The Sassoon Dynasty
THE SASSOON DYNASTY By CECIL ROTH LONDON ROBERT HALE LIMITED 102 GREAT RUSSELL STREET W.C.1 MCMXLI THE SASSOON DYNASTY By the same author THE LAST FLORENTINE REPUBLIC (London 1925: Italian trnnsbdon, Florence, 1929) THE CASALE PILGRIM (London, 1929) L 1APOTRE DES MARRANES (Paris, 1930) HISTORY OF THE JEWS IN VENICE (Philadelphia,_ 1930: Italictn translation, Rome, 1933) A JEWISH BOOK OF DAYS (!-,ondon, 1931) HISTORY OF THE MARRANOS (Philadelphia, 1932) LETTERE DI DONATO GIANNOTTI A FIERO VETTORI (In collaboration with R. Ridolfi: Florer ce, 1932) THE NEPHEW OF THE ALMIGHTY (London, 1933) A LIFE OF MENASSEH BEN ISRAEL (Philadelphia, 1934) A SHORT HISTORY OF THE JEWISH PEOPLE (London, 1936) THE SPANISH INQUISITION (London, 1937) THE JEWISH CONTRIBUTION TO CIVILISATION (London 1938: Jugoslav translation, Znghrcb, 1939) THE MAGNIFICENT ROTHSCHILDS (London, 1939) etc. SIR PHILlP SASSOON First Published April r94r Reprinted May r94r PRINTED IN GREAT BRITAIN BY WESTERN PRINTING SERVICES LTD., BRISTOL TO ADOLF HITLER FUEHRER OF THE GERMAN REICH FoR TWO reasons I desire to inscribe your name at the beginning of this book. The first is, that I consider its topic to be a useful object,lesson to the unfortunate people whom you have misled into thinking themselves a pure and superior "race" (whatever that may mean). The most rudi, mentary political commonsense should make it obvious that the absorption of gifted foreign families cannot be other than an advantage for a civilized state. England and English life have in particular been enriched for centuries past by receiving fresh elements from other sources, and there can surely be no reason to regret a liberality that has endowed her with soldiers, philanthro, pists and poets such as the Sassoon family and many like it have produced.
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