Airlift Is Resumed; Increase LON Forces
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Weather Dif intuition Today HUKSt Umnerahnct todajr, MDBANK Hi towettlSibt, K to U. .18,975 Tsmormw fair, wipe cloudiaetf tomorrow night. Sunday, mostly HOMUr TMtOVGHIMIDAr-tST. m Mr. Sec weather page 2. Dial SH 1.0010 Inuid daUr. Mimdt? mrtmiti rnJir «tcond Cl»u Poiu jt VOL. 84, NO. 116 Paid 4t Red Buk ut •> AddltionU Ullllni Otllco. RED BANK, N. I, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1961 7c PER COpY PAGE ONE Nemetz ScoresGrand Jury Indictment Sunday Law Airlift Is Resumed; Tax Assessor To Be Tested Attacks New Shrewsbury's FREEHOLD - Sharp teeth In The corporations are the Col- the Ne4v Jersey Sunday sales lingwocd Park Auction Market, prohibition law will be tested Inc., owners of the lane1 and build Increase LON Forces Assessment Program here for the first time in New ings, and the Collingwood Enter- Jersey since enactment Nov. 15, prises, Inc., operators of the NEW SHREWSBURY—Sidney Neraetz of Shark 1359. concession-leasing'arrangement. At the urging of Monmouth River Rd. last night attacked borough Tax Assessor In addition to the fines and County Prosecutor Vincent P. jail sentences, the court may, Fighting Andrew Shepard, charging "discriminatory and in- Keuper, the present Grand Jury upon conviction, direct seizure, o equitable Assessments." yesterday indicted the owners of goods where the offense took the Collingwood Park Auction place and forfeiture of them to He also attacked Mayor Karl K. Baron and Coun Market, Rts. 33 and 34, Howell the state; and the closing of the Goes On cilman Robert Davidson on other counts. Township, on charges of main- premises for a period not ex AH the charges were de- taining' a nuisance, a misdemean- ceeding one year. >r. nied by those named. Mr. Keuper said the Sunday In City In an hour-long speech sales law provides that a place is a nuisance whenever four con- before the Mayor and Transfer LEOPOLDVILLE, t h e Council Mr. Nemetz, a professor victions result from arrests on of economics at Monmouth Col- the premises for illegal sales. Congo (AP) — American lege and a former member of The prosecutor said there have Air Force transports took the borough Planning Board and been eight at the auction market. Appeal off at dawn today for Elisa* If. convicted each of the two the Shrewsbury Township Board corporations involved could face bethville, resuming the air- of Education, asked the council maximum sentences of $1,000 lift of men and war ma- to appoint an investigating com' fines on each of two counts con- mittee to look into borough tax Heard teriel to the UN troops locked in ained in the indictment, or a battle with Katangan forces. assessments. otal of $4,000. NEWARK — Lucian's Depol Board of Assessors Two hundred Irish troops were Keansburg Man Bar, Inc., Oakland St., Red Bank carried on the first flights to He also said it is "high time" yesterday appealed to the Di- Clifford Schneider, 40, of 140 beef up the UN Army clinging for the borough to establish a vision of Alcoholic Beverage Con- Monroe Ave., Keansburg, an of stubbornly to positions just out- three-man board of assessors, to trol for permission to move the ficer of the two corporations al side Elisabethville. provide "checks and balances" so was indicted. As an individual site of the tavern about 20 feet in the valuation of real estate for he .could be fined up to $1,000 The Red Bank Borough Counci tax purposes. s SENATOR SPEAKS — Stare Sen. Richard R. Stout, R-Mon., center, appeari pleased See Photo Below and jailed for a maximum o denied the request Oct. 16. Mr. Nemetz read a long list three years on each count. with reception he received yesterday at Red Bank High School. The senator addreued of tax assessments on property George J. Taylor, Red Bank, The indictment alleges that em the history clasi on the subject of New Jersey government. With him are George Saf- Nine sorties were planned for he said was comparable with, or president of the corporation, iloyees of concessions operating the day-including shipment of better than, his own land. In wants to change the location from fa, vie* principal, and Mist Laurie King of Little Silver, a senior. Andrew G. Shepird at the highway market have been Malayan armored cars to the each case he mentioned the as- a leased building at 107-109 Oak- arrested,, pleaded guilty inmu- Fighting Front. sessment per acre was lower land St. to an adjacent vacant licipal court,.and.have been con- Gen. Sean McKeown, Irish than that on his land. store he owns at 115 Oakland St., State Department 'White Paper' commander of the UN task force icted eight times. All eight paid on the corner of Bridge Ave. Two parcels owned by Mr. municipal court fines totaling in the Congo, flew to Elisabeth- Nemetz are assessed at $522 and $300. Parishioners Object •ille to survey the military sit- $361 per acre, respectively, he Mr. Keuper, said he would seek Council denied the liquor li- uation in the rebellious province. said, while "comparable" land similar action against any other cense transfer after nearly 75 res- South Viet Nam Warning Mortar Fire nearby is assessed from S51 to firms who find themselves in the idents, many of them parish- UN messages from Elisabeth- $478 per acre. WASHINGTON (AP) - The same position. ioners of St. Anthony's Catholic with 102 pages of supporting doc- ly set up to supervise the 1954 ille indicated Increasing sniping United States warned its Asian He also cited a number of Newness of Law Church, Bridge Ave. and Chest- uments, mostly captured from peace agreement in Southeast and mortar fire on UN positions allies in an official report pub- parcels in the northern part of Probably because of the rela- Communist soldiers, constituted a Asia, to take action on a huge on the outskirts of the city, par- nut St., objected. The church is lished today that war-torn South the borough, which, he said, are tive newness of the law, Mr. rallying cry by the United States file charges by the South Viet ticularly the UN headquarters 340 feet away from the site of Viet Nam is threatened by "clear more valuable than his own, as- Keuper said the section referring for allies and neutral nations Nam government against the and Gurkha camp. the proposed bar. and present danger" of commun- sessed at per-acre figures from to nuisances has never yet been alike to face up to the danger of Reds. These charges cover assas- The fighting went into the The applicants presented their ist conquest. $174 to $513 per acre. exercised or tested in the courts. an expanding effort in South- sination, kidnaping, infiltration of fourth day, a UN spokesman ac- case and the hearing was con- Two Offers The State Department "white east Asia and to get ready to armed forces from Communist knowledged last night that the Arnold Tanner, Manalapan tinued until Dec. 20 after one Mr. Nemetz told of two offers paper" also warned that if South help resist it as may be neces- North Viet Nam and various Township magistrate dnd a local witness for the borough, Emilio Katangans seemed to be holding for his property made by people Viet Nam and neighboring coun- sary/ other forms of what the white attorney, wjio also is an officer Grilli, Little Silver, had testified. their own against the outnum- brought to him by Mayor Baron. tries fall to the Reds the power File of Changes paper calls "covert aggression,' bered, but better or both corporations, was re- Abraham J. Zager, attorney for armed, UN "In April, 1961," Mr. Nemetz balance in Asia will be "tipped The United States through the India is chairman of the three- multi-racial army quested by tfee.prosecutor's office Mr. Taylor, said the appeal Is of Turkas, said,."Mayor Baron with a Mr. perilously" against thejum-Com- report also clearly intends to nation commission of which Po- to have a representative of the based on the fact that no reason Swedes, Irishmen and Norweg- • Dr»z!n came to my farm. They muntsi "countries. bring pressure on the Internation- land and Canada are the othe ians, corpprat'ons and Mr. Schneider was given by the.Borough Coun- offered me'$11.000'for the entire The paper, a 53-page booklel al Control Commission, original- members. The UN command In Leopold- appear in County Court today cil for denying the transfer, and 32.9 acres in Block 147, Lot 3, The while paper charged tha ville announced that ils jet fight- for arrangement. that the proposed move is within all the property fronting on the the Communists had shown "ut ers, which yesterday strafed a Mr. Tanner indicated he would the same block. highway (Rt. 33). t asked him ter contempt" for the controi Katangan ammunition dump six Sidney Nemetz co-operate, Mr Keuper said. Mr. Taylor, his sister, Mrs to put it in writing. He said he Commission some weeks miles north of Elisabethville, al- Alyce Markham, and Arthur G. Highlands to Seek ago would send it to me, which he when they kidnaped, tortured and so destroyed two* Katangan Air Warner, New Shrewsbury, a bar- never did. I was rather sur- killed Col. Hoang Thuy Nam. Force hangars at Jadotville, one tender at Lucian's testified that prised by this visit. For the past chief of the South Vietnamese of the rebel air force's two main on four successive Sundays they year, I had been telling Mayor No Cause Verdict Parley on Drainageliaison mission with the control bases; There was no Information counted-the number of persons Baron that the assessments on Commission.