ZI1M B ABW'E NEWS Nde Yedu We Are -Our Own Liberators lzimbabwe Nge Yethu Vol 4 No.13 SEPTEMBER 15,1969 Cost 5n Table of Contents EDITORIAL- Settler Army Brigadiers Scize Power ...... 123. 's Supply Routes Under Siege...... 4,5. IRhodesian Racist Police Kidnap Zambians ...... 5* IPeasant Revolt Over Land Hots-Up in Rhodesia...... 6. An Upitaph for a Revolutionary....HO CHI MINH ...... 6. SETTLER ARMY BRIGADIERS S IZE POWER EDITORIAL When one examines the genesis and trends of over 70Years of British white settler rule in Zimbabwe, this time he notices quite significantly a sharp and bitter life and death power struggle raging fiercely within the ranks of the white settler immigrant population of Rhodesiab The intensity and character of the power struggle ia reminirOeit to the French "revolt ofthe Generals" which took place in Algaria during the last week of April,1961 under the leadership of a reactionary Frenoh General Maurioe Challe. Although the power struggle is confined to British white settlers of Rhodesia, it has obvious covert support from NATO countries- who would like to sustainRhodesia and use as a base for their reactionary wars. of exploitation oppression on the peoples of Southern Africa. This being done under the guise of thwarting so-called the threat fora International Communism.This~development in the political life of the white settlers of Rhodesia is in. our view, of no consequence at all-to the cherished burning desire and aspirations of the broadmasses of the 5million British trodden indigenous peoples of Zimbabwe-to rid themselves of alien rule in their Notherland. Cont'd on page...... * ...... 2 ted and Published by: Zimbabwe African National Union. PQ Box 2331, Lusaka, ZAMBIA. stered at the General Post Office as a Newspaper.

SEPTEMBER 15,1969 The new trend and phenomena warrant the thoughtful attention and close study by all revolutionary forces,to see clearly the naked class nature of the racist minority settler army Brigadiere-Colonels regime in Rhodesia. In the forefront of the settler power struggle areh'to contending factions- On the one hand there is the (present so-called premier) Lardner-Burke(settler Justice, Law and Order minister) and Clifford Dupont so-called OfficerAdministering the government, faction-representing the proffessional strata and their'so-called Christiantreligion cronies. On the other hand there is the new breed, an extreme right wing faction rf the rightist Party,led by elements, of Rhodesia's settler military establishmentBrigadiers, Colonels, Wing-Commanders and Air Vice-Marshalls representing settler farmers,settler security and police forccs and 6emi-okilled settlers and what it terms ' progressive Local and foreign Industry' more .onopoly capitalists. The latter faction whose leadership core comprises largely of police, military and Air Vice-Marshalls is bitterly struggling for ascendancy in the ruling settler Rhodesian Front Party. Of late, by employing sly and skillfull methods of penetration and infiltration, is now in virtual control of the settlers ruling Rhodesian Front Party and Governmont.In content poor Ian Smith, Lardner- Burke, Clifford Dupont and their professioial elite faction have been relegated to mere saddle-tram ps of the military establishment. And the rightist white supre macist Rhodesian Front Party has now a new role, that of an organisational weapon to rally and engender whitesupremacist affinities and. to excite a narrow false nationalism, Which apparently, has taken holdfof the minority white settlers of Rhodesia, In the settler Rhodesia Cabinet the Brigadiers led faction is strongly represented and led ,by Brigadier Andrew Dunlop Minister of Transport-Power Brigadier Skeen, Colonel G.H.Hartley Chairman of Committees, and Co'l.' H.D.Tanner a notorious drugged racialist. In the Office of the so-called 'Prime Minister'(Ian Smith) there is *Wing-Commander J.Plagis whose specific duty is to go through all the Prime Ministers correspondence. Tn addition all Ministries that have anything to do with Africans is the responsibility of settler army Colonels. At the Diplomatic Corps level, all the envoys are military elements- the irony is obvious. In Lisbon Portugal is page3...... Lieut-Col.... ZIMBABWE NEWS Page 2

SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 Page 3 Cont'd from page 2 Lieut-Co- W.M.Knox former chairman of the Rhodesia Front Party and in South Africa is Air Vice-Marshall Harold Hawkins(anAustralian) The reasons for the usurpation of power by the British settler Brigadiers, Colonels and Wing Commanders are not far-fetched. This faction 225,000 total of its settler population in Rhodesia holds 57% of Rhodesia's arable land as against 43% for the 5million Africans. With majority rule it fears to lose itd long; sP4 tive on land,for the simple reason that the land will be the prerogative of the Dictatorship of the People-STATE. The faction also fears demobilisation thoroughly,wholly and totally of its settler armed reactionary forces. How on earth can we be Samaritans to an enemy machine which owes us a debt in blood? Since this faction also represents Commerce and International Industry it fears the re-orientation of its Industry and Commerce to satisfy firstly the indigenous people and State Coffers-at the moment it is jealously pointing little fingers at Zambia's Nationalisation of the Mineral wealth of the country and at the Mulungushi Economic Reforms. Lastly and not least this groups interests are incompatible and irreconcilable to African Majority rule- It is this groupb POLITICAL LINE that slapped the British Government with the Fearless Constitutional Propbsalsi In conclusion, the British Government now like a Chameleon 6aught changing colours by its settler army Brigadie rs Putsch in Rhodesia; had hoped to continue deluding and subtly sagging world opinion,that the army Brig~diers-Colonels Government of Rhodesia can be talked out of their crazed taste of power. The Brigadiers and Colonels recently told Ian Smith and his Rhodesian Front Party cohorts, at a parliamentary party caucus meeting in Salisbury that they "'would rather get out of Rhodesia fighting than get out crowing and crawling'. Ostensibly as a last-ditch atand. To the peoples of Zimbabwe the writing is on the wall for all to see the class nature of the enemy. Once again we say, Only Peoples War and thoroughgoing revolution can overthrow the British Brigadiers Government in Zimbabwe. FORLON CRY BULAWAYO-RHODESIA Rhode{sa's Chief of Air Staff,Air Vice-Marshall A.O.G Wilson-strongly urged urgent closer cooperation with South Africa and Portugal. In the face of what he termed "Sp ncr - n * ~ o unist inp +'Ked L South Aftii Ai "nc_~~.Ltn Fe. ZIMBABWE NEWS

SEPTEMBER 15, 1969 RHODESIA'S SUPPLY ROUTES UNDER SIEGE Tendai Whata-Reporting from.. Salisbury-Rhodesia. Rhodesia's Transportation and Supply routes are perilously on the frinL es of a permanent breakdown. The settler government's so-called Ministry of Transport and Power.isjander fire from both sections of the white settler community, for failing to comprehend the dire need of the country; to find other suitable supply routes of Rhodesia's exports and imports. Frantic efforts are being made to stockpile emergency food commodities. This follows startling revelations by the.,ruling Rhodesian Front Party M.P. for Hilcrest Constituency-Bulawayo a MVr J.A.Newington, who carried a personal investigation on what he thought were 'rumours and gossip' of widespread Inteidiction by ZANU revolutionary forces- On Rhodesia's-Supply and Transportation routes. The-settler Minister of Transport and Power Brigadier Andrew Dunlop admitted to an exasperated settler parliament September 3, 1969 that there is a complete breakdown of the main and only rail line route between Rhodesia and South Africa which runs..from Dulawayo in Rhodesia through the Republic of Botswana. The settler Minister groaned that he could do nothing, but hoped the line would be re-opened soon. There were angry recriminations at each otherA I should emphasize here that the debate was'brouLjht to an abrupt end by the minority regime's Minister of Justice, Law and Order who sternly reminded the, astonished settler parliament, that the debate compromised Rhodesia'a emergency regulations an it' placed Rhodesia's Transportation and Supply lifelines with the outside world in jeopardy. Another member of thn Rhodesian Front Party Iir Cary, asked impatiently the 'Honourable Brigadier Minister' if anything was being done to link the South African rail line',* which runs from Johannesburg to a small town called Messina on the precincts of the -Limpopo river; with the rail line in Rhodesia that ends in the ranching area of West Nicholson a few hundred miles inland Rhodesia. The Brigadier Mini:ster replied that makeshift plans were already with his Ministry- He further disclosed that settler security forces and pol-ice will in future guard and-escourt all rail and motor, transport on Rhodesia's Supply and Transportation routes., including work parties...... Cont'd on page 5, Page 4 Z IMBABVE, NEWS

ZIUIBABWE NEWS SEPTEMBER 15,1969 Page 5 Cont'd from page 4 Rhodesia has'fTOUr main-rail routes to and outside Rho desia for her e;ports and imports. (a) from Bulawayo through the Republic of Botswana to South Africa and the sea (b) from Somabula near Gwelo to LourencoMarques the capital port city of 1ozambique, this rail line is considered unreliable by the settlers because it runs acroo a vast expanse of African un-inhabited and inhabited land. (c) this rail line runs from Salisbury through jungle terrain, passing through Umtali to the Mozambique port town of Beira- the settler regime report what they would like to call 'minor mechanical derailments' on this line. (d) this used, to run from Bulawayo in Rhodesia across the Victoria Falls to Zambia and the Congo. Zambia has since halted all rail traffic to' :and from Rhodesia. This has left Rhodesia With only two very unreliable rail rqutes-and faced with the prospect of an increase in. guerrilla activity; the-settler lifelines of Transportation and Supply are indeed in peril, So if your country exports or impo- . rts anything from Rhodesia, the chances that your exports or imports will reach their destination unscathed by guerrilla forces is one in ten thousand. RHODESIAN RACIST POLICE KIDNAP ZAMBIAIS Chirundu-Rho de sia Two br6thers,,both Zambian businessmen visiting their wives and children; were kidnapped here September 10,1969 and whisked to Sdlisbury by Rhodesian security forces. Ghirundu isan immigration border post on the banks of' the Zambezi river- the border between Zambia and Rhodesia. At this same spot the oadi1." Rhodesian reactioxiary forces wi-thout the slightest provocation, opened fire with automatic weapons killing a Zambian woman in cold blood, Comrade MAINA SOKO. Who had been rowing her boat with one of her relatives who was also wounded. They were on the Zambian side of the river. Editors Comment Rhodesia in league with her minority white supremacist regimes and allies, South Africa and Portugal have recently stepped up their campaign of Kidnappingsmurder, plunder and arson, on and against Zambia's peasantry living across the borders of these minority racist controlled countris.db ...... 6

SEPTEMBER 15,1969 PEASANT REVOLT OVER LAND HOTSUP Sabi-Valley-Rhodesia By Own Correspondent The M utema and Marango peasantry -f this part of Zimbabwe whose irrigation rights were withdrawn by the colonialist regime of Rhodesia-because they refused to sign leases for the land they occupy are waging a tit for tat semi-legal struggle and have taken their case to the settler High Court. tehe The ancestors ofpeasantry of this area has lived, on this land since the existance of the-Golden Kingdom of Monomotapa from around A.D. 1000 to 1700 to' which the name Rhodesia is a scribed. And the first irrigation works date from the beginning of the century before the whiteman ever had any wares of coming to this part of Africa. The peasants were given six months toe'sign leasesThere was indignant widespread opposftion to the leases and all-the peasants refused to sign the leases. Ttey feared by signigg they would accept they heldno- title or right to their ldnd,.,-,& -The settlers government Ministry of Internal 'ffairs then told the peasants and their 9hiefs - that people who did not sign the leases Would be evicted and the irrigation works closed. The settlers -govenme-n-t carried out its brazen and sordid thtc~t at a nUmber of peasant reservations and the result was widespread losses of crops. The irrigation works are still closed. The peasants in their semi- legal struggle confronted attorneys who in turn lodged papers with the settler High Court on their behalf in Salisbury. The settlers High Court had set the date for hearing as August 21,1969. A shy white settler Registrar of the Salisbury High Court whom I talked to,could not explain why the case was not heard. I had it reliably disclosed that the Rhodesian regime and its Ministry of Internal Affairs fear and hate peasant revolts-for their adverse propaganda effects on the white settlers community of Rhodesia-who have been misled into believing that. -trouble only comes from so-called inspired communist Iterrorists' up North. And surprisingly the responsibility of Land Resettlement formerly of the Ministry of Internal Affairs- was given to Ian Smith after a Cabinet meeting on September 12,1969. HO CHI MINH I He lived a Creat Revolutionary life and "IS INDOMITABLE I WILL, shall izvota'more wrath,ftom the oppressed.peoples of the World against the heinous and ghastly crimes Soomnin it6d'bY'U.S.led imperialism in league with SovietModern Revisionism, Page 6 ZIMABABWE NEVS