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Download (Android Framework for Exploitation) Beef - the Browser Exploitation Framework Project download (Android Framework for Exploitation) BeEF - The Browser Exploitation Framework Project. BeEF is short for The Browser Exploitation Framework. It is a penetration testing tool that focuses on the web browser. Amid growing concerns about web-borne attacks against clients, including mobile clients, BeEF allows the professional penetration tester to assess the actual security posture of a target environment by using client-side attack vectors. Unlike other security frameworks, BeEF looks past the hardened network perimeter and client system, and examines exploitability within the context of the one open door: the web browser. BeEF will hook one or more web browsers and use them as beachheads for launching directed command modules and further attacks against the system from within the browser context. Contribute to BeEF. The BeEF project uses GitHub to track issues and host its git repository. To checkout a read only copy of the repository you can issue the command below: git clone To checkout a non-read only copy or for more information please refer to GitHub. 14 Best Android Frameworks for App Development in 2020. In the past couple of years, more and more businesses realized that apps are important to their brand experiences, as they can help establish a strong connection with customers. Over 2 million apps were available on the Google Play Store for download in the third quarter of 2018, Statista reports. Today, many companies big and small include mobile applications into their marketing strategies, as the digital space provides a wide array of engagement opportunities. Installed on the vast majority of existing smartphones, Android is often considered to be the best OS when it comes to building custom mobile apps. Many developers prefer Android as it is highly customizable and has a large community ready to help and provide useful information. Android also has many integrated tools that help enhance the efficiency of an app while reducing the number of actions that need to be taken to perform a task. Still, choosing the right Android framework for app development is not easy due to the large number of different options available. To lend you a helping hand, we have created a comprehensive list of the 14 best Android frameworks that can make the app development process fast and easy. These frameworks help in reducing the effort that developers put in by boosting productivity and offering technology solutions to handle complex tasks. Top Frameworks for Android App Development. Before we start, it is important to note that we categorize 14 top Android frameworks by their capabilities. Let’s have a closer look at the best frameworks for Android application development and what features they offer. Best Android App Development Framework: Games Development. Unity. Unity is known as the best Android development framework for the development of multi-platform 2D, 3D, augmented reality, and virtual reality games as well as other simulations. Developed by Unity Technologies , this game engine comes in free and professional editions. You can work with Unity in C# and UnityScript , the language of Unity that is similar to JavaScript. Unity is a cross-platform framework that and enables game developers to export their games to multiple platforms, like iOS, Web, PlayStation, Windows, Xbox, and more. Being a physics engine, it can control the behavior of different game objects, lighting rendering, momentum, and graphic elements. Similar to many software development tools, Unity has a built-in editor that enables you to edit images and manage animations from the “Animator” window. As of 2018, half of new mobile games and 60% of the augmented reality and virtual reality experiences are created with the Unity engine. All in all, It is an easy-to-use platform that allows game developers to create amazing content and a strong connection with the audience. In other words, the platform is a great choice for interactive experiences. Best Frameworks for Android Development: High Performance. Kotlin. Originated in the minds of JetBrains , Kotlin is a statically-typed, modern programming language solution for Android that combines the features of functional and object-oriented programming. In 2017, Google declared Kotlin as an official IDE (Integrated Development Environment) for Android development. It runs on Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and is 100% interoperable with the Java language. In many scenarios, it is considered as a replacement for Java as it significantly streamlines the development process. Many programmers have adopted Kotlin as their primary language for Android. Application developed with Kotlin also run as fast as the ones created with Java as they share a similar bytecode structure. In the recent Stack Overflow developer survey, Kotlin was ranked as the fourth most loved programming language. In 2020, many of the large enterprises are planning to move or are in the process of moving to Kotlin. Trello, Pinterest, Basecamp, Uber, Twitter, Airbnb, and Netflix are all migrating to Kotlin for Android application development. Since its launch, Kotlin has proved itself as a highly intuitive platform for Android app development. Corona SDK. Developed in 2009, Corona SDK is a perfect software development kit for building speedy apps and games. This general-purpose, cross- platform framework enables 10x faster development than other Android app frameworks. Corona achieves this by integrating Lua, a lightweight and multi-paradigm programming language, which is itself layered on top of C++/OpenGL and allows to achieve high speed, usability, and flexibility. Highly popular among game developers, Corona is free and available both Mac OS X and Windows, with real-time testing support. I n addition, the framework has native UI support, over 500 APIs, and a dynamic advertising platform built for developers. Its API suite features are feature-rich, with graphics, networking, widgets, particle effects, and more. Simple to understand and integrate into Android, Corona SDK has gained notable popularity among Android app developers. Sencha Touch. Perceived as one of the best Android development frameworks by Android’s development community, Sencha Touch is an enterprise-first framework built for native mobile application development. It is based on JavaScript and HTML5, which allows for creating universal applications for Android. Sencha Touch comes with nearly 50 built-in UI components and native themes, enabling developers to create engrossing and eye-catching apps. The framework utilizes hardware acceleration techniques, so the apps created with its help exhibit high performance. Big companies choose Sencha Touch due to its high-level compatibility and flexibility, responsive touch features, and fast execution. Apps built using Sencha Touch are rich in fluid animations, smooth scrolling, and are highly adaptive. Its huge collection of themes, enriched UI, integrated MVC system, and vast data package make Sencha Touch the leading Android application development framework. TheAppBuilder. Powered by HTML5, TheAppBuilder is an app-building framework that supports a codeless user interface, which means users do not need to know how to code in any language to create a solid app. Plus, with its drag-and-drop interface, developers can build applications really quickly. The framework comes with pre-built blocks which include features like feedback, content updates, polls, push notifications, and much more. Android app development framework also got traction from users because it allows them to submit their apps directly to Google Play and boasts social network integration. Plus, it generates analytics reports, so users could identify the issues that slow down their apps. In most cases, businesses use TheAppBuilder to cut costs. SproutCore. SproutCore is an open-source JavaScript framework used for developing blazing fast applications with advanced features. Developed by Apple , this HTML5-driven framework offers users a clear MVC design that enables performance optimization and scalability for applications. Unlike other JavaScript libraries, SproutCore comes with a complete set of tools required to build a desktop-like application in a browser, including routing, UI components, testing, and deployment tools. With more than 50,000 items in the toolset, maintainable application code, and well thought out business logic behind it, SproutCore has become a top framework for Android app development. These features, when combined, provide a rock-solid foundation for building feature-packed, high- performance applications. Best Android Frameworks: Native Apps Development. React Native. Backed by Facebook , React Native is a powerful open-source framework that offers ample support to other development tools and their IDEs. It is based on React, a JS library for web solutions. Companies like Instagram, Walmart, Airbnb, Tesla, as well as many other Fortune 500 companies, use the framework to develop native mobile apps. As most of the React Native APIs are cross-platform, developers can write code once and then run it anywhere, which improves development speed and helps cut costs. React Native uses building blocks similar to the ones employed in most Android development frameworks. With the hot-reload option in React Native, developers can link updated files while retaining the current state of the app. The developer community of React Native has been growing much faster than Facebook’s expectations. Google Trends indicates
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