American Studies Films Genre: Teen Angst/Teen Comedy Dead Poet's Fast Times at Breakfast Club 16 Candles Dazed and Confused Society Ridgemont High

Almost Basketball Diaries 13 Christmas Story Rebel Without a Cause Famous

Ferris Bueller's River's American Risky Business The Wizard of OZ Day Off Edge Graffiti

Genre: War and the Military Saving Private Full Metal Dirty Dozen MASH Dr. Strangelove Ryan Jacket

Deer Platoon Schindler's List Failsafe Stripes Hunter

Apocalypse From Here to Gone with The Great Taps Now Eternity the Wind Escape

Casablanca Patton

Genre: The Family and Relationships Kramer vs Ordinary Sophie's Terms of Steel Magnolias Kramer People Choice Endearment

Garden The Brother's What's Eating The Big Chill Little Women State McMullen Gilbert Grape

Harold and The Odd Cat on a Hot Who is Afraid Driving Ms. Maude Couple Tin Roof of Virginia Woolf? Daisy

Thelma As Good as it It's a Wonderful American All About Eve and Louise Gets Life Beauty



Genre: College and School Goodwill Stand and Animal House Rudy Paper Chase Hunting Deliver

The Graduate

Genre: Thrillers and Drama Midnight Last Picture Memento Malcolm X Blue Velvet Cowboys Show

The Manchurian The Hustler- One Flew Over Street Car Candidate Elmer Gantry Paul Neman the Cuckoo's Name Desire (original version Nest version)

Deliverance Hoffa Rocky Texasville Diner

American Five Easy 12 Angry Men JFK Norman Rae History X Pieces

Requiem for Fargo Crash a Dream

Fight Club Philadelphia Quiz Show Citizen Kane Inherit the Wind

Do the Right A Beautiful Pay it Taxi Driver Thing Mind Forward

Genre: Romantic Comedy The When Harry Adam's Rib Annie Hall Philadelphia Working Girl Met Sally Story

Breakfast at The Some Like it Seven Year Itch Pretty Woman Tiffany's Apartment Hot

Genre: Westerns and the West aka "Cowboys and Indians" Jeremiah Lonesome Last of the Treasure of the Johnson Dove Mohicans Sierra Madre

Tombstone True Grit High Noon Smoke Signals High Noon

Blazing Pow Wow Butch Cassidy & Cat Ballou Saddles Highway Sundance Kid

Genre: Crime, Criminals, Cops and Robbers, Film Noir Reservoir The GodFather Usual Suspects Good Fellows Dogs

Gangs of New Boondock Boyz in da' Natural Born Seven York Saints Hood Killers

Shawshank China Cape Fear (the Scarface Blow Redemption Town original)

In the Heat of Maltese Coolhand Luke Traffic the Night Falcon

Genre: Horror, Science Fiction, Fantasy, Suspense Star Wars: A Soylent 2001 Space Odyssey Contact Psycho New Hope Green

The Omen Escape from The Exorcist (original Rear Altered (original New York version) Window States version)

Rocky Horror Young Frankenstein Blade Donnie Darko Vertigo Picture Show (by Mel Brooks) Runner

The Matrix

(1st one)

Genre: Sports League of Their Eight Men Remember The Natural Bull Durham Own Out the Titans

Bang the Hoosiers Drum Slowly

Genre: Musicals Singing in The Blues West Side Grease Oklahoma the Rain Brothers Story

The Nighmare Blue Fame Before Hair Hawaii Christmas

Genre: Documentary or Mockumentary Hoop This is Spinal Super size Me Roger and Me The Insider Dreams Tap

Thank you for Smoking Never Cry Waiting for Wolf Guffman

TV and Animation

Father Knows Best Leave it to Beaver Sopranos (season Dick Van Dyke Toy Story 1) Show

The Tonight Show Twilight Zone Combat Raw Hide The Simpsons

Dumbo Who Framed West Wing (1st All in the Family M.A.S.H Roger Rabbit season)

I Love Lucy Honey Mooners Happy Days Wonder Years Hill Street Blues
