Dorothy L Sayers | 432 pages | 16 Oct 2012 | Harper Paperbacks | 9780062196576 | English | United States Busman's Honeymoon

There is so much to love about this last full-size novel that Dorothy L. This book deals with such a situation. What I got was a real person, not a caricature. I somehow managed to miss this Dorothy Sayers mystery when Busmans Honeymoon read all the other Peter Wimseys fifty years ago. Tbere's enough of a mystery to make it worthy of being called a mystery novel, but no more than that. For those who love the characters, this is lovely, tender, passionate, a Busmans Honeymoon bit harrowing, and funny. Friend Reviews. Having never read Busman's HoneymoonI'd still somehow managed to pick up the vague idea that: 1 it featured a married Peter and Harriet, and, because of that fact, 2 it wasn't very interesting. This novel is really much more of a love story than a mystery, as Dorothy L Busmans Honeymoon herself acknowledged. I think Sayers does a cracking job at creating a lot of interest out of a relatively small amount of material, using a blocked chimney scenario to explore character personalities, as well as provide comedy and Busmans Honeymoon. Noakes was far from popular, having a grasping way with money and not above swindling his nearest and not so dearest, as well as his employees. Feb 25, Busmans Honeymoon rated it really liked it Shelves: thoughtful- fictionown. Anyone who knows my usual rants about Busmans Honeymoon issues with romance novels and indeed with people in general will see how that delights me! Notify me of new comments via email. They don't write mysteries like this anymore, more's the pity! I found myself flipping through pages at a time until the narrative resumed. Her way of reframing the focus of the novel, having the detective element as the intrusion, shows the journey her mystery writing had taken her on, as a decade earlier her views were decidedly different. One of the reasons why I have enjoyed Sayers work so much is because of her writing style and her turn of phrase, which can often bring a smile to my lips. Not that Sayers is so gauche as to reveal ALL about the wedding night, but it's abundantly obvious that our favorite lord and his Busmans Honeymoon lady have quite a nice time of it. Lifeline Theatre Chicago, Illinois presented an original adaptation of Busman's Honeymoon Busmans Honeymoon the spring and summer of Now that she Busmans Honeymoon the fool, she will love him completely but that does not mean that she doesn't remain firmly herself in the midst of the nonsense: Peter said nothing, but whistled a couple of bars Busmans Honeymoon inaudibly. Seriously, I Busmans Honeymoon everything about this. Miss Marple would have figured it out after ten minutes of tea with the culprit. Delighted to please her, Peter buys the house from the current owner, Noakes, who agrees to stay there until they move in. The end is a complete tear-jerker, so if you cry easily, have tissues handy. To hell with Busmans Honeymoon rules. He planned to marry Noakes' somewhat elderly niece and get his hands on the money he had left her in his will. Plot Summary. A Catalogue of Crime. And the images they convey are such a hoot--can anyone who has read the stories not snort over the picture of the "hell-hound" reporters trying bribe Bunter? Sayers called the book "A love story with detective interruptions" and that it is. Sayers was writing not only for her time but for her class. Both Peter and Harriet Vane, first his sidekick and eventually his love interest and bride, can descend into tedious philosophical discussions that lead nowhere. I love the symmetry between the pair of novels. This book has a lighter tone than and it is delightful with its almost constant Busmans Honeymoon of various works by various authors, most especially the inspector and . This is either a love story with detective interruptions, or the other way round. 1 - 10 of 11 books. It was made inand is a bit Americanized, but is surprisingly faithful to the film with an excellent villain. Sayers novelMuriel St. And then he's constant from then on, and over Busmans Honeymoon course of Busmans Honeymoon books for the Busmans Honeymoon. We can't possess one another. While Sayers does depict a couple of incredibly tender scenes between Peter and Harriet, most of the focus Busmans Honeymoon to how two strongminded people must negotiate partnership. Error rating book. To view it, click here. But for readers who followed the story of Peter Wimsey and Harriet Vane through the three Busmans Honeymoon novels which featured both characters, it is a most satisfying love story and a welcome culmination to the years of Peter's patient courtship and Harriet's determined resistance. It's just a pity that no one's updated the story for the 21st century. Here Harriet seems to be reinforcing the image of the more traditional and predictable small village community, an image which was to change in the next few years, with mystery novels such as A Murder is Announcedrevealing that villagers were rapidly knowing less and less about their neighbours. Contrast that with Peter, who seemed to essentially make the decision the second he saw her in . This is a rule that Sayers spits on with particular fervor. Which makes one wonder if it took bodies longer to start to pong in than it does in present-day mysteries. Unfortunately that's often Busmans Honeymoon all that satisfying to read, Busmans Honeymoon if it has to be rushed over to get to the main story. If you are interested in character-development, they should be read in order. Wimsey does, Busmans Honeymoon the end, fall prey to the psychological problems that have haunted him since the War, but Harriet, naturally, provides the outlet for his Busmans Honeymoon and pain so we're all good.