BANK REGIS BED JBANK, N. J., THURSDAY, AUGUST 14,1947 SECTION ONE—PAGES! TO Red Cross Chapter Dentist To Move mndry Workers Last Minute Talks To Modern Of f ice Little Silver CouncilV. & Needs Volunteers Dr.'George N. Wagner of Broad street expects to move Into his re- ^Protest Union Tactics Avert Bendix Strike cently-completed dental offices at Hears O'Malley, Craig For Motor Corps . 212 Monmouth street about the mid- dle, of next week. The new building Work Is~P^t la a one-story structure and con- Object To Being "Pestered" Union Accepts 7-Cent Raise And 6 sists of a Jarge operating room, Of Community x-ray room, laboratory, reception Garage-Home Residents Asked By room room. By A. F. Of L. Organizers Service Progran Paid Holidays—Other Hike In MarcK Gregory To State Definite Plans -•- i".-i • The BO employees of Donald's de- The county Red Cross chapter Is A threatened, strike of 200 work- ly extension period of the.old con- -•- lude, laundry at U Marlon street establishing a large community. ers- of the Bondlx-Aviation oorpor- tract. -- — — -Mayor-Frank— Oregory-TuesdHr"S _ hs,ys informed their employer, Don- Nominate Klatsky oervlcBTirogfam, and the first step The Amalgamated hall at Broad night asked Charles O'Malley andf -' - ation of Pearl street. Red Bank; Century OB Leroy Craig, both of Little SUvesj 1 oft Matthews, that they .do not In this direction Is the enlargement wag settled at 2:18 o'clock Tuesday and Mechanic streets was crowded want a union in the plant. Despite of Its motor conps volunteer ser- with Bendix workers at 6.30 o'clock Point road, to attend the August "\ the unanimous desire of the em- For Commander vices. The, demands on motor corps morning when /management and Tuesday morning as they unani- Holmdel Place 28 session of Little Silver's mayor 3 ployees to work under the condi- service to county residents has representatives of local 417, United mously accepted the proposition and aouncll to "tell us what you tions they have been lor the more than doubled during the war. Electrical and Machine Workers that their representatives had set- are going to do" as regards start* »•! past 38 yean, about sight or nine Of Legion Here Sold Last Week ing to build residences on their "We are in desperate need for vihlon (C.I.O.) agreed on a wage In- tled upon several'hours earlier at properties or to vacating the gar- Members ot the International volunteer motor corps drivers", the hotel. . Laundry'Workers'association of crease plus other benefits. The age-homes they currently occupy. Shrewsbury Post To said Gen. George L. VanDousen, This marks the second time In Of After adjourning Tuesday's meet. Jersey City (A.F. of L.) have ar- county chapter chairman, at an meeting was held at the Molly rived at the plant dally for two Pitcher hotel. . little over a year 'that a strike at Ing, Mayor Gregory invited tit. Hold Clambake pn emergency meeting called Monday Bendix was averted at the "11th Capt. John Henry O'Malley and Mr. Craig to join In weeks at the nooh hour In a Cadll- at the -chapter headquarters in . The settlement,, which was ratl- lao and according to the workers, hour." Last year the workers re- an Informal round tab* dlicussloa , Lawn September 14 Shrewsbury. "The demands on ourfled four hours later by employees' turned to their jobs after a meet- Heyer Holdings of their housing problems. He tat- "annoy and pester" them. motor corps are very great, and ' The owner qf the establishment, of the plant, stipulates a seven-cent ing at the Amalgamated hall when plained that while it was lot,* Cecil R. MacCloud, past com- we would like to Increase-our ser- hourly wage Increase now, with an their leaders felt the company at publlo hearing, council, has beefft Donald Matthews, expressed "the vice to'the civilians of the county The V. Harold Maddox residence opinion that the union Is seeking mander of Shrewsbury post, Amer- added four-oent hourly wage in- that time had given them a fair at Holmdel has been sold to Rich- prompted to request some declsucajr a contract for Uie plant before Au- ican Legion, and chairman of the who were so generous with their crease March 11,19*8. The new con- deal. ard E. Boiler of New York. The tlon from the owners because ' •.••'•<• "•'".[^7-t:\-: health, clinics, and clinics at hospi- He Is a graduate of Temple uni- eling operation. left the scene bnly to be replaced tals In Elizabeth, JeraeyjClty, New versity, Philadelphia, and super- building Inspector, pointed out thai Others oh the. nominating, com- Seven More Homes One of the original owners of the by the A.F. of L.,men. York city and Philadelphia. The! vised the dental clinic at Good Maddox house was Capt. John at the time the permits were Issued,' . These men have ifi\& Mr. Mat-mittee were Robert Jones', William Motor corps transports patients on Samaritan hospital there. He Is a federal restrictions lrmlted building! Dennis, Louis Bracador and Albert Henry Heyer, who organized and thews that,If he? does nqt unionize the request of the many health cen- past president of the Monmouth commanded a local militia company to $1,500, which was one of the) the plant, It will be shut down de- Laehdor. - Election of officers will ters supported by the Monmoutn County Dental society, and Is a reasons the men could not com- spite,the desire of the .employees. be held August 25. . • < " Sold At River Oaks member of the Monmouth Study which fought in the Civil war. County, Organization for Social Capt. Heyer operated a saw mill, mence permanent construction. H» Ths otyntr and the employees held Mr. Marfhens was . appointed Service) the out-patient depart- club. said Mr. Craig's permit was for a meeting several weeks ago at wheelwright shop and blacksmith 1 chairman of the refreshments booth ments of Monmouth Memorial and a $14,000 home and Mr. wnleh time It became known *that Which willbe conducted at) Marine shop In Holmdel village. He was a for a ?9,B00 home. Fltkln hospitals, and also patients citizen of some prominence in the none of the employees was in favor park during thi National Sweep- from Allenwood hospital and Briar Sales Made By Van Horn Agency Fair View At the outset, Mr. Craig objected of a. union. Matthews Is basing his Btake regatta. Others nanied to county'. At his death the property to the publicity which has attend- - action/ on this fact. "If they wanted a Hill county welfare home at Free- passed to tils daughter, and event- that cornmlttee' by Commander hold. : •• • • •.'•-.'" " •' ed his living"In the garage-hornei_J a union, I would give It to them," Adamsdn were Lee Snyder, Kcn- Show Demand For Large Homes ually to the Sly family, several v . 'One-of the biggestJobs now be-, First Aid Squad 1 He said it had made his residence i a*«aldr.-.- - l^'SUM^li M members of whom still reside In the something on the order of a freak v A««ltSinlU>frMrr^naelbei:frMr. ing done by motor corps volunteers village. "My employees have had many Laehder, Dorothy Perryi Mr.. Mao- is. the motor .caravan • service for The Ray Vanrforn agency, real- show. The mayor explained that , opportunities, to contact these union Kellar, Mr. MacCloud; Mr. KlaUVy polio patients who have been re- tors, reports the sale of seven more Holds 2dFair The new" owner, Mr. Boiler, who council had no control over suetr men and I know they would tell andWllliftm Welnrlchrswt drinks, leased from the polio section of LincroftFair .. new homes in the River Oaks' sec- Is associated with the Alloy Steel matters when open meetings wert i me! what ^hey want wltho^tjtear of ice' cream, cigars, and cigarettes Montnotith Memorial hospital, but tion of Fair Haven. River Oaks Is Special Prizes Products company of Linden, ex- attended by members of the preM, losing; their Jobs," continued, Mat- will: be sold. The "proceeds, will>l wh'o must-return weekly to the hos- located at the boundary of Fair pects.Jo.bejn occupancyjarly;in Harry GreeHi James Taylor, jjuK'Ji ' i'laundry haiJJriMa as used, for Improvement and;m>i| Hayen-and Ri »ndrMrs."EoulB-VanBruntand IIIK ~" tencelcjjthe-post-howe.-^—'^i^-iA Charles F. Edelmann were among irea, - em- TlrT^Mariheni r,al».o.<>.'«nnounc«d fqr specialfwlmmlng lessons and and McCarter estates. And Auxiliaries numbers of the audience who) plan j for a c^ambaka to' be held ;on eMrclses,. At present the caravan The sales of all these homei were Clubwomen Plan Joined in the discussion. Mr. Green* . jrklng hours fKf'freek. declared the permit to build the the .postr tewn Sepieniber14.. V"7i service <~ taken 12 children, three arranged by the VanHorn agency The second annual fair of the l '.4n Monmouth "eijunty mornings a week, to the Asbury Duplicate Cash'Awards from architects' sketches and plans Fair View F|rst Aid squad will be garage had been issued contrary to A Uveiy; disiuss^'im^revislnlf Fall Luncheon borough ordinance. Mr. Taylor »t)mt claim.'' »• ->•• the post's constitution ahd by-laws Park pool, but Mrs. Klein said that To Be Made On conforming with the purchasers' held on the fire house grounds at i workers a* to what featured the" meeting: Because: of if ..enough drivers ,were available, ideas worked, out by the^broker Hoadden's Corner • tonight; tomor- also said the permit was illegal]^ e, the owfipfdced th'etmotpr eorpsetjuld take many with the builder and owner" of (h^ rovjrVjMid Saturday/j Games and Opening Activity Set granted. Mr. VanBrunt, who de- ; statlnPftBpthe the many phangts'iu'traltte'a qijiy tripre ;elilldren for this beneficial scribed himself as friendly vrttH, only one section ^yas-acted'upon. River Oaks tract, Allen Brothers, amusements have been arranged, 1 n treatment every day. At present both parties, being owner of projf* * j 't * Inc., of Red Bank, and with the and therein be an abundance'of For September 24 0 TKeyemalnlng \ three" 'sflptlons Will, pnly! three volunteers are doing this homemade cakes--and pies and erty adjacent to Mr. Craig's, ssJ4"- D^wsi'Whout be.' * ln!tiue.te« idfor approv#lat subset. - The first annual'fair of the Lin- architects, <~ MsMurray * Chlrgotl^ ipeaiflo job, -and they can only n he wanted definite word what su> w t£$ato;L»0 percent of the las|d« croft Volunteer Fire company held -::v;'-; ' •''• fruit and vegetables 7 from' local fiandli W P&tlents. • . -. farms to be disposed of. • The opening fall luncheon of the tlon would be taken. He plans co^ -• -• ejinplpyMs signed this paper Friday and - Saturday night on the The sales reported Include somes Red Bank Woman's club will be : th&t they- were happy w|ttt Because of the lack of volunteer flre house grounds on Newman The grand award- will be a tele- structlon of a home on the sltft>- now under construction ahd others held Wednesday, September 34, at but does not desire to Improve his ! if cpaaiBons and! did not niotor corps workers', the Red Springs' road has been held over on nearlng completion. All construc- vision set complete with installa- the Molly :Fltcher. hotel. Mrs. J. , to "b* iirijorilied. •' '•"-•<••>' Cross Can no longer taloo patient* account of, rain both nights. The tion. An orchestra each property if. conditions remain on- ' tion work is', personally supervised Daniel Tulier will tie master of oer- changed indefinitely. Mrs, KA*\- ' T the tnaln objections of the from hospital polio wards to the fair will be held again tomortjnw by...Rosca«-Allen, .while--planning _rUght_jfor dancing,_..arid.ground emonlei, and a.' musical program ir » and the management pool. AUd,. many other polio vlc-r and-Safiirday-nights. Ti~"—~\~7Z~- "prizes, will be awarded. In charge mnnn said the garage-homes might it the union organisers' activ- tlnis;wno are;mostly children, are and financing arrangements' are of tha fair are Lawrence Flanna-' will be featured. ." . ' even be, acceptable had not the . Saturday night has been desig- made by Ronald W. Allen. ities are that the women employees, unable, to be taken to the pool more nated as firemen's night for the gan, chairman, and Ida Good- Miss Flora Willguss, club presi- owners made a practice of plantlnM wtyo have been in Hie habit of eat- Mutual Contradting Co. than once a week, because of the A rambling housa of eight rooms, speed and Walter Patterson, co- dent,' announced luncheon plans at corn and hanging out laundry ojt convenience of those companies two. baths, porch and'garage has ing/uelr lunches'In the, ahade In Bid Is Accepted ; :• lack of drivers. . who were prevented by rain from chairmen. They will be assisted by a meeting of the club executive what should be their front lawns£ front Qf4he 'plant are constantly ; v Besides polio work, motor corps 1 been purchased by Mr. and Mrs.members of the squad and Ladles' board Friday at the clubhouse. As- Mr. O'Malley and Mr. Craig annoyed by.tht'rnen, and that the, attending last week. Duplicate cash Robert' A. Barr of Glencoe, 111., auxiliary. sisting with the luncheon are Mrs. 0 members take other (patients to and awards. will be made Saturday stated they were Unable to specify Jabdr men peiter the employees . The Mutual/, Contracting . com- from, county; hospitals, and through- night. The winners last week were who moved into their new house a First aid squads and auxiliaries Kenneth R. Smith, general chair- the amount of time needed to com- further by taking pictures df them pany of Atlantis' Highlands wto put the state. Two children, who few weeks ago. The house Is. lo- have been Invited to attend Friday man; Mrs. Joseph. E. Carroll, dec-,plete'their residences. They said whQe ai; work. the Old Bridge, Hazlet and Union awarded a street; resurfacing con- several months ; ago swallowed Beach fire companies. cated on Buena Vlata avenue. Mr. night, and prizes will be awarded. oration chairman, and Mrs, Rich- shortages still exist and that An instance was cited to a Red tract last Thursday nlgbt by. Sea large quantities of. lye, must be Barr Is associated with the Car-The squad recently took delivery ard C» Hackstaff, Mrs. Hermann are prohibitive. Both said they Ground prizes will be awarded Asendorf, Mrs. George Norman, Bank Register reporter In wtilch a Bright m^yor and coucll. ,'. . ~ . taken once a week to a special both nights, and a deluxe electric borundum company. on a new 1947 Cadillac ambulance tend to build. Il~ slcW colored 'girl was sitting In a The lowest of three bidders, the clinic In Philadelphia, and a group refrigerator will be disposed of on Next door on the south side of with modern equipment, and Is Mrs. Charles K. Humrichouse and Councllman Howard' lingers* • parked car near the plant and was company's bid was J871.70 for work of Allenwood hospital patients are tho co-operative plan Saturday the Barr house, another dwelling of hoping to raise sufficient funds to Mrs. Walter McDougal. asked the'men If they had re- forced to-tall'police aid before the on Center street and Peninsula taken to Jersey City once, or some- night. Through the courtesy of rambling design and Cape Cod make the final payment on It. The New members accepted for club ceived current estimates. Both ' "organizers" would call It quits. avenue. The roads are to receive a times twice a week, for special Captain Henry J. Boudreaux of the architecture has been bought by squad is on call day and night membership were Mrs. B. K. Tol-said they .had not. He suggests* They talk to employees when they coat-of gravel, .oil and asphalt The treatment^ - Army recruiting office at'Red Bank, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Gorman, whenever Its services are needed. Unger, Mrs. Llndley M. Hoffmann, that new plans .be drawn, cutting leave the factory and'Matthews be- other .bidders, "were the. Conover It • '"We motor corps workers", said the firemen had the use of an Army who took possession last week. Mr. The ladles'.auxiliary has helped the Mrs. William F. Nlcol and Mrs. F. out sdme features so that the final lieves some^ employees are "both- squad considerably since its organ- F. Gebel. Other board members price would be within their range. Sutpbln company of Freehold; and Mrs. Klein, "are on duty almost sound truck. The firemen will-again Gorman'Is in the security business ization in 1944. ered at'home." the Fred McDowell company of every day, and our aim is to give be permitted use of the truck this In New York. : present were Mrs. Leon de.Ia Reus- Thanking them for their pres- The owner said that these men Neptune. The 'winning bidder sub- to Monmouth county citizens 24- week. . - Col. and Mrs. Chester R. Hatg of James Goodepeed Is president; sllle, Sr., Mrs! Kelson K. Vander- ence at the meeting. Mayor Greg- told' him' they had not "begun to mitted a figure, of 4200 under that hour service. We are also called Matthew L. Mullln Is chairman California have just moved Into Arthur Soden is vice president; beek and Mrs. Abner H. West. ory told Mr. O'Malley and Mjr» gtve. the plant a working over," of the second lowest. .' upon to assist the county police de- of the fair committee, and his as- their new house, which Is also on Richard Nagel la treasurer; Wil- Craig that council did not want UT The "atmosphere of the plant can At the suggestion of Councilman partments in transporting emergen- sistants are Gerard P. Domldlon, Buena Vista avenue and north of liam Kane la secretary; Leo Finn Is cause them undue hardship, but har4l, Haifa, Palestine. This Is the picture entitled "Tobacco Land" W t first time' the sisters have met side of Woodland drive. Mr, Horre In Liverpool the same answers from all of them. 4% Mortar. Mon.r late August at the fair grounds^' 1 Three colored women said they for home*, fft^1* coumry.tttKUi. bui- SIX MASSES since leaving Germany In 1988. Is a veteran of World war II. . Gateway Inn. Mrs. Anna Fredenburg of Mc- free of charge to the borough. !*• ,; Inait bulldlngrs—exUtlf.K or now. Long Mrs. Richmond plans visits in oth- On a sloping plot about an acre Citerlng to dinner, bridge ind annl- did not want a union. "We cannot veriiry.pnrtlii, 147 Weit Benin Place. Laren street, and daughter, Mrs. 30-mlnute musical program will prefi S; t«rmi, e>ir pajmtnti,' llbwal loads oil Six masses .'will be offered tomor- er countries before her return in size In the wooded area on Lin- Edward Carl of Everett road, Red even go out and eat now. We are aee«it«b1e propertlei. Ar« vyoll- P«Jlni row morning at St. James church, Full'Coune Bundny dlnnere, 1. to D p. m. cede the "motion picture. . '^ ^i ftjrced to close the windows because moro thin 4% f K io, »ik ui tbout r«. home early In September. den drive, Mr. and Mrs. Francis J. •t $1.65. - Ually meila, noon on. Hri. Bank, left by plane from Lo.Qun.rdla p|«lnB.TOMr..mortB«gr And MTJW rot! the' Feast of the Assumption, wh.lch Buth Bamiay, proprietor. Reiarvatloni* Modern Houelng - .^ those pesb yell at us from the Mr. Richmond Is spending the Hughes of Rumson are building a phone Ited Bank 6-421D,—Advertisement. neld, New York, Monday afternoon mon«r. Joiepti 0. McCdi A«ncr, B<>l- taaholy day of obligation. Masses summer vacation: at his Red Bank seven room, one and one-halt story for a three-weeks' visit with rela- require! modern window ihidll. &• ,'; streets. We all like our employer tori. UortE>in Dipaitmjnt.' Fhont will be at 6, 7, 8, », 11 and 12 Font's Tontine window ahadei are mod* v and 'find no need for a union. We Rumion 1-0444.—Adv«rt!iem«nt, home. He Is first assistant In. the home. The house has two tile baths, Teltpbone Antweilng Semtce. tives In Liverpool, England. This Is ern. Ihey last ID yeari, and you hat* don't want It."' o'clock. i . N Atlantic City Vocational school, porch and attached double garage, We iniAcr your telephone, 24 houn the first visit In 30-years Mrs. Fre- beauty and eervice all that time, ate} iv| every day. If you do not have a tele- the "colt ll very little more. W* muM. «J [One nan said he was getting all Mortftft Moaky, 1 , ' ,-'" Notlee. with which institution' he has been Mr, Hughe? Is a cotton send oil phone, uie our number. Vet further In- denburg and her daughter have them right In our. itore. National I ^ \6 W> h»v» plenty oi aioeay to pHci.on - Hie Belford fire companlee wlah to associated for the last 82 years. made to England', 10, Frown'i, 47 Broad itreet,—Advtt*. ~i ben'etfts 'now that he could get It 1 broker, with offices In New York formation, phone Red Dank 8-42(2.— ttooil tint bonf d tad mottsai*.' I( rou think all thoie who contributed In any Advertliement. Two other children of. Mr*/ Fre- tiiement. '- he Were a member of a union, but v* In o"«» Vocal Instruction. National-5 A 10. Frown'i, 47 Oroid with varying depths, providing urdly nlghti.—Advertiiement, ' ? ~-~_ Orwalnga paaturt and, lawn mlxiirai. Conottr (Keen Toran, former light opera itreet,—Advertliement. PertonaUied Droi., Wlckatunk, Phoii Holmdil >• prlma donna, now available for voice landscaped grounds ot one-third to Clii Ranfee. ' ChHatmas Oardi, 60 for 11.00: and tS """' ~ Wanted. ungraded BaSS picked, 12 10 a buihel, Coa! ind gni, oil and gal, with oven flilty fl.lfi m buihel. No delivery, 6121.—Advmlunnnt. J J > 'tmtruetlon, tone placement, nnd lyrlo Cook A Dunn Palnta. one-half acre. for ' tl.00, Alio large aliortmentl. An. experienced flnjeher,' aa gesture. Audition required.' Call Long Flneet quality pilnti mades fair' control, (iood Houiekeeiilnn Shop. Inc., ranging up to SO to* tlft.00. Place your lenced Ulloreii. Alio an asprentlca I traiu, NuUwlUmo toad, Llncrofti Phone ' :•• ••: flank Sl.ek WW,i; ' .- Branch C'DSIfl.—Atlvertliiment. . 49 Monmouth'street, Ked Bank, N. J.— Sad iBank «-JllO-W-l.~AdvirUmnent. prldei. Step' ladder!, liruihei, llmetd Mortgage Money.' Xmaa ordera early for cbolciet lelec- l»h«(, Telephone for ppltti Will Durchair from oni to 100 ibarti .oil aiwl turpentine, -National p A 10. Advertliement, tlom. ' Fox's aid Shop, 41 Monmouih Bank t-1644.—AdverUiemenl. of. the M«rch»nli > Truh OoBpanr' bf Wa can place any good mortgage . - Stationery. Fiown'i, 47 Dtond itnet.—Advcttlic loin, lane or mall, low Intirail rate. Blreit, Red Dank.—Advntliement, , ' { Tk..i;andL Light. * R«d Bank. A'naWtrt tlUUd mn«d.nw Clearance Value!, regular «0o and rntnt. Men I Formal Clothea For Hire. ' IM7 Ohrlltnaa sarde on display, tlall/. .Topmaa Irrlnf Blown, Rid Bank Boynton Agenoy, 8 Drummond Flice, 11,00 boxes, now reduced to SSo and Red_ Dink, N.. J. Fhon* Red Dtnk «• . Alio acceiiorlei. liarieit ito{k In 10%, dleoount during. Auguit, the Bt«lit«r^AdT«rtlmninti • < til,"_, ¥cYa «(t Bhop, U Monmouth C»id of ThanVa Oan4)c Light OIK Shop, Fair Hiven,— ingri Fnarrnaey* Camera Shop, and —Advertlitment. •'• Photo B.tvlce, 1U Weit front ' 'i 'Auction Sale. • neighbor! who helped Wake their fair a "The CandU Ugh!." street. /Fllma left Saturday or Sunday. Hayplnke. K tittle tablet BitUrJjjr, Auguet l«th, 10 a. m., at auccele.-—AdvertliemeHt,' ,' , For klfti that are different, vlilt the - Auctioneer and Appraleer. read/ Monday,—Advertisement. llti magic (of Indlg.itlon, and 41 Canter itr««t, llumion.—Advertlie. Candle Ll«ht (Jlft Shot), Fair Iliven.— D. <>. Oonti, 400 Bnth avenl|e> LoTtt utuml.U.—Adtfer«l»i«ent, > •! mini, Flit Aeroiol B*mba Advertisement. Branch, rhone fl-350p. "Any kind of ' Baait Stock Wanli*. i / i eontilDontiln threae peperr ten|i D..D.T, Sure auetlon anywhere."—Advertliement, Willing |o uurchaee up to 11,000 ihlrll Plrmoulh, Intirnatlonal. rfiy t'-o ri-1dJ your thome ot boat of Illae Ohryiler, Plymouth!. Int.rrullonal. oi any part ol 11,000 ehirei at atook af .Mrvlte, ,lfaurloe Schwarta, br moiqultoci, »J.. - .„ "I Boatman') Salts ahd i.ivfce. Maurlc* Scawuta, Don't icrateh Athlete's-' Foot, uie gjon. 4 jBar^jt 1-0717.—Advertise. Shop, S4 Wharf avenue? Bank.—Ad- rhon. B.d Sank f-Q7S7,>~Admtli*> Fungi-Foe and forget the Whole,,tiling. erm«l. vettljeoiinC mint, , ,. All irug»litf.-Ad»nllMB»tiit,- -.-^ ooi^ ' .- \'.«'i • .' . • ' ••.•..;•;' '.•'.-. !RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST14,1947

DINNER FABTY meeting 'will be September 10. At-Redden, Mrs5. Mary Grause, Mr£ Ik)SE8 LICENSE, FINED $200' car swerved off Throckmorton McCain-Crelin To Investigate Members of the Entro Nous had tending were, Mrs. Rita if. Doug- Charles Glbliri, Mrs. Howard Kitts, street In Freehold last week. At the dinner party last night at the las, Mrs. George H. Clevjeaberg, iin. Boyd Towhsend, Mrs. William A binge coit Charles Brown, R. time of the accident, Dr. Jacob Engagement Rumson hotel on Waterman .ave- Mrs. William Pecker, Mrs. Joseph Turnier, Mrs. Martin McGuIre, Mrs, C FarmingdeJe, 1200 and coats and Lewis examined Brown and found Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. McCain Proposed Dumping nue, Rumson. Following dinner, Bray, Mrs. Philip Peters, Mrs. John Hughes and Mrs, Clarence loss of his driver's license when his him "unfit to operate'a motor ve- of Closter announce the engage- members played bridge. The next Nicholas O. Lamb, Mrs.a George Dolan. hicle." , ment of their daughter, Miss Joy Of Acid In Ocean McCain, to Edmund S. Crelln, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Edmund S. Crelln, Sr., of East Westside ave- Driscoll Appoints . nue, Red Bank. , «. Ruuell Watton , To Make Study Congressman James C. Auchln- closs of Rumson, ' issued a state- ment this week in which he stated Red Bank Auto Glass Co. that Governor Alfred E. Driscoll, at the congressman's" request, has 21 MAPLE AVE. Instructed Russell K. Watson, coun- Cor. Maple Are. ft \VUtt| 8t - sel to the governor, to make a study of the proposal of the Nat- WINDSHIELD GLASS ional Lead company to dispose of waste dilute sulphurlo acid In the DESK TOPS ocean. ' Mr. Auchlncloss' statement la as DOOR GLASS The proposal of the National Lead company to dispose of waste dilute sulphurlo add In the ocean BOAT GLASS- has aroused so much discussion with so many differences of opinion that I have asked Governor Dris- TABLE TOPS ooll, who has evidenced previous in- terest In the subject, to conduct an [Installed While You Wait investigation of the whole matter. He has consented to do this and Red Bank Auto Glass Co. MISS JOY McCAIN has instruoted the Honorable Rus- Save 36 ti sell E. Watson, counsel to the gov- MR 21 'MAPLE AVE. Miss McCain is a graduate of ernor, to make a study of the 'en- FA<:B>OW TEL. R. B. e-3860-J. Closter high school and Is now at tire situation and report to him u rACl.CRCAM Central college, Pella, la. Mr. Cre-promptly as possible, REG. 75c EACH lln, a graduate of Red Bank high Mr. Watson In eminently qualified school and Central college, is now for this work because he repre- BOTH-V.50V-' sented the State Department of attending Yale university for grad- Health In the prosecution of»the HEADACHE uate study. No date has been set pollution eases of the Raritan rrftr Barbara Gould's Why torture jotiiwlf with inlMrtes at for the wedding. , jfmple he«d»chM, wh«n JOU. n;»r get where thj National'Lead company onthanttng _ _ ^kltssed relief with wnuin. NULFtf* was one of the offenders. ~Ori thai TABLETS, a tlme-teited formula lued AGENCY BUYS CLUB SITE occasion he gave the ' problem a most thorough study and Is ac- tifuonce... In tpjr thousands of ntlafled customers for The Straub-Larew Auto Sales NEARLY 1/3 OFF! orer fifty rein, NULFEY TABLETS quainted with all the fasts. Skylark, her must reliev. that headache qulcklr M agency, Keyport, has purchased the I feel sure that this action by the your money hack. Don't wait—iret the site of the former Club ^5, de- • AHIISWTIC new Improved KULFET TABLETS to- governor will meet with the ap- 50c Size V gay fragrance! ',day. Use only as directed. stroyed by flre several months ago, proval of everyone concerned ^about Only B9o at all Sim Bay Drug Store* on Route 35, at the corner of Bedle the protection of. our fishing and road, Rarltah township. shore Interests:. • - JERGEN'S LOTION BOTH—We Voluo PERFUME 1.75 * ami 4.25* SURPRISE STORE and 25c Size Theodore Getzler LILTING FRAGRANCE. 1.50* Ladies' Satin Stripe SAyE! REG. 49c Is Bucknell Graduate DRYAD DEODORANT DUSTING POWDER . ASO* Theodore B. .Qetzler of Madison Rayon avenue, will b* a candidate for the FACE POWDER ....1.00' degree of bachelor of science In i*& chemical engineering at Bucknell BOTH - OQC BATH BUBBLES ....1.25* Panties 50c university's, annual summer com- mencement exercises Saturday at 75c Value 07* TALCUM POWDER... 50c* Brief and Shorty Bloomers —Tea the Lewleburg, Pa.,' Baptist church. Rose. .Sties 5-6-7. Mr, Qetzler, a graduate of R«d Bank high school, while a student ...... ••••<* Ladies' Full Fashioned at Bucknell was a member .of Cap i and Dagjer, Christian association; ~. i. .. Alpha Chi Sigma, national profes- sional chemistry fraternity;• Amer- NYLON HOSE ican Chemical society; American Selected Irregulars of high grade Institute, of Chemical engineers, ICE MINT FOR TIRED BURNING FEET maker.; Sizes'8)4 to lqK. Variety and Sigma Chi, social fraternity. of new colors. — — Hub on ft-o-.ty-v. uti1 coolinq Ladies' No Seam Ice- Mint If •, nu-diialocl with h-4i soothincj oili. Softens toins. NYLON HOSE MO needle, equivalent to 51 gauge. WEEK-END SPECIALS Special purchase enables us to 55c continue the sale of these selected Irregulars. Variety of colors. O im 1 A A Steel 8W to 11., *•-F1 *«VV Tomato late blight Is generally fflSPBSLm distributed throughout central New "19c Jersey,_Hot,dry weather helps to ALCOHOLCOMPOUND 100 keep the disease down," but It Is wise to use protective measures. LIFEBUOY Use 7 per cent copper dust weekly Daggett&Ramsdell T TABS. 59c ASPIRIN 13c or a copper spray every 10 days, and do a thorough jab of applica- SURPRISE tion, - • " ' T ELECTREX CURLING IRON 1.98 If you have late corn, protect it against corn borer faydustin g every DEODORANT 50 BROAD ST. RED BANK five days, Apply the dust In the funnel of leaves at the top, and, as SODA MINT 9c HINKLES PILLS 21c NO RED TAPK IN WAKING ADJUSTMENTS they develop, to tassel and silk and • MONEY REFUNDED UPON REQUEST, where the leaves join the sUm. 1 This will help keep borers out Use 2-Qt HOT WATER BOTTLE FEW LEFT 49c * • one per cent rdtenone, fixed nico- : : r tine in bentonlte or Ryanla dust. 8-OZ.' .•••-•••••• - •'•••• '-.• 1PT.- ' '' v:.- ••., •' •••••. •. Final plantings in the vegetable : garden must be made soon. Talked GYPSY CREAM 59c MINERAL OIL 23c with a -fellow the other day who $ 8c Revive your Summer weary Lawn! was going to sow some snap beans. SAVE 1.31 Little late for them because as the EVEN FLO NURSER COMPLETE 25C nights get cooler, the plants grow 8c with more slowly. On the other hand, AVER'S they will set fruits when smaller, so he will probably gel a small Pink Clover SCOTTS LAWN SEED crop, His beans won't cost much TOILET WATER MEO. except labor, as he has seeds left. «c TURF BUILDER Beets sown now will make roots up to an inch in diameter, which 8c is the slse I like best, for they can War-developed lotions that magically keep^ in- Nature provides leUal grot*' be cooked tops and all. Lettuce, of growing weather In late August course, Trill grow well In cool sects away. Rub on exposed skin before sun 8c and September to use this good nights, and If seeds or plants of bathing, outdoor fun. No unpleasant odor... head lettuce are put In the ground time to retfore your lawn to soon they will mature. I stick to health, and beauty the proven oakleaf lettuce. In sowing seeds, now, loosen the JITTERBUG insect repellent.. oz.33« Scott way. Treat each 1000 tq ft soil well, make the furrow, place with 10 Ibt Turf Builder grass- the seeda, • and 'then moisten the HAY food, 3 to 5 Ibi ScotU Seed. seeds and the surrounding soil with 6-12 REPELLENT bounces... 49c starter, solution.' Concentrated soluble fertilizers for this purpose can be bought In stock solution In Special! Electrex' bottles or in dry form. Dilute ac- SKAT REPELLENT 1%-ounces. 43c SCOnS LAWN SEED-for full tun, lightly' thaded cording to directions, Or use one lawn*. 99.91% weedfree. 1 HJ - $1.25 5 Ibt - $6.25 cupful of 6-10-5 fertilizer to 12 CURLING 25 lb« - $29.85. Seottt for Dente Shade at tame price.. quarts of water and use' a cupful, UNXLDREPELLENTcreamorLiq.69' of this solution to a foot of row; IRON affter the seeds are sown. Then SCOTTS TURF BUILDER-Complete grattfood. Sup, cover with dry soil. On top of this With cor'd H. plug pllei nutrient* gran need* for health and color. put some1 dried lawn clippings or 25 Ibt - $2.25 50 Ibt - $3.75 100 Ibt - $6.50 similar short mulching material. Spinach may be sown now, 1 P««tf,. Bloomsdale Savoy Is satisfactory In most gardens. Still time to sow seeds of bien- nials. Keep dead flowers picked off annuals to prolong bloom. Almond Butter CRUNCH THE >VRI|iMjjT STORES Chrysanthemums should hive shoots thinned if you haven't done 12-ounce tin of O'Brien'* famous It. earlier, and get them staked. Utuli onaVaf- Flower buds will form soon. candy delight. Former price $1.29. 26 'obi. Dr. West's Miracle TOOTH (BOXED CHOCOLATES DANCING PASTE Assortment of famous name choco- ploiUi EVERY NIGHT 50t Sin- Tube? lates for your sweet choice. Pound •'^njifn "•« »he * Plus Federal Excise Tax ONITE THROUGH AUGUST 19th . ••''•( •Avallable'fcnly at Rexall Drugstores i ' LES BROWN Prescripti^ij "•* i l ^^ ^^p^^ ,^sj«^^. issssH^jsW sssMisssMh] tiWHSMI and His Orchestra Adra. Mon. to Thurs. $1.00—Fri.-Sat.-Sup. $1.25 * 11 E_j 3 a a iLs t.t* IWc I (I 1 a «km. joled CONVENTION HALL i / BRING YOUR PRESCRIPTION TO £5 U U *J IJWAIK, ASBURY PARK COKBROADciMONMOUTHSTSPHOr* 6-1444 RB. . '

Iflr-.'" V RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 14,1947 Page Three fs considerable action in this field In recent months. Education Is the SAFETY TCP OF THE WEEK Annual Traffic real solution of the driver attitude problem. . . , If you've eyer played poker, To develop the proper .driver and maybe you know, chances of PUBLIC SALE Accident Toll Pedestrian,attitude there must be drawing B. full house are one In an intensive educational program In 6M; a royal straight flush, ono tmtym Must Be\Reduced all of the sthools of the country, in 649,740. All chances of mak- starting at the very foundation ing a fortune at gambling are antiques, Curios, Attifc Loot with, the kindergarten, where the slim. ' Development O£ Proper child gains" Its lirat real Impressions Chance-taking on highways undersigned will sell a'l No. 43 Center St., Ruinson, N. J., on ol life and begins forming those Is risky business, too—especial- , Driver Attitude Is habits which very, often cling ly passing on hills and blind Necessary/ - throughout a lifetime. These little curves. KOYAL Saturday,, August 16, 1947 ones are the potential drivers. If Take the driver who Is stuck Otto F. Meuner, president, Amer- they learn to drive right they will in a long lino of cars, behind • PORTABLE At 10 O'clock Sharp ican Association ot Motor Vehicle conserve human life rather than a 1930 Jalopy that U belching Administrators, and Deputy Secrer destroy it. Teach the young gen- exhaust fumes In his face,, Does THE Standard Typewriter Collection of Trivets, Victorian Tea-Set, Collection of Pin Boxes, 29 Glass Lamps, 8 Clocks, Sfelffh tary of Department of Revenu% eration the meaning of traffic laws, he fume, too, and step on the in Portable Size Bells,' Tiffany Glass, Hooked Rugs,' Ox Yokes, What Mot, Colonial Iron, Victorian Table, Hunting Commonwealth ot .Pennsylvania, the killing potentialities of the au- gas? Not if he's smart, he does tomobile, the rules of the road, the not. He knows there's & very Prints, Collection of Iron Toys, 2-Silver Castor Seta, 2vBrass Lamps, 1 Hanging Lamp, 1 Steeple states that most safety exjfcrts -will Only teytl h torippod with Mm* hmm f agree that the ultimate solution of obligation of courtesy to others and good possibility that on the Clock, Shutter Dogs, Bureau Bottles, Oriental Rug, Garden Bench, Marble; Picture Frames, 3 the vital necessity of making sure pther side of that hill another MASK* MAROIH, lh« Imr •• Ml MrglM MM. -Chests of Drawers, Patch-work Quilts, Currier * Ives Prints,' Kitchen Cabinet, Ladder pack Rocker, the! safe driver problem rests in at all times that the cars they are witk.Hr ... TOUCH CONTIOl.* which »d|>.ih kty the development of the, proper driver is also toying with the HMW* «• ;w H«t> . .. AUTOMATIC »AM* IOCK, Chinese Chippendale.Chair, twenty years back' numbers of Antiques Magazine. Large assortment driving are mechanically perfect. If idea of pulling out of line. driver, attitude. Those of" us who you .teaoh them all that, then you wkkh UM*HU p«p*f *ol hr d««r InprMiktni and! of China, Glass, Old Pewter, Brass, Copper, Bronx* and many articles too numerous to mention. are charged with responsibility of will have come as close to having No one has figured out the* ( tavtl AnM. Atadjr »*ef evWoiiJifa'adYr-'iia*!. .This Is a collector's sale. There Is something for everybody. We will also sell a. large quantity of keeping an official eye upon the developed the-proper driyB•'-'atti- mathematical odds Involved in garden and meohanlo'a tools. -x ' ._ . - - traffic situation -In -our- respective tude as It la humanly possible to do. -highwayTrBKbnngTTBut every- " states know that bad driving has 1 We^h&ve a grave and .dangerous body knows that the dealer Is MARY XT. GROGAN been at the bottom of nearly every problem in the millions of bad Death—who never lends the HERBERT VAN FELT, Auctioneer, Readington, N, J. ' accident we have recorded. Chance- loser a shirt to wear home. And. taking speedsters, poor judgment drivers we must cope with today. that the stakes are human IRA, HAINES and CHAMBEKLXN, Clerks. ., at a curve/failure to outguess the Only by the most stringent meas- lives and broken, crippled , P. S.—The Ladies" Aid -will serve luncheon. Plenty of seats. Sale'held in sunken garden. ures of enforcement and education TETLEY'S - Downstairs other feUow in the desire to beat can. we'solve it. The problem of bodies. him to it, along with 101 other little 17 BROAD ST. BED BANK faults In the driver's attitude, have tomorrow—that of , the potential been piling Up a 'national casualty driver—can and will be solved by record, which has. made that of the education. 1947 Water Follies terrible war Just ended seem almost The P«rf«d , , insignificant ... At Monte Carlo Pool All of these faults Just mentioned Engagement Told \, The Walter Reade Monte Carlo could have been corrected by prop-, pool and stadium will stage its only er, training when the operator first At Dinner Party * night activity of the season, the began to learn how to drive a car. Buster Crabbe 1917 edition of the MEN'S and BOYS' RAINCOAT However, the success* of that train- Mr. and Mrs. John Manzle of water follies, for four nights be- ing, like the success of all train- West Long Branch have announced ginning tonight and continuing ing, would depend entirely upon the the -engagement of their_daughtert' through Sunday. in Du Pont Zelan Cloth attitude of the person receiving' itt MlflS""Carolyn Manzlcj'to John b. Buster Crabbe, popular motion SUMMER^WEAR 1 All the training in the world will Mattoccla. The engagement was Picture star and swimmer, has not overcome the erratic actions of made known at a dinner party for rounded up the top aquatic stars of a born fool. Only by the most puni- •H5 guests at the Crystal Brook the nation to aid In the presenta- tive'measures can he be'handled Inn, Eatontown, Sunday,. tion of this all new aquatic sensa- REDUCED and restrained, ,. tion. . ' Featured artists on the diving The development' of (proper driver attitude is divided into two sepa- platforms will amaze the patrons MEN'S WHITE SHIRTS rate phases: Correcting'the faults with their versatility,'.whUo other It's a honey—1947 written all top performers will display their ••',.. Tissue Weight - of present' drivers and training fu- skill In water ballets, comedy acts over it. Flared back, detachable ture drivers. ' ' y and all types of swimming. The bood, light weight and priced The first phase is that of endeav- feminine members of the cast have oring to correct the driver attitude worked out precision routines that WERE3>95 NOW 2.951 light. As a rule we don't rave of present-day drivers who have show the result of many hours of —but this time we can't help it. bad little or ho training and'who painstaking practice. may have bad i&lvlng habits of The first evening show starts at Colors ' are aqua, cherry mid long standing. Only by utilizing 8:30 o'clock and the second at ap- MEN'S gray. Sizes 9-15. every channel and vehicle of pro- proximately 10. ': paganda, through the medium of the press, the radio, the motion DRINKS, CRASHES, FINED BASQUE SHIRTS picture, the spoken word, by organ- Thomas Grubby of EnglUhtown ized local campaigns and Intensive crashed Into a car belonging to Vldue$t0 co-operation by all civic organize Robert Thompson on Mechanic L95 tlons and" clvlc-mlnded individuals street, Southard, Saturday, night .95 can the individual at the wheel of and was In no condition afterward the car today be made safety con- to be arraigned for. questioning. scious. The same'kind of patriotic —JJext^day-heH-ffiBB^nned=jl200r=

A STE^IN THE RIGHT DIRECTION , Tot £Ji WHEN YOU get a loan, the total cost of borrowing the money is important'to you. At this Bank thecost is low. So if you need money to consolidate debts, pay medical bills, taxes, / tuition .,. .or to me

NATIONAL BANK Phone AT-1-0700 First Ave., Atlantic Highlands


It Pay* Io Advertise In Hie Register 86 BROAD ST TEL. R. B. 6-2873 ' .', *>' , P 1 RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 14,1947

BAKED CIDER PODDING MEAT FUSTS WITH MESH- , ?'>'.r WHEN SPEAKING OF HEALTH ^ BOOH SAUCE THE ETHEL MOUNT MOZAR SCHOblL O^DA 1 I cup shelled almond* ill NOT TEDE'TO SAT "WB DID KVEBYTHIMO POSSIBLE? % cup dry bread crumbs (Recipe Serves $our) 117 Prospect Ave, Bed Bank I Telephone toed Bank 6-tttO '- , UNLESS CHpJOPBACTIO WAS INCLUDED , %f> r S eggs separated ' Wine Highlights the Flavor 1 pound ground beef i '. . ? It cup sugar 1 medlum-«lzed onion, grated Owe* in Mil type* of Dancing for Children and Adult*. 1VS cupa soft bread crumbs R' PR. WARREN JFOWLER 1 teaspoon grated lemon rind Private^essons by appointment Vt teaspoon cinnamon 2 eggs, well beaten > ' _ Chiropractor- *J^ 2 cups elder ' tt teaspoon salt ' Eyenlnr exercise and recreation claue* for wonuav. 1 cup heavy cream, whipped % teaspoon freshly groundVpepper Put almonds and crumbs through , %cup flour Fall setiion will commence September 15th»u. i food chopper, grinding very flne- %\ cup meat drlpplngi • Regulation accepted beginning September 2n!«• degree oven for 10 minutes, then ANYWHERE— crumbs and with; another layer of t Ubleipoom iMnf reduce heat to 350 degrees, and s l»rie ltdh muihroomi 1 (sbleipoon isiar '-,' poaches. Sprinkle with water. Cov- Vf imp Callfornl» Claret, B»fw bake 30 minutes longer. ANYTIME wlth remaining crumbs and bake Cabernet or mny ted table wine 1 tableepeori Tlnifur for 40 minutes at 350 degrees. Coy- 1 teassoiin Worceiicrihire •••ee \t t««ip.on powltrel CUCDMBFBS VINAIGRETTE 14 «op »l>d oil M teaipoon powdered ^ py, Lon« IiUni Otj, N. Y. , j Profewlonallr complete with er at flrst to prevent browning, too perd iHtmatr (Recipe Serves Four) fast. -Serve' with peach syrup or a d 0 t(itt Bb0ut tW0 Franchlsed Bottler: Peptt-Coto Bottllnc Co. of Asbury Park. quiet, emclent service whipped cream. a mfrSf»fT W J " T*^^ ™ to"" *n 1 large cucumber, sliced ,.[.'• 6 y Vt cup French dressing «Sf^?hf •I'^^W-tne'wtoe,- salad oil/Worcestershire . 1 tablespoon chopped green pep- No Waste BROILED MICAL sauce catsup, sugar, vinegar and marjoram and rosemary. When (Reoipe Serves Four) ready to cook, remove from marinade and arrange three cubes of • ' Per ;; .' '•;•• : ' IN MONMOUTH COUNTY 4 j>ounds_ground_Jam^_ _ beef and two mushrooms alternately on sticks or skewers. Broil 1 teaspoon chopped chives • ' • No Worry; kPMofdopTa.otunder4he-brciileWnloors^B^ % teaspoons salt wel°vl"i^!n8^kPMofdopTaotnd4hbiilWl^ on . Baste frequently with remaining ar?n de7 ^ l m a 1 teaspoon chopped capers FOR FINE WALLPAPER No.Fuss A teaspoon freshly ground pepper Combine Ingredients In the order 54 teaspoon mace , . Cooked out of doors over a fire larlriade made by blending the given, with the exception of the 1/5 cup bread crumbs of glowing coals, or Indoors under vine, salad oil, Worcestershire No Clean-up sauc,e, catsup, 'sugar, vinegar and pucumber. Stir vigprpusly until well' AMD BEST PAINTS 2 tablespoons catsup . .. .. the broiler, wine marinated steak blended, then add cucumber slices 1 egg - - cubes -with mushrooms are the best marjoram and rosemary. When of informal summer "dinner entrees. ready to cook, remove from, marln- and toss until each slice Is coated Ai cup milk • with the dressing. •.;-•.•••••'• IT'S •••••.' ': " Simply phone or write our Catering Office at l'A cups cooked sliced carrots For this service, cubes of tender ide and arrange three cubes of . 3 oups creamed potatoes beef st/ak and large, whole mush- beef and two mushrooms alternate- Combine lamb, seasonings, catsup, rooms ara arranged alternately on y onaTticlia or skewer's. Broil ov>r OLD MILL INN « crumbs, egg and milk. Mix well. a green stick or a metal or wooden lowing coals out of doors or under WHITE HOUSE Shape Into patties about an Inch skewer. The sticks are the-choice le broiler indoors. Brown well on TOWN HOUSE for out of doors. They should be II aides. Baato frequently with re- STOR1 KLAtelN'S and one-half thick. Arrange the cooked carrots and potatoes in long enough to allow for holding marlnade. Groceries . ; shallow casseroles on the broiler them over the glowing coals. In- 26 Monmouth 8treet, Red Bank, N. J. doors, skewers are the answer. To make delicious onions au gra- pan. Place broiler rack over vege- in, combine cooked onions with and Delicateesien . PHONE 6-3838 / tables and place the lamb patties Meat and vvegetalbles cooked^ on skewers make very , attractive In- hlte Sauce. Add grated cheese If ' Fred O. WlUUauon, Prop. on rack. Arrange rack In.broiler sired. Cover' with bread crumbs so that the top- of the patties wil dlvldual servings. Skewer cooking Fruit Mid Vegetables, Wlnea, _— DISTRIBUTORS -—- - , is basy, too,. • '•,•'• , otted with table' fat or good- and Liquors be about three Inches from 'the lavored drippings. Brown In a mod- Imperial Washable Wallpaper - 8herwln Wlll'-ms heat. Broil on one side until nicely Today's recipe calls for allowing rate ovon.x This Is an excellent Phones - browned, about 12 minutes; Turn tho meat and vegetables to stand in ay to'use cooked onions' in com- AtUnHo Highlands and Merkln Paint Produots and broil on second side abou a wine marinade for about two Inatlon with other left-over vege- 1-0*48—1-om—1-0408 .' hours before broillngr -The flavpr- eight to ten minutes. . ibles; •-•'.• ..':'• ; •,'•'" ; ' Center Ave* teopardo, N,. 3. ome marinade blends claret, Bur- LIME SHERBEBT gundy, otubernet or any red table # cup sugar ' 7 ' wine with an,equal volume of, salad 1% cups sugar J—I • J oil - and- aocontg- tha-goo,dnMa_wltlL 2 feaspoons gelatine fragrant herbs and piquant Wor- % cup cold water cesterahlre sauce, catsup and herbs. Si cup lime juice . During •: cooking, .the « remaining Drop or two of green coloring saupe is .used to baste the meat and 2 egg whites mushrooms. ;i '.-""•• % teaspoon salt 1^.saULd of fresh, green vegetables Extended BUs Service Boll the sugar and water for' ten and "crisp drills go well with this minutes. Stir In gelatin which has skewor • service. Glasses' dt the ( on th« ' been'dissolved In cold water., Cqql same variety ,p^ red table, wine • A syrup,slightly. Add lime juice, an •used i'n,the".inartnade are an ideal Asbury Park-Paterson coloring, Chill mlxtuVe -in rejMse beverage • accompaniment. Wine is ator until it begins to solidify, easy to serve, too.'Host,or hostess TurnJnto..ohUled -bowl and whl nwy;P8Ur;tb«^lne jat the,table,or with a wlro whisk until fluffy. Whi; it may Be passed and each'guest egg whites with, salt until stiff ah< allowed to fill his own glass. The Buses Will Pick Up Pauenjtr* Att Aibury fold, into fruit mixture. Freeze foi red table wines, such as claret, Park, Eatontown, Red Bank, Middletown, four hours and beat with whisk ol Burgundy and cabernet, are at Keyport, Cliffwood Beach, Laurence Harbor, electrlif beateTirefore- servli thojrbest when served-cool-but-not Morgan..-. ."•. ,.p •. •: ' y.:. : • .....'. refrigerated. Any simple glass: Is OEANOE COCONUT CAKE correct service for all varieties of For Discharge At: Woodbridge, Rahway, . 2 cups sifted cake flour - wine. ••., . ' Linden, Roselle, Rotelle Pane, Union, Inring- 2H teaspoons.baking powder ton, Newark, E. Orange, Bloomfield, Clif- M. 'teaspoon salt , BroUca Steak Cubes, Bed Wtae ton, Passaic, Paterion. ; "• U cup shortening (Serves Efour) 1 tablespoon grated orange, rind 1 pound sirloin steak, cut In cubes For further information- 2 eggs, separated 8 large, freah mushrooms tee any ticket agent or H cup grated coconut % cup orange juice }k cup California claret, Bur- , call Pawaic 2-1512. Mix and sift flour, baking powde: gundy, Cabernet, or any red" and salt, Cream shortening am table wine ' • gradually add sugar, creaming un 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce til fluffy. Add flavoring and beatei Vi cup salad oil egg yolks. - Add flour, alternate^ 2 tablespoons catsup with, orange juice. Fold ln,coconu 1 tablespoon sugar Nothing but the bett-that'$ why ^

and then the stiffly beaten 'eg! 1 tablespoon vinegar •. . •, , ." • • t ••*•.• • • . -. •• • whlteB. Turn into greased caki U tepspbon powdered marjoram Shore Lints Inc. pans and bake for 25 minutes li Vi teaspoon powdered rosemary- a 34.7-degree oven, Frost, wit' Marinate steak cubes and mush- Flagttaff Preserves are yow best buy! orange frosting. rooms for about. two hours In a FLAGSTAFF PRESERVES are made from fruita'io big, ao liudout,1 P. Ballantine & Sons, you'd serve 'em proudly at your ianciett dinner! These fruita Newark, N. J. are the'picl^ of the crop from Hawaii, Oregon, Louisiana. They are prepared, sugared and packed to reach you with all their Some words foolyou : orchard freshness and flavor! Um-m!—there's nothing finer than FLAGSTAFF) ^... ;

FLAGSTAFF Homeaenixed PEANUT IUHER \> I is smoother, creamier,' extra nulrlliousl \ . CLIPPER CUPPER means means


s ,.": j&- •!!;:•"• • • '

•I niwtnroSiS r

always means: PU ••)•• ^ • There's the clipper that cuts your hair ;;. the clipper that cute the water. Clipper, it's clear, is a word that can fool you! But- pot Ballantine! Bailanthw alway* means PURITY, BODY, FLAVOR .. . tha FLAG qualities symbolized by Peter Ballantina'i. ^^r5\'jw>Bip'i» WM'inwwn,»• eB; call forBallantine. . The House that qaaiity Built ;-; • \ ) . f; America's finest since 1840 : ; ; f 1,4 QUINN, D0RBMUS, «O; CUE * 1( Fort Mpnmouth FOR Jl COOL DRINK! : COUNSELUIRS AT LAW . Wfcltfi.ld BulUlo*. • - • Had Baa* Editor John i. Qulnn Thomas P. Doremus- WaHaceSts. Vincent J. MeCua \ • Eniest Saiano '-. . William»!. .Boesiill. Jri '••..; ToRotarians A blend. e{ 6rspa.' Red Bank fruit, \*n>°>>! and- 1 PAB8ON8, t Army Newspapers frtihlimo JuUe Open Friday j CANZONA A COMBS '. combined- in .a: long' flHlCCO I . . .. COUNSELLORS AT "lAW ' .Compared To Other cool,'(roiled 'drink.'.'.:-. Evenings • „•,Wallace Str. lUd Bank JTbtottor* B. l>ar«iin Edmund 4. Canupi ' Theodora ). Labrecque" ' Publications i EUston F. Combs Tbomai ). Smith Bobert H. Msids William H. BlaJlr Jt Th'a edltor-ln-chlef. of the . Fort :.,'•"' "Abraham 1. Zafar. Monmouth post publication, was. the gueat speaker at the luncheon meet- WILLIAM E.BEATV, ing fit th^ Red Bank Rotary club last Thursday. In hia talk be drew AT LAW the .comparison of the army, publi- cation with that of the commercial newspaper. He said it was his be- Rus) leslitanl. sturdy. Made of stetl with rein. U East/Front' Si "Red"! Bank 6-437T lief that the coverage in the army paper is' greater than that, by a forced rim and welded" seams, oommerclal paper due to the needs tall handle. Convenient 10 MILTON KOSENE of strict news, rather than having it colored, by. any. group or groups of advertlserjror stockholders. ^~^ The board of directors of the 107 Monmonth St. Bed Bank club htia approved - the purchase Cellophane Wrappt • "• ' ' . '. '••' . .'•-'• B. B. «M819 and Installation of two television seta.:; One has been' placed: in the CELLOPHANE WRAPPED COLOIFIL HARD Riverside. Y.M.OA. and the other DR. L W. CARLBON, In the Westalde branch. The direc- tors feel this 1» a very worthy proj- CAM DY SUBOEON CHIROPODIST, ect and one which will Have a ten- Mellow, creamy caramels with! 1 ht spicy flavor of Spserminf cap)ured In ffisie •., FOOT AILMENTS rher fresh. from. (he • titchan soft, gummy, moulh-iiinoutn-iaet whioh the Rotarians are ever on OmeeJHonVaf _D«iJit_o %ja.\.loJLl>.jst i Evmlnjsi Tussday, Thuraday, T to_ 8 Make-ups have been received for REG. 11.09 (Cloud W.dn.»d»y %nd Friday^' •' Newton. McCletnents at Asbury DELIGHTFULLY SCENTED 'By appointment oaly,. Red: Bank 6-O90S Park and Roy Gotten and Osprge WANTS OHtl U6 BROAD ST,. BED BANK, N i. -A, Quimby at Long Branch. FLAROMA David J. Ellis had' as his guest DR. RAY DE CARLO .' Richard Klaln, Rolston Waterbury HALF PRICE SALE! COLD CREAM SDBUEON CHIROPODIST \ was accompanied by Robert Ni- •'-' FOOT AILMENTS cosia, E. Allaire Cornwell Had An- FALCON ' , Office Hoars« VL '- drew Egeland of the Fair Haven Pally »=00 a. .m. to 6:30 p. m; ' IJoni, and Frank Peterson brought DELUXI color thsme In ulna floral ,1 Evenings by appointment Joseph Carlone.. , s . . . . . moUsd'Calet o( / (Phone 6-0576 Visiting Rotailans included R.\B. Handsoms diram* finish trim fitting en black case 60 MAPLE AVE. BED BANK YoUngr of Belleville,. Sidney Komar Has folding view tinder. of South Amboy, John Jackson of Takes 16 pictures. Easy to DR. WILLIAM WYUfe Nutley, Rock Angle, of Newark, liaaaw aaTwrtsatUI _—~ op,,,(t. CH1ROPOD1AU SURGEON Greg Hetzel of Hoboken and P.; A. BRAND NEW Functional Fool Dtaordtn Wallenborn of Charlottesvllle. . ; EACH ONE TESTED 0 Mechanic ; St, Bed Bank, N J. Use as a raft, swim Houre »~A. M. to B P. M. , Tal. , Marlboro Auxiliary belt, toy boat etc. Easy as * balloon tvenlnav by Appointment, R.B. 6-338B-J Has New Director to inflate to a m«. Mrs. Louis Lager of Wanamana irnum 55" or da- KENNETH C. WASHBURNE f lale to t minimum was appointed co-oMlna>tor of the IS". The Northwestern Mutual Women's auxiliary of the state hos- Lovel)f-to-u(a bath' soap ... Life Insurance Co. pital at Marlboro at a meeting of lasting spring flawar frajrance, the auxiliary -board of directors 79 Princeton Road - Monday at the home ot Mrs. Arthur BEQ. 59c Fair Haven, N."aVS£ Cowan at HolmdeL R*4 Bank B-31M _Marke|":f-02J5 The auxiliary is composed of 30 FOR SMOKING ENJOYMENT volunteers who devote one day a FRESH, IMPORTED MARTITA AUblT5K ",;, PING week to the recreational, occupa- tional and clinical therapy . pro- grams at Marlboro. SF?c uu BA&fSpi F. Plane are being mad* "for addi- BNS !fcZs i^SS!t tional work by members" )n musical therapy. The seventh in a aeries of weekly picnics ijpoMored by the hospital took place yesterday. Aux- iliary members contributed food PROPHYLACtlC.HO&HM.OWEN5^ GOOD FOR PUPPIES -and directed a sports program *i ProltHlona) style handles The complete dog which followed.' Next month ,th« , cVitrniylonbrntlei, slitrd. com- HOME mittee will have available grills and DUO INHALERS PLASTIC CALF OR PATENT PERMANENT 'charcoal for those wishing to cook ZIPPERED their own foodt When members re- 1 RINEX CAPSULES 79c ' THE CREMtt COLD WAVE turn to the clubhouse , following the WASHING POWDER COSMETIC outing, the rowboat and outboard PRIVINE NOSE DROPS 89c Deluxe kit, Vitii RegHlnrKit, motor, offered as special prizes,- ACTS AS A WATER plastic curlew fiber airier? TIH will be awarded. • . . SOFTENER °° Estivin Hose * Eye Drops89c Refill, no • ' '• curjera.,'. ..*r" Know Your Government : •V. '/'rH'.'' '"'**«'.»'« !«* : "."• -A • ; cOtnttTHocsE SMILF. New. Jersey's local taxpayers, will take a. terrific beating as the result Uttj, I5e Valsi* • 9f grand: slam salary boosts for cpuntypfflclata ordained by the 1947 RE&.lOe &isJtur&gisJtu e ; . 25c VALUE NUACE RED. 39< VALUE WITH 1PICIAL . 'WW16'top county officials in Jer- •; GRIFFIN tUBI sey's 'courthouses are-uniting wide PHOTO MOUNT Specially curved these days, taxpayers/ will continue SHOE POLISH •iSHSSsttSiRf -ipB^ga^ !5"x7" PHOTO to fit undsrirm CORNERS SIZE to groan in the years to come when photos or SaiiHsry — rust- ITCHING PIMPLES they pay thousands' of dollars Ih clippings. 100 In Renews and pol- I RAZOR BLADES ] .TB3RBT ! ENLARGEMENT proof. Ara' you tormented with itching of added taxes as the price of manda- P>" ' a '/ ecsomaT When your ikin Breaka out tory state laW«. W9 with tiny blt«ter»,do dry scaly, Itching T IT patches form, or does.your skin thicken, ' That twinkle in the'eye of free- pKGs.|r Jai,rr ^i! -*=-* wjH« eourow'uMiT-t WITH Tftu COUMHJ HMIT 3-WITHTHIS eowoo cradle. " and then. Itch < . and burn 1 holders us due to JWT^legislation 2 AK,^™,^^I .^P "^* ,*"9^TUBt WKKt VafB sHH VMi •aaaaB aal MB (MM ^BM MB MMI BB MEDHEX OINTMENT blended Mleqtl- rlcally from eight tested Ingredients li which, IEL counties havlitg * popu- praiud by thousands because it, soothe* lation • between «,(H)0 and ' 600,000,: SHAVES WITH A"FEATHER TOOOH11 ; and coretc-ns the moat -Intense -Itchtair' permits them to fix ttielr salaries In a* jiffy.'Your money back at once.-U relief la not InnUnt. Oet•» J»r of Ken- anywlwre fTom M,000 to W.WO •- ulne tieeh colored, greueleu MBDKEX year: ."Already Meroer freeholders DOUBLE OINTMENT today, , have shown the Way to •,their 4So> Jar *t all Sup Bay brag Stores brethren In other counties by awarding themselves the $8,000 top EDGE •MY Mojunouth County Surroj(«t«'» Ofllce. pay. ''...• ' * "•"'.'"• In the nis.t\er at the estate «( Efll» V. R. H«»k«)l, deceased. Notice to cred- Another 1MT la^; permits salary HAIR TREATMENT itors to present clalina asalnst 'estate; tnerealNB of ?»,000 for the sheriffs Furauant to t*« otder of Dorman Mc- Fsddln, Surrogate ol the' County ot and $2,000 for the surrogates and Moninouth, niade' on the thirtieth' day County clerks of Bergeri, Union and of July, lie?., on ths application ot Van Passable counties and .lesser in- B, :Halsey and-Chfirlea D, Hnliey. execu- creases for otber counties. ' > • tors.'ot the. estate at Eme'V. R. Has. kell,''deceased, notfea' Is hereby given The legislative •Christmas tree. WILL HOT RUB OWI to the creditors of laid deceased to •*• sbakedown also provided a salary hlblt ^to the subscribers,' executors;" as Never (rrltnlei lander skini.shavts LISTERINI CARBONA range of.W.OOO to $8,000 for county with a "fearer 1ousr>" because you < SHOE WHITE aforesaid order, 'or &hey will be forever .tles with a population between 1TB,- Ute'L'laterlne barred of their actions therefore itgalnst OOO.and SiOO,OoP.' ' .-.-:,-'.•- helps clASr up Infectious dandruff For leather buck or fabric th« said subsctlDers. • shots. Dries In * few minutes / Dattdl Freehold, N.VJ., July SOth, Malri argument for this saturnalia •o « (gleaming white, of mandatory salary bqoits was WITH TfllPLE PROVED DEODORANT : ,'•' VAN B. HALSEY. .. ' .. • . , RldRe Road, numion. N, J, that the coat of living has gone up for county officials, too. This heart- softl So safal Doubly •',.. PHARLBS D. HAjLSBY, ifortabla fluffy.type n : . . Avenue ot Two Rivera, rending situation among, already kin. Qet a supply today. ,' ' ' . ' ( Bumson, K, J, high-paid, county officers' .1* as noth- ing compared'to the pllgWt of local 2 BOXES FOR S2.2B ((•tin ot Settlement ol Account. taxpayers, whose costs of living aro Wttte of Leabla M. JauJv, deceased. No.t|uijL|s.hereby alvon that the.accounts unjustly boosted by 'scores of' man- of .iMrftivbscrlber, executor, qf tha es- datory sta^e laws.' '.'-.' •':•.••'.< tate' o*M(j|l4 decenstd, will oe audited LOSE WIIUHT SAFELY! FOR OONSTIPATION/RELIEF and. atlQii,. by the Surroitnte of the , To secure substantial belief for SOFT County. oMMonmouth nnd reported far local taxpayer", >tHe' ,N«w ' Jersey settlement "nt the Orphans' Ccurt ot sVild Taxpayers association has present- CREAM E-A-DAY county, on.7rhiir«(lny, the Elovenlh dny ed a proposal to the Constitutional of Beotembsjr, A, p.. 194T, nt lOlOO MULTIFLE Mild pleasant Bapa. o'clock n. m'., at which time npplloallon Convention to prohibit the LegUla- VITAMIN DANDY labs rallivt eonsllpi. will be mMl« for the tllownnce ol com- turo Irom onactlng mandatory laws VITAMIHS mission and counsel feos. ' "' tlon without gripping Affecting the:aalarlei, torms, pens- / ! 1 Basic dally vitamin or Inconvenience. Dateili Aotiuat 1st, A. 1).. 1847. : 1 '' " Safaly stops psrspil *. raflulremtntt, Con- long and tenure ot municipal ond tlon Aid deodo^l^es ,— ,. s. nuttmrr BOVNTON, oo'unty ofllcers andemplpyees ; lied BnnV, Mew Jersey, harm ' ctoihlno. Carton b Sorens&n, bring real local home) nils to tho Made for "trjit aje ol AtUntlo Illttlilqpds, N. ], I folks wHo it»v», be«n )ia.ylnr th« ' ' ' ProctoraV b|U (or price nwardi to favored of- Poys ci>n mnke pqtVtt nbney flolnla by Santa 01»u« atth« Bt»t« K ,lnsgj ThTilll BeBjlstsr.~iAd»ertr»einatltf'«Wi«Tf:H»littrAdtlM i•Housa, . ••••••:..,: ,• v ••.,:.'/, .'..'•,, ,•..'•••' *m BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 14,1947 educate the public, are doing a fine jobL RIN^IPe f ABLE f RED BANK REGISTER Their efforts have been doubled and re* Happenings Of Years Ago From te ik ddubled. But they can't get results with- Editorial Views out a far greater measure of public under- THOMAS standing and co-operation than they have Of Other Papers Our Columns For Your Enjoyment Editor been given so far. Fire prevention literally Fifty Tears Ago. The'Sedan Auto Top companj' - JAMES * HOGAN. AMOOlata Editor (Tb« eplnlj «Md la th* A meeting was held at Packer's was tfce name of a new concer begins at home—in every house, in every totlal VUwi do net U hall at Sea Bright to discuss the which had opened business in or M. HAROLD . KBUtV. A*sUt*nt Editor store and commercial building, on every Uy o*rrr th« closing of the Inlet through the of the Doremus stores on Mechanl > W. HABBY PENNINGTON, Plant Supt beach . north of Sandy. Hook.- P. street. The members of the con • farm. Every family must become, in ef- HAD ENODGH, BEITAINf Hall Packer,' the mayor of Seapany wsw George Wheeler an . •alMrfptlon PrfDH In Adf«n«» " On» /••!•. M.JO i' sisixx Bright, called the meeting to order James Stewart: , '; ' W—thlW—thl . SltOSl.tOi thrw montlmmontlm . 7t e«nti) olniW eopeopyy . « «t«tuu . fect, a' fire prevention agency, if the toll-is The British Labor Government plinneri, who Ipave been nddling and J. H. Rhoades was made chair- About 200 watermelons owned b beted W«tklr, »nUred M,8«cond-Olui UitUr *t tit Post- to be checked. That is fire's great challenge man. E.; 8.. Nesbltt was elected .Arthur Soffel of Colt's Neck; "wer« *flw »t Ktd B»nk. N. J., undtt th« Act ot Mirch 8, 1»7», w|th somethlngf called nationaliza- to the American people—a challenge. that tion or semt-aoolUUm for the paat secretary. Most of the Sea Bright ruined' by thieves; ' ' •. people favored keeping the inlet The Laugh and Live club of• girle feeliuln Nation*] Adv.rtl.lne B«praS«iUU>«, OntUr has attained the status of an emergency to- two ye«i», had to take a bit ot time W4tUUi. Its Wcit JBth Strati, Niw tork Oltgr out the; other day. The interval waj open, while the; river bo'atmen and. of Leonardo, held .a jlance.;in the Chlcwo-Phlliulttplili-batroU. day. •••. '..••','•• ••'. •'••• -' nece««»ry becau»e Prime Ministers oystermen thought It should-be Ocean • View community house ami Clement Attlee had to extilaln to olosed.' Edmund Wilson made the cleared $160. ';• • * IWi n«w»p»ptr mumti so raponslbJlltlM for: , Carelessness shown by cigarette sinpk the British House of Common* that principal address in behalf of hav- Bids were opened by the Atlani tUUmanU ot opinion! In UtUrt from IU r»d«rt otsa »dT«rtlnro«nt In which tha typography -careful^makingsure thut Hiate]ie8_and.cig to Cwmtoona .that something had Julia Little won first prize, Miss hold, .'Samuel Clark of Freehold J teal error ooeurt. Adrartliari will plane notify thi nan' Eima CbrnWell second and Mrs. E. * uemtst ImraadltUly ol «n» arror which may oeeur. gonejwrong - wlttgT'fili piani, charts gtjr}l,Jia_HenryLthttj}lJiaH _ agette's are extinguished before disposing o and «oclall«tlc blueprint)!. Anyway, C. Hazard third. " Francis of Colt's Neck made a. bid Member Audit Bureau of Circulation* them. But there are many others, iar tooto be 'blunt about It, the country A clambake was held at the Nep- of $1,700. ' •''•••' •:,. •, had, gone 'broke. tune clubhouse, near Highlands. Dr. J. C. Rush of Eatontown' suf,- ' Mtmfctr ol th* A»ocJ»t«4 Prtsa many,'who take no such caution. ' The way Thi A»iocl»t«d Frist U entitled «oluilv«ly to th* tm There .were a f sw bitter com' The affair was arranged by Wilfere- d two fractured ribs In an au- for rtpttblicatlen of all thi local n«w» prlntad in thli n«wi they toss lighted marches and cigarettes menti from the political opposition. liam A. Cole and W. H. Little of tomobile accident at'. Fortaupeck MMr, u "•" >* all AP nm dlipitehti. around with reckless abandon, it is surpris Mr. Oliver Stanley (Conservative) Red Bank. Others, in the party His car was run Into by another took a dim view,of Mr. Attlee's machine. •.••':• ' .':'. t.,^,-'-.',',:.\' ; were William T. Corlles, William V THURSDAY, AUGUST U, 1MT. ing there are not many more fires. "one .alibi—ri*lug- world prlcea;" Plntard, Joseph T. Burrowes, John Isaac Richmond, of Red Bank, and Added that he didn't think'most B, Bergeta,1 Major-Joseph T.-Field, wh«r kept'., a . clothing:, and iijpus'e Brltoni Wop^ld ''calmly, settle down Captain-John A. Worthley, Borden furnishing goodg; store'atf'Sf|dge to be permanent pensioners of the Wolcott, John B. Button,- Charles- 8. avenue and Oakland st'reet/bought Effect* Of Unionism Know Your War Trophies United States". Old Winston Chur- Hill, William H. Houston, Harry .the Vincent LaMaMlftypfppiirtS on chill had anorMd «om» day« before Wortnley, William Hartsbqrne, Ed- Reckless;ptace. for,$ll^ The Atlantic Township Volunteer fire that England wa* In grave trouble a delicate^ pattern on.Its wings, and ward S. Hicks aid Thomas Hub- • Colon Dlxon,"'Ja(!k' t The Treasury, War and Navy depart- becaua'e. Its socialistic government it Is often mistaken for a hum- v ; ' company felt the far-reaching • effects of mingbird in. the half-light of even- bard. The bake was prepared by* Heller,': VVUllftni: Darb ments and the National Rifle association "had frittered away" our 13,378,000,- Louis Despreaux. , •'-.•'.•.;'.•'/.-. .'',":•'' 000 loan. ' ing. And it Almost never beats its Yanko, Charles.:AllairBia^.dJ^a^- unionism last week when it attempted, to are offering all available facilities to pro wings to pieces in a frenzy to ap- John C, Briir was having a build- rehce^foaiik: p^vRed'j Bj^.i^iejit . arrange a band concert as an added attrac- But the .most revealing words proach an Incandescent light. ing put tip , at the "corner of Main a' week camping at 'Mantploklng. mote public safety in the handling of excame from .Attlee and his/fellow 7 The Lunar does,-and- that light and' First .streets,. .Q«eanicy_ Jlr. wyie; camping; ihejr,:#«r«'^ejijted tion at its annual fair now in progress on plosive-type war trophies,'such as laml planners! as they broke thi news madness seems to us to be without Brill had recently been appointed' by Mr." ahd^ Mr». Jabob X^fS^iif. to the British people about what the and. MM. Casper Haller,'illM Sarah ' route 34. - The firemen hadn't planned to mines, grenades, shells, projectiles, car. Laborltes want them to do now to reason. 'Why should such fragile By Charlie Cake postmaster of the village and the get themselves out of the mess,' beauty destroy itself for a ray ol hew building WM to be used as aMcClees ^nd;Lloyd;Havrtu;^f -' . charge admission, but were merely attempt- tridges, semi-automatic pistols, riiachin light? Even the moralista-have no .•.•',: .•• Man-In-The-Moon 'postoffloe. It was 16x20 feet,' one;, {Profltipf Wbout IZiSbo^er^ipado,' , ing to give the community festivities a mu • ' ," .Wartime Economy answer, but only, a moral. And Star gazing for iis amateurs, is story high and cost" $450. Thi at the Fair'Haven•flretne'nl4*Jtalr. guns and machine pistols, brought horn Our Brttlflh friends, says their there is the Luna, a fact, a beauti- not at: itj best when the Mooni Is builder was J. E. Denise. The nioney was to be •aiii'iialma- gical touch. from the battlefields by veterans. This pro Socialist government, are going; to ful fact.—New York Times. brightly shln'lngi Right how ht's'.. Ralph.. Fields, of Wallace stree torlze, the v hbok. and ladder/ truck. Officials at Fort Monmouth were will have to pull all bults a« tight as giving us the green .light to gaze gave a, party in - celebration; of his • > Rev. Arthur, •W.payJef.Vyjasj.. ap- gram was necessitated in v,iew of the manj they were in wartime, maybe tight- A LITTLE PRAISE EAENED ahead. Moonlight is like the weath- birthday; .Those present • werev So- polntediiwitor;' ooff ' t6?;;p^bt er. They will have to work-harder polnted , ing to provide the band and the band itself casualties to military personnel and civil The automobile driver has been er in that there Is nothing we can phie Skirm, ©Hie Mount, Abbie - MetbpSlst phlirch,' to; iflilftl _ . and eat less, Britain, completely do about it. However, Us roman- llott, Neva Asay, Grace-Longstreet, •plred term ot.'Rey. D. W''Snlpp,., was willing to play, but Army regulation ians, especially children,' resulting from broke and with ' handouts getting getting blamed for so many crazy things and downright carelessness tio value cannot be Ignore^, Con- Agnes Tlnlo'n, Ha'rold Brower, Al- who had resigned.' ' • 250-5, paragraph 4, stood in the way. The scarcer, Is reducing Its purchases of cerning the man-lri-the-moon, It isbert Carhart, Rue Meredith, Frank handling of war trophies. foreign groceries by $48,000,000 per that people are Inclined to forge A truck owned by* the Schenck regulation specifically states that bands 1 that In eome Ways the average mo- an old story that he would not Elliott, George Wilson and Joseph S. Thompson . company of Red In order to assist the owners of war month. British' farmers are being make an acceptable husband, be- Asay. : asked to grow more, but nobody torist has shown a lot of consider Bank, and driven- by William will not be furnished for ciyic parades, cer ation and improvement. cause he makes only a Quarter a The previous : month Edward Riddle of Spring street,: was struck trophies in making them safe, a state com exjMCte them to take up this slack week, gets full and then stays out emonies, expositions, regattas, contests, fes in the rkitchen department. . '. Take- the matter . of dimming Deacy of Red Bank had taken the by a locomotive at Farmtngdale., mittee representing the agencies named has all night , , . Mr. Riddle was cut on his arms There will be less gasoline. Bri- headlights/for Instance. It used to contract to carry the malls between^ tlvals, local baseball or football games, ac n be that only the occasional driver Previously we pointed to a great and forehead and his elbow was been organized for the purpose of directing tons- have been r&VP td to 300 the Red B(ank po'stomce. and the : tMtiea or celebrations. the owners to the nearest available facility nilles per month; It will be 200took the pains to dim his lights or triangle of the summer sky andrailroad station, Whenever'a mail injured.. ..."'•, V , ••"••' miles on for private oars, switch to a lower beam when meet- named its components, all first was late, the carrier was fined., A surprise .party'was gIVen fpr Whoflo you suppose is responsible for where the trophies may be examined, and slightly more for trucks. Ing another car at night. We once magnitude stars, the ^brightest of Deaoy had been fined several times Miss Alma O'Brien of.'West Front kept & record book over a. period of the trio toeing Vega, She rides high and he\threw up the contract,.Will street.' The party wasarranged by "tWi regulation? None other than Jaines" with the owners' permission, made harm There will also be fewer new several hours and found that only 1 hpmes, because the social planners across' the sky, and at 10 o'clock Malchow took over for $286 per Miss Katharlhe MCCarty. ;. Petrilio, head of the musicians' union. His less, if necessary. one in three driven responded to the middle of August is near the year. In addition to carrying the spent all their money and forgot to our own dimming of lights. Miss.Anna H. Klelne of Leon- argument it that permitting military bands Import enough lumber.for housing. zenith, or top of thejieavens. Vega mail, he had to transfer the mai ardo • and Edward- M, Harris of Owners of war trophies desiring (o take ; Cofton.importa are to be slashed, Recently, however, that has Is a glamor girl on the; stellar from the Central'road to the South, Crasford, , werei married at the to play on such occasions would deprive hii advantage of this worthy offer should com too, meaning fewer shirts'for the changed. Now the driver, whostage, and with binoculars or field em road at the Red Bank station, brlde'*!-home by- Rev. H. Pierce • union musicians of work. At the Atlantic British.,, and- fewer dresses for their blinds you with, his .bright lights glasses her likeness to a gorgeous George W. Evans of Chapel Hill, Simpson.. .'• ..'„•-,-, ';• municate with the chief of police in theii* wjvei. Shelvei of English stores will despite, all your'signals Is the exblue-white diamond Is seen better. gave a' clambake at his farm. . EIVB (destroyed a 3atge two-story -^jownghip-jlFemen^fair-the Fnrfc MonmaiiflL iiIiti3iSj " e and more bare. The ception. Many; actually beat you to With such slight magnifying power Among those present were Oliver garage^ two automobjles and a mb- planners have •the uron. rtonreaalng the driylnt A-dim_campanian of hers is resolved band didn't play, but neither did Petrillo's met-,. •_ . -_..j '••--"i-Gordon "---' ' -iwlrig macAinfc on M. F. ard,.U;8.N., or Captain A. J. Strohmen^erj beams long before you. .think Ii Into a double. Thompson, Herbert U. men. U. S. Marine corps, at Earle. " l b\iW'es«entlal manufactur- necessary. .; . ,' '..'. V.. '. The constellation of which Vega P. Evans, Benjamin Griggs ; Burns' chauffeur, Harry Peters, ids't" stoji,' or1 be severely re- ' Perhaps this change ' is due toIs a member is known as the lyre, the fact that car lights are brighter William F. Patterson, Daniel Ben- and his family lived on the second Bullet than they were several years ago a harp-like instrument; but this nett, p. Lane Conover and George floor of the garage, ,and Mrs. Peter's Cure Habitual Carelessness inoet leveallng' tipoff on just Perhaps it Is because the light but-. gazer, lacking the imaginative pow- Brannln. '.••.'.". and "her two children had to be The Curse Of Socialism irils'erles have come to Britain, ton 'pp:.'lh'«i floor U easier tooperatj er of the ancients, cannot visualize, Everett Clayton of Red Bank cs«leS;down a ladder to escape. Old saws and sayings to the contrary, 'Vtwo years of state-planning, than the hand switch. But we.llkej the objects supposed to be por-who was employed. In Antonldes TKTirjBS was-estimated at $2O,060. It.would be manifestly unjust to Bay lett&as happened to British La- to think it la due to a general rec- trayed by most constellations. and Cooper's drug store at. Atlan- Edward Hounlhan of Shrewd' you can teach an old dog new tricks. We Northern Cross that the Labor government1: created Eng- _-V.;Tti«t«ad of. short*r hours'and ognition among motorists that cour- s tic Highlands, passed the examin- bury suffered a sprained ankle admit it is more""difflcult than teaching him bigger pay^ ai promised solemnly In tesy much a part of automo- However,' there are some thai ation of the New Jersey.'B^ard. of while playing baseball with t(je the right things when he is young. Altering land's'great economic vprobiems; Thes^ the Labor government's campaign, bile driving as It is of anything else are well named. The less bright Pharmacy and was now, a regie-, Shrewsbury,field club. Mr. Hourii-s' problems were the result of the drains of British workers are getting socked and that selfishness in not wanting but conspicuous star east of Vega tered pharmacist. , ' han was employed as a carpenter the ingrained habits of a lifetime often with longer, hours ana frozen'pay to be blinded oneself plays only a forming with her the triangle base The Little Silver baseball nine, by Harry G. Borden of Shrewsbury take* little short of dynamite. War on British sources and capital. H6w- scales." • .; • ,.-...... •'. ' minor role.—Cincinnati Times-Star, is Deneb, and he Is the top of\ the captained .by Walter Z. Holmes, and this was the first time In ten. Not only that, the planners, still .defeated a nine from Red Bank by years he had lost a day from work. ever, it is undoubtedly true that the Labor 1 Northern Cross. Four lesser stars ' > _That is why we have a difficult and ser- trying to plan their'way out of PRAISE FOJR MacARTHUK south of him complete the. cross, al- a score of 18 to 10. The game was A society. n> organized' it Platt- ious problem before us in theTnationVpreS-: government's basic policy, of. aacializatio their crisis,.hay*'^announced ^"di- most sperfeotly. One- is the middle played, at. Little Silver. The Redmount,-near Locuat Point, for ttte and regimentation of the country's produc rection of laboif"'program. It'eTrTot" Much praise, and -little criticism, or nair which fastens the crossbar; Bank team, was captained by. Rob- imprpyement of Plattmburit^ Park, ', ent efforts to cut down the annual slaugh- quite con«crlptlori,7tliey aay. has been given General MacAr- ert Forsyte. Del Fisher wag which had a frontage of 70d feet on thur's work In Japan, Good observ- two others, east and west of the ter on our streets and highways. Too many tive machine is delaying British recovery But if you 'lose your job, or if nail, mark Its ends, and south from. pitcher and John Forsythe catcher. a branch of the Shrewsbury river. you're, not doing '/'essential work", ers say that never before has a de- L. Applegate caught for the Little and sapping national energies., feated warlike nation been taken Denob through tho nail Is the bot- Mr', and Mrs. Alan Beegle and Mrs. drivers have become-;habitually*poor—even the planners will assign you your tom...... Silver nine and John Skldmor* was Frank Maxson were getting pledges Socialism is the great destroyer of ini- new employment,;in some essential over by such a small force as Mac- pitcher. ' r :* -•. . .:•. from residents to,pay for Improve- dangerous—drivers* Long'- accustomed to Industry." Arthur's, and so changed In .such The Northern Cross Is set In one short time as he has changed of the most glowing sections of the Charles Kuper, a summer resi- ments. ' ignoring th:;'. local labor, for the stevedorin; g job ! fulfill the mandate to be a safe highway the country. And the government's pro- rent experiment In planned social- would'be an. enormous market if it A flamming party went to Keans- of ^loading ammonium nitrate at SCHOOL FOR FABM MIGRANTS 1 ism, •' • • •'..',•.' could develop, resource j to pay for bu'rg ffrpm'Llporoft. Jn the party Leonardo and have read It with ' «»er or nullify the effort which has-been ex- jected agricultural "reform" bill has raised Imports. And it has many raw'ma- much Interest. ' .-. • '>• - Let's give the British anything We Freehold this summer Is offering were'A, J. Bray and family, Aaron This is a matter which I have pended to safeguard lives and property. a storm of protest, on the grounds that it terials we could use to advantage. the | first, school center for children can afford. But,, before the. next Japan might lead such a develop-' Sutphen and family, Mr, and Mrs. discussed, on many dccaslons with i There is no substitute for individual cau- would pewnit expropriation of property and borrowing comralaslon comes over, of migrant farm' workers In this Jacob' AAtoqldea, Misses Lydla and the navy authorities, and as soon ment, : . state., IV is being conducted'under Jessie'Bowne, -Emily, Little, Elmlra as Capt. Shepard advised me of the let's use our creditor's right to ask. Australia seems also to be think > tlon, and no excuse for individual cateless- a policy of dictation toward-farm owners a few sensible questions about what the joint sponsorship of the' state Antorildes and Florence Fountain. plan I wrote him concerning thlsi ing ot Japan a« a valuable future departments ' of .'labor and. educa- matter and enclose herewith »i ness, •'..'."• and workers. they intend to do with pur dough. market. For a sentiment appears to :.-' The'Falr. Haven Methpd|sts made copy of my tetter for your informa- —New York Sunday News. tion. Chartered school buses pick up nearly. $500 at','«, fair given by the be shaping up down there for mod- the children at 9 a. m., and. bring tion. ' ,11 Socialism always tdkes the same eration In the amount of repara- Ladles' A19 society. Mrs. John H, I Intend to continue my efforts to them home at 3 p. m. Hot lunches Fielder, .president, had .charge of secure employment for the people course. It exaltsi the • officeholder and LtJNA tions demanded from Japan, and are served at noon. Burning A Billion Dollars for leaving, her enough industry to tho fair. She was assisted by Mrs. n.thls area, and I feel sure that,, crushes the rest of the people. Worst of all, The Luna. moths come beating Edgar Srnlth, vice prtslddnt? Mrs. the local naval authorities will co-K their frail wings at the screens, get her people to work promptly at Frank A. Christerisen, president of the turning out goods, Elizabeth Sanda," treaiurer, and operate all they, can...... , ? when thoroughly entrenched, it becomes ex- these August evenings, and when BERRY PICKERS FiN»,CORP8E Cordially yours, "i "S ..National Board of Fire Underwriters, re- one pauses there, entranced by the Arkansas may have produced in Mrs. Walter Parker, secretary. tremely sensitive*to criticism and in one Two boys picking berries diacpv The bond of Benjamin J. Park- James C. Auchlnclosa, < cently said that about a year ago he pre- light inside, we can sea the delicate MicArthur a great statesman as ered the partly decomposed,.'uhlden- •way or another stifles opposition.. Byita beauty of Its coloration. Pale green well a* one of the brilliant com- tlfied body of a' man hanging from' er, th»/tt«w Shrewsbury township ( Member of Congress. | dicted that direct waste by flre might ex- very principles, ft is the enemy of social it Is, a silky green unlike that of manders of the war. a tree in a southerly section of collector, was made In the sum of Following is a', copy of CongAs»-| any leaf that grows, and each wing —Arkansas .Democrat Wall township Saturday. State Po- $10,000, HI* bondsmen were L. • Auchlnoloss';. letter to <3apt. ceed the staggering sum of ?1,000,ODO,000 freedom even as it is the enemy of economic is marked by. one small, dark lice 8gt, Joseph McCormaek of the Appleby, I. B. Edwards, William Andrew.O. Shepard: a year by 1953—if the American people did freedom. The object lesson which a social; 'eye". The wings often have a span WHO ISTHE HAPPYAVERAGE? Howell State police barracks re- 'Applegate, F. W. Hope, O. B. Davis, of.six Inches, and the hind wings The average person Is Identified ported that the body.' had" been J. A. , Thrpckmortoti, George .t"; , Washlngtphi D. O. . , not fight it with every resource at their com- ized Europe is giving us now should make trail away,'Into, graceful.tails that in a scientific way as one who is a hanging from two to {h'ree weeks.; Cooper, A; Holmes Borden, Theo- • \ ' •"• • '•.;;' '•;-, Rwmson, N. Jr.,} mand. every American determined (o resist its seem to. have no function except member of a family of 3.7 persons, There was no Identification on thedore F. White, Richard • Boi'don, ',-:•''•"• ••' • "- • .''•" !' August'6, JO"*-1 beauty of line. ' eats about six pounds of salt a year, corpse and $1.03 In change was Jacob C. Shutts, A. Vf: Borden and Capt. A; G; Qhepard, ' That forecast, he continued, was wrong further inroads here. Beside tha other two most com. ound on the body. '' ' Harry Campbell. '•:'••'; •• • Commanding Officer, can lose from BO to 100 hairs a day, Naval Anwnunition Depot, , , by about three years. If the recent rate of mon of the big moth* which haunt without becoming bald, and Is cap- Justice John C. ' Edwards . of Earlo, .New .Jersey. tha light, the Luna seems pale at able of doing the work of a one- Eatontown ' celebrated his 78th Dear Capt,) ShSpard: It,- increase .continues, we will cross tlie Million- first. The Cecropta and Polyphemus, FINED AT RUMSON eighth horsepower electric motor, birthday. He wai the oldest resi- Thank you for advlslnn me ab'out also big and also light-hungry, All of thli Is Intensely Interesting, Louis Harvey of Belm'ar was dent ot Eatontown, with' one ex. dollar mark by April, 1050. The cost of New Jersey's state govern- flaunt bright yellows and browns 'our new,.lob of loading nitrate it,, r but as a means of easy Identifica- fined $100 Tuesday .night by. Ro- ceptlon and he had lived thire he Leonardo pier. Your co-ooira-U , Never in our history was the flrc prob- ment in 1844,, when the present constitution and rich tones ot <|d; and when tion we do not think It likely tore- longer than any other living per- tlon in this •matter Is very m\ich one sees them one exclaims «t the place the carnation In the buton- ordor Arnold Tulp of Rumson for was "adopted, was 1100,000 annuully. It areless 'driving, and Albert Billl- son, ..'.'.. appreciated.- \., . ..), ; lem so grave. In 1941, the loss was 1800,: rich beauty so suddenly and so un- hole, James Shay of East Oceania was I hopo that in this conneotio 11 now agenda approximately. 9155,000,000 expectedly swept but of the dusk. winkle; of Rumson was fined a slm- •very effort will be' made to emplo 000,000. In.the 12 months ending Jaut Then one sees another Luna, and Nor Is It the'image which "aver- Illar amount for speeding. Joseph 'driving a horse along Main street the men1 who live In thls'.vlolnlt year) age person" suggests to the mind's .Capengro of Sea Bright and Davis .t Ooeanlo, when the animal rah, for the1 work. It seems; unnepessai- ' "" ' n out of the 6,0O0,00O. Worse still, death by" flre the'^fe1hmiimber«, is ^&^S&^St. It would seem to be. To himself, the )y his fellows, and will never" be oyed by about'TOO penons, Feast- phono call. I am goln The' organization* and individuals than ht average, person it quickly recog- on you soon for a vl«l the largest tribunal of last resort in tho "* ' deep-throated flowers hurt by just ana little drink, Un- ,erry-go-round and boat rides, Slnctrely your», , J nizable as one who Is really the ar- scientific byt true. ' bailing and games formed part of :wno»e business it is to prevent flre and toTJnlrori Stnrf.« uch as petunia^ and moonfiower. 1 r James O. Auohlnolosi, , tlstlo type , possesses a keen sens* —Bt. Louis Post-Dlspatob, " d«y'« •otlvltlee. ' 'M«mner Of Congresi,' ' unuea states. Tht Bphlnx ,„ gr^aith.btovin> wltn W^ Ii, HUT Sarah Tuttle Has 90th Birthday Safety Lesson ;enCa»e •Mr«. Sarah Koe Tuttle of Ea5t YOU BE JUDGE NEW fHA HOMES Front. street, observed' her ' 90th ibirthday Friday. She received many, bouquet* and .'cards, and tele- Exhibitor Fined : grams from her friends. ' . . JfiO-i ' 3" FOR SALE llrfc ' Tuttle/'waa bom on .the |2S For Critelty . North Shore of Long- Island, and /ll "5" —AT— lived most of her life In Jersey . K«ansburg Recorder Seymour City. For- the > past eight' years she Kl«lnber|: decided the "chicken In ?r has been making' her home with th« bottle" case Friday afternoon SUNNY CREST her daughter, Mra. Joseph van by fining George Richardson, Na- Raalte of the March Hare book tional Feed salesman, 125 on a iRANOH AVE. LITTLE SILVER, N. J. shop on.Front .street. char** of confining- the bird In a . Mrs! Tuttle enjoys good health, bottle without sunshine. Bungalows 6omprise flvo rooms, bath, open fireplace, • and/ tomorrow will go to New York The case came to court June 10 to visit friends. While, living in attached garage on large landscaped plot. Gas heat. a wh«n Mrs. Laura Broadhurst, S.P.- Jersey City, she F ' a. member of C.A. agent, filed a complaint against TERMS FOR A QUALIFIED G.I. the Old Holland-Dutch Reformed Richardson on grounds of cruelty church. ; . to; helpless animals. |3O0 down and $82.50 a month; .'ull carrying charges. line decision of Recorder Klein- . SING FOB PATIENTS. berg was made only after testimony OTHER INFORMATION ON GROUND* Patients on,the sun roof of the had betn received from feed dis- I Monmouth Memorial hospital, Were tributors, veterinarians, animal hos- entertained ' Monday afternoon Jjy J>JtaJ^wn«r», breeders-and, farmorer i iCompare i ' the__GoldesiJCohsLauartet^df ..the. Richardson said that he was fol- MAIMONE BROTHERS "Friendship Baptist church, Wash- 8UNNYCRE8T, LITTLE 8ILVER, N. J. lowjng a. company practice in plac- ington, D. C. The quartet, a vol-: ing the bird In a bottle. The exhibit SER VI -CYCLE PHONE RED BANK 8-3837 or 8-0786. uhteer group, aang several Negro was then placed in the store of XV. spirituals, and visited Indoor pa- D. Swartzel of Hailet with a sign tients Tuesday. under the bottle reading, "Watch YOU'LL AGREE THAT NO OTHER MOTOR- the Chicken Grow on Our Feed". ; It ^ras at this store that Mw. BIKE OFFERS SO MUCH FOR SO LITTLE. Broadhurst first saw the chicken. Surprise testimony of the hear- SEE IT ON DISPLAY! ing ,was offered by Dr. Wlllard IT'S FACTORY ASSEMBLED AND TESTED. THAT Thompson of Rutgers university, t DAKGERDU-S who,, stated that a ^hlckcn. was NOT A MAKESHIFT—CONVINCE YOURSELF. / much better off In a bottle than in some other conventional housing No Down Payment! " Easy Terms! contraptions. Robert Malda, Red Bank attor- Up To 15MohthtToPay! ney ^presenting Richardson, stated he would,jeekjj) appeal.... RED BANK RAPTOR WORKS Eggay.llke all other Ingredients used In cake making, should be at 113 West Front St. R. B. 6-1177 room; temperature—about 70 de- grees fahrehhelt—to combine well. DOFT SHOW OFF IN THE WATER r ilShow\ p1f&"^cause

THE PEMBROOK—Out of MViral Johmon Quality Hom«. now beln« built In' Tit R«d Bank *r«a. Chapman * Evani, N. Y."C—Arehlttdl. •"- .. , , shaw conducted services' her* Sun- i Highlands day. .'-.• •;• ..••., Theodore Roberts of Hoboken, The Girls' Friendly society, of St. was ' awarded' the grand . prlzd Andrew's church • will hold a card IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Thursday night at a bauquet of the' party at the parish house Wednes- (Built on your own lot anywhere in this area) ,Rod:and Gun club at the Jackson day, August 27, and a meeting Auf- hotel. He won first prize by virtue list 29 at the home of Mrs. John The Pemhrook is a charming home designed for gracious living. It has 3\excellont of catching a bass weighing '35 Adalr. . , . I dropms, large living room, dining room, kitchen,' utility room, bath, powder room, pounds and' four ounces in July, Leroy and Julie Margaret Plttet, entrance hall and 6 large closets. Also designed with added wing for a fourth b-droom to become No. 1 man entered In children of Emily and Rene Pittet, and a third bathroom, if desired. " the 'pontest. The club will award were baptised Sunday at the' Meth- odist .church , by Rev. J. Hlllman Johnson Quality Homes are designed to conform with.F.H.A. standards. They are a cash prize to. the..person-: who catches the largest fish during the Coffee. ••• . .'. •.-. . . . ,. constructed of finest materials and fully equipped with nationally advertised kitchen, The Youth- Fellowship of the bathroom and heating facilities; ' ' '•'' en(lre season. • The mayor and borough council Methodist church will hold a chil- The Fembrook, illustrated above, but with 2-car attached garage. Is now under conitruc- held a special session Friday night dren's fair, today, tomorrow and . . Hon on Little Silver Point Boad, Little Silver, N. J., for Mr. and Mrs. p. W. Doebler. at "tfhlch .time it "was deolded- to Saturday on the'lawn of the par- Another model;: The: Hampton, Is'also being built on Little SHver Point Boad for Mr. all water mains sonage. • '/ '•' •".'' and Mw. Phillip MacKay. until September °V The Pittaburg These homes may ajso be seen at the Village* of Vision—3th Floor, John Wanamaker, Pipe Cleaning company, which Mew York and Philadelphia. holds the contract • for the" work, was notlfled that the borough could gp poses. The work was scheduled to start Monday. ' I. Edward Mount, borough health 'inspestor,,fstlll' avpatlent' at the •\teteraris •' hospital'' \k the Bronx, "A FIRM FOUNDATION SINCE lit*"' 'Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wheeler 270 ilit STREET, BROOKLYN 32, NEW YORK and sons, Donald and William, have- returned to ..Miami" Beaxsti, StTT. AT THE BITE: BERT I^KSEN REPRESENTATIVE IN AHEA: A. M. TV1LS0N JOHNSON QUALITY HOMES, INC. Fla., after spending a-month with TBL. EVENINGS—TRENTON »-«2«0 TEL. PEMBBRTON—soil Mrs. Wheeler's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Layton. ' . ' . PLANTS AND BRANCH OFFICES! . Mr. and Mrs. John Horan left Bnolclrn. N. Y, New York, N. Y., Ptmberton. N. J, J.rwy City, N. J, Newark, N. J., PhllidtlphL, P., Wilklttttsn, D. C» Columbui, Ohio, Couway, S. C, Johnion City, Tenn., Atlanta, Ga. this week on a business trip to Mjaml Beach. : Louis Parker "was taken to Mon- mouth Memorial hosfiltal Sunday for "Weattnent for a leg infections -Wrrwrn-MwrMiiloirDrsU^^ daughter Janet of Union City, are visiting Mrs, Drake's parents, Hr. and Mrs. "William Worth. Mrs. lavlnla Voorbees spent sev- LEANED eral days last week visiting rela- tives in New York cltyl. •NSW HUSH & "Stride-Rite Shoes are as important a part of this picture Miss' Nedra Rogers' Is - spending • • \ a two weeks' vacation with her •NKWCMtaw PRESSED «8 the well-packed lunch box. Not just at "back to school" time, but parents, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Rog- ers. Miss Rogers is employed in New ond Rebuilt Vacuums . y mil year 'round! And there's only one way to be sure Nevr York city. ' , . For Sole,....,..$] 1,95 up Catherine Louise "Walstrom was 4 DAY SERVICE ON THIS MICE ONLY rapidly growing little IJeet are wearing the correct shoe sire, "baptized Sunday at the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Helpp. She and that's by constant check-ups! ' Is the infant daughter of.Mr. and: Mrs. Slevert Walstrom. ornnoum Rov. Weston Grlmshaw,.;. pastor" of St. Andrew's church, aftd Mrs. Stride-^ite Shoes are expertly Grlmshaw, returned v home last 332 Bond St., Atbuwy Park . built on tested lasts, week after a.six weeks' vacation Telephone: A. f. 2-J427 spent in California. ReurMr,. Grlm- of the finest materials. i« • SUCKS • SKIRTS CURTAINS MOTHPROOFINO r, '«)ILOUSES*TROUSERS <

v • '•'.•••

Let our skilled . i salespeople • make a frequent check of your ' • _ child's shoe size ... • remember, growth doesn't Wait for seasonal

It's Good Ecotioitiy To

Insulate 'Your Home «•• .•«« •* Sharply rising coal and fuel prices are an Incentive *•• to conserve. Insulating your home will not only, out THE ' dollars Irom your fuel Dill but will gtve. you a' greater1 degree of comfort both In summer, and w.inter. TRIDE Thers is no ijecd to lny'out fho cash.; We will be happy to arrange ah F.H.A. Loan to cover the cost Pay- rnentj ,-may be extended over'a period as long as three $ SHOE •'" years, ' . ' ' . .' .. BONJB

i d ; ASBURY PARK ALLENHURST LONG BRANCH IB BROAD •ST...t J?1i -' RED B 1612 Sprihgwood Ave. 315 Main St. 224 Broadway ' '• • BANK REGISTER, AUGUST U104T Catholic Daughter* Arrange Program "goWy As Is, k MenJtW Roofing •[ " • Siding . . '. - Window limitation i Bo«e«» For Th« Beit In OLSON Hold Twilight Sail -Ut JM Ur Ufa Ba Home Decoration Member* of CourtBt Junta, anil "D BHorl m Bhaanan Oniaiaa—DmtwrjM—B«dtpnads , ROOK WOOL HOME INSULATION .• , their gw«U. «njoy*l «twtllfht Mil •OoHtwe,'. O*k»»ilk" „ SUpco»tr»—VaBttUn BUsss Installed by Olson Company's Trained Mechanics on the S.S. Asbury J"ark from At- Lucy Brawn Estimates Without Obligation Five To Sing Here "IH Be Be*lac Yoa" . Tho 8HERMAN SHOP lantic Highlands to Wcw York,. M Broad BL Bed Bauik' . W. W. KINNEDYi Looal" Representative Thursday. Members had dinner on Next Thursday •1 Wu.t - * ' - Pbonei Bed Bank 6-14J3 the boat. • ' • - •Soim et Picaxdy" ...... Haydn Wood Attending w»r» Mm. Rita H. Don Lorlng Rogers, tenor, la one' Concert Director—AKrad E, Seld.l, Douglas, Mrs. Allen. Colllni, Mm. f the five artists who will sing at Joseph Marks, Mrs. Samuel ,Bte- the .concert to be presented by Ver~ "It it to convenient to xaro, Mrs. Anne Clana, Mrs. Mary non A. Brown poet, Veterans of Memorial Chapel Massey, Mm. Clarence fiolan, Mrs. Foreign Wars, next Thursday even- Joseph Hlntelman, Mrs. Ralph Kll- ing in the Red Bank junior high To Be Dedicated BANK BY MAIL zen, Mrs. A. J. Patterson, Mrs, John school auditorium. Mr: Rogers re- Flnnegan, Mrs. M. J. O'Hara, Mrs. ently was on a 12 weeks' tour with 1. • / r. • \ Walter O'Neill, Mrs. Theresa Dau- Alfred Walienstein. . Lightning Division at the Dime Saving* Bank'* benachmidt, Mrs. Grace Beyland, Mrs. Patsy Amato and Misses Mar- VeU Will Attend guerite Ward, Margaret Kelly, YOUR NMRIIf MAILBOX Mary Kelly and Marianne Rlordan. . Veterans: of. the 78th Lightning If OUR TILUR't WINDOW Division of both World wars will COAL OAR BTBB . dedicate the 78th Memorial chapel n s Red Bank firemen were caHed at Fort Dbc Sunday afternoon, Au- Jloo®Pi? ?.J?J?_^! 9 Aecoonf... mail,' yXygJLilJi L gust 31. This chapel contains IS guish a blaze In an empty coal cat stained- glass—^windows - ereoted-to coupon 7T'.~. w on a siding at the foot of Catherine commemorate the memory of the street. The car wai badly damaged several thousand 78th men who DIME SAVINGS INSTITUTION , and sparks set flre to straw In an- made the supreme saedtto In both i 710 MOAD STRUT, NIWAMC 8,W.A other car on an adjoining traok. wars. The funds for the windows I AH companies .responded to the were raised by regimental subscrip- i fNClOSED IS «' general alarm. " tions. I (currency IIIMIM bt fHUiMts ) Gen. Courtney Hodges, command- i flEAS£ OPEN A SAVINGS ACCOUNT IN THC NAMt Of) BITTEN" BY DOG '': er of the First Army, and Maj. I •Four-year-old Audrey Nadeau of Gen. William Eagles and his staff NAM 173 Bridge av«nue was bitten Sat- at Fort Dlx have been invited to I attend the dedication ceremonies. i AftMESS. R.B.R. urday by a dog owned by Thomas I Tomalno ot J3 Catherine street. The Invitations have also been extended girl was treated at Rlvervlew hos- to all the next of kin of 78th men .STATU who died in service. or itnd fold»r "»• Wo/ re Sm* If Moll" , pital for head Injuries; The' dog owner was ordered to keep the ani- The Lightning division will con- mal tied for ten days. duct « three-day reunion at Dlx fllTtR starting Friday, August 29, and ex- tending through Sunday, August 81. -JTSiTtME:FORVTYDOL _. IT'S TIME^FOR.TYDOL._* IT'S* The- program Includes In, addition DON LORINO ROGERS to the dedication, the, annual elec- "3. tion of offlcers In the 78th associa- HUflK The following program will be tion, a business meeting, entertain- rendered: ment, athletic events, company and Lola Hunt, aopnuio; Flora Shtnnui, con regimental reunions. The men will § When vacation skies tmltoi 'Don Lortng 'Boffere, tenor, be. fed, by the offioers' mess, and * EmlU Ren«n, barltont, LUOT Brown, pianist. will be housed in company groups. No more dirty-hands, soiled clothing Addrem of welcome „- ...... All 78th men-of both wars are in- I dawn blue... Oommwidw jMeph V. Weeks "Th» BtlU of St. Mary's" _ Adxros vltej to attend.' Advanoe reserva- or flying dust from emptying the Lois Hunt, Emlie Renan, Flora Shen- tion! should be mailed to the na- ntn, Don Lorlng Rogiro tional secretary, Ralph James, 620 vacuum cleaner bag. All dirt is stored "Bones My Mother Tauffht Me"....Dvor»lc "QlvottV .^X...... Muwnet High street, Newark. in a metal dust collector emptied LonrHunt .. - Hundreds of Monmouth county "My Lovely Cella" , „. Afonroe veterans of both World wars served "Ohe Gelid* Mmnlna" ("La BoheW) once a month, like a wastebasket! ...... Pucclne in the 78th. Many Red Bank vet- Don Loring Bogara erans will attend the reunion. Fast, easy, sanitary! Cleaner comes "Habanera" ("Canmen") , Bixst "Torn Ye to Me" "....." , equipped with full set of deluxe at- Old Scottish Roffinn. Sons TO ENTBB WILSON COLLEGE •Ns kesvy watsM M pnk srsmA And distant highways Flora Shtnnan "Brother Will, Brotlier John" Saeco Miss Llda Hutkoiky, daughter of tachments for dusting, waxing, moth • GvtroafaWt* kick B» dt| Mr. "gong of the Flea" '...- Moumerzaky tOati ail Hi* wiry •n*ar lew Smile Benan Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Hutkosky, proofing. See the amazing FILTER 'Tmtttmalt Impromptu" . Chopin28 Bowne avenue, Freehold, .has •Dude twm ••err* (afltos. beckon you... Lucy Brown been accepted for admission to the QUEEN, tbdayl "Son* of Love" (Blossom Time") freshman class at Wilson college, ;.-...: Rombers Flora Shennan—Don Loring RORers Chambersburg, Pa. Mini Hutkosky "Ben, ?ol Is My Woman Now" ("Porgy prepared for college Jn the S*i-ee- and Besfl") Gershwin hold high school, where she was » Lots Hunt—Bmlle Ronan president, of the student' dbuncll. GOOD HOUSEKEEPING SHOP "Laughing Song" ("The Bat") Strauss "Bummertlsne" (I'Porgy and BeaB"y She will be among the 22 N^w Jer- 46 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK i - Gershwin sey girls who will eriter Wilson;as • Loh Hunt 156 BROADWAY LONG BRANCH Then's when life •Olouda" 1 , Charles freshmen next month, .

For a smoother, more enjoyable motor trip this year keep your car tanked up with Tydol Flying -A-! Here's a gasoline that's packed with whispering power that lets you breeze along through hill and dale. And before you start, protect yourself against, avoidable road troubles with Veedol Safety-Check Lubrication. Then fill your crankcase with Improved Veedol 100% Pennsylvania Motor Oil for a cooler, cleaner, s-m-o-o-t-h-e-r mptor. It's time for Here comes Handsome! REATHES there a man with soul so Tydol... before you start! B dead he doesn't relish a little open admiration from the sidewalk? Buick's easy stride against the stretch- lively, dependable, eager partner for, for ing miles. Route yourself where ruts any frolic or any traveling task. Can you name us a male, modest and gravel can pit themselves in vain So why delay longer the time when though he otherwise be, who fails to against the flawless gentleness of fluid, you can call one yoursP Reach a de- get a secret bang out of public appear- all-coil springing. Get the sweet feel cision now on your long-range plan- ances with a creation as gorgeous as NEW, IMPROVED of this light and easy wheel — sample ning — and see. us about getting your this ohe? VEEDOL MOTOR OIL . the heft and size of this ever-steady order in. / Made 100% from Bradford, Pennsylvania, Well, you need only take charge of traveler. i • ' frude—th,e finest in the world. We'll take it, with or without a car to Now improved to give you a cleaner, this beauty for a while to see how trade, and make equal effort in either sunobfAer-runninK engine I much, much more it does for you than In truth, here's the sort of playmate a case to make your dreams come true flatter your masculine ego. man can spend a lifetime seeking. VEEDOL SAffiTY,CHECK Here's good friend, Doon companion, at the earliest moment in our power. LUBRICATION 'Touch off the eager power in its eight Includes—at no extra cost—an ' big Fireball cylinders and see how expert inspection of the 18 points ONLY BUICK HAS ALL THESE where car troubles usually begin. your pulses start pounding. Get 'this protection against •voidable roadside troubles. Swing back the top with a touch on the handy control — run up the door *wtmiipown . APPROVED I windows as windscreens ~ and feel * ACCVUn CyilNDER BOR/NO * fWJWIIOtiT WSTOMI ACCESSORIES ., the spirit of adventure start welling + StUHTION!tODYMOUmiNQS * lUfCOU ITIUNO/m For batteries, spark plugs, £ up in your soul. ruiuiNowroRQUf-TUM DS(V * * nuMi-fm mnmo windshield wipers and ' - • BHQADHIMWHEEU *sriroNrAuDKPFUX iwr CUSHIONS *eum-AnouND mums see your Tydol Flying -A- Dealer. He hag "everything ,_ "• Tun. In HCNHY I MYIOK, Muluof N.lwork, Mondoyi m x that's good for your car." ' M • ' F' FEDERAL TIRES |

. long tafe ride'! '* ' , ••' . ..•,., ,:._ . •• • •, ... 163 Monmouth StrMt Rod Bank/ I » IT.^UME.-FOR ;YDOL.

i ' A .'in i V'"« \ -,<• J k-v i'- •», '•, '.i ,'< BED BANK REGISTER. AUGUST lg. 1947 At Convention Hall ^ First PEACHES Washitig Machine White and Yellow • YOUR BILlf B» yen wWi t» "tntn i E. I. Oakley's Grandfather •wii occwnwfvm 9M Ginning Peaches / a ttmale, kuhew^lke wty fe tV ' * it: Getrie nenty froia «*•; Had It Patented In 1861 •ey rttm, flies npey.M fc . Edward Irving Oakley of M freely between them aj the plung- Harding road, retired, a resident of ers are operated, and the lower sur- McGuire's Market g Red Bank for more than 40 years, faces of the plungers Just .clear the Come Is er f keM., hag among his most prized pos- bottom of the box. ' ' Route 34 Vandetbung, N. J. sessions an oak wood model ot the The back of the bdx ia Inclined IELL FINANCE CflHMHT Nonpareil washing machine Invent- outward and Its inner surface is corrugated or fluted horizontally, , Phone Holmdel 9-7233 RID RANK. N. J. , ,.,. ed by his grandfather, the late similar to an ordinary washboard. John Milton Oakley of Brooklyn, The Arms are suspended from the Lie. lit Chart* »«/»% M*. *S Soft lustrous pearls add which was the first steam laundry oroBa bar of the uprights which are - WHOLESALE AND RETAIL - sublime beauty to you machine ever manufactured. placed one at each side of the box and form the back ltgs'of the box; and your costumte. Noth- Mr. Oakley was granted a patent being the ttont legs. ing can take their place at the U. B. patent office at Waah-

...... •••. *"" children, Donald I. Oakley of Red and get to,shore, The Sea Bright New York city and construction is Bank and Mrs. Dorothy Oakley ftrst aid squad was summoned as In charge of Spafford W. Schanok, Lowry o{ Little Silver, as memen- was Dr. John Bolton of Sea Bright, general contractor of Matawan. tos of the inventor. y who treated the Bothauser girl. The patent was described as'fol- The craft, known as the' Helraar, lows: was salvaged at Zobel'e garage. The JOST A SMALL SUM EACH WEEK / girls were the only passengers in A box of quadrilateral form, and Now She Shops having a curved or segment bob- the boat Thafg thi» one (ore way of making those Aream plans of s> new torn, said bottom being a portion iuwno potiio tsiie.- f^enaCT.jr^eTlfieSoTnf FBINCEPAE EES16SS of suspension of two swinging arms dren, or a long dreamed of trip, you CM make It a reality this are in the axis. The arms are' con- Resignation ot Prlnolpal of Schools ^Vllllam Williams, who has «MI> wire way. Start on the Bed Bank Savings Plan now and nected by rods to cranks on a. shaft which la placed in suitable bearings been at loggerheads with the Marl- witch H swiftly ud cuxely build into your longed for wants i . . on the front of the box. The cranks boro Township board of education Here Now! A Pillow have reverse positions, and at the, 'for the past year,, wai'accepted, at with the help of our liberal dividends. Come In and let us ex- end of the shaft there Is placed a a board meeting Wednesday night PIMM with snsrfiji* awrW__ ; times item thet* Is traMU^ vxng jrnh plain. . '..;•"!-..' _ •• crank wheel. • of last week. The board and theyour Idiom or Madder. For Allergy Sufferers To the lower end of each arm, superintendent clashed over a safe- Don't wdUArtTtwdniRiftferDoaii* there is placed a glunger. The ty patrol system fdr the school and FUb, a rttanlint dhmtlq, cud neairfollrv plungers may be described as be-the breach widened when the board. lr nJllltnu for or«r III nin. Sou'* tin ing of box form, their front sur- voted increases in salaries to all ' nltaf and win Up the 1C miim of faces being inclined and formed a tlhrtUstDwhorti»Uom i 8.95 series of slats placed obliquely one teachers excepting Mr. Williams. IM Don's nth above the other to form the In- clined surface. The face or slattod Filled with nntulry, iustleis, odorleu "Tibet* sides ot the plungers Incline to- SAVINGS-LOAN ASSN. ward the front end of the box, glu" which is/amuingly resilient and toft gradually Increasing in length from ... i boon to any one who luffen'iroa their upper to their lower ends. The uthmi, hay lever or ilmilai ailments. slats are placed at such a, distance apart as to allow the water to pass1 The CANCELLATION —f SHOE SHOP LINENS, Third Floor You can't match the "heart" BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LO 6 Broad St. Phone 6-4305 Red Bank World's Champion PRESENTS Valve-'m-Head Design! AMERICAN MADE GENUINE ALLIGATOR AND LIZARD SHOES Of the Finest Quality and Latest Stylet. In Red - Brown - Black - Gray - Green At Amazingly Low Prices The new Chevrolet h the hwtl-prktd ance al fowair priceij (2) biltlom of mltei OF molar car with a Votve-ln-Head Engine— of service to ownersi and (3) number of the typ« of car engine whkh holdi all owner* terved. In fact, Hilt »twdyJ Chev- racordi for efficiency—for giving maxi- rolet Vahre-ln-Head Engine hat delivered mum, powtr from •very ounce of fuel ' more miles, for More owners, over a longer Moreover, Chevrotet'i VoJve-fcvHeod ErW period, than any other outomottvo engine .93 tin* b the)."champion of champlorn" on oil' built today, regardlen of type, itio or to *13 these countn (I) Vahre-ln-Head perform- prlcel

You tain match OrtvroUt1* WG- Chtvrelet ....'..., tnn J« to 4.50 Chevrolet. Como In—footyi •' M" Dreis Ba| that holds I to 10 isrments, from 4.N to tJtS OUR SPECIALTY 54" Jumbo Bat that holds IS to 18 (amenta, torn &M to T.TS NARROW WIDTHS - A^AA . ( ' • CHEVROLET Matching or Controlling Acceiiorlei SAMPLE SIZES — 3 - VA- 4_... _, EXTRRA LRLARGGE SIZES — 9 - 9»/ -10 Hat Boxes X.80 to 5.M 12-Pocket Shoe B«g 3M to 4.SS 2 Satin Olovo Boxes .... each 1.25 Laundry Bag* ».M to U» Hangors in Chlnli, Satin, Plastic, or Velvet fatkaje Wt Join Oar Growing Lltt of SatitHed Cuatomer* 29 MECHANIC STREET Phone Red Bank| 6-3130 "RED BANK ' * iV. "Tfy. RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST!*,1947 Highlands Mail Camp Happiness Eatontown Boro, Holds Picnic Hit-Runjfatim More than 400 persons attended' Acts To Regulate " >*frright boys eat a picnic Sunday, at Camp Happi- "Driver Released ness, Leonardo, a camp for the blind. Guest speaker,was Sanford Junk Yards In $1,000 Bail Bates, commissioner of the Depart- ment of Institutions and Agencies, Measure Introduced * " • "~~~" I). • • . " Ramone Mata, butler and chauf- who pledged support, to the New feur to Edward, Folker of Rumson, Jersey Council of Organizations of v At Meeting—Other the. Blind, He'pledged every effort wag released from Highlands Jail In to improve the social, moral and Buiineu Done $1,000 bail Sunday on a hlt-and run economic position of the blind in, charge made by Highlands police. the etate of New Jersey. A charge of assault and battery The. Katontown mayor and coun- with an automobile was dropped. Each guest, a member of the Mew cil passed on Unit reading Friday . According to Highlands Police Jersey Bllndmen's association, was night an ordinance regulating junk Chief Howard Monahan, Patrolman allowed a guide. Bus* loads frdm yards. The, measure will come up Walter Monahan told Mata to move Newark, Elizabeth, Jersey City, for public Hearing and adoption; at his car which was parked early Paterson, Trenton and Camden ar- the next meeting, Friday, August Sunday morning by a hydrant on rived with visitors whp, spent the day swimming, dancing, picnicking The ordinance, sets* license fees • Tjie people who are "in-the-know" dine h^re Bay avenue. Mata got in the car and listening to'apeechs. ..'..•. CHILD, ADULT AND WEDDING PORTRAITURE arid drove down Bay avenue with- at $100 annually,' expiring each BY APPOINTMENT ONLY . . „ ' dailv, for they're certain of finding their, favor- out lights at a fast rate of speed. The .picnic waa under the direc- year December 31, and Includes ', ite foods, tastefully and healthfully prepared Ha outsped the police car driven tion of Howard Stults of Trenton. several provisions, among -which blPtIMhJYhth are. the requirement of a fence en- k' and a'ppetizingly and pleasingly-served.-——. yu. ^tbJTry4V WILLIS M. RUE officer arrived' at the railroad MethodistsTo f the type and site or, yard to be PORTRAIT STUDIO , "If you don't see what you want on our menu, tracks - crossing Bay avenue, onducted and adequate protection ' just ask for it." We'll try to me'et your request. he found Neal Weasel of Highlands against rodents.and means of con- 3? 8ILVERTON AVE. . LITTLE SILVER, N. J. lying in the street with deep cuts Lay Cornerstone trolling possible nuisance and PHONE RED BANK 6-0232. about the head. Mata is charged health, hazards. Violators of sucb ; •• • Sunday Dinner DeLuxe $1.50 to $2.25 with running over the man and not an ordinance could be fined' $100 stopping. . Celebration Planned or given 90 days In ..Jail.' Mayori , • The French Ballrom at the Molly Pitcher it Pathrolman Monahan summoned For Saturday, Aug. 23 Harry S. Rowland explained that an ideal setting for that wedding reception or Sea Bright police, who arrested the objective of the measure Is for Mata in a'Sea Bright tavern. Mean- the control'of junk businesses that .dinner you may be planning. while the Highlands first aid squad A service unique in Church an- might locate within the' borough took Wessel-tp Monmouth Memorlij nals Has been arranged by the and to clean up any existing estab- GOOD WINE—GOOD FRIENDS hospital, where his condition is re- Methodist Home for the Aged of lishments of that kind. ' - ported as fair.. " Now Jersey for Saturday," August 23, when it will lay the coiner- • Approval has been,given by the .- -. GOOD FOOD Mr:. Folker went his chauffeur's ball. The hearing is_ set for Mon- stone of its new $1,000,000 home to state highway-department of the day night. Mata was driving Mr. bo erected, in (Occaij Grove.. Contract to Improve Hope road Dr. John, Westley Lord, $estfle]d, awarded at the las.t meeting to HOTEL MOLLY PITCHER Folker's car., '' Fred MoDowell of Neptune_at a — THE GEM OF THE ATUUmC-C.OASJP--,._,.•...__'.. lond-hja .committee, have;.arranged a "Pllgrimajra of Service" at which cost Tjf $1,648.T^Arilordinance~ for •\ REDBACK Noonan-Adams two Meth'. .1st bishops will be the improvement of the second sec- heard. Tho "Pilgrimage," with an tion of Hope road at a total cost ; of $3,000 was adopted. An agree- -'(MW&)\vW®i i-^(^(wt$*(wm(w(M(m-iii

Held Over on Account of Wet Weather Friday &^ "SomeThings Can't Be Hurried' Mother Nature simply refuses to be rushed ... and Ruppert knows she's right* u , Ruppert Beer is aged s-1-o-w-l-y v , mellowed completely... to the ripe peslk of delicious flavor. That's the key to Ruppert's refreshing tang—its hearty, AWARDED ^ full-bodied taste—its unusually satisfying smoothness. ' For quality unsurpassed, next time... every time .. .say: CASH AWARDS EACH NltlHT

'TLx&£\ ^tJ^j Your Friends: At The the "SLOW-AGED" beer! Jl •REDBANK-REGISTERAUGUST 1$. 1947 Pace Eleven cess might lead t6 labor opposition ote needed to over-ride a gover- Convention Ends In November. ore veto. Committee, In addition, heard op- . Farley feared two-tnlrds rule . QUICK DIUVIKY ON BULLDOZER position to its recommended dis- would place too much power In TRUCK AND THAIUR IODI1S TRAVEL Eighth Week At tinction between private and public large-county delegation* in the As- Book Your Fall »nd Winter & CRANE WORK employees in collective bargaining sembly, • ,- Beservations Now - LOTS CUAMD—CELLARS DUO New Brunswick rights. Also, to use of word "civil, Air - Sea - Hotel and Tour ROADWAYS CUT rights" In constitution -without Bonded Agent , DRIVEWAYS XESimTACKD "spelling out" definition of,'civil Care Of Animal* No Charge for Reservations We Hiv. a Fuji Lin. .1 BhualnV Divergent Views On rights to Include antl-dlacrimlnatlon Topioil, Fill Dirt; Sarul,- CliiUn u« n Hot Weather Gr«r«l ' :,. Clause To .Amend for reasons of race, color, or reli- T. H. O'DONNELL gion In employment, housing, edu- "All animal owners should recog- . Warn! Midi ui mil" kodi«. cation and other specified Inat&ncef. llze the need for special care for hiM I uniiluf hl|h llnn{ili.««|ht Hti* N.4M. CONTRACTING CO. The Constitution thai ncinf incrcaKd pir toi^J ind rcdutta TRAVEL AGENCY - Other divergent views on how the :helr' animals during hot weather. 7 Mechanic St., ' Bed Bank LEONARDO, N. J. hew constitution should be amended, - ffpcniin(CMII Othtr •d*tnif|tie/Undur Th« Constitutional Convention fin-1 Veterinarians of our Angell Memor- hodltl in ptonipi ecliviry md nalran.vidt Just off Broad St. T«l. AI. Hljhl.nd. 1-OSJT «r 1 were brought forth 'late last week al Animal Hospital stress the fact Tel. R. B. 6-2866 Alio Dial 7-0»»7-J. ilhed its eighth weak In a. short but Sit ttl wdiy tbout Twi ip«cil] Mr when a second member of the Bill that the mid-summer heat affects busy session that marked the tran- of Rights committee Issued a state- JrttMMfc Al Lt NpftMnUlivH «• vfltt, sition from a period ot separate many animals Jn the same manner ftmntMvi wrricf vtta ill h brf ment disagreeing with the major- it does human toeings, ' ' committee deliberations to a period ity report. • '• , . of full convention meetings with Mrs. Marie H. Katienbach, Mer- 'Horses, In particular, should re- WHYBEFAK? floor debate by delegates to adopt cer county delegate, Issued her ceive special attention. More and UM4T fflMlOl constitutional provisions In 'final statement late Friday. On Tuesday, more of these ^nlmals are coming y AUIHOIIItD IUILSII WOTHHOUS* T£ARS Eat plenty yet IOM form. ' back Into general use In proportion weight wtthdeflclout former Judge' Robert Carey, of :o the scarcity of cars and supplies. /CMrTfO HOL£S Last week the convention re- Hudson county, filed a formal min- FOfl INVISIBLE candy reducing plan oelved formal proposals from the In this respect, horses should never JOSEPH WILDANGER CO: HuldfrfSla ority report. - , V' ie forced to carry too heavy loads; executive, legislative, judiciary, Delegates KatEenbach and Carey ., _Uear.J-West.Ber«n -Place -— No dnii•. With tho tinpk AVM taxation and bill of rights commit-, mads--their objections"*of exactly tenerous amounts—of j- cool ~ water Vitamin Candy Redudai Plaa ties. These contain recommenda- ihould be supplied and frequent - BED BANK, N. d. you don't cut out any meal*, opposite reasons. * Mrs, Katienbach rest periods made a part of the Phone B. B. 6-0501 atardiu, pouton, OUU or DM- tions for specific items to be in- believed the committee's recom- ter, you timply cut than down. cluded in new constitution based on dally routine. ' It'iauier worn you ariorddlckw mendation too stringent; Carey be- (vitamin fortified) A YDS caodr well-attended public hearings and lieved It too easy,: - "Thoughtless cruelty is also In- •• dliTCted, Ab«oh]triy hanalm. committee studies of testimony pre- flicted on many dogs which are left sented. Proposals were accompan- Earlier, both delegates signed the I man toe — Committee's recommended amend- by their owners In parked cars. llnaM* .. Now ot STORE NAME ied by explanations 6f why,;each, I BOOTH Win. ing process, which aa' previously These animals, virtually Imprisoned committee made its recommenda- -often in the broiling sun—may tions Job from June .12 to ted for three year«. . \ .. ' . tion, i' TELEVISION November 5 as convention secre- In her statement, M». KaUen- "Dogs, at times, are not too cau- SPLASH! tary and agreed ,to study means for bach urged' a simpler amending tious about their Own health—al- paying bonus to 41 state employees processLJind. _rtB and ••';: 700-16— J8;Tdistances/tojbe jset bjr'leplsla- 8peolallzlng In: Qrarnl- also provision for automatic refe- FIVE PINED V 650-16—14.95 v. ..the spectsculir achievement rendum everyt SO years on callli« li'tb any iclitfol."' • -7 ;•'•*'' '•;• fathers' Clooks. >•• tides of Ksltitlr... Television . s f\ f\ •*> convention to.rivlifl.ponetltutlon n£ Five persons were fined Sunday 600-16—11.50 bj PBltCO, the Leader! Pictures so bril- ? J U H light <5f conditions then existing^ tended, such alcl ambuniei to state night at Mtddletown by Recorder 5SO.1-7'—12.15 i . Bant, so'dear SD^Artp^on can enjojr, ; \J jf '«J yv and'"-" provlsldn for ^initiative',' by support'of chu/eK In' violation of W. Gilbert Manson. William Meisel Ail Price* Include Fed. Tax thciqslnjia nprtniUy'^^uetjc&om, day 6c 4." ,:, .'•'' ,~ . • which a fixed (percentage of voters traditional ; separation.''" Delegate of Staten Island and John J. Gyves ijghfMBxiclujive PHlIC«fcilt«tion selector Plu» *l.Z5 M«. Tax, could sign arpetttiBn'tor an amend-, John'3TI Raffertjr| sponsor Qf'pror of Long Island were fined $5 each permltojuning of XL|*1davijion channels, Standard . menf which,.If, denied by .v.-.v ippeal, countered'ihat'sucKaid is for passing on the sight side of the Shop BO mittSr where you Wef Ready at Ust... Inttallallon $45 ture;. would goi to voters for r«feS, no more In ' direct 'support of road, Richard P. Boldon of Florida ClookB called for,and i'vf television nt its fineJt 1 \ . , rendum. ohwtH^hin-use ^'jiUblJc^^as .to -i.W NStBatnBenusel'orJeraey'CiCy "was : Ot. »ltg vfgW'wtt'gtatgail'B ' all, Red Bank «-3111-J far parochial schools. .. j fined {5 for not stopping at a stop •;-'•- Tei. R. B. 6-3663-J bert Voorhaes of the N. J. Farm street. Claude Pits of Port Mon Carlton Theater Bldg. Bureau, who,warned liberal amend- v Advocate*.. of '.VClassifloatlon oi mouth was fined $5 on a drunk.and 116 Monmouth St. ' ing processes might lead to lota of value" tax proposal tried again to disorderly charge. 6& Monmotith 8ti Red Bank senate representation by rural get committee to drop present con Cloud Saturday! durlnr ': Junt, GOOD HOUSEKEEPING SHOP counties. Such provisions would stitutlon's "true value" clause. July and Auiuit , ' lead to rural opposition to consti- In closed session, the Executive 46 MONMOUTH ST. RED BANK tution. In November;, he said. Hol- committee rejected motion by Sen- derman and Parsonnet warned ator Frank S. Farley, Atlantic, to failure to liberalise amending pro- cut from two-thirds to 'three-flftha


The "drive" of tomorrow is here today! HYDRA^/ITIC .. .as ultra-modern as television, and ~~ DRIVE with nearly 8 years of PROOF behind it!

It's in tfie picture for the future—and Hydra-Matte Driet dhninatm tin dutch CM Hydra-Matio Drive* is the smart Oldsmobile brings it to von today! Just pedal entirdyl •. •" (, , •- new Oldsmobile—away out ahead auto- as television is the big news in the 'What1! more . . . Hrdra-Matic Drive mottcally—away out ahead' in appear- field of electronica, automatic transmis- was introduced by -Oldsmobile nearly once, too. Owners know Oldsmobile it sions are the number-one topic of 8 yean ago! Since that time it has been always in tone with tomorrow. They conversation in the automobile industry. proved in the hinds of newly 400,000 expect Old&mobils to come out first with Some day .. . nobody will shift gears Oldsmobile owners—^»rotwJ in literally the really important advancements like • . .nobody will .push a clutch, But billion* of mile* of dnving—eyenpiwed Hydra-Mafic Drive. That's why to today . ','« tonly Hydra-Made Drive in combat use on.Army tanks! many future-minded people' say, "It's provides fully automatic shifting/ Only I Today,..the lowest-priced car to offer SMART to Own an OldsV* The railroads would like an invitation Improvements cannot be financed out of earn* to the party, They need a slice of the 6 per ings if there are no earnings or if earnings --cent cake—and deserve it, too. , are inadequate. Neither can they be financed by borrowing unless earnings are consistently They are the country's leading example of high enough to provide a! good credit rating. successful free enterprise, arid with the tre- mendous deed for their services, they should The railroads need a higher rate of return on *Iso be an example of a profitable business: their invested dollars, a rate such as other They should—and would tike to—further regulated utilities have been earning. To do a modernize their equipment and bring their* good job for the public, to keep investors facilities into full line with national transporta- interested, and to attract new capital, rail- tion requirements. But they haven't the money. roads, too, should earn 6 'per cent. .

Daring fha «rn ilx nsntht •( 1MX, th* Jaricy Central mni YOUR DEALER Mis Ctntral Railroad of Unnm, Ma*riwr •arm* aaly 1,»J% (••turn. ' ^•-1.-.J....^,^-.,'a ',- r~*•••'.";->S*"V| RAL LINES D B. JONES MOTOR CO. "Th« Liberty Lint" 1 8 MAPU AVINU1 RED BANK. N. J. Your prosperity,,. Amttitn's safety..'. dtp»nd »umn «d*nu«U rttttr* Jot tht rtilrotdt

, . .', J ••!«. t-Twelve** RED' BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 1C1947 MX, FOBHS OF Opening Room Police Aid Man PIANO LESSONS TIMOTHY R. HOUNIHAN INSURANCE In Parish House In Finding Honje At Your Ho** or M> Studio > Contractor and Builder FLOOR SANDING After being aided by Middletown Fred A. Wohlforth. B. S. Ed. LEONARD M. MARTUENS township •' polic* for : almost six Planlit for Club*. Rtnptloiu, itc , SPECIALIZING IN JOBBING REFINISHING •WAXING : . 84 HABDDH3 BOAD X Silvinrblta A»«, at Plocklur Ho«d Holy Comftjupion hours, Patrick Rellly of Brooklyn R. 8. tt-2489-J SCBEEN AKD SJOBU ENCLO8UBES ,. Inlaid Linoleum, Asphalt Tile Installed FHOVE, BED BANK 6-IS87 finally located bis Keansburg sum- Chapel Expanding er home after his con, with whom S KIM PLACE TEU RED HA' 6-UMJ e was living, sent out an alarm for WILLIAM H. MALLETT Due to the Increase in church la fattier. school attendance the cabinet of Mr. Bellly asked'for police assist: mer?/ MONEY LOAN •••* " Flooring Contractor ••:•/'• the Chapel of the Holy Communion ance Saturday night after he left 114 BROAD ST., MATAWAN, N. J. Are Your at Fair Haven voted at a meeting his home for a walk and wound up on Jewelry, Silver, Musical Instruments, o Friday night to provide a new room t route 36 gas station about two ' Cameras, Binocular*, eta TeL Hatewan 1-0M4 ' Estimates Given UMnud and boodtd by SUM el N. J. in the parish house. This will en- miles from the house. Officer Jos- WE PAY CASH FOB OLD GOLD and SILVEB iiiiiuUii u uuuiiuii' u IJHUJ mn mS able the kindergarten to have their ph Linhart took Rellly < on' a tour RUGS own quarters. The cabinet also de- Keansburg, East Keansburg, B^osid^vay Loan Co. cided io Install .choir stalls in the 'ort'Monmouth and Leonardo, but chancel to replace the old chairs. one of the places were familiar to J08 Broadway ' . Lone Branch 'Preparations are under way for he lost mah.- SOILED the dedication service Sunday af-> When Mr. R.ellly's son sent out ternoon, September z£. George B. the alarm through the Keansburg Moxley and Miss Elizabeth Scow- olice, they recalled that Mid- croft, co-chairmen of the reception letown had reported a man fitting -or Faded? committee, have asked Mrs. Ed- the description, Ward Bennett, Mrs. Edwin F..Stew- invites you to a ~ re ALL ' art, Myron V. Brown, James Wen- ner and/ Fielder Cross to serve with Hybrid Corn Popular thrilling demonstration of tnem. The reception will be held in the parish house after the service With State Growers to welcome Rt. Rev. Alfred L. Ban- In New Jersey this year, farmers LEON'S yard and the newly confirmed can- ilanted nearly nine acres of corn didates. out of every ten with hybrid corn seed, according to William M. for Cranstoun, supervisor of seed cer- atdu STRAND Farm News tification, State Department of Ag- riculture. Approximately -86%, or Bromeirrass Seeding Hints Save, 150,000 acres of the field corn "waving" good bye t6 inter- Trouble. jTCown In the Garden State is plant- ibr meals—and getting .into*, ed to hybrids, the supervisor said, RUG Bromegrass produces good hay, the twim where discriminat- ™t there's a trick or two in seed- adding that New Jersey leads the Cleaning & Dyeing Ing It. As August seeding time .ap- Northeast In the' percentage of ing diner* gather! proaches, ways of seeding brome- :orn acreage planted with hybrid Prices start at $187 grass are explained bjr Carlton S. eed. 6V-668MAPir. Phone-R. B. 6-2800 Garrison, extension specialist In This season marks a further 5% farm^crops, College of Agriculture, gain in. the proportion of hybrids STRAND Rutgers university.. over the year before, increases be- As It is about three quarters of ing an annual occurrence since hy- 6000 FOOD n Inch long, chaffy In appearance brids were Introduced In the state ind weighing only 14 pounds to In 1933. A decade ago only about LEON'S :he bushel, bromegrass seed needs 1,000 acres, or less than one-half of sare for even distribution. Garrison 1%, were planted to hybrid strains i 64-76 White Street says mixing the seed with fertilizer f corn. or with seeds of one of the small Agents of the State Department Red Bank • grains: to give it weight is a satli of Agriculture are now inspecting 16 Monmouth St., Red Bank factory method. fields entered by farmer seed grow- When mixing brome seed with ers who will suppply the hybrid Bangs & Bond Asbury Park Since 1912 fertilizer, use about 200 pounds of seed for planting the 19« crop. Vaults, on Premises Fertilizer and < 10 pounds' of brome Cranstoun and a,crew of Inspec- to the acre, he suggests.. Put the tors are supervising the detassel- ng operations necessary to produce mixture in the fertilizer compart- OTHIR FIATURESi ) Simplified window clean-. ment of the grain drill and seed the crossed strains known as hy- ery shallow. Shallow seeding Is brids, in contrast to the open pol- ?v iceded, too,. If brome Is mixed with linated varieties. ' HOME CANNING'S Year 'round,^rainproof, '" . wheat, barley or oats seed through The' State Department of Agri- draft-free, filtcred-screen m Finger tip control . . . the grain • compartment. culture operates a seed certification BEST 2 - piece metal lid ventilation. ' . from inside. •Better yet, says, County Agent program as a Joint project with the ; 0 Uw thi* nfwiit dtv«lopm«nt In 2. Clark, let the seed fall, on top of New.- Jersey.,. Agricultural Experi- I'.'plmjntffll IWll..TI»»/tBo doyblof.. • Control of steaming and J Save up to J^ in fuel the'ground and go over the field ment station and the New Jersey JUST a ub ital for your with a cultlpacker after seeding, Field Crop Improvement associa- honu-cannid foodi. froiiing. x bills. to, press the brome and other seeds' tion. The program was started by . ntu Juit prill to 1«t — II )r fertilizer Into the ground. Clover the. department In 1932. Garden TO DOME It down, |ar h NoTDown Payment —3 Years to Pay or alfalfa can be sown through the State corn breeders participating in nalidl Fin any Mown grass seeder attachment on the the prbgram have not only made |ar. Eaiy to in b*. grain drill or a farmer can follow cauii ll'l lurl. Can rogress in developing hybrids, with, man thi toty way— with a wheelbarrow or cyclone higher yields per acres • but have MONMOUTH CONSTRUCTION CO. seeder. with BALL JARS AND succeeded In developing strains DOMELIDSI , better adapted • to New Jersey soil HIGHWAY 35 AT HEADDEN'S CORNER Saie(ru»rd» Cut Lightning Toll. and climate. AT YOUR RED BANK,, NEW JERSEY Lightning-season is again taking The' national percentage of corn GROCER'S its toll'of animals In the yard and planted to hybrids this year U be- I MONMOUTH CONSTRUCTION CO. astu're. Loss of. live stock .can be low that of New Jersey, being only Pilose ] Highway 35, Headden*s Corner, reveiltid'to.a considerable extent seven acres of hybrids out of every | R»d Bank, N. J. by grounding -wires-of-motal-tsno- lng eVery third, or fourth post,This from a total of 86,424,0pO acres of :insiatST3TrivBT»tifflStsBnROsc6 ulB las dongdong_ 6y*f drlylng'' Agriculture, Rutgers 'university. Obviously, electric fencing cannot be grounded in this fashion. An isolated tree in a pasture, un- ler which cows may stand and be itruck by lightning' can be pro- ected; by installation'of a llght- ling rod extending from an ade- tuate ground rod up along the trunk of the tree to above the highest tip, Krueger suggests. "Common recommendations to he contrary, it is not good prac- •!ce"t6v-gfcHnd'thf-Sleettlc sjistem' In barns to the water supply and distribution system," the engineer says. "Water pipes are not neces- sarily effectively grounded and surge of lightning or a short in the electric* system may be' carried over the water pipes, to bh« stan- chions and kill animals. Ground To remain the leader-leadership the electric system' separately and to: make doubly sure, ground thi must be continuous. Each year, for water pipe system to permanently moist earth at or near the barn." more than forty years, Cadillac : I has brought to the automotive in—; Byegrass Stands Summer's Heat, dustry the finest motor car that! Domestlo ryegrass for , cover cropping may be sown between could be produced. -As a result,": now'and early October. One of its advantages over wheat or rye is Cadillac is recognized throughout | that It will stand hot weather. If the world as the ultimate in rnotor sown during midsummer, whea' and rye are quite apt to becom car goodness—the universal symbol badly infected with the rust dis- ease says H. R. Cox, extension spe- of all that makes a car-a joy to Young Men's Suits cialist in soils, College of Agricul- possess and a pleasure to drive. ture, Rutgers university, Ryegrass may be sown at thi $32.50 to $40.00 rate of 15 to 20 pounds to the acr on open land after an early cro] has been harvested, or it may bi : . I sown at the time of the last cultl •- Sport Coats vatlon of a^ cultivated crop. In the latter case the seed may be scat- tered either before or right afte $19.50 to $30.00 the last cultivation. Sowing just before is a little better qn the light- er soils and where the final culti- vation Is shallow. Boys' Suits Garden Notes. The hoe should be used only deeply enough to kill vyeds. Deep $18.50 to $25.00 soli disturbance can seriously In-' jure the new well-spread roots of crop plants. • Do not mow the lawn too short Sport Coats during the next few weeks. <• To stop mowing entirely in hot, dry weather, permits the aggressive $13.50 to $20.00 weeds to form seeds. Garden phlox will make a better «How of color If given plenty of water during the flowering neason. Boys' and Young Men's Slacks Faded blooms should bo removed to prevent self-seeding, in flannels, tweeds, gabardines and Glen plaids. Dusting with DDT controls the // you ar* waiting for a ntw Cadillae-plntl bt aiiurtd that tvtry tffort It beint Insect enemies of dahlias other than red spider'mites, The latter mait to further production. Dtmand is to trttt, howivtr, that torn* dphy lit itllvir? $6.50 to $12.50 are often benefltod by DDT in that it tlill Inevitable. But hold "to your pur/iottl Then It no tubtUtutt /or « Cadillac. this' new Inaoctlclds, destroys tho natural enemies of the mites.

, Weeds should be kept down around newly-set ./rulf jorjjhado. t HOWLAND B, Ing. Tho grnis borieath older treos •hould be mowed and the mowings left where they fall to act as a 8 MAPLE AVENUE RED DANK. N. J. mulch. t < Douglas flV treos grow as large,ai 12 to 15 feet in diameter and 8Q0 ietttall. > ' RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 14,1947 Page-Thirteen Navesink Library Miss Water Witch Crowned Food Sale August 22 For the Best in Flowers Call R. B. The annual iood sale sponsored 6-2733 by Naveslnk library for the general fund will be held Friday, August (We Deliver Anywhere) 22, at the library. All contributions of canned goods, vegetables, baked goods and fruit will be received at the library. Tea and cake will Colonial Flowers be on sale. Specialists in Funeral and Wedding Designs Members of the "youth hour" an- nounce that a Decca record player Harold B. Perry 5 East Front Street and 14 records ha,ve been purchased from the proceeds of the recent George L. Glassey Red Bank, N.J. oake'sale. The semi-finals and finals of the tennis tournament'are being played. Philip Hanson of Atlantic High- lands has been elected club presi- dent. Naveslnk Garden club will hold Its monthly meeting Tuesday, Sep- tember 2, at the library, ' A meeting of the library trustees - Another .jdlLbe-hcld-next—Thursday- nlghtr - Smooth Pledge $38,326 Style In Church Drive Success of the: {40,000 campaign to remodel the Kearjsburg Method- 80 MILES TO THE GALLON ist church was assured this weejk, SPEEDS UP TO 40 M.P.H. when the fund raising committee reported that $38,326 had been pledged for the proposed addition to the church. The cash receipts on this amount total $4,943, Those who served on the commit- Miss Naomi Cann Is being crowned "Mien Water Witch" by Miss Lois Hebendahl, at ceremonies tee for the building furid besides held Monday night at the Marino theater, Highlands. Miss Cann won the > above title In a beauty con- Rev. Malcolm L. Wlllltts, pastor of test Saturday and won ft prize o£ $2dO. •' . • • the church, were Rev. Albert S. Others in the picture, left to right, are Miss Jean McGonnell, Miss Eileen Eggera, Mist Lola Cann, Adams, director; William Plate, Going to .and from work or From headlight to tail-light, sister of the winner, and Misa Joan Dempsey, runner-up in the beauty contest. " Frank S. Grenger, Mabel Walling, school, you're aetto get there -American-A/ofti'Scoof-is pK«~ •Etole-MlllBf,- Etta "Stryker,"Gerald smoothly, comfortably — with cision-ensineered to give you S. Broander, Clarence V. Walling plenty of power to spare — on top performance at lowest Sr., Andrew Piioltelil and Rev. and William P. Dodd. an American Moto-Scoot. operation costs. Hazlet James Plsoitelli o{ Boston spent Rabbi To Speak About 80 members, their families last week with Joseph Plscitelli VISITOB FROM IRELAND and friends of the Women's Society and family and Alfopco Iaderosa At Elberon Church of Christian Service o£ St.' John's and family. Mrs. Margaret* McElroy arrived Methodist- church enjoyed' a corn A 4-H club exhibit was held at Rev. Christopher H. Snyder, by plane at LaGuardla airport from and hot dog roast at the home of the high school In Freehold yester- vicar of the Church of the Presi County Monaghan, Ireland, last Mr. and Mrs. HendricK IJ. Bennett day. Club members from this' sec- dents, Elberon, announces tha week. She is the mother pf Mrs. Tuesday evening. • tion exhibited sewing, garden vege- Rabbi Aaron H. Lefk*wltz and his Leo Finn of Cooper road, Hoad- Members of the junior choir, of tables and flowers. Carman Casola, congregation of Temple Beth Mir- den's. Corner. Mrs. McElroy plans St. John's Methodist church and aj member of HIHcrest school, ex- iam, Long Branch, will worship at to spend six months with relatives here and in New York city. Have a spare-time income Solve commuting proMems, Eev, afid Mrs. Norman Riley atjd nTblted a bull which he raised. thecj£lberon church Sunday at i perfect for newspaper route, service your business better, Mrs. Frank Laughlln enjoyed a pic- Ferol, Gall and'Harry Pes'oux.Jr., p. m. . messenger or courier service, make shopping easier, increase nic lunch and swim at Cheesequuke have returned /from a visit in Rabbi Lefkowltz will' apeak on ' and many other money milt- leisure-time fun with American State Park the past week. Franklinville. "Tho Priestly Blessing'." This wll ing occupations. It's America's Moio-Scooi! Members of the Orescent club en- Mary Stansfleld returned to ba the fifth time these congrega- CH greatest power value! joyed a hay ride to Colt's Neck and her home at Mechantcsburg, Fa. tions have worshipped together. y Thursday evefcta^^afte r a week's visit with Frank Md- Don't Suffer Another Minute Come in Today. See it on Display. Those in the ptfrttfty Mwere Mrs. Oleaster and family. ENJOY TELEVISION Art you tormented with Itching of ec- George Emmone, Mrs. J. Carlton zema psortaato, rushes, uttitato's foot, NO DOWN PAYMENTS NECESSARY Mrs. Arthur Heath and children, Members ot the Weatside "Y" are sunburn, eruptions, rectal Itching, rough Cherry,! Mrs. John Maloney, Mrs. David and Rhoda of Fair Lawn are enjoying baseball games on their hand* or face or other Bktn troubles? Frank McCleastcr, Mrs. James visiting Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. newly acquired television aet, theFor- quick relief and' good results"Ufce _.—UP TO 15 MONTHS TO PAY Neldlnger, Mrs. Roland- Emmoiu; Hirer of Crawford's Corner. gift of tho Red Bank Rotary club. Victory Ointment. Developed , lor .the Mrs. Leonard Lufburrow, Mrs. Jo- boyg. In the services, how offered to, th« : Mrs. R, Decholmer has returned Such-entertainment 1« proving'a folks back hornit. White, greaacleaa antt- seph I. Lehan, Mrs. William Urs- from a visit in" Washington, D. C.valuable addition to the leisure aeptlc_ , cool__ilfnfff , pain relieving, vnfiiahinir. tadt, Mrs. Cyrus ROBS, Miss Vera 1 Does not irritate. Safe for children and RED BANK RADIATOR WORKS Miss Florence ,LeRoy spent tho hours by the association, The of-First Aid Money back guarantee, A war Tomblecon, Mrs. Roelif H. LeRoy, week-end'with. Miss Shirley Lauter- ficers and members have expressed development, not a substitute. Oet VIC- Mrs. Elwood I. Monahan, "Mrs. El-wald of Matawan at their, summer to the Rotaryi club their, apprecia- TOBY OINTMENT—the finest. Jars or 113 West Front St. R. B. 6-1177 mer A, Bahrenburg, Mrs. Joseph .tubel. Sold In Red Bank by Liggett, home at Barnegat. . ,: ' .••'••,. tion of this gift. " \ Wheiui, Sun Bay or your hometown R. Peseux, Miss Lola Ralph and Drug Store, .. Robert McCleaster. •.' • Mrs. Rudolph "-• Eeaew > has re- turned from, Rlvervlew • ^hospital, '. Members' of [Cloyerteaf troop 26", where she had beenta..surgical pa- Girt Scouts, jww are at Camp Np- tient. moco, near Freehold, this week, are Miss Elizabeth Berger ot Water- Shirley Emmons, Joan English, Sal- bury, Conn.; recently spent several Ue Fole'y. and Mary Jano Carolil. days as the guest of Miss Vera Barbara • Newlln and Mary CahlU Tombleson.' ••><•'.-• are acting as junior councilors. Mr; arid'Mrs. Clarence Pedee and Cool, suave, for discriminating Juniors Is Doris Fein's Sally RoberWof troop 10, Keyport^ Mr. and-Mr«. Loon Motthowi! hav tilSo'SttHa cSnp tHs week. '* •".* returned from a motor trip to Ni- Roberta Roberts, Mariners troop agara Falls, N. Y., Toronto, Can- ' peplum on bloyse. Junior, sizes, 9 to 15. p Keyp, Haugh' of ada, and Watklns Glen, N. T. Union Beach, acted an junior coun- Mrs. Hannah Lovett spent several Convenient Parking at Bear of Building- cilors at Camp Nomoco the past days the past week as guests of week. Mrs! Ada Masters was nurse. Mr., and Mrs. .Garrett Roberts of Mr. and Mrs; Joseph Plscitelli, Keyport, who are sojourning-at Sea. Side Heights. - , Mrs. Theodore A. Bailey, Miss Marie Bartley, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam L. Barnes, Mr. and Mrs. Cyras R> Mr. and lira. James C, Glenn, Mr. and Mrs, Roelif H. LeRoy, Mrs. Annabelle Sprague, Miss Lois Ellen, Miss Florence LeRoy, Mrs. Hcnd- rlck L, Bennett, Mrs. Walter Smale and Mrs. Frank McCleaster, mem- bers of the choir of St., John's church, and Mrs. J. Frank Wel- gand, Mrs. Mabel Poling and Miss Eleanor VanBrackJo of the Baptist CBUrcll, KeypdrtV ~ and'"' William J. Young, their leader, recently at- tended "The Creation" at Ocean Grove auditorium. iiiiiPHiMiiMiiiniiHnauiH Donald Peseux and Pete Levy ot Keyport spent a few days the last week at Philadelphia and Penns- REMEDIES BABY NEEDS RAZOR BLADES burg, Pa. : Mr. and Mrs. Augustus Simon of 68o Tincture Hot 10 for Long Island and Mrs. Lydia Fred- QREEN 8OAP C ericks of Keyport were Sunday visi- GILLETTE Blue 25 tors of Mlsg Ida M. Walling. 25o CITRATE of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Harron and children, Penny and Harry, Jr., of MAGNESIA GILLETTE Thin 10° Maspeth, L. I, spent-" last week with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Everdell. BORACIC ACID 766 Meads Dextri GEM j' i Mr. and Mrs, Everdell and daugh- Your child OINTMENT ' Maltose fO ter Sally returned to Long Island with them to spend the week-end, 8aooharln Tablets—V, gr. 6Oo J A J Martin -alt 12*,, 25* William C. Weigand has returned will treasure Bot. 100 Bot. 1000 BABY TALC home from Camp Ockanlckon, U._|!_. Double Y.M.C.A. camp, wjiere he ipent two martin Edg, 18 for 25" weeks. . the BOo MEAD'S Mrs. Josephine Vanderbilt of PABLITM EVEB8HARP 38o WITCH SiyCK Injector 20 for 69° Keyport spent a day the liast week HAZEL , with Mlos Emma Walling. Mrs. EVENFLO UNITS CTJP Slnsle Vanderbilt will celebrate her 90th AfKKfY Plui Fed. Tu COMPLETE 25' Olnn Edf« 10 for 25' birthday In September. OALA CREAM Miss Anna Cowles is spending For Poison Oak lOo Antloollo 3 for Affc hIe two iweeks in North Long Branch and Ivy Caps or 8anltab MV BerkeleyX 18 ^ 25° at the home of Rov. and, Mrs. Nrpples George W. Hariners. Wrist Watch 25o Rubbing Aloohol HOT WATER BOT. or Mrs. Joseph H. Webster spent 2Bo Glycerin Suppositories, several days the past week at (Isopropyl) pt FOUNTAIN SYRINGE Stroudsburg, Pa. infant or 2 " 29° CsmpUli with ill »««chm«nti Mlsa Vera Thombleson recently en- Ii'> • HEAL watch, a REALLY 390 MINERAL OIL RifuUr SSc Value tertained Miss. Matilda Bosshardt GOOD wsicli, as good as any you of Cllffslde Park. . would wesrl It will teach your Me J A J 25c CALAMINE <% •* BABY OIL Miss Diane' Shaw Is spending a child to be punctual in • natural vacation at Kingston, N. H. LOTION 4-oz. II Timothy Walling has returned way. U. S. Time'precision move- home from Monmouth Memorial ment ,,. sturdy, faever-dnll chro- hospital, where he had been a sur- mium case... washable red vlnv> 10c gical pe.tle.nt. SWEETHEART SOAP DR, KYLES Mr. and Mrs. Jesse G. Webster of lite strap... at ho more than the. TOOTHPASTE BOBBY PINS Htberon "were recent giiest* at the price ot a favorite toyl • home of Mr. and Mrs, Joseph R. L. c Jackson. 5 Ready for you now ... for Immediate installation ... the last word In Mr. and Mrs, George Emmons 9 Television by PHItCO, the teaderl Exclusive PHILCQ research develop- and' daughters, Shirley-and Patty, menu bring you greater enjoyment through «eadier,"lharper, clear pictures and. June Bennett' and Linda Lay- ton spont Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. • than you ever dreamed of I And the exclusive PflltCO station selector 1Oo system permits automatic tuning of all channels In amice no matter where Honry Tlntle at Pompton Plains,' G08METI0 SALE CLO8E OUT 58o you live or move to I Come in tomorrow and see for yourself I • - • ' Standarsi In: PIOK 'EM STYPTIC TOQ FAT? o«t DIMMER "0DD8 —' SUNGLASSES PENCIL ENDS" ttlt vKamto caiW my SALE IMMEDIATE Havt • toon slender, naeelul Bf • HALF PRICE tire. No tatrduiit. No Uutlves, No dnigs. With tie simple AYD3 Vltanla Cindy iUdoSui Plan DELIVERY |TOU don't cut oyt aoy muls,

iWj]ic"of Mafni»l«* LOTION if ~ PHONE R. B. 6-3900 59V BOT. 157 BROAD ST. COR. HARDING RD. RED BANK . PARKE DRUO CO. ~ Tiu Out. ThU, W to A IUnUnd« , ; v I,,' ;S'<.-&^v&£:ife-, } RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST14,1947 Carlstrom Hurls .Shore Baseball Back In Action ;.V:;'•League''•:;..' No-Hit, No-Run NATIONAL DIVISION ' , STANDINGS

: ;• • •., •_..- ' > ••••' .'' -.W At Long Branch Kerport,_____...___:— .1! Freehold •••:••„.—;.-.• :„;,....: •

Red Bank Towners _.._. "•.^^•••>./?--f: 'V"•;."•• ' ••,•••':/ '•":•• ^ % "^ Long* Bz-an4h .^.M^..w». " 7 Fans 13 Branchpoint Jled Bank: Br-avea -..—.. ¥plnt Ptaaaant ...'_...•—:——, .« Mike Turnesa-Jack Mara Victors^' ^ •} In Masterful Display; Port Honmotith • '.,«—,«.t"...'•..—« 2 Belmar -^ ...... ».._._..„•:- 1 JOHNNY McAVOY STOPPED BY the office Monday and It Is good • : AMEBICAN DIVISION. * In Annual Pr6-Meniber Event '..," , _ Highlands Wins, 3-0 IvAe-rood <:__..._.•;..J.....' Al „ report that Rumson's colorful sports figure Is again In top 'shape, Wes* BeUnar .. ~_ » For the third the eight- allon, Dick, Dea) -'— |4llo4vrng nearly a months hospltallzatfon.- Likeable Johnny wants to Carl Carlstrom Sunday recorded Atbury Fftrlc' ••••>••••• •<•••*"• e->—'-nw•!..'.".• 7 7 ituhler, Pat Dwye'r „ t-Jpnd word to his friends that he appreciates the visits, good wishes and _ no-hit, no-run game as the High- Freehold A. O, _..., ..._. .... T year history of the Spring Lake "asko, John Clancy « Earla Post...... _._ 6 Golf dub'a classy pro-member |.«J»nvalescent cards he received while a patient at Rlvervlew hospital. lands A.A. visited Long Branch to CllffwcKxf•-" • „— ."„ B 'ood, R. J. UnMtrbt down the Branchport Eagles, 3 to Vail Homea ;... . . S tournament, Rumson's -Victor J. Bardon, Joe Naeie, ar..». w'-'-A former Jockey and a fight referee whV handled more ' MaUwan ..._...... _...... )2 10 rbomae, John Ranni Ghezzl walked off with top. honors "heiil, Seymour Everett bouts than any other official, Mac's career Is a story book of Displaying masterful control, in the professional division, scoring ray, BUI DeJaney.._'_...... sports events, which he cheerfully and enjoyably recounts on Carlstrom fanned 13 Branchporters COUNTY FIREMEN'S SOFTBALL a sub-par 68-70_to be a single stroke 'om Harmon, BUI 'Ftemlns; :. LEAGUE in; front' of Claude Harmon and I >Mver, BUI Bohen ..:.-•„. the slightest urging. As a Jockey, he performed In the days while walking but three. He held •'• • •••* • - - - w . Herman Barron. ' ^ ' 'I illver. BUI Thompklns _^. when old Monmouth Park flourished and his comment* on cur- he opposition In check from the Brevent" PaHc ... .'.. , ._._ 5 Iroach, Jim Sinclair . . itart and.besides his expert twirl- : t Ghezzl also came In for a shate runes, W. Anzennelar — rent-day racing and riding are factual and enlightening-. ' ' A ' ' untm, Tony Sacco ... - __. ing, added to'his team's score by : : of the $13,400 Calcutta ' pool, his • -Johnny thinks a common fault of many-of this season's NavesTnk Hook- aV -Udder ..-.ii'. I beist•;. bail of 66 with , Arthur Pur- Lewb, J. G. N«b«rxal| -- 84-!5—69 sending out a sizzling triple in the Oakbura*t . l.^..~:..:~~.L...^;.M;, 4 .' Talagsno. Trim HenwfcHI ;.- 8<-»6—60 -ridert at Monmmith Fark U tiat they ai* ridtafjflo short. He eighth, romping home on Jakc.Su- Belford ...»„. ...J ^ . chase gaining him. a part of the '. Burke. WIlTlam Greenfield 87-82—88 " plehski's-doubler: ~^~.— slx'way-tle-for-elghthTplftce.—Hike-j a»k'Durk»i-r,u»-nu»h .. ... 88-84-^60 ^ recalls that ToASloane, who Introduced the short stirrup, never' ohnson. William Abenathy 84-86—70 Other Highland tallies came In Turjieaa of . Knoll wood Country >ohn-on. Ed Longstreet ...... 84-18—70 rode In BUch fashion that he could easily be dismounted. Be- the third and sixth. Abe Pleasant """'"J."'™~."..J"''" 0 • club and Jack Mara, president-of LaPola. R. F. Kllpatrlck .'._. t3E-35—70 sides the possibility of being thrown when the hone swerves, scored first after having singled. RESULTS the New York Giants football team, "HBuono. Hartln .Oebom .— 85-8B—70 , Middle town 4, Oliver Byron I. copped .the pro>member division Mbwtf, Dan Finn .. 84-88—70 the shift In jockey's weight doesn't help the mount's chances. Ted (Sowers sacrificed; him to sec- Nave-sink* H. * I* 7, OaWiunt 6. :owal. H. a PfeJffler -.. 1... 8«:s4—70 £ While talking over old times, The Register's"associate editor, Harold ond and Bud Waters, lead off man, All other saroea postponed. with 64. There were six teams brac- like Tumesa, Tore WaJah .... 84-86—70 keted at 65 arid'18 at 67. . Ira Turnasa,-CUB Hemshlll 86-84—70 Kelly; asked Mac If he remembered the baseball game at Rumson about singled to send him home. The next "arrall, Jarry Brown ..._..^....» 85-81—70 ears ago when- Addle Kind attempted to thrash a young Register run came when Waters capitalized Ghezzl's Saturday round found *wls, Paul Bwlne 87.88-^70 on a free pass to score on a fielder's English Names -him in tt one-stroke lead over Har- iarazeto, lioren Lewla '. 84-88—70 i irter, using rolled up scored cards as a weapon. 'Kelly was the re-choice. mon Barron and Jack Burke. His Iroiwh, Ed. Buekley .:...•.....„„. 88-87—70 o'rter and the official scorer. Kind objected to his team's losing credit' game was near-perfect, he being on Ed Burke, A. O. TompMns .... 85-85—70 HIGHLANDS A.A. Graunauer. I,. 0. Kobertahaw 84-86—70 base hits when Harold chalked up a few errors. McAvoy, a spec- Honorary Judges In regulation or better figures Hanero, Ed Becker, jr...... 84-86—TO or, Intervened and the game continued. Bud Walter., • 1 4*1 every hoje except two, which he ~Iov«r,*Lee Newtoury . S6-84—^TO Doug Card,1 2 ...... 3 0 one-putted. He was never over par. iddle Burke, Dick Kafn . 84-88—70 Carl Carlstrom, 1 • 3 1 Gov. Driscoll Heads . tutchbon, John Naele, jr. . 38-88—71 Jake Supiemkt, 4 4 0 For the two-day route,'his favor- irunauer, Harry Ballou ~ 84-87—71 4 PLOWING UP THE FAIRWAYS:—Dorothy BuMvan;. pleasant wife Bart Pattenon, I ._ 4 0 List For Regatta ite hole seemed t'o'be the par Bye Jarbaro, PeUr Qulnn' ..., 86-85—TI Of Old Orchard's pro, Is bUBy arranging for Sunday's Scotch foursome Mike Koiak, » -.:- :.. 1 0 450-yard 13th, which he eagled each Serann, lot Dougherty....__. 86-86—71 it the Long Branch layout. She is chairman of the ladies' golf com- Andy Koiak, 9 2 0 time. Saturday his second shot, a TotTBln, Bob Newhou*e ..._..— 84-87—71 Ab« Pleasant. 8 . 4 1 Charles R. -English, mayor of Red three Iron, landed hol-hl on the 'artuccl, Arnold DeMassI .... 84-47—Tl <tee v. . Jack Welsh, who now Is a recognized professional, may com- T.d Oowers, 7 2 0 Bank and chairman of the'- honor- Itchell, J. J. Peteraon " 85.86—71 !|iete in next .ThursdayV pro-amateur Shore league tournament, which Art Horan, 6 - 3 . 0 edge of the green and he canned' 'raaer, Ed Morrison „;-. 86-85^—71 ary—Judges'rcommittee -for-the -Na- a 30-fbbt* curving "pUtt."' The" ii&t . Blll-Behrena .^i^r....- J8.85—Tl - U set for,- Spring Meadow. Jack is assistant" al Runisbnahd Jim Mar- "."" •"•"—-7 ToTals-To 8 " tional Sweepstakes Regatta''asso- Sanderson, Georse Schar .. 86-80—72 : ifjrn reports he Is a promising golfer'. ',..'..• BRANCHPORT EAGLES day, he chipped In from four yards Stabler.. Bill BobUtiell ...„:..... 88-89—72 ciation, has'announced that the fol- off the green. ,. ~rpndFon.Jaclc Stockton . 86-JT—72 Fetraglla, definitely the boy to watch among the , AB R H Dlpk, Baker, Freehold1 trainer and driver of harness horses, is lowlng have»been appointed hon- futchlson, Carl. Wlednahn -.. 86-86—r72 -, D« ' Rosa 8." . . '4 0 0 orary judges; Gov. Alfred E. Dris- Although his putting was deadly :eoshesan, Paul Cullum ..^....'-86-86—72, fired a 69 ove* Old Orchard Saturday. He had 74 S'Amhrlal, 4 ....-...:...:.. 8 0 0 back in action in the the Freehold, Raceway. In a racing from any distance, the ball repeat- [anero. Jack DlHon ..— 88-88—T2 week's pnt-amateor at Jumplnr Brook, a seven on the B«de|l. 1 ; .¥...... I 0 0 accident last year, Baker suffered a broken leg which incapacitated coll, U. S. Senators. Albert^W.' edly refused' to' drop, hanging on [artert. Fred Coswova „ -84-88—72 Marino;*...: :../.:_.:_„-...' _.... 8 0 0 Hawkes and H. Alexander Smith; irout, W.RuMell ^ouk __... 8T-8Sr—T* flritfiUne erasing his string of birdies,. .. While playing with OHvadotU. 2 - 4 0 0 him for some time. He , is pictured'with Stonprldgo Ace, fancy the lip of the cup or barely curl- rout, W. Ru«sell Houk < MacPhetwh, 8 i... - 8 0 0 Rep. James C. Auchlncloss, Frank 'atronl, J.'E. McAuMffe v pacer owned by I* M. Gordon of Spring Lake. , . ' ing around It at least eight times. •atronl, J. A. Bngbea 86-8«—It .,.{f, Mrs.'fetal H. McCarter, Mrs. O. A. Vletor had a hole In one at DeCaro.'S ...... 8 0 0 Durand, Frank Holmes, State. Sen- On Sunday's round, he dissipated lartuccl. Frank Shea : 86-86—T2 Woods, 8 .: _.-..:. 2 0 0 ator John E. Toolan, Freeholders Under. W. K. Themann 87-86—7S . ;;: Binoson Country club last week. It came on the US-yard 14th Kline, I 2 0 0 a chance to score another 68 by go- 85-88—78 Stamato, I 1 0 0 Edgar O. Murphy, James S. Parkes, ing over par on' the 12th and 15tli. loltart, Mark-Bradley ._ ), ' . .>;Members' at Rumson Country club qualify for club' cham- A. D. Voorhees and Victor Gros- Im Tnrnesa; L. R. Wnrd _ 87-8.6—T8 *5 ploftshlp August S3 . . . At Old Orchard, Georfe Snlllyan gave . • Totals—28* 0 0 On the 15th, his 275-yard drive leog*eg»n. Ed Arnold ...;.'. 87-8T—T4 National Sweepstakes singer, Coun oilmen Thomas M, ended in a divot hole and he pushed JIBnono, Hanrloo Kohler 88-tf6—78J4 (i the members an additional week to qualify for the President's Gopslll, J. Albert VanScholk, Har- his approach shot off to a trap at MltcheU. GUbwt Van Not* 85-89—T4 1 "Irondson, Marcel Darcha -87-88—tfR >, cup ; play. Threatening weather Sunday was one' reason, but the Avenger Wins old S. Allen, Kenneth Wyckoff, the right. His blast from the rain- larturt, Walter Telller •_, 86-80—75 f Sprint; Lake Calcutta was the main one. Has 20th Anniversary Harry Malchow and Philip Bowers; soaked sand left him an 15-foot araien, Paul Dillon . ... Withdrew I Fred Merrlman battled Art Turner to a 22-hole tte in a friendly Fred J. Burghard,' Col. J. Lester t^j he failed to get down. Lightning Race Eisner, Amory L. Haskell, Gerald Harmon, well-regarded Winged thatch Sunday. Fred Is thinking of Injecting a little ammonium nitrate Holbrook, Brig. Gen. Francis H. Foot pro, had a chance to tie •loseFinishes :. jhto his golf balls .. .Jim YanMater defeated Bill Frlediander for the Lanahan, Col.' Charles D. Y. Ost-Ghezzi but he "blew" on the crucial president's Cup at Beacon Hill Saturday. Larry Scott made the pre-By Ten Seconds Class Of Nation's Boat Speedsters rom, Admiral Srfilth, Gen. Manuel 17th hole by- three-putting. Al- Ma^kxShrewsbury sentation at a club houso party that night. Avlla Comacho, Col. Jose Garcia though playing excellent golf from :£ ' • • ' , — : _• Expected In Red Bank August 23-24 Valseca, C.apt. Alfonzo Luna DeLa- tee to green,'Claude's putter was , Notes Out Coxswain Barreda, Comm. • Louis. Santaolla* not" working well at-any point- .Giv- Sailing Races ''•"THE SWEEPSTAKES REGATTA,'whteh "starts a Week from'Sat and Msgr, Joseph T. Casey. ing the ball "plenty- of chance" he prday, promises to draw the biggest names ever. Guy Lombardo's In First Run On New When the National Sweepstakes races are slated at 20-mlnute Inter- Paddi, Sad Sack, regatta unfolds on the North vals. The: following morning, 100 Those judges who are ablo to at-frequently putted, past the hole, as bringing the International Gold Cup rac,e to New Tork proved a grea' 1 was the case on the 17th. Apparently ktd to the local association, which promptly made certain that thel: Fleet II Course Shrewsbury river a week from Sat- sail boats In -the Comet, Sneakbox tend will be guests o,f the regatta Alice B, Submarine urday, the local association will be and Lightning classes take the cqmmittee. aboard the official barge trying to birdie either of the two vent would follow the Jamaica Bay classic by a couple weeks. '( / remaining holes in order to move Less publicized feature of the sweeps than the putt-putts and the Charlie Allaire's Avenger beat observing the 20th anniversary of spotlights 'In' the . ofternpon, out- anchored on wlght,-now.,an78I-, M galfejvrwair?a~lBs4lii| AVmnrrOliKrlHAa flnalfi,_LTiLB_Red_Bank_ Gol and "'Harry Sadler,, jr., with his-: -Ooxiwaln; Her* Coi race, a ten-mile: sprint, will-find' rA- fleet at - six Iwats-braved -squad and Community.House. _.__ Bain -Beau, shoved out front on th* •,, national''amateur Tri hisi youth '."V . Saywhatyolj r Dawn. Marls lrwln 4.44:4. 0 |. Tempo fa, Guy Lombardo, Free- Inclement week-end weather to wit- The second- day's play drew- a first leg and battled It out for the * like professional Instruction to get the kinks out of your game. Trying Bull Prog, John Bull :. 4:17:30 port, N. Y.; Seabiscult, • Albert every boat competing which. has Tone, Tonr DeFelllpo' 4:18 survived the Sweepatakca, the Auer- ness the 40th running of America's crowd estimated by Spring Lake lead, with no interference from the to cure your own flls by sweat and swings is like taking an asplrli Brlnkman, Jrg Grand Island, N. Y.; speedboat classic Belle police to be 2,000. Saturday's play, Jnstead of an operation. '••'.- , . • Technique, Sd Bruce '. 4:18:52 back trophy and the 225 cubic-inch ther five boats. Hubba-Hubba felL Buy, Bob Howie „...... «.._.. 4:2":40 Tops Speedllner, Jack "Pop" Coop- hydroplane races. Harbor, Jamaica bay, L. I. was witnessed by a little more than lehlnd on a Ipst slant of wind, but Bam, Randall Keator .. ;.. '4:22:53 er, Kansas City, Mo!; Buckeye The overnight, cruise was organ- half that figure. ' .. . Margie, Hugh Dlitelhurat 4:24:20 Baby, Gibson Bradfleld, -Barnes- The flrst big regatta held at Red :oward the finish slid smartly up ;, • INCIDENTS AND INCIDENTALS:—Butter Crabbe, who opens, al Fll Devil, Ed Carey . n. .. '4:20 :S0 Bank since the early days of motor ized and led by Fleet Capt. Allen Among the. other jpro winners through the fleet'to take a. second • ville, O.; Helen M, F'red.I.' Sutton, S. Conkiln, who skippered his 46> Harmon and Barron, $825; 'fclonte Carlo pool tonight In & new show, will be at Freehold Racewa; Jr., Klnston, N. 6.; Prowler ;J, For- boating' took place. In 1927 -under Faddl. Only 32 seconds separat- fills afternoon. He will present a blanket to the winning hprse In on> the auspices of the Red. Bank foot yawl Penelope. Other boats in Sam By'rd,. $500; Mike .Tunesa, d Paddl and Rain Beau, with Kel- • est E. Johnson, Miami, Fla.; Hells the cruise were Henry Stadier'a 75-, Clarence Doser ana Jack Burke, %t the featured races... . . Bill -"Junior" Prate reported to be up, on Alexander Is Top Angdl II, Willlam:Crlchfleld, Miami Yacht'club. In 1928, the famous but ly in the middle. . Charges in the bachelor's club . . . Fair Haven Councilman Russ Uln< foolhardy "New York Battery to foot cruiser Philljean, Fred Glals- $233.33; Johnny Reardon, Ed Burke Beach, Fla.; Seven Piddles, T. J. and Dick . Renaghan, $125; Frank Fourth, fifth, and sixth places fon at the Folo Grounds Sundav to see Big Jawn Mlze clout numbe Old Orchard Caddy Galatis, Coral Gables, Fla.rAlJo V, Red Bank" outboard race waa er's 40-foot Spindrift, Gordon Mac- went to Dr. Edward Waters' Dock, J6 . . . New Tork Yankees grid team meets'the Buffalo Bills Monda; staged. The speedy cockle sheila fair's Hi-Tide, Homer James' Sema Strazza, Willie Goggin, Joe £ar- Jim Alexander is golf, champion Joseph VanBlorck, Jr., Hewlett, N. with his son, Edward, Jr., at the ' flight at Ruppert stadium In Newark ... Rube Williams has been Y.; Crlssiei George Sohraft, New- bounced across rough waters of the J.( and Herbert .Welsh's runabout | hadt, Fred Annon and Ed ".Porky" helm; 'Wit's End, sailed byherown- by gentleman the .past few weeks. Besides caring for his ponies, of Old Orchard caddies by virtue outer bay and before the race was speedboat. The craft left Fair HaV-I Oliver, $60. of his four- and-three defeat of tori; Mass.; Shorty Pants,' C. Mer- ir. Fleet Capt. Olaf Ravndal, and • hipment from his Texas ranch sent him a few thousand sheep by mis- rltt Twilley, Baltimore, Md.; Hor- past the steamship buoys, between en Yacht club at 10 a. fa. Saturday. , Individual Pro Scorat Bob Wilcox's Marlou, In that order, ; k At least he should have no trouble getting the polo field grasi Bobby Sullivan In the finals Tues- Sandy Hook and the Narrows, the Compass navigation was necessary Vie Qh«lii, Eunu'on -.: 68-70—138 day at the Long Branch course. net, Sherman P. • Crlsso, Miami outboard' drivers were clinging to Herman Barron, Fenway .... BS-70—H» and'again there was only 31 see- Beach, Fla.; The Detroiter,' Jack 1 to reach Rockaway inlet due to a Clauds Harmon, Winged Foot 60-70—1SS mds between the first and last of Alexander receives the George Sul- the sides of their boats. While no : livan Caddy trophy, a presentation Wood, Detroit, Mich.; Torhmyann heavy fog which blanketed the low- S. Byrd. Plum Hollow, M1ch71.69—HO the trlo.' . -x t„ "Cap" Sorter will soon bo making Stew VanVllet's Fish and. • III, Joseph J.. Taggertu Canton, O.; exactly a successful event, the race er bay. Mik« Tuaem, KnoUwood ...>T0-71—HI Stream column. A great lover of sports on the Shrewsbury, made by George Sullivan, master attracted national attention.ami. put QB. Bel Scandala 12-«9—141 ^_JMoraeUan',s^_.Ba,rbara ^. and .: o,f Old Orchard's golf shop the past Notre - Damo;-Dan Arena;- Detroit, — Saturday -night -was-- spent- -an- JOt^Burlti: Wlnilwd Fo6r;r69-T2—141- David Gibbs' Sea Breeze couldn't ' « the gentleman was telling a few friends lit Madden's of hU . Red Bank and the' Shrewsbury in chored at the-race course and ailJohh Keardotl, Spring Lake 72-70—142 19 years. - . Mich.; Mlsa Peps V, Danny. Foster, the "Boating map". . •". get going in time to stay with tha , catch of lobsters and crabs recently ... The Bed Bank Le- Detroit, Mich.;' Miss Great. Lakes, skippers and crews . were Invited Eddie' ^ilrke, Race Brook 71-71—-H2 Qeorgle Sullivan, no relation to Again • this year the borough Is Dick Ben.ehan,-Tavtetook -.. 71-71—142 ilg. show so they staged a tall- J- gton's signing. Tom Phlpps as coach of their grid squad Is » the pro, took top honors In theAlbin Falioni .Detroit, Mich.;. Dukle, aboard.the Philljean. ( Frank Str&na. Bound B1U .... 72-71—H8 mder of their .own, with Barbara HowardHughes, Detroit, Mich. and erecting grandstands In Marine Fred Annon. InnU Ardra .... 72-71—148 > good sign. We are keeping our fingers crossed, hoping that or- beaten four, downing Don D'Amlco, g v Next Sunday the club members taking honors by 11 seconds over c four and three. Young Sullivan re- Park which will be open to the pub- owning power boats will transport Ed Oliver, Wilmington 78-70—148 1 ' ganUaUon fields a first rate club. K«j> Bank deserves good Trudy, Henry Mi Freeport, lic without charge. In addition, Joe Zarhirdt. Std'fleld, N.C. 72-71—148 •.he 'Globs' craft. ceived a medal.from the pro. Still the entire club membership and WtlUo Gouirln, Century .. 71-72—148 John Douglass' Sad Sack nosed representation in the Shore Football league . . . Quite a deal to be decided Is the winner of theN,, Y,, : along both shores of the two and a their- guest£ to the annual picnic Fallx SeraAn, Fox HUla, Pa. 72-72—144 ; ;, half mile course, property, ownerB J«ek Grout, Rarrtabunc • 72-7S—145 out Morris Sherwood's Sherry by • Is that group which moseys alone the Shrewsbury selling hot third flight, with Bill DeSantis Lombardo'a boat is being speed- are throwing their grounds open ti on Starvation Island, where games Gen. Struen. New York .... 75-70—145 five seconds to Uke first - in. the 1 ' dogs and soda'dlrect to the boats of flshermen. slated to meet Al Mills and John ily repaired after having suffered and outdoor sports will be In order. Jim Turnesa, Metropolli .... 70-7S—145 Comet class.- Winnie ' Wainwrlght, Norcross scheduled to go against visiting spectators. From these van- August 23 and 24 tha fleet Will at- Dave O'Confaell, Bxei Fella 78-72—145 a smashed starboard pontoon and a tage points, 50 feet ahpVe rive; Sal DIBuono, Bonn!. Briar 72-74—148 with Kitty Wake, slid In behind r If we owned Monmouth'Park, we would listen Intently to every Mike Head. ripped oil line coupling in the Ja-level, an excellent view of the 2!tend-the Sweepstakes Regatta In a Harold Sa'ndenon,' Canoe Bk. 74-72—146 Sherwood 'for third place. . • r complaint and .suggestion, sift out the impoasible ani) get to work Im- maica Bay classic. body. ' ; Bud I^wii, Manufacturer* .... 71-75—148 , mediately on the rest There are many Improvements which should races la offered. Ralph Hutchison, Bethlehem "70-76—H6 Donald and Allen Schneider in The two-day show opens at 1 p. Rei} . Bank police are making Qeorn StuWfti, North HQIs 74-72—146 Big Deal, got off to a poor start \ be made to the two-year-old plant . . . Red Bank Catholic high school Paine Says Lombardo m, August 23 when nearly 40 class • >; alumni are forming a'grid team to meet the school squad in a Septem- plans to handle 35,000 spectator; Teri Johnson, Flrinouth 75-71—146 by crossing the line ahead of the A outboards zoom across the line, T. J, Hanhon, Jra- Moptdalr ,78-78—146 ber 20 opener. Adam, Kretowlcz Is back.with the Caseys and has, two Sfeeks Room Space for each day's race. Scotch Foursome Emory Tfaomu, Fortai HIU« .75-71—146 gun. This left them last but they i husky curates to aid In coaching . . . The, Red Bank Braves threw a at mile a minute speeds. Other- Al Broach, Cherry Valley .... 72-76—H7 later passed five boats to gain ; 1 Rlgaud B., Paine, general man- Koy Brondion. Qraenwlch ^... 72-75—147 fourth place, \ the division leading Keyport Legion baseball club.Sunday, ager of: the Molly Pitcher hotel, Planned Sunday Matt KowaJ. Phllmotlt J.... 75-72—147 '.' •hutting them out 3 to 0. Classy Ben' Ventlmaglla did the trie* via Gene Kunea, Enjlewood .... 70-77—147 In the handicap class there were K |en strikeouts, one walk and but tour hits. .. : : - gave the National Sweepstakes Re- Oral* Wood. New York . 7«-7t—147 hree Sneakboxes, so they were en- gatta association committee its Dawn trims Coxswain Old Orchard Ladies Joa Turn«««, BopkvUl* .. 77-70—147 ured with the group but were , first official assurance that Guy Lou Barbara, Hollywood .... 78-75—148 £•"!•••• ' • ' • •••••• " • '•--'•' •• To Team Wjth Men. John" L«wls, Msnufacturem 75-78—148 icbred separately. Kenny Wood- 'J AT SPRING LAKE Saturday and Sunday, golfers were glyen a Lombardo would be on hand for x Jack Mitchell, Essex County 71-.76—148 ruffs Submarine was .first in this/ the regatta August 28 and 24 when Johnny Fan-ell, Baltuaol .... 73-7S—H8 tare treat when_S6 top notch professionals toured the elegant Spring Twelve, women-golfers toured Old O. Harbert, MorUlvllle, JJloh. 7*'76—148 class and Alice B, with the Gar-' gjak-----e Golf en- d Countr• y clu- b- courBe Expert,observers called Vic he reported that the famed' maes- By 20>Secon withdrew from Saturday's play, favoring a leg which #111 soon of Tony Defllllppos Tone*.' .TheMaudle' , B.'Veeland ..." 4:01:11 Oheill, Arthur PurchaM . .. SS-84—6 Waters. U'Watera: W11U End, O, BaVn- be operated upon. But he wound up In a He for second with from Wilmington, Del., to the loft Larsen-Allaire Avenger was fifth, Okie, L. M. Ollverson 4:05:21 onstration to be held at the Junc- Claude Harmon, BUI Malone 80-86—6 da], lira. RavndAl and Mareh BaTan- of the Sandy Hook Pigeon Racing 41 seconds astern of Tone. Five of Baahful, Janet Boynto'n „ 4:05:40 tion of Route 33 and. Jeraeyvllle Claude Harmon, Elmer Bpbst Sl-85^—6 dal; Marlou, Bob Wllcni. S. Wllcojr, ,H. 65 in Sunday's pro-amateur . . . Bayard Beebe. who with bro- 1 Sneakbox Clan* avenue, Freehold at 7 p. ra., next Kowal, J. Frank Burka ...... 85-82—6 Ma»h; Barbara, Ed. McOl.llah. Barbara olub. Second in the race was the other Lightnings crossed the Start 2:50 P. M. Wood, Walter ReidMH ...... 84-88—6' and Parker MoOlellani Sea Brceu, D. ther Arthur was pro at Suneigles in Eatontown, toured the "Nickl," owned ;by Nlok Ferra of home stake'seconds apart. , Teal, Florence 4:13.06 Monday. The. invitation states, Joe Turr.Ma.II. M.. Royal .... 18-84—6' Glbbs, A, aibbe, Sr., and Jr. .•;•.•.,,• "The caravan Is coming! Yes, a O'Conrtell, Meredith HemphUI 88.84—6 course with Jimmy Thomson. Bayard now hai a five handicap. East Keansburg*, and third was Scuffle,'Charles White 4:14:00 Comet C|asa^-Sad Sack. John Dfm» Morrison's Tina took Saturday's Tarn II, Joan Dunbar - 4)14tK2 caravan of Jeeps loaded with many Hoyar, Bob Bhreva ...... 84-88—6' laaa and' George Soone, 1 hour 1 mljktita His best ball score was 6T. > His nephew, Arthur, Jr, teamed !W. Fix," owned by William Comet point race and Sunday's' Pppejre, B. Brower., Annon, M. J. Sullivan 88.84—6' of Bast Keansburg. The winninFixg different types of equipment". This Annon, Ted Assatlr »..,84-88—6 SB seconds; Sherry, Morrta and, Mrs. with Harold Sanderson for a M . . . Al Kenny, pianist at Jack event by 1 minute 42 seconds and 2 'SUNDAY'S UACE3 assortment of equipment will be Soarwood, 1 hour 2 mlnutaa 4 aeaoMf! bird averaged 696.08 yards per min- minutes 1 second) respectively. Jer- Comet Class - Thoma«; Atex Bttelle ...... 85-81—6 Kitty Wake, Winnie Walnwrishl luid' Siutlvan's Lodge, was on hand, trying to pick up pointers which ute. Start 2:80 P. M. . shown not only at the outdoor dem- Fraier, John Meehan ...... w.. JS-5!—6 Joan Brown, 1 hour a minutes J eeconds. ry Jerolamohs Bo-Bo II was 'run-' Doasr, Robert McKlaman ... 85.82—6' Others In orderi Bl» Deal, p.»«mlA. would aid Hun In coming matches at Spring Meadow/ f Tina *""T * **" *"—." 8: iougW?^ e Casey grads will meat the aardon, 'Ifbt baltnc«, teat one begin thlnkfng'the game ii a cinch . . . Ghezil Dawn, Mario lrwln i •. Iittitt akboox Cl»u will bo In chargo of the party, Thonsonh . Kdmond Becker, n4->H4—II: Small fl, Woodrudi.Vlkan, Ann BL, . nuit be In love wjth the 4B0-yard par five thirteenth. He eagled It both Cathollo high eleven In the season's Coxswain, Herbert Cox.- „. Dl40il< Start tI40 P, M. Beriinn, Vlnrtnt (I'litM* ...... «4.«4—«: KK»y -Ins i. aritshopper, tou.-turtou.tu f Bull Frog, Oeome Bull fli*«l26 HOTS' «unds, the flrst dsy sinking an troblng 30-foot«r and the next day openar September 30 on the Red Teal ,. * r... 4IOHI05 fialirann,, J, Dvsi Smith (I2.»«~« InI g LadyLd , J, LosflleLosfll r and\MdM. Tone, Tony DeFllluue ..;. Bi4Si3a Martin Luther was ah early pro- fJray,' Howard Carte > 84-114—6 Dob! ihlpplnr'ln from behind a mound, whers ht Was.hol-hi, . . Dealtp Jim Bank high school athletto field. fBrn I; ,.^ ...... \.., .- Aveniv, Larssn-Allalre .._" 1141114 > 4:1••oao2 ilal ponentof tha theory that mdrrlnge Tom Harnrph,- J; S, WhIUhlll ,«4-«4-'«, ubmarine, K, Wood- Cartwot ibould c«]l It at competitive, golf In the bigGraduates of the olasses of '45 and B»n-Grs, June Hetliot -... >i«VlO8 Seven ....,..„,., and dlvoroe should bo the conoern Barroiji 'JoM Con"Mlr ..;....).,.; 84>84—• P. Doardl. 43 mlnuUs 4»isec. MfUu I)) coneernsconeernsd Johnn* ' y pardo~ " n i'urprUeij'th...... e boyi with. '•« ars alls to apply, for theWindward, D. B, Dlokerlon „_... «:i«ll! An entlmatfld 7,074,000 families of the civil law, rather than con nenaKbsn, John You: ---- . team. b ,«r» X *w»l ;«• .delivery,-trolUdby. Jthaehuroh.,

Jij'.V«:*ii' RED BANK BEG1STER, AUGUST m 1947 Pace Fifteen '•V where they will meet their first op- A Mark For Lady Anglers Martyn- Alberti Belmar Junior Legion positlon^.today. . . Of f For Nationals The Belmar Juniors defeated BAHRS LANDILANDINNG Surf. Field Clifton In the state championship To Shoot At Share Pro Honors The Btlmar Junior American le- round. Prior to. • their drgi«», A party of Katontown teur, Mike DeSarno, bettered theh- anglers consisting of Bill Morton, FBOZEN BUNKEM , berger, Jr., of Naveslnk and Bob efforts, however, scoring a 72'Over PARIMUTUEIBETTIMC (Ground and Whole) Russell of Shrewsbury have been Jim Kelly, George, Drovard, Tom his home course. He teamed with Im iinin *« H ttadt hm SQUID, SKIMMEBa, arrested tor trespassing while fish- O'Bourke and Muriel Sickles, fish- Alberti for the pro-am prize with a Aih>rr«lriiNINiwlnMwi

  • go the mornlnr *lr re- sounded with th§ early chorus of Tasko of Homestead Country club, "T(j>6rtsirieh"s clubs has offered th» Mr*. Addfion-J. Howlarid of Rumson proudly displays record It was the, first time that Taeko support - ot his organization. I;, uk bird*. Have you' heard the first catch of striped-bass which the made while trolling at midnight fitbit "ariaks M "the crickets as had been absent from'the top rung every one who Teads this nettlce to off her husband's Bklff "Tooklt" Weights 36, 18 and IS pounds. among the pros. spread the word ar&und. I'hav* the night falb? Soon the katy-dld» Will assurance of Messr* Bos*. Muel- break into song and the nlghU will ,. Following the PeSarno-Albertl berger; and Russell that tW» can- echo with the full cry of k«,ty-did, bin recorded was.a 14-pound, six- combination were Oeorge Sullivan : katy-dldn't, Joined by the raspy ounce flounder taken June 9 from Red Bank Braves and Jim Callano and Tasko and ••wljl be carried to a final, and i»t: a party boat but of Wildwood. inate-conclusion. We will be seeing notes i of thousand* of crickets and Harry Poulin, both teams with 67; you it the Sea Bright courtroom millions ot other insects. Do you Other contenders for the flsh-of-»In Tight Fight The next pro-amateur will be run next Tuesday, AugustUB, at 7 p. n>. tyw that, the barn swallows are the-month awards \yere Francis F. today at Spring Meadow Golf club flocking, andean b» seen sitting, in Garbarlno of Mldvale, whose brown at Allaire. , . , Much of the excitement which ac- rows on the telegraph wires? That trout entry taken from the Wan- Ventimaglia Shuts companied the heavy run of blues a the'fish,hawks are busy tettthing aque rlvef weighed seven pounds, Out Loop Leaders CHILDREN'S DOG SHOW Week ago has died down. Not that their young to dive for' food? That ten, ounces, and Mrs. Ruth E. Kee- .the black birds are gathering in gan, Island Beach. Mrs. Keegan A children's dog show and parade they have left by any means, but The Red Bank Braves are In a Monday, August 25, will highlight they are not Jumping intp the; Socks and singing in the Sycamore' brought in one ,ot the largest Youth Week preceding the Golden treest Have you heard' th» family striped bass ever taken from the battle for fourth position in the boats at present. Some catches are National division of the Jersey Jubilee edition of the Asbury Park averaging up to'80 to a boat, but of JittU screech owls across the surf by a woman when she landed baby parade. Prizes will be awarded Whether it's Chicken or a Turkey Dinner, road? What a. racket they make, a 30-pqund, 12-ounce bass at Island Shore Baseball league by virtue o It requires a lot of R. P. M's. to a stellar pitching performance Sun In all classifications, with cups go- locate them, v , sending shivers up and down your Beach June 15. ' /'- ing to the winners, All dogs, re- j aplne. Have you noticed the ypung day by Ben Ventimaglia against a Hamburger Sandwich or a Tenderloin Our party, composed of Capt. 1 the division leaders', Keyport Le- gardltsa of breed, are .eligible to _i Charley Gallagher of Red Bank, squirrel* turning, somersault*, on Sea Bright Swimmer Lands 36- enter, accompanied by their owners, the laws »JS pounds-... Tb'*1 if following • 4ajfc •>we d«ep In Mother Earth. Maybe you, his amarernoiit ^ ifcund it to be ft wins and seven loasea/'IsaisA a con- have been too busy with the prob- tender.-"- ' " ' ••:» '•• '' paMtngtr, crashed into a telephone; fished with iEapt. Jack MfflW* of big striped bass with a fishing line polt resulting iii fatal Injuries to j ft tlUwal lems of eeklng out a living in this, j attached tor It; The line was tangled '• .Ventimaglia ecWtd^ap 8hrewsbury)«After trolUng,«j«w troubled world tor your own brood surprise over' Keyport; His contro both Saturday on ,Route 4N at ' hours we- deoided to givetttwi*lg j around clumpa'W mussels and soai Brooklyn boulevard, Sea Qlrt. • | to stop, look and listen to .these weed, which acted as an anchor. w^s superb.' He fanned ''tin' and blue ana a whirl. Locating thfctuna wonderous signs of nature. We walked one. "•' • ' '• The driver has been Identified ae MONMOUTH DINER fleet we dropped anchor -,'nofc far Grabbing .thp lino he towed his earnestly utge you to pause a little HDD BANK BRAVM Donald Zelss, 35, of Union. Local from three cruisers which's Mere prize to the beach, where he was police believe ..his companion was while and try listening to this age- surrounded by scores of spectators. R H ,85 MONMOUTH STREET, RED BANK, N. J. flying tuna'flags. Vfe realize)*, that old story j you are missing a lot. Aswntnnoni, Ib. ...^.^...... —-, > 0 ElUabeth Coreo of East Orange,/ our tackle: was too llghtritorrj.the Taylor. 2b. „.., „.,.._ I . 0 Hammond, ef, .:.- ._. . I 0 big fellows, which, were averaging Richard. Trenery of Keansburg M If ' 4 0 . around 100i.pounds, but we>,baited . Walter F. Lawrsnce of Sussex Was h'0Bt'; to an' off-shore fishing S*rbl«, M...... 4 * Up\ and hoped for the-best. We and Benjamin Dubin of Philadel- party whlch'jipft. Brlolle last Frl* Booth, rf .... I 1, phia claim the awards of th» "Fifth G. DtUUr. Ib. .... • 1 mo baited- a heavy-^bltieflsbr-haiid ,day.. The ;group included William Klnnton, e _4 1 line with a. herring and dropped it of the Month" for Jun« in the New burner, Clinton B. Lohsen, Martin Y«vthM«U«, P. - ...... »* over the stern, tying the end to a Jersey Govarnor's Fishing tourna- and Charles Guenther, Jr. Score, Cleat. Then It happened. It sounded ment Lnwrence earned his fresh- nine big blueflsh. i ••-'• , K1Y1"OBT Mka the stretching of a hauser line, water award by bringing In a WyeVoS, « . ^H.- * » H »nd before we could loosen the. end, seven-pound Oswego bass from tho Kruief* cf. * •••» .. «. " .^...... t 0 Generally nuts are interchange- Nuttl. Ib. -..-..-..*- 4 6 the line snapped, as If It was WaHklll river. This fish measured Shftw, n ...... 4 8 28%. lncbea in length and 17 Inches able in cake and cookie recipes un- 1 thread. He was a bruiser, and we less you're looking for a specific Gerioveae, c. ... M — mtmt 4 0 decided we did noj. want anything in. girth and was caught on a South flavor or texture.' The fat and .pro- Yankoikl. ib. „, ... 2 0 to do~Wlth them on our six-ounce Bend lix-oune* rod with a bass- Rfttrdolli 2b. ..._.,..,..».,..^..R..«,M 8 0 tein .content of different nuts var- Raut, rf n..» I* 0 tips, so we pulled anchor and head- bug for bait The prize-winning ies, but not so much that it would Clifton, p...... _._.„._._ J 0 ed for home. catch wts made June 2U . change the finished cake or Bctilr -....._..-.,...... ,..—^ 1 « The salt-water catch whloh Dii- cookie. Kappj „„,;;. „, M.,M „ o o fiorse Mackerel Moving Info the Qr«y, p. >_„ -.,. t « •' Mui Hole 10 0 4 -If present indications mean any- thing, the Fifth Annual ..United States Atlantic Tuna contest, which •will ,get .under way August 19, 80 'ind-21v-haj-pickeathe-rlght time to hold this banner, sporting event. During the week several large tuna have been brought to gaff at, the Mud Hole. The.largest was caught by Tom Mcqartny, of Allenhurst, tipping the scales at-2T5 pounds. 'To date 17 clubs have entered teams, making' the largest Held In the history of tha event. Your cor- respondent will be out there during •SALE- the three days and will endeavor to furnish you with a first-hand ac- cbunt ot activities, . STARTING AUGUST 15th The recent 'northeast blow has put a» temporary crimp in striped Friday feH| ••! mtimm Saturday bass. fishing,- but should result in ) Increased production when the ocean calms down. Mora and more plugs are coming FLOOR SAMPLES SACRIFICED into their own, with the popper*

    stealing the show. Babe Tiltbn, QH • / > " • Wagner, and Cliff, Doerle, all of Rumson, tagged 12 bass lasf Satur-. day on popping plugs. They were all.big fish, the smallest weighing Saving oj $75.00 Aug. filfi".*•'••'.-WillAug. 16 30 pounds. ' A -record striper fpr the Shrewd bury fiver was. caught by. Frank ON A $300 RADIO , Mattson of Montclalr while trolling at the Sea Bright bridge out of AT THE FIRE HOUSE, LINCROFT, N. j. Ohrlfl' landing. It weighed 34% . . , Other Sets Proportionately Lower pounds. Mattson also accounted for 'live others. ", ' . PlBr fishermen at Long Branch and Belmar are connecting with NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BRANDS HONHOUTH COUNTY FIREMEN'S NIGHT croakers and weakflsh, and an.oc- • CONSOLE COMBINATIONS SATURDAY, AUGUST 16th-PRIZES AWARDED • TABLE MODEL COMBINATION • TABLE MODEL RECEIVERS ALL MUSf GO! • * * TUN FOR ALL ••• THESE MODELS BEAR THE MANUFACTURER'S STANDARD WAR- BOOTHS REFRESHMENTS RANTY AND ARE ALL IN PERFECT PLAYING CONDITION BUT HAVE BEEN USED AS DEMONSTRATORS ON OUR FLOOR. ') • • '- ' • JD*>K , Y«anilnB1fc* a •mrdy, imort, comfort- GRAND PRIZE gbl*'n«W milieft .ChooM from H» OWENS riQo^lp FUtl . . . 3-cobln, V COME EARLY WHILE THE VALUES LAST! y J-eobln, ond l^abln modeh. . Purchase your now Owens on Deluxe KeMnator Refrigerator Will Be Awarded Sat. Aug. 16th our. budget finance plan. \ FAIR HAVEN

    Phone Red Bank 6-; 84 BROAD STREET RED BANK 6-3368 OVER FROM AUGUST 8th and 9th BECAUSE OF RAIN ftED BANK BEGISTEB, AUGUST 14; 1947 • E»*o Road Guaranteed Sales 6fc Service SOUJ YOUR HOAAI Red Bank Auto Glass Co. Children Visit *ustoejis, stands KERR & CO. Real Estate and Uortcaa* Loana WIND8HIELD GLASS Old Tepnent church, which was n Broad Street. Bei Bat*; Second 3u« Trip By pressed into service as » hospital 18 West River Road Rumton 1-0538 mane & B, M8SI i Little Silver Group uring the momentous Battle of Your Home Can Be DESK TOPS . Monnabuth' in the Revolutionary for as .little as A busy-trip to the WalkerM3or- war," says the current issue of 'Ea- don Dairy, farm where electrical se Road News, monthly travel Re-ROOFED DOOR GLASS milking machines were seen in op- aper. eration, was the first of two^tripa Now being- distributed by Esso BOAT GLASS sponsored by the Little Silver play- dealers throughout several stated,' Charles P. Irwin, Jr. RESIDED ground in the past:two weeks to he publication contains articles provide additional interests for the about many other,places of Interest to motorists, a calendar of coming *PORCH TABLE^TOPS ^ children. •• V svents and a detour map showing Installed While You Wait On August 8, the bus trip was. oads un<|er construction, Truck Body, Iiic to Lakewood Park, where the chil- Esso Road News goes say: ENCLOSURE Red Bank Auto Glass Co. dren ate their lunches, took a na- "At this crossroads village of Ten- WHARF AVENUE, , RED BANK ture hlks through the park, and ent the armies of Clinton and 21 MAPLE AVE. concluded the day's outing with Washington clashed Sunday morn- * GARAGES TEL. R. B. 6-3880-J. swimming, ' Since July.: the. play- ing, June 28, 1778—a day so hot TELEPHONE RED BANK 6-4047 ground' Has registered 100 children that many in both armies were with an average dally attendance jeat struck. Here, too, Washington Specializing In or 45. ,- - - . rebuked Tien. "Charles' Lee 16r ais- IMMEDIATE SERVICE! PER MONTH Baseball games continue each obeylng orders and retreating, in week with the Bradch avenue play- such confusion that tbe Americans .^Custom Built ground, aqd the Lucky Nine. Next nearly lost the battle, Washington, week a game Is scheduled with.the according to Gen. Knox, 'swore that "Red Bank Y.M.C.A. V day til the leaves shook on the Truck Bodies of Every Description NO MONEY DOWN Recent afternoon activities, with trees . . . He swore like an angel prizes, have included horseshoe from heaven,' ' Now Featuring The Newest tournaments, shoe show, . and flower show at which time' Bobby 'Scattered' markers at the edge Shoemaker, Antolnette.Bruno, a,nd of farmlands and woods along 'the Step-Iii Delivery Truck... 'The Lindsay All-Steer Peggy Elgrim received tbe high- way retell the story, of the battle. UP TO 7 YEARS TO PAY est number of points for their flow' One such marker, on the county highway just east of Tonnerit, in- er... contributions. dicates Molly Pitcher's well. This MODERN HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. will take care of all your Special events are held each gallant young wife of Artilleryman Home Improvement Problems. Phone us for a Free Estimate. Wednesday evening at 7:30. -: The most recent events were a peanut John H4ys-"carrled water to 'the We will show you how to save a lot of money and still get the 1 parched troops. When her husband best workmanship-possible. We employ only experienced me- hunt, a treasure. hunt a doll \and was wounded she took his place at chanics and use the finest materials money can .buy. FREE hobby phow^and a game flight. the gun. For this she was thanked CONSULTATION. James £Harvey.wojv_the:±P!iftnMt L hunt, having found over 200 pea- h' nuts. The treasure hunt was. won sented to Washington. , . by Bobby Shoemaker, Sandra "Old Tennent church, a spacious Something Smith won first prize! in the doll white building of two stories, stands show for haying ' the most dolls. much as it did that Vune Sunday, More , Airplane models owned by -Peter when eager youths clambered. Into Than Just Mattel rated first prize in the bobby its octagonal steeple to watch tho show. Game night provided games battle. Its sturdy whlteroak frame, a Bottle of for all attending. Baseball, horse- raised in 1751, Is still straight and Milk shoe's, tether ball, and circle" games true. Its sheathing of long cedar were the most popular. . . shingles shows a few patches where 1 The Little Silver Playground will cannon balls pierced the wails. Puritan continue until Augustv22. , A'party Gracing the steeple is an ornate Lindsay Structure All-Steel Gustom-Built MILK CO. given to the children on gilt weatbervane from an earlier the last Wednesday evening, to church, • : . Red Bank 6-0686 climax the summer activities'. , 'The interior, of gleaming white Truck Bodies And Trailers wood, reflects the finest •traditions There are 93 cities in the United of Colonial craftsmen. Shuttered States with more than 100,000 per* windows are small-paned. Around 1 : three, sides is a.shallow balcony. 'X' '> "' Above its hand-carved double pul- • Immediate Delivery • . pit hangs a sounding-board which echoed to the sermons of stern Chi AH Bodies In A Wide Range Of Styles And Sizes : (FIRE RESISTANT) Within is a copy of Actually More Than 600 Designs' - ROOFING the .'toyal charter .".grantid by Mcxl.rn Horn, urn Jobns-Maavlllt, Fllntkot*. B«rr«tt, Bird, Hub- George II in 1749. is A pic- rr-old, U. S. G," Certaln-Taed material.. Wa also repair leak*, ture of-that monarch, proiented In gutter., leaden and skjrll»;hts. FREE.ESTIMATE. No obllratlan. 1926 By: ths Prince of Wales when Complete Body Repair and Painting Service he visited Ttnnant. Another tre«>> ured plec* U the rough, worn table \^QP5pfa& Experts' , (FIRE F1E8I8TANT) at which R*v, DavW !Braln«rd gav« Communion to Indian converts In Mt fllii.l ild.ll SIDING 1746. Relit* of the battle InOlUde Eliminate! yearly painting expenses. Act! at an |n»uTatlon too- cannon, balls found about the; fields cut, fuel com. We uie only faraoiie-make materials! John and a bibOd-italned pew dn Which Manville, Fllntkot.. etc. FREE ESTIMATE; NO oblliaUon. a wounded Soldier lay. >... "Services are held at Old T«rinettt every Sunday at 11 a. in. At other times tie custodian will be glad to CONSTRUCTION open the church. • .- .•,:..'.• "In the long, low Village Inn in We add any ilzt addition to your honu and ipecUHr* In neighboring Engllshtown, American porch fencloturei. ' ' , ' officers met the night before' bat- tle. Here, too, Gen. Washington drew up the charges on which Lee was court martlaled. This hostelry, Us white clapboards, and green GARAGES shutters spotless was built In 1732, and 1U taproom is right but of the 18th century." : ' BUILT IMMEDIAtELV. SALMON and MAYONNAISE ONE INJUBED Cars driven by John Powell and MATERIAL NOW AVAILABLE. Walter Aber, both of Port Mon- 1 ' mouth, collided Saturday morning at the Intersection of Brennan ave- nue and Lydla place. Port'.Mon- mouth. Miss Margaret Fltzpatrlck, FREE CONSULTATION a passenger. In the Powell cari was treated by Dr. Marc Krohn of Bel- ford, for Injuries received in the accident There were no charges or complaints. Basque Shirts Reduced UCO dslicaislr Tel.-R. If 4088 Mended Maydn- I nalse is thai per- BABY CLINIC •. ; UCO fancy Columbia River Sal- aft fect salad mixer. The Oceanport."well-baby" clinic man makes tha perfect warm • Wo*, will be held tomorrow morning at Call 'em polo shirts if you want. Colored cross « weather s.lad. Its fir., rich flavor or Mail_ Jhis toupon Now delights the most discriminating • 10 o'clock In the basement of the appetites. - J|. time. . . .' Oceanport (school. This clinic Is for children from birth to five years stripes and plain tan, white, blue and canary— The UCO label on Salmon, Mayvuaise. and other food pro- old, and serves .the boroughs of '$*.'. *"cU assures you Superior Quality . andT Good Tasts. Eatontown, Oceanport and West .. great for sports and lounging around. MODERN HOME Long Branch. IMPROVEMENT CO Values 1 % BERGEN PL. RED BANK, N. Ji 1.75 .Gentle \en: Please have ypur expert call ;to..discuss items 1,19 checked—without obligation to me. ^ , V D Construction • Roofing O Oarages The Guest 1 D Shingling I A few" of these ridiculously low priced Name —

    Addtess —: City : — Leisure Jackets •State , *, -Phone I Best Day -; - .Best Time RBK-6-26 | are still available. Just consider these f reductions; and then hurry in and grab yours.

    I, ~ Notice oi Settlement of Account. Monmouth County Surrogated Court *, ~ Estate, o( James Frederick Talcott, de Inthema'tterot ANTON JOSEPH HIM- leased. Notice Is hereby elvcn that the MELSDAOH, who has been absent, leounta of the subscribers, executors from the State more than seven years t the estate of said deceased, will be and Is presumed dead. 27.50 Values ...... udlted and stated by the Surrogate of On Petition, etc. Order to show Oauie., le County of Monmouth and reported . Application having been made by pe- pr settlement to the Orphans' Court of tition and affidavit by Julia Hlmmels- aid County, on Thursday," the Twenty- bach, wife of Anton Joseph Hlmmels- if'] fth day of'September, A. D., 1917, at bath, late of the Borough of Pair Ha-" > DO o'clock a. m.., at which tlmo ap- ven, County of Monmouth and State of llcallon will he made for the allowance New Jersey; but who has absented him.: 21.50 Values...... commissions and counsel fees. ult from this: itate for seven years anil; Dated: August 6th, A. 0.,' 19*7. upwards last, past, successively to wit: JAMES TALCOTT. JR.. Twenty-One years Six months, and he,,- r Lincoln Avenue, Hy'c, New York, has neVer 'been heard of or from dur-.* JAMES L. CO^. Ing slid period, for an order declaring Bedford lllll!, New York. said Anton Joseph Hlmmelsbach to be; dead according to the statute In such 11 : * Executors. case mad* and provided, 15.00Values Burton Coyle, • . 8(1 Bcrgen Avenue, I. do. hereby, order, and direct that irsey City, K. J, cauls be shown before me on the 16th' Proelor, day of Ssptlmber, Nineteen Hundred and Forty-Seven, at lliOO o'clock In the* forenoon at rrly Office In the Monmouth County Court Bouse In the Borough of Freehold, why an order should not bo made declaring laid Anton Joseph Him- 'melsbach to be presumed to be.dead; And It Is Further Ordered that a copy of this order be published In the Bed Dank Register, a newspaper printed, and published In the Borough of Red tale of Otis W. Boyd, deceased, notice Bank, and circulating Ip the Borough of You may have only half, .•'•.•'* lureby given to the creditors of eald Fair Haven, for four weeks successively, *,.„• ceaseased to exhibit to the subscriber, sole nt least once In each week next preced- believed that beer could taste imsndsndu ngnlnst the tnld rstntrstntpp , under ing the return day of this order, and so truly magnificent — until tutri«utri« . as aforesaidaforesaid , debtdbts and that a copy of-said order as published RED BANK, N. J. h within six month f th dat Mi mailed to the eald Anton Joseph Ambassador graced your l aln.t the said subscriber. Dated) August (, 1847 Dated, Freehold. N. J,: July Hth, 1947. DOnMAN McFAPDIN, •• •• • . .. **, UBRTHA M. 1)0 VU, Surrogate, Campbell Avenue, .. MDA B, HENDnlCKBON, o. Kruegor Brewing Co,, Store Closed Wednesdays during August. , , . ' Deputy Surrogated Newark 3, N, J, IISIIS. Holml., Pillsbury, . , barton * Sofrnson, Tlit tied Bank Register Is supported Shop Fridays till 9 P. M. "T~" .H ihluids, M. J, by locales will as aut

    -*• The annual dinner meeting of the is silver dollar night, and ground Frank L. Weinheimer, RtimsDn Navy will start loading ni- Fire, which was discovered at will, hold a beach party for. mem- J • • >* Funeral Directors! • association of prizes are awarded. New amuse- high school principal, informed the trate ships at the Leonardo 3:45 a. m. yesterday, completely bers^ and guests Thursday, August The Red Bank school board ant, Montaouth and Ocean counties was' ments added include chair and Rumson school board this morning pier area of the depot. destroyed the bar In Atlantic hotel, -28,-at-Sea-Brlght;—A»rangements- bdfi!didItltL held last night at the Beacon Hill _the,L_he_hAd_xejected^an - offer- to Falr-Haven7altB6UgITflrelSen~from * Two . of the school will hold a joint meet bucket swingsJ_5*8_iaj!lesLaiKJK A. contingent of 200 Army are In charge of Mrs. Albert New- Ing August, 26 to discuss at lengtV, doUclubatIieoriardDrPreBldent lary of ~ the company serves sup- become supervising principal of Fair Haven and Red Bank confined man, Jr. Marvln 9. Campbell) TomB River, 1 the Matawan township schools, a military policemen Is expected - the blaze and saved the remainder the report received this weekfron, pers nightly In' addition to con- to arrive at Earle this after- The next meeting will be held Buy Out Store the state department of education' retiring president, was la charge of ducting a food booth.. The fair position^ which was offered him ot the wooden structure from pos- the business session and H. Law- Monday night. noon at 3 o'clock for active sible destruction.- . Wednesday, September 3. in which: a regional school is sup. grounds are on highway 84 near duty at the Inland and pier gested for this area. The meeting , rence Scott, Belford, was the host Kelly's tavern. • '... In full fury by the time, the At Port Monmouth of the evening.' '.'.-..-. "v . '.-.'•' areas of the depot untl) the alarm was sounded, the fire was will be held at the Red Bank Hlgff •Harry C. F. Worden, Bed Bank, nitrate project has been com- halted because of prompt work Firemen's Fair school. a partner In the. Worden funeral pleted. by the volunteers,' aided by fire- Walt Richmond And This motion was passed Tuesday ' home, was elected president to Boat House Case resistant materials used in the night by the board of education succeed Mr. Campbell. Mr. Scott, celling and walls when the bar was At Navesink Donald Bauer In after Edmund J. Canzona recomi' ' retiring eecretary-treasurer,' was Discussed Again ; renovated a few years ago. mended that the Red Bank board, ' elected vice president to succeed Besides the three Fair Haven Hardware Business members discover whether th,* Mr. Worden, and- Ralph- J. Dami-- Burling Hears trucks put In use by Fire Chief Rained Out sending districts were willing to gfl ano, Long Branch, was chosen At Little Silver ° Joseph F. Frank, a house call The Port Monmouth hardware along with the regional plan. Mj secretary-treasurer. Joseph R. Ely, brought Liberty Hose company and business of Boyd and Boyd, which emphasized the fact that the board{ , Asbury Park, was re-elected trus- Oral Arguments the fire patrol truck from Red Event To Be, Held has been operated under that name of the sending districts might be I'll, .tee for.a term of-three years. Mem- Green Wants Action Bank. Red Bank was called short- for the (past 22 years by Alfred G. favor of such a school, but thai - bers of the nominating committee ly after the alarm was sounded In This Friday And and Otis W. Boyd, has been pur- there,was no way of knowing tf were Willis A. Woolley,, Long In Event Of No Appeal; InWaterCase Fair Haven. __.•• • ^ chased by_C. Walt Richmond and present-whether-the -taxpayers of— Branch, C. Ensley Clayton, Adel- Saturday Nights Frank. Donald Bauer. the areas concerned would al« ' To Rdmove Poison Ivy Harry Hubbard, owner of the ho- sanction the Idea. ''..""" , ' —phlapKBd Floyd T. Brown, "Mana- Issuance Of Writ tel, who has been confined to bed Navesink firemen will continue the past few weeks suffering a their 68th annual fair tomorrow Board members felt this was con, At the meeting of Little Silver's Hinges On Question heart ailment, was reported as hav- Crete action and Alston BeekmsH, mayor and council Tuesday. even- ing placed the first call. He and his and Saturday nights on the grounds Jr., offered an amendment tha' Ing, Harry, Green questioned the Of Advertising wife were awakened by Mrs. Mar- in Navesink because of the heavy state officials be asked to atten/ borough, fathers on the matter of lon Beck, cousin of Mrs. Hubbard rain Thursday and Saturday. A the conference. This, however, wai the much-publicized Johnson boat- A matter of advertising may de- and guest In the hotel. Mrs, Beck'a large crowd was In attendance on defeated, as other members weri h>use,at JJttle Silver/Point, the termine whether a writ of cerllor- room was directly over the bar what waa to be the closing night of the opinion that the state halt building permit for which was re- arl will be Issued to review the and she was awakened by the to see the fashion show and award- done all It was going to do. - * voked by the council following a awarding of Highlands water plant smoke which filled her room, She ing the car Saturday when the rain The discussion on the school re> formal hearing. ' '• contract to the Layne company for Bald she set about finding the forced the firemen to close the fair. port arose after a letter from the Mri Green said be felt the coun- $69,200. source of the fire and upon hearing Rain or shine the deluxe Plymouth Little Silver school board was read cil should take action In the event FRANK WEpNHEIMER During three.hours of oral argu- the crackling . of the flames, sedan will be awarded next Satur- In which that board denounced al) > Mr. - Johnson dobs not intend to : aroused tHe occupants of the ten day night and on each evening the the prospective sites suggested fof ment Tuesday before Justice Al- rooms being used,' appeal the council's ruling. Wise * The Matawan school board unan- bert Burling of the Supreme Court ground prize ot $100 will he award- the new school except the site on Wise, Red Bank law firm represent- imously decided upon him to re- at Camdeh, the question of adver- Mr.' Hubbard crossed the street ed. Holders of ground tickets for Harding road, the purchase of ing Mr. Johnson, stated yesterday to the fire house and rang the last Saturday night will be honored which will again-be decided by thai place Joseph E. Clayton, who has tislngi -was, brought up when Ward voters in October. v tbat an appeal is anticipated, al- resigned. Kremer, representing the High- alarm for the first aid squad, He tomorrow evening. Arrangements though preliminary steps have not said later that he did not believe have been made to stage the fash- Mr. Canzona, who favors a site Mr.- Weinheimer first became as- lands Property Owners' association Ion show Saturday at 10:30 p. m. yet been taken. Borough Attorney sociated with the Rumson school and the American Drilling company he could make the fire alarm,box at Newman Springs road,- near thj Leon Reussllle was directed to con- v located on the corner of River and The parking place w411 have extra' athletic field, took exception to thej In 193,6 when he was employed as of Fair Haven, claimed that the lighting- and policing this week- tact Edward! W, Wise, 8r., and're- history teacher. The next year he Fair Haven roads. Dr. John B. letter and said that board mernA port his findings to the council at borough advertised for bids In a Movelle, Mr. Hubbard'e physician, end, and the_Boro Bus company• wjll bers mus^-uso their vision" ln.tHe)" was appointed basketball coach dally newspaper instead of The was an.early arrlvalat thescenB run 'extra'buses to Highlands- and selection of a site. The area neediT its next session. __. ._:„.:..:'._ along;- with" his teaching assign- •Hlghlands-StarrHe produced a/ res- and he ordered the tavern owner's Red Bank at the close of the" fair. investigation, he said, and addei" Other 'business Included council's ment. . During his reign as a coach, olution of the Highlands mayor removal to Monmouth Memorial that It would cost $850 for an en" directing the' street department to the Rumson five gained state wide and council dated .January 2, 1947, hospital as a precautionary meas- Henry Maxson, president and gen- glneer to make soundings of tM, - proceed with cleaning the Pinckney recognition. In 1912 he was made fixing The Highlands Star as the ure. Under the direction of "Bud" eral chairman, related a peculiar area to determine whether it wm.f road sidewalk where poison ivy haa principal. official newspaper. Whltmore, the "Fair Haven first aid twist of fate while d'«ousslng the C. WALT RICHMOND advisable to place a school there.^ spread. Property owners have been fair. He said that tbe Navesink A graduate of Leonardo high Mr. Kremer stated that there squad .transported Mr. Hubbard to He rapped the main argument? notified that a health hazard exists school In 1931, he is still pursuing the hospital. •> company had carried rain Insur- Mr. .Richmond and Mr. Bauer, HARRY C. F. WORtHEN might have been a greater number fn opposition to this site by saylnj- because, of the, ivy, and they will a course of education. After re- of bidders If tbe official newspaper ance on the fair for more than 20 cousins,- have spent most of their be billed for the work. Although the exact cause of the years and had never collected. lives In Belford. They are descend- that the trains did not cause l* Quests were Bruce Cameron, ceiving a B. S. degree at Spring- had been used and that the reso- blaze has not been determined, menace since most of them pass it Leon N. Pennlngton asked the field college, where he was a bas- When the fair was resumed after ants of one of Belford's oldest fam- Long Branch; Barton Callahan, lution was notice to tbe public that Chief Frank believed the flro the war the company decided that ilies, both men being-grandsons of the early morning before school Freehold; William S. Heyer, Hlghts- borough ,to supply piping for water ketball star, he completed his mas- business being done by the borough started in a corner of the bar, un- opens. He said that the field waT^ along Pinckney road, to the lot ter of education course at Rutgers since Nature had favored.this fair Mr. and Mrs. Lewis B. Richmond, town; John H. Broemel, Newark; would be advertised in that and not der which a trash basket was us- as loyally as its patrons, no rain In- who recently celebrated their 61st already there which would savers? Joseph Scott Middletown, and" Har- where he contemplates building. University,In 1939. Mr. Weinheimer In another newspaper. A statute ually placed.' An estimate of the wedding anniversary. . lot of expense. The swamp Mayor Frank Gregory advised It {«,' BQW »tU()ylng for a doctor of ed- 1 surance would be necessary. The Is In back of the school, he old F, Murphy, Red Bank; was quoted authorizing municipali- damage is expected to be an- policies were discontinued and it The business for. the past 13 Mr.Scolt of Middletown, and Mr. was not- a borough matter but sug-ucation'degree at Rutgers. ties to fix a legal newspaper, and nounced today after Insurance in- and stated that if the buildln, gested ' that - Mr. Pennlngton and has rained each year since then' in years has been located in a large were erected pn the site, it would Murphy, partners :ln the Coast Air An advocate Of vocational guid- required them to advertise in It spectors have surveyed the charred such a downpour that the fair has corner store in the Frelbot bulld- Councilman Howard Ungerer dls- r"'"-' •'' '•'•'•- '•'- * " not come near this portion of the Transport, Ino., Red' Bank airport, ance, he was one'of several state after It is designated, . dbil«l ttrtHitiifl Jlng on'Main street, near the rail- trave a talk concerning the advant- CUBS the Biathsri-'with:«bntDOuth representatives to attend a guid- ground; : . .' , Consolidated Water company. * • The contract under attaok by Mr. road station. Tho new owners took , Concerning the Harding age*, of air transport service. The ance convention at Columbus, Ohio, the1 county, the hotel Is more than lowing week*. possession Thursday morning, and • Councilman >ffi.-. Allaire; Cbrnwell, lait March. '" Kremer was that of April 1, 19*7, site, Mr. Canzona. «dmltU4.-Jt-Wfai» plane theypate using is equipped 100 years old. Although It was the opened at 12:30 p.'nr, the tame day the most likely spot for a school for-refrigerated air freight and are reported that hi: i» ordering six which accepted tli« bid of tbe new lights for the borough; to be Layne company to Install one well first fire In the-hotel's hletory, a under the name of Richmond and but said there was no use deciding contract tir-carrlers, They operate more serious blaze completely de- Red Bank Players Bauer hardware. owners on'this area because he felt iht from Bed Bank and Woodbrldge located at Tabor and Crofa streets; Hospital Drive and a filtration plant. Mr. Kremer molished a livery stable in the rear wll| also handle marine supplies in north, West and southwest sides of pointed out that in January of this board would nqt be able to acquire - and have been transporting freight of the building about 40 years ago, order to betteij serve, the commer- it. He told how he had spoken tft several months. They are both vet- SunnycresVdrlye and the south and To Be Continued year the borough advertised for Reduce Prices cial fishermen of the area. west sides.of;Maple avenue. '.- *i Victims of the fire were' "Boots", many persons and found only onfc. < erans and have- had considerable bids to sink two wells and build an 11-year-old dog, generally con- Leaders In the Monmouth Me- a filtration plant. At tbat time A. who would vote In favor of the «O> experience In the air. At present Borough Engineer George Allen morial hospital campaign for funds sidered the mascot of Fair Of Admission ~ qulsitlon of the site In the comlri* they, are under contract to Hack- .reported that necessary piping to Raymond Travis of Fair Haven, Haven, and a cat. The animals election. £ ney's -restaurant, Atlantic City, relieve the drainage condition on to meet Us estimated 1947 deficit who trades as the American Drill- 1 of $125,000 have reported that the suffered suffocation, Boots dying transporting live lobsters from Sllverton avenue • would be - $1,400. appeal for support will be con- ing company, submitted a bid of under the shuffle board, hie regu- "The Shining Hour" At this point George W. Bra* Maine to that shore resort. They He was directed to ; confer with tlnued until final reports have been $71,247, while Layne offered a figure lar resting place. * said, "What's the use of having &Q »lso carry refrigeration for flowers, Councilman . Joseph : C. Davlso'n, made by district chairmen through- of $89,000 for the same job. Chief Frank was high in his Opens Tonight At these Talks—We can't have a school drugs, foods; etc. The Voung men chairman of the road committee, out the county. Reports to date The attorney pointed out that In- praise of the 30 Fair Haven, ^men fn Red Bank, there Is no money.? - have been invited to speak before and to report back their findings show that $57,548.31 has been raised stead of. awarding the contract to who fought the flre and. of the Mechanic St. School Board President Leo McKee »a!(| - the- State Convention at Atlantic at the next meeting. ' ' In the appeal although chairmen of Travis, the mayor and council re- ready assistance offered by- Red that Mr. Bray was basing his fl«t« 'City. • many of the larger campaign areas jected all bids and instructed Craig- Bank firemen. Although only a With the presentation of their ures on a school for 1,000 pupilf . Tlie matter of the incineration of have' not completed solicitation. Finnegan, borough engineer, to re- booster hose was used from the next production, "The Shining and was of the opinion that such* stillbirth . remains was discussed ad vert ise on the basis of one well Bed.Bank tr.uck,_the. .tisltlng com-, Hour," by Keith Winters, the Red large. school did not have to be) A' direct mall, appeal is being built at this time. He suggested andrwlll be acted upon In "the near Plarniing/Tb^erve •made' Jn'^areas"where there. axe "no iHStoad'ofT,wo.*ThTnewl>rdB, said pany's powerful lights played an Bank Players have reduced their future. A member of the assocla- important part in tracking the prices In half. - The purpose Is to additions when more pupils would volunteer workers and the partial the attorney, were received March attend In.the future. * tion reported that he had taken up 1,200 At Supper results received have been good, IS, at which time Travis bid $68,000, blazes.. Ben Rhlnehardt and Luke reach more people who would like the matter with a member of the according lo campaign headquar- plus $3,000 for a sedimentation Pryor of Fair Haven were treated to see real plays with a legitimate Both Mr. Beekman and Mr. Can- county prosecutor's staff and had ters. Contributors responding to the tank, making a total of $69,000. for smoke poisoning and Red cast,, but are unable to pay the zona suggested building for the fu- been given the promise that the Bankers Dominic Figaro and Sam- prices of legitimate plays. ' ture, for financial reasons. They Harvest Home At direct mall appeal are urged to en- Layne bid $69,200 and received the uel Scalzo were treated for minor rumor that certain hospitals in the close their name and address with contract. "The Shining Hour" will open to- felt that buildfng a school In oriej two* counties had been Incinerating St. James Aug. 27 the gift cuts and burns. : step was more economical tbe)** ' stillbirth remains, would be Inves- Tbe contract was awarded be- night and contllnue through Satur- building In iwo steps. Chart** tigated thoroughly. "Several contributions have been cause the borough' wanted a closed day evening in the Mechanic street Gallagher reminded board memb*"* ' ' The general committee of the an- received without any identifica- type system at built by the.Layne New Enterprise school auditorium. The 'show that the borrowing capacity Mr. Callahan, a licensed funeral nual harvest home supper to be tion") a hospital spokesmen said company and, not an open type starts each night at 8:4p o'clock. be doubled before a school director of Freehold, presented his held Wednesday evening, August "and 'In those cases it has been The production Is directed by be built. ~1T' application for membership In the 27, In the Red Bank Catholic high Impossible to return the participat- plant as manufactured by Travis, Is Announced Percy S. Montague: settings and association, which will be acted school"auditorium met Monday at ing contributor's card as a receipt" charged Mr. Kremer. lighting by Joe Parro, Marlyn R. W; Brownley, president of ths> upon at the next meeting. Com- the school fOr its third general The participating contributor's The Property Owners' association Arnold arid Allan Grayzel, broth- Parker and Al Ward, •- . Little Silver board, told the grotfp plaints about florist deliveries to and Travis, through Mr. Kremer, ers, who own and operate the Red FHANK DONALD BAUER that his area did not favor or Hljft ' meeting. The supper committee was card is being sent to all direct mail Bank Radiator Works at 113 WeBt The caet In order of their ap- funeral homes were registered at presided over by Rev. Joseph F. givers who provide the necessary are attacking the awarding of the pearance follows: Judy Linden, favor a regional school but wanted the gattherlng. Mr. Damlano, J; Sheehan, chairman. identification. The card gives con- contract. Front street, announce the handling Mr. Richmond and Mr. Bauer are a joint meeting with all sencUnJ > for Red Bank and vicinity of the Bonnie Lou Barker; Hannah Lin- both graduates of Middletown districts to go over the matter. ' * A Henry Dangler, Belmar, and Joseph Final plans were drawn up to tributors the , right to use -.the , Theodore D. Parsons, Red Bank den, Lucille Mechanls; Henry Lin- R.. Ely, Asbury Park, were ap- : Moto-Scoot, Servlcycle Motorette township high school, and since serve 1,200 person*, with the first amount of their gift as a credit on attorney, represented the Layne and Salsbury motor vehicles. den, John Roney; Mickey Linden, The tuition problem for next * pointed on a committee to approach 400 to be served at 8:30 o'clock, the hospital bills for services received their graduation have been associa- year was held over until the next all florists In the" two counties and company, and, contended that the The Grayzel brothers say this Wilbur Roach; Marietta Linden, ted with a number of businesses. second 400 at 6:30 and the rest at by members of the Immediate fam- borough, had a right to Install the Cathy Clayton, and David Linden, meeting to check certain matters . explain various. problems between ily, a benefit which applies to hus- new line now on display at their Mr. Richmond entered, the Navy which appeared In the. report of 7:30. The menu will include chick- system they thought ', evon headquarters will In ho way hinder John Dennis. In May of 1942, and attended sev- ;the two professions. • en salad', cold ham, potato salad, band, wife and children less than though it cost more money. Mr. Paul Young, district school clerk, 18 years of age within a period of the auto radiator operation, but will "The Shining: Hour!' was first eral of the Naval schools to become Tho 1946-47 school tuition for * The next dinner meeting will be baked beaim, cottage cheese, cel- Parsons claimed the bidding was help to round out their business. produced by Max Gordon at- the a chief petty officer In the field of held Wednesday, October 8, at the ery, tomatoes, corn,. rolls, bread, one year from July 1, 1947. open. senior high school pupil Irving W Qarfield-Grant hotel, Long Branch. "coffee, tea and pie. Donations for The several models of Moto- Booth theater and was directed by malaria and epidemic disease con-, Red Bank' was estimated at $2S0.9K the Bupper will be accepted by any Borough Attorney John M. Pills- Scoots are simplicity itself in oper- Raymond Massey. This striking trol. He spent most of his service It cost a pupil $269.78 for thesaroti member of the committee or by Keansburg To Vote bury told the court that the bor- ation. They carry either the Briggs- and pre-eminently human play of time on Pacific islands, combating grades If he resides In one of thai ' Engineers Buys At contacting father Sheehan at the ough officials had used their best and Stratton or Lawson engine and emotions,' produced with outstand- mosqultb . borne diseases. He was sending districts. The price dtft rectory, 9* Broad street. ' On Workers' Pensions discretion In awarding the 'contract do up to 10 miles per hour; The ing success in England and Amer- discharged from active duty In ference Is based on a schedule ot to Layne. He said tbat borough of- Servicycle,, which is a factory as- ica, centers about the LJnden fam- September of 1945 as ,a chief phar- pupil attendance from, the sendlnf Telegraph Hall Present at the meeting were Mrs, i ficials were convinced that a closed sembled and tested piece of equip- ily, inhabitants of the English coun- macist's mate. district. j Frank Warner, Mrs. A. J. Patter- Residents of Keansburg will vote type plant was the better. ment, can average 100 miles per tryside. After an absence'of sev- Mr, Bauer entered service In 1941 ; Mr. and Mrs, Peter Poletilta of son, Mrs. Joseph Cooper, Mrs. Ja- on a referendum in the November A sending district can be ohargitj Jackson Heights, N. T., have pur- Mr, Kremer told the'eourt that gallon and Is sturdily constructed. eral years, Henry brings home his when the 112th field artillery of Red five per cent for depreciation Oat cob Bloom, Sr, Mrs. Alice McDon- election to determine whether mun. bride, Marietta, • who differs some- Bank-entered active federal service, chased about SO acres of land from ough and Mrs. Jacob Bloom, Jr., of lctpal employees shall be extended Highlands could , have' had (wo the school building based on elthel i Dr. Matthew Urbansky in the Tele- wells for tbe same money they are what front her husband's people In He amended officer's candidate the original value of the school oi the potato salad committee; Mrs. privileges of the state retirement that she Is only, half English and school at Fort Sill, Oklohoma, and graph Hill section of Holmdel Harry McCormick, Mrs. Rita Doug- system which, would 'moke them now spending for. one well. , Police Enforcing the replacement value. This m»t» township. Mr. Poletika Is a design- The matter of public necessity for not quite sympathetic toward the become a second lieutenant tn the ter was held over until it Is las, Miss Margaret Ward and Miss eligible for pension. "real thing." field artillery, after1 which h« spent ing engineer in New York city. Margaret Kelly, ticket committee; Richard A. Jesseji, borough for the plant was also brought to Sign Ordinance termined on what sum the Mrs. Poletika Is better known, as the attention of Justice Burling. most of his service time In the should bo computed, The dlffett Mrs. Edward Kelly, Mrs. Edward clerk, pointed out that presently Bed Bonk police are enforcing a South and Southwest Pacific. He Xehla Nazarovltch, a Russlan- Healy and Mrs. Hoffman, table only borough police are entitled to Mr, Kremer claimed there was no ence Is considerable, iw 1 borough ordinance which provides First Aid Council was discharged from active duty The Lawes Coal Amerlcan pianist. Her musical committee; Mrs. James Morris, pensions. Other groups like post-, public necessity, while Mr. Pills- late In 1945 as a first lieutenant. company studies began at Zhitomir at the MM. Edward Leddy and Mrs. Fred- office employees and school teach- bury claimed there was, Both men for the erection of business adver- Shrewsbury was awarded" Institute of the Russian Music no- erick Werleman, hostess commit-' ers, he said, are covered by social were Instructed to file new briefs tising signs. The ordinance deals Meeting Tonight Alfred Boyd first entered busi- tract to supply the Junior, clety, continued in Berlin and up-tee; Mrs. Owen Grant, Mr*. Mich- security to which municipal em- on this question. with the construction of the signs, The August session of the New ness In this community as a part- and Mcchanlo street school* on coming to America she entered ael Bergln, Mrs. Julian Knlfflin, ployees are not presently author- 1 how arid where they are erected, Jersey State first aid council, drat ner of William Seeley In the hard- 75,000 gallons'of fuel oil for Mrs. Marie Lamb, Mr*. Ryan.MlM If Justice Burling luuea the writ, •totes that they muit be er«ot«d Avare business In 1916. Eight years winter. The price Is .089 per $i the Curtis Institute of Music. ised. ' . a definite work stoppage would bo district, will be held tonight at the She graduated from' Curtis Insti- May Qulgley and Mrs. Jane Deck- •' Jessert said that Sea Girt and only with a permit and provides for headquarters of the Sea Bright Mist later, Otis Boyd bought out Mr, Ion. er, chicken, salad committee; Mrsr Matawan will also submit the ques- ordered, and the whole matter a' license fee. The ordinance passed Seeley's interest. The business from tute -with a bachelor of music de- would be reviewed before Justice aid squad. A typical summer meet- In his report, Supervising Prli gree, having majored In composi- Joseph Hintelhian, Mrs. Fred Crlne, tion to their voters. in 1937 provides that all suoh signs ing has been planned by the host that tlmo on was known as Boyd clpal Edwin C. Qllland suggest**} , Mrs. Robin 'Schmidt, Mrs. Laurlno, Burling himself, or by a. general erected after that time must be and Boyd Hardware. that the bandroom be moved froM > tion. . She made her professional c&uvt In October. The case will be tquad and District Chairman Har- debut at Town Hall, 'New York Mrs. William Cross and Mrs. E. LICENSE 'SUSl'HNDED electrMed. old R. Llpplncott of Neptune City. its present location to the thlr* Antonldes, pie committee; Mrs. dropped If the writ is not Issued. city, In 1031. She has since played At a special meotlng Tuesday A check of all signs Is being Besides routine business, several FAJ,H AT LEONARDO . floor In tho Junior school so thtjk ' Kling, Miss O'Brien and Mrs. Le- Justice Burling It expected to made by members of the police de- about $50,000 worth of radio equip* ,] for m&ny club and college classes, Roy, celery and corn: committee, night the Keaiurburg mayor and make a decision next week after new first aid methods will be dem- Members of Community flro com- In recitals and on the radio. council ordered a two-day suspens- partment, and'strict compliance onstrated by Charles W. Btahn, pany of Leonardo have, completed ment, obtained free ot charge front and Mn. Kllitn, Mrs. Anderson and he reviews the briefs. Testimony with the ordinance will be demand- the government, could be placed IHVi Mr. and Mrs. Foletlka are plan- Miss. May Qulgley, advisory com- ion of the liquor license of Sid's vice chairman of the district. A .plans for their annual fair which : was taken for the past, several ed. The ordinance does not apply the present bandroom. This sug^; ning to build a house on their new mittee. • bar and grill at 61-68 Main street, weeks, at which time moat ot the talk by a local dootor on first aid will' be -held on their ftrehouse goBtion was approved by the boardi \ , lit*, aa soon as possible. Keansburg, on a charge of having to signs erected prior to the pas- has been arranged by tha Sea grounds'on Appleton avenue Friday borough officials, Layne company sage of the ordinance, , Tho Westslde Y.M.C.A. was trr«Jltr> •; an Improper label on a boor tap. Bright squad. and Saturday, August IB, 16, 32 and ia .. „ t t._. a ._ •• «A ar — ^ Fuil Oil Prlw Low.r. officials and Mr. Travis were ques- 23, Morris Josephs Is general chair- permission use the Rl CONDITION FAIB. Tho suspension was' actually or- tioned, . All first aid squad members are Whan you buy 'on our apodal o«lh dered, for three days, but one day man assisted by John McTernan, street school gymnasium Tue; plan, Alwayi k dlicount of H-ctnt per The oondltlon of Harry Hubbard, ' Naw Nwna Wanted. . Invltodto this moot|ng, which will and Friday nights from Septenv illon. Tht dollar you.i»v. today-.will was reducod^Blnco tho owner, B. The Bed Bank 'Cutely Kitchen li to be climaxed by the serving of the Nicholas Kaiser," Fred *Kreb«, and proprietor, ot'the Atlanta hotel in N«w Elactrolus Vacuum bt modernlied und wo «re aiklng thi Ernest •Boehm. The grand prize 23 to April 1 for a physical ed Rtip nil you tomorrow, Start now. Fa|r Haven, who Was taken to Seymour Compton, pleaded guilty, cleaneri nra now bains dallvarad At prt usual Sea Bright soafood spread. I 1/10 c«nta • gallon. Hanca * Duvli. war erica. For fr.—Advartliamant. Phon* Rad ' Bank 1.0787,—Adyertlif nant. suffering from a heart aliment. . Memorial hospital, School of Nurs- to lia thrifty. B«va battir than 1% on Hunt. • - athletic committee. ing, .where' they recently atnrtod your lu«l fell. Gall ui (or your next All Ghrralir, Plymouth, ' intarnittlonU [•ChChryileri , Plymouth, International, An accumulative < slok ,Q«t • '(r«« iumpta ot SUyplniti, Btnd • Thai' Rtd Bank Blllltlr li eupportad ot P 1/10 canli par «allon Spaclal eaah i poilcanl to Marplnka Co, Avon-b/. b)r loe*! aa wall at otit-of-low» kuilntn training for nursing, and art home ; Silia and Hrvlca. llnurlea Schwarla. flalaa iml Itrvlci. Maurlct SohwartL Fungi-Foe la ' the hijit remedr fur schedule, prepared by Stanley hi-Ma, Naw ..•-!• 1 Ulan, llnnta # Ilavli. IMiona Bad D,nk Pnont Bad Buik »J)7I7,-Advartlu. I'hona R«d Sink ••0117,—AdvatUlt, Rlti«worm and MhlttaVfoot. All Urui 1 •nan.—AdyaruiimtnU On two Week* vacation. •piOJAdmjUfOaiit. majt. llltl,—-AdvertllernenU I1s,nd, was adopted by thi ~ TWO RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 14,1947 ieth Humphries of Keyport, and mire than in 1929-30. Howdothese Musical Numbers Weddings Miss Pauline Senise, the bride'a State Advocates figures compare with the individual Democratic Club sister. Leo Sadowski of Keyport dbtricU? Little Sliver ha* shown CZERNOVSKI-jLTJliOIO a iconalrtent Increase every year, laomi Cann Wins was beit man. Ushers' were Sidney Atlantic township has five more In Feature St. Agnes Miss Veronica Czsrnov»kl, daugh- " Lwrence of Matawan and William Regional School 1M5-46 than In 1929-80, but six less Holds Annual . ter of Felix Si/Czernowki, 3r., of Sprague; Keyport. than in 1934-85. Bed Bank baa Matawan, and the late Mrs. Czer- The couple are making their ihown a consistent downward trend 'ater Witch title Annual Show novskl, and Adam- Anthony Lukolc, home at 10 Walnut street, Keyport For This Area/ ilnce 1834-88, with a decrease* of Summer Party Jr., eon of Mr. and Mrs, Adam A. , L89«durlng this period, although. 82 Lukolc,' of Colt's Neck, were mar-n MABCHANT—BOBST. Report Says Red Bank over that of U2940. 'Shrewsbury Mrs. Cecile Frankel J To Be Staged. In rled Saturday at St Joseph's borough has four more in lMo-46 church, Keyport, by Rev. Raymond Miss Anna K. Marchant, daugh- Can Not Afford than in 1984-88, and 11 more than And Mrs. F. L. Jones Coronation Ends Ten-Day Carnival—• Auditorium Aug. Hurley. Hiss Loretta Durante was ter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank Mar- In 1929-30. Shrewsbury township :ha'nt of Little Silver, became the •hows, an increase of 21 brer 1034- organist, and -Mr». Michael Cox, 80 and 48 over that of 1929-30. 21, 22 And 23 Keyport, soloist. : bride of James F. Borst, son of Central Plant Se^ve As Chairmen, t Miss Gertrude Ederle Is Honored - Mrs. ' Thusnelda Fulton of New These figures show thai Atlantic Orchestra and vocal selections N The bride was given in marriage The following is a report of the More than 200 persons attended by her father, and her satin gown Rochelle, N. Yi, and the.late Jos- township/Llttle Silver, Shrewsbury .ill feature the annual summertime iph A. Borst of Boonton, Saturday State jDepartment ot-Education In borough -and Shrewsbury town- the annual Summer,; card party of ' -'The Highlands Boat Basin car- ihow to be staged Thursday, Fri- was designed with-a long fitted bo- which a regional school 'Is recom- ship are increasing, while Red the Monmouth County Women's nival dedicating the opening of the IVII dice, a sheer-yoke neckline edged at St. James church. Rev. Edward lay and Saturday, August 21, 22 W. . Hughes (performed the ' cere- mended for the 'Red Bank area. Banlc Is showing a downward Democratic club last; Tuesday at Water Witch boat basin, closed LflU .nd 23, in St, Agnes auditorium with lace, arid a full skirt which This report was the basis of a dis-i trend. It is • reasonable' to - expect. the Sea Bright Yacht' club. Mrs. Monday night as Miss Naomi Cann, made a train. Her veil was'edged mony before an altar decorated that' this area will continue to or the benefit of St. Agnes church with white gladioli, white stock, cusslon Tuesday night by the Red Cecile, Frankel and Mra.' Fred L, • \ daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George it Atlantic Highlands. in lace and fell from a crown of Bank school board. • • • < grow, due to the Influx of commut- Jones were . chairmen.. Boxes of '•if, Cann of 311 Bay avenue, -wasStarter At orange blossoms, and she carried 'erns and palms. -, ers. Most .of this growth will be industing powder were the' table Musicians in the orchestra are white roses. Mr>. H. Raymond Phillips was Little Silver and Shrewsbury town- '& crowned "Miss Water Witch for members of the Atlantic Highlands At the request of the school ship, i ' i •prizes. "', .' ;, - - (-; '; * 1848" She won the beauty contest Mlsfi Rosalie F. Czemovskl of organist, and Michael Bergin, golo- boards, of Atlantic township, Little Attending, were Mrs. Elmer F. Freehold Track municipal band and include Joseph ist. A reception for 75 guests fol- Silver. Red Bank, Shrewsbury and ,,;•• Saturday night. Runner-up in the Ichenaj trombone: Richard Stry- Matawan, the bride's lister, was According to the report, Atlantic Hurley, Mrs.' Miles B. Manulo, Mrs. hi contest was Miss Joan Dempsey, maid of honor. Her gown was pink- lowed at the Rosevelt tea room, Shrewsbury township, the commis- township growth is from -46 to SO;Robert Barrabee, Mrs. Lawrence ;er, trumpet; Murray Nioholls, Little Silver. sioner of education directed staff I IT, a high school student who lives' 17 Pacers Entered .rums, and. Theodore E. Brenner, orchid faille, designed with a round Little Silver from S3 to 87; RedMprrissey, MrB. G.-H. Krauas, Mrs.' •neckline,-large puffed-aleevej and members of the department of edu- Bank_fjS!rii:-4ffLtO--499;-ahrewBbury J O.-Glenn, Mrs-GrJi-Meyer^-Mrsr1 f S8-Atlantlo avenue.— iax6phOOTrMrBr-WillianVMulllganr cation and the county superinten- c »;SMiss,Cann, the 20-year-old -wln- FoFSaturday's ~ Jt. Agnes church organist, Is mus-a full'skirt. She wore a matching dent of schools of Monmouth coun- borough 20, to 81 and -Shrewsbury Louis Lord, Mrs. Joseph Toscanp,'• ner, was awarded the $200 prize. cal director and accompanist, and headpiece and, carried ytllow roses. ty to make a study of the seoond- township SI to 79. By percentage Mrs. Daniel* Relss, Mre. Charles Ra- • She said she would use the money Special Card Mrs. P. T. Gedettis is chairman of The bridesmaids were : Misses ary school facilities available, there- Atlantic township rates 6.7, Little cine, Mrs. Howard Height, Mrs. Dorothy A. Checnoviclci. of Eliza- in and the possibility of organizing Silver 11.9, Red Bank 66.9, Shrews- George Harm, Mrs. William H. Al- i Uuy silver for her hope chest, Another $1,000 . early closing the costume committee. bury borough1 4.1 and Shrewsbury en, Mrs, Mi Hlrach, Mrs. J. Joseph pe is employed at the Highlands beth, the bftde's cousin;. Lucy V. a regional high school district for event will 'be run Saturday at the Conzalina, Matawan, and Mae Lu- the purpose of providing secondary township 10.6. Hennessey, Mrs. Philip Peters.Mm. undry, an establishment owned Freehold raceway with eight 17- kolc, Colt's Neck, the bridegroom's school' opportunities on a unified Nicholas .0.' Lamb, lire. Michael. j her.-father. ' class pacers eligible. It will 'be one sister. Their, dresses were aqua basis for that area. : . . From the above' figures the re-S. Jacobs, Mrs. J. Harry Robertson, <{The contest judges were Fire In compliance 'with the request gional high-school building should Mrs. William P. Colton, Mrs, Jane of ten on the special week-end faille, designed like the one worn have a capacity of 900 to 1,000 pu- hlef John Highs of Laurence Bar- card, by the honor attendant. They had ot the school district* the State De- Garland, Mrs, Wilbur Gardner. ir, Mrs. A. J. Nelraark and Mrs. partment of education has reviewed pils. Can the regional district fi- Those witnessing future races matching headpie«e« and carried nance the purchase of land and Mrs. Irene Bruce, Mrs. R. C. Dev-, .therfne Trevors of Highlands, pink roses. carefully the secondary school la- Rosena G. Franglone of will^see Carl Dill In the role of cllltles now available, and studied the erection of a building with, the Jin, Mrs. F. M. Burlew, Mrs, Wil- starter. He was appointed Tues- John Byk of Freehold, cousin of legal, financial and' educational necessary equipment? Below .are liam H; Sutphin, Mrs,-Daisy Ran- S.0: Kearny and James Clark and-Dan- day night at a special,meeting. Dill the bridegroom, was best, man. The given the net school and municipal km, Mrs. Claudia Hoag, Mrs. Elsie ;Jf Jel J. Pendergast of Jersey City. problems involved In the organiza- ; Is an old hand at the harness rac- ushers were Watson Sledltckl of tion of a new regional high scnool indebtedness of the five districts: Murray, Mrs. Blanche Mullen, Mrs. *S ) Other features in Saturday's pro- ing game and is expected to turn Colt's Neck, and George McMahon district. We are submitting the.fol- The total operating costs for the Frank A. flrazo, Mrs..,Joseph,.A. (5'gram Included a .luncheon at lowing report': " first' year.i« estimated at S163.00O, In a fine job. and Steven Kustchoko, Freehold. t for the second, year $170,000 and Crean, ' Mrs. Leo, Conlon, Mrs.: ?S:Bahr's-Landing in honor of Miss Miss Genevieve M. Czemovskl, It will be .necessary, of course, Charles Butler, Mrs. Mary Maloney,'! 3% Gertrude Ederle, a former resident Some 1,000 persons saw yester- for tlje third year ?180,000. State day's' races, but many left before sister of the bride, was .attired for the board of' education of each aid for the flnrt year would amount Mrs.H, B.Dean, Mrs. William A.: i£-^if_Highlands_and._flrst_woman .to in a printed dress with black school district; to make a careful Snflth~,"Mrs., R." C. O'Hanlbh, Mint" v swim the English channel, and a the'completloh because'of the heat." study of -the -actual' provisions of .toW,700rfprthersBo£iaryear *52,- ; The crowd bet a total of $47,050 and white ' accessories and a '880 and for the third year $B3,6&0. Jqseph Kamm, Mrs. Robert Gur-', ;j>': parade and party for Monmouth corsage of pink roses. The bride- the school law. The following," how- ley, Mrs. Thomas Marks. yesterday as five races paid above ever, is a condensed statement of* The average valuation of the ;|U county firemen.' groom's mother chose a black dress, combined districts is $16,954,874.33;, Mrs. Theresa A. Maloney, Mrs, ?§• •• Seventeen pieces of fire and first $15. and all paid above $6 except theBo provisions: • : . 4% of the average Valution Is J(i38,- A one which paid $2.40. trimmed with pink sequins, and a Adrian Weiss, Mrs. Martha. Wlck- • :, aid apparatus, manned by more corsage of pink rose*. The revised statutes of New Jer- 178,08 and 1% of average valuation ;•; than 100 volunteers, took pert In Eliglbles for Saturday's run in- sey, Section 18: 8-1, provides that I- $1,276,860,16, • han, Mrs. R. Howard Woolsen.'Mrs. ; clude Cliff High, owned by George A reception for 175 guests fol- whenever the boards of education . It would ^cost approximately $1,- Jay 'Leahy, Mrs. J. Laird, Hulse, S,V Ipe fire parade which was wlt- lowed at Marlboro fire bouse, John- of two, or more school districts and Mrs. Kenneth C. Carr, Mrs. Car- /, jessed by more than 3,500 persona. H. DufTord of. Little Fallsjpdward MRS. JAMES F. BORST 278,000 to purchase the site and 1 G., owned by Thomas Dunn, Jr., of nie Zonkowekl and his Ten\po the commissioner, after study a^id 1 erect a building with a .1,000 pupil rie Benson, Mrs*. William J. Carr, > $;':. isser's band of Sayreville led the Kings of Sayreville provided dance investigation, shall deem It advis- Mrs. C. Mel Johnson, Mrs. Grandln \ji'* inarch. Philadelphia; Follow Tip, owned The bride was given In marriage able to unite in creating a regional capacity and equip same. There- by Earl Thomas of Harrington, music, fora, the • regional school district Johnson,-Mrs. W. F. Baker, Mrs. £'; ;:Miss Ederle, Mayor A. Meade Mr. and Mrs. Lukolc will make by her father. Her white aatin school district and maintaining a could finance this program with Lunar Baker, Mrs, Thomas Dolan, Del.; Major Rosecroft, owned by gown was designed princess style, regional board of,education for the '.Robertson arid Dr. John I> Opfer- W. E. Miller, Washington; Miss their home at Colt's Neck. Both are the present low school debt and inMrB. D. C. Hendrlckoon, Mrs. C. K. §;;; .njahn, mayor at the time Miss employed at the Karagheusian rug with long sleeves, an off-shoulder establishment and development of four cases no municipal debt and Gehlhaus, Mrs. Cornelius Ackersc-n,' Katharine, (owned by Dr. C. B. Men- MRS. Pv T. GEDETTIS high schools, each of the district 3-'Ederle swam the channel, and Miss mill at Freehold. neckline edged in a beaded collar, boards shall call and conduct an a low municipal debt in Bed Bank. Mrs. Edward Farry,"'Mr«. J. Leon || i Water Witch" rode In an open car denhall of Bordentown; Philadel- and a long court train. Her full The extension of credit beyond the Schanck, Mrs. James Perrl, Mrs, phia, owned by'j. M. Davis of Clay- Divided Into two parts, the election at the same time in thelegal limitation of 4% requires that ?;>•';. Behind a police color guard. scene for the first half of this en- BENNETtf-TEBBY length veil fell from a cap of old manner provided for the conduct of Langdon Coles, Mrs, Paul Klernan. ton, Del.; Supreme Zimrl, owned Dutch lace, trimmed 'with beads, the excess credit shall be paid off ;• ;;' Chairman. On the reception com- Literary Group een' Maloney, Leola Suplenski mond Conklln was soloist, accom- corn flower* blue silk marquisette, must be In favor of its establish- jelve In state aid the first year Nagel, Mrs. Lewis Galpln, Mrs.', fi; ftlttee were Mrs. Kenneth Bahr, Mary Lou Cummins, Martin Ma- designed with a sweetheart neck- ment. . . about $88,700, $51,680 the second Joseph Harvey, Mrs. Irving McQee, panied by Mrs. George Ivlns, both ' When two or more such districts Mrs. Eugene Stack; Mra. George r:^ Miss Frances Search Stevens and Has Corn Roast loney, Susanne Brenner, Mary Lou of Little Silver. ine, short puffed sleeves and a but- have voted to establish a regional year, plus $1,200 from the federal |Jv T*r. Hand. . - - a 'and Ginger Sheehan and Peggy terfly train. She had a tiara of red government for vocational classes, Haykcn, Mrs. Nellie Copeland, Mrs. The bride was given In marriage area, the county superintendent and $62,100. the third year, plus Catherine Tilton, Mrs. George Tan- .'•"i-.- L'Mlss Ederle, who Is presently em- Hesslon. ' by her father. She wore a white roses, and carried a cascade bou- shall select from among the citi- ",-, ployed as a mechanic by Eastern Outdoor Party At The St. Agnes corps de ballet quet of the same flower. zens of these districts having the $1,400 from the federal government tum. • <|'; Aircraft at LaGuardla Field, said summer satin gown with a sweet- for vocational classes. " Buck's Farm, Marlboro will again make its appearance and heart neckline and long sleeves. Miss Burke wore lime silk mar- qualifications of members of board The'total cost to the local tax- Mrs. Harry T. Dillon, Mrs. Frank 5s; that she became a swimmer be- Mrs. Frank Gormley will sing a Her marquisette fingertip veil was quisette, and Mrs. Miller had a sim- of education, nine members to con-payers for the operation ot this B, Moyer, Mrs. Stephen Day, Jr.,- i|tl iause "they -used to throw me in group of ballads. In a Gay Nineties ilar gown In maize. Both costumes stitute thla board of education. The school for the first, second and Mrs. Vincent P. Keuper, Mrs.Chrl^ '*"» river with ropes around my The Aheite Literary group held attached to a crown of seed pearls membership from the several dis- a corn roast and out-door supper jam session an, appropriate setting and she carried a bouquet of whtle were designed like the one worn by third years, together with the in-Olsenj Mrs. F. Wayne.Ward, Mm, List and after awhile I became 1 tricts shall be made as nearly as party Friday on. the farm, of Mr. is provided' for the comedy talents gladioli and baby's breath. the matron of honor. The brides- terest on and amortization of bonds Chris Sharln, Mrs. William Wegel; Setty tired of the ropes and de- of Miss Audrey Buzby. A male ver- maids wore wreaths of-Talisman possible according to the nutober of !W0uld be $167,176, $194,026 and Mrs. Benjamin J. Davis, Mrs. Ralph, and Mrs. Charles Buck at Marl- The matron of honori Mrs. John their Inhabitants. The tehqB; of the $202^00, respectively. ' , , H. Weseroan, Mrs, Catvin G. Ohl- id I had better start swimming." boro. Outdoor games were played sion of a P.T.A. board meeting dis- Sushko of Amltyvllle, h. I, wore rotes In their hair, and carried Co- members of this' appointed hoard cussing civic problems promises a lonial bouquets of the same flower. shall be until the first Monday iri • The coats as given may seem 3en./-Hrs. Monte B. Jones, Mrs. rank; Meeres, publicity mana- and square dancing were (enjoyed. an aqua dinner gown with gold ac- large. A large portion of this coat Abram I. Elkua, Mrs. Arthur J. of 'the carnival, said concern- Robert Cook, •Sft.-'lea the dancing hilarious .time,, and a further musi- " ' James'Ferguson of •Rumson was March'after the next annual meet- cal treat Is planned in the nlnglpg cessor lea. , She carried yellow knd best man. The'ushers were Charles ing, when the' term of office shall 1» due to. the amortization of. bonds White, Mrs. Harold Kurgman, Mri; the closing of the money wheels with, banjo; accompaniment, .and Talisman roses; which matched h«r end and members shall be elected land the interest therapn.. If Red Mlltoh A.1 Vreeland, Mrs. Charles lit we^k, ."All good things have old-time songs were sui of Mrs. Ann Danowitz and? Thomas Norman Cooper, of Long Branch, Bank should build Its own Mr"" ^fWSfBn^FHfsTffic^ . f The stage crew is working at top est; man Park. ^organize" he charged 5% rental of the now Mrs. Rita H. Douglas, MrsTAdel ,; * jiad ours right here on these Attending were Mr. and Mrs. W. by the election of one of its mem- speed to reproduce the top deck of Sgt. Jamei The bride's mother choBe a pow- building, while the debt service on Barton,-Mrs. Michael Bergin. , '.£;:•• jfrounds." ' Hugh Ryder, Mr: and Mrs. Paul and PFC Robert Black of Fort bers as president and. one of Its the, S.S'-c Asbury Park for second der blue silk gown, with white'ac- members as vice president, and ap-the regional school-would be con- Mrs. Theodore Moss, Mn,'Jamei '• •. I'Miso Ederle presented a firemen's Ryder, Mr, and Mrs. Harry W. Oa-act activities. A party Is BClieduled Monmouth. 1 tinually decreasing, due to the de- born, Mr, and Mrs. fDanlel S. Welg- ceuprle* and a corsage of fuchsias. point a secretary and custodian of Anderson, Mrs. Fred Crlne, Mrs, |l;.'ttophy to Chief John .Pooel of J for this scene which Includes Joan The bride's mother wore a black The bridegroom's mother was school moneys, both of which may creased Interest charges. Raymond O'Neill and Misses Kitty, ify. Shrewsbury Hose company, for and, Mr. and' Mrs. Frank Snlffen, Larkin, -Mildred Selllck, Ka'therlne and white print dceis with black A regional school would be serv- Turrlll, Jean Monaco, Mary K, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Runyon, Mr, dressed In pink, with navy blue ac- be members of the board of edu- ng the entlTe district and would V; living the best looking company Grimes, Dolores Chevalier, Thomas accessories and a cor«ge of redcessories and a corsage of fuchsias. cation. '/ Kelly,. Nora DoVd, Dora V. Dean,, i:: j ad the largest number of men Inand Mrs. Robert Cook, Misses Mar- Gedettls, John Rowan, John Mount ases, assure the ipresent sending dis- Marguerite Dolan, Mary Mullen, f|,; A le. parade. • lon I. Scott, Hannah Cook, and and John Byrne as waltz couples. Upon their return from, a Canad- Meetings for the purpose of rais- tricts of a permanent high school, A reception followed at the ing annual appropriations, or for Mae At McCarthy, Virginia B. Bofc. Marie Wllby, Thornton and Tommy Other acts will present Rosemary ian wedding trip, Mr. and Mrs. The board of education Is made ;i;f; j ^Laurence Harbor fire company bride's home.. For the wadding Borat will reside at Eatontown. For bonding the district for the pur-Up of representatives from each bltt and' Ethel VanWinkli. . ; $5;> j jcelyed a $25 prize for tht com-Ryder and Billy and Danny Cook Maxwell as a toe dancer; Ann tilp to New York Mrs. Bennett chase of land, or for construction component district, therefore, each ; of Red Bank; Mrs, E. A. Bedle of Danowltz, Thomas Chevalier and traveling, the .bride chose an aqua j&'l any which traveled'the greatest wore a brown and white print dress, with a white feathered hat of the building, shall be called and district would have an actual share i;sV 5 (stance; Other fire organizations Keyport and Mr. and Mrs. John H. Walter Reulbach as guest singers; dress with white accessories and a conducted In the, same manner as In fee control and administration Osborn, Misses Virginia and Jean Katherlne Grimes, Margaret Peer and black accessories. is now done In the present school Rumson Polo > •:•• . i i the parade were Highlands with corsage of red roses. The bride was graduated from of the school, Under the present Osborn, Bob Osborn and Herbert and Mary Horan as a trio, an.d a The. bride was graduated from districts, but any proposition after provision for services in the receiv- r,j; three fire trucks and two first aid Halbereen Of Tihton Falls. seaside fashion show. A kick chor- Red Bank Catholic high school and the establishment of the district ng high school on a tuition basis Finals Sunday ' j •fi:, ij iuad ambulances, Keansburg with us forming the background for this Red Bank high school and is a attended Red.Bank Business insti- must be authorized by a majority the sending districts sharing In the SSfi i'truck and ten men, Sea Bright (presentation Include Barbara Gan- member of the Monmouth Business tute. She is a member of the So- of the total vote« cast in all thecost of the school have no legal or ffprVith-a-nre. truck an4.flrjrt.aldj.ani-_ and Professional Women's club, She territory uniting under the regional Xo«n« Girl Held non, Dolores Chevalier,'Mary Phalr, y^pi^St^.JanieB^churclu JThe, a ii rect ;part. lnjbe .dej«m}najt|on .0/ JEvans Silver Cup •# oulance, Fort Hancock, two en- Florence Connors, Audrey Buzby, Is now a secretary in the New Jef-" bridegroom, a member of Phi Chiboard'' of educatlon; — —r -—.-- •••-'•• 9£h66I policies. ' jSV-'Tpnes; Atlantlo Highlands, fire In Watch Theft Geraldlne Mount, Joan Stockton sey Bell Telephone company. The Pi fraternity, was graduate^ from A regional board of education The success of a regional high To Be Awarded Victor? $;• truck and first aid ambulance; and Helen Mount. bridegroom attended tht Merchant Long Branch high school, He may issue bonds not exceeding 4% school plan can be seen at first- Rube Williams leads the Moh> V Community flr e company truck of Keansburg police are holding a Marine academy and served in the of the total of the average of thehand at the Jonathan Dayton high v served in the Naval air forces for last three assessed Valuations' of mouth polo foursome Into the finals ;^';' Leonardo and Cllffwood. • 15-year-old Brooklyn- girl for New The limited capacity of St, Agnes navy four years. He ii now serv- three years, and spent one year in school district in Union county, lo- for' the Evans Silver Cup Sunday : York authorities after she told lo- auditorium has prompted a three- real property, including improve- cated at Springfield, the Rancocas ;.". ,'| The police color guard consisted ing in the army at Fort Monmouth. the Paolflo area. . ments of the municipalities, com- af Rumson. Country club, when his :,.••;" o,f' Police Chief Howard Monahan, cal police that she ran away from night stand this year, and the tick- Valley regional high, school, locat- squad of Walter Strauss, Dick Met- home July SO when she was belni ets committee reports sales ex-, VOIGTLANDEB—BAILY prising the school district, but Ined at Mdunt,Holly, the Lower Cam- f§:: Gapt. : Kyril Parker, Patrolmen BITTER—THOMPSON. such i% shall be included Indebted- den county regional high school, lo- calf and Dave Evans attornpt to i|5. John Mackel and Walter Monahan questioned Tuesday night about th ceeding all previous records. Announcement is made of' the ness outstanding. In accordance cated at Clemanton, and the Pas-make It two in a row ov«r Bum*- :.,','; find Special Officer Harry Dennis. theft of a watch and $1 in cast Announcement is made of (heWith Chapter 260, P. L-, 1946, and son's home team. • ' • marriage of Mrs. Anna Bobbe marriage of Miss Helen Alice Bit- sale Vallev regional, high school, lo i|£ Fire Chief Vincent Worth was par- which she admitted taking. • Voightlander of Fair Haven, daugh- Chapter 153, P. L., 1947, • tho "re- cated at Little Falls. Last -week < Williams rammed Kj', ode marshal. American Legion The girl was taken Into custody v Obituaries 1 ter, daughter of Mr. and. Mrs. Carl gional Bchool district can exceed : ter of Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Bitter of Keyport, and George 4% with approval of the commis- home four goals to bring his Mon- ||5iCommander William Koser carried after Mrs. Joan Plain, a summei Bobbe, and William Lloyd Bally, BEADS,THEATER CONTEST. mouth men to an 8 to 3 victory resident of Keansburg, said thai MRS. ANNA WEBER, James Sterling Thompson, son ofsioner of: education and'the state |i|?; the American Mag and Commander- Jr., of Red Bank, formerly of Fair local government board with the A new type of American girl will over Rumson before a good croVd, ife:: Meet Betram Perry carried the Le- the girl had befriended her and had Haven, Saturday, August 2, at the Mrs.' G. J. Sterling Thompson of Mrs. Anna Weber, 67, of Keyport, Matawan, and the late Mr., Thomp- approval of the legal v'oters. be selected by Harry Conover and despite threatening weather. ' ;||i'Itfon banner. later stolen the watch and money died this morning'at the Perth Am- Hoboken Reformed church. Rev. In accordance with the school Candy Jones at the Lovable Glrl- ' Rumson's squad Is made up of Mrs. Plain did not sign a com- Adalbert Wettiteln performed the son,'on Monday at the' Methodist U/;"; • Though the carnival was a social boy General hospital. She was born chapel at Princeton. Rev, Lynn law, there will be nine member! on of-the-month contest finals at W. Strothep Jones, Mayor Alfred N, plaint. She ,told police that she hai in Long Island, but had spent most ceremony. • , . the regional board of education, the Monte Carlo pool and stadium in Beadleston, Phil Smith and Ray success, It failed to meet the. nec- met the girl Tuesday afternoDi H. Corson performed the ceremony. membership shall be made as near- essary financial commitments as of her life,in Monmouth county.' The attendants were Mrs. Henry Asbury Park, August 28. Coupon- Harrington. ' ~ and talked with her for several Surviving are her husband, J. Schnell of Hoboken and Frank The bride was given in marriage ly possible according to the popu- sored* by.* the Lovable Glrl-of-the- (he expected main source of rev- hours. Mrs. Plain asked her t by her father, and her only attend- lation of the districts. Besides Wlllianis' counters, Wal- enue, the money wheels, were Frank J. Weber; a son, Harold Rover of Philadelphia. A reception Month committee, the Reade the- ter Strauss accounted for a pair of watch over a blanket and pocke Weber, and two nieces, Mrs. George for the immediate families followed ant was Mrs. Ralph Bedle Of Mat- Atlantic township, 1,177 popula- aters, WAAT and' the Prospect ;.; fclosed down the third day of the book-while she went into the hole.. at Meyers hotel, Hoboken. awan. Spafford Thompson, the tion, would have one member on scores and Evans and Metcalf each !'fair by the county prosecutor's of- Weinman and Miss Marlon Aum- theater in Newark, the contest Is tallied once. Rumsori's scores were, When she returned the purse was ack of Keyport. ' The couple will reside at -180 bridegroom's brother, was best the board; Little Silver with a pop- expected to answer that great /Jlce. Funds are expected to begone. man, A dinner for the bridal party ulation of 1,461, would have a single made by Jones, Smith and Harring- ; Raised by subscriptions. Funeral arrangements are In Hance road, Fair Haven. Both Mr. American" question, "What makes ton. charge of the Day funeral home. and Mrs, Bally are members of and the Immediate families fol- member on the board; Red Bank, a girl lovable?" the Shrewsbury. Mver. Yacht club, lowed at the Princeton inn. boasting a population of 10,974, Shower Given MUSICAL TEA jSanitary Case MRS, MARIA C. BOECKEL. Mr. Bally, is also second vice presi- would \have five members on the .FINOS TUBTLB! EGGS dent of the Fair Haven Lions club 25 STITCHES REQUIRED board, while Shrewsbury borough The first annual' musical tea spon- For Bride-Elect • Mrs. Maria C. Boeckel of Locust, and a member of the Red Bank with 1,058 population would be George , Doyle, former lifeguard sored-by the program committee of is Postponed widow of William Boeckel, died Commuters, club.;He is associated Miss Helen Thornton of Eaton- at the Peninsula house,. Sea Bright, tho Wostsldi) Y.M.C.A, was well at-' Miss Esther Anna Dauster was represented by one member,- as and a former, resident of that place, given a miscellaneous showe Saturday In her 75th year. The with Joshua L. Bally and company, town was taken to Hazard hospital would Shrewsbury township with a tended. Highlighting the event waa i A case In which Fred Chlarell of New York textile firm. Tuesday afternoon by the* -Red discovered a large nest of turtle JCennsburg is charged with a vlo- Thursday night of last week at th funeral was' held Tuesday at the population of 1,347. a musical program prosenteq,by lo- late residence, wjth Rev. Carl G. Bank first aid squad after,she had eggs on the beach by the Green cal talent and out-of-town artists. latlon pf the sanitation code was home of MUs Phyllis Barker at At received gashes'in her head, as a No district shall have lesa than Heron hotel at North Miami Beach, bostponed Friday night by Record- lantlo Highlands, by Miss Barke Kumm officiating. Burial, under The tea was under direction of L. tho direction of the Posten funeral result of an automobile accident at one member. Therefore, Atlantic Fla. Yesterday his grandmother, N. Rivers, chairman of the program «r Henry Schwelzer until Septem- and Miss Barbara Meinert, Miss Irene Evelyn Farrell, daugh- the corner of ' Shrewsbury avenue township, Little Silver, Shrewsbury Mrs. Frank Covert of Sea Bright, Miss Dauster Is the daughter o home, was in All Saints cemetery. ter of Mrs. Mary B. Farrell an borough and Shrewsbury township committee. Miss Marlon Lyons of bar 2. The charge was made by and St. Mary's place. She was a received some newspaper clippings Fair Haven was In charge of re- Richard J. Trenery, secretary of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dauster o Mrs. Boeokel is survived by twothe late Jamei O. Farrell of West passenger in a car driven by Harry shajl have one member each, while from a Miami newspaper describ- Jthe* board of health, after Chlarell Atlantlo Highlands, and she will bi suiters, Mrs. Ann Hdwer and Mrs,Long Branch, was married Satur- Red Bank shall have five members. freshments and William Vincent di- Carrie Muna W. Mayberry.of Eatbntown, which Any regional school district may ing the. incident. •• rected tho program. , Allegedly placed his garbage on the married Sunday at the Llncrof of Locust, day to Vernon . Franklyn Worles, crashed Into a utility pole. Miss ; kldowalk in an Improper fashion in chapel to Stanley Stllwell, Jr., soi grandchildren and nine great- son of Mr. and Mn. Fredrick adopt; a suitable name, subject to Thornton was thrown against the the approval of the State Board of COUNTY BIRTHS. CLAMBAKE. f front of his Presto restaurant on of Mr. and Mrs, S.tanley stllwell o grandchildren. Worles, at the home-of Mr. an windshield. Twenty-five stitches Education. * Carr aVenue. When garbage collec- Everett. Mrs. Earl J. Eads. of Lexington. were taken In the back of her'head; At the present time Red Bank is Mr. .arid Mrs, James Willis of Vacationers at Camp Happiness; Others present were Misses Nan MRS. ANNA HICKS. Ky,, by Rev, John K. Johnson, pas- yi~ tors refused to pick up the refuse, c the receiving district of Atlantic .Green avenue, Belford/'are parents New Jersey Blind' Men's club at t-i ChlarelJ became Involved in a fight y Joy, Barbara Smith, Gwendolyt Funeral services for Mrs. Anna tor of Maxwell Street Presbyterian YOUTH GROUr HOLDS PAHTV township,- Little Silver, Shrewsbury of a son born yesterday at Rlver- Leonardo, were guests of the High- ? With Patrick DeTuro, garbage non- Roberts, June Smith, Betty Costan Hicks of Magnolia lane, Middle- church. .'•'•. borough and Shrewsbury, township vlew hospital.' lands Lions club at an old-fash- f*» Jractor.and.wna later held In $1,000 u, Viola DoLorenza, Theresa Gut town, township, who died last, Frl- 1 The bride wore a pink gabardine The Youth, group of Liberty high school pupils, Tho present fa. ' Mr. and Mf. George Bed of Ard-ioned clambake Tuesday1 at the club il, Qlrd Nellnen and Mrs. Herman cilities of Red Bank high sphoo] ball on a. charge of assault and day*»t her home, were held Tues- suit and a corsage ot white roses, grange held a hot dog and marsh arc not adequate to meet tho re-rnore avenue,' Sea Bright, are par-grounds. Howard Monahan, High- battery, , . , Dauster and -Mrs. J. Clifford Bar. day at Union Baptist church,.Red Mrs. Earl J. Eads, aunt of thi mallow roast at Mantololtlng boich qulremont« of a modern secondary ents of a son born Tuesday at Mon. lands police chief, was ohef. Pro-' ! The hearing WRS highlighted Fri- ker. Hill, Mlddlctown township. Inter- bride, was her attendant. Ejhe wor< recently, which was attended by 20school i program. Red, Bank recent- mouth Memorial hospital, ceeds from tho bake were given to day by a verbal battle between Re- ment, under the direction of F, a navy blue dress with a corsagi members. A ball game climaxed the ly had a sch'bol election for- the pur- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Stone of (he club to assist them In secur- corder Schwelzer and Theodore J. COMING CONCERT Leon' Harris was in the church of pink roses. Earl' .1. Eads wa day"s fun. The grange Is planning pose of acquiring a new site for a Belshaw avenue,. Eotontown, are ing vacations for the blind ot the A program of vocal, piano ani cemetery. to hold a party Friday, August 22, new high Bchool. whloh was defeat- slate. ( Labrecque, attorney representing best man. , • ed. Rod Bank has insufficient bor- parents of a son born yesterday Chlarell. exjophono selections, featuring th Mrs, Hldks Is survived by her. The bride' was graduated from on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs. R. F. at* Monmoulh Memorial hospital, Williams sitters of Lakewood, wll Dobbins. There will. be refresh- rowing capacity to finance the pur- v husband, John Hicks, a daughter Long Branch high sahool. The 1 chase 'of a site and the erection CONDITION' "GOOD." be given at the Shrewsbury avenu and two sons, Mrs, Grace Suggs; ments, games and dancing . MOT0B VIOLATIONS port Wants , A.M.E, Zlon church Thursday nigh bridegroom attended Long Branch of a high school building of suf- The condition of Charles W. and'William Hicks of Mlddlotown high school and Ii now employe ficient size thereon with its unused Patrick Rice of Long Island city Hackett, 38, worker on the Cleve- September 4. The program will bi township, and Charles Hicks of by J, M! Bearmore and company o: f INJURED IN CRASH school and municipal borrowing ca- Wiring Improved gin promptly at 8:30 o'clock. New Brunswick; nnd two brothers pacity without interfering with the and William ^Lins of Jersey City land farm In Wyckoff road, Eaton- The musical concert Is sponsored Asbury Park. The couple spent Mra. Mary Rosmlnl of Keansburg future borrowing capacity of theeach received $10 suspended fines town, who was seriously Injured Plant for Improving the main Charles T, Spence of Berlin, Md., fow days In Kentucky and will was Injured Tuesday when a. carmunicipality, Since Rod Bank can- lost night by Middletown township Saturday when attacked by a bull, by the Woman's club; of which and Arnold Spenco of Philadelphia. parking lot in Keyport was theMrs. Klla.H. Smith Is, president. make their home at West Long she was drlvfrlg collided with a not provide the new school facili- Recorder W. Gilbert Manson on was roportod "goc/d" this morning. main topic of discussion Monday Brunch. station wagon driven by Charles T. ties, tho alternate it that of a re- charges of careless driving. Oscar Rev. R. A Counclll Is minister of 1 Ho Is a patient; in Rlvorvlew hos- night by the mriyor and council. the church MISS KUZABKTII W. BOqER Ward of East Keansburg, who filed gional school district, J. Kuay of,'Per^h Amboy was fined pital, where he was taken after suf- Councilman George Finger stated Miss EHzabeth Wright Roger of SENISE-WALIACE a charge of careless driving against $B,for pasqlng'.on the wrong side of fering ,contu«loiis and abrasions of , hat while improvements have been TfinKATKNS MOTHER Mrs, Rosmlnl. The accident took Growth of High School Population the road and Monroe Tucol of Now- iludled during the past few years, West Bergen_ place died Sunday at Announcement 1* made of (he the spine', facial lacerations and Howard Saunders of Fort Mon- her home,- Trio funeral wits' hold I marriage of Miss Elizabeth Helen place at the lntqrseotlon of Francis ark was fined $2 for speeding. ', fractured, ribs. ' " , ^4(>c9fthS3bellitij t i Below arojriyen tho resident on Mo^fl»^s^Wi^rriijllfforac{Ionbfl» ^-^Wiriijlf'fo•{" f WeW»aynrf^oott%'tW l td^M^ KiS '^^rr^^jrtr'jM^iMM'^'ilii^iw'i J ,:i,-^..ui^J.J acU of funds, , y> ! the Juvenile court on a charge of Harris funeral homo nnd lntorment Paul< Senise of Cliffwood Beaoh, burg, Mrs, Rosmlnl was treated by oluslvo, In iho flve dlstrictsVfor G CHARGE ' '•KEYPOn'r •ACOIDBJ»?!.'.'. j ,!, He said he hoped 'that atrange- threatening Ills mother with a 1920-1080 to and' Including 1946-46, Cars driven by Thomas 6berd|ck" ncnta could be made for a new wna In Union Baptist cemetery, and Ralph Emmons (Wallace, ion Dr. Frank Mlele for back and hip , Mrs.,,Margaret MqPh»r|on ^u. butcher knife nnd driving her out Mlddletown township. of Leon B,, Wallace of Hailet, Sat- : It. will be noticed that the total of Irvlngton arid Charier Jones :of ixlt and entrance In the near fu- of the house, The complaint was Injuries. , - resident enrollment in grades nine •ummoned -yesterday' by Iturtison, <$, ,ure. He also suggested cl«»r mirk- Miss noger is. survived by oneurday, August 2, at the Matawtn to 12, Inclusive, has decreased grid' .police on a oharge of speeding..8h« Newark collided last night on route filed by Mrs. Evelyn Saundera nUtei', Mn. Gertrude Kane of New Presbyterian church. Tht road to tiatUr and blNir bull' 86, Keyport, near Broad ittiot. !«•«kiUII •against her 16-year-old ion, n«i» lisa through Th« BigliMri d ally from 1934-35 to 194BM6, al- will have a hearing before Record* Brunswick, •••*••• •••••• The attendants' w«r» Mj*» Ellla* Mii.'««lttniihn*»lttUf1ni'BV. Slough the total for HUM* UI 310•r Arnold Tulp Tuesday night. ' There. wer» no Injuries, ' 1 RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 14,1947

    FBOW Atlantic HlfUuti 1-OeU-W. . will hold another kiddles party Au- Mrs. Caro\Frank River.ide Heights gust 21. A:barn dance for.'teen •f Yo¥k University Walter W. Plocfc •Mrs* Joseph Clmato of Fort Lau- agera Is also being planned for Au- gust 23. . ; . , • COMPLETELY! TEACHES OF PIANO dertaley Fla., former residents o£ Teacher of Singing Headden'a Corner,-have been spend- Lightning struck the home of Mr. New Fall Millinery r^or •arsUmnt m-fta tot : . A car's Radiator Repaired Mn. Cwol Frank ThuruUr> In M«r Y«tk ing the, put two weeks aa the and Mra. William Turner of Man- Nmrauii Springs Ro>d Metropolitan Optra Hnut StudlM - guesta of Mr,- and' Mr*.- Stanley ning pace'. Saturday /evening and by our factory methods la •Ud B«nk. N.w Jirnr 20 SmnU Anraa. Atlutle Hlfklanib Mtelock of; Oak Hill road. Mrs. knocked bricks, from the chimney, Trimmed and-Tailored Clmato and ion' left- Monday for a ripped shingles off the roof and good-as-new In efficiency. A week'a itay. with relatives on Long Radiator Cleaned and Flushed J 'went down through the chimney, Island, N. T. • causing extensive damage to the In our shop simply CANT Mrs.,George Hembllng of Little oil burner. '."..-' at Morris's .Millinery Parlors Silver entertained members of the Mr. and Mrs. Martin liohsen en- fall to function perfectly. Let Flotien Community Social club Thursday tertained at a welner roast Sunday. J?eklfetdr Pcpairs Our charges are always mod- 56 Broad Street Red Baiik, N. J. afternoon. , --." '. ' Present were Mr, and Mrs. Donald Express Your Sentiments Mrs.- Stephen Subwizc of Chapel Oforilr^ Servica erate. , ' WOOLWOBTH) 1 Conroy] Mr. and Mrs. Bert Face, Every Time t HU1 road, who , is employed by the Mr. and Mra. Melvln Kelni, Mr. and Rwerise Flushing* Telephone company at Jersey City, Mrs. John*Kronenberger and Clin- 1» enjoying two weeks' vacation. ton B. Lohsen. , . ; MM, Amelia Scott Is enjoying a They Say it Better Mr. and Mrs. Ira Crouse of Mil- three weeks' vacation from her, .formerly of Keansburg, visit- RED BANK RADIATOR WORKS than tie* aa a trained nurse at Mon-,' ed Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rockafel- 113 VV. Front St. . ;Red Bank, N. J. mouth Memorial hospital. ler of Palmer place over the week- Sale of Household Furnishings a Thousand Wot it., ' Mr. and Mrs. Edward Klernan and son Billy of Brooklyn, N. Y'., end. \ . . . R. B. 6-1177 s. are (pending a. few days with Mrs. - Mr. and Mn. Frank Ztegler and ESTATE OF LAURA E. BREESE Robert A. Cooper of Chapel' Hill Mr. and Mrs. Earl Woolf of Milford SPECIAL THIS ftEEK road.. '. • • • were-visitors of Mr. and Mra, How- 68 South Street, Eatontown ard Opryke Thursday, . . large CLADIOiAS Mr. and Mrs. .William VanNote _ Mr^jnd .Mra.^Ed ward:JEc.ker_i)f- 1 -V-1T50 'Mrs. Marlon Young of Avon was Irvin'gton .were the guests of Mr. -HAVE THOSE a week-end guest at the home of and Mrs. BV- Bernard ' Stover of Saturday^ her slater, Mra. Robert H. Miller, Crescent street Thursday. . . at 1 p. m. ' ' , ' Jr., of Conoyer place. • Mlas Joan - Constantino ' of New BUNDS Mr. and,Mrs. 'William Johnson York spent-the week-end with her Having sold the property, the following ^oods will be offeret of Lynhurst, N. Y., were' week-epd mother, Mrs. Catherine Constantlne for sale: • . . guests of Mrs, Bose Woodward o€ of Washington avenue.' Frost avenue, • -. Mlsa June Andreach of Bay View, REPAIRED NOW Four-piece living room suite, upholstered chair, sewing e«B* Mr. and MM. E. S. Wells of Frost avenue was a. bridesmaid' for her avenue are spending a month with cousin, the former Miss Doris Beh- Expert repair serv- inet, floor lamps, table lamps, antique mahogany bookcase, clocks, relatives at -their former home, ler of Newark, Saturday. Mrs. Ben • mahogany whatnot, carpets, large and small ruga, 10-plece walnut .Parkersburg.'.W. Va. - Andreach attended the wedding. ice; pquick delivery. LitHe Silver Red Bank 6-1832 Mr. and Mrs. Roger Wymbs and Richard Trenery was' host' at a dining room, suite


    MUlIf© 1 a raal dandruff rtmver I Actually ft rid of thoaa ufly whit* flake*.

    JMlUre <•* th* trwreuihly hyfl*nlt shampoothat contains,noaketwl. nuhf e 3 a that rsaJjyJkMpi your tcala walt-crMmtd . , your h»lr ln>trf*ct than*. . '

    Here It it—the new seal'bl quality iave read about add ht'ird about ' — ideJrrifying blinds made'with gal- vanized, bonderlud'floible iteel IUII THE DEPENDABLE METHOD! for long-life beauty in your home. < Come in add lee how the o«w bllndi MSOLUTELY AUAMNTEID , now available will spwkle up a room. . {fi>a»ftrt« -ifttU ACADEMY •'•V,.'.:<. • Call RE. 6-3332-R For Estimates. easy «BS A select: boarding and day school for boys, situated In MIddlotown Township, between Leonardo and 'Atlantic High- lands on Leonardvllle • Road In tho former Rico Estate. Grades one to twelve—small classes enable experienced ALS0 MOBILE VENETIAN BUND CO. Instructors to supervise study habits and give individual guidance. Sports Include golf,, riding and swimming. 97 LINDEN PLACE ..RED; BANK; u Apfil£I§& IlMDMASTEB, ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, NEW JERSEY. lapingr Re-Painting RoCording • t AT ALL l'arents Interested In placing; children In tho flrit two grade* should call Miss Mary ,|ane Beneqult, Bed Bank 4-MM-W NEVIN5 tape and Cord by the Yard. or. write directly to the School. . . - . . STORES ' S. LAPIDUR. Prop, ' . s i ' i '«

    '.' J i RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 1*,1947 Middle road, Keyport. ' Dr. Goodiiitky Open* Matawan Mr. and Mrs. William Tlerney •pent' Friday and. Saturday visit-' ANNOUNCEMENT Dental Office The William Tuttle house on Ing Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Apple»att Main street, pccupl«d by Mr. and *t their summer, cottage at Snip Egaws of HMdmg Dr. MkcjrH. Oopdiiwky of High- Mrs. Frank Roberts and owned by SWEDISH HOP Bottom. • "•'. :„• •.'•.•••. '•'• ., '• • Tbntt-Fit-Sat • - ' lands, ha« opened bis ofRe* for the Dr. and Mrs. Ojear Heyer of Prov- practice of dentistry at 472 Broad- idence, R.X, has been sold to.Mn Mrs. B. M. Laeow left Monday to feature Sat Cont. from Z P. M. \ NOW UNDER / way, Lonf Branch. . ./ spend a few days'wlth her mother, and Mrs. Williaw.Porter/ Mr, Por- Mrs. R. Kats of Baltimore, Md. ' DON DeFORE Ur operates the Central bar on 1 NEW MANAGEMENT Main street and Maiden -lane and Mrs. Frank Bliss entertained the Fo* this week, a pretty—and useful— * ANN HARDING Ocean Avenue • Sea Bright^ N. J.. lans to transfer his business to Friday evening bridge club. Prl*e» CHARLES RUGGLES ;h» new location. were awarded to the^hoitess, Mrs, white watering can filled with Summer '; Stanley Pokrywka, Prop., formerly of Linden, N. J, - - William Rabel and KM. Oliver — in — Miss Marilyn Hall has been th* Diggln. ' '. ., •,; 1 Dotty Swanson, accordlan. Every Friday and guest of Miss Nancy Clayton of '-.--. Flpwer*;. .Jiiit the right gift for a U IT HAPPENED ON Saturday Nlghte. Sandwiches. Point Pleasant Mr. and Mrs, SpafTord Schenck Sbuffleboard — Darts left Friday to ipend a few days at 5th AVENUE" Leon Chrlstlnat Is enjoying a va- Westflelil .. -, ' • • :. • shower, or to «ay "welcome home!" 'Jj cation ' from' his position with Mr. and Mn. Jloward flhlnn are Price, Waterhouse and eo- of New enjoying a vacation at Cap* Cod, : i : V; Sun, Mon, Tuea, York. Miss Nancy 'Jan* Erdmann, Mass. '". .'' "' ; $2.50 ;')'--"' •;; tun. Cont. From 1:00 PJH Capt and Mn. Ralph. H. Lewis daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Howard f DON MORRIS\:> Erdmanp, baa been'removed from of Moorehead City, N. a, are visit- J. .. •••'••..'• . -J • • • • GENETIERNEY the critical list at Monmouth Mem- ing his grandmother, Mrs. Jacob GREENHOUSES ON HARDING BD. AT HARRISON AVE,- REX HARRISON orial hospital, where she has been A. Lewis of Mafn street. and his Orchestra Mrs, George Burley la sptndlng • ••', PHONE B. d: 6-1W8V GEORGT SANDERS a patient since she was struck by SONGS BY ANETTE an automobile on highway 31, near August at Bailey Island,, Me. her home. . • , Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Kelley of |S burg:, Fla, .-:••'• EVM. 8i30«-»3, $2M, $1.80, |1 JO M«u. ItJO—»1.8O. «1JO (PriWi Inc. Tu) "garge Goes. To College' While there Mr. Weir attended the BOX OFFICE OPEN 10 AM. to 10 P.M. . ', ' featuring Water Ballet, Buanna Ooumas, to. John T, G-lana- National Skeet championship meet Mr. and Mrs. Harold Sehulman v poulos, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thom- at the Onondaga Skeet and Trap of Port Monmouth road are spend- Now PUylni-iZASU PITTS—In-"Tht t»t« Chrtitopher Be«n" Thursday Thorp, Mat Diving Champions - Comedians as' Glanapoulos of Summit. Mlsi club. ing a week In Kearny. . SONJA HENIE Goumas 'was graduated from key. Mr. and Mrs. Everett Carlson Mr. and Mrs. Max Krueger of JOHN PAYNE port high school; and Mr. Glana- and daughter Patricia have re- Kenllworth .visited Mr. and Mrs. OLENN MILLER * ORCtf. A D MI SSI O N-t— poulos attended Marlon institute In turned after a vacation in Canada. Ales Krueger of Fort' Monmouth — In — Alabama and Cornell university.' Richard Wennor, son of Mr. and road over the week-end. , "SUN VAIXEY SERENADE" He served,two and one-half yean Robert Pitmah of Lincoln court 4- and — * 60c and 1.10 Mr.s Carl Wenner, Broad street, ROBERT LOWERY with the 35th Infantry division, and celebrated his seventh birthday at received a severe Injury to his eye Is now associated in business with family party at, their, home. Friday when tola reaching Into hl» "BIO TOWN" We father in Summit, uests were Mrs. Sarah Hoblltzell, •liter's doll carriage for a bdok, Frank Price, Misses, Jenny and a part of the carriage, bit his eye. Anna Worth, Mrs. H. Waters, Mrs. Richard O'Brien or Lincoln court Marge Wenner, Robert Best and celebrated hlfl ninth birthday IHt Mrs. H. Btults. Oh Monday Rioh. Wednesday 6f last wetlc by taking ST. JAMES UTIiHOW ard had some of his friends In to 11 of his young friends on m teach celebrate. Ouests were Jackie party. The boys toasted hot'dogs, '•{•'r/fci •Scaa'c *?(c

    Will! GLORIA GRAHAME Mit. aioo P.M.' Eva. T-» P. M. PAUL KELLY Continuous Stt. SAM LFVENE Sun., Holldui. §iA GIRT tin.n n < » »•% *>i 4 t.tnt. \. ,t. i'tut w s/'in w. i \ht ;t.:ttr.ti DenntsO'KEEFE "MICHAEL SHAYNE 3 DAYS BEG. John LODER SUNDAY •<=»• AT HIS BEST (SENSATION OF THE SEASON! A BIG NAME BANtfa OF I THE NEAR FUTURE

    HOPPVS LARRY SINISTER HATES! AMID THE FEARFUL DANGERS HOUDAY STRONG LOVES! OF THE SWISS ALPS XMDT 4 CLYDK FOTINE THE WALTER and his Orchestra MONTE CARLO POOL AND STADIUM "Lovable Girl of the Month MUSIC 'TIL 3 A. M. BROADWAY JONES and " WIM PRESENT CONTEST MON. NITE, AUG. 18th itSVQUUH WOOLFORD 4 nighti startipg Entertaining at the Bar Thursday, August 14 Walter Reade'. STRAND THEATRE ***Bank, N. J. JVo Cover Charge at Any Time Winner will receive $1,165 WorthofJewelry . BUSTER CRABBE TA yiiyiiL Uinntno "*—?. linAKuUnL pnUlLCU olCANo AND HIS NEW 1947 / From Temple's Jewelers of 5th Ave., New York City •.'A 7 CATERING TO WEDDINGS .. BANQUETS .. PARTIES WATER FOLLIES RULES AND ENTRY BLANKS AT CARLTON & STRAND THEATRES Ui shows nlthtly yopula DON'T WAIT-FILL OUT YOUR BLANK AND TUBN IT IK TODAY. ». i JxUuuf£e Shoes «d»^ ytm * toiM jr. M. SIIOU !• OI< Oil I SII0ICK

    . • ' \ i "ft' ' i ' ' *^^¥.;.rt,' RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 14,1947 Clambake Held Port Monmouth Roy Mudd'is enjpylng two weeks' At Pullen's vacation from his position In Eliz- abeth. , • Mrs.' Grace Curran of Matawan Festive Occasion was the guest -recently of. Mr. and' At Boat Yard, Mrs. John Bennett Mrs. Bennett also entertained Mrs. Fred Bentley. An . old-fashioned daunbake was of North Jersey. 11 held, Saturday at Pulton's boat After a week's visit at the home yard* at Rumson. Before the bake of Mrs. Charles Leibhauser, Mrs. began, Was Judith Ann Desmond Kjlsby of Miami Beach, Flar; will carried . the American flag across spend some'time w(th friends at the grounds and then she and.the Boston. entire assemblage stood at atten- Miss McAllister of Tonkers, N. tion1 as. "The Star Spangled Ban- T., and Mrs. Charles Leibhauser ner" was played through the loud and son Edward spent Sunday at speaker./ the home of Lieut: Comdr. Charles Leibhauser, Jr., and family at 1 , Attending the bake from Bum- son were Mr. and. Mr», Oeorge Pleasantville. Davis, Mr. and Mra. George Qrauae, Harold Quackenbush attended the Mr. and Mrs. Raymond A. Des- wedding of one of his former ship- '^.y. % mond, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Til- mates at Bayahore, L. I., Sunday. ton, Mr. "and" Mrs. Stephen Stev- Mr. and Mrs. John Strohmenger, ?>^&m ens, Mr. and Mrs. Charles, Smith, Sr., and daughter Barbara and son Mr. and Mrs; Raymond Puilen, John, Jr;_of Summit, were week- Mils Josephine Fullen, Miss Judith end guests of Mr. and Mrs.'John Ann Desmonct, Mrs. Edward Stew- Bennett. ^' art, Jr., Oeorge Hartman, James The monthly meeting of the Shay,-Charles Smith, Jr., Mr. andLadies' auxiliary of the Are com- Mrs. James C. Delaney, John De- pany was held Tuesday evening at laney, Harold Sbeehan and Charles the fire house. V: Farwell. Mrs./Michael O'Keefe, a summer Others present were Mr. andresident of this place for. the 'last 'Mrs. Frederlck'Ungrich, Mrs. Mary 25. years, eold her home on Poplar line; Fred Umrrlch,. Lester Hall, street. Sheiwas given a farewell Save Where It Counts — 'Charles Mstson, and Lester Hall, dinner at Ye Cottage Inn, Keyport, Red Bank; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Ed- recently by her friends. > Save Where it Counts — s wards, Mr. arid Mrs. Oxzte Elmer. Mr. and Mrs. George Jorgensen and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Chin- of Jersey City are enjoying two nock, Fair Haven; .Mr. and Mrs. kn\nu\\mmm weeks' Vacation at their bungalow Harold Lester,: XiRh FaJIon andon Illinois avenue. ' ON PAKTRY A&P s Close-Trimmed meat cutting methods eliminate Jean and George Sprague, Long Mr. and Mrs. James Campbell . excess waste . .. give you more for your money. And Branch/ Mr. and Mrs. R. Sohmabel, spent the week-end with relatives We collect 'em. You select 'em. And that's all there', yon get more good eating, too, when you get a juicy, Mrs, Ajlan Church and Mr. andIn Pennsylvania. Mrs. Connelly, Elizabeth; Dr. and is to it at A&P. For you can count on qualJty...-._._ SUPER.= MARKETS= . fine:flayored jJuper-Right cut, .selected.--from tender " Mr. Vnd Mrs. Henry Klelber, Jr., rely on good value .'.'. and trust A&P's great assort- corn-fed beef and pork, milk-fed veal and' choice Mrs. Eugene Lamont and Mr. andof Packanack Lake and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Olah, PatersoU; Thom- Mrs. Charles Brooks of Long Is- ment to have just what you want—and all you want. spring lairiB. " ' as Wilson, Arlington; Mr. and Mrs. land spent the week-end with Mr. There's a big difference between scattered sw- Bruggeman, Carl Burnglde, Mlch- and Mrs.' Henry Klelber, Sr., of lona and Various Other Brands - . . . ~ ael Bruno, E, J. Bruno, and Mr.Main street , ings on a few items ~ and A&P's steady, day-in, I hllthVAnn BroilinflandFrying^ •IB• )w^—. and, Mrs. Barton Lales, Atlantic '-'•••IVsTk VU9 Sizes under 4 Ibi. TB;#83« Hoboken. WCAW Shortening, can tlOC can l.tffj ' ding anniversary Saturday. Mrs. feed your family better and fatten up your piggy- Jefferson is the former Miss Re- 2 2 Sirloin Steak . »> 83e Wills Probated glna. Raupp. Bar tie it Pears Hun/. 'c,°n -39« hank at the same time, Conie in and see for your- Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Vivian en- ' Frederick E. Dofoaon, Sr., whotertained Saturday at a dinner self. Compare our price tags, department by Legs of Lamb SpaBt,b>6?e died June 28* In Manasquan, willed p^rty for Mr. and Mrs. James H. Apple Juice R«<)cheHt |500 to the Trinity Episcopal .Clarke pt.'Jersey..City, who .were department, throughout .the store. You'll see we church, Bayonne, In commemora- observing their 25th wedding an- Veal Roast »»"«'«»shoulder. ib.4i9c tlon of his parents under'terms of niversary. Present were Mr. arid Do$ Foods K 3^ 35c practice whai: we preach at A&P. a, will probated by Surrogate Dor- Mrs, Geonge Pokorny, Mrs. Frank Ducklings Long Island's lb,33c mkri McFaddin at Freehold. Mitchell, Miss Joan Vivian and Daily Dog Food .-..•,>. can 3 fef.25e Real estate at Main street and Hugh Clarke. Turkey.8 under16 lbs. Ib. 57c 14 lbs>an'd over ib;49e Fearce' avenue, Manasquan, owned CrisCO or Spry 1 Ib. can 39c 3 Ib. can 1.09 Save Where H Counts — jointly "by Mr. Dobson and a sister, Chuck Roast or Steak lone in . n>. 55c Jane A. Dobson, he willed to Miss FOTINE AT SIM GIRT DW. Preserves Ann Page-Peach, Plum, Pineapplt> 1 Ib. jar 25e ' Dobson. He also directed, that |1,- Larry Fotlne and-hls orchestra Top Round Steak ...... ib85e 000 be paid to a slBter,. Winifred W. have arrived at the Sea Girt .Inn Apple BuUer White House 28oi.|ar23e FRUITS MD VEGETABLES Yates, Lynnbrook, L. I., with the for an extended engagement. Pot Roast Boneless Chuck-No Fat Added lb.75e provision that Should she prede-. Fbtlne, . a • former arranger with Joy Cake Mix Chocolate or Vanilla pkg. 27c Don't worry about the freshness of A&P fruits cease him, It be divided by hisSammy Kaye, formed his own band and. vegetables. A&P's careful selection and 1 Top Sirloin Roast No Fat Added n>. 85o , nieces, Elizabeth W. Stewart, Nash- shortly after he was released from Junket Rennet Powder ... pkg. 9c direct'shipping methods see to that. Your only wauk, Minn, and Margaret H; the army. •. He has collaborated ,,,. Yates,' Lynnbrook. :\ .. ', .• • . problem is what to choose — there's so much Chopped Beef • Frtihly Ground Ib 49c with Duke Ellington In several, Lang's Dill Pickles . . . . quart 21c to choose from at A&P. . • " The-residue of the estate was compositions, and has written sev-, willed to his son, Frederick E, Dob- Plate and Navel Beef Fmh or comed ib.29e era! of his own. Last winter his Red Cabbage , Home Style 16oz. |arl5e son',. Jr./ Bayslde,' Long Island, who band played their first engagement was named executor in a will made at Che«Cousin Philadelphia. Pork LoinS . lb.62e April 28,1945;. : • • ;., Macaroni or Spaghetti Ann Page 1 ib. Pkg. 14c •David A,VanScholck, who died Shoulders of Lamb Cross Cul-Whcle Ib. 47« ' ;:1ij'!L>a|r Branph, March H Pitied, Ritz Crackers Nabisco * i ib. plg?29o- Potatoes "property at 32 Howland place. Long Loin Lamb Chops . . . . . * ib.89c . Branch, to his granddaughter, Hel- CoCOlTlalt Chocolate Food Drink lib. can43c . S» en VanSoholck Ferry. The balance U. S. No. 1 Grad* : qf, theestate will >e cUyMed In foul 33- Rib Lamb .Chops . • . . . . ib. 79c . equal shares and be distributed to ...Ey.ap.OriRt.ed,Milk Mit.«House_tal!.caii2.l9.r,23fim hli children, William VanScholck, Shoulder Lamb Chops .. , • * 73e Alvin • VanScholck, and < Flora Van- Cream of Rice Cereal . .; i8oi.pkg.24e' ••' Schoick Regan. The fourth share Seedless Grapes California ' 2 ibi. 25c SteVing Lamb' trtast andShank lb.29c is to be divided among.the three Apricot Nectar Heart's Delight 12 Or can 2 (or 2 lc ('. children of his deceased son, Ross Eating Pears California Bartlaltt ' 2ibi25c . Leg orRump of Veal. .... n>55o VanScholck. 'They' are Emma At- Tomato Juke lona Brand 18 oz can 3 for 25c kinson, Edltb Jbbnaon and Gordon Fresh Peas ' From W«Urn Farmi Rib Veal Chops ...... R>63« VanScholck. :•.. ' : • VegamatO . . IB OI can 10c 46 01. can 23c 2ibi.25c In a will dated July U, 192*. Gus- Fresh Tomatoes Horns Grown 2 lbs. 15c Loin Veal Chops n>. 75« tave A, Murray, who died in Wall '. String Beans lona Brand 19 oz can 3lor29c township, July 23,' left property in Sweden to her mother, Christina Golden Sweet Corn Homt .Grown 6 lor 19c Breast or Neck of Veal ... . . n>.27e Anderson of Sweden, w|th'the un- Sweet Peas lona 20 oz can 3 'or 29c derstanding that upon her death Crisp Table Celery Horns Grown stalk 15c Smoked Beef Tongues . • • . ib. 49«~^ —itr~fo tOT Mrs.-Murray*s husband, Reliable Peas Fancy 20oz.eenl7c - Thomas W. Murray, who was Seedless Limes Q Full ol Juic* cln. of 5 14c Smoked Pork Shoulders Ficnio n>53e Ann Page Salad Dressing . pimjarSlc named sole,ev*outor. .•'.-.'..: : REDUCED! 'Anna, Stiansen, who died March Egg Plant . Homt Grown Ib. 8c Sliced BaCOn SunnyHeld 'Hlb.pkg.38e • In HpweU township,' named her Ann Page Mayonnaise . . pint \K 39C Husband, Sttye Stiansen, Freewbod Green Peppers • Horn* Grown lb.9e Frankfurters n>49e . Acres, as Mecutor and sole, benp- ; Flit Insecticide 5* DDT Pimcan23c Uclary In a, will made March1 19, Personal' "'•.'.'• ; l Yellow Squash Homt Grown lb.3c Ocean-Fresh Fish v 1&U. . •.;'.•• • • • • •• • •! • : Siz. . . " Spap Flakes • Bright Sail • lge.pkg.22e -Amanda Barham, who, died June 1 Lima Beans Homt .Grown 2ibi.l7c Flounder Fillet IB.49C Whiting . .. n>'15c '3*'In.Long Branch,lefKher estate Mason Jars pims-doz: 69o iquarii-'dox. 75o to her children James E. Barnaul REDUCED! •VindP«ari.W.:: Wiley, and named Mackerel . . ib. 17c Butterfish . n>-21« • them executors of a will .drawn Ideal Jars pinls-doz. 75c quarls-'doz. 85c AugustjM, 19M.' , " SWAN SOAP ELBEItTA C. Rafferty, 22 Atlantic avenue. Ocean Grove,, who died FREE§TOIVE Peaches ' September 5, 1949, named her -sis- wfcw ter,. Margaret C. Gray, executrix For Eating, Slicing and sole beneficiary In a will made Nov., 27, 1943. The will provided PJBCIII! .' or Preserving that should her sister predecease FLAVOR-TESTED TEAS her, •*.' niece, • Agnes ,0. Blnneweg, OOICK-FIX FOODS Oakland, Cal./wlll b« executrix and SWAB SOAP Nectar Tea A National Favorite Klb.pkg.39e • receive two-thirds of the. estate. Trcet, Rcdi-Meat or Prem . 12 oz. can 35e Th« remaining third would then go '£&.•. Nectar Tea Bags .... pkg.oH839o Count Your Savings in— to a brother, John A. Colvln. Leo- Claridge Hamburgers . . . 43e nla. , ;.. -..••,• •••.•/.,' ••.!.•-• Out Own Tea Full Flavored .Wlb.pkg.37e In a will made July 8, lfl<7, Lelja A&P's DAM CUTER Broadcast Corned Beef Hash ttoz »n25e D. .Stout, who died July 12 In Eat- 1AVA SOAP Our Own Tea Bags i . . pkg,oi5o37e ontown, left all, to Iaaao Cleani dirty hands We've many famous brands of i.ifc>. «n 26c Stewart and named'him sole execu- cheese and our milk and cream Armour's Corned Beef Hash tv1;• ;'• '•;;•• and Grade A eggs are in the same Libby's Vienna Sausage • . 4oz.unl6« Save Where It Count* — spotlight- • easy to pick up at your friendly A&P. Middletown Beef Stew . lurnhami Merrill 20oic.n39o , Members of • the ', PMs.rvis.Uon IIKKMAN Mel-O-Bit American Proc.n ib. 47c Ann Page Beans . . . i«oi can2for23e fund 'committee of the Baptist FRESnLV ItlkFD IIVE\ TREATS church will hold'a food sale tomor- row from 10:80 (i'clook Jo>1 o'clock BORAX SOAP ••:••>• Bread and rolls for sandwiches that fill you Cheddar Cheese Food; ched-o-Bit 2 ib. box 83c Portuguese SardinesBon«uniSkini.n SHOZ.can27e In the ohapel. Mrs. Joseph Till is and refresh you, too ... featherlight cakes and 1 Swiss Cheese ' ' • ' Domeilie Sliced Ib 65c Friend's Beef with Gravy . «oz. can 49e chairman. • '"' . ,"V . ••• :• flaky doriuts that won't weigh you' down or Mr. and Mra. Walter • Grub* en- burden your budget either — that's what you'll tertained last week at a family dln- , Fresh Cottage, Cheese iretkiton. «ox. . fW. H. Reger has returned PureLard . • . . . . . « • . n> 21e from' Bound Brook, where she: had Devils Food Fudge Loaf Jane Parker each 39e Enjoy it iced—And Often been visiting for several weeks, ; Nutley Margarine . . . • . • . n> 34« V Miss Helen Cook of Sotneryll!*, Pineapple Coffee Cake Jane Parker each 33 V America's most popular coffee by his Uth * birthday Thursday at a millions of pounds. Add ice to your party at his home. Guests enjoyed 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. favorite blend and keep cool in spite a treasure hunt, and Richard Hub- of the weather. , , owlth won the prl«. STORE HOURS: tkrwgh Saturday Miss Frances Pratt of Ohio Is L loaves visiting her niece, Mrs. Richard Eight O'Clock . 2 J:, 7,1c Coblens. IK HIM. oh. *>Ut • «M ni MM U»«J 'Dr. and Mrs. Wylle a. Pate spent b tt|e week-end at Pine Beach. Red Circle . . 2b.g ;77e ^dJp4Jilf -.-t ii'iu-i! -• • aW tkaua wkT'llk »••'•'• BlUsitflii i^liissi • fon, 0., who Have been spending ths past month with ' thlr f rand- Enriched for health, packed with flavor,. ... and dated fresh, tool Bokar . . . . 2b,gl«le parents, Rav. «nd Mr*. William B. ihH. wh. Hky vtjww, i*m t.H» i i flpoltord, Br, returned homt ytattr- ,

    METHODIST Tinton Fall* „ ago, he had been a fanner. Mr. Mr». Dish] Is only survived by one Atlantic Highlands ' Welch was bom in Holmdtl, son of son, Donald Dlehl of Nutley. - EMS PERTAINING TO Rev. Roy E. Williams, Jr., will Members of the Tinton Falls th* late Patrick and Margaret The funeral wa« held Mpnday at preach Sunday morning 'at the auxiliary of the Methodist Home Ke)ly Welch. Surviving an the Coolt: funeral home, and the 10:45" o'clook service on "He Called for the Aged and friends have been Deaths In Red Bank daughter, Mrs, John Layton of remains' were sent' to Charleston, UR LOCAL CHURCHES It Treasure'." The senior choir will Invited to the cornerstone laying Lelghton avenue, Bed Bank, and W. Va., where burial took place. sing an anthem. ceremonies of the'new home at three sons, Thomas Welch of » ? PBESBVTEBIAN The evening worship will be a Ocean Grove, Saturday,. August 23, and Vicinity Stamford, Conn., and William an . GETS DIVOBCE we have waited for him, we union service with the Naveslnk at 2:30 p.m. The local group has James Welch of Bed Bank. ••-' Red Bank be glad and rejoice in bis salva- Methodist ohurch at the latter received a letter, of thanks from the .The funeral will be held at 40 A decree of dlyorce was granted , •' Rev. John AI Hayes will speak tion". (Jsa. 25:»). 1 HBS. STEPHEN SALLMAN and George Lohsen both of Key- this week to Walter A. Hutton of church at 7 o'clock, with the pas- 'home for donations made for the port, and eight nieces and nephews. o'clock . Saturday' morning at St. •{to the members of the congregation Sermon. Passages from the King tor preaching on "The Experience recent fair. ' Mrs. Jane Harrow Tallman James church, with Msgr. Joseph Union Beach from^LorettaL. Hut- * next.Sunday morning at 11 o'clock James version of the Bible include of Intimacy." The. first fall meeting of the la- novelist and poet, died Monday T. Casey offering a high requiem ton, on grounds of desertion, be- op the subject, "Joseph, The Man '•*Hear, O Israel: The Lord our dles' aid society of the Methodist night in Orange Memorial hospital. LOOM SIGMUND • mass. Burial will be in Mt Olivet fore Advisory' Master Trapp. Mr. God Is one Lord:' And thou shal Church school will convene at Louis Slgmund, of Keyport, an Hutton was represented by Flor- rWho Dared to Dream", the third 9:30 a. m. for beginners and prim- church will be held Thursday, Sep- Mrs. Tallman and her husband, cemetery tmd«r the direction of the topic of ajeries of Bible character love the Lord thy God' with all tember 11. The place will be an- Stephen H. Tallman, formerly ol employee of. the Gulf Refining com- Mount memorial home. ence F. Forfeotson, Red Bank at- ^studies. The other sermons for the thine heart, and with all thy soul, ary children and at noon for the pany at Newark the past 35 years, torney. •••••-. • ">: '"; ;" rest of the school. nounced later. Shrewsbury, retired vice president " rest of the month will be, "The and with all thy might". (Deut Plans for the annual dinner of of the -Central 'Hanover Bank died Monday'at the age of SO years. MBS. MABEL DIEHL Hloh Young- Buler, Who was Really 6:4,5)) Correlative passages from the ladles' auxiliary of Tinton Falls Trust company, New York city Surviving are his wife,' Mrs. Very Poor", August 24, and "Sam< "Science and Health with Key t PRESBYTERIAN Ethel Frey Slgmund, and a son, Mrs. Mabel Dlehl, a summer resi- in*- Tha Beglatar.—Adrer^IiemtnU fire company to be held Thursday, lived at 24 Edgewopd avenue, West dent, of Leonardo for the past 15 son, A Strong Man Who Was the Scriptures" by Mary Baker Ed' Eatontown September 11, at a place to be de- Orange. Mr. Tallman was president Stewart Blgmund, living at home; Weak", Augusj 31. dy Include: John A. Westln will speak at the cided' on later, were'made at a a sister,' Mrs. Charles Lelbenow of years, died Friday at the home of o( of the class of 1897 of the- Be Mrs. Helen Craft of the Bronx Mrs. Qe.orge B. Milter, president "Soul and Spirit bring one, God SunBay morning service'at 10:45 meeting Monday night the group, Bank high school. Newark and six brothers, George,, of the Woman's Missionary society, and Soul axe one, and this one nev o'clock on "Abraham's Obedience In at the fire house, Mrs. John Lemon, Mrs. Tollman's published works William, Frederick and Joseph Sig- wrote an Interesting history of the er included In a. limited mind or a His Trial of Faith." The evening Mrs. Harry Mayberry and Mrs. An- mund of Irvlngton;, - Peter Slg- /organization, which was printed in limited body. Spirit Is. eternal, di service, which Is preceded . by a include a novel, "The Figure thony Monzo comprise- the dinner Flame," and "A Life of Kathan mund of Highlands and Henry Sig- the weekly calendar Sunday. The vine. Nothing but Spirit, Soul, can g service with' special music, committee. Mrs. Esther Fliedner mund-of Newark. -group will observe ttsGOJh anniver- •volve-Llfe, for Spirit ir more than will be -followod—by— the—pastor's will provide table favors and Mr*. Hale," for young people, an sary October' 9. all else", (p. 338). message. Frank Slayer, will be in charge of many poems "and short storlesr Re- —The funeral-was held this morn- MONUMENTS • Mrs. Harry C. F. Worden, supet- Sunday-school convenes at 9:30 the decorations. The next.meeting cently her works had appeared in ing at St. Joseph's church, Keyport, ; intendent ot the beginners' depart- PRESBYTERIAN a, m tinder leadership . of James of he auxiliary will be held Mon- "The American Girl," official pub where a high mass of requiem was ment, thanked Mr. and Mrs, H. Atlantic Highlands White, and the Sunday Nights meet day night September 8. The re- lication of the,Girl Scouts. offered by Monslgnor John p. Russell Blackman, Jr., 27 Arthur Rev. A. Kenneth Manger wi at 6:30 p, m. in the church parlors. freshments committee Includes Mrs. Her three-act play, "Laurel Foi Burke.. Burial was In the church ' place, for the gift of a cabinet vic- preach Sunday at the 8:30 o'clocl Edward Carney, Mrs.* Peterson and Harriet," was presented several cemetery under the'direction of, the trola. It was used for the first time and 11 o'clock services in the ab • BAYSHORE COMMUNITY Mrs. William ' 8. England.' years ago by the Llstentome clul John E. Day funeral honie of Red Sunday morning. sence on vacation' of the pastor, 'East Kesnsburg . Mrs. Minnie Cunningham and E. of the Oranges, and two of he Bank and Keyport . .; * •:/ The ushers for August are Wil- Rev. Donald N. Correal. His ser- Bible class and church school C. Everwlne of Newark spent Sun- pageants were given by the Wom- liam L. Word, In charge, assisted mon will be "The Expectancy pi will, meet Sunday morning at 10 day with the former's sister-in-law, en's club of th* Oranges and Maple- SAMUEL CABNEY JOHNSON by Craig N. Crenshaw, Robert Far- Christ" Sunday-school will conven o'clock, morning service at 11 Mre. William S. England. wood. She was a member of th Samuel Carney Johnson, 48, of row,* Kenneth C. Burger, Joseph A. at! 10 a. m. o'clock. The guest preacher will . Henry B. Wayne, who operates a Pen and Brush club of Mew York Naveslnk avenue, Fair Haven, died Verdune, George Norton and Ellis be^Rev. Francisco B. Colon. Wed- gasoline station on Tinton avenue, A native, of Buffalo she spent Tuesday at the Allenwood hospital, Webb. . HOLT TBDJITT LUTHERAN nesday at 8 p. m., motion pictures. Is a patient in Hazard hospital. He most of her life in Maplewood ani where he had been a patient two Red Bank . Friday at 8 p. rri., prayer service Is an exempt member ot the local the Oranges, and formerly was a .years. He was born In Red Bank, TRINITY EPISCOPAL Rev. Harold Hornberg«r, pastor, fire company and has been visited Your Expression 6t l s and hymn sing, followed by a meet- member of the staffs of the mu son of the late Samuel A. and Ida „ , . •' • Red Bank has chosen "Highlights in Modern Ing of the. Women's guild. by several firemen and other nicipal libraries of Newark an M. Richardson Johnson. True Remembrance friends. ' Sunday's service will Include Luthtranlsm" as his subject fo Madison, Besides his wife, Mrs. Armenia No other act ot a normal .-HQiy_CQjmiuinlon_at JLa._ m.,_and the Sunday morning service at METHODIST , David Holmes of New York has Her husband and her stepmother, Brown Johnson, he Is survived by man's life gives him more . morning prayer and sermon at 11 o'clock. " " been visiting This father, Charles Sea Bright Mrs. SarifWhlttor Dairow of - Jiot* a daughter, Miss Allita I. Johnson j complete soul satisfaction o'clock. The services will be in The church council will Meet to Holmes of Water etreeta mandy Beach, survive.- ' ' and two sons, Connie A. and Gary than the building of a Mem- charge of Rev. W. Norman Fltten- night in the church at 8 o'clock, tc Rev. Walter B. Williams will Harold England has returned to preach Sunday at the 11 o'clock Funeral service will be held th! A. Johnson, all living-at home; a orial to his loved ones.who ger of the faculty of the General plan fall and. winter activities.'.To work at Fort Monmouth after en- afternoon at 4:15 o'clock at "The sister, Mrs. Allita Montague of Lin- have gone on. Theological seminary in New York morrow night the Loyal society and service on "I Am Fenced In." The joying a vacation of three weeks. 1 church school assembles at 9:80 a. Colonial Home," 132 South Harri- den place; and a brother, Oilcan City, in the absence on vacation of the League of Young Adult Luth He visited his brother and sister-in- son street, Eait Orange. Johnson of Fair Haven. Our select' Barre Memorials • the rector, Rev. Robert H. Ander- erans will go to Cold Indian Spring m., with Mrs. Eleanor Lindsay su- law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles England bear the Guild mirk of ap- perintendent, j The funeral will be held tomor- son. The sermon will be "The Ne- at Wayside for- a corn roast and of Lake Hopatcorig, and a cousin MISS ANNA C. LUFBOBBOW row afternoon at 2:30 at St. Thom- proval—your guarantee of a cessity of Prayer." swim.. All (he young folk of the Woman's Society of Christian and niece on'Staten Island, as chapel, with Rev. Charles H. finer .Memorial at no extra church are invited to attend, and Service will meet Thursday at 7:30 Miss Anna C. Lufburrow, 81, died cost Visit our showroom , There will be the usual week-day last Wednesday night at' her home Dukes • officiating. Burial will be in r / cars will leave the church at 8:SC p. m. Mrs. Selma Swenson will White Ridge cemetery, under the and see our displays of then "celebration ot Holy Communion to- o'clock. preside. in Stockbridge, Massachusetts, She certified memorials. your ramOr pbyildan is • morrow at 10 a. m. Atlantic Highlands was born In Red Bank, a" daughter direction of the Worden. funeral man of ability, with .|. The annual church fair and cake home, •"•.•' The Sacrament of Confirmation REFORMED sale will be held tomorrow and Sat- of the late John S, and Frances G. , background of fine train* will-be administered early In. Octo- The borough is expected to com- Lufburrow, a descendant of one 0 ing .and valuable expert Red Bank urday starting at 6 p. m. on Ocean plete an arrangement this week WILLIAM WELCH ber when the bishop will visit th "The Royal Wedding Quest" wi: Monmouth's oldest families and for JOHN VAN KIRK enee. parish'. Confirmation classes-will be avenue, outside of the church build- with the Jersey Central railroad be the sermon'topic by Rev. Joh Ing, for the benefit of the budget. whereby the borough will take over at least halt of her life was a resi William Welch of Keyport died Nazi ta ML Oltost Cematary It U wise »o select • fu- started next month. It is requested G. Gebbard, Jr., af the 10:45 o'clock dent of the county. She was a Tuesday night at the Hilltop nurs- neral director with the that all adults, as well as the par- the maintenance of the Bayvlew granddaughter of the late Hlchard Phone R«d Bank 6-0319 Sunday morning worship service. BAPTIST avenue station and surrounding ing home, Mlddletown, from heart same can. Bis •bilily. ents of children who are to be con- Sunday-sohoel meets at 9:30 a. m Red Bank Lufburrow and Anna Taylor Luf trouble. He was 82 years old. . training and experience is firmed, should give their names to area. • . • ' _ burrow, and a cousin ot Emily Luf R.F.D. Box 108 Red Bank . Rev. William Hearn of Middle- James Latta has purchased a lot Before his retirement 25 yean equally tmportanl. • the priest in charge as soon as pos- BAPTIST town Baptist church will be guest burrow Thompson (Mrs. William M. sible so that arrangements may be Leonardo on Third avenue. .. Thompson) of Middletown. 'Our many years^of service preacher at the Sunday service. Al- The borough Is contemplating an made for the clasBes upon the re- The church-school aesslori will be fred c- Beck will be in charge of Miss Lufburrows' Colonial ances in this cominnnity, will. turn of the rector. . held Sunday at »:« a. :m., with expenditure of $4,000 for water tor was John Loughborough, who ire oeliere, qoalify vu to classes for all.. The morning wor- the 10 o'clock session of the school. main extensions on Orand, East came to New Jersey from Leicester- meet- the shore require- A Wliite Cross meeting will be Washington and First avenues. METHODIST ship will be held at 11 o'clock when shire, Englan'd, in'February 1684, menis. Many have thanked the pastor, Rev. Ellwood S. Wolf, held Monday, August 26, at 7:30 Work on the Grand avenue and located In Mlddletown. On No- as for the kindneu, eonr. .. • .Red Bank will preach ...on the theme, "We p. m. at the church. All members bridge has been completed. vember 02, 1688, he married Han- teay and isct at lime of Dr. John D. Herr, superintendent Have Opportunity". The ordinance of the missionary groups are urged The Register was in error when nah Bunn, and they had seven chil- life's greslesl trial. Wo, in- of the northwest district of the of baptism will be administered at to be present. _. • It printed a story, concerning a pro- dren, Thomas, John, Mary, Benja- vite your confidence on Philadelphia Conference, will the evening, service at 8 o'clock, posed card party sponsored by the min, Nathaniel, Hanna and Cath- ffff Uih bails. V preach at the 11 o'clock Sunday The pastor will also preach, during HIOHPOINT SPIRITUALIST W.3.C.S. of the Methodist church. erine. Miss Lufburrow had many U ofttn unptamntd «w aJvUt tar*fat' ctiulJtrafi** morning service on "A Divided this service, the theme being, "De- Leenardo No party had. been planned. The friends and relatives In Monmouth Heart." Dr. Herr was a former pro- cision to Follow". Mrs. Phllllpine Forsman will item was supplied through a sourco county who were'very fond ot her. mnd ftliunlit fUcHoH. • fessor at Temple school of The- The chureh-eohopi picnic will be substitute'for Rev. Frances Steven- which The Register thought reli- 'After taking up her residence in ology. The xhoir will render as the held Saturday at Roosevelt park, son Sunday and will bring a mess- able. Stockbridge, she frequently came to offertory anthem, "Rejoice in the near Fords. All members of the age at the 8 o'clock Sunday evening Mr. and Mrs. Philip Dlnkelberg, Red Bank to visit with her aunt, John E. Day Lord Always." church-school are provided for, but service entitled "Finding God", Jr., of South avenue, are parents the late Mrs. Charles H. Boot of V Rev. James Femberton, pastor of children five years-of age or under while Rev. 'Stevenson Is a guest at ot a daughter born Monday at Irving place. FUNERAL HOME Ballard Memorial church, Asbury must be accompanied by a paren the Spiritualist Camp in Freevllee, Monmouth Memorial hospital. The funeral was held Friday rr/oun t frlemorial +J4i Park, for the last six years, will or some responsible person appoint- N. Y. Sunday-school at 10:30 a. m. The Lions club held an Informal night at Stockbridge and burial omc 8S Riverside Avenue ; speak at the 8 o'clock evening ser- ed by the'parent Those not mem- will be. usual, but, tb,e reg- meeting Monday .the Pier took place Saturday afternoon In vice on "When Human Resources bers.of the. school may attend by ular weekly services .will be post- hotel on First avenue. James C. the Lufburrow-Bowers plot. In Fair- paying bus fare, room permitting. poned this week. Rev. Stevenson Fall," A duet, "Love Divine," wll will return August 24. Auchlncloss will address the club view cemetery under the direction Tel. 6-0226 Phone 6-0332' Red Bank be rendered by Miss Mildred Palm- All will meet at the church at 10 next Monday night at the Log of the- Mount Memorial home of t ••'••. • • ; • er and Richard Warner. o'clock in the morning.. Buses will Caibin inn. , . . . ' Ped.Bank. c OHURCH OF CHRIST ..*JBl5b8PJSS ARTCRAFT MEMORIALS he will save us: this is the Lord; nai al SctScottt with dlfiilntd titstits' •ymptttuutt e Hrvlcal . TkTk* muntr In wklth all rftUlU *r» kund thi qulat «lr el undaratandlrif rerfectlon of Material and that pravilla all go ta nuke llw 1 ,: [/ cartmany • Uallm raonumint te Workmanship la Beautlfal A telephone call to our office St. George's by tjie River «h« Kimory al yaar lavad CM. ' . New Deslgu . will bring a salesman who Tat caramon* jrm daalra Bees' Bet will, Without any, obligation, , ' ' ' (EFMOOFAL) .'• ' ' •'• * ba axitanalv* 1. be dinitftail. Yea can'turn aafaly to Scott far • Our memorials are manufactured show you latest designs. Waterman Ave,, one block South of Rumson Bd, Samson bwutlful ud Jljnlflad fmaral at mailara.ta.cott. , by skilled artisans in our well Only Monument Dealers In (Take Sea Bright BUM) •quipped plant at West .Long • Bed Bank THE REVEREND GEORGE A. ROBBRTSHAW, Rector Branch. H. Lawrence Scott 10 DRUMMOND P|~, .8V-AWKlNG^»te^ •IMAM., Family Service .. UNITED »TATBS HAS NOT WlV RAISED HIS OWN STANDARD Scott Funeral Home 10M A.M. Carillon Becltal Mmiatawn Temukl* LONG BRANCH MO OFUVING, sWTGRBATLV INCREASED AGR/CULTURAI. « 11IWA.M. MornUi, pmjrer Ml Sermon. CoiUnnautly pair 11 Yaare Telephone R. B. 6-0024 PRODUCTION FOR THE BBNEFIT OP THE NATION Church Street, BeUord, N. 9. WaU Street TeL JLB. 6-8567 Welt Long Branch At the'-U o'clook strvlee the' full oholi; of mw and boy» will sing. AND 7H« ENTIRE WORLD. " • , , j, Send for mnMntMl C«t*lotM , ., NU»l». lund>va an« rtfc«M CALL.R. B. RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 14,1947 .Patre Seven Cupples, Mrs. Louise Russell, Mrs. Hamjmer - Minogue Nuptials Stork Shower Edith Crozler,' Mrs. Nelly Egeland, Mrs. Gladys Dunlap, Mrs. Muriel POST AND RAIL FENCING BULLDOZER At Fair Haven Mack,' Mrs. Florence Oarlock, Mrs. SOLD AND ERECTED. A stork shower mi given for Nelly Farley,.Mrs. Alice Matthews, AS LOW AS & CRANE WORK MM. Richard Pettlgrew of Crozltr Mrs. Beatrice Butler, Mrs. Doris Split chestnut mils with LOTS CLEARED—CELLARS DUO court,' Fair Haven, by "Mrs. Roy Cadman and Misses Beatrice Rob- locust or chestnut posts. ROADWAYS CUT blns, Lois England and Margaret Rosenberg, of DeNormandle avenue, If you are paying more than ALSO miVEWAYS RESURFACED a.t her home •' Wednesday of last Cameron. 4% on your present mortgage W« H.T. • Full Liu of Blua.toM, l —Refinance through us. Let's PADDOCK FENCING Topuil, Fill Dirt, Sand, CUikr* aof Present were Mrs. Helen Lamber- Telephones ID the 1920'a were out talk it over. •on, Mrs. Esther England, Mrs, of order about once In IB months Lois Bellalr, Mrs., Margaret Jaka- and were repaired^ In about flve HarryE. Newman, k. N. & M. CONTRACTING CO. becy, Mrs. Charlotte Zerr, Mrs. hours.' Todty telephones function SCHWARTZ-MACKLIN * CO LTD. LEONARDO, N. J. Robert Pettlgrew, Mrs. Joyce Pet- properly lor an average pf 30 Phone SS« New Egypt Til. At. Highlands 1-0927 or 1-OIW tigrew, Mrs. Madelalne Bobbins, months, and two hours are needed 8 White St., Red Bank 6-3121 or Sin Alto D««l 7-09S7-J. Mrs. Mary Farley, Mrs. Patricia to complete,, repairs.

    l » * >„ ?* ••*'" «<,. *"

    ••!-• u *


    .««•.-.• -^ Cl%'rC£ AND MRS. THOMAS J. MINOGUE Bone >n. ^ mOre tt>; ^ J Miss Maty Louisa Hammer, The bridesmaids were Miss June daughter of Jjjr. and Mrs. Elnar Methot 'of Red Bank, Miss Sally Hammer, at flhr*wsbury, and Sleber, Interlaken; Mrs.' James Thomas J. Minogue, son of Mr. and Mannion .and Mrs. John Farrell, I «U»L* a-*" Mrs. John Minogue of New York New York city. All wore gowns of RfcRoM, city, were;ma5rled Saturday at a yellow mousBelln'e-de-sole, . made •olv.rnn>S: nuptial mass'at St. James church,' like the. honor attendants. Their by Msgr. Joseph T. Casey. A rec»i* bouquets were blue delphinium and ,\i «m>* tlon followed at the Molly Pitcher white , gladioli/ and they had hotel.,.' •-/*• ".•'••"i •-:.!•••'. • ' ' wreathe of blue delphinium In their The church jrfas decorated with hair. •",. . •white gladioli and ferns. Miss Mar- RobertjChasen of New York clly Uverv/urst i ^ Q^ garet ' Collins\ of Philadelphia, a was be,st man. Ushers were Rich- cousin of the bride, was organist, ard and Robert Hammer, the and Miss Deborah Jergenaen of bride's brothers, George Fuller, - -—— Badner, Philadelphia, was'soloist New York city, and John Barratt, «,. 49c *- 23c The bride-Offls given in marriage" New Haven, Conn. v. • • ( pressed Ha«^ by Jjer father. .jHer. satliL Jfown JWU,...... Th. e couple are. on' a wedding trip %.«>. 1 Ac made with a hooped skirt, -w-wbidb r [HO CapesCod,• and upon.their re- .*.--63c formed a court.traln, and the neck- turn will make their home In New Spiced" line of the dress was edged in lace. York city. '.'{•' n,. 49C The bride's flnger-tlp length veil The bride was graduated from was attached -to a satin cap, and Red Bank Catholic high school and . 0he carried a, bouquet of white the Women's college of the Uni- roses." ' : . versity of North Carolina where Miss Anne Hammer was maid of she received her master of arts de- honor for her sister. Her gown was gree. ' . ' .' '• aqua moussellne-de-*oie, designed .The bridegroom, a. special agent Wilson's with a dropped shoulder neckline with the Federal'Bureau of Inves- and a hooped skirt. She carried tigation, was in Naval Intelligence yellow gladioli and white delphin- during the war. He was graduated "»•• ta//c o/ the Town/ Mor '&• 35c ium, and , had a -wreath of yellow from Notre Dame university and gladioli in her. hair. ... attended Columbia IJaw school. Your choice of 4 MORS-Beef, Veal, Lamb, Pork!;

    and cake sale to be held tomorrow Enriched Supreme Bread ^Y2c Spaghetti and Meat Balls.^JKjfe ,17c. Sea- Bright and Saturday .evenings, beglnlng ai dj'd'clock, were completed at a- It tastes better, toosts better, ond stqyi fresh longer. Why pay more? Try a loaf! Junket Rennet powder Sea Bright pout, American' Le- meetlngf the Methodist -church. In ad- Beets ES 27c AppleJuiceS!^20c Hunt'sZc?3-S-l9c. Noodle Soup Mix CS. •3'Sr'32c' Bertha' Young are on the commit- dition to the committees set forth IU0W IROOK tee for refreshments at nest Tues- in last week's issue, Mrs. Gertrude Del Monte day's social meeting of the post Juice r J mm LJK. Fary will assist at the fish pond All auxiliary. Miss Marjorie Osborn, and Mlas Lillian Layton at the, Asparagus ?J£.?S I Borden , tw i«59c aecretary. will-take office as new candy booth and E. James Layton Grape Juice ml. 25c Cocktail 19c president at the September 2 meet- will assist at the "white elephant" ing. I.;,./' • • • ., • sale. Present at the meeting were Beans 17c Lemon Juice/^rr 5c Mustard Mrs. Roy Stone and sons, Doug- Oscar N. Benson, E. James Layton, las and Cornelius, of Niagara; N. Mrs. Gertrude Fary, Mrs. Eleanor Peas 19c Prune Juice^r 25c Pickles "*tX19c Cocoa ma It- 43c Y., who have ' been visiting Mrs. Lindsay, Mrs. Selma Swenson, Mrs , Healthful, delicious chocolate drink mix. Anna Haslam, Mrs. Sarah Layton Peas a? 2'r23c V-8Cockfail ri4c PicklesM Stone's parental-Mr, and Mrs. Olar- A ' , ence Douglas, and Mr. and Mrs.and Rev. and Mrs. Walter B. Wll- Claude MlnaWl of church street, llams. • , .i- DelMontePeasriic FarmdalePeas^ 15g Schlorers hava returned home.. • Rev. Walter B. Williams has been Mr. and Mrs.-Richard Conk and granted a ten-day vacation, which *m • children'of Long Island spent last he and his wife will spend in Phil- Fancy Tender Western •week with Mr. Conk's parents, Mr. •IDEALCOFFEE adelphia, starting September 8, Uhnutehible flavor htfd »t In btit by VKUUITI picking. knd Mrs. Charles Conk of South Mr. and Mrs." Joseph Butschy of •treet ,.~ . ' ". Maryland, with their two children, Barbara Jean West, daughter of have returned home after a visit c Mr. 'and Mrs. EJlsworth West, has with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. *^G0 Coffee i 39c 2!« 77c been visiting her grandmother, Mrs. White. Mr. Butschky is a co|isln of Fine South Anwrlcin eoffeei, expertly fended and he«t-flo ro«it«d. Eva' West pf North Long Branch. Mr. White. . She was awarded a bed sheet dis- Miss S.lgrid Nelson is spending PeaThe country'ss fines t fancy2lbs.25 fresh tender full-podded peas. posed of at last week's meeting of the Sons and Daughters of Liberty the balance of the summer in May- •Win-Crest Coffee i. 37c 2 £ 73c Jeney by Mrs. Herbert P. Young.. Mrs. wood, Cal., with her sister and A llphter bodied, yet itrong tilling coffte. Try It! Fancy Jersey Cloughly, councilor, has donated a brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Don- crocheted dolly'to be awarded'at ald Cupp. Mrs, Cupp is the former 1 the next meeting. MUa Valerie Nelson. Olives *"*r,,f39c Apricots 29c Red Apples «b. 10c Tomatoes ». 10c Walter Schafleld Williams, who Jersey Green Jeney Yellow The mountains of the moon are OR»r 40c Apricots """^f 27c ( lias been pursuing a special course as high as any on earth and will |b8 in Syracuse university, will be last much longer. graduated September «. , f Apples 2 -15c Corn dozen 39C Miss Prlscllla Ireland of' Mon- c^TL,r^]t SSPKH^-15c: 285^2 0F r23c mouth Beach has returned from a UderVinegar,£,.lie ABAMI*U.D D w5T n« ^ vacation in the New England states 0 2 2 C and Canada. _ , White Vinegar.^ 12c Apple Sauce 2 ^ 29c **fD - ,- J Sunday , dlnrier guests at the Elberta Peaches 3 •* 19c Methodist parsonage' were Prof. ^'•"'Grahams JJ-. 26c6 Peanut Butler K 33c ElS",. £SJ Walter S. Meyer, headmaster of 1 eeilieWeenie 19c Luscious fancy freestones. Lowest price In 5 years. Con them now! Colby college', ^Brooklyn; Jacob fnnkioc »«* --^lii. ToaRanc "«* «, 5 ~ Sheetz of Baltimore, Md., evangelist and saxophone artist, and Andrew u I <^ K"\ 4- <•% I ^v • • w«^ .«•* >» Laige Sweet 1 "7 Extra *1 «O Fish 61 Lake Worth, Fla., and Sea tooKies Mrtfe.. ^f. 14c lea nags *,.rf» OJC OcfagortrJ^rr2 r* 15c ea Bright Mr. Sluptii gav« aa" evan- w 0 B < gellstio talk arid (played saxophone Premiumsc«"! >l!|:25c' AscoTea " ^\":2tc Soap j^f2 -*« 23c v^antaloupes . |jC Birdteye Shelled BALL . BALL IDEAL MASON JARS FRUIT JARS WhlltSpKlol PEAS .'*? W ZimTep OIIII T»p PackLntsI Pti.O.i. Sterling Point K Pt«fD»x. PALMOLIVE sliced.. • Applesauce 'rVr 13 BUCK FLAG OCTAGON Sterling Point TOILET SOAP S% D. D. T. Imectlelde LAUNDRY SOAP ORegulor I!. L |/C

    '''!.'•'• •' • : 18! illffl l*l^!^MiJ!fe^..aJ^•^1»^^V•|swyil:J;,^:•.l•^-^ ' riiL'l'l.lljJ.lliU SUPER MARKETS Ijffiage Eight RED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 14,1347 Eileen Herring Rumson , Belford DfSOBDEBXT '•: 5BA BRIGHT FISHERY Wajter Payne of 10} Sunset 'ave- -rGET OUR-^— Mr. and Mm. James O'Tool and OCEAN AVE. * CENTEB ST., SEA BRIGHT, X. JT. I« Shower Guest Mrs. Frank Graham and Infant nue apd-Albert VanNess.wer* both CHRISTIAN SCIEN6E HIGH CASH PRICE Hiss Jean Patterson and Miss son of Wllliamstown,, Pa., are spend sons, James, Jr., and Lawrence, ol given,-30 to 46-day sentences Mon- Programs ing a weeK with Mrs. William Z«rr, ,th« Bronx spent Thursday, with day'by Recorder JoHn V. Crow.ell • ALL MODELS FRESH FISH DAILY Joan Coug-hlin gave a bridal show- Mra. John B. Wermert . er 'Tuesday night at Miss Patter- Mrs. Carolyn Waidner of Chicago, on drunk and disorderly charges. WINS 8:4B A. M. DAN CAIXOPY and LEWIS BRANDT. Props. , who recently underwent an opera- Mrs. Emma Fossetta of SL • ALL MAKES son's home on Lake .avenue, for George, S. I, has returned home Every Sunday Mils ; Eileen; Herring- of Long tion for. appendicitis at Monmouth • ANY YEAR y Memorial hospital, Is convalescing after spending several days at her Branch. Miss Herring, daughter newly-purchased home on Seventh 1 WNBC 8i30 A. M. ' Drive ID OI Phase of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence. Herring, at, the home of her mother, Mrs Ivah Cadwallader of West Park. street. First 8unday of Month PACKARD—RED BANK will .be.married Sunday, August.24, Scouts of troop 27 attended the to John V, Glass, Jr., son of Capt. The Well-Baby conference spon- golf tournament at Spring Lake Women Say Our' , EeU/BuUdlnc and Mrs. John V. Glass,of Belford, sored by this Public Health Nurs- Saturday and Sunday, While there, Monitor Broadcast. Harding Road at Broad Bt. Harry's Lobster House : Guests were Mrs. A. J. Patter- ing association, pf Rumson, Sea WJZ 8:1B P. M. Bright and Fair. Haven,• usually they acted as guards on the green. SMnitone Cleaalng son, Mrs. J. J. Coughlin, Mra. Her- Those attending Included Donald Every Thursday R.^. 6-0428. ' SEA BRIGHT, N. J. TEL. 2-0205 ring, Misses Rosemary' ' Sole, held the third Thursday of the Merker, Bruce Miller, John Wer- Service Is Patricia Buddy, Janice Drlscoll, month, will be omitted during Au- ner, Domlnlck Mullaney, Kenneth Open .AH Year Joan Fleming, Patricia Rooney, gust, Parents who wish conferences Ruffle, Richard Benson and James Ammzhng Marguerite Herring, Janet Bloom, will be. welcomed at the conference Kane. The boys were taken down Georgia "Wlddis, Betty Lynn and at the Rumson borough hall the by Joseph Bauabach.-Arnold Went- Dorothy Sergeant.- ~ last Thursday in August from 3 p, worth, and Tommy Calms. Air Lobsters, Steaks, Chicken m, to 4 p. m. Dr. Philip H. Costa cadets of squadron 27 also attended will be in charge and Mrs. Ella the tournament Saturday. They in- Leonardo Boseley, public health nurse, will cluded John Millbrook, Edward and all Sea Foods also be in attendance. Crane and Norman Merker. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Van Note and " Mr, and Mrs, David Sokel of Now Music by Wilbur Gardner children, Carol and Donna, of Ave- York. are_apendtng-their vacations Mr. and Mrs. Edward Barnes are nel are spendlng-a-few, weeks at at their summer home on Lafayette spending a few days at Chats- KITCHEN OPEN TO > A. M. the home of Mrs. VanNote's sister, l worth. Mrs. William K. Megill, while Mr. street. . . •.. ' . ... Sandra Guttorfnsen of Leonardo GEORGE KRAUSS, Owner and Mrs. Megill and son Robert are John-C. Borden, Jr., has returned is spending a few days with her vacationing at Indian Lake in the from an auto trip to California. He aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- OPEN .DAILY Adirondack mountains. will enter "Yale university in the liam Meyer. Wllraa Meyer has re- Mr. and Mrs. William Ford were fall. •./.. •-.,' ;•• turned home after spending a few overnight guests Saturday of Mr.' Dyko Halle, son of Mrs.. Louis days with Mr. and Mrs. Chester Ford's cousin, E. L. Ford and fam- Prentls of Clover lane, has returned Beaman of Red Bank. ily of Fort Worth, Tex., who are from a trip to Maryland. Mr. and Mrs. George Beyer of spending their annual vacation at Miss Linda Borden is appearing Halnes City, Fla. are spending two weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Donald the Park Central htftel. New York with Gertrude Lawrence- in the WE HAVENT THE KEV TO THE CITY city. ' Cape Playhouse at Dennis, Mass; Purcell of Ridge avenue, Mr. and NORMANDY Mr. and Mrs. Frank Patterson Mrs. Heyer are former residents of BUT WE DO HAVE THE KEYS .TO THE BETTER Miss Borden U a stage: apprentice. have had as guest for the past two Frank Mellacl is taking his bane- this place weeks their cousin, Mrs. Janet Con ball New, .York tomorrow Sergeant and Mrs. Henry Hutch- p way 6f Bradley Beach. On Saturday fo.see the New York Yankees arid inson'and daughter Frances Edna tpintlim rarfoved they had as guest ior the day an- are spending a few days at Ellen- Original texture Boston Red Sox play as a reward reslond \ LLA WILTSHIRE AGENCY> FARMS other sousin, Mrs. Frank Williams, for winning the Sea Bright Softball ville, N. Y. Sergeant Hutchinson is it No "dry cite*- and daughter, Mrs. Clifton Luster tournament. _-. f on furlough from his duties at Fort ing^tdor of Hiltelde. r —.--...,.. ; Monmouth. ' Rev. Raymond Murray of Nutley, l 0 William Bruhdage of New York Six local women attended a des- I' , We aim to pleue Attractive Acre Home Sites city ,1s enjoying two weeks' vaca- Rev. James Zachovitch of Jersey sert-bridge given by the Women|s —andourSanitoqa tion with . his family, who have City and Rev. William Ifogan of Democratic club of Monmouth cleining terrice Real Estate and Insurance-IOO^b G. I. Loans rented one pf the Wade bungalows North Arlington were- guests of county Tuesday afternoon at the has pleated our BED BANK'S ONLY 77;BBOAD 8TBEET «• 10 Minutes From Red Bank Station Mrs; Eleanor Finnerty at a family customer« for aget, on Hamilton avenue fbr the season. Sea Bright Yacht club. Those at- WOMAN BEALTOR, BED BANK, N. X Mrs. Joseph Wade spent Wednes- dinner party Monday in observance tending included Mrs. William bectuie S»niton- day With her sisters, Mrs. Frank of the birthday of her" brother, Kelly, Mrs. C. B. Roche, Mrs. Flor- ing makes clothe*, Telephone Bed Bank 6-2X81 ^ Frank Rich. ' fit and look like a k Samuel /K. Farrell ' Herrmann and Mrs. H. Buckley, of ence Knoche], Mrs. Margaret Con- million, Flatbush, Brooklyn, and Mrs. C. Mr. and Mrs. Constantino Cleer- nolly, Mrs. J. H. Wermert and Mtss OAK HILL ROAD, MIDDLETOWN, N. J. dln of Parmly street are the par- Kitty Tyrell. Weitmacott of the Bronx, N.Y. in MONMOUTH COUNTY it's Mrs. /Anna Mead and William ents of a son-born last Thursday Mrs. Powers of Jersey City Is ..'..' Phone Middletown S-0366-W-1 V Mehler of Fort Lee are' spending at Monmouth Memorial hospital; spending three weeks with1 her sis- two weeks' vacation at the Mead Members of the auxiliary of • the ter, Mrs. Mae Bennlngs. 1. SNYDER & CO. bungalow. Mrs. Mead's son and his flre company and.their guests e^J Mr. and Mrs. William Sefclk aro Estuhlishrul 187 i wife, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mead and .joyed a straw, ride Wednesday, of spending, a week'touring through son Victor, returned Sunday to As- last week to Keansburg. Mrs, "El- Connecticut and Massachusetts. toria, L, I., after spending their va- mer Blumel, Mrs. Genevleve Tlltori, Phyllis Cully of Boselle Park has EXCAVATING CONTRACTOR cation here. ' Mrs. EllsworthiSoden and Mrs. Wil- returned' home, after spending a INSURANCE Mr. and Mrs. J. Coen of New liam' Smith were In charged The week with her grandmother, Mrs. Crane, .Bulldozer and Dump Track Work,;, York Ktt spending their vacation next meeting will be Wednesday, C. B. Roche. FIRE •CASUALTY-MARINE • AVIATION- LIFE • DON DS Excavations, Grading and Clearing of. all as guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph September 3. ' ' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snonvflake SURVEYS and APPRAISALS Wade. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Keftny of have returned to their homa In Jer- Miss Alice. McGilltck of White- Allen street are the parents of a sey City after spending a few days Liconiod New York and Now Jorsoy Broken itoadways Cut and SKaped up, Cellars, stone, L. I., is a guest at the home daughter born Saturday at River- with Mr. and Mrs. William Meyer. 135 FIRST AVE., ATLANTIC HIGHLANDS, N. J. of Mrs. Martha Thornsen. < ' ylow hospital. The' committee of Brownie troop LEON'S PHONE: AT 1-0900 Pools, Lakes and Ditching Done. • , •': Sunday guests at the home.of Mr. Mr. and Mrs. John E. Delanoy of 3 will hold their next meeting on For all operations on this type of work call and Mrs. R. H. VanDeWater were Perth Amboy are spending the the afternoon of Wednesday, Sep- 64-76 White St., Mrv and Mrs. Raymond Martin, weekvwith Mrs. Delanoy's grand- tember 3, at the home of Mrs. Ella on us for our estimates. • ; Mrs. Knox Grover and grandson father, Lawrence F. Carlbon. of Bungay. '' ' '.' James of Newark were guests for East River road. Mr. Delanoy Is Mrs. Aline Rauscher was honored Red Bank It Pays To Advertise In The Registei < No Job Too Large or Too Small. the past week of Mr. and Mrs. Rob- enjoying a two weeks' vacation with a surprise birthday party at , Also a Full Line of Top Soil, Fill Dirt ert Search. Mr. Grover was a week- from his position with the Philip her home Saturday evening. Those end guest. •'*.•• Morris Cigarette company In New attending were Mrs. Ray White, and Gravel. , Mrs.' Claude Smith and children, York and Mrs. Delanoy a week Mr. and Mrs. Allan White, Mro. Claudia and Richard, and Mrs. Martha Zehhich, Mrs. Mabel Smith's mother, Mrs. Olaf Christy, from her position with, the Water- Thompson, Mr. and Mrs. Pete M. J STAVOLA were guests for a few days of Mrs. man Steamship company of New Thompson and Sterling. Rauscher, Smith's aunt and uncle, Mr. and York. . . ' all of Belford, and Miss June Dice PHONE RED BANK 6-3556. Mrs. Charles. Chrlstophersen at A stork shower was given Tues- of Bradley Beach. '"•!.. . their summer home, Lake Wallen- day evening for Mrs, Edna Van- P. 0. BOX 482, RED BANK, N. J. paupack, Fa. Nortwlck by Mrs. Thelma Knam. Mr.' and Mrs. Charles Bergman Mr. and Mrs. Francis .WirthWre entertained Saturday-a-number-of on a.motor-trip-through.the New friends at an outdoor frankfurter' England states. •' Monmouth Coiinti/'s roast The. guests were Mr. and James Rickard is convalescing at FIX UP YOUR HOME Mrs.; James Smith of Union; Mr. his home on Bay avenue. Largest SAVE ON ROOFING and . Mrs. William Henlger of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle;R. Battersby And Most Complete' THE PERFECT, COMBINATION Maplewopd, Mr,;and Mrs. William: of this place, Jtormerly of Red Fbrinal House, '. . SIDING 'HEATING WiphelsiioUse of Roselle'. Mr. and Bank,''have just returned from a Mrs, Charles Thenosbrenko of Lin- month's vacation npent at Milwau- NO DOWN PAYMENT den'and'Fletcher Frltts of Dover. FOB HOME IMPROVEMENTS kee, Wlo., where they have, been COOLERATOR AUTHORIZED F.H.A. PLAN Mrs. Joseph P. MacLean enter- visiting their son-in-law and daugh- BRIDAL SALON FROSTMASTER MAKE YOUR HOME LAST LONGER! tained a* few friends Wednesday, ter, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lelders- Enjoy NEW COMFORT) Our lone .u- . perlenea means the fineet In roofinj, August 6, at a luncheon. They aro. dorf • • Hiding, alteration and. converting. Take Mrs. Daniel Leonard,' Mrs. Rob,ert up to 7 YEARS TO PAY. Don't neglect Search, Mra. Charles Lockwood and your home. Have Pioneer!repair It FOR. . DIVORCE GRANTED ' LESS! CALL US TODAY for a FREE Mrs. Louis Merlgold. Mrs. Lock- ESTIMATE—. wood will entertain at luncheon , Anna Pikowski Delgert of Keans- LEE O. LAREW, Afeht Wednesday, September 10. burg, who was married to Robert Mr. and Mrs.'George .Plltzecker, E. Deigert of West Keansbrug Tel. At. High. 1-I795-J Sr., of Jersey City, spent Wednes- September 6, 1910, at Keansburg, dayr—August-S^-wlth-Mrs.—Plltzec-- diddl"Jtl ker's, sister, Mrs. Edward Bruntz. charge that Mr. .Delgert'deserted Mr. and Mrs. George Harrison of her January 27, 1945. Mrs. Delgert New York visited .over the Week- will retain custody ot two children. end Mrs. Henzey Frye. On Monday Mrs'. Frye had as overnight guests FIXJNfll her son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. William, Pardue and daughter of HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. Maplewood. - 61-65 Thomas St. Newark MI. 2-0968 *: Ronald Lundrlgan, David Malr and Percy Hauser hitch hiked to Pl&ttsburg, N. Y., recently. En 9 Wedding Gpwns route'they stopped at Lake George, Albany,- Saratoga Springs and Poughkeep'sle. They slept in the -•Bridesmaids' Gowns open nights In sleeping bags and : cooked their meals over an o$en • Evening Gowns flr«.,V, ' • :..." • - • ' TWO WEEKS SALE! Benton McArthur accompanied • Dinner Gowns • • , by Mr..and Mrs. Howard Worth have returned from a motor trip • Junior Gowns . through New England. Mr. and Mrs. Worth had as guests over the week-end Mr. and Mrs. Fred Laible • Bridal. Veils . of Newark and Miss' Carolyn Glahn QUALITY and Crowns ' - and Russell Keefer of New York. Mrs. Margaret M. Conwell feels SAFETY • Bridesmaids'. Hats she is well rewarded for seven years of careful care and attention and Yeils she has gIVen a night blooming SERVICE cereus cactus, which bore Its bloom SIZES I^om 10 t6 18 For Housewives WHo Are Particular About Friday night at 9 o'clock, and was lhlts full beauty for about an hoar. ECONOMY and SIZES 21H'to 48 3 PIECE The, blossom Is white and was en- Jbyed by. Mrs.. Conwell and neigh- LIVING ROOM SET bors. ALL GOWNS Freshness and Flavor of Food Mr. and Mrs. John Reimer and i r children of New Brunswick spent FOR SALE ONLY The firSt Q steel ice FORMERLY $225.00 Friday evening with Mrs. Relmer's SHARPE TIRE CO. COOLERATOR — "' refrigerator eve/ built, mother, Mrs. Charles Woodward, TEL. R* B. 8-3781 provides the natural moisture that prevents $ S: NOW 16995 S3 E. FRONT ST. BED BANK the dryinfl out o* foods. Constant washed air principle absorbs ond removes FORMAL p all-food odors'qnd maintains the even and correct temperature at which 3 PIECE MOHAIR SUITS FOk'HIRE fr«h qnd cooked foods r«tairi their natural vitarrjms, juices and full flavor. LIVING ROOM SET " OR SALJE FROSTMASTER—"111" newe5t In ^oze^ food storage cabinets. FORMERLY $310.00 . W. P. SCOTT AH Latest Styles . It maintains temperatures of 5 degrees below $ *to 10 degree* above and has a hundred pound NOW 249.0(* storage capacity, Delicious deserts, ice cream, LIBERAL • . . ' ' • • ••..•• -i Contractor and Builder frosted"pUddfngSj'and cokes can be made In a ALLOWANCE For Your'Old 74 MONMOUf H ST. RED BANK, N. J. jfffy.. Save.ohiVQur'food bill;by taking advantage RBFRIGERATO1 • Clearance On Our Linens • sal^s of meats ond frozen foods. They'll ' HEOBANICAI. '. ' ,: OE ICE .'-.• Go. keep for monthths i n thh e FFrostmaster. v PHONES 6-2159, 6-3754. •-• '•'•.' ' '.'.,'' ' ' ' ' ' "Chamm8 Evtnaig Wear", Jade^s Home Craft 163 MAIN ST. IMMEDIATE DELIVERY 25 W, FRONT ST. • RED BANK N - Before Buying that hew home visit Ne»r Cookman Aye.,, TEl. R. B. 6-4137 "'•'-•C• ASBURYPARk Old Farm Village, Rumson, and 'see

    ,. PUBLIC,NOTICE. hold her offlci or. petition durln* toort what I have to offer, then compare Warn, behavior and not bi rimovtd thtrafrom PHONE A.P. i: ; Tain notice that tin following uuei- "/ •} ;': . v ., ., j,. '.• J' ^ • ,, . <|>n wfll bi lubmlltid to th« voteri q| »oipt for good nun iliown aftir • value*. i t fair and Impartial trial, ai prorld«d In Open D»lly, 11 AJM. to I.PJW. November . '' ' ^ chasejj by the Eatontown .first aid rations were in green and gold. squad. White cover-alls and white Awards were made lor second-class TOUB BEDROOM—8 Fc modem walnut suite, vanity lamps, caps will arrive about September 1. aotlvitles to Girl Scouts. The pro- pillows, nlte table, etc. . . ;,•••.•' •; . . More- than iOQ persons- attended gram was in charge of Mlas Betty SWIFT PREMIUM the annual clambake of' the fire Berry, troop leader,, and Mrs. Car- YOU'LL FIND THIS AT THE "ILL tjompany Sunday• at Griffith's park. roll Varner, assistant leader.—v- Bill Harvty prepared the hake. The married wen defeated the single . i Whole ~T SURPRISE STORE men at Softball, 13 to 7. ' OBANTBD A DIVORCE . The firemen plan to attend Bxi- Charles E. Conover of Eait 7-11 FRONT STREET KEYPORT rrwn'i .night at the Keyport fair Orange was granted a divorce Fri- Tenderized this eyening, The company has de-day by Advisory Master Alexander cided to plaoe three teams 'Jr., the Trapp, at Freehold, from Margaret ,' FBEE STOBAGTfe FBKK DEUVEBY Shore • FlTemen's Bowling . leagua, Sims Hating Conover, on the Smoked We are located on the HILL, OPP; THE POST OBTTIOB. . thl« year. Oeorge A. Wood, who Is charge of adultery. Theodore D. moyinjf from* Ihe borough, has, re- Paraons was counsel for Mr. Con- over., .•....': Shank , HAMS THE STORE WITH THE HEART signed from tbe'Hre department, i Th», card j*rty Monday night by Crescent council, Sons and Daugh- HOLY DAY MASSES ter! of LJberty, .was well.mttendod. PriMi' wsri awarded winners and Masses will be. at «;8O and « ref reihtnenU. w«ta served.'. Players o'clock tomorrow morning at St. '•Included' Mrs.,' Louella Rush, Mri. Mary's church'at N,ew Monmoutli, ' AiinaJAumack, Mr». Nellie Green, the occasion being the Feast of the Fresh Barbara ' Warner, Charles BoUeV, Assumption, a holy day In the Ro. , Mrs. Jeisie.Taylor, Mra. Annie Bok- man "Catholic.' church. Masses will «r, 'Mra. ;,Tlielma Davlion, Mra, also be offered at 8:15 and 9:30 In / the'Port Monmouth fire house hall. Kflled 4-Si Size MATTEItS • YOUR MONf>.

    HOW TO AVOID > 3 O ^ Prime Select

    ui I "V." I V FEEL LIKE YOU'VE BEEN ROASTED In O an oven all day?' '.'.. 1. Out of every dollar you earn pay m Sirloin It's not surprising, considering the way z youxiflilf something first. the weather man's been treating us lately. 0 2. Set thil ,araount aside in a .thrift Porterhouse aoooivdt with us. A warm showeror bath will do wonder*, STEAK 3. Live 6n tie money you have left. though, to give you a refreshing lift. But m be lure the Water's not too hot or too cold., There's no, better aatiotote for money 70 worriM than having cash in the bank. You'll feel like a human being again after a grilling day of heat. '.

    «Xii#j/(iA5i«|n.«e»j;4»vj!W(i1 - ^ SECOND NATIONAL J BRNK5..TRU5TCD. Monmouth Consolidated Water Co. hi XY0/JAM iVSIV

    I i >H i li'-t'".' >r . . i > . . Page Ten RED BANK REGISTER;.AUGUST 14,1947 Irving M. Yonks of Wallace* Card af Thtnlu. ' • fti-'t-i* Personal*- farm fiews ' State Home Letter { W» iriali to (bank: all of ontirlanda. street has enrolled at Indiana uni- and neighboM if th^ir klndneu and y * '' versity at Bloomlngton, and will notation Grazing Proves Ita Value. Ecferle Honor Guest help daring the recent Ion of our father. :, y Mr., and Mr«. Louis Weseman of enter college this September. ~ , By-Harry J. LaCrolx Mr. Benjamin W. Lofisen', alio tie lalti- "Rldgifleld Park and Mrs. Borghlld Mr, and. Mrs, Rudolph Mayer of Monmouth county dairymen who Trenton, N.'J, August 1«—(AP)'— fnhieaa of Dr. Melvln S, WnlnriehU use a system of rotational grating Mra.-Warren MlrUoii. Svendsen of Brooklyn, were week- Parker avenue, Little Silver,' are New Jersey's new public health Mrs. Cornelius Harcellu*.* /•nd guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ben-parents of a daughter born yester- are quick to sing 1U praises. Coun- council Intends to get an early —Advertlseraen,tk jamin Davis of Country Club Es- day at Monmouth Memorial hospi- ty Agent Clark report* that they (tart on Ita task ot modernizing toe tates," Mlddletown township. tal. ' : have found It helps to hold stands state's health services. IN MEMORIAM, , Miu Eleanor Day, daughter of Mrs. Florence Wftterbury of Mon- of certain pasture crops which can-, The council' organized: Monday tn .loving metnory of our beloved lata not stand continuous" grazing, such with a promise "to make New Jer- huaba'nd and daddy, Lt. Arnold B. Llak, Mr. and Mrs. John E. Day, andmouth street, Is a patient tat Ri- killed; in actjoji in Prance. August'19^-. Ml Jene Devlin, daughter of Dr. verview hospital. She is the mother as.Landlno. clover. . . sey's health services second to none 1044. ••.•• •-:..-•. Mrs. Gerald Devlin of Ma(.a- of Rolston Waterbury, .local real Elmer C. Scheldenhelm, exten- in the nation". .Wheeler. McMillln Time may pass • and - change tihlnga too. wan, ara spending a week with estate agent, and of Mrs. Mary sion specialist in dairy husbandry, of- Hbpewell, editor' of the Farm But not the memories we keep of you. 1 Journal,,wag elected council chair- Your-memorlea. are aa'. dear* today,, .. •. classmates from Georgia Court col- Hadley of Oceanport. at the College ot Agriculture, Rut- As the xvnssed away: ' -• lege at Westerly, E.I. , William G. Cohover of Berkeley, gers university, points' to research man for acne-year term. Three.'years'gone,-.hut hot forgotten.. Mr. and Mrs. Fernand Glrard ot Cal., arrived Saturday for a month's studies by the Bureau of Dairy. In- Also elected were Dr. Marcus ' . . LdviriJEly, '• •> . .' , Navwink River road, Middletown visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. dustry. These showed cows grazed Newcomb of Brown's Mills, a for- . . ' Xlssette and Lorraine. township, are the parents of a son Charles C. Conover at Leroy place. ,a half hour less per .day to get the mer speaker of the House of As- born Monday at Riverview hospital. Mr. Conover, who is an engineer- same amount of feed on rotation sembly, vice chairman, and Mrs. 1 grazed pastures than on contin- Florence M. Farr of Brookaide, Red Bank Auto Glass Co. Mr. and Mrs. Lebaron Bracht of ing student at the University of N v RidgeQeld Park, were week-end California, in Berkeley, will return uously grazed pastures. • • . '• secretary,. • •• : „ \ 21 MAPLE AVE. ' guestsof Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Ohl- there about the middle of Septeto- At the experiment station In the Other members pf the new coun- "Ben of.Country Cluh>Estates, Mid- her to resume his studies. State of Washington, nearly 600 cil, which replaces the 12-member Cor, Maple Ave. AWMteSt:? dletown township. . Mr. end Mrs, John C. Herber of pounds of milk more per acre cama state board of'health under, terras ' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs of from cows on pasture grazed in of 1M7 legislation reorganizing the WINDSHIELD QLAS8 tittle Silver, with their son Carl state ' health, department, Include, Foster street, River Plaza are theand daughter Norma, are leaving rotation, ' . (' parents of a son born Saturday at Dr. Frederick P. Lee of Paterson, tonWrow on a ten-day motor trip Any dairyman Interested in pas- vrho was president of the_health Riverview hogpltal. _ through_the_New__Englandlalates_ ggic board;. !Dr. Harry, N. uavis"oirHo^ Mr. and Mrs. Sidney"!; 'Wain ana and Canada. . ; from his county agricultural boken, Dr. Walter O. Alexander of daughters Constance, Barbara and Mr. and Mrs. Clarence R. Doo-agents, . Newark, and" Harry N. Lendell of WKMR GLASS Wendy, ot New York city, spent Uttle of 282 Broad street left New- New. Brunswick. . the week-end at the Peninsula ark airport 'by American Air Lines Proper Shaping Helps Hedges. House at Sea Bright, and while McMillln, upon taking the chair- ' BOAT,GLASS ; this morning for Chicago, where Many home owners 'often won- manship, said the council would act there, visited friends in Red Bank. they will attend the Dgolittle fam- dern why foliage on their clipped • Saturday night their dinner guests . GERTRUDE EDERLE who~swam the English channel in 1926, Is honor guest at her old training as speedily as possible in instituting, ily reunion, of which Mr. Doolittle hedges Is thin .at the bottom. . grounds, Highlands at the dedication program of the new Highlands yacht basin Left to right are Df. new policies "to protect and better TABLE TOPS • were Mr. and Mrs. Monte B. Jonea Is vice president, .'• Hedges may be so thin they can- 'and daughter Judy-Kay ot Country .John L. Opfermann, who was mayor in 1929, Miss Ederle, and Mayor A Mcado Robertson Un health of the people of New Mr. and Mrs. Irving StokeB of not even keep stray dogs front en- Jersey". ... •' • •'•' '• '.' • V Installed ^Vhilesjou'.Wait:/ Club Estates. RFD .1 are1 parent* of a daughter tering the well kept gardens they selred In a war surplus store In In one of Ita first official actions-,' Mr, and Mrs. Michael Daly and born Tuesday at Monmouth Me- are meant to enclose. the council, ordered establishment Red Bank Auto Glass Co. son Bobby and Mr. and Mrsmoria. l hospital, By shaping hedges properly, a Minneapolis after Arthur Spotta wood chief of th"e Fire Protection of examination standards for food George O. Dennis, all of Lake aver Dr. and Mrs. Herbert E. Williams heavy growth of leaves soon -will and. drug Inspectors, milk Inspectors 21 MAPLE AVE. nue, have just returned from a ten- of Broad street are vacationing at appear at the base of the plants, Bureau, discovered th:y had been Assemble Your Own filled with flammable lacquer fin and meat inspeotons and tightened TEL. B. B. e^3860-J. day trip to Alexandria Bay, N. Y.,Eastern Slope-inn at North Conway according to M. A. Clark, agricul- the qualifications, particularly in the Thousand Islands, Niagara N. H. EJn route they stopped in tural agent. • Simply ahape the ish, Instead of fire extinguishing regard to educational requirements, Falls', Canada, Watklns Glon, N. Y., Boston, where Dr. Williams gave hedge so the bottom is wider than materials , for health officers, sanitary inspec- and Stroudsburg, Pa. a dental table clinic at the Na-the top, he says. For example, a Many government surplus' ex- tors,and plumbing inspectors, Mrs. Harry Hoyt Good of Mc- tional. Dental convention. California Privet hedge five feet tinguishers now being offered to _Ur; J.-Lynn MahafTey, direotor.of MANZO Laren street' lsorrbusiriess- trip -to tairmTghtTbe"shaped so It is~tHree" thepubllc, carry an E A S (tlmer- FURNITURE the state board of health for the New. York. She was driven to the or three and a half .feet wide at gency Alternate Specification) Un past 19 'years,' is continuing In of- city Tuesday by her cousin, Mrs. Carton Loses ground level and, only two feet derwrlters' Laboratories in pectlon fice until a health commissioner is EXCHATING CO. Edith R. Smith, and they were ac- broad at the top. ..•-.., label. ,Thls label does not guaran- appointed by Governor Drlscoll in- •companied by Miss Gloria D'An- With A Big "8" By shaping a hedge like this, sun- tee that the extinguisher Is now accordance/ with the health reor- Newman Springs Road thony of William street. Mrs. light can strike all the outer parts safe to use or in good working o> ganisation legislation. RedBink,;N. J.. ';i Smith Is driving, to Pasadena, A foursome made iip of Theodore and development of new leafy der. It merely means that when It Maryland,, today and, will spend the was shipped from the manufac- Wate Disposal Investigation / ; D. Parsons, Red Bank attorney; twigs at the base may be encour- Tel. iRed Bank 6-4081-W week-end with heF- son-in law and Freeholder Victor Grosslnger, Proi- aged. '• • turer's plant for temporary" specific Governor DrlscoH has launched uses by' the armed forces, it con- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. ecutor J. Victor Carton and Judge Shaping evergreen hedges (such an Investigation into the proposal * BuldoierWbHc ' "••'. McLaren. ' • Alton V. Evans, toured the Man-as Hemlock and Japanese Yew) as formed, to the wartime emergency of, the.National Lend company to MrJ and Mrs. Ross E. Wiley of asquan River Country club course described above Is an absolute ne- specification for substitute mater- dispose waste dilute sulphuric add ' tj. Trijck-Crane Seryico "£• Motaren street and children -Mary- ials and design, Boucher stated. Iri the. ocean off the New Jersey yesterday and all went well until cessity, saya R. P, Korbobo of Rut- ; ;• Cellar & Ditch Digging Jane and David, are visiting Mrs. the 18th hole; gers. coait, :; : •..•;•"•. "'' ' ••-.• ..' >•• Wiley's parents; Mr. and Mrs; Removing Seed Heads Save Shrub's . The .Governor, pointing out that !• Land Glearing-Grading James Herr at Peach Bottom, Pa. The prosecutor, who plays In the Be Sure Pullets Have Enough Grit • Energy. the* company's plan* have resulted low 80'a at Deal, tojd his colleagues in much discussion a"hd difference • Road Builders Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Adams After pullets have been put on An, old trick seldom practiced la and family of Little Rook, Ark., that although It was his first time to remove old flower clusters from of opinion as to the effect ot such out at the Manasquan club, he range and summer shelters, . be disposal on marine life.'Instructed Road Gravel, Fill Dirt, are visiting Rev. Mr. Adams' moth- would break 80. Parsons and .sure they have enough grit. That lilacs, rhododendron and Mountain Russell E. Watson, his personal er arid sister, Mrs. William Adams helps them make efficient u» ofLaurel to Induce heavier bloom and Mrs. Samuel B. Blackwood of Evans each* wagered a dollar that B the following season. " ' counsel, to study the platter. Top Soil, Heavy Hauling he wouldn't. Grossinger, being Car- feed, according to Leslie If. Black, •Wafson" previously represented West Front street. ton's partner, was not in .on theextension specialist in poultry hus- This reminder comes from Ray- Mr. and Mrs. Soott L. Shlve of bandry at the College of'Agricul- mond F. Korbobo, assistant exten- the state health department In deal. •.'. '• • sion "specialist in ornamental hor- proseoutlon of the Raritan River Standlsh road, Little Silver, are the ture, Rutgers university.', ".'• basin pollution, cases, lnv one of parents of a son born Saturday at Came the 18th, a par four hole, ticulture. College of Agrloulture, and Carton lsslttlng pretty with a Black says too many poultrymen Rutgers university. As the gard- whlcrt the National Lead .company Riverview hospital. depend on natural supplies of was a defendant. Mr. and Mrs. James Robottom of score of 83 up to that point. In a ener has no use for these seeds, It tone of voice indicating that to Vio pebbles In range soil to furnish the , Driscoll said the Investigation Hudson avenue, are visiting friends grit needs of birds. It costs very is to his advantage to remove them in Boston. Their daughters. Misses belongs the spoils, he reminded so the shrub's energies can be con- was requested by Hep. James G. Parsons and Evans that even If he little to make sure birds are get-centrated on forming flower buds Auchincloss of the third, congres- Lynn and Deborah Robottom; ar.e ting, grit they need to make tbe sionaldistrict. ( ' '•.••.'• visiting with relatives, in North had a big six (applies here to golf, for next spring. not gambling) he would win. best use of high priced feeds. Jersey. If limestone grit Is used, It will Cut off old lilac flower heads with . Legion Commander Carton's first shot off the tee pruning shears, but be more care- Joseph G. Carty of Plalnfleld has 0'. Mr., and Mrs. Jerome Silver of furnish not only the needed grind- landed In the water, his second did ful when removing dried out flow- been named as the new state com- South' street are yarenta of a srjfc ing material, but, also extra sup- CANT MAKE UP YOUR MTND, LADY? . '. . It won't make .any born'.. Tuesday at Monmouth Me- likewise and he wound Up with an plies, of calcium, states Black. er clusters from laurel and rhodo- mander of the New Jersey Ameri- Let a Singer morial hospital. 8, for at total of 91, and %2 poorer, dendron/warns Korbobo. He sayB difference, because if you get bored with this furniture, you can Legion. • •"„' :v . .-. •'•>' Spert put Where harder grits are fed, oyster the way to do it Is to grasp the Mr.'and Mrs. John VanKlrk of •.-brief filed with the SEIBERLING Broad r street-.- • , than if dry weather -prevails.—— nklans-^of— the United T States -De- state echool aid Qonunisslon, which Mr.'and Mrs. Hubert Farrell ol partment of Agriculture work out : Lucln, If — 8 0 0 is seeking ways to pay the costs' pf Leroy place are the parents of a Romard, rf _ - .'. 2 0 1 Chicken Manure Needs' Help. complete conservation plans to fit an increased.sohool aid program. , IHERMO WELD •on bqrn Sunday at Riverview hos- Madure. Sb _ 2 0 1 To get full, value of poultry Individual conditions of each acre Representatives of five state-wide' Carhone, lb. v— 10 0 as determined by the soil, slope pital. - Collins, 2b. ..._.._ A- 1 0 1 manure, about 400 to BOO pounds of organizations, at a recent meeting Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore of Bank Stevenj, p 2 0 0 superphosphate should be added to of the- land, degree of erosion and of the commission, indicated a wlll- TIRE street, are parents of a daughter Drury, cf 1 0 1 each ton of fairly dry manure, says other factors. Farmers are given lngheaa to 'pay either Income ,or born 'Tuesday at Monmouth Me- Hoth, t» _ ...- 10 0 down-to-earth methods of saving Maloncy, c - 2 0 0 Richard O. Rice, associate agricul- sales levies to provide' more aid morial hospital. , tural agent. If soli Is acid, apply their soil and making better use funds."/ . •'', /". ' v . Mrs. William Howell and daugh- 15 .0 *"7 limestone,. either plowing it. under of their land. "Tile proposal to saddle the peo- ter, Mrs. Alma Boepple, of Branch FREEHOLD ' In New Jersey, farmers already ple with burdensome new state AB 11 II or thoroughly mixing it by disking ••• ••: Jf; •••.- (avenue have returned from a three Lott. If 2 0 0 or cross-disking. havo developed about 2,000 conser- taxes as a revenue source for aid to weekst trip through Texas, New Naelc. fis, :..„ 2 0 0 For row crops, such- a» carrots, vation plans covering more than education a thorough in- BUILT-IN .Mexico and Mexico. They visited Dunn, lb _ 2 0 0 200,000 acres, according to Slay- vestigation of the actual status of Rohm, c ...'. 2 0 0 leeks, turnips and rutabagas, 400 BALANCE Las dueeg, Hot Springs, El Paso Rosa, 3b 2 0 0 to 600 pounds of & 2-8-10, 400 to, 600 baek. public education In this state is and BJU'iphant Butte Dam. D'enfleli), cf. ' - : 1 0 0 pounds of a 5-10-10 or a fertilizer Complete Information about sav- putting, the cart before the horse", JayJD. Williams has returned to Steinberg. * ; - 2 0 0 ing the soil is available from soil the taxpayers'/group charged. English, 2b I 0 0 containing approximately 10 per CURED1N his home on Bassett place, after Mnroln, rf - 1 0 0 cent of potassium, may be used to conservation district supervisors The. association suggested trie ap- having been ^ patient at Fitkin supply the extra potash. Many and fleldofflces, br county agricul- pointment; "of. a commission of hospital. ' 15 0 d Instances have been seen where tural agents. competent laymen to investigate SIGNATURE! Mrs; William H. Carvallar of the purpose, result* and costs' of heavy applications s ot poultry • • \ —-—- i • t Brooklyn is visiting Mr. and Mrs.- Rumson Vets To manure alone resulted in abnormal Co-operative Soil Saving For One public order to deter- DOUBLE Robert Cook, Sr., of Hance avenue, leafy growth of plants with a poor ' Decade. mine whether New Jersey Is paying GUARANTEE l Shrewsbury township. Use School. Field set of fruit or .root crops. August " the tenth birthday a dollar for. a flfty-ceht Job". Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Cardner of of-the first farmer-voted and farm- Pointing to th« sales tax which 82 Mechanic street are visiting The Rumson school'board last Root Crops Must Be Thinned. was' enacted during the administra- their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. night granted use of the athletic er-managed Soil Conservation dls- tion of .former. Governor Harold Q. and Mrs. Frank Ward of. Midland, field and stadium to the, Rumson Unless fall carrots, beets, turnips, trlot. The Freehold District, cov- Hoffman only to be repealed by rutabagas and other root crops are ering Monmouth. Middlesex and SHARPE TIRE CO. Mich." They left Sunday morning Veterans organization for night popular" demand, the association IEt, B, B. 6-3781 i ''. and while on a three weeks' vaca- football games September 13 andthinned to stand two. to three Mercer' counties, was forrned" one asserted that "our clttuns in over- tion trip will visit Niagara Falls, 20 and also granted them use ofInches or more, apart In the row,year later, and "has been In opera- whelming majority are congenially SS E. TRONT ST. BED BANI Canada and other places of inter- the field for regular scheduled foot- normal development of roots can- tion nine years. R. C. Clayton, opposed to new state taxes".' est., Mr. Ward is also having a va- ball contests, not take place, warns M. A. Clark, chairman of the Freehold district, cation from his duties with the Augustine Sagan was hired as agricultural agent. The same prin- representing Monmouth county, DRESSING TABLE v. . If you cen't uae these.modern bMlo.unit. v -i .' PoUo Dow Chemical company and with music teacher and the Oceanic Free ciple holds true' with late lettuce, Charles B. Prob&sco, supervisor anywhere else for the mpnient. Later; you can combine It State Health Director Mahaffoy bis wife will accompany the Card- library was granted {permission to spinach,, snap beans and other from Mercer county, and John L. to make a bureau or » console. eays he does.not expect a serious ners on their tour and return with use the school building October 11 crops in early August. If planted Schauer, supervisor for Middlesex outbreak of infantile paralysis in FREE , them for a visit in Red Bank. Dur- for a dance and bazar. close, these crops compete with .one county, feel that the nine years of New Jeraey this year. another lor soil moisture and,nu- co-operative effort of many farm- Mahaffey,: reporting that as _of ing Mr,- Cardner's absence his bar- The Asbury Park Press was FREE BAND CONCERT IN XIHANtERy OF NEW JERSEY ber shop at 25 Broad street is In granted permission to broadcast trients and maturity of the Indi- era and organizations to conserve the end of Jast week there, have athletic and other events from the vidual roots of plants la retarded. our soil has made a valuable con- A free band concert, sponsored J6O/30* . • . > been a total of 3S cases this year, charge of his brother-in-law, George by the City of Long Branch, for TO: /MrrriE. MASSEV. Alteresio. school over station WJLK. Too thick planting also.will shade tribution to our agriculture. For- By I virtue 'of an order of the' Court said that "on the basis of experi- the ground and during wet ormer supervisors who helped, guide Monmouth county music . loyers, of Ohswai-y at\t^» State of NaW Jar. ence of put years we don't antici- damp weather sunlight and air will the Freehold district during its will be given Wednesday night of >ey, madt on theith day ot August, pate any serious outbreak in New not be' able to reach the ground at developmental C Richard Apple- next w6ok at 8 o'clock at the Long 1947, In a cauae wherein William Ma«- Jersey this year.". . Branch stadium on the beach front. sey Is petitioner and you are defendant, the base of the plants and there is gate, Harold C. DuBols and the you ate hereby renuired to anawer tie •The' uie of a rviairer a greater possibility of disease. late Henry W. Herbert. Frank Bryan will direct the band, Petitlbn of petitioner on or about tha Dulse, an edible seaweed, Is gath- which has 33, pieces. 8Ui day of October, neit, and in. failure Kraft oil burner from Dr. Hugh H. Bennett, chief o( thereof, auoh decree will be rendered thered on the Coast of the Bay of ' Watch Tonr Fin Extinguish". the Boll Conservation service, one atalnat you aa'the Ohanoallor shaJI have Fundy and ahlppad all over': the now until OCT. 1. 1aV-v "Dealers In war surplus goods of the agencies co-operating with FAULTS :.",'. equitable and juat, The, object of aald world,- •ult ll to obtain a decree of divorce stall n6W, first payment selling chemical warfare decon the districts said, "This action by In apenklnK of -» perion'a faults, pray don't lor Hit your own; between aald petitioner and you, not until Oct.' fl, 1947.- tamlnatbrs and other unapprov'ed American farmers marks the begin- IUmembor those In homes of glaia Monmoullt County .Surrogated OFAca. t PARSONS, . UADRECaUE,'' CAMZONA 1 devices to the public aa fire ex- ning of a movement that can in- • should novor throw a aton«. ' A COMD3, . .' ' In tha matUr'of •the-efetate of Arthur 3 yearj to pay balance/ If we have nothing: tlaa to do but talk W. Mellon, d«ce*aed. Notice to exedltora tinguishers are endangering the sure the permanency of our na- c Strilcltora of; Petitioner, • '• '. lives qf many citizens," George H. tion, It provides for tho perman- of thoae who aln, .'•'•'. • , Mo, IK Wallace Street, to preaent olalma kitalnat eatnte. Tla better we commonca at home, and • Bad Dnnk; New Jrraay. . •' . Pnriuant to, the order of Dotmon Mc- Boucherrpresldent of the Fire Pro- ent security ot a basic resource ot from thnt point begin. * , > N ,rtddln, Surrogate of the County ol NOW IB THT! TIME 1O Monmouth, mad* on the aeventli day ,o( tection Institute declared today. our nation—productive, soil—with- We have no right to Judja a man until ' ' "••••- NOTICE. He pointed out that the War As- out which It cannot survive. hVa fairly tried! . Aucuat, 1947( on' tha a»|>llcatldn of SERVICE tfoun Should . we n'ot like hla company, we "TO WHOM IT MAY OONOEMtNl ' Sleanor L, Mellen and William E, Mol- aots Administration is not to blame "Soil conservation districts are know the world1 la wide.; ' . . ,Take notice that tha underalgned will Itnj the •xfouton, of the eatate of Ar- Get jrour turnac* raady for for such practices, He stated that non-polltlcal, They serve all lands Some may lirivji faulta, and who ha\a not? apply to. the Monmouth County .Court of thur W. Mellen', dacatatd, notice la he*«- Next FaJI > . . our export ««r. In some cases the markings on de- within their boundaries. The local —old an well da young; ' Common Plena on tha 11th of Saptam. by BlTan to .the crtdltora of aald do- •let man will thoroughly claan Perhaps we may, for all we know, have ber, lt4T, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon, oeaied to exhlbH to the aubacrlbera, tha Interior and -'mjjuat your contamlnators which read "This Is governing bodies control district fifty to Uielr ona. . .- ' ' or aa soon thereafter aa counael Ban exeoutora aa afoteaald, their ileljtt and oil burner for peak perforrh- be henrd, At the Courthouia In I^'eehold, demanda affalnat tha laid eatats, under anco. not a Ore extinguisher" had been affairs without personal, profit, or I'll tell you of 'another plan,' and find oath, within alx monthe from the dnlo altered, leaving Juat the words "Are financial gain. No soil conservation It worka full well! New Jeriay, for an order authorising B. aaiured cf oil nexl, Win-'1 To try our own dafaota to cure, before m« to Biaum«> another' name, to frit,- of tha 'atoritald otdar, or they will bo extinguisher." district Is responsible to any fedi Thomas II. flnka,' pursuant to H. B, forever barred at Uialr actloni therefor ler . ,' . Sign that contract of others' toll,. ' , .,, agalnat Uia aald ftibaorlbera, ' ' Boucher warned, prospective pur- eral agency. This Is a voluntary And though'I[ aoitiptlmes hopd to'be not »l!7-l to.7. ',.- • .--. .nowl ' • ' |, chasers to consult local fire protec- farmer movement for tho common woras than aom« I'know, , •• ' . -• ; Datld. Auituit 9th, U47,. .. Dated l Freehold, H. J,, Augiut My own anortaomlnira bid me lit the .'• ', THOMAS 11. BAKAIABKVi lttl. • , • ' • . tiotlon technicians before buying war'' good of all the people, both agrt fltul*"' A' n^"arf* '**.* -' " ' ' ..' 1 t' 40 Fsrkar Avenue, ••• ,'•> • , . 'Va)r Haven, New Jeriey. - ELEANOR L, MBMJCN, SEABOARD "BWaJKMAN* flBEKMAN, -•••.•. :• : WILUAM21 Waahlnjto* nMELLEN at,, Humibnr , N, J, of, (nt truth, thi driver nitmi off the road' be considered either , life or de- Think of tha harm one word may be to 10 Broeid • Street, • ' -•* , •,JTO WILUAM•l Grand *Conooune MELLENr, - The flift Woman's Rights con- tho'w Who llttla know, ' ,. Red Dank, N>w Jeraey, , . • .T*«JTOrl YorGkd »«. New York. ot*rturntdJn tht ditch whtr* It Immtdlaltly,Immqdlaldy nencUhlpendablne untiluntil , thmtheyr hsivhav«e hm>rbeeni vention In the United States was Itamatnber ounca 'frequently; i Ilk* . .''Attorneja < for Petitiont«\ •' Maura, Morgan si LMkwood, , • to dt^K oh(«k«ni, joost at ht>m«; , UWM BW«t»,,, r' • . *, properly InaptoUd, held by the American Anti-Slavery Don't apeak of othara' faulta ' by i*ll Niw York i, N»V TocV. '.'"'^ _. Recently 70 tf|jtoj(l(l|l»tri PocUty, in 1M8,._ „„„ ^, t ,,;..•, /»- ,i.'.;, •'» ' « T'.ViU'HTffaK. iX,'. '. ;*•'[' f1* *"1/^™l*;w^*|""^f (•'• f\ BED BANK REGISTER. AUGUST 1«/ Pace Eleven ATHLETE'S FOOT GERM •WEIRY REPAIRING KILL IT IN ONE HOUR. Long Branch CWV 4 Clock. u4 Jtwtlrr CUuad YOUR 35c BACK, Cqyen Co. In i K*H\t$ at RnHntb Prim Clips Evans Team When In Sea Bright W.rk OaarantHd for On Y«r Stop At H. ROSIN, Jeweler Softball Ghainns Shut W«t Front St, B«i Buk, N. J. PENETRATES, B»*cbii TtL «-Q072.M. Tod.r at M. L. HoUrmoi'i. ; Out Camp Aggregation Ole'f Sea Food Restaurant Long Branch't Catholte War Broiled Lobster, Sea Food DUhet; Ve^s' Softball, recently crowned Also Chicken in the Rough; Delicious Steaks. SEA BRIGHT FISHERY champ* of the county CWV «o(t- >>all l*aru«, lait week blanked the OLAF J. AXEL8KK, Prep. OCEAN AVE. * CENTER IT, i SJ5A BRIGHT, W. *. Camp Evans All Stan, 4 to 0, at the fjong Branch Firemen'* field. 1072 Ocean Ave. Phone Sea Bright 2-0102 FRESH FISH DAILY Inspired by the masterful three- DAN OALLOPr and LEWIS BRANIN. prop*. bit pitching of Walt Warden, the Vets gathered two rum In the third and two more In the fourth. In all, they touched R1U for eight «afet!««. EASTERN CONTRACTING CO. RESPONSE TO POPULAR DEMAND OATJEKJUO, WAR VBT8 AJRH CELLARS DUG . . . Bulldozer Work of all kinds . . . Clearing Keek, U_ . _ _ . I) • and Gradlnt of Lots an' Woodland • • • Headways Out «n< Y»nnon«, >s. #. ;, 32. 00 0 MnPhwiOn, Jb, .,._ 10 0 Graded. - , Rltfl, p „ „ s o V 'he Shining Hour Binnttt, lb.' t o 0 We will give you our e*MjMl*s_8w_your_io1^BlK_»r-BniS'U. Mii"T ..•, ef. !..™r»r.™™.'.v.'.'.~.'.r.™ s o 1 Full Una of Gravel, Blue Stone, Top SoU an* nil Dirt. " (Directed- by Percy "S." Montague) Pournl«r, rf. „ _ 2 0 0 Vlnc»lll, 8b. J 0 0 Phone Atlantic Highlands 1-0070 With a Brilliant Broadway Cast '"'••'..' . u. o '.» • CAMP EVANS ALL STAHS P.O. Box 322, Leonardo, N. J. W00IU7. B., 2b. 1 ] 1 Thursday, Friday, Saturday Woe|l«y, R . 2b. ...„ 1.0 - DeCanti, 3b 0 0 Buono, 8V. ..:„.-, \M. . s 0 . 1 WlneMrt. If. „ „... 1 0 0 August 14, 15, 16 FUh»r, ii. ...— _ ... a 0 0 Sleo, »1>. :...... !... 2 0 0 INTERIOR DECORATING Hyari/11.* ....•...„.„; 1 0 0 8:30 P. M. , Mls» Stella, Pokus, representing Pictured fr«m left, to right are working under difficult conditions P«l»r, U...... „._.._ ...... ; n 6 0 Average Room Painted or Papered, $25.00. the employees of the Coven cor- Miss Mildred Stoble, Mrs. Cather- until they were able to secure Opinion, lb „ 2 1 I Mechanic St. School Auditorium, 'Red Bank, ine Haller; Mrs, Mary. Leonard,. Mr. larger quarters. : Gryion.'lb : : 10 1 Wall and Floor Linoleum Installed. poration of West and Wall streets, Cohen,; Mrs. Cohen, .Mr,..Schneider,. Aonun, cf. .'..> ...-.....» «... 2 2 2 presents to Joseph Cohen, presL Mr. Cohen formed the CovA cor- Goldmnnn. e. ..„ _ „....,;. t 0 1 General Work. Mrs. Mary Costa, Mtas Pokug, Benr, poration two years ago afftr his WiriJ.ii, ,B. .if....^ _ . j 0. 0 dent and Robert L. Schneider, sec- jamln Kaplan", M,ftJ..': JeB.^ Monqttl; All Prices Slashed discharge from the Army, and was ••'•'•'-•••••• Ti~1 retary-treasur'er, flpwer* and a Mrs; ftose fiioncore,'' Mrs, 'Marie later joined by his stepson, Mr. Mannlpo and S»muel Magliaiia. J. MALONSON The Biggest Show Bargain in Monmouth Co. desk at the company's neV loca- Schneider, after his discbarge from, : Mr. Cohen : in , oohalf .of Mr, the Navy.. tion, ; The, employees wished the Wood Advances 47 SOUTH BAY AVE., HIGHLANDS, N. J. 10* Sects, «0c each, ph» tax; UM Seat*, 7Sc Mush; 100 Se»t», Schneider, an,^;Vhinisotti".:thanked : The company manufactures "bet- company officers succeM In their :i the employees}, 'for their corbper- ter coats for wonien," Its first Phone Highlands 3-1436-J. each. No highe* n'nywhere In the theater. new quarters. -' , " . atlon in t>earlng wit" them; and plant was at 60 W.hlt» street.' In Tennis Match Make yon? reservations now. Tel. Bed Bank Fair Haven per "of. St. 'Mary's'.lihurch' ivJU bt Van Butkirk Enters held October 18. ' . ';',''• ,••"-• Police Hunt Third Round The Well-Baby conference spon- Mrs. Daniel VanPelt entertained for'several days at her cottage at Several singles' matches and one sored by,the Public Health NursT Jiiras Killer. RED Ing association, of Rumson, Sea Beach' Arlington. Mrs. iWilllem doubles match have been played In TURKEYS Bright and Fair Haven, usually Bedle, Mrs. George Butler, Mrs.' J. the Bed Bank tennis tournament. BANK held the/third Thursday of the J. Cosgrove,, Mrs, Chester Walling; Tavern Keeper Shot Dave Wood, top seeded player, drew BROAD BREASTED STRAND month, will be omitted during Au- and.Mrs. Fannie Morris were j)iesi a bye In the first round, while Ed 1 enV '.-... '". ;• -. ;'-••., .'. ;,.-''. MILK FED TOP QUALITY A Walter Reade Theatr* gust. Parentawho wish conferences At Union Beach VanBusklrk, second seeded entry, will be ,welcomea at tlie conference Mr. and. Mrs. John 0. Hartzlei Advanced into the third round by to be held at Rumson borough hall have returned home after spending Union Beach police, assisted by defeating P. Pohl, 6-0, 6-0, In the Raised On Our Own Farm the last Thursday in August from thq week-end: is guests of Mr. and state police and ..county detectives, second round and. receiving a bye SPECIAL MID-NITE SHOW Mrs. George Matquardt' of Phila- In the first round. Packed-In Our Freezers S,p» m.'.to 4i p. m. Dr; Philip H, : are searching for a youth who they Costa will big In charge and Mrsdelphia. . :, , i/ claim' murdered Walter Juras, 41- The' matches were played Satur- Just A Few Left HENS If to M Lbs. SATURDAY AUGUST 23 rd Ella Boseley, public' health' nurse, Miss Susan "Brown entertained at year-old ta.vern keeper Monday day, Sunday and throughout the TOMB tO to SO UN. . will also >e'In attendance. V a family dinner party recently at morning in his tavern on Routo Si w»«k. Jn the on* doubles encounter BS5TAVBAMTS , ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY. «" Mrs. Allant His Church of M,bun- Deauville inn,. Belmav.: , , ! and Union avenue, Union Beach. Harold Xerr and Ed Klalln defeat- PRIVATE FAMILIES, The HOTTEST THING in ALL NEGRO Filnu! taln lakes is vialtingher daughter/ 'John Brower celebrated 'his 13th According . to police, Juras was ed Jerry and William Travis, fl-J, AND TAVERNS. Mrs. Oswald ;Euner of. Glllesple birthday at a' pafty recently at the alone at the lunch counter of his eVS. The results were as follows:. avenue,'for a week. , • •'. • home of .his parents, Mr. and Mrs. establishment between 8 o'clock ' FIMT ROUND John Brower, • . , and 8:80 o'clock • Monday morning DwM Wood, byt; Ll«ut. Gaorgi Mr. and Mi's. M. L. Seller of QU- Minuchu d«fitttd Ed Klslln 7-1, ll-l: WHITE ACRES TURKEY FARMS lerple avenue have left on a trip, Mr. and Mrs..'' Ernest.-Walling when * man entered. He was de-Jerry Timvl* defeated Ralph C«real<, 6-2, to the West • have.' returned home after s, scribed as being about five feet, 4-«, l.t; John O'S.hi» (fcftattd Ourtl. Nutswamp Road Red Bank 6-1247 1 S7I10W, I-S, «-l, 6-D! Xd VinBuiklrk, • Mr. and Mrs. William Hanna of month's vacation at Lake Wlnne- five inches tall, weighing about, 140 byo; % Pohl difauM Kobtrt Burnn, 6-J, New Hyde Park, L.: I., and Mr. and pesaukee, Kr""H., where they were pounds and. wearing a yeljow "t" ••1; WllUun DaSantla d.fiattd Whitney guesta;of. Mrs.' William Holmes.., ; shirt and green slacks. He Is be-Crftirell, 1.3, 1-1: VBud't gopp defatted Mrs. Frank Eaton of Plpral Park', Rev. Jouph Sheehu, 8-3, 1-31 Al Mc- N. Y., were guests of Mrs. Ray- lieved to have escaped on toot. Donald defeated Alex* Haiilngar. 8-4. Juras, lather of three young »oni, 1-4; William R*Mib\Jn dettated Robert mond P. Jones over the week-end, Colt's Necfc BosV«r. ».». «-I; <"Bui" Brown defeated Mrs. Dora Stonestreot of Wheeling, Mr. and Mrs, Harold Schroder of was found huddted In a corner of W. Shorr. 8-J, 1.2; Gordon Korbci d«- W. Va., has .beiin visiting Mrs. the tavern with six bullets In hisfeated Phil McN«lly. 6-S. io-S: Harry Lakewood, 0., are guests of Mr. body, one of which was in his Matthewi dtfeattd William Travli, 6-8, Jones for two weeks. and Mr«. Walter Durczak of 6-0; B, Marx dlfaated J. Moore, •)•«, Is your hcdr styled Miss Beverly Boscnbe'rg of Do- heart. The body was discovered by ••8. -...-•• Scobeyvllle for a week. one of his sons'ftnd Theodore Bru- Normandle avenue is spending a Eugene Kelly, Jr., of Route 3*, ' SECOND ROUND month ID Blnghamton, N. Y-., andhas returned home from a week's nelli, who owns a restaurant across Lieut. Manucha defeated Jerry Travli, Laurel Lake, ,Pa, Her .brother, Ber- vlBit with relatives in, Plalnfleld. • the street from the Juras tavern. 8.0, 1,4 j VaoBAliklrk defeated B. Pohl. Joseph Juras, ten-year-old soil, C-0, t-ti M HafDoimld defeatad "Bud" Starring PATTERSON and JACKSON ; ' • nard Rosenberg, will join her to-; Fred Blanchard and Lawrence 8«pp, 1«.|. |.i. ' day/ a*nd Dorothy Nich,ols have returned entered the establishment and saw DOUBLES i MOORE • DUKE WILLIAMS •Mr. and Mrs. Henry Stadler at- from a few days' visit to Charleo- the man but did not see his father. HereU Xe» >and Ed Kltllii d«r«»t«d tended -the Gold Cup races"Sunday" tovm, N. H. ". , He asked where his father was and William and .J«rrx ,Tr«vl«, 6-Z, ••>. (Star ofN. Y. Stage) (Star of "Ann* Lucarfa") at' Jamaica Bay, L. I., on their Mrs. Andrew' Millar of Jersey the man said he had gone to "the cht Pbilljean. City has returned home after visit- hardware store." As the boy left to tittle Silver i Thii.It the second of a )EEK WATSON • SHEILA GUYSE • BETTI MAYS Harry Hubbard hag been confined ing Mr. and Mrs. Richard Clader find his father he heard the shot*. A lawn party 'in celebration of the W 'bed-by illness the: past two Brunelll heard the shots at the and EXTRA for a week. . " ' same time and the two ran Into second birthday 6f Phyllis Nielsen, icric* by weeks. - Mr. and Mrs. pharles ,H. Francis daughter of'llr. and Mr§; Harry Ht. Mr.-and Mrs. Edward L. Bennett the tavern and foun,d Juras. Police GUEST STAR Gene Krupa have returned from a motor trip fixed the time of death at 8:15 a. m.Nielsen of Prospect avenue, was of Church street observed their to New Bern, N. C, where they held! Wednesday of last week by MR. BEN ' «rt wedding anniversary Monday, visited Mrs. Francis' parents, Mr. Though the cash register wu onthe parents., Attending were Ellen Plus the floor and some money had fal- The Ladles' auxiliary of the fire and Mrs. J. R. Bell. Enroute Mr. Scherer, Pegjy, illgr)m, Lynn N.11- en correct styling company won the softball same and Mrs. Francis visited the "lost- len from It, no cash was stolen, A; so», Carol Aokerman, Ralph' Mul- against the JRumson Ladies' auxil- colony" at Roanoke Island, N, C.bag containing }l,000 was also ford, Christie Scherer, Butch "JAMIN' THE BLUES" iary, 8 to 9, Monday evening. Mj. and Mrs. J. R. Bell and MrB.found. Bchueker,' Richard Ackerson, and • Miss Doris Eaton, niece 'of Mrs. Charles Taylor of New Bern are In giving a vague description to Noel Nllson, JK Also'present were LONG FACE Raymond P. Jones, Is on a nine guests of Mr. and Mrs. Francis. police, Joseph Juras said the manMrs. John Mount, Mrg, Frank Niel- TICKETS NOW ON SALE AT weeks' tour with the RockeUcs^^ _Robert..Martln landed a- 140-pound was-about-18-yoars!old.-There-had- p^cMA^hAkMe 7 STRAND AND ^RtTON .Upon her return she will i audition tuna, and his brother, Henry Mar- becri signs of a, struggle. Ann Bowers'", Mrs. Ralph Multord, for a Broadway production. She tin, caught a 180-pound tuna Mon- After the shooting Union; Beach Mrs. Victor Wolfkamp, Mrs. John To "square up" on the long face and make it seem has been chosen Miss New Jersey day while fishing in the Mud Hole police and the first aid aqUad was Slpe, Mrs. Joseph Scherer, Mrs. Eu- more oval in shape, place a diagonal part low on one of the RocketUs. off Sea Bright from The Porpoise. summoned, Dr. Francis W. Holman ALL SEATS SOc (T&x Incl.) ' gene Carroll and Mrs. Noel Nllson. , side, the effect created by the low angular part aids in Others in the party were Ted and of Keyport pronounced Juras dead.. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Muth are '/-DOORS OPEN 11:30 Pi M,;SHOW AT 12 P. M. William Martin, Frank Rubensteln A posse consisting of members of on a motor trip to Canada. Mrs. making the upper part of the face seem broader. Keyport and Henry Salt. the 'state police, local police, county Muth Is enjoying a vacation from Dotted lines show how the hair should be kept flat detective force and the local fire her duties at the Colonial restaur- Mayor and Mrs. Peter. 0. •W MBS. HAGUE WINS patrol began searching the wooded ant. ' • on top and be built out at the sides to form a circulsr gand, Jr., entertained at an outdoor Mrs.-Louis M. Hague led the lady areas near the scene of the crime/ Rev. Dr. T. A. DeMari • will contour, giving the face width. supper at their home last week. golfers at Rumson Country club ', Juras purchased the tavern from speak Sunday evening at the union James Stultz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tuesday, topping the field in the Howard Smith.about 16 months ago outdoor service at the Belmar Meth- Ve'rnpn Stultz, celebrated his> third best 12 out of 18 holes tournament. and the' tavern was known as odist ohurch. His sermon for the 11 birthday with an ouldoor party at Mrs. Martin A. Quirk was second. "Smith's." Police say that the es-o'clocjc servioe In Embury Metho- his home recently, Scores were computed using three- tablishment was a popular break- dist church "The Bugle Call The 12th annual bazar, and sup- quarters of regular handicaps. * fasting place for borough officials In the Morning." Ann's Beauty Salon and policemen on their way to Councilman Chester A. Apy and 16 Wallace St. . Rtd Bank, N. J. work. family are at East Haadam, Conn., Capt. William " Tlgne of Union where he is presiding elder of Phone Red Bank 6-3008 For Appointment Beach police said this was the first Camp Bethel, where the annual ten- murder in that borough for 22 day session U being held under aus- years. pices of the Life, and Advent Union. ,. Juras, with his wife, Mrs. Jose- phine Juras, and his three young sons resided In a house adjoining the tavern. REGISTRATIONS Shrewsbury $551,0,00,000 The interior of the Presbyterian SPECIAL/ Automttic DEICO-HEAT for church is being newly painted. While these improvements ate be- ing made services are held In the Sunday-school room. |QUAUTY^^VAim ••' A meeting of Christ chuifch yes- try will be held npxt Thursday at IMMEDIATE DELIVERY •General Motors'Delco-Heat Oil Burners are built of the the rectory at 8 p. m. Holy Com- Ifineit materials by craftsmen skilled in the production of munion will be held Sunday at 8 •feel, burning equipment. Before you buy any oil burner a, m and morning service and ser- mon by Rev. Robert D. Smith at I consider Delco-Heat craftsmanship, quality and nlue. 11 o'clock. School will reopen Monday! Sep- FREE HEATING SURVEY tember 8. Howard E). Matteson will return as principal.. . ' , 1947 Packard Custom Hare your lbcal Delco*Heac dealer nab* a hcatlDg auf< Principal occupations of Sicily rtj ID your home. No obli- are the raising of grapes, lemons, gatlon.^rite or phone jiour Figures/brtvTnjn if /An AP Nawiftolurat oranges, olives, almonds and wheat dealer Ulttd beiqw. / Automobile. Manufacturers Assn. and macaroni manufacture. , Super DeLuxe 4-Door Sedan


    wHnihgpilllfqL, clocal D«lco-H»f ditliribouc r II with • D.lco-Hiit Boiler ...... Ulc'«or a«l«hwtlos«jitenii. At Yttt HMICI l» CM.. »ni fewm hem CQA$t TO COAIr SEE YOUR LOCAL DELCO-H8AT DjEALlR T.COTTO,lnc

    U-13 Hi^Dirf^ ..; r Jmg Co., Inc. liic., [ Map|« Ave., R* Bank 213 Broad St., Keypoct ^^d Bank 8.1041 '» , Keyyort T^HO^ , Phone R. B. 6-0428

    ! NLflitl M ikd f > r,''' 14.1047 «•»> FOR SALE FOR SALT PORSALE BUSINESS NOTICES BUSINESS NOflCES BOATS AGCpaDIAN, 110 bug, six switch I THBBB-PISCX LIVING room aulte, txll TWO BlCmas, ti jind H-iniJf; pUced LOVS SEAT and ohalr, do-wsfUle'd llr- HOUSE PAINTING! also signa mad* to 16-FOOT RUNABOUT, six-foot I telescope. French mad* Velon, power 910 and »16, In (nod condition; balloon Jna; room suite, mahosany drop leaf CEMENT WOEK—Sidewalks, curb. raj; also Hollywood bed,'box spring table, fan back chairs, Whitney maple order. George) E. Parker. Phone driveways. • Peter De Ponte," 245 Plymouth four-cylinder; cllnker- 40. Phone Keansbnrg 6-0170, 8 a. m. to and mattress, in perfect cdndttion, reas- tires, Ingnlra Q. X. Mills, Illinois ej-re- Ketontowri 594-M. Shrewsbury t a*ven».. Phone Bed Bank srood, sound, Safe family ' boat^-* 4 P..fa., t-0177-M after 4 p. m. onable. Phone Aibury Park 2-2890-M. nu«, Pert Uonm(iuth, or phose Kcam- Duncan Phyfe dining room suite, ma- 3425. "Phone Eatontown 8-0687-Y" WANT ADS ••"— Q-0748-W. ^. hogany book shelves, sofa bed, out-door VACUUM eleauurs repaired i auur make. 4-8012.. GUARANTEED used pin games. Put 1210 Second avenue, Atbury Park. iron set, smalt Iron tables, mahogany Allen Oeetrle Shop, It White) etreet, PIANO TUNING, regulating and repair 81-FOOT TRUNK cabin cruiser, cu some life In that recreation room or OJMSlNAtloH hid and kerosene — T AT Faraway Farm, Holmdel, dining room suite, maple twin bed and Red Bank 2 ing* Bruce E. I Anderson, Zjake Bbora ballt, br Morton Johnson. SJeeoa cellar bar roon. Alto used Juke boxe», stove, very- reasonable, In ' very good at 92,26 i bua*el, Phone Holmdel «- chest, mahogany twin bedroom suite, PAINTBR, DECORATOR and paper Drive, R«d Bank. Phone (-4159 or «• Just reconditioned and ready for LOST AND FOUND 1100 and up,. In guarahtted condition. condition. Phone Keansburg 6.0344, or 6011. -^ rugs, 40 yards of "carpet. Other Items hanger, it yeara experience, esti- 8594-R. motor. Business ehsnge makes imj Call or write, Mejeltlc Amusements, IE- Inquire, W. Slegel. 199 Main atreet, COENET AND CASK, excellent for use mates cheerfully given, toule- Cassan, 17,West Bergen Plate; Red Bank 6-2U7. too numerous to -mention. Burdge's WE WIUL: BUY or. remove your locust ate sale necessary. Schaaf's Boat PASS BOOK'NO. 15,16*, Issued oh Sec- Ksansburg.* , In school bandi "ctasonaile. , MaU< Warehouie, Clay itreet, or rear of Its formerly.of Atlantio Highlands, now re. . aad walnut trees ,'suitable | for posta win's Yacht Works. . ... ond .National Bank and fruit com- SLIGHTLY USED tires and tabes, Sixes wan, 1-208L ,N,1 CT Broad street, Mita- Broad atreet. Red Bank.** .. siding Box 888, R, P. D. 1. Shrewsbury nnd lumber. Phone Atlantic Highlanda BRIDGE DECK cruiser, 6Ixl3"t4..'- MARINE ENGINES—New Packard .>•«.* . ...•'.'••• . ',-. • • • - avenue. Red Bank. Phone «-4O64-W. , p*any;,Red. Bank. Flndtr pleats return . 610x16. 600xl«, . 626x16, 860x16. 'BE GAS cooking store.. First of - 1-0J70-W.' •'-.-.,-••••'-- •'• ••" sereir heavy construction 'by ,1? to!above addraaa^ ""* - . precision built marine engines, 700x16, 460i20,.600x20. Brookilde Inn, AIRBORNE: OUt3HMAN. scooter/ l,Q0x* *er. accepted.' Phone RuiSioii 1-0464. "ifOR HIEE—Dan Clark's Sea Coast or- Excellent condition throughout, near stone church, Atlsntic Highlands,* • Urea ;I also:.Wurlltxer iuke box. 31 WHEAT AND. BYE; al»d second plant- .ALAN'S FOR QTJAUTY. ail(M sell, any, 'reasonable -offer.iCDnsld WjUHb^-Blrd dog, on-half. mile from eights and sixes. Now available at Blchardsoh -avenue, . Eatontown (- chestra* -four, pieces.. • To play, for - all "Skylark II," Irwln's' "Yacht "Works, Holmdtl villas*. By. proving owner- T. C. Otto, Inc. Packard, Red Bank. BATES MATCHING bedspread and lne-of sweet corn. Hogs and,poul- covers, draperies, custom fash- oocaslbna, reasonable. Phone Dan dark. ship,-dor may' be' t.a at 8PCA Center, drspes, single.' like new. Price 96; .08«9-J.« •.,'-.:,• '•. ',•). .;•..'- '. '<_• try., cheap. Call Barry Gllojy, Hohndel ioned, by :malt«r oraftimen, of KeyporKeypo t 7-0607-M.* .' • Harding road,< phone Bed Bank •• : ' "Eatbntbwn. •••'•• • ' " ' olio..custom made. Chinese .'.Chippendale FAUA AND KOLSIER seten-tube ra- 9-7T04. : -"I- -'. •- 1814x7 SEABRICBT skiff. Roomy; 'quality fabrics. Furniture rebuilt LANDSCAPD **^Aat* ••E• ' eBB*^eand» t, . agarde> "* «4vaasb ^^^ • mvf LOST—Ladr's red leather wallet at Red . 04t8,'. '.-•:•,.•'• '-.- ', . •' • _.• drapes, cornice to matchVSO Inches wide. - dlos, working - order, '98 and/$51 also BIX CUBIC-FOOT Frlgidalre, excellent planting, pruning, i • ; worthy, and fast; Chrvaler 02 • Phone Bed Bank 6-4176.* Phlko, latetable model radio, like new, and reupholstersd or made to order. drainage-Ing. , prunlntr, grading, rock work. Ace Marine. 12 Biverview joad, : , Bank railroad station, Wednesday 91S. Phone Bed Bank.4-2176.** J condition, reasonable; 7 Sixth avenue, :e. George J. Wldiy. Phona meuth'Beaohi . . 1 morning, August f, 1947. -. Finder-please HYBRID' SEED corn, Mew Jersey No. PLAY PEN, large site, new mattress, Atlantic Highlanda. . Phone 1-0847. Our, pledge to you. We guarantee_ Eatontow>vnn t-Ofll-8-0t-18-M after 6 p. m.m,"» . contact Bath Halvorien, Tlnton, Falls, 2,- 4, illo No. 8, U. 3. 13, Ohio C88. bathinette. 60 Watenritoh -avenue, COOLEBATOB and General Electric re- that whatever the job may be, we" SHQBX FAINTUIG contractors. Interior cc phon« "Eatontown 3-0047-J.a ate^'Alio'a cottPleCa Una of iwest corn Highlands. Call ;Saturday. , ' frls-erators, six feet, taipb, perftet con- NBW FUBNITUBEI Urlog. \bed- and- exterior, palntln?~by 'day or; eon- and ; field seeds; Conover Brothers, BLACK COCKB3KBR ;male puppy.slx weeks/ dltlon. Phona.Red Bank 6-OIH. ' "will apply the same superior craft- AUTOM*JILES _, -Information pet male bound, Wlckatunk. Phone. Holmdel v-6121. .-room' and ^reakfaat sets, occas- tract." Estimates cheerfully ' furnished. named "Doodle."'.missing Friday, vi- ". Dam and sire from best blood''lines. r ; puppies, registered A. manahlp that, hsa made the name Phone R«d Bank 6-2448, or Bad Bank ALFALFA and timothy hay, baled or Will sell at pet price. for quick sale. K, C;; pedlRwdi -snow, and flsld iontl table*; maple and walnut "Alan" a by-word In furniture cinity New Monmouth, black, brown Pedigreed 'and roistered. Phone Red 6-885T.* " (IAURIOK 8CHWABTZ. Chryaler. ears, wolu breast and tip of tall.Coop- standing. Slndlinger. Phone Roln- stock. B«it blood lines; reasonable, ; ohesta, fireplace, ^nantels, art pic- circles throughout this entire area. WE SPECIALIZE In new and bid lawns. month: and International track err. Phone MlddletowTaioTdletown 5-05425-ussz. del B^TIOl.- • . ' Bank 6-1974-M. Phona Rumion-, 1-1081, -'-•• ';• • • > -;--. tures, odd chairs, hampers, .corner '-planting and , transplanting, shrubs. and service heaniuertera. Phone) 1 BBDR.OOM ^ FUENITURE, twin ' bell, We firthn. iiitttatti that the' ma- tioST-Jn BilmsW Pair Him or Fed -closets, etc. BuiciTi, 27, East Front. evergreens, smalT trees, . prlvst hedge, flank, 787. N >:•-,•• •...;.. .:-."• : 'Complete)]' equipped, together with trouble. Save your tires. "Latest FOR SALE at 07 Bay avenne, Atlantic Highlands.* J FRIGIDAIRE ice cream freeslng unit. delivery truck. Price $4,800. Weart- axle and frame straithteninsr equlpi roofing or siting job now. Pay as ELEO x'HOLUK refrigerator, - water- ESTBLLE DBCORATINQ 'service. Paper- Nemeth Agency, 42 Broad street.' Phona little as ts monthly. No down pay- KXTRA LARGE rural. mail box, pre- cooled; excellent condition. 960, 100. Phon* Atlantlo -Highlands I-0188-R.* hanging, plain and decorative painting. Frank Van Syckle, 140 . West 1 PIANO INFORMATION. Play >af«, bare ment. Call Bed Bank 6-4444. Mon- ,.war; adjustable bl'ass. bridge lamp; Ocean boulevard, Atlantic Highlanda, GENERAL MOTpRS refrigerator, now in Red- Bank 8-2240.- street. Red Bank, west of Maple avi ' operation, - good running condition, Call Red Bank 6-0602. Office, 10 Mount Our own building. Aak for Jack He It appraised before you buy or selL mouth Construction Co., Highway It, at plate-sisss mirror; Howe .counter PhoneKed, Bank «-l87T. .^ good oondltlon.: Phone'Keaneburg'6- must be in good condition. L. Ker* cellent' opportunity* Write ' for partic- OOOLERAipRIn -perfect- - oondltlon, 0015-J after-*»-p.vnii*":" -,' .-•'= :- - tress. $20 ;slngle(ouc-Doiter bed. com- her,.208 Shrewsbury, avenue. Red Bank. We 1111 used building mnurlali and plete, 910; Spinet desk and chair, $8. ulars ' to-'.'M.-V.—B.V-B01- 61IF—Bed plumbing aupplles. Highway"; S3.'Kayport. ' oapiaclty - 100 pounds. Call Rumaon BROKEN RECORDS replaced. We -wIH Phone 4-0468-W. •_ : hlgheit oash price for roar ai 1RI8H SETTERS, ready break, gunning 1-O64S between 8 and t> a. m., after 6 Phone Long-Branch 6-8617-W. Bank. •'-..•••.•- Phone Keyport 7-0483, ' ' stock,- 380. • Irish .Terrier, registered. help you replace' any . broken records Long- *E HAVE 'YOL'R DANGEROUS tries re- p. • m.* • • I - .. MUST* BELL • iMMEDIATSLY. Carved CqMPLBTE FOLEY filing, machine. In- car, • Packard "Balsa as 'Servi ANTIQUES, BRI6.A-BRAC, furniture, ?h.°n* K«an»huj*jf**-J/ from your priceless record albums. Just SELL - moved by experienced riggers. Cash quire Oanley, 124 Lewis street, Eaton- Harding, road, at Broad stre - bought and. sold. Soho' House. An- GAS STOVE—Good condition, reason- one of the many .record services offered walnut'cabinet, high post tester bed, APPLE GRADER, 60-buihel per hour -able. Inquire 138 Fair Haven road, single; three-piece painted bedrootn. set; paid for old buildings. Highlanda town. Phone 8-0227-W. .'-' '..'..: tiques. George Martin, Prop. 74 Shrews- capacity. A. R. Fisher, Star-Route, free at A'nderson'a. 21 - Broad- stre< Wrecking Jk Rigging Co. Phone Hlgh- HIGHWAY TAVERN and restaurant Phone Red Bank 418. . ' " bury avenue, at the end of Monmouth Fair Haven. . •USED'WHITE porcelain, double link; pair, rush bottom chairs,; kitchen table, Freehold. thro chairs •-, Phone Bed Bank 6-4244-W.* landa 1827.W. _^. - yflth comfortable living "quarters, year street. "Rhone Bed Bank 6-3736. YOUNG MALE Jin«|ng, canaries, very USED 80-INCH power laWnmdwer at- toilet bowl, good condition, 980, Call round' business; fully-equipped, together AUTOMOBILES AMD' trucktruckss finance reasonable;. h'ealUiy-. atock; lovely fe- taehment. Will "fit- Gravely- or any Bed Bank 6-4886-J.* . :> NEW .SHIPMENT of Congolekm rugs, with stock. .Price 125,000.1 IVeart- months to^nay.*' Sea Coast Fix WE BUY and aall •nrttUg I New small garden tractor. Price 960. Phone OUTBOARD MOTOR, 940.; two-burner ' 6x9,' 7^x9, 9x9, 9x10% and 9x12 Company, (0 Broad straet. Fhona miles for pets, 11/80. Phone Blghlsnds Long Branch 6-1490-M.. patterns; also Inlaid linoleum, Roaenfeld radloa and aleotrleal appllancee.' Nemeth,Agency, 42 Broad streat, phone Bank 6-1284 or 8-2668. and uied * furniture, household 8-1154-W. -- • • • ,ong all cook stove,' $6; two-burner olt Red Bink B-2240.« PILE DRIVER—Fully equipped, lnclud- heat stove, 95; \chlld'a mattreai, new. Furniture Co., 189 Shrewsbury .avenue, .' We. call for and deliver. Haroid'e 1941 DODGE two-door custom, |o goods, china, glaaiware, - paintings, PIANO TUNING and repslrlng. J. * Ing one 'pump jet • hose, two drum 98. Lackatr, Laurel avenue, " Weat Red Bank. • * Radio and Electrlo Shop. 34 West line, radio, heater, ' diiroiterl, ' bric-a-brac, etc Rusril'e Auction hoist, gasoline engine, etc. Best offer Keansburg,* - •' - - - - ... rubber, fluid drive, 31,146: ,1941 1 L. Homer; Llntbn Place, Keans- •MUST SELL THIS WEEK I Three- Front street, Bed Bank, Phone 4- Galleries. 15-27 Bait Front slreat, takes it. Phone Keansburg 6-0317. SIX-BURNER gas range, in good .con- BOATS mobile, four-door sedan, excellent' burg. Phone 1-0880. ; dition, with brolleri oven, etc..Suit- piece living roifm aulte $49, buf- 2744- • • * dltlon, fully equipped, $1,246; "Red Bank. Phone AMI. .**• ' ; . FRIGIDAIRE. Excellent condition. Bulek super- deluxe, four-doot si able for restaurant.or boarding-house. fet $8.60, round table' 93.50, OUTBOARD MOTOR Salss 'and Service. PLYW.OQD^—Si", \H«, %". Garage $90. 190 Finckney Road. Fhona Price $70. Call Red Bank B-078B.* . OUTTEBS. LEADERS, In copper or gal- fully equipped, new rubber, appeal TYPEWRITERS, adding .machines; and 'doors, special* f4o.; No.. 1'Perfection wrought Iron console table 918.50; vanlxed. .Callous for'an estimate'on • For Immediate delivery, . S& h. p. Ilka new, $1,245. Must .see to am - office equipment, new and .uaed, Sed Bank 5-4JJ4-M. . COWBOYTBlCORDs; dance record!, any sheet metal work, J. V. Bogart, 7t> single Mercury, 6 h. p. alternating twin ate. Will finance. Cull Long Bi wood..ahlnglea, . S14;60;. doora, novelty party records, novelty records,' kiddle bird cage and stand 98.75, dressers, Mercury; 6 K. p. alternating twin See bought, ao!d and repalrad* 'Serplco'e. siding, mouldings; kiln dried 1x10, 1x12 records, jaas and -Be-Bop records,, pop- 96.50, baby walker $3.60, folding Foster street. River Plasa, Red Bank. 8-0822-J. "i ' - •-.- -,; 105 Monmouth street. Rod Bank;; white Pine.." National Roofltic Supply BERKWITH , OROAN—In very good Phone Red Bank 6-0798-M, or Baton- Bee: iJA h. p. Firestone Standards $H 1938 BUIOK. SEDAN, Century, • ' oondltlon; suitable for small church. ular, classical, etc., are at your favorite carriage 9.4.50, reed tea wagon h. p. Firestone) Deluxe. Repairs on all DISCHARGE PAPERS photostated,- 12 Co., 14S Belmont avenue, Long Branch. Record Shop, -Anderson's, 2f 'Broad town 8-0850-M. . makes and models. J, H. Mount Co, condition. Write, "Sedan,". Box' Must be seen to be appreciated. Phone '97.50, new. perch roekera 10.95}• houra service at Horn's. IS' Wallace Phone Long Branch 6-2400. street. • . - , • • -• - : • ••*'-.. ' - - Bed Bank.' ". ' • • :r •-. ' •••'-•.•: Keanlburg- 6-08T4-J. i* • ELECTRIC WELDING and cutting. Port- corner White atreet 'and Maple aranua, atreet. Red Bant. POWER LAWN HOW1SK, 21-Inch cut, burg- 6 i alio bric-a-brac, Bntlques and oth-" able service. John Stsnton, Everatt. Rtd Bank, Phone 6.040J4. ' HOUSE TRAILER, modern convenie : thre*e '. horsepower enarlne. Height. of "TWO PIGS, weight about 260 pounds PORTABLE ELECTRIC phonograph, ree- YOUR OLD FURNITURE -made better ords, and albuma,'975; roller'and Ice mti.household effects. RuscU's, 27 Phone Red Bank 6-0793-R-l. WHALEBOATS—Double end, all wood, sleeps four, reasonable. Call than new, sprayed* or rubbed finish ; cut 'adjustable ' 1' to" <4 Inches. Light, . each. Call Runwon 1-0664 -after 7 Bank 6-2947-M.* • ' ' •' easy to'handle,- practically new. Phone p. m," skates, alss 8. 91S; rldlnf booU, site «, Eaet Front street. Fhona Red D JS don reasonaly and ell 3225 each. 46 South Bay. avenue, all branch" In cabinet making. Esti- nnd accessories,'riding, breeches, lise 2S, Trucking, carpenter work, painting, Highlands, ."__• sa PACKARD roadster, excellent, mates and planning cheerfully done. Gall Sea Bright 2-0079, evenlnge. HUSH SETTER puppies, thres months :* Bank 6-1698, ' • • • ' . dltlon, reasonable. Can -.- be - •' old. Good home absolutely necessary, 91S; -developln«i. and printing.'set' for gardening, etc. C. R, Farr. Phone Red us. .Bed Bank fl-2557. Ask for Mr. films and- prints,-: 916. . Call; T, Hani, Bank 6-8883-W, or -write P. O. Box-454, NEW OHRYSLKB marina motors, Cooper Boulevard,' Red Bank. Call •Wilms. • •• - ; COMPLETE ' BATHROOM outfits, Ray Smith, Harriion avenue and Hard- B.C.A. RADIO, standing model. Price Dunk 6.JI53-W.between E and 7 p lln» Road, or phona Red Bank 6-1368.* Keanaburg 6-0362-W. Monmouth ave- Fair Haven. • '•'.; " ' \ new /Jeep marine motori, new,' built-in csit Iron rscested bath- nue, Port Monmouth.* 980.' Mrs, R.I Sebber, .2.5 Lakewood LANDSCAPE AND lawn service. Claude and all day Sunday.' '. • WATCH SOON I For the official tubs, automattd ,hot water heaters, IRISH SETTER, 8 months, thoroughbred, THREE-BURNER Irerosene stove, al- avenue. • Keansbnrg,' Phone ,6-:>490-W.* ' Whalen, - 267 Leighton. avenue, Red used motors and narts, light plsnti, 1987 FORD pick-up, good cond gunning atock, beautiful, 930. Phone propellers, new and Used, FsrweH'f Phone Holmdel 9-6601.* . . •: ' opening of our modern' and at* * gas - and electric.- klchcn cabinets Kesnsburg 6-1S49-J.* • . most .new; alia lee box. porcelain TABLE/MODEL radios from 912.95 up,, Bank. Phone Red Bank 6-1879-J. tractive new furniture .show room! lined, 76-pound Ice) capacity., good con- large selection. N*ew models arriving MODERN GARAGE cdnstructlon.. "• Ex- Sales and Service, 81 Blngfas'm ave- 1936 CREVEOLET, two-door a ' and .sinks,- sink* and laundry.,trays, WHITinSSY COAfiHCOAfiH,, SteeroMaSteer-o.Matt carcar- dition. Tione after 4 p.- m.. Bed Bank Price $825. A-l condition.. Ci . BuscU's Furniture; A Art Galleries, , rlage, navy bbluel , excellenlltt conditionditi . dally. Modern -.Home, 77 Monmouth pert roofing and siding. Construction nue, Bumaoiu Phone Rumson:l-1499. pipe. 'American Freesir 4 Appli- 6-O51O.M-U - . ' •'-••*•• • .:••- r • Daniel Bchanck, Creek rbad. Port ; Call Atlantic Highlands 1-0621.* street. Red Bank.*' : '. of all typei; porch In closures and ad- "37 East Front street. Phono . Red , ance Co., Route iS, anil Oakhlll' ditions; convenient, terms. .,J. and L. mouth. . . ; GRACO GREASE machine for Kaa sta- UNPAINTED ,-WHlTB cedar 'boat. 66 BUY YOUR SPACE heater before the B6ATIM0 Sllt-PUBS. Va'cHt enalgns. . Bank 6-1668. .."'.'•' . road.' Phone-H.d Bank 6-S877. Construction Co., Highway 36, Keyport. 1984 CHEVROLBr two-door, glass tlon. Phone Red Bank 8-876l»* > pbunda, 'for duck' hunting, fqr -tender, cold weather sets-In. Come in and Phcjsj Keyport 7-2877r * '. Sperrjr Topslders, yachting cap's, plas- body In. good condition, good : '* r "' I-:- ' *•••"•••> VSBD LUMBER. Shesting, flooring, 2x8, 986; Phone Rurason 1-0742, sea* our selection. Priced from 889.95 tic dlnnerware, anchors, Maitlla rope, SIotoT had - new rings Installed * rec^ UPHOLSTERING as you like It, Custom TYPEWRITERS—All makes for sals. and-.2x6, tongue and grooved; alio UNPERWOOD No. 6-typewriter, excel- up. Modern Home, 77 JMohmoiith street, »ault and child life jackets; search- >bullt, quality and service our stand* WALLPAPER HANGING, painter 32T6 or highest offer. Phone Red ,'; . Lowest prlcss, also repairs and over- 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10. 2x12, 4x6, 4x8, 6x0. lent condition. Call, at',S8 Waahlng- Red Bank.* - light*, horns,- compasses, ' AH your boat- 6-8894. -120 "Leonard street, Red Bl ard. Dave Burnon, SI Pearl street. Bed hauling, Save money, cash and. carry. Floyd SIckler, 62 Fair Haven road. Fair tori 'street,' Red' Bank, after "%' p.' in. ' : and decorator. Specialising In re- .. ing needs at The Boatman'a Shop, 24 Ban. Phone 6-JJ6C7. PH1LOO CONSOLE radio, A-l con- Wharf avenue. Red Bank. 1989 LINCOLN, seven-passenger r Hemhauser,. Vineyard avenue and Route Haven. Phone Red Bank 6-4148-W.* ABTOMAT1C RECORD changera. In dition; maple baby crib, large size, modeling of bathrooms, kitchens ie,. nea oan dean, six good casings, good ^ "NEW ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaners 86, next to Brown'a Diner, East Keaiys- HOT POINT ELECTRIC washing m«- beautiful table* model, Jiandsome .wood spring aid mattress. May be seen at and Installing of new ceilings. Ci • 15.FOOT RUNABOUTUNABOUT,. Chevrolet ma- dltlon, excellent for large family-ort: being dellvored at pre-war price; Free burg. • Phone Keansburg 6-0886-M. chine, in need of minor repalra. Price cabinets, with Ufetlme needle, for. only 90 Buena Vista avenue. Fair Haven, or rlne cbnverston, 22 horsepower. Price $700 ' caih or would consider,'t demonstration In Red Bank vicinity. In HORSES—Tannessea- walkers; two beau- 944.60. This'mode I Is'In gre^t demand. Jos. Smith. Phone Red Bank - 6-. 3POO. Pullen'a Boat i Works." Rumstin. your. home. Spare parta and repairs, tiful young geldings; also soma year- 926. Friday morning, between- 10-12-a. call Red Bank 6-22B8*» . I "* 08«0.. _. , . ' .." ". ' Phone Bed Bank 6-0485-J." . m. A. Weinsteln,, 2S Prospect, avenue, Get yours today.. Anderson'a Muslci;21 4-FOOT CAPE COD sailboat; very 1937 BUICK bu-siness coupe, good 'Don't delay. ' Phone today. Rumson 1- lings. Chester Horse Farm, near Wlck- Red B»nk.» . ' • Broad street. . •'. ' • , • •, . ;. . . HHKCTJLE6 PIPBLJSS furnace, 980. Or good condition: $225 or best offer, 0498-M. • atunk, on.Gordon's Corner road," Phono CANARY BIRDS, •.reasonably priced: belt - offer,-. in running order; kttcnen Atl'6 RAMATOR'S cleaned and re-Inquire at the Idle Hour, Myrtle ave- '--dltlon, with heater; just pass* Holmdel .t.(8tl.° - ' BANTAMS—Purebred, 80 varieties. All sink, 20x30, 20-inch back, $5. Call Red paired, to act- like new.. Complete apectlon. Phona after 6 p. ra... BfcVELEU CEDAR siding, selec: t grade, beautiful birds from show stock. Sell- ba-bjr's new. rocker; hew, man's, white nue, Oeeanport.-: Phone Long Branch 6- Bank 6.Q510-M-1. / : ' 10-Inch and lZ-tncb, • 10 cents per BRING.US YOUR old things. We pay shirt, slie 16. Mrs. Anna Relserj Mon- Bank 6-2842-J. "'- . stock of replacement radiator corea: on 8717, board foot,'1,000 .Jeet or -more. D..-IU ing out, on account of owner's IV1 health. hand. Red Bank Radiator Works, US 1941 . FOUR-DOOR Bulck, series fall cash value for Jewelry, antiques, Reasonably priced. Phone Holmdel 9- tana -.avenue, Port Monmouth. -'-.""Phone FOUR-BURNER highly serviceable gas CLINKE;LINK R BUILT 12-fooV all cedar, in- Obntpietoly equipped, good ; eon< Bel'exxa, lumber and supplies, Carr ave-. bric-a-Brac, china, glassware, paintings, 7661. Keanaburg 6-1489-R. rang>, tut'bhbjr' pUy pea, excellent West Front strtot,'Bed .Bank. Phone : .eluding oars, gratings,, coyer; .tool kit, r nue. at railroad, Keaniburg. Phone 4- 6-1177, • '.- •.:•*,'>•...- '"' throughout. Price $1,450. Phoit coin and - stamp ' collections, Zollens, 25 AIR-FLOW OIL STOVE; three-burner 314 ACRES OF STANDING feed corn, condition', $6. Phone "Monmouth Beach outboard motor, ' anchor, etc. • - Parfect 0478. • Main street, Asburr Park. reasonable. • Call • Mlddletown E- 1-0848-W. until 10 p. m, .• - UENtKAL CONTRAOTOB and f odds and beautiful new Betsy Rosa 'or Jansssn KLU1N 4k 8ON8, earpenters; siding. quick sale, $875 cash. Phona Re ant unit plus complete freedom from YOU GEX MORE and pay less for your enda^ Further information, call Red Spinet. . Low easy payments, AndeN PAINTING AND paper hanging. ' Have BOAT, FULLY equipped 28'6" sea>8«l«B« window eara. For free demonstration, ; roofing and repairing, call after *6 p. skiff,'60 H. P. Scrims marine engine; fresh .eggs, broilers,' stewing chickens, Bank 6-36B8-J. .Upholstery Shop! son's, formerly Storck of Course, 21 - your painting done with white lead m., write, R. T. D. 1, Box 418. Keyport, 1984 PONTIAC, good running. con call Monmouth Construction Co.,.High- and 'ducklings.'-• James John*, Marion FBIGIDA1RX, model W-6. Write P. O. Broad street. • ' . and pure Unseed oil Estimates free, $800. Call Red .Bank 6-1686-W after way No. 86, Red Bank. Phone Red with experienced workmen. -Phone Red N J.. phone Keyport 1S47-W. 5 P.M. 30 West Westslde avenue. Red Call Bed Bank 6-0484-W.. 19. street. Red Bank. Phone 1-3081-J. Box 261, Red Bank, or call Red Bank 40 NEW HAMPSHIRE Red laying hens. i'HE-BEST PRICES paid (or rags; iron, BrldBQ avenue,* Bank SIX-FOOT KELVIN ATOR refrigerator. S-1151.* Bank 6-1607, or 62 Harding road, Red BankBank,,' " ' Call after «, Keaniburg 6-0477.• Bank. . metal and paper. Gattls. junk dealer, 26-FOOT SEA SKIFF, cabin., toilet, 1984 FORD convertible coupe; RIDING AND DRIVING hone, harness 9100, - In good condition. Phone GIRL'S BICYCLE, 24-lnch, pre-war; In TWO H. P. GASOUNE driven sir com- 216 Snrewsbury avenue, Red Bane:. Bed Bank 6-OS61.* •nd cart, saddle and bridle. Call Red Eatontown »-1060, extension 371. vary good , condition. Price $20. preiiori gray Whitney • coach car- BOOKKEEPING service for small bus- Phona Bed Bank 6-15 67-B. Will call. ChryaleT "Crown engine, redaction Bank 6-0357-J-2. Phone Red Bank 6-3789. Ineasmen at your own office. Govern- gear, All perfact condition. Phone 1986 BUIOK 8, four-door sadan. SOTGALLON copper water boiler, 125. riage, with inner Spring pad ;* brand new ment reports. Joseph W. Child, 51 Wan- Long 'Branch 6-1749-W. 6 to 7 p. m. . Ksnxle, Bralnard avenue. Port Call-Red Bank 6-1188-R. WEXK3EWOOD, Sterling silver, exquls- crib and mattress;'-auto. crib, brand OIL LAMPS converted for electric mouth. Phone Keansbnrg 6-134 ~. WATCH SOONI For the official it« Imported table- llnena and china; amaisa Point road, Asbury Park. Phone OUTBOARD MOTOMOTORR . 6% h"h". V.W Water- G. B. WASHING machine, excellent con- new, baby-auto seat, it SJnotAn Court, Asbury Park 2-B460-M. Formerly of ' ity. Lamps rewired. Wa eall for witch, wluh auto wind atactar, has.had LATE 1946 MERCURY flve-pai 'opening of our modern and .at- JSpsldfftg. tennis racquets and ..frames, Keansburg. Phone 6-0>87-R. coupe, radio, heater; 1041 Bui dltlon. Phone Red Bank «-18i«. light leather golf bag. child's sand box, SET OF BOWER A ladders, extension Red Bank. ' and deliver. Harold's Radio and complete overhaul. WIH sell with roomy tractive new furniture show room!* WASHING MAOHINE, wringer type, DRESSMAKING, alln covers, chlldren'a boat Just freshly psintcd. Both for $125, per five-passenger sedan, radio an with- practically new motor and dog house, air conditioned: holly ladders and* planks, paper hanger't Electrlo Shop, 34 Wait Front street, er;*1940 Biilck;"convertlMe ie4an Rmcll'i Furniture k Art Galleries, vnemths, Christmas ttee stnnd, large equipment, paint brushes, end tables, clothing, etc. Sample of-work to be Call-evenings. Bed Bank 6-160S-W.* wr'n'ger, * f 65. * Owner .moving. Phonet ihown. Phone Keyport 7-1311. • Mra, Bed Bank, Phone 6-2744,-1, PRICKETT AND PROAL, "Sportster," and heater; 1041 Pontiao 8, Olub 27 Bait-Front itreet. Phone Red Bed Benk 8-388<-*W.» clothes hamper, four French doors, elec- weather . vanes, child's pen^ and radio-and ' heater; 1940 Bufok, Bank «-16B3. - rrlo fixtures^ like new; bamboo sun chair, high ba«k musk stool, two >xl2 la PennettI, Perry, street, Keyport. length 1« feet, beaoh 6, Kermath 8, NEW AND USED eel pots. - Inquire shades for* porch, wicker porch swing, NC CLEANING. Hare your /ur- AUCTIONEER AND Appraiser. B* O. fast, Call, at 707 River, road. Pair Ha- 51,* five passenger , sedan, radi Fred Gunther, IBS Lsurel Road, be- ruga; baby** ba'Sslnet, tables, trunks and ven,• or phone Matawan .1-1036.* v fteater; 1087 Dodge, flve-pssseng.1 OUTDOOR OVEN nreplacia. A profea- ps|r of large pottery urns, Vltohen ta- other things' too numeroua to metntlon. . naee and chimney cleaned before cold Coats. 490 Bath avenue. Long Branch. dan. T. 0. Otto, Inc., Packard, ,- ' slonal fireplace that anyone can'build. tween Lenape and Algonquin Road, ble,, wicker love seat, chest of drawees, "Mrs,. .Louise 'Hjcktnan, 18 , Washington weather. 'Wire brushed snd 'vacuum N. J. Phona S599J . COMET SAILBOAT. Very good con- Manaiuuan Shore.' phono Mihsiquan two chlffarobel, odd chairs, beach cleaned.' Fireplace chimneys a specialty. Bank; 11-18 Harding road, "Pho It bakes, broils, grills. Barns wood, 7-2164--W: street', Ruroson, br\phoria. Rumaah/1- LAND CLEARING. Grading. Write, .1 dition, new maat^two. auljta sails,-(one Bank 6-0428. . , coal, charcoal or briquettes. Nationally chairs, English riding boots and trees, O8t9. ' ' ••'. >? '• ..'•• ' • ' A.dean chimney ls'a safe chimney. Also will call on you. Eight years exper- Ratsey, one working.) Price $436. Phone advertiaed, Mlllbrook Greenhouses, New SELLING OUT—Most 'vacate, bar and slse 9-D, like hew; cabinet, walnut, 48 new smoke pipe Installed. Free estimates. Red Bank 6-1224-M, between 6 and S 10-TON 1986 DIAMOND T racL • boek -bar, itovea snd furniture, Vic- OLD .RECORDS back In stock, Han- ience at work,, using largest. buildoxers truck, A-l condition. Can hai Monmouth. Phone Mlddletown 8-0846. Inches wide, 92 Inohes high and 12 inch- dreds of, hsird-to-get. pre-war record Call Atlantic Highlanda 1-0652. • made, producing .quickest, best, most m.. Friday.* tor cabinet,-with.'records, mets.1 ice es deop. Phone Long Branch 4-1718. AUTO LOANS, over 9800 only. Privata economical iob. By contract or 38 Per potato bags. Phone Bed Bank 6-1 CALL US WHEN selling your antique!, boxes, Whitney baby coach. Must be hits that.hare not .been avallabls for SKIFF—28-foot King, shelter cabin, 1932-'35 CAR - WANTED, $200, - : chlria, bric-a-brac and household ar- COUCH In excellent condition; recoridi- years, are back in stock at Anderson's, ear sales financed for any amount, IS hour. Immediate -service'.. E. .L. Gruslua, Chrysler 75, excellent condition, $960. Sold.: .188 First-avenue, Atlantic Hijh tlpned Airway vacuum; fioor lamp. months to pay. Seacoast Finance Com- Colt'a Neck. • • •""•". Good mechanically, good, rubber, ticles. 'Sea Bright Antique * Gift lands." ' . . • • 21 Broad »trc * Call Keansbururg (6-0700-B .^ Shoppe. Phone Sea Bright 8-0009.. . Cull Red Bank 6-2907-M. «*-_*_; pany,- SO .Broad street. Red Bank. CESSPOOLS AND septic tanks,, cleaned, finish. P. O. Box 270, "Romson. HALF . FINISHED rowtfoat, 80-gaUotl COMPLETE WELDINVELDI1 G and cQttlnu out- Phono Bed Bank Hit. SNEAKBOX §A"ILBOAT, , fourth year, 1086 CHEVROLET sedan. Can. PRIVATE FAMILY has following items flt, 9100; Sterling electric landing ma- built and repaired1 . Modern drainsn two sails, one Ratlcy. In water all NEW CHRYSLER marine motors,' galvanlxed boiler,' yoath. blue tzab* for sale: Kitchen set, love seat, with LAUNDEY—Family wash, 70 csnts, 18 Installed. Robert Albe, Fort!Monmouth. all day Sunday, 123 Maple ardlne pants, aiport coat'to match, slae chine, 986; electro :brass platlngf ma- season. Price 3400, complete. Phone Eatontown: Phone 8-0808-J. . new Jeep marine motors, ',new, down oushlons, upholstered chairs, bur- chine, 940: two Neon sign tranaform- pounds, dry clothes ' wsshed, rinsed, Phone Keanaburg 6-0487. Red Bank 6-1841-J.' after g p. ra.» 13-14. 48 ailleeple nvenue, Fair 'Ha- eaus, end tables, china closets, odd ers, $251 small ejleotrlc. irelder, $18; damp dried, in H-hour, whlla you shop. UUB'l'OU plowing, discing, aowinii, nar- -alt WH 1987 PONTIAC two-door sedan, 1: used motors and parts, light plants, ven, ohalrs, twin and single beds complste, Edison phonograph,- with cylinder rec- Launderette, 114 Monmouth etreet, near ' vesting, tree pulling, ground clear- 80-FOOT " MOTORBOAT, 77-foot beam, running condition, $500. 0*1 propellers, new and used. Farweli'a FUR' COATS moth proofed lor ffvi beveled plate glass mirrors, green out- ords.. Best offer. Wolfe, US West the A. A P. Market, Red Bank. Ing, ate. i tractor work of any kind by aeml*enolosed, glassed In fore deck, Bank 6-8484-B. years for only $1.25. Berlou Moth- door - decorative vases,- several well- Front street, Phons Red Bank. 6-02Q9.* acre, hour or ' contrast; Flrat elaqe curtained after deck. This boat la old, FORDSON TRACTOR. Starts an SaUa and Service, 81 Blngham ave- spray-guaranteed, to repair,your post If ffimed wall .pictures, fireplace, screen, EXPERT OARFET ', laylnt,. repairing, equipment. Ralph Haher, Holmdel. N but vary sea worthy, freshly painted, nue, Rumson. Phone Rumson l-14»i damaged by- . motha - tvlthln fiVe' yesra. 900 POUNDS of *4r6ssh young. Broad . fringing, binding and renovating, fully equipped, motor 28 h. p. Speedway vsry good. "Price $150. I.' andirons, library table and approximate- "ercy Gray, 46 Waverly place. Red .1.. box 261 phone Hnlmdel «m. , Kutswamp road, Everett. '"Pho The Wright.Stores, 22 Honmouth street, ly .100 feet of 2-inch and 1-Inch pipe. Breasted turkeys,. dressed, ready to marine; very economical on gas. - See : Bed Bank, FhoHe t-ZUt. * Phona Bed Bank 6-4288. roast. In - a, commercial, freest?. Mrs, Bank. Phono Red Bank 6-8824. >H, UURTUAUB laans see R. V. a. IT. this boat at) Monmouth Boat Club, Red Bank 6-0796-W-l.* ' , MIXED HAY and straw. Oledmar OENERAL CONTRACTOR, sand, gravel, Stout. Lewis building, 77-70 Broad Farms, Seobeyvllle. Phone Eatontown SIX CUBIC-FOOT refrigerator, In need H. F. Grovatt, Bolmdtl. Phons "Holm- street, fovsr. ."Vawberry* stor»). ' ••. """" " Priced to sell. Owner, Jenkins.* CUT FLOWERS—Cut fresh each morn- bulkheads, docks, etc. Cellar and TH M^ a> A \ ^ s »02»8Wl of .repairs, •' 95;. also small Ice box, del C-6482.* U-FOOT GIBBS sea skiff, 1947 10 h. p. Muit be,seen to appreciate. Phone Ing; 25c per bunch. Koxlcky Gardens, NATIONAL CASH reslsttr, In1 sXcslleht task, excavating, concrete work; also MOVING DONE, vary cheap. Call Fliher Onan motor and clutch. Bun' six REA(, ESTATE WANT PHOTO FINISHING. Don't take Keansburg 6-097B-R, or Inquire Arthur Ntptune Highway, Estontown, across condition, rings. from one cent to estimates giVen. Sidney VanScholctc Brothers a: 9ohwarta Auction • Room, hours;- engine box, custom made cover, . chancel with your films. Fast, oare- Hsnnlngsen, Wells avenue, Port Mon from-Esso station. |9.99, suitable .for grocery- store or Phona Keyport 7-1265. phona Red Bank 6-8218. * '• extr* "large tank, ouihl#ni, folding Meat, LIST YOUR PROPERTY for ful, confidential finishing In our ownmouth." ' g SARQCNT marine paint; meat market. ' Phbne Long, Branch.- <» WQOD OUT TO ORDER; also sawing, UAYNTON RUUS and aarpeta. Huge and anchor, lines, plus other extras."Bargain rent. P, F. Kennedy. 21 Paters modern,laboratories. ' Page'* Photo Bat- 9*3.25 a gallon, Camel pure oil colors, carpets oleaied and moth-proofed. Phone Red Bank 6-0454. vice, 113 West Front street. Bed Bank. T11OROU0HBRED Dachshund male 4783. ' ."..".•.•:..••'.--.. trucking, with flat body dump truck. 1900. Wilson's Boat , Works, Long 91.SC - 'a quart, BrooksFde Inn, nsar Charlei H. Wilson's Wood Yard, 89 Wall to wall carpeting cleaned and Branch. Phone 6-1188. CONSTANCE SMITH Agency. 14 FUR COAT, mink dyed muikrat, good' puppyj.six weeks old, vefy reisonable. stone church, Atlantic Highlands.* WOOI>BN BED, ' with, coll spring and mothproofed on location, t Broad Will, mako.xood watch dog and excel- . two mattresqei,-bureau,, chlld'a table Peach street. Red Bank. Phone S.18«o. LKJHTNINd SET of frames, plans and avenue, Fair Haven. Phone Bed condition, slie 14, 110; cocoa brown lent companion.. Phone lilddletown 6- TEN-PIECE • walnut period dining room and chair, mshogsny lacretsry-book- strwt. . Phone Rad Bank 801. .__ 8-2808, ..Cash buyers for all ty| - far:trimmed coat, very good condition, r ' suite. In excellent condition, 890. In- number. ' J. B. Drew. Phone Red Bank 0096-W. cas«, two 9x12 grass rugs'.- Phona Run. FLO0R-WAI1NQ.' Call Rad Bank 4-847O.7O. " i_ „-•;_ real estate. • ralu* flic, asking 125. slse 14 or II: quire 02s WlndM-mpre avenue, Interlak- aon 1-1178. , ; . 2478, Superior "Floor Waxing Co. WELDING AND MACHINB work, LISTINGS WANTED, We have . girl's dungaree, practically new, alia 12, rOtWELAIN SINK, with one tub, in en, or cnll AHenhunt 8-8982-J. iVU CHARTBR, Ysoht "Jean," 60-foot, $1.50; light blue raincoat and hat, slae good condition. - ' Inquire 8 Rector WHITNBY: BABY carriage, with met- "Private) home* our sMclalty. eleotrlo and acetylene, prompt day or week, moonlight parties. Cap- watting to * buy or rent all-1: 12, *2.S0; man's brown sport coat, 84, Place, Red Bsnk,«:, ELEXTTRICTOE BOX, very good condf. tress, $26; also bed, Inner coll spring service by* fleedorl Company, 10 tain Bchults. Pullen's Dock. Phone Monmoubh county -properties. Pi s tlon. Phono e Rumson.1-0681umson.10681. and mattress,, 926, Phona' Atlsntlo Rumion 1-1480. ' write to John, Mlnugh, broker, B 11.10. 'Phone Rumson l-0(54-J, any- BATTH TUB In good condition. Til PAINTING and PAPERHANGINQ. Have years at » West street. Red Bank. road, Sea Bright, Phona Rural M t 5 CINDERS. CEMENT: BLOCKS, all Highlands 1-0414.R. , 'your painting done with white lead, i HOKBEPOWER Elgin outboard mo- L* l Mechanic strtst, Red Bank. NEW BETSY-EO^S and Jantsen Splneu Dutch Boy, Call for free estimate. Al- Phona 6-21Bt. . • ...... tor. Monmouth and Illinois avenues, 0716.' ,-•' . . . „ — 100-pound capacity. kinds, all sites. All kinds mason GAS RANGE, three, ovens, seven burn- are now available at low. terms, it LIST YOUR HOUSE!, farm or . good condition, $20. Call lied bank material, ..cement, -lime, land, so floor landing T cents a square foot Portjionraoutli, Ed. Trlpold.* Andsraon's, (formerly Storck of Courae.> and vs. Myron E, Morson, 11 Mount ANTON HALVOKSEN, painting contrao- 16-FOOT . MULFORD designed Tallman with us. We have buyers ' grave),, bricks, chlmpey flue,: etc. Hood Phoni 21 Broad street. Liberal allowance for Streetatreet., tRed Bank. Phone »-224i, tor, interior, exterior, paperhangtng. for all typee of homes'' In tbti your old piano,. «•" V built speed skiff, mahogany deck, fully Call IjwleHeyAgenoyy Agency,, Red Bank ' FREEZERS—Famous Orl.y . five- Phone Red Bank Block Co., 10 Atlsntlo Highlands 1-0608, {JJENKBAL MA60N contractor. Blocks East Washington avenue, Atlantio equipped, In .water, ready to go. New r GREBNACR.CUE AGENAOENOYG . EI eel Ian ' eufcle feet, IU&. NaUonatlr ad-' teonard street, Bed Bank. Phone HYPOID GEAR oil server (or station; YOUR SPInELLA.Is an Individual gsr- laid, fireplaces; all kinds' of roofing. Highlands. Phone 1-0405.M. 1048. trailer Included, Phone Rumaon six weeks old, Phone' Red Dank Q. • mint, styJed Juit for you, based on Carl A. Monad, Route D. B46-A, Eaton- CARPENTER WOBK at any kind dons 1-0386-11, between 1 anil fl p. m. , pects for' goad Ustlngst Call _ Tertlatd Pssp-Frttss, »M and ctupoole cleaoed.' LAWNlANIi POttCH furniture r with Gray 4-71' biarlns engine. Hull Bright. Phone Sea Bright Z-03 self; Immediate delivery. Terms play cass, . complete with compressor. •cupel pocket cook stove, 1-slsa bucket, DEEP • FltEEZK, 21 ouMo-foot also dry wells, drains, fnitallsd. Be- Called for and delivered. Wllklns Mo and engine completely - overhauled. Pcr- Alt items In good condition. Phone Rad fix metal cans, light ox. htilr brushes, '• n.Vkf '-—-•— •rruniid,' American Frssitr Ji Ap- Bank 6-1868. After lilO p. m., 6- italnless, three door. Sox ' tlmatei given. Oietr Backer, 47 See.tor Sales. Phona Rtd Bank 6-0040. Ask feot condition( In water now, ipetd -38 pllsnct Co,, Route (I.ani) Oakhlll various sisss; two atrlpers, gold tip, famous - make, ' Priutlnally new, ond atreet. Fait Haven, nhone) Red Bank for Mr. Brltton, m. p. h, Phone Atlsntlo "Highlands 1- 4014'B.I' . ' ssvan' French camel hair ehaders, pal- 14*4 0084. ••••'• ' ' ' MISCELLANEOUS road. Phone B«d Dank «,»877. guarentedd, uied very little. Bast of- HAY BALING. Combining, mowing and WOMAN'l. BROWN cloth coat with fur ctte knlft, thres wide cnmol hair brush. raklnri also plowing, dlsolng, sowing, 1046 EVINRUDK outboard motor, In (JSTINOS wanted. II you have a collar, In good condition, else 14, es, AU pre-war brushes, many unused fer. Call and Inspect, Fries rlghs" RUGS AND -UPHOLSTIIRY cleaned eto.. First ojass equipment, genuine, not good oondltlon. Prlae $00. Reason for sale 1 buy«rs waiting. HI J. ti. HBUbBlOgBON'a Old Cherry free Price 111. 84 Clinton avenue, Eaton- or 1n A-l condition, ^ny rsaionabls for Immediate delivery. White Acres In your homa^ or In the plant. duration farmers. Ralph'Maher, Holm- for selling, obtained larger motor.' Stoat. 77 Broad street, phona R* J'urnt—Our famous fre«ston» pilches town, Phone 8-0480.' oiler accepted. Mrs. John Bnumgerth, del, N. J. , Phone tlRl. Phona Rad Bank 4-1641-J or .Inquire are now ripening. Also kolden bsntaln POWER LAWN-MOWER, 21-lneh cut. 119 nlackpolnckpolnt road,. Rumsori;* -. Turkey Farms,' Nutswairip Road, Acme Upholstery arid Carpet Clean.** ^^^•yn^ ^faieFsiT _ * t p Phone Red Bank I.U4T.'*•', . AUTIIUR E. BOYCB, painting eontrao- W. Pohl, 20 Leroy place. Red Bank. BULLDOZER WORJC wanted, , sweet corn, tomatosi, eggplfnte, lima Pcrrlable; llghCeasy to handlal three ANtlQUES—MarblUES—M e top, back, wash- Ing Co. Phone Red Bank 6-4255. tor, exterxterloi r and Interior painting, es- KAYAAK OANO'B, two-iiater,. .InoludlS? beam, ptppirs, cucunobers d l hprienowM- engine, outs mill trlmi w/ilst j stnnd, I1OI1O | marble lamp table, 991 lt supplied on large or smalt. Jobs, outrigger for sailing 1 double and lencad operator, new machine mt,iM*^*iltiiFmrifautiftV hf«ir-lrnj(sV'*rtlsiiarnl>und»rl»rwkai«ilrnj(sV*rtlsrd»rw s oMiif»WlnavieK»N'K;9t^Msroni'i»wnrnio4» htcavatl! • • • • All mown on our (arm, 1. C. Ilendr|ck- easily n-t lown- grnss, 811 jDcoah eve- ohalr, orlalnnl stencil, 961 black Victor. and snds; Cairliignlaiids'8.: •on, proprietor, Highway «!, Middle- nuc, Spa nt-Itht. Plione 8-OOTV, Inn carved (leak, It; towel rack $2. Cull 11 BIX-WBEKS-OLD. iluscovty duck. If' rsqmslid. NO Job loo Inrge. .Ralph -JVUU olaaiura repairea, o VERY SOUND 84-foot Elco cabin oruli AJIB KOU HAVING a party 11 (H rWmtWt stil(il( , Off llong; "alm'oal Bed Bunk 8.0741-W., ' lints. DO osnts caohl . cinsry, with Majier Holmdel. Phono 0-1801. ' brlitled. Al|an fcleotrli er,, mw Ohryslsr 1Crown, .1047, K rent a Juke Box for thkt apai DININQ BOOM BUITI, very nuoniHf. nswi small anllque Oriental riigi Jlv. CoMBIWAtlOHyo.i snd gas stove, lou, cage, $10 j also, some large nouis plants, » PAY highest priest tor your poupoull- hltaj-eTtreieit, boat- that needs < no .further axpaniei slonl or a P. A. system lor>"'j . Has to be sien to b< anpricUttd, Oitli Ing-dlnlnn table, with p*di| china cloiat, gas burners, oven and broiler, all In rhons Hid. Bsnk 6-041O-W, gt inquire) Itri Write cr iphonsiphons , Long Branch »ijl Bank l-ini-W atUr t .. m.,l«l Itr NDBR BLO $4,600; firm. Can be iim at Atlanllo lrl's pre-war bicycle. Phone Bed Bank one. Can be-lien at 930 Pearl strt4t, - ^ B.str, Park.r. av«nue,vXltj|je Bll- 1100100.. UNoith Brosdwsy.Long Branch ^"Oak Hill. road, .rtisaiUn'"! Highlands; MUnlelpal Djoks. tin ,8, *rlf«* aranne, Bei Sank,* . Ifi7Tl-.W>* ,,•*"•.. ;' i . Bed Bank or call Bed-Bank 'MUM ZWZWIokl'I i Uva Poultry Markat. , Mlddlitown, Phone Bad ¥anlc berth lST name'"Dslca Mai.1' Ban: r,''' 14.1047 «•»> FOR SALE FOR SALT PORSALE BUSINESS NOTICES BUSINESS NOflCES BOATS AGCpaDIAN, 110 bug, six switch I THBBB-PISCX LIVING room aulte, txll TWO BlCmas, ti jind H-iniJf; pUced LOVS SEAT and ohalr, do-wsfUle'd llr- HOUSE PAINTING! also signa mad* to 16-FOOT RUNABOUT, six-foot I telescope. French mad* Velon, power 910 and »16, In (nod condition; balloon Jna; room suite, mahosany drop leaf CEMENT WOEK—Sidewalks, curb. raj; also Hollywood bed,'box spring table, fan back chairs, Whitney maple order. George) E. Parker. Phone driveways. • Peter De Ponte," 245 Plymouth four-cylinder; cllnker- 40. Phone Keansbnrg 6-0170, 8 a. m. to and mattress, in perfect cdndttion, reas- tires, Ingnlra Q. X. Mills, Illinois ej-re- Ketontowri 594-M. Shrewsbury t a*ven».. Phone Bed Bank srood, sound, Safe family ' boat^-* 4 P..fa., t-0177-M after 4 p. m. onable. Phone Aibury Park 2-2890-M. nu«, Pert Uonm(iuth, or phose Kcam- Duncan Phyfe dining room suite, ma- 3425. "Phone Eatontown 8-0687-Y" WANT ADS ••"— Q-0748-W. ^. hogany book shelves, sofa bed, out-door VACUUM eleauurs repaired i auur make. 4-8012.. GUARANTEED used pin games. Put 1210 Second avenue, Atbury Park. iron set, smalt Iron tables, mahogany Allen Oeetrle Shop, It White) etreet, PIANO TUNING, regulating and repair 81-FOOT TRUNK cabin cruiser, cu some life In that recreation room or OJMSlNAtloH hid and kerosene — T AT Faraway Farm, Holmdel, dining room suite, maple twin bed and Red Bank 2 ing* Bruce E. I Anderson, Zjake Bbora ballt, br Morton Johnson. SJeeoa cellar bar roon. Alto used Juke boxe», stove, very- reasonable, In ' very good at 92,26 i bua*el, Phone Holmdel «- chest, mahogany twin bedroom suite, PAINTBR, DECORATOR and paper Drive, R«d Bank. Phone (-4159 or «• Just reconditioned and ready for LOST AND FOUND 1100 and up,. In guarahtted condition. condition. Phone Keansburg 6.0344, or 6011. -^ rugs, 40 yards of "carpet. Other Items hanger, it yeara experience, esti- 8594-R. motor. Business ehsnge makes imj Call or write, Mejeltlc Amusements, IE- Inquire, W. Slegel. 199 Main atreet, COENET AND CASK, excellent for use mates cheerfully given, toule- Cassan, 17,West Bergen Plate; Red Bank 6-2U7. too numerous to -mention. Burdge's WE WIUL: BUY or. remove your locust ate sale necessary. Schaaf's Boat PASS BOOK'NO. 15,16*, Issued oh Sec- Ksansburg.* , In school bandi "ctasonaile. , MaU< Warehouie, Clay itreet, or rear of Its formerly.of Atlantio Highlands, now re. . aad walnut trees ,'suitable | for posta win's Yacht Works. . ... ond .National Bank and fruit com- SLIGHTLY USED tires and tabes, Sixes wan, 1-208L ,N,1 CT Broad street, Mita- Broad atreet. Red Bank.** .. siding Box 888, R, P. D. 1. Shrewsbury nnd lumber. Phone Atlantic Highlanda BRIDGE DECK cruiser, 6Ixl3"t4..'- MARINE ENGINES—New Packard .>•«.* . ...•'.'••• . ',-. • • • - avenue. Red Bank. Phone «-4O64-W. , p*any;,Red. Bank. Flndtr pleats return . 610x16. 600xl«, . 626x16, 860x16. 'BE GAS cooking store.. First of - 1-0J70-W.' •'-.-.,-••••'-- •'• ••" sereir heavy construction 'by ,1? to!above addraaa^ ""* - . precision built marine engines, 700x16, 460i20,.600x20. Brookilde Inn, AIRBORNE: OUt3HMAN. scooter/ l,Q0x* *er. accepted.' Phone RuiSioii 1-0464. "ifOR HIEE—Dan Clark's Sea Coast or- Excellent condition throughout, near stone church, Atlsntic Highlands,* • Urea ;I also:.Wurlltxer iuke box. 31 WHEAT AND. BYE; al»d second plant- .ALAN'S FOR QTJAUTY. ail(M sell, any, 'reasonable -offer.iCDnsld WjUHb^-Blrd dog, on-half. mile from eights and sixes. Now available at Blchardsoh -avenue, . Eatontown (- chestra* -four, pieces.. • To play, for - all "Skylark II," Irwln's' "Yacht "Works, Holmdtl villas*. By. proving owner- T. C. Otto, Inc. Packard, Red Bank. BATES MATCHING bedspread and lne-of sweet corn. Hogs and,poul- covers, draperies, custom fash- oocaslbna, reasonable. Phone Dan dark. ship,-dor may' be' t.a at 8PCA Center, drspes, single.' like new. Price 96; .08«9-J.« •.,'-.:,• '•. ',•). .;•..'- '. '<_• try., cheap. Call Barry Gllojy, Hohndel ioned, by :malt«r oraftimen, of KeyporKeypo t 7-0607-M.* .' • Harding road,< phone Bed Bank •• : ' "Eatbntbwn. •••'•• • ' " ' olio..custom made. Chinese .'.Chippendale FAUA AND KOLSIER seten-tube ra- 9-7T04. : -"I- -'. •- 1814x7 SEABRICBT skiff. Roomy; 'quality fabrics. Furniture rebuilt LANDSCAPD **^Aat* ••E• ' eBB*^eand» t, . agarde> "* «4vaasb ^^^ • mvf LOST—Ladr's red leather wallet at Red . 04t8,'. '.-•:•,.•'• '-.- ', . •' • _.• drapes, cornice to matchVSO Inches wide. - dlos, working - order, '98 and/$51 also BIX CUBIC-FOOT Frlgidalre, excellent planting, pruning, i • ; worthy, and fast; Chrvaler 02 • Phone Bed Bank 6-4176.* Phlko, latetable model radio, like new, and reupholstersd or made to order. drainage-Ing. , prunlntr, grading, rock work. Ace Marine. 12 Biverview joad, : , Bank railroad station, Wednesday 91S. Phone Bed Bank.4-2176.** J condition, reasonable; 7 Sixth avenue, :e. George J. Wldiy. Phona meuth'Beaohi . . 1 morning, August f, 1947. -. Finder-please HYBRID' SEED corn, Mew Jersey No. PLAY PEN, large site, new mattress, Atlantic Highlanda. . Phone 1-0847. Our, pledge to you. We guarantee_ Eatontow>vnn t-Ofll-8-0t-18-M after 6 p. m.m,"» . contact Bath Halvorien, Tlnton, Falls, 2,- 4, illo No. 8, U. 3. 13, Ohio C88. bathinette. 60 Watenritoh -avenue, COOLEBATOB and General Electric re- that whatever the job may be, we" SHQBX FAINTUIG contractors. Interior cc phon« "Eatontown 3-0047-J.a ate^'Alio'a cottPleCa Una of iwest corn Highlands. Call ;Saturday. , ' frls-erators, six feet, taipb, perftet con- NBW FUBNITUBEI Urlog. \bed- and- exterior, palntln?~by 'day or; eon- and ; field seeds; Conover Brothers, BLACK COCKB3KBR ;male puppy.slx weeks/ dltlon. Phona.Red Bank 6-OIH. ' "will apply the same superior craft- AUTOM*JILES _, -Information pet male bound, Wlckatunk. Phone. Holmdel v-6121. .-room' and ^reakfaat sets, occas- tract." Estimates cheerfully ' furnished. named "Doodle."'.missing Friday, vi- ". Dam and sire from best blood''lines. r ; puppies, registered A. manahlp that, hsa made the name Phone R«d Bank 6-2448, or Bad Bank ALFALFA and timothy hay, baled or Will sell at pet price. for quick sale. K, C;; pedlRwdi -snow, and flsld iontl table*; maple and walnut "Alan" a by-word In furniture cinity New Monmouth, black, brown Pedigreed 'and roistered. Phone Red 6-885T.* " (IAURIOK 8CHWABTZ. Chryaler. ears, wolu breast and tip of tall.Coop- standing. Slndlinger. Phone Roln- stock. B«it blood lines; reasonable, ; ohesta, fireplace, ^nantels, art pic- circles throughout this entire area. WE SPECIALIZE In new and bid lawns. month: and International track err. Phone MlddletowTaioTdletown 5-05425-ussz. del B^TIOl.- • . ' Bank 6-1974-M. Phona Rumion-, 1-1081, -'-•• ';• • • > -;--. tures, odd chairs, hampers, .corner '-planting and , transplanting, shrubs. and service heaniuertera. Phone) 1 BBDR.OOM ^ FUENITURE, twin ' bell, We firthn. iiitttatti that the' ma- tioST-Jn BilmsW Pair Him or Fed -closets, etc. BuiciTi, 27, East Front. evergreens, smalT trees, . prlvst hedge, flank, 787. N >:•-,•• •...;.. .:-."• : 'Complete)]' equipped, together with trouble. Save your tires. "Latest FOR SALE at 07 Bay avenne, Atlantic Highlands.* J FRIGIDAIRE ice cream freeslng unit. delivery truck. Price $4,800. Weart- axle and frame straithteninsr equlpi roofing or siting job now. Pay as ELEO x'HOLUK refrigerator, - water- ESTBLLE DBCORATINQ 'service. Paper- Nemeth Agency, 42 Broad street.' Phona little as ts monthly. No down pay- KXTRA LARGE rural. mail box, pre- cooled; excellent condition. 960, 100. Phon* Atlantlo -Highlands I-0188-R.* hanging, plain and decorative painting. Frank Van Syckle, 140 . West 1 PIANO INFORMATION. Play >af«, bare ment. Call Bed Bank 6-4444. Mon- ,.war; adjustable bl'ass. bridge lamp; Ocean boulevard, Atlantic Highlanda, GENERAL MOTpRS refrigerator, now in Red- Bank 8-2240.- street. Red Bank, west of Maple avi ' operation, - good running condition, Call Red Bank 6-0602. Office, 10 Mount Our own building. Aak for Jack He It appraised before you buy or selL mouth Construction Co., Highway It, at plate-sisss mirror; Howe .counter PhoneKed, Bank «-l87T. .^ good oondltlon.: Phone'Keaneburg'6- must be in good condition. L. Ker* cellent' opportunity* Write ' for partic- OOOLERAipRIn -perfect- - oondltlon, 0015-J after-*»-p.vnii*":" -,' .-•'= :- - tress. $20 ;slngle(ouc-Doiter bed. com- her,.208 Shrewsbury, avenue. Red Bank. We 1111 used building mnurlali and plete, 910; Spinet desk and chair, $8. ulars ' to-'.'M.-V.—B.V-B01- 61IF—Bed plumbing aupplles. Highway"; S3.'Kayport. ' oapiaclty - 100 pounds. Call Rumaon BROKEN RECORDS replaced. We -wIH Phone 4-0468-W. •_ : hlgheit oash price for roar ai 1RI8H SETTERS, ready break, gunning 1-O64S between 8 and t> a. m., after 6 Phone Long-Branch 6-8617-W. Bank. •'-..•••.•- Phone Keyport 7-0483, ' ' stock,- 380. • Irish .Terrier, registered. help you replace' any . broken records Long- *E HAVE 'YOL'R DANGEROUS tries re- p. • m.* • • I - .. MUST* BELL • iMMEDIATSLY. Carved CqMPLBTE FOLEY filing, machine. In- car, • Packard "Balsa as 'Servi ANTIQUES, BRI6.A-BRAC, furniture, ?h.°n* K«an»huj*jf**-J/ from your priceless record albums. Just SELL - moved by experienced riggers. Cash quire Oanley, 124 Lewis street, Eaton- Harding, road, at Broad stre - bought and. sold. Soho' House. An- GAS STOVE—Good condition, reason- one of the many .record services offered walnut'cabinet, high post tester bed, APPLE GRADER, 60-buihel per hour -able. Inquire 138 Fair Haven road, single; three-piece painted bedrootn. set; paid for old buildings. Highlanda town. Phone 8-0227-W. .'-' '..'..: tiques. George Martin, Prop. 74 Shrews- capacity. A. R. Fisher, Star-Route, free at A'nderson'a. 21 - Broad- stre< Wrecking Jk Rigging Co. Phone Hlgh- HIGHWAY TAVERN and restaurant Phone Red Bank 418. . ' " bury avenue, at the end of Monmouth Fair Haven. . •USED'WHITE porcelain, double link; pair, rush bottom chairs,; kitchen table, Freehold. thro chairs •-, Phone Bed Bank 6-4244-W.* landa 1827.W. _^. - yflth comfortable living "quarters, year street. "Rhone Bed Bank 6-3736. YOUNG MALE Jin«|ng, canaries, very USED 80-INCH power laWnmdwer at- toilet bowl, good condition, 980, Call round' business; fully-equipped, together AUTOMOBILES AMD' trucktruckss finance reasonable;. h'ealUiy-. atock; lovely fe- taehment. Will "fit- Gravely- or any Bed Bank 6-4886-J.* . :> NEW .SHIPMENT of Congolekm rugs, with stock. .Price 125,000.1 IVeart- months to^nay.*' Sea Coast Fix WE BUY and aall •nrttUg I New small garden tractor. Price 960. Phone OUTBOARD MOTOR, 940.; two-burner ' 6x9,' 7^x9, 9x9, 9x10% and 9x12 Company, (0 Broad straet. Fhona miles for pets, 11/80. Phone Blghlsnds Long Branch 6-1490-M.. patterns; also Inlaid linoleum, Roaenfeld radloa and aleotrleal appllancee.' Nemeth,Agency, 42 Broad streat, phone Bank 6-1284 or 8-2668. and uied * furniture, household 8-1154-W. -- • • • ,ong all cook stove,' $6; two-burner olt Red Bink B-2240.« PILE DRIVER—Fully equipped, lnclud- heat stove, 95; \chlld'a mattreai, new. Furniture Co., 189 Shrewsbury .avenue, .' We. call for and deliver. Haroid'e 1941 DODGE two-door custom, |o goods, china, glaaiware, - paintings, PIANO TUNING and repslrlng. J. * Ing one 'pump jet • hose, two drum 98. Lackatr, Laurel avenue, " Weat Red Bank. • * Radio and Electrlo Shop. 34 West line, radio, heater, ' diiroiterl, ' bric-a-brac, etc Rusril'e Auction hoist, gasoline engine, etc. Best offer Keansburg,* - •' - - - - ... rubber, fluid drive, 31,146: ,1941 1 L. Homer; Llntbn Place, Keans- •MUST SELL THIS WEEK I Three- Front street, Bed Bank, Phone 4- Galleries. 15-27 Bait Front slreat, takes it. Phone Keansburg 6-0317. SIX-BURNER gas range, in good .con- BOATS mobile, four-door sedan, excellent' burg. Phone 1-0880. ; dition, with brolleri oven, etc..Suit- piece living roifm aulte $49, buf- 2744- • • * dltlon, fully equipped, $1,246; "Red Bank. Phone AMI. .**• ' ; . FRIGIDAIRE. Excellent condition. Bulek super- deluxe, four-doot si able for restaurant.or boarding-house. fet $8.60, round table' 93.50, OUTBOARD MOTOR Salss 'and Service. PLYW.OQD^—Si", \H«, %". Garage $90. 190 Finckney Road. Fhona Price $70. Call Red Bank B-078B.* . OUTTEBS. LEADERS, In copper or gal- fully equipped, new rubber, appeal TYPEWRITERS, adding .machines; and 'doors, special* f4o.; No.. 1'Perfection wrought Iron console table 918.50; vanlxed. .Callous for'an estimate'on • For Immediate delivery, . S& h. p. Ilka new, $1,245. Must .see to am - office equipment, new and .uaed, Sed Bank 5-4JJ4-M. . COWBOYTBlCORDs; dance record!, any sheet metal work, J. V. Bogart, 7t> single Mercury, 6 h. p. alternating twin ate. Will finance. Cull Long Bi wood..ahlnglea, . S14;60;. doora, novelty party records, novelty records,' kiddle bird cage and stand 98.75, dressers, Mercury; 6 K. p. alternating twin See bought, ao!d and repalrad* 'Serplco'e. siding, mouldings; kiln dried 1x10, 1x12 records, jaas and -Be-Bop records,, pop- 96.50, baby walker $3.60, folding Foster street. River Plasa, Red Bank. 8-0822-J. "i ' - •-.- -,; 105 Monmouth street. Rod Bank;; white Pine.." National Roofltic Supply BERKWITH , OROAN—In very good Phone Red Bank 6-0798-M, or Baton- Bee: iJA h. p. Firestone Standards $H 1938 BUIOK. SEDAN, Century, • ' oondltlon; suitable for small church. ular, classical, etc., are at your favorite carriage 9.4.50, reed tea wagon h. p. Firestone) Deluxe. Repairs on all DISCHARGE PAPERS photostated,- 12 Co., 14S Belmont avenue, Long Branch. Record Shop, -Anderson's, 2f 'Broad town 8-0850-M. . makes and models. J, H. Mount Co, condition. Write, "Sedan,". Box' Must be seen to be appreciated. Phone '97.50, new. perch roekera 10.95}• houra service at Horn's. IS' Wallace Phone Long Branch 6-2400. street. • . - , • • -• - : • ••*'-.. ' - - Bed Bank.' ". ' • • :r •-. ' •••'-•.•: Keanlburg- 6-08T4-J. i* • ELECTRIC WELDING and cutting. Port- corner White atreet 'and Maple aranua, atreet. Red Bant. POWER LAWN HOW1SK, 21-Inch cut, burg- 6 i alio bric-a-brac, Bntlques and oth-" able service. John Stsnton, Everatt. Rtd Bank, Phone 6.040J4. ' HOUSE TRAILER, modern convenie : thre*e '. horsepower enarlne. Height. of "TWO PIGS, weight about 260 pounds PORTABLE ELECTRIC phonograph, ree- YOUR OLD FURNITURE -made better ords, and albuma,'975; roller'and Ice mti.household effects. RuscU's, 27 Phone Red Bank 6-0793-R-l. WHALEBOATS—Double end, all wood, sleeps four, reasonable. Call than new, sprayed* or rubbed finish ; cut 'adjustable ' 1' to" <4 Inches. Light, . each. Call Runwon 1-0664 -after 7 Bank 6-2947-M.* • ' ' •' easy to'handle,- practically new. Phone p. m," skates, alss 8. 91S; rldlnf booU, site «, Eaet Front street. Fhona Red D JS don reasonaly and ell 3225 each. 46 South Bay. avenue, all branch" In cabinet making. Esti- nnd accessories,'riding, breeches, lise 2S, Trucking, carpenter work, painting, Highlands, ."__• sa PACKARD roadster, excellent, mates and planning cheerfully done. Gall Sea Bright 2-0079, evenlnge. HUSH SETTER puppies, thres months :* Bank 6-1698, ' • • • ' . dltlon, reasonable. Can -.- be - •' old. Good home absolutely necessary, 91S; -developln«i. and printing.'set' for gardening, etc. C. R, Farr. Phone Red us. .Bed Bank fl-2557. Ask for Mr. films and- prints,-: 916. . Call; T, Hani, Bank 6-8883-W, or -write P. O. Box-454, NEW OHRYSLKB marina motors, Cooper Boulevard,' Red Bank. Call •Wilms. • •• - ; COMPLETE ' BATHROOM outfits, Ray Smith, Harriion avenue and Hard- B.C.A. RADIO, standing model. Price Dunk 6.JI53-W.between E and 7 p lln» Road, or phona Red Bank 6-1368.* Keanaburg 6-0362-W. Monmouth ave- Fair Haven. • '•'.; " ' \ new /Jeep marine motori, new,' built-in csit Iron rscested bath- nue, Port Monmouth.* 980.' Mrs, R.I Sebber, .2.5 Lakewood LANDSCAPE AND lawn service. Claude and all day Sunday.' '. • WATCH SOON I For the official tubs, automattd ,hot water heaters, IRISH SETTER, 8 months, thoroughbred, THREE-BURNER Irerosene stove, al- avenue. • Keansbnrg,' Phone ,6-:>490-W.* ' Whalen, - 267 Leighton. avenue, Red used motors and narts, light plsnti, 1987 FORD pick-up, good cond gunning atock, beautiful, 930. Phone propellers, new and Used, FsrweH'f Phone Holmdel 9-6601.* . . •: ' opening of our modern' and at* * gas - and electric.- klchcn cabinets Kesnsburg 6-1S49-J.* • . most .new; alia lee box. porcelain TABLE/MODEL radios from 912.95 up,, Bank. Phone Red Bank 6-1879-J. tractive new furniture .show room! lined, 76-pound Ice) capacity., good con- large selection. N*ew models arriving MODERN GARAGE cdnstructlon.. "• Ex- Sales and Service, 81 Blngfas'm ave- 1936 CREVEOLET, two-door a ' and .sinks,- sink* and laundry.,trays, WHITinSSY COAfiHCOAfiH,, SteeroMaSteer-o.Matt carcar- dition. Tione after 4 p.- m.. Bed Bank Price $825. A-l condition.. Ci . BuscU's Furniture; A Art Galleries, , rlage, navy bbluel , excellenlltt conditionditi . dally. Modern -.Home, 77 Monmouth pert roofing and siding. Construction nue, Bumaoiu Phone Rumson:l-1499. pipe. 'American Freesir 4 Appli- 6-O51O.M-U - . ' •'-••*•• • .:••- r • Daniel Bchanck, Creek rbad. Port ; Call Atlantic Highlands 1-0621.* street. Red Bank.*' : '. of all typei; porch In closures and ad- "37 East Front street. Phono . Red , ance Co., Route iS, anil Oakhlll' ditions; convenient, terms. .,J. and L. mouth. . . ; GRACO GREASE machine for Kaa sta- UNPAINTED ,-WHlTB cedar 'boat. 66 BUY YOUR SPACE heater before the B6ATIM0 Sllt-PUBS. Va'cHt enalgns. . Bank 6-1668. .."'.'•' . road.' Phone-H.d Bank 6-S877. Construction Co., Highway 36, Keyport. 1984 CHEVROLBr two-door, glass tlon. Phone Red Bank 8-876l»* > pbunda, 'for duck' hunting, fqr -tender, cold weather sets-In. Come in and Phcjsj Keyport 7-2877r * '. Sperrjr Topslders, yachting cap's, plas- body In. good condition, good : '* r "' I-:- ' *•••"•••> VSBD LUMBER. Shesting, flooring, 2x8, 986; Phone Rurason 1-0742, sea* our selection. Priced from 889.95 tic dlnnerware, anchors, Maitlla rope, SIotoT had - new rings Installed * rec^ UPHOLSTERING as you like It, Custom TYPEWRITERS—All makes for sals. and-.2x6, tongue and grooved; alio UNPERWOOD No. 6-typewriter, excel- up. Modern Home, 77 JMohmoiith street, »ault and child life jackets; search- >bullt, quality and service our stand* WALLPAPER HANGING, painter 32T6 or highest offer. Phone Red ,'; . Lowest prlcss, also repairs and over- 2x4, 2x6, 2x8, 2x10. 2x12, 4x6, 4x8, 6x0. lent condition. Call, at',S8 Waahlng- Red Bank.* - light*, horns,- compasses, ' AH your boat- 6-8894. -120 "Leonard street, Red Bl ard. Dave Burnon, SI Pearl street. Bed hauling, Save money, cash and. carry. Floyd SIckler, 62 Fair Haven road. Fair tori 'street,' Red' Bank, after "%' p.' in. ' : and decorator. Specialising In re- .. ing needs at The Boatman'a Shop, 24 Ban. Phone 6-JJ6C7. PH1LOO CONSOLE radio, A-l con- Wharf avenue. Red Bank. 1989 LINCOLN, seven-passenger r Hemhauser,. Vineyard avenue and Route Haven. Phone Red Bank 6-4148-W.* ABTOMAT1C RECORD changera. In dition; maple baby crib, large size, modeling of bathrooms, kitchens ie,. nea oan dean, six good casings, good ^ "NEW ELECTROLUX vacuum cleaners 86, next to Brown'a Diner, East Keaiys- HOT POINT ELECTRIC washing m«- beautiful table* model, Jiandsome .wood spring aid mattress. May be seen at and Installing of new ceilings. Ci • 15.FOOT RUNABOUTUNABOUT,. Chevrolet ma- dltlon, excellent for large family-ort: being dellvored at pre-war price; Free burg. • Phone Keansburg 6-0886-M. chine, in need of minor repalra. Price cabinets, with Ufetlme needle, for. only 90 Buena Vista avenue. Fair Haven, or rlne cbnverston, 22 horsepower. Price $700 ' caih or would consider,'t demonstration In Red Bank vicinity. In HORSES—Tannessea- walkers; two beau- 944.60. This'mode I Is'In gre^t demand. Jos. Smith. Phone Red Bank - 6-. 3POO. Pullen'a Boat i Works." Rumstin. your. home. Spare parta and repairs, tiful young geldings; also soma year- 926. Friday morning, between- 10-12-a. call Red Bank 6-22B8*» . I "* 08«0.. _. , . ' .." ". ' Phone Bed Bank 6-0485-J." . m. A. Weinsteln,, 2S Prospect, avenue, Get yours today.. Anderson'a Muslci;21 4-FOOT CAPE COD sailboat; very 1937 BUICK bu-siness coupe, good 'Don't delay. ' Phone today. Rumson 1- lings. Chester Horse Farm, near Wlck- Red B»nk.» . ' • Broad street. . •'. ' • , • •, . ;. . . HHKCTJLE6 PIPBLJSS furnace, 980. Or good condition: $225 or best offer, 0498-M. • atunk, on.Gordon's Corner road," Phono CANARY BIRDS, •.reasonably priced: belt - offer,-. in running order; kttcnen Atl'6 RAMATOR'S cleaned and re-Inquire at the Idle Hour, Myrtle ave- '--dltlon, with heater; just pass* Holmdel .t.(8tl.° - ' BANTAMS—Purebred, 80 varieties. All sink, 20x30, 20-inch back, $5. Call Red paired, to act- like new.. Complete apectlon. Phona after 6 p. ra... BfcVELEU CEDAR siding, selec: t grade, beautiful birds from show stock. Sell- ba-bjr's new. rocker; hew, man's, white nue, Oeeanport.-: Phone Long Branch 6- Bank 6.Q510-M-1. / : ' 10-Inch and lZ-tncb, • 10 cents per BRING.US YOUR old things. We pay shirt, slie 16. Mrs. Anna Relserj Mon- Bank 6-2842-J. "'- . stock of replacement radiator corea: on 8717, board foot,'1,000 .Jeet or -more. D..-IU ing out, on account of owner's IV1 health. hand. Red Bank Radiator Works, US 1941 . FOUR-DOOR Bulck, series fall cash value for Jewelry, antiques, Reasonably priced. Phone Holmdel 9- tana -.avenue, Port Monmouth. -'-.""Phone FOUR-BURNER highly serviceable gas CLINKE;LINK R BUILT 12-fooV all cedar, in- Obntpietoly equipped, good ; eon< Bel'exxa, lumber and supplies, Carr ave-. bric-a-Brac, china, glassware, paintings, 7661. Keanaburg 6-1489-R. rang>, tut'bhbjr' pUy pea, excellent West Front strtot,'Bed .Bank. Phone : .eluding oars, gratings,, coyer; .tool kit, r nue. at railroad, Keaniburg. Phone 4- 6-1177, • '.- •.:•*,'>•...- '"' throughout. Price $1,450. Phoit coin and - stamp ' collections, Zollens, 25 AIR-FLOW OIL STOVE; three-burner 314 ACRES OF STANDING feed corn, condition', $6. Phone "Monmouth Beach outboard motor, ' anchor, etc. • - Parfect 0478. • Main street, Asburr Park. reasonable. • Call • Mlddletown E- 1-0848-W. until 10 p. m, .• - UENtKAL CONTRAOTOB and f odds and beautiful new Betsy Rosa 'or Jansssn KLU1N 4k 8ON8, earpenters; siding. quick sale, $875 cash. Phona Re ant unit plus complete freedom from YOU GEX MORE and pay less for your enda^ Further information, call Red Spinet. . Low easy payments, AndeN PAINTING AND paper hanging. ' Have BOAT, FULLY equipped 28'6" sea>8«l«B« window eara. For free demonstration, ; roofing and repairing, call after *6 p. skiff,'60 H. P. Scrims marine engine; fresh .eggs, broilers,' stewing chickens, Bank 6-36B8-J. .Upholstery Shop! son's, formerly Storck of Course, 21 - your painting done with white lead m., write, R. T. D. 1, Box 418. Keyport, 1984 PONTIAC, good running. con call Monmouth Construction Co.,.High- and 'ducklings.'-• James John*, Marion FBIGIDA1RX, model W-6. Write P. O. Broad street. • ' . and pure Unseed oil Estimates free, $800. Call Red .Bank 6-1686-W after way No. 86, Red Bank. Phone Red with experienced workmen. -Phone Red N J.. phone Keyport 1S47-W. 5 P.M. 30 West Westslde avenue. Red Call Bed Bank 6-0484-W.. 19. street. Red Bank. Phone 1-3081-J. Box 261, Red Bank, or call Red Bank 40 NEW HAMPSHIRE Red laying hens. i'HE-BEST PRICES paid (or rags; iron, BrldBQ avenue,* Bank SIX-FOOT KELVIN ATOR refrigerator. S-1151.* Bank 6-1607, or 62 Harding road, Red BankBank,,' " ' Call after «, Keaniburg 6-0477.• Bank. . metal and paper. Gattls. junk dealer, 26-FOOT SEA SKIFF, cabin., toilet, 1984 FORD convertible coupe; RIDING AND DRIVING hone, harness 9100, - In good condition. Phone GIRL'S BICYCLE, 24-lnch, pre-war; In TWO H. P. GASOUNE driven sir com- 216 Snrewsbury avenue, Red Bane:. Bed Bank 6-OS61.* •nd cart, saddle and bridle. Call Red Eatontown »-1060, extension 371. vary good , condition. Price $20. preiiori gray Whitney • coach car- BOOKKEEPING service for small bus- Phona Bed Bank 6-15 67-B. Will call. ChryaleT "Crown engine, redaction Bank 6-0357-J-2. Phone Red Bank 6-3789. Ineasmen at your own office. Govern- gear, All perfact condition. Phone 1986 BUIOK 8, four-door sadan. SOTGALLON copper water boiler, 125. riage, with inner Spring pad ;* brand new ment reports. Joseph W. Child, 51 Wan- Long 'Branch 6-1749-W. 6 to 7 p. m. . Ksnxle, Bralnard avenue. Port Call-Red Bank 6-1188-R. WEXK3EWOOD, Sterling silver, exquls- crib and mattress;'-auto. crib, brand OIL LAMPS converted for electric mouth. Phone Keansbnrg 6-134 ~. WATCH SOONI For the official it« Imported table- llnena and china; amaisa Point road, Asbury Park. Phone OUTBOARD MOTOMOTORR . 6% h"h". V.W Water- G. B. WASHING machine, excellent con- new, baby-auto seat, it SJnotAn Court, Asbury Park 2-B460-M. Formerly of ' ity. Lamps rewired. Wa eall for witch, wluh auto wind atactar, has.had LATE 1946 MERCURY flve-pai 'opening of our modern and .at- JSpsldfftg. tennis racquets and ..frames, Keansburg. Phone 6-0>87-R. coupe, radio, heater; 1041 Bui dltlon. Phone Red Bank «-18i«. light leather golf bag. child's sand box, SET OF BOWER A ladders, extension Red Bank. ' and deliver. Harold's Radio and complete overhaul. WIH sell with roomy tractive new furniture show room!* WASHING MAOHINE, wringer type, DRESSMAKING, alln covers, chlldren'a boat Just freshly psintcd. Both for $125, per five-passenger sedan, radio an with- practically new motor and dog house, air conditioned: holly ladders and* planks, paper hanger't Electrlo Shop, 34 Wait Front street, er;*1940 Biilck;"convertlMe ie4an Rmcll'i Furniture k Art Galleries, vnemths, Christmas ttee stnnd, large equipment, paint brushes, end tables, clothing, etc. Sample of-work to be Call-evenings. Bed Bank 6-160S-W.* wr'n'ger, * f 65. * Owner .moving. Phonet ihown. Phone Keyport 7-1311. • Mra, Bed Bank, Phone 6-2744,-1, PRICKETT AND PROAL, "Sportster," and heater; 1041 Pontiao 8, Olub 27 Bait-Front itreet. Phone Red Bed Benk 8-388<-*W.» clothes hamper, four French doors, elec- weather . vanes, child's pen^ and radio-and ' heater; 1940 Bufok, Bank «-16B3. - rrlo fixtures^ like new; bamboo sun chair, high ba«k musk stool, two >xl2 la PennettI, Perry, street, Keyport. length 1« feet, beaoh 6, Kermath 8, NEW AND USED eel pots. - Inquire shades for* porch, wicker porch swing, NC CLEANING. Hare your /ur- AUCTIONEER AND Appraiser. B* O. fast, Call, at 707 River, road. Pair Ha- 51,* five passenger , sedan, radi Fred Gunther, IBS Lsurel Road, be- ruga; baby** ba'Sslnet, tables, trunks and ven,• or phone Matawan .1-1036.* v fteater; 1087 Dodge, flve-pssseng.1 OUTDOOR OVEN nreplacia. A profea- ps|r of large pottery urns, Vltohen ta- other things' too numeroua to metntlon. . naee and chimney cleaned before cold Coats. 490 Bath avenue. Long Branch. dan. T. 0. Otto, Inc., Packard, ,- ' slonal fireplace that anyone can'build. tween Lenape and Algonquin Road, ble,, wicker love seat, chest of drawees, "Mrs,. .Louise 'Hjcktnan, 18 , Washington weather. 'Wire brushed snd 'vacuum N. J. Phona S599J . COMET SAILBOAT. Very good con- Manaiuuan Shore.' phono Mihsiquan two chlffarobel, odd chairs, beach cleaned.' Fireplace chimneys a specialty. Bank; 11-18 Harding road, "Pho It bakes, broils, grills. Barns wood, 7-2164--W: street', Ruroson, br\phoria. Rumaah/1- LAND CLEARING. Grading. Write, .1 dition, new maat^two. auljta sails,-(one Bank 6-0428. . , coal, charcoal or briquettes. Nationally chairs, English riding boots and trees, O8t9. ' ' ••'. >? '• ..'•• ' • ' A.dean chimney ls'a safe chimney. Also will call on you. Eight years exper- Ratsey, one working.) Price $436. Phone advertiaed, Mlllbrook Greenhouses, New SELLING OUT—Most 'vacate, bar and slse 9-D, like hew; cabinet, walnut, 48 new smoke pipe Installed. Free estimates. Red Bank 6-1224-M, between 6 and S 10-TON 1986 DIAMOND T racL • boek -bar, itovea snd furniture, Vic- OLD .RECORDS back In stock, Han- ience at work,, using largest. buildoxers truck, A-l condition. Can hai Monmouth. Phone Mlddletown 8-0846. Inches wide, 92 Inohes high and 12 inch- dreds of, hsird-to-get. pre-war record Call Atlantic Highlanda 1-0652. • made, producing .quickest, best, most m.. Friday.* tor cabinet,-with.'records, mets.1 ice es deop. Phone Long Branch 4-1718. AUTO LOANS, over 9800 only. Privata economical iob. By contract or 38 Per potato bags. Phone Bed Bank 6-1 CALL US WHEN selling your antique!, boxes, Whitney baby coach. Must be hits that.hare not .been avallabls for SKIFF—28-foot King, shelter cabin, 1932-'35 CAR - WANTED, $200, - : chlria, bric-a-brac and household ar- COUCH In excellent condition; recoridi- years, are back in stock at Anderson's, ear sales financed for any amount, IS hour. Immediate -service'.. E. .L. Gruslua, Chrysler 75, excellent condition, $960. Sold.: .188 First-avenue, Atlantic Hijh tlpned Airway vacuum; fioor lamp. months to pay. Seacoast Finance Com- Colt'a Neck. • • •""•". Good mechanically, good, rubber, ticles. 'Sea Bright Antique * Gift lands." ' . . • • 21 Broad »trc * Call Keansbururg (6-0700-B .^ Shoppe. Phone Sea Bright 8-0009.. . Cull Red Bank 6-2907-M. «*-_*_; pany,- SO .Broad street. Red Bank. CESSPOOLS AND septic tanks,, cleaned, finish. P. O. Box 270, "Romson. HALF . FINISHED rowtfoat, 80-gaUotl COMPLETE WELDINVELDI1 G and cQttlnu out- Phono Bed Bank Hit. SNEAKBOX §A"ILBOAT, , fourth year, 1086 CHEVROLET sedan. Can. PRIVATE FAMILY has following items flt, 9100; Sterling electric landing ma- built and repaired1 . Modern drainsn two sails, one Ratlcy. In water all NEW CHRYSLER marine motors,' galvanlxed boiler,' yoath. blue tzab* for sale: Kitchen set, love seat, with LAUNDEY—Family wash, 70 csnts, 18 Installed. Robert Albe, Fort!Monmouth. all day Sunday, 123 Maple ardlne pants, aiport coat'to match, slae chine, 986; electro :brass platlngf ma- season. Price 3400, complete. Phone Eatontown: Phone 8-0808-J. . new Jeep marine motors, ',new, down oushlons, upholstered chairs, bur- chine, 940: two Neon sign tranaform- pounds, dry clothes ' wsshed, rinsed, Phone Keanaburg 6-0487. Red Bank 6-1841-J.' after g p. ra.» 13-14. 48 ailleeple nvenue, Fair 'Ha- eaus, end tables, china closets, odd ers, $251 small ejleotrlc. irelder, $18; damp dried, in H-hour, whlla you shop. UUB'l'OU plowing, discing, aowinii, nar- -alt WH 1987 PONTIAC two-door sedan, 1: used motors and parts, light plants, ven, ohalrs, twin and single beds complste, Edison phonograph,- with cylinder rec- Launderette, 114 Monmouth etreet, near ' vesting, tree pulling, ground clear- 80-FOOT " MOTORBOAT, 77-foot beam, running condition, $500. 0*1 propellers, new and used. Farweli'a FUR' COATS moth proofed lor ffvi beveled plate glass mirrors, green out- ords.. Best offer. Wolfe, US West the A. A P. Market, Red Bank. Ing, ate. i tractor work of any kind by aeml*enolosed, glassed In fore deck, Bank 6-8484-B. years for only $1.25. Berlou Moth- door - decorative vases,- several well- Front street, Phons Red Bank. 6-02Q9.* acre, hour or ' contrast; Flrat elaqe curtained after deck. This boat la old, FORDSON TRACTOR. Starts an SaUa and Service, 81 Blngham ave- spray-guaranteed, to repair,your post If ffimed wall .pictures, fireplace, screen, EXPERT OARFET ', laylnt,. repairing, equipment. Ralph Haher, Holmdel. N but vary sea worthy, freshly painted, nue, Rumson. Phone Rumson l-14»i damaged by- . motha - tvlthln fiVe' yesra. 900 POUNDS of *4r6ssh young. Broad . fringing, binding and renovating, fully equipped, motor 28 h. p. Speedway vsry good. "Price $150. I.' andirons, library table and approximate- "ercy Gray, 46 Waverly place. Red .1.. box 261 phone Hnlmdel «m. , Kutswamp road, Everett. '"Pho The Wright.Stores, 22 Honmouth street, ly .100 feet of 2-inch and 1-Inch pipe. Breasted turkeys,. dressed, ready to marine; very economical on gas. - See : Bed Bank, FhoHe t-ZUt. * Phona Bed Bank 6-4288. roast. In - a, commercial, freest?. Mrs, Bank. Phono Red Bank 6-8824. >H, UURTUAUB laans see R. V. a. IT. this boat at) Monmouth Boat Club, Red Bank 6-0796-W-l.* ' , MIXED HAY and straw. Oledmar OENERAL CONTRACTOR, sand, gravel, Stout. Lewis building, 77-70 Broad Farms, Seobeyvllle. Phone Eatontown SIX CUBIC-FOOT refrigerator, In need H. F. Grovatt, Bolmdtl. Phons "Holm- street, fovsr. ."Vawberry* stor»). ' ••. """" " Priced to sell. Owner, Jenkins.* CUT FLOWERS—Cut fresh each morn- bulkheads, docks, etc. Cellar and TH M^ a> A \ ^ s »02»8Wl of .repairs, •' 95;. also small Ice box, del C-6482.* U-FOOT GIBBS sea skiff, 1947 10 h. p. Muit be,seen to appreciate. Phone Ing; 25c per bunch. Koxlcky Gardens, NATIONAL CASH reslsttr, In1 sXcslleht task, excavating, concrete work; also MOVING DONE, vary cheap. Call Fliher Onan motor and clutch. Bun' six REA(, ESTATE WANT PHOTO FINISHING. Don't take Keansburg 6-097B-R, or Inquire Arthur Ntptune Highway, Estontown, across condition, rings. from one cent to estimates giVen. Sidney VanScholctc Brothers a: 9ohwarta Auction • Room, hours;- engine box, custom made cover, . chancel with your films. Fast, oare- Hsnnlngsen, Wells avenue, Port Mon from-Esso station. |9.99, suitable .for grocery- store or Phona Keyport 7-1265. phona Red Bank 6-8218. * '• extr* "large tank, ouihl#ni, folding Meat, LIST YOUR PROPERTY for ful, confidential finishing In our ownmouth." ' g SARQCNT marine paint; meat market. ' Phbne Long, Branch.- <» WQOD OUT TO ORDER; also sawing, UAYNTON RUUS and aarpeta. Huge and anchor, lines, plus other extras."Bargain rent. P, F. Kennedy. 21 Paters modern,laboratories. ' Page'* Photo Bat- 9*3.25 a gallon, Camel pure oil colors, carpets oleaied and moth-proofed. Phone Red Bank 6-0454. vice, 113 West Front street. Bed Bank. T11OROU0HBRED Dachshund male 4783. ' ."..".•.•:..••'.--.. trucking, with flat body dump truck. 1900. Wilson's Boat , Works, Long 91.SC - 'a quart, BrooksFde Inn, nsar Charlei H. Wilson's Wood Yard, 89 Wall to wall carpeting cleaned and Branch. Phone 6-1188. CONSTANCE SMITH Agency. 14 FUR COAT, mink dyed muikrat, good' puppyj.six weeks old, vefy reisonable. stone church, Atlantic Highlands.* WOOI>BN BED, ' with, coll spring and mothproofed on location, t Broad Will, mako.xood watch dog and excel- . two mattresqei,-bureau,, chlld'a table Peach street. Red Bank. Phone S.18«o. LKJHTNINd SET of frames, plans and avenue, Fair Haven. Phone Bed condition, slie 14, 110; cocoa brown lent companion.. Phone lilddletown 6- TEN-PIECE • walnut period dining room and chair, mshogsny lacretsry-book- strwt. . Phone Rad Bank 801. .__ 8-2808, ..Cash buyers for all ty| - far:trimmed coat, very good condition, r ' suite. In excellent condition, 890. In- number. ' J. B. Drew. Phone Red Bank 0096-W. cas«, two 9x12 grass rugs'.- Phona Run. FLO0R-WAI1NQ.' Call Rad Bank 4-847O.7O. " i_ „-•;_ real estate. • ralu* flic, asking 125. slse 14 or II: quire 02s WlndM-mpre avenue, Interlak- aon 1-1178. , ; . 2478, Superior "Floor Waxing Co. WELDING AND MACHINB work, LISTINGS WANTED, We have . girl's dungaree, practically new, alia 12, rOtWELAIN SINK, with one tub, in en, or cnll AHenhunt 8-8982-J. iVU CHARTBR, Ysoht "Jean," 60-foot, $1.50; light blue raincoat and hat, slae good condition. - ' Inquire 8 Rector WHITNBY: BABY carriage, with met- "Private) home* our sMclalty. eleotrlo and acetylene, prompt day or week, moonlight parties. Cap- watting to * buy or rent all-1: 12, *2.S0; man's brown sport coat, 84, Place, Red Bsnk,«:, ELEXTTRICTOE BOX, very good condf. tress, $26; also bed, Inner coll spring service by* fleedorl Company, 10 tain Bchults. Pullen's Dock. Phone Monmoubh county -properties. Pi s tlon. Phono e Rumson.1-0681umson.10681. and mattress,, 926, Phona' Atlsntlo Rumion 1-1480. ' write to John, Mlnugh, broker, B 11.10. 'Phone Rumson l-0(54-J, any- BATTH TUB In good condition. Til PAINTING and PAPERHANGINQ. Have years at » West street. Red Bank. road, Sea Bright, Phona Rural M t 5 CINDERS. CEMENT: BLOCKS, all Highlands 1-0414.R. , 'your painting done with white lead, i HOKBEPOWER Elgin outboard mo- L* l Mechanic strtst, Red Bank. NEW BETSY-EO^S and Jantsen Splneu Dutch Boy, Call for free estimate. Al- Phona 6-21Bt. . • ...... tor. Monmouth and Illinois avenues, 0716.' ,-•' . . . „ — 100-pound capacity. kinds, all sites. All kinds mason GAS RANGE, three, ovens, seven burn- are now available at low. terms, it LIST YOUR HOUSE!, farm or . good condition, $20. Call lied bank material, ..cement, -lime, land, so floor landing T cents a square foot Portjionraoutli, Ed. Trlpold.* Andsraon's, (formerly Storck of Courae.> and vs. Myron E, Morson, 11 Mount ANTON HALVOKSEN, painting contrao- 16-FOOT . MULFORD designed Tallman with us. We have buyers ' grave),, bricks, chlmpey flue,: etc. Hood Phoni 21 Broad street. Liberal allowance for Streetatreet., tRed Bank. Phone »-224i, tor, interior, exterior, paperhangtng. for all typee of homes'' In tbti your old piano,. «•" V built speed skiff, mahogany deck, fully Call IjwleHeyAgenoyy Agency,, Red Bank ' FREEZERS—Famous Orl.y . five- Phone Red Bank Block Co., 10 Atlsntlo Highlands 1-0608, {JJENKBAL MA60N contractor. Blocks East Washington avenue, Atlantio equipped, In .water, ready to go. New r GREBNACR.CUE AGENAOENOYG . EI eel Ian ' eufcle feet, IU&. NaUonatlr ad-' teonard street, Bed Bank. Phone HYPOID GEAR oil server (or station; YOUR SPInELLA.Is an Individual gsr- laid, fireplaces; all kinds' of roofing. Highlands. Phone 1-0405.M. 1048. trailer Included, Phone Rumaon six weeks old, Phone' Red Dank Q. • mint, styJed Juit for you, based on Carl A. Monad, Route D. B46-A, Eaton- CARPENTER WOBK at any kind dons 1-0386-11, between 1 anil fl p. m. , pects for' goad Ustlngst Call _ Tertlatd Pssp-Frttss, »M and ctupoole cleaoed.' LAWNlANIi POttCH furniture r with Gray 4-71' biarlns engine. Hull Bright. Phone Sea Bright Z-03 self; Immediate delivery. Terms play cass, . complete with compressor. •cupel pocket cook stove, 1-slsa bucket, DEEP • FltEEZK, 21 ouMo-foot also dry wells, drains, fnitallsd. Be- Called for and delivered. Wllklns Mo and engine completely - overhauled. Pcr- Alt items In good condition. Phone Rad fix metal cans, light ox. htilr brushes, '• n.Vkf '-—-•— •rruniid,' American Frssitr Ji Ap- Bank 6-1868. After lilO p. m., 6- italnless, three door. Sox ' tlmatei given. Oietr Backer, 47 See.tor Sales. Phona Rtd Bank 6-0040. Ask feot condition( In water now, ipetd -38 pllsnct Co,, Route (I.ani) Oakhlll various sisss; two atrlpers, gold tip, famous - make, ' Priutlnally new, ond atreet. Fait Haven, nhone) Red Bank for Mr. Brltton, m. p. h, Phone Atlsntlo "Highlands 1- 4014'B.I' . ' ssvan' French camel hair ehaders, pal- 14*4 0084. ••••'• ' ' ' MISCELLANEOUS road. Phone B«d Dank «,»877. guarentedd, uied very little. Bast of- HAY BALING. Combining, mowing and WOMAN'l. BROWN cloth coat with fur ctte knlft, thres wide cnmol hair brush. raklnri also plowing, dlsolng, sowing, 1046 EVINRUDK outboard motor, In (JSTINOS wanted. II you have a collar, In good condition, else 14, es, AU pre-war brushes, many unused fer. Call and Inspect, Fries rlghs" RUGS AND -UPHOLSTIIRY cleaned eto.. First ojass equipment, genuine, not good oondltlon. Prlae $00. Reason for sale 1 buy«rs waiting. HI J. ti. HBUbBlOgBON'a Old Cherry free Price 111. 84 Clinton avenue, Eaton- or 1n A-l condition, ^ny rsaionabls for Immediate delivery. White Acres In your homa^ or In the plant. duration farmers. Ralph'Maher, Holm- for selling, obtained larger motor.' Stoat. 77 Broad street, phona R* J'urnt—Our famous fre«ston» pilches town, Phone 8-0480.' oiler accepted. Mrs. John Bnumgerth, del, N. J. , Phone tlRl. Phona Rad Bank 4-1641-J or .Inquire are now ripening. Also kolden bsntaln POWER LAWN-MOWER, 21-lneh cut. 119 nlackpolnckpolnt road,. Rumsori;* -. Turkey Farms,' Nutswairip Road, Acme Upholstery arid Carpet Clean.** ^^^•yn^ ^faieFsiT _ * t p Phone Red Bank I.U4T.'*•', . AUTIIUR E. BOYCB, painting eontrao- W. Pohl, 20 Leroy place. Red Bank. BULLDOZER WORJC wanted, , sweet corn, tomatosi, eggplfnte, lima Pcrrlable; llghCeasy to handlal three ANtlQUES—MarblUES—M e top, back, wash- Ing Co. Phone Red Bank 6-4255. tor, exterxterloi r and Interior painting, es- KAYAAK OANO'B, two-iiater,. .InoludlS? beam, ptppirs, cucunobers d l hprienowM- engine, outs mill trlmi w/ilst j stnnd, I1OI1O | marble lamp table, 991 lt supplied on large or smalt. Jobs, outrigger for sailing 1 double and lencad operator, new machine mt,iM*^*iltiiFmrifautiftV hf«ir-lrnj(sV'*rtlsiiarnl>und»rl»rwkai«ilrnj(sV*rtlsrd»rw s oMiif»WlnavieK»N'K;9t^Msroni'i»wnrnio4» htcavatl! • • • • All mown on our (arm, 1. C. Ilendr|ck- easily n-t lown- grnss, 811 jDcoah eve- ohalr, orlalnnl stencil, 961 black Victor. and snds; Cairliignlaiids'8.: •on, proprietor, Highway «!, Middle- nuc, Spa nt-Itht. Plione 8-OOTV, Inn carved (leak, It; towel rack $2. Cull 11 BIX-WBEKS-OLD. iluscovty duck. If' rsqmslid. NO Job loo Inrge. .Ralph -JVUU olaaiura repairea, o VERY SOUND 84-foot Elco cabin oruli AJIB KOU HAVING a party 11 (H rWmtWt stil(il( , Off llong; "alm'oal Bed Bunk 8.0741-W., ' lints. DO osnts caohl . cinsry, with Majier Holmdel. Phono 0-1801. ' brlitled. Al|an fcleotrli er,, mw Ohryslsr 1Crown, .1047, K rent a Juke Box for thkt apai DININQ BOOM BUITI, very nuoniHf. nswi small anllque Oriental riigi Jlv. CoMBIWAtlOHyo.i snd gas stove, lou, cage, $10 j also, some large nouis plants, » PAY highest priest tor your poupoull- hltaj-eTtreieit, boat- that needs < no .further axpaniei slonl or a P. A. system lor>"'j . Has to be sien to b< anpricUttd, Oitli Ing-dlnlnn table, with p*di| china cloiat, gas burners, oven and broiler, all In rhons Hid. Bsnk 6-041O-W, gt inquire) Itri Write cr iphonsiphons , Long Branch »ijl Bank l-ini-W atUr t .. m.,l«l Itr NDBR BLO $4,600; firm. Can be iim at Atlanllo lrl's pre-war bicycle. Phone Bed Bank one. Can be-lien at 930 Pearl strt4t, - ^ B.str, Park.r. av«nue,vXltj|je Bll- 1100100.. UNoith Brosdwsy.Long Branch ^"Oak Hill. road, .rtisaiUn'"! Highlands; MUnlelpal Djoks. tin ,8, *rlf«* aranne, Bei Sank,* . Ifi7Tl-.W>* ,,•*"•.. ;' i . Bed Bank or call Bed-Bank 'MUM ZWZWIokl'I i Uva Poultry Markat. , Mlddlitown, Phone Bad ¥anlc berth lST name'"Dslca Mai.1' Ban: BED BANK REGISTER, AUGUST 14,1947

    *•- /• Bank club, who demited to Joio terest If being manifested by the ft Red Bank Elks New York lodge No. 1. members - In visiting the' elub to The club has received a. letter of witness television-programs. Budget Furs Get Glamor thank* from Thomas Irving Brown, Charles A .Hotalng, editor of the Have An Active a charter member of the Red Bank monthly bulletin of the lodge, makes Bring longe, expressing his appreciation an earnest appeal, to members who for the loan of a pair of crutches have-not visited the club recently Fall Program for use by a friend of his, whose" to do so as there Is not a dull mo- Your father was a charter member of ment at the club. ^Television Set At the Dayton, Ohio, lodge of Elka, BE The drive by the Red Bank Elks COMING MTNISTRELS Club Rooms For for the lodge's charity; fund and By .popular demand, the Junior Cleaning-Dyeing a wreckte Riverview hupltal of Red Banlt Is Skippers of the Monmouth Boat Member Enjoyment well-underway. A .1947 Nash sedan club are preparing to present their to be awarded on the cooperative second annual minstrel show to be . And driver! According to the August bulletin plan is on display in front of the held Monday and Tuesday, Septem- of the Red Bank lodge of Elks, the Whelan drug store, where share ber 1 and 2. Tickets for the affair members of the local lodge will go tickets are being sold. are selling rapidly, Miss Joanne back to their regular schedule of The lodge recently installed a Dunbar of Carllle. terrace, Little two meetings. per month in Sep- modern television set, the finest *>f Silver,; secretary of the club, is' In Laundering tember. The first' meeting Is sched- Hi type for club use, and much in- charge of the tickets. uled for Thursday, September * and the second for Thursday, Septem- Problems ber 18. ' ' ; • '• ' Great: preparation's are being made by "the best people on earth" DIRECTLY for. a. monster clambake to be held all day Sunday, August SI, at Mc- KEEFCOOL Gulre's grove on the stato highway, near Glllvllle. There will be base- To Our" ball, horseshoe pitching, swimming, boating and other games suitable For Health—For Comfort for everyone. There will be free Auto wrecks. are on the beer and soft drinks at "The Outer PLANT increase. Be careful... be a Inn"/bar, and in the evening there Expert Advioo-No ObUgattw wreckless driver. WiBe motor will be movies and dancing. Cdvrieir Air Conditioning r This affair is being put on in the ' ists obey traffic rules, keep interest of the local club by Addie their cars in good condition. ' Kind and his committee. Tickets may be secured either through Mr, / Immediate. Installation 'And wise motorists Kind or at the clubrooms oh Broad surance from a scrv.icc- street, near Front. Assisting Mr. LION'S minded agency. For prompt, PEDIGREED MUSKRATS .,. Esther Dorothy's now budget-priced coats In bleached or dyed musk-' Kind are John .Stoble; William > i rat for campus and'general wear (I. to r.): Weekend Special, In nutrlatono with silver buttons- Perry, John Kwik, Emil Kwik, Jos- Rooms—Offices—Stores - thoroughagencyBervice.see... Winter Prom, In Ivory tone with hood that unzips to form a sailor collar; Bush Week, 'saMe-'toned eph Holliday, Walter Stout, Jphn with Peter Pan collar. . , • •; ' Gaul, Jr., George Grab, Arthur 64-76 White Street Grob, Joseph Menzzopane, Fred Red Bank Walker & Tindall • fcy DOROTHY ROE —- - •= sleeve for the platlnum=plated trade. "':• Jonesand Charles Hqtallng.. NOEL IL NILSON- Associated Press Fashion Editor A recent visitor at the Red Bank EST. 19U- " Choosing muskrat as the most practical and "lone- club was Owen Coyle,'son of Ed- 87 Broad St. •"THERE'S goodnewa for working girls this year wearing of low-priced furs, Miss Dorothy puts It ward Coyle, a member of the Red Phone 6-3454 Red Bank . Vault* on Premise* / Realtors and Insiirors * in the new budget-priced fur coats ready for the through various processes of plucking, bleachinc fall market. Modern science and furriers' skill com- and dyeing and produces coats ranging in tone from 19 EAST FRONT STREET bine to produce some new numbers that look'like sable gray and nutria to ivory. ' mutaflBn minks but turn out to bo muskrat. The coats come in lengths ranging from 38 to 45 . BED BANK, N. 3. Esther Dorothy, the light-hearted designer who up inches, have softer, rounder shoulder lines,' full-cut to now Has specialized "strictly in trie fabulous, recog- backB, decorative buttons, -gay linings—and some- <*. • nizes a trend of the times1 and turns up this season times attached hoods. Phone R. B. 6-2776 with a seylps of coats priced' in the budget bracket They're aestined for a busy life on. campus and but utlllzfng all the tricks she usually keeps up her street next winter. •

    Water Color Show Vote To Spend At Leonardo Money On Schools SPECIAL LOT Trav Neidllnger, Leonardo artist, Marlboro township voters auth- will stage his annual one-man ex- orized the expenditure of $82,000 OF MEN'S hibition of his water colors at Croy- for enlargement and improvent of don Hall academy, Leonardville Morganville and Bobertsville road, Leonardo, opening August 29 schools by a 170 to 59 count. ' $ 95 through September V Visitors are District Clerk Frank J. Dugan welconte, and the exhibit will be explained that-a special vote was SPORT COATS 10 open afternoons from 2 to 6 o'clock^ necessitated because of a new state Sizes 33 to 42. Values to $19.95 Two folios of the original paint* law requiring a financial statement ings Included in the exhibition have showing the township's debts. He previously been seen at Radio City said that although the law had been passed before the regular school In New York. These are "Amerl- board election in February,; the Hunt," which is scenes and township Committee had hot been SPECIAL LOT activities of some of the outstand- in receipt of copies of the statute. ing hunt clubs in America, includ- At the regular election, the question OF MEN'S ALL WOOL ing the Monmouth County Hunt, was also approved, although by ah and "American Hound," 'in which even greater majority, the Monmouth kennels are shown. f VALUES In "coastal"- folio the artist In- . GOING TO ATIiANTIC CITY $ dps. to 39.95 cludes a companion scene to one The Ladles' auxiliary of the Br'e- Sunkist Cal. ORANGES SUITS 30°° painting hung In the 16th annual vent Park and Leonardo fire com- Sizes 36 - 44. New Jersey State exhibition last pany will take a bus ride to Atlantic ; ear. In the "Bethlehem Vigil" City, Wednesday, August 20, for ^^J £olla.-iJL_»..!pfl-lnUng-hung. at tho -thelr-ttnnual-ouHng-.—Mrsr Chestbr- NbChafge" For "AlferattonsT Fleming Inuseum during the 17th Guttprmson Is in charge Of the af- exhibition of the Vermont artists fair. The bus wllMeave the flre- in their annual Invitation show. house at 9 a.m. and on the return FREESTONE Basket MEN'S trip will leave Atlantic City at 9 HOSE . . . . ; ,,.;.;• 5()cpr. It panto «

    BRIEFS ...... 85cup FANCY FCIiL POD ' : DAVIDSON BROS. 2- 19c ATHLETIC SHIRTS . . 75c up •BEER*WINE*LIQUORS* JERSEY LIMAS MEN'S 391/2 BROAD STREET RED BANK FANCY JERSEY BASQUE SHIRTS . ... . $1.00 FREE DELIVERY RED BANK 6^334 A $1.50 Value--Special Folks, here is something to think about. Never CRISP TENDEB : ••'...- MEN'S $19.95 CELERY STALKS 2-19c TRENCH COATS . . . $14.95 before imported beer of high quality was sold MEN'S $10.95 ' at such a low price. This Beekman beer, costs Lightweight JACKETS $7.95 you less than 9c a bottle. : MEN'S SUNSWEET ^pNe-.^nBqE-": Qt. Hot SWIM TRUNKS . . . . $1.00 MOTFS APPLE JUICE 17c: FOR BOYS PRIDE OF FARM CATSUP Bol RAINCOATS with Hood IMPORTED Hearth Delight APRiCOT NECTAR 2 ™ 21Ct SPORT COATS . ..-. $12.95%up BEEKMAN CRISCO or SPRY 3^ $L09 TROUSERS ...... $&95 KRAFT MIRACLE WHIP QSS 59C SPORT SHIRTS . . . $195 up Tomatoes PLAY SHORTS . . . $1.95 up BEER BASQUE SHIRTS . . . 7Qc NO DEPOSIT—NO RETURNS SEABROOK FARMS $1.25 Value' ' . Basket PEAS FRESH FROZEN FISH TIES ...... 55c 16 Qt. — 25 Lbs. C0D FLOUNDER POLLACK This Store Closed All Day am ,^^. " 99 19V \C lb. Wednesday During August. 3 > 55c pk«. Open Friday Evenings Until A CASE OF Leave Your Order. Have Boro AnAii Criilau Till 9 O'clock. 24 BOTTLES Parcel Service Deliver It For You. VP*» rnQaI

    . .. • ' • • • '•• v '••...- . YOUR FRIENOUV P E;RS 0 N At S TO R BOTTLES F R C T 0 R V IN A CASE FOfcONLY 60 BOT. IT COSTS YOU LfeSS IN A TlfAN 0c A BOTTLE. CASE

    '•••" ,FR'EE JUST R.B. 6-3334 CALL BoiktarrorM BMKJK raoMObn STOBE DELIVERY R.B. 6-1849