians frantically do their students' go when they have tant election has taken place at MHS gets awar1d best at strategically moving students . homework to do, bul instead of strict this week: the'elation of the senior from table to table, from the library silence they are able to talk freely. state Senator 4Marcella class officers. to the independent study-room, and Well, talking freely is not all tfeit C. Fahey D-£ast Hartford, After polling seniors in homeroom then finally oiit the door. But this goes on here. This is®lhe perfect was presented with-an .j> period fast week, the votes were isn’t always successful, either. The place to smuggle in ipunchies if you award froifl the Clerical tabulated and the results are as outcasts can occasionally be seen on are entirely grossed out by the Council of the Connecticut CEIEBIIATIIR OUR follows: President, Danny Kibble; the other side of the library doors, cafeteria. t State Employees’ Associa­ vice president, Paul Yavis; ...AND STILL NO ONE CAN HOLD A CANDLE TO OUN(SAVINGS! 3 peering in and making obscene faces I must admit, this place does occ- tion at a conference on secretary, Sara Elman; treasurer, ^ -if- 4.SU at the librarians. sionally get out of han'd. Lightweigjit , v“ Raising Wages for Mike Flanagan. All four officers are Those of you'who are not familiar wrestling, heated screaming debates ''.W omen’s Work” , held at extremely active in tbe affairs of with what actually goes on in the and wood carving^(in the desks! are " Wesleyan University,*^'n’~* MHS. Dan is also the treasurer of the A-A-A-A CHOO!! TIME TO STOCK UP AND SAVE! library might not understand the among the various'ttflorthodox prac­ Middletown. " Student Assembly. Paul is a Board of reasons behind these moves. First o f : tices in*this room, According to Silvia Education representative and a all, there are a few motormouths Tirrell, president of the CALDOR VITAMINS member of the football team. Both who appear in the library day after^ • Although the library can be a very Clerical (Council, the award Sara and Make have been active was made in recognition of •Vitamin E — 200 I.U. (100’s) 4 O Q day. They usually sit in the same comical- place, it does have a lot to OurRag.3.29 ...... laOO members of the student government place, and if you look closely, you can. offer. Fortunately for us, each • “Senator Fahey's concern • BUFFERIN (100’s) 4 y c throughl their high school years. OurRag.2.07...... l•fW notice bare spots in the floor,where Ira n ia n fs equipped with a great and devotion to the* These are only a few of the activities • > . •Vitamin E — 400 I.U. (100’s) 4 the librarians have continuously : / !(1 4 | | | o f patience and a.„wonderful working women of the 4 7 in which these students are active. OurRag.4.99 Wa I f trudged back and forth. . < ; seii^ of. humor. I often caM them \ State of Connecticut as These students have all shown •er. JOSEPH Aspirin - Then there are a couple of regulars chuniling over some^ of the mange . ^exemplified by her efforts their leadership qualities in various for Children (36’s) 4 $4 whd sit in the library and squeak' the antics dtsplayeli by the students. in the General Assembly.” •Vitamin C^SOO mg (100’s) ways. They are good students Our Rag. sac Ea...... -O lor I bottoms of their ball point l^ n s And I'm afraid it will only get Sen. Fahey is seeking re- . Our Rag. 2.49 1.88 academically arid are involved in across the tables. These sa^e wbrM. Soon to come is senioritis, . election in the Third. many sports, clubs, and community, PeptQ; students have recently taken to junior thesis time and open campus Senatorial District, Above sit the MHS^nior Class Officers for Elman and Mike Flanagan. (Photo by •KLEENEX *Hi-Dri’ Tissues •VICKS‘Nyquil’ Nighttime . groups. ^ making popping sounds with their for sophomores. Kingly seniors Will B i ^ o l Mr. Ron Modadlo, the advisor of the class of 11180-81. Pictured from left to Woodhouse) (Box of 200) 9 $4 Cold Remedy (10 oz.) .9 CH mouths. It is really an interesting be -hounding around the library the Student Assembly, .is pleased right are; Paul' Yavis, Dan Kibbie, Sara Singles club Our Rag. 83c Ea. “ *er I OurRag.3.87...... ”fcaW I without an ambition in the world, with the 'results of the election. technique. Grasping one cheek between forefinger and thumb, you juniors will be constantly pestering sets meeting "These are'^ur of the most active A A •VICKS ‘Vaporub’ (1.5 oz.) 4 7 # pull your cheek outward and then the librarians for help with their students in the entire high school,” MANCHESTER - Sun­ •VICKS ‘Formula 44’ Our Rag. 1.31 ...... w f smack it back against the inside of thesis and sophbmores, fresh out of he has said, "the main factor in their day, the “ Unitarian Cough Mixture (3 oz.) 4 q Q Hallowe'en origin your mouth. Done several times in their assigned study halls will be Ourflag. 1.89 . .<...... l*vO personalities being complete involve­ Singles” will offer a dis- succession, this creates a unique testing by Sherry Tuttle new-found steam Vaporizer or cussion/social at ^e • PEPTO BISMOL Liquid (8 oz.) ment in MHS. He added that, “As a Cool Humidifier freedom, Unitarian Meetinghousd at for stoiiiach upsets. 4 9 Q group, you could not ask for four by ‘Devllbiss’ forgotten today ? 153 Vernon St. West, from ^ONTAC Cold Capsules; OurRag. 1.7 5 ...... 1 .& 9 more aocomplished students. I per­ sonally feel a parental type of pride 7:30 to 10 p.m. YOUa. O 0 0 OurR«g. (10’s) 4 9 4 CHOICE O a O O lO.MtlVM OurRag.J.S8 ! • £ I for each of these kids.” For children, the month of October “ Hallowe'en” *is short for All who was condemned to walk the ^Picnic^ planned The topic for discussion *» The seniors at MHS are all looking is marked by a growing anticipation Hallows Evening, the night before earth with a lantern for all eternity. will be: "How to have a* •2W Gil. Tlrarmo-Shltld Sock’n’Buskin is now well into led by; Steam Vaporizer GENERAL ELECTRIC ^ forward to an excitinjg and rewarding for the most enjoyable holiday other All Hallows, or All Saints Day, Nov. Today’s “Trick or Treat” tradition good holiday as a single.” production of the romantic comedy Publicity-Tickets, Annetee Krol, Automatic Heating Pad 1. The evening is open to •1W Gal. Cool Humidlllar •COMTREX MultiiSymptom, year. The senior class Mficers are all than Christmas, that of Hallowe’en. also has its foundations in Irish tradi­ “ Picnic ” written by William Inge. 3 heats, iiohted control Has Michael Wright; House-Programs, A real help lor winter cold season* Cold Reliever (24’s) 4 9 4 waterproof inner covel with 9.22 ex[)erienced, well-roilnded students, Hallowe'en is purely a children's Many of the customs and tion. In the 17th century, poor adult singles in the area. Cast in this production are; Helen Ted Cummings, Debbie Burgess; JUVENILE DEPT. Our Rag. 2.19...... I • 4I>** washable outer cover SPSS Our Rag. 11.97 and we are sure that they will do an holiday. Ghqsts and goblins and lots superstitions associated with There is a small admission children went from door to door Potts, Margie Part; Hal Carter, John Make-up; Martha Matiney, Diane excellent job. Congratulations and of candy are the images conjured up Hallowe'en are thousands of years begging for money and small cakes. fee. Frallicardi; Millie Owens, Sheila 'Lenhardt;- Costumes, Lisa Harris, good luck. in many a young mind at the mention old. They developed from the ancient This begging was called “a ’soulin' ” . 'For further information Keene; Bomber, Doryl Frascarelli; Allison Smitlf; Lights, Dave Miller, of this holiday. Adults tend to have a Druid festival of Samhain (.summer’s If the children were denied their call either John Crowley —SMrry Tuttle Madhe Owens, Robin Boober; Flo Gary Comeau; Sets, Paul Ostrom. different view, perhaps thinking of end), celebrated in the British Isles. “treat,” they were apt to play an evil at 649-4427 or Barbara Tut­ Owens, Beth Gigure; Rosemary Mark Gadoury. how their usually peaceful dinner During this festival, the spirits of the “trick” UDon the household tle at 644-0664. Sydney, Laura Gatzkiewicz; Alan These are the people responsible hour will be disrupted at least seven­ dead were thought to walk the night, Seymour, Mike Flanagan; Irma for putting clothes on each person to teen tim es by the ringing of the door returning to the homes of their Hallowe’en is no longer a religious Kronkite, Alison Smith; Christine suit his or her character, creating State board Pass/fail bell. Candy companies are the hap­ kinsmen. Huge bonfires were lit observance, and most of our popula­ Schoenwalder, Kathy King; and lighting to set the mood for the piest of all. reaping more sales at throughout the countryside to ward tion is completely content to have taps student Howard Bevan, Je ff Waggoner. audience, selling tickets, much this time than during any other off these evil spirits. dropped the superstitions and The cast is busy learning their lines more. MANCHESTER - A explained hoiiday, even Valentine’s Day. With the establishment of the traditions that were once connected and going to daily rehearsals. These We are all having a good time student at Manchester But Hallowe’en has not always had Roman Catholic Church in the Mid­ with this holiday. But this CHINON 35mm Compact rehearsals are led by director, Verne working on this production. We hope Community College has Do you know under wbat cir­ such a superficial, commercialized dle Ages, Christian customs became Hallowe'en, as youngsters in your Camera with 112.8 Lens Burnette; stage manager, Laura that you will be able to make it to see been named to a two-year cumstances you can take a course meaning. It has come to be merely a intermingled with the pagan ones. family don their scary costumes, and Easy-2one focusing plus Cds Webb; and assistant director, April the finished production Nov. 20, 21, term as a student member SHELTON 5-Gallon ‘Wet or dry’ Pass/Fail? If you wish to take a fun holiday.and has lost its origins in Bonfires were still lighted as protec­ you repeatedly open the front door to auto^xposure system. Has M12 Castagna. and 22. of the State Board of built-in flash and motorized Our Reg. Vacuum with Accessories course by this designation you must the process. There are probably very tion against the spirits. Witches were choruses of '“Trick or Treat!,” film advance, as well. 139.e4 >‘Muppet Show’ •‘See ’n Say' Talking The cast is very important, but This year, Sock'n'Buskin is doing a Turstees of Regional Com­ Has large steel tank on be carrying at least four other few of the little trick-or-treaters who said to ride through the sky on perhaps you will be reminded of the another very important aspect of public performance during its final munity Colleges. by Colortorms n qn Toys by Mattel caster dolly. Includes wash­ 42.44 courses, not including Physical will prowl the streets this Hallowe'en brooms^^ife on tbeir way to their meanings that were once a part of Our R*g. 4.29 O.OO Our R*g. 10.89...... #.## able cartridge filter. The Our Reg. each production often forgotten is dress rehearsal on Thursday, Nov. Arthur Marinelli, 26, will Education. The maximum number of that will know the true meaning of witQhf?SaBbaths. The term “jack-o- the celebration of All Hallows Eve, Your favorite Muppet char­ Audio-visual learning fun with HUFFY ‘Olympia’ 10-Speed Bike emergency 'must'! S4.99 that of the technical crews. Each of 20,1980. Tickets for this performance succeed Louis Castaldi .of CHINON ‘Whisper; acter ready for you to dress Mother Goose. The harmer. courses that may be taken Pass/Fail the ritual in which they are taking lantern” was derived from Irish for Men and Women Cathy Cochran Sock'n’Buskin’s crew is led by one will be sold at a special half price East Haven. ° Dual 8 Movie up! Put on your own special favorite Zoo Animals, more’ is two. Applications for this option part. folklore, telling of a man named Jack Muppet Show! crew Chairperson and an assistant rate. ' M a r in e lli is a The way to go! With racing saddle, Maes bend Submersible Pump can be obtained in the Guidance Of­ Projector handlebars and dual caliper hand brakes! Min­ »84 Chairperson. “Picnics” crews are —Alison Smith Manchester native and By Flotec fice and should be submitted to the •‘Digital Diamond’ imum leg length 30-33". Bikes in m en's sizes 24 & Our Reg. served in the U.S. Army $D a CALDOR / 26": ladies' 26”. 98.77 An EditortaI: LOWirttAiDBirF PRICE > •‘Wrist Racers’ by Pushbutton Baseball administration before the first ten for six years. He has R)^. 49.99 3 4 .6 6 days of the semester. If the Easy auto-load plus Knickerbocker » Game q . •HUFFY ‘2*2' Two-Spaed *Pro-Thundar Bike Pumps up to 1500 gallons attended Manchester Com­ ultra-sharp zoom lens. Indians No. 1 Athletes OurR*g.4Z9 0.4# Our Reg. 11.99...... for Boys and Girls,OupReg. 139.77 124.77 per hour to drain flooded Pass/Fail option is a sequential Variable speed, reverse munity College as both a Wear like a watch; release For 2 players; has scoreboard basements, pools .fast! In 1963, on January 27 one of our and still projection. TTOLS FOR ASSEMBLY: LARGE I SMALL ADJUSTABLE WRENCH. course, the teacher involved must Manchester’s squad. ^ full and part-time student race car onto floor or table > 2 AA batteries not included. HARDWARE OEP1 Maybe it^s the historian iii me Athletes-of-the-Week was born. An­ PHILLIPS AND SCREWDRIVER, SLIP JOINT PLIERS recommend continuation. However, The female Athlete-of-the-Week is since 1978. drew 0 . yVickwire,-an ace runner for college bound students are advised to Jacob Luclcq*lll and a new sgt of standards for sive high school changed over the Beth MacDonald, (some q f you pr- He is employed in the the championship Indians for the consult their Guidance Counselor to Manchester High School students. ' years such that renovation and up- dent readers of HSW may remember circulation department of BE READY FOR B-R-R WEATHER! ENJOY A GREEN WINTER! CATCH A FALLING LEAF! make sure that such courses are . The work and planning of paid dating, of the building is judged ab- past three years, has been fighting that her sister Marcy was the first Mgytte it's the historian in me, but The- Herald. acceptable by the applicant's professionals will culminate in solutely essential by the visiting the challenges that await him at female athlete to be honored), who I-^ee Manchester High School at a coilege. — Meiissa Beisley. Todd- every hill. Many times I have seen has been cited for excellence in DELCO ‘Freedom 50’ PARAMOUNT ‘Pro-Blo' "Crossroads in 1980. We may be two January with the report of the Facuj^committee.” McGrath ty Curriculum Committee which him running hard, training daily in swimming. In the team’s last meet YWCA group SAVE42%! blocks east of the intersection at On November 4, voters in the Town Maintenance-Free Electric Power Blower expected to address the neeos of our of Manchester will be asked to ap­ any kind of weather, for himself and she took 3 out of 4 first place Main Street and Middle Turnpike, sets meeting Auto Battery 3 Ft. to 4 Ft. Indoor Floor Plants students for years to come. propriate $5,552,281 for the also for the team. During the last positions, and achieved a second Our but Manchester High School Is clear­ MANCHESTER - The IMPORT/COMPACTyiC 4 4 Reg. 49.99 Our most critical need at the mo­ rehabilitation of the high school. race which clinched the CCIL cham­ position in her fourth race. She cer­ Regally tali, lushly green High School W^orld ly at a,crossroads in its history. Koffee Krafters of the Our Rtg. 84.99 H U .O U (0 brighten your home all ment is a physical one. The 30 With state aid. the project will cpst pionship, Andy dug in to pull out a tainly ought to be congratulated by Fast, easy way To clean-sweep drives, Staff I have witnessed two good years . Nutmeg Branch of the •MID-SIZE CARS , . winter! Choose Yucca, 10.76 patios, porches and walkways’ educators representing the New the town $3,624,376. We urge a “Y es” key position and secure a victory. her peers and mentors alike. She won Ficus Benjamina, more. Our Reg. 16.86 here. During that time students and YWCA will meet Our Rtg. 89.99 54.60 Will even clear away a Sherry Tuttie ...... Co-Editor England Association of Schools and vote on Question #5. He, along with the rest of the Cross two first in the 1(X) yard freestyle light Snowfall' faculty have distinguished Wednesday from 9:30 a m. •FULL-SIZE CARS 6 ’’ D l8 ll8 n b a C h i« ,0 u lR .g . S 99 3.77 Patty'Cone ...... Co-Editor Colleges said it best when they Thousands of students over the Country Team, simply won, for a se­ race, and a first and a second in the SEASONAL DEPT. themselves in extraordinary ways.X ”" 0" , mousanus 01 siuaems over im Our Rtg. 74.99 62.40 20 per (tore Cathy Cochran ...... Feature Editor cond year in a row, the CCIL cham­ 200 yard free. She, along with many \ to noon at 78 N. Main St. We have examined, cross-examined, “f "^>“ 25 years deserve the same quail The meeting will con­ Never needs water! Features No rainchectia. Sue M ackiewicz...... News Editor ^ . ’• e<'>h/\yylschool rplant x l o n t hhas o c CAr>trA 5.63 opened the ceremony with a welcome vice is working not for monetary definition of leadership. Miss thus, proving that we all must use W eighs |usl 13 ibs. Uses 110 vol't debris ,6 'x25' lengths cut with current. | ^ s 1.5 HP equivaleni 2.22 compensation,, but to attain self- Square Circle scissors. W on't rust! address, Ludes joked that his speech Rennert mplained that successful "*0Ur potential to the best of* our rating Throws snow left or right. Our Reg. 2.99 would be succinct in that many were satisfaction, and most of all. to help leadership is a blend of initiative; abilities. Kennedy also reiterated MANCHESTER The SEASONAL DEPT •G.E. ‘Brite Silk’ 25” Fluorescent Light Unit •Frost King Plastic Downspout Strainer probably anxious to view the others. doing work yourself, and organiza­ Mr. Lude’s earlier reminder, that the Square Circle Club of •100-FI. Outdoor Extension For light where you need it! Complete: just Q AA presidential debate. Ludes heartily President Larry Krupp addressed Manchester Lodge of Cord,ULLiItwl.R.g.12.M 10.88 plug it in & turn it on! OurRtg. 11.99 9 * 4 4 OucR#g.1je(Pligol2) ' 1.24 tion; assigning jobs to others. The new scholars are-indebted t'o their HARDWARE DEPT. HARDWARE DEPT HARDWARE OEPT qommended the “company of the group on scholarship. Krupp's vice president congratulated all new parents and educational oppor­ Masons will have an open scholars" but reminded the new speech was organized on the basis of members on . their qualities of tunities for their present status. house Monday at the members that this honor was “an two main dieas:First. schdlarshjp is leadership. With the conclusion of Following Dr. Kennedy’s fine JMasonic Temple from 10 BRING US YOUR COLOR FILM achievement of individuals, parents, learning. Second, scholarship is com­ Miss Rennertis speech, Mr. Krupp speech, the entire group sang the S/jT fw a.m. to noon. There will be TO^EVELOPING 4'PRINTING municating. Krupp 'expounded on a card game, pool', conver­ VERNON and to some extent, the school.” signaled the inductees to prepare tpr Manchester Alma Mater, thus MANCHESTER When Ludes had concluded his each point while frequently referring sation and refreshments. Perfect Tesults or your money / 1145 Tolland Turnpike Tri-City Shopping Center the awards ceremony. adjourning an evening of scholarly / opening remarks, he turned the to famous scholars of the past, such Each c ^ id a t e was presented with celebration. — Patricia A, Cone All Masons and th eir, back on any color print! friends are welcome. STORE HOUlRS: DDAILYi 10-A M to 9:30 PM • SAT., 9 A M to 9:30 PM SUN., 11 AM to 5 PM • PRICES EFFECTIVE THRU SATURDAY 12 - EVKNiNG HERALD. Frl,, Oct. 31, 1980 t •-'EVENING HERALD, ------Fri.,------j-_ Oct 31,------\m------1,3- fC ■ »» ♦ Richardson Linemen , •Page 16 * TownTol Bernard Sidman, superintendent, Registrar of Voters in East Hart­ with the budget" —Republican Carl park on their lawns, it is also get­ trying to get through the red tape, late basket hey man th e matter of closing a school said, '"There's still one room emp­ ford said. Despite East Harford Zinsser, candidate for the Fourth ting encouragement from Prospect but this is the type of work I have wins in OT on defense and the utilization of the buildings ty, Parkinson's Law hasn't hit being overwhelmingly Democratic, Senatorial District, commenting on Street residents to create a 24-hour always wanted to do” —Diane Page 14 . Page 15. was being discussed at a recent there yet." a large turnout Tuesday would state spending during g debate held .truck ban on their street. However, McCormickj Jthe newly hired SCOREBOARD meeting of the PTO Council in Ver­ probably help Republican can­ this week. before any ban is adopted, town of­ Glastonbury coordinator of social' non. One school being discussed “There's talk about^voter apathy ficials and truckers are looking for services, commenting on her new didates most. J ~ r '••’S was Center Road Elementary. The but this is the presidAtial election While the East Hartford Town « alternative routes in town. job. . question was asked about the and I expect an 85 percent tur­ “I think shat Gov. Grasso needs s.. Council Ordinance Subcommittee “Sometimes it’s ‘ discouraging number of rooms unused and Dr. nout," - Mary Mourey, Republican is a few Republicans to help her oct deals with whether to let people Sweeney says records prove stand the town and increase education local zoning laws have been in- "may practically make it impossible any of those letters does it say We’re "insisted that we include new con­ M.4NCHHSTER - The leading struction' of lower-income family costs, Sweeney cited earlier letters opponent to Manchester’s re­ terferred with. Sweeney has said to for the town to construct new multi­ required to change zoning, it simply suggests we look at zoning. Since rental housing as a sq-called goal in he has written to The Herald’s entering the federal Community accomplish its goals, the Depart­ ple dwelling units to provide the type looking Tor win editors. He added, "I wouid behappy ment of Housing and Urban Pevelop- and amount of housing assistance then, the Mayor’s Committee on Con­ the Housing Assistance Plan part of Development block grant program to furnish copies.of any of the above By LEN AUSTER nothing to lose. U is one, more oppor­ who has been slowedXv nagging in­ ment would be given the authority to required for the purpose of meeting dominiums, and the town-planner, our CD block grant application.” said his position can be substantiated Herald SpurtHwriter tunity to,'))lay. Vie havq a lot of juries. / change local zoning ordinances. the needs of lower-income have both suggested we alter the Faucher said Kolesar’s comment discussed documents to anyone who by local records, eliminating the might wish to examine them.” Getting things settled has been one younger guys playing and 1 feel it will It could turn out ip be a defensive Today, Sweeney said, “With strong households,’’ Sweeney said. zoning to permit multiple was refuted by McLean, who is need to scour the country for such Responding to the general Sweeney objective of Manchester High Foot­ help in the long run.”* struggle as Penney has allowed only evidence already on file in our own Sweeney added as further substan­ dwellings.” Kolesar’s boss. reasons. * response, Faucher said, "He con­ ball Coach Mike Simmons in Penney rebounded from its only 38 points ip seven outings It hak town hall, we do not need,to go" tiation, "In that same letter, Mr. Faucher added, '"The most impor­ F aucher had also called on Democrat Joseph Sweeney,'a preparation for Saturday’s CCIL loss of the season Monday with a 25-0 “ three shutouts. Conard in six contests looking around the country in order Thompson insisted ^ t we identify tant thing is the Fair Housing Act of Sweeney to substantiate his charge tinues to use misieading infonUation. former town director, today He is a lawyer pleading to the jury at A clbsh against Fermi High at whitewast) job of Windham. The M s yielded 28 points. The Chieftain to find out how real these contract our zoning impddiriiitHB to that type 1980 specifically states that HUD that budget surpluses could be used responded to a challenge by the the end of'a,case, using facts which Memorial Field at 2 o’clock. , Knights hope to regain the serviced defense also has three shutouts, in­ obligations atre.” of housing and that we inform HUD shall not interfere in matters of local to fund services, when surpluses leading oppoerit of the move-to re­ Winless East Catholic, 0-7', of Paul Kleef, fullback'Iinebacker, cluding the last two in a row. Sweeney has maintained the town how we planned to overcome those land use.” can’t be planned. have already been disputed by the enter ihe program. meanwhile takes on a ‘little guy' in must sign a contract with HUD to ob­ impediments.” Faucher had asked Sweeney to sub­ Sweendy replied that in his years mayor, the superintendent of Somers High in Somers in a recently Robert Faucher. chairman of the tain the funds, which he said, impose Sweeney said the present HUD stantiate his charge that HUD would on the Board of Directors, he learned schools, and the HUD regional direc- s^eduied t^ t, also at 2 o’clock. Manchester Citizens for Social contract obligations. Today he cited area manager, John McLean, in his force a community to build housing you can raise any budget desired, so tor.’’ The laterystarts are due to Responsibility, Thursday called the “evidence” in town hall. letter of Nov. 15, 1978 to the town because it had not met its-^ als by long as the majority of-directors go Sweeney has also sent copies of his positions and the documents he feels Scholastic Apiitute Testing (SATs). 3 Sweeney's opposition statements “On page three of HUD’s letter of manager, “reasserted that citing an instance whCTe this along and the voters don't vote one Heroic! ■ One very big area contest finds "misleading " and called upon him to June 23, 1978, to our town manager, Manchester would be expected to happened. out of office. support them to the members of the Manchester Rotary, where charges Penney High entertaining,jGoiierd- substantiate them. HUI> Area Director Lawrence meet its so-called HAP goals even if Sweeney cited the May 26, 1978 Regarding Faucher’s call for High in East -Hartford irfa chucial Specifically. Faucher asked Thompson stated that,- in HUD’s opi­ rezoning were required to do so.” letter to the manager from HUD of­ Sweeney to substant^e his position of “misleading” comments first CCIL -struggle. The Chieftain^ sit nion, our town ^ ^ in g regulations Faucher said today, “Nowhere in ficial Daniel P. Kolesar, in which he that the CD program would burden arose. Sweeney to identify one town where atop the league standings at 5-0, 5-1 By ^ QVdrali, while the homestanding Earl Yost Vet .reports Knights are tied for the. second rung Cummings says Vo^^Deck with Hall, each 4-1. Penney is 6-1 Sports Editor just missed QbituQ|i^&- overall. assault case Bette A. Andrews • Also, 2-3, 2-4 East Hartford High . >I.4\CHE.STER — A veterinarian Anthony Laurinitis big league GLASTONBURY - Graveside visits 4-2, 5-2 Simsbury High in a was seriously assaulted at hi^ clinic MANCHESTER - , Apthony Laurinitis, 64, of 582 Bush Hill Road, services wiil be heid Saturday in the makes unfair charges CCIL encounter while a Central on Spencer Street by a man who said Evergreen Cemetery, Pittsford, Vt. Valley Conference match-up pits 1-0, Death this week claimed one of the Mickey Katkaveck's professional he wanted to see the doctor. died Thursday at his home. He was for B ette^nn Andrews, 54, of 638 MANCHESTER— Democratic Town Committee didates situation, which was prompted by desparation, 5-1 Glastonbury High at home against most gifted athletes Manchester ever career in baseball spanned a longer The receptionist of Dr. Edward the husband of Regina M. (Roman) Hebron A \^ whose body was found Chairman Ted Cummings won’t let the Republicans according to the Democratic chairman. Von Deck was 1- 1, 6-1 South Windsor High. produced, Stanley “ Mickey” period than any local man in history. Williams let a well-dressed male into L^rinitis. Mr. Laurinitis was born in Hart-rj in a car at the bottom of Globe “kick one of our candidates.” “saving the remarks until the right time, and now he Manchester goes in with a 1-4 Katkaveck. Condolences are extended to the rear office, upon his request, league and overall record. It has ford on Aug. 18,1916 and had lived in Hollow Reservoir in Manchester Charging Robert VonDeck, Republican town com­ knows his candidate will lose." Cummings said. Although born in Manchester, and members of his family. police.said. The receptionist later been shutout the last two outings but Manchester for the past 25 years. At Monday. mittee chairman with, "shoddy” campaign practices in However, the "silly" remarks are Von Deck’s away for better than 30 years, the 63- heard Williams cry for help, and dis­ his jabs last Monday at Democratic candidate Phyllis trademark, according to Cummings. "He always shoots Simmons, displeased with the offen­ year-old man still called Mancifester the time of his death he was Mrs. Andrews was reported mis­ Rough night for Whaler goalie Familiar name •* covered him on the office floor, ac­ sing 13 months ago by her husband Jackston, Cummings applied the same criticisms to a from the hip," he said “He likes to clobber people.” sive line's blocking, does not plan “ my hometown.” He' died cording to police. ’ • employed by the State of Connecticut Herschel Andrews. Republican candidate. But when contacted. Von Deck stuck by his guns. “Carl Goalie John Garrett-of Hartford made slick net last night as the Canadiens trounced Hart- wholesale changes. , Wednesday in Waycross, Ga., after a Familiar name- to followers of- Williams, 44, was takeq to Hart­ as a toll collector. Before that he had track and cross country teams - at worked for 30 years with the Sheet She was a radfhber of First Church “I hate to get involved, but I can’t let them kick our answered the questions why he resigned." Von Deck spid. “We'll stay with what we have. We t^o-month illness^ ford Hospital suffering head a'nd-neck save on this shot but eight others got into the ford, 8-2. (UPI photo) Manchester High. in the e^ly 30s Metal Unipn Local 40 of Hartford. He of Christ, Glastonbury. candidate in the head without showing theirs is guilty of "But Mrs. Jackston hasn’t*.'” can't play musical chairs anymore,” Sports were a major part of his life injuries from a beating, police said. may recall th? name of Bill Murch. was an Army Air Corps veteran of Besides her husband she leaves a the same thing,” Cummings said. “Just because Cummings points to someone else he states, "Besides, always making and baseball was his main interest, Although he was in serious condition, changes gets the'kids down. What We One of the most talented runners World War II. son Daniel R. Andrews of Glaston­ Von Deck, at a Republican Town Committee meeting doesn’t mean the questions surrounding Mrs. Jackston first as a player, then as .a manager * W illia^, has improved to a stable bury; a stepdaughter, Joan Marie wondered at "unanswered questions” ieft over a conflict are answered” must do is work on our execution. and for three decades'as the city produced by Coach Peter Wigren, condition, according to Manchester Besides his wife he leaves three m i shares seventh place in the Murch is back running and has sons, Anthony J. Laurinitis of Briggs in Vermont; a daughter, of interest controversy surrounding Mrs. Jackston before Von Deck said the electorate deserved to know all the recreation director in Waycross. policfe. Charlotte Marie Andrews in Califor­ she left the Board of Directors in 1976. The Democratic facts surrounding Mrs. Jackston's conflict of interest leagub^with the locals, also 1-4, and is It was the late Jim Foley who entered the Five Mile Road Race. The assailant apparently left Manchester, Gary Laurinitis of LaFleur on tea The 65-year-old Murch now resides in 2- 4 ovV all, The short week of Willington, and'Richard J. Laurinitis nia; and one grandchild. candidate facing Republican Elsie “Biz" Swensson in controversy. "It’s a different animal with Zinsser," he helped Katkaveck along the baseball thbugh another exit, police said. preparation shouldn’t hinder the North Haven ... Manchester Soccer of Manchester; a daughter, Mrs. The Glastonbury Funeral Home the 13th District was a “resurrected candidate” who he said. trail, their paths hawng crossed Police have been unable to-interview locals too badly as the Falcons use Club's 14 and under soccer team will Debra J. O’Brien in Illinois; his has charge of local arrangements. was afraid to "turn loose in the state capitol” according when the Blpefields were organized. Williams but hope to shortly. The meet Windsor in a preliminary to the mother. Catherine Laurinitis of There are no calling hours. to Von Deck. the same basic offense (wishbone) ■ Foley took a group of youngsters, receptionist described the man as Jail term suspended and defense as last Monday’s foe. Hartford Heljions' exhibition game Rocky Hill; a brother, William -Memorial contributions may be Cummings felt “it was too bad the Republican chair­ most of whom were in their teens, about 6 feet in height, and agg 35. Hall, Simmons cited. Saturday afternoon at the Hartford ’ Laurinitis of Manchester; a sister, made to the Glastonbury Auxiliary man was critical of Mrs. Jackston.” “It shows his MANCHESTER —Peter Weiss, son of Town Manager against Whalers and blended them with veteran Police Ambulance Association, 2108 remarks are very inconsistent, and that he has a con­ Robert Weiss, was given a suspended.jail term fpr set­ "I can say when we play Fermi Frank "Ifeok'' Brennan into a , Civic Center. The locals will perform Clerk’s office open Mrs. Helen Seavey of Rocky Hill; we ll be playing someone our own a t noon ... Hats off to George Suitor, and four grandchildren. Main St., Glastonbury. • venient memory,” Cummings said. ting fire to his car on Aug, 14. NEW YORK (UPI) - Funny thing - he handles the puck, he's surely the period to give New York a tie in a crackerjack . SOLTH WINDSOR - The town Cummings pointed to Republican candidate in the Weiss, 25, of 71 Lakewood Circle N., pleaded guilty Oct, ’ about the Montreal Canadiens, When leader on this team." game that saw three players injured size,” Simmons inforlined, “This is amateur team that varsity cross country coach at clerk’s office in the Town Hall at 1540 Funeral services will be Monday at the first time we’ll see people equal^,- g Manchester High, who has guided his 9;30 a.m. from the John F. Tierney Men’s volleyball Fourth Senate District, Carl Zinsser, saying at ieast Mrs. 2 to reckless burning in connection with the 8 p.m. inci­ they look bad, someone else usually "When Guy tied the score in the se­ and two ejected. Rangers rookie garnered several Sullivan Ave., will be open on Jackston chose not to run again, rather than resigning in dent called in from the Economy Electric at Oakland winds, up paying for it. cond period he gave us a big goal, " Mike Allison was carrjed from the to our size. Hopefully it will work tor tow n c h am - Indians to three straight GCiL cham­ tomorrow from 9a.m . to noon for Funeral Home, 219 W. Center St. SOUTH WINDSOR - The pionships. Front, and center, also. with a mass of Christian burial at 10 Recreation Department has severai the middle of a term, as Zinsser had. Street Parking lot. "It's a very important win for us Larouche added. "That goal really ice dn a stretcher in the first period our advantage. ’ pionships when people needing absentee ballots. Tom Malin, whose East Catholic a m. at Church of the Assumption. openings for teams in the men’s “Carl Zinsser quit the board in February citing frustra­ and it's one we really need, " Guy turnbd things around.’’ when Bobby Clarke struck him in the The former Rockville High mentor adult baseball was He was sentenced by Manchester Superior (?ourt Judge believes his recreated offensive wall y g jp Manchester, High soccer team annexed the Burial will be in the veteran’s section volleyball league. League play is on tion with being a minority member, and business Lafleur said Thursday night after the Yvon Lambert and Mark Napier neck with his stick. Philadelphia’s C William Graham to a suspended six-month jail term and will come through Saturday, “I am q-he team catcher school's first HCC crown this fall. Rham ^roup of East Cemetery. Monday evenings at Timothy .problems,” Cummings said. “Won’t he face these same Canadiens, struggling with their rounded out the Canadiens' scoring Paul Holmgren suffered an eye in­ placed on two year’s probation. confident we’ll get some blocking. I zCas Katkaveck. Malin was a stickaut basketball HEBRON - The Parent Teacher Friends may call at the funeral Edwards Middle School. The team problems if elected to the state senate?” worst start in 40 years, awoke with with two unassisted, third-period jury and was taken to the hospital, Cummings mentioned Von Deck’s remarks “were so an 8-2 victory over the Hartford gsais. and Duguay had to leave the game feel we have conveyed to them what hjs goat in player at East while a student, a Student Group of the Rham com­ home Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 entry fee is $25. period when Catholic did not lield a munity will meet in the C2 Cafeteria seamy” but he felt he "had to show the facts this Whalers. The Whalers took a 1-0 lead when with an ankle injury. Holmgren and we want them to do," he voiced. L’^aseb all was the p.m. Memorial contributions may be Anyone interested in entering a soccer squad ... Run for Hope "Fun of Rham High School Tuesday at 7 criticism applied to both.” Lafleur. who has bailed tl\^ Bernie Johnston beat goalie Bunny New York’s Chris Ko'tsopoulos were,#- East was slated to have Saturday major leagues. kelkuverk made to the Amqrican Cancer Socie­ team is asked to call the Recreation AL SIEFFERT’S SAYS... off. but instead scheduled Class S Run" is scheduled Saturday in p.m. ty, 237 E. Center St., Manqhester. Department at 644-2433. It was a case of “conveniently forgetting” their can- Canadiens out of many a tight spot Laroeque at 11:10 of the opening ejected over a brawl. Katkaveck came within one league of _befoje, scored two goals and three period. Doug Wickenheiser tied the Flumes .3, Bruins I school Somers, which sports a 6-1 making the grade, in the St. Louis Manchester's Industrial Park off assists to help Montreal Score at 12:56 while the Canadiens Paul Reinhart and Willi Plett mark and is a member of the Pequot Cardinal organization wiLh Progress Drive starting at 11 a.m. A from a pair of early deficits. held a two-man advantage. The scored power-play goals 92 seconds Conference. Sacramento in the Pacific Coast one-mile course has been set with T COME AND ENJOY A WHY PAY MORE Confused intruder charged "A game like this is good for me Whalers' took a 2-1 lead when Blaine apart early in the third period to ex­ "We scheduled them because we League and Columbus in the runners allowed to run.as many as 10 c a m p a ig n celebration personally but it’s also good for.the Stoughton converted a pass in front tend Boston's winless streak to seven had open date, and they had an open American Association, both with-Tri- miles. American Cancer Society will MANCHESTER -M ichael Wambolt, point used a broom to push the person I V £ HAVE THEM ALL date. We thought of scrimmaging but benefit. WITH .team." said Lafleur. "We didn't have of the net. games. The Bruins took a 1-6 lead ple A designatiorii. 438 W. Middle Turnpike reported a break- away before the man ran upstairs and dis­ VIDEO CASSEHE RECORDERS a' pai^cularly' good second period "The Whalers were very strong in into the third period on Terry instead decided to play a game," His first taste of organized play in to police after being awakened at 2 a.m. appeared into another apartment, accor­ tonight but we came back strong in the first period but then we took ad­ DfReilly’s second goal of the season, explained Eagle Coach Jude Kelly. was under Coach Tom Kelley at Friday by the sound of breaking glass, ac­ ding to the police reports. 8YLVANIA the third, ” vantage of their mistakes as they but were thwarted by the outstanding “It’s a chance for them (Somers) Manchester where hq, caught for the cording to Manchester police reports. Police charged Drew Townsend Brown, MAL BARLOW Lafleur made it 2-2 at 14:36 of the started to fade," said Ruel, who goal-tending of Pat Riggin. who made to play a bigger school and we have varsity in his junior and senior years. Notes off the cuff Upon entering the kitchen he observed 438 W. Middle Turnpike, with a breach of Domocratic Candldata second period after Steve Shutt fed denied a New York newspaper report 33 saYes. Defenseman Pekka Stops along the organized baseball Denny' Carlin, who has handled peace after arriving. poiice reports Quasar. someone trying to uniock the door through (or tha him from the corner. Pierre he was considering Stepping down if Rautakajilio added an insurance goal trail as a player in the Cardinal game accounts for the Manchester a broken window. “What are you doing,” said Brown was intoxicated, and he stated Larouche got the go-ahead goal just 52 the team continued his slump. Jaeger faces 12TH ASSEMBLY DISTRICT at 12:14 of the third period. Boston organization included Union Springs, Midget Football League this fall, he yelled. he was the superintendent responding to a RCA #SANYO . seconds later after Lafleur hit him in “I never told anybody I was going has not won since Oct. 12 and has Ala., ,_.JacksonviIle, Fla., Ashville. notes the annual banquet will be held liie person replied he was trying to get call. The 19-year-old was released on a front of the net. Doug Jarvis gave to step down," Ruel said angrily. “It gone 0-6-1 since then. Tha winless Virginia Wade N.C., Mobile, Ala., Sacramento, Nov 13 at the Army & Navy. Club. into his apartment, and refused to give up, $100 cash bond and ordered to appear in •Tapes T. V. shows you're SONY Montreal a 4-2 lead with 37 seconds just must be someone's imagination. streak is the-club's lon^st'Shiee the Calif., Columbus, Ohio and as a Highlight will be the presentation of according to police. Wambolt. at one Manchester Superior Court on Nov. 17. K E U r S PUB & STEAK HOUSE watching • left in the middle period. 1 know our record shows 3-6-1 but in 1966-67 season. Cup match manager in Wilmington. N.C.. and trophies. Final game of the season In the final period. Larouche netted •Tapes T. V. shows my heart I know we are a much Koi'kirs .v,. CupiluU .3 Albany, Ga. It was in Albany where will be played Saturday afternoon 69 NORTH ST. PHILCO his 200th career goal after Lafleur better club. " Randy lAitrce and Lanny LONDON (UPI) -Andrea Jaeger, he Won one pennant one year and the with the jets facing the Giants at Mt. Burglary attempt probed SUNDAY • NOV. 2ND On another put the puck in front of goalie John In Jther games, New York tied McDonald scored in a 53-second span the youngest player to take part in playoff title the second that he Nebo ... Qualifying games for the a"n- MANCHESTER the $7-year history of the Wightman MANCHESTER - police reported the dis­ Nothing was taken, but this Garrett, sending Montreal to a 5-2 Philadelphia 3-3, Calgary downed late in the third period to give decided to enter the recreation field nual Manchester 10-Pin Bowling 4 TO 7 P.M. channel Cup play, meets British captain Police reported an covery at 9:)8 a.m. lead. Lafleur scored his second goal Boston. 3-t and Colorado tied Colorado a near-rhiracle triumph. and signed on in that, Georgia com­ Tournament will be held this was the second incident •FULL BUFFET - CASH BAR •Tapes T. V. shows Virginia Wade today with a chance to attempted break-in at Thursday at the store on reported. midway through the final period, Washington 5-5. .Pierce scored twice, including a munity. weekend at the Parkade Lanes. DONATION $7.50 per person when your net giving Montreal a four-goal margin. Kungerx 3. Flyers 3 give the United States the lead in the Marlow's Department 869 Main St. ' A snowmobile belonging power-play goal at 18:25 of the third. During World War II, 'he caught Three time slots are scheduled Satur­ PROFESSIONAL ENTERTAINMENT "He always gives you evelything,' Anders Hedberg scored his seventh tournament. day and Sunday. Trophies and cash Store on Main Street A dental lab was broken to Joseph Izzo, 132 Harvest at hoine McDonald then scored with 42 some games for Hartford in the featuring Bernie Bentley Montreal coach Claude- Ruel said of gq^ of the season late in the third The occasion is unlikely, however, prizes will be awarded the winners .. Thursday. into at 122 Hillard St., and Lane, East Hartford, was seconds left to tie the score.'Rolf Eastern League. FOR TICKET INFO CALL •Hooks up easily to Lafleur. ''The waiJie skates, the w ay ^ ^ ^ to overwhelm the steely nerved 15- When Blaine Stoughteon signed a Alter a report from reported early Thursday taken from his pick-up Edberg and Mike Gartner scored to On the football field, he was a stan­ police discovered evidence ' 648-4081 or 643- 8977' any T. V. give Washington a 5-3 lead midway year-old from Lincolnshire, 111., un­ dout quarterback who also'possessed reported four-year t^ontract with .the morning. truck Thursday. like her young cbmjiatriots Pam of an unsuccessful attempt Thomas Davis reported OR AT THE DOOR through the final period. great ability as a punter. But Hartford Whalers it made him the se­ •mutes home movies Shriver and Trqcy Austin who to enter the store through a drawers' and a workbench baseball was his first love and he cond highest paid player Mark Howe Third period goals buckled"Under pressure at the same wooden door on the were taken out of the lab devoted all his attention to the sport draws a reported $190,OOO annually ^ C K l l n i t E COLOR CM fRAS M STOCK Royal Albert Hall two years ago. building's south side. The and thrown on the floor. during his playing days. with the National Hockey Leaguers 3 allowing Britain to win the Cup for It wps last month that Katkaveck's .. Merrill Meyers ol Manchester was ALL TAPES IN STOOg too much for Bruins the drily the 10th time since it was illness was first known when his the lucky winner of $50 in merchan­ M.H.S. IS THE TOWN’S MOST first held in 1923. A ( P e ro ’s Kathy Saysl 6 HU TAPE BOSTON lUIMi - Pal Riggin prised. but it made my job easier. younger brother, Leo, came up from dise in the drawing between periods With the match even after the first of a Whaler hockey game in Hartford We ellll have a large variety of native frulta A ligures the Calgary Flames can play Bui hey. I'm paid well to stop the North Carolina to be inducted into day, Jaeger could -fiill the United this week. vagalablas at reasonable pricaa. $ 1 5 . 5 0 ^ with any team in the National puck." the Manchester Shorts Hall of Farge. Hockey League when they want to States back on course for its 43rd vic^ VALUABLE PIECE OF REAL ESTATE The Bruins held a 1-0 lead after two tory." FRESH - The problem is they usually don't dis­ periods, thanks to Terry O'Reilly Britain has already improved on its WhiteSweels"^amArTdah^ cover if they're ready to play until goal at 3:28 ol the second period. I Red Pepper's, Frying and Hot dismal showing in^ Florida last year Potatoes, Red & White Onions, it's too late. O'Reilly was jn the right position Ruel denies charge I Peppers, Leeks. Ripes. Eggplant. Spanish Onion. Pickling Onions, when it was whitewashed 7-0. But its I Green Beans. Acorn, Butternut & 10 HR. TAPE Calgary held on lor dear life for Chinese Cabbage. Broccoli. PROTECT'YOUR INVESTMENT when he took a deflected shot and hit real hopes of victory depend largely I Hubbard Squash, Spaghetti Mushrooms, Avacados, Garlic, two periods Thursday night and then an open net from 15 feet. The Bruins ISguash. Spinach, Mustard Ginger Root. Green & Yellbw AND, L. $ 1 0 .2 5 rifled in three third period goals to ' on unsettling the more inexperienced iGreen, Turnip Greens. Kale, Squash. Celery. Cukes. Endive &. | showered shots on the Flpmes, he^s ready to resign members of the U.S. team. , I Swiss Chard. Sugar Purnpklns. Escarole. Iceberg Lettuce. down the skidding Boston Bruins 3-1, dominating the game for two ■ Cherry Tomatoes. Bose Pears, Romalne, Hawailn, Pineapples.'' ^ FANTASTIC VALUE ^ Boston has gone 0-6-1 in their last "Somehow we have to pressure An- MONTREAL (UPI) - Despite the ICorilands. Mac's Maepuns, Ida Pink Grapefruit, Fla. Naval PROVIDE F ^ T H E YOUTH OF MANCHESTER periods, but couldn't craCk Riggin. Hector "Toe Blake had retired seven games, their worst winless 'drea," Wade said. "But I don’t knqw team’s poor beginnings, Montreal I Reds. Baldwins. Red & Golden Oranges. Tangelos. Tangerines, Their 29 shots over two periods how one does that." In his first season Ruel led the ■ Delicious Apples, Purpje Top Calif. Oranges. Lemons, Limes. streak since the 1966-67 season. They coach Claude Ruel isn't ready to |Tumig8^0ClM|urnl^^ matched their high lor'any game this Ih Friday’s second match, the Canadiens to the Stanley Cup but a ^ Oates. D'anjouj^ears. Gan'anoa^ • A completely new'roof Vltim^E REORDER haven't won since Oct 12. throw in the towel year later resigned as coach, only to P.oinegraniles.' Cantaloupes^ year. fourth in the series of seven, U.S. "There are nights when we re as Ruel denied a report in a New York • Energy conservation. - "We could have piit them away player-coach Rosie Casals and cap­ come back as Ihe team's head man good as any team in this league." early, said Bruins coach Gerry newspaper that claimed that if Ihe THIS S E E K ' S S P E j s a s " ' " * • ' tain Chris Evert Lloyd play Britain’s last December when Bernie "Boom eiibuR said goal-tender Riggin. who ended up Cheevers. "We got a lot of shots. But team did not improve he would con­ . NATIVe NATIVE • Modernize scienc&labS) and shops. y u c prioed Glynis Coles and*Anne Hobbs. Boom " Geofirion quit TANCteRIES with 33 saves, many of them on the our third period was horrendous, just sider stepping down from the Mon­ TOMATOES SMNACM . w n o as low as ’ Evert, who halk^Iayed in the Ruel's team was eliminated in the • Safety and code compliance. larcenous side "Then there are awful. 1 don't understand how we can treal Canadiens' coaching job. 6 i 7 9 < Wightman Cup for nine years and Stanley Cup quarter tinals last 6 9 < l. 6 9 V . . ^ some nights you re' dmbarrassed to The Canadiens are off to their STOP IN FOR OEMONSTMTION play so well tor two periods and so never been beaten in singles, season by the Minnesota North Stars NATIVE NAflW ~i puUhe uniform on. "plight, we^came badly in the third. " worst start in the past 40 seasons • PEPSI . Thursday crushed Sue Barker 6-1,6^2 CAULiaOWER BOSCPUUU to ^ a y , but it took us awhile'to get with a record of threo wins and six "The spirit on this learn is just Paul Reinhart and Willi Plett ip an encounter the American said * 1 . 4 9 t J S . VOTE YES FOR QUESTION #5 going," notched power-play gqals^2 seconds losses and one tie after 10 games. ' great. " Ruel said. "1 only hope we y 9 8 < H K I 4 9 < J was, "One of the easiest matches I da $19 It MN The Flames' success Thursday "I never told anybody I was going can keep putting it together 1 know At the top of the voting machine :a apart early in the third period to give I've had against her. She hasn’t \)AEM'6AilV 6 A. M. TO 9 P.M. • 8UNOA '8 6 AJI. TO 8?.M. night can be largely altiqbiAed, to to step down." Ruel said angrily »Wa Set/ ThfH0ftld. Sundsy Papers, pfus Loflery TfcAefs • 443-445 HARTFORD AD. ' HUCHESTH. Calgary a 2-1 lead. Reinhart's goal B i y iant runner played for three months so its un­ everyone on this team always comes Riggin, who was named the >qme's was set up by Kent Nilsson, who Thursday. "It just must be to play and gives 111) percent We re No; I star. In the first two per adk^tie Dave Timbrell, former derstandable -that she made a lot of someone's imagination. I know our n D R S T . 6 4 7 9 9 9 7 faked a shot from the right face-off errors. not getting the breaks but my players pcDfl ''"ir wak brilliant in stopping 28 ot^S circle, freezing the defense and Manchester High harrier, is a record shows 3-6-1, but in my heart 1 irt-e doing everything I ask them to “From the first point she looked ■ mm 1 1 PKODUCEI" THE TIME FOR RENOVATION IS NOW 9 O fF I-H 6 4 7 9 9 9 8 arid kept the Flames iqJJ^gam e. goalie Rogie Vachon. He thgn slid a know we are a much better club. " do." " member of the Bryant College down, the pressure was on her rather , o- ■ t ^ "The Bruins looked like they were This is Ruel's second tigie meeting 276 OAKLANO ST.. MANCHESTER cross-ice feed to Reinhart ^ o slid cross country team this fall. than me." The Canadiens won only their third TONKHT m 9 • IK S. WED. SAT. n . 5 a little tight, especially around the -the Canadiens' from behind the game ol the campaign Thursday the disc in an open net. Timbrell has been a varsity Britain got an unexpected boost Paid for by Friends of tti« High Sch^ , Dr. Daqltl Burnt, Trauurar MIL m. m 9 net," Riggin said, "They didn't take • "’This is probably oup biggest twfi bench. He took over the team in the when.' they wlupped the Hartford urns, ,v the shots they usually do. Lwas sur­ performer two seasons. late' Thursday when Hobbs rallied points ot the season, " said Reinhart past Kathv Jordan 4-6, 6-4, 6-1. 1968-69 season after the legendary Whalers 8-2. *

.. ./ / \ 11 - EVENING HERALD. Fri., Oct 31^ 1980 ■/ ■ r'-- EVENING HERALD. Fri., Oct. 31, 1980 - 15 Sports Parade Best time Little hero NEW YORK (UPI) - They under the boards. Williams from having to justify why Atla^a took a 104-101 lead with 44 One-lwo for stars muscled, scratched and elbowed "The guy who was supposed to box he took such a long shot with time to seconds remaining in regulation. each other for four quarters and tRichardson) out was not there,” look inside for something better. But the Knicks sent the game into nearly five minutes of overtime, and said BrOwn, whose team battled back “ I looked out and saw Sugar overtime when Richardson hit a free was playing in the end. the were from a 17-point second quarter (Richardson) and Bill (Cartwight) throw and Cartwright, the game’s vdisected by sneak'— New York deficit to take a 111-108 lead with-3:22 under the goal and I took the shot," leading scorer.with 28 points, made a Williams said. “I saw Bill standing in layiip with 21 seconds left. trifying." Htsaid his one-time guard guard Michael Ray Richardson. left in overtime. "It was a great tty Mll.T lfi(;ilM \N offensive move. He headfaked both the three-second lane, so I just took Cartwright’s hook shot also gave couiij do it all. "He could run, shoot Ric)lardson lost his defender in new ’YORK UPII - If their heavy Roundfield and Rollins and put the the shot. When I saw Sugar fake and New York a 114-111 lead in overtime and pass. " said his former boss, traffic, tiptoed beneath the basket to llanneled counterparts fvere The ball in the basket. He just went down fake and fake., I didn't know if he’d until Atlanta came right back with "ilpfense'’ Well ... he didn't have to. robound a wild 20-foot jurriper from Boys oTSummer. then these lellows. there against three of our gu^s qnd ever shoot it.^' four consecutive points, setting up By LEN AUSTER needed help. Up to that point we were moSkJiiUbacks if we can open the and Ayer, who has UConn, Brown tie had "the bov" in back of him. " "teaipmate Ray Williams and lofted a who always showed up in short pants, beat them,” He did, and it dropped the Hawks the game-winning situation. , Herald Sportawriler iosing that area and I felt it was im­ field upv , and Brandeis among his possibles, Naturally, that hafl to be Russell, a soft shot off the glass with sDk portant to^:ontrol it. What he did was have been key figures in the climb. certainly were The Boys of Wiitter seconds left to give New York a 116- Richardsoq,,. who finished with 21 to 5-4 on the season. The Knicks im­ "I think we were lucky to beat this There are two very good reasons “W hat\p you get with the blend? It wasn't so long ago, or maybe it bear on defense even though he was proved to 6-2. bring thiA aspect (control) to the You get\)i'ns,’’ stated Malin “They’ll go out with the satisfac­ the Celtics' center. Auerbach has 115 overtime win over the Hawks in /points, said he crashed the boards team,” said Knicks’ coach Red Holz- why East Catholic High has met with only seems that way, when people The Knicks’ pressing defense program.” smiling; tion of knowing they helped turned always said he was the greatest the NBA's only game Thursday when he saw RajLWilliams, who had man. "But these are the types of success on the soccer field -in recent everywhere would disregard the ■ 23,,throw^uiJriis lofifjujnpshot. opened a 43-26 lead midway through years. McConville, found primarily on the ^ a s t, in Mltlip’s first two years in tlje soccer ptogram around here,” player he ever coached. night. games you have to win. Maybe last bone-chilling weather outside merely the second period, but the Hawks, Terry McConville and Kyle Ayer. right wing but with the luxury of 1974 and '75 weht 0-12-1 each time. Malin proclaimed, “They will also go fiis hair now streaked with gray That the 6-foot-5 guard got the “ I was just wide o j ^ , ” he said. year (when the Knicks missed the for the pleasure of watching the skill ""The ball came off and it was right .behind center Sam Pellom and John playoffs by one game) we wouldn’t Kyle Ayer and Terry McConville. bmng able to free lance, utilizes his Improvement was seen the foiiowing out with some individual and team but his waistline still nearly as flat as game-winning shot off over the records. They’ve, set standards for and artistry with which these in­ tivere. In that situation, we had Drew, scored the last 10 points of the have done it." . . • Either way you group the pair, speed to get open. year but the Eagies slipped back in when he played, Cousy talked about elastic arms of and others to shoot for. dividuals handled a basketball inside nothing to lose but to>go to the period to trail only 54-50 at halftime. John Drew, Atlanta’s leading they are the ones who’ve made the "He is very quick and very 1977. Rut, starting in 1978, steady im­ how the sheer joy the game has Tree Rollins was not "as frustrating to “1 think what they’ve done is help' some heated arena. boards. The ball just bounced in my The Hawks’ No. 1 draft choice, Don scorer with 20 points, got his 10,000th Eagle hooters click. They’ve been dedicated to the game," Malin com­ provement has been seen with East Gathered together now on the 3Pth brought him all his life, ever since he Atlanta coach Hubie Brown as mented on McConville, who led the start a tradition in soccer here and Williams getting the rebound in the direction." Collins, and Roundfield scored SO of career point in the first quarter on a the major contributors, with a com­ 10-6 a year ago and winners in 12 of anniversary ol the NBA for the pur­ first learned to play it as a boy Eagles a year ago with 16 goals and once you have a tradition I feel lirst place. He was virtually alone The generous bounce saved their 38 points in the second half as lO-foot jumper. bined total of 38 goals, towards East its first 15 outings in ‘80. pose bf being honored as the greatest growing up in New York City. again leads in that category this McConville, who has designs on the (those coming up) will want to keep "Just being taught a child's game capturing its first Hartford County players in the history of the league, Conference (HCC) championship. season, “He went to Joe Morrone’s University of Rhode Isiand, it going." and being exposed to it. " he said, all of them agreed they sorely miss “The biggest aspect .they’ve camp last summer and you can see Villanova. Stevens Tech and Bentley, what they still consider the best timp seeking the precise words tode!\cribe Illing JV hooters brought this year is leadership," the improvement. He has an im­ of their lives. his feelings. ""Everything I have remarked veteran East Coach Tom proved left foot and that was alpaost Seven ol the 11 players cho.sen to stems from that. Putting a little ball ( Malin, who remembers the lean non-existentHast year. He Was hewT the NBA s all-timg team by the in a big hole. It s just been a ball " years. “The two are seniors who are tant to use it." Healthy troops Professional Baf'lcetball Writers' Auerbach was lavish in his praise near perfect year Shot on goal stopped our co-captains who''get a lot of Ayjsr, in the midfieid, and McCon- Association ol America — Bill ol Robertson, whom he said con­ respect from the rest of our viile, on the wing, are two dangerous Russell, named "the greate.si player- trolled the game, and listening to Rolling merrily along the winning when Bob Blake countered on a pass Morris Lukowich of Winnipeg makes shot on goal but weapons. “As far as I’m concerned trial, Illing Junior High’s jayvee players.’’, in the history of the league, " Bob him. the Big (). when he got up, said from Steve Logan. The latter also Chicago’s Tony EspositoAvas successful in stoppihg puck before Ayer, in the middle of the ’79 cam­ .East Catholic has one of the^^ Pats’ concern soccer team made Timo'tny Edwards Cousy, Oscar Robertson, Elgin to him "1 thought you said I couldn't tallied twice while single goals were it crossed goal line in NHL Wednesday night. Hawks topped Jets, paign. was shifted to iniuield from Dpwe^fiouse offenses in the state," Baylor, George Mikan. Bob Pettit run'.’" Inabashed, Auerbach of,South VHndsor its ninth victim produced by Ed Kloehn. Phil FOXBORO, Mass. (UPI) - The nent !ias won five games and the Pats yesterday, W, in what has been a 8-4. (UPI photo) forward. It has paid dividends hand­ commented Bolton Ck)ach Ray Boyd and John Havlicek — were present answered back. " You didn't wanna Fedorchak, Keith Blanchard, Kyle somely for East. "He has the ability after his Bulldogs, playing a defen­ running game could be a bit more have all but one of their remaining Thursday at a special luncheon in a run. " , perfect seasoL' Bockus, Andy Boggini and Ian Blood. consistent and the defense can still AFC East contests at home. ' Only a meeting with the Bennet to adapt on the field and be able to sive game, dropped a 1-0 duke to midtown Manhattan restaurant Pettit, a long-time star with the St. Goalie Gregg Palmer was superb play many positions,’’ Malin spoke of improve in several areas. Overall, “If we could beat the Jets this Sun­ jayvees next week stands in the way East. McConville and Ayer each where they saw themselves in action Louis Hawks, earned Auerbach's ad­ in the Illing nets with Jim Hall, Tim Ayer, who received All-State honors drew special attention—as they do though,' a pretty good jump from the day, that would really give us an miration because he'd play hurt and s of an undefeated and untied record. Chevalier and Ted Brashier stickouts starting gate, says New England edge," Erhardt noted, “'fie wouldn’t again on old-time film clips. in '79, "He has been a very important most of the time. . Illing got on the scoreboard early on defensO. The four others named to the all- would "go all out all the time. " Raymond keys factor controlling midfield for us. “Kyie controls midfield. He has Patniots coach Ron Erhardt. be in a position of having w wait for time team. Wilt Chamberlain, Jerry Commenting on his being named "He has a head on his shoulders .better basic skills (than Terry). He’s B u i^ c one intangible that gnaws someone to beat somebody else for West, Julius Erving and Kareem among the NBA s greatest players, and knows the game. It seems he has the driver of the team, controls it. at Erhardt and gives him an unplea­ us. That’s a good feeling, to control Abdul-Jabbar, were not on hand, and Pettit said it was an unimaginable an extra sense. We put him in the Terry is the scorer on the team. He sant feeling of deja vu is the one he your own destiny,”, that was somewhat unfortunate, for honor " for someone who went out as Unbeaten seasons UConn d^ense midfield basically because we has super quickness. He can outrace can’t control — how to keep his Inctividually, Erhardt’s policy of them c^s well as everyone else, a sophomore in high school and got troops healthy over the second half of frequent substitutions and sharing / - because they missed a perfectly cut from the team. " the NFL season. the wealth is reflected in the.league delightful and memorable occasion. For once, Auerbach sajd, he agreed by Bennet runners STORRS (UPI) — University of "We were working hard out there “Our big thing now is to continue to statistics. Rookie Yagas Ferguson is Arnold those things they missed with the writers when they named Connecticut footbali coach Watt Nad- and everybody was rooting for each Defense keynote improve and avoid the injuries that the team’s leading rusher with 380 Russell the ""greatest player " in the | zak looks toward Saturday's Yankee other," Raymond said of the seem to crop up the second time yards in 110 carries, but that’s just was seeing the invariably unflap­ Perfect records were posted by G irls-1. Debbie Dussault 112:30, 2. league's history. Russell barely i Conference confrontation with the Huskies’ victory over Maine. around,” the Pats coach said 11th best in the AFC. Don Calhoun pable Bill Russell choke up with emo­ jboth the Bennet Junior High boys’ Cherry Robichaud I, 3. Meg Harvey, edged Chamberlain for that distinc-1 University of Massachusetts as a “Everybody has confidence now. We has 356 yards .in 100 carries. tion upon being introduced by Red 'and girls’ cross country squads 4. Laura Bottone, 5. Becky Castagna Wednesday in assessing the New tion. small border war. knew,, if we kept working something for Yale to date Auerbach, his old ’ Boston Celtics' yesterday afternoon against Illing at England team at mid-season. “The A, The Patriots had led the AFC in B, 6. Jennifer McKenzie B. 7; Cary And right in the middle of the would happen sooner or later.” ^ r coach whom the writers named "the the latter’s course. Markham B, 8. Heidi Sullivan, 9. injuries killed -us last year. We’ve rushing for, four straight weeks prior greatest, coach in NBA history. " ‘Made great play’ clashing front lines will be middle For Raymond, though, the season the wins were against doormats been in this position before so we Bennet’s boys trimmed their Illing Laura Gauthier 1,10. Debbie Dube B, BOSTON (UPI) — Yale has moved to the Bdffalo game, where they j guard Dewey Raymond. did not start successfully. He suf­ Columbia and Penn while the other know what we have to do.” managed an anemic 39 yards in 16 They also missed hearing any "He always made the great play," counterparts in the annual inter-town Ellen Greene B. into sole possession of the Ivy League Raymond, a 6foot-l 240-pound fered a concussion in pre-season ac­ was over Brown, which stumbled ear­ The Patriots, 6-2, share the AFC attempts. number of wonderful stories by those Auerbach said of Russell. "He was rivalry, 21-38, while the Bennet girls lead and in typical fashion — with a junior from Norwatk, enjoy^ his tion and played only sparingly in the ly but is moving fast. East lead with he Buffalo Bills. The Harold Jackson (24) and Stanley players in attendance. Auerbach's in­ the greatest, I agree with the topped the Illing lassies, 23-34. shutout. cisive comments on each of them and writers. This is the greatest player best game of the season last week team's first two games. The 8-0 blanking of Penn last Satur­ Yale, 3-0 in league play, travels to past two years, they also were 62 at Morgan (22) are the leading The Bears’ male runners finished After playing Northeastern it was the uncommonly good spirit in which ever to play the game of basketball. " when the Huskies beat the University day illustrated a ^ in why the Elis Hanover, N.H., S atu rM for only the the halfway point. In 1978 they won receivers, but far down on the list. the year with an 8-0 record as Rick of Maine 14-13 in a driving rain. discovered Raymond had a cracked fourth time in its history to play the Celtics' present president and Russell was a little at a loss for Hence set the individual pace in the »have had so much success in recent the AFC East title but last year However Morgan (24.3) and Jackson Raymond caused two fumbles, fibulaiiuo.a 111 in Iliahis left.CIV leg. H«.,missed thq sevcn years theV Dartmouth. The Big Green is 2-1 in general manager accepted the words when he got up to speak. record time of 11:03 over the 2-mile Baseball sale limped home aiiBTT due to a rash of (21.2) are 12 in yardage-^er- designation of Alex Han- recovered two, had six tackles and next two games beforejjWyitlg i . •' the league, tied for second with "j'm embarrassed and flattered." course. CLEVELAND (UPI) — Agreement have led the Ivies in total defense injuries to key people. reception in the AFC. tium's coached 1966-67 Philadelphia two quarterback sacks. against Holy Cross, then Maine. Brown, and a victory could create a “We’re pleased to be where we he said. " I remember my first prac­ Coach Stan Bebyn’s girls, posting in principle has been reached by the and., in statistics released Quarterback Steve Grogan, Jhe 76ers as "the greatest individual It was the third straight game the Now Raymond appears at full- three-way tie. are,” Erhardt said. “We’d rather be tice with the Celtics. Red said to me, I their sixth consecutive unbeaten general partners of the Cleveland In­ Wednesday, are first this year in the top-rated passer for much of the first Huskies had won after rallying in the strength and ready to face a UMass “The pressure’s on both sides," ad­ 7-1 but we did gain five in a row and half, slumped to sixth after a woeful team. " "you worried about your scoring"’' 1 season and 72nd successive triumph, dians to sell the controlling interest same category along with rushing I final minutes. team which’the Huskies defeated last mits Eli coach Carm Cozza, who is 6 that has to be the highlight of the show against the Bills. But Grogan is told hirr. I was a little concerned I were led by sensational Debbie in the club to a gf-oup headed by New defense. about it because I wasn't that much In their last two wins the UConn season, 240. Yale is allowing just 8 yards on the 3 at Hanover but 103-32-3 in other Ivy season. Overall, I think our defensive still hitting on 60 percent of his Dussault. She snapped the course York theater tycoon James defense was faced with either stop­ “They’ll be' ready for us,” Ray­ Red at his best of a scorer in college. Red said. I'm ground and 109 passing yards in its games in his 16 years at Yale. “ It’s a team has improved a great deal and passes and has 12 TD tosses. record set last week by Angie Beland Nederlander and Los Angeles at­ ping the opposition from getting a mond said. "It will be a tough game. Serving as sort of master of gonna tell you what I'm gonna do. Backstage chatter three Ivy games. However, two of do-or-die game for both teams. our offense has performed like it can The one problem with the offense, of Timothy Edwards. Dussault was torney ^ e il Papiano. first down or watching them run out There should be some good line ceremonies after he was introduced After you sign this contract, we re We’ve only beaten them once in the on certain occasions.” Erhardt admitted, was lack of a con­ clocked in 12:30. She shaved six The club said Thursday the agree­ the clock. battlqp. Their whole line is real by league commissioner Larry never gonna discuss your scoring Philadelphia pitchin§.,star Tug McGraw and singing star Pia last three years. And with the excep­ The Patriots defense, helped im­ tinuous rushing game. The offense seconds off the record. ment is subject to drafting and ap­ “It’s a wierd feeling," Raymond strong.” O'Brien. Auerbach was never better statistics.- And he never did. That Zadorai clown around at the Riviera Hotel in Las Vegas. McGraw Red Sox fire tion of Brown, we still have the best mensely by the return of All Pro cor­ has put together long drives in with his off the cuff remarks. His Illing’s boys wouiid up the cam­ proval of written documents and ap­ said. “It’s either do or die. If there’s UMass comes into the game with a teams in the league to play.” took a lotta pressure off me. " was on hand for a teevee appearance and visited the entertainer paign with a fine 7-2 won-lost log. proval of the American League. nerback Mike Haynes and defensive crucial situations, which explains the first words when hejjame up to the one let-down it's over Any kind of 4-2 record and a 1-1 mark in the Dartmouth tripped at Cornell last lineman Richard Bishop after the rushing statistics. But it hasn’t been Russell referred to his father as backstage. (UPI photo) Summaries: « Negotiations between lawyers for pitching coach mike were: "Look who they sit me first down would have lost the game Yankee Conference. The Huskies are weekend, losing 7-3 in what coach Joe third game, is ranked third overall in able to do so over the length of a "the single most dominating force in Boys - 1. Rick Hence B 11:03, 2. both sides are due to begin Monday. for us." 20 in the conference. Both teams are next to, — Larry Fleisher (attorney his lif»4," and then thinking some BOSTON (UPI) - The Boston Red Yukica called "the worst weather the AFC. The usually productive game. Jim Lemieux I, 3. Rich Law B, 4. Indians President Gabe Paul said The Huskies’ 61 record marks the ranked nationally in Division I AA. for the NBA Players Association)." more of the honor accorded him. he Sox will keep four of their five I’ve ever seen in all my coaching offense stumbled last week in Buf­ “When you pound the run like we Pre-season goal reached Brian Harvey B, 5. A1 Pardi 1,6. Dale no thought is being given to moving best start for a U(Y>nn football team "We have to win this week or we’re There was no head table as such tried to go on, but' discovered he coaches for next year, general career." Yale has lost twice in its . falo with only 177 total yards, but still used to (an NFL record in team Crocker B, 7. Steve Djiounas B, 8, the team out of Cleveland. since 1945. not going to do anything," Raymond and when, he looked out at some of couldn't and sat down. Achieving a pre-season goal yester­ came up with 13 saves and Karen manager Haywood Sullivan and last 20 Ivy games, and one of those is ranked seventh. yards in 1978), it’s something you Rick Longo B, 9. Ed Dupont 1, 10. “There’s a total change of at­ said. "The playoffs are iffy. Right the great players of yesteryear in the day afternoon was the East Catholic Harris had 10 for the losers in the manager Ralph Houk said Thursday. was a 3-0 loss to Dartmouth in 1978. Despite the loss to Buffalo, the have to stay with week after week,” It w.as Havlicek who made "the Tom Robinson 1, titudes on the team this year," Ray­ now we're shooting for the con­ audience and then examined the list High girls’ soccer team when it nets. Out of a job for 1981 is former The Big Green leads the Ivies in Patriots still are in^good position for the coach said. "But we also feel con­ six-man concept a reality," Auer­ mond said. “Everybody came into ference title. Every week each game of all-time greats he had on a piece of qualified for the CIAC Tournament Brooklyn and Los Angeles Dodger passing defense and scoring defense. their third playoff berth in five years. fident we can get the job done with bach observed, ""He was the pure is an important game as the rest of paper in his hand, Auerbach com­ next week despite playing a tie in the camp with good attitudes and from southpaw Johnny Podres, who was. In other Ivy games Saturday, They have just one loss in the divi­ the pass. But there comes a time player. ■ He's so pure that when we the opening game we’ve all believed them are against Yankee Conference mented, "People ask me "how would ■went to Taiwan to play and all of us regular season finale. pitching coach for only one season... Brown travels to Harvard and Penn sion and conference while the Bills when you should saddle up and run in each other” teams." you like to have this team?" I went to a tea house there, he was East and Glastonbury battled to a Houston businessmen Podres is a good friend of former is at Pjinceton. Cornell antj Colum­ have lost twice to AFC East op­ wih it. And we’d like to be able to do wouldn't,'" he snapped. "You'd have waiting for the tea to be served. Last 1-1 deadlock and the local record was Red Sox manager Don Zimmer, who bia have non-league games. ponents. No other AFC East oppo­ it more often” all kinds of trouble. Everybody would year, he came out to practice with us pegged at 6-6-6, 6-62. Glastonbury ^We can win* - Perkins was fired earlier this month. Brown has four straight wins after wanna play. All I'd want is three or for four or five days and he was run­ was a shade behind at 6-7-2 and mis­ Former major leaguers Johnny opening season losses to Yale and four of them. Gimme three or four ning all the time. (Celtics coach Bill i. sed a chance for postseason play, Pesky, Tommys Harper, Eddie Yost Bucknell and coach John Anderson and you could have the rest." Fitch said to me, "Jeez, you think needing a win to qualify. support Astros^ Smith and Walt Hriniak were kept on as has a familiar request — “somebody Auerbach called Cousv ""elec­ he'll come baok?."' Glastonbury’s Jackie Robacker coaches, Sullivan said. A new please beat Yale." The Bruins have snapped a scoreless tie With a corner Bugs, like Giants, Smith receiving credit for the team’s success. McMullen pitching coajph will be selected at a beaten Harvard the iast four times kick qk8:46 of the second half but this HOUSTON (UPI) — Angry businessmen told Houston later date. and five of the last six. And the Crim­ was matched by Catholic's Liz Astros owner John McMullen in a half-page newspaper ad bought the team iq) July 1979. Cavaliers, Mavericks in trade The letter said: / ‘If the team continues to be successful Houk andi Sullivan'disclosed the son has lost two straight Ivy tilts Palmer ar 28:15, they will credit fired General Manager Tal Smith with we will remembeir Tal as the one who deserves most of having hard times co^hing decision at a general after opening the season with four RICHFIELD, Ohio (UPI) - The in a Cavs trade of Jan. 31,1979, when Both teams" missed numerous the team's successes and him with any failures. managers meetirneeting in Hollywood, consecutive wins. Cleveland Cavaliers and the Dallas Smith was to vacate his Astrpdome office today. the credit. If the teqm should stumble we will also know the late Terry Furlow went to the scoring opportunities. EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. (UPI) "If .everybody can pull together, Brown is the top offensive unit in Mavericks announced a trade "Tve never been the recipient or the beneficiary of who is to blame. YOU," Hawks for Butch Lee. Freshman goalie Martha Barter — While the New York Giants squirm we can win Sunday with our both the rushing and passing Thursday in which the Cavs acquired such an outpouring of genuine support and love and affec­ Bob Archeq^residd'qt of one of the car dealerships, Robinzine came to the Cavs as part in the throes of a seven-game losing defense,” said New York Coach Ray categories with quarterback Larry Mavericks’ forward Richard tion and I'm overwhelmed,” he said Thursday. "It's been said: 'Ma\ ^ ith g o t a raw deal I think this ad could have of a three-way trade last Sept. 25 that streak, their opponent Sunday hasn't Perkins, who has posted a 7-17 record Carbone the totai offense tender and Washington and Center Jerome unlike anything I’ve ever experienced." somefffect. This is a Houston ball.team and it ought to DO IT DAILY — Discover the latest sent Campy Russell to the New York Edwards tops exactly been basking in the Florida in I'/k seasons. "I am trying to get Rick Vitlelta the top ground gainer. Whitehead for forward Bill Robin- Smith seemed uneasy in reacting to the protest. respond to the fans." in local, regional and national sports Knicks and Joe Meriweather to the sunshine. everyone to go all out on every play Princeton, 2-2 in league play, has the zine, Atlanta’s No. 1 pick in 1983 and "I just wish the fans’ reaction had been because we had Several of 21 limited partners who put $3.5 million with on your Evening Herald Sports Kansas City King's. Illifig hooters In fact, dark clouds have been — even though no team can possibly top pass receiver in Cris Crissy (27 the Cavs top choice in 1986. Washington, a 6-11 forward from won, and there was a certain amount of it. But this has McMullen’s $1 million-plus and a $10 million loan to buy pages. the club have said, they were studying the ouster of circling Tampa Bay Coach John reach that level.” catches) and punter in Ken Buck. Meanwhile, the Cleveland Plain UCLA, was averaging 11.7 points per Losing for a second straight time transcended that in volume and it’s very difficult to McMullen as managing partner. ^ McKay’s, head lor weeks. New York cornerback Terry Dealer reported that the Cavaliefs game and 7.1 rebounds for the yesterday afternoon was Illing’s var­ acknowledge," he said. McMullen controls 33 percent of the shares. The Buccaneers, 3-4-1, are IV2 Jackson dislocated his shoulder last were expqcted Thursday to trade Mavericks at the beginning, of this sity soccer squad as Timothy The ad placed by 'five automobile dealers in Thursday’s New York lawyer David LeEevre and Houston games behind first-place Detroit in week against Denver and was placed center Dave Robisch to the Denver week. The fifth-year pro has a career Edwards of South Windsor used the Houston Chronicle said: “We Want Tal Smith Back!" Clippers^ plan suit mortgage banker Edward Randall have been spokesmen the NFC Central midway through the on the injured reserve list Nuggets for center-forward Kim scoring average of 10.1 in action with whitewash brush, 3-0. Smith is credited with building the team into a World Hughes. for, the limited partners, who include former astronaut season and McKay — who took a Wednesday. To replace the only Kansas City and Miiwaukee! after After a scoreless first half. Series contender. > ■ fourth-year .club to the brink of the starter froq| last year’s defensive In' the reported Robisch deal, the "It l)as become a very difficult fhing to handle and to James Lovell and race car driver A.J. Foyt. entering the -league as the Kings’ Edwards got on the board three Super Bowl last year — says the backfield, the Giants signed seventh- involving Walton McMulleh gave no reason for the firing. the firing but also had been busy attending to old business the NBA, I’m only 27 years old.”- and helping the transition of New York Yankees' ex- we’ve kinda ltille a professional basketball player," estimated $700,000 a year. If the and rookie David Woodley for Miami playing now the way he did at Stan­ Miami, coming off a 17-14 Monday need help from other clubs.” Eagles' league-leading defense the Falcohs over Los Angeles 13-10. record. New York has beaten Tampa'' Up and in the suit said. . team can collect the $1.25 million in­ — but the Haiders have had the most ford and his early years with the night loss to the New York Jets, have In other games Sunday, it's Atlanta allo.ws only 12 points per game and The Bills, q2, limited New England Bay four out of five games, including i-i.rr- t. is ihe first official statement surance it could invest the money David Thompson of Denver goes high with outstretched arni to success Pats. He does such a good job of run­ .scored just'113 points, second lowest at Buffalo, Philadelphia af Seaffle. the Seahawks, 44, are mysteripusly to 148 totahyards in a 31-13 triumph a 17-14 upset in the sixth week last DO IT DAILY • and come close to making enough to season at Giants Stqdium that MONEY by Clippers that Walton is score two points against Golden State Warriors and Bernard Plunkett, the 1970 Heisman Trophy ning our offense r.m tickM to death )n the AFC. Baltimore at Kansas City. Houston at winless at home in three attempts. as quarterback Joe Geyguson threw reading the advertisements ui the pay off the balance of Walton’s con­ winner who enjoyed four seasons of to-be on the same team with him " knocked the Buccaneers from the un­ King. Latter tallied 27 points in triumph. (UPI photo) WfKidley. starting his third game in Denver, the New York Jets at New Philadelphia, quartepfitek Ron for 176 yardk and tivo TDs. Evening Herald. _ Dalton said Thursday night he tract, reportedly about $2.5 million. beaten ranks. Ih ^EVENING HERALD, Fri„ OcU 31, 1980 • WTING TUPICS TV Tonight. 6 c o r e b o Q r c l JUST A SK by Bob BnwtHr MincRuisen outd o o r consuitant *:<*> aruplwhananawlydivoroad mother countaaa diacovara that aha can whila ha's dfHberallng selling the MADISON CRAFTS SUPPLIESyETC. I M H i Ilmira Sapikr IS U U N 4.N ( C a S Newt takas in har newly divorced remain young only K aho bathos In museum loan Americen Impreeeer* SPOKTS ON TV \\dshin»!iiin - T f i M Murray Olderman Btarekir And Hutch ( iiliira d o TM: 3151 I N 3.N WINTER BOAT COVERS fathar'-who talla har hla inatincta and drinks tha blood of virgin gkl* io.dlOmlna.) K irs l ih t h k I I W ashinglun. 2U N. $1UI . 4JI Johtr'eWIM say Har new boyfriend la m jnlad. a...tvan har own daughtar'a. (2 2:60 ______EVEMINQ______^ IriiNtal-rTPi'llilil SEVENTH B 5/16 Sheet plastic is a popular K ells 3 'M u ru k . . l ’ror>ov«»slt ,(bRkk 1-S $38.N FootbeN;lntMeTheNFL Stare: Danny Thomas. Diana Can* hra.) CD Newt *fl iI2 2 VVashiniJlon. V e rs e riia - SECOND RACE: 5/16 VAD) material for covering small PtrtrtdgsFeinlly ova. (Pramlara) I $iM.N The tipoN: O Frtdaye 2:6$ ® Footb«H:lMM«TrMNfL rrl 2 I I’ronovost, (.irecm. 1813B I SUf M l k T il I N 141 1-2 $ 7 IIN boats that arc stored outdoors' Pig Blue Marble QS Polo Pacific Coast Open 11:3$ Coliir.ido I'lpree 4 (Malmuw- IM CD Moment Of Medttatlon . 7:00 4 ta m rtC ttl L20 during winter. 3-2-1 Contact Chemplonshipe •' (£ MsAsSsHs 3:00 >kj. yupnni’villei, W. I* I’onal- IHnvaSMtM IN Wbat'eHeppenlna *' Q ® WallltroatWGikHost Louie (S) Spoft*C«nt*r Kibble. Was. 43. Mulyey, TIE: 315$ IL M S.N 4JI Ah, Uie money to be made in boxing — and not neces­ Here arc a few suggestions 12K)0 (D Movie KDrame)*** "Caged" S.'OO BMa tM N. $1450 S ra e O M is*« 3.N 4JI sarily by fighting. Wilfred Benitez, who lost his wel­ from the MerCruiscr stern Jim Rockford: Private Rukaysar raviawa tha lataat CD CB8 Late Movie 'FROM Was 10 18 Kouthard, Was, Inveettgelor I960 ElaanbrPerker. Agnes Moor- (B) CoN««« FoolMI Prvvtow II fBoxlno St‘(und jKTiiJ*l 4 Colnrado’ 'TMMcHMit 4.N 2JI Mybil have his return bout with Roberto Duran. In addition, ous thicknesses and types. , SjOverEtey Quest: Ma\ Martin, attorney Cliff Barnaa jumps at the . . u t imite you In s/vn uith us thr p y of rrlocglhig our uri utui Uaine r- i Hamate. MiKeih-* •ptk: through a aariae of aattrlcal woman. (119mlna.) 2lMra'iliAr -2.N B 'ln iA c * 'th e deal ensures that Benitez will get $200,000 for a Some arc so.thin and tear-prone Perl II. Hosts: Hugh Downs and chance to work on tha invaatidotlon • ctuUs suftply tlortfmtu the MuJisoti Coin Storr {tun hig hmtlstrfln 10:00 nu'i, r .1) r, Colorado (lillis 2 SMMeZrtaicel i f j l 7.N I N okatchaa linked by the broadcaata dD BpdrtaCenter TIE: M il Fmnk BIsIr. (Clossd-Cspllonsd) of tha body found at Southfork, ob­ OS PBABowNng ' Malinossski. Ilamapc* 7 38 8. a i * 3 bwaias Im 4.N ' 3.N warm-up bout. And a cool tl-million for fighting Tom­ that they’re worthless for boat of Bob and Ray on tha oH*tha*wall 3:30 1 htuuliful dud sfkidtufs stnrr {muled til ihe lonur of Kt. 7‘J uud W a s h in x to n (iuslalsson 4’ ■^Matl7Pi$2IJI' $ Femte Lasdi S.U Ss Over Easy Quasi: Actor Dick viously murdered many yaara ago, 11:30 Trikda 1-7-2 M $1$I.N Isiey'i Sss bi my Hearns — with the WBA version of the title at stpke. fovers. MiddlaRadlo.'DEVIL'SRAIN' 1976 o s Polo Paclllc Cpaat Opon Srudiey Houd hi Wtidisnii. During your fun t-isil yui tun rt-uttfutihil (B) 8porttC«nt«r 'Kdberti Vorverwjcrl ’ 13 33 Fewer (Mrti M a 34 $3IN Also, you don't want the stuff Shswn. Hosts: Hugh downs snd while Sue Elian fights to convince Stare: Emaat Borgnlna, Eddie Al­ COamplonthlps yoimelf ii ilh \ tii Fugiund's niosi ttmfrrrhemhr stirtlion of uris 12:00 I'e n a llio s V e iU h . N4as, BTl. FOURTH RACE: 5/16 (D). M«Mi ! 4 ! ^ Perketa 43 $$1M ^ n k BIsIr. (Clossd-Cspllonsd) tha family that she ia not prinking STYiSm ^Fkit lo il I N 121 labelled and sold Cor use as bert. Tha leader of a covan of 3:40 und trafis suljldits und at ilm same time etijny rrfrtshmenis. (B) CoHAo«FootMIPr«vl«w Ulllis Col Id HamaRe. “ ol. Trikcta 8-34 $358.71 S Bob Newhsrt Straw iln. (Repeat; 2 hra.) ' $ ^ 1 turn 7.N IN NINTH B 5/16 painters’ drop cloths. witchae ratuma to earth. (Rapaat) O Movio-(Drama)—H "NIglil interesling traft demnmtrathm and tin t/same to uin a laluahle 12:30 ' II « Terrik ® AHvaHolniaa-BoxIng CD Movla -(Horror-Cofnedy) T h ird peroMl 7 Washing- I Prai'it'MUM 141 Rather, you should go to S and ttw City" 1BBO Richard WId- - dmtr fnize, ■ ® Top Rank Boxino 4 0iWaR I5.W S.U 3.U 91 News Movla-(Drama)** "Warrlora" "BaraarkY 1967 Joan Crawford. Uin. .Kdl)orK 2 t •(iu stalso n .’ TIE: 31:7$ lumber and building supply 7:00 1979 Michael Back: Tha murder of mark, Qana Tltrnay. Small-tima' 3 0 0 Urcens 2 M Washington.■ injiton. . ' M M i SU N. $$120 5 bnekk ' t u I.M Ty Hardin. Whan brutal murdars crook ia on tha run from underworld (B) SportoContor liartner 8 M aruk laa/bre i i TriNcta $44 H $$3SiO 3 bi(e iJ« houses and look for tougher 8News a revered gang leader cauaas a break out in a circus ownad by a . powork ho crotsea onco too offan. - 12 2y 9. CnJorado I ’tc rre f M.A.S.H. Btraat war and an unjuatly accused 3:30 FIFTH RACE: 5/16 (C) M M l 4S S7I.W sheet plastic intended for cover­ f ahrawd buainaas-woman. aha'a au* (2 hra.) iMc Kssen Valt(|Uettei, ■|R2f 10. gang must fight off attacks from (B) Pok) ’ :i iL’iercei. 7M fU ra I N UO $40 Swer Spk PnMl 45 Sm.lO ing lum battcm porary enclo­ apactad by Har parformara as wall SK)0 Ciilor.ido. McDonald 2MSNU41 SJO IN TiitKtl 4-5.3 Sl.i35.M ABC News rivals in order to gat back to thair as Scotland Yard. (2 hra.) 6:06 . ID 18 iV n alU es ilangslegen Pew b fp k sures and WBicr more, rugged □D Prayar (B) NCAASoccor 1 ImN’i UAi 4J0 Elmnth: * Butlseye own turf. (Rated R) (90 mins.) * , ^ Was, 4 I . K ib ble Was m a jo r op CoHaga Footb^ Preview W NCAA Boccar Comtll va 2 000 T K 31:71 TENTH A VC 1 bmy Mnkia 8 N S.N 4.N jobs. BportsCenIsr ® ® Bill Moyers' Journal ® Movie -<8uepene#*Romance) 7 Ub Uaudour Col minor ^ INmk 217 H UUO It will cost a little more but Hailwick 7 (W, (Irei’n Was. 7 23 7 Gbi I hcauu 8.N 8 N Monsters, Msdmsn And Ma­ 'Campaign '00' Part VIII. "Magic" 1978AnthohyHop- BKM m a jo r TnNctA7-24Fi$N3il will do the job much belter. chines Scisnes fiction hss fascin- Toll Fro* Phono In Conn. •J M aruk W'as Ifi M a t . - 2 Ikneb Inki 8.N id Doclalon '80 kina, Ann-Margrat. A vantrlioquiat'a H) Nawa ‘ Shol.s on gfial Washington 9 SIXTH RACE: S/6 (A) _ bbMk 1-7 S38.N Iransparcnt plastic will let stsd nravisgosrs sines the earliest 9:30 frightaning love affair. (Rated R) 8:30 . 1-809-922-2813 DOOR PRIZES' H D V> C olorado , 11-8-lD 38 ITJL'tBMtM 31N*I1N 121 sunlight pass through and this, days ol cinsms. H60 Issturss s re- O Paychic Magaxina 5 7UMU ll.NllN . Perkdi 1-7 $1N.U 006 mint J OD Movla-(Myatary) - "Nlghl- Local Conn. Phonos: 1st Prize‘5 0 r 2nd Prize‘250" Basketball (•■Mill’s Washington Ste- TlikcU 17-2 U2I10 of course, can lead to fading of Irospecllva ol this enduring and sn- 10:00 91) Dr. O m Scott On Hebrowa . phenson Colorado Astroth A- 2 Mg M k 27.20 Q. How many teams in professional football now use the mara In Chicago" 1SB4 Ttd 245-7319 245-7900 245-7310 TIE: 3H3 Tmftth: upholstery in the, boat’s cock­ lertslnlng genre, with special lea- GD Nawa \ 12:0$ Knight, CharlOiMcQraw. A piycho- 3rd Prize ‘1ST 4G Prize *100" C ar; 1 bsenan Lnka UN 8.N IM sbotghn fsrmntion? Please explain how the formation works. turss loolsgs Irom s wide range ol 0 raj^owilngKaaalarClaaaic CD Movie *(^rror)***H "The M k TU H. N1.N — Dick Selbcrg, Alameda; Calif. pit. tlcklllarknownat'QaorglsPeorgls’ Tdftdi 47-2 N. $Z.U1J0 ELEVENTH B 5/16 3bnubbigu 7J9 IN classic scl-li movies. O d d NBC Magaxina With Mummy" 1932 Boris Kerloff. Zita lorrorlias Chicago lor 72 hourt In a P L t S H N Y R angers 0 2 I 3 2 Gba I Ispa 3.N 'The so-called shotgun fortnation, in which the quarterback If possible, use dark green nr FesUvilOIFellli David Brinkley Johann. An Eoyptian mummy, Philadelphia 012-3 SEVENTH RACE: 8/16 (C) black material, which will sh u t. mad murdar spraa. (DO mint.) ;/A StPritnsl$S.OO SOFiimsISlN ‘-S O iriP rk k r 120 SJO I N QuWek 1-3 Ml.N takes a position several yards behind the center — much as Amatlct’a Top 10 d Connaett^ut Prime Time ravivad aftar thousands of yeara, ^CRAFT 2001 First period None Penalties-Clarke out light better. News V—~ ®CettfornleDreeme:ThlretyClty t$LM 2OOPriMsMI.O0 Phi. major. 4 (B Clarke Phi. 13'.X. tUMratta ' 4.N iJO Uf«8 I Pnficta 1-3 $141.N the old Single or double winp tailback — really came into baliavaa a woman ia the reincema- N.ATIONAL KASKKTHAU. ASSIM' r F m t r i ^ I N * TrikeU 1-3-2 S4S8.M There's a temptation to use Fourth Estate Narrated by Eddie Albert, thla tion of his ancient mate. (86 mlna.) drawing *or Ittt other TkM * ie« | hr prim 1 1 Connor n YK 17 4»i b M l b being when Red Hickey and the San Francisco 49ers sprang it DEMONSTRATIONS' liaslcrnt^inlerence Antiquee documentary focuaaa on tha city of UO p rim 1*111 M herd isttr Second period 1 I’hiladelphia Propp4 b e b I M on the unsuspecting NFL in 1960. But it was abandoned in “duel tape" to affix plastic ^ 12:30 , Keep Smiling and ail winners will raceivc 1 It Bit Critt Shre \tlanlic Division 'Holmgren. K err'/7 36 2. New York. (MmIi mi N $34N MNaEsdeMiet Jai Alai Entries Face The Music Loa Angelas' hlatoric need to notice bv mBil ah p rim ere 3 covers to boats quickly yet ^ Hollywood Heertbeat • Linda LIndgron and Jsn 4 i| it S:1S g.m. W L I’d DllDuguay3 •Connor, Gresi hneri.9 34 3. TrikeU $4-7 N. $I41M Faehks P rkkr -1961 when the Chicago Bears stifled it by beating up on the 7:2B aacurawataraourcaa.anditsclaah giH certificates usable tor FRIDAY squgly. ® Top Rank Boxing From Allanlic Be Happy BohY Whitwall prtMnt nwrcnandisc v class tuition I’hiladelphia 7 2 778 - New York. Gresihner f lunassistedi. EIGHTH RACE; 5/16 (B)' center. The formation was revived by the Dallas Cowboys dD6HyNumb#ro with tha raaidanta of Owens Valley, at Madison Cratt Supplies and are New York : H 2 7TU ' i TWELFTH A 5/16 This material is usually (wo Swedish Huck weaving. Rte 79 I Ul R 14 18 I’enalties- W ilson. P hi. 4 47. OTradiTrw 1$.N lO.N 3.N OCrattb Felt , only as a passing formation. This year, the Buffalo Bills and 7:30 the alts of one such source. (60 TlwMMnIghtBpaclal veiid for one year No purchases are llo ston I : 3 fflf, ID Malonev NYK, H'41. Johnstone, NYK. I S t m h k l^ i N 4J0 inches wide, is silver in color, necessary to enter One entry per J 4 7 3b4 4 CTiMvIas 1. finiaca M4kiieta IGebralAepa the Minnesota Vikings have also gone to the shotmn on obvi­ PMItoflulM mine.) 12:40 (• Robarta Costello presents person You do not need to be Viett J e rs y i 16 46 - 1 ONmh ^ 7.N W tk'tfik and sticks quite well to smooth present to erg7 ' Ksposito. Gresthnerc Sub EMy-Ceya’ You Bat Your Ufa lowaan" 1979 Jamie Lea Curtis, Potpourri (It smells so goodi) □ Police t> 3 tib7 2 NINTH RACE: S /l^fc) snap while keeping his head up. Occasionally, as Buffalo has tape on boat covers is (hat you 1:10 Indiana 13 f6 l‘enallie!+ -Kotsopoulos. NS'K.3 f8. M A 8 H. Donald Ptaaianca. Thla bone- SI USAFRollqloutFIliii i ‘ RANK WMSINI. A tlan ta r 4 .76 3 Gresehner. NYK 4 f(k Malonev. NYR 4Udtii«$Ur ' '^-ll.N SJO S.U Seceod done, the quarterback will cross up the defense by slipping the can get an airtight seal between • Staff and othtr prosonts . 4 7 - 364 r 3 JTi Ikdi Fn I SJO 4.N S MacNoll-Lahrar Raporl chilling thriller follows an aacapad 1:30 C le u ’ land 6 16, H ill. P hi 6 16, S ilk. N Y R . m a jo r THIRTEENTH C VC l.GMkra4G»bi I Irincas-baiam ball to one of the running backs. the boat and its cover. Fight Back! psychopathic killer aaha etalkahia additional craft Chicago 3 6 m r minor. 6 26 .Inimstone, NYR. major, 7 Pitdm tf M IN M l fhe boat will sweat and per­ 0 Adam 12 '■'‘ X \y 1 -8 111 7 TML 31J9 3. b8a4laneta 4. GbkMdkM BamaylNHor pray in a amall MIdwaatarn town. A ^ demonstrations Bradley Rd . DCnN Stars’ IK 'tru it double misi'ondud. Kolstipoulus. litb C k d y haps begin to mildew when X Fridays W estern C onlerence NYR rumor, miscondml anil game (M ki 314 N. $2iN iM y ’i M m S. hiiataM-Zaiia iLciaAXeyi Q. I noticed that Gene Mayer, who won the recent Trans- Tic Tac Dough shy taanaga babysitter ia on tha 9 Ironalda Midwest Division Tritwti 4-3-7 N. $321.70 L k u a b l4 b k b milder weffther returns. misconduct. 6a>, New York bench, Cek Kitty 7 .0 m y -M America tenuis'toamament, bits both bis backhand and fore­ BOO madman's llatl (Rated R) (90 , 1:4$ W W 1. I ’d (IB‘.served by H<»spodar'. 6 a>. MacLeisH TENTH RACE; 5/16 (A) Wee EM Sub laeuiR-ltcntk So. one way or another, be (CThoDukMOfHaxtardAghoBt- mine.) ®Movla-(Drama)*** "RaInPao- San Antonio 9 2 818 - Phi. major-mmor' 6 26, Propp. Phi, $ r i l i f N 2120 7JI I N M V a b hand shots wlih two hands. Isn’t Hut unusual? How did he gel atiNMiiNt ^ o-G uiU ord______^ , T kid ■ sure air can circulate freely LukaandBohauniRoscotoprovo DIck Cavett Show la" 1969 Jamas Caan, Robarl Ctah r r. fa) 3D major, itouble misconduct, 6 26. Holm­ Tab Trie $ im iH Iraxl SJO 3.N started and how many other pUyen are double-listed on all thair innocance of t)TO robbery of Independent NewivF ' 1. Griffith, Hayden. Buhl, MMNSON (M TS SUPPLIES ETC. F R E E P A R K IN G FO R IB o U o n P o o R d , u S. II S lo p L ijM ^ Kansas C itv f 6 4Tf 4 gren. Phi game misconduct,6 26 Phi, 2 120 I.hii^M-Kpttin through a covered-over boat. S BuvaU. On a croaa-country trip, a I le t a iA l shots? — G.N., Sacramento, Calif. which Boss Hogg has taken edyen- 11:00 Pels, and Morehead all have M CARS OR MORE - Clinloini.) M.A.8.H. Opun SuncMy n • 5p Monday ftmi Saturrtty 10 • 5 bench 'served bv Hospodari. lOfl. Trikcta S4-2 N. $1J70J0 7. latfew Gandai LGeeiMaXeya tennis racket in his hands when he was 2 years old, and the Jury. (Rated R) (2 hre.) Prize-winning novelisIssrTb) Two blocks south EsH 41 l-ts on Rto. 7». I'acilic Division Barnes, Phi. 16 04. Wilson, Phi, double H ockey ^ MMagaxIne Maude "A Truh I HMfite Stan ... 11 til Wnrtb A X'iut... If (hil\ lo HmiiM: ELEVENTH RACE: 5/16 IB) Sab barabi 4Za(ia only way he could hold it was to wrap both paws around it. h 200 PGA golf champions (c) major W 1. P el(IB minor unisconducn. 19 M. * St- Ixwis - Acquired defenseman Bill GD® Boneon Antagoniste Benaon TwIHght Zona (D Movie •(Sclence'Flctlon) ** Phoenix 8 I 889 — T l i ' i l m I I N 7J0 4.N Stewart from Bullalo for defenseman Bob The only other really successful two-hand player hqs been U.S. ptanetariums -Shotson goal -NY Hangers4-10-H-22 SkekaTii JJO IN Feuith: andKrauaflndthamaalvaatoocloBa Dick Cavan Show ^'Frenkeneteln Created Woman" i>is Angeles - 8 2' 8lli D P h ilad e lph ia 4-14-18-36 Hess, and assigned Stewart to Sail l.ake 2. A grain is bigger than a 3 Cm M 120 Frew McMillan of South Africa, noted mostly for his doubles lor comfort whan they are bound Morecambe And Wise 1967 (ioldenState 6 4 tft) 2D' Goalies^-NA' Rangers, Davids^in. Phila C ilv I.Mootlal Ib a tb r tI gram. TTue or false. Seattle f 6 47 4 TIE: 3142 B aske tba ll ICddy ila re u k prowess. Hans Gildemeister of Chile and Mike Fishbach, cheek to cheek during a robbery. 11:30 X Joa FrankHfi Show delphia, Myre A-1/.077, Nkkla 17 N. $3SJ0 P ortla n d 3 6 333 f Cleveland - Acquired lorwaFd Richard S. Hgntin iCeya who’s no longer very active, both use that style, too. Mayer, (Seeeon-Premiere) . All In The Family ' S p Movla *<$4Ni^aa)*** "Night 3. The first Roman Catholic San D iegu 2 7 222 6 TrikeU 7-S-3 N. MU.70 W ashingtnn and i-enter Jerome W’hilehead j (S) L b p i however, is the highest-ranked player ever to use it. kiovle HSuapenee) *>** 8 Kojek Paopla" 1964 Qragory Pack, pope, after the Apostle Peter, Thursday s Kesult Plainfield TWELFTH RACE: YANKEE lor...... fiirward Bill Ifobm/ine...... V„ Atlanta s No “Feycho" 1960 Anthony PenHns. Broderick Crawford. The dally in­ was (a)-St. Boniface (b) St. New York 116. Atlanta Ilf m l i C O U R S E (D ) I pick m 1963 and Ih^ Cavs top clioice tn Janet Leigh. A woman ateals a for­ trigue In East-Weal Berlin with an Linus(c) St. John J Friday's (larries Thurnday 'Matinee fV iM y N s s y SJO I N 3J0 1986 Frtttt: tune and ancountare a young man AmaricanColonelcontendIngwitha Kansas ('ily Fired General Manager Q. Now that the Nallonal Football League is enforcing the 6lote Kansasat Piston I kkli ktk 7J0 I N SHOW OUR COUNTRYMEN l.baiabl4Zaiia IhiiapBCuya too long under tha domination of his Morecambe And Wlee -Washingtonat New Jersey RedultH irn'iiMkk 4J0' .hthn Begzos'and replaced him on an dress code for players on the field, I am wondering why Tony kidnapped (3.I.. (100 mine.) lEMy-Gaedai 4. brpbM kkb mother. (2 hra.) ftpgrUCenter 2:40 Mlanta at Philadelphia TRAC: FASTA TIE: 40-JS interim hiisis with Paul Rosenberg, the Franklin can cpme on wllhonl a shoe on his loot. A sUrttall ' Friday ANSWERS ® C o Nm # Football Pravlow 0 d The Tonight Show Hoat: CDMovle«(Horror)* "Terrorinthe Phoenix at Detroit WEATHER: BUNNY A COLD Qmkk 112 N. $20i0 club s pre.sident $ LeiaiM-ICestk S.lccuMleei o il Is easier to take than a bare foot. — Ohla Nlklrfc, Middle- ILiseb all CIRLS VOLLEYBALL (S) The Qraat American Qhoal Johnny Carson. Quaat: Stave Lan- Wax Museum" 1973 ReyMilland, q'gsuiejB Indiana at Chicago FIRST RACE: 5/16 (D): S««kcU M4-S N. $11170 7. O u^yJaikien town, Md. Dallas at I'tah |Fm TeH«m 16.U 4i0 3.» IttMtera 14N Cleveland - Agreed m principle loan Sub) b8a 4kiieta Windham al Manchreirr Tourlt*aalmoatHallowaanandHGO datbarg.(60mlna.) Broderick Crawford. Tha eccantric ZtS SI I Z ’ I (to ld e n S tate at San D iego 2 M Skatg 3i0 2.W llM ii SISO^IO ■ iljei Irom James Nederlunder to bu\ Why? Tony keeps his nails trimmed. Jim Mi|ler, the rookie ia your aacort on a haunting tour. ABC Captioned Nawa ownerofawaxffluaaumlemurderad SiiOi; Rorkvillr a I East Cleveland at Los Angeles 4 Rmw Mm 7.00 (ontrolling interest ol the team punter of the San Francisco 49ers, has Joined Franklin, the Thla aaria apacial axploraa some Movie -(Horror-Oramb) •• THAT OUR COMMUNITY CARES San Antonio at Seatte TME: 3155 ' I. Ouery-Okdck I GeekM-AcustM (iaiholir S Saturday s Dames Ehigles’ place-kicker, in the barefoot brigade. Because bare fully-documantad peychic happan- "Countaaa Dracula" 1072 Ingrid QNm U 2U N. $22.40 Entries I Zcfui-kiia 4. EMy-Ketci Ingathathavarafaadnawquaationa Pitt. Nigal Qraan. A Hungarian Milwaukee at Atlanta TrifKti I-2-4 N. 11.03i30 Jai Alai Results skin meeting ball is integral to their style of booting, the NFL GIRLS SWIMMING New Jersey at Indiana S. Ctno h ie « 8.Rm4kNtikl about tha axiatanca of tha SECOND RACE; 5/16 (D): 7. hrxukJaitHien overlooks the dress code in their particular situations. I think Manrhrstrr al Windham,/ meDsiDziengeES euTiee Washington at New York Friday Night Fuit t i i i a i w the NFL has a tendency for nit-picking in this area anyhow. aM>amatural. Boston at Philadelphia S Cascade M d 14.» 9.U 4J0 Seb Gibfelabikar ,3:30 4 l « 0 i M 13 JO 180 POST TIME; 7:30 4 Guiiiena Zaria 18.N 8.80 I N O O Friday 9Nght At ThoMovlaa Phoenix at Kansas city FIRST 0 5/0 8 Pack l« iM k 8.N I N SeventJi: 'Tha Lagand Of Staapy Hollow' Detroil at Chicago^ i fandeol 3J0 Q. Wiut is Jose Torres, the former light heavyweight box­ Maloney at East Calholir TME: 3159 2 b iia b l I h u m I N 1080Stora:JaHQotdblum.DipkBu4 Seattle at Denver ' r s i i t ^ l.Cen# ing champion, doing now? Is he well off? ~ T.B., Philadcl- (al Penney), 3:30 kua. An adaptation ol Waahington I'lah at I’oriland ; Gmcla 41S Pd $I9J0 IW nkk 48 S4S.40 I bscaiM San .Antonio at Golden State TiHteta $4-0 Pd $l.StIU Pnfccta 48 SNI70 phia. Pa. Salnrday Irvlng'aclasalctalaaatlnanupatata- $29 to SOLDw SILVER DJ. US Pd $34.U 5 Fawte Jose, who won the light heavy title from Willie Pastrano in Naw York town In tha 1830'a. Crane. I m fariafer Trifecta 48-2 SS2I.10 7.Rk f o o t b a l l .ATLANTA. Ilf 1 THIRD RACE H*A'A4(i (M): • taacharinthatown ol Sleepy Hol­ S100 Irixta Fki Second; Sub Ceyi 1965 and held it for a year and a half, now writes for Spanish- D re w 8 46 20. R o un d lio ld 8 3-7 19. 1 Om 's Mil IN ON IN E'ermi al Manchester, 2 low, wooa tha pretty daughter of a WE riT IRSTUTLf OR TIE SNT i ’e llo m 6 2-3 14. H ill 4 f-f. 13. Johnson 6 Skteaw Marti 3 htiata M OI»ie 8.U 4M 3.N language newspapers in New York and also in English for the 7 r i J Kukecli I N I N S m k OwM >•1 2 Gofiha I bnaeU 7.U 4.lj) Eichtb: p.m. rich farmer and.laarna tha truth : ■ 17, McM illen2 2C6, Rollms I 1-3 3, 8 band CaOMac 140 Village Voice, tn fact, he covered the Holmes-Ali fight for the ^ oClissliifsoInnlrioCilis C nss 0 0-2 0. Collm s,67-9 19. M e K lro v 1 O b n b tS k f l 7 Gm ic m MontAa I 2.80 l.bunJuhuee ^ I FiMte-lanes behind tha lagand other parpatually QkiieU 117 Pd $31N Village Voice. He says he made $1 million for his 11 years in Ejast f.atholie al Somers iMloua aultor. (2 hra.) oIlqiliiiBaM W M ia 2-2 4 Total.s.42 31-46 11; Trikcta i-7-8 Pd $29S M SECOND D 5/16 Qunek 2-3 $39.29 I bsciiaivKwca' 4. b M b lM d a the nng and invested some of it in real estate. Personable NiiW VOHK ill6i ' P eifK ti 3-2 $100.20 S. MMe-leoeet ] 8. bmy-haa (.onurd al Prnney, 1:30 O 6 ) Washington Woak In S 2 0 lo | FOURTH RACE: 5/16 (D): R ussell 4 7 6 I f. S| W illia m s 6 2-2 14. oT ii h m i 1 Jose is doing OK. V Solid Gold Co-hoata; Qian • MSferliiiSilnr TiHecta 3-2-7 $58110 7. Gew-Zkakal LRk-bi(o East Hartford al $90 ( a rtw rig h t 12 ^ 28. R ichardson 9 3-4 21. 7 0 l« Tim 30JO ION IM I rauka Campbell, Olonna Warwick. Gold 4'Sa hi Wk I7 U S.U T b d Sub (usebk-hcaiut I R W'lUlams 9 f-.' 2 l Webster 0 6 6 6.. Sb|‘i by 5 Zefui Mofltib I IS.N I N 3.N Simshury, l :.30 record winners perform thair hit (ilenn 1 M 3. WoodsOT2(H)4. (^rterO SHm tHTIm i SJO I k e i k M t r 4). On Monday-night pro fooHull, why do you think more 1 h ik p k b 0 6 0. D e m ic 1 0 6 2 ijo ta ls 44 2862 116. TME: 3154 CvranMiiW I fans are tnaiag their TV sound down and llsteiilng to the radio South Windsor at QNwIa: U7 Pd $119J0 Ibneb-Nnkii IDamy-bife r j o v l e •(Myalar^Drama) * TO P PRICES PAID!! A tlan ta 2) 29 28 26 l l - l l f Ckakf Marcy 3 CuekfM Okiieta play-by-play? — JJH., Marinette; WIs. Glastonbury, 1:30 New York ♦ 33212228 12--I16 TiHecta 7 4-U Pd $789.U L a b b ilk bneb 1-S $27.N 3. buhlMnet 4 Hb^hcalU•1l "TrHogy of Terror" 1975 Karan ★ * w 10% bom n on d asa rings wHli tliis.ad a ★ * Fouled oul-BusSell. Total fouls- FIFTH RACE: SHO . Richardson A— 4 State N I 4J0 I N Fonth: Sub Fauste-Ktsca ing to many people. 1 will say that at the Holmes-Ali extrava­ temporary alorlaaotthabizarfa. (90 corntrof HTFD. RD. AND PINE ST 13.flf7 $$ Fr«* F«kr HOURS 9-5' 2Sim B kd 3.N Gat VaCmrad 4 b iiiu iii UN 8U IN mkia.) (OLD KINGS BLDG.) TIE: 3155 Tenth: ganza in Las Vegas, Howard caused a greater stir than any 5 lartveo 5.N S N other celebrity whep he entered the makeshift arena. 6:30 (Mkela 418 Pd $U.N Ib « o XjlGTYOrlffln Ti Hk U 8-4-2 Pd $I.02IN iToj;?' 2 Ik k b 3.U Taa by fh«wk'4 S $84M 4. bun I'm A Big Okl Now Fireworks SIXTH RACE: 5/16 (B): Piifecta 4-S $18140 8 hcaiani GOLF T 3 MMey't by by U N S.N I N lU lM d k 8.0ibaR * Parting shot: CYiv'iMeM O N I N M rt Tiikda 45 2 $846.20 at 4 My leb . 3.40 Fifth; FOURTH 5/16 Reduced Rates T i i 31:15 Tab« Feral 8 Mentilta 13.N I S.N 4.M Oerent In all the history of boxing, only three world champi­ M l 3U Pd $2IN N lM ck baaa 5 Zetui OlaiieU 4.40 4.20 ons were knocked out in their first professional bouts. During the month Trifecb 34-4 Pd $27IN ‘ l.bneb-lspa^ I OrbiBKosu M m SnyQ 2 hingas Kepa 8.N IbufrAaba 4. bscaian-bigu Two of them were Hall of Fame all-time ^ a t s Henry of November, at Learn To Dancb SEVENTH RACE: 5/16 (C): bex b a te bkiek S-8 $N.N S. kHueilwwet iEwbiuMunAa 1 PiM Oewy 19i0 U N 4 N Armstrong and Benny Leonard. The third is Mike NATIONAL HOCKEY V-AGUK JFi bW k Pat Pwketa 4S $16IN ?.Rk-hcaiual 8. Fustf-Zuincal 8 U m Stecial O N I N biey 'i May Weaver. Mike who? Well, he did become the 1980 WBA BLACKLEDGE C am pbell C onference Tribi 2-48 $338 U Sub Cem-knes 7 Sbei ba SJO Tm OM version of a heavyweight champ. Patrick Division Siith: COUNTRY CLUB to tha "Disco Boat TML 3159 bdi't by ■T«mh: W L T Pts GF GA bnela lU H U4J0 8 ksc btwcfi 19.N 8.N 8N West St., Hebron Philadelphia 7 3 1 If. 44 28 Titficb 1-17 Pd $1404.20 FIFTH C 5/16 4 Pack A|Mhn * 9.N 7.N l-k ifw i lines IF m teMwihi Please send all sports questions to Murray Olderman, Suite C algary 12 4U 41) 2 Eddy Zaiii 4.N I Rnede-leunet 4. bscatift-Zkaica I 228-9983 NY Islanders II 40 42 EIGHTH RACE: YANKEE COURSE 271. World Trade Center, San Francisco. Calif. 94111. Because C«bR Mtk (bnieU 48 $49.N S. bneh cat UU I 8.b«ebt|f Washington 9 .34 31 Ijd y fr k ii of the volume of mall, there will be no Individual responses. \ Y Rangers 7 37 ‘fO • S«CM«e kek U U 5.N I N Teue b td i PnfKta 44 $113.N 7. Euseke-lspa lOibaR-ljnda Smvihe Division 7 h dek Sue 4.40 4.N • Tiifecta 442 $384.90 Sub MbJaitacfl Tho 'BIg Band Sound W L T Pl.s U K 1GA 8 Cl $«« Smc 7.N St Louis 6 2 3 K X) 42 TML 39JI ('h u a g o 6 4 2 14 48 46 bkkk U7 Pd $41N Special Introductory Course « '3 1 13 43 31 TrikeU 47-8 Pd $7S7.N Vancouver SIXTH A 5/10 30 C olorado 4 4 2 It) 32 NINTH RACE: 5/16 (C): M ’i b c k r ^nglB'or Couple 2 4-3 7 00 34 K dm onton SFex'iSiuk 7.N 4J0 IN b l M M W in n ip e g ' 4 31 41 1 f. 2 I N’t little firt ' IN IN O f i b i i t i w lAo*'® Wales Conlerence $ P vw M ChMlk 3.N Norris Division TML 31:33 4 Private Lessons W L T PIS GF (lA b k k k lU Pd $23 N Lo'' Angeles 7 1 1 If Y X T irkcti 4 1 4 Pd S3N.N ^ H a rllu rd r 4 2 12 39 46 4 Practice Sessions P ittsbu rg h 3 r i 7 36 TENTH RACE: 5/16 (A): On November 4, 1979, America sullerad an On November 4, 1980, S2 of our tallow Amar- M o n trea l 3 6 I 7 38 33 8 hM iMel UN 9.N 3J9 Offer Limited To New ‘Adult Students outran. The American embassy In Iran was 1 f% Im e i P.' S.N 3.N leant will have spent a lull year In capthrity. iH 'tro it 2 7 1 f :vt 47 salzad and more than two-score ol our .Adams Division 2 T a ir m 3.N WANTED But tinw has not made ua lorgat. Wa have kept W L T Pts GF GA T IE 3151 WIN A country-man were taken captive. Aa wa watch­ the hoatagas, too. In our Ihoughit and In our Toronto 6 3 t I3 49 44 G m eb 118 Pd $21.N ed tha avanta ol those days unfold, Americans Minnesota f I 2 12 33 23 TiifectJ 41-2 Pd $387.N prtyara. Today wa hope and pray that thla B u lla lo : 2 2 12 :I4 22 /tilK, located in: (with Center Ballet)’ of all backgrounds stood united in our concern unhappy annivaraary jjvHka the atari of a new ELEVENTH RACE; 5/16S(B); I The Dance Center l/u eb ec 1 6 3 f 34 49 8 Ids Pahieia r 9 N I2 N I N TO BUY 466 Main St. ” for tha hestagas. . . and our pride in thla great year tor 52 AmaricanB; talaI IrIn lha arms ol thair Hoston 2 7 1 .' 27 ;M 1 T M's hwiinc 2.N I N TO nation and all it stands for. loved ones again.' \V' Thursday s R esults S le i 3J8 N Y HangersJ, Philadelphia3 'lu-t TME 314t '649-1989 Manchaetar ' -H Calgarv 1 Boston I OkMek lU Pd $19 N Open Mon. — FrI. 1— 10 P.M. Montreal 8. Haritord2 TiikcU 41 S Pd $ 4».N OLEAN BANANAS Washington*. Coloradof >tie - F rida y 's G am e TWELFTH RACE. YANKEE The Evening Herald will publish this I'lltsburghai Winnipeg COURSEJD): ^Saturday s Games 7 bthan's Gal I I N SJO 4.N N Y R angers at M o n trea l 3 M {M T b 4.N I N USED CARS 1 M l Sue IN Iais Angeles at N Y Islanders \ special dedication as a full page honoring Philadelphia at UuelHi TME: N52 Calgarv at Kt laiuis Mk)l7A$14.M' $14.M SMetkekb 7-Il-S7-ii-s fif;^ UNUNIIO H9UMY Wa.shmgliinat Edmonton A*tkRbM*r449 tk R b m c A r Vancouver at Uartlord the hostages on Tuesday, November 4. S174.N1 Pittsburgh at Minnesota Bullalo at |)etroil Tear out for 4 sunny days and 3 glorious , Weekly prizes, too! t'oloradn at Toronto TliurMiuy Night Kt*HullH nights in this island paradise. We ll fly you, If they are still beli)g held, The Herald TRACK: FAST WEATHER: COLO One $10 certificate will be given away at U a rtlo rd ^ ,2 6 0 -2 . FIRST RACE 5/16 (0) 1229 Main UL, ManchMttr round trip, to Freeport and the luxurioua Montreal 13 4 8 I N i l l I N every Acme Auto store. You must register First.periuri-l Uartlord. Johnston 3 _TEL64fce464 lACKSTON 2 la b y k d Bahamas Princess Tower Hotel. All break- mmm. ■ m m ■ will send copies of the (^ e to the embas­ -Mark Howe'. 1110 2. Montreal each week to be eligible-for every drawing., Wickcnheiser 2 iLalleur, Trenihjayi. fasts.'dinners, gratuities anci taxes are cov­ 12 f6 3. Uartlord. Stoughton I ' Rogers, Abrahamssoni. 17 fJ Penallies-Sim^. ered. To enter, dip a coupon below and NOTHING, TO BUY, REMEMBER: Contest sy In Iran to show our support. lia r . 11 X . B<»utetle. B a r. 12 41. "She will be IniiminU’, Mon. 1' 46 take it to your nearest Aerrje Auto-stofe. ends December 1, 1980, Second period- 4. Montreal. iMitleurS QOLF RATES Shull- IjriM iihei. 14 36 '. Mttfftreal If your family or business would like to lAirou(8e4 >l.atieur<. If 28 6. Monir^ol STARTINGQSAIA NOV. 1st .la rv is 3. •H oole. Robinson ■. 19*^3 an outsbmdii^ I’enallies -Stoughton. Har. 1 38. Gingras. Mon. lu 49 participate, please call The Herald’s Classi­ Thirdjx’riod 7 Montreal. Larouchef TALLWOOD 1 1 Utleur Shull>. 120 6. Monlreal.L REPRESERTATIVE I^lleOr 4'iShult Robinsoni. II f6 9 ^ Ouponi Cooling Rggged. handsome, I I Amalie Imperial 2 I Montreal ljm lH ’r(,3lunassisted'. 14 f9 ^ fied Advertising Department at 643-2711 System Sealer I I 5-gallbn steel cans | | Motor Oil saves | III Montreal. Napier 3 'unassistedi COUNTRY CLUB slops most c(]m- ■ e are rusi-resislant. ■ ■ gas—delivers up to ■ If fi6 Penaltie;r- Ley. liar minor iniscon mon cooling ^ le m ■ • with double-seamed 7 5®o belter gas mile­ duct. If :f6 ROUTE 85, HEBRON • 846-1181 FORUS” before 12 noon, Monday, November.3, for Shots on goal Harttord l2-7-lU^l>-~| leaks Recom' bottoms Feaiure • • age And that saves t M o n trea l 13-l«-16 39 mended when in- reversible flex metal I I money Limit 6 qts | Fran MafranBjr Gnalies Harltorri.^'Ttarrell Monlre;yl '"SHOLES stalling anii-freeze bpout with (lip veni | g Sept., 1980 ijnKouf •V’r'r' and bright colors | | . >.-V; details. (V, 1*2.50 *5.00 (.'algary " 0 0 3 -3 09U6L 4 ' Boston ^ 01 (F -l w w /w^with it coupon with coupon Hopefully, our package and the hra- ' First fH’riod-\one Penalties - Plett. 89 S h m , I J fc m MW M *4 MM M M M MM Cal. 3 39 B ourque K4>s. 9 f.7. Leve r. OHOLES 18 HOLES Cal. 19 f / 1.40 nxx WEEKENDS __ Set iind ji^riori-] Boston. D Reilly 2 “SHE HAsliOBEl) tages will cross In transit. — .. 'MacTavish. Melnvki, 3 28 Penalty • Holt Cal. 13 41 : 3vQS-.______Third period 2. Caigarv Reinhart 2 •Nilsson. Lavalleei. 4f7 3 Caigarv j SKCIAL YOUR TRUST Piell 6 iChouinardi. 6 29 4. (falgarv. i NMETNANJIW fGMIIIS.JMiraP98m. Hautakallio I iVail Mai Millam. 12 14 GREENS FEE AND ELECTRIC CART Route 44, Avon: 1473 Wilbur-Cross Highway. Berlin; 927 Blue Hills Ave., BloomfMd; >500 Connecllcul Blvd.; East Hartford; Penallies- Miurdoch.Cal,2 21. Pederson ^ - I I Minimum 2 Qoltort 2 Tollqnd SI.. Eaat Hartford: 141 Freshwater Blvd., Enllald; 606 Enfield St.. Enflald; 1/>t Hebron Ave, QIaatonbury; 179 Middle Bos. 4 27 O'Reillv. Bos 6 X). Sir\|th. Turnpike. Manchester; 193 Prall'Sl. Meriden; 49 Williams SI.. MIddletdwn; 1045 Wesl Main St.. New BrItalA; 11,7 Main St., Cal. major. H 13 .lonalhan. Bos. minor- WEEKDAYS $9.00 p«r person REPhESEIITATIVE M iaior.14 13. W ilson. C a M 8 09 Old Saybrook; Rie. 44-A. Mansfield Shopping Plaza, Storre; 693 Talcottville Rd., Vomon;VT04 ThomaslonWm.. Watert)ury( 512 Silas Shot.songoal (.‘a lg a rv 6-7-6-19 Boston WEEKENDS *10.00 per person Deane HighwayrWethersflefd: 540 New Park Ave.. West Hartford; 89 Turnpike Pid.. Windsor Locke; 303 Vtalnut SI .Agawam, MA VOTE DEMOCGATIC - PULL LEVER 8-A ..lf-14-r,-34 WEEKDAY SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNTS Gtialies Caigarv. Riggin Boston, }R %Y THE JACK9TON FOB RIFBEiENTATlVE COM M inEE. MATTHEW MOWAHTY JH.,^TRBA| V aiho n A 8 774

V EVENING HEjlAUJ. Fri.. Oct. .31, I9H0« 19 IB - EVENING HERALD, Fri , Oct 31, 1980 Nolirt* l» <

' / Kstate nf Jane N Dewey, deceased Program The Hun Willwm E FitzGerald. Sfample ballot ygr Balton Jud|?e (if the Court of Probate. District Sdntple ballots in Vernon lit Manchester at a hearinfz held on Oc­ 6 7 » B tober 23. I980 ordered that all claims contains 10 must b«* pre.scnted to the fiduciary on V.' f}T before January 23. IW l or'be barred YES NO YES .J<0 NOTICED as by law provided •41 1 — Lost and Found 1. For the constitutions! |mendmenl 2. for the constitutional amendment 3. For the constitutional amendment r Fot the conititutlonil imeniltiient YES Nb YES NO VES NO YES NO YES NO 2 — Personals . Dawn E. Graboski.' concernini admission of electors after concenting.pre retistration ol seven' concerning the age ol eligibility tor concerninf the timetibte tor reeppof- two parts S. Fot the proposed tivislont to the 3 — Announcements Ass t Herk state office ttonment ,. 1. For the ^nstOutional iniendfnent 2 Fot the constitulioital^mendment 3; For the constitutionat amendment A J o r the constitutidnal amendment removal from the town of residence teen year old citizens as electors ADVERTISING The fiduciary is Vote 0(1 the concerning admission of itectors after concemine pre repistration of seven­ concernini the aip-dt eli|ibilitv tot cWiceining the timetabte For raappor- Charter ol the Tovm ol Vernon. 4 — Entertainment The Connecticut Bank & Trust Co vlf- \ removal from the town ol residence - teen veer otd citirens is electnrs state otiice Tiorrment 5 — Auctions . RATES Vote on tlie One Constitution Plaza BOLTOIN - The Water Pollution FINANCIAL 1 D A Y ...... 14*«wfaMi Hartford-CT 06tlfi (Control Program, recommended for . Questions .6 — Bonds-StocKs-Morigages 3 DAYS ...13‘MMfaMT 1)67-10 lliiostions 9 — Personal Loans 6DAYj! ...12‘vwraMi the town by the Water Pollution Con­ 10 — InsLirance ■' 5 A 26DAYS ...11'vwniMi Probate Notiee trol Study Committee, contains two 1 ‘ EMPLOYMENT 1BWOaO,ll.10«Hi Court ftf Probate. D istrict ol / • ,• parts. The first' part is for a public Piesidenliol Uttiled Stales Representative Slate - state Registiai 13 - Help Wanted M anchester 5 6 7 awareness program and the second OFFICES b Electois (or Senator in Confess Senator Represenjjitivf ot Voleia 14 —'Business flpporlunities HAPPY ADS *2.60 m NOTICE OF HEARING 15 — Situation Wanted ESTATE OF EDITH B DILLON a/k, a part is for continuous septic system United States Representative ■ State State Registrar ' ■'■'4 EDITH T DILLON, deceased monitoring. OFFICES! Sen'aloC' in Congiess Senator Repieseiitalive of Voters EDUCATION Pursuant to an order of Hon William 18 — Private rnstructions t' E FitzGerald. Judge, dated October S o , k'J 5 - The program would be an effort by 19 — ^ c h o o is -C la s s e s 29. 1980 a h ea rin g w ill be held on an V ' ^ Tr, ^ the town to avoid sewer construction. 20 — Instructions Wanted application praying for authority to 1A 2A ■ 3A 5A 6A 8A sell certain real estate as in said The committe.e feels if septic / REAL ESTATE application on file more fullv appears, llvil. at the Court of Probate on November systems are maintained . and con­ DEMOCRATIC Carter Chrisloplter I. William R.. Abraham Aloysius J.- 23 — Homes lor Sale ■ and . 0(i*f Cotter Glassmao Aheaiu .itCannon 6A 7A 8A 9A 24 — Lois-Land lor Sale Keep Smiling 10. 1980 a t 10 A M structed properly, sewers can be 2 A 3A 4 A 5A Madeline B Ziebarth Mondale Carter 25 -- Investment Properly Be Happy ■ G e rk avoided. DEMOCRATIC Christopher I. Samuel MichaelJ. Aloysius J. Albert R. 26 — Business Property and O7M0 The public -awareness program -J— Dodd Gejdenson Skelley Ahearn ' Tennstedt 27 — R e sort P ro p e rty Mondale 26 — Real Estate Wanted would "educate residents in the Court of Probate. D istrict of 6B 7B lu t .rt-« lilu r» pro|)er use and maintenance of septic A IB 2B 3B SB 'i JSB— MISC. SERVICES Manchester 31 — Services Offered REPUBLICAN , lames L. Marjorie D. j. Peter Jean S. ^ i ______(C .;J 3 S fc > »f Ilearinpf Estate ol MargarH systems." Also, the . relationship Reaga'n Carl A. 32 — Painting-Papenng and Bticliley An^rson Zinsser Fusscas. Gately '' deceased between water conservation and the IB 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B 9B .33 — Building-Contracting Estate ol Mary L Knight aka Mary t I' Bush 34 — Rooling-Siding The Hon. Williamam EEVdiUz^jt^r^ld. V E ilzC ■ t overall operating efficiency of septic Reagan Louise ((night, deceased Pursuant to REPUBLICAN lamest. Tony Claire H. J. Peter UeHTBeD. 35 — Heating-Plumbmg an order ol Hon William K Judge, ol the Court e held on an held on O ctober 24. 1980 o r d e r ^ that 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 38 — Services Wanted application praying that an instrumoni all claims must be presented to ihe water softening systems and ground purporting to bo the last w ill and testa­ liduciarv on or belore January 24.1981 A N D E R S O N ' Anderson MISC. FOR SALE water pollution.- C: i — ra ment oi said deceased be admitted to ttr be barriHl as by law provided COALITION and 40 — Household Goods Through the program, a one-page ^41 — Articles tor Sale probate as in said applicatum oh tile 3 Lilcey 8 C i)awn E Graboski 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C '« 9 C ' *■ 42 — Buiidiqg Supplies more tully appears. aL the Court ol flyer would be mailed to all I ’ robate on N«tveinber 18. 1980 at 10 00 Ass t , Clerk households explaining proper septic ^ 3 ANDERSON 43 — Pels-Birds-Dogs The liduciary is COALITION 44 — Musical Instruments . Frank H Simon 45 — Boats & Accessories system maintenance. 'Thte flyer Dawn K (iraboskj 427 South M am St ID 2D 3D 4D 5D 6D 8D 46 — Sporting Goods would include information on how to Ass t Clerk Manchester. CT CITIZENS 47 — Garden Products Commoner Louis 069-10 066-10 recognize septic system failures, 48 Antiques costs and health hazdrds associated and Zemel 49 — Wanted to Buy \ r Harris with system failure: potential high 4‘ This is the sampie ballot for to 2D 3 0 4 D 5D . 6D 7D 8D 9D RENTALS costs of septic system repairs or CITIZENS Commoner — Rooms for Rent the election In Bolton. Voting will Louis — Aparimer^ts lor Rent LEGAL NOTICE replacements; how septic systems 1 and M A -. Zemel 54 — H o m e s fo r R ent / >■ 3E be from 6 a.m. t&8 p.m. Tuesday BE Town of Andover work; the need to pump out septic IE Harris 55 — Bi'biness tor Hem Public Hearing of systems and inspect baffles every LIBERTARIAN Clark Gerard G. at the Community Hall. This is the sample ballot for the 55th Assembly 56 — Riisort Property lor Rent 57 WioVc- t:. Planning and Zoning Commission three yearsr special problems arid Btenrian Koch District. Electors in this district will be voting In District 58 — Misc lor Rent On Proposed Resubdivision Plan . associated with steebtanks; impor­ 4 1 A U T O I ^ I V E I ~ : Ty-^L ,>. I • IE * IV, at the Lake Street School., The Town Planning and Zoning Commission of Andoverj tance of water conservation; the 2E 61 - Au'trjs for^ale Clark hazards of onsite, salt flushing water LIBERTARIAN Gerard G. 62 — Trucks tcA^aie Connecticut Will hold a Public Hearing in the Lower Level of the 3F 5F 6F BE and 1^ ' •«43^ Heavy Equipment lor Sale Town Office Building on Monday November 10, 1980 at 7:00 softening syst'ems. ------Brennan -V ____ % ' . . ' . f Koch ■ 6J^''^lorcycles-Bicycles P.M. on the following petition: ^ The program would include special Mr 65 — Campers-Trailers-Mobile additional literature being mailed to H o m e s “ ' v , ^ Boston Hill Road — Petition by Lawrencq Piano for final The ten areas in Bolton which may experience septic system 66 — Autpmolive^ervice Resubdivision approval to remove notice & cross hatchings bn . failures are identified on the above map. The areas were households in the arpas of concern. Stolberg bateks Abeam 67 — Autos lor Rent-Lease The committee identified 10 such Church fair 2 3 4 0 / 0 . • Lots 3 & 4 of the Woodlands Subdivision Bhuq^ed on the North chosen after more than a year of study by the Water Pollution V_— by properties N.'F Ernest & Martha Cadorette & N/F Bruno & areas in town. - ' hard work and knowledge and said he C I = Y a 1 BOLTON - A1 Ahearn, Anne Kladyga. on the East by properties N/F Paul- E. Control Study Committee. The literature would include a map set Saturday Democratic candidate for re-election has gained the respect of his YES NO YES NO N O ^ NO YES* NO DO IT DAILY - Play PRIZEWORD in Satur­ Laflamme & N/F Carl W. Langhans, on the South by Boston showing areas of concern with a to the state House of Representatives colleages and provided his district 5. For the proposed revisions to the i. For the constitutional amendment 2. For the constitutional amendment 3. For Ihe constitutional amendmeni 4 For the constitutional amendment day's Evening Herald. Hill Road & on the West by Wales Road. description of current and potential BOLTON - The Bolton from the 55th District, has received with an “effective voice in" the concernmi admission of electors after concerning pre registration of seven -concerning the age*ot eligibility for concerning the timetable for rei^ipor- /.Charter (tt the Town ol Vernon, Committee adopts problems and actions which may be Congregational Church 22nd annual the endorsement of Irving Stolberg. L^islature." Vote on tlie removal.from the town of residence teen year old citizens as electors state office tionment * At this hearing interested persons may appear and be heard and written communications will be received. Maps dated taken to address the problems; more Month Before Christmas Fair will D-New Haven, chairman of the 7‘I urge all the people of the 55th 10/16/80 showing the above proposed are on file in the office of detailed information concerning the be Saturday.from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. general assembly's Finance Com­ District to continue them support of need for close monitoring; a tetter at the church on Bolton Center Questions the Town Cleric Town Office Building. pollution program mittee. A1 by giving him their vote on elec­ fro‘m a town official stating the Road, educational building on In making the endorsement, tion day and ensuring the 55th a con­ - Dated this Sunday of October 1980 & 7th day of November, reason for the mailing; and alter­ Bolton Center Road. The fair will Stolberg termed Ahearn a "conscien­ tinued vigorous and effective voice in ■T 1980 at Andover. Connecticut. j phogram to address existing and 2 . 3 5' _ Andover Planning Si / By DONNA HOLLAND native systems which might be used include booths with attic treasures, tious, dedicated, and well-respected the house," Stolberg said. potential septic system problems, to address septic system problems. Presidential United States Representative State State Registrar Zoning Commission HrralH Correspontli-nl dried flower arrangements, plants, legislator.” He citeiLAhearn for his •••••••••••••••••••••••••• Koslic, Chairman should be applied to identified The committee recommends toys, bo'Utique items, OFFICES I Electors lor Senator in Congiess Senator Representative ol Voters BOLTON - The Water Pollution geographic area of concern and the having informational meetings with woodworking, goodies, jewelry and □ n o t i c e s Mary Keenan. Secretary Control Study Committee approved entire town. residents who live in the areas of con­ country kitchen goodies. A Scliook^lans available - ...... 071-10 and adopted a Water Pollution Con­ The committee is recommending a cern. luncheon, for which reservations C— C Z 3 ) s e t a trol Program for the town as its first voluntary maintenance program that Another recommendation is the are not necessary, will be served BOLTON — A set of architect’s The school board will meet Panonafi - 2 4 A 5A 6A ) • 10 effort to control water pollution. will be promoted through a public preparation of a pamphlet containing from 11:30 a.m. to 1;30 p.m. The Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Bolton lA 2A plans for the utilization of school Carter , • LOOKING FOR LEGAL NOTICE The program will include a public awareness campaign. more detailed information for in­ luncheon will include chicken a la facilities are available for review at Center ^hool to make a decision on DEMOCRATIC Christopher J. Samuel Michael i Chester W. Albert R. . awareness program and continuous The committee will monitor the and Dodd Gejdenson Skelley Morgan Tennstedt ^ terested residents. The pamphlet king,, biscuits, vegetables, dessert, Bentley Memorial Library. reorganization. . Mondale SuSyounS • d7 v ' \ septic system monitoring. volunteer program and, if it doesn't would be avaijable at the Community coffee and or tea. Tickets to the A copy of the.reorganization Indications are there will be no the St. Mary-St. Joseph School Pubhef Hearing of Planning and Zoning After more than a year of study the work, may implement a mandatory t. area in Willimantic, from Commission onProposed Hall. luncheon are $4. Sue Biske is chair­ report, submitted to the Board of reorganizaiton but several Route 66 in Hebron.- Hours: Resubdivision Plan committee said. "Right now Bolton program. The committee also recommends man of the fair. Education recenlty, is also available classrooms will be empty because of The study committee feels a per­ Semi flexible. Call 228-3810. „ ^ does not have a major water quality that the town sanitarian implement a for review. declining enrollment. 2B 3B 4B 5B 6B 7B SB 10 ------The Town Planning Si Zoning Commission of Andover, problem due to septic system manent water pollution commission UNATTACHED? Meet new Connecticut will hold a Public Hearing in the Lower Level of the continuous monitoring system. The yj||||||||j|||il|iM REPUBLICAN Reagan lames L- Tony Claire H. JaneS. George 0. should be established by the Board of and compatible companions in Town Office Building on Monday, November 10, 1980 at 7:30 failures." project would include record keeping Fall Fair Buckley Guglielmo Frier lamb Maharan The adoption of the plan Thursday Selectmen. Bush . M anchester area. Lowest p.M. on the following petition: on location and probable cause of HEBRON - The followed a public meeting attended Tfie committee should consist of cost, elaborate, confidential y ...... ,. , failures, using records to reassess Womens Fellowship of . and dignified nationwide Burnap Brook Road — Petition by William Austin for final by one college student and two town representatives from appropriate areas of the community where BUYING ( S r 3 » A a tJfw Z JJS ya ( L - — ^ system;. Free literature. Resubdivision approval for reduction of Lot B from 7..421 acres Gilead Congregational officials. local commissions and would serve greater emphasis on preventative D a tin g of P r e s H e e , to 4.04 acres, creating Lot B-13.381 acres. Bounded on the North Church will sponsor its an­ 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 8C 9C 10 Committee members were ob­ as the lead agency overseeing the measures should be undertaken, and 1C Williamstown, Mass. 01267. jjy properties N/F Valdis Si Margaret Vinkels, on the-East viously disappointed' in the turnout. water pollution control program in nual- fall fair .Saturday ANDERSON Anderson ^ properties N/F Marion F. Runiella.'on the South by properties • using records to evaluate effects of from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on and The committee felt strongly that town. GOLD li’ SILVER COALITION N/F Dennis Si Mary Keenan and on the West by Burnap Brook the educational programs. the church grounds. Lucey even thdugh the town does not have~a It would also address future water A 1 Road. problem now. action should be taken quality concerns as they arise. The fair will feature TRANSPORTATION GOLD & SILVER PRICES ARE NEEDED from Manchester At this hearing interested persons may appear and be heard to make sure it doesn't have a The committee expressed concern handmade Christmas e — ^ decorations. $1 items for to West Hartford. Must be in and written communications will be rcceiv6d>-.A4aps jla L ^ ^ problem in the future. with problems with water softeners Turkey supper HIGHER NOW THAN IN RECENT 7D >8D 9D 10 September 23.1980 showing above proposal are on file m the o f ^ ' the children to do their o ^ ID 2D 3D 4D ■ 5D -1 6D West Hartford by 7:00 a.m. The committee’s report said if the that should be studied as well as COVENTRY - The First CITIZENS Commoner 236-3261. extension 258. (ice of the Town Clerk, Town Office Building. Louis other hazardous wastes. . Christmas shopping, spoon MONTHS. THIS IS YOUR and town wishes to avoid sewer construc­ Congregational Church of Coventry Zemel This is the sample ballot for the 56th Assembly Dated this 3Ut day of October Si 7th day of November, 1980 a t' At its next meeting (date not yr.t dolls, quilted pot holders Harris ’ tion,. it must encourage proper will sponsor a roast turkey supper on OPPORTUNITY TO CASH IN District. Electors in this district will be voting in the (nsuranc* 10 Andover. Connecticut. maintenance of all systems and set) the committee will adopt its en­ Nov. 8 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at the and other gift items.. There will also be a Andover Planning and develop polic es to'address the tire report fojr submission to the church vestry on Main Street. YOUR UNWANpO GOLD & C Y -B L a -ia " c s following voting dlstrictK^District I, Sykes School: white elephant table, an ( f e i ^ S k s Zoning Commission special problems associated with selectmen and also an operating The donation will be $3.50 for District II, Maple Street School;.and District V, Vernon John L. Kostic. Chairman assortment of writing SILVER. ^ 4E C L E R K m P IS T existing systems. budget. The report must also be ap­ adults; $1.25 for children; and $3 for IE 2E 3E Elementary School. Marv Keenan, Secretary paper, plpcemats, kilives Clark A diversified and interesting job The report, which outlines a proved by a Town Meeting". ‘ ^.^--tlBERTARIAN Gerard G. for a person wittr good clerk, 072-10 senior citizens. and and other gadgets. Brennan typing skills, in a local office of a • WE ARE BUYING x Kwh large insurance company Plea­ sant work environment and good benefits Prior office experience Only one GOLD AND SILVER 10 desiraw , but not essential Please I tcNrpl^e for appointment, Ms E 'J 'Van 'Jfoew uk H iK -hte. f>28-903l We a re an equal attends uppoatunity employer. M F ' J f j ' CMIAOPRACTtC PHYSICIAN Crisp Native Apples IN ALL FORMS NO YES NO YES NO YES NO YES NO 2 For the constitutional amendment 3 For the constitutional amendment 4 For the constitutional amendment 5 For IIk proposed levisions to llie WSmUNCt GO. OF WOBGA TiM Uttlt ThMtr* of ManchMitr hearing / Office Hours: McIntosh, Cortland, Red and Gold 1. For the constitutionil amendment JEWELRY 'CO INS concernini admission ol electoa after concerning pre registration ol seven concerning the agi of eligibility for concerning the timelable for reappor- Cturter ol llio Tom ol Veinon. 111 Foundtra Flaw prooonto QE O R Q E Ml, HoYombor I, B O L T O N - jlfTary Monday & Friday 9:00 arti — 5; pm Dallciousj WInesapa and Ida-Reds. removal irom Ihe town of residence teen year old citizens as electors state office • ** tionment ’ ■ E. Htfd. M 1M (U.S.Foreign) Vote on the $2M031 7, & - rTKuro.. Fri.. ft •■l.j Hughes, a full-timv student T ue sda y & T h u rsd a y 1:30 pm — 8:00 pm Monchotlor Hlfh tohool at Manchester Community W edn e sd a y ,, 9:00 am — 2:00 pm Pun and natural awaet apple elder Auditorium, Curtain 1:10 p.m. * POCKET WATCHES ••••••••a***************** College, was, the mily S aturday 9:00 am — 1:00 pm traahly made a t the farm. OiKstioiis Tkkota MI-MIl. ‘ Bolton resident tO'attend a (Working or Not) . ht- .□ EMPLOYMENT -public hearing on water 117 EAST CENTER ST. BIRGH MOUNTAIN RD.aRLAST. pollution in Bolton. The M6-8632 MANCHESTER 3 mW— b e ro n d VHo’i ______5 6 7 8 > 9 Anwrtcw Cm c w t o d « y - MMidiMtw DENTAL GOLD ' CLASS RIN(is Help Wented 13 - “BUM FOB MOPf". Mo*. 1, iM O - 11 M l- Representative State Registrar hearing,:was Thursday Presidential United States State MwieDoMw lodooWM M * Frogrwo Brt**. Representative ot Voters night. i m t u o Electors lor Senator in Congiess Senator ' " - Intty Foo; IS.00 pkM ot-Wool on# tpoiwoc.. OVER 80 YEARS OF DEPENDABLE SERVICEI ANYTHING MARKED STERLING AN 18 and over to work, Ms. Hughes attended the . ELSIE “BIZ” ■Stic manufacturing full Cooroo: On* mu* loop oMtind th* Induolflol hearing as part of a public art time shifts. Call 646- Pafk • moilmum ol Mo IMPO. M o g o M ol services course she is atlas bantly & S2920 between 10:00 a.m. and fom tpoooof* - oocB olwool moil liO*o it SPECIAL PRICES ON FLATWARE i.— 2-^=-^ 4:00 p.m. loool ono - loom wM bo noBoMo on iBo doy taking at the college. She ol mo roco. Pof mofo ^liiloniiolloii COB; SWENSSON 4 A 5A 6A BA 9A and HOLLOWARE By '‘TOWLt^"INTERNATIONAL 3A will now prepare a paper A • 24 Hour Emergency Service FULL TIME BABYSITTER . AiMdcan Cooeof fodoDf, MS-21M. BUM Pull Lever 5B Carter on the committee's work f • Burner Sales & Service VER," "S. kirk," "STIEFP’and "TIFFANY" DEMOCRjlTIC Christopher I. Samuel Michael J Teresalee Albert R. V NEEDED for 9 month old in­ WITH Ut -- HI IP t*AT CBMCea and how the town V and Dodd Geidenson Skelley Bertinuson Tennstedt fant in Manchester or Blast responded to that work. U . Clean Heating Oils Mondale Hartford v e a . Call 289-0865 Her reaction to the lack after 6:00 p in., or. weekends. sIMMEDIATE PAYMENT-FREE EVALUATION Tbo Slngora ond Oonooro ol ttw CelnwMo Choir ol, of response to the work 649-4595 (Morthdm Irolond) «rtll oomptoW yhotr Amorleoii Toor ol It M oBli i. was "surprise.” ' (• ^ Call Us For Vour Home Heating WE ARE AUTHORIZED TO PAY 2B 3B 4B SB 6B 7B SB 9B ooficon ki'lho u e CMhoNe High gohool Auditorium pi Prtddr. The committee workii* Reagan Movombor Tdi ol 1:10 p.m. TIckolo (M.OO ionloro/oludwilo; M.00 $ And Air Conditioning Needs ... REPUBLICAN lamest. Tony ClaireH. Kathleen ' . George D. SECRETARY- reguler) «rtB bo e»olleble ol me door or eon bo pureheeod hi edisheo for more thill’ a ye^ HIGHER PRICES DUE TO CURRENT and *• Buckley Guglielmo Frier , OiLeary Maharan - RECEPTIOWST. el Dsnieli Treiel, 202 e. Com * gt, Mencheelor, C l Come ond onlev recently identified 10 areas \ Bush NEEDS OF REFINERS AND / MlGuirc Monday through Friday. 8:00 o olghi ol Atm IrMh oMorummom of concern, a m. tod:30p.m. Construction ■All charitable and tion-profll i,,'.- ii Ms. Hughes said. "1 was DEALERS. DO NOT HESITATE TO <------— 42> ( C i - A a L J i S i k a l i S B S t e office. Informal atmosphere. organiiationt wishing to (lene/hm PiiblTc An- _ surprised. I don't think 13th BRING IN ANY ITEMS Vernon area. Call Ralph, 633- people really know how W i n State . . 1C 2C 3C 4C 5C 6C 7C 8C 9C 5153 or 646-46^Available im­ nouncamania publiahtd fteefm (hit iylact a rt' Representative! District mediately, - urgtd to cohtget Joe McC^Kvantugh, Oangrtl broad an area the ten pin­ REGARDLESS OF CONDITION ANDERSON Anderson T h e W a r Manager ot Regal MuKleri ol Mancheeter. pointed areas are. "I COALITION and Lucey » Space will be. cllo|ed on a firet come, liril 4 V 7 * thought it would just be o n W i n t e r N ttlir*- l«».4 rr llM itr * served bsiis around the lake and // ------C ^ 5 5 " c r i j 3 ^ , l-liUte ill JJurold A Turli|n«ioii.' lowland areas of town. With a Hearth Mate '' L)ece4'«I . .* • 'People just don’t know." 2MYS0M.Y Fireplace Inseil. “Biz” Swtnston, Your Vote* ^ ID 2D 3D 4D SD 6D i7 D , 8D 9D The Hon W illiam ‘,E KiliUerald. she said. ' - SAT. & SUN., NOV. 1st - 2nd Commoner Judge, ol Ihe Court ol Prohale. ■ \ IS Expanding and adaptlrrg^our educational CITIZENS Louis Calvin Hutchinson, and Dijtrit-I ol Mamhesler at a hearing In^ulls easily and safely in minutes Zemel held op Ik-toher 23, 1»0 ordered that programs to meet-c>r'needs Harris sanitarian, said. "The 10 A.M. TO 6 P.M. • This Is the samplet ballot for the 57th Assembly all ilaim r must be presented to the areas of concern have • Adjusts to any hearth * ISI Responsive ari{f-'(flgnlfled programs for the lidm-iary op or belore January 23 1901 Howard Johnson Motor Inn District. Electors in this district will be voting in voting or be barred as by law provided nothing to do with the • I'p IQ 12 hours of economical heat elderly and >4ndlcapped District III at the Skinner Road School. ' R egaieS!.'^ Dawn K Groboski caliber of septic_ systems. • I 'p to '50.000 Brio's per hour El Ellmlnallpri of wastefull, Ineffective "and Rte. 30, Vernon r uffir I «»m i-iM i-iN •- nlnnu uh h ' After 6:00 p.m. SET. In excellent condition. .small wood Steve, glassware, your position j s well as on the benefits for part time and full Couch, love seat, chair and ot­ dishes, much more. 49 Coburn FOR YOU WE HAVE. A tjobOb training. Apply: RiversideKiversiue time employees. Call Mrs. toman, two end tables and two Road, Manchester. DEAL! Items include:' sofa, lealth Care Center. 528-2167. Grant DNS at 643-5151. lamps. $350. Call 646-8726 dishes, rocker, lamps, bar after 4:00 p.m. weekdays; GIANT TAG-BAKE SALE. clocks, stereo, decorator DOLLS WANTED by private, MECHANIC - Experienced in NURSES AIDES WANTED - FIVE PIECE LIVING ROOM anytime weekends. collector. Any collectible, an­ SET. Sofa,,rocking chair, two Multi-Family. Great variety. items, running 1972 Vega. 183 ■, all phases of truck and auto Crestfield Convalescent Saturday November 1, 9:00 Briarwood off Keeney. 8:00 tique, Madame Alexander, repairs, gas and diesel. Home, Manchester. Shift 7 easy chairs, ottoman. TWO GOODYEAR TIRES, F- Ginny, Composition, et Colonial. Good condition. a.m. to 5:00 p.m. 232 Main a.'m. Saturday. Minimum 5 years experience. a.m. to 3 p.m.; 3 p.m. to 11 ' 78-14. Mounted on five lug Street, Manchester. cptera. Cash paid. Also Must have own tools. Start at p.m.'; and 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. Four pieces feather stuffed. rims. $25 for both. 649-6207. FOUB^FAMILY QUALITY r^airin g done. 649-^7. $7,00 pqr houi. All Fringe Excellent benefits for part Will seli separately. Call Cyn- TT . dy. 646-2013 before' noon or INSIDE TAG SALE Saturday TAG SALE, 21 Homestead BUILTcsTOUCaHER 'THAN EVER Benefits. For appointment time and full time employees. . and Sunday. Moving. Fur- Drive, Glastonbury Exit 10 off Wa n t e d . Anumie Furniture, call 688-7596. Call Mrs. Grant DNS, at 643- NORTH COVENTRY S 7 4 M 0 after 5 p.m. ' jiiture, glassware,,appliances, Route 2. November 1, 10:00 Glass, Pew ter/ Oil Paintings 5151. « AttUMAlLE 1HS or Antique Items. R. COMPARE OUR SIX INCH TABLE SAW with SEASONED HARDWOOD. 18 miscellaneous. November 1 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. SCREEN PRINTER - COVENTRY 007,000 Gracious country homestead with $51,000 balance, PI&T and 2. 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Miscellaneous, antique quilts, Harrison. Telephone 643-8709; attached joiner on roll-away to 20 inch length, delivered. QUAUJY AND V A L ^ ^ 9 Applications are presently CIRCA 1700 is $601.39, monthly; Aluminum sided RAISED RANCH COVEffTRT 007,000 Buckley School area; 8 Barry baby items, clothing (some being taken -for an opening in wheels, $250 . 649-3022. $85 full cord. 742-8056. Wanted to Buy 49 DELIVERED, INCL. HiliRUM Center-chimney charmer with 5 fireplaces, wide board with cathedral ceiling'd living room; Formal dining Circa 1800s Center-chimney Colonial with over 2,500 Road, Manchester. antique), 10 speed bike, suede our Kreen Printing Depart­ floors, beehive oven and huge country kitchen with room; Gorgeous family room with bar, cabinets and leather boots. New craft and . . DEALER PREP. ment. Experience -is HIGH SCHOOL JUNIOR OR square feet of gracious charm. Wide board floors, four SOPHOMORE GIRLS for butcher block center island cooking center. 1 acre. Out­ shelves; R a i^ hearth fireplace; Sliders to deck and ¥TAGa g SALE-. Saturday, household items,- steel belted Road-Ready Equipped ind|uding: ------desirable. Excellent benefits. working fireplaces, two full baths, andiover an acre of snows on Oldsmobile rims, oil Individual must apply In Per­ Waitress work. Part time building. A must to see! much, much'more! Call today! land. This house is superb! Y November 1. Home improve­ after school 3 days a week and GLASS FIREPLACE BEIGE; BLUE GLAZED ment items, antiques, clothing paintings, kitchen set, hooked ••''4-Speed overdrive, 6V2 Fodt Bed, 225 6-Cyl.;-^M RadioJ son to : Quality Name Plate. rug, and much more! OLD POST CARDS OF Saturdays. Apply in person to SCREEN - $25. Black BLOCK, spectra-glaze block; and miscellaneous household MANCHESTER - Will buy one Fisher Hill Road, East ISE A HOME FROM D.W.FISH, fireplace tools, $7. White four inch, eight inch. Concrete 48Q0 GVW Radial Tires, Vinyl .Seat, Stock Glastonbury. Brass Key. IftOUR LOCAL AREA, " items. Rain Date: Sunday, • or more. Have car, will, ia r /OQTEE y o u w il l n o t h a v e t h e EXPENSE■ ■ “ OF TVi/0 HOMES. ■ sheer d rapes, $20. Door block joint reinforcement. November 2. 9:30 to 4:30. 39 Dogt-BIrdt-Pelt 'y 43 travel. Please call 649-7405; if' ^SALESWOMAN for retail BOOKKEEPERS „. chimes. $2o. Depression glass Red brick, beige brick. 643- Greenwood Drive, no answer, please keep trying. • Original List '$6,816.00 ASSISTANT. RHAM High dishes. 646^298. 9528, 649-9635. Manchester. SOUTH WINDSOR KENNEL fabric store. *Part time with ••• • • • • • v****************^ some experience necessai?. .School, Hebron, Connecticut. CLUB offers 8 Weeks • Large Selection to^c'hoose froip at similar savings. Retail experience preferred. Contact Claudia Mederat228- Handling Course, in Breed St Boomt tor Rent 52 Apply So-Fro Fabncs, Bun- 9474. Obedience, beginjiing October E P A EEST S T ^ 0 * ESTIMATED Comer Shopping Center, 1151 1st and 2nd.cost $25. For MATURE MALE ROOM $15. MPQ HtBHWAYMPa£0 Tolland Turnpike, 'NO SALES The further information: 569-3010, Female, m ature $20. Non- e x p e r ie n c e ne;c e s s a r y 563-0128, 678-0254, 289-8188, smokers. Live-in. References. Manchester. AUTHOflUED DEALM S s CHRYSLER. - Sell Avon, earn g ^ money. 684-5191 and 875-9127. One must have license, plus WkM conponATior^,. NURSES .AIDES. Experience Call 523-9401. few errands and meals. 649- ■prefened. Full or part time. FREE KITTENS - Boi 5459. ‘Mileage estimates are lor corpparlson only, actual mileage will vary. Highway mlleagel MARKETPLACE August 3lst. 1 female blac Immediate openings bn 3:00 to probably lower ’ It 11:00 p.m. and 11:00 to 7:00 NUCHNST Tiger, 3 male orange Tigers\ GENTLEMAN wishes to rent Title, Taxes, Registration not inciuded. a.m. shifts. Contact Mrs. ASSISTANT FOREMAN Litter trained. Call 644-3042, droom near ebrnor of West Ferguson, DNS, at 289-9573. O noui* 1 A leleci 4$$ocMtion of fTLAirORS i^rving the qre.*fer Middle Turnpike and Adams Opening exists in a M operator ADOPT A DOG - Protectors Streereal^M9-7630. general machine shop for an in­ COLUMN M.«nche$ier AieA with more ^dvertiiing espertite. CLERICAL TYPIST. Small dividual with leadership ability, and imp.4ct .»nd rflicienry fo' both ouyen ^nd leMen of Animals has several dogs busy office in Hartford. Diver­ a minimum of five years experience available as pets. Call 633- X CHORCHES of MANCHESTER sified position. Typing, filing, in tooling and setting-up bridgeports. 5364, after 5:()0 p.m. or 342- 80 OAKIAHO STREET. MANCHESTER. 643-2T91 •rjmj.i milling machines, and lathes for the billing, and order desk. 3207. UNFURNISHED ROOMS OfdlWBlMIK/ISOH IMt" !IIII*’ tS<'llt»‘ ' "l!'" I'll h i r l 1 I t I Benefits. Call for appoint­ manufacture of aircraft parts. Please apply in person to; CUSTOM BRICK SPLIT ^ available November 1st. $50 ment. 249-8591. Real Estate Editor: Cindi T. Bulach ONE ADORABLE BLACK St per,week. Kitchen privileges. The Le-MI Corporation WHITE KITTEN looking for a STRIKING 3,200 SQUARE FOOT BOLTON/ANDOVER LINE All utilities. No pets or - PART TIME - Earn extra 190 Tunm l Road 8 spacious and tastefully decorated rooms, Ideal starter home, with three bedrooms, fully good home. Please call 649- children. Security. Call 646- >2) DOIRE HOME HEATED BY SOLARI 6480 after 11:00 a m. money -i^hile the kids are in* Vomon, CT 00000 Vk baths, sunken living room, manicured applianced kitchen, washer and dryer are in­ 1316, Carol., school. Telephone Solicita­ So. Windsor Designed and built by Monterey Domes, Inc., of grounds — too much to mention. If you desire cluded. Acre plus. tion. E. Hartford company. A CENTRAL LOCATION. Free Riverside, California, this striking geodesic dome privacy, security and perfection call Mike ?ood telephone voice and dic- GOOD THINGS Loveley 7 Rm U&R built Raised parking. Kitchen privileges. ion a must. Hours 9 a.m. to 1 Ranch. Cathedral Cleling, LfvlOQ home, termed Monterey One, continues to be thronged Kaprove. Offered at $125,000.00 PEDIGREED MALE Secu,rity and references p.m. and 5 to 9 p.m. Call Mon. requined. 14 Arch Street. Ihrough Fri., 9 a.m. to 1 p.m., ARE Rm. formal Dining Rm. large eat by visitors since its opening two montlis ago. POINTER in excellent health. in Kitchen, with glaes sliding WOLVERTON iiCniCY 649.^8131 Great, with children dnd fine % Mrs. WlUiajns, 569-4993. GENTS ONLY. Free parking. s u b s t i t u t e s c h o o l doors to sun deck, 3 good sized With utilities costing -virtually nothing, the four bird dog. Easy going disposi­ CUSTODIANS needed, day tion. 647-1545 after 5:30 p.m. , Kitchen privileges. Central “BREWING'’ bed Rms. large lower level family bedroom three bath home is fast becoming a West O m u iK n and evening. .Hebron Elemen- IMANCHiSTIR. New lasting. Immaculate location 643-2693 for appoint­ PARTTIME Rm. 2 lull wall fireplaces, for the Coast mecca for those seeking a sensible, cost- ment. Ury School, 228-9465. aluminum sided 6 room Colonial, with attached I Sporting Goods 46 Cash, Fun & Prizes IN REAL energy conscious buyer. 2 baths. efficient solution to today’s housing and utility.cost, ‘ ii~n^ niTfclX phoning our customers a s s e m b l e r . Full time posi­ 2 car garage, large treed lot with V,. garage. Large glassed-in rear porch, easy con­ Apertmanit For Bent 53 version to family room,, and gas heat! 65,900. TWENTY THREE FOOT from home. Choose your tion. Paid holidays. Excellent utilities, all for only $89,900. JACKSTON AVANTE PENN-VAN Sport Fisherman ESTATE For more information about this home, and 118 MAIN STREET - . “The from own hours. Insurance benefits. Apply In 769 Main Street • Sedan.Hard top. Excellent CALL erson: Metronics, Inc., geodesic housing, write: Dome Information Center, Manchester. Connecticut 06040 m t s condilion.NeW electric trim Gables." 3 Room Apartment. R(outes 6 St 44A, Bolton. USR Realty Heat and hot water. $320 T H IS WEEK! 1855-BB Iowa Avenue, Riverside, California 92517. Telephone: tabs. VHF CB. Cutty Cabin 249-7H 3 or LOMBARDCL ITES with -head. Owner bought monthly. Security and Tenant 643-21 -Insurance required. Call 646- 643-7004 646-1316 larger boat. Call 742-8537 after DLLON H o b irtD . 5:00 p.m. 2426, 9 to 5 weekdays. Front-wtiael drlse mBans supBrIor traction and superb winter BOOKKEEPER TYPIST. •••••••••••••••••••••••••• FEMALE ROOMMATE Experienced in-accounts •••••••••••••••••••••••••• WANTED - Non-smoking, 20- handling, and It’s standard equipment on these two gas- LICENSED -NURSE. Halp Wantad 13 REDWOOD FARMS • (^larming 8 room Cape T O D A Y ’S Intermediate care. Residents payable and^ accounts Halp Wantad 13 Halp Wantad 13 Halp Wantad O fl Keep Smiling HOliSE OF THE WEEK with attached 2 car garage. You will be im- 25. Manchester Townhouse. savers from Ford. Select your own personal favorite from ambulatory. $6.00 . per hour. receivable. Minimum typing Sky /lighted Redwood $150 monthly including heat speed of 50 words per minute Be Happy pressod with the,lo!tfly 15x20 family room, for­ over 20 road-ready models now In stock at Dillon. Pleasant work. Hours flexi­ TonifTOiiBniBfflr HOUSEWIVES, Earn $60.00 to Contemporary on 2 private mal dining room and the tasteful decor. A home Real and hot water. 64S-1312. ble. Call 649-2358. r e q u ir^ Call 871-1111. rh« Le-Ml Corporation Is seeking a $80.00 pet' week working part Quality Control Manager with acres. Loft., bedroom suite right out of House Beautiful. Low 90's. ^ TEACHER. Learning time. Work 4 or 5 lunches NEED CHRISTMAS CASH? firepUce, cathedral ceilings, VERNON Near 86, luxury NURSEIS - RN Substitutes for EIGHTH CONNECTICUT Disabilites Teacher for experience in developing and im­ shifts while children are in MANCHESTER. Bowers Estate I Condo. A ppliances. $345 EPA VOLUNTEERS' will hold plementing in-process and final in­ Like crafts? Artex wrap around deck, garage. Coventry .Public Schools, Coventry's Middle School. spection methf^s and procedures. school, or work two lunches (decorating tube paints) has School area. Two family monthly.*' Secueritj "Coventry Conn."Contact: Dr. First .Practice on October Connecticut - Certification and two nights. Ideal for ac­ possibilities, ten room $79.9(X,l. references. Call 423-127, EST Applicants must havea working several openings in this area ZMSSER AGENCY nJ5 4 6 -1 5 U I I TfOFOno a n -c i^ Donald J. Nicoletti’s Office, ^30th, 7:00 p.m.. Eighth required. Contact Dr. tive housewives. You have Colonial. Double garage. Gas 3923. MPQ District Firehouse. Cell 643- knowledge of government and air­ for instructors. Interested? at 742-8913. EOE. Nicolletti's office at 742-8913. craft specifications, as well as most of your day and nights Call 646-7769. heat. Only $64,900. Pasek HANDY PERSON SPECIAL 4400 evenings for details. EOE. experience in handling audita and free-yet have good extra in­ Realty 289-7475. REDUCED 14,000 MANCHESTER - Fivd Great potential! Larger 3 Most people begin BRIDGEPORT OPERATOR. surveys. come. Apply: Dairy (^een, Country living with .all the comforts. Beautiful, Rpoms, garage, large porcM Please mail resume or apply in per­ GLASTONBURY. Three bedroom C ape, forni^a.l serious house searching by EST Some experience preferred. 242 Broad Street, Manchester. park-like 375 foot lot with 50 markeUble spruce bedrooms. $340, Availame Full time position. Insurance ' TRAINEE son to: □ REAL ESTATE bedroom Split Level with two dining room, family room', consulting a real estate November 1st. No pets. HWY benefits, paid holidays. Apply SServIce Company in­ THE U-MI CORPOMTION full baths, appliances, acre 1 >3 batos, hardwood floors. 2 trees. Clean 6 room Ranch with finished base­ . broker. 'They find that a. Security. References. Call MASSEUSES. Full or part IMT im m IRA MPQ volved In a labor Inten- ButInatM Opportunitlaa 14 Homat For Sale wooded lot, screened summer firepl.'.ces, many built-ins, ment, IVi baths, fireplace with glass door and real estate broker not only after 7 p.m., 643-1570. in person: Metronics Inc., time. Good steady clientele. P.O. Boi 23H 23 Usa the estimated'MPQ for comparison Routes 6 and 44A, Bolton. aive industry. Will train house, walking distance to garag'-. Affordably priced at fireplace tools. Owner transferred. A bargain has a large bank of infor­ to othar cara. Your mileage may differ Windham area. Open every «fnm,CTOMIN OWN YOUR OWN JEAN a High School day 11:00 a.m til midnight. ______EOE______CAPE 8 ROOMS - 4 golf course. $76,900. Peterman only $59,900. for $64,900. mation on what the types ng 'on s p a ^ . trip length and INDIVIDUAL NEEDED to SHOP: go direct- no middle Bedrooms. Rec room with Agency. 649-9404 . 649-4844. df available property, A(iCtuAi...... highway mileage will probably be lower than estimate J Educated, aggressive 423-7519. man, no salesman's fee. •transcribe orders from tape person for Mid- bar. Den. New kitchen. where they are located and a recorder to invoices. 7 to 9 Offering all the nationally Aluminum siding.2 car Mr- FRI p o r Te r s t r e e t a r e a - Management . position. MAID NEEDED, to start first known brands such as Jor- BHBOK MBMiY 647-14131 what, prices, but. that Three roon". apartment. Heat, a m. Monday thru Friday. week in November. age. Handy location. $63,1^. I ^ w a n ted ; ^ FkMfili Riilty, liM. he/she is also { p illa r with ALL-NEW 1981 ESCORT Call 6 4 ^ 3 8 . , One years service time dache, Vanderbilt, Calvin Group I, Philbrick Agency, MAIiCMftTER, CONN. utilities, parking included. Experience not necessary. Experienced 1643-8020 6474144 the housing market in- Security dei osit. No pets. 649- and effort can.provide a OR LPN. Full or part Klein, Sedgefield, Levi and 646-4200. Cbinmerclal Lot WORLD CAR Must be able to work, over 70 other brands. $14,- I general. The firm knows .9092, 643-181 The that features the NAVY VETS. Career Oppor-. permanent position' weekends. Apply: Connecticut time. 11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. Professional. Career Heavy Traffic Count tunities available(:~caH-^ starting at $15 to $16,000 500.00 includes beginning in­ MANCHESTER. Unique [details bh-:zoning in Motor Lodge, Manchester. Laurel Manor. 91 Chestnut Oriented Sales Person [deal Fast Food Restaurant V^IRNON, Three room apart­ best engineering from around the world! collect, (518) 9:00 annually. iVrite Box V, Street, Manchester. ventory, airfare for one to our English Cotswold three story I highway building plans, 643-1555. national warehouse, training, Lott-Land lor Sale Convenience Store, ment in modem four family a m. to 1:00 p.m! ‘ Colonial on Comstock Road, For confidential discussion 24 y / y / ' . lean arrange appointments fixtures and Grand Opening near Country Club. Must be Drug-Store, Bank, etc. I (or the buyer to see just the house. (?onvienent for shop­ DENTAL receptionist call Mr. Blanchard ping and' commuting. PART TIME - Financial Promotions. Call Mr. seen to be appreciate^l. $125,- Sale or Land Lease type of house wanted, in­ ASSISTANT. Experienced or Kostecky at Mademoiselle Appliances fhcluded $200 EPA Institution located in East recent graduate from dental 000. Lesperance Agency. 64fr 'Y y y A l t ' y y spect these houses with the INSURANCE. Hartford Agen­ PART TIME FOR Fashions, 612-432-0676. 646-2482 monthly plus utilities. 647-1113 Hartford has a part time assitCant school preferred. 0505. I buyer and give the buyer EST teller's positron available. cy requires a Personal Lines DELIVERY and pick up. fH A BOLTON: BIRCH KEITH RUL ESTATE 64^41261 after 8:30 p.m, - • Person experienced in rating Familiarity with bookkeeping MOUNTAIN ESTATE. [informed advice on likely . Teller experience - helpful. procedures and third party Must drive standard transmis­ R U L ESTATE MPQ Hour;: 10 to 2 p.m. Monday, homeowneoT and auto. Com­ sion. Apply in person only. Al Corner lot, cne acre. [costs of maintenance, pany or agency background payments, forms essential. Sieffert's Appliances, 445 ILANCHAIIDAII0S8ETT0 Exclusive area. Minmum [taxes, repairs and gather Thursday St Friday, Send Typing a plus but not required, resum e to: Box DU, c/0 acceptable. Pay and benefits Hartford Road. Manchester. L- 100 Wm I C M ttr SL house dimension, first floor MANCHESTER. 8 Room Cape. Four bedrooms, I matters. EST commensurate with ability. haiary n e g ^ b le . 643-7047. 1200-1500 square fee.. 643-9508, MANCHESTER. NICE, Manchester Herald. Equal Rec Room with bar, den, new kitchen, CLEAN SIX room duplex, HWY ; Opportunity Employer. Call F.M. Jackson Associates, 649-5635. 522-0333. aluminum siding and two car garage. Handy' three bedrooms, basement, MPQ mamar. MANCHESTtsi. Twelve location. Your protoMlonal roal attic, no pets, references. 742^ room Duplex. Six plus six. m DRIVERS HELPER to leara - MJUUGER HERALD DEALER wantstto aatala brokar la hale at 6373. $365 monthly plus securi­ D the eatimated MPQ for compariaop to ther c a n Local manufacturer of aircraft parts Two car garage. Amesite I Your mileage may differ depending on appecL tf

etween'O0 a.m. and 7:00 brick, two bedroom rooms, IW baths, two car garage, full basement, VERNON. One bedroom Ckm- CARR|Ei|8 Needed Apply to: Larry Smith at PROTECTION PLAN! Call today! , , townhouses. New appliances, I prospective home as a a.m. Saturday or Sunday. ^ two fireplaces, treed lot, awning covered patio. do with appliances, carpeting. • Nutmeg Vllllage, Garden or Meadows Convalescent 7745. carpeting Choice of colors. 1 Ml . [ Tong-range investment. Home,. '333 Bidwell' Street, baths, jutio, full basement Home beautiful! $77,900. Now available. $340 per month ALUMINUM Sheets used as plus u tilitie s. (Tall T .J. . -VVoodgate Apto.,-Vernon. Manchester. 647-9193. R eserv^ open space parking. ./ .Wooded setting. Model 300C printing plates, .007 thick Crockett Realtor. 643-1577. Phone 647-9946 or 647-9947 Directions: Summit or Wood- 23x28Vk", 25 cents each or 5 BUUKIUIIDEinSSETTO' I bridge to Green Road. Signs for $1. Phone 643-2711. Must be FJ. SillG N I REALTOR 643-2121 MANCHESfBR. Ridge R fA LfS R S B posted. pickedlicked up before 11 a.m. Street. Seven immaculate DlLlDlt • Beacon Hill - Tolland St. ONLY. DRIVER with Class II license DIETARY AIDES. Part time IStWKSTGIIEnNST.COaEleKIR B m i l T E O rooms in my two family Area of East Hartford house, (four bedrooms) ^ Owt-StAt Svwiet Sist! wanted, .Apply in person at evenings and and weekend yA M M y SCREENED LOAM - Gravel, a* . 3 1 '9 Mam S tre e t (Across from A rr Cell Ernie at 643-6038 “ Manchester Packing Com-, hours available. Call Karen la 040-2482' ! Processed Gravel', Sand, References. $360. Reply Box 4-2628 W, in care of Manenester MANCHESTER, CT. 64t3 - £ pany, Incorporafed, 349 Schiavetti, Sliver Lane ! Stone, and Fill. For deliveries 1MTEB8TATE WARRANTY CO. HOME PROTECTION _ TEDfOHD AEi 4AIE Wetherell Street. Manchester. . Pavilion. 568-7520. call (feorge Qr|fflng, 742-7886. Herald. - mi

22-^-K\KNING HERAlTjpf’rr'/Oct. 31. 1980 i

EVENING HERALD, Fri., Oct. 31, 1980 - 2;t Peanuts — Charles M. Schulz ACROSS DOWN Aniyrer to Previous Puzzle

INCA5£WREW)NPRIN6, 5 0 YOU 5AY VOL) WERE THEYStARTEPTOfiET THAT'S WHEN-HARRIET 1 M id s hols A Q A R c E 3 1 Normandy R z E 4 Frsnch E 0 0 3 D □ HARRIET 15 ALL RI6HT..7HE IN THISaACECALLEP INSULTlNS.ANP-THAfS HIT THE BLUE JAY IN - invesjon day 1 E L T 3 a A 3 composer N 3 \L ROUNP-HEAPEPKIP IS 2 Biblical 0 D 0 L T m TjT [a Tj ’THE0IRPBATH"PRINI:. B E U E V E HE'S JUST (abbr.) ' four (abbr.) 43 Play 56 Hems snd father and grandfather are physicians, and both Greg’s^ ACTING, 30 Behave ■ * ' brothers are lawyers. 26 Fell in flakes boisterously theetricailv 27 Shekeipear- 45 Porcine home 53 Please put something in your column stating that a School organi­ 1 33 Oistenting ean villain 47 Thaw c college degree is absolutely necessary these days. After Greg vote zation (abbr.) o 26 Percutiion in­ 46 College gg graduates from college, he con do anything he chooses, but. 34 Shoal Engage in strument athletic group t we want him to finish college first. Thank you. 36 Breezy 26 Never (edntr.) wipter sport f 9 u GREG’S MOTHER 37 Amorous look 1 36 Thiw iL 1 1 2 . 7" 4 8 • 7 1 9 10 11 1 ^ WW 41 Bom k : DEAR MOTHER: College is not for everybody. If 42 Suitor Services Ottered 31 Services Ottered 31 Painting-Papering 12 19 14 32 Building Contracting ‘ 33 Greg likes to work with his hands* that's what he 44 ferched \ Otuiiii- I t ie should do. It*s not true that those who work with S'uflgwKM. fO -ji 46 Slog 17 B&M t r e ;e s e r v i c e , Autos For Sale SI Autos For Sale SI Autos For Sale 61 Trucks tor Sale 62 .DAN SHEA PAINTING & their hands aren't smart enough to work with their 48 Dint 11 19 21 where TREE-MENDOUS ser­ DECORAtiNG. Interior and FES Industries, Inc. minds. Handwork done well requires as much skill, offer you 1968 DART, 1969 CHARGER 1977 OLDS OMEGA. 231. 1972 FORD PiqC-UP BODY. 49 Indefinite in 1 1 vice is guaranteed, now Exterior. Also: Wallpapering. talent and brains as a profession. p 22 FALL, CLEAN UP i LEAF 318, Three speed. Posi rear Economical V6. Standard 3175. Can be seen at Hulls order 26 offering FREE STUMP Quality Craftsmansnip! Call QUALITY HOME Captain Easy — Crooks a Lawrence 51 Encountered ■ GRINDING with tree RAKING - Fertilize Si Power end. Needs some work. Best transmission. Air con­ Auto Body, Bolton. Or call sr IT 21 31 32 646-5424, or 646-1305, REMODELING 1970 HORNET. Four door YOU MEAN SOMEONE 53 Nymph •removal. Free estimates. Ful­ Rake Your Lawn Now! offer over 3400. 871-7385, ditioning. AM-FM stereo. 8 646-1337. I WAS HOPINS MAVBE YOU 1 247-3218 sedan. Body fair condition. COULD TELL MEi... HOW COME ELSE IS LOOKIN0 FOR ) 57 Rougheit 2) , 1 ly insured References. Senior Reasonable. Call 649-2728. track. Super stock three ■ 3 PROFESSIONAL PAINTING Hartford, CT BANK REPOSSESSIONS - Rebuilt engine. 35,000 miles. wheels Radial tires. Low DEAR ABBY: What do you think it means when your EVERYBODY'S. UOOKINS I HIM-BESIDES JULIE^ (neut) ■ ■ Citizens Discount 643-7285. FORD TRACTOR, 1978 CL THE THESE BLAIR T 97 ,0 3 3700 or reasonable offer, 643- MUfTACHE KIP LICENSED DAY CARE - Interior and exterior. 1977 .Plymouth Sport Fury. -mileage. Excellent condition. 9000 with 400 Cumrhins. partner makes love with his sox on? 60 Lyriciit 1841. Gershwin ■ 1 REWEAVING BURN HOME - Has (^nings for any Commercial and residential. 32300. 1976 Dodge Charger Asking 33450. 646-4395 or 649- Diesel. Sleeper. Call after MINE DOES 42 45 61 Am not (ll.) 1 1 HOLES Zippers, umbrellas age children. Pleasant Valley Free estimates. Fully in­ LEON CIEZSY-NSKI f e c ia l Edition. 32500. 1973 6304. 5:00 p.m. 643-6581. Apartments, South Windsor. sured. 646-4879. I GMC Jimmy Utility Truck. DEAR MINE: He could be in a hurry, suffering from 62 Popular 4S repaired Window shades, BUILDER. New homes, ad­ detieri ■ Call 644-1168. 32300. 1969 AMC Ambassador , ’f>INTO FOUR SPEED, athlete's foot, or maybe he just has cold feet. s , ^ Venetian blinds. Keys. TV ditions, remodeling, tec ★ 63 Garden 41 90 5 54 66 56 FOR RENT. Marlow's. 867 rooms, garages, ‘kitchens 3500. The above may be seen 1966 CORVAIR. Two door hiles per gallon. 3200 or Motorcfcles-Blcycles 64 ■ 1 " PAINTING - INTERIOR AND at the Savings Bank of est offer. 647-1103 aRer 6:00 moisture 17 51 59 60 Main Strept 649;5221 'EXTERIOR; Paperhanging, remodeled, ceilings, bathAHe, automatic with extra engine. 64 On e cruise f i i Manchester, 923 Main Street. p.m. Experienced, references. Ser­ dormers, roofing, Resi«ntial Asking 3595. 1961 CORVAIR 65 Turkish title B1 62 63 CERAMIC FIRING. Discount or commercial. 649-4291 two door Monza. Asking 3195. DEAR ABBY: I’m a night person. I love to stay up late NEED HELP? Instant and ac­ ving Willimantic, PLYMOUTH FURY II - 66 CIA 64 65 66 rates. Quick service. Call 643- 644-9867. SURPLUS JEEP! Value 33,- and sleep until noon. My wife of 40 years is a day person. prediceiior curate bookkeeping arid tax Manchester, Bolton, Coven­ Excellent condition! Must be 196. Sold for 344. Call 312-742- UTILITY TRAILER. 16 inch She is up at the crack of dawn and goes to bed with the ^2543. DESIGN KITCHEl wheel. Metal body. Very good services. Quarterlies and try, Columbia, Tolland areas. seen to be appreciated. Call 1143, Extension 5426 for infor­ chickens. financial statements. Feel W. J. Grille. 423-6582. Cabinets, Vanities, Formii condition 3200 or best offer. r LAWNMOWERS Counter Tops. I 643-9729; if no answer please mation on how to purchase Before 1 retifM this was not a problem. Now that I no free to call anytime. 646-4350. return call. bargains like this. 871-1243. 1EPAIRED. 15% Sr. Citizen PAINTING BY CRAIG Storage St Bookcases. Ki'tc^ longer have a job, I would like to have fun and do the things Discount! Free pick up and Cabinet Fronts. Custom VOLKSWAGENS FALL I enjoy. I feel my wife should be willing to make the OGDEN. Interior and 1976 FORD LTD. Wa^n. CLEARANCE SALE. 1974 Trucks tor Sale 62 Alley Oop — Dave Sraua b r i d g e delivery! Expert service. Woodworking. 649-9638. .1 necessary adjustment. She refuses to cooperate, so I have Exterior Specialist! Fully In­ Ghia. 31,795. 1973 Bug, real ■ECONOMY LAWNMOWER. ^ ★ Automatic transmission. Full been escorting a neighbor lady who likes to go out in the sured. Free Estimates. Call sh a rp . Save! 1972 Bug, 647-3660. EAST SICE r o o f in g . Built power. Roof rack. Excellent 1977 FORD F 150 PICKUP-6 FOR SALE. Used non-slate evening. MISS GADCX3N /Cn D DON'T VtXJ I'rtXJTWXIW, 1 / AW, anytime, 649-8749...... automatje. Tim Moriarty^s ------up roofing, slate, shingles, condition. 43,000 miles. Best cylinder. Clean. Deluxe. Call pool table with assessories. My wife is throwing a fit. She reads “Dear Abby’’ MR. OOP HAVE DE WORRY. THINK I'VE / GEE. Heating-Plumbing 35 offer over 31900. 633-3296. Silktown Motors, 643-6217. 688-8679 after 3:00 p.m. - CIDED TO START WITH TLL T AKE GOT A I ’.ELDA! gutters and foot repairs. EXTERIOR PAINTING, Good condition. 3160. 643-2230. faithfully. Please tell her if she doesn't want to wind up THE vnCHYSSCMSE.' GOOD CARE CRUSH ON \ I ... ^^swald Jacoby and Alan Sontag Satisfaction guaranteed. ^ - ★ experienced college student, NO JOB TOO SMALL - Toilet 1872 FORD F 250, 4x4. Over- sleeping alone, she'd better wake up. TAKE qARE OF „ OF THEM ! 'YtXJ;POOPSIE! Quality work. Very repairs, plugged drains, NIGHT OWL THEM,WILL MXJ? B-B UPHOLSTERY. Custom ______nzed tires. Sunroof. Carpeted, nuin reasonable prices. Call Mike, kitchen .faucets replacedv Stereo. Best offer. 633-3984. , Cautionary trial bidding Work, ftep ^stim ales. Will ^ 569-3458 or 569-4945.. DEAR NIGHT OWL; If you're out at night and your pick up and deliver. Please repaired, rec rooms,,- bathroom remodeling, heat CHEVY IMPALA 1969 - Great wife goes to bed with the chickens and is up^t the past game. He doe^ this by call 646-2161 after 4:00 p.m. NO TBICKSI means of what Terence Reese s h a r p e n i n g SERVICE. LEfe PAINTING. Interior & modernization, etc.. M & M crack of dawn, she's sleeping alone most of the night second car!- Good motor. NORTH. 10.31-40 (England's greatest player) BRICK, BLOCK, STONE ■ Glass cut, keys made. Screen, Exterior. “Check my rate plumbing & Heating. 649-2871. ' Clean interior. 83,500 miles. anyway. Biological clocks are hard, but not im ^ ^ ♦ K 7 4 calls a trial bird. . Fireplaces. Concrete. storm windows; and small before you decorate." Depen­ 3500. Call 649-1837. sible, to reset. A compromise is in order for both oT^ dable. Fully insured. 646-1653. - V95 . ■ He simply bids three club:. Chimney Repairs. "No Job engine repairs. Blish you. Escorting your neighbor could be Injurious to ♦ AK86S Too Small." Call 644-8356 for- "TOCT" your marriage. South renids three riotrump Hardw^e, 793 Main Street. FOR SALE - Fiat. 1978 Model '♦AB3 . and now Nofth goes to four estimate^. 643-4121. B A j r j I l M i 128, 2 door. 21,000 miles. Front WEST ^ „E A C T spades. ■ ■ • r j i z i B ; wheel drive, regular gas, good ♦ Jk6S ♦ 8 1 Ths bid says, “I could have C&M TREE SERVICE.-Free CLEAN, HAPPY AND FUN In Home uu .rantoe, R ROLL ,OR BRUSH mileage. Rust proofed, under­ YOURSELF V<}106 VJ874 3' gone right to four spades over estimates, discount senior ,-mi i-i cadi? i,™ . C h ip 1^ e p aj r TREAT coated, glazed, one owner..33,- CONFIDENTIAL TO YOU: The person who says he #10 9 #QJ73 c itiz e n s . C o m pany CHILD CARE in my h m ^ PAINTERS. We handle any p o rc e la i i & pkpi your two spades. 1 took that 400. 875-2193. isn't interested in politics is like the drowning person The Flintetones — Hanna Barbara Productions 4KQ104 *31.5 extra bid to tell you that I am Manchester owned%nd r^i size job with your satisfaction Fiberglaf A. Spray | a must. Please call Ken Appira'.Ces &| TO A CARTER OK USED CAR who says he isn't interested in water. "All 'that is SOUTH definitely interested in a operated. Call 646-1327. Sfs ^ O.K.r'-TMAT'! Kubachka. 646-7517. Cabnpt.' Display at; I necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do ♦ AQ1032 slam, but not strong enough to 8 .HIGHLAND ST . E.H. nothing" (Edmund Burke). VOTE! And thank God MV TRICK./ jeopardize game by bidding GENERAL CLEANING. Win­ We don’t play tricks with our used V A K 2 GEORGE N. CONVERSE. GNU TUB OF NEW ENGLAND you're living in a country where you have that NOW W HAT #42 beyond it." dow washing. Painting. 1203) 528-8200______Painting and paperhanging. cars. Instead we recondition every car privilege. DO you 4962 South knows about the HYDRAULIC LOG Commercial and residential. Thirty years experience.' S A V ?... message. He also knows that ■ SPLITTER FOR RENT - By Call Eagle Home Main- Telephone 643-2804. and guarantee them in writing so every Vulnerable: Neither he has about as weak a hand the day. Telephone 646-1711; tanence. 528-5969. - Flovi'InB 36 Dealer: South as he could have and passes •••••••••••••••••(•••••••• Carter car is a real treat. Plus our late . He is happy b^ause 643-1201 evenings.' Reasonable Junk Do you have questions about ses, love, drugs and W n t North E a lU SoQtb rates. "Split Your Wood The Painting-Paperinifj' 32 FXOORSANDING & M n't been pushed. any model cars carry a 1 year or 12,000 the pain of growing up? Get Abby's new booklet: ■ higher. Easy Way!” REPINISHING floor^ like "What Every Teen-dger Ought to Know." Send $2 Pass 2* Pass ^ 4 Building Contracting 33 new! Specializing in older mile General Motors insurance policy Pass 34 Pass JNT This is the sort of hand that floors: Natural and stained and a long, stamped (28 cents), self-addressed en­ causes an expert declarer to INTERIOR PAINTING ICars velope to: Abby, Teen Booklet, 132 Lasky Drive, Pass 44 Pass Pass AND WALLPAPERING FARRAND REMODELING - floon. No waxing anymore! that protects against major repairs. Pass do some worrying. He may John Verfaille, 646-5750. Beverly Hills, Calif. 90212. it in any number of ways, FOR PROFESSIONAL FALL Quality professional work at Cabinets, Roofing, Gutters, BOUGHTI 0 . 'he gverage declarer reasonable prices. Fully in­ Room Additions, Decks, All Opening lead:4K CLEANUP c a ir 649-9437. ' Lofil.ing^or a |ob’ Be lute to read the Dtll's Auto Paitt 80 CHEV. $789$ 77 PLY. ' $3SK counts two clmi losers and Lawns raked? Shrubs sured. Free estiihates. G. L. ^pes of Remodejing and GENERAL MOTORS Volare Premier Woodaide Sta. sees that he needs to ruff a . Repair®-. Free estimates. Ful­ - H fij Wanted aiK m today's Classified TOLLAND Mallbudassic 2-Or.. V-6, auto., trimmed and carted away. McHugh. 643-9321. SfftiOli power steering & brakes, power Wg.. 6-cyi..'auto.. power ateerlng heart. So he wins the club.- I87S6231 64ft4678 30 TO CHOOSE And brakes, elec rear def.,-a c ly insured. Phone 643-6017. • rha Born Loser — Art Sansom Reasonable rates. seats 6 windows Power dpor beauty. va plays ace-king and a small, FROM > locks. AM-FM stereo, speed con­ By OswaldJacoby heart .which he ruffs in dum­ trol, tilt wheel, elec defogger. ral­ [CN'T retL ^ wo, BUT and Alan Sontag my with the seven spot. Then 8 0 CHEV. $5 9 9 $ ly wheels and many more extras 76 DODGE , $2 8 5 0 Bernice Bede Osol he plays trumps. The bad Citation 2-Dr,,. Hatchback. 4-cyl.. Aapen Sta. Wgn., 6-cyl., auto., aJr PISCES (Feb. 20-March 20) I 'D U > /e, break leaves him with just 10 ROOM .WANTED BY 4-apd . power ateahng. radio Car cond . luggage .rack, rajfb. nice1' Harmonious conditions should North is rl&lly interested in Apartments For. Ren f 53 Homes lor Rent 54' Ottlces-Stores lor Rent 55 tricks, but that is what he has GENTLEMAN. Near corner VOLKSWAGENS. We buy. of the year. 80 CHEV. $489$ family car. ‘ prevail today in one-to-one rela­ 'WAIOTTO' a Siam after tha* one-spade Monza Spt. Cpe., 4-cyl.. 4-speed, [ r ^ contracted for. of West Middle Turnpike and sell and repair. 1973 Converti­ tionships which are (mpor|anl to opening. He wants to let his TERESA APARTMENTS. BOLTON. RenUvHh option to OFFICE AND STUDIO. ble. New paint, radial tires 80 CHEV. $7295 radio, whitewalls, like new.' 7 6 C H R V S . $2 8 9 5 partner know without getting (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN i Adams Street. Call 649-7630. Mai. Classic Sta. Wgn.. V-8. auto., Cordoba Spt Cpe - auto., bir ^Your you. you know how to win allies. Two bedrooms. 1 Main Street. buy' Seven room home with Excellent location. Good traf­ Save!' 1970 Convertible. Real /' ARIES (March 21-Aprll 19) Take air cond.. power steering & 80 CHEV. $6995 cond.. power steerfi brtftba & TO h i m '. ' H IM .' T three bedrooms. I'H baths, fic exposure surrounded by Available in November on the sharp. Save! Tim Moriarty's, brakes.^Luggage rack. AM-FM Citation. 2-D r. Hatchback*. V-6. windows, tilt wheel, p -FM radio, ^ r t h d a y advantage ot being in the rnood OFF STREET PARk I n G Landau Vinyl first floor. Ideal for elderly 3475. Lesperance Agency. 646- four banks. Rent includes Silktown Motors. 643-6217. radio, power tailgate lock, rust auto., air cond.. AM-FM radio.' leather In- to clear up projects today. You 0505. heat, parking and janitor Call space for one car. Summer tenor You have to 1 ae thla car^ should be able to gel things person or couple. Located on Street, Manchester or vicini­ proofed and many more extras. power steering & brakes Like it's a beauty. busline and in walking dis­ 649-5334. new^ Novamber 1,1000 done easily because you won't ty. Call after 5:00 p.m. 643- view them as tedious tance of shopping and banks. EAST HARTFORD HOUSE. 80 CHEV. $6995 Success in your endeavors is 2334. 79 CHEV, $539$ 7, 6 D _ 0 P G E $2 9 9 5 TAURUS (AflHI 20-May 20) This 3320 monthly, plus heat. Newly decorated. Two Monte Carlo Cpe., V-6. auto., air Aspen CustomCustor 4-Dr., 6 cyt„ autd. llkety this cQming year because Impala 4-Dr.. V-;8. autg.'. air cond.r is a good day to entertain O ur Boardin'^, Houaa Includes carpeting, bedrooms with basemenl. 1968 MUSTANG. Excellent cond., power steering & brakes, power steering' & brakes, radio, air cond. power steering), radio, you will base your hope and friends, but select those who are vinyl roof, clean. * appliances, air conditioner, Carpets. Garage. Just 3375. condition. 95% restored. New elec, defogger. radio, rust , vinyl roof. Clean & nice wishes upon realistic premises. not too demanding Keep the Autos For Sale 61 That which you envision you can •SI 236-5^. Locators. Fee. APPROXIMATELY" 400 paint, brifkes: tob many new proofed and many more QxUas. group small and the fare simple. storage . and coin operated Industriously attain. WHAT s m s s W TO THE MANOR, M A JO R . TO\i SQUARE FEET. Center parts to list. AM-FM Cape 79 CHEV. $5595 75 PLY. $2895 GEMINI (May 21-Juna 20) Give laundry. No pets. Domato SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 22) The WInthrop — Dick Cavalli PR OFFICE SPACE more options. ppwer steering and brakes, AM- 6 TO CHOOSE CANCER (June 21-July 22) WI7HBARROT ASSASSINO, OR 16 THE ART PEPARTMENT J t TO t h e ekcellent closets, dishwasher, Wanted to Rent 57 5025. • ' Romance. travel. luck, You're more adroit today at 'WHATVOJR FM radio, reqr window defogger. resources, possible pitfalls and A V E R A 6 E doing things of a mental nature F E A T f l B ? S . A F T E R MV PAiNTINS^ dispose- all/, selL cleaning FOR RENT 80 CHEV. $7795 Landau vinyl roof. Very Tow FROM ] career tor the coming months HOB&y le. mileage. rather than physical ones. .Pul P B K irO K l oven, priVati basement with WANTED JUNK AND LATE Impala 2'-Dr., V-6, auto., air cond.. are all discussed in your Aslro- 80 MERC. $499$ I your ledger work in order, or laundry hookups, IV2 baths', MODEL WRECKS - Cash power steering & brakes, power Qraph which begins with your In -Rochester. Central 79 PONT. ' $559$ Bob Cat Hatchback Cpe., 4-cyl.. catch up on neglected corre­ deck, neighborhood setting, door lock. AM-FM stereo, elec birthday. Mail $1 for each to Paid. Call Parker Street Used Gran Lemans 4-D r. V-6. auto . air auto., radio, rear window spondence. location. Air con- o n e Ca r g a r a g e 1969 AMC AMBASSADOR defogger. tilt wheel, rust proofed, Astro-Graph, Box 469. Radio minutes to Hartford. 3525 Auto Parts, Inc. 649*3391. cond.. power steering, radio, defogger. Rally wheels, like new. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22) In busi­ monthly 633-4566. Broker. dltlonlng. WANTED The doy/ntown WAGON. Regular gas,. you name it—it has It clean & nice. City Station. N.Y. 10019. Be sure Manchester area preferred. AM/FM radio, good on gas. ness or financial dealing you 1974 SURARU - Good condi­ $7295 to specify birth dale. have considerable common Please call between 6 and 9 Good running condition. Coug5r~XR*7 Cpb^ V-8. auto, air SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 23-Doc. 21) Did: FIVE ROOM APARTMENT. tion. Front wheel drive. 31800 80 CHEV. $779$ 78 CHEV. $4495 sense to draw upon today. If you p.m., 643-4810.. Excellent body. 3500 or best Citation 2 Dr.. 4-cyl.. auto., air Impala 0 Pass St. Wg.. V-6. auto., cond. power steering A brakes. Being No. 1 is likely to be a bit Three bedrooms. Modern Call 6 4 3 -0 5 5 1 negciiabie. Telephone 643- follow ybur practical instincts, a cond.. power steering & brakes, air cond., power steering & AM/FM stereo. vinyW ootr'fet" more important today than offer. Call Cyndy, 6482013, bibck and beautiful. tide of profit is likely. kitchen and bath. Central. No 6785, or 659-1723. power windows & door locks, brakes. Radio, low mileage. usual. Your competitive drive will pets. 3325 plus security and before noon or after 5 p.m. VIRGO (Aug. 23-8ept. 22) It will elec defogger. speed control. gain you the desired laurels. be difficult to behave passively lease 646-7268 ■ AM-FM radio, rally wheels, you 78 CHEV. $4595 FOND >539$ CAPRICORN (Doc. 22-Jan. 19) It today. Your take-charge urges Monza 2-i-2 Sport Cpe , V-6. 4 Fairmoni 4-D r, -cyl.. auto., behooves you today to treat Levy’s Law — James Schumeister name it—it has it 6 will surface and you and others spd., Bir cond.. power steering A . power steering, radio, only 5.000 whatever occurs philosophically will be glad they did. brakes, radio, very low mileage^ miles. Like new You'll come through with flying ONE MOeE 80 CHEV. $5995 LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23) This is F1B6T TM &ONNA TEU- ME- . colors by overlooking petty O usr HOW , MON-IH AND Monza 2-f2 Coupe. 4-cyl. auto., one of those days when you 6ET MV OOP BACtO 78 PONT. \ m i 79 FORD $5450 annoyances ION6 WECE I'PHAk/E MADE , THREE BEDROOM air cond.. power steering & . function better when left to your Phoenix LT. 4-D r, V^BTSUfo.. air Mustang Cpe.: 4-cyl., auto., air AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Fob. 19) YOU IN 6U1NNES5. DUPLEX Stove, brakes, elec defogger. AM-FM cond.. power steering, radio, own devices. If at all possible, cond. power steering & brakes, Something advantageous or BOWTARy?, refrigerator, dishwasher, I'Y stereo, rusi proofed and many powder Blue and nice spend time tree from outside 6 T U P « U ^ S ). radio, sharp looking car. • even profitable could happen to 5 \SJEAUTIFULLV, PI PI?OFESy3R'= <‘>■31 more options. influences when working on 1 ^ - 3 baths Yard Garage. 'Nice CAPm you today through a situation _____0 wda |»4 t M Wag , Hi 0« 1980 79 FORD $4595 important projects. neighborhood. Manchester. 77 CHEV. $369$ where somdone else has already 1 8 0 CHEV. $7 5 9 5 . Fairmont 4-Dr.. 4-cyl., auto (NEWSPAPER ENTERPRISE ASSN > 3425 per month. Tenant pays Chevette 2-Door, 4-cyl,, auto done most of the spadework "MeRte-Oaffo Cpe . V-8. auto...,air •radio, clean car, 37.000 miles. power steering, radio, vinyl roof! gas heat and utilities. cond. power steering & brakes. spec. 2-Tone paint. References required. Call 646- 8ld« QlancM — oil Fox rARNUM THEN, IN SOMMER AM-FM stereo, elec, defogger. 77 CHEV. fM OON' HOME TO mileage computer, rust proofed $3395 75 FORD ' $2350 PRISON 6609 after 4:00 p.m. Available CapriceXrDrLrDr.. V-8. auto., air con- BEOOK.LVN TD6EE Noveipber 2. and many more extras. / Pinto *2,-Dr.. 4-cyl., autO;, -radio, ■299 SOWN d... power ateerlngste A brakes. AM- ifirDODCiEEe PLAY. Bugs'Bunny — Heimdahl & Stoffal economy at Its beat. A 80 CHEV. $7195 FM radio, clean and nice. Malibu Classic. 4-Dr., V-6, auto., air cond., power steering & PER 76 CHEV. $279$ AMC L i J N C H - ’ brakes, AM-FM stereo, custom 2- Caprice Custom Cpe., V-8. auto., 3 TO CHOOSE MANCHESTER. Large six tone, tinted glas^and many more air cond., AM-FM stereo, power -riAAE. extras. 4 room Duplex..!‘ 2 baths. First steering A brakes. Vinyl roof. A FROM floor laundry. New gas hot MONTH beauty. Short Ribs - Frank Hilt © : \ 80 on. ‘ $6495 water heat. 3375 plus utilities. 8DIUIC $5995 f^O O u e fj FINANCE •5400 Malibu Classlc.tg^Or, V-6? auto., 76 OIDS Spirit 2-Or. Hatchback c$)e., 0 Immediate occupancy. Call power steering, elec, defogger, $3795 Cutlass Supreme Cpe.,.- . v-a. *-o. cyl.. auto , air cond., power O M -r w e b E. . wOtlLP BE A FKQGFSoa't Charlie 6482482,. 649-to. LIST PRICE $ 6 0 9 3 : FINANCE TAXES & REG.EXTRA rust proofed and many more auto., air cond.. power steering A steering, radio, like new. CHARGE •1^80.80 extras. stereo radio, vinyl rpbf ON -TME -TW RONE./ DISCOUNT 3 9 4 \ W/ITH ACCEPTABLE and niany more options. $ 2 9 9 5 ASHFORr/^hree rooms un­ 80 CHEV. $7445 m n \ furnished. Renovated, tile DEFERRED CRfeDIT MAtador Spt. Cpe., V-6. auto., air Malibu Classic Sta. Wgn.. V-8. cortd., power steering A brakes, • bath, heaj furnished. No PAYMENT •7180.80 auto., air cond.. power steering & CHRYSLERS STOCK #099 34,000 miles..Llk^new.V V animals. Lease. 423-4190, YOUR COST $5699 APR 14.75%' brakes, luggage rack. AM-FM 8 TO OHOOE evenings. radio, rear defogger. power door k n ! 48 MONTHS AT ■•149.60 locks, tinted glass, rust proofed FROM i M P O R r r and many more extras. MANCHESTER. F ree- 80 DODGE $59 2T0CH00I utilities. Two bedrooms with 80 CHEV. $4995 Omni 4-Ooor, 4-cyl., auto., ooi Chevette 2-Dr„ 4>cyf.. auto., air steering, radio. Ilka riiirr’^ooo carpets Kids O K. 2385646. •miles. FROM Locators. Fee., F 1 cond., radio, tinted glass. 2 to chooea from. 79 TOYOTA $4795 79 DOUCE $5195 pi^k.-har’a LaiuUna EAST HARTFORD. Cozy one Omni 4-Dr.T 4-cyl.. Std., AM-FM iPIcliup w/c«p. 4-«pd.. 4.oy| le. 80 CHEV. $789$ •tirpo radio. Ilka on., Caprice 4-Dr., V- . auto., air con- radio, rear window defogger, low HE£.HtE...HERE,1HE.V COME. HAPPV HALLOLJEENS I ’M bedroom available now. Just 8 mileage, like new. // d.. power steering & brakes, AM- 3180 2385646. Locators. Fee. ^c o n Tjectic AN EAC.ER. l it t l e CHORUS A FOftrUNE-fELLER.. COHAT CONNECTICUT’S FM stereo, elec, defogger, spec. 78 HONDA $4695 OF 1RC<.-0R-1R£AJERSy- 2-tone paint, many more options. ' 79 DODGE $569$ Civic CV ee Cpe., 4~cyl., auto., AR E VOU.?- MANCHESTER. Sunny one OLDEST ! HBRS, _ NEWEST Omni 2-Dr Hatchback Cpe., 4 cyt, stereo radio, low mileage. ^1- bedroom. No lease. With auto., power ateerlng, radio, 9 ^ h appliances Just 3170.2385646. LINCOLN- ^ MAZDA clean A sharp.. f-t: Locators Fee. HMD MCRCURY DEALER “I can go 1,300 calories dletwlse...how DEALER far can you go moneywise?” QMb T i m Homes lor Rent 54 3t5 CENTER ST.S MANCNESTEI, CONN. US-SI^S VERNON HOME Carpeted CARTER four roomer. NewiUeicor. All m odern.. 3375. 236-5646. 1229 MAM ST. MANCHESfi L Locators. Fee. Cl 10-31 , V ■ ’’I '■‘L 21 - k v k m m ; mkkald. oi:i J L Lamb knocks Morgan MAL BARLOW WORKS FOR EVERYONE! for nixing groposal(S P VEKINON — Speaking to campaign exceed the average grovrth rate of state /workers at Republican headquarters, personal Income over the three Jane Lamb, Republican candidate for the preceeding years. She said this plan would S6th Assembly District, listed several tie state spending to the people's ability to proposals made by Repnblicai( legislators pay but provision could be made to exceed in the last session and rejected by the' the ceiling in case of an emergency by a Democrats. three-fourths'* vote of the General She said those rejecting the proposals Assembly. included her opponent, Chester Morgan "There are other areas where there are who is seeking a thirdHerm. potential savings. For example, the rent , She said Republicans called for a cap on for state-owned housing, some 1,200 units, the number of permanent full-time state must be brought up to date. Instead of ' Mai Barlov^ meets with (left to right)' Marta Melbardes and employees; a one-third cut in the hiring of costing taxpayers’ dollars, these units Mary Greer of'Mayfair Gardens, Mai, Alphonse Reale, chair­ consultants, sdme of Whom are retired must have (at least) a bredk-even factor," „ state employees who are drawing double Mrs. Lamb said. (." ■ man of the 7th Vdting District, and William Brown of Beechwot^ pay from thb state; a limit in the in-' She said she feels it’s~imperative that Apartments all in.the John E. Cronin Hall at lunchtime in creases in state welfare payments and the the next session of the Legislature go Mayfair Gardens Dct. 10,^1980.. hiring of more welfare fraud in­ through expenditures with a fine tooth vestigators; and elimination of un­ comb so that it can then determine as fair­ Housing Incentive Plan will provide necessary executive assistants many of ly as possible where revenues will come whose positions are political patronage from and how much they will be. The 'mj^'re apartrkents for Senior CitixenSt « jobs. taxpayers, who have been forced to She also said the Republican^ pushed for tighten their own belts, should expect faster rate, for a price that taxpayers can a limit on the rate of growth of state their state government to d^^the same,” expenditures asking that the growth not she said. . . w o rd . — Barlow Arrests made in area ikELECTM AL BARLOWS connection with the in­ COVENTRY Nov. 18. ^ James E. Harvey, 18, of vestigation of a break into State Repreaentatlve— 12TH Aaaembly District Hiram A. Tuttle, 41, of 30 Willowbrook Apartments, a home on Pearl Drive, in Stonehouse Road, Coven­ Vernon, was charged September. He was held at try, was charged Wednesday with third- the police station in lieu of VOTE DEMOt^RATIC NOV. 4TH Wednesday with first- degree larceny and second- posting a $500 bond and was VOTINQ DISTRICTS 2-5 - 7 • 10 ■ degree reckless endanger- degree burglary. to be presented^ in court Paid lor by lh« Comm, to Elocf Mai Barlow-Raymond F. Damato, Traaa. ment in connection with ’The1 lie arrestdrreal Wdawas madellldllc 111 in Thursday * inaa . m • - —r-^— the investigation of a dis­ turbance at his home. He was held on a $25,000 bond and was to be presented in court in Rockville Thursday. Vernon Barbara A. Bowes, 88 Glenn Drive, Tolland, was i charged Wednesday with two counts of issuing bad ^Harvest of fashions^ checks. QUESTION 05 QUESTION me She was arrested on a Carol Comfort! of Rainbow Trail, left, and warrant in connection with YES , Jan Perlman of 44 Indian Trail, both of Ver­ a complaint made - by- a non try on fashions they will be modeling Sun­ iocal business. She was 6 Shall the Town of Manchester re-enler I day in a fashion show sponsored by the Subur­ released on a $150 non- the Community Development Block I ban Women’s Club of Vernon, Ellington and surety bond for court Grant Program of the United Stales I appearance ffl Rockville on ■A Deparifnent of Housing and Urban I ToUand. Both are members of the club. The Devdopment______fashions ard by Delyn’s Fashions of the Manchester Parkade. The show will be at Re-Act Club ■ VOTE MO - Willie’s Steak House in Manchester. Tickets to help cops will, be available at the door. Cheese and YOUR VOTE SOUTH WINDSOR - M crackers and coffee and dessert' will be South Windsor Police served. There will be a raffle and door prizes. William Ryan said about ^ l U MAKE THE DIEFERENCE (Herald photo by Pinto) ‘ \ ejght members of the Re- Act Club, a CB group, will be assisting police tonight, CUP THIS SAMPLE COPY FOR USE ON Halloween. Vernon union He said the CB’ers will be patrolling school areas ELECTION OAY and such in addition to the signs contract regular police vehicles that Goncemed Citizens For Manchester Development - Leonard D. Rivard, Treas. VERNON — The town and officials of the Public Works will also be on patrol. Department union signed a three-year contract Thursday that gives the union workers an 8.5 percent wage increase over the next three years. The hourly wage for mechanics will go to $7.10 the first year, $7?I0 the second, and $8.36 the third; Rubbish Spencer St. Branch Main Office Hours; Mon & Tuea - 9 A M -7 PM mechanic, $7.34, $7.96, and $8.64; .welder, $6.55, $7.11, Mon.-FrI. 9 AM— 3 PM $7.71; equipment operator, $7,10, $7.70, $636; truck Drive In - 5 PM Mon-Thur Only Wed to Frl - 9 A M -8 PM driver, $6.72, $7.29, $7.91. Thurs - 6 PM-8 PM Sat - 9 AM -5 PM Also: Public works laborer, $ ^ 0 , $6.84, $7.42; sewage Sat - 9 AM— noon treatment plant laborer, $6.30, $7, ^nd $7.65; custodian, $6.18, $6.71, and $7.28; masOn, $7.07, $7.67, and $8.32 and FREE carpenter. $7.07, $7.67, and $8,32. ► Also: Caretaker, $6.18, $6.71, $7.28;. treatment plant , MANCHESTER STATE BANK operator 1, $6.77, $7.51, $8.20; Treatment plant operator II. $7.10, $7.87, $8.59; sanitation laborer. $6.49, $7.04, $7.64, and sanitation driver, $7.01, $7.61, and $8.26. - Employees at the treatment plant are receiving ad­ CHRISTMAS CLUB GIFTS ditional individual adjustments. Effective retroactive to last July 1 they receive an additional 15 cents per hour to be applied after the percentage increase and effective July 1, 1981, an additional five cents per hour to be applied after the percentage increase. These adjustments are one-time only adjustments and will lapse after July 1, 198}. Tlie wage increases in general are all retroactivB to Four free club gifts July 1, the start of the town’s fiscal year. ■ The contract gives the employees 13 paid holidays and one floating holiday to be mutually agreed upon by the 50th employer and employees in advance of the holiday, and’ holidays falling on'Saturday will be celebrated on the preceding day and those falling on Sunday will be Chriatmag Club celebrated Monday, * Under the contract an employee Who has given con­ % Payment Free tinued service to the town for 10 yedrs will receive an an­ nual bonus of $100; fr 15 years. $150. and for 20 years, $200 annually. The employee-pensig^lan is also made part of the con­ tract agreement and the parties involved agreed that the V union may request to reopen concerning pensions only. Free Satin Ornament with $5.00 club.' Free Blanket with $20.00 club. Warm /\ Colorful Christmas scenes to dress up; Lower roadway ,jp winter nights with this large 72x90 your table or tree. seen as concern deluxe plaid blanl^t. \ ERNON — The roadway on Route 83 in Talcottville A has been lowered several feet in connection with the con­ struction going on on Interstate 86 and Mayor Marie Herbst received some calis from concerned residents. She said the concern was expressed because that area has had flooding problems in the past and residents fear that lowering the road will compound them. Mrs. Herbst contacted th» state Department of Trans^rtation and received a reply from Edwin J. Fijol, Manohester m anag^of design for the Bureau of Highway. Fijol ^ i d the roadway design in this area was predicted primarily on two factors, the first being the flood plan of the Tankerhoosen River and the second, the State Bank provision for conveyance of normal rainfall run off. > He saidlhat without dwelling on the technical aspects 1041 Main St.- of the design, he would “simply point out that the roadway facility was tested in design utilizing the Downtown Manchester criteria of a 100-year flood of the Tankerhoosen River to 646-4004 . assure proper passage through the flood plain.” “The anticipated flood elevation of the Tankerhoosen Free Hot Plate with $10.00 club. "K-Mart Plaza r^ a v e A Nl9ja Day 1981”, linen hanging River at the Hartford Turnpike crossing is 186.0 feet, the ^ Decorator style hot plate, ideal for Spencer St., Manchester wall calendar! free wjth $3.00 club. new roadway, even though it is somewhat iower than th a t' at present, will be constructed above elevation 186.0 holiday entertaining. feet,” Fijol said. I » He said the department is confident that the design o f , Hartford Turnpike adequately satisfies those aspects relative to concerns expressed...... ,.,•/■
