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12-11-1866 Portland Daily Press: December 11,1866

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Established Jane 23, 1862. tol. 5. PORTLAND, TUESDAY ✓ ———■ ■ —■7. I'HE PORTLAND DAlLV Is PRKSS published NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. NEW A DVERTISEMENTS. A telegram dated New kOrleans, Nov. 14th, XXXIX SESSION. POliTLAND everyday, (Sunday cveepted,) al No. 1 Printers’ troni oONGBE3S~*EOOND 8Dce ory to fnu"‘ Gen. Sheridan, saje: Ortega was arrest- I "OS to then, w lave Evrhange, Commercial Sti'cet, Portland, by N. 4* ed for tf f. LATEST NEWS t To- ■ Poster, Proprietor. violation of the neutrality laws, which SENATE. New Ad eiti««nnul» ^ HaJI proved as at Matamoras : jntiew store XJ. S. Marshal’8 Notice. BY TELEGRAPH TO THE opportune, Canales Washington, Dec. 10. Terms —Light Dollarr a in advano*. r and sstjfrat vf^r COLUMN. ^fed Negrete and his adherents in Brownsville, Mr. Wade reported from the Committee on ENTERTAIXMENT aod ^r is-a,J toe ,Me- PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. were just his arrival to assert his and in- 1 lilt: MAINE STATE is at the op America, > awaiting Territories the bill to admit Nebraska, Irphauw' Fair at Bath. PRESS, published claims an to no ad- to a me at a District or s. s. I by appeal arms. He has troduced a bill to admit Colorado, which latter Levee at Stoveus Plains. Sr place every Tbumday morning $*.00 year, Entire Sew Stock ! Maine, herents we">«- ^J22LobH^ ••variably in advance. to a Monition from tho Hon. Edward in Mexico except the French and Eng- was referred to the Committee on Territories. NEW OLUMN ,U" ^d,Dff Place,, tk ADVERTISEMENT tout *"*» our PURSUANTFox, Jndge of tbe United Siates District lish merchants who have on themsei. Court, Tuesday DeceAbor 11,18C6. heretofore supported Mr. Edmunds, from the Joint Committee U. 8. Marshal's Sale. own ,rf- in within and tor the District ot Malue, 1 hereby Morning, ^ Kates op Advertising.—Due iueb.0 space, give Maximillian. There is no trouble in northern with amendments, the J. M. »i»8inR, which was *r. 0. nubile notice that the Libel has been hied ----1— Retrenchment, reported Sleighs.. Kimball A Co. Stores., enptlioi column. const ituicb F. & following Mexico in and and New (“square/ THRASHER In except Matamoras Tarnpico, bill introduced by Mr. Williams on the flint day Store—C. F. Thrasher A Co. Mis- ‘l.3» week : 73 per CO., said Conrt, via: these nurnliara, Mrs. Ellis. and jor square daily first cent^ merchants are at the bottom of it. of the in to the tenure of offices. Re-opened— Fulton Fish Market. contmu take pkaaora in to tlia citizen, of Port- A Libel against tbe Steamer H. H. her En- My session, regard Sir. week alter; three insertions, or loss, $1.0h; mnoiiDcing DAY, • letter and arrest F. T Burnham, was of a ora.. ‘.?y land and and on of Ortega will settle every- It removals without the consent of Copartnership—c. hrasher ft Co. high ~„r ng every other day alter first week, 60 cents. vicinity that their new store gine, Machinery, taekei, apparel farmture, WASHINGTON, prohibits Auction one behalf of John in thing on the liio Grande ami I think he Sale—Henry A Co. piece elicited ^ Hall throe insertions or lees, 75 cents; Corit of Cumberland, said District line, the Senate. Mr. Edmunds gave notice that Bailey enthusiastic applause. Ae. square, within a Lost—Wallet. week alter. in a cause of collision civil and maritime, as is more few and Canales can go should on was over week. St.(Hi. 30 cents per NO. 4 FREE STREET days Ortega call up this bill Thursday. U. 8. Marshal s Notice. Concert the settees w.vre cleared from BLOCK, sot forth in tbe said that a Under bead ui Amuskments,” $2.00ner square particularly Libel; hear- without violating the neutrality. 1 hope the The bill to elective franchise in the Montreal ami will be had at JEFF. DAVIS’ TRIAL. regulate Ocean Steamship Co the hall and as as week ilivce insertions or less, $1.50. ing trial tlicreon Portland in said Government me in this many could be accommoda- per will be opened will support simple District of Columbia was taken up on motion Executor’s Notice. srra'i vl ticks,$1.23 square lor the first in- District, on Wednetday the twelfth day qf December and per just method of peace to our bor- of Mr. Morrill. Poultry, A Morse. ted, amused themselves with to the sertion, uud 25 cents per square for each murent, at 11 o’clock in the forenoon, when and whore restoring Ac.—Cooper dancing subsequent THIS der, ami trade and commerce to our to Cape Elisabeth Steam nsertion. DAY any persons lme ested therein, may appear and show The Discovery and Arrest of John people.— Mr. Trumbull previously tried, and failed, Corry Splendid music furnished bv Chandlers Bawl There will bo and Lost—Bracelet. Advertiseukul.s inserted in the **Majne Staif. cause, if any can be shown, wherefore tbe same trade through Brownsville call up the bill to repeal the amnesty power of with an new stock of foreign and domestic should not be decreed liable to said U. Surratt, Brazos with northern Mexico of the Rice—Churchill, Browns A Manson. Press”(which bus a large circulation in every par- eiyire claim. Santiago $1*2,- President. Notice—G. K. P. Y. if. C. A. Lectpbes.—Kev. Dr. Dated at Portland this tenth as Jewett. btocle ol' the siiatelfor $1.00 per square tor first insertion* day of December. 000,000 yearly soou as these Mexican troubles Mr. Poland a memorial of the Wool Watch A. 1866. presented Lost. will deliver the third lecture and 60 cents per square »*»r each subsequent inper- U., subside. Growers* Convention of the liridge of tie, F.A QUINBY, Vermont, urging Wanted—Salesman. i.-n DRY GOODS Correspondence Coiecmiug the Occupa- (Signed) P. H. Sheridan. of their Referred. Steamboat course before the Portland Young Men’s Chi ie. Deputy U. S. Marshal Diet, oi Maine. protection interests. Notice—Ladv Lang. A second dated New Orleans 27th, Mr. tlue Lost—Pocket Book. Doc. 11—dtd tion of Mexican Territory, telegram Ramsey offered a resolution that tian Association, at Central Church, on In New York and Boston since the recent fear un- Notice. purchased expresses that Gen. Sedgwick will, for Committee on Public Lauds into the Copartnership decline in The 9tock inquire New Wednesday evening. His subject, “A Week entertainments. heavy prices. comprises every accountable and unjustifiable reasons, demand of and me- Oyster House—Hay A Perry. of Seizure of Goods. expediency making agricultural Seizure of description Dec. 10. of Canales the surrender of Matamoras on the Goods—Israel Washburn, Jr. in Athens,” will, prove very in- OTICJfi is that the de- Washington, chanical college land scrip receivable is pay- undoubtedly, ]VT hereby given following It is not true, as has been that plea of the of the houses of -L1 scribed were seized at oort telegraphed, preventing pillage ment for teresting, as lie will of what came under goods this Decem- the pre-emptions. Adopted. THU COURT*. speak ORPHANS' DUESS ber tor a Supreme Court of the United States re- Americans. He the situation there is this: Mr. a FAIR! GOODS, 8th, 1866, violation of the Revenue Laws: says Chandler introduced resolution pro- liis observation while in that Tickets cently made a new rule admitting members to ‘‘Gen. Escobado is in front of the with for the of the lives ol place. 44 yds Tapestry Carpeting ana 10 yds Dress Goods city viding better security UNITED can such as its liar without the test oath. about 3500 and STATES DISTRICT COURT. be secured at named in the. advertise- at Appraisers Store in this city—landed from Steamer taking The old men, Canales ottered to surren- passengers on board steam vessels. Referred. places The Home Association “New oath is administered to in der il the .Liberal Government would the BEFORE JUDGE FOX. ment. Orphans’ BLACK 8VLK8, England,” Nov. 17,1866. applicants open pay Mr. Howes presented a bill providing that a One package containing 1 pr 1 woolen court, and the is to retire to merchants who have been him in Nobuxincsi was transacted O F Pantaloons; applicant required supportin'? person imprisoned for offences against the Unit- yrsterday. This morn- B A T II SILK AND W OOI. Vest. 21 yds woolen Cloth, marked “Nyrus Silver, one of the offices and there sub- his illegal and infamous acts. This Escobado ,he men POPLINS, adjoining ed States shall have the benefit of the laws of ing argu swill eomo off In the case of Hen- Back Again.—The thousands who Utica, N. Y.” scribe to the test oath. This would not do.” have pur- Will bold a Fair for tile benefit of the Home ALL WOOL information is de- the State in which he is Referred ry L. A aN. t C. chased recently POPLINS, imprisoned. Fearing Ilenry Cheeseman A al— fish at the Fnlton on established in this at Any person or persons claiming the same are re- rived from Mr. Middleton, the Clerk of the A later from Gen. Sheri*!an says: to Market, Federal city, the telegram Judiciary Committee. Messrs. Howard A Cleaves for and THIBET* in nU .Indn, quested to appear and make such claims wltliki twenty Court. “I hope he has not made the blunder. There is Mr. libellants, tilessrs. Street, which was the Brown offered the followiug resolution, Evans A destroyed by great Are, days from the date hereof, otherwise the said goods Lorenzo no doubt Putuam lor respondents. CITY Sherwood, Esq., late of in my mind but that Gen. which was to: will be glad to see the HALL, BABATHEA CLOTHS, win be disposed of in accordance with the Acta of Con- Texa,-, ap- Sedgwick agreed announcement of peared on the of the United States lias had some influence to bear Hop- —ON THE— gress In such cases made and opening brought upon Resolved, That the Commiteee on Post Offices kin* that he is back EHPBE8S CLOTH*! provided. Court him. SUPREME JUDICIAL COURT. again at the old a ISRAEL Supreme this morning, and requested Gen. Sedgwick went o> er to Matamoras and Post Roads be instructed to into place, Uili Mouth. WASHBURN, Jr., inquire CRIMINAL and more 11th, and i:iih of till* Collector. permission for Gov. Hamilton and himself to and took breakfast witli the merchants on the the ol the Post Office TERM.-TAPLEY J, PRESIDING. larger commodiou*store been ALPACCAS nU AMn ! _ expediency authorizing having the as to the he wrote the MONDAT.-In the esse where he The F.iic will be opencl TUESDAY EVENING by Portland, Dec 11, 1868. decll, 18, 25*31 reargue question constitutionality morning letter, which I enclose to Department to construct and operate telegraph of state y Michael Flaher- erected, will keep supplied with all Also one of the of the law an aUili-M-s by largest assortments ot prescribing the test oath. His re- you. Escobado was about to take the lines the f mail or such as ty, for larceny .if goods from the store kinds of fresh place by along rincipal points, ot Messrs. Da- flab. This mornning he opens hia marks commanded the most atien- assault, and tblc to do when it deem with lines vis and COOPER & respectful wasf it, Sedgwick may necessary, or to coutract Baxter, at the time of the great the and GEN. CH IMBEKIjAIN ! MOUSE, tion, and was his flro, Jury establishment, will display some fine permission granted to file the apparently adopted course to prevent it, already if that be deemed more ad- that very pleasure in informing their old patrons and established, reported they could not a HOUSEKEEPING GOODS motion with the Clerk in of his re- and save the merchants. The whole agree upon verdict.— halibut. Ii will also be open to visitors on the afternoon and TAKEfriends that they have resumed business at their pursuance affair, visable, for the use and control of such lin^s; I quest. should it Flaherty was discharged upon hia own of and ever OLD STAND, fomer of Market and Milk take place, will not and in connection with the business to recognisance evening Wednesday Thursday. ottered in the market. We would call particular streets, complicate postal for hU have where will on me U. 8. Consul at Vera Cruz Stanton appearance at the next term Portland Arrangements been made with the Portland attention to our stock ot they keep constantly hand the best as- reports to things. Secretary replies that Sedg- establish offices at such points as may be deter- of the Court. Typographical Union.—At the & Kennebec and sortment of the State .Androscoggin Railroads, that Maximilian was to wick’s action is and orders him to mined and Thomas was on sn annual whereby Department, disapproved upon, open at all hours to the public Armstrong tried indictment meeting, on the fol- passengers who attend,the Pair can pass over the leave Orizaba on the 28th of November for be under arrest. Gen. Saturday evening, the placed Sheridan asks press, for a sale and speedy transmission.of dis- charging him with twelve Iron know- roads ai Jialf fare rales from Dec. 10th to the 14th in- WOOLENS Meats, Poultry, Game, &c„ of and leave receiving bars, lowing officers were chosen for the City Mexico, that the TJ. S. mission to go over and settle the on De- under and at a fix- the same to ensuing clusive. That the market affords, and it will be their earnest troubles, patches proper regulations, ing have been stolen. The bars are Iks for was to be in a man- cember 1st. year: 8. C. A. Per order of the Men ana wear, confident that the as endeavor to serve their customer'* with likely regarded friendly ed minimum rate, the committee to report by ones stolen from 8trout, President; M. Kimball Committee of Anangcments. Boy’s price, promptness ner the burial lot of the late well as the cannot fail to and by the French in that bill or Judge Pot- and T. J. Bath, Dec. 10,166C. declld3t goods, please. fidelity. decl dtf republic. otherwise. In the Borges*, Vice Presidents; Isaac The for the Election ot a New ol ter, Eastern Cemetery by three who Cobb, project supplanting Governments Presideift the Mr. irumbtill moved to take up tlie bill re- boys, C. H. REnEIDBEB THE To the Senate and at have pleaded to the Treasurer; Ford, Corresponding Secre- Levee at Stevens’ Plains. PEACE ! House of Representatives in the the South, and making Territories of the pealing that part of the confiscation act con- guilty larceny. Maine assembled: is Senate. The evidence in tary; \V. H. Legislature of States, assuming shape and there is no on the the case wag In. and Mr. Cushing, Recording C. The Ladle* of liie ferring power President to grant par- put Put- Secretary; C. F. the Directors of the Eliza- doubt but what the measure will be nam made the W. Bean, THRASHER & CO., undersigned, Cape pushed dons. The motion was lost. argument tor tha accused. He was Sergeant-at-Arms; Charles Doug- THEbeth Steam Essay Company, respectfully forward and without B. F. through delay. The Mexican The bill to fix the franchise in the District of followed by County Attorney Webb tor the Btata.— lass, Nelson and A. M. Universalist AT THE pray that said Company may lie authorized to in- All to Question. Starblrd, Stand- Circle! OLD STAND, attempts interfere with the National Columbia was taken that all the Sewing crease lie capital also to increase the ratal of up. It provides At conclusion of the argument of Mr. the ing Committee. bold a Levee ia the vestry ol the new stock; Banks or the were voted W'eLb, \\TIEL toll said to such amount as tne currency summarily males, except paupers and wards, are entitled Court ▼ » Church ou Stevens’ l>ec. 10th. Arti- upon Ferry Legisla- down in the arljourned to ten o'clock Tuesday at Plains, No. 4 Free Street Block. ture snail deem suitable. House to-day. PROTEST FROM SANTA to and for who defeat morning, cles lor sale, Refresh &c., will be ANNA. vote, punishing persons which time will The officers and teachers of incuts, dispensed. decll JOSEPH W. There is the best for the these Judge Taplcy give the csso to the the Allen Mis- A silver cup will be awarded lor tlie best (it DYER, authority saying provisions. conundrum; BENJAMIN W. FiCKETT, President has determined uot to in- Colombia Jury. sion Sunday School the a wooden spoon for the poorest. A pleasant time is positively The committee in the District of acknowledge reception CHARLES FOBES. terfere in the case of Jeff. New Deo. 19. of ex pci; ed. Th oi jcct is to I m ulsh tlie church which Davis, by ordering York, recommend as a substitute, a hill excepting all Sunday fifty Testaments and twelve from J. A NEW Portland, 11 d2awSw hisrelease on but A Temperance Meetings — Bibles, is bung com )>lcted. ^OYSTER HOUSE Dec^ 186a._dec parole, that he will remain Washington special says the question of who bail left to aid in the rebellion, and pro- Tte first P. where is a ot a series of Magee, Agent for the School Union Contributions to Fancy or Refreshment Tables, he until arrangements can he made electing Vice-President iu place of Senator vides for tlie registration of voters. public Sunday evening Sunday Fish Pond or anv for liia trial whose term ol Temper- of the M. E. department will be gratefully re- Steamboat Notice sometime during the ensuing Foster, (.nice expires on the 4th Mr. Morrill that it made Bo dis- ance Cnurch, Boston. The above are ceived. A commit!** will bu in at ol March explained meetings, inaugurated by the temperance wailing the church X UK C H ROOM! spring. next, will be brought up in caucus in tinction of and defended the Senate from the more received on the lttbh. color, organizations of this was gratefully from the fact that Wednesday The President sent documents rela- a few days, the general that in city, held on la»t 8un- declltd Last of the Season! to-day opinion being the attacks of the press. the of the Trip tive to the case of the death of Mr. day in Superintendent School applied to Among the “Buins” discovery-aiul arrest of Surratt. A Johnson he (Foster) Mr. Wiley remarked that it was rather hard evening Temperance Hall, Congress letter from Consul at could not hold the office of President street. the Agent of the Maine State Bihle for P. Y. M. C. A. COURSE LECTURES Wilding Liverpool, dat- beyond to disfranchise the District rebels who had no All tbe seats were occupied and Society steamer LADY LANG will make ed Surratt was ex- the time he w:i; elected Senator. many a and r m aCS h September 27th, 1865, says voice in national affairs hut to have in stood the supply was reflated MR. •ligjataAJKbcr last trip tor the season (to in which Some of Mexico still ought during evening. The was THltlD LBCTIIBE GEORGE S. HAY, Bangor pected Liverpool thatjilay, he trans- parts being blockaded He an meetihg BY or as far as the Ice will on FRIDAY EVEN- municipal. moved amendment striking called to order permit), mitted to Minister Adams. An affidavit by France, the has arisen whether a by the chairman of the Many y ear. of the late Freeman House ING. Deo at 9 o'clock. will return says question out the clause those who could commit- Bishop of Maine —Rev. Dr. Jfev. Dr. Proprietor 14th, Monday, that while lrom United States man-of-war disfranchising tee of Neely, Bishop STOCKBJRIPGE, and Dec 17th. going Montreal to Quebec, he can land General not read and write. arrangements, Mr. A. J. Chase, wko read elect of Maine, preached with to Wednesday Dec. becamp acquainted with a man him- Sherman and Minister Campbell. It is assert- the acceptation Eirui*", 19th, SOMERBY, Agent. calling The amendment was divided, when Mr. Wil- rules adopted the committee S. F. _dclld4c_A. self who told him he had ed that the are that the vessel by for the gov- Urge congregations at St. Luke’s Church on In (lie CENTRAL CHURCH. Subject—“A Week PERRY, McCarty, been in the probabilities will son to the Senate to allow those who is in appealed ernment of the to in Athens.” Music picvious to the Lecture. hereby given, that the subscriber has confederate service, engaged in in- remain Mexican waters until advices reach hod ill the and who meetings, secure a ob- Sunday. He is one ot the best readers Respectfully give Inotice that they have built been conveying fought army owned prop- premier among to be had at NOTICEduly appointed Executor of tlie Will of between and Rich- there from our own and tbs French servance of the Evening Tickets, L*5c£nts, Packard’s, telligence Washington govern- erty or to a Christian to vote. subject and Sabbath the It is his Short & Carter & Dresser’s and at the door. Daniel Hood, late of Portland, that he had been ment. belonged church, evening. Episcopal clergy. expected con- Lofing's, mond, concerned in a plan Poor men needed the of the ballot Prayer was ottered Doors a t Lecture at o’cli >ck. declOdSt No. 80 Federal Street. in the County of Cumberland, deceased, and lias tak- protection by Cyrus Stui secration to the will take open «£ 7$ for carrying off' President which was Our government has received a communica- Levant, Bishopric place in en upon himself that trust by giving bonds as the Lincoln, Mr. Anthony moved to amend so*as io ex- Alter One concocted J. Wilkes tion from Santa Anna in relation Est], stating the general of the in door west ol , and fitted, fur- law directs. All persons demands the entirely by Booth and to Mexican clude aiders of the rebellion. object January, Trinity Church, New and having upon to York, Hall. nished aud stocked the same as a first class estate of said are that he came to Canada affairs. The full tenor of the letter has not t meeting be the Theatre, Peeving Oyster deceased, required to Exhibit the himself; just before y'. Mr. Cowan asked who was to determine the awakening of the public that he will bo offered the of St. House and Lunch Boom. same; and all persons indebted to said estate ate call- the assassination of President but it is known that Santa minds to rectorship Lincoln; that transpired publicly, existence of the disqualification. The people the imp .rtance of temperance labor Luke’s Church. Hidwcll A' Lcmbcc* A ed upon to make payment to while in Canada he received a Anna the Ki’owaC) Malingers* Lunch furnished at all Hours. letter from’ protests against contemplated action of the Di. trict were not until tried. the €». IL » SEW ALL guilty chairman called Mr. IVilMou, Hinge Manager. B. HASKELL, Executor. it had of the Administration so far as upon Sturdevant and Booth, saying become necessary t > the latter pro- Mr. was a OYSTERS cooked to orderin every style. Portland Dec. 4.1880. dec 11 d&w;iw 51 Anthony replied that there way of the Hon. Charles change their and him come poses to the de facto of Holden to address the In the settlement of our ElVGAGEifli:iVT FOK <» NIC*UTS OND¥ plant, requested to protection government establishing the first provided for. meet- early country the to and that he did Mexico as Santa or oth- Both with the Washington immediately, against Anna, Ortega The question was then put on Mr. ing. responded briefly a oil to tbe greatest anxiety was, how onr oould eminent American Tragedian start He er who Anthony’s point. people get Balls, Clubs, Parties and Families! Notice immediately. did not whether he Mexicans, may choose to contest the and it was Mr. of Copartnership say amendment, Gerald, Massachusetts was then intro- of wholesome food. Now went there or not,hut said that on his hack authority of Juarez. It has also come out here adopted, enough good the Supplied at short notice. way The question was then taken on Mr. Willey’s who Mr. to the train was that Santa Anna has and duced, spoke for an hour. So manner of has so Joseph Proctor, A. C. MITCHELL retires from our firm, and Canada, delayedjat St. Albans, planned contem- the first section been strick- nearly long, living changed, that many MR. T. S. proposition, having as the HATCH, his interest and therein ceases from this and while at the breakfast table plates an expedition into with the view speaker confined himself who will have the honor of on MB. liability sitting agentle- Mexico, en out by yeas 41, nays 1, and tlie Senate re- to a re- people really suffer, and of kind appearing Pronounced “The Best Cook in man of simple enough every Oyster Portland,”' date. next to him spoke of the assassination of establishing a government in the Republic fused to it. lation of his will liav. char ;e of the MR. adopt experience, his speech was touch- around them. is this? It is because their Cooking Department which it JOHN WILLIAMSON is admitted partner Mr. and that or as he to his and inter Why Monday Dec. a Lincoln, he, McCarty, according peculiar opinions The then came on the substitu- livening, 10th, sufficient guarantee that iu that line in our firm from this date. question up iugly eloquent, but when he food and everything then called himself, “the ests. undertook to dis- distresses them. Buy one bottle of Main’s every Evening forenoon convention the subject of money, ap- The vote ill Boston for Mayor, foots Ways and Means to inquire into the expedien- wife to mourn his sudden .TO Cases the pealed to him not to his secret. The up Havana re- Gin, Anchor John DcKuyper. Papal debt, the provisions of which have betray 0714 for and 4888 for Dr. Nor- cy of abolishing the 5 per cent, internal reve- death. Ouaroks.—A nice lot of oranges 400 Galls. Alcohol. 5 informant an earnest desire that if Norcross, (llep.,) Casks Alcohol,Mper been for a long time under discussion, has been expressed The nue tax on manufactures and of me- at L. Pcrkiu’s 6 Casks cross, (opposition). Republicans claim products ceived J. confectionery rbor Promenade Concert! ccnt.proqf; din; 4 Qr. Pipes John Htnnesey auy steps were taken towards reclaiming him, chanical Air. the Note from Mr. 23 Cases formally signed. the full Board of Aldermen, in a few skill; by Kelly, declaring prop- Sidney. Bloek. j Brandy ; Brandy, John Hennesey ; 1 Box St. Dec. 9.—An (Surratt) us a criminal, he should not be known though, Morton Petersburg, Imperial ukase instances the vote is re- osition that the war debt of the should Oil 1 bbl 1 close and country _ qf Cloves; Sugar of Lead; Box Tobacco: in the matter. very may VIo December has been issued all the relations of Secretary Stanton, l!>th, r not he that M*. 10,1806. 8 Bcxes of Tobacco; o Half Chests Tea; 21 declaring May quire iiicial count. A large of the extinguished by the generation Editor:—A statement Olong Russia with the of Rome I860, says the report was referred to Ad- majority appeared in vour 17th Maine Re*’( Association Ibis. Cloves ■, 1£ bols Nutmegs; 4 bbfs Pope abrogated, and Judge Council and officers elect are contracted it, is not sanctioned by sound prin- of The Macaboy vocate woo city Republican. «heabove inst.stat- Till STATU. Snuff, annulling all special laws of the which Holt, recommended him not to In of and docs not meet the 1 that ?“1 thp,n>or?ln« Empire Lowell, the Republican ticket for city of- ciples economy, ap- purchased some coats of Terms Sale—Cash on Sale. have heretofore been made in accordance prosecute without due confession verified by r a number GIVE A of day qf with ficers is elected by about 800 Geo. proval of the House; referred to Committee on jjTILL Dated at this eleventh of such relations. oath. majority. * —The Machias Republican says a circular Portland, day December, F. Richardson is Mayor elect. Ways and Means. By Air. Spaulding, directing te “do A. D. 1866. London, Dec. from Candia Secretary Seward, May 28th, 1866, suggests, tlie Reconstruction Committee to into which has been sent to recent- CHARLES 9.—Dispatches i.yillT it as re-elected Roland C. Usher, Mayor, inquire SenatorSpraguc Promenade Concert CLARK, state that the Cretans are as we have no with the submitting to the treaty Papal govern- over IV. A. Brown 831 Both the expediency ot preparing a joyit resolution forth the of tho water pow- U. S. Marshal, District of Maine. a by majority. gen- ly, setting sdvautages — AT— of the all means of further ment, special agent be sent to Koine to de- decll dlDdays power Turks, resis- tlemen are Republicans. declaratory of the purpose of Congress to ad- from tance been exhausted. The mand his surrender. er cf the East Machias river—ita safety having report that In Koxbury Mayor Lewis was re-elected mit the rebellious States on the ratification bv the Cretans had a Minister to June freshet and ice—its reservoir*, its close MECHANIC S’ HAIL, blown up convent garrison- King Secretary Seward, with little them of the Constitutional amendment, and 8 large ed Turkish is 23d says he communicated with his informant opposition. °WD’*,r Montreal Ocean Co. troops confirmed, but the loss • the establishment of a form of gov- foil valuT50"9 ?hich' to tide was duly rcoeiv- —ON— Steamship by the and Worcester, Dec. 10. republican John Sidney. proximity water,&c., of life the Turks was small. day liefore, received from him the ac- _ among In the city election to-day Hon. James B. ernment, which was adopted. o*l his at Providence, B. I. Geu Dec. Noon.—The companying document. He had at the 6auie Our l>y agent De;i. 13, London, 10, Times, in an ed- was re-elected without Air. Boss offered a resolution instructing tlie iuformatinn was derived from the Thursday Evening*, 1866, CARRYING THE CANADIAN time a Ion" conversation Blake, Republican, op- police is now in but his return is itorial this morning, says the Fenians have been with him, which tend- Committee on to into the ex- officers. Sprague Kurope, AND UNITED STATES position. The Board of Aldermen is Republi- Banking inquire Upon inquiry there the the Fourth of the aud that it would be mad- ed to confirm his beliet in the truth of his the national yesterday of- soou Anniversary MAILS. fairly check-mated, can by 88a luajorit Total vote, 1723; a very pediency of withdrawing currency ficers statcil that expeted. ness on statements. He rcoorted to him Surratt’s con- the arrested their part to attempt rebellion. vote. The Common and substituting greenbacks. Laid on the ta- boys for hirceuy —The states that tho number of new of fession of light Council stands 18 of cats took Whig battle fi»edebick§bubg, Booked to and Cardinal Cullen has issued a his’coinplicity in the murder of Pres- ble a vote of Ho to 5!*. them to Mr. PawNgrin Londonderry pastoral urging Republicans to 6 Citizens. by Sidney’s shop and at Return Tickets at ident and the admission of his students the Bangor Theological Scminary Liverpool. granted the Irish pimple to obedience to the law and Lincoln, moth- New Air. llanling, of Illinois, offered a resolution said that was the Complimentary to the Reduced Rates. er’s in Haven, Ct., Dec. 10. place where they sold them class will the avoidance of all secret societies. guilty participation the same plot. The the some committee to a bill tbis term is about twenty. The new The election for town officers in the town ol instructing report and stated the lor Arrests still continue to be made arid more informant was formerly engaged as a school- price paid them. If Mr. Sid- receiv- FOREST CITY RAND! The Steamship ST. DAVID Capt. Aird will Milford to resulted in a Democratic ma- prohibiting any diminution of the national number sixteen. The middle class has master at a small in day, ney has sail from this port for Liverpool, SATURDAY, 16th artillery will leave for Ireland soon. village Maryland called dl 80. tenders and currency, and to discourage issues any difficulty to settle, it must be with and jority ed an addition of foar, and the senior, one. MANAGERS: December, 1866, immediately after the arrival of the Paris, Dec. 10.—The new Minister to the Texas, proposed to return to the United of hank hills under National and State laws. the police officers. Newborytort, Dec. 10. not deter- train of the previous dav from Montreal, to be follow- United M. sailed States and give evidence. He wishes his name The successor to Prof Harris is yet CoL Thus. A. Col. (* P. Matlocks, States, Berthuny, for New Colonel Eben F. Stone was Laid on tlie table, 94 to 00. Roberts, ed by the Moravian on the 23d. conceaiel because he believes elected Mayor of Ool. Obas. B. Ool. Win. York on the publication The select committees are announced as fol- Relief for Merrill, Hobson, Passage to and (ac- Saturday. this city to-day. Vessels.. The 8tar states mined upon. Edwin I*. W. 11. Londonderry Liverpool, cabin, Dec. 10.—Some of the French of it would endanger his life. It is said in his MaJ, Hough ton,Major Green, cording to accommodation) $70 to $80. Rome, troops lows: On New Orleans riots, Messrs. Elliot, that the —The Machias says that hay is H. L. K. N. A. Hersoni, sworn Btatemerit that Surratt remarked in Treasury Department has ordered the Republican Surgeon Wiggin, Surgeon Steerage, $25: are still here and will remain until the end of Shellabarger and Campbell; on the murder of Ast. Surg. N. B. Coleman. Ast. Surg. Jos. G. Sturgis, New York that he to when revenue steamer dollars per ton now, against six- Parable in Gold or its equivalent. December. proposed fly the MEXICO. United States soldiers in South Carolina, Mahoning, Capt. Webster, to twenty-five C. W. Roberts, Adjt. P. S. B*>oihby, was done. jaT'For or to deed on cruise teen and dollars last year at this time. Geo. A. Freight passage apply Messrs. Bike, Farnsworth and I constantly during the winter for the eighteen Adjt. Parker, Qnartenn’r dosialiKemick, H. & A. No. 3 India St. Minister to Cooper; A. J. A. ALLAN, Orphans’ Home Fair.—The good people of King Secretary Seward, August Southern railroads, Messrs. Maynard, McClung, ! of —The editor of the Times has been Capt. Goldcrman, Capt. Perry, Nov 1806. Dec. 11 dtf puriiose rendering assistance to vessels on Bangor S. S. J. O. Portland, 26, 8th, 1866,says lie communicated to Cardinal the Liberal of and Capt. Richards, Capt. Perry, Bath have got up a Fair in aid of the Improving I'rosjtects of Alercer, Wushburne, Indiana, Chandler; or a of woolen which was G. W. Orphans’ Antonclli the information which was sent.— approaching the coast. The shown large web cloth, Capt. I. S. Fauncc, Capt. Veri-ill, on Internal Revenue frauds, Afessrs. Darling, cruising ground C. C. U. W. Home recently established in that city. This His Eminence was iot. rested Cause. is from Owl’s and wove the mother of Elhanan Oar- Capt. Cole, Capt. Briggs, greatly by it,|and Beaman, Eggleston, Meyers and Trimble. Head to Cape Ann. W. spun by G. B. l>unn, G. F. SLEIGHS. Home is to intimated that if our Government Oapt Capt. Capt. Sparrow, SLEIGHSTSLEIGflS, benefit particularly, the children of desired the The House took up the bill to fix the time tor is directed to of Kcnduskeag, now over 80 years Capt. Edwin I. Merrill, Capt. Edward M<»ore, surrender of the carry stores, provisions and land, Esq., deceased criminal, there would proba- of which was G. C. Prut, Capt. Geo. A. Wliidden, soldiers, and it is hoped that aid will New Dec. 10. the regular meeting Congress, and other of The Cloth la woven and very Capt. best and cheapest, assortment of Sleighs in bly be no difficulty. York, clothing supplies to be need in case age, finely apt. E. H. Crie, 1 ieut. D. J. Chandler, be extended to it from all A Brownsville the forces passed—127 to 30. THENew England, can be found at the Manufactory quarters. By pat- Secretary Seward, in a to Minister special says joint of need. Stores and strong. Lieut. Tho W. Lord, Lieut. S. W. Burnham, of dispatch finder Escobedo and Canales On motion of Air. Hale the Judiciary Com- supplies tern;shad the the Fair which will to-morrow October numbers about by name of Licit. Kdwin J.ient. C. G. ronizing open King, ICtb, 1366, directs him to em- were to whether learn that a little the Emery, Holyoke, and will move mittee instructed inquire any underwriter*, will be taken ot —We girl by a 4,000 men, through charge by the Lieut. O. W. Burnham, Lieut. J. M. Hall, in that a at for the noble ploy confidential person to compare the pho- Monterey', breach of has been committed in the at the south-end, neav the J. M. KIMBALL & city, sympathy, least, and march on privilege vessel and Gilmore, residing Lieut, das. M. Webb, Lieut, d. M. Salford, CO., with the and visit Venetia for gathering reinforcements, San distributed. In view ot this order burnt last evening will be shown. If of our benevo- tograph original, Luis arrest and of Air. Culver, mem- rope-walk, was shockingly Lieut. F. A. Lieut. T. A. Snowman, object any that and to the Potosi, Durango and Zacatecas. The imprisonment from the Snwver, purpose, pay informant a sum ber of from Department, it is suggested that some the of a kerosene lamp. We did Lieut. 11. L. Lieut. Newton Whitten. 302 Congress Street. lent citizens feel to it but concentrative action the Liberals through- Congress Pennsylvania. by explosion Bartels, disposed help along, of (amount not named) lor the infor- by of arrangement be made the Timet. Lieut. 11. B. Cummings, money, out the now deliv- The hill to provido for the payment pen- by our merchants or not learn particulars.—Bath Sleighs at prices to suit all customers. cannot spare time to let them send mation given upon the subject. The country promises thespeedy attend, Secretary erance of sions came up and or underwriters to to the Commercial Bulletin FLOOR MANAGERS. instrncts Mr. Mexico. Gen. Sherman, upon the passed. furtish and pnt on board —According Good business Sleighs at the low price of $50,00 to their contributions to the Committee of Ar- further King to seek an inter- On motion of Mr. the Committee T. A. Col. C. P. recovery of two-thirds of the States, will Bromeley such supplies a* is i Mills ISO hands, and Col. Roberts, Mattocks, $75.(,'0 Good Sleighs, trimmed all through, from $75,00 view with Cardinal Antonelli, and ask his Ho- to indicated. that the Winthrop emp'oy Wm. A. the of the on Commerce was instructed inquire wheth- Col. Hobpon, Capt. GoMarnian, to $100,00. rangements. liness in the absence of an probably urge meeting Republican 600 of whether, extradition er vessels were in the tom out 200 of blaukets and yards d. A. Perry, Lieut. 0. W. Burnham. any freight engaged — pairs Capt Also Light Sleighs of splendid make and General Chamberlain will open the Fair he would Surratt or Congress. Fair Fund. We are Lieut. J. M. Trotting treaty, give up, whether, coastwise trade to law. requested to state, The also owns a Salford, finish. Four, six and nine passenger sleighs. in the event of the contrary that flannel per day. company this evening, with an address. Persons dis- request being denied, he Air. Walker the Committee on another instalment of l4f“Any one desirous of getting a good Sleigh at Ilenvy Kobliery. On motion of this fund will be which a would enter into on extradition Also be cottou mill, produces large quantity Otlircrs and Soldiers who served during the recent LOW figure, will do well to give us a call. posed to attend can go at half and alsa treaty. Ways and Alcana was instructed to Inquire in- paid, on application to fare; that Surratt be not un- New Dec. 10. Geo. F. Emery, No. The Bulletin the rebellion arc Invited to attend in uniform and with Dec 11—d2w requesting discharged York, to the of reducing to 2 per cent, the ofjeotton warp. says produc- on either day the Fair is to-morrow and further advised. The 20 expediency 8 C lapjis on the distinctive badgts of their Divisions or Corps. held, til Royal Iusurance Company’s office, the manufacture of Block, Saturday afternoon, Dec. of the Dunn Tool Manufac- Wall taxon harnesses,saddles, ing capacity Edge Thnrsday. Minister King to Secretary Seward, dated street, wag robbed this morning of Gov- and 22d, at 3 o clock, to the in- at 9 O’clock. tin ware, lumber wagons carriages. lbUowiog persons who at West Waterville fcas been greatly Ilanriiijt Notice. Nov. 6ays he had an interview with ernment bonds to the value of Two tory Copartnership Rome, 2d, §100,000. Mr. Buekland moved that the Alilitarv Com- were resident in the the Gentleman and f.»r — well dressed city, 23.1, 1866, so that the year Tickets admitting Ladf, 81.00; Bangor Lumber Market. Amount of Cardinal Antonclli, who frankly replied that young men came into the office tlie of April creased, during coming Paine’S Mtisie Store. 13 Free undersigned have this formed a copart- mittee inquire into passing the sab-oi Oover’s, street, day he wot Id Surratt on indictment for thi‘ purpose, they of insurance expediency (adopting principles of the Pension laws.) doien of under the name of Lumber from 1st give up proper said, getting a law for the relief of soldiers who have acci- will embrace 2,000 axes, 1,000 and by the Committee Arrangements. THEnership surveyed January to Decem- on one of their lives. viz.: product and proof, at the request oi the Department of They went into the cor- lost their to. T. A. BOr.ORTS, OATT. J. A. ber 8tb, with ner deutly discharges. Agreed books and 12,000 scythes. OOL. FERRY, C. F. THRASHER & 1886, compared the amount sur- State. room whore Mr. the Agent was, Widows grass MAJOR E li. H0CJGHTON. CO., McDonald, Air. Julian moved that the Committee on In- of soldiers and seamen who lost the and one of them —The Lewiston Journal says it is very sick- veyed during same period in 1864 and 1865, Mr. King, under date of Nov. 10th, says th engaged him in conversation valid Pensions iuto the of their and have taken the new store on inquire expediency lives in the service. decCdtd.__ Cardinal him that or Wat- the subject of the life season. 1 as section this wiwmw ■« aaw———MW— reported for the Bangor informed Surratt, proposed insurance, allowing p n-ioners to receive the amount of ly in that Whig: arrested but \ while the other, it is entered the vault Guardians of NO. 4 FREE STREET^BLOCK, 1864. son, had been by his orders, while supposed, their from the date of their orphan children under sixteen —The Hou’ton Times is in favor of 1865. 1806. I in the and pensions discharges. eloquent Green Pine, on his way to Rome had escaped from his guard adjoining room, took tromitatin Air. Aloiillou moved the years of age, of such soldiers and The President's Message for the purpose of carrying on the Dry Good* business. 43,389,179 35,137.683 50,903,269 box Judiciary Commit- seamen. to that It says: Pine, of six men. The Cardinal at containing the Government bonds and oth- a railway place. F. Dry 11,557,327 13,158,539 12,672,142 expresses regret tee into the and constitu- indent mothers of CHAS. THRASHER, his er securities, which were brought from the bank inquire expediency Dep such soldiers aud The of Aroostook is if not Hus aririveil this morning and so lias'a CARGO of Spruce, 106,774,936 107,605,967 154,571,213 escape. of law to owners of county nearly, FRANK BARTLETT. this use tionality repealing.the pay seamen who lleniluck, <£c., 12,814,850 14,078,934 19,COO,962 All orders or rue Government tor ins morning for in the office. A left no widow or child. quite as large as the State of Massachusetts.— Portland, Doc. 1, 1866. declldlf rapal descrip- slaves for tho loss thereof. Agreed to. arrest are enclosed with this tion of the stolen gecurities will be advertised. That State has been forced, in a measure to correspondence. The Standing Committee on Freedmen’s Af- 174,436,272 — Ho at 168,881,«23 237,147,606 Minister King and Lisbon, Nov. Peterson’s Magazine for 1867 is qnit farming and to turn her attention to man- roes, Sleighs, Carriages, Ac., Araourt Capt. l’ox, fairs was announced as follows: Messrs. January, surveyed each month in 1666: to direct Elliot, ufacturing. if her resources are Fresh Oysters! 17th, telegraphed Minister Harvey ot New the first of the monthlies and It is a Aroostook, Auction. Jan. 1st .YIa«rcllaurous Orth, Riughain, Taylor, York, Swan, oat, splen- one Snrvcyed to June 1st, 34,304,974 Admiral Goldsborough to send one of his ships Dispatches. properly developed, need quit neither the in Grinncil, Paine and Marshall. did number. It can be had of C. R. Chisholm li rut of the sea .on,) SATURDAY, Dee. 15th, at 11 o’clock A. M., Surveyed June, 30,457,101 to Civitta Vcchia. Boston, Dec. 10. or tne other. Her soil, water-power and mag- (the in Mmket in The President sent in a message in answer to ON square, we shall toll about Surveyed July, 32,087,813 Minister Marsh to Flor- Arrived ateamer from New Or- & Brother at 367 and at tbe nificent forests are Give her 15 good Sleighs, In Secretary Seward, Cleopatra, the resolutions of in to the oc- Congress street, unsurpassed. Surveyed August, 38,032,069 Nov. with 1100 bales of cotton and GOO inquiry regard railroad of sup- 8 Robes, in ence, 18th, Bays he had seen the Minister leans, barrels of United States Grand Trunk Also at the bookstore of facilities and her capabilities At Atwood's good Surveyed September, 33.205,172 cupation Mexico by troops, depot ean be in- House, 4 of Foreign Affairs and asked him if he flour. wealth and necessary wants Oyster Harnesses, Surveyed in October, 35,773,715 thought and the arrest of John H. Surratt. Referred. Messrs. Short and corner of Free and plying &c. In that the Italian Government would surrender New York, Dec. 10. LoTing, creased to an unlimited extent. Bring us Centre Sir rear Lancaster Horses, Carriages, &c., Surveyed November, 33,286,162 Air. Ancona moved that the Alilitary Com- at, HaU, Parties to contribute to Surratt to us if The from Centre and at the depot of nearer and other centres wishing this sale will do so the accused was found in Ital- steamship Brittania, Glasgow Nov. mittee into the of streets, periodical to Boston, Portland on the morning of sale. has arrived. On inquire expediency appoint- and will now and will lx: sold a» early 237,147,606 ian The Minister the ac- 3d, the 14th she took a Messrs. Fessenden Brothers, Lancaster Hall. of trade, and capital HENRY BAILEY & territory. thought ing men who had served meritoriouslv, to com- emigration SON, Surveyor’s Office, Dec. 8, I860. cused would be surrendered on demand heavy gale from the north-east, and on the in. $1.10 ■* E B f» A Mi o If, NO UD, declldtd Auctioneers. proper missions ill the army, and enlarging the peace and but under a 15th, the gale continuing, carried away her New proof, probably only stipula- establishment for that purpose. Oyster Hons*.—Mesars. Hayes ft —George Haro matt, e-sq., ourveyor-ucncrai Ceulu |ut tion on our that of death rudder head and outer stern and lost her t|uurt. Notice. The Test Oath Decision.—A Washington part punishment post The House went into Committee of the Whole have erected and opened a neat and furoishes the Bangor Whig with a not be screw. The same the a Perry of Lumber, tel* or should inflicted. under the day gale moderated,{ on President’s All orders by mall, graph express promptly A PPLIC ATION -will be made to the of dispatch to a Boston states that the Surratt, tlie message, when Mr. Blaine house on the lumber business in Legislature paper name of Walters, was. after his from the .jury rudder was rigged, and she has been un- convenient oyster Federal street, statement of Bangor attended. J. VMaine at its next session,for further aid to secure escape made a speech on national politics. members of the Court who will de- hunted for in der canvass ever since, with moderate weath- near the old wood stand, and have this date. The total amouut of the construe tins of the European anil North Ameri- Supreme guard, Naples, but he had gone Tlie committee lose and tlie House at 3.05 engaged no to long ATWOOD’S OVNTEftt clare thence to Alexandria. er. On the 0til inst., when eighty miles from HOlSF, can Railway, and for authority to the Portland, Saco unconstitutional the iron-clae .... at home arc thinking of them anil their work, the new building. I felt that 1 could not SV^IAL NOTICES. ItElWOVAL*. BVStmMMi CARDS. for bimmmm rmno iVIISCELLA it will cease to perform one of its chief duties, idle and knew there were children enough f\r,ors. PRESS. in. .3oa A DAILY and its praise or blame will Jjficome alike in- more schools could they he gathered VIluable Medicine.-Dr. Poland’s White Pine in our suc- W. W. me in the colored M. E. Compound,advertised columns, is a KKMOVAI,! GeMrISII it FEAR SOX, THOMAS. ,>p„ was for POHTLiVIM). significant. S?-'—._ vestry engaged cessful attempt to combine and apply t he medicinal iuto the lane and church, and I went out alleys virtues ot the White Pine Bark. It has been thorough- 31. i Dealers iiK2» and 6IUT BAICAIII8 I ht f*rnMil Truult J, ashman’s Connseller at Rnilvmt. a ly tested by people ill this and and the jilillincryJStore Attorney Law, cir the city, where I collected sufficient num- city vicinity, a (PHAMICK proprietor has testimonials to"its value from boon removed from No. 12 India street to No icifi:s, HoiIaBJ December lit 1866. To TBB EulTOK OF THE PuESS: for a school. If I should I persons* 249 Tuesday Morning. ber of children say to our citizens. We reccommend its trial HAS25 Middle street,between India and Hampshire Congress Street. remarks of wely^now*in octivfty The your correspondent “T” in felt the courage all oozing from my fingers’ art those case* of disease to which it is adapted. It ; street*, dust ndded a good variety of goads* suitable Jewelry, Silver ami Plated Ware, GOODS ie In- sale by all our Druggists.—Tndepcudaut. for DRY last the " ould 111 the real Silver and Tranbla with Fiance. Monday's Press, censuring Michigun ends it express state of my no 1.1 111v Steel Speetarlev, TmIi, ». l. i’llcs.Ar. cArleton, the whole of Store N«. his Central Railroad for not committing their mind as I first entered that low dark with r lease Mcuii'd |]j| ‘Tt is Mr. Johnson in room, 'i ktl Great Niw laud liriuaily ! rf&T* call. dec7d3w mwi* believed,” says Lug OKE asm HAVINGC'ouBrrN« Miarel, ami sjTcat additions to freight (100 hhls. to t)ie tender mercies hut one window for ami anil on look- •*M_z_4-5 STHT.eiV our the to with tlm evacua- flour) light air, Dr. J. W. POLAND’S atAX-k, we are now able to oiler message Congress,‘‘that, of the the Harris & no Grand Trunk, and complimenting ing toward that perceived a board fence so near Waterhouse, TV. F. T o o tion of Mexino by the expeditionary forces, n, ATTOHN KY AT LAW, latter fur not entered into combination and so that I could see the l>e:tler differences between France having high sky only Im- WHITE PINE COMPOUND .JOBBERS OF iu lU’st in Goody subject for serious their rates, were IlaryuinH with other roads to advance pressing my face against the and lsuovr offered to the afflicted throughout tlie coun- States wotdd remain. The glass looking Watches, Clocks, 27 Market Square. and the United latitude. Time was try, after having been proved by the test ot eleven Jewelry, Spectacles tbc market afford*. We ahull continue to not appreciated in this I felt a sense of and .ell mlr and of directly up. suffocation, ; years, in the New England States, where its merits anil Furs. EVE 24—dt! n goods at out former of the Emperor people ol the Grand "flunk Hats, Caps GLASSES," Sat., Sept expressions have become as well known as the tree from in when Portlaud was proud thought of the open ward at Chimborazo where which, -\a. 23 Erec a that the it derives its virtues. Si., CiitlWml. France warrant hope traditionary name. It was her i>et child part, D*c. under another I taught last year, and where we had a supply Portland, 3d 1866. J. li. HUDSON, JR., VERY LOW PIUAliS, lietween the two countries in cradled in her lap and rear- Vine iiAUUIS & Dealers Ctyitcpnirlug done iind warranted. n friendship might born of her throes, of God’s free if it was cold some- The White WAJJEKHOUSK, Wliolesald aepddit air, biting Compound, And will not he anv one. • her care.— in and have removed to their undersold by Please call that case be renewed and permanently restor- manhood by parental CUKES Hats, Caps, Furs, Now U 1 w T and examine onr ed to young times. 1 told the children to be seated, then JI M If It IJ W JJR, T , tine line of is citizens and Wore Store, ed.’’ This obviousiy very grave language. j^r enterprising projected it, heart lie Throat, Folds, Cosshs, Biplbrrw, (Successors to .t’sSnllh ,t commenced repeating, “Let not your Bronchitis, Mpitting of Blood, and Pul- .Vo. la Co.) 27 Market serious differences indomitable energies and their money Exciiange Sired, Maiiulaclnrrr Square, Ricli The which, according to tliair hut the in throat com- monary Affections, generally It i* a of I.amber Itching. aug21dlim Di‘c*m Good*! troubled”; choking my R. HARRIS. detti PORTLAND, MB. hava carried forward and completed tire Atlantic ! IteuanrkubLc Beiuedy for Atiducy Com- J. E. WAlERilOLSE. VS Also tor sale the message, interrupted the traditionary me to make so long pauses that the pu- of it. Who does not pelled Diabetes, Dilliculty of Voiding C. II. division remember that from the aud REMOVAL. Belt Backs & STUART to OOh friendship of the two countries, are disclosed pils looked at each other with a significance ffaints,Trine, Bleeding Pidneys Leather, Sides, Lace fJeai Shawls anil when amid the of the Bladder, Oravel and other her, Cloakings. in the has gala-day, ringing bells, it.” complaints. JAMES O’DOXS ELL KIVli'I'd nui HI diplomatic correspondence which Which said, I reckon she’s done forgot For Piles and Scurvy, it will be found MS, Mapous, Plasterers of an non and the shouts ~ Builders, thundering joyous valuable. : *t*3**tf tvB SI I just been submitted to It is well However tlm idea of a good cry was dispelled very I'ragit* Start. -AND- Congress. of a multitude which no man our a trial if would learn the value of a POUNSELLOK at WOOLEN©*! has ex- numbered, round to find the cause of Give it you LAW, known that a understanding by turning repeated Oflln* w. P. friendly honored fellow-citizen, the late Preble, GOOD AND TRIED MEDICINE. iu C'hnriwirL’*. Hou*e. FREEAPLX d the Judge on arm, and a hit CO., CONTRACTORS. We have paid particular attention to our WOOL- isted between the two to sharp punctures my catching 249 uexc above Stone Cbuicb. governments, threw the first full of earth in that It is Pleasant Safe and Hare. Congress St., Addre.-s Post Office Box or EN DEPARTMENT, which all the latest up spade a 1,958, at the office rear o be with- of Duu by name, in the act of sticking and Dealers in a and Domestic Cloths: Heav- effect that the French troops should ebouv, Sold by Druggists Medicines generally. fcep7-dtt C. H. Stuart’s styles of Foreign Heavy mighty work? Our hopes then were high, Sold at wholesale Upholsterers realdcueo, Wool Double and Twist Cloths I the first pin iuto me, while another fellow- of like mate- by er* for Overcoats. AH drawn front in three todies, and 1 am to that of W. P. Phillips & and Manufaeturer. Quilts, mors in the newspaper, so; promise which to but lack of oxy- £h»ERF*MA2,» XT. Deane. C. L. Qciyby. Wholesale SHIRTING FLANNELS. uothingof complain A Sore Throat, amriott n Druggist, heavy Minister of Foreign Affairs, and learn- the Grard Trunk to the ear, is not being kept Ladies line French geu, for you will agree with me that a teacher NO. 10 MARKET SOU A RE. 21 MARKET SQUARE, more left of thoeo MERINO it was to the Our wants, our trade, our busi- Requires immediate attention, n dtt S'-AlcwE, for 2Rc. ed with swrprise that the Emperor's in- hope. a amount of to A. N. NOYES & should possess large endurance, AND SHOULD BE CHECKED. ang20__ SON, PORTLAND, MS. ness and our interests arc now disre- to withdraw all his in the utterly tention troops stay in a room fourteen feet by sixteen with If allowed to HOLDEN & Trouble to .Sliow Goods. the continue, PEABODY, Manufacturers and dealers iu J*“iU___ti )f“Slo garded, nay trampled upon, by present hut spring, but none before that time. Mr. Bige- eight ieet from floor to ceiling, and one W. JI. managers of this same road, and yet we per- Irritation of the a CLIFFORD, low then sought an interview with the Empe- window, where forty living, breathing colored I.ungs, per- and Counsellors at Stoves, Ranges d Furnaces, mit their iron horses to snort defiance Attorneys Law, through children arc ror. We give Napoleon's explanation of the congregated. manent Throat Disease, Can be found in AT EASTMAN BROTHERS out business thorougfare, carrying Office, 2‘19 1-2 Congress Street, thelT COUNSELLOR LAW, principal lelttlie lieeu ol .1 normal new at as stated in Mr. We have all depart- programme length, the of Canada and the West to or Consumption, MEW HVII.Dnfl products ment of the schools in Richmond; for if ever Near the Court House. OW r.IIHE NT., 3!W CONGRESS STREET, Bigelow's dispatch of the 8th ult.: for SOLIVITOU OF freight their steamers for the Provinces, be is often tlie result. A. B. llOLDEN. ne]k5tfil H. €. P BA BODY. PATENTS, this people become self-educating, it must (Opposite the Market.) The kknperor said fpat it was Aue that he tne West Indies and tne rest 01 tne Europe, those most and training NO. 8 CLAPP’S BLOCK, yearly Mechanics’ had concluded to the recall of of by taking promising, BKOirX’S AXI) Eli SOXAXI) CO.’S Where will he see Opposite Hall, postpone any Portland merchandise for they pleased to all their former so world; leaving and customers and Congress Street. his troops until spring, hut that in doing he them for tlie especial work of teachers; receive orders as usual. auglTdtf n aug2du__ Nov 10—dim had been influenced con- months to depreciate in value, decay and rot, BttONCHKAL TROCHES HOOP SKIRT AND OORSKt • entirely by military we must have a school ImiMing tor that de- STORK, W. H. wool> At the time he the order the and H. P. A SON, siderations. gave or to he burned up, in their sheds HAVING A DIRECT INFLUENCE TO THE PARTS, 18 removed to 328 Congress Mechanics’ DEANE, mayhap partment. Mr. Manley, State Superintendent St., opposita successes of the Dissidents, supported at they from Sar- GIVE IMMEDIATE RELIEF. Hall. n jylOdti Counsellor OPENING broken-down cars, all along the line, _ and were from the United /States, of the Freedmen’s Bureau, has the refusal of a Attorney, BROKERS, by reinforcements For Con- No. H. seemed to render reduction of bis force nia to Portland. Was ever greater impudence Bronchitis, Asthma, Catarrh, O. ii. 1'lnpp’a Hloch, Coagreas Hi. —OF- any lot at a very reasonable rate, near the Home, DOWNES, No. 178-Fore Street. there to tbose who remained behind. and on the one hand, or greater sumptive and Throat Diseases, perilous ingratitude, and has had a of the building esti- Particular attention to yTU sent a to Marshal plan made, ARE USED WITH ALWAYS GOOD SUCCESS. given writing Wills, He accordingly telegram of a ou the other? TROCHES MERCHANT TAILOR, Deeds and indulgence spoiled child, The Freedmen’s Contracts, Legal Instruments. who had embarked a the cost at $4,500. HAH K66. \EW FIR ROODS! Bazaine, already regi- let “T" to the of- mating N in germ nml I* u blit Speakers KEHOVHDTO July SI, McCOBB 200 “We must it up!” throughout country. Being For the oi the Coupri-HN Street, barked and returned to Orizaba. His sadly saying, give present cccupies part Store HOHTI.ANI), Mb and ot Majesty with iu their stores true and their a test Importers JoU crs mouths, literally nothing He “For wanted a thous- merit, having proved efficacy by Sewell'C.Strout went on to say that he sent Gen. Castelnau to I 'asked why. said, NO. 6 PKEE MTBfiET HannoW. Gage DEC. their let I re- ot each year finds them in new locali- BLOCK, n THURSDAY, Oth, about the same to hi- to supply hungry customers, him, dollars.” It must not be I many years, ly7tt Dry Goods and Mexiqp time, charged and abandoned,” with Messrs. J. M. Dyer & Co., and is prepared to re- ftoolens, these men as 1 have anx- ties in various parrs of the world, and the Troches are A and fashionable stock of l adies’ and Chil fcirm Maximilian that Franco could not give peat, observe done, I then told, bim I could tlie sume his usual business, and offers a choice assort- STAN WOOD At Arcade 18 Free Street, largo replied. goto DODGE, dren’s him another man. If he thought he could sus- the to find some- universally pronounced bettor than other articles. ment of Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver iously overhauling way-bills, State of tell them a truthful Ware, F.DAY18, ) tain himself there alone France would not Maine, simple, Obtain “Brown’s Bronchial Troches” Sectaries, Cutlery &c., on the most reasonable Commission “• for few barrels of flour or a only Merchants, withdraw her faster than had been thing Portland,—a of life the and get the terms. n augtdtf And In hahkell' MB FINE FURS! troops stip- story amoug freedmeu, and do not take any of the wokthlbss imitations Dealers £ \ PORTLAND, ulated for de should such be few bushels of corn, for the day’s necessi- matter Mr. E. CHAPMAN. | Iiuvi.’iivnt % Drouyn I/Huys, just money. After talking the over, Man- tfiat may be ottered, sold ever where. Comprising the most desirable kinds and qualities, his desire. But if, on the other hand, he was hut car- R RMO VA •elected from the choicest AMERICAN and EURO- ties,—and finding nothing/or them, wrote to Mr. Kennedy of New who Dec 4—d&w6m sn I^T Groceries, Flour, to which was the course His ley York, FREEMAN & PEAN Ft) and manufactured for oui disposed abdicate, loads fifties for and then let him KIMBALL, RS, expressly Castelnau by shipment, I should be commissioned to to THE own trade. Our nice sets of Majesty counselled him to take, Gen. replied, that go FEODUOE AND SHIP to curse (STORES, Successors STEVENS, FREEMAN & CO., some •ovornment with if he would not rather bless than the For ! was charged to find say, and secure the There is a Long Sought Merchants National Rank No. 3 Maine, money. Cliasc’s Block, Head Long Wharf Portland, Me. W*ol-pulltrs and Dealers in SABLE, which to treat for the proteetion of French in- Michigan Central or any other road that should teacher here as a "visitor, who will take terests and to all the home in the charge Come at Last! Will remove on MONDAY, Nov. to attended lo. Order* tto® out ot ten n solicited. good un- me own vk«>>7<7<£ ee no n by them since August last, has been most brother dearer to than my life. MAINS’ ELDERBERRY WINE. liciTfreorfto, aug15—tf May 1"-'—till this government is explained by the change of Meucie N. Bakes. Hats, Caps and Robes, 164 Middle St„ over T. Fnr Coats, Gloves Collars & Cults! to the damage of nov 27 8 if d&wtf Bailey.A Co. Jul17ti time de reasonably delayed, great MERRILL BROS. X plan occurring at a when Drouyn CUSUING, CHAS. J. SCHUMACHER, And n fine stock ot Portland dealers, necessitating duplicate pur- Foreign and American Greenness.—In Some Folks Can’t Sleep Nights—We are TMITJK A CO., Wholesale was aside andDe Monstier Ph~ No. 4 Galt Commercial St. Late Merrill & Wholesale Dealers in L’Huys just laying in the to be forwarded other are a constant now prepared to supply liosi- ihc WOODSiAN.Dry Goods, Block, Small, chases West, by Rome one’s fellow-tourists Jul 17—dll FRESCO about the duties of the of trade and the great public generali. ».u- PAINTER. SLEIGHING ROBES!' assuming Ministry but more reliable that source of and surprise. I moi-e circuitous routes; gratification thought ard and invaluable Dodd's vl.l, which At to be found at were no means the remedy, NOTICE. H. J. LIBBY & Manufactnrers present his residence Well Affairs. The reasons lor withdraw- that American travellers by all for the cure CO., FANCY worth their attention. Foreign these last have arrived in advance article surpasses known preparations and Commission Merchants. Room GOODS, purchases most absurd among those we saw, nor even the oi all forms of Nervousness. It is Counting 244 the whole at once are Dot without months earlier rapiuly superceding over First National No. 23 Free second CUMBERLAND, We would particularly invite those in pursuit of ing army of shipments made two by loudest in their of the Eternal City. of opium—the well-known result ot Lank, street, H Small approval every preparation story. iyll ti tiiery, Gloves, Waves, &o., HEAD OF MECHANIC STREET. weight. If, as Mr. Bigelow thinks, the Em- Grand Trunk, but not in time to save our foil A certain order ot German greenuess affords, which is to produce eostiveness and other serious JySOtt the for the ru- difficulties; it allays irritation, restlessness and spasms, ill It noMB .he; BRILL. Dealer in No. IS Free NICE is in faith— and there is no most of which has been diverted to oth- perhaps, pleasantest pasturage > Street, “Arcade.” EUBS, peror acting good trade, mind. For at I he Ville Eu- and induces regular aetion ot the bowt and secre- JA• Watches, Jewelry, Masonic Regalia, and Mili- minating example, aug2tdll well into and useful garments, and at evacua- er markets where their could be de- tive organs. tary Goods, No 13 Free street, Portland. E. S. 31. made, stylish cccasion to doubt it—the complete supplies dovici there was, besides numerous Englishry HATCH, D., moderate to examine this stock. decO ti No preparation for Nervous Diseases ever sold so Same store with Geyer and Caleb prices, on. Add t® this loss ot a season’s in a of lyI2dtf X CL FA tion ol Mexico by the French next spring In- pended detached bodies, troop Germans, chiefly readily, or met with such universal approval. For U0W4RD YES, No. 300 1-9 St. Scheuswur- L'AbLE Ml burned the Congress the interest of the thus locked young men, frugally perusing the Sleeplessness, Loss of Energy’, Fc:-u‘i ;r Female LLS, although up, Pro- stead ot next will be entirely satis- business, money Li Messrs. L. J. Hill & are now NEW PIHM ! November', digkeiten in the social manner of their nation. Weaknesses ami Irregularities, and all tho .jarful prietors, Co., pre- & Counsellors at Office hours— for and the inconvenience to pared to furnish Coffees, Cream Ac. Attorneys te *4 v m to the American If the end up months, (not took their very noisily, and mental and bodily’ symptoms that fellow in the train Spices, Tartar, Law, {2 factory people. They enjoyment at their new place of business, No. tut) Green fct. Dec 4—dlw occasions in with furious as of nervous diseases, Dodd’s Nervine is the best reme- say embarrassment) it (especially wrangled together amiability An Order Slate loumt at PORTLAND, M NE. ot the French invasion could be brought dy known to science. Sold by all druggists. Price $1. mnyMie Messrs. Lew, so locked at Guereino’s “Aurora.” Then two Plummer & No 83 Commercial and ROBINSON KNIGHT I a city where banking capital is deficient), they Geo. C. Goodwin & Co., Co’s, 8t, at Mr C. ce D. CLARKE A CO. about this winter instead of next spring. It from the and went to a M* Rice’s 0)11 No. 17 Free _& of them parted rest, n Wholesale Boston. Pajiei Warehouse, No. 185 Fore Street. Street, and the in that has be«n augllsnlyd&w Agents, N£afr can lie found would of course be so much the better.— depreciation prices little summer-house in the gardens, while the AH orders rompily atten edto. Middle Street. — Roods at the CLOTHING! on,—and then super-add to all this the followed us to the of the Casino lowest prices. jullGtf Joseph n Naihan Cleaves. AT 29 MAEKET to going •then top ate’* Aromatic Howard, Jyfltf SQUARE, Whether we are prepared go to war in be- ot their friends in the ••If Vegetable Reap. fact that the road has been the There they caught sight Bookseller and be UNDBR LANCASTER tlALL. doing greatest a Toilet trom refined PACKARD, Stationer, may We have taken the store kalt of the of Mexico, is another and the to over- superior Soap, prepared • found at No. 337 corner of m. Republic business between tbe Canadas and the arbor, spectacle appeared H Congroa* St., Oak peak sox, Roots and Shoes for Sale through whelm them. They bowed, they took off their Tegolablc Oils in combination with Glycerine, fit. jullGtt Cheap. question. season jylOdti the Lower Provinces the past that it waved their it was ami for the use of Ladio* and 288 CONGRESS hats, they handkerchiefs; especially designed S. WEBSTER if CO., can be found at the store Oold and Silver Plater STREET, Air. beward appeals to tlnuk we are. in ms One fellow mounted on for the Its is and its • has ever done, regardless of their contracts not enough. young perfume exquisite, t» of C. K. Babb, Clapp’s Block, No. 9, where we IF. F. PHILLIPS A For sale -AND— CO., l the Preble House) a balustrade ot the roof at his neck’s risk, washing properties unrivalled. by all Drug- offer a assortment of and Opposite reply to Mr. Bigelow's dispatch, be takes very made with us, last August ami unco, to bring the good Clothing Furnishing lifted his hat on his cane and flourished it in gif is. t'elO’BGSNd iy < iooAts at low prices. Jal 16 Manufacturer ot Silver tone. The he our we have an accu- Ware, Wharg we have a new stock of high Emperor's decision, says, through produce,—aud to the heart’s-frieuds in the growing arbor, A §niT Pile Cai’f. CJMITH & RKED, Connscriors at Law, Morton Temple Street, .first door from Congress Street* “is now found in mulation of losses that the courts alone can two minutes before. ° li^kolesalu Druggists, every way inconvenient and from whom he had parted DR. GILBERT’S PILE INSTRUMENT Block, Congress St. Same entrance as 1). S. Ar- PORTLAND, ME. to the owner of this en- positively offices. u No. 148 Fore Street. exceptionable,” and proceeds as follows: settle, and of grievances for which some In strange contrast cures the worst cases of piles. Sent by mail on re- my iyl2dtf May 19—dly CLOTHING thusiasm. so and so unmistaka Idy mix- of $4. Circulars fee. Sold oct 17-dtt to pumped ceipt by druggists. Agents ujwinx 10commence u. M. lt RAN D, and ment. As a of those iervants (as he calls all his subordinates), en- 01288, Attorneys Counsellors, would invite the attention of AT THE measures, Mr. • No. 1G Free near respectfully the part Camp- at a friend of mine wlten he told me that he dooSSNlm J. Street, Middle. jul 3 BR ADBURY & SWEAT people bell, our newly-appointed Minister, attended ters the cars aud clears out all the of Portland and vicinity to the by passengers, had not seen Raphael’s “Transfiguration,” YE New England C lothing Com., Lieut.-General Sherman, has been sent to yet ilOIJNK^ 5rfc;E-Persons hav n# leit unloads the cars into the Depot,—the because he wished to prepare his mind for un Batchelor’s Hair oriWs at 101 can now Mcxiso in order to confer with President Juar- literally Dye. Exchange street, littd Counsellors at VAPI PI) COLLECTION IS Market Square. the by first at all This Hair is the best in the world. ihem at 324 Congress street, opposite Median os’ Law, ez on which are passengers protest, and in this respect they derstanding original looking splendid Dye subjects deeply interesting to he could find.—N. F. Nation. The true and Reliable. Hall, where wc shall continue our businoss in ah its 9f» CONOR F.BM dc8d3m E. LEVEEN «& CO. the copies only perfect Dye—Harmless, HTRRFT, _ the United States, and of vital importance to have the advantage of mere merchandise which Instantaneous. No No ridiculous various branches and at lower rates. -1-— " disappointment. Clndwick Mexico. Our and measures then Brown. Ladies’ Ures.->ea tor All other ar- Mansion, opposite United stales ilotol, polioy adopt- could not Bpeak for itself or its owuers—''ut tints. Natural Black or Remedies the ill eyed $1,00. Forthuul 1. V. ticles at Maine, HOLIDAY HOODS! FABBTXOTOX, ed iu full reliance upon the anticipated begin- NOTICES. effects of Bad Dyea. Invigorates the hair, leaving dyed equally low rates, their protests avail nothing, the Grand Mogul SPiidAL The is jul Horn H. BURKE. Bradbury. ,nov Oft l.D.M Sweat to be found at Ins attire. The ning of the evacuation of Mexico, wt re prompt- it suit and beautiful. genuine signsd Wil- _Bion liam A. Batchelor. All others are mere ly made known to the French here. of the road replies, (if he deigns a replv) that imitations, T K. FEK N AI D Ac CLOTHING Legation and should be avoided. Sold by all Druggists and NON* MerchantTatlors, Best Assortment In the The will that we cannot be wants all the ears for his Canadian friends •J • have Union Hall, entrance on Free Sk City, AND Emperor perceive P^y fumers. Factory 81 Barclay street, New Y ork. Beering Milliken & Go., now recall Mr. nor can we MEW BOOKS where they are with a stock of Goods for AND- Campbell, modify there and all and the Yankees f p Beware of a c^oumerit’ll. ready good along the line, Men’s which will manufacture in the instructions under which he is to November 1866. wear, they gar- Goods / expected must wait In tbs it 10, dlysn ments to order Wholesale THE CHEAPEST PRICES! Furnishing treat, and under which he even now be Depot, (months may he) I OR THE HOLIDAYS i Dry Goods, may st class Coat-makers wanted 26 Market treating with the republican government of till the Canadians and Provincials get through 31 COMMERCIAL TOYS OF Square. Mexico. li t LIAS VEGETABLE SICILIAN RICH *V 133 street. STREET, “ALL KINDS! Oct4--d3m u That government will, of course, their business and travel and the cars are at M HOLESALK AND fil l' ll I. ! HON* Exchange most earnestly desire and SN.• Collins and Caskets: also, Me talic Burial flngCl-tUf Forl^uud, Maine. confidently expect HAIR RE NEWER Caskets. jy26 Work Boxes and Desks 11 J. T. LEWIS S CO. an early and entire discontinuation of foreign liberty. BAILEY & NOYES Manufacturers of hostile You will therefore state What au outrage! everybody would ex- Is the best extant for J. WALKER CO. he found at occupation. preparation restoring gray rjHARLF.S may lODDS Prang* Beautiful Publication. ! to the that the Presi- hair to its color, its out, No. 150Commercial street, store lormerly occu- Emperor’s government fiaim, and yet this is precisely what Will open their original preventing falling and its It is a beautiful Hair by N. O. Cram, where will resume busi- dent sincerely hopes and expects that the evac- promoting growth. pied they this same road is with Portland For sale all ness, anil be pleaded to sec their c or re- Hair uation of Mexioo will be carried into effect doing Dressing. by Druggists. ustomers, Dressing Rooms• and Toilet CLOTHING, on R. P. 1IALL& Nashua N. ceive their orders. JulylOtf Stationer) Articles t! have removed to with such to the freights at the other end of the line. Look up- flew Store Exchange Street, CO., H., Proprietors. Neatly flued up on conformity existing agreement dec6-d&wlW8N as the on that as A 4 S.E. SPRING may be ibumf at the store of No, 1 Ualt Block. Commercial £treei. inopportune complication which calls picture and then upon this, i briefly tli. CUTLERY, tor this MONDAY, XT Fletcher 4r Co., corner ol Union and Commer- lime n dispatch shall allow. Mr. Street, And Hi macron. _ Campbell trace the parallel which iny business readers cial streets. ti Other Tbing..' jyio__ will be advised of that In- SURE REMEDIES. iyll A few doors above the Post Office where he will be complication. have traced for themselves. The scene Our friends and patrons ami ilie public DR. T. K. 17 Hanover Streel, Boston, structions will issue to the United States mili- opens generally HAYLOR, MATHA N Morel iant has removed happy to sec old customers and new. He now has we trust will wait and examine our NEW STOCK of has received the new Frencn Hrnwdies and modes ot GOULD, Tailor, Now ie a time for of in to No. lu Market every facility tor his business in the most good purchasers I¥ew tary forces of observation to await in every Chicago instead of Portland. The Grand treatment Dra. Dumas and Uieord—Safe Square, OYcrtSwcetsU'*s Apothe conducting Store, practised by cavy store. satisfactory manner. n sep20d3ra case special directions from the President. Trunk agents are there and in Milwaukee.— Books, Fancy floods, Writing* DcmL*, pleasant and warranted Positively effectual in all jy10—II 349 Congress Street, (Up Stairs.> This will be done with a confident Diseases of the anu Or- O S CHRISTMAS expectation these the Stationery, ar., Blood, Urinary Reproductive T HHocn* llalM and 4'loihiug. GOODSI Through agents Grand Trunk takes and all ami to that the or mail ns gans, Irregularities Complaints peculiar BOBen.i. Fogg may lie found to wait on JOSEPH STORY call, for more tone and attention can be shown telegraph seasonably brings elsewhere. readye H. ft a onr merchandise at those as it does before purchasing to Women. Enclose stamp and receive full particu- oust >mera at No. I Moulton stii them SIMOXTOX& CO., satisfactory resolutiou from the Emperor in places, pas- et. fool Exchange. IVnrhyu INnrble Co. inflecting, than at a more busy season. lars by mail. n OCt s-d&w3m jul20 to this note. at It tor We shall have a assortment of anil November 26. dtf opened a Ladies' Store, con- reply sengers Portland. receipts it—“To be good English Manufacturers and Dealers in Enameled Slate Furnishing American Standard and Juvenile Books. We beg a HAVEtaining a good assortment •>! A. demand delivered in RH. 200 M. imported ana domestic Chimney Pteb Grateh coupled with a threat and accom- Portland. It takes it ovsr the continuance of the ami favor Warren’s Cough Balsam. Cigars Pieces, Brackets, slabs, generous patronage CURA) lor sale by C. C. MITCHELL & SON, and Chimney Tops. Importer and dealer in foe uraiwESN. william American which we have heretofore received. Eng- panied by a sneer—-such are the contents of part of the route to the borderd of The best Remedy ever compounded for Colds, .iullJtt 178 Fore Street lish Floor Tiles, German mid French Flower BROWN, formerly at 91 Federal street., is now Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Catarrh anil and all Pots, permanently located at his new store No 04 Federal this Canada at Sarnia and there unloa Is it into its BATLEY & Conghn, €.'oi»«umption, Hanging Vases, Bisque, and Bronze Statuett* st, extraordinary dispatch. Mr. Seward re- MOVES, diseases of the Throat and A nnd Parian, a tew doors IhjIow Lime street. He is now Under Mcriuo Lungs. \YEKB, AtMrueya and Busts. Glass Shades and Walnut Bohe- prepared to Clothing, lftU, Colin**, and sheds—till these are dec78NdSw New street. sale bv all at the corner ol Stands, attend to the wants of his numerous a depots filled, Bloch, Exchange gt3jr'For Druggists. Manufactured by DEKIiOl.eCounsellor*, Buody Jlouse, mian and Lava V ases and other wares. customers and Cnffis, Worsted mid Gooda. quires “satisfactory" resolution by telegraph leaving and Faucy K. I BUADBIIIV, Chestnut streets. jy26 112 THEMON T STREET tlia public generally tu the war of cleaning and re- or return the balance outside exposed to the storms and Sludiu Buililhitf mail, significantly that tiro AIR’S DAIiSA ?i octlSd&WSNCni Bangob. n pa Irlng Clothing of all kinds, and will be attended adding WIST Druggist, R«1V l»7 VlftlRliJiCounsellor ai l BOSTON, Mass. French weather; and there the ot this road aw, _aug22—Cm to with his usual Also seeond-lmud Htamping of the United Stater will await managers —OF— BVNo. 19 Free Street. promptness. army special Jull4 Clothing for sale at tair noCdtf Done to Order. meet our produce and practically say to it, A soldier who had lost the use c4 his limbs SHBULKY & STKOUT prices. directions from the President, aDd as- WILD C II E it It Y ! PMSKCE, and Counsello plainly wait there Yankee from Rheumatism has been cured and en. Attorney 349 freight till our Canadian completely at No. 8 Block. Congress Street, * Stairs, i HAS BEEN 1'SED JslARl-Y LEWISLaw, Clapp’s jul21 SHORT & (Up serting that the is not a suf- abled to abandon bis crutches one bottle of Met- LORIKG, octal ati. Emperor’s promise friends are served—at we by ./» present require onr HALF A RRiW RHI MR—a—MMHyRRRMM—jRKPRfl——— COUNSELLORS AT ficient for the removal of the CENTIHY, calfe's Great Rheumatic Remedy. It is LAW, guaranty troops cars for their at some convenient truly Booksellers & $ioo. use; season, With the most astonishing success in curing “The National Traders Bank of O F F I O. F iioo at the time After all due the wonder of the age. decl dlmsx Stationers, specified. making some months h'ence it we will attend to lIoai*M4 Moiv In Post Office 31 Free, Corner Center Street*. may be, Coughs, Colds, n<‘MK, Throat, Portland.” Building, 2d stoiy; Entrance on Uk- WAR CLAIM OFFICE. allowance for the irritation naturally occa- case. This is no but is virtu- iuifuruza, Whonpiiag Cough, < ran|i cliange street. Have >’n hand n frill supply ol your fancy picture Liver Stockholders of this Bank arc notified Complaints, Bioiniidis, rpHE hereby (1. F. SnEfLEY. Jy9tl A. A. STROUD sional the to and as a X that their animal will he School, Patterson & by unfortunate neglect advise ally true, business man, speaking as I be- Difiiruliy of Brralhing, and Curtains! meeting held at their Law, Miscellaneous and Chnrtbournt^ the lieve Asthma aii4l every Carpetings Banking Room No 21] Free at., on TUESDAY, the J. T. Blank Books. Morton 2doersubovo Preble American government of the of the feelings of business men I pronounce SMALL Jl % Block, House. change affection of 8th day of next, at 3 o’clock P M, to choose CO.r __ January new under the law »?ui, programme, it is to this abuse of Portland interests even more out- As good an assortment oi five Directors for the ensuing year, and to act on auy Wholesale anti Bounties, approved nevertheless impossible THE THICOATj LlNHi AND Retail dealers in STATIONERY OK AM. THEJtth, 18m*, Increase of Arrears of CHEST, other business Hint mav come before (hem. KINDS, Pensions, Pay excuse the the treatment of legally Prize Money, ami all other the tone and temper of this dispatch, agreousthan supposed passen- IXCLUDIXO EVEN Medium and Lou- Priced EDWAiib Cashier. Post Office and claims against Uq>, GOULD, Oash, Envelope Oases, Let* eminent, collected at short notice. ii the were to gers, lor these, left at Island Pond, might take Portland, Dec 7,18Gb. dc&Ud Groceries and Provisions ! The design facilitate the retirement CONSUMPTION. trr Presses, Pen Kicks, he. necessary blanks have l>een rtoeivetl, anJchhr. and but our merchandise at Higliest cash l lor .tv ants should tile their claims ot the 1 lend) that end is not leg-bail get away, The unequalled success that ha.» all ended the axipli- prices pai Com. Produce. promptly. troops, ce-tainly Canal National Bank. £ receive t\ FRANK G. cation of ihi» med cine in all of gr-Consignments prompl tent ion. We have Just rel ieved from New York a Patterson, late Lieut. r>th. Me. Vo|.. to attained Sarnia must await the Grand Trunk resurrec- CARPETINGS! full supply ol bo by it liar the Annual Meeting of the Stockholders of the dec7dlm NO 19 UJIE Mj*|. 1st Me. Cav. making impossible \s was ever exhibited in is now STI1EBT: Oct^Lt?H,A/>BOUBNE»,aU! lb-dtf tion It would have been far better for the Pulmon Com in Boston, being opened Canal National Bank of for the elec- PAPER HANGINGS, u French to day. ary pin ts, at TIIE Portland, government withdraw them with- the tion of seven Directors, and for the transaction of Now dealers of Portland to have been lias induced many of to* patterns and Choice Styles. produce stop- Physicians high standing oilier business that come beloro PEUCIYAr, 1JONNEY, out the humiliation of to any may legally Keconstrncted on * apparently yielding Mr. at Island Pond on their employ it in their practice, seme ot wliofti advise us NEW CARPET will be held at 188 Forts on the the Old Ground ped by Bridges HALLS, them, Street, Tuesday, I'U INC. PAPER OF ALL SIZES. a ihreat. Even if this government 8tli of 1867, at 3 o’clock P. M. were pre- out West to make ratlier than of the feet under their own signatures. We have day January, Counsellor and at way purchases 110 B. C. SOMERBY, Cashier. Altoruey Law, pared to dictate and enforce an space only for the names ot a few of tli so:— TKEiWONT STREET, Give us a call. A. T. immediate to have these detained at Sarnia on November 8. did HALL, purchases Morion Illorh, A withdrawal of the French K. M. Which, with a Stock ol Congress Street, Shari I.oria,, troops, such lan- their to a in irket. In one case Boyhex, 1)., Exeter, Me. together large way they Second National Two Doors above Preble 01 Free. Comer Center Stiee as Is not Alexander M. Me. Bank. Honor, COMMISSION guage here used is The would have their own Hatch, 1>., China, .fySHt MERCHANT becoming. money in their pockets, Window Shades and Goods, Animal K. m. N. H. Upholstery Met-ling of Stockholders of the “Scc- POBTLANI), ME. anil dealer in representative of a nation need not in Fellows, J>., Hill, rpHE great re- the other ca3e the Grand Trunk has it in its Will be sold at very J oini National Bank, Portland” for the election of noylD tf sort to W. H. Webb, M. 1)., Cape Vincent, N. Y. and other bnsinoss which a. court e held at anil Groceries, Prodacc W. Lyxch, M. D., An horn, N. \. phices! tliciii, Nos. 188 1!HI N.Ur E! fl F. lie mem her liber. THE FR>tfDMEN’s flR trCN CELK1IR1* A lot of EATON, Principal the Number. IJtULLYkindness of m.v patron*, 1 announce to Fessenden's views j large nov. 20 d4vv the, on leading political ques- AID ASSOCIATION. Morton’s » Free O with great pleasure, my return to So |o Exehaat tions.” Cores in a very short time Gold Pens! street, Street, over IbeShne and Leather The impression which these words no27d"w Warehouse recem Richmond, Va., Nov. 20, lHfifi. GOODS ! G. I.. BAII.EY. ly erected by the Messrs. Barbour, with Increased convey is to Mr. OLD The Dental Notice ! to answer unjust Fessenden and to the X lauded ou SORES, BURNS, SCALDS, CrTS,WOUNDS, Best Pens in the World ! ellUiee all orderi in the various brim tew the 26th of October, and pro- | and f cm. to Mr. HANDS Foreign Domestic Perfumeries, Pomade*. Hair LOWELL & SENTE mv profession. Unjust Fessenden, because he is ceeded at once j BRUISES, SPRAINS,CHAPPED Tills is to inform friends and It, to onr new field of labor ou For sale at liia Headquarters, No 25 Maiden Lane, Brashes, Pocket and Toilet Combs, Soaps, Pun-Box- my pat- I shall endeavor to keen nosled hi tho newest i, iuthe habit of Ac., Ac j Tooth rons that 1 have associated with me in the ot VITILL Uie new Store iVo. .TO I Fan- announcing his for where I CHILBLAINS, New and at the es, Brushes, Portinonimies, &c, &c, composing practice * occupy to lie supplied with the best opinions Navy hill, found instead of the old York, by every duly-appointed Agent ▼ corner of Brown provements, material and j one of the very host stocks ever red in the Port- ilenttetry, grewp fliivei, Street, about and to be prompt and faithful In himself, cannot be held trace’s Celebrated Solve! same off my workmanshu, fairly responsible Winder as we left it I prices. Lina Market' DR. ALBERT KYANM, Dec, 15th, with a new stock of Watches, Jewel* work he seen on for the building in «1 uly, a comfort- My may every business street to utterances of a • la in ry, Silver and Flaled Ware, nud Fancy newspaper. to able school and prompt action, soothes the pain, takes out the A full and trlP* Also a superior stork of pure Drugs and Medi- Formerly ot it skillful dentist of long the to which, with sioeimous constantly Unjust house, also a home for the {Elf' Catalogue, with description of Sizes Bangor, expen Onoila tor the city, aolue* the soreness, and reduces the most a swell- cines. holidays. on the new stores. X Press, because we claim ngry looking ence, and take pleasure in introducing and reeom up rvuhdentlv refer to represent the teacherp. It was a and ; prices, sent on receipt nt letter quite comfort to think how ings inflammations, as if b1 magic; thus afford- postage. FIT All the Ohoice Brands of and Domes- unending him to them. Kther and Chloroform admin OLtYK.K 9. of a Imported They have reoccupied their old staml iVa. 64 £xa BEALE Republican party Maine and not the u- reliel and complete cure. tic istered when dciflred. Dee 4th, I860, pe< different a purpose the old was serv- ing uo2Dd&w6m A. MOB TON. Cigar*. with a (,003,13, liar views of building 25 cents a box: sent by mail tor 35 cents. | d change street, complete stork or Nautical any man or set of men Only C. II, OSGOOD, nnd When than the of war. W. FOWLE & 18 Optical Oaods, Chronometers, Watches, ing during weary years But SETH SON, TremontSc, Boston, can be found with a new stock At octGdti n No. 8 Congress St. the Press fails to inform our DYEU, ROLLINS GILKEY, Clapp’s Block, Clocks, Fine Tools fcr Machinists and &c. Sold Out. Senators and Sold by Druggists and dealers genor- of Engineers, Rep- to toy surprise I found, ‘ome mistake Proprietors. WN.• Sewing Machines, ot various kinds; Silk ff-fcr rricnds and customers old head- would through a Corner and Preble 1*. VKSSENIIKN, and Couh- invttrcl to recommend our former patrons to of* resentatives in what the Twist. Cotton— au kinds and colors. Needles, Oil, Ac. Congress Sts, Y\T Attorney Washington, people at New no was reserved for me in w j T ▼ • sellor. De-ring Hall, opposit Preble House quarters. WEsuoeeseor, E, M. THOMPSON. York, place $ebl9.'66—sireodx,t.s&weo I 106Middle one stairs. cc2?dlw&eod1w Old Stand of E, DANA, Jr. Dec street, up flight ju!17eod ml 14 dtr 1, i860.—dam oclMSn* Raima 4k Dwetp. coPAHTNEitstnrr. BVILDINO. MEKVHAKDME. MISCELLANEOUS. MEDICAL. MEDICAL, AUCTION SALES. Dtt. J. U. HUUHES •• A?- 1 Dissolution of Copartnership ROOFING /TIN PLATES $8. CHEAP COAL1 $8. MEDICAL ELECTRICITY CO., To the Ladies of Portland and CJLX BE FOUND AT UI8 PLUM 8TRIET. IN BOND. Vicinity! | can now offer the nice CHESTNUT COAL DR. W. N. riMIE copartnership heretofore existing under at DEWING, of WK 68.00 delivered at of the — — • Salo of a Collection En- CALVIN EDWARDS & VO., is ttds per ton, any part -*• PRIVATE MEDICAL ROOMS, English L name o< Sc C°*» city. Also lor sale at the lowest market price, day dissolved by mutual consent. All persons hold- Phelps, I>od.gre JV'o. Id Preble Street, Medical Electrician gravings ! ng bills against the tirni, are requested to present Preble NEW YORK, Old Co. €UMJVU Fm/lliL, rtJYn WIJTTEM Near the H«urc, 1T4 MIDDLE STREET, Dee at o'clock. T o them tor payment, and thoBe indebted will please call Lehiffh, WEDNESDAY, mil, and unlive collection will be to the and ou and settle at M *7II EKE he can be consulted privately, with Nearly Oppw.i.e the (Jailed stale* Hotel ON opeu public Offer In lota to suit buyer*, at exhibition from until hour of for sale, SUGAR LOAF LEHIGH, ▼ V the utmost confidence by the afflicted, he wouW Wednesday morning M* respectmUy announce to •ale. 337 Congress Street. For Furnaces. hours daily, and lrom 8 A. M. to 9P. ami that he e PWTE8, under the riAtMik>Portland vicinity, Ladies and Gentlemen are Invited to look at TIN AND TERNE OPENING OF GOODS ! Dr. H. addresses those who are suffering located In this city. three CALVIN EDWARDS. For and John’s While from Jmringdthe this collection provious to isle. dcfldtd Raugea Cook Stoves, affliction of private diseases, whether arising ln this we have some ‘r dU,y oi city, cured WILLIAM G. TWOMBLY. •“ k—«’ Red Ash, which are tree of aft impure connection or the terrible vice of sell-abuse. thAwXI6**6611 dec3 2w Ash, Diamond, tried otW (ll6Ha8e i>» persona who have I Impurities and very nice. Also Cumberland 1 A Devoting his entire time to that branch ol ft!?!!1118 ,of particular uatlentB in treatment in vain, and curlnv ! cargo Just landed, fresh mined, for Blacksmith use. the medical he feels warranted in Guar- In^SLS^a tilue tliat The Bubsctdber obtained the line store No. On October profession, Sm dfl tbVn! the Creation in often I IRON, LEAD, COPPER! having Monday, 29, anteeing a Curb in all whether of 337 Congress Street, will continue the business, and lumber, 1S66, C'ahbs, long for Foundry Use! or the will keep constantly on hand and. Retail. Lehigh Lump, -FOR- standing recently controcted, entirely removing Ancl Other Materials, Wholesale dregs of disease from the and a per- doctor the accouil time without *W« on band a foil assortment ol system, making t»en elmSL Plsnk.Shiiigles and Scantling oiall sizes keep constantly fect and PERMANENT CURE. Dr. D. b»» a practical Choice Caul. Those wishing to pur- Electrfciin lor twei, I v JPIf^JSrO FORTES Family He would call the attention of the afflicted to the one year*, and m atoo a regular FOB SALE AT AUCTION ! Boards, chase will do well to us a call before graduated »i sawed to order. large lots give LADIES’ OVER-COATS ! 1* afeuted to phv"?c IVom the BEST MANUFACTORIES, among them uiliUngunaJeri'd^ fact of his long-standing and well-earnad reputation Electricity perfectly chronic ance. deafness, uum- ■Bar LOWEST PRICES. desirable building lots iu the West End oi the n Head of'Maine Wharf. MADAME efficacy by exiierience Iron, Iroa Rads, Pi|a» nuU Coil*; oc26dtt LANKTON, the a or hesitaucy ol speech, dyspepsia, Indiges- city, lying on Vaughan, Pine, Neal, Carlton. Thomas, hands of regularly educated physician, whose niering now on the premises. u ORGANS studies lit him lift- all the tion, constipation ami livei complaint, idles—we Also, good assorlmont of an'|,A!?y0^~ West, Emory, Cushman, Lewis, Bramhall, Monu- prenaratory duties he must cy« Aleo, Two Iron ftoilrr* In the cellar, ir. good ONS. OLD PIANOS When in exchange. To take charge of the cutting and fitting department, I think I can assure the Ladies ot Portland I can the is with nostrums every'case that can be presented; asthma, bronchi- ment, Danforth. Orange a nd Salem Streets. WHITE ASH COAL. fulfil; yet country floodcij poor °rder, with all the appurtenances. give them as good a style garments as they can procure in other and to be the best in the tis, strictures oi the chest* and all forms of female Also promptly at- They will sell on a credit of from one to ten years, any city. cure-alls, purporting world, all tltc loon© •tricl&a on toe tip* Orders lor tuning and repairing winch are not but premises. U OT cue From who only useless, always injurious. complaints. at Store No I Iron on tended lo. de.ircu purchasers. parties about Tons White Ash has of Bos- lhe1*',o««lay. Block, have Fifty Coal, egg C^Madame Lankton had charge Chandler’s large Cloak Establishment, on Winter street, The uiitortunate should be particular in roruand a w„. c. TWOBBLY. build Immediately, ho cj an payments heocibed. wMl be sold low selecting Bv Electricity Pier, large quantity of promiscuous Iron, WERise, which ton, tor the last three or four years, and is competent to cut and fit any Lady’s Over Garments, of any Ids physician, as it is a Lamentable incontroverti- t Apply at the office oi the subscribers, where lull yet The Rheumatic, the tlie lame and the lazv opnrr maUtrlalH; also a Miovr. Xovembei 26,1866. style, in the most desirable manner. ble that are made mis- gouty, 1 dtf_ _ particulars may be obtaiuod. tact, many syphilitic patients leap with Joy, aud move wiih the and elastic* Promises at lO A. M On FLETCHER & co., erable witli ruined constitutions agility Portland at *4°'^1 J.B. BROWN & SONS. by maltreatmout Ity of youth; the heated brain is the frost* Pier, A A A. M. Terms Cash. ISO Commercial Street. from in for cooled; JoSEEH Portland, May 3, 1066. Stf iuexpcricnced physicians general practice; b:tteu limbs restored, the uncouth deformities re- ILSLEY, Administrator. Copartnership Notice. _*ua Dee 1866. dec5d3w PLEASE GIVE ME A. CALL ! it is a.j.oint conceded the best Dec 7—dtd 4, generally by svphilogra- moved; faintness converted to vigor, weakness to Sc BNGINEBB1N6. phers, that the and management of these come study strength; the blind made to see, the deal to hear and undersigned have tlds formed a eo- Mem. ANLERSON. BONN ELL if CO., have Coal. Atul plaints should engross the whole time of those who rpHE day ABCHITBCTrKK Forge Judge for Yourself.] the palsied form to move the blemish?;- oi 1 partneiblip under the style and firm of made arrangements with Mr. STEAL, an Architect would be competent and successful in their treat- upright; landlngfrom schr. John Crocker, 363 tons you tn.are obliterated; the accuu. sis oi mat or? die 13. M of established and will In Aiture carry on * ment and cure. The PATTEN & CO., reputation, NOWprime OUMBEHT,A N D COAL, 11 m the Midland inexperienced general practi- prevented; the calamities ol old obviated and an «£• their business as Par- P B neither nor age Morgan, Dyer Co., Architecture witn Engineers. mines. It is frosli mined, of extra and .tost FROST, tioner, having opportunity time to iuak- active circulation maintained. PLUM build ore invited 10 call at their strength. liiinsclf MTBUKT, And have ot Messrs. LOUD & CHAW- ties intending to the iuticlo Ihr heavy work. acquainted with their pathology, commonly purchased and examine eleva- one ilium FOLD their Stock and :ease of store office, No. 30« Congress street, Also the usual varictv of Anthracites, viz:— pursues system of treatment, in most cases mak- stores, blocks of an Who have cold banns anti I tions and plans ot churches, banks, Nav. Co's. Hazelton and 332 1-2 CONGRESS Stairs. ing indiscriminate use qf that antiquated and dan- leet; weak stomaohs, lam Commission Merchants Lemon—Harlolgli, LJdgli STREET, Up anil weak nervous ami sick Auetioners, No. 143 Commercial Street, buildings, Sugar Lonf. gerous w eapon, the Mercury. backs; headache; dull- Jrc.______._Li?— 0Ct24dtf ness and swimming In the head, with indigestion aid -AND— For the ol a Wum: As the quality ot our BROKEN AND EOO SIZE. New Store No. Free Superior Eiactho Magnetic Machines ior salt Kep12dtf A Large Assortment filch and Low Priced more young men with the above disease, some of evening. mm aoo TONS LOBBRY, Consultation tree. novltl No. Co lie w Street, recently occupied by whom are as weak and emaciated as tliough they had M. WISWELL. and strict atten- AUCTIONEER, Mr. Win. hope by Eree burning and VERY PURE, and ali kinds the consumption, and by their friends are supposed to 360 Congress Street, tion to business and fair dealing, to merit and secure have it. All such cases yield to the proper and only a fair share of Coa). correct course of and a patronage. IVotice Extra ! White and Bed Ash treatment, in short time are ; IT-Sales of any kind of property In the City nr vi- EDMUND WIN9HIP. made to in health. DR. LARDOKAHS Those Coals ore oi the very Bear quality, and war- rejoice perfect cinity, promptly attended to on (be meet mvorablc ANDREW LEIGHTON. DRESS term,. GOODS. novlSdtt anted satisfaction. Portland, Nov. 1866. nov 22 d3w (ogive 12, ALSO, ®0 cords oi best quality of HARD and AMONG WHICH MAY BK FOUND Hiildle-Aged Men. SOFT WOOD, whieh we will sell at the very There are many men of the age of thirty who are Pulmonic Notice. deliver it to oi the at troubled with too evacuations from the blad- Syrup. Copartnership lowest prloe and any part city frequent FOB THE CUBE OF ANDERSON & short notice. Black and Thi bets—alt der, often accompanied by a slight smarting or burn- Fancy Silks, shades, and the a Coughs, rpilE undersigned have this day tormed a copart- €0., l3T“Gtve us a call and try ns. ing seusation, weakening system In man- Colds, Whooping Cougli, Croup, Asthma, 1 nership in business under the name of Plain and Silk Ottoman ner the patient cannot account for. On examining Catarrh, IiiUuonza, JUBuefcUb, Spitting or lilood, Piguared Poplins, Cloths, the urinary deposits a ropy sediment will often Ikj ricurisy, luilamalion oi the Cuiigs or chest. Pain iu I'I*HAITI A ADAMS, S. ROUNDS & SON. the Jan 15th—dtf and Wool at Loiv found, and sometimes small particles of semen or al- side, Night Sweets, IL-mrscitust*, Consumption In ol mu ! Plain, Striped Figured Poplin* Very For the transaction a general C< lesion Busi- Have Removed bumen will appear, or the color will be of a thin nulk- its early stages, and all l>isuascs of tlic Tlnout and ness, and have take the Store and Counting Rooms ish to a dark and turbid filings. Prices, Alpacca*, DeLaines, Prints, c£o. hue, again changing appear- Patented May ‘M, 1MC. lately occupied Messrs. E. E. UPHAM & SoTl, ance. There are many men who die of this This reoiotlv is too well known aiul too highly e*» by ditlfcnlty, Tills Is .11 article tor head ol Hichaidson’s Wharf. Liberal advances TO THEIR NEW STORE coalT coalTcoal , A FULL ASSORTMENT OF ignorant>of the cause, wliich is the teemed to require commendation hue. ft is rcgaided washing without rubbing, ex- a In which made, and con ignments solicited. BEOOND STAGE OF SEMINAL WEAKNESS. necessity in oveiy housctoM, and is lieai tily endors- cept very dirty places will require a v. rv ed the medical then)tv. oi denoini- slight rub, and unlike other offered tor a E. F. UPHAM, I can warrant a perfect cure in such cases, and a by clergymen every preparations like will nor Jto r ocMdtf CHAS. H. ADAMS. HOUSEKEEPI1VG GOODS. full and healthy restoration of the urinarv organs. natkhi, mothers, edibus. luombcrs ol Congress, und purpose, the clothes, but will or' our most men leave them much whiter than Persons who cannot personally consult the l>r., many distingnialiul in public ami ordinary methods, will.- 333 Ulb. out the usual wear and tear. rnilE UNDERSIGNED have formed a Co- Congress Street, O I* ! can do so in a manner, a private W O by writing, plain descrip- It JL partnership for the purpose of transacting a tion of their diseases, and tho appropriate remedies Uoughi, Golds, Sore Throats, Arc. minoves grease spots as it by inagic, and softens will be forwarded immediately. the dirt by soaking, so that rinsing In ordinary case., and Goods Shawls, Silk Velvets, Cloths, and Goods All Letter /torn Hen. V. W. hooch, Member of Conureu ontkely remove it. Clothing Furnishing HAVE OPENED THE Cloaking 11 correspondence strictly confidential, and will AND be returned, if desired.' A/fllMfihwffl. ITUs powder Is prepared In accordance with chemi- under the firm of -AT— cal and business, Address: DR. J. B. iu science, open a process (sx uliar to Ifso't, | HUGHES, Melrose, ,fitly Uka which Is GEO. GILMAN A No. 14 Preble Street, Dr. E. It. Knkiiits—Dear Sir- secured by Letters Patent It has been in ROBINSON & CO., nse lor more than a KNIGHT, Next door to the Preble House, Portland, Me. I hav e used Dr. Eurookah’s In f;r year, and bos pro, ed itself an uni- Syrup my fainlly versal favorite wherever I has been used. At 388 CONGRESS STREET. BEST ASSORTMENT One Price and No Variation S Send a Stamp for Circular. sL\ years, aiul lure found it an excellent remedy ior Among the advantages claimed are the Head Union Colds, Sore Tl.i.ats ml all cutisimiptlve billowing; Wharf, Electic Medical Coughs, It saves ail the of ascii on col ton and O’NEIL W. liOBINSON, Injlmuary, oomplaiuts, etc. I'lntvo recommended it to several expense soap STEPHEN I). KNIGHT. Uncn goods. OF taken the stand formerly occupied by the TO THE LADIES. friends, who have received great bcuetitsfroin its use. Portland, Doc. 8, 18f«>. dtf It saves most of the labor ol rubbing, and wear and HAVECONSUMERS’ MUTUAL COAL CO., and are Laces, and Gloves dt Dlt. Letter from a well known Boston Vruouut HUROCA-A 'I ■■ —I 1 II ms ■ — IQI—IM—t———— Embroideries, Hoiiery Astonishing- HUGHES invites all Ladies, who if twenty tear. now prepared to fiirnish the different varieties oi particularly and need a medical adviser, to call at his rooms, No. 14 —years tmpC, ience, Steward of Vanover Street Also for cleaning windows it Is unsurpassed With •Low Prices ! M. E. Church ly Preble Street, which they will find arranged for their one quarter the time and labor usually required it Im- especial accommodation. Huston, March 9, UCK. parts a beautiful and lustra, much to HOOP SKIRTS Dr. E. It. glum superior Parker & Co. COAL AND WOOD! Dr. H.’s Electic Renovating Medicines axe unrival- Knights: Having used lAROuKAIi’S any other mode. No water required except to moist- Lcacli, PUUiONIC Si MOURNING led in eitfcacy and superior virtue in regulating aU UUI* myself and in my umily for en the isiwder. Female Their theicist six 1 am lo il is su- -and- THE BEST GOODS, Irregularities. action is specific and years, prepared say Directions with each package. OF QUALITY, perior to mctHrluc I have ever for Would invite of certain of producing relief in a short time. any knawn, the And can be readily appreciated by a single trial. respectfully purchasers Of every Description. We ►hall make a BIG BREAK IN PRICES, and may be cure of Bargains expected! LADIES will find it invaluable in all cases of ob- positive Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat aud all The cost of for a of live or six which washing fondly persons, Delivered In any part of the ettt we will sell structions after all other remedies have been tried 1ft similar complaints. As I lake cold very easily, J will not exceed nun cents. at the LOWEST CASH PRICES. We are now dis- have lud vain. It is purely vegetable, containing nothing In great opportunity to test the virtues oi The npnufuclnrers of this powder are aware that from vessels Red and free ©EWING MACHINES. this valuable and CORSETS charging Ash, Egg Stove, tho least injurious to the health, and may he taken remedy, It has never F.WLEn me many useless com|muuds have been Introduced to the and White Ash, and Stove Also however violent the ilisea*:. In DRY horning pure: Epg C0"A Full Assortment at all times ol the Celebrated GROV'ER & ani Fami- I with perfect safety at all times. ycl, Having Ken the public which have rotted the clorh. or foiled In remov- GOODS! of the different fo' furnace and stove. BAKER, Manufacturing Imsilicss for over 20 Lehigh, sizes, ly Sewing Machines, and Machine Findings, at Manufacturers’ Prices. Machije Warranted to Sent to any part of the country, with full directions, Drug years, I hive had good op- ing the dirt, but knowing the Intrinsic excellence ol Our coals ore under screened and de- Every give of the rirtucs of EVER OFFERED TO THE kept cover, satisfaction. by addressing DR. HUGHES, portunities knowing the various med- this article they confidently proclaim It as being adapt manner. We to livered in the best possible intend No. 14 Preble icines sold, and pronounce T.AltOOKAH’lA 0.1 to meet a demand which to call and examine their Street, Portland. SVKUI*, has long existed, and spare no effor on oar part to please those who may E. T. ELDEIV A the dust of any article ever presented to the which has heretofore remained with their orders. CO., unsupptyed. patronize ns N. B.—Ladies consult one public. _ desiring may of tlielr ■sancfactured by June II—dtl Dec 10—dtf 3 FREE STREET. own sex. A of in constant attend- lours, W. R. BOWEN, 90 Ilanovor St. Ladies of Portland! ____ lady experience GOODS AND PRICES ance. Janl.l865d&w. HOWE & ST EVEN 8, _ CKOUP. WOOD! WOOD! WOOD! " Mrs. A. R. Rl.nsm, 114 East 20.1 SI., N. Y., writes VltfO Brsndwny, KIMBALL & Oct. 9,ltU4: “During last winter three ot my vldl- For sole by Grocers and Dealers everywhere. belore their selections. We have one of the CO., dren were attacked with aud making The Pr ices will be such as to The subscribers has Just received a lot of good CHEROKEE Croup, Rom the violence Mi»28-(13in best stocks of PILLS, of the symptoms, they were pronounced to be Iu much At the Instance of JSTOVA SCOTIA WOOD l Female • danger. out paslor, Rev. Or Reyulator, Mr. Stiles, I tried Huookali’s Pulmonic which S TEAM all the Swap, Defy Competition. and intend to keep constantly on hand various Decorators ! promptly relieved aud in a verv short time Upholsterers, Cure Excessive and them, they kinds and quality to offer their customers at the low- Suppressed, recovered. In for thu licncnt con- Fall and Winter Goods Green entirely gratitude Dry est cash price. Painful Menstruation, ferred, I cauuot retrain Trom making this testimony ItEFllEll come and see oar New Store. Sickness, Nervous and Spinal Af- nubile.” SOAPS ? Ladies, HEAL) UNION WHARF. Pains in the Back, Hick- Ever opened in this and we feel confident that fections, city, SIMEON SHURTLEFF & CO. Headache, Giddiness, and all dis- WHOOPING COUGH. our prices will be found to compare with favorably Our lac ill lies for in and manu- j Manufacturers of eases that spring froiu Irregularity, E. W- Muvr.noi' N. writes 7 LEATHE~ft GORE. those of any other establishment. purchasing quantity 2dtf___ Furniture, Cnrleton, B., Dee., removing the cause and all the lstit): live was a tew months since We have in Block a beautiful line of by “My son, years ttW, hohcit the attention oi the trade and are such that we can guaranteee a effects that mis*' from it. facturing AND DEALERS TN ALL KINDS OF They suffering greatly trom WHOOPING COUUU. I nev- WOULDconsumer* to thcfr Standard Brand* of Southern Pine Lumber are perfectly bale in all cases, ex- er saw a more distressing case. 1 gave him Tnrookah’s cept when forbidden by direc- Pulmonic syrup according to directions and soon lio- STEAM ItEFLN Ei> SOAPS, Saving of Twenty per Cent. ti&ns, and are easy to administer, to soo improvement. Tlie liccamu easier— are to execute orders for SOUTH. 1 Cough -VB!- I>T*e»H Goods WfE prepared as they arc nicely sugar coated. SHe expectoration llecr, and in two weeks the EBN PINE the deliver- Goods,Looking-Glasses, Mattresses malady TO THE BUYER, VV LUMBER, by cargo, Upholstery They should be in the hands of was entirely overcome.” EXTRA, ed with dispatch at any convenient port. every Maiden, Wife, and M«tber riMiiii, of every variety, such as I BRONCHITIS RYAN & DAVIS Feathers, &c., | in tho land. AND CATARRH. .VO. I. ON ALL GOODS WE SELL! can us OLKINE. 17—dtf1B1 Commercial St. Ladies address in perfect A. \V. Hrrjtis, writes trom whale-aliip “Eldora April and state their com- CU KvIlCAE BEAUTIFUL COLORED SILKS, confidence, do,” Mutch 11. ItfO: “Having suCeted tor lour rears OLIVE. Tree in ns we Trent an m male with Bronchitis CRANE’S PLAIN AND FIGC’D BLACK liberty Block, plaints mil, complaints, and Catarrh in their most aggravat- PATENT, SILKS, Medicines suitable for uli diseases to SODA, AND AMERICAN Come and Bee and be Convinced! Pork and Lard. and prepare ing tonus, 1 feel it ray duty to state that 1 have I con CAMTICE. RICH SILK AND WOOL which are POPLINS, they subject—Thirty-two page pamphlet, permanently cured by the use of Larookah’s Pul- A!1 ol SUPERIORUUAX4TIES, In jwktg, t soils a sealed free. FINE ALL W OOL POPLINS, iff envelope, monic Syruji. f had told large sums to physicians Me f.r the trade ana family use. 50 Brls Northern Extra Pork 460 and 464 The Cherokee Pills arc sold all druggists at $1 and Ibr so calod 1 PLAID & STRIPED WOOL CS^Fiud out war Brw Stare and yon will Clear Street, by Calariah remedies, but uutil f used Importing direct our chemicals, an.I using only the POPLINS, Washington or six boxes for or nre sent “ “ per box, $5; they by the Syrup I experienced no relief." boat materials, and as our goods are manufacture.I BLACK be in Packet. 60 Clear Pork, free of in an ordinary free ALPACCA, Haney mail, postage, letter, sprrrrso of under he personal supervlsloti ot oar senior partner, “ *• “ “ from observation, by addressing the sole blood, pleurisy, infla- COLORED ALPACCA, 25 Backs proprietor, tion OF THE LUNGS, PAIN IN THE who ha* had thirty years prooticnl experience in the BOSTON. 37 SIDE business, we Owrefore assure the with con- THIBET! in all shades, Ac., Ac. ANDERSON & CO., 60 Tierces Prime Lard. Oct 20—d2m Dr. W. E. MEEWIN, Walker St., N. Y. NIGHT SWEATS, HOARSE- public Leaf NESS. Ac. ilence that we oak end will furnish the N. B.—Cherokee Pills No. 2 are for 50 Tubs Prime Lard. prepared From Kev. B. F. We liave also a full line of Leaf canes, when milder medicines full; these Down's, Manchester, II. H.: Best Goods at the 333 CONGRESS STREET, 383, special “Tlie bottle of Dr. Tatookali’a Pulmonic Lowest Prices! For sale Low are sent by mail, free of postage, on receipt of $5, Symp, you by BAY STATE so kindly sent me, lias been triod inr with Havlm; recently enlarged and crectud NEW ABOVE CASCO. the price of each Vox. lioarsohese, WORKS, contain# al) fho Bilim results; for this i wouldcouudAlly rccom- tmnrovciuentatMft Goods Nov 17—dim FLETCHER & Co., veiyj^jorl are enabled to furnish a supply ot duaiis ot tb<- Housekeeping ! Bent eb»ul cure of a Ceilo Two axd a IV E L by giving reliable reference, can depend upon having their orders tilled in a manner—thus the vounsr, middle-age i»*>mph- her. She gradually and Is now a 1 °r other substance to LOWEST PRICES CO., Improved, perfectly injurious metals or the bands iCt**»or to the sole chUd. were It Is a HHDS Dirty Salt, for sale by advice, proprietor healthy People astoirshsil to toe what complete electro-plating battery In a bottle We would also call attention to our fine se- orTitct the mollriue bad on Mils and to see For sale and special Are to offer to their friends and the BARGAINS in W. B. JIEBWTH, 37 Walker at., 3. X, licr by Druggists Variety Stokes. lection of prepared public well by the use of Tsrrookah's w» FIXTURES WALDRON <& TRUE, syrup, which IUMVK A H1BVKNM. Edshove to tie tlie best medicine ibr Pulmonary com- dcGd2w# Hot, 4 and t Haifa Wharf. * MILIXEBY and FANCY GOODS plamts In the world. MANUFACTURERS.BOSTON, Maas —AT— Yours, H. LAItABEE, Vhipsburg, Me. Sept28-d3a O I. O A K N Space will permit the publication of lint a litho o 25 Union St., the certilicates which are constantly coming in from Lea Ac Perrins’ FURNITURE ! all quarters of the Patients will iin gratefully ac- 331 place to buy Whips Cigars, cheap at Another Base I | sale and retail. OLtVE, ELAINE AND RED Oil,. Chanye of CHARLES H. MAHONEY. knowledge the many favors bestowed upon him by At Mrs. L. Walker’s, 3G Center hi, for yearn. St., KEROSENE AND MACIUKKRVOIL, for cast-off patrons many Congress ra-r*IIighesl. Cash price paid Clothing. rjjubEN KENT. LEE & OPPOSITE LANCASTER WAIT., SPERM* ADAMANTINE CANDLES. * SOAP, Furniture Bad to the oldMiddlc St. Stand ! Nov 21—d3m October 1.1886. dtf STEBBINS, ___ __ Hkt. and For bill* BUABSUAW & PATCH, 8t, 360 Congress Street, Fertuuiery Boxes, Al- by -AT—. kam, Work nug 9—Cm No. 7 Central Wliart, Boston. Did You Know It? Taunton Copper Co., Portland, Is the place. Boxm, Writing Dnki, Boots, Shoes and Rubbers ESTABLISHED l&fl. THBY WAKKANT PtnMita, Fpdriau Riatiln, Maine. Portland Academy. GREATLY REDUCED RATES —AT— Gentlemen, you can Sate all goods as represented. Don’t forget the place. Sign WORSTED HOODS, BREAKFAST SHAWLS ot the Indian n Copper, Yellow Metal mid Zinc Queen. scptl8d3m AND WORSTEDS, UNION HALL, 85 FBEE NTBEET. OlaD TIME PRICES II ^ -FOB- 33 Oents, TRr,ctyof Do'l»> T■ 1* I IL I* > Hayward’s Rubbers ! and Yellow Metal J Oopper Bolts and Spikes. of all age. and attainment, received at Begs leave to Inform hie friends, customers and the Shirt Patterns t We offer to the trade HLANO HAitiT'S Term. CASH. that Perfect Dimension and any time in the * public generally having rebuilt Us store at Fitting Brazier. Copper rolled to PUPILS 4 order. HOSIERY AND GLOVES, Term. *10.00 per term of ten week.. Cut from Measure at the A full assortment of the above celebrated 33 Foi sale at New York and Boston prices bv Improvement on Steam Boilers! Private recitations and private clawes attended to no. ITBEET, the at any hour of the or Custom LYMAN, SON ft TOBKY, by Principal day evening. sell st Novelty Shirt Factory, Agents, HOOP SKIRTS AND CORSETS, Terms for instruction made is now prepared te prices lower than the low- 115 Commcrcia Street. RUBBER BOOTS AND SHOES, some boilers 700 of heat is thrown private known on ap- George £. Jt Co. Where can also degs. away. Burroughs est all qualities sad descriptions of Bouts, Shoes. you have Shirts of all hinds, cut and Portland, Sept. 21,1866. dtl At AIbo ONmaking a loss 011-3 the ftiel. The is plication to the Principal. made to at short Agency prices. question Rubbers, Ac. order, notice, and at Reasonable olten asked how can Mr Blanchard CHAM. O. octl2d tf this be saved. FILES, Principal, Repairing done as heretofore, and all ot Prices. Ladies’ & Children’s Underflannels, haa invented a control ol all P. O. Box 927. 28 Street. description boiler that takes pertect Hanover work manuihctured to order. norSdti tllO l-‘J Coiigrr** Hoots, Shoes & th6 heat and This is dee3—'!w* Nt., Oysters, Oysters. BET AIL. Moccasins, makes it do duty In the engine. JOHN w. DANA, no23dlt Up-stairs, Portland. WHOLESALE AND in the engine is in Mar very simple its construction; alter f. W—dtf At Wholesale only. motion the waste .I*- day received a splendid lot Virginia Oysters, __ '•moke pipe is closed tight, and the Bounties, Pensions, Prize Money WkgreeT and Ibr sale gallon, solid; heat carried through heaters, heating the steam to at THIS all Counsellor nnd Attorney Law, Pattern and Model The Portland Glass |y All orders by mail or expres promptly attend- To STEVENS, HASKELL & OHASE. any temperature desired; the remainder carried And other Government claims prosecuted by Maker, Company ed to. Capitalists! through the water heater, using up ail the waste to 33 Me. St. Are prepared furnish delivered in any part of die city. Commercial St., Portland, heat hut 200degs.; the heat being reduced so low Emery & Drummond. No. 30 Exchange Machinist and Oysters °* a Coal Oct there can Milhwright, very extensive proper- 10—d3mos be no danger of setting fires by sparks At No. 8 cinpp’s Block, opposite City Hall.— Dec «—dtf Dinner and Tea of four seams _.__ Pich Cut Sets l ii. freeman « ■■«l • 11 ■■ Mr< N*wM I# Wr* I AWHUhM WWjftM It MvWMd* t» tt WAfTW), IflfSFiHWfc |l U._,_ l„ »«* *V? m*h WATEt tielow we give the letter of Instruction* *’'4 M VtJ’Vs STIUWKIU!. KUUtOWiV I*w4ub iStfe. Pawn, Ne1«>M, ><■* 7' -77-£ -Atfcfc al. ! V aLJuU ■ * of State to Mtnieter ed SttteiS 201 Ttf On Oiieenstowu Jm-tuiah Xh UHwott.Krn- I rtlfehed by the Secretary 27tb, StATEMENT OF THE body, from for New York, (end failed > COtffclTtCrt Uousc UIU! on the departure of the latter for Liverpool #4000 Wanted! Lot fbr San*. Campbell 3r« Ink Stark Market. —OF THE— on a on* Bmise on FARE Mexico. It in stated trustworthy authority Nre Yobk, Dec. io. Shi ftn Kbangbae Ocb 1 lfmlBon. Ny«, Nagasaki; (.£!?!',°JI?UV itory REDUCED TO BOSTON. 2d, Wo Manila PORTUNOt ROCHESTER B.R that the President had in the first instance re- SKCOND BOABB—Stock*,, se, rilllEEfi OR FOUR THOUSAND DOLLARS tor American Ar at Hong Kong Ot a, Young Greek, Xlmmiwin. J. two or three for which the Bent of Se- Merchants Insurance Summer f Grant to Mr. Camp- Gold...... San years .t'rraiif/rlue)it HUMMER arrangement. Gen. accompany U. S. Sixes, Bangkok; Poraee, Soule, IVancu-oo; loth,Wind- will be and interest at tho rate Cornp’y, quested Coupon 18*1. U;d curity given, paid of Ok Habtfobd, Cohn., to the but the U. S.Flve-Tweutioa, 1862. ward, Barrett. Kungkok. nine cent annum. SBSk^ Until .11. bell or to go frontier, general, coupons, 108 per per ^ Inrther notice ilie Steamers ^ncpdaft«jr Monday. ApiiJ !*»«. Ar at Manila Sept 21, Made the UJteiiafiJ U. S. Five-Twenties, Congress, Wyman,- Hung Address Box 2058 PortUteuLrP. on the “'the Portland SSK^^VEEtraim will as “having found it inconveuieut to assume the coupons, 1861, O., .4 Forty Acre Lot for Sale, steam Pseket Co. leave follows: U. S. Five-Twenties, .iik! Kang. or W. H. JERK1S, Real Estate Sgto^of^lajne. will run as follows:— lor Portland at •*" ami4*<»:• a p coupons, 1st*,, Iu Oct G, Golden Hind, DaviuiiC. Agent. Uyhejjeere^ry^ four miles from 0 *n «lti\cr were assigned to General Sher- ■ port Dec C— dlw* Portland, one mile from Leave Atlantic 340 p. M. duties," they ™ eoupons, 1865, now Issue.''. 7' 108 IV11 Wliarf for Boston u.u a.u ve'p*?,“tic8> Sid Batavia Gtli, Humboldt, Proctor, Patton** ONLYMorrill’s Corner. This lot must be sold to Leave — len-rortic*, coupons. ina CAPITAL. cIom; Purtland «ir sjwo 1 a m The is the letter: and Boston. an 'every evening, (except Sundavfat |{, 7 wuimoJ man. following estate, and can be bought ibr the low of n 019 PM Treasury Seven-Tldi .10s The amount of the price $9oo 7 clock*. Leave Boston the saiu« at a P two,..... Shl fai ( ct Wanted. Capital Stork of the About one hundred cords of now days M Canton Singapore 14tli, ltlandina Dudley, Bar Company wood standing — Cabin lhe 2 On p. m train [No. 3.] Company,.... 4* to is, y 00 oui m.ti the a.m train ta 10 I Boston rett, Liverpool. rilEN or Fifteen TEAMS wanted cart lOft,- $200,060 Apply to W. U. tare.*UQ P’orclaml Department of State, Water Power 2* JKKRIS, •>eck,. will he freii'hi trains with car' Company.7;.'! I. OOO Bricks and IOO Perch oi Stone from the ASSETS. Dec. 8. lw Real i oo 1im/sen^er Cumberland 70 Estate bo attached Washington, Oct.20,180t>. ( Coal Company ’.7.'. Sid fm Park to No. Brackett ticke*t" bul1 ,lle at ro- Port Mahon 11th H4 Street, Cash on .... A^eut. Agents a and ex- Quicksilver ult, McGIlvery. Nichols, hand, $108 'ItSd rat^s**60 at Sir,—You are aware that friendly Mining Company. \ aieneia. By C ALEB S. SMALL. 53'' o.^^TT^BtgOoconnect lioihaiu for Weal (, between this Western Union ‘"Batik, 7,307 26 First Class Houses tor Sale. Preight takenas usual. Behiigo, exists govern- Telegraph.7.. Ar at Gibraltar 20th Horn doe 6 dlw in el Baldwin, Denmark, plicit arrangement ult, Adelaide, Plummer. v hands Agents andiucuiir* of Bndgtou Lovell, of to the effect laud sailed otter tor Halo Lite eight ttm class brick houses, L lllraui, Brownfield, Kryebu.^, ment and the Euijieror France, Alicante, 21st tor New York): f- _ A«»»‘ 72J Speedwell, iranaffltasion, is r»83 37 built us, situated oh Fine Mays^ml.igcc_dff Conway, Bartlett, Jackson C'oroHh Por* his milita- Krie,.7*.7771. Patten, New York. Farmer Wanted. Government WErecently by Street, Liinington, that he will withdraw expeditionary Securities, 109*300 0o between Clark and ter Frvedum, Ma4li*>n and Hudeon,.*7.77.122 Ar at Bremen 21th Carletou Streets. Katon N, A foroes trom Mexico in three parts the first ult,Pair •, (’oibett,New York. PARTNER is wanted a man in the State and City 00 WnJt ry Heading..*.'.7.777" .*.'.'.1001 (id at by retail Bonds, 27,’l00 These houses are thoroughly built, with slate roofs, „ AJ. UrXW,lt>ntf!rfl,.r Buxton, Bonny leave Mexico in November Helvcet25d ult, Gardiner Colby, McLellun, Provision and business with a New York Bank Sto k. P0RTLAND AND dt which shall next, Ulinois New A Grocery capital ot 1 17.650 00 brick draini, and marWe mantel].keen new Tork b^.uth Lim.ngton Liminfeton, Limerick, Newi .» Central,,.*1*| York. Hartford throughout.— 1 aruomyfield and the second in Maroh next, and the third in No- Cleveland & Twelve or Fifteen Hundred Dollars,in a first rate lo- 00 will be Hold at alow and on Onsince PittBburg,.,’S’f At at 24th ‘I 48,300 They price, very tavora- STEAMSU,,. t OMPAXr. Antwerp ult, Bazaar, Stinson, Phila- and business. It is a rare chance Boston 00 ^outh and that the evacuation be- Cleveland & Toledo.ld| cation, g<>od for a « 23,000 ble terms. at our No. 271 Danforth St. Atriaecara^pafor Windham. Windham Hill vember, 1IW7, upon delphia. Other Apply office, and north the dfc North Western.-... 531 man who wishes to go into the business. 8,125 00 3. B* BROWN & Windham,daily iug thus completed, French government Chicago secured SONS, SKM I-w oteam C'ar at the Press Office. decldtf Loons, by mortgages, 70 700 00 or WM. KJKK LY LINK. and Accomodation lrai..>« will run h■ fol* will come the Pittsburg & Fort Wayne. 105} Apply II. JERK1B, Real Estate Agent, opposite the immediately upon ground of SPOKEN by Bank 00 low^Leave (vortium for Portland in Stock, 1,240 Preble House. at*iu»jA n. m..i non-intervention regard to which is Sept lat 37 46 Ion 36 Will H Pies- interest acrrueil, 06 200 p. m. Leave Portland lor 1> Mexico, Boston Slock l.isl. 27, S, Gi> \Y, ship 1861 October 16,1866. dtt tiorhawat j5 f held by the United States. Doubts have been cott. trom C-dllao for Gibraltar. Flour Barrels and 4 k* M Wanted. Total Assets of the entertained and expressed upon the Sales at the Brokers’ Board, Iter* 10. Oct 19, lat 5 S, Ion 35 W, ship Tccuimeh, fm Boston Company, $333,515 ‘ji. =>VTOTfC’lC* 1 will sell on'AatoiV^e* rejigs as to wootA and By order of the President. question T1 or Of W. FKANooNlA.^pt, whether the French American for v'aliarai&o. payrnenf, let for a term We lots on JxHihRWOOU, will until Portland, April 28, fMot—dti government will faithfully Gold. 137$ will pay 30 cents each for first class LIABILITIES. Unf State* Oct 21, oil’ St 43 days bom ■\lfE Flour the corner ol Midtile and Franklin streets, and on lurtller run a« execute this No such United Coupons, Nov. Helena, .-hip Mogul, f T Barrels suitable for Amount of losses T u-: notice, IoIIowh agreement. doubts have 137$ Mauritius tor sugar. adjusted and due, none Franklin tlie corner ot been entertained United States Coupon Sixes, 1*81. 113 Liverpool. street, including Franklin and PORT t. A Xv, TJ by the who has re- Oct lai 2 12 28 LYNCH, BARKER & CO., and not due $4,360 18 Foie streets. to WM. President, United States 7 3-101 1st aeries. 24, N,Ion 50, barque Leading Star, novl.'klt f 139 Apply HILLIARD* Bangor, peated and oven recent assurances that the lis, 106$ trom Charleston for Bueuos Commercial street. unadjusted (estimated in or SMITH & * small. 1061 Ayres. REED, Attorneys, Portland. jylUtl "“"*««** *,.,1 complete evacuation of Oct lat Ion28 00 Mexico the French art series. lo5* 28, 6 ION, 07, ship Southern Chief, ..10,677 AND wmSsSfrJSSsirB SACO t PORTSMOUTH R H. by Wanted. LOT lor safe at Cape Elizabeth Fer- Ihesc vessel* are will be consummated at the mentioned, from New York lor Accapulco. Htfed up with Une aoeoininotta- periods 3d series. MM Total LtABiumrs tor Loesses other HOUSEfy>—house n*w. ol A .P. COLE tions for or earlier if *‘ Nov 15, Ut 32 40 N, Ion 36 20, bliip Benuhigion k/k BUSHELS Seeds bv (no nearly Enquire passengers, funking this the most speedy VVINTEK compatible with the climatical, small. 105 -1 good Pumpkin at the or W. II. M aw AKBAXGEM£XT, •Stover, from Boston for Madras. KENDALL & Liabilities,) $20,477 18 Ferry, ANSEELD, Portland Sh lur military and other conditions. di- United Stales 5-Ws, 180*. n<7 WHITNEY. Jacket 11 dtf ‘^“iflXeVn* lYor. I [The great Nov 13—<11 m (Signed) MAKE jul rw^«r,amb'Lrou*i e«MMCurlu< Meuduy, Jih, lM)k. vision of 1*61. list$ HOWAliD, President. C*^_t ..' parties in Mexico, and the unoertain- L. T1IOS. ktan—. Passenger Trains leave Portland >01 )K4^. |(M{ LOBDELL, Sec’y. Sale. Three brick house on Danforth ties these • story attending it are next statod.] For Sworn to before me, MltpOR Street. The house *W#Boston at 8.40 A. M. and 2.20 P. M. Vermont Stale Sixew. Wanted l is nearly new and iu ’fine or- tr aM.hfeW ‘oand.tvm Mon- reasons it is impossible to give you specific di- Agents *f. Shipman, Public. der. Immediate b Bg'5Vbla B,th’ lor Portland at 7.;«| A. M., anc!j2.30 Rutland let Mortgage Bond*. 120 Notary poscession given. St. Jo,‘n Augusta, Eastpoit and pl'MvPBr.9t«n rections ior the conduct of your proceedings in Boston and Maine Railroad. Afau dk Magnolia.—The prettiest thing, the FOB FRANK MOORE’S jnftStl W. G. CHADBOURNB. the H. 1). LIXXCE . 1 ( W \ American, Scotia and Irish by insurance companies, THIS Com- to Train for Watcrville, Bangor, 1 land S&rato a sold all *-V/V/ Girls to do DOW & JOHNSON, Monlloh stiOet, or X. jjc sutc Street, every MONDAY Uorham, _ pring cook, Ahv. in ia able to show to Us and Montreal and States. Secondly, assuming that the French Water, by Drugging housework, y/i- pany agent* tattoos, such a Cook, on the and at B Pond, Quebec at 1. 10 P. M. vate lamilie- and hotels iii this list of assets and premises. jy*'7-eodti THURSDAY, o’clock P., M., for Eastport This and naval commanders shall be en- eitv and count rv. securities to a position and Sr. John. train connects with Express train for Toron- military Situations siue. The beat 111 the iron afc&jhtitifit in faith in the In this city, Dec. 9, Mrs. Ann E. C., wile or Perley wages paid. trank anion* insurance companies in this to* ,LV.)il V1'1 Chicago. Sleeping caw attached irom gaged good executing agree- Also 50 Girls t» work in Factories. one of I Farm for Sale. i aa*Ea8tpor,' Island Pond to ment before mentioned for the evacuation of I>. Cummings, aged 45 years. country— worthy ha hiltost confidence, and 2 Quebec and Montreal. on “in lit ting the kettle from the fire 1 scalded sell Farmers and others men lor work the most securities ^WteJ*a $Ma Train lor [Funeral Wednesday afternoon, at*8* o’clock, my wanting any giving perfect to policy-holders. SCARBOROUGH, about 7 miles from Portland, At the stemncr South l'aiis at 5.00 P. M. the of the oa our baud will do well to call on as we will T'he Eastport QUEEN will connect for Mexico, spirit engagement from No. 21 Pine street. Relativesand friends are very severely—one almost to a crisp. The tor- us, supply them free policies in this company, tarnish the meat am- INon Beech Ridge/* (so called,) contains about 75 St. No baggage can be received or chocked alter tha in relation to that event will ture was • * * oi charge. Address or Andrews, Robbinston, Calais and New Bruns- part forbid the invited to attend. unbearable. The Mexican Mus- apply at the General Agencv ple indemnity to our customers, we ask in return acres mowing, tillage, a good Orchard and and time above stated. m. good pastnre, wick, to Woodstock and Houlton United States and their from In Dec. Mis. Elizabeth w.fe ol tang Liniment relieved the pain almost Employ nt Daice, 3514 Congress Street, up risks, and adequate and we trust our 30 acres wood and timber. Railway Stations, Trains will arrive as follows:— representative Westbrook, 8, A., immediately. stairs, rates, many and Buildings tmoly situated and Stage Coaches wiil connect for Charles H 48 It healed rapidly and left little sear. COX & POWARS. in and in Machias. From So. obstructing or embarrassing the departure of Clark, aged years. very OuthMagenta may the flume a» in |ho nter, look good repair, with a good cellar and cistern. Paris, Lewiston and at 8.10 a. u In Ohab. 420 Broad well to our 1 Auburn, the Freneh. what the United States Vassal boro, Nov. 25, Mrs. Sally Hobby, aged 86 Poster, street, Philadelphia.” late WillTNE V *V CO. interests—enlarge and increase our busi- Good Dairy and convenient wells of water. From Montreal, Quebec, &c.% 1.15 p.m. Tiiis is a 9ei't2tkl‘J_ Thirdly, years 4 months. merely sample of what the Mustang Lini- ness, upon what shall prove a sate class of risks. to JOHN LIBBY near »Aa£‘ar»aajai ujju'vs desire in to the future of Mexico is not Apply 4th, the premises, or P. E. and regard In Nov. Mrs. Louisa 69 ment will do. It is invaiuabe in all cases of ■ Cliarlottetown, Island, PfTtoiT^ N. S,; al- Mercer, 22, Kimball, aged wounds, Edmund Woodbury libby, sc^boro*. so Hnlifav The are not the conquest of Mexico or any part of it, or the swellings, Wunli ^ Freeman, President, Chartered 1849, Tl every Tuesday ami Friday evenings, and Company responsible for baggage to years. sprains, cuts, bruises, spavins, etc., either Ageiih J. >1. Sec. HENRY li. A EDWIN LIBBY, amount or Dunham, Capital & Surplus overy and any exceeding *50 in value that aggrandisement of the United States by pur- In Vn Nov. Mr. Samuel upon man beast. $690,171,74, nov 22 Halifax^ Tuesday Friday evenings, and (anil person- salboro, 28, Foster, ag6; fay \ jAi'iia and al) given, paid for at the rate ol chases of land dominion, but, on the other 71 years. None genuine unless ! We are ~ MtnA; Thursday mornings. book in tiie country. Yours Very Truly, received on ot one passenger for every *500 additional value. desire to see the of Mexico In Bremen, Nov. 18, Capt. Waite W. Keene, wrapped in the steel-plate engravings, bearing the ,’u“vdzht dafs Balling until 4 hand, they people aged E. Freeman, President. o’olock P M. C. C. C. J. Jilt YDUES, hinctor. relieved from 76 years. signature of G. W. Wostbrook, Chemist, and the pri- nGADIiGV’fi AH87 it T EATON, Managbtu all foreign military intervention, vate J. N. Dunham, H. HAILE Y, Local In Wilton, Dec. I, Mrs. 66 stamp of Demis Barnes & Co, New York. Secretary. Y desirableIfQr'saiejpriT^ and convenient Agent. Superintendent. to the end that they may resume the conduct Lucy Hathaway, aged OF THE Johu £• Dow &■ 1J etnfy house, sept25—dtt___ Portland, Nov. 2,18GG. dtf years. Saratoga W sold all Non, Ageuta, AVEl:with bam, \vo;xl shed and all in of their own affairs under the existing republi- _ Spring afcer, by Druggists. carriage house, STEAMBOAT sep29-cadtf PORTLAND, Mjfolfc, good order, with eoven acres ot one mile NOTICE. can form of or such other form of are Air itl:in:iLiov i land, only government, IMPORTS. outside of city, uiion which there are .300 choice fruit government as, being left in the enjoyment of Two CONDENSED STAT£HI£NT trees, of and PU TiANUThENWEBLC h. H. volumes in one. 1200 4 constating apule. pcarartimb WINTER All who complete Roya’ .s.lvivo cherry;: ARRANOKMENT! liberty, they shall determiue to adopt value a valuable head of hair, and its pres- I sold lor Five Dollars. also an abundance of cnrraiiU», strawber- perfect C ARDENAS. Sarah B Halo—336 hbds 54 ervation from Pages, Of the condition of the goflseberry, m the exercise of own free their Barque premature baldness and are * ry, &c., with vory best ol brick cistern WINTER ARRANGEMENT, their will, by tics 3 turning grey, G^^Many agents making fron ‘Sir-., ** tyfr t**»! j ^ water, huge bbls molasses, to Phinney & Jackson; 3 bbls will not tail to use celebrated Katharion. and turuace in the a To Penobscot River twice a Week. own without dictation from any Lyon’s It week canvassing for this work. Sol » bv & vndii-. cellar; splendid garden and in act, foreign mol issos. 6 bbls oranges, master. makes the hair suit and rate aud in CJuiauieuriMB Moii.luy, Nov. I‘dd>, Igfr,. and of course without dictation from rich, glossy, eradicates darnl- only. State Fire neighborhood, every way a desira- country, WINDSOR, NS. Sch Acorn—160 ions to ruti, and causes the liair to Insurance * plaster, grow with luxuriant Sole and exclusive rights given of nnuou d ta. Bay Co., ^first Immediate irt>*se.ssioti given. prioe The steamer LADY LANG, Capt. the United States. order. It is sold Of va -.Mi-.-t Passenger Trains leave Portland tlalh beauty. everywhere. with liberal commissions. Worcester, Mass., otiyifc^ A. L. Whitmore, will commence It as a from these E. riujry at l.oo 1> lor results, consequence prin- Thomas Lyon, N. For circulars tod terms to As made of HXTVMON A' the Winter trips on M., Baih, Augusta, Wat- Chemist, apply Of P hE a Secretary Sate, Sov. 1,1806. DOIV, MONDAY, ervilfo, and that you will enter into no Miaiaiare tp 'Nov. 19th, Will leave Portland for heiuiall’sMilL,Skowh« gau, intermeil.aio ciples, stipulation Aluiaaac.December 11* Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Druggists. J. PATTEN MTCTi Agents, No. 315 Congress Strcek Stations,(connecting at Brunswick with with the French or with the Lock Box 1722. No -Hangar (» as tor as the ice will Audrosco* commanders, sun rives. 7.1tf Moon set*.8.47 PM 233* Congress St., near City Hau. Capital gin It. B., for Lewiston ami Stock.9130,000. d^^^^slatc permit) and » Farmington, and Prince Maximilian, or with other Sun Portland, Maine. noSldhw every Tuesday Friday evenings at Kendall s Mills any party, set -.4.2# ilitfh water-- 2.16 PM Amount of Capital Stock o'clock. with Maine Central it U.) for Bangui which shall have a to or *"■ actually paid in, £-104,800. tendency counteract —'. Seven $1000 House Lots and intermediate stations. Eares an low thit cot-i. VIhai Did lx? A young lady returning to her Returning, willleave Bangor every Monday and by opj.ose the administration of President AMOUNT OF ASSETS. TNOR sale on as any other. Juarez, couuuy homo after a sojourn of a few months ill New Congress street, near the sew Park. Thnr day mornings at 6 o’clock, and or to hinder or the restoration of the au- 1 UOAIID AND IMUtrlv ¥. S. J? A fine Winterport Leave Portland lor delay ork, was hardly recognized her friends. In Bonds, par value,. 43,730,00 location lbr a block of houses. Now is at 7 o’clock, touching at Hamislcn, Bel- Bath, Lewiston, Augut-tuand MARINE N MWB by place the Bueksport, intermediate stations on at 7.45 of the On the other it ot u rustic tiushod she a of time to purchase, for in the U-L Camden anti each Saturday only P. M. thority republic. hand, tacc, had sole ruby complex- State Vermonfc Stocks,. 5,000,00 preparatory building Rockland, way. Mixed Train leaves may that the President of the ion of almost marble spring. Apply to \VM. H. Real Portland for Brunswick and In- possibly happen smoothness, and instead of 23, Bank Stocks iu Worcester and JERRIS, Eggfee on termediate stations she but Board. Boston,. 45,486,00 Agent. noy24d3w daily, except Saturday, at J.Gfi p. republic of Mexico may desire the offices PORT OP PORTLAND. really appeared 17. She told them r_ M. good she used plainly A Rail Road Stocks,.;. of the or even Aagan’s Magnolia and would not be PLEASANT Room, withbt ...uaiic it** 12,831,00 United States, some effective Baliu, S°M£KBy’ Agent. with tar without it. and or two at Loaned of on Portland, Nov. Freight Trafli, pass, ngr-v attached, will on Any lady can improve her appearance gentlemau wife, Lin, i.iieuitn. City Worcester demand, 20,000,00 17,1S9T. proceedings our part, to favor and advance Woudav, Decembpr 10* No 5G IN, <> rJT E leave Portland for uinl intc medial* sta- vtry much by using rtiis article, it can bo oniore.I Clark street. noirtdtt Loaned with i,,C2 .Skownegan die of a so distract- Collateral,. 5,000,00 tions every morning at 7 o’clock. pacification country long ARRIVED. ol any ilruggist lor Ot) cents ed Cash on Tiainsfroin Brunswick and Lewiston are by foreign combined with civil war, and Steamer Franconia. Sherwood, New York. TO LET, hand,. 9,382,15 Internationai due at Saratoga Spring Water, sold by all Uruggjcts. Co. Poriiaiul at 9.20 A M., and irom and thus gain time for the re-establishment of na- Steamer New Boston tor Cash iu hands of agents,.... nit. t. Steamship Skowhej;an Brunswick, Winchester, lATITIIOUT a l.oi.t room fnru- 3,782,03 Fariniiigtoii and ad intermediate station- tional consistent and St John NB. Board, pleasant aTfosteu, ut 2.00 P. authority upon principles Eastport T V in the Western of the to one Other Cash Items,. aldWL M. to connect with trains for boston. islicd, part inly, 1,200,00 to to close his bin mess feslp*rt,*t!ahll Jttliu. with a and domestic of Sarah B Portland) Hutchinson. or up in Port- republican system gov- Barque Hale, (of two single gentlemen. Address Box 42 Post Of- Stages for Rockland connect at bath; ami i, r 20th ult. WISHINGland, would say to all indebted to him for pro- Bet ernment. It is possible, moreover, that some Cardenas, Heim street’* inimitable Hair fice, Portland. nov 16 tl* t»tat Augusta, IcavliA, on arrival ol Sch Goluring has been fessional services that will find it to their interest WINTER ARRANGEMENT. daily train from be made of the Acorn, (Br) Rolf, Windsor, NS. in thvor tor over $145,410,18 they at7.30 A. disposition land aud steadily growing It v- Bos.on, leaving and ror might Sch Sea Flower, Baltimore. twenty years. LIABILITIES. to settle with him immediately, as his unsettled lulls M.; Solon, Anson naval forces of the United States without in- Parker, acts upon the absorbents at the roots of the Norridi-twock, Athens and Moose Head S Sun. Chandler, Boston. hair, and Ain’t of fosses due 5ml will soon pass into other hands lbr collection. Lake at within the of Rising changes to its original color by degrees. All instan- LOST AND unpaid,. 295,00 ONE TRIP PER WEEK. Hkowhegau, and for China, East and North Vassal- terfering jurisdiction Mexico, or Sch Flood, Surry. roiTTNr He baa far Dexter, taneous dyes deaden and injuie the hair, licini- Amonnt of losses claimed and r... Male boro’ at Vn salboro’: for at Kendall's violating the laws of which would S h Hound, North Haven. unpaid,... 4,475,00 Unity Mi!lv, neutrality, Grey Dyer, stroi ls is not a dye but is certlin In its Am’t of losses One of the l»cst building lots to be found in the Gn and and for Canaan at Pishon’s be useful in the restoration of Sch Monior, Sawyer, Millbridgc for Boston. results, pro- reported upon which the liabil- upper ■> after Monday, Dccemitcr Ferry. favoring law, motes its growth, aud is a beautiful llair pert oft lie yity; 104 ft square, situated on Cusiuuan the steamer order and Sch Ad.line tor Boston. Dressing ity of the Com is not mw NEW BRUNS- \V* HATCH, republican government in that Hamliu, Wyait, Bangor Price 60 cents and $1.00. Sold by all dealers. pany detefthined,.. 6,200,00 street, at t 1ms head of Lewis street. Snpariaicuiiculi Sch Bound Brook, Rockland lor Boston. LOST* Oct. country. Y’ou aro authorized to confer upon Perry, Augusta, 27,18ft'. novl2dii Sch Peucinian, Turner, Orland tor Boston. Saratoga Spring Water, sold by an Druggists. Boyd and Brackett A I,NO, this subject, with the republican government streets, Thursday, 10,970,00 ass® CLEARED. BETWEENthe 6th inst., a BUNDLE, containin'.: a gentle- A beautiful place in Westbrook, near Morrill’s Cor- of Mexico aud its agents, and also to confer W. man’s woolen shirt, a lot oilmen. towels, and other S. DAVI9, President. ner, with new and .tSSSraiis s» i:".crDAV- if find it with Sch Annie New York—Reused Sc buildings, trait sipnle trees,hedges, RETURNING, will leave St. John MAINE CrNTRAl R. informally;, you any Freeman, Reed, articles ol clothing. The finder will be re- t. G. thereon. every THURS- R. necessary, Neal. suitably Parks, Secretary. grape vines, &c., at 8 o'clock A. M. other or should such an Extbaot of Pure Jamaica Ginger— warded by it at No. 6 street. For DAY, parties agents, excep- Lvov's leaving Boyd J. II- further particulars inquire at oiiice No 30 Free At the WINTER ARRANGEMENT. tional tor Sick declOdlw WEBSTER, Agent, ; Eastport Steamer QUEEN will connect tor conference become absolutely necessa- SAILED Barque Henry P Lord ; brig Edwin; Indigestion, Nausea, Heartburn, Headache, strceet, or W. H. JEKKIS, Ueal Estate Agent, St. Cholera a dec7i!3w Andrews, Robbinston, Calais and New ry, but not otherwise. You will these means sch Wm Aithur; and others. JVloihus, pi $ t,000,900 00. ^The Co. formerly made I 35t» Congress, on nance on Oak street, up stairs. experience will enable him to advise con- Ar below 7th, barque Frank Marion, Barker, from IIIG places in the United States. The entire md you PROFITS, territory, paid its dividends once in live years. A Divi- novlKdff IS oiler Makers <£* Math inints. CHARLESTON,...SO. CAROLINA. Bordeaux. consisting ol fitly agnate miles of is laid out cerning such questions as may arise during the XO DULL TRADE laud, ieud will be made up iu Nov. 18GC, and annually Barque Alauro, Strieker, irom Breinerliavcn, Is or- upon a general system ot The land House for No 32 lie transition stage of Mexico from a state of mili- improvements. tUpreatter, and available one year from date of Poli- Sale, Myi street. En- rnHE subscribers baring rebuilt their Work proprietnv has tin' pleasure to inform the dered to Galveston. is only sold to actual settlers with ha- at No. 8 Central Wharf. Shops, a to a Out of provision public cy. Applications for local Agencies will be made to ilil; quite A arc now prepared to take orders (Sr THEtraveling public that the above house la now open tary siege by foreign enemy condition of Towed to sea, brig American lor Portland. Crowds Cuwtoiner adornmc .t. The on account of Machinery for Union, place ifsgreat beauty, RUFUS SMALL & Gen'l July 12—111 and iron Work of ail kinds. the reception of gueets, having made extensive al- practical self-government. At the same time MOBILE—Ar as well as other has SON, Agent*!, 7lh, brig Aquidneck, Bigley, irom Who advantages, become the resort no21d !in Me. terations, improvements, and refurnished If it will be in his near the scene of Boston. are receiving Blessings by buying Goods of ai taste, it Biudelbrd, through- power, being cheap. ,icojJe has increased 810 thousand Valuable Hotel Property iw Sale. out., ft is now in capital order, and every exertion will action, to issue any orders which be ex- JACKSONVILLE—Ar 28th, soli Nettie people within the past three years, attaches. Iron Store Fronts and Columns be made to ronder it to his may Currier, Stoics,; flHJE Oxford situated iu acceptable patrons. or for Currier, Boston. Schools, Academics, Societies 01 Art and House, pleasantly the vil- pedient uecessary maintaining the obli- Blankets at OJl«l liatrors your discretion, you will proceed to any oth- 'i (Innate, good soil, a country irn- Bank 1 about*tliree miles troni one fttmflN, Cra*kw, Pinto* Rods, Car aud liitiefc. Shawls, < loakinns, Heav- heauliJnlly Stock,. 42,296 brook, Portland, mile and the public that he has leased the above hotel and er iu Mexico not held or BALTIMORE—Ar 8th, brig F&nuv Lincoln. (Jol- prov d. abounding in iruits, and po scssiue all other liami horse aud rixty- * lOWs, Adriana, Eastman, do; Sliaw, John, brown coat, grey dee7d3w No 10 South street. Iwo feet front on extends back Dec V manutaetm. are simple ami not cos tin" which there Is a moderate demand. The Deenng Street, one Tuesday, lltl*, expensive, clearing NB for Philadelphia ; Hannibal. Cox, irom Bos- pains and vest, and round top hat. but Rule more than the or I. aches is hundred feet, ami is bounded on the east side a linary used byTan- house statement not so ftivorablc as could have been ton tor do: Sarah N fin tor FREDERICK about by AX OI K NEW STORE ners. this Smith, Sherman, Bangor RICHARDm, 5 feet AND DBA REMOVAL. street titty leet in it a corner lot and By process, two eorils of Bark may be re- wisheJ. New lor i inches of medium WEES, width, making York; Percy, Mahlman, Eastport do; Mala- high, build, slightly stooping pery desirable. a. B. llcl.SEY. duced so as to concentrate the entire strength into Bel last tor do; Calais ha l on sack No. bar, Burger. Campbell, Soule, shoulders, gray coat, biack vest ana 4 Galt Com. Street. !‘i Exchattde St. lorty gallons of extract, without iu the 4c- for Sea River and brown He JIo. Block, slightest New Isrk Market. Philadelphia; Bird, Belial.v, Fall far i>anis neck-tie. wore a silk beaver hat. Oct. 17 iltl* grec injuring its and nt a cost not Insurance Office * — tanning qualities, New York; Typhoon Williams, and Leo burg, Da- f HABIA<4 about 22 Sparrow's V one dollar per coni. The in New Yobk, Dee. It, BBAIBARO, years 111 Is'fliis from exceeding saving freight vis. Portland lor do; Hattie, Carter, Bangor lor Jill, six feet ldgh, dark one Fnglisb, Scotch and Aiuei ican. day mtB'weri No. Comitoirial llud-on Mu alone, between the 2.000 bales. up- dry; ruiuploxioii, eye atgimess, (80 Street, Bn, Me, Beaver Bebea, tranei.n taUon of the Extract and Gotten—unchanged;-sales Middling Isis, Bullock, do for do. uni lias a of to the new and coatfnodiouH roMra Valuable It cal Estate nu Elin St. will landsatiB.. Orleans at 311® 35c. heavy swinging gait, powerfiil and wiry thotark, range from six to geld dollars tier cord, FALL 1UVER—Sid 6tli, seb J 8 liuild. He wore a coat American Sable, Bear so one Vlour—(tail and 10 ® 16c lower; sales 8,900 bbls.— Watson, Lane, originally dark blue, but now- Babe*, that any whe may get outbut three hundred New York. laded to a dull brown; pants and vesl dark -»K3.«« EXCHANGE lOIiSAZl!. cords of bark save State at 710 ® 1100; hound Hoop Ohio, at 1000 ® mixed STREET, Brmiar, AuraMa per year, may from two thousand Nth w *r .-an, Dm uiauzoni, lirilnn, sew shoes with braES and an imitation Babe., to hundred dollars in 1288; Western at 7 10 % 1160; Southern dull and buckles, Scotch Ilfl'nE CUMBERLAND BANK twenty-live the difference in schs Valhalla. Dr nip. Charles Cuslis BUILDING, A POllTION of the "DAY” Estate on Elm Street, drooping; sales at 10 76 fit 16 00. Bangor; Lora, Calais; Kane. R>- & Co. 8eal» F«x Mkin Babe*, Height. G W Baldwin. to ABEW.VWiV where he is now The Wheat—opened dull but doeed quiet and rather der, Bangor; Long, Providence, REIViVISTON, about 5 teot 8A prepared to place insurance, in att'ite Company docs not propose to sell Territorial winter. inches high, pretty stout dark forms, ami for hi geeond Peraiaanaa, I.ap Babe*, rights, but will exclusive more steady; sales 14,903 bush. Milwaukee No. 2 at build, complexion, any amount, companies to rated on Elm and Cumlterland s'.reefs nil grant privilege to manufac- HOLMES* HOLE—Ar 7th, brig Manfoni, Griffin, Silk heavy and rather sunken black anil thin no others on the aud the moat sukcepHblq ture in certain a small 2 20. eyes, globe, op favorable and lias a localities, charging rovalty per lor New Bedford; schs noustache. Wore short dark terms. m‘improvement, liont mi Elm strccMn 282 Vllck, Baffaloea, lined, on the 2c but not Bangor Hardscrabble, Jones, coat, pants and vest gallon amount niannihctured. Com—1® higlier active; laics 61,000 for Gen white A1 orton cel. ® Norfolk Portland; Banks, Ryder; Volant, lark, bosom shirt, with scarlet and Parties first class are res- and The Company will send men to bush. State al 66 67c. New Ohio at 63® 04c.— ncck-tie, Block, preferring insurance, The above is oiierctkibr sale cither in A.tracaa,Grey Black,Buffaloes, unlined, competent superin- Dodge; Mary ratten, Camming*, and W J dark cloth cap. pectfully invited to cull. premiay por- tend the construction of the Chicago and Milwaukee at 61 ® 62c. Parks, tions or collects on libciai terms. to works, where parties «lc- Bangui for do: Sin an Taylor, Lord; L M The above prisoners last 1 November S, 186G. dtf ejy, Apply Squirrel, Bire to enter into the ami Beef—heavy; new plain mess at 13 60 ® 18 00; new Bogart, e-caied night about * JOHN C. Blanket*, business, to instruct in the Siiuatv amt from for fclock. adgStt-a: TEUCTOR. man utiu-t urc of the extra at 17 00 ® 22 00. Deaim, Hattie Anujfo, Lord, do CONC5RE8S STREET. Biver Extract. for New ■ woiDblcy, Oeneiai Insurance Broker, Sable, Ac., At., Ac, Ac. Asi a Pork—dull and new mess 2088 21 lirid^port; Calrtta?PifworsfCaraden York; guarantee of success to parties entering iiHa drooping; ® 00; G D and Sami i nftV>r Lw.• would inform his many friends and the c Jb or Lease. this old at 20 at 75 10 King, Blatchlord, Fish, Davis, Cala.s the following rewords for their pubi Far* for business, the will contract to take all 12f; prime 17 ® 00., for apprehension, generally that he is pi d i> continue the 4^° %4'ow »«)rleaT Ladies and Mies- Company do; Gertrude Horton, Jameson, Rockland for do; or wnh information nr shall u ore tlieir arrant:— dec8dJt epar insur- v.iluablo lot cl'land corner ol es. the Extract manufactured under their Lard—quiet but steady. ance Busin ss as a epHr. Middle and OurUo#ds*re all now ami w* be sold cheap. process at flttv J Patten, Dunham, Gardiner ior Providence. Broker.! and can Fire, Life 1 Chimb lor cents B 'Far Frederick ;md place Streets. a term cXycars. Kuquire Satis'actlon guaranteed. per gallon, delivered in Boston or New York. utter—unchanged. Ar schs tor Richards.8100 Marine Insurance to mic < xtent in the best Com- sth, Gertrude, Colwell, Huntington do; SAMUEL M A < + c j A of C. C. If fTCI ITT, b .1 Parties in New England further informa- Whiskey—quiet. T R Crain, from New York tor NEVILLE. 100 1 H l li P tue Un4t<*Ifcdait*3 AUhnsiness SON, desiring llainmond, Eastport; niet entrant*! 28, B8Fore Harris an & pub- CO., gain Androscoggin 2 02; No. 2 at (g closing at 1 70*. Corn New Haven; Mary, Keene, :.nd Kodmgion, lic n large and well asoried stock of declOdJt 86 Commercial street. Railroad Co., tbr running ot said Roadu. No. 1 pcnc.l at 83c with light sales of 20,000 bush — Gi eg my, Rockland for do; Moses Patten. A Ladies' and Hiun’ Harding, Splendid Hair Dressing, 3*1—To.ree if they will reconsider, Nrrgruoil f'alf Hoot). No. 2 at 75 @ 754. Oats steady |ar 30 a. 39jc. Barley >r ior do; May Day, Adams, do tor Not walk: modify, change, Bang founts AND OILS, ov oiul i^ 'c fonncr instructions to the Directors Men's Fine Calf and Thick Root-. nine No, 2 lit 59 a. doe. Rye 82c. Mess pork sales at A do for Newark PROVED TO BE THE Mary loe, Perry, Cyguus. Small, t.4. the 17 50 18 00. Lard dull and ottered at llic Marinas ior CASPIiTlHOS! At 2t)3 rflng Stockholders for tho pavment ®°T*% Vnulha* natd Children's (gj without Providence, together with the above ar- Congress St., lust Root. anil Drugss, Medicines, aIi -i « r oi tilt ami second buyers. Dressed hogs scarce and small sales at 6 So rivals. Best and Cheapest In the Market. Dye- 4 mortgages. 9 bars. Window Glnsts. 4th—To transact other business that le- Boston—Ar fthey, Fem'roke. New, Desirable. Druggists. Deci-XuTbSUy_ Employment RUBBER BELTINO, RUBBER PACKING. Flour 9 00 .ivttWtt quiet; superfine @ tooo. Mess imrk Cld lOtli, CHARLES Disabled Widows ol'slain barque Toscano, Delano, for Charleston; 1VEWHALL, Proprietor, AN ft UAL decs—d3t Soldier., soldiers, and tlie Hose. firm at 19 Oh. Lard unchanged and transactions nu- CRosevcflt. Bnbbrr Clothing, Rubber brig Farnsworth. Portland; schs ot both sexes of merous. Hogs advanced t» Mary octlSeod 47 Hanover at, Boston. 3m Annual of unemployed generally, gomi address, JOHN 0. J. E. B. t< VltPOt'R. 26c. owl; receipts 5,730 JJl Cuius, Stalling, Port au W H Mitchell, FOR SAI^JkT Meeting Cumberland Bone Com- BARBOI'H. BARDOUB. head. Cotton firmer; salcB at :ui a Prince; pany will be at are wanted to canvas* lor an illustrated and Middling 3«Se.— Cole. THE held Office of Treasurer John B I, /V elegantly novSffl dtt at 2 30 fill-bunded. Gold 1387 MaThiasport. W. 101 Commercial NKETS Whiskey quiet SALEM—Ar 7 b. Mb E L Thompson, Brown, from ll. TVEBB, has on hand tor sale thirty- I OYSfEHS. Jones, No. Street, Tuesday 11th bound book, founded on the late Rebellion. Induce- Ellsworth; Jasper. live insl., at 2 o’clock P. M., to act on the busi- Wentworth, Oriington. R ** '*T following ment.: Quick SRlos, Large Profits, and no risk. Retraction. Miltvaakec Markets. ELLS WO RT H—Sid 3J, brig David ness, vie: Owen. Chad SLEIGHS AM) made for a of I heretofore stated in conversation Cardenas. EUNGS, arrangement* large supply 1st, For the election officers for the year Address XOUN M. TT^IIEREAS Milwaukee, Doc. lo. bourne, the winter I am emmiug »AGNAI.I,, Mrs. Hamel in the lour HAVINGOysters during now ready to sup- 2d, To act ou any busiuess that V V that I heard that Mary had stolen Flonr Wheat scarce and quiet; sales Tko best to be found county. AJso may legally come OLD PRICES! No. 9 Clinton I but I unchanged. heavy ply Oysters at the low price of $1.10 per solid. before them. Street, Brooklyn, N. Y. a dress or dresses in New «rk; now state that aL i 70 1 80 lor No. 2. and 1 64 for No. 3. Com forlig.m forts, Wagons, and three open buggies, which gallon, yi at Baggage light tflr“All orders mail or Dec in—dfcvrlw the statement Is utterly tills.—I hat bo offers lor sale mi more fitvorablo terms than by Express promptly attend- GEO. W. HAMMOND. Clerk in mv opinion I 80c for No. 2. Provisions doll and unchanged_ Ar at ffth Ocean Flinn any ed to at hio. 2 Union Wharf. wlwiever against the good Leghorn UU^bar.jue Steed, other as Poiflned, DM. I, ltsfifc. : huow nothing character Dressed sales at 6 25 6 16. from Carriage Manufacturer, ho closes his busf- iecSdlw* Per on Hogs firm; ® Philadelphia Only $4.7A Pair, ot Mrs II, hut lielicve it, the contrary, to lie as Ar ness with this sale. Persons desirous JAMIvS Notice. at Antwerp 20th ut. barques Esther, ofjiurchasing FREEMAN. an that of any other lady. Prince, will fuel it for their advantage to call him. Pee u—il-w AT good and Ironsides, Pliilad* Ijhia. upon Portable Steam .Meeting ©I the Relief Committee hidden on her Tapley, R. M. WEBB. Engines, Caanmercial—Per Cable. At Liverpool 24th C C Horton, the XXMonday was voted that all ANNIE X M. ult, ships Kelley, Wcbli’a Per 13(10. Maximum of dura applications MOORE, lor UotU.ii. MiHg, d8i'4eod&w4w« Notice. efficiency, fot aid, id houses the mark. Liverpool, Dec. 8. Kvening. a‘‘a, 1*2?' Ay'ward, Mg. CIOMBINING) bility and econ-my with the minimum oi ‘rebuilding dwelling coming hid tm E. Ken- weight I*. M. year, must be made on or before the first of The market for breodetuflb generally closed heavy Newport, 22d, ship Magua Charter, under.-igned otter ilielr services lo the and price. Theyiar® widely and PkOST’S, Monday Witness, Margaret Bell. King Portland pub- lavorably knoSn, next. and with a moderate attendance of ney, Georges Sound. JLaundrj/. lic as Seal ICstale more than BOO being In use. All January Nov only buyers.— Sid ftn Cardin THI Agents. All persons desir- warranted satis- 20th._declOdlw Wheat was offered at Id decline 20th, Chas Baker, Cook, for OrIe.« rmiM at the office nf sell or lease or 1.0 sale. DEEMXG Blank abdications can be had at the Office of the per cental, and Corn ship tlie Purest City ing lo buy, property, are to factory, on BLOCK. Montevideo. House >jij. requested Descriptive'circulars sent Treasurer orthe Committee at Hall. 39s 6d Cot handsome American White. 3ir> Congress Street. call at our office SIS Congress street AU n. Address Market AMERICAN LliODYS! Ar at Callao 13th up stairs. applieati CONCHWSS STltEKT. Doc 6—dtoJanl ult, haroue of from Hiac the entrusted to our care Dec. 8. City Bangor, S55S S'j\crebX ?iven Portland Laundry bn loess shall have prompt at- J. C. HOAOI.EV Nov frl—It! 'r“l undersigned notice that Frankfort, from has lieeu reopened by the Sc CO. hereby give ho has U. $. 6-20 s rule very in this maiket at 761 lioston; siiDSctiber, who has been tention. HANSON i!t DOW. THEbeen of American steady sconnect«l __ La Mass. * appointed Agent Lloyds tor short time. many yeai with the well known Clieleea V.C. « WHENCE, « >FBABIk @ 764 cash, and Hahsos, augJT-dtl Nnv. 6. lt*4«r> Said. naDRB^ the State of Maine, ami in prepared to inspect vessels Ar at Aspinwsll 29th, brig im Dye House and with the «. Dow. Notice to Land Doc. Arocsmok, liryant, Lauudry, experience M. of all sixes in course of construction and r» Lonbon, 8, Kvening. Bos: on. thus acquired he is now to Holders, PALE l jiort the Consols have been very held with prepared do all descrip- PRESERVATIVE same for classitication. firmly to-day, At Barbadoes 21st ult, brig Eastern tions of work in a Fop pales for at (g) Star, Foster, Laundry satisfactory manner. Sale. 11 iW to lake In without Black, expressly tor money 884 88j. for New York 2 A. T. Notice. MI!• Prcpadeti Bottles, prepareti Ship builder* and owner* would therefore confer a bonds are days. ii’J;I.vr bmlduiA V1'eAiier or Kid, Calx P.inamu Railroad firm. American 5-20 JyMfini__ Agent olSail*, Rigging ami Blocks. nearly new, {MM. o™tjAins by -roll liy Ladies' and Gentlemen's Morocco, favor sending me early notice of the vessels Ar 18th, brigs Valencia, Small, and CRAVV^EV. clearing the ruins or cellars can a 1>A\ W »Uk. Can by they bonds of tho Issue of 1865 are again rather Milwaukee, digging AfciDITfrom Schooner of ldotons: also furnish First Class workmen and Patent Leatiifr shoes. are for which a class Is desired. higher, worn New York ; Susie J tied a lo fishing Top- and Br#!, building with transactions at Of @ Brown, Strout, Strout, PEI1SO.KSgood place deposit tlicir rubbish on sails, Fore and Maiusails, second hand. matonal ot .lUUescfmtiou. commtmte Sold WM. D/TRUL & CO., 89}. Jacksonville. Southern Franklin Wharf. S. itself, by WILLIAM ROGERS, Inspector. Pine. ltOUJ{DS, SAMPSON & lUsidem t, AMERICAS UOOSK. Boot and ShoeDealers, 31s Congress street Liverpool, Dec. lu, Noon. Ar at 3dth sch OONANT, opposite Bath, Me., Nov. 16, If66. novittllm* Halibut, NS, ult, City Point, Fisher, seplld—dtf__ Whatlinger. deeidtf #to. 19 & 20 Commercial Wharf. India Foi land. Mechanics’ Hall, Cotton market quite active at Saturday’s prices. Portland. Stlcci, _. _decgdlin ho M superior Flooring and August. 17th —i f The sales to-day promise to reach 16,000 bales. Mid- Ar at St 2d Mary J Goddard, very Step S tori' to he Let. John, NB, hast, brig ABOUTBoards now landing at Custom House Wharf' I Go to Adams & Furlnton’s qiaxc oml oilier, to Let. dlin; uplands lid. Goddard, Portland; schs Prescott, fin do: 4th, and Kprucu Plootiug Hoards. 206 Fore font Tilt, for sale in lots to suit to / * > No. street, of Plumb, now oc- London, Dec. 10, Noon. Debonair** and do. purchasers. Apply IdOK your Housc-fumisliing Ooods of nil kinds; of clear FLOOR- rofSsilr. the now helm! erected by the subscriber Quickstep, C. M. DAVIS & quantity well-seasoned, Spruce / B.Uding STORE hy Heald Brut hers, «ill he 8>r rent The market is Cons >ls for CO., A Carpetings, and all kinds ol'Crockerv, Glass, tin, ING near the loot ol cupied and money quiet. money op- V BOARDS, 16 feet long, six inches wide, doing a good fc^li business, INon Pore Street, Kxcbaagc street, on or about the lllh 117 Commercial street. Earthern and Wooden MCT. oocupaney Ucccmbcr proximo ened at 884, ex dividend. (Per ot Paris, at New Stone, Ware, Fairer Hang- for sale by HENRY A^teATiuKlCFttor sale low. Inquire at 344 St. will be ready for ocru|>ancy-Tin. 1st, R. 47 City York.] Portland. Nov. 21, I860. r.ov22dtl* BULLARD, CongrriM Apply to.I. BRAZIER, Rmckett street or at ings, Window Shades, 4tc, &e. no2Md3m nov 27 ulm Smith’s I Dec. 6,18G»5. dlw* dectldHw CHARLES Jr. Whart. MCCARTHY, E. M. PATTEN & CO., Plumh street. nov27tt