
What history tells us XXI. and programmed : when biological categories are blurred 177 Series DOI 10.1007/s12038-010-0021-7

What history tells us XXI. Apoptosis and programmed : when biological categories are blurred

MICHEL MORANGE Centre Cavaillès, USR 3308, Ecole normale supérieure, 29 rue d’Ulm, 75230 Paris Cedex 05, France (Fax, 33-144-323941; Email, [email protected])

1. Introduction 2. Apoptosis: a model process

The description of programmed cell death (PCD) (Lockshin The visibility of the phenomena of apoptosis and PCD, and Williams 1964), the characterization of its most and the impact they had on the biological community have popular form, apoptosis (Kerr et al. 1972), and its rapid their origins in the rapidity with which these phenomena molecular description thanks to the were characterized after their discovery. In fact, precise Caenorhabditis elegans (Ellis et al. 1991) might appear descriptions of PCD were given in the 19th century, but as a paradigmatic example of the success of what the the phenomenon as such was not recognized (Clarke and Norwegian philosopher of science Nils Roll-Hansen Clarke 1996). Similar observations were made during the has called “biological reductionism” (Roll-Hansen 1996): fi rst half of the 20th century, especially in studies of the biological phenomena are fi rst described in organisms development of the (Glücksmann 1951). and cells, in structural and functional terms; then, One had to wait until 1964 and the introduction of the term molecular mechanisms and components involved in “PCD” to distinguish this form of death, visible for instance their realization are described. Nils Roll-Hansen during , from the accidental form of death, opposed this form of reductionism, characteristic of (Lockshin and Williams 1964). In 1972, Kerr used present-day biology, with what he called physicalist the term apoptosis to describe a special form of programmed reductionism, in which the existence of biological cell death characterized by the morphology of the dying cell, phenomena is denied. and the absence of infl ammation resulting from it (Kerr et In the fi rst part of this article, I will argue that, for al. 1972). many reasons, PCD and apoptosis were models for the The involved in apoptosis were characterized whole of molecular and cell biology. But in the second part, in C. elegans, in which a complete pattern of cell fate, I will show that the picture has become fuzzy. The frontiers including cell division but also cell death, had been defi ned with other forms of death and other cellular processes have before (Ellis et al. 1991). The characterization of the genes been blurred. I will describe the notions which are used to involved in cell death was used to establish a list of molecular explain why the frontiers of these phenomena have been components necessary for this form of death. Among them, blurred, and why their molecular description has become , involved in the degradation of the cells, more and more complex. The diffi culties originate in the received most attention. They participate in the initiation complex evolutionary history of the systems under study. of cell death, as well as in its realization and last steps I will argue that these explanations are insuffi cient to face (Thornberry and Lazebnik 1998). One of these caspases the diffi culties. With the increasing role of evolutionary is indirectly responsible for the regular extra-nucleosomal questioning in functional biology, some of the categories of DNA, which is characteristic of apoptosis. used in the latter will have to be transformed, or will even Most of all, the functions of these forms of cellular death disappear. appeared clearly distinct from those of other forms of death

Keywords. Apoptosis; categories; exaptation; programmed cell death; recruitment; tinkering http://www.ias.ac.in/jbiosci J. Biosci. 35(2), June 2010, 177–181, © Indian AcademyJ. Biosci. of 35 Sciences(2), June 2010 177 178 Michel Morange such as necrosis. Apoptosis and PCD are responsible for been questioned (Golstein and Kroemer 2006). As in the the sculpture of the organism, the elimination of useless case of apoptosis, there are molecular components which and misplaced cells, and the design of an effi cient and safe are characteristic of necrosis; necrosis can participate in . physiological processes; and it can replace apoptosis when Evolutionary scenarios were rapidly proposed to explain the latter is blocked, for instance in the formation of fi ngers how this form of death might have been introduced in in . from the mechanisms of prokaryotic cell More generally, new forms of cell death are progressively death involved, for instance, in quorum sensing, through being described (Bredesen et al. 2006; Golstein and the endosymbiosis of , and the formation of Kroemer 2007). The distinction between programmed mitochondria (Ameisen 1996, 2002, 2004). These scenarios and accidental cell death is becoming increasingly fuzzy, explained the central role played by mitochondria in and the efforts made to classify the different forms of cell apoptosis. The last reason for the overwhelming importance death look as desperate as those of Sisyphus (Kroemer of apoptosis was that its understanding could open up et al. 2009). therapeutic opportunities in where cell death plays a major role, as in neurodegenerative diseases. 4. Saving appearances: the way to interpret these diffi culties 3. The picture becomes more and more fuzzy Different concepts and notions have been introduced by The fact that the picture was so clear in the 1980s-1990s biologists to account for this fuzziness. The fi rst, due enables us to see, better than in other fi elds, how subsequent to Darwin, found new through its reintroduction discoveries made it more and more fuzzy. by François Jacob (1977). To evolve, organisms tinker Consider for instance caspases. It was quite rapidly shown with what they have to hand. They use pre-existing that some members of the family are involved in pieces to generate new structures and new functions. other functions, such as the triggering of the infl ammatory Two other notions are frequently used: recruitment and response. The pruning of during the morphogenesis its corollary pleiotropy. They are also not newcomers of the is due to caspases (Nikolaev in biology, at least in the case of the second, and they et al. 2009). A large number of additional vital functions tell the same story. They have the advantage of being of caspases have recently been described (Garrido and neutral, whereas the use of tinkering suggests that the result Kroemer 2004; Launay et al. 2005; Lamkanfi et al. 2007) might have been better if the work had been done by an and they concern members of the family involved in engineer. Another notion, used by evolutionary biologists, apoptosis. Caspases are also involved in the regulation of and only exceptionally by cell and molecular biologists, the pluripotent state of embryonic stem cells (Zwaka 2010). describes a similar process: exaptation. Nevertheless, More puzzling was the observation that a cellular exaptation consists more of the transformation of pre- rescue process was recently considered as the second form existing functions than of the addition of new functions, as of programmed cell death: . Autophagy was suggested by the notion of recruitment. The reason is that it described as a way for cells to maintain their supply of does not generally concern molecular functions, but more in situations of starvation, by digesting some of elaborate ones. their own components. Autophagy also participates in the When one considers a process like apoptosis, tinkering elimination of useless and of aggregates and recruitment might have participated in its formation, by which form, in particular, in neurodegenerative diseases. using pre-existing molecular functions, or in its blurring by But autophagy is also a form of death. In addition, it attributing new functions to its components. crosstalks with apoptosis (Sandoval et al. 2008), and can A second, different explanation for the diffi culty of replace apoptosis when the latter has been experimentally delineating precise boundaries and of defi ning a process inactivated. The authors of many articles have argued that such as apoptosis originates in the recurrent action of the “true” function of autophagy is not cell death. It is only to increase regulation and robustness. Such action an “impostor” of cell death (Cecconi and Levine 2008; limits the consequences of the impairment of one functional Levine and Kroemer 2009). Obviously, autophagy also system, and coordinates the different processes within cells has functions other than cell death. But how is it possible and organisms. It perfectly explains what is observed in to say that its “true” function is not cell death, when so the case of apoptosis: the molecular connections between many studies demonstrate that autophagy is involved in different forms of death, the capacity for one form of death physiological cell death? to replace another. The existence of a clear boundary between programmed These explanations propose that a process does exist, but cell death and , necrosis, has recently its frontiers and defi nitions have been blurred. It remains

J. Biosci. 35(2), June 2010 What history tells us XXI. Apoptosis and programmed cell death: when biological categories are blurred 179 possible, by fi ltering out the noise that evolution has instead of considering a trade-off between costs and benefi ts, introduced into the system, to restore the “pure” process the different steps leading to the formation of an apoptotic of apoptosis. But is this the case? Before answering in process are seen as benefi cial whatever the environment. the negative, I will discuss the diffi culties encountered by And the scenarios are elaborated retrospectively, with the researchers in an apparently unrelated fi eld, the establishment obvious objective of explaining the present situation. All of phylogenies for early organisms in evolution, archaea, these characteristics are at odds with the efforts made by eubacteria and eukaryotes. One major diffi culty is the evolutionary biologists, and limit the value of most of these existence of horizontal transfer, the exchange through scenarios. conjugation and bacteriophages of genetic information What has to be abandoned to have a more adequate between organisms belonging to different lineages. Specialists vision of these processes? What is most diffi cult apparently initially considered that it would be possible to overcome is to give a precise molecular description of them, this diffi culty by improving computer programs and because the macromolecules and the mechanisms selecting a group of genes (those involved in the transfer involved are not specifi c to the processes under study. of information) less likely to be exchanged. This core of Some biologists would probably consider that this simply conserved genes has become smaller and smaller. What is highlights the failure of the reductionist programme of the signifi cance of a tree of life established by sequence molecular biology. But do these processes resist better at the comparisons of less than 1% of the genes? Some specialists cellular and functional levels? We have seen that such is not consider that the structural category “tree” ought to be the case. abandoned in favour of other categories such as “rhizomes”, There are two ways to overcome the present diffi culties. thus investing this horizontal genetic exchange with its full The fi rst is to renounce the present classifi cations signifi cance. and categorizations, and to replace them by new ones, The situation is less dramatic in the case of PCD and better adapted to the recently accumulated observations. apoptosis, but diffi culties accumulate at a rapid pace, and it Such re-categorizations frequently occur in biology. becomes reasonable to question the distinctions so far made An interesting example can be found in protein chemistry, between accidental and programmed cell death, and to stop and the functions of chaperones (Morange 2005). discussing whether autophagy and apoptosis are vital or These were fi rst described as part of a machinery death processes. involved in protein folding. Later, it was admitted that The vanity of the efforts made to justify the diffi culties their major role is to prevent improper folding and by the dialogue between the different processes may also aggregation. But these proteins were subsequently also be illuminated by a comparison. When a dialogue becomes shown to be required for protein degradation. A new highly active, the individual discourses no longer exist. This functional category has emerged, quality control, in which is visible in the case of active collaboration of scientists both chaperones and proteases play roles. Similar functional leading to important breakthroughs: it becomes impossible categories, such as “cell quality control”, might perhaps for the participants themselves to estimate their personal better explain the vital and lethal roles of autophagy and contribution to the discovery (for a case study of such apoptosis. diffi culties, see Olby 2009). A second possibility would be to renounce the existence of stable categories in favour of temporary and local 5. Taking evolution seriously, and renouncing the clustering of molecular components for a transient function. present categories Such clusterings would be adapted to one organism, to one process in an organism at a given time of evolution. All the diffi culties described previously are the consequence In the vague category of PCD could be included, of the blurring action of . As mentioned by convention and for the sake of simplicity, many earlier, some of the discoverers of PCD and apoptosis different processes. These vague categories would only be elaborated scenarios to explain the emergence of these an artifi cial way of classifying the different processes under forms of death (Ameisen 1996, 2002, 2004, 2005; Golstein study. and Kroemer 2005). One might imagine that they were well prepared to face the subsequent diffi culties. Such was not 6. Conclusion the case, because their scenarios had all the characteristics of evolutionary scenarios elaborated by functional biologists, These diffi culties in establishing structural and functional and clearly differed from the scenarios elaborated by categories on fi rm molecular and cellular grounds are far evolutionary biologists (Morange 2009). Evolution is from being limited to studies on cell death. In the 1980s, spontaneously identifi ed with complexifi cation and progress development was also explained by the existence of a (Golstein and Kroemer 2005). Evolution has no costs: recently identifi ed group of genes, developmental genes

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(Morange 2000). It would have seemed that, thanks to this Ameisen J C 2005 Selective “death programs” or pleiotropic “life precise molecular defi nition, it would be possible to give programs”? Looking for programmed cell death in the light of development precise boundaries in time and space. Such evolution. J. Soc. Biol. 199 175–189 is not the case: whereas for certain biologists, development Bredesen D E, Rao R V and Mehlen P 2006 Cell death in the is completed when the organisms are able to reproduce, for nervous system; (London) 443 796–802 Cecconi F and Levine B 2008 The role of autophagy in mammalian others development continues throughout the life of the development: Cell makeover rather than cell death; Dev. Cell organism. This disagreement is not solved by molecular 15 344–357 and cellular descriptions, because neither the action of Clarke P G H and Clarke S 1996 Nineteenth century research on developmental genes nor the specifi c cellular mechanisms naturally occurring cell death and related phenomena: Anat. involved in development are limited to a specifi c period Embryol. 193 81–99 of time in the life of the organism. In the case of Ellis R E, Yuan J Y and Horvitz H R 1991 Mechanisms and developmental biology, the existence of specifi c molecular functions of cell death; Annu. Rev. Cell Biol. 7 663–698 and cellular mechanisms was never unanimously accepted Garrido C and Kroemer G 2004 Life’s smile, death’s grin: Vital by all biologists, whereas in the case of apoptosis, the functions of apoptosis-executing proteins; Curr. Opin. Cell Biol. 16 639–646 defi nition of this process by a core of specifi c molecular and Glücksmann A 1951 Cell in normal ontogeny; cellular mechanisms was widely accepted. This makes the Biol. Rev. 26 59–86 latter fi eld of research a better example of the present, new Golstein P and Kroemer G 2005 Redundant cell death mechanisms diffi culties. as relics and backups; Cell Death Differ. 12 1490–1496 Many biologists would probably consider that the Golstein P and Kroemer G 2006 Cell death by necrosis: towards a previous diffi culties are not so serious. They do not prevent molecular defi nition; TIBS 32 37–43 the therapeutic use of the knowledge accumulated on Golstein P and Kroemer G 2007 A multiplicity of cell death apoptosis. 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ePublication: 30 April 2010

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