Mass loss of massive

Fabrice Martins

LUPM (Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier)

Mass loss, evolution and fate of massive stars

Mass loss affects

● evolutionary paths and end-points of (together with rotation, , binarity...)


● type of SN resulting from core-collapse event - SN progenitor - environment in which explosion occurs

Evolution of massive stars


Red supergiant

Wolf- Rayet



OB stars

3 Myr

13 Myr

OB phase (~ ): 85-90% of lifetime Winds:

M=15 Msun T = 13 Myr (lifetime = 15 Myr) Mass loss rates: 10-10 to 10-5 Msun/yr MS

M=60 Msun T = 3.5 Myr (lifetime = 4 Myr) Wind velocity: ~500 to 4000 km/s MS OB stars

Radiatively driven winds

- Photons absorbed through metallic lines - Momentum redistributed to bulk material Fe through collisional coupling

Lucy & Solomon (1970) CNO Castor, Abbott & Klein (1975) H He Pauldrach et al. (1986) Vink et al. (2001)

. M ∝ L1/α

α V = V ∞ esc√1-α

Vink+01 OB stars


● 1.5-2.0 ● M ∝ L M ∝ Z0.83 Martins+04


Observational trends confirm theoretical predictions

OB stars


g  dv/dr + = f <> line cl +=density in overdense structures f = clumping factor (~ 3) cl

Runacres & Owocki 02

Red supergiants

0.3-3 Myr

0.2-0.5 Myr

Red supergiant phase: ~5-10% of lifetime Winds:

M=9 Msun T = 2.5 Myr (lifetime = 30 Myr) Mass loss rates: 10-7 to 10-4 Msun/yr RSG M=15 Msun T = 1 Myr (lifetime = 15 Myr) RSG Wind velocity: 10-40 km/s M=25 Msun T = 0.3 Myr (lifetime = 7 Myr) RSG Red supergiants

Mauron & Josselin (2011) Large dispersion

Assumptions in methods to determine Mdot (gas-to-dust ratio, opacity...)

Red supergiants

Credit: P. Kervella

Origin of mass loss:

Radiation pressure on dust inefficient (compared to AGBs) since dust forms further out No pulsations like in AGBs Dust nucleation seeds unidentified

Convection may trigger surface motions

Subsequent radiation pressure on molecules? Red supergiants

Smith+01 Inhomogeneities Multiple ejections? Luminous Blue Variables (LBV)

Few 0.1 Myr

LBV phase: <1% of lifetime (104 to 105 yr) Winds:

Unstable phase Mass loss rates: 10-5 to ~1 Msun/yr Occurs only above M~40 Msun Observational limit (Humphreys-Davidson) related Wind velocity: 100-500 km/s to Eddington limit Luminous Blue Variables (LBV)

η Car


LBV phase: 2 types of variability

● S Dor varialitity: changes by 1-2 units Associated to variations of Teff / R, at constant L

● Violent eruptions: only ηCar and P Cygni in Short, episodic eruptions (e.g. Great eruption of ηCar) Luminous Blue Variables (LBV)

Owocki 14

Stahl+01 1990-1995 (brightening) Vink & de Koter 02 1995-1999 (dimming)

LBV phase: origin of mass loss

● partly due to change in ionization structure and radiative acceleration (S Dor phase) ● still unknown for eruptions: continuum driving in clumped material (Owocki+04)? Role of radiation pressure, rotation, binarity, pulsations... ? → Great Eruption of Eta Car: more than 10 Msun in about 10 years Luminous Blue Variables (LBV)

F658N filter

Morse+01 Wolf-Rayet (WR)

Few 0.1 Myr

WR phase: ~5% of lifetime Winds:

WR stars above ~25 Msun in the Galaxy Mass loss rates: few 10-6 to 10-4 Msun/yr

M=40 Msun T = 0.2 Myr (lifetime = 5 Myr) WR Wind velocity: 800-2500 km/s Wolf-Rayet (WR)

□w/ H ▪w/o H

Crowther 07

● Current understanding: radiation driven winds (multiple scattering) ● Hints of metallicity dependence (Mdot  Z0.8) Wolf-Rayet (WR)

Clumped material in motion

Co-rotatind interaction regions (CIRs)

Pinwheel structures

Lépine & Moffat 99 Tuthill+06 Summary




RSG 15 M OB OB LBV WR 40 M sun