Saint Sharbel Maronite Catholic Church Las Vegas 5Th Sunday of the Glorious Pentecost

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Saint Sharbel Maronite Catholic Church Las Vegas 5Th Sunday of the Glorious Pentecost Saint Sharbel Maronite Catholic Church Las Vegas 5th Sunday of the Glorious Pentecost St. Sharbel Pray for us! July 2019 Index Page Church Events 1 5th Sunday of Pentecost 2 Know Your 12 Apostles 3 Faces & Places 4 Feast of Saint Sharbel 5 Maronite Ordination in Rome 6 Festival News 7 Wendy’s Saves Kids 8 Community Life Announcements 9 Filipino News 10 Our Services HOLY MASSES DAILY: Monday – Friday 8:00 a.m. English 11 Advertisements SATURDAY VIGIL: 4:30 p.m. English Holy Mass Intentions 12 SUNDAY: 9:30 a.m. English & 11:30 AM Arabic/Aramaic/English 1st Sunday : 4:30pm 10325 RANCHO DESTINO Rosario y la Misa en Español 2nd Sunday: 4:30 pm RD. LAS VEGAS NV 89183 Rosary & Tagalog Mass PHONE: 702-616-6902 Sunday Catechism FAX: 702-616-4032. (Classes are Sept – June) st [email protected] 1 SUNDAY 9:30 a.m. & 11:30am Youth Mass JuneJuly 20192019 Page 2 5th Sunday of Pentecost READING: Philippians 3:7-14 GOSPEL: Matthew 10:1-7 Will we do greater than Joseph and Jesus did? Or will we do worse than Joseph's brothers? If we fall into sin, our sins will be worse than those of Joseph's brothers, for in Christ we are new creations. "When much has been given a man, much will be required of him. More will be asked of a man to whom more has been entrusted" (Lk 12:48).We, who are children of God, are not only called to greatness but obligated to become great. After what the Lord has done for and in us, anything less than greatness is a sin and shame. You are children of the divine, royal, and priestly family (1 Pt 2:9). Live "In fact, all the world came to Joseph to obtain rations of grain, accordingly. for famine had gripped the whole world." Genesis 41:57 Prayer: Father, may I be myself. Joseph saved hundreds of thousands of people from starvation. He was one of the greatest people in history. Joseph's brothers were Promise: Jesus "summoned His twelve disciples and gave them also called to greatness, but they wasted their lives through authority to expel unclean spirits and to cure sickness and jealousy, violence, deceit, guilt, and self-hatred. Every Christian is disease of every kind." Mt 10:1 greater than Joseph (Mt 11:11), because we are adopted sons and daughters of God our Father. It is an understatement to say that we Praise: St. Benedict was inspired to gather hermit monks are destined for greatness. Jesus even promised that we who have together into one "Grand Monastery" with prayer, study, and faith in Him will do greater works than He did (Jn 14:12). manual work. Did you know that many saints in the early Church Did you know that many saints in the early Church raised people from the dead? raised people from the dead? According to tradition, after Jesus' resurrection God allowed There are additional reports of resurrections in the 4th and 5th manyToday, other Ascension people to rise Sunday, from the gravewe recall. the glorificationcentury, of Jesus as related Christ by who,Church as historians a man, of hasthat timebeen period called. (As to a shareThe Catholic in the Churchglory ofbelieves God .that His Jesus ascension’ resurrection also remindsis a note, us these that people heaven did isexperience our destiny a second. That “death, is ”what as these we haveforeshadowing been createdof what willfor happen. That atis the where end of wetime, will when find all resurrectionsthe perfect were fulfillment only “earthly of ”all and our temporary aspirations and not. Butthe people will be raised from the dead. Yet, even during in Jesus’ life, full “heavenly” resurrection that God promised will happen beforeGod allowed we certain reach individuals such a gloriousto rise from destination,the grave and live we for have a when to thisdo worldour sharepasses awayin the.) fulfillment of God’s plan forwhile ourselves longer on this and earth the. rest of humankind. Jesus wantsFor that example, we becomeSt. Marcarius, more a holy and monk more living involved in the deserts in the of In the Acts of the Apostles, a Christian woman named Tabitha died Egypt, encountered a man who didn’t believe in the resurrection inbuilding the city ofof Joppa the . KingdomThe Christians. That’s in the citywhy knew Jesus’ St. Peter ascension was of Jesus marks. In order also to the convince beginning him, the of saint the invoked evangelization God’s power ofnearby the and world sent forthrough him, and the he hurriedChurch to. the Today side of is Tabitha also . “WorldAll over aCommunications dead man and he was Sunday,” raised back anto life observance. This miracle thatwas were mourning over her death, but when Peter arrived he asked spread throughout the Egyptian desert. everyoneemphasizes to wait theoutside importance the house. of Mass Media and SocialWhile someMedia may inbe warythe ofwork believing of evangelizationthese early accounts and of catechesis,Peter put them and all theoutside need and to knelt pray down for and all prayedthose; involvedthen resurrection, in this the profession Acts of the Apostles. Let us is theinclude most reliable them evidence in the turning to the body he said, “Tabitha, rise.” And she opened her that reveals an ability to call upon God’s power to resurrect an eyes,intentions and when for she which saw Peterwe offer she sat this up . EucharistAnd he gave. her his individual, bringing them from death to life. It certainly is not a hand and lifted her up. Then calling the saints and widows he common occurrence in the history of Christianity, nor is it presented her alive. And it became known throughout all Joppa, something thatHe can easily first be invoked loved by any Christian us.. and many believed in the Lord. (Acts 9:40-42) Similar to all miracles, it is a gift given through the power of God The resurrection of Tabitha was a miraculous gift from God that for a specific purpose, through the hands of a humble instrument. led many others to belief in the power of Jesus Christ. God wanted to remind his people that the resurrection of Jesus Interestingly enough, this wasn’t the last time a saint invoked the wasn’t just a “fluke,” but a real event that will occur to all people power of God to resurrect an individual. at the end of time. According to St. Irenaeus in the early 2nd century, “Some persons that were dead have been raised again and have continued among us many years.” He further added later, speaking against magicians who falsely claimed their ability to raise from the dead, “So far are they from raising the dead, as Our Lord raised them, and as the Apostles did by prayer, and as in the brotherhood oftentimes is done, when the whole church of the place hath begged it with much fasting and prayer, and the spirit of the dead man hath returned and the man hath been given back to the prayers of the saints” (Saints Who Raised the Dead: True Stories of 400 Resurrection Miracles). July 2019 Good News from our Leader Page 3 1. Peter formerly "Simon," renamed "Kepha" or "Cephas" by Our Lord; preached in Antioch, Pontus, Galatia, Cappadocia, Know Your and Asia Minor, Rome; headed Roman Church (was first Pope); crucified upside-down in Rome, Italy; relics at St. 12 Apostles Peter's Basilica in Vatican City. Symbols: the Keys; upside-down Latin Cross; book. Feast: June 29 (along with St. Paul); August 1 (St. Peter's Chains). 2. Andrew Peter's brother; preached in Scythia; Epirus; Achaia; Hellas; Cappadocia, Galatia, and Bithynia, Scythian deserts, Byzantium;Thrace, Macedonia, Thessaly, and Achaia; crucified in Patrae in Achaia; relics at Cathedral of Amalfi, Italy, and in St. Andrew's Church in Patras, Greece. Symbols: X-shaped Cross; anchor; fish; fishing net. Feast: November 30 3. James the he and his brother (John) nicknamed by Jesus "Sons of Great Thunder" (Boanerges); a son of Zebedee; preached in Spain; beheaded by Herod Agrippa I to please the Jews; relics at Compostela, Spain. Symbols: seashells; pilgrim's staff; scroll; book; floppy hat; trampling a Moor; mounted on horseback. Feast: July 25. 4. John he and his brother (James the Greater) nicknamed by Jesus "Sons of Thunder" (Boanerges); a son of Zebedee; the disciple whom Jesus loved; Evangelist; preached in Asia Minor (Ephesus). Symbols: chalice; eagle; serpent; sword; cauldron. Feast December 27. 5. Philip preached in Hieropolis in Asia (?); relics at church of the Dodici Apostoli in Rome, Italy. Symbols: basket of loaves; T-shaped Cross. Feast: May 11 (with St. James the Less) 6. Bartholomew preached in India, Mesopotamia, Persia, Egypt, Armenia, Lycaonia, Phrygia, shores of the Black Sea (?); beheaded or flayed alive and crucified, head downward in Albanopolis in Armenia; relics at St. Bartholomew-in-the-Island in Rome, Italy (?). Symbols: tanner's knife; flayed skin. Feast: August 24. 7. Matthew "Levi"; Evangelist; preached in Ethiopia to the south of the Caspian Sea (not Ethiopia in Africa), Persia and the kingdom of the Parthians, Macedonia, and Syria, and to the Hebrews generally (?). Symbols: angel/man/winged man holding a pen or inkwell; bag of coins, money bag, money box, or purse; spear; sword; halberd; lance. Feast: September 21. 8. Thomas "Didymus," meaning "Twin"; familiarly (not Scripturally) known as "Doubting Thomas"; preached in India; pierced through with spears by four soldiers at Syriac Mazdai; relics in Santhome Cathedral, Chennai, India. Symbols: T-square; spear. Feast December 21. 9. James the Less "James the Just" or "James the Younger"; son of Alphaeus (Clophas) and "brother of the Lord"; Bishop of Jerusalem Church; epistle writer; killed by Jews by being thrown off the Temple and clubbed to death.
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