ERCURY 9, 1992 Vo~Ume

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ERCURY 9, 1992 Vo~Ume lEE GLENVILLE ERCURY 9, 1992 Vo~ume HEAT Meets q~" " to Hear Publi~ ~~ Comment on G~C by Melissa Riffe Loudin Appointed Higher Education Advo­ Philip Reale of Glenville. cacy Team (HEAT) met Tues­ Dr. William K. Simmons, "We must day, September 1,1992, GSC president of Glenville State Col­ representatives attended a meet­ lege, had this to say about Director of ing held in Clarksburg at lib­ HEAT: "The various pubic have public erty High School. The meeting meetings have been scheduled was to hear public comment on throughout the state with the under­ Public Relations higher education needs in cen­ hope that higher education will tral West Virginia. It was one of gain pubic support as goals for standing and by John Putnam regional meetings sched­ the 21 st century are set. I feel Mark Loudin was recently in Charleston, need to know around the state to deter­ that it is very important that the support if named director of public rela­ that." mine what the pubic expects colleges and universities hear tions at Glenville State College. With a more regular work from West Virginia colleges and from post-secondary education we are to Loudin earned a bacholors de­ schedule than he had at WDTV, universities. now and in the future. We must gree in Theatre at Kent State Loudin is now able to spend HEAT, authorized by a leg­ have pubic understanding and continue to University prior to becoming a more time with his wife, Connie, islative resolution during the support if we are to continue to TV news personality for and two children, Quinn, 2, and 1992 West Virginia Legislature, deliver affordable and meaning­ deliver afford­ WDTV, channel 5, Weston. In Trent, 8 months. The Loudin was instructed to devise a stra­ ful education service. Our col­ addition to his present job, family is currently residing in tegic plan for the future of West leges must prepare the able and Loudin also oversees the publi­ Weston. Virginia's higher education sys­ workforce of the future if West cation of the Kanawhachen and Loudin's current office is lo­ tem. At the conclusion of the Virginia is to have a strong eco­ meaningful the Mercury. H is current project cated in Room 303 of the Ad­ regional meetings, the team will nomic base." is directing GSC's involvement ministration Building, however, report its findings and recom­ education with the Higher Education Ad­ he will ·soon be relocated to the mendations to the legislature Mark Loudin, director of vocacy Team (HEAT), a pro­ space previously occupied by and governor in preparation for public relations, also com­ . " SerVlCe. gram which is focused on in­ the Cashier's Office. Loudin the 1993 legislative session. The mented about HEAT adding, creasing public access to higher welcomes visitors because he advocacy team is co-chaired by "Everyone will get a chance to William K. Simmons education and work force prepa­ feels that "public relations be­ Joseph Powell ofCharleston and take a large part in education." ration. "This is a major move gin on campus." forward in my career," says Loudin, "and I plan on staying Loudin plans to continue his REGIONAL MEETING SCHEDULE for foreseeable future." work in advertising for WDTV. Higher Education Advocacy Team One of Loudin's foremost He also plans to appear with his goals is to obtain positive pub­ best friend and sports personal­ licity for GSC. According to DATE LOCATION SITE ity, Dave Stingo, on The Fifth Loudin, "Glenville State is a Quarter, a football news pro­ September 15 Logan SouthemWV praiseworthy college. People CormnunityCollege gram which airs Friday nights in Glenville, as well as people September 17 Fayetteville FayeUeville High on WDTV-$ a~ 11:30 p.rn: September 22 Morgantown WVU September 23 Wheeling WVNorthem Community College September 24 Institute WV State College September 29 Moorefield Moorefield High October 1 Parkersburg WVU-P Page 2 - Th~ Gl~nv.ille Merc~ry 7 . Septemb~r 9, 1992 • t ~ ~ PPST Study Sessions to be Offered by Education Division PPST Math Study Sessions Please come to Bea Brown's have been scheduled for two desk in Clark Hall between the consecutive Wednesdays, Sep­ hours of 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 tember 23 and 30, from 7:00 p.m. no later than September 16 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. in Clark Hall, to take the pretest. You will get Room 202. These sessions are feedback on the results of the open to any education major pretest including a list oftopics who is planning to take the PPST to study at the first study ses­ math test and who feels unsure sion on September 23. of math skills. Ifyou are planning to come The study sessions are be­ to either session, you will need ing offered by the Division of to take a pretest that requires Education. Brenda Wilson will less than one hour of your time. be the instructor. Brw·DIDfT KNOW.. I According to the US Census: GSC Student Teachers Although the divorce rate is one in two for Americans in general, Begin Field Experience by David Riffe to say that teaching takes a lot of Barnett, Paula D. Boggs, Lisa A. it's one in a thousand plus patience and planning. Bonnett, Janet L. Bowens, Linda for those who regularly On August 26, 54 Glen­ The students are assigned a S. Brunicardi, Steven J. Canter­ ville State College students em­ teaching advisor at the school bury, Lisa A Davis, Rebecca J. attend church, pray frequently, barked on their professional se­ where they are placed, along D...,Yer, Traci L. Edman, Mary 10 and are considered rather religious people. mester. They Will be placed in with their college advisor, to help Ellyson, Karla} Ezell, MarieA. two different areas, staying eight them through their lcarning ex­ Finley, Stacy C. Forren, Lea J. Faith does make a difference! weeks at cach pOSition. By being penence. These advisors are on Gonzalez, Lisa A Hall, Lisa F. placed in an actual teaching situ­ hand to assist with sllch mattcrs Hamnck, lulie A. Harbert, Kim­ (Don't exclude it from your curriculum.) ation, each studcnt will be able to as dcveloplOg lesson plans, and berly S. Hunt, Steven W. Jones, apply practical skills, get a knowl­ other activities related to their Tammy M . Kirk, Carol L. Good Shepherd Catholic Church edge of subject matter, and more teaching. Lafferty, Jeffrey A Lamb, Tonya 701 Mineral Road, 462-7130 importantly, gain hands-on ex­ GSC studcnts are teachlllg in L. Looney, Robin L. Mace, Paula Father Ed Dashbach perience 10 a controlled environ­ Wood, Ritchie, Calhoun, lack­ Maxwell, Kathryn Ann Maze, ment. Kathy Butler, director of son, Gilmer, Pleasants, Braxton, Randy G Minney, Shannon G. Sunday Mass 10 a.m. field experiences, said, "It gives Lewis and Nicholas counties. Morral, Sharon K. Neal, Vicky Ifneed a ride-Call 462-8870 and ask for Jennifer. them an opportumty to see or to This semester's student teach­ L. Neal, Paula M. Nelson, Fern try out the skills in tcaching edu­ ersare: William A Abbott, Tracy E. Phillips, Barbara 1 Rader, cation and to expertmcnt some of D. Azar, B.lllie R. Balderson, Kathy L. Roach, Vicki D. Ruble, 111~IIII!ill!1£I'liilll thcir own Ideas." Butler went on TlOa M. Ballengee, Diana K Barbara K. Sadler, Donovan C. ~ THE SEARCH IS NOW ONI ~ Sands, Amanda A Sauer, Tina ~ "1993 MISS WEST VIRGINIA USA® PAGEANT" ~ R. Schott, Tami E. Simons, ~ NO PERFORMING TALENT REQUIRED 1 Attention Seniors Debbic J. Stonc, Gayla D. Stump, .~-.- If you are an appilcant who and are '!t" . • -<of' • between the ages of 18 and 27 by February I : ~: The deadline for applying for Douglas E. Suess, Sadra S Tho­ "- - r • 1993. never marr.ed and at least a SI. month "-- mas, Chad W Thompson, Randi :~ i,- "', reSIdent of West V"9'nla. thus college dorm ··f ~ "!' _~ .,; students are eligible. you could be West V"9'nla's ~_..; December graduation is Friday, 1 Tranquill, Sandra K Vincent, ,,~, representative at the CBS'natlonaily televISed MISS r '~ USA' Pageant' 10 February to compete for over i. Kclly D. Waggoner, and Mindy ~ $200.000 10 cash and prizes The West ~'r September 18. See the Admis­ D. Wilson ~ V"9'nla USA' Pageant for 1993 will be presented "i., ~. at the Hoilday Inn·Gateway .n HuntlOgton. West ~'i ~ V"g.nla, October 30th. 31st and November 1st. ~ sions Office. ",.- 1992 The new MISS West Vir9'nla USA." along ~- - ~ her e.pense pa.d tllP to compete.n the CBS ·.r Mercury Deadlines ~ nationally televised MISS USA' Pageant. w.1I _*"- ~ recl!lve OI/er $2.CXXl.n cash among her many pnzes .~ The deadline for the ~ Vickie Mvers All g"ls .nterested in competing for the title .u.t ~~ ~ MIN Weat Virginia USA' .end a recent .nap.hat, brief blographv, .. r GIL-CO PHARMACY September 16 issue of ~ MISS addree •. and phone number to: ~ The Glenville Mercury <1\'- USA' 1993 MI .. Weet Virginia USA'" Pageant .,r 32 E. Main Street ::II!.. IS seen on c/o Tn-State Headquarteu - Dept. CA .:-It is Thursday, September ~ g 347 Locuet Avenue. W ..hlngton. PA 15301' .,.~""', '-r 462-8300 :,'It TrI·SIGte Headquarters Phone Is 412/225-5343 i.A_" _},: 10, at 12:00 noon. - - Letters must Include a brief b4ogrophv. '......... ! r Health and Beauty Aids ~ recent _no".hot. address. and a phone num~r. " ..., .. ' .:t, Clove Drug Member Thereafter, the deadline ~-.- ApplicatIon Deadline I_ September J 9. 1992. "E"BE"~,_ ~ a M,ss USA· Pageant IS part of the jamlly 0/ Paramount CommUnicatIons Inc ·t Film Developing will be Wednesdays at -- - MI •• W., •• Virginia USA' Pageant I.
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