2017 OFFICIAL VISITOR GUIDE NoBoundariesND.com LEWIS&CLARK RIVERBOAT Public Cruises Dinner Excursions Groups Private Charters Weddings Offered MAY TO SEPTEMBER The Port of Bismarck 701-255-4233 1700 N River Rd Bismarck ND LEWISANDCLARKRIVERBOAT.COM Mon- Sat 10 am -5 pm 401 W Main St Mandan ND 701-663-4663 www.fortlincoln.com WELCOME or helpful information in planning a Fvisit to Bismarck and Mandan, please contact the Bismarck-Mandan CVB. Our staff is available to assist all visitors. Whether planning a family vacation or a major convention, our support services are available year ’round. ADDRESS: Bismarck-Mandan Convention and Visitors Bureau (Exit 157 off I-94) 1600 Burnt Boat Drive Bismarck, ND 58503 Phone: (800) 767-3555 (701) 222-4308 E-mail:
[email protected] Website: NoBoudariesND.com elcome to Bismarck-Mandan! I am excited to share with you all the fun things Wto do and see in our great cities. Here you will find unforgettable activities, historic places, and genuine hospitality. From the newly-expanded North Dakota Heritage Center and State Museum and the fresh outdoors at Fort Abraham Lincoln State Park, to our vibrant downtowns and abundance of shopping and dining throughout our cities, there is something for everyone in Bismarck-Mandan. Our two cities are continually expanding, making it easy for return visitors to find new things to explore. We have golf courses, exciting new restaurants and old PUBLISHED BY: favorites, attractions, shopping, arts, and sporting events, and the list goes on and North Dakota Living on. Don’t miss out; be sure to plan an extra day or two for your visit! North Dakota Association of Rural Electric Cooperatives Our Visitor Center, just off I-94, Exit 157, at 1600 Burnt Boat Drive, is the place to 3201 Nygren Dr.