There have been quite a few novels & films such as…

™ Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer, ™ Some vampire movies include, ™ In regards to television, there has also been numerous adaptions such as

™ Vampire Academy series by Richelle Mead, ™ Let the Right On In, ™ Dark Shadows,

™ Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter series by Laurell K. Hamiton, ™ , ™ True Blood,

™ House of Night series by P.C. Cast and Kristin Cast, ™ Dark Shadows, ™ Vampire Diaries,

™ The Saga of Darren Shan by Darren Shen (penname for Darren O’Shaughnessy), Undead series by MaryJanice Davidson, ™ , ™ Forever Knight,

™ Impure Resurrection by J.R. Bailey, ™ , ™ The X-files,

™ The Vampire Tapestry by Suzy McKee Charnas, ™ , ™ The Hunger,

™ Fat White Vampire Blues by Andrew Fox, ™ Twilight, ™ Being Human,

™ Fevre Dream by George R.R. Martine, ™ Warm Bodies, ™ Split,

™ Blood by Marcus Pelegrimas, ™ Fright Night, ™ Angel,

™ Blood Vice by Keith Melton, ™ Byzantium, ™ Dracula: The Series,

™ Queen of Kings by Keith Melton, ™ Abraham Lincoln Vampire Slayer, ™ Blade: The Series,

™ The Golden by Lucius Shepard, ™ Vamps, ™ Moonlight, Kindred: The Embraced,

™ The Shake by Mel Nicolai, Enter, ™ Rigor Mortis, ™ The Originals,

™ Night by Michael Rowe, ™ Underworld, ™ Lost Girl,

™ Fangland by John Marks, ™ Phobia, ™ Demons,

™ by , ™ The Thompsons, ™ Supernatural,

™ Anno Dracula by Kim Newman, ™ Mom’s Got a Date with a Vampire, ™ Sanctuary,

™ Lost Souls by Poppy Z. Brite, ™ Darkness, ™ Death Valley,

™ Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice, ™ Blade, ™ The Liar,

™ I am Legend by Richard Matheson, ™ Cirque du Freak: The Vampire’s Assistant, Ultraviolet,™ The Little Vampire,

™ Let the Right One In by John Ajvide Lindqvist, ™ Daybreakers, ™ Monsters!,

™ and Salem’s Lot by Stephen King. ™ Night Watch, ™ My Babysitter’s a Vampire,

™ ,

™ 30 Days of Night,

™ A Fool There Was,

™ A Village Vampire,

™ ,

™ Blood for Dracula,

™ Blood and Roses,

™ Bloodlust,

™ ,

™ Countess Dracula,

™ and Carmilla, Those Funny … Buffy the Vampire Slayer

“The thing about the Slayer is she is a whiny little thing, but when it comes to fighting, she does have a slight tendency to win.” - Spike

Season One Death & Humor

™ “I may be dead, but I’m still pretty which is more than I can say for you.” - Buffy Season Five

™ “Blood flows and the gates will open, the gates will close when it flows no more.”

™ “Death is your gift.” Religious Elements

™ Religious elements are also thought to be synonymous with sacrifices. ™ Make sacrifice to be with loved ones ™ Time, Energy, Well-Being, & More. ™ Life: Buffy dies for Dawn ™ Sacrifice one’s time to help with the greater good ™ The big picture in perspective ™ Buffy put her own goals aside for the good of all ™ Wanting to be normal, Wanting to attend college, & More. Light & Dark Inspiring Other Characters

™ Willow ™ Xander

™ Giles

™ Spike

™ Angel

™ Jonathon

™ Riley William the Bloody Conclusion

™ Her holiness inspired other characters on the show to act selflessly and embrace their own martyrdom, particularly Spike. Buffy the Vampire Slayer’s use of dialogue, biblical passages, mise-en-scéne, and characterization created parallels between the Catholic religion and the television program. Thank You

™ Any Questions?