
Semantic Data

Chapter 3 : The semantic description framework

Jean-Louis Binot

1 Semantic Data 17/02/2021 Course content outline

2 Sources and recommended readings

3 Agenda

1 The stack

2 Why not HTML or XML ?

3 Resource description framework

4 RDF Schema

4 The semantic web standards (W3C consortium)

5 Industrial relevance

6 Agenda

1 The

2 Why not HTML or XML ?

3 Resource description framework

4 RDF Schema

7 Why not just HTML ?

8 Might XML be a better solution ?

9 Why not just XML : an example

) lecturer

10 Agenda

1 The semantic web stack

2 Why not HTML or XML ?

3 Resource description framework

4 RDF Schema

11 Basic ideas of the Resource Description Framework (RDF)

12 Resources

13 Properties

14 Statements

15 The RDF is based on directed labelled graphs

16 Triples with URIs

17 RDF serialization -

18 Namespaces and reference vocabularies

19 ❑

20 Some usual vocabularies

21 Namespaces ./.

22 Types of triple elements

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23 Example with URIs and literals

24 Literals and datatypes

25 Blank nodes

26 Instances and typing

27 Syntactic sugar

28 The Mona Lisa example in Turtle

29 Reification

30 Syntaxes for expressing RDF graphs

31 The Mona Lisa example in RDF/XML ❑

32 RDFa (RDF in HTML attributes)

33 RDFa example

34 Application example : a review snippet from Google

[] a ns1:Product ; ns1:image ; ns1:name "The Catcher in the Rye" ; ns1:review [ a ns1:Review ; ns1:author [ a ns1:Person ; ns1:name "John Doe" ] ; ns1:datePublished "2006-05-04" ; ns1:name "A masterpiece of literature" ; ns1:publisher [ a ns1:Organization ; ns1:name "Washington Times" ] ; ns1:reviewBody "I really enjoyed this book. It captures the essential challenge people face as they try make sense of their lives and grow to adulthood." ; ns1:reviewRating [ a ns1:Rating ; ns1:ratingValue "5" ] ] . 35 Formal of RDF

36 Semantics of RDF graphs

∃ ∧

37 Semantics of RDF graphs ./.

I I I ◼ I

◼ I I

◼ ⊨

38 The interpolation lemma

◼ ⊨

39 Interpolation lemma: example

❑ ⊨

❑ ⊭

40 Agenda

1 The semantic web stack

2 Why not HTML or XML ?

3 Resource description framework

4 RDF Schema

41 Motivation for RDFS

42 Example of a simple RDFS ontology


43 RDFS basic ideas


44 RDFS main constructs

Construct (construct type) Syntactic form Description

Class (a class) C rdf:type rdfs:Class C (a resource) is an RDFS class

Property (a class) P rdf:type rdf:Property P (a resource) is an RDF property

type (a property) I rdf:type C I (a resource) is an instance of C (a class)

subClassOf (a property) C1 rdfs:subClassOf C2 C1 (a class) is a subclass of C2 (a class)

subPropertyOf (a property) P1 rdfs:subPropertyOf P2 P1 (a property) is a sub-property of P2 (a property)

domain (a property) P rdfs:domain C domain of P (a property) is C (a class)

range (a property) P rdfs:range C range of P (a property) is C (a class)

45 Defining classes and instances

46 Defining classes and instances ./.

47 Subsumption

48 Class hierarchy and instances

49 Example of hierarchy with corresponding triples

50 Defining Properties

51 Range and domain of properties

52 Range and domain rules

53 Specialization of properties

54 Complex cases for range and domain of properties

55 Multiple range or domain statements

56 ❑

57 RDFS Semantics

 →   →

  →   →

58 RDFS Semantics

59 Revisiting the example from chapter 1

60 (example after Paulheim, Semantic Web Technologies) Revisiting the example from chapter 1

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(example after Paulheim, Semantic Web Technologies) 61 Summary

62 Annex : RDF/RDFS entailment patterns

If S contains: then S RDF(S)_entails :

rdfD1 a p "v"^^d . a p _:b . _b rdf:type d . rdfD2 a p b . p rdf:type rdf:Property . rdfs1 any IRI a in D a rdf:type rdfs:Datatype . p rdfs:domain x . rdfs2 a rdf:type x . a p b . p rdfs:range x . rdfs3 b rdf:type x . a p b . rdfs4a a p b . a rdf:type rdf:Resource . rdfs4b a p b . b rdf:type rdf:Resource . p rdfs:subPropertyOf q . rdfs5 p rdfs:subPropertyOf r . q rdfs:subPropertyOf r . rdfs6 a rdf:type rdf:Property . a rdfs:subPropertyOf a . rdfs:subPropertyOf q . rdfs7 a q b . a p b. rdfs8 c rdf:type rdfs:Class . c rdfs:subClassOf rdf:Resource . c rdfs:subClassOf d . rdfs9 a rdf:type d . a rdf:type c. rdfs10 c rdf:type rdfs:Class . c rdfs:subClassOf c . c rdfs:subClassOf d . rdfs11 c rdfs:subClassOf e . d rdfs:subClassOf e . rdfs12 rdf:type rdfs:ContainerMembershipProperty . p rdfs:subPropertyOf rdfs:member . rdfs13 d rdf:type rdfs:Datatype . d rdfs:subClassOf rdfs:Literal . 63 References