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V . U ; LTu fair, F AJMJC, FEARLESS AND FREE. PRICE TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR Vol. 64. Jaspeb, , Fhiday, MAY 20, 1921. No. 2. Sea Monster Caught Off New Jersey Coast if EDDIE PULLEN WANTS You Can Never Tell How ' TO BUY ' , , I NEW SHOES . - v . DC f m . a Racing Crowd Will Act

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This II;m U m: in iniKimun sjhtW's. wliaf a giant tons, va?j iiviri of nti souit rrsrmltllii shark and writhing two III : J ' 'KT ', J 1 1 1 b(-f- ' i . m ;ui!r nlV tin lig llsh, 'JO long, ?."(K) tr :'- nullit rrmitii Nv Jrrx'.v nuif. Tin fwt dotroyt'd a mackerel net fß-- xr it was hauled a!-:m- liu- - Ilching I .i t of ('apt. Clarence Starn of Atlantic City. :r , be surprised If you see m I I ill nt DON'T ( ii'iatini uuto, i.i nuiuiuuuuoj Tlw reduction In living crt hns shoe hanging from the A race crowds sure single out their Designed to Foil Mail Bandit some way to go before the pre-wn- r steering post of Eddie Pullen's heroes. It will be interesting to note p.iee tags run again be brought Into Duesenberg racing creation at the the manner in which the crowd that service. G00-mll- e dash for $S3,000, to be held will witness the Ninth International aft. 'MOW.1.1 at the Motor Speedway, 500-mll- c race, to bo held at the Indi A sfjulrtless grape fruit Is nil right Moaday, May 30. It Is Pullen's omen anapolis Motor Speedway, Monday, if It Is not declared unconstitutional of good luck and personal harm has May 30, acts toward Ralph DePalraaj ns destructive of breakfast table com- never crossed his path In any race and Dario Uesta, speed champion inj worn-ou- t petition. lie has had the shoe of his 191C . j f born streaming car. in was on v... '. ' :..; first from his won an Interna-- ! Wretch the lead. The crowd :1 Each driver has If you are fond of working out puz- Pullen distinguished himself as the tional race at Indianapolis and bothj,ts feet most of the time. .The raeo : , t . ..' 1 ' .: V t v " '4 ' JV- - xwx - v.' zles', there Is the modern buckwheat first American driver, In an American have pushed their mounts to the pits was for 100 miles. At 5C miles Aitken pancake. The object Is to llnd the car, to win a Grand Prize race. after their .cars had broken up, with stopped for a tire change. Twenty buckwheat. victory within their reach. Their seconds later he was off, but the ilee-in- g achierements have been parallel in Resta was nearly a lap ahead of M ...... The French. are reported using pars- ,,,...... ; many ways but the crowds have per- him. ley as a substitute for absinthe. An- formed differently for each. Aitken was soon racing at his old pace, other Ingredient for home brew ex- FAUOUS AIR PILOT Ralph DePalma became a hero In facing the task of overtaking perimenters? defeat at Indianapolis in 1912. With Resta, when the Italian was seen to go connecting rod on slow up on the back stretch and at 0 WILL FLY TO RAGE two laps to a his flying Mercedes broke, tossed him out miles he limped into his pit. A speedy England nnd Wales recorded the of the race and literally knocked thb change, and in less than 20 seconds ho De-Palm- a was in flight again. Aitken goto 4 sec- highest birth rate In 1020 In their his- 520,000 purse out of his hands. This new container car, fireproof nnd burglnrproof, lujs heen developed by jumped out of his car and onds lead on Resta, the next lap Resta York rnllrond I being out by United Tost tory. Well, we congratulate them, RICK EN BACK ER, the New Central nnd tried the States TDDIE pushed down the home stretch to cut it down to 2.5 seconds and it ap- Ollice Department. It Is expected to end postal thefts nnd holdups en route. says Houston Post. The best ve can it former race driver, who won pit amid the cheers of the excited peared as though C6 miles would sc The car holds n number of btige. .qunre steel safes, which ennnot bo opened say In his for relined circles this country undying fame a a flying ace in When Joe Dawson, in No. the two running radiator to radiator. on car, as It Is necessary to move two levers, one of which Is ob- thousands. while the Is, the Pekinese seems to he xabra past him, DePalma w'avetl Rut it never came. Resta slowed by side car. -- In the. 8whlzzed structed the of the popular than the Urs ton terriers. ÜH.itj" kept on 'push entering back pace late warNvill flyVrom his home him on to victory and the stretclrand his y ing his disabled smiling. Jce dwindled and dwindled; When he in Oakland, Cal., carand to Indianapolis Dawson won the race but Ralph De-Pal- reached the third turn he stopped. A" Crippled Children Rebuilt in Masonic Hospital to be present at the Ninth Inter- was the hero of the day. broken crankshaft had put him out of national 500-mil- e race, to be held That's that. Hut with Hesta it was the race. Resta and his mechanic pushed at'the Indianapolis Motor Speed- different. Resto and Johnny Aitken valiantly the silenced race car were providing the major portion of nearly half way around the course to way, Monday, May Ricken-back- er 30. the thrills in the Harkness trophy raco the grandstand, but the thousands of PlipllPllÄ " formerly competed at In- at , Sheepshead Bay in 1915. First spectators did not even greet the dianapolis and other tracks be- Aitken would be ahead and then Re3ta heroic gladiator and s'plendid sporu-ma- n fore his entrance into the war, would come storming down the with a faint cheer. but since that time the only fast driving Eddie has done has been Mayflower May Beat Canucks 'high In the air. He will leave 4 YaK. California several days before mkmkMMmr the race, flying to Omaha, Neb, as the first leg of his jaunt, and . X '.VT , vs. plans to fly from Omaha to Indi- , l v. If l anapolis the following day. He wiB be accorded a receptiorj ...Cf v In Indianapolis by the American I Legion and by his former racing

1 - de- 1 vr,r.XA',,W:,TT- competitors. Rickenbacker is cidedly popular In Indianapolis, his former home.

"We Masons luiild many a tall house to the honor of our order but what can equal the rebuilding of a little crip-.ple- d ...! human body; the making n crippled child Into strong, active, happy M-mp- of a and useful man or woman?'' These word9 ' : - were spoken by Forrest Adair at the opening of the Scottish Kite Hospital for Crippled Children in Decatur, a suburb Ia. Today scores of children, becoming healthy, happy, - IIP of Atlanta. born deformed, are useful citizens cured and DARING RACE DRIVER I ' , ' I- - ,4 ; tnught In the hospital. Jr, I! , TAKES NO CHANCES

"Imperial Oil Plane" and Pilots Get Busy With Paint "Tfreres a difference between dar- "Sadly In need of paint" is the ver- ing ami foolhardiness in driving speed dict that anyone must pass upon the cars," said , who will

In an a .500-mil- houses that automobile trip he drive-- Puegot in the e dash at along country will see town and roads the Indianapolis Motor Speedway, while the trees are still bare. The MtMrJa, May 30. "paint-u- p clean-up- " weeks ve and that The schooner. Mayilower, Roston's entry in the International fishing schooner we dropped are a few drivers who had before the war for 'There will races next fall, leaving Boston for her maiden sail. The Mayflower, designed urgent more business and because of continue to speed their mounts even by W. Starling Burgess, Is expected to win the trophy lifted last year by the the high price of paint and labor. Now, after they feel It giving way trader Gloucester schooner Esperanto. prices are a little easier, when w the terrific strain of the gruelling should make up for the years of neg-lec- t. A house that is bare of pigment long-distanc- e race btit not me. I can and dry of oil is all the time going tell by the feel of a car whether it's House of the Thourand Doors backwards a little by reason of the as- performing at its best and there is an saults of the weather; and the still ever present premonition whenever high cost of building a new house danger is makes it well worth while to preserve lurking. When that time an old one. Youth's Companion. comes .1 drive the car off the track. I remember one short-distanc- e race in Youth and the Motor. which I was teading with but a short "Are you seeing to It that your son's ride to victory when I noticed one of education Includes courses of instruc- my Oaptain May and i'aptain tlcrdon. pilot, with the "imperial oil plane" tion that will help him in the busy wire wheels weaving, showing which will vrtny engineers and geologists from IMmonstoii to the newly dis- affairs of life?" signs of weakness. I might. have been covered NorniMi oil !i. I1. 1' miles north of the city. Note the runners "Yes, sir," replied Farmer Conitos-sel- . able to complete the race and many replace wl- - cU on 1 1 place for snow landings. which "I told Josh that no matter 1kv drivers would have kept right on giv- Greek and fasclnatln' his Latin micht ing the car the gun butl drove it It Is prol.-iP- ! :! w.i'M"' will be, he must not let 'em Interfere With Until the aeroplane can be dornest!-cate- d pits. There is a per- e5 into the small t wear t! . r ov-?:- studyin' the tratlic regulations." continue the automohlle will continue to his through summer. ..ü! rop-!- . centage of danger when everything is Tier n popular household be it. performing, with mechanical precision (M1 Cheaper gasoline means nothing to There are motor :;rs In The American ben Is now facing a but (when things begin to happen United States ar.d a sijortn-- e or the guest in the back seat. the y new yellow peril; r..OV Chinese eggs that's the time I want to be on the The accompanying photograph shows the two-stor- building at the foot of; 1 ,r.).( home. A luxurious j.,.jv In country. Warrington, D. Is entirely have arrived this Kurope appears to be aide to owe sidelines." - South Capitol streVt, C, which built of doors, with the exception of the roof. The houe was formerly ued as a storage shed. Thu Nearly all men pursue happiness. us all the money she needs. And we might add that Wilcox won Statistics show t Int wlille the cost three hundred doors of which it is Lullt are salvage from wrecked building. Is out-- , fa- 191 GOVmlle race Here and there the amazing of living has dropped, there Is plenty the International There are 30.fX poets in Japan. No vorites of fortune, whom happiness of room helow for Improvement. and lscioted for hU skUland'finish in wonder she's mad enough to Öght I driving.. , .



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