ARTICLE NO: 1A PLANNING COMMITTEE MEMBERS UPDATE 2020/21 Issue: 4 Article of: Corporate Director of Place & Community Contact for further information: Mrs C Thomas (Extn. 5134) (E-mail:
[email protected]) SUBJECT: Applications Determined Under The Delegated System – 30/05/2020 to 10/07/2020 WARD:- Aughton And Downholland Application: 2016/0977/PNP Decision: Withdrawn Proposal: Application for Determination as to Whether Prior Approval is Required for Details - Agricultural access track. Location: Home Farm, Back Lane, Aughton, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 6SX Applicant: Aughton Pig Producers Ltd WARD:- Aughton And Downholland Application: 2019/1306/FUL Decision: Planning Permission Granted Proposal: Formation of car park following demolition of outbuildings. Location: Land To The Rear Of, 69 - 75 Town Green Lane, Aughton, Lancashire, Applicant: Mr I Mercer WARD:- Aughton And Downholland Application: 2020/0117/FUL Decision: Planning Permission Granted Proposal: Erection of a stable building with tack room and the formation of a menage for the keeping of horses along with improvements to the existing site access onto Lord Sefton Way including new gates and a splayed wall entrance. Location: The Old Vicarage, 1 Lord Sefton Way, Great Altcar, Liverpool, Lancashire, L37 5AA Applicant: Mr & Mrs Neary WARD:- Aughton And Downholland Application: 2020/0308/FUL Decision: Planning Permission Granted Proposal: Single storey side extension including infill extension to existing carport and internal/external alterations. Location: 106 Brookfield Lane, Aughton, Ormskirk, Lancashire, L39 6SP Applicant: Mr Steve Carter WARD:- Aughton And Downholland Application: 2020/0333/FUL Decision: Planning Permission Granted Proposal: Installation of a 21kW ground source heat pump providing heat and hot water for Home Farm and an existing agricultural building (retrospective).