UN Millennium Campaign EXTERNAL EVALUATION 2009

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UN Millennium Campaign EXTERNAL EVALUATION 2009 UN Millennium Campaign EXTERNAL EVALUATION 2009 UN Millennium Campaign External evaluation 2009 Global report Prepared for the UN Millennium Campaign By Eva Otero & Brian Cugelman Leitmotiv Social Consultants 32 Alameda de Hércules 41002 Seville SPAIN www.leitmotivsocial.com Tel: +34 954 909690 This is the report of independent evaluators commissioned by the UN Millennium Campaign. The views expressed in this report should not be taken as being those of the UN Millennium Campaign. They reflect evidence collected and expressed by the evaluation team. Any comments regarding this report can be sent to the evaluation team at [email protected] 1 Table of Contents 1. Executive summary.................................................................................................4 1.1. Findings ............................................................................................................................4 1.2. Main Recommendations......................................................................................................7 2. Introduction ..........................................................................................................9 2.1. Rationale and scope of the evaluation:...................................................................................9 2.2. Millennium Campaign description.........................................................................................9 2.3. Intended effects..................................................................................................................9 3. Methodology .......................................................................................................10 3.1. Logic model for change...................................................................................................... 10 3.2. Evaluation purpose and end use.......................................................................................... 11 3.3. Conceptual framework and questions.................................................................................. 11 3.4. Evaluation approach and methods...................................................................................... 12 3.5. Evidence (data sources) ..................................................................................................... 13 3.6. Agreements...................................................................................................................... 16 3.7. Limitations ...................................................................................................................... 16 4. Policy Domain......................................................................................................18 4.1. Context........................................................................................................................... 18 4.2. Activities ......................................................................................................................... 20 4.3. Assessment...................................................................................................................... 21 5. Public Domain .....................................................................................................24 5.1. Context........................................................................................................................... 24 5.2. Activities ......................................................................................................................... 25 5.3. Stand Up......................................................................................................................... 26 5.4. Assessment...................................................................................................................... 28 6. Media Domain and Communication .......................................................................29 6.1. Context........................................................................................................................... 29 6.2. Activities (2005-2009)....................................................................................................... 30 6.3. Online Activities ............................................................................................................... 32 6.4. Assessment...................................................................................................................... 36 7. Partners and Networks .........................................................................................41 7.1. A partnership map of the campaign..................................................................................... 41 7.2. CSO partnerships ............................................................................................................. 41 7.3. The relationship with the UN.............................................................................................. 43 7.4. Private sector communication partnerships........................................................................... 44 7.5. Assessment...................................................................................................................... 45 8. Conclusions.........................................................................................................47 8.1. Policy domain.................................................................................................................. 47 8.2. Public Domain................................................................................................................. 47 8.3. Media Domain................................................................................................................. 48 8.4. Partnerships domain ......................................................................................................... 49 9. Recommendations................................................................................................51 9.1. Setting clear policy objectives and strategies.......................................................................... 51 9.2. Global/National Proportion ............................................................................................... 51 9.3. Segmenting target audiences .............................................................................................. 52 9.4. Rethinking Stand Up ......................................................................................................... 52 9.5. Citizens taking action ........................................................................................................ 53 9.6. Two tack approach with the media...................................................................................... 53 9.7. Maximum decentralization of communication products.......................................................... 53 9.8. Leverage the UN identity more ............................................................................................ 53 9.9. Partnerships: Engaging organizations, not individuals............................................................. 54 2 Acknowledgements The evaluation team This evaluation was carried out by a team of independent researchers. The coordinating body, Leitmotiv, is a Spanish based consultancy firm specialized in development and social issues. Methodological direction and supplementary research was provided by the University of Wolverhampton’s Statistical Cybermetrics Research Group. Team leader: Eva Otero Methods, communication, media & US reports: Brian Cugelman Europe report: Maria Delgado Asia report: Dinita Chapagain Africa report: Taaka Awori Editors: Hannah Beardon and Desmond McCarthy We wish to thank the following persons who contributed to this report: • The UN Millennium Campaign team for their support during this evaluation and particularly to Roshni Manon; • The Evaluation Support Group for valuable methodological support, especially during the drafting of the ToRs, and comments on the drafts of the evaluation reports. Thanks also to the following persons for providing research support: • Prof. Mike Thelwall, Director of the Statistical Cybermetrics Research Group; • Janet Wieser, Chief, Evaluation and Communications Research Unit, UN Department of Public Information • John Hay, Communications and Media, United Nations Climate Change Secretariat; • Prof. William Dutton, Director of the Oxford Internet Institute, University of Oxford; • Carmen Manaute, M&E specialist. Leitmotiv; • Susanna Shankman, Marketing & Communication Specialist; and • Stella Benot, Journalist. We are also indebted to the 130 informants who gave valuable substantive insight to this evaluation. Husseini Abdu , Country Director, Action Aid Nigeria Mandira Moddie , National Campaign, MC India Tajudeen Abdul Rahman , Deputy Director, MC Africa Corina Mora , Comm Manager, Plataforma 2015 Spain Kiyo Akasaka , UN Under-SG for Communications Richard Morford , Millennium Challenge Corporation K. Aparna , Creative Director, Grey Advertising India Jason Moyer , Cosette Media Amitabh Behar , Convenor, Wada Na Todo Abhiyan Patrick Mugo , Journalist KTN Kenya Ashok Bharti , Director, Nat Conference of Dalit Org India Suneeta Mukherjee , Country Rep, UNFPA Philippines Diwakar Bhatt , Uttar Pradesh Action Network India Nicola Munene , Journalist Simba FM Stephanie Bindzus , Comm & Partnerships, MC Germany B. Murali , Regional Bureau for Asia & the Pacific UNDP Ralf Birkner , Comm Coordinator, MC Germany B.
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