The Eider is the Quarterly Newsletter of the Argyll Bird Club: Scottish Charity Number SC008782 For the electronic version to be a success, I June 2003 Editorial need a steady supply of coloured material. Digital cameras seem to be all the rage, so uring my first year as editor, I I am hoping “suitably equipped” members Editor have been impressed and de- will be willing to send me the occasional D lighted by the material that mem- digital photo (jpeg files are preferred). Steve Petty, Craigielea, Kames bers have provided for The Eider, which Subjects could include holidays, land- has gradually grown in size. In trying to scapes, plants, birds and action shots of Tighnabruaich, Argyll PA21 2AE field trips etc. They could also be used to provide a more attractive outlet for mem- Phone 01700 811235 ber’s articles, a number of changes are illustrate an article for The Eider. planned over the next few issues. Members without their own computer, E-mail:
[email protected] Various ways of adding colour to the who would like to see the electronic ver- newsletter have been evaluated. Unfortu- sion, might be able to persuade family or nately, printing or photocopying coloured friends to download and print a copy of Inside this issue: pages is both time-consuming and expen- the coloured-version for them. The elec- sive. One alternative is to produce an elec- tronic version will be posted on the club’s tronic version each quarter, in addition to website (see back page for address) about Migration Watch 2 two weeks after the mailed version is the black and white version for mailing.