DEFENSIVE AND COMPETITIVE BIDDING LEADS AND SIGNALS WBF 2.16 (Style; Responses; 1/2 Level; Reopening) OPENING LEADS STYLE Natural sound, New suit=F1, jump 2NT= 2-suiter, Lead In Partner's Suit jump in new suit=Splinter and fit to partners suit, Romex Trial Bids Suit 4th, MUD 1., 3. 5.-highest. ATT if spported. NT Journalist, Garozzo as above Category: Natural - GREEN Subseq ATT ATT Country: Denmark Other: Event: ALL EVENTS Players: Hans Christian Nielsen & Knud-Aage Boesgaard 1NT (2ND/4TH Live; Responses; Reopening) LEADS SYSTEM SUMMARY 15-18 bal Lead Vs. Suit Vs. NT GENERAL APPROACH AND STYLE 4th pos. 11-14 bal Ace AKx, AKJ10x AK, AKx -based system, Lowest 4-card suit, 1S=5+;1H=4+, King AK, KQ, KQx KQJ10x, AKJ10x Queen AQJx, QJ, QJx KQ10xx, QJ10xx Jack KJ10x, J10, J10x J109x, QJx, JUMP OVERCALLS (Style; Responses; Unusual NT) 10 K109x, 109, 10x, KJ10xx, K109x 1-Suit: 2S, 3H, 3S, . 3m is preempt after 1M-opening. 9 J987, K987, 109x Same- 2-Suit: 2NT= 2 lowest unbid suits; After 1 m: a) 3C shows at least 5-5 in Hi-xthe Sx, xSx, SSxx SSx, SSxxx 1NT Openings: 15-18 bal highest and lowest unbid suits, b) 3D=the 2 highest unbid suits. Lo-x HxxS, HxxS(+) HxxSS, AKxxS 2 OVER 1 Responses:10+P Reopen: Double promises opening strength. SIGNALS IN ORDER OF PRIORITY SPECIAL BIDS THAT MAY REQUIRE DEFENCE DIRECT and JUMP CUE BIDS (Style; Responses; Reopen) Partners Lead Declarer's Lead Discarding A. direct Cue-bids: Revised Michaels CUE-Bid. F. ex. 1M-2M shows Michaels Cuebids (revised) showing 2 suiters (6-11p). [1] Suit:1st Hi=DISCRG Hi/lo=O Hi=DISCRG at least 5 in other M and at least 5 in any minor. [1] (1M)-3M=bid 3NT with stopper. 2nd Hi/lo=O B. MULTI 2D: (3-7 hp weak 2M; Bal= 25+; or strong with D). [2] 3rd C. 3C-opening = Any solid minor. NT: 1st encouraging odd/even Hi=DISCRG D. 3NT-opening= Any minor (preempt). VS. NT (vs. Strong / Weak; Reopening; PH) 2nd Hi/lo=O E. 4C, 4D = (strong 4H/4S with 7½ to 9 losers). Revised Kelsey showing a 3 suited hand [3]; 3rd F. Revised Kelsey (Wohlin) after opponents 1NT. [3] In 4th: 2C=M+m; 2D=M+M; D=3-suited [3]. Signals (including Trumps):Lavinthal, Smith G. Weak 2 opening in M (6-10 hp) (Hi/Lo=interest in the suit led; Trumps:Hi-lo shows interest in DOUBLES TAKEOUT DOUBLES (Style; Responses; Reopening) VS. ( Doubles; Cue-bids; Jumps; NT bids) Negative doubles, Responsive doubles, LEB after (WK2x)-DBL-(P)-, OPT DBL, 2NT (afterWK2x)=nat Competitive doubles, point-showing doubles 15-18HP SPECIAL SEQUENCES VS. ARTIFICIAL STRONG OPENINGS SPECIAL, ARTIFICIAL AND COMPETITIVE DOUBLES/REDOUBLES Basicly, we use forcing-pass where we use negative doubles. [4] Vs 1C: dbl=C+M, 1NT=Both m, 2C=D+M, 2D=Both M; Lightner doubles, Redoubles shows either any balanced JUMPS=PRE, hand 10+ points or interest in doubling opponent (new suit bid on the 1-level is natural 6+ and on the 2-level 10+) IMPORTANT NOTES THAT DON'T FIT ELSEWHERE 4th suit forcing to game. OVER OPPONENTS' TAKE OUT DOUBLE Transfers after 1M-opening [5]; 2NT after 1m-opening= Raise 10+ points, 2NT after 1M-opening=Stenberg(GF with fit); New suit= Psychics:We use psychics once in 3-10 matches. natural 6+/10+; RDBL=10+ and BAL/interest in penalty OPENING BID DESCRIPTIONS Opening Artificial Min. Neg Dble thruDescription Responses Subsequent Auction Passed Hand Bidding 1C 3 2S 12+P Nat., 3C=Limit, Splint=GF, 2NT=10-12HCP no major,1C-1Y 1NT = 2C invit and 2D =FG Jump shifts=Nat.+ Cfit. 1D 4 2S 12+P Nat., 3D=Limit, Splint=GF, 2NT=10-12HCP no major,1D-1H/S, 1NT-2C= Art invit; 2D ART FG 2H,2S, 3C=Nat.+Dfit. 1D Openers bid on 2 level may be weak. 1H 4 2S 12+P STENBERG'S 2NT=FG raise (relays), Splinter=9-11 1H-1S 1NT-2C= Art invit; 2D= Art FG 2C= Drury (FIT): 2D=12+P 1H Openers reverse bid on 2 level may be weak. STENBERG'S 2NT= good raise 1S 5 2S 12+P Stenberg's 2NT=FG raise (relays), Splinter=9-11 1S-1NT- 2C =Art (INV+); 2NT= FG (3-suiter). 2C= Drury (FIT): 2D=12+P 1NT 2S 15-18 bal, 2C=Asks for strength/distr., Transfers, 2NT= both mSpecial defense after opponents interference. 2C x 0 3S a) 18-20HCP bal b) 23-24HCP bal 2D relay, 2H=Transfer-->S, 2NT=Semisolid 6+ suit , 2C c) Any Forcing with C 2S and 3C= Forcing (5card+) 2D x 0 MULTI(3-7 weak 2M; or 25+ bal; or NAT Acol)2NT = Relay, 3M = FG natural 5-card+, 3m=FG NATlTransfer-bids may occur 2H 5 Weak 2 in H (6-10 p). Vul at least 6 card. 2NT=Relay. New suit nat and FG. 2H 2S 5 Weak 2 in S (6-10 p). Vul at least 6 card. 2NT=Relay. New suit nat and FG. 2NT 21-22 bal 3C =Asks for M, 3H/3S=At least 5 cards in unbid M, 3C 7 Any solid minor 3M= Nat FG, Spec. asking bids 3D 6 Preempt 3H 6 Preempt 3S 6 Preempt 3NT x Preempt any minor 4D= relay, spec. asking bids 4C x 0 NAMYATS(strong 4H) 4D= Relay, Spec. Asking bids 4D x 0 NAMYATS(strong 4S) 4H = Relay, Spec. asking bids 4H 4S 4NT 5C 5D 5H 5S 5NT HIGH LEVEL BIDDING Danish asking bids, Cue Bids, SPL, WAITING 3NT, Additional-bids (kind of CUE - not promising control in bid suit), Special - convention when not vul against vul, LIGHTNER