ICOHTEC NEWSLETTER No 176, December 2020 www.icohtec.org Sound To Light System Sound Operated Lamp Switch Circuit The first real dedicated disco lights were invented in about 1968 when someone decided to control lighting using electronics (Transistors and Thyristors in those days, no silicon chips) the idea was to flash lamps to different frequencies, originally three channels. Basically one lamp would flash in time with the Bass frequency, one in time with the Middle and one in time with the Treble. For the first time Sound To Light was born. The sound of the light: https://youtu.be/vkVPXpSE_Us Newsletter of the International Committee for the History of Technology - ICOHTEC Editor: Francesco Gerali, The University of Oklahoma School of Library and Information Studies. Norman, OK, United States. Mail to
[email protected] Newsletter of the International Committee for the History of Technology - ICOHTEC Editor: Francesco Gerali, 2020 IEEE Pugh Visiting Scholar, IEEE History Center, NJ, United States. Mail to
[email protected] I. ICOHTEC I.1 26TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS OF HISTORY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY AND THE 48TH SYMPOSIUM OF ICOHTEC GO ONLINE I.2 MAURICE DAUMAS PRIZE - ICOHTEC’S ARTICLE PRIZE I.3 TURRIANO ICOHTEC PRIZE 2021 - CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS I.4 ICON II. PRIZES III. JOURNALS IV. E-SCHOL@RSHIP IN THE V. OPEN ACCESS VI. CALLS FOR MANUSCRIPTS VII. CALLS FOR PAPERS VIII. PLASTICIDADE, UMA HISTÓRIA DOS PLÁSTICOS EM PORTUGAL, A HISTORY OF PLASTICS IN PORTUGAL IX. JOBS, POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONS, AND RESEARCH FELLOWSHIPS X. JOIN ICOHTEC 1 I. ICOHTEC I.1 26th International Congress of History of Science and Technology and the 48th Symposium of ICOHTEC go online Dear Colleagues and Friends, Due to the risks of a real meeting, the organizers of the 26th International Congress of History of Science and Technology, ICHST (25 – 31 July 2021), decided to organize the conference online.