Regulations for the Dress of ... Offices of the Army
MILITARY BOOKS. )«Ww|eJ)e ig itrtftwitg. REGULATIONS FOR CONDUCTING THE MUSKETRY INSTRUCTION OF THE ARMY. Adjutant-General's Office, Horse Guards, 1st February 1859. CONTAINING :- Duties, Instructions, &c. Returns, with Instructions. General Course of Instruction. Method of Annual Course, Preliminary Drill. List of Musketry Articles. e Practice. Instructions for Inspectors. 134 pp. Royal \2mo., cloth boards, with Plates. Price Is. Just published, price Is. ANNUAL REPORT ON THE INSTRUCTION CARRIED ON AT THE SCHOOLS OF MUSKETRY AT HYTHE AND FLEETWOOD, * fAND OF THE PROGRESS OF MUSKETRY INSTRUCTION IN THE ARMY, During the Vear ending 31st March 1863. Also, now on Sale, price 2s. THE REPORT OF THE YEAR ENDINC 31st MARCH 1862. And in Royal 8vo, price Is. each, REPORTS OF THE SCHOOL OF MUSKETRY AT HYTHE, For the Years ending 1859, I860, and 1861. LONDON: Printed under the /Superintendence of Her Majesty's Stationery Office, AND SOLD BY \f. Clowes & Sons, 14, Charing Cross ; Harrison & Sons, 59, Pall Mall ; W. H. Allen & Co., 18, Waterloo Place ; W. Mitchell, Charing Cross ; and Longman and Co., Paternoster Row. Also by A. and C. Black, Edinburgh ; D. Rorertson, 90, St. Vincent Street, Glasgow; Alex. Tkom, Abbey Street, and E. Ponsonry, Grafton Street, Dublin. 1 MILITARY BOOKS. pttMisljjft 6g ORGANIZATION, COMPOSITION, AND STRENGTH OF THE ARMY OF CREAT BRITAIN. Compiled by Captain Maetik Feteie, 14th Eegt., Topographical Staff, Topo graphical and Statistical Department, War Office. Colonel Sir Heney James, R.E., F.R.S., 4c., Director. Price 2s. 6d. QUEEN'S REGULATIONS AND ORDERS FOR THE ARMY. I New and Authorized Edition.
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