Collection Photograph List

The original glass plate negatives from which these prints were made are housed in filing cabinet D. Descriptions for the items listed “No negative, no print” were taken from Ira Kneeland’s original list of 73 photographs (numbers 1 through 73), which is available in the collection. The reason why there are no prints or negatives for numbers 118 through 146 is not clear. Perhaps there was another list that Ira Kneeland made, in addition to the one with 73 photographs. The gap in the numbering between 186 and 228 is due to the removal of these images to the Kneeland Family Papers although all the glass plate images for these prints were kept with the Topolobampo glass plate negatives in filing cabinet D.

I. Views of Topolobampo

1. "Topolobampo freight at Nogales." Taken by Ira Kneeland on his way to the colony. It shows the railroad station, village and mountains beyond, a group up on the platform and their big engine loaded on a car.

2. "The May Party at Guyamas." It shows the tents of the "May Party" at Guyamas, a group of colonists, the little colt born on the journey, and the mountains beyond.

3. "A six weeks growth of sorghum," far above the heads of the horses and of the mower, Comrade Whitney.

4A. "The corn mill. ‘Old Berry’ grinding." The colonists, from left to right, are Thurstin, Desmond, Lutton, Meinecke, Baumann, R. Friend, "Sam" Scally, Drewein and Burr.

4B. "The corn mill. ‘Old Berry’ grinding."

5. "Mt. Joshua." Taking in the stone house, Alberton Hall on the right, and the Straits of Joshua.

6. "Hotel hill, Topolobampo with estero and Alberton Hall." Boats are the "Sol" and the "." Mumicahui Island shows on the left.

7. "Casa de Don Juan Acosta, Zapotillo," twenty miles from La Logia.

8. "The at Vegaton, , ."

9. "No negative, no print (View of the Fuerte River).

10. "Rocky Point, Vegaton , Sinaloa, Mexico." Proposed site of dam across the river. [No.9 in Ira Kneeland’s album] 11. "La Logia Fiesta, 3rd . Anniversary of the landing of the First Credit Foncier Colonists at Topolobampo, on November 17, 1886."

12. "La Logia Kindergarten." Mrs. Stanley holds a baby in her arms, Dora Langham stands before her. The child on the extreme right, and the one behind her, are Mrs. Doyle’s children. The next, in dark dress with frill in the neck, is Goldie Whitehill. Cecil Page is in the foreground. (On some lists Kneeland identifies this photo as no.22.)

13. "Home of T. Young. La Logia, Sinaloa, Mexico." Left to right are T. Young, his son, Lawrence Wilber, Clara Hogeland, and Mrs. Wilber. The cacti must be twenty feet high.

14. "Papaya trees, one year from seed, La Logia, Sinaloa, Mexico." Figures: Lawrence Wilber, Mrs. Wilber, and A.J. Wilber.

15. "La Logia Verano Land, looking toward the River." In the foreground a partial view of one of the banyans.

16. "Dining room and group, Big Mesquite tree."

17. "Credit Foncier School, La Logia, Sinaloa, Mexico. July 30, 1889."

18. No negative, no print (View of the Fuerte River).

19. "Porfirio Diaz taking discouraged colonists away from Topolobampo." Mt. Joshua across the strait. Brick machine in foreground. [No.18 in Ira Kneeland’s album]

20. "Topolobampo Bay." Steamer Porfirio Diaz. Extensive view of mountains.

21. "Mt. Seguin from Vegaton" with big adobe house the Kneelands built.

22A. "The Stanley Band, La Logia, Sinaloa, Mexico, June 1, 1890."

22B. "The Stanley Band."

23. "La Logia ‘Sugar Works’ from top of the brick kiln November 29, 1889." Sorghum boiling near brick kiln. Pug mill; big barn on the right, Comrade Burr’s house on the left.

24. "Down the Fuerte River, from Mt. Seguin." J.P. Scally in foreground.

25. "Up the Fuerte River from Mt. Seguin." Narrowest part of the river is the dam site. 26A. "S.S. and C.Ry. Eng. Corps at work at Vegaton, Sinaloa, Mexico. December 7, 1889." Locating the bridge.

26B. Engineer Corps at work.

27A. S.S. and C.Ry. Eng. Corps, breaking camp. Vegaton, Sinaloa, Mexico. December 7, 1889.

27B. Engineer Corps breaking camp.

28. "Locating the Bridge. Vegaton, Sinaloa, Mexico."

29. "Zargoza" – Great Date Palm. Groups of Mexicans. Down the road are the horse and buggy used by the Ira Kneeland and J.P. Scally on trip.

30. "Date and orange trees at Constancia, Sinaloa, Mexico."

31. "In Constancia, Sinaloa, Mexico." Gardens and sugar works of Señor Orantia.

32. No negative, no print (Mochicahui. Bird’s-eye view) [description taken from Ira Kneeland’s original list of the first 73 photographs].

33. "Under the Banyan at Don Patricio Robles, Sinaloa, Mexico." Figures, left to right, are J.P. Scally, H. Severin, M. Free, P. Robles, and W. Green.

34. "Banyan tree, Sinaloa, Mexico" at Don Patricio Robles. Figures, from left to right, are P. Robles, W.W. Green, J.P. Scally, Morris Free, and H. Severin.

35A. "Carpinteria y Carreteria, De Dn. Refugio Gutierrez, Mochicahui, Sinaloa, Mexico." Wagon shop.

35B. "Carpinteria y Carreteria, De Dn. Refugio Gutierrez, Mochicahui, Sinaloa, Mexico." Wagon shop.

36. "Vista De La Plaza De Armas, Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico."

37. "Vista En La Huerta, Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico." View in a garden, New Year’s Day, 1890. [No.38 in Ira Kneeland’s album]

38. No negative, no print (Water carriers and burros at Fuerte River. Mr. Severin in foreground).

39. "Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico." 40. "Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico" from another point. J.P. Scally in lower left corner.

41. "Casa Del Señor Estanislao Gonzales, Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico." Tienda de California (California Store).

42. "Escuela Municipal Instituto ‘Benito Juarez.’ Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico." Public school at Fuerte – Group of boys.

43. "Escuela Municipal De Niñas. Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico." Public school at Fuerte – Group of girls.

44. "Vista de la Crecida Del Rio Fuerte, El 8 De Enero De 1890." (Rise of the Fuerte)

45. "Roses, Dates, Oranges, Cocoanut, Pomegranate, in a garden at Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico." The Spanish lady owns the place.

46. "Vista De Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico."

47. "Vista De La Huerta, Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico." Garden view.

48. "Vista De Calle En El Fuerte." Street view in Fuerte.

49. "Vista De La Pelota, Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico." Game of Pelota (a kind of ball game).

50. "Juego De Pelota."

51A. "Printing No.171 of ‘The Credit Foncier’ of Sinaloa."

51B. "Printing No.171 of ‘The Credit Foncier’ of Sinaloa."

52. "Editorial Sanctum of The Credit Foncier."

53. "Mt. Joshua from Alberton Hall." Portraits of printers and editor.

54. " ‘Ye Editor’ on the road to La Logia, January 30, 1890." Giant pitahaya on either side of the road, wagon in background.

55. "View between Topolobampo and La Logia, January 30, 1890."

56. "Nooning at Bateve." Under the big banyan by the lagoon. Messrs. Dawkins and Severin on horseback. Mrs. Howlands sitting on the tongue of prehistoric Mayan cart. 57. "In the garden at La Logia, February 2, 1890."

58. "Under the Banyan at La Logia February 2, 1890." Group of young people and children.

59. "Under the Banyan at La Logia, February 2, 1890.’ Group of young people and children.

60. "Papaya trees at Wilber’s 18 months from seed. Home of Clara and Ida Hogeland, February 2, 1890." Shows the great melon-like fruit on papayas. Mrs. Wilber and Lawrence. The Misses Hogeland, at the door of their house, show on the right.

61. "The first lumber sawn at La Logia." Mill and Huffer Pump.

62. "Home of Mr. Meinecke, La Logia, March 1, 1890." Gives a clear idea of colonists’ tents. Portraits of family and Polly on her perch.

63. "The landing at Torihuayara." The Estero and boats with picnickers.

64. "A picnic at Torihuayara." The Estero and boats with picnickers.

65. "Irrigating by mule power, Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico."

66. "A lull in the fight. Plaza de Torres, Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico. March 16, 1890."

67. "Vista En El Fuerte, Sinaloa, Mexico."

68A. "Vista De La Fiesta En El Fuerte, 12 De Marzo 1889."

68B. "Vista De La Fiesta En El Fuerte, 12 De Marzo 1890."

69. "San Blas Mountains from Vegaton." Shows adobe house built by the colony and "Don Eugenio," Mr. Tays on horseback.

70. "Mt. Seguin from Vegaton." Mr. Tays on horseback.

71. "Casa Grande San Blas." Mr. Tays’s home.

72. "Among the bananas at San Blas." Mr. Tays, who is over six feet tall, looks short.

73. "Products of La Logia, April 1, 1890." Mr. Shaw stands behind a bank of cauliflower, cabbage, etc. 73A. Variant of 73 (no print of 73A).

73B. Fruit tree at La Logia.

74. "Governer Mariano M. De Castro and staff at La Logia, April 2, 1890."

75. "Orange trees at La Logia, May 2, 1890." Stanley Shellhouse, standing, lower left corner.

76. "Credit Foncier Survey Camp, May 12, 1890."

77. "Home of C.M. Stanley. La Logia, May 18, 1890."

78. "Exterior De La Hacienda Del Aguila, En 1890."

79. "Interior De La Hacienda Del Aguila, En 1890."

80. "From a painting by an Indian. Exterior De La Hacienda Del Aguila En 1888."

81. "Molino De Azucar, Florida, Sinaloa, Mexico." Zacani Sugar Mill, 14- 15 April 1896.

81A. Zacani Sugar Mill.

81B. Zacani Sugar Mill, pre-April 1896.

81C. Blacksmith’s shop, Zacani Sugar Mill?

82. "Molino De Azucar, Florida, Sinaloa, Mexico." Zacani Sugar Mill, 14- 15 April 1896.

83. "Jardin De Flores, Florida, Sinaloa, Mexico."

84. "Home of Mrs. H. Patrick, La Logia, Sinaloa, Mexico. June 15, 1890."

84A. "Home of Mrs. H. Patrick, La Logia, Sinaloa, Mexico. July 1890."

85. "Home of the Hogelands, La Logia, Sinaloa, Mex. July 1890."

86. "The Granary. The first brick building in La Logia."

87. "La Logia, Sinaloa, Mexico, July 1890."

88. No negative, no print. 89. "Home of Mr. Newell Thurston. Sinaloa, Mexico."

90. "Home of Mr. Stark, La Logia, Sinaloa, Mexico." Pictured, left to right, are Harry, Frederica, and Ernest.

91. "Home of Mr. and Mrs. Standfast, La Logia, Sinaloa, Mexico." Henry and Harriet standing out in front of their home.

92. "The Home of Mr. and Mrs. Standfast."

93. "View S.E. from the roof of Mr. Standfast’s house. La Logia."

94. "Looking north from roof of Mr. Standfast’s house. La Logia." Orioles nest in tree on right.

95. "La Logia. October 24, 1890." Granary at top of picture.

96. "C.F. Water and fishing crew at Las Copas, December 1890."

97A. "Ducks on Pintacahui Island, Topolobampo."

97B. "Ducks on Pintacahui Island, Topolobampo."

98. "The Romero Rubio, loaded with colony freight" at the pier of the C.F. Co., Topolobampo, December 17, 1890.

99. " ‘Romero Rubio’ and ‘Fortunato,’ Topolobampo, December 17, 1890."

100. "Topolobampo, December 17, 1890." Alberton Hall on the right side of the picture.

101. "The landing (from roof of office), December 17, 1890."

102. "Adios Romero Rubio."

103. "The Ometépec in Topolobampo Bay, December 19, 1890."

104. "Las Copas and Topolobampo Bay."

105. "Momicahui Island."

106. "Hotel Hill."

107. "Landing on the Straits of Joshua ‘Palo Santo’ tree in bloom." 108. "Hotel Hill from Momicahui."

109. "Straits of Joshua and point of Mt. Joshua."

110. "Hotel Hill and the Landing."

111. "R.R. Grade and city site, Schellhous cove, and the Toe."

112. "Teams at work on the C.F. Ditch, January 29, 1891."

113. "Working on the C.F. Ditch, January 30, 1891."

114. "View near head of ditch, January 30, 1891."

115. "Fuerte River and head of ditch, January 30, 1891."

116. "Clearing for the ditch. A hard row of stumps but they have to come. January 30, 1891."

117. "Down the Ditch Line from Station 75."

118-146 Missing.

147. "On the rocks of Topolobampo."

148. "Bathing scene at Los Copas."

149. "Loading water at Los Copas by means of pipes."

150. "The Laguna Ranch of Don Blas Ybarra. Sinaloa, Mexico."

151. "Looking S.W. across the Fuerte River below Agua Caliente Sinaloa, Mexico."

152. "Agua Caliente, Sinaloa, Mexico. Showing mouth of Fuerte Cañon." Mr. Tays is sitting on a rock.

153. "Fuerte River below Agua Caliente, Sinaloa, Mexico."

154. "One of the Hot Springs at Lanphars."

155. "Home and family of W.V. Lanphar, Agua Caliente, Sinaloa, Mexico." 100 miles up the river from La Logia. A.K. Owen is third from left with hat in hand.

156. "La Guasa, at the Mouth of the Setentrion." 157. "Looking up the Chinipas River from La Guasa."

158. "Up the Chinipas River from mouth of the Sententrion."

159. "Setentrion Arroyo from south side of Chinipas River."

160. "Among the pines of Southern Chihuahua." Owen seated on fallen tree.

161. "The Descent into the Setentrion Aroyo." Owen and Tays pictured in lower right corner.

162. "Mine, Mill, and Home of Don Jesus Cruz, at Realita."

163. "Looking down the Setentrion, at the ford."

164. "Plaza in Temoris."

165. "Looking down the Setentrion below Santa Barbara." 165 joins 166.

166. "Santa Barbara ranch on the Setentrion."

167. "Peach and quince orchard at Bahuina. Altitude 6300 feet."

168. "Cuiteco on the Setentrion."

169. "Young fruit orchard at Cuiteco on the Setentrion."

170. "Quince trees at Cuiteco."

171. "Home of the cliff dwellers, Urique Cañon."

172. "Our camp at the Baranca." Tays sitting on tree stump in center of picture.

173. "Baranca De Tararecua. Urique Cañon. Chihuahua, Mexico."

174. "Looking into the Urique Cañon. Chihuahua, Mexico." Owen and Tays on rock.

175. "View in the Urique Cañon."

176. "The Nigger Head, Urique Cañon."

177. "The Cathedral, Urique Cañon." Tays, center of picture, and Owen on the right. 178. "One of the Pinnacles of Urique Cañon."

179. "View on the Baranca (De Tararecua)."

180. "In the solitude of the Sierra Madres."

181. "Two Taromari Indians."

182. "View in the Arroyo Hondo." Owen, by horse, on left side of picture.

183. "Dining on the trail." Owen, standing, fourth from right.

184. "Carichic Chihuahua, Mexico."

185. "View in Carichic."

II. 1891 Trip. See also No.151-185.

186. Thornton, Patrick, Holbrook, Owen, and Tays, with Morelas in front.

Photographs 187 through 227 are of the Kneeland family and are housed in the Kneeland Family Papers. See the Kneeland Family Photographs list.

V. Colonists – Individuals and Groups. See also No.1-3, 11, 12, 14, 17, 22A-B, 33-34, 54-59, 63-64, 73-75.

228. Portrait of female colonist

229. "One of Topolobampo’s starved colonists. La Logia. March 2, 1891."

230. Unidentified baby

231. Lawerence Wilber

232. Female colonist

233. Girl playing guitar

234. Two colony children

235. Colony couple

236. Colonists on hill

237. Two men on hillside 237A. Three men on hillside

238. "See that Mescal plant."

239. Two colony children

240. "Orange trees and beans at La Logia. May 1, 1890."

241. Marie and Edward Howland

242. Four colony children and dog

243. "First wheat stacks at Engineer Farm. May 18, 1894."

244. "View near Sufragio, Sinaloa, Mexico."

245. Colonists on hill

246. Colonists by cactus

247. Colonists by cactus

248. "Mt. Memoria." Owen on far right

249. Colonists – Sera Wilber, Alvin J. Wilber, Owen, and Lawrence Wilber

250. "Inhabitants of the Ditch Camp," Los Tastes

251. Inhabitants of the Ditch Camp

252. Colony mess hall, Etta Stanley, far right

253. Colonist’s family

254. Kneeland extended family

255. Colonists

256. Group of male colonists in front of house

257. Group of colonists

258. Seven colonists; Mrs. Desmond, center front

259. "The Pioneer Girls Club" 260. A.K.O. with five colonists

261. "On the Mochis, Mt. Memoria in the background"

262. "First haystack on Engineer Farm"

263. Ship bound for Guaymas from San Francisco

264. Group of colonists

265. Group of colonists

266. Colonist with horse

267. Colonist with horse

268. Man with horse

269. Mexico West Coast Mining and Development

VI. Colony Views, Houses, and Buildings. See also No. 4A- B, 13, 16, 23, 51-53, 60, 62, 77, 84-87, 89-95.

270. Colonist’s home

271. Colonist’s home and farmland

272. Three colonists and house

273. Colonist’s home

274. Colonist’s home

274A. Colonist’s home

275. Flora Kneeland and Elmer Heliot?

276. Colonists and house

277. Settler’s home at the colony

278. "Home of Mrs. Wheeler, May 1894"

279. Home of Mrs. Wheeler, May 18, 1894

280. Colonist’s brick house 281. "Oficio de J. Stivensoño Shoop. Secretario de la Compania. Estado de Sinaloa, Mexico"

282. Colonist’s house

283. "Home of Mr. Hays, May 17, 1894"

284. Colonist’s home

285. "Home of George Desmond, ," 21-24 February 1898

286. Double image of colonists

287. Child colonist

288. Workshops at colony

289. "Status of the adobe house, May 18, 1894"

290. Colony "School House."

291. "C.F. Office, Engineer Farm."

292. "C.F. Photo Gallery, October 23, 1896. The first brick building on Pacific City Site."

293. "Pacific City, March 1, 1897."

294. Colony kiln?

295. Wagon with colony supplies

296. Colonist and wooden storage bin?

297. "Grapes 2 years from cuttings, Engineer Farm, May 18, 1894."

298. Corn plant

299. Corn plant

300. Potatoes grown at La Logia, Sinaloa, Mexico, April 11, 1890.

301. Vegetables raised at La Logia

302. Agriculture near colony 303. Orchard and fallen fruit

304. Palm tree

305. Orchard

306. Palm tree

307. Palm tree

308. Large unidentified bush

309. Palm trees

310. Palm trees

311. View near colony

312. Beehives

313. "The vineyard 2 years from cuttings, May 18, 1894."

314. The "Main Lateral"

315. "Bean field, front of commisary"

316. Agriculture near colony

317. Yard scene with dog

318. Trees and house

319. Colony kiln?

320. Colonist on horse

321. "S.W. from roof of Flouring Mill, May 18, 1894"

322. "West Lateral"

VII. November 1890 Party. See also No.98-99, 102-103.

323. "Arrival of the November party at Topolobampo. December 17, 1890." 324. "Landing of the November party at Topolobampo. December 17, 1890."

325. "Romero Rubio and Fortinato, in Topolobampo Bay"

VIII. Colony Lumbering Activity. See also No.61.

326. Felled trees

327. Felled trees

328. Colony lumbering activity

329. Colony lumbering activity

330. Rolling logs at saw mill

331. Colony lumbering activity

332. Construction of a colony adobe building?

333. "Saw mill at Engineer Farm"

334. Saw mill at Engineer Farm

335. Saw mill at Engineer Farm

336. Saw mill at Engineer Farm

337. "Looking west from roof of flouring mill, May, 18. 1894"

IX. Surveying Teams. See also No. 26 A-B, 27 A-B, 76.

338. Four men near tent

339. Surveying team tent

X. Los Tastes Ditch. See also No.112-117.

340. "The plow team"

341. "Wheel scrapers in the C.F. Ditch"

342. "The way the wheelers take it out"

343. "The chain gang" 344. "The chain gang nearing the bottom in the 22 ft. cut"

345. "The ‘chain gang’ nearing bottom in the 22 ft. cut. April 9, 1891." No negative.

346. "The 22 ft. cut complete"

347. "Completed ditch at Los Tastes"

348. "Starting the steam drill, June 10, 1893"

349. Head of the Los Tastes Ditch at Rio Fuerte

350. "Horse corral at Los Tastes"

351. "Horse corral at Los Tastes"

352. "Ox corral at Los Tastes"

353. "Pumping by ox power at Catwood Camp"

354. "The Corral at Catwood Camp"

355. "Improvement Fund Office. Los Tastes, Sinaloa, Mexico" Left to right, Wilber, Hoffman, unidentified, and Thornton.

XI. Topolobampo Bay. See also No. 5-6, 19-20, 96-97, 100-101, 104-111, 147-149.

356. Topolobampo Bay

357. Topolobampo Bay

358. Topolobampo Bay

359. Topolobampo Bay

360. Topolobampo Bay

361. Topolobampo Bay

362. Topolobampo Bay

363. Topolobampo Bay

364. Topolobampo Bay 365. Topolobampo Bay

366. Topolobampo Bay

367. Topolobampo Bay

368. Topolobampo Bay

369. "Custom House, Topolobampo."

370. "C.F. Pier and Store House, at Topolobampo Bay"

371. Port at Topolobampo Bay. Letterhead designed by Owen, 1904. No negative.

372. "Terminus of the Mexican Western R.R. Topolobampo, July 31, 1891." [Owen, wearing white shirt and black hat, standing on hill.]

373. Colonists at Topolobampo Bay (?)

374. Colonist in field, Topolobampo Bay

375. Colonists on rock

376. "Topolobampo fishermen"

377. " ‘Fish Story’ that speaks for itself"

378. "Fishing party on Ohuira, May17, 1897" + enlargement and closeup filed as folios.

379. Man on sloop at Topolobampo Bay

380. The "Porfirio Diaz" in Topolobampo Bay

381. "Already to climb Mt. Joshua."

382. Topolobampo Bay

383. Topolobampo Bay

384. Some colonists at Topolobampo Bay

385. "R.R. Grade. The old pier, Topolobampo Bay, July 30, 1891."

386. At the pier at Topolobampo Bay 387. Ship at Topolobampo Bay

388. "Loading cattle at Topolobampo"

389. "Loading cattle at Topolobampo"

390. S.S. Korrigano?

391. Bow of ship at Topolobampo

XII. Views Near Colony. See also No.15.

392. "View north from Gallery"

393. "View northwest from Gallery"

394. "View northeast from gallery, Mt. Memoria"

395. View near colony (View near Gallery?)

396. "Mapau and Pintacahui, view east from Gallery"

397. "View southeast from Gallery"

398. "Mt. Cahuinahui"

399. View near colony

400. Hut near Gallery?

401. View near colony – Engineer Camp? See 402.

402. View near colony?

403A. Cactus

403B. Cactus

404. Colonist by cactus

405. Bridge over Rio Fuerte?

406. Landscape near colony?

407. Coconut trees and two people on horses 408. View of Savanna

409. "Cleared land on the Mochis"

XIII. Vegaton. See No.21, 25, 69, 70.

XIV. Fuerte River. See also No.8, 10, 24, 28, 44.

410. Crossing the Rio Fuerte

411. Fuerte River

XV. Fuerte (Town). See also No.36-37, 39-43, 46-50, 65-68.

412. "Mill erected by C.F. Co. for F. Orrantia, Near Fuerte, May 8, 1894"

413. "First windmill in Fuerte. Erected for F. Orrantia by C.F. Co. May 6, 1894"

414. Fuerte (Town)

415. Fuerte (Town)

416. Fuerte (Town)

417. Fuerte (Town)

418. Fuerte (Town)

419. Fuerte (Town)

419A. Fuerte (Town)

420. Fuerte (Town)

420A. Fuerte (Town)

421. "C.F. Co.’s Tin Wagon in Fuerte. May 27, 1894"

422. Teatro Rolland, Fuerte

423. Outside Teatro Rolland in Fuerte

424. Inside Teatro Rolland, Fuerte

425. Inside Teatro Rolland, Fuerte XVI. San José de Gracia and Jésus María Mine. Photos taken in January 1899.

426. Part I of panoramic view of San José de Gracia

427. Part II of panoramic view of San José de Gracia

428. Street in San José de Gracia

429. San José de Gracia

430. San José de Gracia

431. San José de Gracia

432. San José de Gracia

433. Plaza at San José de Gracia

434. Hallway of school in San José de Gracia

435. Interior of school in San José de Gracia

436. School room in San José de Gracia

437. Group at the hacienda

438. "At the Jésus María."

439. Front view of hacienda

440. Interior of a parlor in the hacienda

441. Gate of the foundry

442. Back of the hacienda and railroad tracks

442A. "San José de Gracia, Sinaloa, Mex."

442B. "Hacienda of the Jésus María"

443. Pack mules in San José de Gracia

444. "Jésus María Mine, San José de Gracia, Sinaloa, Mexico"

445. Jésus María Mine, San José de Gracia 446. Jésus María Mine Train

447. Section I of panoramic view of San José de Gracia

448. Section II of panoramic view of San José de Gracia

449. Section III of panoramic view of San José de Gracia

450. Section IV of panoramic view of San José de Gracia

451. Section V of panoramic view of San José de Gracia

452. Section VI of panoramic view of San José de Gracia

453. San José de Gracia

454. "Miners at the Jésus María Mine"

455. Villagers coming from hills to San José de Gracía for celebration

456. San José de Gracia and portable altar

457. Jésus María Mine; celebration

458. Two altars at San José de Gracia

459. Portable altar

460. Jésus María Mine – altar

XVII. La Purisima

461. La Purisima hacienda

462. "La Purisima mill near San José de Gracia"

463. La Purisima mill

464. "Rosario Stamp Mill, near San José de Gracia, Sinaloa, Mexico"

XVIII. Mexican Villages and People. See also No.7, 20, 30-31, 35 A-B, 45, 71, 83, 150, 155, 162.

465. Women’s band in hall

466. Women’s band in hall 467. Male colonists in hall

468. Girls’ school

469. Dinner party

470. Dinner party

471. Mexican band

472. Mexican women

473. Mexican family

474. Colonist’s family

475. Mexican mother and children

476. Colonists at Topolobampo

477. Mexican house

478. "Home of Eudoro Vega, Sinaloa, Mexico"

479. A Mexican Caravanserai

480. View of Mexican village

481. Female colonist by palm tree

482. Children and cat by palm tree

483. Felled palm tree

484. Mexican child with doll

485. Man with dead ocelot

486. Man with dead ocelot

487. Mexican man with mule

488. Vaquero Sinaloense

489. Brick and petate building 490. Colony buildings

491. Buildings in colony

492. Tower and C.F. Co.’s Tin Wagon

493. Tower

494. Scene in Mexican village

495. Mexican town

496. "City of Chihuahua, Mexico – A. & W. pho- 1890"

497. View of Mexican village

498. Colonists’ huts

499. "Agua Caliente de Baca, Sinaloa, Mexico"

500. Village scene

501. Colonists working with windmill in Fuerte

502. "Distillery at Agua Caliente de Baca, Sinaloa, Mexico"

XIX. Mexican Sugar Mills. See also No.78-82.

503. The "Cane Mill at Alisos"

503A. "Huerta en Alisos"

504. Sugar Mill Brick building – El Aguilar?

505. Mexican Sugar Mill