Shawfield Smartbridge (Ward 9) – Contribution Agreement approved.

20 There was submitted a report by the Executive Director of Land and Environmental Services regarding a Contribution Agreement with Clyde Gateway Urban Regeneration Company for the Shawfield Dalmarnock Smartbridge (Ward 9), advising that

(1) the provision of a Smartbridge over the between Carstairs Street and Clydeside Road was a key component of the South Dalmarnock Integrated Urban Infrastructure project by Clyde Gateway and the Smartbridge would link areas of need and opportunity and in particular enhance the connectivity between Shawfield and Dalmarnock Transport hub by the most direct route;

(2) a Contribution Agreement securing £5.1m had been agreed between the Council and Clyde Gateway which sets out that Clyde Gateway would fully fund all aspects of the project with the Council maintaining the structure after construction thus ensuring no risk to the Council;

(3) Halcrow and Checker (JMP) had been appointed for the design development of the Smartbridge, with the Council being the client for the main construction works, and, following a competitive tendering exercise, the main contractor would be appointed under the Scheme of Delegated Functions, with a site start expected in August 2013 and completion in March 2014; and

(4) to meet the requirements of the long term maintenance obligations, it had been agreed that Clyde Gateway would transfer the areas of land as detailed in the report to the Council and the Council would acquire a Servitude Right from the Crown Estate relating to the span of the bridge across the river.

After consideration, the committee approved

(a) a Contribution Agreement with Clyde Gateway Urban Regeneration Company for the Shawfield Dalmarnock Smartbridge;

(b) the transfer of the land from Clyde Gateway to the Council; and

(c) securing the Servitude right from the Crown Estate.

Glasgow City Council, City Chambers, G2 1DU