Lapey Discusses Agreement with Village of Pelham Regarding Food Waste Collection
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The 12.18.20 - 1.4.21 vol. 16 Shoreline Publishing Westchester’s Community Newspapers Post 914-738-7869 • LapeyPel Discusses h a Agreement m with Village of Pelham Regarding Food Waste Collection BY STEPHEN E. LIPKEN Discussion turned to evalu- per ton with no curbside collec- ating Food Scrapping, on agenda tion; containers would be housed Pelham Manor Mayor Jennifer since 2017. Deputy Mayor Michelle at Village of Pelham DPW Yard. Monachino Lapey convened a virtual DeLillo stated that the County will Startup cost is approximate- Board of Trustees meeting on Mon- charge the same tip fee to remove ly $10,000, including purchase of day, December 14th, referring to a food scraps as for solid waste, $29 large totes. recent telephone conversation with the County stating that COVID num- bers are on a steady rise. “Currently, Westchester County has 8600 active Council on the Arts Members cases, with 358 people hospitalized,” Lapey noted. “Governor Andrew Announced at Village Meeting Cuomo seems to have had a shift BY STEPHEN E. LIPKEN Director, 1999-2011; Ruben Rodri- from focusing on tracking to evalu- guez; Jessica Solomon, Director of ating bed space as an indicator. The Village of Pelham Mayor Development for New Dramatists, key metric for the State is apparently Chance Mullen announced appoint- Director of Marketing for Abington going to be hospital capacity. Infor- frey Carpenter, Trustee Breda Ben- personal information to text back to ed members of Council on the Arts Theater Company, Development mation is available on our website nett reported a larceny on Boston them,” Bennett stressed. at the remote Tuesday, December 8 Manager, Fault Line Theater; Emlyn (, Facebook Post Road, in which a customer Bennett recounted a productive Board of Trustees Regular Meeting. Taveras, Art Teacher at Hutchinson, page, blasts and on Nixle. went into a store, leaving her car meeting with stakeholders regarding Mullen swore in new Council Prospect and Siwanoy Elementary “We are continuing to take a running. A man drove off; it was re- Executive Order 203, NYS Police Re- on the Arts members Lisa Koonce, Schools and Jeff Watkins, founder hard look at gasoline-powered leaf covered three days later, badly dam- form and Re-Invention Collaborative Chair, Pelham Art Center Board of and CEO of Condreal, producing blowers,” Lapey added. We are re- aged from an accident. She warned that focused on 1) Human Resources Directors; Picture House Director of content for global media partners viewing legislation with Counsel and not to give personal information. and Hiring; 2) Training Policies and Education Francile Albright Mullen; including Fox, Universal, One Race have begun discussions with local The Motor Vehicle Bureau report- Procedures; 3) Transparency and Lisa Robb, former Executive Direc- Films, AOL and CBS. landscapers…” ed false texts being sent to people. Communication; 4) Community Po- tor, New York State Council on the Then Administrator Omar In absence of Police Chief Jef- “Generally, the DMV does not seek licing and Familiarity. Arts, 2011-2016, Pelham Art Center continued on page 11 CALL US FOR A FREE MARKET ANALYSIS OF YOUR HOME! Serving Pelham Since 1878 207 WOLFS LANE, PELHAM, NY 10803 914.738.5150 JENNIFER GILCHRIST ELLEN HENNESSEY CAROLINE BACCELLIERI GERI ENGSTROM LAURA CLEMENTE MARY QUINTIN PERMIT 5121 PERMIT WHITE PLAINS, NY PLAINS, WHITE U.S. POSTAGE PAID POSTAGE U.S. STANDARD STANDARD PRESORTED PRESORTED HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM McClellan SotheÜy's International Realty BEST WISHES FOR A WONDERFUL HOLIDAY SEASON WITH PEACE AND PROSPERITY INTO THE NEW YEAR. A Special Letter to Pelham Dear Pelham (As I Have additional Pelham History of a 1929 silent film of the torian’s Office to $0 while · Collected more than tary and, along with many Written Thousands of articles and publication of Town of Pelham Memorial maintaining extensive Town ten thousand digital files other dedicated Pelham- Times): those articles in numerous Day Parade (funded by the collections, receiving new including scanned images, ites, helped raise the mil- print publications including grant); the restored film, additions to the collections, photographic images cap- lion-plus dollars used to A few weeks ago I is- newspapers, magazines, and stored in an archival can- and continuing substantial tured from the Web, and the construct the turf field sued to the Town Board journals such as The Bronx nister, is part of the Town’s public outreach like all relating to the his- at Glover and donate it my letter of resignation as County Historical Society collections · Collected hundreds of tory of the Town of Pelham to the Pelham Schools for Town Historian, effective Journal, New York Archives · Represented the Town rare print books related to which I have organized and the benefit of our Pelham December 31. I began ser- Magazine, The Pelham and served as a member the history of the Town of plan to donate to the Town youngsters. I was a found- vice to the Town of Pelham Weekly, and others of the Boards of Trustees Pelham and the surrounding collections ing member of the Pelham as Deputy Town Historian · Preparation of four of several important local regions (at my own expense) · Oversaw the move and Development Council that nearly two decades ago in academic papers on Pelham historical organizations in- that I will use to assist with reorganization of the entire fostered awareness of the 2002. I served in that po- history and presentation of cluding the Boards of The preparation of the upcom- Town Historian’s Office col- impact of increasing tax sition through 2004. On those papers at Statewide Pelham Preservation & Gar- ing multi-volume history of lections on two occasions burdens on Town taxpay- January 1, 2005 the Town History Conferences when moved, first, from ers before New York State Board appointed me as including the presti- the basement office to implemented its property Town Historian pursuant gious “Conference on the office at the top of tax cap. I served as El- to the New York State His- New York State History” the Town House stairs der, Clerk of Session, and torian’s Law, Section 57.07 which accepted several and two nearby closets Clerk of the Corporation of the Arts and Cultur- for presentation and, second, into the (2007-2013) of Hugue- al Affairs Law. I have had · Transcription and Choir Loft of the Town not Memorial Presbyte- the honor, pleasure, and annotation of hundreds House rian Church where I and distinction of serving the and hundreds of 19th By my rough esti- my family first became Town as its volunteer His- century handwritten mate, I have researched, members in 2000. For torian for the last fifteen pages constituting the written, and published more than a decade I also years. As my family and I entire official records of digitally and in print served as a Little League move to the next chapter The Pelham Manor Pro- more than 15,000 pag- and, later, Travel Team of our lives and retire to tective Club maintained es worth of material on baseball coach. I also the shores of Lake Nor- in the collections of the the history of the Town spent years and years as a man outside Charlotte, Westchester County of Pelham. I have vol- girls’ softball coach and as North Carolina, we will Historical Society unteered more than six a Rec soccer coach in both cherish Pelham and its · Creation and de- thousand hours of per- the girls’ and boys’ pro- positive influences on our livery of more than 100 sonal time in service to grams. In short, I have rel- lives. Pelham History slide the Town of Pelham as ished my time in Pelham My service to the shows, presentations, Town Historian to doc- and have embraced every Town of Pelham as Town and speeches to local ument our rich history, opportunity to serve our Historian has included the groups including lo- both good and bad, and Town and enjoy many following: cal schools, local civic share it with our resi- friendships with so many · Publication of two groups and clubs, Pel- dents and with interest- other dedicated members books on Town History ham Library guests, ed parties throughout of the community. with a third now complet- Bartow-Pell guests, and the world. The story of our ed and ready for publica- more; last official pre- While serving as Town of Pelham is not tion and work already un- sentation was deliv- Town Historian I also complete. Myriad chap- derway on a multi-volume ered during the ongo- have had the honor, plea- ters are yet to be written. history of the Town to be ing COVID-19 pandemic sure, and distinction of I, however, have begun to completed during my re- virtually via Zoom Video participating in a num- write many new chapters tirement years to guests of The Man- ber of other important about its past and will · Creation and host- or Club on October 29, community service ac- continue to serve our lit- ing (at my expense) of the 2020 tivities. I served as Town tle Town – albeit remotely Town’s first Web site de- · Service as Clerk (2008-2011) and – by spending much of my voted to Town History in Vice-Chairperson of the den Society (2003-2006), the Town and then plan to as a Member of the Town retirement years writing 2003; the site was avail- Committee for Celebration The Westchester County donate them to the Town Board (2012-2019). While a definitive multi-volume able for more than a de- of the 350th Anniversary of Historical Society (2003- collections serving as a member of the history of the Town.