A New Abbey and a New Abbot

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A New Abbey and a New Abbot

Volume 17 Issue 1 Spring 2013 A New and a New

has given to us over the years; the friendship of our diocesan priest–brothers and our religious brothers and sisters in the local church; the sup- port of our Norbertine and Associates; the affection and love which so many gathered at Our Lady of the Most Holy have ex- tended to us, among them on that day a number of our ecumenical brothers and sisters; the presence and ministry of our brothers Fr. Binu, Fr. Bijoy, and Fr. George from the Norbertine Community of Mananthavady in India; and especially the support and fraternal love of Ab- bots Benjamin Mackin, E. Thomas DeWane, y as the first Abbot of Santa Gary Neville and our brothers at St. Norbert M Maria de la Vid Abbey by Abbey over the last 27 years. Sheehan on November 9, 2012 car-

ried a full range of emotions for me. While But I was particularly grateful to have been

every new abbey needs an abbot, for me this blessed as Abbot in the worship space of Our was a public celebration of all the events and Lady of the Most Holy Rosary Com- relationships that had brought us to this day. munity. Holy Rosary is a very special believ- It was a celebration of a mission realized. ing community of which I have had the privi- lege of being for many years. So many In 1985 five of us were missioned from St. people in this community take their baptismal Norbert Abbey in Wisconsin to found a Nor- commitment to Christ seriously. While the bertine Abbey in the Southwest and to minis- is at the heart of our lives, we have ter to the multi-cultural population so evident been able as the song says to “look beyond the here. I am the last of the first five Norbertines bread we eat to see our Savior and our Lord” in missioned. So I was particularly aware of Fr. so many other contexts and to reach out in ser- Robert Brooks and Fr. Ed Sdano who had a vice to others. For those reasons and many passion for this project, but sadly, died within others I felt honored to be blessed in the wor- three years of our arrival here. I was also ship space of this community. aware of the 13 other Norbertines who have contributed to this effort. Most of them are I was also touched that so many came from a now with the Lord as well, while a few others distance to celebrate with my New are serving elsewhere. family. Abbot General Handgrӓtinger, our in- ternational leader, came all the way from Rome There was so much to be grateful for on this to celebrate with us. I was particularly pleased day of blessing: the initial invitation and wel- that my youngest sister, Jane, and her husband, come to New Mexico that Archbishop Robert Rod, could come from Green Bay, Wisconsin Sanchez offered us; the support and encour- to be part of the celebration. My father was agement which Archbishop Michael Sheehan


Symbols of the Abbot’s Leadership Role by Abbot Joel Garner, O.Praem.

want to say a word about the symbols pectoral cross and placed it around my St. Norbert Abbey, was designed by I that are associated with my new role neck. He said that he was retiring and our friend and architect, Robert as abbot because of the personal signifi- wanted to pass it on to me. Habiger. It was carved by John Alar- cance that are attached to them. At my con, a member of Our Lady of the blessing (not ordination) by Archbishop He further explained that he had person- Most Holy Rosary Catholic Commu- Sheehan I was presented with a pectoral ally carved and shaped it out of a bone of nity. Six different kinds of wood com- cross, an abbatial , a mitre, and a cro- an animal. It hung around his neck by a prise the crosier, each variety of wood sier. They symbolize that I function as simple cord. I was very touched by that being indigenous to one of the conti- the local ordinary or for the personal gesture. Some Norbertine Ob- nents where Norbertines serve: maple community of Santa Maria de la Vid Ab- lates, Associates and friends made it pos- for North America; black wood for bey. sible to add a touch of turquoise to give it Australia; cherry for Europe; rosewood

a New Mexico flavor. for South America; teak for , and The pectoral cross belonged to Abbot ebony for My young , Bruno of Leffe Ab- Jaime Avila-Borunda, New have traditionally chosen a bey in Belgium, hand-crafted my mitre, motto, and I’ve chosen the line from widely recognized my ring and the the 17th chapter of the of John, as a holy man in chasubles which my “That all may be one.” For me, it’s our worldwide or- assisting priests, Fr. another expression of the Norbertine der. After we were Gene Gries and Fr. George Pavamkott, charism of communio, and the call of voted an abbey at wore at the blessing. Jaime is among our our Rule of St. Augustine to be of “one the international men in formation with considerable tal- heart and one mind on the way to gathering of Norbertine leaders last Au- ents and I am very grateful to him. God.” It also expresses my commit- gust, he called me aside and took off his ment to the ecumenical movement. The crosier, a gift of my brothers from

Remembering Brother Dennis by Abbot Joel Garner, O.Praem. constant refrain during is “Come, Lord , come!” In the middle of Advent’s second week, on the Feast of Our A Lady of Guadalupe, on our first anniversary as an independent canonry, on 12/12/12, Jesus did come for our dear brother Dennis Butler.

Dennis was a talented artist and writer. He quietly wrote a two-volume autobiography entitled, Tales of an Unfinished Mind and An Improbable Life. Dennis was in charge of the Abbey kitchen and an excellent cook, spending hours preparing wonderful meals including Sunday dinners and holiday feasts. Dennis was the chair of the Abbey Liturgy Committee and the community’s sole cantor for many years. He was the founding coordinator of our Lay Associates program and a long-standing member of the RCIA Team at Holy Rosary Parish.

Above all, Dennis was a man of —beneath-the-surface kind of prayer, contemplative prayer. We were used to seeing him in the church an hour each day before our community prayer time. When Dennis applied to be a Norbertine, he was asked to write a couple sentences on what ministry he envisioned. He wrote: “I am a and a contemplative. I have been since my youth. Whatever other functions I may be asked to fulfill, will be the warp and woof of my life.” As a matter of fact, Dennis had been a monk of Abbey in Oregon for over ten years and then left because of health is- sues and the needs of his mother at home. But he remained a prayerful monk.

Two weeks before he died, Dennis gave a reflection on the scripture of the First Sunday of Advent at our community Eucharist. In concluding his reflection Dennis said this: “We have been told many times to see Jesus in the other person. Well, how can I see Jesus in you if you are not becoming Jesus? You are a Word of God: a unique word, one that God never uttered before and one He will never speak again. So rejoice. Rejoice in being you. God never stops rejoicing in you being you. I think God must laugh at some of the things we do. After all, God is the Creator of laughter. And I’m sure there were times that Jesus laughed at what Peter had bumbled into. So, if we fumble, we fumble. God still loves us. And so if floods must come, well, let them come. If the sky must fall, let if fall. If you end on a cross, then you end on a cross. But rejoice. For you are a Word of God, and you will live forever.”

Page 2 NORBERTINE COMMUNITY NEWS An Experience with A New Abbey ... by Brother James Owens, O.Praem. (Continued from page 1)

ince 2008, Fra- For the past six months, I have been visit- killed in an industrial accident when S ters Stephen ing many of the vast Archdiocese of Santa I was seven years old and my sisters Gaertner, Graham R. Fe’s parish family centers and schools. I were two and three. My mother Golden and I have have conducted team-building workshops raised us and we became a close been members and to promote CRS Rice Bowl – 2013. There family. My sister Judy’s health pre- graduates of Our have been many important changes to Rice vented her from attending. Lady of the Most Bowl. Aside from the new marketing tag, Holy Rosary’s Just- “What you do for Saves Lives,’ the At the dinner that night I felt another Faith group. Just- Rice Bowl program highlights different strong emotion – for the future. Faith is an intensive Rice Bowl fund recipients’ plights (and While we had gathered to celebrate 30-week faith journey conducted in par- just how CRS makes a difference there) for the realization of the first Norbertine ishes across the country, and features the each of Lent’s six weeks. Abbey in the Southwest and all the ’s Social Justice teach- events and relationships that led to it, ings. This past summer, as a result of As part of my initial six-week training pro- I was also keenly aware that this was that participation, Anne Avellone, Arch- gram, I attended a workshop at CRS World not the celebration of an end point, diocese of Santa Fe Director of the Of- Headquarters in Baltimore, Maryland. but a beginning. This day also car- fice of Social Justice and Respect for There, along with thirteen other United ried its own challenge, namely, to Life, offered me an internship funded by States CRS Interns, I learned the new lan- deepen our life in Christ and our ser- Catholic Relief Services (CRS Rice guage and dynamic of “capacity building.” vice in his name out of an almost 900 Bowl 2013). The agency is the interna- -year tradition of Norbertine abbeys I look forward to the Lenten Season, and tional relief arm of the United States of which we are at the moment the thank my community for its support during Conference of Catholic Bishops, and pro- youngest. this interesting ministry! motes relief, advocacy and hunger alle- viation projects in 96 countries. Catholic I have particularly enjoyed warm wel- We are a small Community, but we Relief Services oversees some $764 mil- comes at Holy Cross Church in Santa Cruz, presently have five Norbertines in lion dollars in Grants and Government Parish in Albuquerque’s our formation and education process. funding. A small piece of that philan- Northeast Heights, and the more local im- God willing, they will build upon the thropic pie (0.6%) is raised by American migrant parish of . foundation that we have laid, carry children and families Rice Bowl has a presence in 13,000 par- on the rich Norbertine tradition of during the Lenten observation of prayer ishes and schools across the country, and it religious life, and become leaders in and almsgiving, associated with Opera- has been a delightful journey for this for- the local church for many years to tion Rice Bowl. mer lawyer. come.

Saint Celebrated in New Mexico

he Pueblo of Isleta, New Mexico was alive with music and dance on T November 10, 2012, as the community celebrated the “Lily of the Mo- hawks’” canonization and her enshrinement in the Pueblo Church of St. Augustine. Members of the Norbertine Community joined Archbishop Mi- chael Sheehan and Isleta’s pastor, Rev. George Pavamkott, O.Praem., and many others in a honoring one of the newest in the Catholic Church. Traditional Isleta dances followed the Mass, and the day ended with members of the community carrying the statue of St. Kateri around the plaza and then to her new home near the Church’s baptismal font. St. Augustine Church—located just a few miles south of Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey, the Norbertine Community’s home in New Mexico—will serve as the for St. Kateri in New Mexico. Icon by Robert Lentz

VOLUME 17 ISSUE 1 Page 3

NORBERTINE COMMUNITY OF Nonprofit Org. NEW MEXICO U.S. Postage PAID Santa Maria de la Vid Abbey Albuquerque,NM 5825 Coors Blvd, SW Permit No.114 Albuquerque, NM 87121-6700 Phone: 505-873-4399 Fax: 505-873-4667 Email: [email protected] www.norbertinecommunity.org

Be sure to visit our new website and let us know what you think!

Please remember us in YOUR WILL - that our work may continue…

Taize Prayer Comings and Goings

Taizé Prayer is celebrated monthly at the Abbey. All are welcome to participate in these ecumenical prayer Fr. Eugene Gries, O. Praem. was appointed of the new ab- services which are held on the last Friday of the month bey. He also serves as treasurer. Fr. Gene has also served as prior beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Abbey Church of Santa of St. Norbert Abbey in Wisconsin and St. Moses the Black Maria de la Vid: January 25, February 22, March 29 in Mississippi. (Good Friday), April 26, and May 31. On January 3, Christian Gurule entered the Norbertine Commu- nity of New Mexico as a . Christian is currently complet- ing a philosophy degree at UNM. He is a native of Peñasco, New 2013 Norbertine Library Series Mexico. Christian will live at the Abbey with the Community while he continues to discern his vocation. A Universal Pilgrim People: Celebrating the of the At the end of November 2012, Patti Garrity joined our staff as a The 2013 Norbertine Library Series will feature the fol- part-time receptionist and administrative assistant. Patti and her lowing topics and presenters: husband, Emmett, live with their two children, John and Breda, in January 26, 9:30 a.m.-Noon—The Spirit and the Word Albuquerque. They are members of the Aquinas Newman Center Leading the Church into the Mystery of the Future, parish. Dr. Megan McKenna February 23, 9:30 a.m.-Noon—The Roots of Pilgrimage Norbertine seminarians Steve Gaertner, Jaime Avila-Borunda in the Nature of God, Rabbi Nahum Ward-Lev and Graham Golden spent their winter break here at the Abbey. March 16, 9:30 a.m.-Noon—Meeting Paul Again for The three are currently studying for the priesthood at Catholic the First Time—Rev. Dr. Wallace Ford Theological Union in Chicago where they live in community with April 14, 3 p.m.—From the Depths We Sing: Music for other students of the Order at the Norbertine House of Studies. the Pilgrimage, a concert by de Profundis, a capella Plans continue and bids are being submitted for Our Lady of Gua- men’s ensemble, David Poole, director dalupe Commons, our new multi-purpose building. Construction Please see our website, www.norbertinecommunity.org for is expected to begin by March. more information on this series. Blessing of Abbot Joel P Garner, O.Praem. Our Lady of the Most Holy Rosary November 9, 2012

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