"1 m COURESRJOTJRNAL Friday, Jan. 19,1968 Greatest Art 25 Yecn Ago \ (From Catholic Courier, Jin, SI, IMS) Is ScHcJol children of the Dio­ Washington—(NC)-^Religious had been made even Just a few cese of Rochester were thanked sujects have inspired some of years later. It is doubted that, by Father,CL-JW-,Van-Grawen' the world's greatest art. no matter what the resources, fox a~ gift j»f^»5«LsentJ»y~Efc such a collection could be the? John S. Sandall, Society '" This fact is brought home to brought together today. The for. the Propagation of the Faith many people at Christmas. dwindling supply of' old mas­ to' build « chapel in Achilet, It is particularly interesting ters, taxes, death duties smd Africa- to recall this year, because of restrictions which various nav_ two things that have happened tions have put on the export of •4 Friday, Jan, 19 thru Thursday, Jan, 25 here. In one instance, well on their national art treasures have '1 AHce Weynell Literary Club toward Christmas, a U.S. Dis-1 changed the whole picture of alSlSLSM^l'^SS! >»? «»«'<>«»•»• I«8«oiU»f Decency, now. of Nazareth College was plan­ trict Court ruling savedjmore art collection. »f N**f*»«J Orthotic Office for Motion Pictures, when films were! ning to send technical, classical than a billion U.S. Christmas originally shown. A.-1: morally unobjectionable for general patron­ and oujer books to Sampson stamps whlcbualready had been Andrew llellon, a one-time age; A-2: morally nnob]ectlonable4ouidalts and adolescents; A-3: Naval Training Station. printed and which you are using Secretary of the Treasury, of­ JWMlly^unobjectionable for adults; A-4: morally unobjectionable this year, which .certain inter­ fered to give the-nation a suit­ raj Molts, with reservations; B: morally objectionable In part for ests would have consigned to a able art gallery and to give his ill; C: condemned. No Ratter: film has not been reviewed by the Formal opening of St Jo­ government incinerator on the | own art possessions as "the National Gatholk OMce-fpr Motion Pictures (formerly the Legion seph's Chapel of St Joseph's! grounds that the government nucleus of a great national col­ Of Decency). N.B. Before A-3 classification was established, A-2 [House of Hospitality with Bish­ had no. business "proselytizing" lection." His offer was accept­ Indicated morally unobjectionable for adults. op Kearney dedicating was for any church. The stamp de­ ed, but Mellon died a few weeks listed for Jan. 23, 1943. picts the Madonna and Child, a after ground was broken for the Movie listings supplied through the courtesy of segment taken from a world fa­ imposing-structure on the Mall TV Guide Magazine mous work in the National Gal­ here. lery of Art here. They'd Walk a Mile —In 1920, Mellon had learned • friday, January 19 The second .development is that the Soviet Russian govern­ Time. Channel' Movie l For A Camel the publication by the National ment was quietly casting about Bating Gallery of Art of a handsome for a purchaser of 21 paintings -frOO p.m.1 Ahmedibad, India-(NC)—A brochure marking the institu- in the world-famous Hermitage -No-Katin let vereio^-IirTtOTne^ and Rudolf Gallery in Leningrad. In time, Distance Runner Available Jesuit priest of the_Ahmedabab|tion's silver jubilee. It reveals 11:30 p.n*. ' 10 East Side, West Side . Nureyev. Can the Shakespeare classic help renewal? diocese has obtained support of that the first gift, in the nucleus he acquired them all, and in a B the U.S. Catholic Relief Services of art works that started the single stroke brought to this 11:30 p.ra. 13 Season of Passion A3 country some of Europe's great­ i (CRS) in a project to supply gallery, was a Madonna ^ camels to the Rawal community. est masterpieces. Saturday, January 20 Thejjrochure emphasizes that] Included in this purchase, and 2:00 pin. A community of camel driv­ the tremendous collection of art 13 Curse of the Undead A2 ers along the banks of the works now - housed here was in Mellon's gift to the gallery 5:30 E-m, 10 . Boon? here, are Raphael's "Alba 11a- Al Sabarmatl river, Rawal was hit brought together entirely by 11 8:30 p\nl 8 Captain Newman? M.D. A2 Shakespeare's classic, "Romeo . "For quite some time I havej tradition dilemma in present- last year by—floods whiclrieft private benefactions. The book donna,"-BotuceluV- Adcrsrttoir- 11:00 pin. 10 The One That Got Away —- and Juliet," 'has been a boon to been concerned with, renewal day Catholic schools. Although the people homeless and des­is intended to mark the gal­ of the Magi," Perugino's 'Cruci­ Al theatre, literature, the dance, and its effect on young people^ teachers are-looking for cre­ titute. lery's 25th anniversary. Actually fixion," van Eyck's "Annuncia­ 11:15 "p.m. 8 "Stage Fright B opera, the stage andneven mo­ and on students in Catholic pri­ ative ways to teach religion, to this anniversary fell In 1966, as tion," Velaquez' "Pope Innocent 11:15 p.m. 13 Tunes of Glory' A3 tion pictures — but to Christian mary and secondary schools in get students to feel involved in Father Diaz Garrii organized it is recalled that President I," and works by Titian, van renewal too? particular," she wrote, their religion, to create a truly relief operations and then pre- Franklin D. Roosevelt opened Dyck; Franz Hals and Rem­ Sunday, January 21 ^ Christian community in the sented to CRS a long-range prc+fflje gallery"on*the "bitterly cold brandt _A»__ * . "From Romeo jto renewal is ' "It seems to me," she went"schools , the "law" motivation ect for purchasing camels and 1:30 p.na. quite a jump, but . . . there on, "that having removed the night" of St. Patrick's Day, Featured In the gallery today 10 Father Was a Fullback A2 LgeisJnJthe_way: the cultivation of the river bed. March 17.1941, 0:00 p.m. seems to be a strong coiuiec- concrete images of *hellfire"~a¥d| are Hans Mending's "Madonna 13 Hush, Hush,. Sweet Charlotte A3 Francis Sent, national India 11:15 p.m. tion," according to Jane SybupuJ brimstone' which were present- 'Silence in the corridors, stu The National Gallery of Art and Child with Angels," from 10 The Young Stranger Al a Catholic-school teacher who ed to my generation (as motive dents sitting, up straight and CRS program director, agreed which a detail mi taken for 11:45 p.m. has become in 25 ^vejrjLojie of _ 13 Mother Is A Freshman Al insists that the Bard's famous for Christian living), we have special permissionslo go to the to provide help In the project the leading art museums of theth e 1067 Christmaa postage) g&dy can be helpful in "mak- replaced it only with talk—talk library seem to' spring from an world; its growth has been more stamp; Giotto's "Madonna and Monday, January 22 £j renewal in Catholic schools of love, Christian community order motivation primarily. It rapid than that of any l)ther Child," Giorgione's "The Adora­ ja fact" and brotherhood ^~ but talk is important that students not 9:00 p.m. gallery in history. And yet, it tion of the Shepherds," da Set/ 13 The Cowandl - . - A2 ..nonetheless." talk in the library, but it is DEADLINE FOR NEWT is stated, neither of these dis­ tignano's "The Christ Child," 1 12:00 p.m. 13 The Girl, in the Kremlin i Writing in a recent issue of4— more important that they see Bl "The Catholic World," she tinctions could have been at sculpture, jnd- many other —The real task, she said, is this quiet as an expression of talned if a start on the gallery+works of a religious nature. claims that "the problem of to give students in Catholic loving concern for others and MONDAY NOON Tuesday/January 23 malttng a Christian-community schools-^the^reality_of Christian the work they have to -com­ a reality is still with us, andlove " while they are learning. 9:00 pm. 8 The lively Set Al plete." 11:30 p.m. 13 here is where- Romeo and his Such a, school "would be one in FRIDAY DELIVERY The Tattered Dress A2 /motives might help us in a which the faculty would be in­ (Catholic Press Features) i practical way to make a start" terested in the students* wel­ Wednesday, January 24 fare first and always above the The part of the play that is reputation of the school itself. 11:30 p.m. 13 Crooks Anonymous A3 especially pertinent, author Sy- burg wrote, is the scene in "It would be one using facul­ Thursday, January 25 which, Immediately -following ty members who truiyTove to the marriage of Romeo and! teach and are not there mark­ 9:00 p.m. 10 Where the Spies Are CLIPandSAtf A3 Juliet, her hot-headed cousin ing time- until more interesting EDITION OF THE 11:30 p.m7 13 Meet Danny Wilson- A2 Tybalt tries to bait RomEff into assignments come along. It a fight would be one in which there is CHANNEL 8 WROOTV (NBC) CHANNEL10 WHEC-TV (CBS) such a happy spirit of cooper­ Currant Film fittings "I>uring the rest of this scene ation and mtrtual respect be­ CHANNEL 13 WOKR-TV *urn of tha SunCgntar made to feel he has a positive Big Mouth Laura! ( Hardy KSiiT6ir?3venmrB, Tha Removal of Statues doesn't like Romeo's tender re­ part in bringing this small part llsit OK Frankenstaln Conqaen Savin Suns (or 1ha plies auLdraws his sword. As trighty ol ths Grand the World McGragori of God's kingdom to earth." Bullwhip Griffin Fronliar Hellcat 'Sound of Muik IT-** . ...., ?Keileo-^(NC)—,that altart faee~tbe etoajrega- T y b> al tidraws-hls in retursy Ctpyon_ .Soil I , SutllVin'i Ernplrt ROnveo'utakes his second re^ eh , Opposition to chaaiges'"£n cHurch Hon and that 'some Images be _W^-1^*^®raffifflig{|-- c oog^ra ni-4—w* S(«»na.Mobik£iias^ ^wtty^it;rn«r architecture and decoration is removed. sponae, one of law, and says such a community, ahe wrote, Clambake Genlta •Glanfffin " ' Tatninan-WllllwadW Dw- • -Srtat . spreading throughout the Cuer „. . ., ,_ ,'. . . the prince expressly hath is In not understanding- that Cool Onti, Tha Hipplait Mmion»1ri, •Xlyir— . . "like Romeo, the personalities' Countdown 'rb.il in DAott Taniji awef tha , 1% ntvtca jjlocese, with parishion­ The kw word here is somej^orbldden bandying in Verona Did You Hair ffie One H PariT lurnlno?- Valley of Gold ers" in several parts.of the area since-rumor—has it that the streets.' of all of us are a combination' About file Trtvaling Jact frott (RutI) Temornaui. Tha Saleslady? Jungla Soot, Tha — (-TVat-Tennaetee Stat seeking to' prevent the moderni­ Bishop has ordered jthejTWhole- of the fortes which helped to Thay coma from leyond "When Mercutio and Tybalt Doctor DooliHIa Lait SaTirl. Tha zation proposed by-the Church sale removal of statues'*rom all shape us. Some of our motiva­ Double Man (Note: Formerly rated Spice the churches in his diocese a continue their fight and Mer­ Double Trouble "C". The Lart Safari Thoroughly Modern Mlllla authorities. - tion Is love • . . Some of our Thundirbirdi Are 60 Endleu Summer, TT|» in a ravlrtd vawiion li report claimed untrue, a spokes­ cutio is killed, Romeo makes motivation is law . . . Some of Time For Cumin;, A Enter Laughtfi'g now raTcllulflect A-rr)' Track of Thunder man for the bishop said here. his third response, one of man­ our motivation Is oar concept fantastic Voyigt — Mm for All 5aeicMii The government has also! Faiiett Guitar Alive What Am I lid? - Mldiummar Nighrt'i DIOCESE hood, and says, 'O sweet Juliet, of the admirable man or woman Young Americana come into the picture. Under Finder i Keepert Dream. A Mexican law, houses of worship The spokesman also said that thy beauty hath, made me ef­ Though there may be no m Froien Oead Monkeyt Go Home feminate and in my temper are government property and Father Luis Rodriquez Martin such things as a pure mollverf •Thia film li racommendad lo tha petrona

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