C:( a: a: w CJ)- O ver the last ten years, Roberta and I have received thousand of letters from customers. Compliments from fans, sugges tion from users, and occasional complaint letters are still routed to u , and I work hard to make ure each gets read and res ponded to.

h rough the letters we've received, we've found good ugge lion on ga me improvements, spotted developing problems within the company, and been inspired and motiva ted by your continuing enthusia m for our games.

Inthe beginning, Roberta and I collected the best letters and planned on putting them in a crapbook. I'm orry to say that most of my favorites have been lost over the years.

/ remember ome of the letters though, as if I received them yesterday. And a precious few I have kept on the wall of my office.

T.iis one was dated May 23, 1981: " ... ! had a well-publicized airplane crash in February. Fortunately, we are all doing well and 1 still enjoy flying. 1 have no memories of the crash or the Jive weeks following (total amnesia) but have been told of the crash and the hospital stay. Pictures show me in the hospital playing on an Apple with your new game, which 1 was totally unable to put down ...

2 h ank you so much for the happiness that you brought into my life. I hope that you find no bounds to your creativity."

Sincerely, Steve (Woz) Wozniak

who are familiar with Apple Computers' history recognize the name Steve Wozniak as the creator of the original Apple computer. For me, Steve wa a hero of the first degree. The consummate hacker, a succe ful bu ines man, and even a genuinely nice guy.

L is letter came to me at a very important time in my life. When I originally envisioned tarting a busine to publi h software, I wanted to write " eriou business applications." Roberta wa the game advocate. I sort of thought they were silly. To be hone t, I was even a little embarrassed that of all the businesses and companies I had been involved with, my most successful venture came from computer games.

I n his letter, Steve let me know that what I was doing had a lot of value. The text of the letter tressed how happy he was that companies like mine were building fun, creative applications. He even said that our game wa "the closest application to that for which I really designed the computer." It made me feel a whole lot more comfortable with the path that the company wa taking. The support of a man like W oz really gave me pride in what I wa doing at a time when I really needed it.

3 Roberta, remembers a letter that she had framed years ago . It was a handwritten letter, originally about four pages long but only the front page had been framed . We don 't remember the name or hometown of the writer anymore. (The letter burned, along with our home, in a fire several years ago.) However, we can both recite one passage from memory . The passage had been drawn over with a yellow highlighter, and Roberta loved it. It came from one of our very earliest customers, way back in 1981. 4 Tenth Ten t h Ten t h ANNIVERSARY

· ·. it read: " ... The kid; almost ne~er 1-\!at_r;h television now. They 're always playing Wiiard and the Princess br one

If you've heard ·Roberta taik ·an a radio or TV progra,m, or read one of her magazine interviews in the last six years., you know that Roberta" now sees the replacement of ~elevision as a primary goal .for Sierra. · · · ·

When·you cqme t~ the Sierra. offi~es today, you can fe~l the ; 'drive'; "ti:> do a.good job' on · the· .oftware. T~ere 's a ;Sense of competition .: not just wiih ·oor in

1 would like, on this JOth anniversary of Sierra, tb take this opportunity to j,ersonally thank Steve Wozniak and also-the unknown. woman with the non-couch potato kids and all of the. hundreds and· thousands of game players ont there fl,)r your encouragement and support over tQe .last' ten years. Y,oui words h'ave 'brought direction and' dr.ive to this c9mpany. The si<:re~ of our suc~ss .is you, and .Roberta anq I want to keep hearing from • you... ·Please. , 'keep those cards and lettei:s.. coming; , Sincerely, · "

5 Into The Third Dimension 'IBM came to us and asked us to design a co/or adventure 'In 1979 I had worked as a Four bestselling games later, game to show off the / programmer trainee, but it Roberta and everyone else capabilities of a new com­ wasn't really something I en­ who was paying attention to puter they were developing. joyed. I wasn't sure I liked the brand new computer It was all very top secret ...' game field knew the answer computer games - I wasn't even sure I liked computers.' to that question. Roberta and Ken Williams had taken com­ was soon puter games to new horizons to change heropinion of com­ and new heights. puters and computer games. When her husband Ken brought home a terminal from The computer was the IBM work and one of the first text ad­ PCjr, and the game was venture games, King's Quest. For the first Roberta soon time ever on a computer, found herself characters in a game had the hooked. When freedom of the entire screen, moving in front of and behind looking for more objects in their surroundings. computer games It was the beginning of the to play, they 3-D Animated Adventure. found only a few , and nothing that really appealed to them.

Software From The Kitchen '/ don 't think we thought at that time about actually start­ ing a software company ... but it did cross my mind: 'ft would be fun to try to write something like that ... so I wrote up a design at the proverbial kitchen table .. ./ drew all kinds ofpictures .

6 A Crowning Achievement

e first King's Quest ame shipped in 984, marking a new I era in the history of both Sier- ra On-Line and computer graphic adventures in general. The availability of such a colorful and sophisti­ cated game for the IBM operating system helped sell computers, and increased computer sales increased the market for Sierra games. each taking advantage of the In King's Quest IV: The King's Quest I: Quest for the latest developments in com­ Perils of Rosella, the prin­ Crown is the story of Sir puter hardware and Sierra's cess Rosella sets out for the Graham and his quest for own game development land of Tamir, where she three magical treasures software, to push the limits of must find a magic fruit to that must be returned to the what games were capable of. restore the health of her Kingdom of Daventry. father, the ailing King In King's Quest II: Romanc­ Graham braves ogres, Graham. Many familiar ing the Throne, Graham - trolls, dragons and giants to fairy-tale elements combine now King of Daventry, goes win the treasures, restore to test her resolve and en- them to Good King Ed­ on a search for a Queen to ward, and claim his share his kingdom. To find reward. her, he must journey to a distant part of the world Three sequels to the original and seek her at the top of a 'King's Quest' followed, tall tower. On the way, he will be chal­ lenged by many dangers, not the least of which is the dreaded Dracula him­ self. In King's Quest Ill: To Heir is Human, a Where will the royalty young man named Daventry go adventuring Gwydion must free next? Only Roberta Wil­ himself from a wily liams knows for sure. One wizard, using the thing for certain; future wizard's own magics 'King's Quest' games will against him, and make continue the tradition of ex­ a perilous journey to citing and involving interac­ far places in search of tive gaming action for which his true name, his she and 'King's Quest' have identity, and his royal become justly famous. destiny.

7 'We got together while we being killed or worse. were both working on 'The 'There was an overwhelming Black Cauldron', and started response to the game. There throwing around the idea of were a lot of people who en­ collaborating on a space Two Guys Strike joyed what we were doing­ theme project. We both have Again! t he futuristic theme, the a real strange sense of humor - there was a market humor .. .' What do you get when you out there for this kind of combine artistic talent, game.' programming skill, the Accidental Hero ability to tell a whopping Back For Round good story, and the wildest It was never Roger Wilco's Two sense of humor in the idea to save the galaxy, first Just when you thought it was known galaxy? If you 're from slimy simian Sariens, safe to go back into space, lucky, you get the Two then from the voluminously Roger Wilco returned in Guys From Andromeda, vulgar Vohaul, and most ' II, Vohaul's better known around these recently from those playfully Revenge', to defeat the plans parts as and poisonous Pirates of Pes­ Scott Murphy. tulon. Roger just Mark and Scott have been seems to have a working together since talent for getting I 986, creating their special himself into messy brand of excitement and situations. laughs for thousands of In 'Space Quest: fans of the Space Quest The Sari en saga of Roger Wilco, Encounter' , Mark everybody's favori te and Scott's fust ven­ broom jockey turned ture into outer-space galactic hero. hijinks, the player becomes Roger Wilco, an apprentice janitor aboard the re­ search vessel Ar­ cada. Caught napping in the broom closet when invaders board the ship, Roger must use his wits (not exactly something he's had a lot of practice at) to foil the bad guys' destructive plans and save himself and everyone else from 8 Bob Siebenberg - we were in awe of his talents.' Save Those Two Guys! of the terrifying and 'Space Quest Ill: The thoroughly unpleasant Pirates of Pestulon' set a Sludge Vohaul, escape cer­ new graphic and sound stand­ tain death in the lair of the ard for Sierra games. The Labion Terror Beast, and brilliant and detailed pic­ save the galaxy from an in­ high-resolution game inter­ tures, whimsical storyline vasion of genetically en­ preter, SCI (Sierra Creative and dazzling music were an Roger goes in search of the gineered insurance salesmen Interpreter), which also made insant hit with the game-play­ enslaved game designers, who were not going to take it possible to put full musical ing public. using his ship's targeting 'no' for an answer. scores to Sierra games. This time Roger Wilco is on and navigational systems. Supertramp's Bob Sieben­ a mission of mercy. Sinister Danger is his constant berg was signed to compose Roger Wilco Meets software pirates have kid­ companion, and death the 'Space Quest III' score. Supertramp napped the Two Guys From lurks at every tum, but the Andromeda, and unless Two Guys are counting on 'We never expected to make a Roger can storrn their stron- our hero. third installment, but we ghold and free the intrepid 'We feel fortunate that didn't want to kill the charac­ game designers from a Sierra trusted us to take off ter off. ..by 'Space Quest Ill', lifetime of forced employ­ in our own direction with though , we thought about ment churning out second­ the Space Quest games and it...it got harder finding new rate arcade scenarios for the be crazy, let our imagina­ ways for Roger to die, new Scumsoft boys, there will tions run wild. That's real­ aliens for him to encounter. be no hope for the galaxy, ly been what's made these Now we know why George no joy in Mudville, and NO 'The music and the high projects fun Lucas hasn't made any more MORE SPACE QUEST resolution graphics were Star Wars movies .. .' GAMES! really exciting to us, kind of When it was time to design spurred us on ... kept our the latest sequel, Sierra was minds working creatively ... it beginning to use their new was a real joy to work with ADVENTURE IN REALITY 'One thing that we did during happened yesterday. This game design was to stick guy is trying to kill you ... ' strictly to sound police proce­ He met Ken Williams, who dure. If you didn't use sound encouraged him to write hi s police procedure. you law enforcement experiences couldn' t get through the into a story that could be con­ game.' verted into a design for a Sier­ The series ra 3-D Adventure. The result is at once an exciting corn- was Police Quest: In Search puter adventure and an in - of the Death Angel, the most sightful and revealing look into the day-to-day life and duties of a police officer. Police departments using it for procedures training have called it 'a serious training program' and ' .. . a high­ powered training tool '. It's also dynamic and challeng­ ing adventure, and hours of powerful gaming enjoyment. True Adventure Gaming was a California Highway Patrol officer when he was first approached about c designing a new kind of game for Sierra On-Line. Jim was on leave following a shoot­ out in Central California - an experience that left him a changed man.

The experience of that shootout ... it's never going to go away - it's just like it

10 real life law enforcement of­ ficers, the first Police Quest even know how to tum a game explored unknown ter­ computer on. Roberta helped in more ways than me quite a bit. It was an interesting experience ...' Defying The Death Angel

Police Quest 2, The caped again ... He was Vengeance, Sonny Bonds' sentenced to prison for 23 worst nightmare comes to years, and when they life: The Death Angel has es­ brought him back for retrial, caped from jail, with a list of he escaped again. He was people he wants dead, and it's gone over two years that up to Sonny to put an end to time. . . They caught him in a series of revenge killings Florida. They arrested him , before he becomes one of the put him in the patrol car, and while the officers weren't looking, he escaped 'This was also based on from the car. They caught fact. The guy that I was in­ him and extradited him back volved in the shootout with to California. had escaped from jail ... While he was awaiting 'The series is all based on preliminary hearing, he es- these true stories. '

unique animated adventure to come along in a long time. Jim Walls - designer of the Police Quest series. In Pursuit Of A New Experience In Police Quest: In Search of the Death Angel, rookie patrol man Sonny Bonds must use all the law enforcement skills and knowledge he can muster to bring a drug dealer to justice. Patterned closely 11 Quality Adventur Games For Young

·. . most children (in the If you take a look at the total U.S.) under the age of 12 computer software market spend almost half their - even today - the number of waking hours in front of the games for young children is tube ... Ken and I think this is sadly small. Almost all the a disturbing trend, and we products targeted for the are working to change children are ''education it ... 711is age range is really software" and it 's hard to imponant to the kids' future find anything that's real fun development. If we can get to play. kids comfortable with turning on the computer From time to time, Roberta instead ofthe telel'ision set, J has taken a sabbatical from think they 'II continue to her successful series to choose interactive produce products aimed at Graphics and music were entertainment for the rest of these children. enhanced with help from the their lives. I wan/ to make Disney team . Finally , the sure there is proper software Roberta remembers reading Lloyd Alexander's " The entire finished and available to greet prereaders programmed design was and young elementary school Chronicles of Prydain" as a child, and her own sons actually tested with young kids when they get a players. The final product computer in their home. enjoyed the book years later. When Walt Disney began was certified " kid friendly" work on an animated feature before it was shipped out the film based on the novel , she door. wanted to get involved. She wanted to take it one step Now, years after the initial further with the development release of Disney 's animated of an interative version of feature " The Black the story. Cauldron,'' the movie is out of release. The Black ™ Cauldron computer game is The Black Cauldron still a strong seller for The Black Cauldron was Sierra, though, and is still Roberta's first try at one of the few for young developing a new adventure children. game " from the child up ." A system to give written In the meantime, Roberta instructions to the computer has set her sights even was re-implemented to " lower" in her quest to require no text input so pre­ rescue youngsters from opyright Th e Wall Disney Company typing kids could play . Six Couch Potato ism . arcade sequences were Prereaders and early reader installed into the game. were the next target. 12 e Children

~ Mixed Up Mother "MotherGoosedoesn'thave For school use, up to twelve Goose: A Game For a Saturday Morning TV students could save their Very Young show, and they don't sell games on one disk. Mother Goose t-shirts and Words were accompanied by ___C_ h_il_d_r_e_n____ 1 lunch boxes .... rhe children I pictures. The word "cow", ralked to had picked rheir Roberta's work with "pretyp­ for instance, would appear fai•orite fantasy characters ing" children in Black with a picture of a cow, as based on rhe 'rhirty minure Cauldron taught her a lot would all items in the game. about how children thought roy commercials' they saw on and played computer games. Saturday morning .... I A wall poster of Mother Prereading kids were an even wanted ro put Mother Goose Goose rhymes was included greater challenge. back in children's minds in each package. Remem­ where it belongs ... " bering a unique Christmas Roberta started her young card she got as a child, she The final design for "Mixed­ children's game project with designed a map with win­ the idea of using a Mother Up Mother Goose" was in­ dows in it that a child could Goose theme, thinking that tended to entice young open to get hints for the game. children into the world of most young children know She even posed for the photo Mother Goose. Surprisingly, Mother Goose. Once the used on the box cover - some­ game was up and running, her early research found that thing she doesn't do for her kids could immediately take young children were much other games. more likely to know "GI over because only a very few keys (or a joystick) were nec­ In a 1988 study by a group of essary. Children chose television advertisers, it was an onscreen character found that families with a that looked like them, computer in their home, on including hair color average, watch less television and ethnic heritage. It in one week than the average was simple for children family does in two days. to save their games in Roberta thinks this means progress.

13 ·westward, Ho! Choose one of three excit­ Expedition #J - Become a ing mid-nineteenth.century seafarer, and take a long The Gold ·Rush is on! Sell modes of travel to get from and dangerous voyage your land, pack your bags, the East Coast to the Wes.t. from the East Coast down and grab the next ride out, to the.tip Qf Cape Hom, then .Expedition#l -Takeaship because fortune lies just back up 10 California. Like from New York. and sail 3,000 miles .away.· A real ·ma.riners of the through the Gulf Stream to chance to relive one of nineteenth l;entury, you'll Panama. then proceed on a America's most exciting. face scurvy, starvation, and perilous trek through the eras is provided in this ac­ the dangers of the .deep rugged ·jungles of Central tion-packed adventure in before you reach safe har­ America.· Avoid quick­ the tradition of King's bor in San Franeisco. · Quest! sand,· ppisonous snakes. and hostile natives as you Entertainm~nt That Become young Jerrod Wil- traverse the lsthmu.i. of on of Brooklyn, New ·Panama on foot. Educates York, as he makes the most Gold Rush! is ·historically Expedition #2 - Travel by importa11t decisio.n of his and geo&:raphically ac­ stagecoach, canal boat, life: remain in his safe and· curate, .to make teaming steamer,' and wagon !Fain as stable Ii fe in the east, oqake history fun for. everyone. you cross the ,heartland of off for danger, excitement, Perfect for home or school America towards the wild and P<> sible riches in the use. wild west of the late 1840's. west .Many difficulties lie in wait, fm;luding cattle Includes a beautiful histori­ Three Complete rustlers, Indians, and cal mapshowing the routes . Adventures In One thieves. Geographical bar­ to the gold country. Also Package riers, changing climates, included is the book and other obstacles chal­ 'California G,old', the true · lenge even the most rugged story of the gold rush years? frontiersman. and the re(ll people who made iflive. Here are three complete quests, featuring entertainment for the entire family that will enrich your understanding of life on the American frontier.

14 'I'm a card player, so I really 'It's a point and click inter­ looked forward to working on face, or you can play it with this project. I picked the arrow keys. You don't have A Friendly Game of games I liked the best ... well, to type in any sentences, so a I had never played Gin small child can get the hang Cards Rummy before, but I can play of it pretty easily. My three­ Back in the mid-eighteenth it now. I had to develop a year-old, Christina, plays century, a fellow named Ed­ system for card games within Old Maid. She's also one of mond Hoyle compiled the the Sierra system. The pro­ the characters you can play basic rules of play for card gram had to include not only against. You can also play games in one book - the rules, but the strategies against me, though in ac­ 'Boyle's Rules of Games''." that the computer will use tuality you' re playing against against the player.' Times have changed, the me all the time.' games have changed, but 'ac­ Match Wits with Tht "UO)'lt" tradtmark ond tht Card-Bad. cording to Hoyle' still means drsixn arr Uftd undu li ctnsr f rom lloylr Pruducu. adfrifiun uf Hru•n & B1Rdow, /nr. 'by the book'. Sierra's new your Favorite card game program for the Sierra whole family, Boyle's Book Characters of Games,™ Volume One, 'You get to play the game combines 'by the book' rules against your choice of char­ of play with that special Sier­ acters, which are very ra brand ofhumor and fun for diverse. King Graham, the friendliest game of cards Rosella, Roger Wilco, Larry, around. Colonel Dijon from 'The 'Boyle's' des igner and Colonel's Bequest' , Sonny programmer Warre n Bonds, and a couple of Schwader has an association original characters, 'The with Sierra On-Line that goes Kid' and 'Lenny' . Eighteen back a good many years: characters in all. There's a lot ofdifferent dialog and dif­ '/was living in Wisconsin in ferent personalities .... but the 1980, when Ken (Williams) characters don't get in the called me up and asked me if way of playing the game.' I'd like to move to California. He'd seen this game I'd done Sierra's high resolution called 'Smashup' ... a very graphics add to your game early Apple game .. As far as enjoyment. You ' II enjoy I remember, I was the first using the highly detailed and programmer they hired.' realistic playing cards as you test your card-playing skills The Perfect Way to against 18 opposing players, Learn and Play including many Sierra game Warren and his team of artists characters. Play Hearts with have created hours of enjoy­ King Quest IV ' s King ment for your entire family as Graham or Gin Rummy with you learn and practice six Princess Rosella, or Crazy popular card games, from 8's with Roger Wilco, hero of Gin Rummy and Old Maid to the Space Quest games. Or Hearts, Cribbage and Klon­ challenge yourself with a dike Solitaire. game of Klondike Solitaire. Terror In The Year 2000 Where in the world do you go to find new horizons when you're the author of two of the most exciting and realistic graphic ad- ventures ever written? If you 're Jim Walls, designer of Police Quest and Police Quest 2, you go out of this world to an intriguing and sometimes chilling near-future of political terror and high-tech escapades. In Codename: Iceman, Jim has combined the best of the intrigue genre with the newest in simulation technology to create a new kind of computer entertainment. '/wanted to see if I could do something completely dif- ferent...something besides a police game. I knew this guy who'd served four years on a nuclear sub, and he'd tell me hese stories ... it was really in­ triguing. So I came up with his story about a secret sub- marine mission to rescue a kidnapped ambassador ... ' Operation: Hostile Recovery ;\ h"'t i k nation hold' thL' life of an inrHlL·ent man in their )!ra,p. ;\ wait­ in)! world li,ten-. for word or war. !\ nuclc.:ar allad. suh Middle-Eastern nation. His marine navigation simulation nm-. 'ikntly eastward for a re-. ­ goal -- a nest of fanatical to give the player a sense of cue operation. or a Codename: ICEMAN takes terrorists armed with total control as Johnny rL'IHk/\'Oll\ with you from the sunny beaches advanced weaponry. Westland navigates the At- death. One man of Tahiti to the halls of the 1antic and prepares to L·an ma!..e the Pentagon and beyond. Secret penetrate a harbor bristling Agent Johnny Westland Undersea with deadly security devices. difkrence attempts to crack the deadly Action Cod1•1wm1•: security of a terrorist base 'It was hard for me, because /C/:" MAN. and rescue a hostage it was our of my realm of ex­ ambassador in the most perience. I had to do a lot of critical assignment of his research. .. I talked to people career. who had served on nuclear submarines, and did a lot of Using a nuclear-powered at­ my own research besides, tack submarine, a one-man and I got a lot of infomwtion diving vehicle and scuba from the Navy ... " gear, Westland must penetrate the electronic har­ Codename: ICEMAN in­ bor surveillance of a hostile cludes state-of-the-art sub-

A diving vehicle must be maneuvered through sensi­ tive magnetic fields without being detected and destroyed.

'There are a lot of layers to this .. .layers of political in­ trigue .. .a global oil shortage, a middle-eastern country with a surplus of high-grade oil. superpowers each trying to get as much of it as they can ... The terrorists kidnap a U.S . ambassador. hoping to pro1·oke an incident with the United States. always want to do the same Enter Laura Bow thing. People love murder mysteries, and it' s not a It's a dark and stormy night in genre that's being done much the spring of 1926. As Laura in computer games. Bow, college student and amateur detective, you are looking forward to spending A Fresh Look At An the night in your roommate Lillian's old family mansion, Old Favorite where a gathering of friends Computer In 1988, Sierra gave Mystery players the world over know House over into the public Roberta Williams as the domain, but the idea of a mur­ designer of the bestselling der mystery game - one that King's Quest series, but 5 was as complex, interesting years before the first King's and sophisticated as the cur­ Quest game was published, rent line of Sierra games - Roberta Williams was al­ still seemed like a good one. ready making computer The elements that had made game history with Mystery so intriguing House, the first computer ad­ - a spooky old house, suspi­ venture to combine graphics cious characters, a buried and text. treasure and lots of murders, were good beginning in­ 'No-one had any idea how it gredients ... should be done - using text input and graphics together I thought it was time for a - because no-one had ever murder mystery. We had done it. Ken had to develop done one, but it was so long a system from the ground up ago, most people probably for a whole new kind ofgame. wouldn't remember. It We put ads in computer seemed to me that it was time magazines, and it got a really to expand ourselves in the great response. Within a storytelling area - we don't month, I knew I had to design another game.' and relatives is taking place. responsible, they aren "t like­ clues, but it' s much more A ferry transports you across ly to take kindly to a would­ story oriented than our pre­ a dismal swamp and deposits be private eye snooping vious games, and the charac­ you on the grounds of the around, so you'd better be ters are much better dreary and run-down Dijon careful as you discover facts developed. There's a lot of plantation. It will be back in (and falsehoods) about your dialog ... you can carry on the morning, but the murders fellow guests and their conversations with them. It's begin at midnight. relationship to the old man really more of an interactive I think everybody has a bit of whose money will be in ­ story. natural detective in them ... herited by whoever survives Will you be able to keep from Who is killing the relatives him. being the murderer's next and associates of rich and ec­ victim as you explore the centric old Colonel Dijon, When Is A Quest plantation for clues to the one by one? Is it the sneaky Not A uest? killer's identity? Will you lawyer, the drunken doctor, This game is unusual, I think, know who to believe when the slick gambler .. . or did compared to what we' ve you talk with the Colonel's the butler do it? Whoever is done before - it's not quite family and friends, each of as 'puzzle oriented' . whom is hoping to inherit the l'llcla4youmallhm 1'111.nrt J011.mvonoitrtncvbylX"nlfcn There are puzzles, - ,.. fortune? Danger, adventure, Robena Williams and mystery with a touch of voodoo await you when you attempt to solve the mystery of The Colonel's Bequest.

19 J.

You Want ogress Baba Yaga arrived To Be with dark magic and evil curses, and a cloud of gloom A Hero fell over Spielburg. The The world's not always an accomplish the quest: 'Save baron's children have disap­ easy place for a would-be the land and become a Hero'. peared and monsters roam the hero; either you 're battling countryside ' ...until a hero Hero's Quest game designer dragons, fending off magic from the east frees the man Lori Cole came to Sierra from spells, or on the run from the from the beast, the beauty a background ideally suited local brigands. Sometimes from the band, and rids evil for game design ... it's all you can do just to get from the land ... ' through the day ... But a 'Jn addition to teaching and A Do-it-yourself hero' gotta do what a hero's designing role-playing gotta do. In 'Hero's Quest I games, my background in­ Hero - So You Want to be a cludes animation, theatrical ' The game has a lot of Hero' , players will find experience, stage directing, decision making, right from themselves facing challenge stage designing .. . I think of the start. Do you want to be after challenge, using wits, my game as a play that's a fighter? - give yourself muscle and skill to taking place on the com­ more strength. Do you want puter ... you construct your to think a bit more? - give scenes so that your charac­ yourself more intelligence. ters are always visible, but so Whichever character-type that it doesn' t look you choose, you will play the deliberately staged.... game differently. The skills that work for a fighter won't A Champion necessarily work for a magic Foretold user. It calls for different dozen years ago, the kinds of decision-making.' barony of Spielburg was a For the first time in any Sierra peaceful land of majestic adventure, players will con­ mountains and sleepy val­ struct a character from the leys, ruled by a brave and ground up, combining basic respected ruler. Then the attributes of Strength, Agility. Inte lligence, and Charisma into game charac­ ters that will gain skills and abilities as the game progres­ ses. Special combat and

20 magic systems, developed specially for Hero's Quest, enable players to interact with the game environment 'It's a combination of fantasy as realistically as possible, role-playing with the basic while over a dozen 'quick adventure game concept of commands' take the place of going to a world and explor­ typing in complex sentences. ing it, finding things, solving A Task puzzles ... lt's important to know when to fight and when Undertaken to run away ... There's a skill 'We've designed a fantasy to making these decisions.' role-playing system within Can you free the land of the game system to allow Spielburg from its curse and your skills, your statistics to earn the title ' Hero'? Can increase as you go along, you survive combat with your strength, agility etc to dragons, goblins, brigands, get better as you use and and the great bear who guards practice those skills.' the kobold's cave? There's You can play Hero's Quest only one way to find out if again and again, using your you've got what it takes, and enhanced skills to solve dif­ that's to enter the world of ficult game problems,or by 'Hero's Quest'. creating an entirely different kind of character who will ap­ proach the problems in a dif­ ferent way. ' - ORDERING IN.FOR A'llON I IERRA PRODUCT OUTLETS additional Sierra product at time of initial shipment. Shipping on hardware items is separate and listed below. Sierra products are available in over I0,000 retail outlets For Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico [· the U.S. and Canada, and are distributed internationally in ver 20 countries. Your local software retailer is the quickest For priority shipments the charge is $6.00 for the first I d most convenient way to find the Sierra products you want. Sierra product, and $2.00 for each additional Sierra product at time of initial shipment. If you can't find the Sierra software product you 're looking for at your local software store, you can order it directly by For Canada mail or by phone: For priority air shipments into Canada, minimum charge is $30.00 for the first Sierra product plus $3.00 per additional TO ORDER BY MAIL item at time of initial shipment. Please fi.11 out all information on the order form complete­ SHIPPING FOR HARDWARE ITEMS ly. Include your check or money order (payable in U.S. funds only), or credit card information. Please do not send cash. No In the Continental U.S. COD orders are accepted. Those ordering from outside the The following shipping charges apply for hardware items: Concinencal U.S. and Canada, and those wishing to receive Roland MT-32: $12-UPS Ground their products by a priority shipping method, should note the $20--2nd Day Air special instructions below. AdLib Music Card and $ 6-UPS Ground TO ORDER BY PHONE Game Blaster Card: $I 0--2nd Day Air Please call (800) 326-6654 (United States) or (209) These charge include insurance and reasonable packing 683-4468 (outside U.S.) between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. Pacific materials for shipment of fragile components. On music card Standard Time. To order by phone, please have your credit orders, checks must clear before order is shipped. card (Visa, Ma tercard or American Express) and order Outside the Continental U. S. information ready. We cannot accept COD or other forms Our International Shipping Policy applie to hardware of payment. items to be shipped outside the continental U.S. Please see Those ordering from outside the Continental U.S. and INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING for more details. Canada, and tho e wishing to receive their products by a priority shipping method, should note the special instructions NOTE REGARDING 2ND DAY SHIPMENTS and charges as itemized below. Phone orders are entered the same day. Mail orders are (For customer service, please call (209) 683-8989, 8 a.m. entered the day they are received by Sierra's Order Desk. to 5 p.m. Pacific Standard Time, Monday through Friday.) Please allow four to ix working days for filling your order. REGULAR SHIPPING AND HAN DLING INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING Regular shipping and handling method for Sierra Due to the large variations in shipping cost for various products are delivery by U.S. mail or UPS Ground for the international destinations, and the fluctuating co t of delivery Continental U.S., and delivery by U.S. mail for delivery to to some locations, all international orders will be by credit APO, FPO and into Canada. Regular shipping is free within card only. Actual shipping and handling charges, including a the continental U.S. and Canada except for hardware items small fee for customs stickers and insurance (when necessary) (see SHIPPING HARDWARE ITEMS). will be added to the credit card total on sendout. Most orders are delivered by air mail/parcel post. PRIORITY SHIPMENTS Sierra products are distributed to retailers worldwide. You Within the Continental U.S. may want to consult with your local retailer before ordering For 2nd Day shipments within the Continental U.S. the from Sierra. Any questions regarding Sierra's International charge is $5.00 for the first Sierra product, plu $1.00 per Shipping Charges policy should be directed to the Sierra Order Desk (209) 683-4468.

22 FOR FASTER SERVICE CALL 800-326-6654 From outside the United States call 209-683-4468 7 A.M. TO 9 P.M. (PST) Monday through Friday

M~ no~ All MS-DOS produ cts are shipped with both 3.5" a11d 5.25" disks e11c/osed. support EGA , CGA . VGA . Hercules Mo11 ochrome. MCGA (PS2J a11d Ta11dy Graphics cards, are hard disk i11 s1al/ab/e, a11 d require 5 12K. 1111/ess otherwise 110/ed. All 5 12K games support music cards. Item I Price

Kin•'s nues1 II (2'\t;K\ I 499'\ Kino's Oues1Ill12'i6K\ I 499'i •

~~ was4 .;, • J... •.••


NEW LAPTOP SPECIFIC VERSIONS OF BOYLE'S BOOK OF GAMES VOLUMES I & II - * Shipped with High De11sity 5.25" disks a11d Low Density 3 5 " disks GREAT FOR FUN t Full 256 co/or support 011 VGA a11d MCGA ON THE GO! :/: Hercules 1101 supported § 256K versio11 available 011 request VGA!MCGA 011/y, DAC required New versions of our a /6 co/or 1•ersio11. No CGA or Herrnles bestselling Hoyle's Book # Hard disk or dual o • dri1•e.1· re uired of Game prcxluct designed ATARI ST specifically for play on Mi11imum 512K a11d dual-sided disk drive required, unless marked with Laptop computers. 011 * which indicates products available only on si11gle-sided disks. Products marked with an ** are available on single-sided disks al an ad­ Hoyle's Book of Games ditional char e .'fee rice in arentheses . Vol. I for Laptop $19.95

Hoyle's Book of Games Vol. 2 for Laptops $19.95 3,5" disks only, 5 l 2K, no music support, monochrome only A greaJ way to help you while away the hours on those long plane flights.

23 APPLE JI <;;ERJI<'<;; SPECIAL PRICE ON THE All nroducts renuire an Annie.. __ lie/lie with 128K unless otherwise n_,noted. __ SOUNDBLASTER MUSIC CARD! Kin• 's "uest I 49.9< A great combination of features Kin• 's "uest II 49.9< for your home computer. Com­ Kin• 's "uesl Ill 49.9< bine AdLib music card com­ Kino 's Ouesl IV 49 Q< patibility, a joystick port, and a Snoce "uesl I 49.95 DAC for digitized voices, at a S nace Ouest II 49.9< great price anyone can afford. Tho D> --" r .. ,,,,. __ 39.95 Leisure ~uil Larrv 39.95 It's the perfect sound card Gold Rush! 39.95 for any computer user! J D-"-- n ..... 49 95 Mixed-u- Mother r.oose 29.9< Manhunter - N•w York 49.95 Soundblaster Music Card ... was$ 239.95 now $149.99 _\ Th...... 349< Chamnionshin Boxino lli4K\ >An< Police Ouest I 49.9< Police Ouest II lreauires I me•\ 59.95 Black Cauldron 39.9< SMART MONEY: SOPHISTICATED MONEY u: ... A.t In"-••-- r.--· 29 9< MANAGER - ONLY $15. r.old Rush! 3Q,Q< Manhunter - New York 49 9< IIe/Ilc, APPLE APPLE llGS, MS-DOS WHILE SUPPLY LASTS. " " """"'""- ~"" 'O'ronn:orn 40 O< Thexder 34.95 Automatic bill paying, check writing, Hovle's Book of Games 34.95 and more~ Investment management, u ...... •, o ...... nfr.·-- II 34.95 bank and credit card reconcilliation, rode Name: Iceman lreouires I meo \ 59.95 and a host of other features at a co t Connuests of Camelot lrenuires I men' 59.95 so low it 's unbelievable. &_1n'nuol. vm- ..,..,. .. AOOC A-In ~i..,;_,,,_ ...... ,,, ... "'- l """" t')OC Order now while supply lasts. Apple lle/llc (128K) _ $ 15 .00 5/2K and dual-sided disk drive required unless noted. All products work in Apple llGS (512K) __ $ 15 .00 co/or on Mac II unless noted with an *. )tom D.: .... MS-DOS (512K) __ $ 15.00 Kin• 's Ouest I 4Q.95 APPLE llGS Kin° 's "uest II 49.95 Minimum 512K reouired Kin• 's Ouest III 49.9< v: ... •, n ..... IV <9.9< Item Price "--'-- '""' Snoce Ouest I 49 Q< v : .... '< n ...., I 49.95 Sn•ce Ouest II 49.9< Kinn 's nuest 11 49.95 ~---- n ...... 111 ~--'- - <9 95 Kino 's Ouest III 49.95 '""' v: .... •, A ...... , ty 49.9< Police Ouest I 49.9< 59.95 ~--ce "uest I 49.95 Pol ice "uest U Snrinn 1991 Snoce Ouest II 49 9< U: ••-'-un MnlhP• r.nnM 29.9S Police "uest I 49.Q< Leisure Suit La""' I 19.95 u: ••A.un " "'"•• r...... 29.9< Leisure Suit Larrv II Snrin• 1091 '9.95 The Black rauldron 39 9< . New Yn•k 49.9'\ Leisure Suit Larrv I 39.9< Manhunter - San Francisco 49.95 ., __.... _, __ . Now v ..... 49.95 r.otd Rush! 39.95 r1 Gold Ru sh! 39.9< ' ""''""* I I ?RK\ 14.95 u-.t..,'• n--L-1n-- ,, ____ . -, c....-."'5 ...... , '2A OC Thexder 34.9< .. ~..... --~ ...... _., n ,;__,,__-.--==,- ....,.., 'LIOC ~;JnhoM 34.9< _.._ ..,..,.,,, '2.AOC AMJr!A Minimum 5/2K renuired Item Price LOWEST PRICE EVER ON ROLAND MT-32! v: .... •, n ..... I 49.9< You won't find a lower price anywhere on this top of the line MIDI Kinn 's-nuest II 49.9< music hardware. Includes TRAX software to have you composing 1 Kino 's Ouest III 40,95 your own music in no time, and of course it makes your Sierra v =-- 'e A ...... IV _ ...... : ..... ~ I ...... '9.9< games sound great. "uest for r.1orv lformerlv Hero's Ouest \ 59.95 ""est for Glorv II: Trial Bv Fire lrenuires I meo\ Winter 59.9< rnlnn•I'• o ...... '--.. : ..... I mon\ <9.95 Sn•ce Ouest I 49.95 "-·ce "uest II 49.95 r . ... n, .... rll 59.9< Leisure Suit Larrv I 399< Roland MT-32 ...... was S55&.00-- now $399.99 Leisure Suit L•rrv II 59.95 Leisure Suit Larrv III 59.95 Roland MT-32 for PS/2 (Microchannel) ..... was $65&.00- now $499.99

24 T-SHIRTS S.,...ifv Size Prke Leisure Suit I ·~ IS M L XL• 0 O< c;.~ Arlv•"'""",. ..., 1 YI 7.95 Colonel's Bmuest is M L xu 7 9< Kin•'s nuest IV 1s M L xu 7 O< Police n ....1 II « M 1 xu 7 Q< Ouest for r.1nrv 1fonnc:rl v He m ·~ .-... ~, ' s ML XL 12 95 Sierra 1990 Tour 1s M L xu Q 9< A- 10 Tank Killer s ..., L YL o O< Nore : Leisure Suit Larrv & Ouesr for Glorv have 314 s/eei•es. ~ll<'RRA MFRCHANnT~F Item Price <:;•~• fonon rnff•• Mom< < O< Dvnamix Muo < o< Leisure Suit Larrv Beach Towel IQ 9< The Offir;ot R~• nf ll";nn'< (),. ••, lno< Kino's nu~st f'om=nion First Edition !Games I-IV\ 10.95 Kin•'s Ouest Comnonion Second Edition !Game< 1-V\ 14 9< Sierra f'redit f'arAIDhoto Holder 4.95 Sierra Neon Baseball Cap. one adult size, pink or yellow 9.95 (soecifv color\ c;::;,.."""" c;:nli..t Q.-..e ... h .. 11 r .. n nn.,...... h ., ;., ... w'"': .... nnlv Q.9< Sierra Vi sor white one adult size 6.9< Koozie Kun white and red onlv 4.9< NOTE:We recommend that all MT-32 and UPC/ orders be placed by "'"'" DnA• ll '"" '< n .... , IV 5 95 phone to ins11re the proper model for your computer is shipped. Ar mini­ Note Pads Leisure Suit Larrv Ill 5.Q< mum. please ca/1 800-326-6654 prior to ordering to 1·erify order informa­ ADVENTURE GAME HINT BOOKS tion. * See next a e or shi in details. llom o.:•• Kino's Ouest I 9 Q< Kin2's Ouest 11 9 Q< ll"inn's n ....1 Ill 0 O< Kin•'s nuest IV 9.95 Kin•'s Ouest V Winter 0 O< rnlnn•l's Ron,,••• 9.9< nuest for r.1orv (formerlv Hero's Ouest\ 9.9< Ouest for Glorv 11 · Trial bv Fire Wint e. Q 9< ronnuests of rarnelot 9 95 Soace Ouest I 9.Q5 Snace nuest II 9.95 Soace Ouest Ill 0 O< <:noro n ... . , IV Cn..:nn 'QI Q Q5 Police nuest 1 Q9S Police Ouest 11 o O<

Credit Card/Photo Holder $4.95 Sierra Visor, $6.95

The King's Quest Companion. Second Edition Koozie Kups $14.95 $4.95

25 SIERRA ORDER FORM #00305 > MAIL P.O. BOX 485, COARSEGOLD, CA 93614 > PHONE 1-800-326-6654 (U.S.) - 7 A.M. TO 9 P.M. (PT) Monday - Friday From outside the U.S. call 209-683-4468, Monday-Friday 8 A.M. TO 5 P.M. > FAX 1-209-683-3633

Ouantitv C:nmnut•r Tv~ Disk Size Item Price Each Total Price

> ORDERED BY Total Merchandise California residents add 6.75% sales tax Name (California FPO/APO must include tax) Massachusetts residents add 5% sales tax Illinois residents add 6.25% sales tax Address Priority Shiooing and Handling (ootional) City State Zip Code Hardware Shiooing and Handling TOTAL PAYMENT Daytime Phone Number, including Area Code SIERRA ORDERING INFORMATION (Requested for credi t card orders; desired for all orders) We try to ship on a timely basis but occasionally we are > SHIP TO (if different from above) out of stock. When Sierra is aware of a shipping delay, we Name will send you a wrinen notice. • Credit card order , after verification, ship Address immediately. Check orders must clear your bank (usually City State Zip Code 15 days). Policy and prices, including shipping charges, may c hange without notice. All orders are subject to acceptance by Sierra. > METHOD OF PAYMENT D Check/Money Order (payable to Sierra On-Line Inc.) D Visa D MasterCard D American Express D Discover

Account Number I I I I I Expiration Date rn1rn Authori:ed signalllre (required for credit card orders)

SHIPPING AND HANDLING, effective 11/1/90 l .S. - Hard\\ ( · \"\\I>\- Solh1are Continental U.S. UPS Ground 2ndDayAir Roland MT-32 $7.00 $20.00 FREE regular shipping and handling, except for hardware items All other hardware $3.00 $ 6.00 (jJ/ease check 011el_ •Canada, Ala ka, Hawaii, Puerto Rico D U.S. Mail or 0 UPS to Continental U.S. International Shipping Policy applies (see below) 0 U.S. Mail to APO, FPO and Canada l"\TER"\ \ 110"\ \I. - Soft\\ are and Hard\\ are For FASTER service, priority shipping and handling is avail­ Due to the large variation in shipping costs for various interna­ able for an additional charge: tional destinations, and the fluctuating cost of delivery to D UPS Priority (phone number requested) (__ ) _____ some locations, all international orders will be by credit card First product Each additional product only. Actual shipping and handling charges, including a small Continental U.S. $5.00 $1.00 fee for custom stickers and insurance (when necessary) will be added to the credit card total. Most orders are delivered by Alaska, Hawaii &Pueno Rico $6.00 $2.00 air mail/parcel po t. Canada $30.00 $3 .00 Photo copy this order form for future use DISK UPDATES AND HINTS REPLACEMENT 1. CALL FOR A HINT (United States only) Sierra currently has three full -time people working in its For callers outside California dial: 1-900-370-KLUE returns department. They are responsible for helping cus­ For callers within California dial : 1-900-370-5113 tomers update and replace their Sierra software products. This service is available 24 hours. The charge is 75 cents , If your Sierra software product should stop working for any and 50 cents for each additional minute. (You must have reason, Sierra will replace it. Just send your Disk #I along your parents' permission to call this number if you are under with $5 for the 5.25 di sks or $10 for the 3.5 disks. 18.) The contents of all the messages are solely the respon­ If you update or replace a program within 90 days of the sibility of Sierra On-Line. Hints will not be given on other purcha e date, you pay nothing at all. Sierra telephone lines. SIERRA TELEPHONE 2. USE YOUR MODEM FOR A HINT SUPPORT Sierra On-Line BBS: 1-209-683-4463 Sierra BBS supports both 2400 baud and 1200 baud. If Sierra currently employs 11 representatives who work all our 2400 baud lines are busy try calling back at 1200 full-time answering incoming calls for customer support. baud (it is not auto-switching). They can be reached any time during regular West Coast business hours by calling (209) 683-8989. SETI!NGS; 2400 BPS, 8 DATA , N PARITY, I STOP BIT SETIINGS: 1200 BPS . 8 DATA. N PARITY, 1 STOP BIT There are also several BBS services that can provide you CUSTOMER SUPPORT with clues for Sierra games. Sierra personnel regularly Should you have any questions regarding an order you monitor these commercial Bulletin Board Systems: have placed directly with us, the Customer Support Depart­ COMPUSERVE ment will be happy to help you. Sierra customer service PRODIGY representatives answer technical que tions on Smart Money PC LINK and HomeWord productivity products, and will handle any GENIE questions you may have about other Sierra products. APPLE LINK 3. BUY A HINT BOOK TECHNICAL SUPPORT You can order a hint book directly from Sierra by calling Technical support is also contacted through the (209) 683- our Sales Department at 1-800-326-6654. Outside the 8989 telephone number. Technical support people will work United States please call 1-209-683-4468 or visit your local with you to solve problems with hardware compatibility or disk Sierra On-Line dealer. problems. If our software doesn 't work with your hardware for 4. WRITE TO SIERRA ON-LINE, INC. any reason, our technical support staff will solve the problem, If you prefer to write to us for a hint, please use the or your money back. We guarantee it. following address and include a self-addres ed, stamped envelope: Sierra On-Line, Inc., Attn: Customer Service, P.O. Box 485, Coar egold, CA 93614

DISCLAIMER 30 DAY MONEY BACK OFFER! Please allow up to four weeks for delivery. Some items may be If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with this out of stock or not available for shipment at the time of this publica­ product, Sierra On-Line, Inc. will gladly refund your purcha~e price. tion. Sierra may refuse any order for any reason. Prices, including Simply return the program to Sierra, along with your dated sales stated shippping charges. may change without notice. All checks and receipt (showing the store name and address). within 30 days of credit cards are subject to verification before order can be processed. purchase. Al so enclose a statement as to why you were not completely All charge to be paid in U.S. funds only. satisfied. as we are always upgrading our products. Void where taxed, restricted or prohibited by law. Dealers. wholesalers and their imme­ diate families are not eligible. 27 Live the grandest adventure Game designer professional partner Peter in history. Experience the turns back the hands of time to Ledger, who designed the responsibilities and rewards transport you into a mag­ graphics for 'Camelot', Christy of Chivalry. Return to the nificent era of wizardry and extensively researched both the glory that was Camelot in the enchantment, of valorous mythology and the history of King Arthur adventure, knights and daring quests. early Britain to give the game as 'Conquests of Camelot'. Working with her husband and much realism as possible. Conquests Of Champion 0 Camelot Camelot I came to game design from a In his quest for the Grail, background of writing for thur will travel to exo c animation, live action tv, and places and face tests of comic books. In that kind of courage, skill and wisdom - writing, the writer deter­ for the Grail is not a prize to mines where the characters be won lightly- only to one go, what they do, what the truly worthy will it reveal it­ storyline is ... it' s very dif­ self. ferent from game design , 'I wanted to require more which is non-linear ... you than mental delibera­ have to think of all the vari­ tion ... ethics, sacrifice, the ables and choices and you kind ofthings that were noble have to think of all the things and chivalrous, that a char­ the player can think acter like King Arthur would of .. that's very challenging, actually have to do. ' and I really quite enjoy it.' A Land Afflicted The Greatest utiful graphics and supe Reward Of All Camelot is dying. There sound capabilities for u have been visions of The From the magical kingdom of te enjoyment. Holy Grail that will heal the Camelot to the Holy City of land of its affliction, but three Jerusalem and beyond, e-type sequences incl brave knights have gone to players will live the ex­ perience of Arthur, as he sets st with the Black Knig search for it and never a battle against the M returned; it falls to Arthur to out on a quest that will re­ complete the quest and save quire more loyalty and more his kingdom. courage than any man has ever been asked to give. lfhe '/decided not just to stick to succeeds, his kingdom will the parts of the Arthurian grow strong and joyful once legend that are best known more - if he fails, all is lost. today ...the legends themsel­ ves are a mixture of different mythologies ... / took the es­ sence of these mythologies and created a new story to take advantage of those ele­ ments, and added new things to make it a whole new adven­ ture . Both of us have a back­ g ro 11 nd in pre-medieval history ... we like to do a lot of research ... to get the details right.' ln tbe equel to the first 'l.AITY', .,..,_. Sd 16'1 Gots LoolfJlr /or LoY•' • Al put his hero through his comic paces as he wins a mil­ lion dollars and the dream vacation of his life. - Just A Polyes~ ~ ·Ken wanred 10 convert a game called SofrPorn rhal Sierra had published back in About the time I was designing II, my family and I took a vacation to Mexico, and some of the things that hap­ pened. .. the mad rush to the airline ticket counter ... a really ter­ rible plane ride ... a resort that was so heavily landscaped,we kept gelling lost.. found their way into the game.'

.. ~~ ~ . s~ Jung~·: ist~d. 'l .~hofght, it .woutrJ qe fun 10 ...... J.:.arry~iJQesi&'ilpw. ithsi~st!ir have a femak /ea.d .char:jc• Leisure Suit Larry~fl is ,•, spil(s, · ~ maeau~es : . },Viii · ih,e - P':r~pe<;ti11e, of'a !"'Oma~ .. . allow plilyers to fW .; ·'.he. escape,.ftQin ~he .-.secret That's how l ,c:(lme up. ~it]!_ . m,mid-gameand:$,eethe . ' -- laboratory -Of tJ:ie' e\>il .Dr. _Passionate'P.titti.' . · " -from ·someone else's , ., . . N~O<>bg Wilt . ~ , wi~ · ~e . .. ,' · • · ' .. . ·. view. 'in this fii'st ~ver' role~ · gM of }tis di:i!afl'\S'.? Wm he : Iii th~- .. t~U:d '. _{A~ -~ame, ~ ·witc~ingiul~en~you wili . Jj " ·· ·r·f t"'e . . d? , · Larry .1s pursnnrg Passionate . . . dim' . . Y!! l o ge 1o '! ,is_1an _. - · .-:- Pa_uj·. bl!t hi.s luck. w'i{Jl expenence a new ens1on . . '. ,:._..: . : : . . ; ·. ' wom~n is run~_.ing" about lilti. e,· of computer. J(fv~pture as bOth ~. lookiitg•for his ··:'_ .R~le R~ye~saf : _. ·1 .· u~ual. · ..• · ·. - · . missing ·self-esteem in the :: \vith ·the ·unqu4lifie,tl . sµ<;~ · :fr6m ~hf se~)" stripclu~'Of PQrHous idterior o( a ti'opi• :: .c.ess:pf the fi~t"two ganies-, ... Notton,rt lslandJo the steamY cal island, and hi's newest \ it. ~-a:~': natural t~ . su:sjie'c;it '. .jl,l,i:lgl~, rule~ l'.>y .amazon can- obsessi{Jn, th~ lovelY. Pas- tl;i.at Al 'Lowt- wo11ld: h!l've. . nibal won:ten,)... arry La(fer is . sjonate Patti; who',s' on . a , rrlor.e adventures Jor 'Larry ·off ·on, the ~dventure of ·liis quest for the ma11 that got '· >to , e~ peri(nce: .:· : , '• .. -:· · ... life, with. ~e womal'I. of his !'W!lY; ''· .. · . -· . ,,·

31 In 'Manhunter: New York', players were treated to an alien invasion of The Big Apple by a swarm of ugly alien eyeballs who soon had their human captives work­ If you're Dave, Barry and Adventure Game Interpreter ing against each other for the DeeDee Murry, you plan the system. In 1988, Sierra benefit of the new order. At next one! released the first in the hor­ the beginning of the game the ro ri fi c Manhunter series, player is a manhunter spying Dave and Barry Murry got 'Manhunter: New York', for the aliens. Overhead started designing computer designed by Dave, Barry, and maps of New York and a games in 1980. They their sister DeeDee Murry. handy laptop computer aid de igned an air traffic control the manhunter in his search simulator, but decided that I Love NY for renegade humans. But 5ames would be more fun. sooner or later, a decision When IBM released its first 'We picked New York for the must be made? Stay safe as a PC, they developed 'Sierra first game because we Championship Boxing'. wanted a gritty, bleakfuturis­ spy for the invaders, or risk everything by turning against After the success of their tic landscape and New York them? game 'The Ancient Art of seemed to fit well with that. War' and the We like the city real well. It has a lot of recognizable landmarks .. . the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Build­ ing, Central Park. """!Ill'!!!!~~---' We took location pic­ tures to make it as realistic as possible, then set the story six­ een years in the fu­ ure .' reenacted the game one scene at a time and took pic­ tures to keep it realistic.· In 'Manlwnler: San Francisco• the horror is back. It is th~ year 2004, and San Francisco is under the rule of the aliens They're Back ... we all know so well from Manhunter : New York. Not content to rest on the Aided by their killer robots dubious accomplishment of and the traitorous humans invading New York, Dave, who work for them, the in­ Barry, and DeeDee and co­ vaders have transformed the des i gn er Barbara Ward magical city by the bay into a decided it was time to bring dark nightmare of tyranny their special brand of fun to a and death, where unknown city closer to home .. . San creatures stalk the streets. Francisco. 'One of our goals was to try 'For the sequel we picked San to push the boundaries of Francisco because we what games have done, and wanted it on the west coast, to surprise the player by and that city had the most trying to do unexpected recognizable landmarks. We things. We wanted to have a went down there after we had lot of visual impact. In a few the story almost done, went to each of the locations and spots, we went for the gross­ out.' 'Manhunter: San Francisco' uses the same no-typing in­ terface and multiple view­ point perspective format as Manhunter: New York, for over 250 detailed game scenes of fast-paced, death­ defying adventure. History of Sierra and Japanese Games

"When I scheduled myfirst trip that Japanese children dis­ Ken's first 'sales ' trip to to Japan , my intent was to set played was simply amazing. Japan ended not with selling up methods of se/Jing Sierra What impressed Ken most of to the Japanese, but with products there. I quickly real­ all though , was the finding a product he thought ized I (and American software craftsmanship of the games. he wanted to buy. Ken also publishers in general) had a lot found that he could learn a "From the moment I was to learn ... " lot about how to make shown the first computer products from the Japanese. In 1986, Ken Williams made game, I knew I was hooked. this knowledge was even­ his first trip to Japan. He went There was a multi-voice tually used when he went to with a rather limited under- stereo soundtrack and an work with his R&D group to standing of their market. His elaborate cartoon to start the develop Sierra's proprietary opinion was that the Japanese game, and the animation and development language now had a lot to learn about the graphics were simply in­ know as SCI (the system future of personal computing credible. I couldn't believe used to build such hits as - and he was just the guy to what I was seeing. This King' s Quest IV and Space teach them. wasn't programming - this Quest Ill). was an arrform!" In studying the Japanese market, Ken found that the hot !------­ machine over there was the Thexder: Sierra's First Japanese Import Is A 'Nintendo Famicom'. It was Hit In America described to him asa 'cartridge 1------based machine' and Ken has always held such During Sierra' s first machines in contempt. trip to the orient, no product stuck in his When Ken left for Japan the mind as much as a very first time, few deceptively simple ar­ Americans had ever heard of cade game called Thex­ Nintendo. When he arrived der. Built on the there, he was simply amazed premise of the 'trans­ to find that Famicoms had forming robot' concept found their way into over 4 that wa just becoming million Japanese homes and popular for U.S. games like 'Super Mario children' s toys, Thex­ Brothers' were practically a der had both a good national pastime. 'hook' and a good The fact that Nintendo had design. penetrated so much of the Like all truly success­ market, and woven itself into ful arcade games, the very fabric of Japanese Thexder was simple to society, absolutely fascinated get into; the moment Ken. The video gaming skills you sat down to play, you felt like you 34 knew what you were doing. It reasons, I thought it would be was fun to play - the challenge a good game and I desperate­ never stopped and the action ly hoped that after debugging moved at a furious pace - and, the game for IBM , I/GS, etc. most of all, it was deep. Ken the programmers and quality had been politely shooed out assurance people might get so Silpheed: Computer of three Japanese computer sick of seeing it that they Game - or Interac­ stores for monopolizing a would get back to 'work' . tive Music Video?? computer to play the game, Thexder debuted in computer and he had yet to see even the By the time Sierra personnel stores late in 1986 Uust in fourth level (there were at got their first look atSilpheed, time for Christmas) and was least 8 more). Ken not only the people and Sierra's bestselling game title bought a Thexder game, but Sierra had cemented their of 1987. The product con­ an NEC 8801 personal com­ friendship. Sierra had hired tinued to be a great seller, and puter to play it on. not only Ed Nagano (Ken' - unfortunately for Ken - the shopping companion on his "We managed to wire the Thexder game music con­ first Japan trip) as a Sierra NEC to run on US electrical tinues to roll out of program­ U.S. Ambassador for Japan, current, and the Sierra ming department computers but also a Japanese program­ Programming department during breaks and lunches. mer, Mickie Lee, for Sierra's ground to a halt for weeks ... / Then disaster really struck, in U.S. offices. Japanese think I decided to acquire the form of another Game products were regularly Thexder from Game Arts (the Arts product. This one is demo'd for the U.S. program­ Japanese Publisher) for two called Si/pheed. ming staff. Mickie helped to translate directions and menu choices and Ken actively 7 pointed out the options, fea­ tures and general polishing of the games while periodically stating "We need to add omething like this to our games". Later, a translator, Akiko Skellerup, would be added to the staff to assist Mickie, and as an entirely un­ fo rseen bonus, to teach Japanese language cla ses to the Sierra staff. Where Thexder had been a productivity drain around the Sierra programming area, Sil­ pheed was a positive dis­ cipline problem. Each level of

35 Silpheed had a different ong attached to it. Every time a new level was reached that hadn ' t been heard before, a crowd soon developed around the screen. The NEC to its source. There, sitting in eventually was moved out of the dark with a joystick and a the department and into a Pepsi, was not one of my locked office underneath a programmers, hut my Cheif stairway. Programmers (and Financial Officer. Ed Hein­ all other Sierra employees ex­ bockel. Ed was really getting cept for Mickie who into the game! ... He won't programmed on the NEC), admit to it, hut I would swear were forbidden to walk into he was even making 'missile the room during regular busi­ blast' noises with his mouth ness hours. If you went into while he played .. Anyway, I the office at night though, knew we had another hit on you could hear the sound of our hands." Silpheed, which Silpheed echoing under the Ken licensed, was eventually stairway. released in April of 1989 for K.K. has been doing business the U.S. market. As of this out of small office in Tokyo "I remember comin[? into the writing, it is too early to say for just a very few months, office one night at about mid­ whether Silpheed will beat with Ed Nagano serving as ni[?ht and hearing the sounds the success of Thexder shacho (president) of the sub­ of Silpheed echoing throuf?h (which is still one of Sierra's sidiary corporation. the halls. The speakers at­ best-sellers) but program­ Sierra's SCI based games, tached to the complller had to mers and quality assurance and it's MS-DOS conver­ have heen turned up full people till play the game. sions of the popular Thexder blast! I traced the music hack Most of Sierra's personnel and Silpheed action games, have now heard the 18 songs are actively sold into the that accompany the 18 levels Japanese market now, and of play, but the fabulous ac­ Japanese languages editions tion of the game brings them of Sierra products will soon back over and over again. be hipping for the Japanese It should be noted that, three NEC 9801. Along with the years after Ken's first 'sales sales, the staff of Sierra Japan trip,' Sierra actually does sell still works to acquire the very products in Japan. Sierra Japan best Japanese game designs. Their laste t coup, though, isn 't an action game.

36 ber o f Japanese game would look and publishers scrambled to cash play like. _ ..__ ._,·n o n the new succe s of G's in Japan. Ameri can At thi writing, it looks as publishers began releasing though the first version of Sorcerian for the U.S. ~~:::::1111... apanese versions of th eir fa ntasy-role pl aying games market will be for MS­ (The Wi zardry, Bard 's Tale, DOS, due in February or Might and Mag ic and Ultima March of 1990. True to the wi hes of , it eries are all widely available :...... ______, fo r Japanese computers). No will likely ship only for Action and Fantasy R e- laying competito r though, could EGA/VGA/MCGA and only on 1.2 meg floppies. Games Merge in a New Japanese Import m a tc h the s t reng th a nd Owners of 8-bit machines popul arity of the Sorcerian About the same ti me th at Ken Fifteen separate ro le-pl aying game. Even now, a number of may never be able to see the product for their machines Williams made his first sales scenerios were incl uded in years later, Sorcerian due to Nihon Falcom rigid lrip into Japan, a then mall the game, prov iding a depth p roduc ts continue to company named Ni hon Fal­ of pl ay that the Japanese - so dominate in the popular RPG rules regarding graphic com released the fi rsl install­ u ed to arcade games - had market segment. and music. men t in what was to be a never experi enced before. We at Sierra can't wait til Today, Nihon Falcom is not megahit Fantasy Role- Pl ay­ The fact th at each of the fif­ you feast your eyes on onl y one of the largest com­ Sor­ ing series. Sorcerian, as it teen scene rios featured a cerian, and we continue to puter game maker in Japan, was called, was one of the large number of creens, and but is in fact is one of the look for other landmark very fi rsl fan tasy-role-pl ay­ even a larger range of music Japanese products for im­ largest computer game pub­ ing games ever designed for and sound effects, was equal­ port to American machines. lishers in the world. Sierra is Japanese computer . It was an ly impressive. Look for Sorcerian in early immediate s uccess, a nd relatively small compared to Pl ayers loved the fac t that to mid 1990 in American launched a new craze in Falcom , so we we re both they could actuall y choo e computer stores, and look Japanese gaming known col­ surprised and deli ghted when the characters that they would Nihon Falcom gave us the go for future Japanese hits lec1ively as ' RPG '. Siem in the of pl ay in the game, and th at ahead to begin conversion of from pages Unli ke most games avail able they could choose how the Sorcerian to U. S. computers. thi catalog. al the ti me, Sorcerian com­ c haracte rs would prepare The catch was that Falcom bined action, e lements of them e lves m entally and had a rigorous et of demands graph ic adven tures, a nd equip for battle. The very fi rst on what the U. S. versions of sophisti cated ro le-pl aying. It Sorcerian pl ayers were ab­ was truly a breakthrough. solute ly amazed wi th the reali sm a they watched thei r On top of design innovation, young heros move to middle 1he game featu red graphics age, and again as their hair that were absolutely stun­ and beards fil led with gray. ni ng, even by the high stand­ Each time they lost a hero to ards of the Japanese - and old age or battle, they ex­ fea tu red a soundtrack th at perienced an emotion border­ was so incredible, it ha since ing on grief - an odd fee ling been rerecorded by a sym­ indeed for pl ayers used to phony orchestra and re leased 'shoot-em up' and ' kill or be on compact di sk. It was a tri­ killed ' arcade games. umph in compu ter ci nematography. Sorcerian quickly shot to the top of the sales charts, and a The Peaceful Medium Between Price and Performance Since 1he binh of !he Compw er Age, software publishers have dispwed 1he issue of price vs. pe1formance in complller software. Power Comes at Idiot Proof Great Cost Software (Software Jn one comer stand th e corn- Only an Idiot Will Use) panies developing program In the other comer are the for users who demand ul- developers bent on delivering timate performance from software for the most com­ computer oftware, and are puter illiterate of users - willing to pay hundreds of software that is uncompli- dollars for it. Most well - cated, but inefficient. A pro­ known productivity programs gram with layers on layer of are priced out of reach of mo t prompts and menus is not so users, but even if money were much ' friend ly ' a bother­ no object, the complexity of some. In their eagerness to most ' professional quality ' shield the novice user from software is sti ll a problem. the complexity of powerful ..,.____ _ • programs, these publi hers may limit the productivity of ~====~===.:-~ some features, and eliminate others en t irely as ' confusing'.

A Question of Balance ... As with most things in life, software co ts less th an $ I 00, all , it contains those features the demands of the majority there is a middle ground. doesn ' t require the user to in­ that are most useful and con- of computer user that find And as with most things, It's stall optional hardware, and is venient, and does away with themselves caught in the a sense of balance, rather than intuitive. In stead of leading those that are expensive and middle of the war between compromise, that makes the u er by his nose through diffic ult. power and approachability. things run smoothly. the program, it patiently Our resulting products speak teaches him how to use it. Its For almost 10 years now, forthemselves. We think a well balanced Sierra has been producing feature and options are easy piece Of product ivi t y software that trives to meet to access and operate. Most of 38 '· • < , • ,#' '


Horne Word II: HomeWord Plus quickly be­ came the number #I selling An expandable Spelling Dictionary and two-mode The word processor available Spellchecker. Evolution of a through the largest retail Full Thesaurus ___R_ e_v_:o_l_u_t_io-=-n___ chain in the nation (Tandy A View Page option for previewing page layout before 1 printing. Way back in 1983, when the ComputerCenters)andalead Outlining feature with 6 outline levels. microcomputer industry first seller in other outlets. Footnote function including editable footnote buffer. begantorealizethatnotallof Six years later, with the The ability to integrate graphics from drawing programs those computers they were release of HomeWord II , into text files. selling were going into busi- Sierra has created the best Full Search & Replace capabilities with 7 combinable Search functions. nesses, Sierra was there to balance of power yet found in Headers and footers consisting of date, page number lead the industry with a new a word processor. and/or your choice of text, aligned to left, right or center brand of productivity of the printed page. software we then called "user Although Home Word Il con­ Optional Mouse support. friendly" (back then it was a tains not just a powerful word Supports most major printers (including laser printers). new word, not the industry processor, but also and on­ The ability Lo create logos consisting of any combination joke it is now). line thesaurus and a spell of text and/or graphics. checker, the package is Margins and text alignments that can be changed any HomeWord, the industry 's shipped with documentation number of times on the same page. first word processor targeted that is only 24 pages long (in­ specifically for non-business eluding index and glossary). users, was introduced in mid- Most users never even need 1983 and quickly became one to open the manual to under­ ofthe best-selling products of stand the program. that year. The product would quickly gamer sales of over Home word II is a true one hundreds thousand units, WYSIWYG (What You See and would be picked up for Is What You Get) word distribution by both Tandy processor. Mo t users with a and IBM (two of the worlds need for a multi-featured word processor will find what "" largest producers of "'I they're looking for in this microcomputers). program. While including all Horne Word went through the features standard to basic three major revisions, and word-processing programs, y was eventually replaced by HomeWord lI also includes d HomeWord Plus, a new many capabilities not found e release of the word processor in other programs costing n that featured a spell checker. under $JOO. For Instance: ( . k Features t'\utomatir hill paying. Automatic check writing. Complete douhk entry booU,eeping. Bank and credit card n.:rnnci I iation,. Investment- management. Retirement planning. SMART MONEY Sierra's Friendly Financial Manager

If you ' ve spent any time Smart Money was designed adjust your accounts with a shopping for financial with the power and perfor­ simple "yes" entry by you for management software, mance you'll find in business each cleared transaction that you' ve probably noticed that accounting products, but is appears on your bank or your choices are fairly tailored for your personal use. credit card statement. Addi­ limited. You can go with the Unlike most personal finance tion and subtraction errors be­ $300 Acme Mega-Account­ software packages which come impossible with Smart ant (if you can program this simply take the drudgery out Money. It does all the calcula­ thing, you'll never have to of finance management, tions you usually do yourself, think again!). You can settle Smart Money handles the and presents you with the to­ for the bare-minimum, and be really hard tasks, like loan tals. confident that if nothing else, amortization scheduling and If your finances have out­ your checking account is in long term investment grown your paper and pencil, good hands. Or you can get strategies. try Smart Money. We guaran­ Smart Money. Smart Money features auto­ tee that you will find it to be Many of us juggle two or matic payment entry, and an a comprehensive and con­ three bank accounts, several automatic reminder of pay­ venient financial manage­ credit cards, real estate in­ ments due. You enter the ment tool. vestments, and/or stocks and basic information once for bonds. We may perform transactions you make on a hundreds of business transac­ regular basis-weekly, tions each month. It can take monthly, quarterly, annual­ literally thousands of ac­ ly-and indicate how often counting teps to put our the payment comes due. finances When you boot Smart in order. Money, the program will sig­ At each nal you if any payment is step, there within six days of being due. isthepa;­ When you want to enter that sibility of payment, Smart Money will error. present you with a transaction Any such screen already filled in. error can Minutes or even hours are cut cost us from the time you spend time and paying bills each month. money Smart Money also features later. complete double-entry book­ keeping, and will fill out and print checks for you. It will 40 Sierra's On-Line The simplest-to-use modem software ever! There are hundreds of terrific Using a modem can be con­ reasons to add a modem to fusing - but it doe n' t have your computer system. Using to be. Sierra's On-Line is your modem, you can take ad­ designed to take the frustra­ vantage of convenient home tion and guesswork out of shopping, meet new people, modem operation. With On­ download free software, even line, you ' ll be up and run­ make instant airline reserva­ ning in minutes - not hours tions. However, there is one - and you won't be over­ excellent reason you may whelmed or limited by its have contemplated the idea range of option . and rejected it: Communica­ FEATURES tions oftware tends to be an­ Never ha modem software • Pull down menus, mouse noyingly difficult to use. included so many advanced support, push button selec­ features, yet been so amaz­ tion, make Sierra's On-Line Many of us have been aware ingly easy to use. On-Line's the easiest to use communica­ for years that the world of push button interface, pull tions program ever offered. electronic communications is down menus and step-by-step out there waiting for us. But • Supports a large range of lessons enable the user to go if you've ever picked up a optional hardware including online and download valu­ communications software 300 to 9600 BAUD modems, able free software within package, you probably printers, and all major minutes of installing the pro­ dropped it again. Rather than graphics cards. gram. trying to wade through the • Supports a wide range of muck of unclear terms and On-Line supports a large indu try standard transfer impossible instructions, you range of modems, printers protocols. Send and receive decided it wasn 't worth the and graphics cards. Three files easily. bother. Until now, the con­ separate communications venience of communications modes, including a pecial • An easy-to-use, built-in ha been virtually unap­ split-screen mode for easy editor creates scripts that save proachable to mo t of us be­ conferencing. Swap infor­ you time by automatically ac­ cause it's been s uch a mation with other u ers, or cessing outside services. nuisance. communicate with giant • Talk to large mainframe mainframes. Because of a complete lack of computers using the VTIOO "friendly" communications Built in transfer protocols and mode capability. Lets your programs on the market, a wide range of sy tern set­ computer emulate a terminal many users have been in­ tings allow the user to com­ when connected timidated by the unpleasant­ municate across town or mainframe computers. ness of these programs and across the world. Includes • A special mode for on-line have been deprived of a tool free subscription packet and conferencing splits which can make a personal online time for CompuServe input from responses. computer a useful and en­ Information Service, a $15 riching as the telephone. value. 41 Listen! Is that a symphony with the support of a variety Again' ), but when he was orchestra playing in your of software manufacturer , asked to compose a full score living room, or is it perhaps it's beginning to sound like for an interactive computer the William Gold tein score an idea whose time has come. adventure, he knew he was in for King' s Quest IV? Could for a real challenge. For one Here at Sierra, we're doing that be a thunderstorm out­ thing, without pecial our best to stay on the leading side, or is it Roger Wilco in hardware and software, com­ edge of the music and sound danger of being fried by a puters are not equipped to trend with help from our own monster lightning bolt? The make real music. Because award-winning music crew sound of a Sierra game Sierra wanted music scores and such musical luminaries played on your tereo with a for their games, and because as William Goldstein and high-quality music card is Bill Goldstein wanted to Bob Siebenberg. certain to be like nothing write some of them, you've ever heard from your Goldstein and Goldstein and Ken Williams Sierra Take a approached the Roland Cor­ poration about a peripheral If you haven' t heard a lot of Giant Leap that would make IBM PC's information about music Forward and compatibles able to play card , modules and other the kind of full musical score music synthesizers for home William Goldstein has a long they had in mind for Sierra computer before now, it's and successful history as a games (Atari and simply because the idea is a Hollywood composer (in­ computers were already relatively new one; but it's cluding the Fame TV erie MIDI-compatible). Roland spreading like wildfire. And and the feature film 'Hello, 42 Miracles Performed responded with the MT-32, Sierra's own mu s ic and and we were on our way to sound crew put all the pieces combining the art of game together into a final product. Sound Module. Attach one of design with the art of musical In addition to creating a sys­ these to your system and fas­ composition, and the beauti­ tem that would synchronize all the elements, they ten your seatbelt; your next fu I score to Roberta computer gaming adventure Williams' King's Quesr IV. programmed perfect coor­ will propel you into a sensory Everyone who watched the dination between game events, the accompanying world beyond imagination - game play with the score and experience it once and you'll sound effects added was portions of the score, and never go back. more than impressed. Here over two dozen sound effects. was not only a thrilling musi­ The end product was an in­ Game Blaster Card cal composition and a sensa­ c red i bl e coordination of tional new interactive 3-D talent that earned them, and Game Blasrer, from Creative adventure, but an entirely Bob Siebenberg, Computer Music Systems, enhances the new dimension in computer Gaming World Magazine' musical capabilities of your enjoyment. award for Excellence in computer, increasin g your Musical Achievement. In the gaming enjoyment. Sierra Music Department A full 12-voice synthesizer, there ' a s ign that reads Game Blaster is a half-size 'Miracles Performed While­ card that easily plugs into any U-Wait'. It 's only the truth. internal slot in your IBM­ The next big game on the Sierra drawing board was Sierra Brings It standard PC, XT, AT, PS/2 Space Quest Ill, latest sequel Home To You (25/30), Tandy I OOO (not in a tremendou ly popular EX/HX), 3000, 4000 and Because we know you'll compatibles. Includes built­ series by Mark Crowe and want to hear it for yourself, Scott Murphy, also known to in power amplifier (2.5 watts), Sierra presents three quality their fans as the Two Guy built-in volume control, stereo ound products for your From Andromeda. Bob output (all 12 voices can pan to Siebenberg (part of the well­ home computer: Game right or left channel) and con­ Blasrer, by Creative Music known rock band Super­ nectors for headphone , exter­ Systems; the Adlih Music nal speaker, or your stereo tramp) , who I ives in the Sierra Nevada foothills not Card; and the Roland MT-32 system. Includes a di sk of 40 far from Sierra On-Line's headquarters, signed on to compose the Space Quest lII score, and the outcome was a mind-blowing combination of talent resulting in some of the most exciting sound ever to accompany a computer game. From the drama of a wasteland trek in a deadly thunderstorm to the ligh­ thearted theme of an inter­ ga Iacti c tourist trap, the Space Quest III score was a feast for the ears.

43 Roland MT-32 pre-recorded songs. System requirements: 256 KB RAM Sound Module minimum, DOS 2.0 or higher The Roland MT-32 is at the (5.25" drive, 3.5" optional), head of its class, producing and CGA, MCGA, EGA OR perhaps the best sound VGA compatible graphics you've ever heard. It will take board. Creative Music Sys­ you millions of miles from tem, sold separately, is a your computer as you hear package allowing you to the first melodious notes. learn/play/compose your A 32 voice ynthe izer (ac­ own mu ic, create sing­ tually 8 synthesizers in one, alongs, and add mu ic to with a percu sion ound presentations. module) designed for profes­ sional musicians, the MT-32 AdLib Music plug into the MT-32, allow­ S nthesizer Card has 128 preset sounds, a rhythm section with 30 preset ing you to play along with the The Adlib card makes your percussion sounds, and ac­ games or play your own com­ computer come alive with cepts up to 32-voice positions through this power­ music. You'll experience polyphony. Each ynth part ful synthesizer. room-filling sound as your operates on an individual living room becomes a mini MIDI channel (2-9), with the You Won't Believe concert hall. rhythm part preassigned to It Till You Hear It channel 10. The EASE An I I-voice synthe izer for There's a new world of enter­ software package, hipped use with IBM PC and com­ tainment waiting for you with the MT-32, is designed patibles, the Adlib is a half­ when you order one of these specifically to help you com­ size card that fits into any fine music products from pose your own songs. expansion slot on the PC Sierra. Order direct now and Depending on your computer motherboard, complete with receive free bonus products type (see order form), you volume control and an audio as our way of showing our will need a card and/or cable jack for headphone , external appreciation of your support. to connect the MT-32 and speakers or your stereo sys­ your computer. Your MIDI tem. Includes a disk of 25 pre-recorded songs. Also or guitar keyboard can also available through Sierra is Visual Composer software, (SPlO), a sequencer program designed specifically to assist you in composing songs with your Adlib Music Syn­ thesizer Card. Based on FM technology, the AdLib is designed to com­ bine the use of white noise generation with FM synthe is to create such percussive ound a ba drum, tom­ tom, cymbal and hi -hat. Free Entertainment Software When You Music Demo Major Software Order From Sierra Cassette Publishers Sierra has prepared a music Support Sound Order either th e AdLib or I Order a Rol and MT-32 and demonstration cassette which Products* Game Blaster and get either get any two games produced includes samples of Sierra Hoyle' s Book of Games or by Sierra. game soundtracks perforrned t Si/ph eed. on a IBM computer using the • .e ;I Roland MT-32 and the AdLib Publisher .....l I I Music Synthesizer Card. .: i3 "' Compare for yourself the dif­ ferent sounds. The only charge is $1.95 to cover ship­ Accolade y y y ping and handling.

Activision YN y

Dynarnix yy y

Electronic Arts YN y

Epyx YN N

Lucasfilm yy y

Microprose YN N

Mindscape yy N

Origin yy y

Sierra yy y

* Y = Yes, some products will support this board Music Drivers Available On Sierra BBS N= No, no products sup­ port this board at this time The Sierra BBS - (209) 683- availability) are the CMS as your Sierra game and re- 4463 - has additional sound (Creative Music System) run the CNSTALL program. drivers available to download driver, the Yamaha FBO I, You should see a selection This information for your computer. Among the Roland D- 10, D-110 and not previously available; provided courtesy of the drivers currently avail- D-120, plus a Sierra generic select it and hear wonderful­ Computer Gaming able on the BBS (and we are driver file. Download the ly orchestrated music. World continual 1y upgrading driver into the same directory 45 Hint Books Finally Available (And They Are A Success) Finally, around Christmas of 1987, Sierra debuted it's first No it's not Leisure Suit Larry Hint Books Begin There was also the frustration Hint books. Yes, there were - it' hint book . Some people factor. Most people play their those silly and impatient were violently oppo ed to To Make Sense adventure games at night, and people that used them to play them when the idea came up In 1985, the call to Sierra's we didn't have operators through the game in one sit­ in the early l 980's. Roberta hint lines began clogging all working then to take their ting (and they only hurt them­ Williams best argued the case the wires into Eastern Madera hint requests. (We do now. selves). There also have been against hint books with this County. Every available cir­ hut that's a different story.) less long distance phone bills statement: cuit was busy each day with And, because all of the avail- and less frustrated people. able phone lines into town a Sierra call. Neighbors in our This story ends on an interest­ "/put puzzles in my games so were already taken each day mountain town were begin­ ing and confusing note. people will wrack their by Sierra, an increasing num­ ning to complain that they Recently, the unit sales for brains trying to solve ber of customers complained couldn't make or receive a one Sierra hint book actually them ... ./ don 't want them to of busy signals. be able to just open a hook! " phone call during business met, and then overtook, the hours, and that something unit sales for the adventure Throughout the company, had to be done. Hint Lines game it was written about. there was the worry that the e Outside California dial: books would become The debate got hot. It took Could it be that some people another year for someone to "crutches" allowing players 1-900-370-KLUE love the hint books so much to play the game practically work out that hint books were Within California dial: they are buying two? an obvious olution. without stopping. They were 1-900-370-5113 worried that players would The cost of a long distance lose their enjoyment from the call to Coarsegold from most products if the books were of the country would cost al­ available. After all - what fun most as much as a hint book is a puzzle if you've got all - and that's only if the cus­ the answers in front of you? tomer needed ju tone hint! Finally, the idea of hint book was put to rest, but it wouldn't rest for long. Adventurers of all ages will look great in Sierra's quality Hit The Beach T-shirts. Attractive and some­ With L times amusing, these shirts tell the world how much you You ' II be the hit of the beach enjoy Sierra 3-D Animated with this colorful, heavy­ Adventure Games. Choose duty, giant (a full 30" x 60") from these stylish designs: Leisure Suit Larry beach towel. Be the first one on your block to own a life-size Larry- he's ju t what you ' ve alway dreamed of! Great •lliliiiil••iliiiiiil•ll gift! $21.95

Sierra On-Line- Multi-color Celebrate Sierra ' Adventure Game Fanatic' design on white T-shirt. $7.95 Japan! Sierra On-Line is always Leisure Suit Larry in the Land ready to conquer new fron ­ of the Lounge Lizards- White tiers. Our latest move in that jersey- blue or yellow direction has been our recent the sleeves. $7.95 expansion into the interna­ OFFlCIAL BOOK OF Police Quest 11- Multi-color tional market. We are proud KING'S design on navy blue T-shirt. to announce our new sub­ QUEST $7.95 sidiary, Sierra Japan , in DJ\Vl'~TR\' ANO Bl'Yn-.;o Tokyo, Japan. Help u King's Quest IV- Beautiful multi-color 'Perils of celebrate the newest member Rosella' design on white T­ of the Sierra family with this shirt. $7.95 beautiful Sierra Japan coffee mug. An attractive addition to Sierra 3-D Helicopter-Blue, your home or office. $6.00 black and white 'Sierra Helicopter School' logo on The Official Book gray T-shirt. $7.95 Of King's Quest­ All shirts available in sizes: S, Daventry And M, L, XL. Be ond! Th e Official book of King's Quest - Davenrry and Beyond is the perfect collector's item for all King's Quest fan s young and old. You ' ll enjoy informative hi s tories, detailed maps, and helpful hint to each game in the King's Quest seri es. $10.95 47 SIERRA ON-LINE , IN C . •P.O. BOX 485 • COARSEGOLD, CA 93614 BULK RATE U.S. POSTAGE PAID Oakhurst, CA Perm it No. 3g

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000007742 "is a registered trademark of Sie"a On-Lin e, Inc. © Sierra On-Lin e, Inc. 1989 Printed m. the U.S.A.