PRESENT Cllrs P Allen, R Aston, S Browning, J Coyle(Chairman), M Haywood, P Jackson, K Lawrence, M Paterson, M Richardson, S Summerfield, H Wadsworth, Clerk Alison Winskell and 2 members of the public.

IN ATTENDANCE Ward Cllrs M Blair, P Duckett and M Smith

274. APOLOGIES Cllr B Woodward

Before we move on to the Declarations the Chairman asked for 1 minutes silence in memory of Buster Newnam who served as a councillor for Maulden Parish Council for many years and sadly passed away last week aged 95.

Cllr Allen proposed making a donation to the Alzheimers Society of £100 in his memory

RESOLVED – all in favour of a donation of £100 to the Alzheimers Society

275. DECLARATION FROM MEMBERS IN RELATION TO A PERSONAL OR PREJUDICIAL INTEREST IN ANY AGENDA ITEM Cllr Aston declared an interest in planning application CB/TCA/21/00028 as it is his house. He will leave the meeting when it is discussed.


277. TO RECEIVE A REPORT FROM CENTRAL COUNCIL REPRESENTATIVES Cllr P Duckett - firstly the Covid situation is troubling with case rates on the up but Medical centres for vaccine purposes are at least identified formally thus far as being: Shefford Health Centre, Priory Gardens , Rugby Club, Rufus Centre , Weatherly Centre and Toddington Medical Centre. Rufus centre has started inoculations, more centres will be coming soon, one possibly at . Were some teething problems but after a meeting there today hopefully things will improve. The Army is helping with distribution with over 80s being the priority at the moment. Everyone will be told when their turn is due and no drop in facility is available so await your turn and let's hope the vaccine roll out can be accelerated. There has been a problem with GPs ringing people as they withhold their number and many elderly peoples phones won’t accept a call from a withheld number.

Budget prep is well under way with the likely outcome of 1.95% increase from CBC, plus 3%social care increment, 2% from the fire brigade and a big hike from the police who got permission for a £15 hit to fund gaps. CBC are not planning on cutting anything as has been the way since its inception and the capital programme remains ambitious and necessary to meet demand. Worth noting all our neighbours are cutting investment!

Funds for tree and hedgerow planting are there for you to grab and I'm glad you jumped in so quickly with the Moor Lane project. We ward members still have personal budgets for worthy local projects too so please call us as we need to use the remaining funds by March.

The new reporting app 'fixmystreet' goes live this month enabling everyone to report a host of options not just potholes and good feedback system so that should help a lot.

Covid wardens have been appointed as instructed and funded by Gov as a final bit of news and the local plan is hopefully due for sign off in May.

Cllr M Smith – was also at the Health and social care meeting this morning and grilled the CCG on the rollout of the vaccine. One question was how do housebound people get their doses. They will be contacted and an advice line will be launched to take the calls away from GPs. The 80 plus is going well so

Signed ______Page | 1883 next will be 70plus and vulnerable people. When booking you need to go right to the end of the process where you get a reference number.

There will be a slight expansion of the Ward with Millbrook joining us.

The A507 safety issues have been raised up the agenda and were unanimously supported so that is a bit of good news

Cllr M Blair – agrees that the A507 issue is very important.

On the vaccination front various bodies are offering free transport if people are unable to get to the centres, Dial a Ride and Good Neighbours being two of them. Precautions must be taken obviously as people will be travelling with someone not in their bubble. The PCN have done a fantastic job to get them up and running and great joint effort between GPs and pharmacies

He is still pursuing the streetlights between Ampthill and Maulden as well as fielding enquiries about getting it widened enough to be a cycle path.

Cllr Browning asked if there is a waiting area for after the vaccine – there is no need to wait after having the Astra Zenica jab

Cllr Allen asked about whether there were sufficient supplies for next week – there were said to be this morning. He also asked about the streetlights, no response from CBC to emails, we know what the problem is but there is no recognisable plan that we’ve been told – Highways are more responsive now with the new team head

Cllr Wadsworth said he had booked his grandparents vaccines; you get a text to confirm the appointment. You have to wait in the queue, some people were waiting in their car but they then had to join the back of the queue.

278. TO RECEIVE THE REPORTED CRIME STATISTICS/ SPEED/STREETWATCH REPORT – CLLR BROWNING 02/12/2020 Ampthill Road 40/65232/20 Theft from shops and stalls 03/12/2020 Undisclosed 40/65316/20 Harassment - Pursue course of conduct in breach of Sec 1 (1) which amounts to stalking 06/12/2020 Snow Hill 40/65862/20 Assault occasioning actual bodily harm (ABH) 14/12/2020 Kings Road 40/67314/20 Attempted Burglary - Residential - Dwelling 22/12/2020 Road 40/68976/20 Assault without Injury - Common assault and battery 23/12/2020 Silsoe Road 40/68980/20 Assault without Injury - Common assault and battery 25/12/2020 Kings Road 40/69413/20 Assault without Injury - Common assault and battery 25/12/2020 Kings Road 40/69404/20 Theft of a motor vehicle 28/12/2020 Flitwick Road 40/69853/20 Assault without Injury - Common assault and battery 30/12/2020 Becketts Close 40/70096/20 Other criminal damage, other (Under £5,000)

Signed ______Page | 1884

Ampthill Community Safety Group There have been no meetings of the group since the last MPC meeting. The next meeting is to be held via Zoom and is scheduled for 28th January at 1900 – all are welcome to join the meeting. I will be raising the issue of the street lights between Maulden and Ampthill. If anyone has any other issues they would like me to raise please let me know.

Street Watch 7 patrols were carried out in December (prior to lockdown), totalling 11.75 hours. During 2020, 74 patrols totalling 143 hours were carried out.

Issues Raised on Patrol/Other Media Thursday 3rd - 10 potholes were recorded in Flitwick Road & reported to CBC. Wednesday16th - A blue Mercedes van was reported as acting suspiciously in Hall End.

Summary of 108 Crimes reported in Maulden during 2020.

Personal (69): 39 Harassment/Provocation 22 Assaults: (8 ABH), (14 Common) 4 Sexual 3 Affray 1 Possession of a controlled drug

Property (39): 18 Theft/Burglary + 3 Attempted (affecting residential/commercial property) 13 Criminal damage (4 dwelling + 9 vehicles) 5 Thefts from a Motor Vehicle 3 Thefts of a motor vehicle

Speedwatch The Speed Watch team has not resumed roadside monitoring yet since the new lockdown began. I am raising the issue of SiDs again on behalf of the Speed Watch team and request some additional pressure be brought to bear by Ward Councillors on their behalf as it is approaching 3 years since the proposal was initiated and there has been no progress. What needs to happen to make progress? The MPC owned fixed SiD at Hall End has still not been re-erected after it was removed by the constructors of houses next to Trilley Fields. It has been lying on the ground for about 5 months now so it may not even work when re-erected. If it still works, a suggestion has been made to have it re-installed on the lamppost about 20 metres nearer to the A6. The post is there but no lamp on it yet. Will permission from CBC or MPC be needed to do this? Who will take forward the re-erection of the SiD? Presumably this should be at the cost of the developers and if it no longer works, they should pay for a new one.

There was much discussion about the SiDs and the reason for the delay. There was some dispute with CBC about ownership of the devices as well as which model to get.

Cllr Duckett said there is a new man in charge of electronics maybe SiDs too. He will chase it up with him to see what is holding it up.

Covid CBC has deployed 16 new Covid-19 stewards who will carry out patrols of businesses and public areas in to engage, explain and encourage best practice and promote the national guidance. They will also be gathering intelligence and information on potential breaches and will feed this back to CBC and Beds Police. Maulden residents are reminded to be alert to Covid vaccine scams such as requested charges, bank details etc. There are also fraudsters selling bogus Covid test certificates. Genuine certificates can only be obtained from an approved test provider. The Rufus Centre has started rolling out the vaccination programme. Thanks to everyone involved.

Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue The Public Consultation on Community Risk Management Plan 21/22 and Council Tax proposals is open for comment until 31st January 2021 at www.bedsfire.gov.uk/About/Governance/Consultation-and-Engagement.aspx Thanks to Ampthill Firefighters who have been driving ambulances for East of Ambulance Service since last April and have worked over 1800 hrs and covered 1500 Ambulance shifts.

Signed ______Page | 1885

RESOLVED – Cllr Coyle with support from Cllr Duckett to follow up with David Nevols at CBC and Malcolm Crawford regarding the SiDs as well as looking into sorting out the fixed SiD at Hall End.


CB/20/03326/OUT - Land to the north of Rd and east of Church Rd, Maulden Outline Application: Demolition of existing buildings, removal of hardstanding and erection of static chalet style tourist accommodation units, the creation of a new priority junction, and associated landscaping and ancillary works. Outline for access only all other matters reserved.

RESOLVED - The amendments in the application have not addressed Maulden Parish Council or resident’s observations and objections made in the initial application and consequently Maulden Parish Council continue to STRONGLY OBJECT to this application. In studying the detail it would appear that the applicant has attempted to address some of the concerns by revising the position of the play area, which has effected the elevations. However MPC cannot see any changes that are fundamental to the previous objection of development of the site and in particular for establishing tourist accommodation in the centre of the village. Therefore the key points of MPC objections are unchanged and re-submitted as follows:  The site lies outside the Maulden defined settlement envelope within open countryside and would result in significant harm to the landscape character and go against the existing pattern of development in the immediate vicinity. It would also impact the visual amenity and appearance of the Greensand Ridge nature Reserve. The development is therefore contrary to DM4 of the Central Bedfordshire Core Strategy and Development Management Policy and SP7 of the Local Plan.  The development is also contrary to the objectives of the National Planning Policy Framework (2019) that seeks to safeguard valuable landscape character and protect natural environment.  This site (NLP289) failed the Local Plan “Call for Sites” and was considered not suitable for development. Consequently the site is now identified as an “Important Countryside Gap” in policy SP5 of the emerging Local Plan. Although the Local Plan has not yet been approved it is at an advanced stage and should be given some weight in considering this application.  The site is within the Greensand Ridge Nature Improvement area. The views from the footpath (FP03) at the top of the site would be visually impacted. This type of view is a recognised part of the Greensand Ridge Country landscape.  Additional traffic through the village will impact local residents particularly customers leaving and exiting the site as well as HGV movements as chalet units are delivered and removed from the site.  Light pollution for neighbouring properties - the park would require additional lighting around the site to benefit customers so resulting in light pollution as the ground rises on a scarp face from the road.  The tourist accommodation would give limited benefits to the village but are not considered sufficient to outweigh the significant harm to the character and appearance of the area.  Residential Development has already been approved under CB/18/04183/OUT to the south of the site although building has not yet started. However this development is in line with the linear nature of this part of Maulden and the additional development of the site would extend the depth of development not in keeping with the distinct nature of Maulden and would result in harm to the distinct character of Maulden. Also a new factor has been brought into this amendment, which is adding “Potential Additional Land”. Although this land is not included in the “red line” area of the application and the layout does not show any chalets on this land, the fact that it has been indentified would indicate that if this application is approved an additional one could be submitted in the future to put chalets on this additional land backing onto the Church Road gardens. Therefore whilst the applicant may have attempted to reduce the “developable” land it is clear that if this application is approved a precedent will be established and the site will be expanded, subject to approval, in the future.

Cllr Browning asked if there is a limit to how many times people can reapply for the same planning application – no basically it can be tweaked and applied again.

Signed ______Page | 1886

Cllr Aston asked what ‘called in’ means – called in to committee so it gets a fairer hearing rather than being decided by one person. Any site over 10 dwellings which the PC objects to automatically goes to committee.

CB/20/02961/FULL - 65 Ampthill Road, Maulden, , MK45 2DH Single storey rear extension

RESOLVED - no objection to the application on basis that materials, machinery are kept onsite not on public ground or highway.

CB/20/04716/FULL - 13 Clophill Road, Maulden, Bedford, MK45 2AA New vehicle hard-standing to front of site, following excavation of existing site frontage

RESOLVED - no objection to the application provided that: Identification of the a 2M minimum width of pavement is clearly marked to provide clarity of vehicle parking area and a drop kerb is provided to the entrance to the hard-standing from the road.

CB/TCA/21/00017 - Church of Saint Mary the Virgin, Church Road, Maulden Works to a tree within a Conservation Area: Pollard Ash Tree

RESOLVED - no objection to the application as the tree is heavily diseased and dangerous

CB/21/00112/LB - Chestnut Tree Farm, Ampthill Road, Maulden, Bedford, MK45 2DP Listed Building: Replace the single glazed rear windows and back door with slim double glazed hardwearing timber units of a similar design

RESOLVED - no objection to the application on the basis that materials are kept onsite not on public ground or highway.

CB/20/04499/FULL - Limbersey Nurseries, Limbersey Lane, Maulden, Bedford, MK45 2EA Erection of two structures to be used as B1 office space and B8 storage. Retrospective

RESOLVED - no objection to the application but it is noted that the building work started in 2010 and therefore the planning application should have been submitted at the start of the work and not retrospectively.

Cllr Aston was put in the waiting room for the following item

CB/TCA/21/00028 - 15 Ampthill Road, Maulden, Bedford, MK45 2DA Works to trees within a Conservation Area: Reduce crown over drive, remove deadwood and reduce remaining crown to balance to Acacia (T1), fell small Ornamental Elm to ground level and grind out stump (T2), fell Conifer Hedge to ground level and grind out stumps (G1), raise crown to 3.5m and thin by 25% to Ash (T3), reduce in height to tidy and encourage new growth to Hawthorn (G2), Reduce overall crown by 1m to Maple (T4), reduce overall crown by 1m Purple Plum (T5)

RESOLVED – no objection

Cllr Aston returned to the meeting

Other Planning Matters CB/20/00917/FULL- Land adjacent to 144 Clophill Road, Maulden, Bedford, MK45 2AE Residential development of 23 dwellings. A decision is still awaited on this development

CB/20/01952/FULL Site at Hiam Business Centre, Russell Farm, New Road, Maulden Re-submission of CB/19/02446/FULL conversion of B1 (a) Office units to 9 residential properties. In regard to the appeal CBC administration team have acknowledged that there was an error when they ran the neighbour appeal notification letters in that not all neighbours on the list did not received letters. Consequently CBC appeals administrator contacted the Planning Inspectorate and an extension of the deadline for response by third parties and neighbours. A revised date of 29th January has been agreed. Also occupancy of one of the units at the end property on the front right hand side, which now has furniture in and net curtains in the front windows has been reported to Planning Enforcement and is being investigated.

Signed ______Page | 1887

S106 Monies Cllr Jackson has issued a report stating where project monies are either available now or available in the future and all councillors should have submitted their proposals to the council for discussion and approval.

Potential projects submitted so far, together with some of my comments

1. Duck End lane nature reserve According to Sue Raven at Greensand trust (who manage this site), this is now approaching a site of national importance due to its wetland nature. However, due to the sensitive water levels it would be difficult to add more trees as these may lead to a lowering of the water table. Support for additional signage of this site and the triangle of land between the rhubarb field and the field next to Duck End (which contains some important sand loving weeds and grasses) would be welcome. It is yet to be defined as to what a "buffer zone" would look like or contain.

2. The field opposite the school. As you know although this is allotment land it is not currently used as "cultivated allotments" The current proposals are:- Community Orchard space Additional sports pitch for football, netball, basketball etc Fitness circuit Recreational benches Car park for its use and primary school use Include good walking surface (buggies and wheel chair friendly) and seats

3. The Brache Children’s Recreation Area Provide additional play equipment (this would require extension of the fenced play area) Refurbish repair existing play equipment for the other parts of the rec:- Increase number of dog poo bins

4. The Brache Sports Pavilion Totally refurbish to higher standard Extend for further sports equipment storage Extend for showers and changing area Extend to include coffee shop operated by a team of volunteers

5.Footpaths / cycleways Clear and publicise Install additional signs Discuss with landowners the provision of addition "permissive" paths to extend or link existing footpaths and give greater access to Maulden Woods. Create linked cycleways (with good surfaces) to allow cycle travel to surrounding villages / Flitwick train station etc

6. Village Hall Extend Hall for storage / more flexible use Extend car park Install solar panels

7.Road and pedestrian safety Install SID's as per current proposal Install safe crossing at Budgens Install streetlights Maulden to Ampthill Install seats along Clophill / Ampthill Road

It should be noted that we currently have no proposals for providing for:- Teenage residents of Maulden Support for Maulden activity groups, Scouts, Brownies etc No support for other community groups.

After a lot of discussion Cllr Jackson asked all Cllrs who haven’t yet sent their projects through to do so and a final decision on priorities will be made at the March meeting

Signed ______Page | 1888

280. TO RECEIVE A RECREATION GROUND / REPLACEMENT SLIDE REPORT – CLLR WADSWORTH I spoke to the Rec cleaner, Peter Palmer, and he’s reported the slide vandalism issue that happened yesterday, which was circulated via email this morning, some of the builders fencing has been left near the kids area of the play park, and the dog waste bin over the far side of the park near the bungalows is starting to overflow as there are a number of bags that have been left on the floor. CBC has said they will replace the missing dog waste bin as they installed it.

The schedule for the finishing off of the slide and repair of the vandalised surface is 26/01 – The surfacing team will attend to the Vandalised area The surface will then need to be left for 48 hours to cure 29/01 – The installations team will attend and carry out the remedial works required in the RoSPA report

30/01 – The logistics department have arranged for the collection to take place and the removal of the Herras fencing 01/02 – We have asked for the container to be removed on this day (apologies we cannot do this before as they will not collect on the Sunday and it will be being emptied on the Saturday)

The Operations Manager is planning a Zoom call as he has broken his ankle and can’t drive to site for a meeting

RESOLVED - Cllr Browning will contact the Police to establish if the vandalism to the new slide had been reported and what action had been taken

281. TO RECEIVE A STREETLIGHT REPORT – CLLR LAWRENCE I conducted a street light check of all parish lamps on the evening of Friday 22nd January. I found all apart from one lamp to be in full working order, the faulty lamp is ~ M2 Kings Rd , This lamp has been reported for repair.

I am sorry to report, that we still have no date for the installation of the additional lights between Maulden and Ampthill, Cllr Allen has been in regular contact with CBC chasing this matter.

The February/March report will be provided by Cllr Richardson.

282. TO APPROVE THE MINUTES OF MAULDEN PARISH COUNCIL MEETING HELD ON 21ST DECEMBER 2020. These, having been circulated, were approved and will be taken to the Chairman for signing

283. TO RECEIVE THE CLERK’S REPORT Nothing really to report, the precept request has gone in and was acknowledged. Only other issue has been the slide.


285. CORRESPONDENCE 22/12/20 – East/West rail Keeping you connected: Winter 2020 23/12/20 – BBN update 31/12/20 - Community Safety virtual drop ins 05/01/21 - Rookery South - latest community newsletter 05/01/21 - Bedfordshire Bugle - January 2021 06/01/21 - Your help please : Greensand Country, Oral History Project - Call out for Volunteers 07/01/21 - Bedfordshire Matters 07/01/21 - Message from HM Lord-Lieutenant of Bedfordshire 08/01/21 - Invite to ERTA Zoom Meetings and support local rail reopenings 08/01/21 – Clerks and Councils Direct January edition 2021 11/01/21 - Hertfordshire Waste Local Plan - Draft Plan Consultation 12/01/21 - East West Rail Issues 12/01/21 - Final recommendations for future electoral arrangements for Central Bedfordshire Council. 13/01/21 - Central Bedfordshire Council Salt Bag Scheme 13/01/21 - A conversation with the PCC 18/01/21 - Leadership Changes at Central Bedfordshire Council 18/01/21 - Apply now for the chance to bag £1,000 for Maulden Parish Council 18/01/21 - Community Safety virtual drop ins

Signed ______Page | 1889

19/01/21 - Autism Bedfordshire- Hidden Disabilities Poster 20/01/21 – BRCC - Community Led Housing - Launch Events 25/01/21 - Changes to the flight path at Luton airport. CPRE Bedfordshire briefing.

286. TO CONSIDER A) SIGNS FOR FOOTPATHS – CLLR WOODWARD This item will be moved to the next Agenda as Cllr Woodward was absent

B) UPDATES FROM ALLOTMENTS, COMMUNITY SAFETY/LIAISON, FINANCE, HIGHWAYS, NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN, AND TREE WARDEN Neighbourhood Plan update – Cllr Aston We have already met twice this year to push the plan forward. The focus to date has been on the policies and whilst they had been agreed in principle some time ago, work with the consultant has been on agreeing the precise wording so they it will be suitable for examination in due course. This is now almost complete and the draft document is being updated.

We still have work to do and amongst other things we are:  Checking the Historic Environment Record.  Defining the format and extent of the buffer zone for the Duck End Nature Reserve.  Describing and photographing the important views.  Researching current housing density figures and the growth in dwelling numbers from base lines of 2011 re census and 2015 re Local Plan.  Clarifying some areas of Open Space.  Creating a detailed description of Maulden.  Completing Local Green Space assessments and contacting land owners.

Discussions with our consultant have included the NHP vision and objectives. These are noted below and I’m asking for MPC agreement.

Vision for the Neighbourhood Plan 3.1. The Maulden Neighbourhood Plan Vision and Objectives were agreed with the Parish Council to reflect the priorities of the community and to help set the future for the village, bearing in mind the challenges faced. The Vision sets out what Maulden might be like in 2035 and the Objectives provide detail about how that might be achieved. The Objectives allow for the development of Policies which in turn will be referenced when determining planning applications in Maulden. The vision for Maulden up to 2035 is: In 2035, Maulden will remain a large-sized village, retaining its distinct and rural character with countryside gaps and sufficient access to green space and the countryside, contributing to a physically and mentally healthy community. Maulden will have been enhanced through well designed, small scale development which respected the rural feel and landscape of the parish, that reduced pollution, that improved digital infrastructure, protected biodiversity and improved the carbon footprint of the village with a greater use of renewable energy. Residents in 2035 will feel happy and proud to live in Maulden, participating in the community and valuing each other and the environment.

Neighbourhood Plan Objectives 3.2. The proposed objectives of the Neighbourhood Plan are as follows: 1. To support sustainable, high quality, energy efficient and carbon neutral development that is in keeping with and seeks to preserve the heritage and character of the village in terms of design and scale. Development should meet an identified need and be directed to the most appropriate locations within the defined settlement envelope.

2. To protect the rural character and green spaces in and around the village, conserving and enhancing the attractiveness of the landscape, enabling access to the countryside,

Signed ______Page | 1890

encouraging biodiversity and maintaining Maulden’s distinct boundaries.

3. To reduce the reliance on cars by improving the opportunities for walking and cycling both within Maulden and to other villages, towns and services, which will help to improve both health and road safety for all.

4. To maintain and enhance the existing ‘village’ atmosphere, ensuring Maulden remains a safe and friendly place to live, work and visit with a strong sense of community and a range of facilities on offer.

5. To support the measures that will help to mitigate climate change, that will improve air and water quality, tackle plastic pollution and restore habitats to allow plants and wildlife to thrive.

6. To establish policies that support the infrastructure, environment and businesses within Maulden.

So, we continue to work towards Regulation 14 consultation, the ‘Consult locally on the Draft Plan‘ stage below. Regulation 14, will be a big step, it comprises a consultation organised by us to seek the views of both the local community and a range of statutory consultees on the draft policies. The consultation should last for a minimum of six weeks, although it is recommended this is extended to at least eight weeks, given the Covid-19 pandemic and the challenges that brings in consulting. We’re hoping this will be very early in the new year and we will then need to consider/respond to all the comments made and tweak/refine the draft plan. So plenty to do.

RESOLVED – approved the NHP vision and objectives

C) ASSISTING THE VILLAGE HALL WITH ADDITIONAL COSTS – CLLR WOODWARD This item will be moved to the next Agenda as Cllr Woodward was absent

D) S106 PRIORITIES – CLLR JACKSON This was covered in the planning item

287. FINANCE A) PAYMENTS SINCE THE LAST MEETING Balances: as at 31 December 2020: Current A/C £8,000 Business Reserve A/C £117,195.47 Chq Date Payee Reason Amount no 08.01.21 Alison Winskell Clerk's salary £ 803.70 BACS 08.01.21 HMRC Employer & employee NI £ 17.42 BACS 08.01.21 Beds Pension Fund Employer & employee pension conts £ 250.71 BACS 10.01.21 Ampower Streetlight energy supply £ 454.43 DD 15.01.21 Zoom Monthly Fee £ 14.39 DC 25.01.21 T & J Seymour Replace burnt out lantern M5 George St £ 450.00 779 25.01.21 BHIB Insurance Additional premium to cover new slide £ 19.42 780

Signed ______Page | 1891

25.01.21 T & J Seymour Streetlight maintenance Oct-Dec 20 £ 204.58 779 25.01.21 Alzheimers Assn Donation in memory of Buster Newnam £ 100.00 DC Total £ 2,314.65

The payments list, having been circulated, was approved and cheques will be taken to Cllr Woodward for signing

B) BANK RECONCILIATION This, having been circulated, was approved and will be taken to Cllr Woodward for signing

288. ITEMS FOR NEXT AGENDA – 1ST MARCH (ANNUAL PARISH MEETING) Signs for footpaths. Assisting the Village Hall with additional costs. S106 – Decisions on projects


Meeting closed 9.26pm

Signed ______Page | 1892