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’ i npjRSDAT, FEBRUARY IdSl illmtrIrtBttr Etftnftts l| 9 t ^ A r e n g e Daily N et Preaa Ran For the Week Endlag ' ThaWestber FW weM e ( O. S. WmCkcv Om • Jeam ry RY, 1681 Tha prograaalva brtdga and can­ walls or porches. Bridget's tha eoromony wiU take Pvt. Faux Farr, aon o f Mr. and W arning Issued Today many buUdlngs were be­ T o Ble§s liiroa ts |)Uce after tha 7:80 mats In the pertly cloedy, eeM i Mra. Joaeph Farr o f W Oak atraat, asta party which waa to hava bean With Herald 50 Years ing cleared o f roof snow' as a prs- windy; kigheet temyeretuM ■ held this evening at tha Manniaa* morning and at 7:80 In the eve­ 10,148 About Town Jolnod the armed foreaa on January 86 tMe amnUagt kmight fair caution against damage. ' O n St; Bkise D av ning. 8. He la now with the 83nd Dlvtilon, ter Country Clubhouse haa been T o Clear Roofs Member ef the AeiU eoUer; Sntnrdey fair postponed to a lator data. This The average roof, covered with m an air home dlvlaton of the army, Buteee ef ( ItMfutt a * o r f A. K»rtil. dt mld-winUr social affair waa a pro­ wet snow, places several tons of M anehattar^A City of ViUaga Charm undergoing fourteen weeka train­ Bit CinUr •twtt. who •rrivwl «t ject of the women’s division of Building officials here today weight fif a small area. The feast o f St. Blase wlU be announcement ing at Fort' Bragg, N. C. re r t Vtx, N. thl« woek. h w the club. warned property owners that celebrated at both St. James’s A a In jn y to m y ihoalder will conpleUd th# procoM o f conver- Frank VozzolO, Jr., son o f Mr. and S t Bridget’s Roman Catholic prevent me from eervlng my VOL. LXX, NO. 104 (ClaeeUM AdverUthig ,en Page U ) MANCHESTER. CONN.. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1951 Dr. Ed'ward P. Wilson of Hart­ great weights o f sodden snow are and Mrs. Frank Vozzolo o f Alpine churches on Saturday. oostomers the balance o f the (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS S« fto» *® inlHUry Harvey J. McKinney of B7 Hem­ a danger even to well-built struc­ ford who was unable to keep hla street, Is home on leave from Mof­ The blessing of throats will week. _ gUto*. H« »■ Motgned to A Bt^, lock street, Martin T. Danahy, Jr, tures, and suggested that steps be S4th P. A. BmtUUon, 9th Infantry of 18 Gorman place, Clarence J. engagement to apeak at the meet­ fett Ffcld, California, where he is take place at St. James at 7, 7:30 Arthur E, Giboon, Meat P e w r ing of the Soroptlmlst Club, Mon­ taken to prevent acciimulationH and 8 o’clock in tho morning and Di rial on. Webster of 67 Adams street, and that might buckle roof timbers. stationed with the U. S, Navy Air 46 "Flower ^ Donald S. Oordner, of 99 Laurel day evening, on account of the Force. at 7:80 In tho evening. A t S t Lodge Faces Eisenhower Reports to Congress Members U. S. Asks Japs death of hla brother, wll! addresa ■n>g Marry*Wc<)i of thd Second street, were among members of the CJonnecttciit Halls of Monteiu- the group Monday evening, Febru­ OcegTegoU®"*! church wlH meet ary S, at 7:30 In Murphy'a rcatau- Truman Asks Quickie ma Platoon which left Hartford t S g h t «a planned, -with a wpper Tough Battle To Join United Tuesday for Parris Island. S. C. At rant, on the aubject of "CSncer at 6:80, ajid an open meeting at the marine base the men from this Detection." and alao ahow a film. •llh t to which anyone Intereated la area will train as distinct units An Invitation la extended to aU On Austerity Anti-Red Front l^ t e d . A t thU P*;^ known as the "Connecticut Halls nursea and others Interested. The m a Dr. A. E. Friend will give of Montesuma Platoons Number club members are asked to report A tmvtlogu# w'd show colored promptly for the 6:30 dinner, and bbst Tax Bill of 10 Billion; ioAbVtM of hla trip to Europe, One and Two. to iiivtle guests for this special ihe State Institutions Set to Dulloh WariVfl Nippon­ meeting. Protest 22 Million ese the Alternative Past Matrons of Temple Chap­ ter. No. 53. Order of the Eastern Dollar Cut in Funds; Is Acceptance of Star, will postpone their monthly Democrats Hit Budget Communist Aggression Allies Push Near Seoul meeting scheduled for this eve­ h - ‘ SEABR«M>K ning until a later date. WUIIam MtcGonlgal" Hertford, Feb. —Governor Tokyo. Feb. 2— (g*)—The Urtited The American Legion Auxiliary Lodge today headed for a tough States today invited Japan to jolh Mixes Hartford. Hoboken, will hold lU first meeting of the time to “ hold the line’’ omhle aue- 6 collective defense agreement Winds Up in Calaboone /vinesAllies /vayance,Advanee **”'"****"* ”* month, Monday. February 6, in William McGonigal, of 1 Oak FARMS place, llnotyplst with The Herald terlty 8241,800,000 two-year Gen­ based tfn American power after a the American Legion hall on By Shopping At Hoboken, N. J., Feb. 3.—(IP, Tax Take o f 64 Bil- Leonard street. yesterday completed 60 years of eral Fund Budget. peace treaty is.signed. C m osd mstt Mn. Morion Corpontor who — Patrolman George Hove re­ Past Anyang;! is employment with thla newspaper. Signa were already cropping up Ambassador - at - I.,arge John ported the following dismsslon lion. Nearly a Third The winners of the prires at the Only one other member of Tho that aome agencies are out to have March of Dimes setback party Foster Dulles made the offer in a today; More Than Peak G>1> wfli bo horo FrWoy ond Sohirdoy to lot you tosto, Herald family has seen longer the Legislature’s Appropriation "Which way Is Elm street?” Fighting Bittei held last night by the Loyal Order service with the newspaper and careful and official speech before of Moose at the Brltlsh-Amerlcan HALE’S Self Serve and Health Market Committee hike their budgets asked an obviously puzaled pe­ lections o f W orlif cad to fo l yoo of tfio goodnott thot is pockoqod he la the publisher, Thomas Fer­ the Amertean-Japan Society. Top club were Mra. Florence Stratton. destrian. guson, who is in his 61st year. above the amounts recommended government and business leaders War II; Hikes Individ­ Mrs. Mary Dowd, Mrs. Margaret "Why. there’s no such street 2 Gliinese R«mI Compan­ Mdor tho SEABROOK FARMS FROZEN FRUITS Bill McGonigal is a native of by the Governor in his message were among several hundred per­ I Descy, Mrs. Charles Pickett. Mra. in Holioken,’’ Hove replied. ual Levies 4 Billion Manchester and in his youth was ITiursday. sons present. ies Stage Counterat- William Wamock. Mrs. Robert a wbll known player hav­ "Hoboken? I thought thla a n d Much of this Is slated to come Dullek said Japan could decide VEGETARLES Lobol. Moran and Mra. Pklward Descy. ing been a pitcher for the St. HEALTH MARKET was Hartford, Conn., the pe­ lark; TypliuH Spreads 4 Extra Specials from Btate institutions, whose for herself. But he warned Japan Wafthington, Feb. 2.— (ff) Mary’s Young Men’s club, one o f destrian said. heads are responsible to their must ehonae between Joining the the town’s leading amateur teams. SUNLIGHT REX B R A N D A slight disagreement en­ Among Korean Reds — President Truman today H A N D Y ’S SMALL boards of trustees rather than the United States or Inviting Commu­ BOY I t sr Mere Pa«ka{st of Stabnok ’Their home games were played on Gen. Dwight D. Eiaenhower (righ t), supreme commander o f Atlantic Fart forcea, reports to members nist aggression, and declared; sued and Charles Campbell, 38, asked Congress for a quick Governor. of Congress at an Informal meeting in Washington's Library of Congresa on hla recent sun-ey of the the Hollister lot at Main and Hol­ "Today the principal deterrent of 16 Townley street, Hartford, Tokyo. Saturday, Feb. 3 - (ip — $10,000,000,000 tax increase HALE'S Major battle will probably come European sitnatlon. He said Western Europe has “ the spirit to resist’’ an.v RusNian aggression and de­ Faim Fiena Foods oad SAVE 10%. lister streets. BUI started with power” to aggression "is possessed Conn., was booked on a dlaor- Tank-led Allied assault forces ad­ and said he will ask still an­ ’The Herald as a type compositor. TUNA Fresh Smoked over Governor Lodge’s slashing of clared the United States must help build the.necesmry defense forcea. (A P Wlrepliotu). derly person charge. BUTTER the 826,000.000 InsUtutional build­ hy the U n lt^ States." vanced through thick fog Friday other increase later. In a mes­ This h o Standing Dool A t AR Timos! Later he operated 'The Herald’s Would Help Forres In Japan Headquarters UnItype, a mechanical type-set- White Meat Flakes ing requests by the former Waugh night to points north of Anyang, sage to the legislators, Mr. Shoulders Commission to a 84,500,000 figure. Dullea said the United States Is ting machine that preceded the Shoulders preimrfd to eomhlne this power miles south of Red-held Seoul, Truman set out .this program FOR linotype. He has been operating It waa understood today that GOP Ignores ,THIS WEEK WE ARE FEATURINB Dean Albert E. Waugh, who head­ Major Strikes Cripple with that of other Western Na­ whieh is "only eight and one-half for raisThg the $15,000,000,- linotypes for ’The -Herald ever tions. under the United Nations U. N. Opposes Two to two and one-half miles 000: since the first machine was in­ ed that oomniittee, will appear at public hearings - to ' have the Charter, "eo that the deterrent south of Anyang, however, two 1. A 84,000,000,000 Increaas In stalled Id the plant. A younger S 3 1 ^ Ib. amount increased. Benton Blast power which protocte us also will conipanlea of Chlneae Communtata Individual, incoma taxaa;->«lraady “THE WILSON LABEL” brother. Joseph McGonigal, now 11 'll. Sanctions Talk (possibly 400 men) counter­ To Air Proteete Nation’s Defense Effort protect others." scheduled to yield a record 826,- ’The Herald's pressman, will soon lb- 5 3 ^ ^ attacked at in p. m. and atill were 000,000,000 In the flacal year atart- complete 40 years with this news­ HALE’S FRESH From Top Quality Portf The Governor’s office, a spokes­ He said the United States would C AM PB ELL’S On McCarthy eonslder retaining defense forcea fighting at midnight. Ing July 1. Pomoot WNson A Co. Grodo A Boof. paper. man said today, will not take steps No details were available on this GROUND to silence agencies who feel they \------In and near Japan "as a testimony At This Time 2. A 83,000,000,000 increase In RIB to the unity of our countries.” relatively small Red effort to corporation Income taxes. These Dkoef Cor Reuto To Our Front Door. should get more money. This is in check tho United Nations drive Ike Wants 40|““” Won’ t Cancel His Ap­ This was in effect the first offi­ With excess profits taxes included, line with the usual policy o f let­ M^at Workers and Au- which has gained about 20 miles BEANS ting agencies have a free hand be­ cial proposal to continue the pres<- Britain Dislikes U. S. In­ are scheduled to hit a record 820,- pointment to Appro­ since It began January 25. Ene­ 000,000,000. next year. n > . fore the Appropriations and Fi­ to Industry Stoppages ent actual defense precautions for SERVICES Pork Roast 47< Divisions Next sistence on Speed my opposition has been slackening 3. A 83,000,000,000 Increase In nance Committees. priations Committee, Japan after the treaty. dally. TENDER-KNIT STEAKS lb. $1.15 Spread Over Country Dulles reiterated that the only excise (sales) taxes—to be "con­ Frtim Tender, Lightweight Pork. Educational groups are almost In Applying Punitive Advance patrols of the Allies That Interpret the nishee Say Party Leaders deterrent to a poesible aggressor centrated upon leas essential con­ certain to fight for more funds, Year in West have been reported only seven sumer goods.” These taxes are qs- OLOOK CHUCK (Booie In) above the 82,300,000 increase pro­ By The Associated Press Is "fear of retaliatory power used Measures to China miles from Seoul. o f the fa m ily . In the interest o f collective secur­ tlmated to' yield 88,223,000,000 Ranges, Refrigerators 2 3 ^ posed by the governor. The nation— girding to preserve Washington. Feb. 3— (V)— Sen- Alllee Move Warily next year, under present tax laws. These attempts to bulge the ity” —the kind of power he offered lb. 59c We have Fresh Dressed Roast­ ita life— was hit today by m a jor. •’te Repiiblicahs today oold-ahould- .lapan. . Lake Success, Feb. 3__(ip —A Heavier forcea are moving up Would Total 64 MlUion POT ROAST budget line would come when pub­ Tells Congress No Lim Washers and AI! cred a Democrat's angry demand "An armed aggreasor" against behind-the-scenes battle was shap­ cautiously, wary against fiank at­ The schedule outlined would John B. Burke lic hearings are held soon on indi­ tacks which are the favorite Red ing Chickens, Local Plump Fowl, it Should Be P lW d that Senator McCarthy (R-Wis) Japan "would be subject to a ing up in the United Nations to­ mean a total tax lake of 864,300,- BONELESS CHUCK Other Appliances CRnRARNS $IS0,060 vidual agency budgets. _ T o rwi g~i’ bound Mipplles, halted rail and tactics. 000,000. FUNERAL HOME striking power, the immensity of day over whether sanctions should Other Capitol Hill developments On U. S. Troops; Gives'bus transportatlun for millions. be ousted from a committee which Chopped up are the Chinese 50th Titla is nearly a third more than STIR-N-ROU CONTIST ''W aybest" Brand Fryers and Broil­ today were these: passes on funds for the State De­ which defies imagination," he con­ lb. 89c w com tIBaatOartwSt «sL eR68 Radio Talk Tonight crippled vital Industries and threat­ tinued. be voted against aggressor Red and 38th Armies. Resistance haa the record collections of World POT ROAST JUKHAM 6RAND m u tUO.OO A MONTN Eye Civil Defense ened various food supplies. partment^? China If peace mdves fall. slackened even though the Commu­ W ar II when the take reached ers. SeWatlJr Benton. (D-Conn), for­ dlea "Grave Warning" flffty CtotWr J r o » m e i i m .ooo c a m A probability that the Appro­ A partial mall embargo was im­ Without this power, he pointed A top-heavy majority united In nist 39th and 40lh Annies are In 843,000,000,000 In 1945. priations committee next week Washington, Feb. 3.—IIP)—Gen. posed because of the spreading rail­ merly Asislstant Secretary of State EXTRA LE A N MW PASTIY AND MCUT MOfH out, the Republic of Korea was at­ the 44-7 General Assenihly vote immediate reeerve. Allied Com­ The undorstaniling among Con­ w ill chop 816,000 from the gover­ Dwight D. Eisenhower’s opposi­ road "sick call’’ walkout. lit into McCarthy yesterday In an manders said. gress mentbers Is that the further unusually blunt Senate speech. tacked by aggressors who were yesterday labelling Mao Tze-Tung nor’s emergency civil defense re­ tion to a limit on the number of Freight movement waa paralyzed "tempted by the probability that and his Red Hordes aggressors for Reliable sources said the ghastly Increase Mr. Truman Is to request CUT UP BEEF FOR STEW lb.89e OOlOMiOAl. ■ „ . SLICED BACON . quest of 8489.206 to keep that de­ « t mi(By y»rda across the naUpn. Benton called the Wisconsin threat of typua has made Its ap- later, would raise government rev­ American troops to be sent to Eu­ reaction to their attack would be a8tack^oi),-U. N. troops In Ko­ •'KNeArw.taJtatr K Ibte 53C I Pittt 44^ partment going unUl the end of Freight and exprean embargoes lawmaker an' "implacable' and. tt- rea. - ptarance arilong North ' Kbresn enues to more uWrn |71,000;000j000. rope split Yhe ranks of lawmakers locallaed’’ because the United N a­ I N I I C N I D 1 the flacal year July 1. were Imposed In numerous places. responiible - enemy’’ of the State Anyder Will Explain XCNDER demanding such a ceiling today. tions never made It clear It would But It already is splitting ovar troopa and that tuberculosis, FRESH GBOUim Millions of long-distance pas­ Department, a "ruthless propa­ what would be the moat effective The President left details of FLOUR 10 1 9irart RSe This reduction from the 851,000 Senator Tkft (R., Ohio), told a strike hack. trench foot, frostbite and other sengers and big city commuters gandist in the pattern of the n ep against Red China. how the proposed 810,000,000,000 tagged for personal services reporter he has not changed his Dulles began his 3,800 word wartime diseases likewise were ORT TOttO INVRY BLANK AND RICIFfS AT NltFLAT LAMB LIVER were hit by railroad curtailments. Kremlin, and a libeler. ’ Assembly President Nasrollah Increase is to he made for explana­ lb.69e would be made on the basis that position that Congress ought to McCarthy was not present for speech with a sober reminder that taking a toll among the (Thtneso LEAN HAMBURG Bus strikes added to the trans­ Entezam still waa trying to get tion by Secretary of the Treasury time has elapsed since the request tie down the number o f foot sol­ Benton’s speech. Later he Issued a "irresponsible militarism has not Allies. portation tieup. The worst of hla three-man Peace Committee Snyder, and that a shorter length of time diers who could be dispatched to statement which alluded to Benton yet been driven from the world. U. N. Forres Smash Trap KREY BROWN GRAVY WTTH these was in New Jersey where filled out. ThoOJ. 8. let it be known ' Snydrt' will go Into this at pub- Our meat cases are well stocked for staffing exists be^een now help man Western Europe’s de­ as "this defender of the State De­ I’hst clearly-exposed fact carries Prisoners of war Mid 50 to 100 1,600,000 bus and trolley riders that It wanted the Collective and July 1. Democratic Appropri­ fenses. partment’s Yalta crowd" who a grave warning to us all. But it is per cent of some North Korean were without service.- Measures— Sanctions — Commlt- (Continued on Page Bight) \ If91V England Ovessed SLICED BEEF 20 Oz. Tin 65c with high quality BEEF STEAKS ation committee members are However, Senator Douglas (D., "squeals and beats his breast in not a warning which cklls for companies are Infected with ty­ anxious to know Civil Defense top panic or for a fatalistic assump­ tee to get down to business not 111.), who has advocated that Con­ Bench Agreement agony because the day of judg later than next week. phus, a disease transmitted by personnel to be named before ap­ gress fix a ratio of American to The way was paved today for ment is at hand for the crimson tion that general war is bound to vermin from rats. However, U. 8. PREMIER or ROASTS, LAMB LEGS and come. But many members went along proving the request. European troops, said he is sur­ early settlement o f the one-day-old clique In the State Department.." Eight Army investigators said Eresh Pork Products "The United States, I assure with the Americans on the Red Civil Defense Director William prised at Eisenhower's opposition strike on the vast Public Service Stirred Controversy there was no evidence that Chi­ U. N. Forces DAINTY CHOPS, FRESH VEAL, you, is proceeding on the assump­ China Indictment because it con­ 1 Lb. Jar 3 5 c Heaketh and his deputy. Police and will have to "think the whole transportation system, which has McCarthy stirred up a hot cosi- nese troops have been affected PURE HONEY tion that general war is avoidable. tained the Lebanese go-slow-on- 6-B LB. AVO^WHOLB Commissioner Edward J. Rickey matter over.’’’ been seized by the state of New tcDVeray last year with his charges seriously by the disease. But also we assume that peace sanctlons amendment which the To Halt at 38 C R YS TA L WfHTTE READY-TO-EAT HAM, and a large will meet with the committee next On Radio at 10:45 P. M. Jersey. that Communists and fellow trav­ U. S. accepted. No typhus cases were reported BABY PORK LOINS Officials o f the company and elers had infiltrated the State De­ will not be gained merely by wish­ among inoculated U.N. troops. Eiaenhower ha.s an opportunity ing for it. To win peace requires Britain said so out loud. It variety of SAUSAGE PRODUCTS. (Con tin tied on Page Ten) A F L union leaders reached a con­ partment — charges the Depart­ Army officials in Washington said tonight to explain more fully his vigorous, sustained and well-di­ Would have voted against the res­ KARO SYRUP position on this point when he re­ tract agreement. Terms of the ment denied. He repeatedly has olution without the amendment, Russian sattellte countries have U. S. Sees Neither Reds agreement, including a pay boost demanded that Secretary of State rected efforts which compare. In Britain warned. had difficulty perfecting an ef­ Our attractive COLD CUTS are ports to the nation by radio (10:45 magnitude and sacrificial quality, Nor Allies Able to FRESH PORK SHOULDERS HALLMARK PRE-COOKED p. m;, e.s.t.), on his survey of will be submitted later today to Acheson be fired. Just before the Assembly took fective vaccine. the 6,500 striking AFL bus and with the efforts required to win sliced fresh as you order. "The Senator from Wisconsin is a war." Its historic action yesterday __ it On the Allied right flank, near Win Final Victory trolley drivers and maintenance to be the- judge. Jury and prose­ the Juncture of Western and cen- (Continued on Page Twelve) Dulles delivered his speech be­ was the Brst time in Its history News Tidbits men. I f they vote to accept the cutor of the State Department. He BEANS fore several hundred Japanese and that tho U.N. Assembly haa erer FRESH FORK BUTTS Culled From (/P) Wires pact, it may take at least 24 hours (Oontlnoed on Page Ten) Washington, Feb. 2—UP—A re­ becomes his own kangaroo court,” Americana, Including Prime Min­ named anyone an aggressor—Bri­ NO. 8 OR 9 LA ROSA to restore full service. Benton declared. ported decision to halt United Na­ We know that some people are The contract announcement ister Shigeru Yoshlda and other tain's Sir Gladwyn Jebb stressed tions forces short of the 38th Par­ Benton called bn "responsible hla country’s stand. Edward J. Ooady of West Aged Man Lost came, three hours after Gov. A l­ government and Industrial lead­ allel, If they can drive that far 1 Lb. leaders of the Republicsn Party ers. Dubious on SauetioiM LITTLE LINK SAUSAGE SPAGHETTI using more Seafood and we cer­ Have;], former deputy stats civil fred E. Driscoll ordered the state to re-examine this appointment,’’ north, indicated today that this to take over control of the transit "W e attach primary inaportance Yugoslav King defense director whom Governor and he asked the GOP Committee country Is ready to keep the way In Icy Swamp system under' the Public Utility to the work of Good Offices 1 LB. CAN HERSHEY tainly approre; arid we'll, try to lo d g e replaced by appointing on Committees to meet with him open for a possible diplomatic OUK OWN PURE FORK Strike Curb Law. Oommlttee,” Jebb keynoted. "Now aettlemrnt of the Korean War. Slate Police Commissioner Edward to discuss the matter. McCarthy that we have eati.bllsh(^ our moral Offers Troops maintain a good variety in our Fish Scores o f thousands who com­ is a member. 4 Negroes Die Responsible authorities said last SAUSABE MEAT lb. 65c CHOCOLATE J. Hickey, declines appointment as Rescued from Mire Aft­ mute daily Into New York city position by -condemning (Bed New Haven area civil defense Senator Butler ( R.. Neb. (, Chair­ night that such a decision had been DeUdoua—None Better. from Long Island and other "New CXilna), the most important thing reached and would be transmitted display so you can save on Seaf ood, d irecto r---- Government witness man of the Assignment Commit­ er All Night Wander­ York State points either were III Rape Attack Is to concentrate on an agreed Peter Would Supply One to the U. N. Commander, Gen. SYRUP 2 p.3 3 c tesUfies that William W. Reming­ tee, told a reporter the group without rail or bus service. solution of the Korean question, Douglas MacArthur, If it had not FRESH ton trifed to get him to join Coirs^ ing; Feels Little Tired would meet with Benton if he in­ Division to Proposed Thousands Idle rather than on the question o f po­ been already. Although they were 46 OZ. CAN. DOLE munlst Party nearly 15 years ago The rail walkout, which spread sisted, "but I don’t know of a tential sanctions, reluctant to discuss the develop­ BABY BEEF LIVER Clinton, Feb. 2—(ip — EUghty- along more of the nation’s life­ thing he could tell us that would Last Minute Clemency U. S. Foreign Legion ■Fresh Fruit and Vegetables . . . .More than 4,000 dockers in "Apart from the fact that the ment even privately, the Intent ap­ three-year-old George F. Greene lines, caused layoffs of thousands change the appointment of Sena­ Liverpool, England, quit work in Pleas Fail; Three consideration of sanctions should peared to be to create If possible . PINEAPPLE JUICE 37c became mired in an Icy swamp for ^f workers In other industries. tor McCarthy." Washington. Feb. 2—OP)—Exiled ..FERRIS HICKORY wildcat strike for higher wages. Wherrj- I.auds McCarthy not even be started by the General a basis for new efforts at a politi­ Delightful? ..Connecticut has estimated 190,- several hours early today after • The government made two legal More Die Monday King Peter of Yiigoslaria has of­ 6 OZ. CAN, SW ANSON’S wandering through woods since 6 moves seeking to halt the walkout There was this comment from Assembly for a long time yet, so fered to supply "at least one di­ cal settlement. SLICED BACON LETTUCE 16c 000 persons with one or more some other members of the GOP as not to prejudice any hope of an The old dividing line between chronic disenses___ Chinese Na- o’<;lock last night, but insisted as more trainmen reported “sick” Richmond, Va., Feb. 2—{Ip— vision" for a United States "For*' in a pay-hours dispute on more Committee on Committees: agreed solution, mv government D e lir io u s ? ; tionallst defense ministry charges after his rescue that, he felt fine e i ^ Legion" in Europe. BONED TURKEY except for being "a little tired." than two score rsllroads in about Senator Bricker of Ohio: "A s Four of seven Martinsville Ne­ quite frankly has the gravest The offer was received by Sena­ (Continued on Page Pwelve) SPERRY AND BARNF.S that Chinese Reds have executed A physician who ordered the 40 cities. “ far as I am concerned. I don’t need groes, denied an eleventh hour doubts whether any punitive meas­ tor Edwin C. Johnson (D., Colo.), NO . tv , CAN. SILVER LANE GREEN SQUASH .b 17c noere than 100,000 persons in "un­ Benton’s advice. The appointment elderly man to spend the day In Pear or cold homes and idle in­ stay by the Chief Justice of the ures can be discovered which are who haa proposed that the U. 8. SUCED BACON Delovely? precedented massacres" on main­ dustries and business houses grew will stick and I think It’s a good not dangerous, douMe-etlged, bed agreed that his condition was United States, were electrocuted or Army recruit 1,000,000 foreign YELLOW GLOBE land . . . . Ranks of t;ducation are good despite his experience. as fuel oil shipments were tied up Otlf." merely uaeleos, oi any which will Anti-Communists for service in Tries to Join SAUERKRAUT f c split over proposed drafting of 18- Senator Jenner of Indiana: "The in the old State Penitentiary here 2 ., 25 Police found Greene after Mel­ and anthracite mining was cur­ ANOTHER LOAD OF DELICIOUS, PLUMP materially assist our brave troops the North Atlantic Defense Force. Yes, indeed! It's another bra by year-olds .... Defense department ville Buell called them at 3 a. m., tailed. today for the rape** of a white wo­ no-w fighting in Korea.” Johnson made the exiled monarch’s 14)/^ OZ. CAN, PREMIER CUT I Lbs. 11c (Continued no Pnge Ten') TURNIPS asks that 80,(HM) men be drafted reporting he could hear someone Among industries hit by strikes man. Three others are to die Mon­ The 14-nation ^Collective Meas­ letter public today. Up in Korea into Army during April. FRESH DRESSED FOWL lb. 53c crying for help in 'a swamp near were autos, locomotives and meat day. • ures Oomroittee 'can only discuss It said: WetheieU’e Beat. A S P A RAGUS SPEARS 31c Ralls and steels bolster stock his home. • packing. what sanctions might be applied “ I Intended to contact General Each 25c market and -keep prices headed Dog Waa Nearby Furloughs were ordered In the ’Risy paid with their lives for (Dwight D.) Elsenhower's local Vet Hitch-Hikes Way EGG PLA N T the brutal mass assault on Mrs. to Red CStliia, and recommend to higher . . . Arm y’s surgeon gen- Chief Carl F. Weisae and Officer Coal Crisis the General AsaemWy that they headquarters with an identical Frank Pavelka, guided to the (Continued on Page Twelve) Ruby Stroud Floyd two years ago eial reports 8,800 frostbite eases be Invoked. H ie Assembly, In turn, plqn—when the Associated Press From N. Y. to Front ROASTING CHICKENS scene by Buell, found Greene In a "shanty town" section of mong U. S. troops in Korea can only recommend — not order— r e tr ie d you were introducing ^Lbs. 29c trough December . . . EMwIn Pau­ standing in mud above hla ankles, Hits Britain Martinsville. Tho electrocution of To Fight Communists 4 ^ te 8 Lh, Average. Style 207 . . i e;-*--really created *to S PA N ISH RICE 2 cb. 37c I BANANAS S Treasury Balance the diplomatic, economic or mili­ legislation about an ‘Atlantic Pact’ ley, experienced oilman and former uhable to extricate, his feet. the four required exactly one Foreign Legion. |. hour. tary Retaliation. give that youthful look that com* U. B. reparations official, says Greene’s dog, whining with cold Washington, Feb. 2—(gV-The S«ht Frops Paris " U. 8. Eighth Army*Headquar- SWIFTS PRCMXUM DEEP BLUE r The U. S. feela that the work of ^Lbs. 29c Russia’s oil resources are highly and fright, was nearby. poslUon o f the Treasury Jan. 31: Consumption Outstrips First o f the negroes to die was *T am most aoxtoua to place all ters, Korea, Feb. 2—UPlr~A 26- pliments “everything.” Patented GRAPES the Committees on Good (jfflcea overrated. Greene said he had left his home Net budget recelpU, 8281,I04,0l2,r Joe Henry Hampton. He was available data at your disposal. year-old man who said he came all EVISGERATED TURKEYS “Nature-Lift” support guarantees ROCK LOBSTER 49c ITALIAN New Britain Council of Catholic on Ice Pond Lane, where he Uvea 23; budget expenditures, 8561,- Produ(;tion; Arms strapped In the chair at 8:05 a.m. and on Oollectivo Measures must As you probably know, my chan­ the way from New York to Join B io 11 Lb. Average. supplement carti other. that the bust will be lifted from the Women sends letters to all theater 948,114.63; cash balance, 84,453,- Program Threatened and pronounced dead seven minutes cellery keeps track of enough able- the Arm y "was brought from the Lb. managers there requesting them (Continued on Page Eight) 643,670.69. "The qore-productive the Good bodied Antl-Communlst Yugoslav bottlefront today to take a physi­ CHESTNUTS 21c ■ 4 later. Then at 15-mlnute intervals, side as well as from belot\. NO. 8.o. 51c POTATOES 45c k I siles plant reportedly, Will I con­ "dpesn’l hqve a penny to show for i daughter, Bheila, 10, pending trial 3,000,000 men out of work- ; The other three Martinsville men fort to expedite the establishment [ tbe hearing, ed CoL John (M ike) Michaelis. .T .W o o d structed near Tucson, AriZ., ’ by it" foimd a sympathetic listener ' of her divorce suit. to die Monday are Francis Dcsales Friday ta Saparvlia tha ntting of tha DOLORES Trying to stretch faflt dwindling . . * . . 1 mill ■» the Leipnor, Chairman o f the Senate the regiment'a commander. Howard Hughes.. .New device Is in Superior, ^oiirt. The former Mra... Hazel New­ Grayson, 40; John Clabon Taylor, of a steel mill at Waterford, JmUogry OommiUee, oald that SNOW CROP Green Stamps Given With Cash Saks coal stocks, the SpeiaUst Govern­ Newtoi) wore Army khaki.’ R ra . specdlng..rrfuiKls to Cpnnecttcut Warren A. Newcombe, 56, who combs, 62, aafd Newcombe ment ordered a 16 per cant ctR In 34, ahd Jamex Hfirston, 23. Senate Judiciary Committee will j jjSlvln M. Oichter, Cbalman Navy, Air Fort* Vet LOCKER PLANT tartpayers; . .RlW radio In North o c won special effects ’’Oacars’’ for been paying her 6 ^ a w«ek for coal deliveries to tndurtiV— Jamaa Hairston is a brother of bold a bearing Wednesday after of the House Judiciary Oommlttee, He identified himself thus: A CAULIFLOWER .<>L25 Korea dlidoseq death of Kl Cheic, "Tltirty SecoAds Over Tokyo" in herpelf and two daughtafa, f a ­ ing defense plants arid key e i ^ r t H a w a ii Uae Hairston. Frank noon on a hill proposing the cre­ haa been informed o f the meeting conunerclsl pilot In clviUsn lift; Communist vlce-prenoier . . . Sug­ 1944 and "Green Dolphin Street" mine, 15, am) Rally, 13, and aakad f a i l l e s . % Halrsten, Jr., la a distant rslatlva ation of the Eastern Development gnd Invitod to attend with his mwrted—hU w ife and two ^ - gestions that aabotage might have In 1947, told Judge Elm er D. SNQW CROP that that aum be. put In a court .T h t giovenunent, Rhich runa Dm of the two. (Corporation, which would see the committee. * dren living at n 4 8 Nadine street. MEAT BOUSE caused 83,000,000 Dupleasls High­ CQftl Doyle about hla trpublee with hla order. • natlotialiaed mines, also boont^ in>a man want quietly to tha ppoject through. The Eastern Development Oor- Ttm pU

I BANCHESTER e v e n i n g h e r a l d , MANCHESTER, c o n n .. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY *, 1951 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTEPv, CONN., FTUDAY. FEBRUARY 2, 1D61 i*ACE TH kfev: Crota ChapUr ISadars from all ings above these amounU will CbnnacUcut Blue Ooaa. In iU flrit ad from $150 to $175 and from $S00 two years, CMS hs enroUsd «v*t parta of the sUU will meat hers to $250. "WhUe some fee* have not benefit from Utb higher allowances hold • grocery aociiU thia svsnlng with allowancs In membsr hospi­ bsra’ cara— chargaa which wa can revised Blue Croaa program haa B':e?s^^ ypiaii8 been changed”, he said, "maBy. In the new CMS schedule, which 20% w the toUi lUit* population on Fsbruary 0 at tbs BushnsU TEiTIMOWU. BANQUET DANCE at 8:15 p.m. at the G. A, R. Hall. tals, except that 80 per cent of no longer meat from currant in­ the full approval of the State In­ and has paid out more than $8,000,- Msmorisl to discuss-tbs oomlag Rockville Fee Increased come. The new rate achedulo will surance Commissioner of Connec- have been raised in amounts rang- ^iply sj a credit sgalmt thb doc­ STATE Librafy Report charges, up to a maximum of ^ from $5 to 50 to b r t^ a aub- tor’s bill in such cases. 000 in benefltsr aettlng a record for Rsd' Cross Fund drive in Msreh. $500, is allowed for special serv­ establish a proper balance between flciit. He .said that full details on |Bai1|evi8ed i^ U a l overaU Increase In keeping rapid growth among non-profit Hartford Chairman *Jack Hoover RAINBOW BLUB - BOLTON ■■yi Miss Edith M. Peck, librarian ices, in addition to room credit and hospital payments and members' the new rates and benefits, as well Mr. Judd stated that the raU NOW PLATINO — of the Rockville Public Library By Blue Gross as copies of the amended subm-rlb- EMERGENCY surgical plans throughout the said that Oov. John Lodge and dues and vriti enable us to continue with recommendations of both the at which CMS beneflU are used oth?r benefits. pUbUc and medical profession,” country. Jamea T. HIchoIaon, Executive Sponsored By Union Officials reports that a total of 84,667 the broad service benefits of er’s corttracl, will be dstriblited to has gone up steadily ever since, the Vice Prealdent and General Man­ books were borrowed from the Jl- Mr. Kennedy stressed the fact Blue Cross during this high-cost all subscribers through their Cdnneclient Medical OMhplete Payuegt that Blue Cross apcclal aervicea— l^sn started. ‘”roday, more people Plan Red Cross Drive ager of the American National Young Democratic Club, of Manchester brary during 1950, there being a Boost to Go Into Effect period.” places of eiuployment or b.v mull ^Service to Expand Pro­ Mr. Judd ^ald that mote C3f8 are getting more ooetly surgical Rsd Croaa, will be among the Call Meeting alight increase over the previous such as drugs, serums. X-rays and Mr. Kennedy reported that the during the coming week. T V SERVICE VI members will be able to’ taka ad­ oars than ever before,” he declared. Hartford, Feb. 2 — — Red apeakers. On Saturday Evening—Feb. 3— At 7 P. M. year. April 1; New Benefits others — automatically Increase gram on Aprfl 1 vantage of the plan’s "service "Our new program Is geared to Interesting facts included in her To Follow the Hike whenever theh* services go up in beneflU” feature with the revised these conditions and will provide •— WITH — Rockville IaicbI No. 58 annual report Include the fact price or when new ones coni* into I We will have o TV service man CwiiMctlcttt Medical Service will annual-income level* in the new better-than-ever coverage againat STEAK DINNER RIcliBrd WMoiark thpt the library waa open 252 use, since the hoapltal plan covers I program. Under "service benefits,” tha hazard of surgical expense.” TWUA to Discus* Con­ Connecticut, Blue Cross today these items wiUiout limit during j •spuid lU anivlcal care Plua: "GASOLINE ALLEY” days during the year; 49 hours a on duty every Sunday, 12 noon to M* April 1 to meet the need for CMS Participating Physician* will CMS bega.i business in April. Mutie By A t i MeKay tract on Sumlay week for Lending, Reference and announced the first increase in three weeks of care in member i ligher paymenU and “ •* accept the CMS fee as coenpleU 1940 under sponsorship of tha Con­ Reading; Volumes at the begin­ hospital plan membership,^ fees hospitals. Tiis coverage will con- ‘ tinuc, he said, and will include | 6 P. M. Emergency calls only. bmeritirCMS Prerident Robert S. payment for aurglcal operation* necticut State Medical Society and Ticketa may be obtained from Joseph Reale, Ann ning of the year, 26,319; volumes since 1946. Blue Cross President Judd announced today.. Increaew fvirnlshed to a member whose in­ Bockville, Feb. 2— (Special) — added by purchase, 1,260; volumes Harry B. Kennedy said that new new drugs and Other techniques' Sunday service calls $7.50. Bub^riptlon fees for the P'W> ■ come is within cerUin amounU. Mahoney, Una DePubipo, Mrs. Viens, Olga Johnson and A meeting of Local 58 TWUA, added by gift, 57; volumes dis­ rates will go into effect for the adijpted by hospital* in line with 400,000 membem wlU g o into ef­ These Income level* have now been Tony Bayleas. CIO haa been called for Sunday carded, 889; total number of col­ plan’s one million members with advances in patient care! | fect at the aame time. raised M follows: individual, un­ afternoon at 2:30 p. m. in the umns now In library, 26,752; vol­ payments due on and after April Revlaiona are baeed on euKpee- Town Hall with the following Outlining basic reasons for the; married subscriber—changed from DONATION 12.50 umes of fiction lent for home use, 1. ’The adjustment la necessary to revised program, Mr. Kennedy | C A L L 2 0 0 4 6 tlona received from member* ana $2500 to $280b per year; husband Rtatenient being is-iued by the adult. 31.220; Juvenile, 30,186; doctors since the non-profit or­ continue the Blue Cross program said, "the cosU of hospital care, and wife—from $3000 to $3500 per > ■ Union officiala: volumes of non fiction lent for in the face of higher hospital costs, ganisation was formed two year* E.lh.r WIIII.M. M. Tli*inpM« ” M. T. Steveas & Sons Com­ like the coKt of everything else, y^i^. family —from $3500 to $4500. home use. adult, 17,510; juvenile, greater use of benefits, and addi­ aco, Mr. Judd said, and represent B .w .r d K m I Vlrsklt n»Id 0 pany lia.s refused to extend the has continued to rise since 1946, Formerly, the subscriber’s own in­ 5,6.’>1; borrowers registered dur­ agwieral broadening of plan bene- present contract with the Textile tional hospital services, Mr. Ken­ while Blue Cross rates have re­ come was the basis for "serv’lce “ Pauan “ Dial ing the year, adult, 814; juvenile. nedy explained. Workers Union of America to per­ 304. total 1,118; total number of mained stable during the past four ^*Ftor payroll-group subscribers, beneflU.” Under the new program, 1.4>ve Sonu” 1119” mit further negotiations for a For subscribers enrolled through years. At the same time, hospital combined fainlly-lnoome will de­ registered borrowers, adult. 2,396; MALONEY’ S monthly membership r a ^ S:t5-S:M-S:S* 1:4541:18 new contract to replace the one payroll groups, the revised monthly services have expanded with the the new program are: Indiriduals termine eligrlbilit>. juvenile, 990. total. 3.386; number rates are $1.80 for individuals, $3.- It A AND TKI.KVISION i t-Yie which expired at midnight on of peri<}dicala received, 93; num­ addition of ’wonder drugs’ and i 1)10 _1.95 per month, husband and The CMS preeldcnt pointed out Saa.; Bias Cmbjr. ”Br. Wednesday. January 31,. 1951. All 60 for ffusband and wife, and $4.50 other new method,, of fighting •wife -41.00. family—»3.8S. Bates ber- of newspapers, received, 7: «>«() ('KNTKR STIIKKT TEL. 2-lo ift that member* with yearly earn­ CAYEY'S other woolen and worsted com- number of reference questions for a family. For those who make disease and prolo'iiging life. On top Statta payments directly to Blue Cross, for those who make panic.s whose contracts with the ask^l, 1.214; number of pictures of th»s, the use of- hospital facili­ rectly to the plan are 11.17, 12.34 Union expired at the same time new monthly rate.s are $2.17, $4.34 and $8.50 per month, payable on a TONIGHT loaned, 2.018; nymber of books ties by the general public, includ­ have agreed to a fifteen day ex­ rehor. wiU reeume again ciarting at to be heard, the court agteedi to urer, Nlcholaa' Armentsno, Staf­ fi I •.. < -u-P-' ; • 1.1’ . • ; i .» iB)Mi vfii iKGiiinr NTt KSTilA TK.ADE IN ALLOWANCE 3:15 p. m. continuoue ’til cloa- hear the motions Ister in Hart­ ford Springs; secretat'y, John H. DUItlNt; THIS SALE . Ing. ford. Ernest L. Reed, charged Yeomans, Andover. with contempt, agreed to pay his former wife $20 a week, $10 being SUN. - MON. - TUES. weekly payments and $10 toward January Report S U G G E S T I ON the amount he is In arrears. Other lla C cA/. G h V U A /. and Mrs. Hyman Berman. expenses for January totaled the best Investment you cun The Junior Congregation meets $27.20. ARCHITEOURAl make. Cabinets, ainks, gar­ DISPLAY at 10 a.m. on Saturday and the CABINETRY bage disposers — everything FIXTURES Sunday School meets Sunday at 10 a.m. to make your work easier, Finding Isaued more pleasant., Get full in­ fo r you? S T A R T S TODAY Coroner Bernard J. Ackerman NORM’S formation about this most Built for the future... ONE ENTIRE WEEK . has issued hLs findings orrthe death desirable of all kitchen lines Buill in iujely . . . o£ Mildred 8. Zenovldrff, atsting froth SHIPSHAPE. - it waa due to grosa negligence of TCOSTOM M ADE CABINETMAKERS Kuii*er’!< Snfi‘ )-Cuslilon PaiMcil ln‘-liumciil DRIVE m SASH & DOORS SUPPLIES 1 the driver Of the car in which she Pniicl. sniurlcsl over. give., you extra |ii ob-clion waa a passenger; Bertha I. Hunt 1 being the operator of the car In­ Tasty Sandwiches agu'|ii!‘t siiiliicn slops! (,\iiollicr feature of volved In the fatal collision on the Analuiiiic Design lluit will still lie new Wilbur Cross Highway Dec. 30, years from now !) 1950. The finding atatea in part Silex Coffee ” It la abundantly clear that Mrs. Hunt did violate this statue (Sec­ Put Up To Take Out ISitilt best in visibility... tion 2489 of the General Statutes) 522 Middle Turnpike. East Duill best in rntrancc-crisr, / which violation was a causative Opposite Green School .Anatomic Design brings ypu tlie largest factor In the resulting death of High-Bridge Doors, curved up into the roof w iinlshield in any passenger car— square the decedent and, ahe did not have im hes! (Where, in Uie next five years, will you a free and unabatructed. view of line, let you walk in and dut without stooping... tiui highway ahead of her when ahe let you reach holh front and rear seals without tinil larger ?) Slimmesl slant.back corner posts. suddenly turned from the rear of squirming! (A fulure-foalurc Kaiser owners get loiltiy !] donl>li--w>'lih-il for extra rigidity ...n o ‘’blind spots” ! •M the bus, to her left to overtake the bus. The indisputable physical facts as well as corroborative tes­ timony of credible eye witnesses tSD BIG HIT leave no room for doiibt that her groas negligence.waa the proximate / 1,000,000 PEOPLE j r Ckuae of the death of the decedent.” /HUHTflKEWMUNI# Sodala Tonight The Men’s Club of the Rockville Methodist church will hold a pin- ochls party thia evening at 7:30 p.m. at Wesleyan Hall. Living Best for the future! Alden Skinner Auxiliary will Built best in driving comfort... § 1 0 - There's s long, future of coinforl in Built best in convenience... in the Kaiser’s entire new low design! New elbow-height ^ Kaiser's Tuek-Away Tire Well rides m windows let you resf your arm comfortably your spare tire under the luggage compartment while driving...no “craning,” thanks to instead of in it! More luggage room, less basement? the low hood and high-slant windshield! luggage wear and tear! A years-ahead (Again —Anatomic Design!) triumph of Anatomic Design!) 3 Built best in performance... Kaiser's revolutionary Sujrcrsonic Engine, ( M ' j BURNSIDE™' AFTER THE ACCIDENT luade

mtAm. , HARTrnnn -JWMVj Our new portable Silent Glow healer provides heat for the house while your taandsewn handsom e! l i P d f > e r s c i n 1 , . T i m j - a , present furnace is being convertetl or re­ Versatile varieties placed. C—two-pisco hsather tw*e<$auit O-r-our one-piac* intricately R—our golden emblem beauty . . . plpsd In solid knit trim­ patterned knit U hand-faah- BOB RUSSELL o f a suit . . with tha new ming . . . newly designed with ioned in nubby wool . . . It has mmi-dolman alaeva . . . comae ■sml-dolman sleeve and allm dolman sleeves and nlpped-ln in time, rod, turquoise, spring * •heath akirt. graan, brown. navy or whlU. aUse 10-10, waist . • * navy, powdsr blue Maek or navy bcathar tWooda. ’ or coral, aises 10-16. 35.00 82AS •iMa 10-ia lO.OS 175 East Feature for feature, Kaiser^ the newest! Center St. thop salon for ihat ''Hpndknit look! Tel. 3965 EdgSr Clarke MORIARTY^ 6 HERS IM RHur SaUH W W t a i v t f l ilfNSt Im r. Grand Prix iHanneut, France Mlt ll Mtir Hi lid M i l IMII SetymimmtKaiMeaFntirDetiertiisf O » ‘ ‘ V ' . ' ' ' ' ; Insurer SIS CIi/tIR SIRfiT., MANCNISTft Til.fFHONI SI35

V . , . • , ■ ’.’Il ■ . ■ / . *'rr

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1961 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1961 PAGE nysj nxnt Lutheran churches » Estonia dunga Buffat oempany for a ra- ing to fear In Communism," h t said. "B u t when a man 2 Center St. Phone 5856 various periods in February and Burnham; nominating committee. Baturday, February 8 of this town and Edmund J. Dies Patlenta Today ...... l*ft in more expensive ways.” A Chicago official. Dr. Armtn G. I and you may choose hand sewing •heriff for Hartford County for The official called for wide Store Fronts, Picture Framing, March are in addition to the six- Stepheji WlllianiB, Lawrence Dow Girl fecout annual dinner. South of Hartford, two o( the executors Admitted yesterday: .Sharon India's request for two million Weng, president of the Lutheran kf 1 offices which are normally or ntachihe etltohing as botji sre the next four months ^ t l l the McPartlond, 248 McKee street: church support of the chief execu­ Venrttao minds. and Tiiomaa Ahern: program, required In making these ba^. Methodist church, 6:30 p.m. of the Harry Bond estate, asking tive's plan to aid less advanced tons of grain to prevent a famine Theological Seminary at May-1 enaintained in the state. Russell Levak and Lloyd Grant S erU fa office ia Testimonial banquet and dance. Mitt Patricia Woods, 888 Center now Is under consideration by a wood, estimated that one million Furniture Tops Those attending In the morning Democrats. In the rewnt ^«Won removal of Mrs. Francis K- Pushe nations. While many taxpayers have util- Unq publicity, Dexter Burnham. are asked to bring along sanrl- Young Democratic chib, Rainbow street; Mrs. Annie Tedford, 92 Senate subcommittee. college students do not belong to | ized the tax service rendered by control of the office changed from of Hartford, the third executor, BItsell strset; Stanley Poguis. Bernard A. Confer, administra­ A membership drive will be con­ wiches for lunch. Coffee will be Republican to Democratic part> cldb In Bolton. 7 d. m. tive secretary of Lutheran World In his remarks. Confer said any church and said that college! the various district offices, tem­ ducted during the next two weeks. Sunda.\, February 4 was granted yesterday by Judge Somers: Mrs. Malvina Chagnon, campuses are "the most challeng­ porary locations which blanket seiwed by the ho.spltality commit­ irlth the current terms of office Relief, addressing the National Lutheran World Relief had shipped Business organizations and ail tee. Boy Scouts town wide publicity Johnston. 68 Blssell street: Pefry Wilkes. ing mle.slon field open to the I the entire state will assure tax- / ending in June. The coert granted the Rogers- 332 Center street; Mrs. Adelaide Lutheran CoimcH's 33rd annual 53,029,2.69 pounds of food, cloth­ persons having an interest in the Daffy will flll a vacancy caused project. ing, medicine and other supplies church.” I players the most service possible welfare of the town are eligible Oles petition commenting that Black. 28 Cambridge street; Phil­ convention, said: with a minimum of Inconvenience. bjf death of a deputy. On# of the First anntial banquet of Itallon- abroad since It was organised In for membership. All applications Amer*cnn club at clubhons.c, V p. Mrs Pushe, v-ho once waa Mr.. ip Bedard. 89 School street. ^ "It Is time our churches took Deputy collectors from the shall be In writing. Anyone In­ moat expertcSiced court officers in Bonds secretary, "apparently la public stands In endorsing point 1945. this area, Constable Dnffy has^ ai- m. Admitted today: Mrs. Sarah Hartford division have been as­ terested may contact any one of Tuesdat. Fehrmiry 6 so Inlctcslcd In the sale of stock Mullen. 181 Pine street: Mrs. Anna four in principle and encouraged The goods, which had a value GflRTnER signed In this area to East Hart­ He Got 'the- original committee for a mem­ ao been endorsed by the GOl’ public support of a governmental of $16,142,791. were distributed in 6 Town committee to return to his Lecltirc bv Rev. rhonins Stack Ol B.sseU of the Hotel Bond cora- Gottfried, Colchester: Edmund 777 Moin St. MoncKwitw*, Cwtn. 1-144 ford Town Hall. Febniafy , 7„8 bership application. [at Lndle.s if't:olumbus meelliig. at [)U!iy to the Exchange Buffet cor- Dwyer. 108 Cooper Hill street. program that provides aid of a 21 countries in Europe, Asia and NgblCoiighs and 9: Hartford Post Office. Feb­ former post as town court proba­ the Middle East, he said. During the week of Feb. 18 Stomach Distress Pt. Jamc.s's hnlL j-urfllion of New York City that Discharged yesterday; Mrs. basic kind and makes Inroads on due to colds...eased ruary 8 and 9; Manchester. 1st there will be a meeting of the tion officer at the time new courl these conditions which speed the A report that totalitarian pag­ * •'Without "dosing" Nat'i. Bank, Feb. .6 thru 9; Man­ appointments are made. Friday, February • ^hc Is tcrrllied by thiuiU of future Jeanette Scrable, Colchester; committee and the new members. When He Ate At Pete’s 1 ' World Day of Prayer services, litigation to sell to anyone except Thomas Trotter, 88 S)(jmmlt spread of Communism and other anism is endangering -Lutheran chester Town Hall, Febniary 19 Ellsworth Mmorial' High school through March 1.6; Rockrille Post adulU and children. Center church Kx, Iinngc Buffet corporation,'' and street; Cherly McCann, 74 Birch radicalism." churches in Europe was given the basketball team defeated Siiffield Office. February 5 thru 9. at 2:30 p. m. was unwilling to se the advantage street; I.*o Poulin, 19 FTorence Another convention speaker. Dr. convention by Dr. Sylvester C. High team 46^42 Tiieaday night at Tries to Join Father and son banquet. Eman­ of other offers superior to those of street; Mrs. Elsa Spence. 20 Frederick A. Schlotx, head of the Mlchelfelder, executive secretary Suffleld. The junior varsity pre­ uel Lutheran church, 0:.3O p.m. Hip F.xc hnngi Bi.ffet corporation. Woodhrldse street: Mrs. Vena National Lutheran Council’s com­ of the Lutheran World Federation. liminary game was also won 28- Sunday, February II The court found that Mr.-!. Pushe Jones. 30 Phelps road; Robert mission on younger churches and Said Dr. Mlchelfelder: 27 bv Ellsworth. Up in Korea "Our Lutheran church In Poland 24th Annual concert sponsored has become ' unfit to continue as a Kractschmar. Middle Turopike, orphan missions, said the “fear of F. W. REIGHARD Wapping The next game wrlll be Friday, Is very likely to be the next vic­ hy Manchester Police Mutual Aid I o-oxct iiior" and that her actions east. hunger is more real than fear of Feb 2 at home with Klngswood. (Continued from Page One) Communism.” tim. The Lutheran church In Ru­ As.soclatUin. Hmounl to neglect of duty." Discharged today; Mrs. Jadvyga A joint meeting of the Board Tuesday afternoon the St. Fran­ Boy Scouts housc-to-bouse con- Morkis. 136 Blasell street: Judith "This doesn’t mean there is noth mania Is as Isolated as the rem- I AND SONS of Education and Board of Finance cis CYO gramigar school boys’ later a year with the U. S. Air Irlbution collection. Ixiiig l.ogal Dispute basketball team defeated St. Tlio decision Is a ilcvclopiiicnt In noiiph. 24 Osklaml street; Mrs. was held Mdnday evening at which Force in 1948. TueMlay, February IS I.aVerne Wharton and son. 31 Ar- time the Board of Education sub­ Ann’s of Hartford. 24-16 with a factional contest among the it's Fun For Everyone! Here's How You Con Enter And Be A Winner! Earlier, N«wton showed 2 lag the alternative will be J. E. will think that's a funny way for 6 and 1 other hand, asserts that shcfuld the FOR YOUR Schlude, Mr. and Mrs. Albert 1^ * Shepard, Jr., of South Windsor, Gagne. Mr. lyid Mrs. Fred H. a Qnnrounlst to act. They will United Nationi workshop, Mrs. estate be sold to snoUier bidder, I William Hutton of Somers, and have to change their opinion of Howard Richardson, lectuger. Bow­ Gateway corporation of this state, OLD REFRIGERATOR Arens, Mr. and Mre. Kloter and Made hy the i Tliomaa Hackett of Buckland. Esther Kloter. Mr. and Mrs. David me.” ers school, 8 p. m. the legatees would suffer a definite Steven D. Williams of Ellington IT'f»r/f/ Famous Newton's faith In his ability to Saturday, March M loes. In Trade For A New. Modern road has been named temporary Pease. get into the Artry wavered a bit Annual meeting and election of It has been reported that Mrs. chairman of a new organization to Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pglozie have Anrhor Horliinfi after he waa returned from the offlcera of Brltlsh-Amcrican Club, Pushe has backed a tale to the F-x- ’ be known os the South Windsor returned from Devens, Maes., where front and placed In custody of a 4 p. m. PHILCO Community Improvement Associa­ they visited their eon who was (doss dor ft. military police officer, LA. Jamea WE ARE PLEASED tion. The three-fold purpoi* of inducted into the Army January Dwyer, Oirtla Mich. this organixation is to recognize 24., Yea, we’ll give away Easy Terms Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Ames •T Buppoae they are going to take 2 Minor Crashes and define community problems to iihHiiliitely I'TtF.I'; u Iteuii- me to Fort Dix (N. J .l," he said. KNARPS 2^t95 determine and publicize pertinent and family are staying at 13 Cum­ tlfiil Forest Green /tp-j-. *% gueaa you have to fight this facta concerning these problems, berland street, Manchester until r s r r »3«® ehor Gliias Vase to each Are Reported Here Groceries — Meats — Produce TO ANNOUNCE THAT their trailer can be repaired fol- Army before you can fight Chi- BENSON'S aad to promote their solution In 2 41. . A# m F^cae ace. (leraon who sends In an entry—-Kgeh entrant will Open Sundays 8 A. M. the community Interest, making lowing the fire of a few week'e be notified after the Judging lakes plaee to rnme Radio, Tele\4#Ion, Appliances But, having worked his way to Police Investigated two auto­ to 9 P. M. UM of, available municipal govern­ ago. They will return to Ellington In for Iheir FKFI': Aneh'or Glass Vase. Mr. Neil Begley, Deputy Collector as soon as the trailer is made live­ Korea on $50 “more or lesa" he mobile accidents yesterday. No 718 Main Street—Tel. 8588 ment organization. 582 Middle Turnpike, East Tne original committee of 18 able again- . was confident he could pass Army arrests were made. will again be on hand to a.ssist you in the filing of your income tax examinations, At 8:10 a.m., ears operated by "I'va been examined before." he Laurence A. Spencer, 29, of 19 returns. said, "and I find I’m usually a Httdson street and Clarence W. Here Are The PRIZES! little saner than the psychiatrist Wood, 61. of 58 Woodbrldge street, /# n Daily 9 A. M. to 3 P. M. - Monday, Feb. 5th who examined me. Don't think collided at the center. THE BIGGEST IMPROVEMENT The first prire Is a beautiful S200.00 the FB I didn't examine me after A skidding sceident at 7 p.m. Keys'!o Coed Eating 1st PRIZE living room suite. AT THE the Batory thing." at Blssell and Holl streets Involved handsome vehicles driven hy Herman I.4S- Through Friday, Feb. 9th, 1951 The seeund prize Is IN CAR PAfNTING SINCE 2nd PRIZE 8169.60 bedroom aiille. sew, 39, of 40 Autumn street and You need not be a depositor to use this additional community George E. Slinmons. 60, Silver The third prize Is a $129.50 wrlnger- Give Instruction street, Coventry. MARKET aervice by ‘The Friendly Bank.” NOW THE SPRAY METHOD ... 3rd PRIZE type elertrir washing marhine. 151 MIDDLE TURNPIKE, WEST On Baptism Books are often damaged by The fourth prize Is a famniia Simmons the book louse as well as by book I Open Evry Saturday Morning From 9-12 Noon | 4th PRIZE Innerspring mattress prired at S40.SO.- worms. OPEN THIIRS., FRi. and SAT. 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. The monthly Inxtructlon for par­ OPEN A U . DAY SUNDAY 8 A. M. to 9 P. M. The fifth prize Is a 7-Way Befieelor ents and God-parenta will be held 5th PRIZE $18.95 floor lamp. In the parish house of St. Mary's 5 RIB PORTION FACTORY-PAINTING More Than 300 Consolation Prizes Will Be Awardedl Episcopal church tomorrow after­ noon at 2 o'clock. All parenta and Johnson Lb. God-parents who are considering ROAST PORK 35c FIRST NATIONAL BANK The 8 Correct Answers Are having children baptiaed should And OF MANCHtSTER o attend. Thoii* connected with IN OUR INFRA-RED BAKING TUNNEL Included In This List Of Songs previous Baptisms who have not RIB PORK CHOPS Lh 39c PUZZLE NO. 7 yet attended such an instruction Park I'p I’oiir Troubles The SIdewalkk Of Anderson New; York YDUKE THEFLOVUER] meeting should also be present. Lb. I W as .S«-elng Nelly Home The Sacrament of Holy Baptiam SLICED BACON 59c 'yfie By The IJght Of The P.AINTING AND After The Ball Is Over Silvery Mmin OF MV W lN ^ r will be administered in St- Mary's HEAVY STEER BEEP this Sunday at I I a.m. DECORATING MEMBFR FEDfRAL DEPOSIT fLLEPHONE Z-451 member FEDcRAL Old Folks Af Home U nit 'Til The Sim .Shines, Ri sr fWF SYSTEM When ftood Fellows .Nellie The next "group’' of Baptisms BLOCKCHUCK Lb. 69c INSURANCE CORrORAFION > adU be held on Easter Eve. March Interior and Exterior Work A- Get Together In The Shade Of ® Down By The Old Mill 24. at 4 o'clock. The next Instruc­ TENDER, JUICY J. The Old Apple 'Tra* tion meeting will be held Monday 225 Highland St. Tel. 6212 Stream Two IJttle GIrle In Blue My Bonnie In Holly Week, March 19, at 7 220 Oak St. Tel. 69 H SHOULDER STEAKS Lb. 79c Ulien The Red, Bad ROM* p.m. A'j.j -V' The Lost Rose Of Comes Bob-Bob-Bobbin MORRELI. PRIDE Summer Along There's A laing, I.ong Sweet Adeline SAUSAGE MEAT l k 4 7 c “ONE DAY ONLY — SAT.. FEB. 3 — 11 A. M. TO 6 P. M.' Trail Awinding Home, Sweet Hooir Old McDonald Had In The Good Old Summer­ CHOPPED HAM WITH 7-HOURS ONLY-7 A Farm time PINEAPPLE Lb. 75c n BRAND NEW • PRECISION MADE Contest Closes at Midnight, GENUINE SWISS Monday, February 12,1951 FREE! FREE! STOr — CHaONOCRAPH Every cuatomer who bringa in thia ad and makes a purchase of 620 or more (cash) will re­ I------ENTRY BLANK---- ceive absolutely FREE 1 * PAIR OF NYI.ON HERE ARE THE RULES: I CONTEST EDITOR: 481 I. MIBDll TURNMRf MANCHISTIt HOSIERY OR 2Vt LB. BOX OF FANCY CHOCO­ WRIST $>1.99 After studying these eight puzzles carefully. sCnd In your onawers on the LATES. entry blank or reaeonqble faeetmlle. Please write or print your name and I SOUTH GREEN FURNITURE COMPANY. addr<-as plainly. Only one entry »1H he nceepled from any one family. Em­ ' 95 MAIN STREET, ployees of this store, or their relatives, are not eligible to eompete. Neatness I HARTFORD 6, CONN. NO. 2i/i CAN . WATCHES COUPON ami originality will be considered in awarding prizes. No purchase necessary JESSO PEACHES to enter contest. I Date .. TELEVISION (ThIa Valvaraal Blaa To Bo Worn By In order to be considered In this eoatest, your entry blank, or reasonable I GENTLEMEN; LAJtOE fai'slmlle, properly filled out, m int he, received by us In an envelope post­ COMPARE ANY CHRONOGRAPH WATCHES I I GRAPEFRUIT marked prior to midnight of Fehrunry It', 1931. Here are my answers to the “Old Favorite Song” Prize Valued o» $37o50 Each NOW IN OPERATOm I Contest. I agree to abide by the decision of the judges, which I SERVICE MdNTOBH BOKRT Here Are the NomM of the Judges I shall be final. ^ NQ FuH^feot Written guarantee Because of incFeased efficfency we can offer So that there will be no queation about the selection of the prize winners, It USTcs modem testing equipment and electronics APPLES Mall Order. Our new infra-red tun­ we havi* chosen the following prominent people to act as judges, and, their I 1...... DON’T .MISSTHE <^REATESTCHIWNOG^ MRIST car owners this service at NO EXTRA COST I “Know how” to aervice television and radios right. At 8TAHL-.MEYER •Plu» Tax nel which makes possible decision will Ire flnaL All entries become the property of this store. .^STANEiK’^ you find a combination of both. That com­ WATCH SALE IN HISTORY! THE CHR0N0GR.4PH WATCH DOES E\ ERYTHING • BAKED-ON enamel I I bination ataqda behind every telerision and radio that CORNED BEEF HASH paint job for your car. SEE US SOON FOR JOHN L COUGHLIN in sold from our floor. When your set acta up—nee 2 Caaa 7 5 C Advertlataig Dtosetor of The Hartford Courant 8TANEK. Cam 3 9 c a Measurea Distance • Sweep Second Hand A FREE ESTIMATE > • 9 • 9 • « BRING WNa> • ABSOLUTELY RUST ___ • Radium Dial J . HENRY C J^ E Y M ARC BAKER 4 Clocks Speed of Anything THIS FREE i99Sa#9*^l k'iy WRISLEYSOAP 10 Bar. 5 9 c a 'Two-Puah-Button Stopwatch • Unbreakable 1 Prominent Insnn ince ExecuIxecutive Prominent Advertising Consultant Nsisrala — Hallieraften (la oallophaBe bag). COUPON ^•(•r-KeeleUat Caooo, -Badhua Dials aad Hando, Seeoad WHITE MEAT Haado, Uabroakahlo Cryatalw ■ . • GLASS-LIKE FINISH . Raiie . Iits SGHLOTT’S I. ■. • i Rsilist TUNA FLAKES • V •* A eontlBnoua detnaad, phia the I■ 8Y?* oseaeaeo** o p c Umited auppljr of these watches • FACTORY METHOD Caa 3 9 c la the futtue. haa prompted I thla FINAL BALE. ; SHERIDANl JILQCK Get Busy BENNETTS • WimnOUTEAST BY Name . . . • i e ■ • s I l im it — NOT MOBE TRAN FARTllEORDI^IE ORDINARY WEST ST. AT GRAND AVENUE I RADIO CHILLI SAUCE TWO WATCHES TO EACH 614 MAIN STREET COUPON. GRRTIIERS PAINT. JO D ^V-^ TELEPHONE ROCKVILLE 1097 Eittr Now! I Street Address . . . 77 Mo.n St MorKhtiter. Co ------COLLISION WORK ------REAL GOLD COFFEE j^CUy and State , . . ONE DAY ONLY — SAT.. FEi. 3 — 11 A. M. TO * P. M.. X ■ ...... ------• . '

- i' - -'-j' p?»r<»''*~^'. . . \

\ *

-.'k» , . f :■■ . 1 . , •

MANCHESTER e / e NINO HERALD, MAN(?HESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY. FEBRUARY 2. 1961 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1961 PAOISlVSM I ,, - ^ ' ------modifying of the preaent order of to parents, their Scout children, Broga. Albert F. Kalber and Jo­ of North Coventry of the Framkljn in South River dialrlpt in south­ lem la likely to ba ona ot finding service, keeping the church open and Cub leaders, sponsoring organ- ently attending private schools, Tht M*«k Inhtrit The Lo«d enough cotton to meet demand. three in institutions, thrs* attend­ seph Grosso, will taks part. Ttjey R. Orcutt and Bona farm hare. Barlow to Start ^ east Tolland. TTia Special town Election Held for private worship, and the re­ Isatlons are daligfctsd with th* auc- For The Late»t In < m i r l ? w t e r Textiles Set By then m IliUry talginga w ill be Arthvr Dni| Storos SoutB Coventry ing post-secondary, and 300 not state "they have found ’The Joseph McCuaker, chapter chair­ meeting to be held tonight will Down in a WartliiirUm preas view of the I.,enten program. cass of the Scouting program In T h l^ ' and wlU prove it. ” The bring out a large ntimbel of vot­ *'t- aubatantlat. Induatriai uaa gen­ TRL'SSES — BELTS attending any schools. Regls- man of the Rockville American Modem Eyewear Manobeiter. Mra. PsuUae Little Richardson sisters, Anne, Diane Another Branch er*. Eonthts SfraW^ confarondB tlwf other .day, Allan erally win be growing and as In­ Bv Deacons E LASTIC BOSDCRV Coveatry 7-6SSI tratinn* aa of December 21 show­ Re dance and a baton twirllngrtici. and volunteer* has been arranged Malcolm Barlow, well -knowm «jOTSSS?Si5SXrma l^arm Bureau ‘ Federation, aald mora'freely on cotton Clothihg de- Scout ^IciiibcrR I The Soviet Zone of Germanx In- Expert Fitters George Hersey Robertson, Center Sunda.v guest of several of his wwtii •w«t. aplte high prlcea. cludea the states o f Saxoiiy, Thur­ For the first time In the history snd South street schools In town. Miss-Anne K. LeDoyt will be piano to take place at the Buahnell Me­ Manchester car dealer, who recent­ Tollana relatives. that American farm production Edward Biishnell Cho4* accompanist for the show. Plans morial hall In Hartford, February WaoelMMUr. Uo*b- 1950 W b* Second Bert Rayon: Thera may be a pick-up Now Over 1,000 ingia, Anhalt and Mecklenberg. 'sf the toxTi educational courses The age claaalflcatlon of the ly purchased the . direct factory Mr. and Mrs. Frederic Meachsin, TBUUuirBKOtmoH would decreaae IS per cent It the enumeration follows: Three year are being made to Include square 9. The theme will be "Mobilize T« f*w1i*alrv'a Ifiatnpv • I ’•y 8»rtiig, Later cn Chairman of Center carrying college credit will be Dodge-Plymouth dealership for Jr., were week end guests of Mrs. Ptm.. TllM . 0 « ' ***S**' In InnUStry B Hlfiiory * : year, rayon weavers may old*, 124 aa compared with 79 of dancing In the evening * gaiety to Fdr Defcnne.” The rally will take |4 ' ? government tried to Impoia price conducted locally. Beginning Tues­ Marlon A. Baker, Mrs. Meacham Is roii»d«< OBWw ^ >***• New Record Exiiecled! f«cc ,« ahortage «f supply Pro- Congregational Group ITte midv/lnter season usually i last year. The four year old* the tunca of Dick Mllla and lus place from 1:30 to 4:30 p. m. Mr. Rockville and Tolland couiitlas and spending the week with her aunt. controU on farm produqU. day, February -6 a aeries ot teach­ Prairie Boys with D. Victor Sam­ Mi-Cusker state* "an lmprea*lve 'Viibiitbtd Bttrr *»•■'«« . . * I diictlon of rayon tire cord la un­ wltnesaea the moat activity In Boy total 95; five .year old*. 97: six- the townships of South_ Windsor Five local men were Inducted In­ *JE*S|S MO Hoit ■ad •1*0 the loc«l new* publi*bed nerei ernment m*ke» any attempt to °VUth the defenae progiam go- *’*“ ^J.»*"rwollen 'a n d "If* fewer I nights that prove in.-plrational tO| school, will conduct. the meetings m. and on Saturdays from 2:80-8 groom will be graduated from the After carefijl ansiyelt of th* grand list Is $3,371,002. \ ing into full audng. new recor^ L* av.h Installation of the new deacon*, Shoe Service— Dry Olenalng FUEL OIL of the teachers of grades 3 through art Is th* son of Charles A. t'hria- university In June. | of hi* territory, Mr. Barlow 747 Main Street Maaokeatort Oaoa. All rtfUt* of republiMt'oii ot •oeei»l curtail farm proflta during the na­ durable goods are available. And parents and Cube alike; and blue p. m .The Tuesday hour change ■ The meeting of the Tolland Fed- | dldPBtcbe* Bf«in »r* eno r*«er**d. are expected to.be set In 1951, Aa way* In which .Center church t49 Ne. Mnin « t . Depot 8 Oh subject o f social^ studiep fu , has been made for the conven- tensen, will report February 14 at ■ . Uis* selected thU Site for hie branch, men In aerrica need emaldefably ihould keep track of tt* member*. and gold suppers arc. alto a delight the Rockville Selective Service , erated Church Ladies Society has , tional emergency, the farm indua- for future year*, the magazine our_ school. , I lence of readers who work out-of- Mn keeping with hi* policy of pro­ ' mil *erTime« will he I! uieaiitiiiie. Walter Parker, shotherahother ■EM IEA ADDIT------BUREAC Knitwear: The Wg queatlon for so. All parent* interested in either February 5 because of the weather | fit of the March of Dime* will oe i ,------^ ----- __ ^ ^ — Cnarlea Broadbenl a farmer resi­ I would have gone on atrlke now If says the magazine. "Sometlmaa church will have a social evening ' well known figure io Manchester aRCTMA'nONS.______the Intsngible.s are harder to lick 1961 1* how much nylon will be or both group meetings are cor­ dent of Tolland who sold his farm . -----— i.e the new control order* had not tonight at the Church Community on Monday evening when the , held in the library building and I auto clri'le*. will supervise Th» H-rald PriBtln* company, ine.. |. than the tangibles. But ss long available for civilian use and how dially Invited to attend the ses­ meeting waa to have taken plan *0* ! and loft town to live In Hunttng- to allow much will be taken for mllilsrv House in North Coventry. Soclsty will start at 8:30 p. m., on Satur-] b,nnch activities a* well1 I Ss con-, fon, Mas*., that he ha* changed a**ume* no «n»ncial r«.pon*‘Bility fnr, been quickly amended as our productive systehi remains sions. Mr. Ford advises there 1* no member* and prospective mem­ typoii'rVpti'cal *iTora appeann* | them their wage increase* and al- virile and expsinliiig. inflation esn T ’ lrpose*. ^ charge to parents taking the ''n«v,„nnH inhn.^n VI,• Idav. InvlUtioiis havc been .sent to , tlmiiiig in hi* present capacity of I residence* and si present Is lu ,«rtlMm*nU anO other r««JU.* ni*-ler.! bers of high school age will attend mid Mra W l'llZ A Wolf?' , all townspeople and everyone Ithe main garage Westfield, Mass CORRECT WHEEL DAMARE I low the min* owner* the prtre in- hA flffoRt-rd iilfvjiR with RmAlI ami v#*r topped 1949 hy AMiit 10 course. ta Th* ll»nCB*it*r Eetntna H«r»la unworlhv idenlN." whil^ production of wsrp- Pupils of Grgde 2 of Miss Helen 1 " hlriS tored to Somers Sunday to visit |‘nvltod to a tend. M“ *‘o foj- the , m Rockville I rrease* to pay for the wag# In- The publirntion notes that there *hd eireulsr-knit product* gained Mazur’s classrwm at the George ‘ Mr. W olfe s uncle, Nathan Hodg- dancing w ill be furnished by the ** • rH With Friday, February 2 ! creases. wn« s slump in prices and prmliie- *hout 15 per cent, Hersey-Robertson School conduct-' "'"f. ,* P' assisted son. Of.shay Klnghnrn orchestra with Our new Rear Wheel Straightener correct* lion of l oHoM snd rayon gomls ’ ~ ed a combined doll and toy show I Wlft^ann 1* “ man and Miss I Mr. snd Mr*. Edward Schulthoi.ss | t'^is' Ies GoncI as prompter. More I Be big enough, be hold enough. Tuesday. Nineteen boya and girls ' nv M '*" Helen Jordan rim. .huh and drum damage. Makes wheela run Eisenhower To (.ongross liming tlie second quarter of Marllvn Jordan. '•nd Mrs. Walter K. Hlltgen nt-j ^han S200 has born oolleotod thus Tolluiid ' be politii'slly influential enough, 19.50. hut tlieie was not a slgnifl- brought In their toys and dolls tended the Roosevelt Day lestl- far, but all canvas.sors hhve not B i" Show Toiii"ht while the remaining pupils acted The complete cast of the per­ true. IVevenls ahnormgl tire wear, needless ex­ Ocneral Eisenhower * first task.! and controls are not for >ou. ranl dei llne for rvi.rlen good*. By formers participating in "A Mid- monial dinner Saturday at the been heard from as yet. Anyone Tolland Grange has accepted an aa judges. Donald Pepin’s airplane who have not been contacted, but In hi* effort to formulate Ameri- They’re just for the other fellow, June Hie mstkels had firmed and Winter Night’s Scheme” for the Hotel Taft in New- Haven. For­ Invitatinn to be gtiest* of "Little pense. Aim for greater tire mileage. Get your production snd price* were head­ In South Coven I rv and Janet Balocchi’s doll were vot­ mer Governor Chester A. Bowles would like to make donations River Orange" and furnish a part can military policy for the de- | y et fie rise in the cost of farm ed the favorite toy and the nicest Heart campaign. Mrs. Herbert J. ing upward before hostilities broke Gable, local chairman, has been w*** truest speaker. may do so by contacting any ' program on Friday evening, fenae of Eunope, seem* to have product* is likely to prove one of doll, respectively. Miss Mazur wa.s meiiiber of the coniiultlee, Meni- wheel damage corrected right—at BROWN* out In Korea. Of interest to local people is the follows: Hank Members of the Waterfront ...... Febrimry 9th. N’ormnI produrlion assisted by the training student j .. . Park Association voted not to 'bers of the couuuittce are; Mrs bMn to undo aome more of the j the great factor* m the co.t of , ^ ^ , „P"’ I show entitled "A Mid-Winter Miss Sophie Zleziulewlcz of the : James D. Burke, ehairman of I UK At PRES of Secretary of living for all those Amerlesns ended wdth the war In Korea. By | ^ Scheme.” Being given this transfer title of a miinliei' of roads Barney Ofshay. chairman: Rev March of Dimes for Tolland re­ hectic rashness Williinantic state Teacher* coi- i to the town of, Coventry for main­ Henry Tuttle. .Mrs. Julius Ofshay. LOVIU j whose wages hare been frozen. September, production of cotton; oTtnck at the writer: Frank Kamplain of the ports that of the 440 folder* sent j ft a t r Dean Acheatm goods was, up 15 per cent from tenance during a meeting Sunday Mrs. Henry Kinghorn and Peter A Hayloft in South Coventry, for Mr*. John S. BisscII, chairman of | out 125 have been returned. Many I A few week* ago Mr. Acheaon i nnd who do not have th*/fficiency j , Mavlo'w.r-. Output of woolen* hsnfflt of the rurernt drive the board o f education, attended | talglr interlude deplctln^g a D ^ y afternoon at the Nathan Hale | Crawford. more are expected. ' COFIL'fi BO J to I ' t their freeze repeelSed. jumped n per cent and ray- preven­ the Tuesday afternoon session ot, Mauve Decade singing Community Center. The group] ^rg. Margaret McCdrmtck. Mrs. Ida Thrall was a Tueeilay ■ went to Bruaael* determined, ao voted to continue special project.* nine per tion of heart diacase. the Connecticut As.soci*tlon of songs of the Victorian Era with widow of .lames Mci'oniiiek. a guest of Vernon friends. It seemed, to obUin German re­ And the rise in the cost of coal 1 3 " for raising funds for the main­ pent cloths were sell- Hanke Keene, welUknowi welUknown radio Boards of Education in West Hart­ gestures and mannerispis accom­ resident of Biistol until Ihrei- Duncan Gronor and two chil- I agoing to pul the scpieezc on all tenance and Improvement of their armament immediately. European .an 40 pec cent above and' vaudeville entertalne entertainer and I* ford’s new Lloyd H. Bugbee Ele­ panying that period: Eva and John years ago. died Saturday night at dren of Washington, D. C., opened iq. yd. development roads. The women dlplomata were aomewhat amazed Ulo*ethose American,American* whoiewnw.e wages .May qiimalions. Cnmls ^ am mentary School. The conference In Kenny w1to entertained In Europe her home In this place. She was a their summer home last week. I during World W ar H under the of the development are now work­ 'iil at th* brusque intensity ot hla have been froaen and on all those s* a ^ 0 "P *bout 25 perl.j,^^^^ generations o f the Kcgene mentary School. The conference’s native of Bristol. She leaves a Mrs. Gronor and daughter have ar- | a q I r a auspicea of the U.S.O.. will offer ing oii a quilt for thIa purpose induatrtea______whose______price*_— h.,.. have h.«n been rent higher Woolens and wor- .family ...... will be represented on the main topic o f discussion centered si.ster. Miss M ajy Collin* of this rived and will now make this their aim, for two reaaona. One wa* steds rose 25 per rent to 50 per H 0» I f)»S Reg. SI5.23 an unusual novelty and acrobatic which they plan to dispose of dur­ program, aa hla mother, Katie around "civilian defense beginning place and four brothers. Daniol permanent home. froaen. To them the system I* cent. Flsvons Incressed close to I dance during their first appear- ing a special program the evening m that th* German* themaelve* Keene, descendant o f a long line in the schools.’’ Collins of West Hartford. Joseph Work has been started on the 1 saying: it is necessary, pohtunlly 10 per cent, The Board of Education will I ance in Coventry: Katie Keene, a of Februarj’ 18 when moving pic­ Collins of New Britain and Jabics foundation for another new house seemed to have juat voted againat of actors and a well-known vaude­ tures will be shown. A special .Sesre buying snd s sharp rise meat during a special session Mon- descendant of a long line of ac- Collins and John Collins of this to be erected on Cider Mill road. German rearmament. The other ■peaking, to make certain excep­ ville trouper, will aing auid dance, Valentine food sale ia also to take in raw msterisl costs sre the two day avenlng at the G «)rg# Heraey tor* and well-knowm vaudeville town. Services w'cre held at the Tolland as soon ss weather per­ tional conceaalona "to certain par­ and daughter, Jean Keene, foftner place at Hale's Department Store t? waa that Russia had delivered ae- principal causes for this wild sit­ Beautiful Carved Wilton Broadloom Robertaon school. Main items to be trouper of the Keith circuit, will O'Brien Funeral Home, Bristol, mits. "M iss Ohio.” w ill dance, and aon. in Manchester on Saturday. Feb­ Ysr* warning* that ahe could not ticular Interest*: theae concas- uation. says the publication. considered will be the faculty aal- j »!ln8 *«<> •^''ank Pierret. on Wednesday jnd at St, Joseph’s Much opposition is expressed QUINN'S Hank Keene. Jr., will sing. former vaudevillian. will present a ruary 10, for this purpose. Mrs. tolerate German rearmament, sions to others will increa.se your A* the year closed, there were, ary schedule, personnel policies church. Burial was in .St. Joseph’s among voter* In town to open the Other outstanding artists are novelty drum act assisted by Dick Harold J. OigUo has been nameil i own amount of lacrlflre; it ha* to signs that the ria'e had gone too and dental program, which the cemetery. Plainville. old long closed Walbrlde Hill road PHARMACY m thua creating a risk which Euro- store sales were ' ' nhuting their .services for Mills and hi* Prairie Boys: Milton chairman in charge of posters. far. Apparel board was unable to take care of Mrs. William Caffyn. Jr., la a be that way. becau.se these others only five poi . cm alaive 1910 n„r ; this .show. Plan* are alao being fo r Rugs . for Wall-to-Wall Carpeting Lackenbauer. formerly of Coven­ Mrs. Peter C. Ambrose is chair­ pcam dlplomata did net consider during the regttlar Ibng-nlght’s patient in the Hartford hospital. are politically potent, while you store Inventories were up over 10; M*"*- Herbert J. ^ g lc . try, now of Mansfield, an old-time man of the road committee spon- worth taking, especially for a ssaslon Tuesday evening here. sorin*' the money-raising projects. H. L. Staples ot Hartford, for­ are politically weak; If we don't per cent. Msrkdown sales began ' chairman, to Include tquare danc- 'nie set-back party scheduled vtulety artlet, will ting from th* I Oarman army which would be hefi^re chrislms*. I‘"k >" 'venlng’s program to "ridiculoua to the sublime” ; Jean William F. C. Orcutt of Coven­ merly of this town, ia In the’ Hart­ You’ll like the cloeely packed Wilton weaye of thie quality bro^eein fo r Wednesday night at St. f c alther unwilling or non-existent appease these Interest*, they will Dover Grey Keene, former "Miss Ohio.” will try wa* among the 11 to i-ccelvc ford hospital receiving treatment Here is the 19.51 outlook by dl- Ih ' of f^ok Mill* and hi* Mary’s church hall in South Cov­ go on strike; you. of course, are carpet . . . the graceful sculptured leaf motif . . . the two colorings of dance, and Hank Keene. Jr., will a certificate in the first class in j for an injury to hia right foot. anyway, 1 visions of the industry: Prairie Boya with D. Victor Sam- entry was cancelled because of the P the all wool varus that lend the pattern a “ relief” effect. Then you’ll sing. The “ Affalni of the Heart” the Mort Granger's Course In Auc­ WM Neverthelea* Mr; Ac.heson w « U « « h e r too patriotic or too disor-I Cotton; By aummer the proh- uel* as caller. weather. The next such party here Powder Green like the’ low price. We purchased last year, before price advances, so j^u show will begin tonight tioneering conducted in Thompsun- bristling over to Bruaael*. as if j I * ’''***! f** strike, save on every square yard. Immediate deliver'. Binding and laying ‘ he Hayloft in South Coventry VUle. The school has been under datsrmlned to fore* aa immedl; Wall, to be philosophical about j u d ^ n Alex D Prm S a"*! ha* the distinction of offering the personal supervision of E. M. NORM'S DRIVE IN 12 ft. width extra. ' ' three generation* tn one show; Granger. Jr., of ThompsonviHe, IF ITS LUMBER AND BUILDING SUPPLIES aU fiaclaloo. and as i f he thought 't. **• * . ------— namely. Hank Keene., Sr^ hi* widely, known auctioneer,. Qrcutt .r\ such a daciaion would aafeguard i f " thli w'orld, the Beit behaved 'The sum of $287.07 ne oeen i and his son. In addition, was one of three students in Con­ D«lkl6us Gfinititrs *21' honored with the. turned in to date in the local necticut receiving diplomas mark­ Europe. The Bruaaele Conference i •'"* • usually the "MTiiffen-Poofs.” a local com­ — Reliable March of Dime* fund campaign. A ing a completion of the three- Opposite Green School cooled him down aomewhat. and I heavier load to carr.v: Immediate delivery from our Stock Roth 1 edy act consisting of Harry R. donation o f $5 has bean scknowl- Ryan, Jr., T. William Graham. Jr.. weeks course. He is the son of 522 5llddle Turnpike, East more «r lea* evadad th* decision edged from the Ladies Association Lawrence C. Latimer, P. Ra>'mond | Mr. and Mrs. Frankl>Ti R. Orcutt i f m ha had basB aacking. Even after- For 76 yean* th* of th* First Congregational W« Cede To The Groundhog church. Total contributions from warda, however, our diplomacy public has called ui>on s th* 137 coin cards returned out of =3 has given the Impression that i How do we expect to convince thi.s reliable firm be­ the 1,000 sent out to date amounts Of ruiaw rearmament was its num- |otheraT’f we cannot convince our- cause the,\ are Assured to $1S9.57, Th* remaining $92.50 ber on* goal in Europe. Iselvea? How shall we chid* oth- waa rsallxsd from a sscond annual « £ i r 1 of complete satisfac­ benefit entertainment and dance CtaDeral Eisenhower has oom-1 " ■ the evening of January 19. Mrs. Various designs tn Cheos* from ever platad th* dellatloa of Mr. Ache-1 prophecies when we ourselves tion. Lumber of all kinds Herbert W. Love, chairman of th* of course; every­ Colonial slat blinds 100 different pin* son’s ab^rption In the ream ia-' orucial leal? local drive, urges all residents to thing from founda­ most and paneled shut­ mouldings for all return coin cards ss soon as possi­ likely has it! ment of Germany. He came very Thi* ia a public conte.ssion thst. tion to the finished ter* with cut-out kinds of trimming ble. Tb* drlT* 1* scheduled to close The Demand For in advance of the iatpsl tliiesl c: home. designs affects. cloae, in hie addreea to Con great this week. yestarday, to ignoring the Uer- winter for Connecticut, we weak­ Osorge Heresy Robertson school maa factor, juat aa h* had de-em- ened. Wa were perfectly awai. girls' basketball team was defeat­ WOODBRIDCE ed by th* Maple Street school phaalzed It during hi* tour of Eu­ that, ao far, our preea» S3; Robertaon school 27. RockvUls scorers ftdlow: Hsny 10, Clark 9, Waste Paper aomathlng which might coma- W# knew that every threatened Sign of a worthy aervtc# Solid Mahogany zero apell, every promised bliz­ Kibb* 8, OeChrll and Kramer each latar If tb* defena* of Europe 6 , McCall and Cox each 7. Coven­ wer* already well assured without zard had, up to this week, met the try scorers: Doris West 17, Susie Is Inerfaiinc. Local Mills Gao Use Evory Bit Of It. By i t same old fate—a wami wind from 142 EAST CENTER ST.. MANCHESTER Jackson 8, Roberta Kalber 3. Best the south which hadn t been fore­ - OFF THE STREET PARKING defense tor Rockville was given by Oenarsl Elaenhower's first rea- seen, a rain storm from the ea.st, Squires and DeCarli; for Coventiy, Bivlny It To The Wookly Paper Golleetioo You Are Help- Lois Lyman, Joan Ayer and Patri­ aeat for taking this attitude waa a RsatUator Flrsplae* which interloped in from th* The stately cia Jurgensen. The local team 1* Maks attic apse* Bird and Carey Select from a group soldlarly on*. Unit Linings in- ocean, unforeseen resisiaiice on scheduled to play rt-iday with the lug Local Industry And The Manchostor Memorial Hos­ available in either Low coit safety liiv etrip shingles, roll of Corner Cabinets, crease fireplace' “Cartainly I. for one command­ Buchanan school girls’ team of old or new home, ■urance; • good lad­ roofing, fell .heath- with or without the part of some warm air mas* with -Glidc-A-Way der! 24. 28 and 32 Ing paper; cedar door*. *$45.00 and heat; 38 to 60-inch er,” he aald, "want no unwilling beauty of the 18th Century Mansfield Center. 'Hie game will be which waa supposed to weaken pital. 8 tail*. ft. .xtension size.. ahiiiglea. up. sizes. contingent*, no soldier serving in played kt 3:30 p. m. at th* Wind­ and surrender. This had come to yours et old prices I ham street echwl gymnasium In tha pattern of the Heasians. serv­ be almost automatic, io that when WiUimsntie. ing In our Revolutionary War, in one heard the weather man talk­ Because o f the unusually heavy / demand for tickets and the limited any army of my command. It ing about the trouble advancing capacity o f the Hayloft at South Remember Proceeds From The Sale Of This would only be a aourre of weak- down from Canada and eaat from The fine quality of the Woodbridge Open Stock bedroorn neaa.” Coventry, Mra. Herbert J. Gable, •CDi the middle west, one could alwaya group . . . from the selection of woods to the final hand chairman of the "Heart" campaign Beyond that. General Eisenhow- i know that tha worst would never polishini^ . . . has made it one of Wttkins *‘Top sellers. urges residents to purchase their Paper Buys Equipment For The Manchester 'i'’ er’a attitude gives the impreaiion ^ quite make it. Now you can own it st w'orthwhilo Senii-Annusl sAvings. tickets oarly to be assured o f ad­ f’ that he sees no sense in rushing mittance to the benefit' show n j In spite of all thi*. we weak­ Note the large, roomy pieces; s^e the rich mahogahieg, the Memorial Hospital! IM ■4 a move which might possibly pro­ tonight her*. Bo$t^ square qnd ened this week. Igiiominicmsly, fine craftsmanship throughout, thi satin smooth finish pro* ^und dancing will follow the \ ’ voke Russian attack at a time presentation of "A hfld-Wlnter W'e believed the weather man tected with Johnson’s wax! ' ■ , Lumber and screen- An types of Interior Big stock of qualHg Jack- Ualrol Bwiag-Ovam when there ie little or nothing Night’a Scheme.” Burton E. Moore I when he told us that Wedneaday ing to make your doors,. trims, exte­ Builder’s Hardware. floor* y i . r s f Head Oarago Door% with which to rapel auch an at­ w ill be in charge of lighting, I night would be far colder than own screens; or rior doors snd Au­ Including Quick-Set O-Post mdjustabl* completeete with Stan- tack. Drasitr Bases Rog. $110.00 Solo $94.50 Charles Patty has designed the Durall Aluminum thentic Colonial and Harlock door basement lolly col­ lev Hardware, only I even Tueiday night. And when posters, Robert Wiley will be in And hia attitude la conaistenl Tension Screen*. frame*. aets. umns. * •$68.00. he abandoned thia prediction only 25.00 21.25 cha^e of seating arrangements. PAPER COLLECTION with the theory he has continual­ Drassar Mirrors to say that the snow beginning ( Nancy and Jean Kalber will be ly expounded ever since his ap­ hostesses, and the Jordan Hard­ . Wednesday would last all night Pester Beds 79.00 » 65.50 pointment—that his mission is the ware pompany of Willlmantlc la IN THE and all day Thuriday and make dafenae of'Europe, peace, not wari 110.00 94,50 lending the staging equipment, i an accumulation of "aubsULnUal” Chests of Dreweri These arrangements nave complet­ HI* strategic Indifference to the proportions, we believed that too, ed the plans for the evening pro­ use of German manpower, togeth- and went through all the mental gram, Mrs. Gable states. The #r with his owm relatively moder- j preparations for a real siege of Sonic Trio will fu ^lsh music for the round dancing and Dick Mills NORTHEAST SECTION ate time table for the creation of real winter. and hlk Prarie Boya will play for u Btrangth in Europe, help maintain Bo we spine to Candlemas Day the square dancing. A ll services tha tbaory that defenae. and peace , with the great Inner shame of one are being donated in the interest Deluxe kitchen cab­ Portland Cement, Famous Anderson Lumber fbr homo are the objective! of his com­ o f the campaign. The benefit do­ inet. drawer and mortar lime cement, Windowall case­ Immediate delivery: craftsmen: Fin*. c*« who has betrayed his own beat flue linings, and a ment, double hung Cement snd cinder dar, redwood, so ft mand. nation Is seventy-five '■’cents per sink units, help you knowledge, who manned his men­ Ucket. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5 modernize’ your full mason supply and picture win­ blocks, tile, chim­ and hardwood -ply­ General Eiaenhower li thus One. line does for all ney Sues, fire brick. wood. tal blizzard stations for just an­ The Oreen-Chobot Post, AL, will kitchen. line. dows; bam sash. playing a role of rebuke to two other little sleet storm. And once TKot'a true of o party-lk»e iotephone, too. Portx-line Mrrke be in charge of a set-back pdiky extremea In American thought— a man .has betrayed himsalf in a good when everybody keeps coll* brief and allows time , tonight at 8 p.m., weather permlt- thq one extreme represented by Uhg, in the Legion rooms, WsU If you live on any of the streets in this section have your paper out on n such fashion, he tends to become Secretary Acheaon’a and Gover­ between calls. street. South Coventry. Monday. Proceeds from these collections of paper serve to'buy new Irresolute and rootless in his fu­ The Lmdlea AiscclaUon o f the nor Dewey’s ImpaUence to put You're sharing . . . with nfilional defense equipment for the Manchester Memorial Hospital ture endeavors. Right now, we First Congregational church will giina b a ^ In th* bands of the Ger- are perfectly willing to surrender Your telephone company has odded more telephones in have a doughnut sale Saturday, liiMia and tb* otbar axtrem* rep- weather permitting, from I t p.m. all soothsaying about th*' remain­ raaantafi by tb* Amarican laola- the post five years than in ks fit^l 4$ years. We plan to until 3 p.m. In the basement o f the Mfiffizinefi, Paper and Paper Cartons Picked Up If Pot Out at the Curb. der of th* winter to. tlOBlBta who would have lu aban- ragUlar continue building os fast os the notional emergency permits. church. prophet of the dayv A * the AAeonwhile, the demands for telephone service ore steadily . A total o f 1,113 children be­ Everything In the Insulate your'horns Anderson baoement don altogatber the idea of, de- To add that authen­ now with Gold Bond units come com|dete Quality Briiabsa wfll groundhog obsert'ea today, we are rising . . .-for the milHory . . . for war industry . . . for tween the age of three years and PLEAS! NOTE— CoUBCfioiia W « !• Mod* As SelMdiiM RoIb or paint, enamel and faafilTig Europe on European aoll. 1$ years have been enumerated varnish line for in­ tic detail — a selec­ Rock Wool or batts; with aereens; also halp you do s pee- now beginnil^ a second winter, civilian, defense. in the towm of Coventry according terior ajid exterior tion of Qualltybllt Balsam Wool Blank­ m * t a I basement feoalonal paint Joh. At Mat wa aoam to have at least Priead from Ua. Oaa pvMle lypire who is calm whic'h, although Aightly more cV tolu tbsu i« rcpurireport_ Issued laaucu ..unuwyMonday by work. Colpnlsl mantels. ets. ■ash. tha oSlca of. •uparlntandeatBtaadeat JJohn jiMRMt fiRd. rMluU iSBough to molat, will be easentialiy a dupll'; cate. C. Rsilly. Thia httzBlMr ta in C' cAam WBOOPWt . •driava twm iiii aanaa la his pub- M aH cH esien more than last jrcoryear oof f 843.1*MS.i* V-. IM tttakMs Sfid ia hla formulation A total of Tfil art registered In I Puerto Rkana war* granted public schools a* compared with BOLTON NOTCH — TEL. MAN. 2-4525 ~ DPEN 7^30 TO 5;30 DAILY — CLOSED WEDNESDAY. AT NO W t ’-‘tf'ffiBcgr fttVuaorlea. I American ettizenabip 1a 1917. -l! f-li--. 4 ^ •3d lut year. Iltsrfi fin dt pras* MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, COIW^ FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1951 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAv/FEBRUARY 2. 1951 PAoe u n i ^ ------9 the day off. besides the elementary ing. Biindny school In Habron will No Big Fires W O N * — 1410 Chief Launching Special Dimes’ Drive W TIC — 1080 (Neuter Thespians school teacher.s of Hebron were be at 11:15. and at Gilead at 10:15. (W ar Winner JOHNNY'S AUtO TOP WURC — 1360 W F lL t— IUS.1 Mrs. Oiaa. N, Fillmore, principal of Cliiiri li sehiHil at St. Peter's will Vets’ Bureau For Hardware, Point, Snow Shovels During Month •VK.\B — 840 Today's Radio WHAV — >10 Lisf. Ncxl Piav the Mary Hall school, Marllxir- be at 9:30 a. m. Needs New Seri pi Traffic Safety.Drive Here Total $9,000 oiigh. that school being closed, The hot lunch nisnu for the Files Report W tX X — I2M Bnatem Shudnrd Time WTHT — 1230 Mrs. Charles M. Lareonib. princi­ week beginning Feb. 0, Hsbron el­ and UPHOLSTERING An arena style presentation of Other Household Needs " But One Box Alarm pal of the i4alem Ojnsohdnled ementary school, reads: Monday: (Continued from Page One) ‘•Febniary Is the shortest month . Cardinal rules which <>rivers And Still 60 Per Cent o f 1:00— i9:S0— the one-act comedy. "An Anniver- school, tlio .siiiiic. Wiiidhuiii High spaghcUl with meat tabce, vege­ Over 180 Request* lor In the year. Don’t make It the aho«ild obey to prevent their Joln- 111 January and That WDRC— Strike It Rich. W TH T -Sheriff; Roll Call. aary.” by Anton Chevok, will be school was also i losed, and the O.*! table, fruit, bread and butter, arrears on federal income laves (!l<»in Foliler* Here Are Has M oved T o Larger Q uarters or iiioic local studciils had the il.i.v milk: Tue.sday: Creamed chicken and has of late been paying em li and Shell Gas or O il shorest in your life because of a i ing the ranks^ o^ ac^dental Jeillera W TH T— Family Album. , W TIC- -Duffy’a Tavern. given OB a workshop play by Cen­ Service* «l Center Dur­ were outlined by Chief Schendel In the South End WHAY—Pledge Program. WONS —Muaic. off. .Mrs, Evorell B. Porter, leach­ on biscuit, vegetable, Jello, bread wife only $138 a week and lias traffic accident." A* Yet Unreturned ter Thespian* for their February ing principal of the Edwin llcy- luid butler, milk: Wednesday: put litnlself on sn "suatenty bud- That advice was offered today They Include: WTIC—Backitage Wife. 10:00— n O P A T ing January noMs Hcliool was an c.xception, Meat loaf, potatoes, vegetable, gel." He said Ills net snlnr>‘ is bv Chief Schcndel in launching a 1. The only proper place for Twenly-two fires during the W K N B —Newt Request Matinee. W T IC —Life of RUev. meeting. The arena theater date.- j alcohol lain the radiator of a oar Donations for Manchester's W ON8—Hollywood U. S. A. W TH T—Boxing. back almost to the origin of dra- that .SI liool l■elllBiIllng open. iirange juiee. dessert, bread and only $670 a week. special traffic safety program In month of January brought out Rear 314 Main St. I ■nie month at Jann^- Manchester this month designed ■ not In Ihe driver. March of Dimes drive edged up to WCCC— Junior Disc Jockey. WDRC—We Take Your Word. inatlca. It i.s an anncnl .and Tho iiieetilig of the Hebron Wo­ butler,, milk: Thursday; Chicken "I want to b»' fair to everyone," $9,003 today with 60 per cent of COX SERVICE STATION U 2 to the Veteran* Service Center to emphasize the importance of both lobal fire departments. The 4:I.‘L— 10:13— unique form of drama pro.o |’' r l enl of the driv- j uni) traffic officers' direc- places, ineluding the large ^uml- St. Mary's church Men’s club W TIC -When a Girl Manles. Domestic Relalloii'a Court. I've four years after diacharge the only one In which considerable W ONS—Jack's Waxwork* the rare opportunity to view It. ing Sclio'il, left Sunday to lake up A nueliiig of Hie ailvisorv coni- never seen a man who has per- ers Involved m fatal acvldent.a In , tjons. mim "iim s" which will resume for­ WONS- Mark Trail. miltec, Heliron Ovic Council, is • E g p ^ e d dUtributlon of IM l will hear Saul M. Sllverstein, amount of damage was done. One Songs by George Sau- Center Thc»|iian.s are opening their an elglit months' special course m foiuied like this one. Here's a man 1949 hud violated one or more I r a f- , n When you leave your ear mer "duties" at' the Municipal W HAY—Story Queen slated for Kebriinry 8, 8 p . m . a t dividend on GI Insurance building. Returns from the coin president of the Rogers corpora- | "out-of-season” blaze was recorded telle. meeting to anyone interested, pulilic health nursing at Syracuse who's ben earning $52,000 a year fir laws at the lun>- of the acei- t,,.,.ome a pedestrian, carry with a u b W TH T— Bi|t ion and Sparky. the lire bouse, H ajnid L Gray, di­ -gin In April. Veterans who hold containers are. of course, not In­ tlon, spesk on "Labor and I.rfibor when the SMFD was called to put W KNB— New*: Request Mat­ 11:25— without adniis.'ion. I'niversity, SyraciiW', N. Y. Slie [for Ihe past eight years, and he policies which Ifave January or dent. " the ( bn f said "National ‘ ypn the aame reaped you have for WDRC Public Seryice Program "An Anniversary " will lie pre- has been located recently Y'onkers, r e . t o r . Saftiy Courud figuiis al.«o •‘'bow , ^ motorist, cluded In the $9,000 figure. Relations" at the group’s supper out a grass Are about the middle inee. rtpeairt have- a pemi.v to show for ■Febniary* rv annlversnianniversary i 'dates will AtVimey Arthur J. LeClalre. of the month. 11:30— .sented on .Monday evening, Febrii- .N. Y'. Her rourso Is made possible It ■’ thereafter that violationN u i'ortcd per | ^ Taking chanrea on the road meeting scheduled for Monday, 5:1.5— frecelve their first, wnc—Muaic. 1 ary 5, a f 8;45 in Woodruff hall of by a scholarship grant from New Rode For A1IM TTien th* judge ordered New- hundred drivers In rural aciudenia I needletia. Don't Uke any; who Is in charge of solicitation of February 5 at 6:.30 p. m. In the WTIC—Portia Faces Life. m t chicks are to go approximately The present Swiss Confedera- 11:88— j Center chiirrh. York State. Mi.ss Martin was for­ I ______local clubs and organizations, re­ parish house. eonibe to pay Mr*. Doixithy New- 110 day* after anniversary dates. were 12 per rent higher than In don’t be a "show-off." tionvwas approved by 22 cantons W H A Y — Cro*by‘* Quarter. W ONS—New*. ported this morning that he has An authority on labor-manage­ merly connected with the Man­ ' Tlir English higliwayman. John ; eomlK! $100 s week (she asked : Applications for Connecticut ntv acetdent.s in 1848. BINGO WKNB—SporU. 12:00— I ' FINAL CLEARANCE be "No one feels safe with a peraon 8 A Rhlny hood doesn’t menn received $500 to date but added ment relations. Mr. Silvereteln 8:30— chester Memorial hospital. She Nevison. rrale horseback 190 m i l e s I shout $2501 end Mr*. Hazel New- SUte Bonus if unpaid must W T IC —New*; Muaic. I I n a b o u t 15 hours to ealablisli sii ! who luui'lles a shotgun < areless- you have a safe car. Fxtend that he has yet to hear from sev­ has b|($(n called on to address W T IC —Just Plain Bill was also one of the Red Crons ‘ com lie, $200 a week (she asked • made before June 30. 19.M. Every Saturday Night nurses who responded to a call alibi. Hc.'oi'ding to the Encyilope- con- I lY yot ignorance and disregard your care to Include all niechani- eral groups. He urged that those many prominent labor relations WONS—Clyde Beatty Show. Hebron $3001 Tills arrangement holds I Subjects showing highest I Frequency ModulaUoa dl* Britsniiien. for the law in the hands of a mo­ ral and electrical equipment. The organizations who have mjt yet session.s, and the wage and share- S« Sift! PlMsatTMtiiif Far W TH T—Joe Oirand. during the polio epidemic in North I until Dorothy's divorce trial. Ftacts for the month include insur- best breaks In driving come to the made their donations do so as soon WDRC—ITM M.7 MC. Carolina two years ago. torist ran he an equally dangermis, of-pro(Uietlon plan in force In his W H A Y —Band by Demand. Hebron’a grand Hat as released ’ anee 4«. education 3.1. housing 4. motorists who have the best STARTING AT 8:15 SHARP WDRC—F3I On the nlr 1-10 p. m. 'Ilie meeting of trustees of the double-barreled weapon." thief as possible. c. company's two plants has been of >i48*- by the boat'd of assesors la $1,927,- ENTIRE STOCK ■denUI claim 13 and pension 13. Chairman John Mrosek pointed W FH A— FM 103.7. Douglas Library, scheduled for [brakes In their cars. Interest to Industry generally. WDRC -Curt Massey' and Mar­ S . gross assessment. The net fT h i Center had 63 new contnels Schcndel said. out that the backbone of the diniee M TICV-FM *6.5 MC. 3 0 Wednesday evening at the library It Is expected that.over 100 will m m & T f tha Tilton. assessment after deduction of ex­ or ! and 119 repeat for the month of drive Is, as always, the coin fold­ W TIC —FM On the air 8:23 a. m.- building was called off. owing to cases than those paid during the attend this monthly meeting of 20 RECUI.AR GAMES 3 SPEr.IAI.S W H A Y —Sport.x. emption for ex-service men. their ’ January. her of the Wi\ys and Means Com­ ers and asked that contributors 1 a. m. Uie same causes which led to many World Cofidittom Demand Dectsiom! last war.’"' the Men's club, and it |k requested WTIC—Front Page Farrell, relatives and the blind, is $1,818,- mittee, proposed in a statement a make prompt returns. Same a* wnC. postponements. Oivea > ReMoaB that all who do not now have S:.35— 793. The exemptions allowed were Whether Yon (lO or Slay, Learn a trade that $6.50(1,000,000 budget cut and $10,- (CAVUD BY COLD*) Mr. and Mra. Albert W. lidding But he said that I* necessary for reservations obtain them from Mr. W TH T— Falataffa Fabulous $108,537. So far as known there 000.000.000 In new taxes, ^ Television ami Ibeir daughter Alberta, plan will help yau .IN nr OlIT o f Ihe S ervicei. iTrunian Asks 10 three main reasons: Peabody at 113 Hollister etreet by enTussiN mutt be good when thou­ FaBle*. are no totally blind In the town, Should Congress cut the Presi­ WNHO—TV to start fqr Florida early Saturday "First, we should pay a* we go February 3. sands. upon thousands of doctors W'ONS—Victor Borge. blit there are several cases of im- dent s budgel. it would appear Mr. have prescribed it for so many years. 6:00—■ 4:00—Homemakers Exchange. morning by auto, to spend the Billion Tax Hike because that Is the way to keep the About Town 4:30-Vanity Fair. palrme.iit of vision and adjusted Tr.imaii wo'.dd consider a smaller government's finances on a sound pzRTUSsiN acts at once not only to re- W pflC—New*. month of 1'ebruary. On a former WINTER partial exemption ia allowed. The aec'oml iniStsllment increase ac­ lievc such coughing but also ‘loosens W H A Y — New*. 5:00— Lucky Pup, visit they were with a cousin of REGISTER fooling. . ' '' *tar of the East, Royal Black Deaths Last Night phlegm' and makes It easier to raise. Before Tou Buy STORM SASH! 5:15— Time for Beany. assessors are Harry H. KIrkman. (Coatinued from Page One) ceptable. He put It this way In his W ONS—New*. Mrs. Hilding, Mrs. May Carpenter "Second, we should pay for de­ Preceptory, No. 13, will hold its Safe for both old and young. Pleat- 8:30— Howdy Doody. ; Earl K. Murphy and Joseph A. fense ea we go because that Is the W TH T—Sport*; Joe Girand's aark . but this year they plan to message: monthly meeting tonight at eight ant tatting. >DCDTIIOeills. INVESTIGATE 6:00— Twilight Time. I Barasso. Mr. Kirkman, chairman 1 lie hearings to be opened Monday way to distribute the cost #f de- Alldrugstores. ^ r t n l U O O l n C ^ Show. be more "on their own." "I recommend that as rapidly as o’clock In Orange hall. By The Associated Press 6:30— Faye Emeraon. of the board, says that the in- I by the tax-writing House Ways London Sir Eiistance Tenny- w n c — Newa. There will be a-service of Holy NOW poBRiblr th^ Cun^^oBf^ enact: foo'*' fnirl.v. 6:45— Sports. I crease in valuation of $131,929 "Third, we should pay as we go ALL-METAL, 6:10— Communion at St Peter's Episco­ DRESSES : andMl Means Committee.c:omnmier. * ,__ _ .ev x-ini/i ' i nirn. wp niu>uKi pny * son-D'Eyncourt. 82. prominent 7:00— Kukla, Fran and Ollie. I over the previous year i.s largely School 1$ Open Mr. Truman did give one detail, revenue „ $ lo0 on -’ prevent Inflation." A meeting of the church school W D RC—Jack Smith Sportacast. pal church .Sunday, Keb. 4, the Brifi.sh architect who designed the 7:30— Roberta Quinlan. I accounted tor bv new automobiles He said the present $600 exemp- * ' ‘*■'^"’ 1 ------officers and teachers will be held 8:18— Rev. H. R. Keene offlriating. .Ser­ 9 a. nt. to 9 p. m. this evening at 8 o'clock at the Battle Cruiser Hood and other RUSCO SELF-STORING 7:45— Newsreel. I owned. Also there has tx-cn quite \5T)RC—Jack Zalman. tlon should be retained. I (KH).oo(i annually, am. later in the | Naval craft and formal Director of vice* In the Hebron and C.ilead Covenant-Congregational church. WTIC—Strictly Sports; Weath­ 8:00— Mama. I a spurt In building, especially at Liaited Eerallmeiit •Word In Informed quariera was | .vear enact the remaining amounts, O c l I l P P Nflval Construction and Chief SHOE Combination Storm Sash and Screen* churches will be as usual, morn­ that Snyder will ask ftist normal I needed to keep us on s pay as we ; T r f i t l l l l l l r ^ er: 8:30— We the People. , Amston Lake. There has been no Technical Adviser to Ihe Admiral­ ' property re-valuation. Doings of ing service in Hebron at Id a. m. corporate Income tax rates be ' go basis The marriage of Miss Lois Mae RUSCO GIVES YOU; W ONS—Sport*. 9:00—Comedy Show. and in Gilead at 11:15, the Rev. PRACTICAL 'If wf* follow tht$ rour$fr. our Thompson of Center street and ty. REPAIRING W H A Y — Supper Serenade. 9:30— Big Story. ‘ the board of tax review are ex- ■ raised to 58 per cent from the Of Clialloiier Cliilh I peeled to alter the above figures George M. Milne, pastor, nfflclat- I revenues will ki'rp pact* with in- Frank Phllopena, Jr., of New Ixm- • A Warmer, More Comfortable Home 6:20— 10:00— Boxing. Day or Lveninq • present 47 per cent top. Of the Better Kind ' to some extent, as uaiml. The first TO The president did not specify ,rrca.'»iug expi iiiliture.s. and we | don, will take place tomorrow a Magic* Panel Ventilation W D R C - Record Album. 10:45— Greatest Fight*. Courses in A goodly attended Is expected morning at eleven o’clock in St. «:80— 11:00— Broadway Open House. \ meeting of the board is Saturday any rate increase today. shall have .some months in which DONE WHILE • Fuel Saving lip To l/S at the town clerk's office, from 9 Most "Pay As We Go” to observe economic ifevplopments at the Challoner cluh Valentine Joseph's church, New London. SAVE ON W TH T— Screno Oammell: e Positive Locking for Prowler Protection Weather. 1 a. m. to 4/p. ni , to listen to griev- Op*n From 8:00 A. M. The President nowhen- named and to con.sidor the .several serious dance tonight at the American I.,e- YOU WAIT RADIO-TELEVISION SERVICING glnn Home, according to John Mc- WDRC— Record Album, i ances of tax payer.s. .the amount of the tax Increase he York Slrangfeld. general chair- I DON’T D ELAY . . . For Free Demonatratibn and Estimate To 2:00 A. M. quettions thst will need to be re- Cartan. chairman of the dance W TIC — Emil Cote G l*« Club. Extended Forecast I As a result of the special town wlU ask as a "second Installment" .solved before all parts of this man for the 1951 Fund Drive of ' S A M Y U L Y E S [lo ii ito rti Fibruory 5,1851 commiltee The affair will he held the Manchester Red Cros.s, and CARPET W ONS—News; Evening Star. ! meeting held Monday evening at following Congressional aotlon on year’s tax program are enacted. I in the lower hall of the Legion .Norman Osborne will give a talk 701 (MAIN STKEKT 6:45— the .scliool aiiditoriiiiii the sum of l.i:/\nN BY DOING! Finance Plan for the flrat Installment of $10,000,- Room *lse Rugs PHONE A. O. ARONSON—7691 Boston. Feb — The tem- $640 was appropriated to be ii.sed NORM’S It's t'p to (longres* Home and will start at H:30. and demonstration before the WDRC— Lowell Thomas. iFHCiiNT 8LACIMINT Non-Vetcrans 000.000. Wan to Wall Insfallatlnna peratui-e In New England during for an increase in teachers' aalar- Slitvici ValuRt $8,91 to $M.9I He pointed, however, to the fact "The Congress ha not yet had TIrkct.a will be available at the Methodist Men’s club of the North W TIC—Three Star Extra All Courawo Approved f«t Vp««r«B8. V*t«rau MOST ha la Trotetaf or write to WONS— Newa. the next five days, Saturday ies. including that of the custod- that a $16,600,000,000 Increase In an opportunity to art on the door, and door prizes will be Methodist church, Monday eve­ DRIVE IN Btlorp ]ulr 25, 1151 qualtlr «ad*r lh« O. L BUI. Junior, Mifuiy and Women’* Sin* budgel. 1 believe the Congress will awarded. ning, following a baked ham sup­ MANCHESTER W TH T—Weather: Music. through next Wednesday, will a v -! "«ven teachers will have revenue would be necessary to bsl- an increase of $100 each, ami the Wrtlp pr PhoB* lor FBCC DoacYlpUwo C1rctt1«t find that the budget is sound, and Several affairs have already per in charge of Janies T, Pickles 6:58— erage near the seasonal normal. 'hnee the $71,600,000,000 spending cust(^lan the same. Tiie special budget he has proposed for next provides only for the essential ; been scheduled by the Challoner and Mark Holmes. The business CARPET CENTER THE BARTLEH-BRAINARD CO. W TH T Edwin C. Hill Seasonably cold weather over the Table and f'niinler Ser\lce NEW ENGLAND TECHNICAL INSTITUTE 7:00 week-end, rising temperatures teach^ In muaic and the school Itaoir year. ' ■ ' ■needs of wir ’natiois .n this tifhe of f»r the 19.M,social season, meeting a v i I I follow and Walter 408 Main Ht,. Tnmplkr fVimer m TRUMIOU.mEET HABTT08D. COIfIf. leS WOODBIXE 8T. HARTFORD ‘ WDRC—Bbulah. Nfonday with a return to cold nur#e“ wil4 be increased $20 each. Try Oiir Flngerllng *teak And he hinted that the second world crisis. .Neverlneles.s, the ap- | Hibbard’s re.sponsibility is to jiro- They visit the local Rchool only Installment request will be $6.- vide music. llall.v 9 to 6:.H»— Wed To IMmin A Product of The F. C. RuoseU Co.. Cleveland W H A T —Symphony Hall. weather thereafter. propriations actually enacted by Piura.. Prl. 0' to 9— Tel. t-S.’ltS once a week. The meeting was 822 Middle Turnpike, Puist 500,000,000 by declaring it Is "my W T IC —Guest Star. Some normals for the period Opposite Green Mchnol the Congress will, ot course, con­ WON.S—Fulton Lewi*. Jr. are as follows: Boston 28. Provi­ rather poorly attended, owing to Arm conviction that we should pay trol the actual expcndili.res " Wappilig; Dr. James E. English, superin­ the Inclement weather. There was for these (budgef) expenditures as WTHT—New*: Headline Edi­ dence 28, Nantuckst 30, New Ha­ Congressional to. leaders have tendent of t|ie Stall Conference of tion. ven 28, Concord, N. H.. 22, Bur­ no opposition voiced regarding the ! we go." said it will he at least June before Mrs. Frank Bristow, Jr., chair­ Coiigregatiiinal Clirisiian churche.i, 7:15— lington 17, Portland 22. Eaatport salary increase, which was due! Some Congress member* already action can te completed on Mr. man of the Christmas seal sale, re­ will be the preacher at both serv­ mainly to Increase In costa of liv- ! have launched a campaign to cut WONS—Tello-Test. 20, Greenville 11, and Presque Isle Truman's tax prcipo.sals. ices of worship Sunday morning at HEARING-AID 11. Ing. ! proposed government expenditures, ports a total of $1,250 has been WDRC— Jack Smith. DON’T WAIT UNTIL While Snyder will Tresmt the the Second Congregational church. Following the meeting plans' aiming for a balanced budget i received. This is $50 more than W T H T —Elmer Davta. A t Boston the normal maximum details of how the Administration Members of Uic parish and the gen­ were shown of the proposed addi-' without anv Increase in taxes be­ BATTERIES Federal DEPoMNSi)RiNcf€oRPORAtioN w n C Album of the Week. during this period is 34. and the the quota set and $63 more than tlon to the school and there was ' YOUR OLD WASHER yond the $10,000,000,000 ''quickie" eral public are cordially invited. 7:30— normal minimum temperature 18. individual incom e taxes can be col­ the amount collected last year. For All Henrinff-Aids WONS— Gabriel Heatter. Precipitation during this period some discussion. A liay window' ^ bill. This wa.*! .sponsored by the Pub­ ^fz'^\\XSHINOTON. D. Q. V lected. congres.sioTial courses have The Lincoln P.T A. is having a food W TH T—Lone Ranger. wfill on the average total 0.2 and will have to be sacrificed to give ! RREAKS DOWN! Senator Byrd (D., Va 1, who ha.s lic Health Nursing Association "lt\eread.v’‘ “ Mini-Max” BURNw ■said Mr. Trum an contemplates room for the addition, to which < advocated cutting some $ , - sale at the J. W. Hale department WDRC—aub Fifteen, 0.7 inch melted occurring as a lit­ 7 0 0 0 raising inilividual Incom e taxes by and 84 per cent will he used locally i •*Mer«‘iirv" 000,000 from the President's store beginning at 9:3U tomorrow \NTHR-ACITE- J/ \ w n c — New*. tle light snow In extreme northern some objection was expressed. I , $4 o n e a c h $ 1(10 of incom e left afl- through the work of Miss Edna Pj 7:45— New England by Saturday night. This window gives a splendid view ' Trade In Now! Get Our Big spending budget, said that with morning. ‘Jurehjee^^ i cr deductions .Singer, public health nurse. WDRC- Edward R. Murrow, Snow ia indicated for northern of the school hackgroiind, and it ! proper economy the "first nark- Trade-In .\lluwance On 1 Although the rre.sntent was February 8 and Febniary 15, Federif^fPosif Newa. New England about the first of seems a pity to have It closed. sge” tax bill would he enough. I scarce with details on his propo.s- cla.s.ses for those desiring to learn Rep. Harrison iD-Vai. a mrm- ^ the VP0td^i ary 21 at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Burnham; February 28 at the well-t raveled, and our chickens are excellent. PICK! 1939 DsSOTO SEDAN home of Mra. Edwin O. Burnham, ZENITH Pleasant Valley road: March 7, at Others are mighty thankful for their modem electric the home-of Mrs. William Peck; ROGER. OLCOn 1942 FORD COUPE ° March 14 with Mra. Joseph El­ more. Ellington road; February 22, 403 West Center Street Telephone 7853 CROSLEY water heaters. They give you plenty of hot water whenever a Maundy Thursday aervice will be RE-OPENING TODAY 1941 DtSOTO SEDAN held at the church at 8 p. m. A son WM bom at the Hartford AT 4t00 P. M. you want it... hot w ater as clean and fresh as cold water. 5009 hospital Friday, January 26. to 12-42 By Mrs. Anne Cabot Mr. and Mra. Theron Nevera. ADMIRAL BUY 1949 PLYMOUTH SE|MN Sue Burnett Here Is a lovely design that will Saturday at 3:30 p. m., Miaa A beautifully tallcred suit-dress win admiring compliments from Hanneke Lans. 24, of Wassenaar, ARE YOU BUILDING A NEW HOME OR everyone. Enchanting Irish roses Holland, and Albert ReiUngh. 31, ANDERSON’S 1947 PLYMOUTH SEDAN that'a appropriate the year 'round. worked In pink and white for con­ Malta It all the seme fabric, or of L«erdam, Holland, will be mar­ REQUIRINO A SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM? G. E. trast with green leaves edge a ried In the First Congregational hatra th# akirt in contrast. Two delicate openwork center. It la INSIST RENT alaavat are provided. | church by Rev. Fraser Metzger. 1947 PLYMOUTH 2-DOOR easily ami quickly crocheted and Miss Lans Is a cousin of Mrs. Pie­ ON A NdUNNKT BROTHCB8' ICE CREAM BAR Pattam *No. 8492 l* a sew-nte may be completed In a few eve­ ter Schlpper of Rye street. A SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM FM twated pattern in elzes 12, 14, BENDK nings. bridal ‘shower waa given her UNDER ORIGINAL OWNERSHIP 1*. U , aO; 4M>, 43. Size 14. top. 2>i Pattern No. 6009 conaista of • fC A U S E 1941 OHEVROLET SEDAN Wednesday at the home o f Mrs. SOMETHING NEW! LOUISE ANDERSON. Prop. TV yerda o f S*-1neh; ek'rt, 8 yards. complete crocheting Instructions, Schipper with guests from South (1) Syaten engineered end In- Wik this 'pattern, aend 38 cente material requirements, stitch Il­ TRY SOME OF OUR Windsor and Manchester. The . etalled by epeelaUete giving OWN DEUCIODB THESE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD CONDITION for Brat-claaa' mailing, in Coins, lustrations and finishing direc­ couple will spend their honeymoon you n ioh THAT LASTS. ROUTE 4 AND 44-A — lOLtON ytmt aame. addrtaa, size desired, tions. in Bermuda and theq go to make (S) Beneonnbty priced. Anyene IjtlM Pattam Number to Sue ■Send 20c plus 5c for flrat-claas their home In Bolivia where Mr. enn n*ttr4 the BEST. U PIZZA OPEN EVERY EVENING UNTIL S H m Manchester Evening mailing, in coins, your name, ad­ Rellingh it engaged as ft, mining ^ur life because of a I ing the ranks of accidental killers , WTIC—Duffv's Tavern. given aa a workshop play by Cen­ Services at Center Dur- were outlined by Chief Schendel. In'the South End WHAY—Pledge Program. W O NS—Music. off. Mrs, Kvereti B. Porter, teach­ on biscuit, vegetable, jello, bread wife only $13.8 a week and lias traffic accident." As Yet Cnreturned ter Thespians for their Kebmaiy ing principal of the Kdw1n Itey- mill but ter, milk: Wednesday: put bimself on an "suslerily bud­ That advice was offered today They include: WTIC—Backstage Wife. 10:00— n o r AT ing January meeting. The arena lliealer date.^ nolds school was an e.xception, Meat loaf, potatoes, vegetable, get.' He said bis net salary Is bv Chief Schendel in launching, a 1. The only proper place for Twenty-two fires ^during the W K N B —Newe Request Matinee. W T IC —U fe of RUey. alcohol la in the radiator of a oar Donations for Manchester’s WON8—Hollywood U. S. A. W TH T—Boxing. back almost to the origin of dra­ that .SI hool lematning open. orange Juire, dessert, bread and only $670 a week. special traffic .safety program In March of Dimes drive edged up to month of January brought out Rear 314 Main St. biiller,, milk, Thursday: Chicken •n*e month of Jsnusry brought Manchester this month de.signed not in the driver. T . WCCC—Junior Disc Jockey. WDRC—Wc Take Your Word. matics. It 1.x an ancienl and Tho meeting of the Hcliron Wo­ "I want to be (air to everyone,'’ COX SERVICE STATION $9,003 toclay with 60 per cent o f soup, crackers, sandwich, glnger- ISJ to the Vetfran* Service Center to emphasize the importance of both local fire departments. 'The 4:1.5— 10:15— unique form of drama presenlation men's Clii^i. slated for Tliursdav he said. ’T v e always ti led to lie " 275 MAIN RTRRRT 2. Light and sound can safely the coin folders still unreturneU.' tireail. bread aiul butter, niita: rl- with request for “ knowing and obeying all traffic ignore speed limits—the driver South End Department responded Just North of tho Armory W T IC -S tella Dallas. WdNS I Love a Myatery. today. at 2 p. m., at the Douglas Lihrniy Judge Doyle heard further; That different m.bjects, " f Treasurer George Frost reports to 16 calls while the MFD w-as WONS— Jack Downey's Music 10:30— ■'The Anniversary” is being di­ was po.slponed to next Tlnirsday at dav: I’otatM salad, hard boiled egg, by court order Newcomb was re­ cannot. Obey both posted speed $1,300 received in the past two the monthly report releMOr eeverel months the Lpneciallv true in the case of drlv- alarm while the rest were stlHa. 4:30— Music. Tufts College, where all theatrical librarian, will give a talk on Aitci liaviiig l> 11 ' Hazel said It cost $75 a month espe tions. momentum. of insurance has headed the it „„ tntdmplete, WDRC- Yankee Kitchen. WONS News; Jack's Wax- prorluctlonH are presented, arena "Know Your Library, " and Mias lempeialurc, what mlyht be styled tor her daughters' lieauty parlor era who have 3 Set an example for the driv­ Frost stated that the flood o f Box 44 at the corner of Main and contact.s, butb>it during .lanuarj | ,H.rh»ps inaccurate,inucrurate, Iknowledge of Telophono 2*0848 W TIC —Lorenzo Jones. works. style. Mr. Coe ha.x worked witli Cora H. Webb. Home Demonstra­ amiiiitr .ii.iuiaij ...... bills, $100 a month for their dry 1 er behind you to follow. Avoid coin folders in the past 48 hours Oa'k streets for Monday night's eubject of education was high ,.,.p„iation.s. Chief Schendel W H A Y —News: Polka Hop. Jonathan Seymour, w1io is now aa- tion for Tolland County Farm Bu­ I'hruhdHy, the day before ground ciraning: that Mrs. Dorothy New- the weaving frorfi lane to lane, pass­ has reached the biggest volume of Are at the laundromat on Maple 10:45— emphii.sizcd...... "Our goal' , he said. street that was to open in the near W TH T— Dollar Derby. W T IC —Pro and Con. sistant director to Margo Jones reau. will bring witli her aonie bog day With a sloppy muahy comhe Is also asking for a house, slao. ing on the wrong side or at inter­ the drive to date and urged that 4:43— Many of the schools are start­ "is to have everv driver know and futurr, found all compontea of the WDRC—General Eiaenhower. of the Dallas. Texas. Theater No. boohs from her collection on snow under foot, a cloudy sky witn two cars, some Texas oil land and sect iona._ , those people who have ■ not yet ing their courses in Febniary and obey all traffic 'feguifltion.s all the SMFD reapondlng.- Chief John W TIC— Young WIdder Brown. W T H T —General Eiaenhower. 51, one of the foremost arena "Books for Parents," and wilt tell some rain, it was not the kind of $145,000 In Insuranre property, or mailed their folder donations do WDRC— Old Record Shop. many of 'the veterans are taking 4. Avoid "right-of-way” argu­ Mer* reportefl his department an- 11:00— style theaters In tlie country. about them. weather to bring Joy. This was at least eonimunlty"property share time." so as soon os possible.. WCCC— Bishop Walter H. Gray. advantage of the liberal **'*'^* The February program, sponsor­ ments. It's better to yield the (iwered box alarm number 51 on News on all atations. In the ca.st are John Coe, Ruth M iss'M. Kathleen Martin, daugh­ Just ns folks hail aboiU resigned 111 them. right-of-way than to give up your Dimes drive workers were busy 5:00— IhcniHelves to the thought tbat s fered by the G I Bill of Rights. ed by the Mambester Police Pe- Oakland street. 11:16— Rowley. Vicki Waehtel Snd Allan ter of the late Professor Horace Finally. Judge Doyle observed: partmeiil has as its theme "Know life to prove you're right. toda.v picking up the coin contain­ ' Haul M. HUverttrIn WDRC -New.-;: Old Record WDRC—The World Tonight. leal tmicb of winter had st Inst The termination of the education ers- located 'In the various public No estipiotes of damages were Coe. Jr. Because of the rising in­ Marlin, who was coiinei ted with '111 all the time I've lieen in and Obey Trail a l.aws.'^ ' 5. I/ook for and heed signs, sig­ n »e Army and Navy Shop. w n i T —UN Hlghllghta. reached ibe state. and training is July 25. lf>51 or places, including the large ^um i- available for Monday night's fire, terest in this type of theater, and the Louisiana Slate Normal Train­ Domestic Relation's Court. I'v* "Nenriy r ‘ T rent of th^ nriv- nals and traffic officers' dlrec- St. Mary's church Men'i club W TIC -When a Girl Msn-lei. WONS—Jack's Waxworks, A inieling'of the advisory com- four vears after discharge, num "urns" which will resume for­ the only one In which considerable the rare opportunity to view It, ing Sclioid, left .Sunday to take up 1 never seen a man who has per­ ers'lnvolvengresa enact fense fairly. London Sir Eustance Tenny- 6:45— Sporta. crease in valuation of $131,029 "Third, we should pay as we go ALL-METAL, 6 : 10— Communion at St. Peter's Episco­ DRESSES »and Means Committee. son-D'Eynoourt. 82, prominent School Is Open revenue legislation to yield a.ldl- A meeting of the church achool W DRC—Jack Smith Sportstast. 7:00— Kukla, Fran and Ollie. over the previous year is largely I Mr. Truman did give one detail. to help prevent Inflation." Brifi.sh architect who designed the at'< ounted for by new automobiles pal churrh .Sunday, Feb. 4, the tional taxes of at least $10,000,- officers and teachers will be held 6:13.— 7:30— Roberta Quinlan. Rev. H. R. Keene officiating. Ser­ 9 a. m. to 9 p. m, Battle Cruiser Hood and other RUSCO SELF-STORING 7:4!^Newsrfel. owned. Also there has been quite laler in the this evening at 8 o'clock at the WDRC—Jack Zalman. Son'tiouw'bTrouTned'’”" i (KK.,000 annually.-an. Naval craft and formal Director of a spurt In building, especially at vices In the Hebron and Gilead ^ o r d in informed quarters was i year enact the remaining amoiinU Covenant-Congregational church. WTIC—Strictly Sports; Westh- 8:00— Mama. churches will be as usual, morn­ LiRiited Eorollment V'^alentine D ance Naval Constnicflon and Chief SHOE Combination Storm Sash and Screens er: 8:30—We the People. Aniaton Lake. There has been ao that Snyder will ask fhat normal ! needpd to keep us on a pay as we Technical Adviser to Vhe Admiral­ ’ property re-valuation. Doing.s of ing service in Hebron at lu a. m. rates be ! go basis. The marriage of Miss Lois Mac WONS—Sports 9:00—Comedy Show. and in Gilead at 11:15, the Bev. PRACTICAL corporate Ificome tax ty- REPAIRING RUSCO GIVES YOU: 9:30—Big Story. ' the board of tax review are ex- " If wc follow- this course, our O f C lialloner Club Thompson of Center street and W H A Y - Supper Serensde. George M. Milne, pastor, officiat­ ’ raised to 56 per cent from the 6:20— 10:00— Boxing. I pected to alter the above figures Day or Evoninq , present 47 per cent top. revenue.s will keep pace with in- j Frank Phllopena, Jr., of New l-on- Of the Better Kind a A Warmer, 51ore Comfortable Home TO don, will take place tomorrow- WDRC— Record Album. 10:45— Greatest Fights. ' to some extent, aa usual. The first The president did not specify .creasing exp. nilitun s. and we | - a Magic Panel Ventilation ; meeting of the board ia Saturday lioursBS in morning at eleven o'clock in St. 6:80— 11:00— Broadway Open House. any rate increase today. shall have some months in which ; A goodly attended is expected DONE W HILE • E'uel Saving Dp To 1/S at the town clerk s office, from 9 at the Challoner club Valentine Joseph's church. New London. SAVE ON W TH T— Screno Oammell; Most “Pay As We Go” to obseiwe economic developments I a Positive Locking for Prowler Protection Weather. I a. m. to 4 p. m . to listen io grlev- Opan From 8:00 A. M. The President nowheWi named i consider the several serious dance tonight at the American l^e- YOU W AIT RADIO-TELEVISION SERVICING glon Home, according to John Mc- WDRC— Record Album. i ancea of tax payers. .the amount of the tax increase he. questions that will need to be re- York Strangfeld. general chair- I DON’T D ELAY . . . For Free Demonstratlbn and Estimate To 2:00 A. M. Carlan. chairman of the dance man for the 1951 Fund Drive of W TIC —Emil Cote Glae Club. Extended Forecast ' As a result of the special town Cloii Itorli Mruory 5 ,1B51 wlU aSk aa a "second installment | ^olved before all parts of this SAM YULXES ' meeting held Monday evening at 1 ronimlttee. The affair will be held the Manchester Red Cros.s, and I CARPET WO.NS—News: Evening Star. following Congressional on | yp^^'.s tax program are enacted, the .srhool aiidiloriuni the sum of | in the lower hall of the Legion .Norman Osborne w-ill give a talk 701 MAIN STREET PHONE A. O. ARONSON—7691 6:45— l.r./\niv BY DOING! Finance Plan for the first installment of $1 0 ,0 0 0 ,- Room Size Ruga I Boston. Feb 2—iJPi— The tern- $840 was appropriated to lie ii.scd I It'a f p to Omgresa Home and will start at 8:30. and demonstration before the WDRC— Lowell Thomaa. NORM’S ifficiiNT putciMiNT UAVici Non-Veterans 000.000. Wall to Wall Inatnllattnna ; perature in New England during for an Increase In teachers' sslar- j Valuft $8.91 to $ li9 l "The Congress ha not yet had Tickets will be available at the Methfidist Men's club of the North WTIC—Three Star Extra All CouraM AppfOTsd let Vsteroas. Vsletau MUST be la Ttcdalaf He pointed, however, to the fact or write to WONS—News. I the next five days, Saturday ies, including that of the ciislod- j that a $16,600,000,000 increase in an opportunity to act on the door, and door prizes will be Methodist church, Atonday eve­ Beior* lulf 2S. ilSI ie quallly nader the O. L BUI. W TH T—Weather; Miiaie. ' through next Wednesday, will av­ ian. The aeven teachers will have ! DRIVE IN Junior, Miuy and Womea’a Slz< revenue would be necessary to bal- budget. I believe lh< Congress will awarded. ning, following a baked ham sup­ MANCHESTER Writ* sr Phoae ier FIEC DeicrlpllTe Clrcalet Several affairs have alread.v 6:.55— erage near the seasonal normal. an increase of $IU0 each, and the 'knee the $71,600,000,000 spending find that the budget Is sound, and per in charge of Jame.x T. Pickles CARPET CENTER custodian the same. The special provides only for t'.ie essential been scheduled by the Challoner and Mark Holmc.'i. The business THE BARTLEH-BRAINARD CO. W TH T Edwin C. Hill Seasonably cold weather over the Table and Counter .Ser\lee NEW ENGLAND TECHNICAL INSTITUTE budget he has proposed for next 7:00— teacher In music and the school neeils of our natiop .ri this time of club for the 1951 social sea.son. meeting will follow and Walter H08 Main 8t.. Turnpike (ktrner week-end. rising temperatures 11$ TRUMinU IT U rr HAaTPO«D. COKII. fiaeoJ year. 108 WOODBINE ST. HARTFORD WDRC—Beulah. ^ •Monday with a return to will be increased $20 each. Try Our Fliigerllng Steak world crisis. .NcverUicl<*is. the ap­ Hmhard's r/s(j)onsibiht5'“is to pro­ cold ' ■' A'nd^he Minted that the second Ihill.v 9 to 5:.Hh—W M To IMmin ' WHAY—aytnphony Kail, Weather thereafter. Tliey Visit the'IcKal school only installment request will be $6.- vide music. A Product of The F. C. Russell Co.'i Cleveland 622 Middle TYirn|dkr. East propriations actually enacted by niura.. FtI. 9 to 9— Tel. J-4.14S w n c —Gueat Star. Some normals for the jieriod once a week. The meeting was , 800,000,000 by declaring It Is "my Opposite Green Sehool the Congress will, of course, con­ WONS—Fiilton Lewis. Jr. are as follows: Boston 28. Provi­ rather poorly attended, owing to Arm conviction that wre should psy W a p ] p i i i j » trol the actual expenditures" Dr. James E. English, superin­ W TH T—News: Headline Edi­ dence 28. Nantucket 30, New Ha­ the inclement weather.. There was I for these (budget) expenditures as Congressional ta. leaders have tendent of t^e Stat. Conference of tion. ven 28, Concord, N. H„ 22, Bur­ no opposition voiced regarding the ! we go." said it will be at least June before Mrs. Frank Bristow, Jr., chair­ Congregational Christian churches, 7:15— lington 17, Portland 22. Eastport salary increaae. which was due | Some Congress members already action can te completed on Mr. man of the Christinas seal sale, re­ will be the preacher at both serv­ WONS—Tello-Test. 20, Greenville 11, and Presque lale mainly to increase In costs of llv-' have^launched a campaign to cut Truman's tax propo.sals. ices of Worship Sunday morning at HEARING-AID V5TDRC—Jack Smith. 11. Ing. I proposed government expenditures, ports a total of $1,250 has been DON'T W AIT UNTIL While Snyder will T'cscnt the the Second Congregational church. W TH T—Elmer Davis, A t Boston the normal maximum Following the meeting plans' aiming for a balanced budget received. This is $50 more than details of how (he Admini.stration Members of Uie parish and the gen­ F e d e r a l D e p o S t S s h r a n c e foRPO RAiioN w n c - Album of the Week. during this period is 34. and the were shown of the proposed addi- ' without any increase In taxes be­ BATTERIES thinks another $4,000,000,000 of the quota set and $63 more than eral public arc cordially invited. 7:.50— normal minimum temperature 18. tlon to the school and there was ' YOUR OLD WASHER yond the $10,000,000,000 "quickie" individual Income taxes can he col­ the amount collected last year. | For All Hpnrinff-Aids WONS— Gabriel Heatter. Precipitation during this period some discussion. A bay w indow | bill. This was .s[K)nsoic(i by the Pub- 1 / ..^ W ash in g to n . D. C. \ lected. conglos.sional courses have The Lincoln P.T.A. is having a foigland. the building committee, says Uial ' SPEED QUEEN quire liighor itiixi lates in some will be held at the home _of Mrs. ' ' maxortu^fdepottttinwrance. qfftd.OOOin 8:00— he hopes bi4s will be advertised { Herbert Tomlln.son at 1;3’0 p. m. 87» Main St. Tel. 4 n « W'ONS—Count of Monte Gristo. Start CoDectlog Tax in the near future, and that th e ! In Icy Swam p j j n Neat Suit-Dress These clas.ses are sponsored by the WDRC— Songs for Sale. addition will soon soon get start- ' or BENDIX Farm Bureau Homemakers group. WTHT—Private "Eye”. Springfield, Mass.. Feb. 2--(A»;— ed. He expects that it will be | Royal Rose Women intending to register (Centtnaed From Page One) WTIC—Nero Wolfe. One o f Springfield's largest depart­ completed In time for school open-! are asked to call Mrs. Tomlinson. W H A Y —Cote Glee aub. ment stores yeaterday began col­ ing next fall. I UtlLK-FCD Manchester 6936, or Mrs. Ansel 8:1.5— lecting the Connecticut two per "N o achool today" waa a n -1 Christensen, 7655. for a list of alone, to "take a walk," and had FRESH FRO’AEN W H A Y —Bit of Ireland. cent sales tax from Nutmeg State nounced again for Thursday owing I BENSON'S needed materials. become lost in the woods when a fritim—y mmj 4/ •.*/ 8:30— customers and another store to continued traffic dangers which Badio, Televlslnn, Appllanoen The services at the Wapplng heavy fog settled. POULTRY He did not know how long he ^(4. ^ “*1 -/ S'/***"- '*i*- W 'HAY—So Proudly We Hall. moved to take similar action. It were augmented by an unusually 718 Main Rtreet— Tel. 8538 Community church Sunday. Feb­ WTHT This Is Yonr FBI. was reported that the levy affects ruary 4. will be: 9:30 a. m.. Church had wandered about, seeking a ,lb. 56c heavy fog. Among those who had ! familiar landmark, but police said ROASTERS ... W ONS—Eskimos only purchases delivered to Con­ school; 10:4.5, Morning Worship W TIC —Adventure.* of Sam necticut points. . The second store with celebration of the Lord's Sup­ it appeared he had become mired CAPONS and for sheer oeonomy around midnight. Spade. filed for a license to cover the per and reception of new members. CAPONETTES ,1b. 64c YOU CAN’T BEAT IT ' 9:00— store in its Connecticut trade. Rev. David Crockett will take for WDRC—Hear It Now. OSlciala said lawyers had advised the topic of his sermon. "The Shadow- Spoilage Delivered In Manchester Friday Evenings WTHT-Ozzle and Hgfrlett. Uwm that Connecticut could con­ Reality of Christian Fellowship." ceivably prevent deliveries from Food is rooked in a copper pot Cali After S P. M. for a worm heme w n C — MacnifleejitMontague, The Yoylh Fellowsliip will meet In MaasachusetU if no tax collecting over a little open fire by natives W ONS—Air Force Hour. the Community House at 7 p. m. W H A Y —Night W’atch. license was In force. Lenten services will be held for of India, who Immediately throw H. A. FRINK YOU CAN BET ON IT members and friends of the First out the contents,if the shadow of Sulllvaa Aienn^—Wapplng Congregational church beginning another caste falls over It. for eompleft details USBICRR Ash Wednesday. February 7, at 8 NO ONE LIKES TO SHAVE p. m.. at the home of Mrs. Ken­ Ptissa: neth Nichols. Sunday. ' Febniary 11, the choir will present Handel's Thtra Ii no akliqiiies, ss4 ‘'Messiah " at the church in a pro­ IT WILL SAVE YOU MONE)l gram rebuilt around the English IN AN IGLOO recordings of this work. Richard Autkarlud Jm Iw TAKE ♦ Jones has kindly loaned the re­ ' o t e ^ s DUMONT cording. Febniary 13, there will be a service at Wolcott CHiapel ROASTING CHICKENS G. E. Willis and Or almoit no one. Some folks might enjoy shaving and with the Timothy Edwards Fellow­ YOUR ship, RCA Values At Roy Motors Other Lenten services in tha W'e are open storm or shine every day and eve­ Son, Inc. 923 MAIN ST. PHONE'4171 washing in cold water. neighborhood will be held Febru­ ning, our driveway ia always clear, our street ia $ Mala Btroet 1>L Uttft ary 21 at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Burnham; February 28 at the well-traveled and our chickena are excellent. PICK! 19M DaSOTO SEDAN home of Mrs. Edwin O. Burnham, ZENITH Pleasant Valley road; March 7, at Others are mighty thankful for their modem electric the home of Mrs. William Peck; ROGER, O L C o n 1M2 FORD COUPE March 14 with Mrs. Joseph El­ more, Ellington road: February 22, 403 Weat Center Street Telephone 7853 CROSLEY water heaters. They give you plenty of hot water whenever a Maundy l^ursday service will be RE-OPENING TODAY 1MI DtSOTO SEDAN held at the church at 8 p. m. you want it... hot water as clean and fresh as cold water. $ 0 0 9 A son was born at the Hartford AT 4t00 P. M. 18492 hospital Friday, January 26, to 12-42 By Mtb. Anne Cabot Mr. and Mrs. Theron Nevers. ADMIRAL BUY 1S« PLYMOUTH SEDAN By Sue Burnett Here is a lovely design that will Saturday at 3:30 p.' m.. Miss win admiring compliments from A beautifully tailored suit-dress Hanneke Lans, 24. of Wasaenaar, ARE YOU BUILDING A NEW HOME OR eyeryqnc. Enchanting Irish roses ANDERSON’S 'BpproprtBtti the year ’round, Holland; and Albert Reilingh, 31, 1M7 PLYMODTH SEDAN worked in pink and white for con­ of Leerdam, Holland, will be mar­ REQUIRHIB A SEPTIO TANK SYSTEMT G. E. liak a it all the tame fabric, or trast-with green leaves edge a h art the akirt in contrast. Two ried in the First Congregational INSIST RENT delicate openwork center. It la church by Rev. Fraser Metzger. alaevse are provided. I ON A MclUNNET BROTHCBS’ ICECREAM BAR 1SI7 PLYMOUTH 2-OOOR easily and quickly crocheted and Miss Lans is a cousin of Mrs. Pie­ r r, ■ PatterntNo. 8492 le a sew-me *oay,be completed In a few eve­ ter Schtpper of Rye street. A SEirnC TANK SYSTEM UNDER ORIGINAL OWNERSHIP ^ > ferforated pattern in sizes 12, 14, nings. bridal shower was given her BENDK IS, U . ao; 40, 4$. Size 14. top, 2 )i ■ECAUSE IM S OHEVROLET SEDAN Pattern No. 5009 constats of Wednesday at the home of Mrs. SOMETHINO NEW! LOUISE ANDERSON. Prap. TV ‘ o f SS-inch; ik'rt, S yards. complete crocheting Instructions, Schipper with guests from South (I) Syatetn engineered nnd In- I w thla 'pattern, eend 35 cents material requirements, stitch 11- .. etaUed hgr saeelnltote giving TRY SOMK OF OVB Windsor and Manchester. The OWN DEUCIOVS ROUTE 4 AND 44*A — lOLTON THESE CARS ARE ALL IN GOOD CONDITION -claae' mailing, in Coins, lustrationa and finishing direc­ couple will spend their honeymoon Toa n Job t S a T LASTS. addreee, eize desired, tions. in Bermuda and theq go to make (8) BensennW PHew^ AnyeM Pgttem Number to Sue Send 20c.plus 5c for flrst-claas their home in Bolivia where Mr. enn nfford tlia BEST. U PIZZA OPEN EVERY EVflNING UNTIL 8 IBe Mancheeter Evening •nailing. In colnk, your name, ad­ RciUngh ta engaged as a mining (B> Ten get the MaeSt of ear tU- ^ISO Ave. Americas, New dress and the pattern . number to engineer. yenr fenriee fl»n. ele^ gne- • ICE CREAM ','14. t . Anne Cabot. ’The Manchester Eve­ Hedlenlly nt n t9% dB eeesL SPECIAL dIFTS to Uke *he many tnterestlng ning Herald. 1150 Ave. Americas, DIvenIfled Dehign Plugged eewem cleaned eleetrleal- • HAMBURGH UNTIL 1 P. M. .ons contained in New York 19. N. Y. ly. Septte Tanka and Oeaapoeia Needlework Fans —Anne Cab- ROY MOTORS Inc. ftuuBRp ysshk*L W ater from one aipaU Colorado cleaned. WalerpreMUig e# eeUare. The Pint 100 Lodies^ • t’f big new Album Is here. Doz­ • HOT DOGS WBDNBBDAT T he Conhecdcut ^ P ower C ompany ^ ) « l a l features; rainstorm may reach the sea at DcSOTO and PLYM OUTH ens of fasclnatirig new designs, three widely eeparated points: 3!W BAST CENTZB'ST. THUKSDAT 'printed Inside the gifts, decorations and special fea­ • SANDWICHES today for your Point Isabel, in the Gulf of Call- MeKiiiey Bros. Stwan DispoiMiI Gt. Visitiiig Us Fridoy 241 NORTH MAIN ST. TEL. 511S tures. Plus 4 ^ f t patterns and fornta; Brownsville, Tea., and ^lew ia«-tSS PEARL STREET TELEPHONE ASM TELEPHONE SUi FRIDAT directions. 26 cents. Otfetuu. Lel4. ■ I I _____ I ' St'’ ■. Iwh, •r;>


dntloa of InfantUa Pantlyala, Xno„ To Qo to Engluid in thn CuuU Zona and that It Is No Skating Tonight Allies Advance nans Officer Lodge Faces GOP Ignores U klR c o o rt of mil bUlo, which U. N. Opposes might hav* been sent hero other- At tho Center Springs Tough Battle Benton Blast wlse. NassiffsNeed Win Tonight Over ^Canes to Remain in Lead Past Anyang; Clayton E. Hunt, chairman of There will not be any public Sanctions Talk the Saxton B. Little Free Library skating tonight at Center Fighting Bitter Oil Austerity On McCarthy Asaoclatlon whlcht ia conducting Springs pond but there will be At This Time A financial drive for library bene* sknU ng tonglht from 6 to 10 THE High Quintet Thoughts Turn fite, locally, eeld Wedneaday that o’clock et Robertson Perk. Police «nd Firemen Little League (OMthmM rrom M fe <»■*) (Continued from Page One) (ContlBne^ from Psgs Oue) the drive la not yet completed (OoBttnaed from Page One) Invaders Have Won since some members have been un­ Park Superintendent Horace Murphey reports that should Heraid Angle In Road Game Basketball Results To Touruevs tn l 'fronU. French ww American Tuesday a t 10 a. ni., to answ er committee will take no advice able to make home calls planned. Offices Committee Is, the lees the more cpie.stloiis. from Benton." But, he said, to date the response the cold weather, continue By tfanwiita amuhed their way out there may be skating Saturday Collective Measures group must • of a trap act by thouaanda of Public heariiiKs will be held Senator Wherry of Nebraska, has been very gratifying and that do," U. S. delegate Erneat Groad EARL W. YOST Last Three Starts morning at Center Springs Indian* Hope to Avenge The second and final round' of ('handler, rf ...... s 1 <1-0 t oercamlnir Oommuniata who leap* next Thursday by the .ludiciary the minority leader, came to Mc­ each committee member has been told reporters. "We Miould have Leading College Teamn pond. Information on skating Sports Editor the Pnliee and Firemen Midget Jfjlnweki. If ...... 1 0-1 4 M wUdly Into hand-to-hand com­ coinmltree on terms of minor Carthy’s defense right after Ben­ cordially received. an organizational meeting by late MnrClugfef^. If ...... 0 0-0 0 court Judges and on extending for ton finished his speech. Dr. Ralph E. Wolmer has been conditions Saturday may be se­ Early Season Two Point to NCAA, NIT bat 12 mllea liorth of Yoju. cured by calling the lodge at next week at least, and start con­ Basketball League started last two years the temporary housing He .saUI McCarthy “can be criti­ named a director of the Williman- CViuntry Club Bulletin Dizzy Trout of Detroit handled the TMaIb Jack Foerst Slated for The flght took a heavy toll Center Springs. There will be sidering wliat form sanctions Point Loss by Hall Baturday. The winner of each u f .n 31 Eveiilfi; The .SiHiidingN Ex-Ivy lA*agurr amonx two enemy reifimenta— law which wouUl rxi>ire May I. cized from const to coast and tlc Y. M. C. A. for a tw o-year pe­ should take In the next week. The First edition of the "Bulletin," most chances, 58 . . Handsome league will play in a tournament HeMmea Berth With Starting riod. Dr. Wolmer attended the skating Saturday morning at Harry Watson, left wing of the B. r . T. abwt 6,000 men—who apent 12 Hearings will lie held at 2 p. m. sroimd the world, but I think he Robertson Park. committee will ha/c to work be­ at the end of this round. 50th anniversary dinner meeting timely publlcatiun of the Manchce- Toronto Maple Leafs, ia e ten year Hall High of West Hartford will B. C>r, rf ...... 1 M 7 New York, Feb. 2-vPt — Now houra Thuraday tryinj to aqueeae Debate 4-Vear Terms has done more to establish con­ hind closed doors. Recommenda- Verplanek lirague K. AufiiBt. rf Five; Skinner and Up for airing will be a GOP fidence In the hearts of Americans held at Nathan Hale Hotel In Wll- ter Country CHiib, was passed along hockey veteran at the age of 27. . . attempt to extend the Mench^ter ... 0 0-0 0 comes the time when the thoughts U 3 i. troopa Into aubmlasion by at- tiona will have to b" agreed on as High losing streak to five etraight The Lsddermen combined fins Ifinflinh, If ...... 0 0-0 0 tadca on three aides.' mea.siire apon.sored by House than has any man 1 know. He Is limantic, Wednesday night. to this writer yesterday by Kditor Eddie Gottlieb, coach of the Phila­ teamwork with skillfull shooting llollend. If ...... 0 0-0 0 of many basketball roaches wander Knight Duel Expected Bast Central Pomona Grange calmly walking along in the yard collective action.” tonight In a CX7IL game in West A.P. Correspondent Don Huth I.iender I»iiia .Shapiro to set foui- giving the American people new Ray Owens. delphia Warriors, haa revived an to down the league leading Cruis­ ZlntiBr. c ...... 0 0-0 0 to the coming of spring, snd not yiar terms for the 69 local court hear! In denning out infiltration will meet in Yeomans’ hall Satur­ and said to herself "That’s a fun­ But even If closed meetings were •ITie six page paper contains old custom of imposing $25 fines Hartford. A loss by the Indians Shennnn r .. s• # * s s.. . 0 0 0 0 aaid the Allies broke the back of held, Jebb said, leaks about pos­ ers 13-8. In doing so th e Ladder- neresssrlly for the usual reason. judgeships. Preyioiis terms ran I of ('001011101X10 in the United day night at 7:30. Wilbur F. Lit­ ny looking cat. I don’t think I’ve ttew'3 of club activities and shorts for technical fouls. "This includes will eliminate the team from any I. Aufuxt. rf ...... 0 oo 0 the Communist banzai charge sible punitive measures and sanc­ men are now tleiendrr, rf ...... a 0-0 4 selectman and director, has a long ] The proposal would pave the 1943, when he and W alter H. j On Sunday. February 4th the Connecticut music department for baqgbaira Hall of Fame at can School for Deaf In West Hart­ night to play Mariden High in an­ game, the cellar dwelling Cruisers tant tests coming tip this week end traction brings together these military record dating b,ick tn at "Lohreroft." Wally Lohr. stu­ cause of bombings over the Korea- Coal Crisia : way for four year terms for new Joyner received Instruction In ob.seivance of ('ommurilon will who is assisting him with music Cooperatown, N. Y .. Four outfield­ ford.. .Three new opponents ap­ other league game. The eeaaon’a beat the Laddermen at their own Tot&U ...... 17 7-13 41 Tonight’s games Inchide: arch-rivals In the midst of a hec­ April 4, 1922 when he enlisted in ; , . , . academic courses and elementary dent a t Deane Academy in instruction at the Robertson school C3iina boundary, and because of its ers, Mel on. Paul Waner, Al Sim­ pear oh C onnecticut’s 1951 foot­ fast breaking game. Playing Leddernee (81> Bradley (18-3) at San Francisco. take place at the eleven o’clock Franklin, Mass., arrived here finale will be against Hamden tic race for loop honors. Both Company G, 169th Infantry C. N. ‘ "PPmntees. T^vo years flying at Southwest Missouri I seiwire. There will also be re­ was in charge. Tliose participating Formosa protection policy. Neither mons and Harry Heilman, ranked ball schedule. The UConna open High in Hamden. without their big gun "Hook" Falkuwakl rf 2 0 0 4 Rated the heat team in the cotmtry I lubs arc currently riding winning Hits Britain O. W w as commisslone


1-* fVro^FEBRUXRT t. 19B1 jMatif^ggter E patttng Ifar^aUi Averaca Dally Net Praaa Ron Tha Wiathar ► ■»* T * . ' For Ibo Week Baling FWaeaaU ed 0.a . Weather Banha Jaaeaiy S7, 1651 Mr. and Mm. WlUiam A. Park, Epworth Lsagusrs o f the South Teday elemiy. eeld. Ugheet 6a«- Methodist church are planning a former residents o f Manchsater, w•I Annual ifduth 1 0 ,1 4 8 peratnre near M ; ttmight elMdy. About Town who aincs their marriage in Aug* dance party for tomorrow evening. eeuM Hght eaow, lesreet tempera usL IM7. have made tbetr home In Dtay are raqusstsd to moot In front Member ef the Audit ^ e Bear I6| Snadey eleady, eoam Hartford, are now oiscupylng their of the church at 7:45, where trans­ liListedl Presenting H ie— of dreidatloae Ught ineM. temperature ueur BL n * fTiurt*"**** club will hoM u p«*«5k^uppSnn &• Robbln. new ranch-style house on FOlt Road portation win bs provided for those Manchetter^A City of Charm at center cliurch Monday Extension. Park, prior to her who need It. marriage, was Miss June Yeomans, evening at 6:30. Each member Is The regular meeting of the So­ To Be Prcachf^ Sunday (CtaMellled Adverdelng ou Page It) requeued to bring her own cup widely known soprano and soloist The Smartest VOL. LXX, NO. 105 m a n c h e ;s t e r , c o n n ., Sa t u r d a y , Fe b r u a r y s , i 95i (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE FIVE CENTS of the South Congregational ciety Magllsness sablna has been At Center Qiurch by and plat*. ____ postponed to February 11, bocauas Church choir, Hartford. a banquet la being held at tha Italt- Rev. C O. Simpson Tbe auppar of the Ingnham an-Ameriesn clubhouse at the m u p . one of the evening groups / The U. 8. D. A. Cooperative Ex­ Italian Premier to Visit Strange Lingo for a G.I. time of the regularly scheduled Rev. Qlifford O. Simpaon, paator Declares Hike Quads’ Papa Congratulates Mama Thaw Freeze of the North Methodiet Women g tension .service has called a coun­ meeting. All members are urged Truman in Washington Asking for Seventy Burks Society for ChrlaUan Ser\ ice, ty meeting of vegetable growers to attend the meeting on February of the Center Congregational ■ w ' ' G. I.’s Less Than 7 be served tomorrow evening aV«:30 at the Rosemount restaurant in 11, at Which time much Important church, will deliver Sunday morn­ In M ilk Price Rome, Feb. 3.—(JP)- Official To O k Some Philadelphia, Feb. 8. (A3 - at the church. Bolton Febniary 8 at 7:45 p. m.. It business. Refreshments will be ing at both services hit seventh circles report Premier Alcide The Federal Bureau of Inves­ ia announced by County Agent SUITS De Gasperl will meet President served following the meeting. annual youth sermon. Youth of tigation began looking into A military whist wU(^ be held John H. Elliott. An instructional Questionable Truman in the United States Pay Increases something It figures may be a Miles from Seoul; tonight at eight o ' ^ k at Bt. and social program has been plan­ the Church are especially Invited before the end of February. nej*- racket today. James's school hall. The public is ned. Mother, Daughter and there will be an aasembly of Ever Welcomed The informants said De Gas- \ It seems that'Mr. and Mrs invited to attend this whist which the Junior departments during tbe peri's trip will be made after Gabrlle R, PaclIII received a is being sponsored by the members Tbe senior rlbiir of Emanuel DiSalle Says Increase “ Length of Service” and Lutheran church will have a re­ I II Head Offiees flrat service. he confers on Feb. 12 and 13 telegram from Nara, Japan, af Senior Oirl _ ^ u t Troop 14 as with French Premier , Rene Tanks Rout Reds hearsal this evening st 7:30. The Mr. SImpeon's topic WUI be in In Connecticut Will Merit Hikes Allowed •stating:’ "Please send me sev­ M rt of their efforts to rales funds By Spring Pleven. Pleven visited. Mr. enty dollars. May you be in­ usual rehearsal was postponed for a trip to Washington Priaea Sunset Rebeksh Lodge, No. 36, keeping with the theme chosen by Truman in Washington this Under Modified Order; Wednssdav evening on account of will meet In Odd Fellows hall, the national committee that for Have to' Be Studied; scribed In the book of life. Rob­ wjlj (le awarded and refreshments week. ert F. Pacllll." served. the storm'. A social period with Monday evening. February S at many years has been sponsoring Two Boosts in Month Debate Tax Program .Afihihtatit Secretary of refreshment* will follow, practice right o;clo< k. Thl.s will be the first Youth Week in the Protestant Here are suits with slim trim lines . , . the luxurious The Ractllls aald their son, Canada, India tonight. meeting With the newly Installed Robert. 19, was wounded In Army Vifiits Front as churches of America. The scrip- just-like-tailor-made details . . . the fine texturc^in- Norwich, Feb. 3—(JP) — Michael Washington, Feb. 3—(ei — The officers ocirupylng their .stations. ture Is found In John 1.1; 1-17, and terest fabrics and soft and delicate ehades that make Korean fighting and la a pa­ Sunday, February 4. will be ob­ For the first time in lU history V. D1 Salle, Federal Director of government's wage-salary freeze tient at a hospital in Nagoya, Battlea Rage in West; the sermon topic will be "Serve in them so especially Spring ’51. And so right a choice Demands 'U. S. Balk at Posts served as Temperance Sunday at of nearly sixty years, the lodge Faith." Price Stabilization, said today that thawed out enough today to per­ Japan, some 75 miles from. Foe' Fights Savagely GLASS will be honored by having a moth­ for your important new-season 'wardrobe. Come see Nara. And they -think he would the North Methodist church, and In addition to the annual youth the recent Increase In the price of mit "merit" and "length-of-.aerv- through the efforts of Philip L. er and dnughfer In the head our group early— Choo.se the spit that will take you have said something like: To Difilorlge Turks; offices; namely Mrs. F.thrl Aspln- sermon the semi-annual presenta­ milk In Connecticut "is question­ Probe RFC Ice" pay increases for millions of On IJ. N. Body AUTO. RURBOB. PLATE Burgees of 88 Main street, a rep­ everywhere in good style this Spring! "Send me seventy bucks. I’m J resentative from Harlfonl of Al­ ws1l„nohIe grand: and her daugh­ tion of the Go-To-Chiirch Band able and should be studied fur­ workera. broke." The Paclllla aren't Red Supplies Blasted and rCBNITUBE TOPS pins will be awarded. coholics Anon,vmou8, will be the ter. Mrs. Dorothy Ewing aa vice I ther." Relaxation of the rigid ceilinga sending any money until the Sf|XEL SASH JOSSEBS Lending PoUcy Reluctanl to Sfr\'p WItb guest speaker st the eleven o'clock grand. As In the six previous annual PI SaJle's statement waa con­ lmposeoHes sending The chief problema now are: Rail Walkout 1. .Sanctioia; Uie U. S. wants the war and blocking the path to a Tan.can have your Board "two or three days" before membera Walter L Dunham, Wil. By ,l.elf Erlrkaon There were also these other de­ additional foot soldiers to Eiwope, velopments in the fleld of eco­ peaceful settlement In Korea. I gbailk enl af tba oms, ar «srt ta price ceilings were established. 11am E. Willett and C. Ekiward Tokyo, Feb. 3 (VP) - Red China's said he will demand thalt'Arheson M-natlon Collective Measurea nomic controls: Committee to get together at once Aside from the sector visited by a 4 ^ m a t or flUa, larae er Milk halpa keep them jroathful and attractive. B«inf He added that when ceilings were Rowe, but made no mention of premier today declared the Unit­ tell Senate committees next week ■m l. at * a aasaa loWsttea af More Workers Join Pa- U ft Coal Celling and start thinking i . ways to pun­ Johnson, the picture of the west­ announced he ha'd studied the reg­ RFC Chalrmt-n W. EHmer Harber ed States "and its accomplices” whether such commitments al­ iMa^Ai. Oama la Balatday for nature’s most perfect food, it gives them clear skin, ulations carefully and could And 1. The Office of Price Stabili­ ready have been made. ish Red CYilna for her action In ern battle line in relation to Seoul - , *TaauSeP* Jast and Walter Cosgrlff, who are serv­ alyzing Strike as U. S. had blocked the road to peace in zation (OPS) lifted retail coal was not clear. nothing In conflict with the Milk "I accept at face value General Korea. shining white teeth and helps keep them healthy. ing first terms on tho board. Korea with their United Nations ceilings to allow sellers to pass on AP Correspondent Stan Swln- Board's action. Said Bribes Were Passed Presses Contempt Elsenhower's statement that he 2. Britain and moat other coun­ aat awl ha dais Hammerberg said he had heard resolution branding the Peiping to consumers the cost of an earlier tries want a so-called Good Of(loea ton said one U. N. task force gat aseca aretaga par Rowe and Dunham promp^y regime an aggressor. price increase allowed producers. has made no commltmenta," nothing from Washington and that Action in Chicago Wherry told a reporter. “That Omralttee to study ways of reach­ stabbed Uirough to Samgo, seven e«t af tba aasaima the B<»rd d li^ o t contemplate any denied the committee's charges. (^ou En-I.oi. No. 2 man In The Increase will amount to as ing a peaceful settlement with the milea south of the Han river and fiiab lewa State Pork Willett was reported out of the Communist China, told the world much as 90 cents a ton for soft leaves Acheson as the one man rescinding action. who could have made such agree­ (Chinese Communists in Korea first. 10 milea south of Seoul, in a paw bay at PlaainireL city. Dawson Is expected back By The As.sociated Press' in a broadcast statement that Pei­ coal and up to 25 cents for hard Pearson, Kan Balk shooting foray behind enemy Monday from a trip to Brazil. His ping considered the U.N. resolu­ (anthracite) coal. ments. He should tell Congress lines. ■' Federal Cotirt action and urg­ whether any exjst." Assembly President Nasrollah office made no comment on the tion "illegal, slanderous, null and 2. The National Production ing from the White House brought In a radio report to the nation Entezam of Iran Is having a dltll Other Allied troops drove to Dixie Shivers committee report. void." Authority (NPA) was putting fin­ cult time ehooaing two other mem' TIUPE IN NOW! no Indication today of an early He warned that Peiping “ will ishing totiahss su n -ussy order ex- last night on his survey ol.w est­ ''Button, who oharmd In a recent ern Europe's military ;>otential, bera ta a^iv*. Thri’ m i« B t W C a i , W »u6t«un6 au Hagt OF FOVETRY ’ V ' \ ' House speet^ that bribes have In­ back-to-work move by "sick" absolutely pay no attention" to nadian MtnUitar Lsitsr B-'Pearaon MSa Bamaa eertahlT rals fluenced some RFC loans, told a striking railroad switchmen. the U.N. "Good Offices" commit­ (Continung. on Page Seven) Elsenholver urged the sending of Wm. (BIO) McBrida In Icy Siege an unspecified number of Ameri­ and India’s Sir Bengal Rail don’t iRh cUakaM hi Ms eartp Repreaentlag . . . EXTRA BIG ALLOWANCES reporter “It’s time now to turn the Although no break appeared in tee act up to try to find a basis for . can divisions to help man the want to be on the coramittse. •Oa SMt tw sbsafd be aa \ A-*:: committee's report over to the Jus­ the crippling walkout, efforts to peace. They have until Monday to make Russians Aid It an p a M ^ s«aSty. Ha FOR YOUR SMALL SCREEN tice Department." reach a settlement in the lengrthy This waa the flrat official Chi­ defenses there against possible Even Florida Gels Snow Communist attack. up their minds. Jb ahiaMBy prepare the I'I’m going to try to get the ltd dispute were taken by the Nation­ nese Communist reaction to the 29 War Grime These two served with Entezam m piaaip fowl, and tha Selling . . . Buying . . . Asserting that he had found TELEVISION SETS Aq Southern Crops taken clear off this mesa," he said. al Mediation Board in Washing­ U.N.'s aggres.sor resolution adopt­ on the original Cease-Fire CJom- h taaidir Trjrhig Chtckeaa Building . . . Or Just Think­ “heartening evidence of a regen­ Typhus Fight "Thla isn't a Congressmen's gov­ ton. ed at Lake Sucreas Thursday by mlttse and the U. N. wants them laeal poaHi'ymeu briag «a ing — you want to know Sn£Fer Big Damage ernment, in which oor committees Meanwhile, the five-day walk­ an Assembly vote of 44 to 7. The Convicts Free eration In Europe's spirit," Elsen­ I fm h from the farm. Nothing all the angles. "Bill" Mc­ Investigate, expose and do nothing hower said that the West’s will to act again. out had nearly paralyzed most, of statement was broadcast by Pei­ 3. The 38th Parallel: this myth­ “ freeh from ttw farm Bride is well qualided to BIG SELECTION further. The Justice Department the nation's transportation and ping and monitored here. to fight off aggression will grow Epidemic Has Reached ay." aaya Teay. haadle your Real Estate By The Associated Press should take over now and find struck damaging blows at other with Its military strength. ical line came bark In the newa Resolution “ Illegal'’ Top Nazi Criminals "TTie arrival In Europe of New yesterday when the United States Huge Pruportions Problem!. A MANCHES­ OF 16,17,19, 20 INCH SETS Winter held the usually Sunny some of the answers the committee key industries. It threatened to Chou asserted the resolution TER home owner, ha is an­ South in a frigid embrace today failed to find." strangle many war and civilian "in almost naked way proves to Leave Prison After Among Koredn , Reds other Important member of Cites Questionable Loans (Oontlnned on Page Seven) (Oontlnned on Pnge Seven) : typo o f Pot Boasts after ataggering the area with her operations. the peace-loving people of the the Paul B. laham organisa­ He referred to a statement In More Workers Quit Pardon by McCloy I. . • and be haa made this one tion geared to aerve you hardest blowa In more than a dec­ world that the United States and Washington, Feb; 3—(A>— the report that "many RFC loan More rail workers joined In the its accomplices want not peace I af Ma apeclaltleB aliioe he Joined AROUND THE C1A3CK. EASY TERMS ade. Even Florida had Ice and applications in the past two years Prompt and largo scale Russian work stoppage. The number of but war and that they have block­ Lamtsberg, Germany, Feb. 3 — technical help may decide whether You may contact him at snow. haye been approved by the Board workers made idle in other indus­ (JP)- Twenty-nine war crimes hla home, Manchester 4816, Moat of the reat of the nation ed the path to a peaceful settle­ typhus fever depletes satelllta VALENTINE tries soared past 150,000, with in­ ment," prisoners, including German arms Truman Talks Today ^Whatcrer you want In or at our downtown office, suffered the same punishment too (Oontlnned on Page Seven) power sufficiently to away tide of B | «st . . . conn to Pine- Hartford 7-1803. dications of thousands more being Chou, who al.so is Red China's magnate Alfrled Krupp and four battle In Korea. ' —but Dixie, prepared for only laid off if the strike continued. former generals were released mild winters, appeared the worst Foreign Minister, maintained the Military officials here express­ l| hont tSstnrdsy . • . and The situation in the steel industry from tbe American prison here BENSON'S hurt. • resolution was approved under ed this guarded opinion after here’s s good Hambarger At Chapel Exercises HANKIES was reported “ growing rapidly United States "domination and today. measuring Red China’s estimated Style 2085 , A six-day coat o f ice and pnow Boston Quads worse." r e ^ p ^ ^ r . Chsries McCar­ 112 ANN ST. 7-1803 RADIO — TELEVISION — APPLIANCES coercion." - They filed through big open military medical facilities against has taken 32 lives in the south, The government moved for a doors to freedom and into the thy want* promoted 80 that Central Office—Suburban broken power linee serving thou­ He called the action an "out­ current reports of a' typhus epi­ Service 713 MAIN STREET— TELEPHONE 3535 F’lne quality printed hankies with speedy decision in Federal Court on right unlawful by-passing of the arms of waiting relatives. Their | we win sen more fresh Mntchmnte—Trim and neat—and very sweet, thla Jewel neck­ hearts and bows. Also all white sands of families, closed schools,^ D oing Fine Dedicates (^biireb demic among North Korean line, tuck-front Ju^y Bond. You'll wear it with everything . . . a contempt action stemming from Security Council " and "a violation release followed a sweeping revi­ troops. ; Chscit Groond and Round hand embroidered hankies. and Isolated dozens of communi­ ; Yugoslav Gets from dressy skirts to slacks. Wonderful and washable In rayon ties. a similar walkout In Mid-December. of the principle of unanimity sion of U. 8. war crimes sentences Honor of Four Hero Major Gen. R. W. Bliss, Army |. Steak Ground. among the great powers." announced Wednesday by High tissue faille. In white and colors full of spring flattery. Bices For the entire nation, the num- A hearing in Chicago yesterday ie Army Cbaplaitis Surgeon General, aald today there 82-38. Patrolman Father Told had been continued for a week but Hits “ Good Office*" Ikaly Commissioner John J. McCloy. Death in Plot haa been no typhus among Amer­ The prisoners came out in' the (Conttnoed on Page Seven) Hospital and Medical arrangements were made late last He held that the resolution was Wbo Died in 1943 ican or U. N. troops In Korea. He “PARir night to resume today. not legal because it was aINEHURST farmera who lived 3,750 yesra ago only by some dozen scholsrs.' shot and killed today, police said, by a disappointed suitor volved. It's s matter of $280,000, The man with the moldy money clerk on the Attack Transport defense force will iise Americun, how to sow their crops, how to ir­ Found A Temples Bayfield. He i6y action In tlM In- A w ue m h n ti J W H A l ^ COM uot Brltlah, arm s-. . . . Britala who critically wounded himself and then acribbled a note which popped up at a Federal Re­ is Peter Joseph, 46, a former pool " FH. Col Isw9f m f/m SHMS^fORDflig ANDCattt rigate, how to handle field mice The Sumerians, who developed serve Bank in moth-eaten, mutila­ < room operator In this hard coal chon inVoolon and the withdrawals Ed=V’; tUv bhpOuB^ plane in which Cap;. and how to harvest. the first civlUxatlon which arose of his guilt on a cardboard box. The two women^-Mrs. Fan­ ftom aunnom^io and Hungnom. iH^RY, ING. bOttOTMUotl. i - m a m c n i s t h i C o m w ted and moldy condition. ' city of 20,000 in eastern Pennsyl- Oiarlea Blair broke New Yorl;- The findings were reported by In Mescmtamla, were principally nie Kendrick, 23, and Mra- Louise McDiarmid, $5— were felled The man who brought In the I vanla. And whqre is his son? He’s betn London speed record, claiming un­ the University Museum of the by shotgun blasts as they returned to the home of Mrs. money, seeking tp exchange it for in SeotUs, Wash., oU this thiM. a paid customs duty. A University of Pennsylvania and (Centtnoed an r a n Twn) McDiarmid’s parents. Police Chief F. C. GwaUnev said. criao naw bills, savs the money fOeuttuaed eu IBs* T m if Navy chief radUnuaiw
