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Code: IBG18-14 Year: 2014 Name: MAULBRONN Name: Location: Address: Url: Project: RENO-ENVI - Restoration-Environmental Initial Date: 19/07/2014 Final Date: 03/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 30 Places: 2 Descripction of IBG 18 Maulbronn (Baden-Wurttemberg) 19.07. - 03.08.2014 RENO/ENVI Workcamp: 15 vols

PROJECT: Maulbronn, in the southern German state of Baden-Wurttemberg, is looking for the help of an international Workcamp in the maintenance of the area near the town¿s monastery. The branched ditch system around this building has been a UNESCO- world cultural heritage site since 1993. The goal is to renew and improve protection of these historical ditches.

WORK: A variety of interesting tasks await you at this famed site. One task will be to work on the ditches to remove vegetation cover and other things which stop the drainage, as well as renewal of a few small ditches. You will document all your tending strategies and record where the highest danger of erosion on the ditches is. The team will also help to raise awareness of this intricate system, for example by using an information board or other materials.

ACCOMMODATION: in a hikers´ hut in a neighbourhood of Maulbronn. In the house you will find everything what you need for your stay - several sleeping rooms with beds, showers, toilets and a kitchen.

LOCATION: Maulbronn is a town in the district of , in Baden- Wurttemberg. The town is very famous for its monastery, of which you can take a guided tour. The territory of Maulbronn is very rural, providing many hiking or biking trails. Maulbronn is conveniently situated near many towns like , Bruchsal, , Stuttgart and Karlsruhe.

NEXT AIRPORT: Stuttgart, Karlsruhe



All relevant insurance (personal accident, illness, third liability) is provided only within the official camp dates. EU volunteers are not insured against illness, that's why have to bring the European Health Insurance Card EHIC (former E111). We strongly recommend (non-EU) volunteers who plan to travel beyond these dates to bring their own insurance. More information can be found in our Infosheet.

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Code: IBG19-14 Year: 2014 Name: HEILSBRONN Name: Location: STUTTGART Address: Url: Project: ENVI-CONS - Environmental - Constuction Initial Date: 20/07/2014 Final Date: 01/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 30 Places: 2 Descripction of IBG 19 Heilsbronn ()

Workcamp: 20.07. - 01.08.2014 ENVI/CONS 12 vols

PROJECT: After the success of the projects in the last six years, the town of Heilsbronn is looking forward to hosting another workcamp this year. The person in charge of the workcamp in the town hall is a big fan of workcamps and international groups and has already introduced other neighbouring cities to the workcamp idea. There will be different environmental and constructional goals to be achieved by the international group around this beautiful town in Bavaria.

WORK: As in previous years, the community is very happy to have a group of volunteers supporting them in environmental tasks, such as the maintenance of the Vita Parcours fitness trail. Here, workers will clear the trail of over-grown plants and perform general clean up. Work will also be done in the local municipal park of "Naturlehrgarten". This unique park includes several stations that explain to visitors about environmental issues. You will be building a wooden bridge, as well as doing some garden work. One of this year¿s tasks specifically involves installing a padded area for bare-foot activities related to one of the stations and completing some landscaping in the area.

ACCOMMODATION: The team will be staying in JUZ, the local youth club. The building includes a kitchen and all necessary facilities. The local youth who normally visit the club, are looking forward to welcoming you and get to know the group.

LOCATION: The town of Heilsbronn is located in the idyllic Bavarian region called 'Franken' ('Franconia'). Typical for this small town of 9300 inhabitants, are the traditional, half-timbered houses. Nature-lovers can find several hiking trails in the beautiful surrounding landscape. Heilsbronn also offers a few unique sites within the city, such as the Romanesque monastery and the local cathedral. Most notably, Heilsbronn lies along the path known as 'the Way to St. James' or 'Camino de Santiago'. For this reason, the region is adorned by many old churches and frequently visited by tourists as well as pilgrims.

NEXT AIRPORT: Stuttgart, Frankfurt or Nuremberg



All relevant insurance (personal accident, illness, third liability) is provided only within the official camp dates. EU volunteers are not insured against illness, that's why have to bring the European Health Insurance Card EHIC (former E111). We strongly recommend (non-EU) volunteers who plan to travel beyond these dates to bring their own insurance. More information can be found in our Infosheet.

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Code: IBG21-14 Year: 2014 Name: SCHENKENZELL Name: Location: STUTTGART Address: Url: Project: CONS-RENO - Construction-Restoration Initial Date: 02/08/2014 Final Date: 16/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 30 Places: 2 Descripction of IBG 21 Schenkenzell (Baden-Wurttemberg) 02.08. - 16.08.2014 CONS/RENO Workcamp: 14 vols

PROJECT: The community of Schenkenzell invites an international workcamp back for the third time! The project will take place on the castle ruin of ¿Schenkenburg, ¿ built in 1255. During the last four years, the ¿Schenkenburg¿ has undergone renovations. With the support of the international volunteers, several different tasks will be completed!

WORK: The volunteers are responsible for the improvement of the trails and other tasks to increase the castle¿s safety. Specific tasks include: extending trails, putting up railings, as well as some gardening work, like cutting and removing bushes and plants. In general, the team¿s efforts will improve the castle¿s attraction for visitors.

ACCOMMODATION: You will live directly in the centre of the village. The gym hall provides a comfortable stay for the group, including beds, showers and a kitchen. The hall is also normally used for different kind of activities, partys and events. All necessary things can be found in Schenkenzell itself (bakery, pharmacy and the like). For proper shopping there are bigger supermarkets around 5 km away.

LOCATION: The small, beautiful community of Schenkenzell is situated directly in the middle of the Black Forest. With approximately 1800 inhabitants, Schenkenzell has a lot to offer! The volunteers will have many possibilities for their free time activities, such as an afternoon at the local brewery, an excursion to a near-by amusement park and many other interesting towns close to Schenkenzell.

NEXT AIRPORT: Karlsruhe (Baden-Baden) for Ryan Air flights, Stuttgart or Basel- Mulhouse.



All relevant insurance (personal accident, illness, third liability) is provided only within the official camp dates. EU volunteers are not insured against illness, that's why have to bring the European Health Insurance Card EHIC (former E111). We strongly recommend (non-EU) volunteers who plan to travel beyond these dates to bring their own insurance. More information can be found in our Infosheet.

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Code: IBG22-14 Year: 2014 Name: GERLINGEN Name: Location: STUTTGART Address: Url: Project: CONS-ENVI - Construction-Environmental Initial Date: 02/08/2014 Final Date: 23/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 30 Places: 2 Descripction of IBG 22 Gerlingen (Baden-Wurttemberg) 02.08. - 23.08.2014 CONS/ENVI Workcamp: 12 vols

PROJECT: Gerlingen, a town of 20,000 inhabitants, is looking forward to working with the volunteers of its first workcamp! Volunteers can expect many different landscaping and gardening tasks, working directly in the town-centre.

WORK: The main task is to rebuild and further construct the stream-bank. Specific tasks include laying large stones in the stream to improve the water quality. In addition, the team will construct a wood bridge, which will join the two banks and provide a faster route for walkers.

ACCOMMODATION: The international team will stay in a school gym directly next to the work-site. The accommodation provides all sanitary facilities, kitchen and camp-beds for the volunteers.

LOCATION: Gerlingen, a quaint town in Baden-Wurttemberg, has many traditional half-timbered houses, as well as new and modern architecture. Gerlingen is surrounded by forests and several cultural sites, and offers many interesting attractions including, castle Solitude and Baden-Wurttemberg¿s state capitol, Stuttgart, only 30 minutes away by public transportation. The area offers both natural entertainment as well as cultural activities.




All relevant insurance (personal accident, illness, third liability) is provided only within the official camp dates. EU volunteers are not insured against illness, that's why have to bring the European Health Insurance Card EHIC (former E111). We strongly recommend (non-EU) volunteers who plan to travel beyond these dates to bring their own insurance. More information can be found in our Infosheet.

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Code: IBG24-14 Year: 2014 Name: GAEUFELDEN Name: Location: STUTTGART Address: Url: Project: CONS-RENO - Construction-Restoration Initial Date: 03/08/2014 Final Date: 23/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 30 Places: 2 Descripction of IBG 24 Gaeufelden (Baden-Wurttemberg) 03.08. - 23.08.2014 CONS/RENO Workcamp: 12 vols

PROJECT: In the 1970s, three previously independent villages merged to create the community of Gaeufelden; today with a population around 9000 inhabitants. Throughout the town and the surrounding land, many dry-stone walls are used as field boundaries and can be seen as a biosphere for particular animals and plants. A dry-stone wall is one that is constructed from stones without any mortar to bind them together. The wall is held up only by the interlocking stones, which must be carefully selected by their shape.

WORK: The municipality again invites an international workcamp to help construct and repair the dry-stone walling. Volunteers will be supervised by a worker, who will teach them the best techniques. Work will be challenging yet rewarding, as you will be learning a skill used for hundreds of centuries on the construction of some of the world¿s most famous buildings and monuments. Volunteers should bring old clothes, sturdy boots and be ready to get their hands dirty!

ACCOMODATION: The group will be accommodated in a building used as a youth centre. It includes kitchen, sanitary facilities and is situated in a smaller part of Gaeufelden.

LOCATION: Gaeufelden is a village in the county of Boeblingen and about 30 km distance from the city of Stuttgart. Hiking trips in the nearby Black Forest are possible as well as excursions to other cities in the area. The small size of the village provides the opportunity for close contact with the locals, which is always an exciting and important part of IBG workcamps!




All relevant insurance (personal accident, illness, third liability) is provided only within the official camp dates. EU volunteers are not insured against illness, that's why have to bring the European Health Insurance Card EHIC (former E111). We strongly recommend (non-EU) volunteers who plan to travel beyond these dates to bring their own insurance. More information can be found in our Infosheet.

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Code: IBG26-14 Year: 2014 Name: BERNBURG Name: Location: STUTTGART Address: Url: Project: RENO - Restoration renovation Initial Date: 03/08/2014 Final Date: 24/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 30 Places: 2 Descripction of IBG 26 Bernburg (Saxony-Anhalt) 03.08. - 24.08.2014 RENO 12 vols

Workcamp: PROJECT: Our long-time project partner of Bernburg is pleased to host another international workcamp. This year¿s project is perfect for anyone interested in art and architecture! Your inspiration will come from the famous Austrian artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser.

WORK: The project will take place in the local youth club. The team will complete the renovation of several of the rooms in the building. Specific work will be done in the sanitary area next to the music room. All work will be based on the architectural style of Hundertwasser. Volunteers will visit one of the famous Hundertwasser houses in the near-by city of Magdeburg, where they will gain a better understanding of Hundertwasser¿s techniques.

ACCOMMODATION: The accommodation will be on the first floor of the youth club, with all facilities needed, such as: kitchen, a shower and a bathroom. Participants will sleep on sport mats. The volunteers will interact regularly with the local youth who visit the club often. LOCATION: Bernburg, itself, is a town with a history of more than 1000 years and is situated in the eastern part of . Overlooking the valley formed by the Saale river, is a medieval castle. There are plenty of possibilities for leisure activities, such as visiting the town, grabbing a drink in a local pub, taking an excursion to cities like Leipzig or Magdeburg, canoeing on the river, hiking, or simply making conversation with the locals.

NEXT AIRPORT: Leipzig or Berlin


SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Volunteers need to be able to ride a bike!


All relevant insurance (personal accident, illness, third liability) is provided only within the official camp dates. EU volunteers are not insured against illness, that's why have to bring the European Health Insurance Card EHIC (former E111). We strongly recommend (non-EU) volunteers who plan to travel beyond these dates to bring their own insurance. More information can be found in our Infosheet.

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Code: IBG30-14 Year: 2014 Name: Name: Location: STUTTGART Address: Url: www.ibg-workcamps. Project: ENVI-FEST - Environmental-Festival Initial Date: 17/08/2014 Final Date: 30/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 30 Places: 2 Descripction of IBG 30 Schwanfeld (Bavaria) 17.08. - 30.08.2014 ENVI/FEST 12 Workcamp: vols

PROJECT: The community of Schwanfeld is the oldest village in Germany. Some years back, proof was found of a former Bandkeramik (Linear Pottery Culture) settlement outside of the present village from presumably 5500 B.C. Schwanfeld is happy to show their treasures of the olden days to international volunteers and invite a group to get to know more about the south of Germany. This is the sixth time a workcamp will take place in Schwanfeld ¿ and all citizens will be very welcoming and excited to meet the new volunteers after the success of previous years. Invitations by local associations and the village youngsters have led to many cordial encounters and friendships in the past.

WORK: A variety of exciting task await you! Depending on the weather, you will help out in the local museums (cleaning and restoration).If applicable, you will also work to renovate hiking trails, possibly set up signs for a nature trail, clean out a stream, or do similar renovation and landscape work to support the Municipal Maintenance Department. Also during your stay, you will be helping out with the annual fair that will be taking place. You will work with locals to prepare for the festival, provide a helping hand in the stalls during the fair, and assist in dismantling afterwards. This will give you the chance to get in touch with the people of the Schwanfeld community and learn more about local traditions!

ACCOMMODATION: The group will live in the local gym hall next to the school where they will have access to toilets and showers. The nearby community centre will provide a kitchen for you to use.

LOCATION: Schwanfeld is situated in the north-western part of Bavaria, in between the cities of and Wuerzburg. Only about 2,000 people live in this small community. The very motivated and active mayor of the village is looking forward to accompanying the volunteers, showing them around and educating them about the historical and regional specialties of Schwanfeld. Aside from the village¿s own sights and events (museum, church, local annual fair which was the highlight of last year¿s workcamp) there is the ambient nature and nearby, larger cities like Wuerzburg to discover.




All relevant insurance (personal accident, illness, third liability) is provided only within the official camp dates. EU volunteers are not insured against illness, that's why have to bring the European Health Insurance Card EHIC (former E111). We strongly recommend (non-EU) volunteers who plan to travel beyond these dates to bring their own insurance. More information can be found in our Infosheet.

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Code: IBG31-14 Year: 2014 Name: FUCHSTAL Name: Location: STUTTGART Address: Url: Project: CONS-ENVI - Construction-Environmental Initial Date: 17/08/2014 Final Date: 05/09/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 30 Places: 2 Descripction of IBG 31 Fuchstal (Bavaria) 17.08. - 05.09.2014 CONS/ENVI 15 Workcamp: vols

PROJECT: The small, Bavarian village of Fuchstal welcomes you and the rest of the team to become part of their community as you participate in this international workcamp. The people in the village are looking forward to meeting you and offer you three, unforgettable and exiting weeks.

WORK: In the first two weeks, you will work in the wooded area around Fuchstal. There, you will do different work for rural conservation, such as: cutting back plants and bushes, as well as dismantling a fence. The work in the third week will likely take place in the village. Your time in Fuchstal offers you a variety of work activities, from useful activities in the nature, to working with the locals in the village!

ACCOMODATION: You will stay in a beautiful hut directly in the forest. The hut provides a kitchen, a bar, a day room, all sanitary facilities and a sleeping room. Outside, there is a terrace and a place for barbecuing. In addition, your free-time can be spent hiking or playing games on the sport¿s field next to the accommodation. Pay a visit to the village ¿Leeder¿ easily reached by foot.

LOCATION: The community Fuchstal, with around 3600 inhabitants, is located in the southwest of Bavaria at the foot of the Alps. Near your accommodation are many small lakes, perfect for a relaxing swim after a day of work. In your free time, you can enjoy the nature with a bike-ride through the forest, or take in the beautiful views with a hike to a mountain-peak of the near-by Alps. Munich, Bavaria¿s state capital (distance from Fuchstal around 80 km), and Augsburg (distance around 50 km) are both accessible by train and public transport. Near Fuchstal, is a beautiful lake called ¿Ammersee,¿ one of the largest lakes in Bavaria!


NEXT TRAIN STATION: Kaufringen/Buchleue


All relevant insurance (personal accident, illness, third liability) is provided only within the official camp dates. EU volunteers are not insured against illness, that's why have to bring the European Health Insurance Card EHIC (former E111). We strongly recommend (non-EU) volunteers who plan to travel beyond these dates to bring their own insurance. More information can be found in our Infosheet.

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Code: IBG32-14 Year: 2014 Name: HEIDESHEIM Name: Location: STUTTGART Address: Url: Project: RENO-ENVI - Restoration-Environmental Initial Date: 24/08/2014 Final Date: 07/09/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 30 Places: 2 Descripction of IBG 32 Heidesheim (Rhineland-Palatinate) 24.08. - 07.09.2014 Workcamp: RENO/ENVI 12 vols

PROJECT: This summer, the hiking club and community of Heidesheim invite you and the rest of the volunteers to join in an exciting international Workcamp. The project will take place in Heidesheim¿s wooded area, in a place called ¿7 Weiher¿ (7 Ponds). There, you will find a few small lakes, terrace-like arranged and flowing into one another through small streams. The area used to be a well-known tourist site; however, today the area is quite overgrown with bushes and trees.

WORK: Your task will be to work around the ponds, clearing the area and making it accessible. This includes mainly gardening work (cutting bushes, removing matured forest, cleaning the ponds) but may also include construction work like setting up benches and tables.

ACCOMMODATION: The group will stay in a house belonging to the hiking club. The house includes toilets, a kitchen and camp beds. It is situated next to the working place ¿ so be prepared to live in the forest, 3km from the next town! During the day you won¿t be alone anyway, since there will be a summer camp for children on the same area; in the evenings and during the night you¿ll have the place on your own. But don¿t worry: The town of Heidesheim provides bikes for you, so you will be independent!

LOCATION: Heidesheim is a small community with approximately 7000 inhabitants. Living directly in this wooded area, allows you to stay active (biking, hiking) in your free-time! Also, Heidesheim is situated very close to the city Mainz and near the well-known river Rhine.


NEXT TRAIN STATION: Heidesheim (Rheinhess)

REMARKS: You should be able to ride a bike!


All relevant insurance (personal accident, illness, third liability) is provided only within the official camp dates. EU volunteers are not insured against illness, that's why have to bring the European Health Insurance Card EHIC (former E111). We strongly recommend (non-EU) volunteers who plan to travel beyond these dates to bring their own insurance. More information can be found in our Infosheet.

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Code: ICJA04-14 Year: 2014 Name: PETRUSGEMEINDE GIESSEN (C. DE MOTIVACIÓN) Name: Location: FRANKFURT/MAIN Address: Url: Project: SOCI - Social project Initial Date: 19/07/2014 Final Date: 02/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 1 Descripction of ICJA04 Petrusgemeinde Giessen 19.07. 02.08.14 SOCI, STUDY REFUGEE Vol: 10

Workcamp: Languages: English, German

Age: 18-26

Project: The Asylum Centre for asylum seekers in Hessen is located in the city of Giessen. There are currently about 900 asylum-seekers in Giessen who are in Germany because of various reasons, e.g. political, ethnic, religious, persecution or poverty. Usually they stay at the facility for months until a decision has been made about their application. Sometimes they are sent to other centers or to other ¿safe countries¿ where they entered the European Union, or to their countries of origin. Most of the people living in the Asylum Centre in Giessen are from Turkey, Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, Eritrea and Balkan countries: Young men, women, children and older people. The asylum seekers live in simple conditions and are not allowed to work or leave the district in which they live. Their permission to stay in Germany often is limited and so is their contact with the locals living in the city. The international volunteers are invited to the Asylum centre for two weeks to take part in the daily life of the refugees. In the study part of the camp, we want to discuss the situation of refugees in Germany and Europe, as well as the current developments in the area of Asylum-policies. We want to get in contact with the residents of the Asylum Centre so that we can learn about their stories, difficulties and perspectives.

Work: Together with the refugees we want to organize common activities, where the women and children are taken into consideration. In addition, our goal is to get in contact with the young members of the local protestant church to raise greater awareness for the refugees and to break the isolation of the refugees. We will prepare contact with students of the university that are willing to take care of the medical issues of the refugees and to pursue the legal issues of the asylum law. We will also get in contact with students of the University who medicate people without legal status. We especially invite volunteers to participate, who are able to speak Turkish, Arabic or Farsi. Besides organizing common activities with the refugees we want to do some renovation work together.

Environment: Giessen, a city populated mostly by students located in the mid- west of Germany. It is easy to reach via Frankfurt airport and Frankfurt Hahn.

Leisure Time: There are plenty of possibilities for leisure time activities: playing football or canoeing as well as possibilities to visit some other cities. (e.g. Marburg, Frankfurt or ).

Accommodation: The workcamp will be hosted by a local protestant church which is already involved in working with the refugees. The premises of the church are plentiful and volunteers will have a lot of space for sleeping, cooking, dining, relaxing, and for indoor and outdoor activities.

Remarks: Please bring sleeping bag, camping mat, work clothes, bathing suit, sunscreen, music, your talents, something specific from your country. A motivation letter is needed.

Terminal: Giessen. Airports: Frankfurt, Frankfurt Hahn

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Terminal: Giessen. Airports: Frankfurt, Frankfurt Hahn





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Code: ICJA05-14 Year: 2014 Name: MUELLERHOF MITTWEIDA Name: Location: FRANKFURT/MAIN Address: Url: Project: MANU-ENVI - Manual work-Environmental Initial Date: 25/07/2014 Final Date: 08/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 1 Descripction of ICJA05 Muellerhof Mittweida 25.07. 08.08.14 MANU, ENVI Vol: 10

Workcamp: Languages: English, German

Age: 18-26

Project: The camp takes place at the ¿Müllerhof¿, which is a reconstructed traditional half-timbered farmhouse near the cities of Dresden, Chemnitz and Leipzig. It runs a socio-cultural centre of the local community and has constructed a so-called ¿garden of senses¿ which consists of a small park, a play area, trees for climbing and a natural stage for events with an 80 year old circus-wagon. It also has an area with herbal garden and berry bushes.

Work: Important is the work in the ¿Garten der Sinne¿, which needs maintenance every year. Especially the tunnels made of wicker. In case of rainy weather there is renovation to do indoors. The participants will be integrated into the household and are asked to cook their national food for ca. 20 people. In the end of the workcamp an international evening is planned, to introduce the countries of the participants. This will be open to the public. Together with the youngsters from the local youth center ¿Städtisches Freizeitzentrum Mittweida SFZM,) posts of a fence will be creatively designed.

Leisure time: There is a range of possibilities for excursions and visits of interesting places:

Guided tour through the University of Applied Sciences, visits to the town hall, museum and church of Mittweida. We will also offer outdoor activities and guided hiking-tours in the area (e.g. a hike to a dam, the fortress Kriebstein or the Rochlitzer Porphyrberg). It¿s also possible to visit the cities nearby (Dresden, Leipzig or Chemnitz).

Accommodation: The participants will sleep in the big loft of the Muellerhof (80m²) which includes a shower and toilets.

Remarks: Please bring a sleeping bag with you.

Terminal: Mittweida near Dresden. Airports: Dresden, Leipzig, Berlin





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Code: ICJA07-14 Year: 2014 Name: FRIEDENSWERKSTATT MUTLANGEN Name: Location: FRANKFURT/MAIN Address: Url: Project: RENO-STUDY - Restoration-Study Initial Date: 27/07/2014 Final Date: 12/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 1 Descripction of ICJA07 Friedenswerkstatt Mutlangen 27.07. - 12.08.14 RENO, STUDY, PEACE Vol: Workcamp: 11

Languages: English, German

Age: 18-26

Project: The Pressehütte Mutlangen (¿press cabin¿) is a centre for active non- violence in South Germany (Baden-Württemberg). In the 80es Mutlangen was a symbol of the non-violence protests against the atomic missiles Pershing II. The Pressehütte Mutlangen was the starting point for several blockade actions. As the missiles were removed, the time of the civil disobedience and the lawsuits was then over. The historic Pressehütte became a small convention place. Solar cells on the roof are producing electricity. There are still activities regarding the peace movement, especially against atomic weapons. Mostly young people use the Pressehütte for seminars, to develop peace and to give it a shape according to our time.

Work: In the first days we will get to know each other and the historical place we are staying. The focus of our practical activity in the workcamp will be the renewal of the pond in the garden of ¿pressehuette¿. Twenty years ago it was dug and planted by young people- now it has to be renewed completely. If necessary, some smaller renovations have to be done in the house as well.

The workcamp in the year 2014 takes part in some activities of the `Landesgartenschau´ in Schwaebisch Gmuend. One hundred years after the outbreak of WW I a monument of that war on the market place of the town will be veiled with knitted and crocheted peace messages. We are doing the preparations for the commemoration of the day of Hiroshima (6.8.45) and Nagasaki (9.8.45) together with the citizens of the town and the visitors of the `Landesgartenschau`. For this task your creativity and performance is needed. During a peace concert in town we will have the chance to adress the audience from the stage with an international peace message.

Study: We will learn about the history of the place we are staying and talking about the question: ¿What can I as an adolescent, do for peace?¿ The main subject is here the nuclear armament of yesterday and today. Because in 1914, exactly 100 years ago, the WW I broke out ¿ so we want to learn and get informations about the international effects of this war and ask, what multilateral relations still exist today that go back to this war. Exactly 25 years ago, in 1989, the segregating wall in Germany collapsed by the means of peaceful and nonviolent protest. This fact, too, we will have to take into consideration. We will also learn about forms of intercultural living together and peaceful acting in harmony with nature.

Leisure time: There are lots of activities you can do in your spare time: hiking, swimming, getting to know the people of the region, concerts, and trips to Stuttgart or Nördlingen (medieval town).

Accommodation: You will be sleeping in rooms for three people. The press hut is the living and working space for the group. The meals will be cooked by the

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the living and working space for the group. The meals will be cooked by the volunteers.

Remarks: Please bring sleeping bags, clothes for warm, cold and wet weather, work clothes and sturdy shoes, swim suits and if you like music instruments! Good knowledge of English is very important! The food is vegetarian.

Terminal: Schwäbisch-Gmünd. Next airport: Stuttgart





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Code: ICJA08-14 Year: 2014 Name: KINDERDORF LIPPERLAND BARNTRUP (C. DE MOTIVACIÓN) Name: Location: FRANKFURT/MAIN Address: Url: Project: KIDS-ENVI-MANU - Work with kids - Environmental - Manual work Initial Date: 30/07/2014 Final Date: 16/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 1 Descripction of ICJA08 Kinderdorf Lipperland Barntrup 30.07. - 16.08.14 KIDS, ENVI, MANU, Vol: Workcamp: 12 & 10 local

Languages: English, German

Age: 18-26

Project: The village for children, called Westfälisches Kinderdorf ¿Lipperland¿ is an institution which offers a new home to children coming from a difficult familiar background. It was build up 40 years ago at the edge of the little town Barntrup. At the moment there are living about 200 kids and teenagers in the age from 1 to 18 years in families and shared flats. They are staying in 16 houses, which are put together like a little village. In additional there are some more families and living communities in the neighbourhood. The city Barntrup itself is situated near to Bielefeld at the edge of the ¿Teutoburger Wald¿.

Work: The houses of the Kinderdorf are surrounded by gardens and green areas. Your help is needed to create further playgrounds. It¿s planned that the group of volunteers will work together with a group of kids and teenagers. International and local volunteers will work and eat together and will spend their free time together as well.

Accommodation: In order to facilitate contact between local and international volunteers, participants from abroad will be hosted in the families and living communities in pairs. Beside this it is possible that the international volunteers come together apart from others in a certain space.

Leisure time: There will be excursions to several points of interest around the Kinderdorf.

Remarks: Please ad a motivation letter to your application.

After confirmation, you will have to sign a self-commitment statement in terms of legal protection for children and young persons.

In the Kinderdorf itself, drinking alcohol is prohibit, smoking is restricted

Terminal: Bad Pyrmont, next Airport Hannover





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Code: ICJA09-14 Year: 2014 Name: JUGENDZENTRUM EILENBURG Name: Location: FRANKFURT/MAIN Address: Url: Project: MANU - Manual work Initial Date: 02/08/2014 Final Date: 16/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 1 Descripction of ICJA09 Jugendzentrum Eilenburg 02.08. - 16.08.14 MANU Vol: 15

Workcamp: Languages: English, German

Age: 18-26

Project: Eilenburg is a small town with approx. 17 000 inhabitants, situated on the border of the ¿Dübener Heide¿ and approximately 25km from the exhibition city Leipzig. Eilenburg¿s rich history of over thousand years, makes it easy to call it one of the cradles of Saxony. The continuous rule of the Wettins-dynasty beginning with the Earl of Ilburg in the 11th century was carried on until 1918. Part of their territory is the state of Saxony today. In medieval times Eilenburg¿s main business was brewery. Martin Luther was a common guest in the prosperous city. In the following centuries the small village Eilenburg emerged as a city dominated by industry. In April 1945, Eilenburg was almost completely destroyed. The ¿Sorbenturm¿ is the only remaining part of the Ilburg. It was assumedly built in the 12th century at the highest part of the 220m x 150m plateau. A loop footpath outside the castle wall connects the ¿Sorbenturm¿ with the ¿Amtshaus¿ (deanery), the former county court. This path has been renewed with the help of the volunteers in the last workcamps.

Work: Your help is needed in the renovation of the surrounding of the local youth center. You can select from various tasks waiting: to set up benches, to renew a volleyball field, to repair different enclosures, etc. Therefore it is necessary to bring work clothes, raingear and sturdy shoes.

Leisure time: The leisure time program will be organized together with the local Eilenburg youth groups and clubs. The focus lies here on the encounter and the exchange with local adolescents. Also there are sports activities such as soccer, volleyball, swimming and bowling. In addition there will be a cultural program. A trip to Leipzig and Dresden is scheduled. You can get to know the rich history of Eilenburg through guided tours in the museum and in the cellars, located in the hill in the center of the city.

Accommodation: The volunteers will live in the local youth centre called ¿House IV¿. The group can cook for itself in a modern kitchen.

Remarks: Sleeping bags and camping mats should be brought by you.

Terminal: Eilenburg via Leipzig. Airports: Leipzig-Halle, Berlin





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Code: ICJA10-14 Year: 2014 Name: PEACE CENTER SIEVERSHAUSEN Name: Location: FRANKFURT/MAIN Address: Url: Project: RENO-STUDY-ART - Restoration - Study camp - Art camp Initial Date: 03/08/2014 Final Date: 16/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 1 Descripction of ICJA10 Peace Center Sievershausen 03.08. - 16.08.14 RENO, STUDY, ART, PEACE Workcamp: Vol: 20

Languages: English, German

Age: 18- 26

Project: The Peace Studies Center Sievershausen was established in the rooms of the Sievershausen Lutheran Church community almost 50 years ago. Those were the times when the Vietnam War escalated. Expansions and further reorganisations followed. Now there are several buildings, surrounded by a nice park, including a guest house and a museum with an assembly hall. The Antikriegshaus is at the verge of a village with about 2500 inhabitants. The Peace Center is near the historical location where in 1553 a battle took place. Sievershausen lies 30 kilometers east of the Lower Saxony provincial capital Hanover on the freeway to Berlin.

Work: Volunteers will paint ¿Window of Peace¿ within the village, a wall for posters and other artwork, also for announcements concerning our work for peace. This means carpentry, painting and requires also some talent for designing. There will be a screen printer who offers a workshop making your own silkscreen. Participants who prefer manual labour find a playing area around the buildings of the centre, where we will do some garden work and build seating units and a small shelter.

Study: Participants will learn some essentials of peace work and get basic non- violent conflict management training. In the second week we will visit the former concentration camp of Bergen Belsen, and have some lessons on European history in the first part of the 20th century. Participants will have the opportunity to spend an evening in a German family.

Accommodation: The accommodation of the participants is carried out in 4 bedrooms. Accommodation and meals are free. There are bed sheets available. During the workcamp an ¿Abend der Begegnung¿ (Evening of encounter) with the people of the village and region will be organized. This will be an opportunity to spend some time in a German family.

Terminal: Haemelerwald near Hannover (train from Hannover to Braunschweig). Next airports: Hanover, Berlin, Hamburg





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Code: ICJA11-14 Year: 2014 Name: SCHOLLENHOF WAGSHURST Name: Location: FRANKFURT/MAIN Address: Url: Project: CONS-RENO-ENVI - Construction - Restoration - Environmental Initial Date: 03/08/2014 Final Date: 17/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 1 Descripction of ICJA11 Schollenhof Wagshurst 03.08. - 17.08.14 CONS, RENO, ENVI, AGRI TN: 12

Workcamp: Language: English, German

Age: 18-26

Project: A few years ago the association ¿Integration Schollenhof¿ started to rebuild a very old and empty farm, the ¿Schollenhof¿, in order to make it useful for the children of an integrative Montessori-School. The emotional history of this deserted homestead goes way back to the Middle Ages. The first documented record of it was made in 1319. Lots of its rooms are still in the old-fashioned style of the old farm houses of the region. For this reason it was used as a historic set for a television series about the 20s. Today the ¿Schollenhof¿ is a meeting place for handicapped and non-handicapped people. Later it will become a place for them to live.

Location: The Schollenhof is located in the Upper-Rhine lowlands between the Black Forest (¿Schwarzwald¿) and the bordering territory with France. From the yard one can see the forest starting right behind it and the panorama of the Schwarzwald. The area is very famous for its beautiful scenery and cherry tree flowers in the spring.

Work: A garden, a pottery with a furnace, work shop to work with wood and metal, a shop offering local home made goods and vegetables, stables for horses, goats, sheep and geese as well as a bread bakery have already been created. However there is still much to do. Your help is needed for the renovation of a long wall on the northern side of the farm building. This means plaster work, pointing the bricks and painting while you stand on a scaffold. The wall is made in traditional loam technique. Beside this you are invited to maintain and harvest the garden and do numerous other renovation works inside the house.

Study / Leisure: In your free time the group is free to explore the region with bicycles. There will be visits organised to picturesque places in the Black Forest and to the French city Strasbourg. Furthermore, you will learn a lot about integrative Montessori-pedagogy practices.

Accommodation: The accommodation will be very simple, in a rooms with mattresses or camp bed.

Remarks: Please bring a sleeping bag, work clothes and a warm sweater. You should be able to swim and ride a bike.

Terminal: Achern / Baden, next Airports: Straßbourg, Stuttgart, Basel





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Code: ICJA12-14 Year: 2014 Name: SCHLOSS BEDHEIM Name: Location: FRANKFURT/MAIN Address: Url: Project: RENO-ENVI - Restoration-Environmental Initial Date: 16/08/2014 Final Date: 30/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 1 Descripction of ICJA12 Schloss Bedheim 16.08. - 30.08.14 RENO, ENVI Vol: 12

Workcamp: Languages: English, German

Age: 18-26

Project: The Bedheim castle is located in the west of Thuringia, close to the Bavarian border. The next bigger town is Coburg (28km away). Bedheim is surrounded by the extraordinary beautiful Franconian landscape. The castle, which slowly rotted at the time of the German Democratic Republic (GDR), is now being renovated by the family of Ruehle von Lilienstern. A non-profit association is supporting the renovation work and using part of the castle for its own activities. Since 1992 this association has been organizing workcamps. In 1994 a biological- dynamic, social therapeutic nursery was added. The association is running an organic garden. Since 2007 the castle also runs a garden café and a small castle museum. At the moment we are building a place for people to live and work together. In addition there are training courses and cultural activities available.

The aim of this whole project is to create an atmosphere where people with or without disabilities may come, live and work together without any prejudice against handicap, nationality or religion.

Work: Volunteers will work 6 hours daily, to do renovation in the castle or to maintain the garden around the castle. Since the castle was neglected during the Cold War it is in a bad condition and that is why we need to put effort and hard work into it.

Study: Volunteers may learn more about the following topics: natural beauty of the environment, excursions to places of cultural and historical interest (e.g. Weimar, the city of Goethe and the concentration camp Buchenwald), discussions and lectures about German history, society, culture and politics (the German East- West border was only 9 km away from Bedheim), encounter with young people of the region, getting to know more about the countries of the participants.

Accommodation: Simple group accommodation. Meals will be prepared by the volunteers (less meat but a lot of very good vegetables and fruits from the nursery). Warm water is provided from solar collector.

Remarks: Some basic knowledge of German or English is recommended. Please bring rain and working clothes (rubber boots) as well as swim suits. Please bring a sleeping bag, slippers, towels and warm pullovers with you. You can also bring a map, pictures or special food items from your country.

Terminal: Bedheim is 8km from the train station of Hildburghausen and 15km from the train station of Bad Rodach. Airports: Leipzig, Frankfurt/Main, Nürnberg.





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Code: IJGD14203 Year: 2014 Name: SUMMER SUN, DISTRICT FESTIVAL Name: Location: BONN Address: Url: Project: SOCI - Social project Initial Date: 12/07/2014 Final Date: 26/07/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of IJGD 14203

Workcamp: Summer, Sun, District Festival


Type: Social

When: July 12-26, 2014

Who: 15 international participants, ages 16-26

Location: Lower Saxony; Hanover 35 km

Train Station: Hildesheim

Airport: Hanover

Accommodation: In two empty apartments run by the Martin-Luther Community Houses, with shared rooms

Catering: Meals will be prepared as a group

Project: Nordstadt.Mehr.Wert ( is a social project run by the Hildesheim Life Help Organization, which runs under the motto ¿all inclusive-a north city for everyone¿. It seeks to develop new contacts and more encounters. Your group will support this project with two smaller projects. One is to build a new community garden on the grounds of a local playground which the city has closed. There, you will help build a tool shed as well as install flower beds, all while working with local people from the district. The square in front of the district office will be redone with a mosaic sculpture and an information board. Your help will be needed there as well! Together with the local radio station ¿Radio Tonkuhle¿, your group will create a radio broadcast to document your project. In this diverse, colorful program you will find the right thing for you! You will work in small groups and decide to do one of these projects.

Free Time: It is only a 5 minute walk to the train station, which opens up all the activities that Hildesheim has to offer (pool, lakes to swim in, the Kulturfabrik (Cultural Factory center), theaters, movie theaters, discos) as well as all the leisure activities that Hanover has to offer. For more information please see www., and


All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance.

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Code: IJGD14205 Year: 2014 Name: FOREST ADVENTURE Name: Location: BONN Address: Url: Project: ENVI - Environmental Initial Date: 02/08/2014 Final Date: 23/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of IJGD 14205 FOREST ADVENTURE Hameln 02/08-23/08/14 ENVI , 16 ans. Workcamp: 13 VOLS WORK: Your team is needed for nature preservation tasks in the forest area maintained by the Oldendorf Forestry Office in the state of Lower Saxony. Your team will help cut free newly planted trees so that they have light and space to grow. Additionally, your team will redo trails and build or repair recreational sites (for example cultural gates and hunting facilities) and help with other tasks in the forest. Your group will work in rotating small teams, have the opportunity to explore about nature from the forester, and learn about nature preservation and the forest habitat. For more information please see http://www.

ACCOMODATION: Accommodation: In the community center run by the Evangelical-Lutheran church community in Fischbek

Catering: Meals will be prepared as a group

LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : English

LOCATION: Location: Lower Saxony; Hanover 50 km, Hildesheim 50 km

Free Time: The small Fischbek community is located between the cities of Hameln and Oldendorf (Hesse) (both are 7 km away). Hameln, known as the rat catcher city ( makes for a great visit with its historic old city center, a glass blowing place, the Rats musical, and various museums; it¿s great for shopping and cultural sights. There is a pool in Oldendorf (www.hessisch-, a grill area in Fischbek, and a cave there as well. If you are interested in climate protection and sustainability, a visit to the Schoenhagen Adventure Forest makes a great trip (


SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: - REMARKS: Please make sure to bring waterproof clothing and hiking shoes/boots with you!


All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance.

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Code: IJGD14209 Year: 2014 Name: NATURE ADVENTURE IN WILDEMANN I Name: Location: BONN Address: Url: Project: ENVI - Environmental Initial Date: 12/07/2014 Final Date: 02/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of IJGD 14209 NATURE ADVENTURE IN WILDEMANN IGoslar 12/07-02/08/14 Workcamp: ENVI , 16 ans. 15 VOLS WORK: The forest areas in the Upper Harz region are nature preservation areas, but also are recreational areas. Your team will help with nature and environmental protection tasks and hereby do your part to maintain the habitat of rare plants and animals. The tasks include caring for river banks and the edges of other bodies of water, as well as maintaining the forest and the hiking paths. Your creative side will be needed here for designing ideas! Here in this forest, home to more than 600 species of trees and bushes, your team will help maintain an ¿experience trail¿. Through this project, your team will get a peek into the ecological as well as economical tasks that a forestry office does.

ACCOMODATION: Accommodation: You will be staying in a community center run by the Evangelical Youth. For more information please see http://baukasten143.

Catering: Meals will be prepared as a group.

LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : English

LOCATION: Location: Lower Saxony; Gottingen 70 km, Hanover 100 km

Free Time: The Harz region and its mountains, caves, mining museums, and the ¿World Forest¿ adventure facility (WeltWald) is a beloved destination and recreational area. The forester will organize a hike for the group. For more information please see,, www.clausthal-


SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: - REMARKS: This camp is for those who truly enjoy nature. Please bring outdoor clothes. Your accommodation is located in the middle of the forest, and it is a 30 minute walk to Wildemann. This camp is made possible by the generous support of Johnson Controls.


All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance.

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Code: IJGD14215 Year: 2014 Name: ECOLOGY AND SUSTAINABILITY IN THE FOREST Name: Location: BONN Address: Url: Project: ENVI - Environmental Initial Date: 02/08/2014 Final Date: 23/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of IJGD 14215 ECOLOGY AND SUSTAINABILITY IN THE FOREST Goslar 02/08- Workcamp: 23/08/14 ENVI , 16 ans. 14 VOLS WORK: The forest areas in the Upper Harz region are nature preservation and recreational areas. As large, connected forest areas they are important for climate protection. Your team will help with nature and environmental preservation measures and do your part to preserve this habitat, home to rare plants and animals. Tasks your team is needed for include caring for young saplings, renovating bodies of water in a nature-oriented way, and repairing benches, huts, and hiking signs. You will work in rotating small groups and get a peek into the diverse tasks of a forester.

ACCOMODATION: Accommodation: In shared rooms in a hikers¿ inn

Catering: Meals will be prepared as a group

LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : English

LOCATION: Location: Lower Saxony; Hanover 100 km, Gottingen 70 km

Free Time: The Harz region with its mountains, caves, mining museums, and forests is a beloved recreational area. The forester will organize a hike to the Brocken, the highest peak in the Harz mountain range.


SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: - REMARKS: You will work 7.5 hours a day, four days per week with Fridays off!


All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance.

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Code: IJGD14220 Year: 2014 Name: NATURE PRESERVATION NEAR A METROPOLIS Name: Location: BONN Address: Url: Project: ENVI - Environmental Initial Date: 02/08/2014 Final Date: 23/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of IJGD 14220 NATURE PRESERVATION NEAR A METROPOLIS Hamburg- Workcamp: neugraben02/08-23/08/14 ENVI , 16 ans. 14 VOLS WORK: Project: Landscape maintenance in a great area and sightseeing in a metropolis! You can do both in this camp, located at the edge of Hamburg. You will be working daily in the Fischbek Moors, a 770 hector nature preservation area on the southwest side of Hamburg. In order to preserve the moor, your team will remove invasive species, mostly pine. This serves to maintain the special animal habitat here, for example to prevent over 200 insect species at risk of extinction. Additionally, your team will take a boat to an island on the Elbe River and remove garbage from it. This is a wonderful opportunity to get to know the river from the other side! Your team will also help build a small basin in the moor, which means your team will do your part to create a habitat for the Netterjack Toad.

ACCOMODATION: Accommodation: You will be staying in a cozy, simply furnished seminar house on the grounds of the Fischbek Nature Preservation Center

Catering: Meals will be prepared as a group

LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : English

LOCATION: Location: Hamburg

Free Time: Fischbek is located 30 minutes away from the center of Hamburg. In your free time you can travel throughout Hamburg, the second biggest city in Germany. There, countless activities await including sightseeing, visiting the harbor, shopping, going out, and on the weekends the North and Baltic Seas are worth a visit!

TERMINAL: Hamburg-Neugraben

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: - REMARKS: You must be fit enough for the tasks which may be physically challenging at times


All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance.

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Code: IJGD14240 Year: 2014 Name: KIDS´ GAMES IN AN ADVENTURE CAMP Name: Location: BONN Address: Url: Project: KIDS - Work with kids Initial Date: 12/07/2014 Final Date: 02/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of IJGD 14240 KIDS¿ GAMES IN AN ADVENTURE CAMP Wismar 12/07- Workcamp: 02/08/14 KIDS , 18 ans. 15 VOLS WORK: Do you enjoy playing with children and would like to do your part to make the summer vacations of children from Wismar and Grevesmuehlen unforgettable? During this camp, 40-100 children, ages 6-12 from Wismar and Grevesmuehlen take part in a large summer camp. Each day is run under a different motto. Help with your ideas and your love of creative and active games so the kids¿ summer is wonderful! Games, songs, and craft ideas from your home countries will help give the camp an international flair! During the first camp week you will have time to plan, where your creative side is needed to prepare events for the children with the other local volunteers. During the second camp week you will help with the camp in Wismar, and during the third week you will help out in Grevesmuehle, a 25 minute trip away. The transportation tickets will be provided. Please remember to bring game ideas and music from home!

ACCOMODATION: Accommodation: You will be staying in the ¿Wagenburg¿, a small camp with wagons, a grill area, and a clay oven

Catering: Meals will be provided as a group

LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : English

LOCATION: Location: Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania; near the Baltic Sea, Hamburg 125 km

Free Time: In the Wagenburg you can play volleyball and soccer. You will be provided with bikes to travel to the Baltic Sea and the city center. The city of Wismar ( is one of the most beautiful Hanseatic cities on the Baltic Sea coast. It has a beautiful historic city center, which is also a World Heritage site, and a harbor. You will also have the opportunity to take trips, such as to nearby cities such as Luebeck and Rostock, or to Poel Island. You can see your accommodation at It is located at the edge of the city and you will be provided with bikes to better explore the city and the area. You can also find some pictures of the barn, the largest covered playground in Wismar, at Please see for more information on Grevesmuehlen, and www.juz- for more information from this camp in 2013.


SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: - REMARKS: You should enjoy interacting with children. At least a basic knowledge of German will make communication with the children easier, but is not a requirement. You will communicate with the other participants will take place in English.


All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance.

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Code: IJGD14243 Year: 2014 Name: SUMMER BREAK ON THE BALTIC SEA Name: Location: BONN Address: Url: Project: KIDS - Work with kids Initial Date: 19/07/2014 Final Date: 16/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of IJGD 14243 SUMMER BREAK ON THE BALTIC SEA Kiel 19/07-16/08/14 Workcamp: KIDS , 18 ans. 15 VOLS WORK: Children ages 6-11 have been travelling to the Youth Village on the Falckenstein Beach, with the AWO in Kiel, for over 90 years. The beach tours take place from Monday-Friday during the day. Up to 350 children take part in the various offerings weekly, which include playing, running around, and discovering the forest and the beach. Each week has a rotating project theme, and there are also various activities that are the same from week to week. Together with local volunteers, your team will create a camp program for a group of children. Feel free to bring your own ideas! If you enjoy interacting with kids, working outside, swimming, and working in large groups, a fascinating time awaits you with many valuable experiences. During the first week you will have time to get to know each other, the other volunteers, the project, and Kiel; after that you will work 8 hours per day. The Youth Village, the Ostsee Jugenddorf Falckenstein, is located on the edge of Kiel and is near the Kiel Fjord. More information about the camp can be found at, where you can also find pictures from previous beach tours. During this project, you will work with groups of local child care workers and be responsible for a group of children. For this reason you must be able to communicate with the other workers in either German or English. However, most of the children do not speak English.

ACCOMODATION: Accommodation: You will be staying in an A-Frame type house, with one large sleeping area

Catering: Some meals will be provided, others will be prepared as a group

LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : English

LOCATION: Location: Schleswig-Holstein; Hamburg 100 km

Free Time: Since the children will go back home in the afternoon, you will have plenty of opportunities to spend the evenings together. You can swim in the Baltic Sea, relax on the beach, play volleyball or table tennis, and grill in the evening! The city of Kiel is a half hour away with public transportation. With its 200,000 residents and countless tourists, Kiel offers many shopping and leisure activities.


SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: You must be able to communicate in either German or EnglishREMARKS: You must be able to communicate in either German or English. The children only speak English. You should also enjoy working with children.


All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance.

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Code: IJGD24300 Year: 2014 Name: INTERNATIONAL MEETING (BUEN CONOCIMIENTO ALEMÁN) Name: Location: BONN Address: Url: Project: KIDS - Work with kids Initial Date: 27/07/2014 Final Date: 17/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of IJGD 24300 INTERNATIONAL MEETING AT THE STATE GARDEN SHOW Workcamp: Deggendorf 27/07-17/08/14 KIDS , 18 ans. 12 VOLS WORK: The State Garden Show will take place in Deggendorf from April 25 through October 5. Over 3,000 events are planned for this large, Bavaria-wide project. The Child, Youth, and Family area will have a play area and a yurt (a round, covered hut-like structure) as a central point of reference. Your focus in this area is to share your international knowledge in the play, creative, and musical area and motivate the visitors to join you. The work can be physically challenging at times and will take place outside no matter the weather. There will be an introduction for your team on July 28. The team will work from Monday through Friday in two groups. One will work from 9:30-14:15, and the other from 13:45-18:30. The groups will be changed each week so you all get a chance to work with each other. For more information about the State Garden Show and an events calendar please see www.

ACCOMODATION: Accommodation: You will sleep on cots in the 4You Youth Center. Showers are located 500 m away in a gym.

Catering: Meals will be prepared as a group

LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : English

LOCATION: Location: Bavaria; Passau 55 km, Regensburg 75 km

Free Time: With your tickets you can take part in the events at the State Garden Show, for example you can use the sun deck on the beach at the Danube river to tan. The 4You Youth Center has an internet café, billiards, foosball, and air hockey for you to use. The city center of Deggendorf is only a short walk away from the youth center, where you will find museums, bars, shops, and a pool. Trips to the Bavarian forests, to Regensburg, Passau, the Czech Republic, Nuremberg, or Munich are also possible.

TERMINAL: Deggendorf

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: A good knowledge of German and a talent for working with children is absolutely necessary. REMARKS: The workcamp begins and ends on a Sunday.


All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance.

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Code: IJGD24302 Year: 2014 Name: ON THE RIGHT TRAIL TO THE ALPS! Name: Location: BONN Address: Url: Project: ENVI - Environmental Initial Date: 02/08/2014 Final Date: 30/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 1 Descripction of IJGD 24302 ON THE RIGHT TRAIL¿TO THE ALPS! Marzling 02/08-30/08/14 Workcamp: ENVI , 16 ans. 10 VOLS WORK: Together, your group will mow the fields in the surrounding communities in order to collect hay. The fields are partially located on cliffs and therefore not easily mowed by machine. In orchards your team will improve the fences and protect the trees from sheep bites. Your team will additionally care for neglected grasslands in order to preserve the habitat of endangered plant and animal species. Small trees, such as willows, need to be removed as well in order to prevent trees and shrubs from spreading throughout the biotope. Your team will learn plenty about nature preservation through these tasks! You will spend a week at the Freising Cathedral, where you will prevent trails from falling victim to erosion, and improve a sheep shelter and fences. An absolute highlight for nature lovers are the 4 days spend at the base of the alps, where you can take plenty of hikes; please bring mountain/hiking boots! The project tasks will be led by expert Tobias Oehmen, who can tell your team all you would like to know about nature and the purpose of the project.

Note about the project: We look forward to meeting you if you truly love to spend time in nature, hike, and can ride a bike! Some weather resistance is needed for the tasks outside. If you like to cook, that is a great addition since you will shop for and prepare your own food. You will receive some free groceries from local shops.

ACCOMODATION: Accommodation: You will be staying in a house run by the Nature Friends, 7 km outside of Freising, located on a cliff over the Isar River

Catering: Meals will be prepared as a group

LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : English

LOCATION: Location: Bavaria; Munich 35 km, Regensburg 90 km

Free Time: Freising is just a bike ride away along the Isar River. From there, you can take the train to Munich, where you can visit museums, the English Gardens, or the famous Munich Hofbrauhaus! In the surrounding area and in the Alps you can hike and simply enjoy nature. Due to its proximity to Hallertau, the largest hops growing area in the world, there are plenty of traditional beer gardens! You will be provided with bikes, but some repair work may be needed before you can ride them. Hikes are made easy with guides from the local region.

TERMINAL: Marzling

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: You must be able to ride a bike and it is absolutely necessary to bring ankle-high hiking boots/mountain boots and rainproof, warm clothing which you will need for the project as well as for the hikes! REMARKS: The tasks may be physically challenging. This is a 4-week camp.


All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance. IJGD placement starts on Monday 31st of March 2014.

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Code: IJGD24303 Year: 2014 Name: TAKE A NEW PATH-NATURE PRESERVATION ON A LAKE Name: Location: BONN Address: Url: Project: ENVI - Environmental Initial Date: 09/08/2014 Final Date: 31/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of IJGD 24303 TAKE A NEW PATH¿NATURE PRESERVATION ON A LAKE Tegernsee Workcamp: 09/08-31/08/14 ENVI , 16 ans. 18 VOLS WORK: Your group will be very active in this beautiful landscape! Your group will work in small groups and expand hiking trails in and around Rottach-Egern, remove the damage brought by winter and storms, and make them walking-friendly again. You can also help maintain and care for mountain pastures and moorlands for animals, as well as maintain biotopes and landscape protection areas. You will smooth out and enlarge hiking trails, add rain drains and clean them, put up benches and information boards, and cut bushes and hedges. The best part is that you get to do all this while enjoying a view of the mountains and the lake! Part of your group will also work with the community gardens to help put up beer tables on the festival grounds. Due to the long commute, you will work three days per week for about 9 hours (including commute there), and will have a 4 day weekend.

ACCOMODATION: Accommodation: In a house close to the Tegernsee Lake. You will sleep in shared rooms on cots. Showers are at a pool located 10 minutes away, and you will get free entrance to the pool.

Catering: Meals will be prepared as a group

LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : English

LOCATION: Location: Bavaria; Munich 55 km

Free Time: Rottach-Egern is located on the Tegernsee lake, south of Munich. The camp is perfect for nature lovers and for doing all sorts of outdoor activities: hiking, mountain biking, swimming, paddle boating, and relaxing in the warm whirlpool at the Rottach swimming pool with a view over the lake. Munich is only an hour away by train.

TERMINAL: Tegernsee

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Please be sure to bring rainproof, warm clothes and hiking/mountain boots! REMARKS: You should enjoy being outside in nature. You will work outside no matter the weather and the work will be physically challenging. Please be sure to bring rainproof, warm clothes and hiking/mountain boots!


All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance.

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Code: IJGD24308 Year: 2014 Name: EXPERIENCE THE FOREST! Name: Location: BONN Address: Url: Project: ENVI - Environmental Initial Date: 19/07/2014 Final Date: 09/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of 16-IJGD 24308 EXPERIENCE THE FOREST! Stuttgart 19/07-09/08/14 ENVI , Workcamp: 16 ans. 13 VOLS WORK: Many motivated hands from all over the world will meet once again in the ¿Rotwildpark¿ game preserve on the west side of Stuttgart, in order to battle the invasive Himalayan balsam plant. The successes of the last camps are already visible. The neophyte (a foreign plant brought in) is overgrown and is suppressing the native plants. Your task will be to rip out the invasive species, carry it away, and load it onto a trailer. The deer love it as a snack! Additionally, your team will work on maintaining hiking trails and improving the local biotope. The forest is 4 square kilometers and has been considered a nature preservation area since 1939, mostly because of its many old oak and birch trees. You will be working from 7:00-12:00. You will be driven to your work sites and can therefore get to know the various areas of the park, while enjoying the forest as it wakes up each morning.

ACCOMODATION: Accommodation: You will be staying in the middle of the Game Preserve, in a cozy forest hut in the forest

Catering: Meals will be prepared as a group

LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : English

LOCATION: Location: Baden-Wuerttemberg; the park is located 10 km from the center of Stuttgart

Free Time: Stuttgart is a city in the middle of forests and vines. The capitol of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg has been using this as its slogan for many years. Stuttgart offers a large variety of cultural and leisure activities for you to enjoy. You can visit a museum or the planetarium, shop, hike, or even hop a train and travel to Nuremberg, Frankfurt, Heidelberg, and even the famous Black Forest. You will be provided with bikes to get to the bus stop (a 15 minute walk) or to the tram (a 45 minute walk). Around your forest hut there is a grill, so you can spend evenings sitting around the fire. The park makes for a wonderful visit, where you can see deer and wild pigs, and together with its lake and small restaurant, it is one of the most beloved destinations in Stuttgart. The three lakes here make up a 3 km long chain of lakes that you can walk along, but unfortunately not swim in. Pools are loacated in Botnang and Vaihingen, about 5 km away. You can also take a side trip to the Solitude Castel. Don¿t worry, you can¿t get lost! The castle and restaurant are connected by a straight, 3 km long path.

TERMINAL: Stuttgart

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: - REMARKS: You should be able to ride a bike


All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance.

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Code: IJGD24309 Year: 2014 Name: ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND (BUEN CONOCIMIENTO ALEMÁN) Name: Location: BONN Address: Url: Project: KIDS - Work with kids Initial Date: 02/08/2014 Final Date: 17/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of IJGD 24309 ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND IN HOLZNAGELHAUSEN Workcamp: Veitshoechheim 02/08-17/08/14 KIDS , 16 ans. 14 VOLS WORK: The Holznagelhausen Adventure Playground is a summer camp offering from the Veitshoechhem community. Together with other volunteers, your team will spend two weeks working with 200 children, ages 7-13, on a large outdoor area. They will be divided into 14 different groups. You will build wooden huts, offer sports and workshop activities (these include everything from soccer to baseball, baking pizza in a clay oven, crafts, to adventure education activities). You will have a blast together! The high point of the camp is an overnight stay in the huts with a nighttime hike. Feel free to bring your ideas, and here you will learn how to run a youth project, how to work in a large team, learn new languages, and meet new friends. The Holznagelhausen Adventure Playground Camp has been run for 30 years and is therefore a long and successful tradition in the community. The camp is run by a youth organization, the Gemeindejugendarbeit, in Veitshoechheim, which has been active in the community for 24 years (, You will work at the playground Mondays-Fridays from 8:30-14:00, and on the evening of the night hike and overnight stay until about 2:00. The children will stay at the camp, but your group will return to your accommodation. There will be a goodbye part with the other volunteers on your last evening.

ACCOMODATION: Accommodation: In a Nature Friends House (Naturfreundehaus Am Kalten Brunnen)

Catering: Meals will be prepared as a group

LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : English

LOCATION: Location: Bavaria; Wurzburg 6 km, Nuremberg and Frankfurt, 115 km

Free Time: Veitshoechheim is a community with about 10,000 residents and is located on the banks of the Main River near Wurzburg (the capitol of the region). IN Veitshoechheim there is a nice pool, boat tours on the Main, plenty of nice people to meet and organizations to take part in. The bus and train connection to Wurzburg takes only 10 minutes, and from there you can travel to further cities such as Aschaffenburg, Nuremberg, and Frankfurt (about 1-1.5 hours). In Wurzburg you can sightsee and enjoy the nightlife. This student city always has something to offer! IN addition to the sights (a fortress, chapels, a castle) as well shopping, movie theaters, cafes, and nightlife. In the area there is also a climbing park, a recreational park, go-carts, youth centers of all kind, areas to relax, and bike and skateboard trails. In Nuremberg and Frankfurt you will find everything a big city has to offer. Come and take a peek! Many activities do have a cost associated with them, so bring money!

TERMINAL: Veitshoechheim

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: Special Requirement: A good knowledge of German is required, and you should be able to work well with and enjoy working with children. REMARKS: The work may be physically challenging at times, since you

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children. REMARKS: The work may be physically challenging at times, since you will be working with wood often.


All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance.

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Code: IJGD24314 Year: 2014 Name: SPITZINGSEE Name: Location: BONN Address: Url: Project: ENVI - Environmental Initial Date: 16/08/2014 Final Date: 07/09/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 1 Descripction of IJGD 24314

Workcamp: Plant Trees for Future Generations


Type: Environmental

When: August 16-September 7, 2014

Who: 15 international participants, ages 16-26

Location: Bavaria; about 60 km from Munich

Train Station: Schliersee (on the way there), Benediktbeuern (on the way back)

Airport: Munich

Accommodation: Your accommodation for the first two weeks is the 'Wurzhuette am Spitzingsee' (not to be confused with the 'Hotel Alte Wurzhuette'), on the south side of the Miesbach area. During the third week, you will be staying at the Environmental and Cultural Center (Zentrum Umwelt und Kultur) in Benediktbeuern.

Catering: Meals will be prepared as a group

Note: Tasks will be physically challenging. Your group will work outside even when it is raining, so please bring hiking/mountain boots.

Project: On the Spitzingsee Lake, as well as in Benediktbeuern, your team will work on a project done by the 'Berdwaldoffensive' run by the Bavarian State Government, a project about the mountains and forests. The protection factor of mountain forests against natural dangers is immensely important, and future generations should also profit from this. Your group will plant young pines, mountain acorn trees, and beech trees in especially sensitive mountain forest areas, so that a mixed generation can grow. To do this, you will first spend a few days with a handsaw, cutting down small trees so that the stronger ones have more space to develop. You will be led and accompanied by experienced foresters from the Bavarian Forestry Administration. Through this work, you will get a peek into the connections in the mountain forest ecosystem, as well as learn about the sustainable use of natural resources. Some of the work spaces are on very steep ground and it can take 15-30 minutes to reach them. It is important to bring rain clothes, mountain/hiking boots, and sheets. The work tools and gloves will be provided by the forsters. Your accommodation for the first two weeks is the 'Wurzhuette am Spitzingsee' (not to be confused with the 'Hotel Alte Wurzhuette'), on the south side of the Miesbach area. The hut is located right on the edge of the town and is furnished with shared rooms. There are several showers and cooking areas. Running water and electricity are on hand. The tap water is potable. The hut can be reached with public transportation and by car. During the third week,

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hut can be reached with public transportation and by car. During the third week, you will change locations and staying in the Environmental and Cultural Center (Zentrum Umwelt und Kultur) in Benediktbeuern and sleep in a dormitory. The accommodation is similar to a youth hostel and is in the center of town. Grocery stores and the train station are within walking distance.

Free Time: You will be staying in one of the most beloved vacation destinations in Bavaria. You will be living on the Spitzingsee Lake for the first two weeks. From there, you can take many mountain hikes and swim in the lake. Trips to Munich are possible from both locations.


All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance.

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Code: IJGD24318 Year: 2014 Name: HANDMADE UPCYCLING-WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND Name: Location: BONN Address: Url: Project: STUDY-ART - Study - Art camp Initial Date: 26/07/2014 Final Date: 16/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of IJGD 24318 HANDMADE UPCYCLING-WHAT GOES AROUND COMES AROUND Workcamp: Georgensgmuend 26/07-16/08/14 STUD ,ART , 18 ans. 14 VOLS WORK: We are the Haemmerleinsmuehle Environmental Station (Umweltstation Haemmerleinsmuehle), and we enjoy dealing with the effects and consequences of our consumption and ¿throw it away¿ society in a creative way. Upcycling from already available material reduces newly produced of raw materials and therefore reduces energy consumption, air and water pollution, and greenhouse gases. In three workshop groups, we will create and upcycle products from natural materials as well as waste products. At the beginning, finished products created by professionals will be given out. These include items such as felt/plastic cases for laptops, jewelry from plastic garbage, fashionable hats out of old clothes, furniture from rough wood, boomerangs, products from tree bark, and much more. With a sculptor, a fun ¿hummus toilet¿ will be made from waste products, following artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser. Of course, bring your creative ideas so we can develop them and use them! For more information about the environmental station please see, for a video of the project from 2012 please see, and for more information about the community please see

ACCOMODATION: Accommodation: You will be staying in a youth center with a kitchen, common and party room, and two separate sleeping areas with cots. There is also a restroom and shower.

Catering: Meals will be prepared as a group

LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : English

LOCATION: Location: Bavaria; Nuremberg 45 km

Free Time: Georgensgmuend is located in the Frankish lakelands. You can take a swim in a local man-made lake, enjoy the local church festival, visit a climbing wall, or take trips to nearby cities such as Nuremberg, Bardentreffen, Munich, or Bamberg.

TERMINAL: Georgensgmuend

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: At least a basic knowledge of English. REMARKS: You should have at least a basic knowledge of English. You should also enjoy cooking as well as creative, artistic and manual tasks. Please bring work clothes. The project may be physically challenging at times!


All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance.

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Code: IJGD24328 Year: 2014 Name: FOLLOW NATURE´S TRIAL! Name: Location: BONN Address: Url: Project: ENVI - Environmental Initial Date: 16/08/2014 Final Date: 06/09/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of IJGD 24328 FOLLOW NATURE¿S TRAIL! Tuerkismuehle 16/08-06/09/14 Workcamp: ENVI , 16 ans. 20 VOLS WORK: In the middle of the SaarHunsrueck Nature Park, located on the borders of Germany, France, and Luxembourg, the Hermeskeil Forestry Office has prepared various nature preservation tasks. Your team will care of various biotopes and remove fences. The oldest Roman settlement was discovered in Hermeskeil. The main camp is shaped like a trapezoid and was surrounded by a ditch and a ridge, which is still visible in parts of the forest. Your job will be to make it possible to walk along the ridge again by building a trail. You will also be doing various maintenance tasks around the hut you will be staying in.

ACCOMODATION: Accommodation: In a simple hut in the forest

Catering: Meals will be prepared as a group

LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : English

LOCATION: Location: Rhineland-Palatinate; Trier 40 km, Luxembourg 85 km, Strasbourg 180 km

Free Time: There is an outdoor and indoor pool in Hermeskeil for you to relax in, ice cream parlors, and all important stores you will need are also nearby. IN the area you can travel to the Grimburg Fortress, to the Fire Department and Airplane Museum, hike through the national park, or take a trip to nearby cities such as Trier, Luxembourg, or Strasbourg.

TERMINAL: Tuerkismuehle

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: - REMARKS: The tasks will be physically challenging at times. This camp is only for those participants that truly love being in and working in nature.


All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance.

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Code: IJGD24335 Year: 2014 Name: ROCK AROUND THE WORLD Name: Location: BONN Address: Url: Project: ART - Art camp Initial Date: 27/07/2014 Final Date: 17/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of IJGD 24335 ROCK AROUND THE WORLD Gelsenkirchen 27/07-17/08/14 ART , Workcamp: 16 ans. 12 VOLS WORK: This camp is geared towards youth that enjoy music and want to integrate their cultural influences. This camp gives the opportunity to spend time with the local youth and try out new creative tasks. There are instruments available, including electric guitars, electric bass, drums, voice, a studio, and much more. Feel free to use your voice or your own instrument! At the end of camp, your team will produce your own CD as a memento. A public appearance during a youth cultural event may even happen. The focus of this camp is the international meetings and exchanges, as well as just having fun!

ACCOMODATION: Accommodation: You will be staying in the ¿Die Villa¿ Youth Center, which offers small apartments.

Catering: Meals will be prepared together with local youth.

LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : English

LOCATION: Location: North Rhine-Westphalia; Dortmund 25 km, Cologne 85 km

Free Time: In the youth center you can play foosball and billiards, as well as listen to and create music. Trips together to cultural sights such as the Rock and Pop Museum in Gronau, the Zeche Zollverein museum in Essen, and more are planned. In Gelsenkirchen there are indoor and outdoor pools, museums, and bars. Due to its central location in the region, Gelsenkirchen is an ideal starting point for trips to nearby cities including Dortmund, Bochum, Cologne, Hamburg, and the Netherlands.

TERMINAL: Gelsenkirchen

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: - REMARKS: Local youth from Gelsenkirchen will be with your team most of the time during the project and your free time


All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance.

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Code: IJGD24346 Year: 2014 Name: DON´T JUST STAND THER, GET INVOLVED! Name: Location: BONN Address: Url: Project: CONS-SOCI - Construction - Social project Initial Date: 26/07/2014 Final Date: 16/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of IJGD 24346 DON¿T JUST STAND THERE, GET INVOLVED! Leverkusen-zentrum Workcamp: 26/07-16/08/14 CONS ,SOCI ,KIDS , 16 ans. 12 VOLS WORK: There are two projects that need your help in Burscheid. First, your group will organize a festival in an evangelical nursing home. This will be prepared together with a full program and decorations. Please bring music to dance and sing to, songs, pictures, traditional clothing, traditions, and other things traditional to your home country from home, including recipes! Your second project will take place in the ecological experimental workshop. Here, children and youth have the chance to learn how to deal with nature responsibly. During a two week summer camp for elementary school children, you and the kids will create various game rooms. You will gain experience in working with natural materials including wood, clay, straw, and willow, and use them to create interesting game areas. Environmental awareness and creativity are taught through this project. Don¿t worry, there will be plenty of time for games and sport during these two weeks!

ACCOMODATION: Accommodation: In a currently empty apartment

Catering: Meals will be prepared as a group

LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : English

LOCATION: Location: North Rhine-Westphalia; Cologne 25 km

Free Time: In Burscheid there is an indoor pool with an area to lay in that you can use to cool off on a hot day. You can also travel to nearby cities such as Cologne, Dusseldorf, Bonn, or go for a hike in this beautiful region!

TERMINAL: Leverkusen-Zentrum

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: - REMARKS: Knowledge of German is an advantage. You should enjoy working with children, be fit since some construction work will be done, and bring enough changes of clothes as they may get dirty. This camp is sponsored by Johnson Controls.


All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance.

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Code: IJGD54403 Year: 2014 Name: WELCOME TO THE LAND OF FORTRESSES| Name: Location: BONN Address: Url: Project: RENO-CONS - Restoration-Construction Initial Date: 10/08/2014 Final Date: 31/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of IJGD 54403 WELCOME TO THE LAND OF FORTRESSES!Bahnhof naumburg/saale Workcamp: 10/08-31/08/14 RENO ,CONS , 16 ans. 16 VOLS WORK: The Naumburg Youth Hostel is located in a quiet area just outside the city of Naumburg. During this workcamp, part of the outside grounds will be completely renovated. The tasks deal mainly with plaster. The outside terrace will be completely renovated, and painting and other renovation tasks are also possible. All tasks will be led by experts.

ACCOMODATION: Accommodation: You will be staying in the youth hostel

Catering: Meals will be provided in the hostel

Information about the youth hostel: http://naumburg.djh-sachsen-anhalt. de/home-blk-nb.html?&L=1&cHash=200084adc34e63f5c47916a56396c579;

There is WLAN for a small charge.

LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : English

LOCATION: Location: Saxony-Anhalt; Halle 50 km, Leipzig 60 km

Free Time: The city of Naumburg has a beautiful historic city center, a cathedral, and is the city where Friedrich Nietzsche spent his childhood and youth. The surrounding area is gorgeous and marked by the Unstrut and Saale Rivers, whose banks are home to the northernmost vineyards in Germany. On the grounds you can try out climbing . You can also bike through the area or use the sports fields. Due to your central location, trips to nearby cities such as Leipzig, Halle, and Weimar, the city of Goethe and Schiller, are possible.

TERMINAL: Bahnhof Naumburg/Saale



All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance.

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Code: IJGD54404 Year: 2014 Name: THE MOUNTAIN CALLS! Name: Location: BONN Address: Url: Project: RENO-CONS - Restoration-Construction Initial Date: 09/08/2014 Final Date: 30/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of IJGD 54404 THE MOUNTAIN CALLS! Wernigerode 09/08-30/08/14 RENO , Workcamp: CONS , 16 ans. 14 VOLS WORK: In this quiet location, with a view of the city, the Wernigerode Youth Hostel is waiting for you! During this camp, your group will take on various renovation tasks on the outer grounds. These include grouting a fence and repainting it, as well as landscaping work on the green spaces around the hostel. All tasks will be led by experts. For more information please see &L=1&cHash=200084adc34e63f5c47916a56396c579

ACCOMODATION: Accommodation: You will be housed in a youth hostel

Catering: Meals will be provided in the hostel

Information about the youth hostel: http://wernigerode.djh-sachsen-anhalt. de/home-hz-wr.html?&L=1&cHash=200084adc34e63f5c47916a56396c579;

There is WLAN available for a small charge.

LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : English

LOCATION: Location: Saxony-Anhalt; Magdeburg 80 km, Braunschweig 60 km

Free Time: Not far from the historic city center, the youth hostel with its countless leisure activities is the ideal starting point to get to know Wernigerode and the Harz region. Wernigerode is known for its historical city hall, the castle, and the many traditional ¿Fachwerk¿ houses that date back six centuries. The Harz National Park offers a rich landscape surrounding the highest mountain in Northern Germany, all for nature and hiking lovers. Whether you go by foot or take the train, a trip to the Brocken, the highest point in the region, is always worth a visit. On the weekends you can visit cities such as Leipzig, Halle, Gottingen, or Magdeburg. These cities all a different charm about them for you to discover!

For more information about the city:

TERMINAL: Wernigerode

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: - REMARKS: The tasks may be physically challenging at times


All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance.

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Code: IJGD54410 Year: 2014 Name: LIVING FREE ROOM Name: Location: 46236 Address: Url: Project: ART - Art camp Initial Date: 16/08/2014 Final Date: 06/09/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of IJGD 54410 LIVING FREE ROOM Halle/saale 16/08-06/09/14 ART , 18 ans. Workcamp: 15 VOLS WORK: Building on the experiences had during the All YOU Can Paint Festivals in 2012 and 2013, which IJGD workcamp participants also took part in, your team will continue the work done in the gallery. This includes plastering walls, sealing windows, preparing open areas, priming walls, painting, as well as supporting the organization and logistics of the street art festival. For more information please see, festival.

ACCOMODATION: Accommodation: In a student dorm on Landsberger Street

Catering: You will prepare some meals as a group, others will be provided

LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : English

LOCATION: Location: Saxony-Anhalt; Leipzig 20 km

The city of Halle is located in central Germany and is known for its rich and quite creative art and music scene. The Handel festival will be taking place at the same time as your camp. Graffiti workshops will also be taking place. Additionally, a Street Art Festival will be taking place during the first two weeks in September on the same street as your accommodation, so you can enjoy a great departure festival. Since you will be staying in and cooking in a student dorm, you will be in the heart of the festival and learn about life in Germany. Trips to Leipzig and Berlin are also possible.

TERMINAL: Halle/Saale

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: - REMARKS: Some tasks may be physically challenging at times


All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance.

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Referencia: 38

Code: IJGD54411 Year: 2014 Name: FLOOD ASSISTANCE FOR ANHALT Name: Location: BONN Address: Url: Project: RENO-CONS - Restoration-Construction Initial Date: 16/08/2014 Final Date: 06/09/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of IJGD 54411 FLOOD ASSISTANCE FOR ANHALT Zerbst/anhalt 16/08-06/09/14 Workcamp: RENO ,CONS , 16 ans. 16 VOLS WORK: The Ronney Environmental Educational Center (Umweltbildungszentrum Ronney), located in the Central Elbe Biosphere Reserve was heavily damaged by floods in summer 2013. The water was a meter high. Your help is urgently needed and there are countless possibly renovation and restoration tasks that await your team. You will help restore display boards outside as well as a bike park. For those who enjoy tougher tasks, you can help rebuild the educational garden. This is just the beginning of what needs to be done here!

ACCOMODATION: Accommodation: In tents on the grounds of the Ronney Environmental Center

Catering: Meals will be prepared as a group

LANGUAGE: ENGLISH / and : English

LOCATION: Location: Saxony-Anhalt; Leipzig 20 km

Free Time: The Environmental Educational Center is located in the middle of a nature preservation area on the Elbe River. After a day¿s work you can explore the area by bike and by foot, or enjoy the various activities offered by the center. There are swimming holes in the area. In the evening your group can grill and sit around the bonfire. The cities of Dessau and Magdeburg are not far from Zerbst. On the weekends you can take trips to Leipzig, Erfurt, or Berlin. For more information please see

TERMINAL: Zerbst/Anhalt

SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS: You should be able to ride a bike REMARKS: Tasks may be physically challenging at times. You should be able to ride a bike


All volunteers are insured by IJGD for health insurance.

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Referencia: 39

Code: PRO-27-14 Year: 2014 Name: DEETZ Name: Location: MARBURG Address: Project: MANU - Manual work Initial Date: 21/07/2014 Final Date: 09/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of PRO-27 Deetz (Magdeburg) 21.07.-09.08. 14 vols. MANU

Workcamp: Language: English

Project: Host organisation is an organisation named "Europa-Jugendbauernhof" (European Youth Farm).

Work: The work will consist of rebuilding a former block of flats and farmbuildings and also the surroundings into an 'European Youth Farm'. This year a former barn has to be renovated into a "children-learning-place". The work also means for example to cultivate land, gardening, harvesting, doing some renovation depending upon need. The time of work is 6 hours daily except Wednesdays and weekends.

Accommodation: in a house nearby, with two sleeping-rooms (8 beds in each), kitchen, shower, toilet, garden. Cooking, cleaning, shopping etc. will be done by the group itself.

Location: Deetz is a small village with approx. 800 inhabitants in the Bundesland Sachsen-Anhalt; it is located 50 km south-east of Magdeburg. It is also not far away from Berlin. The house where the group will live is situated near a lake. Swimming is possible. It is at the edge of a nature reserve.

Terminal: train station Zerbst; within reach from Magdeburg or Berlin; next airport Berlin.

Age: 16-26


- Accident (Yes)

- Illnesses (except chronic ones) (Yes)

- Dental treatment (Yes)

- Personal liability (Yes)

- Working hours only (No)

- 24 hours a day (Yes)

European volunteers have to bring their European Health Card. The insurance does not cover travel to and from the camp.

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Referencia: 40

Code: PRO-28-14 Year: 2014 Name: DEETZ Name: Location: MARBURG Address: Project: MANU - Manual work Initial Date: 11/08/2014 Final Date: 30/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of PRO-28 Deetz (Magdeburg) 11.08.-30.08. 14 vols. MANU

Workcamp: Language: English

Project: Host organisation is an organisation named "Europa-Jugendbauernhof" (European Youth Farm).

Work: The work will consist of rebuilding a former block of flats and farmbuildings and also the surroundings into an 'European Youth Farm'. This year a former barn has to be renovated into a "children-learning-place". The work also means for example to cultivate land, gardening, harvesting, doing some renovation depending upon need. The time of work is 6 hours daily except Wednesdays and weekends.

Accommodation: in a house nearby, with two sleeping-rooms (8 beds in each), kitchen, shower, toilet, garden. Cooking, cleaning, shopping etc. will be done by the group itself.

Location: Deetz is a small village with approx. 800 inhabitants in the Bundesland Sachsen-Anhalt; it is located 50 km south-east of Magdeburg. It is also not far away from Berlin. The house where the group will live is situated near a lake. Swimming is possible. It is at the edge of a nature reserve.

Terminal: train station Zerbst; within reach from Magdeburg or Berlin; next airport Berlin.

Age: 16-26


- Accident (Yes)

- Illnesses (except chronic ones) (Yes)

- Dental treatment (Yes)

- Personal liability (Yes)

- Working hours only (No)

- 24 hours a day (Yes)

European volunteers have to bring their European Health Card. The insurance does not cover travel to and from the camp.

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Referencia: 41

Code: VJF1.3-14 Year: 2014 Name: CASTLE DREILUETZOW Name: Location: BERLIN Address: Url: Project: CONS-FEST - Construction - Festival Initial Date: 18/08/2014 Final Date: 31/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of VJF 1.3 Castle "Dreiluetzow" 18/08 -31/08/14 CONS / FEST 15 vols


Work: The main work during the camp will be the preparation of the light festival; which will be on the last Friday. At the light festival the whole park will be lightened by candles and fire and at different places there will be theatre, music and installations. Preparation works have to be done, such as building up tents, carrying things, playing music to practise for the event, painting signs and so on. Here we need your handicraft and also creative ideas to prepare a little program as a part of the festival. The projects depend on the dynamics of the participants! If you play a musical instrument it would be great if you bring it with you!

Location: The little village Dreiluetzow is situated in the federal state Mecklenburg- Vorpommern. Schloss Dreiluetzow is a 300 year old estate with a big park, which will be the workcamp location. Wittenburg, the nearest town is about 4 km away and the closest big town is Schwerin, about 25 km away. In the surrounding area you¿ll find mostly forests and farms. Please be prepared to live in an isolated place!!!

Terminal: Berlin or Hamburg

Accommodation: The volunteers will be accommodated in multi-bed rooms (4-9 beds in a room) in a little building next to the castle.

Special requirements: It is absolutely necessary to stay until the last day. Early departures are not accepted!

Age limit: 18-26 years


- Accident (Yes)

- Illnesses (except chronic ones) (Yes)

- Dental treatment (Yes)

- Person (Yes)

- Working hours only (No)

- 24 hours a day (Yes)

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Referencia: 42

Code: VJF3.4-14 Year: 2014 Name: MAXIM Name: Location: BERLIN Address: Url: Project: FEST-RENO - Festival-Restoration Initial Date: 30/06/2014 Final Date: 19/07/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of VJF 3.4 Maxim 30/06¿19/07/14 FEST / RENO 15 vols


Work: During the first week you will help to prepare and run 2 festivals. The Youth Band Open Air festival ¿Fayatak¿ will be run on the 14th of June and the international drumming festival for children, youngsters and families ¿RAKATAK" will take place on the 16th of June. In the previous years 7000 visitors were present at the festivals. Your help will be needed to prepare, to run and afterwards to clean the site.

Another task of this project will take place during the 2nd week in the youth club ¿Maxim¿. Your help will be needed to renovate the big party room and do maintenance and environmental works outside on the ground of the Youth club.

Please be prepared for hard physical work from time to time!

Location/Terminal: Berlin

Accommodation: During the festival time you will sleep on your foam mattress in your sleeping bag, so please don¿t forget them! In the youth club there will be 2 rooms available. You will sleep on the floor on a mattress in your sleeping bag. Your quarters will be very modest, but of course there is a kitchen and bathrooms. However, the youth club is a nice place to work, live and party.

Special requirements: You have to be able to ride a bike

Age limit: 18-26 years


- Accident (Yes)

- Illnesses (except chronic ones) (Yes)

- Dental treatment (Yes)

- Person (Yes)

- Working hours only (No)

- 24 hours a day (Yes)

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Referencia: 43

Code: VJF4.3-14 Year: 2014 Name: KIEZ GUENTERSBERGE Name: Location: BERLIN Address: Url: Project: CONS-RENO - Construction-Restoration Initial Date: 25/07/2014 Final Date: 14/08/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of VJF 4.3 KiEZ Guentersberge 25/07-14/08/14 CONS/RENO 15 vols


Work: Different projects for children and youngsters will run in July in KiEZ Güntersberge. The workcamp¿s work will be the foundation for those projects. Please be prepared to help with the decoration, preparation of a sports meeting and the campfire or helping the host to run sport games for the children and youngsters. Besides, the volunteers will do different renovation works like painting, removing weeds in the activity centre and other tasks.

Volunteers may also be involved in other tasks that will help to maintain the KiEZ Güntersberge.

Location: Guentersberge (near Quedlinburg)

Terminal: Berlin or Leipzig

Accommodation: You will live in bungalows with 4 or 5 beds; the toilets and showers are about 200 m from your bungalows.

Age limit: 18-26 years


- Accident (Yes)

- Illnesses (except chronic ones) (Yes)

- Dental treatment (Yes)

- Person (Yes)

- Working hours only (No)

- 24 hours a day (Yes)

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Referencia: 44

Code: VJF6.3-14 Year: 2014 Name: USV JENA Name: Location: BERLIN Address: Url: Project: RENO - Restoration renovation Initial Date: 14/07/2014 Final Date: 27/07/2014 Min Age: 18 Max Age: 26 Places: 2 Descripction of VJF 6.3 USV Jena 14/07-27/07/14 RENO 9 vols


Work: You will support the University Sports Association (Universitätssportverein=USV) to maintain its sports grounds. Your help will be needed to renovate and/or maintain the sport facilities This could include painting, cleaning, repairing and generally tidying up.

Location: Jena

Terminal: Leipzig or Berlin

Accommodation: In tents onsite, with toilet and shower facilities provided. Volunteers must bring sleeping bags, blankets and roll mats.

Age limit: 18-26 years


- Accident (Yes)

- Illnesses (except chronic ones) (Yes)

- Dental treatment (Yes)

- Person (Yes)

- Working hours only (No)

- 24 hours a day (Yes)

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Codes Order

Workcamp Code Type Ages Date Places Ref.

Alemania MAULBRONN IBG18-14 RENO-ENVI 18 - 30 19/07/2014 - 03/08/2014 2 1 HEILSBRONN IBG19-14 ENVI-CONS 18 - 30 20/07/2014 - 01/08/2014 2 2 SCHENKENZELL IBG21-14 CONS-RENO 18 - 30 02/08/2014 - 16/08/2014 2 3 GERLINGEN IBG22-14 CONS-ENVI 18 - 30 02/08/2014 - 23/08/2014 2 4 GAEUFELDEN IBG24-14 CONS-RENO 18 - 30 03/08/2014 - 23/08/2014 2 5 BERNBURG IBG26-14 RENO 18 - 30 03/08/2014 - 24/08/2014 2 6 SCHWANFELD IBG30-14 ENVI-FEST 18 - 30 17/08/2014 - 30/08/2014 2 7 FUCHSTAL IBG31-14 CONS-ENVI 18 - 30 17/08/2014 - 05/09/2014 2 8 HEIDESHEIM IBG32-14 RENO-ENVI 18 - 30 24/08/2014 - 07/09/2014 2 9 PETRUSGEMEINDE GIESSEN (C. DE ICJA04-14 SOCI 18 - 26 19/07/2014 - 02/08/2014 1 10 MOTIVACIÓN) MUELLERHOF MITTWEIDA ICJA05-14 MANU-ENVI 18 - 26 25/07/2014 - 08/08/2014 1 11 FRIEDENSWERKSTATT MUTLANGEN ICJA07-14 RENO-STUDY 18 - 26 27/07/2014 - 12/08/2014 1 12 KINDERDORF LIPPERLAND BARNTRUP (C. ICJA08-14 KIDS-ENVI-MANU 18 - 26 30/07/2014 - 16/08/2014 1 13 DE MOTIVACIÓN) JUGENDZENTRUM EILENBURG ICJA09-14 MANU 18 - 26 02/08/2014 - 16/08/2014 1 14 PEACE CENTER SIEVERSHAUSEN ICJA10-14 RENO-STUDY-ART18 - 26 03/08/2014 - 16/08/2014 1 15 SCHOLLENHOF WAGSHURST ICJA11-14 CONS-RENO-ENVI18 - 26 03/08/2014 - 17/08/2014 1 16 SCHLOSS BEDHEIM ICJA12-14 RENO-ENVI 18 - 26 16/08/2014 - 30/08/2014 1 17 SUMMER SUN, DISTRICT FESTIVAL IJGD14203 SOCI 18 - 26 12/07/2014 - 26/07/2014 2 18 FOREST ADVENTURE IJGD14205 ENVI 18 - 26 02/08/2014 - 23/08/2014 2 19 NATURE ADVENTURE IN WILDEMANN I IJGD14209 ENVI 18 - 26 12/07/2014 - 02/08/2014 2 20 ECOLOGY AND SUSTAINABILITY IN THE IJGD14215 ENVI 18 - 26 02/08/2014 - 23/08/2014 2 21 FOREST NATURE PRESERVATION NEAR A IJGD14220 ENVI 18 - 26 02/08/2014 - 23/08/2014 2 22 METROPOLIS KIDS´ GAMES IN AN ADVENTURE CAMP IJGD14240 KIDS 18 - 26 12/07/2014 - 02/08/2014 2 23 SUMMER BREAK ON THE BALTIC SEA IJGD14243 KIDS 18 - 26 19/07/2014 - 16/08/2014 2 24 INTERNATIONAL MEETING (BUEN IJGD24300 KIDS 18 - 26 27/07/2014 - 17/08/2014 2 25 CONOCIMIENTO ALEMÁN) ON THE RIGHT TRAIL TO THE ALPS! IJGD24302 ENVI 18 - 26 02/08/2014 - 30/08/2014 1 26 TAKE A NEW PATH-NATURE IJGD24303 ENVI 18 - 26 09/08/2014 - 31/08/2014 2 27 PRESERVATION ON A LAKE EXPERIENCE THE FOREST! IJGD24308 ENVI 18 - 26 19/07/2014 - 09/08/2014 2 28 ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND (BUEN IJGD24309 KIDS 18 - 26 02/08/2014 - 17/08/2014 2 29 CONOCIMIENTO ALEMÁN) SPITZINGSEE IJGD24314 ENVI 18 - 26 16/08/2014 - 07/09/2014 1 30 HANDMADE UPCYCLING-WHAT GOES IJGD24318 STUDY-ART 18 - 26 26/07/2014 - 16/08/2014 2 31 AROUND COMES AROUND FOLLOW NATURE´S TRIAL! IJGD24328 ENVI 18 - 26 16/08/2014 - 06/09/2014 2 32 ROCK AROUND THE WORLD IJGD24335 ART 18 - 26 27/07/2014 - 17/08/2014 2 33 DON´T JUST STAND THER, GET IJGD24346 CONS-SOCI 18 - 26 26/07/2014 - 16/08/2014 2 34 INVOLVED! WELCOME TO THE LAND OF IJGD54403 RENO-CONS 18 - 26 10/08/2014 - 31/08/2014 2 35 FORTRESSES| THE MOUNTAIN CALLS! IJGD54404 RENO-CONS 18 - 26 09/08/2014 - 30/08/2014 2 36

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Alemania LIVING FREE ROOM IJGD54410 ART 18 - 26 16/08/2014 - 06/09/2014 2 37 FLOOD ASSISTANCE FOR ANHALT IJGD54411 RENO-CONS 18 - 26 16/08/2014 - 06/09/2014 2 38 DEETZ PRO-27-14 MANU 18 - 26 21/07/2014 - 09/08/2014 2 39 DEETZ PRO-28-14 MANU 18 - 26 11/08/2014 - 30/08/2014 2 40 CASTLE DREILUETZOW VJF1.3-14 CONS-FEST 18 - 26 18/08/2014 - 31/08/2014 2 41 MAXIM VJF3.4-14 FEST-RENO 18 - 26 30/06/2014 - 19/07/2014 2 42 KIEZ GUENTERSBERGE VJF4.3-14 CONS-RENO 18 - 26 25/07/2014 - 14/08/2014 2 43 USV JENA VJF6.3-14 RENO 18 - 26 14/07/2014 - 27/07/2014 2 44

Total Nº Campos: 44 Total Nº Plazas: 78

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Dates Order

Workcamp Code Type Ages Date Places Ref. MAXIM VJF3.4-14 FEST-RENO 18 - 26 30/06/2014 - 19/07/2014 2 42 SUMMER SUN, DISTRICT FESTIVAL IJGD14203 SOCI 18 - 26 12/07/2014 - 26/07/2014 2 18 NATURE ADVENTURE IN WILDEMANN I IJGD14209 ENVI 18 - 26 12/07/2014 - 02/08/2014 2 20 KIDS´ GAMES IN AN ADVENTURE CAMP IJGD14240 KIDS 18 - 26 12/07/2014 - 02/08/2014 2 23 USV JENA VJF6.3-14 RENO 18 - 26 14/07/2014 - 27/07/2014 2 44 PETRUSGEMEINDE GIESSEN (C. DE ICJA04-14 SOCI 18 - 26 19/07/2014 - 02/08/2014 1 10 MOTIVACIÓN) MAULBRONN IBG18-14 RENO-ENVI 18 - 30 19/07/2014 - 03/08/2014 2 1 EXPERIENCE THE FOREST! IJGD24308 ENVI 18 - 26 19/07/2014 - 09/08/2014 2 28 SUMMER BREAK ON THE BALTIC SEA IJGD14243 KIDS 18 - 26 19/07/2014 - 16/08/2014 2 24 HEILSBRONN IBG19-14 ENVI-CONS 18 - 30 20/07/2014 - 01/08/2014 2 2 DEETZ PRO-27-14 MANU 18 - 26 21/07/2014 - 09/08/2014 2 39 MUELLERHOF MITTWEIDA ICJA05-14 MANU-ENVI 18 - 26 25/07/2014 - 08/08/2014 1 11 KIEZ GUENTERSBERGE VJF4.3-14 CONS-RENO 18 - 26 25/07/2014 - 14/08/2014 2 43 HANDMADE UPCYCLING-WHAT GOES IJGD24318 STUDY-ART 18 - 26 26/07/2014 - 16/08/2014 2 31 AROUND COMES AROUND DON´T JUST STAND THER, GET IJGD24346 CONS-SOCI 18 - 26 26/07/2014 - 16/08/2014 2 34 INVOLVED! FRIEDENSWERKSTATT MUTLANGEN ICJA07-14 RENO-STUDY 18 - 26 27/07/2014 - 12/08/2014 1 12 INTERNATIONAL MEETING (BUEN IJGD24300 KIDS 18 - 26 27/07/2014 - 17/08/2014 2 25 CONOCIMIENTO ALEMÁN) ROCK AROUND THE WORLD IJGD24335 ART 18 - 26 27/07/2014 - 17/08/2014 2 33 KINDERDORF LIPPERLAND BARNTRUP (C. ICJA08-14 KIDS-ENVI-MANU 18 - 26 30/07/2014 - 16/08/2014 1 13 DE MOTIVACIÓN) SCHENKENZELL IBG21-14 CONS-RENO 18 - 30 02/08/2014 - 16/08/2014 2 3 JUGENDZENTRUM EILENBURG ICJA09-14 MANU 18 - 26 02/08/2014 - 16/08/2014 1 14 ADVENTURE PLAYGROUND (BUEN IJGD24309 KIDS 18 - 26 02/08/2014 - 17/08/2014 2 29 CONOCIMIENTO ALEMÁN) GERLINGEN IBG22-14 CONS-ENVI 18 - 30 02/08/2014 - 23/08/2014 2 4 FOREST ADVENTURE IJGD14205 ENVI 18 - 26 02/08/2014 - 23/08/2014 2 19 ECOLOGY AND SUSTAINABILITY IN THE IJGD14215 ENVI 18 - 26 02/08/2014 - 23/08/2014 2 21 FOREST NATURE PRESERVATION NEAR A IJGD14220 ENVI 18 - 26 02/08/2014 - 23/08/2014 2 22 METROPOLIS ON THE RIGHT TRAIL TO THE ALPS! IJGD24302 ENVI 18 - 26 02/08/2014 - 30/08/2014 1 26 PEACE CENTER SIEVERSHAUSEN ICJA10-14 RENO-STUDY- 18 - 26 03/08/2014 - 16/08/2014 1 15 ART SCHOLLENHOF WAGSHURST ICJA11-14 CONS-RENO- 18 - 26 03/08/2014 - 17/08/2014 1 16 ENVI GAEUFELDEN IBG24-14 CONS-RENO 18 - 30 03/08/2014 - 23/08/2014 2 5 BERNBURG IBG26-14 RENO 18 - 30 03/08/2014 - 24/08/2014 2 6 THE MOUNTAIN CALLS! IJGD54404 RENO-CONS 18 - 26 09/08/2014 - 30/08/2014 2 36 TAKE A NEW PATH-NATURE IJGD24303 ENVI 18 - 26 09/08/2014 - 31/08/2014 2 27 PRESERVATION ON A LAKE WELCOME TO THE LAND OF IJGD54403 RENO-CONS 18 - 26 10/08/2014 - 31/08/2014 2 35 FORTRESSES| DEETZ PRO-28-14 MANU 18 - 26 11/08/2014 - 30/08/2014 2 40 SCHLOSS BEDHEIM ICJA12-14 RENO-ENVI 18 - 26 16/08/2014 - 30/08/2014 1 17

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FOLLOW NATURE´S TRIAL! IJGD24328 ENVI 18 - 26 16/08/2014 - 06/09/2014 2 32 FLOOD ASSISTANCE FOR ANHALT IJGD54411 RENO-CONS 18 - 26 16/08/2014 - 06/09/2014 2 38 LIVING FREE ROOM IJGD54410 ART 18 - 26 16/08/2014 - 06/09/2014 2 37 SPITZINGSEE IJGD24314 ENVI 18 - 26 16/08/2014 - 07/09/2014 1 30 SCHWANFELD IBG30-14 ENVI-FEST 18 - 30 17/08/2014 - 30/08/2014 2 7 FUCHSTAL IBG31-14 CONS-ENVI 18 - 30 17/08/2014 - 05/09/2014 2 8 CASTLE DREILUETZOW VJF1.3-14 CONS-FEST 18 - 26 18/08/2014 - 31/08/2014 2 41 HEIDESHEIM IBG32-14 RENO-ENVI 18 - 30 24/08/2014 - 07/09/2014 2 9

Total Nº Campos: 44 Total Nº Plazas: 78

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