~- ';·;·.. \~ ,:, Roval ·=· ~ ' A _,., "' : .~ • \i;


T he Right Hon. the Earl of Deub)glt. !lfajox R. F . Birch. The Right Hon. Lord Abenlare. P. H. Chambres, E oc1. The Right Hon. Lord Windsor. John Churtou, Esq. The IH~ht Hon. Lo1-d Pcnrhyn. J . Honlgrave, Esq. Lo1·d R1cll!lrd Grosvenoi·, l\1.P. Lewis Morris, Esq. Sir Watkiu Williams Wynn, Bart, M.P. T. Morgan, Owen, li~CJ,, :II.A. Lady Alice Ewina. l\Iajor Penn. 'l'he0 Hou. Mrs. Ht1sscy. P . P. Penmint, Esq. '!'he Hon. Llewelyn Neville V,\ughai1 Major Platt. Mostyn. Captain 0. Pritcbnnl-Rnyucr. W. n.,thlxmo, Rsq., !\J.P. Edward Samuelson, Esq. John Roberts, Esq., 1,1.P. General Sladon. R. W. Banks, Esc1, Major W. Oor11W•llis West. l{. Blezard, Esq. E. LI. '\Vilfams, ] ~~CJ.


G. A. Stone (Tho Mayoi·). Daniel Recs. ,\Jcl. •raylor, J.P. Dr. Ec!warcls, J.P. Louis Tylor. Alfrecl Thoritn.s, J.P. 'l'hos. \\'ilbb. Charles 'fhompson, J.P. Jal,lles Ware, J.P. C. J . ,Jackson. .Jo hn Gu1m. Rev. W. E . 1\"inks . Lewis Williams, J J>. J . H. Cole. -W . T. Lewis. Captaiu ll1"tam. .J. I. Corbett, jnur. Rev. J . S. L i

£ s. cl. Right Hon. Lonl Windsor 25 0 0 Right Hou. Lord Penrhyn 10 10 0 J. R. G. Grundy, Esq., RC.A. 50 0 0 Cnthbert Grundy, Esq., RC.A. 50 0 0 R W. Banks, Esq. 5 5 0 Anonymous .• 5 5 0


£ s. cl. £ s. a. Sir 'W(itkin W. Wynn . . . . • . 1 1 O P. II. 01"unbrcs, Esq. l l 0 T,ady Alice Ewin~ ...... • 1 1 0 ~Jorgan Oweu, Esq...... 1 1 0 'l'he Hon. l\lrs. R ussey . . . . . • 1 1 0 H. Hayn, Esc1. • .•...... •.. 1 1 0 .i\lajor Poul\...... • . • . • . . . • 1 1 0 :,- Rid?e ~ones,,:i~s<1;,_:t1I.D ... 1 1 0 'l'lu~ Jat.e Cn1>t. LI. Crcspigny 1 1 0 I. Herl>e1 t Le11 ,s, Esq., B.A. 1 1 0 W. lfathbone, Esq...... 1 1 O T. Owens, Esq...... •.... 1 1 0 .J. Honlgmve, Esq...... 1 1 0 D,wid Williams, Esq. • .•... 1 1 0 .fol111 Hom, Esq...... • 1 1 O E . Lloyd Williams, Es<1. . .•. 1 1 0 H. J31oznr,1, Esq.. . • ...... 1 1 0 Lewis .l\fonis, ES(J. •••••••••• 1 1 0 v . .c· . .c'elton, Esq...... 1 1 0 The Acaclcmici,Uls aucl the Associates £1 l s. each.


£ s. cl. £ s. d. Mr. J. Churton 2 2 0 Mr. Wm. Davies •••••••....• 0 10 0 Mr.~- Fuller ·········· ·· 2 2 0 Mr. S. noose 0 10 0 )fr. Wm. Wilkin·············· ••••...•• , . • 2 2 0 Major Penn . •...•·····. ·········•.••.•... 0 10 0 J\fr. T. Winston ...... 2 2 0 Mi·. J . ll,. Denm,in . , .••••... 0 10 0 1!r. H. R. Hughes . ...•.•••• 2 0 0 !\Ir. W. Reynolfr. Uoebuck 0 5 0 .1\[rs. Wm. Morris, Peuycoecl.. 1 1 0 ~fr. W. H. Fot;lk~;:::::::::: 0 5 0 ~frs. J. Chmton •.••..••...• 1 1 0 Messrs. Lunt and Griffiths .. 0 5 0 Mr. T. H. Summe1·hill,Surgeon 1 1 0 Mr. R Ohlflelcl ...... 0 5 0 Hav. 'l". l{ichtmlson 1 0 0 Mr. J. Lloyd Wynne •. • . . .. • 0 5 0 Mr. R R Hesketh •••••.•.•• 1 0 0 l\fr. Slinn•.•.•..•••••• .. •••• 0 2 6 Mr. It. D. Uoberts .••..•.... 1 0 0 l\Ir. Rel. Williams ...... 0 2 6 McsS1'S. Wright and Sheffield •. 0 10 6 Mr. Wm. l\Irumi.x ...... 0 2 6 ~Ir. E. Hufhes ...... 0 10 6 .!\Ir. F. C. Hartley ...... 0 2 6 l\frs. King< 011 , , ••••••••••• , 0 10 6 3 ,Ron. Academicians: Sm FREDERICK LEIGHl'ON, P.R.A. , J. E . MILLAIS, R.A. H . S'fA.CY :HARKS, R.A.. L. ALMA '!'ADE MA, RA. Chairman: Vice-Chairman : EDWIN A. NORBURY. CHARLES POTT.ER. Ti-easurer : Hon. Sec: A. BRAND.l;SH llOL'l'E. W. L. BANKS. Trustees: Auditors : EDWIN A. N01t13URY. J . P. DAVIS. W. L . .13 ..\.N.l,CS. GEORGE ffAYES. CuiuTon-F. W. TEAGUE. Bankei-s: NA.TIONA.L PROVINCIAL Il,\.Nl{. The Go-,-cmmcnt of the Ac>tfEASHAM R G. SO~lEHSET J . P. DA\TS WIT,LI.\.M MERED.ITH J.M. SOUT.l:l'.EH~ ,J. DOUGLAS, ARcm- K A. NORBU1W l!'RJ.,D. 'J'AYLOR TECr R NORBURY JOHN '.L'AYLOR J3ER1'l'ARD EVA.XS R KYltKE -PENSO~, 'i'. R. THOMAS PE'l')i;R GHE~T F.S.A. E . TREVOR C. GRU:ts-nY CR:I.RLES POTTER J . D . WA'l'BON J . R G. GRUXDY P. P.H.WE, Anc1mi,:c1· G. WELLS A.)W'El{S0~ HAGUE J . C. fHLMO)r .II. CL,\l'tlrn'CE 'WHAITE CL HARRISO~ C. L. S.-\.U.:Wlnis R . Lt. WILLIAMS, An, GEORGl-; II. .\YgS E . SJ£WA!W, AI\OJUTzc'l' omnc·r' ASSOCIATES : T. W. ALLEN JJ'. BESWICK I IT. HILTON \\'. BEX}U£T I 13_..___.__. J?I$HER S. MAUIUCE JONES 'l'h, Roynl Acn:lemy h \J long ba21~ estt,hlish~d in England; The Royal Scottish Acil(lemy in Scotlnllll; 'l'h: Uoy,11 .Hibernil\n Ac:1(lemy iu I relnnd ; but hns ltitherto felt the w,.,,t tJf :1 kin,lretl Acai-incip:dly. · In A1ml, 1882, H~i· Uaj \sty the Quceu ,ms grndouslv pleased to commn:n(l that th~ AMdumy shoulll I,~ $lyled Tm: RoY.H. 0,1hfBRIA,,; ;\c,1ot:MY. 'l'he members luwe thei:efon. loy,llly mid g,·,1tehilly Mlopted the p1·e£x antbo.-ised. The ohjects ,>f the Acn,!emy ,we the adv,tncelllent of Ille A,t of P,\illting in Oil, in Fresco, nnd i11 Watcx Coloun; of Dnllviu~ from tl1e An!jquc. and ElemeH!ary Drawing ; 1\lso the study c)f Sculpt,h-e nud Arc11itect11re. Tai-: Coull'CIL 1LW£ t:'1.INIMOBSL'Y AC°C£PTJ:tl) Tl'CE in:Nrl'ICF.)CT OT:'FER 01' Tll'E 'l'OW!s OF C.,RDI.FF 'IO l'ROVIDF. TR£ AC.illEMY WITH A l'l'!RllANENT GALLERY, BxmmT10,r Room;. AN'O ~cnooLs. T,rn 1-&iT Exarnn:1ox WILL m; m:r,n r;,: C.i.1mn·"'· Artists nut! Sta,li'uts clesifous of joining the Acadc:,1y nrny obtain a1l 11cces, n1·y informntion by applying to the lion . Secxdary- W. L '.BAK.K$,

fu?\DU!".W ..\ EJ.,00 1 Ktnt Coxw.1Y. 4 1 -

The Second Summer Exhibition opens on July 23rd, closes September 15th. Hours of i'_dmission from 10 till 5. Piice of Admis­ sion, l s. Price of Cat alogue, 6d. Season Ticket s :- Ladies, 2s. 6d.; Gentlemen, 3s. 6d,, Double, 5s. · Catalogues can only be obtained at the Gallery.

All works sent in must be accompanied by a list addressed to the Secretary, giving full pa1ticulars of Name cmtl Address of the Artist, Title, and Price, and c:m only be rccefrecl subject to the Academy's rules. Pictures must have the label properly filled up, with great disMnctrwss c11nd accurncy, and attached by a string to the frame, and macle to hang over in front ; labels cm1 be procured from the Secretary. At tlle back of each pictUl'e must be written the name and address of the Mtist, the Title and Price of the picture, and the number referrecl to jn the list, above mentioned. All works must be delivered at the Academy on or before the day named for recei"\:ing. All pfotnres must be in gilt frames- squa.re or oblong in ont- ward form·. Drawings with mounts are admitted, but a preference will be gi,en to gold mounts. No works which. haYe already been publicly ex11ibited in Wales for private emolumeut, no copies d a,ny kind ( except paintings in enamel and impressions from tmpublishcd medals, in which case the name of the original designer 11111st be specified) are ndmissible. No adve1tisement, imnecessarry quotation or narrative, can be- admittecl into the Catalogue. AU works .sent are submitted to the Council of the Academy, whose clecisiou as to their admission or rejection, subject to the rights 0£ members, is final ; and no "·ork can be· removed till the Exhibition closes. Seven and a half per cent. commission will be charged (being declncted from the amount paid to the Artist,) on the Catalogue -price of all works sold during ~he B::,;hibition. A sale macle by the Academy shall supe1'sede one mado pri,ately by the Artist or Jiis Agent . . No picture can be exhibited other than by the Artist, 01· with 1 his conseut. 5 NOTICE . The Committee have endeavoured to secure complete accuracy iu the auuouuce1neut; of the Prices fixed by the Artists, but will not; be responsible for any errors which may occur. Corrections for the Press should be addressed to :i\IR. F. w. TEAGUE, 0.URATOR,, ARCADE GALLERIES, llUYL.

The pr£ces quo/eel i'n the Oatalogpe i°'nc'/Juile Frnme and Glass.


I nt.ending PUl·chascrs must negotiate through the Curator, A Deposit. of Twenty pex Cent. is required to be })aid on alJ works dirc~tcd to be marked as sold. 'rhe whole of the Purchase Money must be paid before any Picture is remo.,.ecl. In the absence of any special stipulation, the Copyright is ~·eserved by the Artist~. ABBREVIATIONS. RC.A. Royal Oambria11 Academician. A.RC.A. Associate of the Royal O,;,mbrian Academy. R.H.A. Royal I!ibe.-ni{tn Academician. R.W.S. Memhe1· of' the Royal Wate1· Oolow· Society. A.R.W.S. Associate of the Royal Water Ooloitr Society.


°dmnter (!l;olourz.

No. SUBJECT. ARTIST. P RICE. ],. ,,rffhe Blush of the Virgin $now.A. P. Newton,R.W.S. 105 () '2 ! l\Li'll Road, Winch.e)sea ...... Jno. McDougal ...... 25 o 3 ,,i Village ofGrange, Borrowdale .. Albert Stevens ...... 52 10 4 <5 RhndtUan Castle ...... H. 0. Whaite, RC.A. 5 T e Unused Mill at Stokcsa.y ...... 3110 Castle ...... Andrew Mac Callum 15 15 G Little Golden Hail' ...... i\'Irs. A. R. Nicholl .. . 10 10 7 Ely Cathedral ...... Louisa Rayner ...... 9 !) 8 A Tront Stream ...... A. W. Ayling, R.C.A. 10 10 9 The day is ending The night is descencling ...... A. P. Newton, R.W.S. 105 0 10 l\'.foel Siabod in Winter ...... J. Pain Davis, R.C.A. 30 0 11 Anstey's Cove, Torquay ...... W. H. Hall ...... 10 0 12 On Lake Como ...... Miss H. Robson ...... 1 10 13 Autumn ...... Samuel L. Booth ... 25 0 13APwll Hyllfan, on the riYer Ellan. W. L. Banks, R.C.A. 15 15 14 .By the Lake ... :.:...... Claude Hayes ...... 8 0 15 Conway Castle ...... i\'Iiss M.A. Walmsley 10 10 lG Tremadoc Marsh ...... H. C. Whaite, R.C.A. 3() ll> 17 The Falls and Mill, Trofriw ...... J. Johnson, R.C.A .... . 23 10 18 On the Conwa.y at ...... S. M. Jones; A.RC.A. 5 5 19 Chxysanthemums ...... :Miss H. Robson ...... 10 10 20 A Quiet Nook ...... J. C. Salmon, R.C.A. 4 4 7 No. SUll.Tl!CT. Al\TJST. PRICE. 21 Ou the Shore at Borth, P ort- macloc ...... S. M. Jones, A.RC.A. 5 5 22 A Welsh Mill ...... Robert Gooddy ...... 6 10 23 Garden Flowers in Early March, 1882 ...... Mi.ss H. Robson ...... 5 5 24 A Summer Morning on the Con- way, uear Trefriw ...... J.M. Southern, RC.A 25 O

25 The Village Iuu ...... P. Gheut, RC.A. ... 10 10 2G The Farmer's Daughter, Bryn Moel, North Wales...... :Mrs. Panl Naftel...... 6 G 27 A Red Sumise ...... J. Pain Davis, RC.A. 7 7 28 Gt. Ot-mc's Heacl & Boulders ... Thomas Farrar ...... 1 ]l) 2U Drifted Snow ...... Thomas F.nTat· ...... 1 15 30 Feeding the Swans ...... Linnie Watt ...... 18 18 31 Changing Past.ure ...... J .D.Watsou,R.C.A.,R.W.S. 2G 5 32 .A Young Knight ...... J. Pain Davis, R.0.A. 7 7 33 The Miniature ...... Gnsta~c Bouvier...... 7 7 31 Conway Castle : Ticle Out ...... 11. Meash}im, R.0.A.. 8 8 35 Rustic Bridge ...... R Norbury, R.C.A. .. 26 5 36 Spring ...... •...... Charles Jones ...... 105 0 37 A :Mountain Farmstead ...... P . Ghent, RC.A. .. . G5 o 38 Willows at Hmley on tlie 'rhames ...... 'l'hos. P yue...... 8 8 3U 'l'hro' the Wood, 0apcl Curig, North Wales ...... :Mrs. Pa,nl Naftel .. . 7 0 40 Buttermere Lake ...... Albert; Stevens ...... 12 12 41 A Pool...... A. W. Ayling. R.C.A. 10 10 42 Primroses ...... Miss II. Robson ...... 3 3 43 A ·wolsh Lane i tl Spring ...... •J. Johnson, R.O.A. .. . 44: A Silvei-yNoon on the Llcdr ... W. D . Barker, R.C.A 21 0 45 A BacchnJ:tte ...... Gusta;rn Bouvi.er ...... 8 8 ,J:G A Country Road ...... Linnie Watt ...... HU 47 Passing Showers, nr. Lhnl>edr.. Ohas. Potter, R.0.A.. 30 I) 48 A Study ...... W. L. Banks, R.O.A.. 10 10 4U A Ba$ket.of Tree Peonies.UissnI.Harrison,A.R.W.S lG 16 50 Marden Park, Surrey ...... W .13ennett,A.R.C.A. 12 12 .51 A Welsh Farmstead ...... W. D. Barker, R.0.A. 21 0 .52 Eve11ing iu the Meado,Ys a.t Trefriw, Camarvoushirc ... Robert Gooddy ...... G 10 .53 Roses aud Pyrns Japonica ...... Mis.<; HenrfottaRol>son 2 i .5,1, A Shady Road ...... C. Gnrndy, R.C.A. ... 42 0 55 Conway 0,lStJe ...... A. F. Perrin ...... 5 5 5G River Conway, near DC'ganwy Station ...... Thomas Farrar 2 15 .5 7 T he Beech W oocl, Trofri w...... Joh u Johnson., R. C. A. 7 7 8 No. S 'C':SJZCT. AllTI ST. Pl'.ICE. 58 Church Farm, Streatley ...... Miss Maud Naftel 5 5 5!l Study of Boy's Head ...... C. Grnndy, R.0.A... . 60 " Still Waters" ...... 0. L. Sannders,R.C.A. 15 15 Gl Point Linas, .A.oglesea...... George L. Hall ...... 30 0 62 Pensiveness ...... A. W . Ayling, R.C.A. 15 15 63 Basseuthwaite Water, Cumber- land (Stormy Weather) ...... James Fahey ...... 47 5 G.J: "Xmas Morning'' ...... Laura N orbnry ...... 7 7 G4ACarnarvon, from Anglesea ...... W . L. n ,,.nks, R.0.A. 10 10 M A Fog ...... Frederic Ternou ...... 8 .8 G6 Additiqus to ·wye Bridge, Mon- mouth ...... Edwin Scward,R.C ..A. . 67 'l'he Stream at Dwygyfylchi) (Etching) ...... Alfred Slocombe ...... 4 4 68 Cleanin~ Day ...... J . D. Watson,R.O.A.,R.W.S. 60 0 G!l Olirnr uromwell. From the the original picture by Coop­ er, in Sydney Sussex College, Cambridge (Etching) ...... Alfred Slocombe ...... 3' 3 70 Ben Slengach, Loch Ma.ree, Scotland ...... James Ftthey ...... 13 13 71 In the ·wood, at Pont-y-Gift'yn, , }forth Wales ... Mrs. Paul Naftel...... 5 0 72 Cornfield, from Pen-y-Gwryd ... Geo. Hanison, R.C.A. 5 t> 73 Couini.y Castle ...... W. F. Stocks ...... 25 O U Neal' Dolgelley ...... E . J. Du Val ...... :36 fi ,,i Herefordshire Sketches ...... Edwin S01rnrd,R.O.A. 76 :Flint Castle ...... Louise Raynel' ······ ... 7 7 77 To,rcr of the Proposed Bristol Channel :Meteorological Ob- servatory ...... Edwin Scward,R.O.A. 78 llfoonlighL on the Docha,rt (Etclliug) ...... Alfred Slocombe...... 5 5 79 The Last Chance for a Christ- mas Dinuer ...... J. D. Watson, R.C.A., R.W.S. 100 0 80 Kear Wiu.chelsea ...... J. W . l3nxton Knight 21 0 81 Wild Roses ...... Fitnny Harrison...... 1 10 82 Nerir ...... Ge:>.Harrison,R.O.A. 5 0 8;3 Anemonies ...... f!'anny Harri$011 ...... 2 2 8* llioonrise (Black a11d Wl1itc Drawing) ...... F. T. Sibley, R.O.A. 15 0 85 Decoration of an Ante Hall ... W. Homann & Son ... 86 Ceiling Deconition of Chapel " B," Royal 'Mansolenm, Progmore ...... W. Homann & So:i ... !) · No. Sun.1£cT. AtrnsT. Pnxc". 87 Cciliug Decoration of Kew Prayer Room, at Osborne House, Isle of Wight ...... W. Homann & Son .. . 88 A Young Hayrn.ikcr ...... C. Grundy, RC.A... . 42 (> S!l Sonuing on j'hamcs ...... J. 0. Salmon, R.0.A. 4 .J. 90 The De,il's Bowl, Surrey ...... W. Bennett, A.RC.A. 10 H> 91 A Warwickshire Common ..~ ... T.W.Allcn,A..R.0.A. 12 (> 9t "A Spring Mornin~" ...... Wm.1\Icredir-h,R.O. •\.. 13 15 !l3 Loch Lnbnaig, Scotland ...... "W. L. Banks, R.C.A. JO 10 !l4 Rnuswick, Yol'ks ...... J. Anmonicr ...... 84 0 93 Falls of tho Ogwen, Nant Francon ...... Johu Johnson, R.C.A. 37 1 () !lG A Cottage, W orcestcr Pa,rk, 8ur- n rey ...... A. TreYor Haddon .. . 3 () !l7 " Waiting " ...... Laura Norbury ...... !) 9 US Tn lorior of a Welsh Stable ...... Jno. )fol)(lugal ...... 10 10 !l9 Conway Castle ...... J. C. ~\lmou, RC.A. 4 .J. 100 Evening ...... J . C. Salmon, RO.A. 20 () 101 The 1\Iarket before the Ohnrch of St. Juan, Valencia, 8p1d 11.S.J.Hodson,A..R.W.8 42 0 102 E\"ouiug ...... 0. Topham Dn\"idson 15 ] ~, 103 Conway Castle ...... P. Ghent. R.C ..\.. .. . 12 lt 10-1 Old Mill, Borroll'dale ...... Paul J. Xaftel ...... H 0 105 A Flood, Co111rny Yale ...... W. n. Harker, RC.A. 75 0 lUG Pinks ...... Miss M. Hnrris<1u, A.R.W.S. 7 7 107 ".Autumn" - Sm-rey P,i 112 Pwll-y-Orochon ...... )[iss 1T. Robson ...... 1 1 113 Foliage ...... W. L. Banks, R.C ..\. 15 ] ii Ii± Flowers of No,cmbcr ...... Elizal>eth J. Binns .. . 3 ~ lJ 5 A Bright; Morning ...... Claude Hayes ...... 6 0 ll G Borth, uear Portmadoc ... Chas. L. Saunders, R.C.A. 15 lG. 117 Gnteway at Barbisou, near .Fon- tainebleau ...... John Watkins ...... 20 0 118 'I'hc Yoryd, Rhyl...... Th omas l!'arrar ...... 2 2 ll!l l\focl Siabotl, from the Uugwy .. R. Norbury, R O.A .• 21 u 120 Taly-y-Cafu J!'erry, ou thc'Con- way, North Wales ...... John Mugford 45 () 121 ..\, unlit Sea ...... John McDougal ...... 30 0 122 Ast,bury, Cheshire ...... John 'l'borlcy ...... G Ii 123 " Trot Along, Lnr.y !" ...... E. A. Norbury, R C.A 10 10 124 Idwnl, the DcYil's Kitchcn ...... J. C. Salmon, R.C.A. 4 4 10 1.-

No. SUBJECT, ARTIST, PllICE. 125 "Holy lslaucl " Fishing Fleet getting under weigh ...... W. J. J. 0. Bond 26 5 12G Nant Orafnant ...... S. M. Jones,A.RC.A. 5 f> 127 Old Cottages, Newtou-le-'iYil- · lows ...... J no. i\IcDougal ...... 20 () 128 :Mussel Boats ...... H. Measham, R.0.A .. 21 () 12V Pen Trwyn, Gt. Orme's Heatl .. George L. Hall ...... 40 () , 130 Beddgelerb, North Wales ...... A. W. Ayling, R.0.A. 33 0 131 A Ray Through the Gloom Idwal ...... J. Johnson, R.C.A ... 12 12 132 Summer ...... Laura No rlJury ...... 7 7 133 Beginning the Day ...... R. Norbury, RO.A. 42 0 13-1, Windy ...... J. Pain Davis, R.O.A 10 0 1 l35 Ea.rly Summer- A Glade iu the Burnham .Beeches ...... A. MacOallnm ...... 105 (~

11 ®il J Hitttingz.

No. SU1l.TECT. ARTIST, P RIOF. 13G The i\lill, Glan Conway ...... G. Ha.yes, R.C.A. ... 10 10 137 A '. .l'histle Bank ...... Robert Collinson ...... 105 0 138 On the Oon"ay ...... J .R.G .Gnmdy,R.O.A. 12 12 139 A Crabbers· Ha,en ...... Percy R. OrnJt ...... 10 O HO In Summer Time ...... P. Ghent, RC.A.... 100 () 1-11 "With Horace Md Petrarch and two or three more, Of the best wit.s that reigned in the ages before." Charles C. Betou .. . 63 0 Ll2 Easter Time ...... T. W. Allen, A.RO.A 18 0 HS" Vessel long side Quay (Cornwall) E. Hayes, R.H.A ... . 15 15 1H On the Suuey lli1Js ...... T. W. Allen, A.R.0.A 15 0 145 A Setter ...... Horatio IJ. Coul5 Hayfield, Trefriw ...... T. W. .Allcu, A.R.A.U. 1f> o 156 Roses ...... Alice L. Hnlme ...... 8 8 137 .A. Mountain Stream ...... F. T. Sibley, R.O.A. . li> O 158 EYening, nea,r Rhosneigr, Anglo- sea ...... Chas. Potter, R.0.A. 12 12 159 A.way with 1\Ielaucholy ...... Charles C. Seton ...... 5Z 10 1 GO Whitstable Flats ...... Henry Chas. Fox ... 10 )0 llil Fishing Boats making for Peel H arbom·, Isle of i\fau ...... Gustave de Breauski 22 J 0 IG2 ",rhen drowsy dayligM drooping see Closes o'er the fading lea'' ... JJiLSouthern, R.C.A. 200 0 1G3 Lincolnshire Pasture~" ...... Percy R. Craft ...... 10 o 164' Portrait of W. D. Barker, Esq., RC.A...... Ry. Measham, R.C. .A . 165 On the Coast, Rhosneigr, Angle- se:1 ...... Chas. Potter, R.C.A. 12 l 2 12

.. No. SunJECT. ARTIST. PmcE. 166 Summer time at Roman Bridge, near Dolwyddelen, N. W,iles.Oh1rles Stuart ...... 20 0 167 Wall Flowers ...... Alice L. Hulme ...... 5 5 168 C,\tt:.le in t.he Meadows near Waltou on the Naze ...... William Luker ...... 21 0 1G9 From t he Mountains to t.he E:ca. .. W . Artingstall,R.0.A 50 0 170 Interior of au Old Cotta-ge, 'rrefriw ...... W . Benuett, A..R.O.A. 10 10 171 Early Spring ...... John.T,tylor, R.C.A. 10 10 172 E,,er Dear ...... J. :M:. Bowkett ...... 30 0 173 An Old Ooul't, Antwerp ...... W. Benucn,A.R.C.A. 31 10 174 Bodysgalleu Farm, m. Conway .. B. Fisher, A.R.O.A .. . 21 0 175 A Perthshire Cott,'tgc ...... W. Lew is ...... l 13 17G J.E. J ones, Esq...... H. Measha.m, R.O.A.. l 77 :Mm Pond, Shere, Surrey ...... iV. B~muett, A. n..C.A. 21 0 178 Au October Evening ...... Alfred Prirsons ...... 150 0 17:J A Bye Lane in Spring ...... J . Taylor, RC.A. .. . 30 o 180 0 11 the Anglesea Coast ...... C. L. Saunders, R.0.A 5 5 181 A Hayfield, L!a.nbedr ...... J. T,iylor, R.C.A...... G G 182 in the Time of King John ...... G. Ha.yes, R.C.A. ... . 10 10 183 Little Doclyn ...... H. i\Ie:a~ham, R.C.A. 18.! Bad ·wc~tl1er at Ifaytirnc ...... ]'. T . Sibley, RC.A. 15 () 185 View on the Conway ...... 1'Iiss E . Trn,·or ...... 5 5 186 Evening in 8urnmer ...... John 'J'aylor, R O.A. (3 6 187 Buch,wl Etirc,from ucar Kings- bousc, Glencoe ...... Louis 13. Hnrt ...... 35 0 188 Passion Flower ...... R0bcrt Coll inson ...... 78 15 189 The 'l'hames at Cookham ...... T. Arnnonicr ...... :no 0 UlO "Patching her up" ...... E . A.Korbury, R.0.A. n 0 Hll A. Lane Scene, nerir Llanbcdr ... John Taylor, R .C.A. 23 () 192 l)laster profile of rJ. B. Stuart Wortley, Esq., i\f.P ...... Jas. Rippon ...... 2 10 103 Alcxanura (Marble l\:Iedallion) . Saml. Lawson Booth .. 19.J: Dunlucc Castle, Northern Coast, of Ireland ...... A. Nicholl, R.H.A. .. . l<> 15 195 Our Dentis!; ...... J. D. Mercier ...... me: Clonmac"·ois, Co. Ga.hvay ...... A. Nfoholl, RH.A... . 10 10 lV7 Collecting ~be Herd near Crian- larich ...... William Lnker ...... 25 0 HJR Girl a.ntl Wallflmrnrs ...... W illiam Gillard ...... 15 0 l !l!l An Ernning P.1stor;i,l ...... Hcu1·y J. Lircus ...... 7 () 200 Falls of the Logan, Glen Logan, Ross-shire, N.B...... Reuben ::Mitchell...... 108 0 201 Ti rer,1v.

. ,. ARTIST. Pma;;J:J. Ro. S1ill,J$.'.CT. 26.J, Uis!:. 0 11 the r.lersey ...... E.A.Norbnry, R.0 .A. 21 O 2Gi'.i A 1rr:.nsient Gleam ...... W. D. B,Lrker, R.O.A. 31 10 266 I3amborongh Cnstle, Kort:,Jrnm- berland ...... John Mogford ...... 52 10 267 Cottager Winno"·ing (Surrey) .. F . W. Hulme ...... 100 () 208 The Old Mill, D\\'ygyfylchi ... Richard Wane ...... 25 0 2UU J!'ec,ling the Ducks ...... R. J. Hammond ...... 2 2 270 1:Ionutain Road 11ear Little Ormc's Read, Lhmdudno ... Thomas Farrar ...... 4 4 271 ~e"·by Bridge, ·"·indermere ... J . R. G.Grnudy,R.O.A 8 8 272 A 1\"indy Da.y ...... 11. 0 . Whaite, R.0.A. 420 O 273 A Sttudy Shore ...... J. R. G. Grnndy,R.O.A. 30 O 27-1 Herring Uoats nt Anchor, Isle of nlan ...... Gnstare cle Breanski 35 O 275 Tumbliug on to the Shore ...... Charles Stuart...... G 6 27G Roman (}irl ...... Prof. R. Bompiani ... 40 O 277 'l'rcfri\\' '.Mill ...... S. M. Jones, A.R.OA. 10 0 278 EYeniug ...... J .R.G. Grnndy,R.C.A 8 S 27\l 2'[11Eicx1l Youth ...... Henrietta Rauner .. . 50 0 280 Yictoria Plums aucl '\Yilliam Pears, &c...... Henry J ohu LiYens. . 6 l O 281 En•r of lierself Contemplati\'e .J. D. Watson , R.C.A., R.W.S...... 150 0 282 'The. IIaunt of tho Trout ...... E .d . N"orlmry, R .C.A. 15 15 283 Iuturior of a Room iu the Old Steen Museum, Antwerp ...... W. Benuett,.A..R.C.A. 21 0 28-! noses ...... Tom Smith ...... 6 0 285 Shots within Hearing ...... William Luker ...... 35 0 286 In the Lledr Valley, Detlws-y- Coeu ...... A. B. Holte, R.C ..A .. 42 0 287 JI er S\rcote!;it Flower ...... Arthur Stocks ...... 52 10 288 On theLlugwy,m.Capol Curig .Julius Hare ...... 7 7 28() Shawford Mill, near Winchester, ITauts ...... Chas. Brockman ...... 10 10 2!l0 A Viking Bold ...... Edith A. Crosley...... 8 8- 2!ll Beach , under tl1c 's Head ...... n . Fisl1er, A.R.O.A. . 21 0 202 "Afte1· storms cometh sun· ~hine "-Barlcd1 ...... I~aac Ocoke ...... 60 0 2()3 The Danci11g T,cmm. (Group in Terra Cotti1) ...... M ifs JC A. Fraser- 'l'ytlcr...... 2 10


• * • Th~ figares at the euberto, P,,sscginte tlo ripetta 16, Rome-276. Bond, W. J. J. C., Centrnl CMmbers, South Cnstle St.reet, Liverpool-12J. Bootll, Snm. Lawson, Roe Lane, Southport-13, 193. ]3ouvicr, Gustave, 1, Cnvorsht\lll Roncl, Kentisb Town, L ondon, N.W.-33, 15. Bowkett, J.M., 18, Mclbu,·y lfo>Lcl, Kensington, Lol1don, W.-172. Brockml111, Chns., care of 1>fr. Hayucl', 26, Francis Street, Totteuhnm Cottrt Ro:Hl, Louclon-289. C. Collinson, R<>bert, 2S, lkrcfortl Square, South Kensington, Londou-137, 18S. Cooke, Isnnc, The Breck, Wallnsey, Liscnnl-29Z. Couldery, Honttio H ., 1, EUznbcth Villas, Addington Gro,·e, Lowet· Syclenllam, Kont-145, 151. Cmft, Percy R., cnrc of Cole Bros., 2, Percy Stl·~et, R\thbonc Place, London, W.- 139, l6ll, 243. Crosh~y, Miss .E. A., 15, Batouin Gnnleus, West Kcnsingtou Park, Lomlon-290. D. D,widsou, C. T., 9, Almfl S11ua1·c, Abbey Road, St. John's Wood, Loml<:ll, N.W.-lC-2. ]),wls, .J. J>nin, RC.A., Ronaleyn, 'frefriw, North \\'nlcs-10, 27, 3:?, 13-J., :l4.5. De Brfansln, Al fred, '' Gle111lale," Church i1ond, Fore~t Hill, L ouJc11, ::l.J:: .-219. De Breauski, Gnstnv~, Cook!rnm, Berks.-161, :l.ul, :l.74. J>u \".cl. K J., Nevill Street, Soutllport- 74, 23~. l)e Guel'in, )frs. A. Lnkcs, 10, Pat'k Plo.ce Yillas, l\.fai,la Rill, Lo:il11ce, Lomlon-201. Ho.Ison, Sam. J., A.ltW S., 7, Hillmartin nond, Cnm1lcn Rond, London, N.-lOJ. Hoh"O)·d, 'f., E~planade House, H,irrowg-.\tc-2'1-1. Holtr, A. Bmmhsh, R.C.A., Tyn-y-1''ron, nenl' Llnnrwst-257, 2S6. Ho111r11m, W., & Son, 00, J3eme1-s Street, Oxford Street, London, W.-85, 86, S7. J,Jughe~, J ..J, 37, Yilla lload, Hmulsworth, Jlinningbnm-218, 221. Hulme, F. W.. :l. St. AILnn's Rond, K~nsingtou, London, W.-:?67. 0 Hulme, Miss Alice L., 8, St. Alb,m 8 Ho,\d, JCcru;ington, Londo11, W.-lJG, 167. Hurt, Louis B., Asltboume,""Uerbyshixe-1$7.

I., J, Inglis, Mis., Jane, 24, Ancrlcy Piwk, Lom~on, S.E.-202. Joh1180n, John, 11.C.A., Fern Hill, Trefriw, ne11r Conway-17, ,ta, 1,7, 95, l31. .fohnston, Alex11mler, 86, }{ing Hcnty's Ro:Hl, Primrose Hill, Lo111lon-ll8, 152. Jones, S.M., A.RC.A., C1-eeswood H,mse. Uho~, Ruabon-lS, 21, 126, 277. ,Jones, Charles, Jleathercrolt. Balhnm Hill, London, S.W.-86, 215. 230. Jones, Miss L. E., 5, Glouccstcr llon, ~ l. ~ntfel, :lliss '.\li\u

Norbury, E. A., RCA., Tlie Wnnen, Bodfary, Fliulshire-123, 190, 212, 289, 21;,1, 2S2. !l!mbmy, Miss L1mrn, ; 1m Vnle, F,\irfiold, Li-erpool-64, 97,132. P . Pnrsons, Alfred, 54, Bcdforcl C:lnrdens, Kensi,1gton, Londo11, W.-178. Pn.y ,1tcn, R. S., Ihiilway Villa, Bangor-20~. J'errin, A. F., Sycluiant Cottage, Dwygyfykbi, Conway-55, 22$. J'otter, Cbas., R.C.A., Llanbedr Lodge, Conway-47, 158, 165, 211. l'yne, Tbos., 56, Upper I>ark Hond, Haverstock Hill, London, N.W.-38. R. Ra~·nt'r, 1Iiss L ., 2, Ash Grove, Chesj;er~7, 76. m1,1>on, Jas., 18A, Bedforcl Sti;eet, llhyl-192. l:ub$OII, Miss H., ,vootUMuls, :Sew llrighton, near Birkenheatl-12, 111, :2~{, !'l. :ill, 112 1l~1mci·, Henrietta, 51, Chaussee de Vleurgnt, Brnssels, Belguim-:27\l. S. S;\hnon, J . 0., RC.A., Bro11 B1·y1i, Talybont, Couway-20, 89, 9\l, 100, 124. ~,rnmlers, Chas. L .. !LO.A ., 'l'l~c Woodl,mds, T,\l'vin Roat!, Chester-60, llti, ISO. Hr,ton, Obas. C., 19, Marlboro Hill, St. John's Woocl, I.01J

'l'hoi'ley, John, 81 Ring Sti·eet, Hanley, Staffonlshi)·e-122, 255. 'fr<;vor, Miss Elizabeth, Conway-185. Tyson, Miss Alice, \), Frotlehan Street, Cbesfe,~242. 'l'ytler, Miss K. A. l!'rnsel', Woodhouslee, Rosslyn, N.13.-293. w. Walmsley, l\Iiss M. A., .Fron Deg, Conway-15, 153. 284. W,ttle, R., , N'en.r Comvny-268. \',~tlrins, Jollll, 135, Boulevard du .Montpn.mnsse, Paris-117. Watt., Miss Linnie, Home Lodge, Norwootl Road, London, S.E.-SO, ,16, 1-19. \\',,tson, J . D ., RC.A., R.W.S., Wnterloo Hotel, Bettws-y-Coed-Sl,llS,79, 263, :2$1. \\', lsl1y, A.. J ., 12, Roya.! Promenade, Clifton, Bristol-210. \',h:ute, H . Clarru,ce, R.C.A., Tycldyn Cynal, near Conway, N. Wales ; ,111<1 16, Douro Pince, Victoria Rond, Keusini:.>ton, London-4., 16,272. Wimperis, Niss I., r/o Miss M. A. Walmsley, Fl'on Deg, Conway-111. INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIO~S. ·- ARTIST. s ... l Illustrntion, s,c "'10. 24;; i:i C.tt,tlogue.••..•. .•• J . Pain Davis, R.C.A. :l 277 ••....••.. S . M. Jones, R.O.A. " ,I 247 -,, •.•••••••• .A . Hague, R.C.A. -i 183 •.••...••. H . Mcasham, R .C.A. ;\ 4$ •• .•••.... W. L . Jhuks,R.C.A. " v 238 ,, . ....•..... ]'. T. Sibley, R C.A. 7 237 ...... T. H. ·r1tomas, R.C.A. 'i 257 •••..••••• A. :13. Holte, RO.A. \I 100 ...... J . 0 . Salmou, R.0-1\. lll l Ul ...... W. L . Banks, RC.A.. ll 220 ...... T. H . Thon.ias, RC.A. l:l 190 . . ..••.•.. E . A. Norbm-y, R.C.A.. t.,·· 5rt, R .C.A.


l'RI~'fl!D A'r ·rne ' JOUR~.IL , . STEAll PRT~l'l~G WORKS, nm:1,. 20 No. 1 . 36 by 18. -J. PAIN DAVIS.

No. z. 14 by 21. TREFRIW MILL.-S. MAURrcu Jo::-ms. ". l

... . a. I ,1 ' , I 'u I ; 11 , · \!· ', I.., i i r i' .I ,: I j' I . \ t '•, :/.J I ' ' i j) t:l ' I ::, (!) < ~I ::i:: . tf z : ·:, 0 r I •I :,, , )i ; I , "'0:: J ca I \ I ' } ' 0z <( \ I ; I ;i ',I ' I ·j I I . t ' I \ • , J t' 1' I l: ": ' l . \ ( l 1

I ( ,(. ,. '1 \I ; ' ,,1 I I I, ii /j l 'JI ·\ , / · 1 i ' I .1 • 1L/..fit r. r \ ~-. I r "'0 7. r·1 ! 1, \ ,, ),'l ; No. 4. 26 by 18. LITTLE D ODYN . - H · 'MEASII.U I.

··'.:. .. ~ ~:· ...... :.. .;. ~ .. ·t.\'- . t . .."' ... ~:' ·", •~' ~ :-.o. 7. ., "SACKCLOTH AND ASHES." T IP GIRLS L EAVING WO RK, SOUTH W ALES COAL DIST RICT. - T. H. T HOMAS.

J No. 9· 30 by 20. EVENING.- ]. C . SALMON. rI ~ ------·· - ~- ~ 1/ ~ , " '

No. 13. "' 0 A SHADY' ROAD .-CUT HBER:l'· GRUNDY. -~"~"-- - No. 12. 18 by 24. "PATCHING HER UP."-EDWIN A. NORBURY.

-=c::::::::= - ~ ) No 16. I NTERIOR OF OLD STEIN.- W. BLUNETT.


.. No. 18.



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