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KRYSTYNA WOJTYNEK Sales Representative Coldwell Banker Peter Benninger Realty, Brokerage 508 Riverbend Dr., Kitchener, ON 2IÀFH([W'LUHFW [email protected] www.coldwellbankerpbr.com/Wojtynek 1RWLQWHQGHGWRFDXVHRULQGXFHDEUHDFKLQDQH[LVWLQJUHSUHVHQWDWLRQDJUHHPHQW 2 3 4 55 6 7 8 Publisher of POLISH BUSINESS CATALOGUE Kitchener • Waterloo • Cambridge • Guelph POLSKI INFORMATOR BIZNESOWY 269 Grand River Blvd. Kitchener ON N2A 3H4 Tel: 519-884-1043 Direct cell: 519-241-0782 E-mail: [email protected] www.PolishBusiness.ca President/Publisher: Krystyna Wojtynek Editor: Krystyna Wojtynek Proof Reading: Jolanta Brodzinska,´ Edward Wojtynek Graphic Designer: Magda Spurek, “Magda Spurek Photography & Design” Front cover design: Magda Spurek, “Magda Spurek Photography & Design” Website Designer: Kingdom of Heaven Advertising Sales: Krystyna Wojtynek, Barbara Stawinska´ Production Coordination Team: Krystyna Wojtynek, Barbara Stawinska Kolejne wydanie (tylko internetowe) ukaże się w 2020 roku. The next version will only be issued on the internet in 2020. 6 th Edition 6ta Edycja ©Copyright Effective Solution Inc. 2018 Printed In Canada 9 6]DQRZQL3DƭVWZR 3ROVNL,QIRUPDWRU%L]QHVRZ\.LWFKHQHU:DWHUORR&DPEULGJH*XHOSK WRNVLƧƳNDVWURQDLQWHUQHWRZDZZZ3ROLVK%XVLQHVVFDRUD](%RRN SRORQLMQ\FK ILUP L SURIHVMRQDOLVW³Z QD WHUHQLH Ø&DQDGD *ROGHQ 7ULDQJOHÙLØ&DQDGD7HFKQRORJLFDO7ULDQJOHÙ2GGDMHP\Z3DQVWZDUƫF´ H NROHMQHZ\GDQLHZGUXNX -HVWHƯP\MHGQ\P]QLHZLHOXPLDVWNW³UHSRVLDGDORNDOQ\NDWDORJEL]QHVRZ\1$6=.$7$/2* /2.$/1<&+32/21,-1<&+%,=1(6:6ÂXƳ\QDPRQMXƳRGGRƯƩGDZQD:W\PURNX ERZLHPPLMDWDURF]QLFDXND]DQLDVLƫSLHUZV]HJRLQIRUPDWRUD ,QIRUPDWRUZGUXNXMHVWGRVWƫSQ\EH]SÂDWQLHXRJÂRV]HQLRGDZF³ZZSDUDILDFKLRƯURGNDFKSRORQLMQ\FK :\GDQLHNVLƧƳNRZH,QIRUPDWRUDMDNU³ZQLHƳMHJRIRUPDLQWHUQHWRZD]RVWDÂ\RSUDFRZDQHZ Mƫ]\NXSROVNLPLDQJLHOVNLPEƫGƧFW\PVDP\PƱU³GÂHPLQIRUPDFMLGRVWƫSQ\PGODV]HURNLHJRNUƫJX SRWHQFMDOQ\FKRGELRUF³Z 8GRVWƫSQLDP\QRZƧEDUG]LHMQRZRF]HVQƧVWURQƫLQWHUQHWRZƧ]]DNRGRZDQLHPVHUZLVXZWHFKQRORJLL Õ5HVSRQVLYH :HE 'HVLJQÖ V]DWD JUDILF]QD L IXQNFMRQDOQRƯƩ GRVWRVRZDQD GR UR]G]LHOF]RƯFL XU]ƧG]HQLD GHNVWRS WDEOHW PRELOH MDN URZQLHƳ RSW\PDOL]DFMƫ NRGX ƳU³GÂRZHJR VHUZLVX SRG NƧWHPSR]\FMRQRZDQLDRUD]SRGNƧWHPSU]HJOƧGDUHN']LƫNLWHPXEƫG]LHQDVÂDWZLHMLV]\EFLHM ]QDOH]Ʃ Z VLHFL 3URV]ƫ ZLƫF NRU]\VWDƩ ] WHM HIHNW\ZQHM UHNODP\ Z\SHÂQLDMƧF ]DPLHV]F]RQƧ QD VWURQLHIRUPƫ .RU]\VWDMƧF]RND]MLSUDJQƫJRUƧFRSRG]LƫNRZDƩZV]\VWNLPRVRERPSU\ZDWQ\PMDNU³ZQLHƳILUPRP NW³UH]GHF\GRZDO\VLHQD]DPLHV]F]HQLHZQDV]\PZ\GDZQLFWZLHVZRMHMUHNODP\RJÂRV]HQLDMDN URZQLHƳW\PZV]\VWNLPNW³U]\SRƯZLƫFLOLZLHOHJRG]LQSUDF\SU]\JRWRZXMƧFNROHMQƧHG\FMƫ6]F]HJ³OQH SRG]LƫNRZDQLHSU]HND]XMƫPRMHMVLRVWU]H%DUEDU]H6WDZLQVNLHM]DMHMLQZHQFMƫLZLHOHJRG]LQVSHG]RQ\FK SU]\WHOHIRQLH']LHNXMƫWHƳQDV]HMSDQLÕ*UDSKLF'HVLJQHUÖ0DG]L6SXUHN]DZLHOHJRG]LQSUDF\L NROHMQƧSU]HSLƫNQƧV]DWƫJUDILF]QƧLQIRUPDWRUD Ʋ\F]ƫRJÂRV]HQLRGDZFRPLZV]\VWNLPNW³U]\NRU]\VWDMƧ]XVÂXJLRIHUWQDV]\FKURG]LP\FKEL]QHV³Z RZRFQ\FKWUDQVDNFML1LH]DSRPLQDMP\ƳHQDV]HSROVNLHßUP\ZVSLHUDMƧSRORQLMQHZ\GDU]HQLDLLQLFMDW\Z\ :VSLHUDMƧFZLƫFSROVNLHILUP\U³ZQRF]HƯQLHEXGXMHP\LXPDFQLDP\SROVNƧVS³MQRƯƩDW\PVDP\P QDV]ƧZLHONƧSROVNƧURG]LQƫ :\GDZFD Krystyna Wojtynek :V]HONLHJRURG]DMXRSLQLHXZDJLLVXJHVWLHSURV]ƫNLHURZDƩSRGDGUHV (PDLONU\VW\QDWHHH#JPDLOFRP 10 11 12 100-LECIE HARCERSTWA POLSKIEGO ·4PéVNjDžUHZ^PǃǏLYHKVZUHaPLSVUH¸ 4 Druh Jan Chojnacki 1907. 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ADRESOWY FIRM (wedlug rodzaju biznesu) .....16 Art, Sztuka .......................................................16, 48-49 Koscioly .................................................................21 Ambasada, Konsulat, Kongres .........................................22 Organizacje polonijne w Kitchener-Waterloo ........................ 27 Organizacje polonijne w Cambridge ..................................28 Organizacje polonijne w Guelph . .28 Szkoly .................................................................. 30 Uslugi w Polsce......................................................... 31 REKLAMA FIRM (Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge-Guelph) .......... 33 Wazne numery telefonow ............................................. 69 Kalendarz imienin 2019 ............................................ 70-71 Zlote Mysli.............................................................. 72 15 POLISH BUSINESS CATALOGUE Kitchener-Waterloo-Cambridge-Guelph POLSKI INFORMATOR BIZNESOWY Contents Polish Anniversaries 100 Years of Polish Independence ............................... 10 100 Years Polish Scouting ......................................... 12 200th Anniversary of Stanislaw Moniuszko Birthday........... cover LIST OF BUSINESSES BY CATEGORY . 16 Art, Artists ........................................................16, 48-49 Churches ............................................................... 21 Embassy, Consulate, Congress . 22 Polish Organization in Kitchener-Waterloo ........................... 27 Polish Organization in Cambridge .................................... 28 Polish Organization in Guelph ........................................ 28 Schools................................................................. 30 Services in Poland ..................................................... 31 ADS OF BUSINESSES (Kitchener, Waterloo, Cambridge, Guelph) . 33 Emergency & Important Numbers .................................... 69 Calendar 2019...................................................... 70-71 Inspirational Thoughts ................................................ 72 LIST OF BUSINESSES (with address & the telephone number) 16 SPIS TELEFONICZNO - ADRESOWY FIRM (wedlug rodzaju biznesu) ACCOUNTING & TAX SERVICES/KSIEGOWOSC CAISSA S.Q. Accounting & Tax Services Grazyna Szymura Elzbieta Nawrot 223 King St. E. Cambridge ON N3H 3M5 2405 Lake Shore Blvd W, Toronto ON 519-653-1400 • [email protected] 416-201-0597 View Colour ad on pg 65 View ad on pg 33 Stone Accounting BJM Tax Service Wieslaw Zalewski Bolek Magolon 29 Curzon Cres. Guelph ON N1K 1Z8 659 Beechwood Dr. Waterloo ON 519-341-0100 • www.stoneaccounting.ca 519-747-0368 • www.bjmtax.ca [email protected] • View ad on pg 33 [email protected] • View ad on pg 34 Szczepski, Racolta, Jensen and Co. LLP - George Szczepski 485 Pinebush Rd. Suite 304, Cambridge ON N1T 0A6 • 519-622-1485 ADVERTISING/REKLAMA
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