EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 4921 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS an INNOCENT VICTIM of the Tions in the Developing World

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EXTENSIONS of REMARKS 4921 EXTENSIONS of REMARKS an INNOCENT VICTIM of the Tions in the Developing World March 5, 1987 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 4921 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS AN INNOCENT VICTIM OF THE tions in the developing world. As envisioned, BERLIN IRAN SCANDAL the Endowment would be a private, non­ profit entity that would openly fund democ­ racy-building programs carried out by insti­ HON. LES AuCOIN HON. ROBERT J. LAGOMARSINO tutes associated with labor, business, our OF OREGON OJI' CALIJl'ORNIA two major political parties and other pri­ IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES vate-sector organizations. Thursday, March 5, 1987 Thursday, March 5, 1987 Believing that the work of promoting de­ mocracy could most effectively be carried Mr. AUCOIN. Mr. Speaker, I'd like to include Mr. LAGOMARSINO. Mr. Speaker, in the out by the private sector, Congress author­ for my colleagues attention today an extreme­ course of reporting on the activities of Lt. Col. ized funding for the Endowment and not ly thoughtful and reflective article on Berlin Oliver North, the New York Times, February the package of programs called Project De­ written by a man I am proud to count as a 15, published a report wrongly stating that the mocracy. This approach gained the Admin­ very special friend. Shepard Stone is the di­ National Endowment for Democracy was "the istration's full support. rector of the Aspen Institute in Berlin, and is public arm of project democracy," an alleged This history is important because it shows one of only four non-Germans to have been covert project of Lieutentant Colonel North. that from the very beginning Congress made honorary citizen to the city. It's been my The National Endowment for Democracy is, in placed a high value on the private, biparti­ great pleasure to have participated with him in fact, an independent, nongovernmental orga­ san character of the Endowment and its in­ several high-level meetings with our European nization governed by a bipartisan board of di­ dependence from the current or any future allies, and his reflections on the city that was, rectors. It operates openly and is responsive Administration. and is, Berlin, are well worth reading. I com­ to the needs of private groups abroad working Under the leadership of a broadly repre­ sentative board of distinguished Americans, mend them to my friends here on the floor, peacefully to foster democratic institutions. the Endowment has made great progress. It especially now, in the year in which Berlin A commentary by Walter Mondale and has developed strong oversight procedures celebrates its 750th anniversary. I think we Frank Fahrenkopf in the February 23 edition pertaining to the selection, monitoring and have much to learn from Shep Stone, and of the New York Times makes clear the open, evaluation of all grants. It reports fully to from his understanding and appreciation for bipartisan character of the National Endow­ Congress on its activities and, as required by this vital and thriving city. And since this ment for Democracy. I urge my colleagues to statute, keeps the State Department in­ marks his final year as director of the institute, read this commentary and use its information formed as well. The commitment to open­ let me take this opportunity to thank him for to respond to any unfounded charges about ness has always been fundamental to the his many contributions and to wish him well in the nature of the endowment. concept and actual operation of the Endow­ his future endeavors. CFrom the New York Times, Feb. 23, 19871 ment. BERLIN: A DOUBLE CELEBRATION-LoOKING AN INNOCENT VICTIM OF THE IRAN SCANDAL In all cases, the Endowment has been re­ BACK ON THE PLACE WHERE EvERYTHING sponsive to the democratic needs and initia­ <By Walter F. Mondale and Frank J. HAPPENED tives of its partners abroad, in the belief (By Shepard Stone> Fahrenkopf, Jr.> that internally generated change is prefera­ WASHINGTON.-Because so much remains ble to change that is artificially imposed BERLIN.-For almost 60 years I have had unknown about the Iran-contra scandal, in­ from the outside. an affair with Berlin. Like all affairs, it has formation frequently comes out in the form The Endowment's work covers a wide had its ups and downs. Not long ago, Alan of revelations that may contain only part of range of countries. In the Philippines, Haiti, Bullock, the English historian whose biogra­ the truth and can be badly misleading. If we phy of Hitler remains the standard, suggest­ are not careful, many good and innocent Taiwan, Guatemala, South Korea, Chile ed that the history of the 20th century people doing very worthwhile things could and Paraguay, its programs have supported should be written from Berlin. be harmed. or are helping to stimulate a process of For good or evil, in peace and war, in in­ A case in point is the recent disclosure democratic transition. In developing democ­ dustry, science, arts and culture, as an ex­ that the White House, under the direction racies such as Argentina, Peru and Colom­ ample for the melancholy and the potential of Lieut. Col. Oliver L. North, was carrying bia, as well as in the Caribbean and Central richness of life in a metropolis, few cities out secret activities under something called America it provides aid to groups seeking to have had a larger role in shaping the cli­ Project Democracy. According to the report, consolidate democratic institutions and pro­ mate and events of our century. And for the project's "public arm" is the National cedures and to strengthen the commitment many of these years, as a student, journal­ Endowment for Democracy, a private, bipar­ to democratic values. ist, in the army, in government and in a pri­ tisan organization established to strengthen The Endowment is also engaged in the dif­ vate capacity, I have been, off and on, a part democratic institutions in the world. ficult job of encouraging pluralist trends in of it. The allegation that the Endowment has the closed societies of the Communist world. It started in May 1929, when a Dartmouth any relationship whatsoever to Colonel Even in societies wracked by conflict, such professor, knowing of my urge to do gradu­ North's activities, whatever they were, is en­ as South Africa, Afghanistan, Northern Ire­ ate work in Europe, said "Go to Berlin." tirely unfounded. Even the suggestion that land and Nicaragua, it supports those who Why Berlin-my German was fragile to the Endowment is an "arm" of Project De­ are working peacefully to sustain democrat­ nonexistent and I had not been especially mocracy is wrong and clearly at odds with ic possibilities and values. attracted to the photographs in history legislative history. The present controversy only heightens books of Kaiser Wilhelm II, Von Tirpitz, In early 1983, Congress was presented Hindenburg and Ludendorff and the others with two separate legislative proposals to the importance of such open support for in St. Petersburg, Vienna, Paris and London, foster democratic political and social institu­ our friends abroad. We must not allow total­ all of whom stumbled into World War I. tions abroad. The first was Project Democ­ ly unrelated activities alleged to have been <Shortly after its outbreak, a former racy, an Administration request for $65 mil­ carried out under the rubric of an otherwise German foreign minister asked his succes­ lion to fund a range of programs through defunct "Project Democracy" to discredit sor, "How did it happen?" The melancholy the United States Information Agency, the the efforts of the National Endowment for answer was, "I wish I only knew"-an ex­ Agency for International Development; and Democracy. change worth remembering when we look at the State Department. The second proposal our world today.> was to authorize funding for the National My professor gave me two reasons for Endowment for Democracy. Berlin. "It has one of the greatest universi­ The Endowment idea was inspired by the ties in the world Cit was the time of Ein­ success that private foundations associated stein, Planck and other Nobel laureates> with West Germany's political parties have and Berlin is the place where everything is had in strengthening democratic institu- going to happen." • This "bullet" symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 4922 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 5, 1987 I went to Berlin and by the time I left In the U.S. Army, shortly after the end of next to each other. It is a pity that I will three and a half years later, a few weeks World War II, one stood among the ruins of not be around. before Hitler came to power, everything was Alexanderplatz, Unter den Linden and Kur­ Berlin, for me, has been an adventure. happening. furstendamn, shaken by memories, and I Apart from the brutal Nazi years, I am Soon after arriving in Berlin, I bought a thought that the city would never be re­ grateful to it. The place, notwithstanding its first edition of Hitler's "Mein Kampf,'' writ­ built. It was. problems, has a future. There is hope in the ten around 1923-1924. Friends said, "Why Women began to stack the bricks and air. do you read that trash? He is mad and he stones <somehow historians seem to over­ will never come to power." It was all mad, look the influence of women in history> and but he came to power, put the criminal poli­ under such leaders as Ernst Reuter, a new, PROBLEMS WITH THE U.S.
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