Faculty Members of the International Summer School 2014 Robert Aalberts (Geography) – The University of Nevada, Las Vegas

Robert Aalberts began his academic career in 1974 as a geography instructor at the University of New Orleans after graduate work at the University of Missouri-Columbia. Professor Aalberts taught in the second year of the Innsbruck program in 1977 and then 9 more times in the 1980s and 2000s, teaching both geography and business law courses. Although geography was his first love, he began attending law school at Loyola University while still teaching geography at UNO and subsequently turned his focus to the study of property law, oil and gas law, and legal systems. After law school Professor Aalberts served as a corporate attorney with the Gulf Oil Company for several years and then began teaching business law at LSU-Shreveport. In 1991 he was hired as the Lied Professor of Legal Studies at The University Nevada, Las Vegas. Professor Aalberts is currently the editor-in-chief of the Real Estate Law Journal, a position he has had for 22 years, and has authored several law books, including the textbook Real Estate Law, now in its 9th edition, which has been adopted in numerous universities across the U.S. He has also published many articles in both academic and professional law and business journals. Günter Bischof (History) – The University of New Orleans

Günter Bischof is a historian of international history, focusing on American and European diplomatic history of the 20th century, especially Cold War international relations. He also harbors interest in the history of 20th century wars, especially World War II and the Vietnam War. He has written on POW treatment and memory of World War II. Other interests are biography, historical memory and history, esp. Austrian foreign policy. He is also a historian — and a self-proclaimed admirer — of the Marshall Plan and its legacies. He is the author of in the First Cold War: The Leverage of the Weak. He is co-editor of Contemporary Austrian Studies. He served as co-editor (with Stephen Ambrose) of the 10-volume Eisenhower Center Studies of War and Peace and also edited the series Studies in Austrian and Central European History and Culture. He serves as a Presidential Counselor to the National World War II Museum in New Orleans, is a member of its Educational Committee, and is a board member of the Botstiber Institute for Austrian-American Studies. At present he is researching the impact of Austrian immigrants to the United States and revising a book of essays on Austrian-American relations. Dr. Bischof, who received his MA from the University of New Orleans, particularly enjoys teaching for UNO’s international summer schools in Innsbruck and Prague and has been a visiting professor at the Universities of Munich, Innsbruck, Salzburg, , WirtschaftsuniversitätVienna, the Economics University in Prague, and the State University for the Humanities in Moscow (RGGU). He also served as the Post-Katrina Visiting Professor in the LSU History Department. A native of Austria who grew up in the picturesque Alpine village of Mellau on the Swiss border, from skiing and playing soccer as a youngster he has graduated to swimming and hiking in his beloved Alps. He enjoys gardening and gourmet cooking and has raised three children with his Cajun wife Melanie Boulet, who is an award-winning social studies high school teacher in New Orleans. Faculty Members of the Innsbruck International Summer School 2014 Barbara Cooper (Italian) – The University of Georgia

Since receiving a Ph.D. in Romance Languages from the University of Georgia in 1985, Dr. Cooper has continued to live in Athens and to teach at her alma mater courses in Italian and French language/culture at the beginning, intermediate, and advanced levels. She has participated numerous times in study abroad programs in Italy and Germany and has taught on the UNO-Innsbruck program four times.

Ana Croegaert (Anthropology) – The University of New Orleans

Ana’s work aims to bridge scholarly and popular publics by creating spaces for people to explore and debate migration and ways of belonging in 21st century cities through their interactions with images, sound and artifacts drawn from ethnographic research. She has conducted fieldwork in the United States, in former Yugoslavia, and has just begun work on a new project in New Orleans. In addition to her current academic appointment in Anthropology and Urban Studies at the University of New Orleans, she has held a postdoctoral fellowship with The Field Museum in Chicago, where she drafted and co-directed the first phase of a new collections initiative on 21st Century Urban Material Cultures. She has been a Visiting Professor at Mount Holyoke College (MA) and at Loyola University (IL), and she has over 5 years of experience working in the governmental and non-profit sectors in Chicago. Her teaching and research areas include Sociocultural Anthropology, Ethnography, Urban Studies, gender/sexuality, race/ethnicity, migration, visual cultures, political economy, United States and Southeast Europe. Lillian Turner Eby (Psychology) – The University of Georgia.

Lillian Turner Eby is a Professor of Psychology at the University of Georgia and a Fellow of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology and the American Psychological Association. Lillian has published or presented over 200 peer-reviewed research articles on topics related to occupational health, organizational careers, and interpersonal relationships at work. She has also co-edited two books: Personal relationships: The effect of employee attitudes, behavior, and well-being (for the SIOP Frontiers Series) and The Blackwell handbook of mentoring: A multiple perspectives approach (Blackwell Publishing). To support her research she has three on-going multi- year extramurally funded research grants from the National Institutes of Health. This will be here 6th time teaching at the UNO Summer School in Innsbruck.

Faculty Members of the Innsbruck International Summer School 2014 Joe Felan (Management) – The University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Joe Felan is Associate Professor of Management at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock. He teaches organizational behavior, operations management and quality management at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. His research interests include labor flexibility, scheduling, supply chain management and service operations management. He has published in the Journal of Small Business Management, the International Journal of Production Research, and the Frontiers of Project Management Research. Dr. Felan grew up in Texas and has a BBA and an MBA from Baylor University and a PhD in operations management from the University of South Carolina. He has previously taught at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania and Baylor University in Waco, Texas. He has been a professor at UALR since 2002. This year (2014) will be the fourth time that Dr. Felan has taught in the UNO International Summer School program. Dr. Felan and his wife, Anne, have three children – Nathaniel, who is 15 and who is currently in the tenth grade; Michal who is 13 and in the seventh grade; and Isabelle who is 12 and in the sixth grade. Marianne Graeme Fortuna (Economics & Finance) – The University of Georgia

Dr. Marianne Fortuna is a full-time faculty member of the University of Georgia where she teaches Accounting, Finance and Statistics as an academically and professionally qualified lecturer. She is a CPA and CGMA and has more than thirty years’ experience in accounting and financial operations where her expertise ranges from directing major project initiatives to leading large organizations in Fortune 100 companies. Dr. Fortuna has held senior positions in multinational corporations, has traveled extensively throughout the world and is excited about sharing experiences and learnings with her students in Innsbruck. Sanda Groome (Business Law) – Tulane University

Sanda Beach Groome earned her BA in Economics from Newcomb College of Tulane University, her MBA from the A.B. Freeman School of Business at Tulane Univ. and her Juris Doctorate from the Paul M. Hebert Law Center of Louisiana State University. Prior to joining the faculty as a Professor of Practice at the A. B. Freeman School of Business in 2006, she practiced law for 14 years in new Orleans. Her law practice focused on Admiralty and Maritime Law and Commercial Litigation. At A.B. Freeman, Sanda teaches Business Law, Legal Environments, Insurance and Risk Management and Mock Trial. She currently serves as a Faculty Fellow for Wall Residential Center, Alumni Advisor for Chi Omega, Academic Advisor for Kappa Alpha, and as the Legal Studies representative for the undergraduate curriculum committee. She is a past recipient of the BSM Teacher Honor Roll Award. Sanda's non academic interests include sports, reading, Crossfit, and hanging out with her husband David and her three boys, Kirk, Beach, and Alexander. Faculty Members of the Innsbruck International Summer School 2014 David Haas () – The University of Georgia

David Haas joined the faculty of the Hodgson School of Music at the University of Georgia in 1989. His first degree in music was a bachelor’s degree in horn performance from the Cincinnati Conservatory. After a short spell in New York, he entered graduate school at the University of Michigan and received a doctorate in historical with a specialty in Russian music. His first book dealt with the music of young Dmitri Shostakovich and other 20th-century Russian , his second book with Tchaikovsky, Rimsky-Korsakov, and other 19th-century Russian composers. In 2012, he completed a textbook for music appreciation courses based on a new model that promotes truly interactive listening. He enjoys teaching introductory music courses as much as writing about music and performing on horn or piano. Since 2006, he has been pleased with each chance he gets to participate

in the UNO-Innsbruck program and enjoys each summer’s experiences with people, food, serious hiking, and, of course, the music of Austria. Peter Jorgensen (German) – The University of Georgia

Peter Jorgensen received a BA degree in German literature from Princeton University, studied Austrian dialects as a Fulbright Scholar in Vienna, got his MA in Linguistics from Harvard, studied Old Icelandic manuscripts as a Marshall Scholar in Copenhagen, and received his Ph.D. in Germanic Linguistics from Harvard. He taught for five years at the University of California, Riverside and spent 31 years at the University of Georgia. The recipient of awards for both teaching and research, Dr. Jorgensen has written two books and numerous articles about medieval Icelandic manuscripts, and a variety of articles on18th-century saga forgeries, the Bear’s Son Folktale in Old Norse and Old English literature, computer-based instruction in German, the linguistic classification of loanwords, and the fabulous travels of the 15th- century pilgrim, plagiarist, linguist, liar and artist, Arnold von Harff. Dr. Jorgensen has taught on the UNO Summer School for many years and is the UGA Faculty Liaison and Assistant Academic Director. Christina Joseph (Anthropology) – The University of Georgia

Christina Joseph received her doctorate in cultural anthropology from the University of Rochester and is faculty in the anthropology department at the University of Georgia in Athens. Her staple class is the honors introduction to anthropology. She also offers a slew of other classes in the anthropology of religion, death and dying, and cultures of Asia. Her research focuses on lake and groundwater conservation in India. This will be her fourth visit to Innsbruck and her second time teaching at the UNO International Summer School. Before coming to Innsbruck in summer 2014, she will be retracing the gypsy trail from their annual gathering at Saintes-Maries-de-la-Mer in France to their original home in the desert sands of India. Follow her journey

on the Facebook page she set up for her students. Faculty Members of the Innsbruck International Summer School 2014 Anandam Kavoori (Communications/Journalism) – The University of Georgia

Dr. Kavoori is Professor in the Grady College of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Georgia. He works in the area of International Communication and Travel Journalism. He is the author or editor of ten scholarly books and nearly 50 journal articles and book chapters. Amongst his recent book publications are Reading Youtube (Peter Lang, 2011), The Logics of Globalization (Rowman & Littlefield, 2009), and Global Bollywood (New York University Press, 2008). Dr. Kavoori has been a consultant to News Corporation, CNN International, Discovery Channel and Living Media and a faculty judge for The Peabody Awards for nearly twenty years. Piyush Kumar (Marketing) – The University of Georgia

Piyush Kumar is Associate Professor of Marketing at the Terry College of Business at the University of Georgia. He has previously taught at the Wharton School, Vanderbilt University, and Rice University. He is the winner of multiple Professor of the Year Awards and has been quoted in NPR Radio, NBC Television, and CBS Marketwatch. Piyush is the co-author of Decision Equity: The Ultimate Metric to Connect Marketing Actions to Profits and has published in all major marketing journals. He holds a Ph.D. from Purdue University and has spent several years in brand marketing where he was involved in many new product launches.

Kim McDonald (English) – The University of New Orleans

Kim received her Masters degree from the University of Idaho in 1986. She began her studies in literature, but soon discovered the growing discipline of rhetoric and composition. Her thesis, Particle, Wave, Field Prewriting Strategy: From Theory to Practice presents a qualitative study of the effects of this prewriting heuristic, developed from tagmemic theory, on the specific content included in student essays. She continues to enjoy hands-on research, and her areas of interest include assessment, peer-review, and the effectiveness of specific pedagogical approaches in the teaching of writing.

James Gordon Payne (Management) – The University of New Orleans

Gordon Payne has been an adjunct professor at UNO since 2006, teaching Business Communication classes. He was on the Innsbruck faculty in 2009. Gordon is currently the Communications Manager and Public Affairs Officer for the U.S. Department of Energy’s Strategic Petroleum Reserve, and is serving as President of the Louisiana Quality Foundation. He graduated from Loyola University in New Orleans in 1980 with a B.A. in Communications, and has worked in this field ever since.

Faculty Members of the Innsbruck International Summer School 2014 Steven Plotkin (Political Science) – The University of New Orleans

Steven R. Plotkin received his B.A. and L.L.B. (Juris Doctor) from Tulane University, his Master of Laws (L.L.M.) degree from the University of Virginia. He was senior partner in his law firm and litigated more than a 1000 trials in private practice. His public service includes 4 years as an Assistant attorney, one year as a municipal judge, 10 years as a general jurisdiction judge and 15 years as an appellate judge. During this period he received multiple honors for Distinguish Service as a jurist. In addition, he was an Adjunct Professor of Law at Tulane Law School for 28 years until he transferred to the University of New Orleans to teach Business law after Hurricane Katrina. He currently teaches Business Law at UNO and has taught Political Science “The Judicial Process” and Business Law in the UNO-Innsbruck since 2004. He has received two Senior Fulbright Scholarships and 3 Special Fulbright Awards to Greece and Bulgaria. He has served as a consultant, educator and trainer to USAID in multiple foreign countries. He has authored or co-authored more than 25 law related articles and a three volume treatise on the “Louisiana Code of Civil Procedure”. Rebecca Reynolds (Fine Arts) – The University of New Orleans

Rebecca Lee Reynolds is Assistant Professor in the Department of Fine Arts at the University of New Orleans, where she teaches Art History with an emphasis on contemporary art, theory, and criticism. Her research interests include post-World War II sculpture, public art, landscape design, and exhibition practices. Having focused on site-specific art at American sculpture parks and sculpture gardens, she received her PhD from the University of Chicago with the dissertation, “From Green Cube to Site: Site- Specific Practices at American Sculpture Parks and Gardens, 1965-1987.” Results from that research have been published in articles in the journals

Public Art Dialogue and Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes, as well as the exhibition catalogue Artpark: 1974-1984. She has held fellowships in the Garden and Landscape Studies program at Dumbarton Oaks (Washington DC) and at the Terra Foundation for American Art in Giverny, France. Before arriving at UNO in 2012, she taught at the University of West Georgia. She is originally from Charleston, South Carolina, and is teaching at Innsbruck for the first time this summer. Jeffrey Rinehart (Fine Arts) – The University of New Orleans

Jeffrey Rinehart is originally from Seattle, WA and has lived in the New Orleans area since 2005. He is a New Orleans based artist and instructor at the University of New Orleans, Fine Arts department. Jeffrey also currently runs the Ten Gallery and studios which is an artist based collective that showcases local artists.

Faculty Members of the Innsbruck International Summer School 2014 Dean Rojek (Sociology) – The University of Georgia

Dean Rojek received his doctoral degree from the University of Wisconsin in a joint program in law and sociology. He normally teaches courses in juvenile delinquency, sociology of law, social problems, environmental sociology and 20th century genocide. On three occasions, he was a member of a U.S.– Chinese criminal justice delegation and taught criminal law in China. Currently, he serves as an expert witness in Federal Court regarding Chinese deportation cases and the personal risk of sending illegal Chinese immigrants back to China. He taught environmental sociology at the University of Georgia’s ecolodge in Costa Rica. For the past twelve summers, he has taught in the UNO summer program in Innsbruck. He serves as the tour guide for field trips to Dachau and to Hitler’s Eagles Nest (Berchtesgaden). At the University of Georgia, he serves as the head track official, in charge of implementing inspection and all throwing events. His

research interests include adolescent drug involvement, juvenile justice, Chinese law, and genocidal behavior. Martin Schnitzer (Management) – The University of Innsbruck, Austria

Martin Schnitzer earned his first degree in Sports Science and obtained his PhD in Sports Management at the University of Innsbruck in 2012. Martin is researcher and teacher at the Department of Sport Science of the University of Innsbruck. He is also Visiting Professor at the Russian International Olympic University in Sochi (RUS) and Professor of the Executive Masters in Sport Management (MEMOS) accredited by the International Olympic Committee. Martin was founder of the Innsbruck 2012 – Youth Olympic Laboratory for Youth and Innovation, which was established on occasion of the Winter Youth Olympic Games in Innsbruck. He served also in various positions in major sports events. He was acting as CEO of Innsbruck 2012 bid campaign for the Youth Olympic Games. Previously he held the position of Secretary General of the UEFA EURO 2008™ Host City Innsbruck and is currently serving as bid director of the FIS Alpine Ski World Championship Candidate Cortina d’Ampezzo in Italy. At the 2005 Winter Universiade in Innsbruck/Seefeld, he was as Executive Assistant to the Secretary General involved in every area of operations. He also served as Deputy Venue Manager for the Women’s Olympic Alpine Skiing speed events in Turin 2006. Marion Wieser (Political Science) – University of Innsbruck, Austria

A native of South Tyrol, Italy, Marion Wieser studied Political Science and Law at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Upon receiving her MA in political science (focusing on International Politics and International Law) in 2005, she continued her PhD studies in political science focusing especially on comparative politics and the relationship between religion and politics. Ms. Wieser is also a licensed journalist in Italy where she worked for several media (newspapers, radio). In 2006 she was a visiting scholar at the University of Georgia, Athens (USA). To further her studies she spent two years as Austrian Ministry of Science Fellow and as Nick Mueller Fellow at the University of New Orleans´ Center Austria. She became an instructor with the department of political science at UNO in 2009, teaching courses in European Politics and International Law. She then joined Tulane University in New Orleans as Visiting Assistant Professor where she taught courses in International Relations, European Governments, Religion and Politics and International Law. An Innsbruck Summer School alumna (2005) herself, she is looking forward to sharing her inside view into European Politics and International Relations with American students this summer in Innsbruck! Faculty Members of the Innsbruck International Summer School 2014

Daniel Winkler (Humanities) – The University of Innsbruck, Austria

Daniel Winkler studied Comparative Literature and French at the Universities of Vienna (Austria) and Aix-en-Provence (France). His PhD dealt with cinematic representations of Marseille (Marseille! Cinematic Visions of a Metropolis. Marburg, 22013). In 2009 he joined the University of Innsbruck (Department of Romance Studies) where he teaches Italian and French Literature, Theatre and Cinema. He was a visiting scholar at the Ecole normale supérieure of Paris (2001/02), the Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg (Europe Interdisciplinary Centre for European Enlightenment Studies, 2011) and the University of Turin (2013). His research focuses on the theatre of Enlightenment and contemporary cinema. He is author of 30 journal articles and book chapters; recently he edited with Sabine Schrader the volume The Cinemas of Italian Migration: European and Transatlantic Narratives (Cambridge Scholars Publishing 2013). Derek Zumbro (History) – The University of West Florida

The University of West Florida’s Department of History welcomed Dr. Derek S. Zumbro to the Fall, 2010 Semester. As a former military officer, Zumbro brings a unique perspective to his specialties: Europe Since 1500, Modern Germany and Modern Military History. He also serves as the UWF Director of the M.A. program in Military History. Dr. Zumbro is currently researching the city of Nuremberg during the Third Reich 1933 – 1946, and he is also an author and translator of books and numerous documentaries in his field. His past works include compiling, editing and translating the best- selling memoir In Deadly Combat: A German Soldier’s Memoir of the Eastern Front (Main Selection of the History Book Club; Alternate Selection of the Military Book Club) and his widely proclaimed work Battle for the Ruhr: The German Army's Final Defeat in the West (Main Selection of the Military Book Club; Alternate Selection for the History Book Club). Other honors include numerous military awards and citations, the United Nations Peace-Keeping Medal, LSU Studies Abroad Exchange Scholarship to the University of Heidelberg (2001 – 2002) and the Miller Prize for Outstanding Dissertation at Louisiana State University (2006). Dr. Zumbro received his Ph.D. in History at Louisiana State University in 2006, an M.A. in History from the University of Southern Mississippi in 2001 and a B.A. in Anthropology from the University of Southern Mississippi in 1980. He attended the University of Heidelberg, 2001/ 2002 while doctoral work and dissertation research.