EOC Newsletter

No. 204 July 2020 MESSAGE FROM THE EOC ACTING PRESIDENT Dear colleagues,

As we recently passed the one-year-to-go mark to the rescheduled Tokyo 2020, I would like to take this opportunity to wish all our European National Olympic Committees (ENOCs) and their athletes the best of preparations as we gear up once again for the XXXII Olympiad.

To assist you in your activities, the EOC has already distributed a lump sum of USD 25,000 to each ENOC from the ANOC Tokyo 2020 funds and are now working expeditiously on finalising the allocation of the final USD 1.55 million. This amount will be distributed on a case-by-case basis according to need to the 43 ENOCs that requested assistance by the 22 July deadline. More information will be communicated shortly.

Another major milestone was also reached this summer: three years to go until the 3rd edition of the in Kraków and the Małopolska Region of Poland in 2023.

Last week I led an EOC delegation on a successful three-day visit to Warsaw, Kraków and Małopolska to discuss preparations and make inspection visits to some of the proposed sport and accommodation facilities.

We met with a number of federal ministers and local politicians, including the Mayor of Krakow and the Marshall of Małopolska, and I am happy to report that support for the Games is strong at all levels of government.

The venues we visited are high-class, and our continent’s best athletes can rest assured that they will all have terrific platforms on which to showcase their talents on the road to Paris 2024.

EOC Sports Director Peter Brüll, meanwhile, is working hard with his counterparts in Kraków-Małopolska to map out an exciting and diverse sports programme for 2023. It is a tall order, as interest in the European Games has grown steadily since their debut in 2015 and several new sports have expressed their desire to become part of Europe’s leading multi-sport event.

This is of course an agreeable position to be in and, following our trip to Poland, the EOC is even more confident that Kraków-Małopolska will organise an excellent European Games to rival Baku 2015 and Minsk 2019.

Best regards.

Niels Nygaard EOC Acting President

1 EOC NEWSLETTER July 2020 EOC With 1 year to go, European athletes hungrier than ever to compete at Tokyo 2020 Asked to describe how it felt to learn that the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020 had been postponed for a year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, two-time Olympic medallist David Belyavskiy of said: “It was like waiting for a holiday only for it to be cancelled at the last moment.”

The disappointment the artistic gymnast and other athletes across Europe felt earlier this year is understandable. After all, most had trained every day for over three-and-a-half years to be in peak condition this summer.

But Belyavskiy, a five-time European Games medallist, admits that once the initial shock subsided, he began to see the silver lining. “I realised that I can prepare for the Olympic Games in Tokyo even better now,” he says. “Everything will be fine.”

He is far from alone in this sentiment as the countdown clock for next year’s Games officially hit the one-year- to-go mark on 23 July. A surprisingly large number of European athletes who have already qualified for Tokyo 2020 – or are in the process of doing so – say they also see the benefits in gaining an additional year.

“I am not sure I would even call it a challenge per se,” explains Bulgarian rhythmic gymnast Katrin Taseva, who is looking forward to competing in her first Olympic Games next year. “I would say that the postponement of the Olympic Games has been a positive influence for all of us because we can be better prepared as we have more time to work on our routines.” Read more

EUROPEAN GAMES 2023 – Optimism, enthusiasm greet EOC delegation during 3-day visit

On 27 July, the European Olympic Committees (EOC) concluded a constructive three-day visit to the Polish hosts of the 3rd European Games Krakow-Małopolska 2023.

The delegation, led by EOC Acting President Niels Nygaard and Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi, began its tour with meetings in Warsaw with government ministers before moving on to Krakow and the Małopolska Region for inspection visits to a number of the sports and accommodation facilities that will host Europe’s best athletes in 2023.

“We held fruitful talks this week with all our Polish counterparts in Warsaw, Krakow and Małopolska,” said Acting President Nygaard. “I would say the overall feeling here is one of great optimism as the region looks ahead to a time, hopefully, post COVID-19 and to celebrating our elite athletes just a year ahead of the Olympic Games Paris 2024. We all have a great deal to look forward to and work towards.”

The EOC delegation met with federal government ministers, Kraków President Jacek Majchrowski and the Marshal of the Małopolska Region, Witold Kozłowski, to discuss preparations for the Games.

“Overall it was a productive three days of discussions,” said Secretary General Pagnozzi. “We can already feel the enthusiasm for the next edition of the European Games and we come away from our visit even more confident that Krakow-Małopolska will host an unforgettable event in 2023.” Read more

2 EOC NEWSLETTER July 2020 EYOF – Region confirms funds for Friuli Venezia Giulia 2023 On 29 July 2020, the Regional Council of Friuli Venezia Giulia announced that the region has confirmed the allocation of the funds for the organisation of the Winter European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF) 2023.

A total amount of €7 million has been allocated to the municipalities and districts that are involved in the Games. While a total investment plan of €39 million will be intended for the ski facilities of the region.

Friuli Venezia Giulia will host the 16th winter edition of the multi-sport event for elite young athletes aged 14 to 18 from 21 to 28 January 2023. Read more Europe at the IOC 136th Session HE Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović (Croatia) and President of Lord Sebastian Coe (Great Britain) were elected as IOC Members at the 136th Session of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) on 17 June 2020.

Grabar-Kitarović and Coe, the two Europeans out of a total of five new IOC members, were elected at this first-ever IOC Session to be held by video conference, following a proposal by the IOC Executive Board (EB) on 10 June.

Grabar-Kitarović is a Croatian politician and diplomat who served as President of Croatia from 2015 to February 2020. She was the first woman to be elected to the presidency, becoming the youngest President in the history of Croatia.

Lord Coe, whose election as an IOC Member is linked to a function within an International Federation, has been the President of World Athletics since 2015. He is a former athlete and, as a middle-distance runner, won four Olympic medals, including gold in the 1,500 metres at the Olympic Games Moscow 1980 and Los Angeles 1984.

Europe is represented within the IOC by 27 countries and 43 Members (10 of whom are women). A total of 55 per cent of the IOC membership is European. Read more ENOCs - NOC celebrated Tokyo 2020 one year to go with 1-hour competition

The Austrian National Olympic Committee (NOC), together with Austrian Athletics, staged a one-hour-heptathlon competition on 23 July 2020, to mark one year to go until the Olympic Games in Tokyo in 2021.

Two-time Olympian Ivona Dadic, who has already qualified for Tokyo 2020, challenged heptathletes Sarah Lagger (Austria) and Swiss under-23 European champion Géraldine Ruckstuhl.

Some 500 spectators watched the competition live in the stadium of Amstetten (located on the west side of Vienna).

Austrian record holder and World Championship bronze medallist Verena Preiner, who had to withdraw from the competition due to a recent injury, acted as a co-commentator for Austrian TV, which broadcast the event live. Read more


BELARUS – NOC paid tribute to 1980 Moscow medallists

The NOC of the Republic of has paid tribute to the champions and medallists from the Olympic Games Moscow 1980.

The commemorative event was held at the NOC headquarters in Minsk, Belarus, on 17 July, which marked the 40th anniversary of Moscow 1980.

“Not only are you the legends of our national and Soviet sport, but also at the international level,” said Belarusian NOC First Vice President Viktor Lukashenko. “Winning 33 medals in Moscow, you made a huge contribution to the USSR medal collection, becoming idols for us, our young people and children.”

“Thanks to your winning spirit, you are still active, passing on your experience to our young generation. You inspire them to be like you, and maybe to surpass you,” he added.

Three-time Olympic champion in freestyle wrestling Aleksandr Medved, who read the oath at the Opening Ceremony at the Luzhniki Stadium in Moscow and lit the Olympic torch at the Dinamo Stadium in Minsk, was among the athletes to be awarded. Read more

CROATIA – NOC signs cooperation agreement with ‘Kali Sara’ Romani Union

The Croatian Olympic Committee (COC) and Romani Union in the Republic of Croatia “Kali Sara” have signed a cooperation agreement aimed at contributing to the promotion of integration of the Romani national minority into Croatian society and the development of sports, sports values and sports infrastructure for the common interests of the two associations.

The agreement was signed at the Croatian Olympic Committee headquarters by NOC President Zlatko Mateša and President of the Romani Union Suzana Krčmar, who pointed out that “Kali Sara,” as one of the largest Romani unions in Europe, with about 40 member associations, counts a large number of young athletes in its ranks.

“I feel very happy because this is the first time a Romani community has signed a cooperation agreement with a National Olympic Committee,” Krčmar said. “In my 20 years of dealing with Romani issues, I have not heard of such a thing in other countries.”

“I thank President Mateša for recognising us as partners and I believe that with this agreement we will more easily realise future projects, for which we plan to participate with support from EU funds as well.” Read more

4 EOC NEWSLETTER July 2020 CZECH REPUBLIC – Czech architect firm awarded IOC trophy for sustainable architecture Czech architectural firm ADR has been awarded the 2019 International Olympic Committee (IOC) award for sustainable architecture.

For many years, ADR has worked for the Czech House projects in the Olympic Games host cities and during Olympic festivals in the Czech Republic. In their sports facilities, they combine beauty, functionality, environment and sustainability, all the while respecting the local landscape.

The Czech Olympic Committee has been cooperating with ADR since 2012. “Sustainability is a long-term goal for us,” said Jiří Kejval, President of the Czech Olympic Committee. “In addition to the Czech Houses, we have also worked with ADR for the Olympic Festivals, which are now being emulated around the world.”

“If the Olympic Games had taken place this year, we would have seen festivals in 18 locations,” added Kejval. “We view sustainability from a number of perspectives. The protection of the environment is obviously important and is integral to the Olympic Movement, but we also pay attention to economic and social sustainability – the needs of people.” Read more ESTONIA – NOC, celebrate 40 years since 1980 Olympic regatta At 16:00 on July 20 1980, the Olympic flame was lit and the Olympic anthem sung in the Estonian capital – officially making Tallinn a host city of the Olympic Games Moscow 1980 sailing program. It is the only time Estonia has been given the opportunity to hold an Olympic competition.

To commemorate the event on its 40-year anniversary, the Estonian Olympic Committee and the city of Tallinn celebrated by lighting a “celebration flame” on the Tallinn Town Hall Square, from where the torch was taken by electric boats to Pirita sailing centre. There, Vaiko Vooremaa, who lit the torch 40 years ago, welcomed the flame to begin a torch relay. Read more LATVIA – Žoržs Tikmers elected new President of NOC The Latvian Olympic Committee (LOC) elected Žoržs Tikmers as its new President at its recent General Assembly, held on 10 July 2020.

Tikmers received 84 votes and will lead the LOC after longstanding mandates within the NOC, serving first as Vice President (1992-2012) and then as Secretary General (2012- 2020). He takes over from Aldons Vrubļevskis, who has been working within the LOC for 32 years and will continue to be part of the organisation as Executive Director of the Olympians’ Social Fund.

Vrubļevskis, who has also been a member of the EOC Audit Committee since 2014, decided not to run for re-election as President earlier this year.

In an address to Vrubļevskis, EOC Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi said: “Your contribution to the Olympic Movement and commitment to the EOC have been priceless and I cannot thank you enough.” Read more


LIECHTENSTEIN – Athletes’ Commission sets up strategy for quadrennium

The Athletes’ Commission (AC) of the Liechtenstein Olympic Committee (LOC) has defined its goals and strategies for the next four years, focusing on the promotion of sport, athletes’ careers and communication.

The plan comes after the LOC held its first session of the Athletes’ Parliament in February, where 36 athletes from 18 sports elected the 10-person body, chaired by kickboxer Michael Lampert.

The Athletes’ Commission will initially look to regulate internal procedures, establish communication with athletes and build support networks. Different groups within the AC will also have the duty to investigate topics such as compatibility of training, professionalism and the transition from a sports career to a professional one outside sport. Read more

MONACO – NOC pays tribute to former EOC President Kocijančič

The National Olympic Committee (NOC) of Monaco commemorated former EOC President Janez Kocijančič during its annual General Assembly on 8 July 2020.

Monégasque NOC President HSH Prince Albert II and Secretary General HE Ms Yvette Lambin-Berti honoured Kocijančič, who passed away on 1 June 2020, for his great contribution to the European Olympic Movement.

“We are deeply saddened by the passing away of the EOC President,” said Lambin-Berti. “We wanted to pay tribute to his dedication and commitment to the Olympic values.”

EOC Secretary General Raffaele Pagnozzi warmly thanked the NOC of Monaco: “Janez is greatly missed by all of us. Your thoughts and very kind gesture were very much appreciated and prove that he has left an unforgettable mark in our hearts.”

SPAIN – ‘For a Spain with Values’ campaign unveiled

A campaign entitled “For a Spain with Values” (Por Una España Con Valores) was launched at the headquarters of the Spanish NOC in Madrid on 7 July 2020.

NOC President Alejandro Blanco and the President of the Catholic University of San Antonio de Murcia (UCAM), José Luis Mendoza, presented the video for this campaign, accompanied by a number of Olympic athletes.

The NOC and UCAM created the campaign to send a message to society. Using a video featuring athletes, campaign is aimed at showing that, in these difficult times, the only way we can overcome the crisis is by being united and acting responsibly, and the values of sport can help achieve this. Read more


UKRAINE - 5,000 athletes and coaches from 11 countries join scientific, educational webinars

The NOC of continues to respond to modern challenges by implementing new ways to carry on with its activities. A series of weekly online meetings dedicated to Olympic education and training has been attended by some 5,000 athletes, coaches and officials, including representatives from 11 countries (Ukraine, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Armenia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Uzbekistan and Estonia).

During 10 scientific webinars, the participants gained useful knowledge about Olympic training, the basics of balanced nutrition, psychological support, as well as Olympic education and history.

The lecturers included experts and professors from the Olympic Institute of the National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine, such as Volodymyr Platonov, Maria Bulatova, Larysa Gunina, Nadiia Vysochina and Iryna Sivash.

“We have to be flexible and efficient, looking for new ways to move forward. In this difficult time, it is important to pay maximum attention to education and development, gaining new knowledge,” said NOC of Ukraine President Sergey Bubka. “The National Olympic Committee is pleased to implement a useful scientific and educational programme and to involve colleagues and friends from the NOCs of other countries.” Read more OLYMPIC EVENTS Olympic Games - Olympic Movement #StrongerTogether marks one year until Tokyo 2020

On 23 July, the Olympic Movement marked one year to go until the postponed Olympic Games Tokyo 2020. Throughout the day, the key date was marked through a series of activities taking place worldwide on digital channels.

A key component of the initiatives took place in Tokyo itself. The local organisers held a live media event at the Olympic Stadium, where they premiered a video showcasing support for all the athletes around the world. This featured the Olympic flame and inspirational Japanese athlete Rikako Ikee.

On 24 July, the IOC, the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) and Airbnb also launched the Olympian and Paralympian Online Experiences Festival, which will feature a programme of unique activities hosted by athletes. Many of the experiences are presented by European athletes, including: Cook up a storm with legend Colin Jackson (athletics, Great Britain); Join a scenic training ride with Jonny Brownlee (triathlon, Great Britain); and Discover velodrome secrets with Elia Viviani (track cycling, Italy). Read more


Youth Olympic Games - Dakar 2022 postponed to 2026

By mutual agreement, the government of Senegal and the International Olympic Committee (IOC) decided to postpone the Youth Olympic Games (YOG) Dakar 2022 to 2026.

The postponement allows the IOC, the NOCs and the International Federations (IFs) to better plan their activities, which have been strongly affected by the postponement of the Olympic Games Tokyo 2020, as well as by the subsequent postponements of major international sports events and the operational and financial consequences of the global health crisis. At the same time, this agreement allows Senegal to continue its excellent preparations for the Youth Olympic Games.

“This amicable agreement illustrates the mutual trust between Senegal and the IOC. I would like to express my sincere thanks to Senegalese President Macky Sall, a great friend and supporter of the Olympic Movement, for this exceptional relationship of trust and quality. For all these reasons, I am sure that, together, we will organise fantastic Youth Olympic Games Dakar 2026 for Senegal, the entire African continent and all the young athletes of the world,” said IOC President Thomas Bach. Read more

Winter Olympic Games – Candidature Process far less costly for Milano Cortina 2026

An independent audit presented at the 136th IOC Session revealed that Milano Cortina 2026’s average budget was lower by as much as 80 per cent compared to the average budget of the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games’ candidature process.

The 2026 edition of the Winter Games has an average budget of less than USD 5 million, compared to Beijing 2022’s USD 35 million budget. IOC President Thomas Bach attributed the reduced cost to Olympic Agenda 2020’s third recommendation, which calls for lower expenses by providing support to interested parties.

“This has made creating Olympic Games projects much more affordable and accessible, which was proven by the Candidature Process 2026 and the many expressions of interest we have received for future Olympic Games,” President Bach explained.

During the candidature process for the 2026 Games, the IOC conducted a non-committal Dialogue Stage for a year, supporting seven interested cities and NOC development projects for the Olympic Winter Games in different ways, such as shouldering the technical services needed. This stage featured interactive working sessions and expert visits to walk interested parties through various areas of Games organisation. Read more

8 July 2020 EOC NEWSLETTER EUROPEAN UNION Commissioner Gabriel attends EOC EU Office’s Annual Partner Meeting

European Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth Mariya Gabriel attended the EOC EU Office Annual Partner Meeting, which was held via video conference on 2 July 2020.

The event brought together the sports movement and EU leaders to discuss the latest updates on EU policies and other issues facing the world of sport today, in particular due to the COVID-19 crisis.

All partners had the opportunity to have an initial exchange with Commissioner Gabriel, who showed strong motivation and energy to develop sport at the European level by closely cooperating with sports organisations throughout her mandate.

The Commissioner highlighted her ambitions for the future of sport in Europe and emphasised the importance of using the post-crisis period to strengthen sport at all levels, from grassroots to elite sport. To achieve this, she stressed the need to go beyond the funding available under the Erasmus+ programme by also looking to the structural funds at the regional level to build “a real ecosystem of sport.”

With regard to the European sports model, she highlighted the importance of working on its preservation at the EU level and, in parallel, respecting the autonomy of sports organisations, an essential element for the sports movement. She invited the sports movement to discuss with her about the main topics needing to be prioritised and the challenges encountered by sports organisations. Because, as she mentioned: “We need to start from somewhere, and sports organisations are in the right place to talk about it.”

She also highlighted EU initiatives such as the #BeInclusive Awards and the European Week of Sport, noting: “To popularise sport and physical activity is important, but it is not enough. We need to think now about innovation and new technologies and come up with strong ideas and concrete actions to establish a permanent work.” Read more MISCELLANEOUS MEDITERRANEAN GAMES –Taranto 2026 mascot unveiled

Ionios, a dolphin with a punk hairstyle, has been unveiled as the official mascot of the Mediterranean Games Taranto 2026.

Over 10,000 people took part in the online poll to choose the mascot for these Games. Ionios, whose prototype was made by local artisans from this southern Italian city, won with 48 per cent of votes over a merman “superhero” and a mussel.

The mascot has the task of promoting this major sports competition, which will shine the national and international spotlight on the city of Taranto. Ionios carries a torch, the symbol of the city of Taranto. Read more


With #1YearToGo European athletes are hungrier than ever to compete at Tokyo 2020! How are they dealing with the postponement of the Olympic Games? Find it out by watching this video! #StrongerTogether

On 21 July, 1 year ago, the 15th Summer European Youth Olympic Festival (EYOF) kicked off in Baku, Azerbaijan. Enjoy our video and take a moment to relive #Baku2019!

*Due to the summer holidays, the EOC newsletter will not be published next month. News from August will instead be included in the September issue. Happy holidays and enjoy the summer!

Copyright © 2020 European Olympic Committees, All rights reserved.

EUROPEAN OLYMPIC COMMITTEES Via della Pallacanestro 19 00135 Rome Italy [email protected]