Adventure Awaits Let us Introduce Rangely is a place where you can truly unplug and unwind. Surrounded by 1.5 Ourselves! million acres of public lands and averaging 300 days of sunshine, getting outdoors has never been more accessible than it is here. Our Mission: The Rangely Area Whether you enjoy motorized, non- Chamber of Commerce is motorized, water sports, fishing, hunting, committed to promoting and camping, hiking, horseback riding or fostering a positive business anything outdoors, we have year-round climate thereby enhancing the offerings! Just outside our peaceful town is quality of economic life in our Canyon Pintado National Historic District community which encompasses over 16,000 acres of public land. In Canyon Pintado you can hike solo or take guided tours to Fremont Our Goals: Serve as an effective and Ute Native American Tribes non-partisan, non- sectarian voice sites dating back over 1,000 years. Minutes for business, legislative, social, from town you can observe the government and community issues magnificent Piceance/East Douglas wild affecting the Rangely Area, and horse herd and if you are lucky you may the western Slope of catch a glimpse of more elusive wildlife like while supporting the civic, social black bears, bobcats, or mountain lions! and cultural programs. Discover Rangely!

Rangely Colorado Day Trip 2 • Contact• Rangely us Visitor's at Guide Canyon Pintado • 970-675-5290 Rock Sites and the or on the web at • Upcoming Events Rangely Outdoor • May 1ROAR - OHV Rally and Ride Museum May 9Becky's Walk “This is a nice location with a bunch of 255 E. Main Street, Suite A information about the local animals and May 28Visit Rangely Rangely, Colorado 81648 environment. There are several along the road and I would suggest trying to visit them all.” Jun 5

Michael Mann

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Rangely Outdoor Museum Canyon Pintado Rock Art Day Trip, Day Two

The Fremont Culture is dated from about 650 CE to about 1150 CE and was followed by the and Ute Indians, all of whom left their marks on the canyon walls.

Shield Site >>>>>>>>>> Crook’s Brand Site>>> Fremont Ridge Site>>> Carrot Man Site>>>>>> Level of Difficulty: Easy Level of Difficulty: Moderate Level of Difficulty: Easy Level of Difficulty: Easy milepost 5.6 (CR23) milepost 10.1 (CR23) milepost 9.7 (CR23) milepost 11.6 (CR23) (40o 0.5616’N, 108o (39o58.1478’N,108o (39o57.7386’N,108o (39o56.8068’N,108o Whether you start or end your day here 52.3968’W) 50.2746’W) 53.4474’W) the Rangely Outdoor Museum boasts 49.1016’W) While traveling south The turn-off to this site This site presents the This site is listed in the native peoples, pioneers and ranching, on CR23, turn left on is on the west side of greatest driving National Register of geology and paleontology, flora and CR100 at milepost 5.6. CR23 where a BLM challenge of the tour. Historic Places. Turn to fauna, and energy industry exhibits. A Go 0.3 miles and turn sign noting Crook’s The two-track trail is the right (west) off walk through this museum tells the story of right where CR100 Brand is located. Go long and winding and CR23 at the BLM sign the history of Rangely and the makes a sharp left 0.15 miles and turn may be impassable and cross the cattle surrounding area. turn. Continue 0.2 right just before a gas when wet. Turn east guard. Continue 0.3 miles to a parking well location. Proceed off of CR23 onto BLM miles to where there is area where you will uphill toward 1045B for 1.3 miles. At a parking/turn around You’ll find the Rangely Outdoor Museum area on the left. Walk near the intersection of Highway 64 and take a trail a short the low cliff faces this point the road has distance to the another 0.15 miles. turned south and you south into the gully Kennedy Drive. Here you will find will take the left fork which parallels the rock art panel. The panel is on the cliff incised figures of (east). Continue 0.6 road on its south side. Rangely Outdoor Museum face to the northwest horses, General miles where the road Walk down following 200 Kennedy Drive and contains a Crook’s brand and a ends. Warning: there the gully a short Rangely, CO 81648 decorated shield Ute depiction of a isn’t much room to distance until you see (970) 675-2612 figure about 3 ft. tall. white man with a top turn around here! Look the painted figures on hat and great coat. for a large balanced the roof of the There are various rock to north of the overhang on the right- historic era cowboy parking area then hand side of the gully. inscriptions and the follow the ridge along The BLM has provided remnant of pinup art its south side for about a descriptive sign. produced by a 250 yds. to the eye- There are both Basque sheepherder level panel. It is a pecked (petroglyph) who worked in Fremont petroglyph and painted this area in the past. panel marked by (pictograph) art at this For your safety and soaring carrot-shaped locale with soaring enjoyment please take figures. carrot men being the into consideration our most impressive level of difficulty ratings. features.

Canyon Pintado National Historic District encompasses over 16,000 acres of public land along 15 miles of State Highway 139. Canyon Pintado (Spanish for "Painted Canyon") received its name in 1776 when Fathers Dominguez and Escalante noted numerous examples of ancient Native American rock art as they traveled through the Douglas Creek Valley.