Thesis H. Throne-Holst
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Harald Throne-Holst Harald Operationalizing the risk society Operationalizing Consumers, nanotechnology and nanotechnology responsibilities Consumers, Consumers, nanotechnology and responsibilities Harald Throne-Holst CONSUMERS, NANOTECHNOLOGY AND RESPONSIBILITIES OPERATIONALIZING THE RISK SOCIETY DISSERTATION to obtain the degree of doctor at the University of Twente, on the authority of the rector magnificus, prof.dr. H. Brinksma, on account of the decision of the graduation committee, to be publicly defended on Wednesday the 18th of April 2012 at 14h45 by Harald Throne-Holst born on 16th of May 1970 in Oslo, Norway This dissertation is approved by the promotor prof. dr. Arie Rip. © Harald Throne-Holst Acknowledgements Doing this PhD has at times felt like a rather lonesome affair. However, a number of people have encouraged, assisted and helped me along the way. I would like to take this opportunity to thank them. First among these is my supervisor prof. dr. Arie Rip. After we met at the PRIME Nano Winter work shop outside of Grenoble in 2008, we discussed the possibility of me writing a PhD with you as a supervisor. I was thrilled at this opportunity. We have since mostly met at Skype, each of us with a glass of red wine at hand for enjoyable and inspiring conversations. The encouragement, the enthusiasm, the effort and the energy you since have put into supervising me is something of which I am truly grateful. As prof. dr. Rip and I interacted on the possibility of doing a PhD, I turned to my employer SIFO to inquire what possibilities they saw for me doing this in my regular working time. Arne Dulsrud, Ingun Grimstad Klepp and Eivind Stø were as thrilled as I was, and the financial and organisational questions were quickly and smoothly solved. Over the last year Ingun and Eivind have shielded me from a variety of requests and small and big tasks. I am thankful for that, and I am ready to take my turn again in various projects and applications. It was together with Eivind I ventured into nanotechnology back in 2006, and we have explored and worked on the issue since. Eivind, your energy and willingness to learn about new things and perspectives is inspiring, and coupled with your good sense of humour it has been a pleasure working with you all through the years, and I hope we will continue the cooperation for many years to come. The third partner in SIFO’s nano-team is my “office neighbour” Pål Strandbakken. You are a knowledgeable, caring and witty colleague and you have given valuable advice during the course of this project, as well as 4 CONSUMERS, NANOTECHNOLOGY AND RESPONSIBILITIES necessary breathing space in our conversations about everything between heaven and earth –and more! Nina Heidenstrøm at SIFO has read various drafts of texts and chapters, always interested and always with inspiring and important comments. I would also like to thank three fellow phd-students, my colleague at SIFO Gunnar Vittersø and my friends Johan Caspar Wohlfahrt at UiO and Gunhild A. Stordalen at GreeNudge for listening and sharing the pleasures and the occasional pain of doing a phd. Thanks are due also for other colleagues, Alexander Schiøll for help with the statistics, Stine Hulleberg Hansen for translation of the focus group topic guides, and Hanne Hole Young for various help with the document as well as the front page of the dissertation. I would also like to thank those who have provided support outside of my work: Nicolay, Geir, Ove, Jacob, Fredrik, Nicolai, Joachim, løpegutta, LØTS, my mother Aslaug, Cathrine, Elisabeth, Andreas, Per Thorkild, Gry Anita, Gisle, Roger, Grethe and Kalle. Last, but not least I would like to thank my nuclear family. Dear Sina and Martinus - you are enjoyable and wonderful persons. I love you and I thank you for the patience you have had with a father that over the last years too often have been absent or absent-minded. And my dear Evelinn, the light of my life: Thank you for your solid support when times were tough, for encouragement, for listening, for your endless patience and for your love. The NANOMAT programme of the RCN granted the financial support for the projects that included the focus groups studies I have used as data material. The material culture project at SIFO financed my work with this thesis as well as the printing of the dissertation. Both are gratefully acknowledged. Table of content Acknowledgements ........................................................................................... 3 Table of content ................................................................................................ 5 1 Introduction ............................................................................................... 9 References ................................................................................................... 15 2 Theory and literature ............................................................................... 17 2.1 Introduction ..................................................................................... 17 2.2 Positioning my theme ..................................................................... 19 2.3 Theorising risk society .................................................................... 23 2.3.1 Understanding risk ...................................................................... 26 2.4 The Risk Society thesis ................................................................... 28 2.4.1 The notion of Risk Society ......................................................... 28 2.4.2 Risk Society thesis of Ulrich Beck ............................................. 30 2.4.3 Nanotechnology as a modern risk ............................................... 32 2.5 Citizens and consumers in the risk society ..................................... 35 2.6 Citizens and consumers .................................................................. 37 2.7 Political consumption ..................................................................... 43 References ................................................................................................... 48 3 Research design and Methodology of Focus Groups .............................. 55 3.1 Operationalization of the risk society ............................................. 56 3.2 Methodology of the Focus Groups Exercises ................................. 58 3.3 Focus groups ................................................................................... 58 3.4 Planning, setting up and doing the focus group exercises. ............. 61 3.4.1 Doing the focus groups ............................................................... 63 3.4.2 2006: four focus groups with 5-6 participants each, Oslo 24 -25 October 2006. .......................................................... 63 6 CONSUMERS, NANOTECHNOLOGY AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3.4.3 2008: four focus groups with 5-6 participants in each, Oslo 02-03 June 2008. ................................................................ 63 3.5 Working up the data ........................................................................ 66 3.6 Analysing the focus groups ............................................................. 68 References ................................................................................................... 73 4 Empirical findings from focus groups ..................................................... 75 4.1 Introduction ..................................................................................... 75 4.2 An overall pattern of argumentation ............................................... 77 4.2.1 New is worrisome ....................................................................... 77 4.2.2 But old is worrisome too ............................................................. 79 4.2.3 Yes, new is like old, but with possible added benefits ................ 80 4.3 Content analysis and clustering ...................................................... 82 4.3.1 Cluster 1: Trust/assurance ........................................................... 85 4.3.2 Cluster 2: Balance of risks and benefits ...................................... 90 4.3.3 Cluster 3: Roles and agency (influence) ................................... 101 4.4 Reflections on empirical findings ................................................. 115 References ................................................................................................. 120 5 Who should be precautionary? Governance of nanotechnology in the Risk Society (Published paper) .................................................... 123 6 Risk, Responsibility, Rights, Regulation and Representation in the Value Chain of Nano-Products (Published paper) ................................. 149 7 ”Nobody Told Me I Was a Nano-Consumer” : How Nanotechnologies Might Challenge the Notion of Consumer Rights (Published paper) ....................................................................... 183 8 Complexities of labelling of nano-products on the consumer market (Published paper) ....................................................................... 199 9 In conclusion .......................................................................................... 231 9.1 About articulated concerns ........................................................... 231 9.2 Living with technology in the risk society .................................... 237 References ................................................................................................. 239 Table of content 7 List of appendices